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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1895)
* P THIS OMAHA JXAIIjY llBISi'IIIU'HSD A.Y , KOVI5MHI8U 81 , I HIT . OMAHA FAILED TO GET THERE Oato Oily Too Tar West for the Ohio Teams , SHUT OUT OF WESTERN BASE BALL LEAGUE nf li xurr SinrllnK | li-lliitlini ll rlil Mint On * Cllj l Locution It All \VroiiK. CHICAGO , Nov. 20 The managers of the Western llano Hall league are In session here today. The club circuit was completed thl morning by admitting thu Toledo and Colum bus claimant for franchises. Omaha was a competitor , but lost on account of geographi cal location. The league IB now composed of the following clubs : Indianapolis. Detroit , Toledo and Columbus In the eastern division , and Milwaukee. St. Paul , Minneapolis and Kansas City In the western dMslon. At the afternoon session a variety of mat ters was considered. Several amendments to the constitution were mad ? . It was de cided to abolish the old rule whereby each Club was obliged to contribute 10 per cent of the receipts of each game to the league. Hereafter they will be asses ed $1.000 each , In order to fulfill their obligations to the- league. Tomorrow morning the question of thd circuit will be considered Gcorgo J. Gunnels will likely recel\o the Toto-lo fran- clilso. On the 1st and 15tn of each month the clubs will be assessed alike , to defray the running expenses of the association. Local fans should not get th ? Western leaguefltid Western association mixed. Onwha for many good and obvious reason" , made no effort to s ° rure a franchise In the Western iMguc , having been granted a franchise In the Western nssocHtlon a week ago There was no ono hen- who had the nerve to go aftcj a franchise In the expensive- Western league- , and Omahi enthusiasts familiar with the base ball situation should be only too well pl-ensed thnt slip Is to be represented In such a promising and \lgorous organlyatlon as the Westein association. NO CIIANCI : i-oii A PI.LKIJ TIIISTIMB Dim Htnnrl Orlnln Hi'nii llrluK Ort II. u III * rluiil. DALLAS , Tex , Nov. 20. IJan Sttmrt re turned from HI Paso Ibis morning. To an Associated prcsji reporlet ho siild "Theru Is very little talking to do tills time , t will nay , howpver , that 1 have secured a battle ground for the Corbftt- Fltzlmiiion contest nnd there Is going to be no more legal complication1 ? . I have hung up u $20,000 purse , and if the light Is Interfere. . ) with. Corbtt and Kltzslm- inotiH can each tnki * $1U,000 apiece und walk oft with It. In these tlmt-h. such an ninount Is worth riding out to Kl I'a o on a Pullman for " . _ . . "Where l the battleground lopitd ? " "That will not lie announced , " snld Stuart , "until Hie morning of the light , but ion inny < < ny It all who \\l"h to pro U will t . ' In El Pa o on the morning of the 1'ilil ' , which will he umutinced ia.Ur , thw mav have the opportunity w Ith- out wiMrlim th ni'W off th lr vliovs "Do \ oholiove \ Corbett will light ? "He ( . Htiiuv do othcrwI'H ! 1 1 Is frleiido throuKhnut tbe cnuntiy will not talPintc any surrpiidni on his part. I dn 't antici pate nny trotiblo , howL-\ir , In getting Ills Hlgnaluie to the new articles of agree ment I lm\o e\cry reason to believe that th" arriMiicrr > cnts I luuo undo will bo pntlfnirlory to him. I l-n\e In a day or two for New York to ? him "If Corbett iierslsts In hi * determination to rothe , will you let M.iber In as an op- PODIMII to FlUulinmons ? " "Tbp IlKht will bo betwreii Jim Corbett and Fltzslmnii n , " nnswoied Stuart. "How fbout Fltzslmmons ? " "I have already got bis signature. " Tan ho get up his side bet ? " "Ye ? . " _ FOR miMiA.vr..v.s en vurnh. : ial llnlliiKt WnK-'l'nlton on Oi-- ffinlcr Uftfore Plrat ° ! > IviiNiiriMiiiii ( . NJ3W YOIIK , Nov. 2 ( ) . A local paper sayp ! "ItsnH rumored today that the committee appointed by the New York Yacht club Monday night to Investigate Dun- raven's ch.uges would secure some Inter esting testimony when It came to question a cortnln unnamed olllclal connected with the dry dock at IJile banln. According to the report , this olllclal tolls a story that iv < at le ist a slight , bn ls for Dunraven'H charges' , though had ho taken the trouble to Investigate thoroughly. It Is paid , ho would hive learned that there was nothing Irregular In connection with the handling of Defender The referred to Is quoted as suylnK that j-ovoral hours before Defender was measured tbe Hist time two and u hnlf tons of pli ; lt-.ul , which had been ordoicd n month before , were place 1 on the deck of the In the presence of Designer AV'atBon It Is claimed that not onlj Mr Watson but vlce-Commoiloru nienii , Dunra- ven'H rrpip .entiitlvo , was aware of this , and snw the lead ufterwnid stoied away In Defender's bold. It Is nbo repotted In connection with the charges that Ogilen Goelot and J Miilcolm Forbes are a ! o on the commiltoo that will Investigate the chaws though their nanieK have been pre- vlouj ] withheld fiom the nubile. No ono at the quarters of the New York Yacht rlub tonight would saj anything about these loports , one way or the other Sci . -nlj-l-'lx.- In Oiu > Shut \\iiii. SAN FRANCMSCO. Nov. 20.-Jlm Corbett nt r > to 1 , furnished the aenEatlou of tin day at Hay District ttaek. Summaries' First race , live fuilonR.s , selling , maiden 2-year od ! . Prince Hooker , 101 ( Coady ) . 3 to 5. won ; Governor Hiiild , 110 ( Wllllnm Martin ) , T to 2 , second , MM an , 10 ! ' ( MncU- lln ) . 10 to 1 , third. Time. 1 OJ. Diana , filly , MaivM I , ranv.i lnek. Sk ilkahoe , San Mai- cos. CJiirss and Vick'burg al"o ran Second i.iee nhout "Ix furlong" , H-jenr- olila : ,11m Coibett , lft5 ( Coburn ) , 73 to 1 won : Ida Saner. 101 ( Itiley ) , 1 to 1 , second. Iim.i , 101 ( Ituwan ) , U to JO , thlnl Time 1 tl4. Ai-ll | , / 11111:0x2,1 , H 11 , Allnoetk and Sllviii' Tip aUo 1.111. Thhd I ace. live fmlnngo , hiindlcap , all nges- Potentate , 111 ( f'hoin ) , G to 1 , won , Imp Star llubv. 110 ( W. Mm tin ) , T to 2 Becoiid : Pl107 ( i : . Jones ) , II to 1 , thlld Tlmu 1.00 Itobln Hood II and nine ll.-ll alsj i an. Fourth race , ono mile , haiidlcnp .McLlsh' , 110 ( Chorn ) . 0 to 2. won ; Model , ni ( fhev- allei ) , fi to . ' , second ; Wawoim , ! )7 ) ( I. Jones ) IB to 5 , third Time. 1 10' , Imp. Ivj nnd Kcmtis ul-o inn. Fifth lai-e , six furlonc ? . sellitifr , 1-jear- oha ! ItiiHcbiid , 10. ( Donnt IK ) , I to 5 , won ; Chalinlon , 101 ( Shaw ) , U to Ietond I , Yemen ! I7 ( Slaiigbtci ) , 9 lo . " . third. Time 1 1 1' i No others' . Slvth i.ue mile nnd n qiiailcr , five hur dle * : Soosi Knniuh , 120 niennpfsv ) , 4 to C. won , AmlKo ! . ! 7 ( lalrn ) , 9 to 2 , second ; Adamite. 12J ( Htuwarl ) , 7 to 1 , third Tlmu' 2 ISti niik tV.Mtilles , Tom Claike. Imp. Lady nnd Splendor also run. Only Our Kn vorlti * Mini. T.rj.VINOTO.V , Nov -Ninth day Wf.itlu-r cold , tiacl ; fast ; attendance small Jamvj Monioo was the only fuvoillc that \von. The second nnd fourth e\euts went to svcund Lholce.i and "iitshloi-.s io k the tlrst nnd flflh races. In the. third nice Iluuxton fell off Uiitllino nnd was 80 bad'\ joftled that bis mount on Fred llur was canceled Walker wits rolnstiitrcl hy Pettln- gl'l , who nut him down for the meeting on thu third day duminaileo : Flixt ruco. Holllni ; , sllinlongs : Ititerlot won , Koduk e. end , Hcsaiu Mliem-ie third Tlmo I Hi Second nice , selling , ono mile Sunburst won. Addle liuchnnnn second , Islln tlilrd Tlmo : 1 t.H. Third nice , veiling , Iho and , \ hulf fur- IOHKB : Jamex Mumuii won , Mir second end , Peep o' Day thlld. Time1 1 O9'i Poiirth i a ftFo'llnk" , hlx fuiloiiKi , : Llndn- letto v > an Oateway oecond , Colleen Ihlld Time 1.11 Fifth nice , selling , live nnd a h ilf fur longs , Feast won. Frtd Harr HCCOIU ) , CJar- iHiul fhlrd Time- OS' , . hi IionlN Ti'nt'K t'liiNCd for ( he SCIINIIII. K.T. LOl'IS , Nov. -Piealdont Mallltt ot the Ht LoulM 1'nlr Urounda usaoL-liitlon .in lumncej today that , owing to Urn vuJdon chnnirc In the weather. It wim de-lded to rull ted * ) u TRCOP off and cloi-o HIP lii. U for thofceafon. In nil Inlet view Ml .M.iflllt bald : "Tho storm whl U camndown upjii Pie elty toda > caused us to end the rate mcetlni ; While wo sou no objoi-tlon to racing In the mud und nhifh. wo iitu oppnH , > d ti iiiiiiilnc liornea In HIIOW or ten. It wus for title j.a- von that \\u closi.d doun. " The Hint Biiuw of the eaxon fell hoio today nnd the we.tthor brcamviy cod Vim ilei < .Mie ( iiiu n .liuluineiil. BT. IXJl'IS , Nov. 20In the tlreuit court Clirls Von dor Abe , nmnns. iof tli" st IxiiiU lirownv , was nwurded jiiiluninnt for . ' ,7 ! > l UKalnut the National Pa o U.i I , lul ) of Washington The null dulo * ffJiu ts < il , , nil LTOIY out oi the tluli i betutten thu Nuii inul JeJEUB unJ llm American as-Oi iU > i when 'a number of association iirinm"s ; or ir li d a llval clnh lu i'lianr. | ! il. ) n mil , \rr\s < - tin * leKUe VUb ! Ui raVott dVV Aiu < hlid conir < 'l ' of the rlub nivl | > fild Its pxp'-n'e * It Wfli n losing M-ntlire The WiiRiiorn of WnshliiKt > n refii'od to liny their porcontnKe of the lo ! < e , and the decision twlny li the tfrmlnntlon of nttBrhinent proceedings nKHlnst the SenntorK' shuro of the Kntu re- rclptR for numerous Rnmes p'.n > ' here. TKiKits riii , MIIIII : COM < MI > IN ( i : . Drixiiilnu Xplrll of I lie I'rlncM-lon Ten in U iinilerfnll.i IliMlti'il. P1UNCKTON. N. J. No20.The great amount of Interest tnkrn In the coming game with Ynle cnn ! > < Jildsed from the large mimber of alumni who hnve llo'keil back to this ( inlet little rollexe town to help mid the finishing tmiPhe * to the 93 ple\pfl before the great contest of Saturday. The ncriih team Is made up almost entirely of the- star players who did battle for Old Nassau neaMins into. Phil Klntr , Johnnie Poe , Mike livrRen , "Ilfef" Whee or and other * hnve lined up nRalnst the \nrsltv for tbe pnst few days and given Captain Len'M men many jiolnters tonteinlng the ptoper way to plaj the game Alec Mof- fat , Jes e Illggs and Jlmmle Hlnke Imvo been KiiichlnK from back of the ' \arslty captain Lea has announced his determina tion to pla > a aln t Yale ile plte his liimo chntililpr. Full hick Haiti ! Is being nved nnd Or Hovnlrd hopes lo ha\e hi * niirnlned ankle In good .shape by S.iturdaj He will not appear In practice before the all Impor tant game Huter Is back at iiunrterbu k , and braces up the team wondetfully. Hearn Is hack nt end again Altugpthrr , the last two day.s have "ecn a renewal of commence thnt Princeton cnn defeat Yale , \\lth the return of n number of players who ba\o been crippled 'Yarnlty stock has gone Up a lort-e number of notchennd ! the under graduates will BO to New York with con- sldetnble more confidence than they had a week ago Princeton will probably line up against Yale IIH follows- Full hack , H.ilrd : hnlf backs , Itosongnrten and Kelly , qiurtui back Hnlei , ends , Ilenin anl , tackles , Captain Lea and Churrh ; gtrirds , ItlggH and Rhodes ; center , Galley It Is not thought thru Lea will bo able to last out the game. In which c.i'-e Txler will tiike his place. It ! probable thnt Huter will have to bo relle\ed by Poe , Henrn by Thompson nnd llalrd hv A > ies before tbe end of the uame. The team will leave here for New \oilt I'rlday. NKW IlAViN. Conn. , Nov. 20 The Yale 'Vursltj eleven has had its lust haul prac tice jiioparatory to the Princeton game1 , and fiom now on great c.ire will be taken of the condition of the players , the coaches giving1 attention only to Indlvlduit work. Them will be but light practice tomorrow. The practice of the last few dn > s has nearlv restored conlldence In the team. Cor bln , Lauile Hliss. Ileffeinngei , Tonipklnf , lllnkey , llaitwell and the other ouches hnve Improved the work of the eleven Im mensely , and Captain Theme and bis players will go to New York prepared to play the game of their lives. Yale hi'S n haul seasnn , a d everjbody feels that Saturday's contest must be won If anything of Yalenslan piestlge Is to i cumin The fiequenc1. with which sev eral of the nthletlc clubs scored on the team In the early part of the season , fol lowed bv the tie game with Ilrovvn , dis heartened even the most confident. Hut thu splendid showing the team made against Oinnge last Saturday and the good practice work this week have caused nil to be more cheerful and hopeful that the 'Ur > Kame will not be a repetition of the " 31 championship game The coming game Is pinctlcally the only ono that Yale has had an opportunity to "bovv Its strength , and the plajei.s as well as the under graduates and the alumni feel that It l.s a of do or d'e IlefTelfliiRCt has devoted most of his at tention to the three center men , Clmdwlck. Harry Cross and "Pop" Cross This has been one of the weak spots , and any Ini- piovenient here means great Improvement In the wotk of the entlio eleven The tackles , Muiphy and Itodgers have re ceived the exclusive coaching of "Pa" Cor bln nnd Hillv Hhodes. No one doubts but that Louis Illnkoy and Hasswill tnke caie of their positions at end Captain Thorno has MiovMi seveial times recently that he can drop a goal from the field , and It would not be a biff surprise .should he add live to Yale's -scnro In that manner on Solnts aturday. Jerrems lncrea e the confidence of the followers bv his splendid innnltm nnd punting Fincke , quarterback , and De- Witt , the other half luck , have been trained a llttl" too line. It Is , and have not been played for several days. Iut they are expected to be able to Rive good account1- of themselves on Satuiday The team will leave here Fiidny , going directly to Now York. AliiiniloiK-il tinIliixlnur Tmiriillinciil. HOSTON , Nov 20 The biff Intercity boxIng - Ing toui turnout , which was to have come off In this city next January ; has been declared off hv the Boston Athletic associa tion. At this meeting It was pioposeil , as was the case last > ear , to put the best amateui boxers to be found In the various classes against a team -elected by the Chicago Athletic association. The action of tbe committee is a recognition of the precarious condition of boxing in tills city In view of tbe fact that the commissioner. are oppnu'il to athletic boxing shows , ami that the now legislature Is llabln to enact more stringent Inww governing- the publli conduct of ( his srport , the floston Athletl. association governors have decided tint though they might hold their tournament under the guest ticket system. It Is best to wait developments before giving an > moro tournaments. lii'HM Mutch IViMv n Tie. YORK. Nov. 20.-The eighth game of the che s match between J. W. Sho- wnlter and S Llp'chutz vvnsi played nt the Manhattan Chess club today , when the former opened the game , a queen'b gambit declined. After foit.v-one moves Show-alter won. The -voro of the mutch now Isr.lpichnU , 3 ; Showalter , 3 , drawn. 2 D n llalrd N. JasnoKlodsky to- ilav In the thlld and final game for tin Uiamplonslilt ) of the Manhattan Chess club In a Iluy Lopes after sixty-nine moreci The final score Hulid , 2 ; Jasnogrodsky , 1. HullL-r Will lluiiillc ( lie Saint * . ST. JOSEPH. Mo , Nov JO -Speclal.- ( ) Frank Hiillcr of Peoila has liuen chosen for manager of the Ht. Joseph base lull ilub dining next season Haller wa < - cap tain of the Pooria. team fast .season and played llrst li"e. He is n good all loun 1 | ili > cr and Is said to possess much abllltj UM a manager _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\linl lleliinl In Miller u Itecoril. DHNVKIl. Nov. -Harry C. Clark lode a half mile untinced In llftj nine second on the Denvnr Wheel club's Hack todaj. bieaklnir Willie do Cardy'H uconl of 1 IX ) 2-5 Tbe ride was made In a ' tionj ? wind. ThU Rives Claik all ( he cUs.s A unpnccd lecords uji to live miles. Cliiiiiiiilon I'lllslmi-j NIIW YOltK. Nov. 20.II. . N. Pill-bury. the i hamplun chCbH pl.iyer , sailed on the Ht. Louis today for Southampton , em onto for St. Pcterxbuitf , to paitli-lpato In the International touinament to bo plaved lu that city _ _ TnoU ItoiinilN lii .Si-lii ( | | WASHINGTON. Nov. 20Je Hatomar of this city and John Glenn of Wilmington , Del. fought to a flnMi on the liladensbin road tonight. Glenn was kiioiKfd out In the eleventh round Sloni I'll I IN DUoroc Snlli , SIOUX FALLS. S. I ) . , Nov. 20. ( Sp.jc.lal ) Klla 0. Ilenedlcl of Nt\v Yoik has begun an action for divorce irom lllrum S. Ilene- dlct , on the charno of deseitlnn. Divorce proceedings have teen Instituted by i\a S. StanK > y of OhlL-ago against Hob- ert V. Stanley , the charge being cruelly. Simeon U. nickson has , sued fnr a divorce from Emily n. IlcKi > on. Ciiliircil I'copln Trenlcil Well. ATLANTA. C.a , Nov. 20The nallonul congress of eoloicu luwjein hi thbi oltj pisscil ntrong re oliitlons i-iidoi-slng the opposition mnnagcmentS trcntnunt oi their i ace , and giving u black o > f to the mlf- uiuf iit.itiunt ) that liavo hi en sen I out cancel nlnrf the tieatment of colored vlB- itoiH. H Is expected that the great Fhow- Iniv inado by Hi" colored people and the eoneitlDii of the evil leporln ser.t nut will liuvij thn clfeut of caimlnK a l.ugu Inlltix of cvloiod peoplo. .SliiclcnlH III lluriicc ; , SCIIUNF.CTADY , N. Y. , Nov. 20It Is citpected tint the amount of plunder taken h > the Union college students , Humphre > and Mi. lor in their t-avoral burglaries will touch jr > .o(0 ( In value. They weio not dilven to cilinc b ) poveily. thu families of buth belliK well-to-do , llumphloj und Miller were promhlflit In collegn athletic.Theli piellmlnao examination IV.IH lielil toda > when both pleaded not uullty The ) weir he'd for the grand Jury. ConfcoHCil \VrecKlnnr a Trnln. ROMK N Y. , Nov 'JO-Ulldreth , Hlbbard and I. il . throe of thu luila Implicated In I IIP wucklni ; f the Now York Central train li"at thin plaee Tnesda ) inornlnK , have made a to I confeM'lon Urlatol , the fourth of the Kant , ' denies his guilt They will b- put on lilal for murder in the first desree. but owing to their youth It In llkel ) that they vvlll bo only convicted of murder In the hocond dcviee Ihe penalty fet which la ImptlROiiment for life- _ > lnil III * \ \ MLon .Vceiiiuil ii f , Iali > ns > CHICAGO , Nov -Michael J. O'Uryun , a Kiloou Uerper inuidere < l his wife lu t veiling by fhoollnt ; her in the head , The 'up't1 had Ireiiuent quarreln becauiiu of \v ar- CHANCED THE GRAIN RATES Demands of Kansas Olty Acceded to by the Union Pacific. NO DECISION IN THE OMAHA CASE Tetni CnltUnml l'ni < l < liiK HIIMIII'rnil - IH-I llnll-M to Til In C'llj I'rederleil li > the ( 'iiiiiini-relnl Clnli unit MoiUnriN Itepreii-Hliill ! KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20. The Trnn < mils- sotirl -soclilon ( coiitlnucil Its mooting It this city today ami will be In session tintl tomorrow night. During the afternoon session It was aprt l that the rates upon grain from Nebraska points , which arc dlscrlmlnnlhe In favor oi St I.oul-i nml other cities anil itRalngt Knnsis City , will be withdrawn and Just rates sub stituted Representatives of the club , Hoard of Trade and I.lve Stock ex change of this city attended the meeting and submitted facts and figures showing the In justice to the grain trade of Kansas City of the Union I'aclflc traffic. J. A. Monroe , freight traffic manager , and nimer II Wood , assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific at Omnhi. were present as the representatives of that road. After .1 thorough discussion of the subject Mr. Monroe promised to so readjust the rates upon the company's lines from Nebraska points to Kansas City that the disci Inilna- tlon complained of will be ended. It Is said tint the obnoxious grain rates will be with drawn tomorrow. In order to do this the Union Paclllr will have to mnkc changes In Its rates upon grain to other points No notion was taken by the association upon the demand of the Omilia Commercial club nml Slock Yards company for the same rates upon live stock shipped from Twcas nml other points of the southwest and west of that city as are given to Kansas City and for reduced rates upon Its packing house products shipped to various points of the compass. \VII.MM ; TO TAMC MATTIHS oviu. Soul lirru I'lirllli' to Hi * nt the UiiilKnint llntc CHICAGO , Nov. 20. The Southern 1'aclfic has decided that It will take part In the con ference of the western roads relative to the adjustment of the emigrant rates from New- York to the Pacific coast. The other lines accuse the Southern Paclllc of paying such lurge commissions In the effect to draw the business by way of Now Orleins that It has been demoralising all the tralflc of the other roads. They made up their minds that thcj would not stand that condition of affairs any longer , and ga\e the Southern Pacific until today to meet with them or th&y would nuke such rates as would keep u large part of the business In the noitli. The Southern Pa clllc thought It better to at least meet with thu other roads , and General Passenger AgMit Goodman arrived In the city today and will attend the meeting of thu advisor ) committee of the Emigrant Clearing house today. The meeting of the We-stern Passenger association today developed nothing The committee on local associations did not make any report and routine business took up the entire time of the meeting. While no authoritative message has been lecelvcd , the employ's of the Central Traffic association In this city are looking for their positions to lall from under them at almost any time , as the adoption of the new presi dents' ngroanicnt renders the present associa tion In a manner superfluous. One of the prime objects of the presidents' igreement Is economy , and as that organization holds firmly In Its hands .ill questions ol rates and regulations of business there will be practically nothing for the Central Trafllo association to do , and It costs the roads about $100,000 per annum Commissioner nianchard will probably be one of the board of arbitrators to be ap pointed under the. new agreement/ and a plnca will be found for Vice Chairman Dan- aid , but the majority of the thirty odd employed In the. ofllca of the association In this city will , In all probability , be let out within a short time. O.M..V \OTIimt XVMi : FOR A I'OOI , Senator riuimlliT K\pri > MMes Illn Opin ion of I'ri'MlilentH * AKrt- < 'lmii < . WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. Speaking of the agreement signed In New York yesterday by the olllcers of the Joint traffic association Senator Chandler today said : "I have not examined the contract In detail. Apparently the railroad managers have been tr > lng dur ing the past six months to modify the agieement so as to avoid appearing to violate the law. Yet It now stands as a trust agreement In restraint of trade and com merce , the making of rates for every road being committed to the board represniting all thu roads , so that no road can lower any of Its rates to the public without violating the agreement. The provision for fining ouch road which may break the agreement and using the line for the benefit ot the otlu r roads Is an Illegal dMs'on of earnings The president , the attorney general and Chairman Moirison can easily deleat the agreement by procuring the Indictment of all the sign ers under the anti-trust and alto the antl- poolins statutes. "Tho recital In the agrsement that the managers do not Intend to violate the In terstate commerce law Is the merest sub terfuge ever attempted to be Imposed upon an Intelligent community. The law now ONpllcltly forbids pooling agreements and trusts like. this. The whole object of the rallioad presidents ) Is to make a truot and a pooling agreement , and It Is bare-faced ef frontery to Insert this pretense of a desire to ohsmo the law I cannot add anything to my emplmt'c ' utterances concTnlng this crime' to what I have said In my letter to the president and his subordinates. If thlj gigantic trust can deliberately and defiantly trample upi-n national law , no trust can be supprenacd In America. " MIKTIIU TIIVIN liiMCiii'.s Cciili-iil I'lii'lllf Onl . . > .Sliord-iK-il l | > Half mi Iliiur. SAN KUANCISCO , Nov. 20. The Pacific limited , which left Chicago at G o'clock last Sunday evening * , la the Chicago & Nurth- \\Ektern , I'nlon Pacific and Central Pacific , arrived herp at i 15 thlp evening , reducing the running time between the two cities to practically three ihys , Instead of thtee and uiu'-half dajs , as heietoforo. The roads be tween Chicago and Omaha have reduced their \vmbound bchedulo from elxtsen to four teen bourn , und the reduction on the Central Pacific between Ogden and Han Francisco amounts to about a half hour , but the great est nivlnc In tlmo Is on the Union Pacific be tween Omaha and Ogden , amounting to six and one-half hours. The now train , which N coniptud \eatlhuleil sleeper * and din ing cars , ghes the fasteit regular eerxlco ever established between Chicago and Gill- fornla points I ) . W. Hitchcock , general agent of th ? Unlcn Pacific , and other olJlclaU of Unit company met the- limited at Ilenlclj torlght. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Another Iliutil Oi-ili-i-t-il Solil. MII.AVAUKKE , Nov. 20. Judge Seaman. In the United States court this morning , granted < ho application of the Farmers' I < oan and Truat company of New York for u decree ordering the sale of the Oren Day. Wlnona & St. Paul railroad The decrea tlatea No- \cinbcr 1-1. The bondholders who assorted to the reorganization agreement are to came In on tin name grounds us those who refused to Join , with the exception that the dissenting bondholders arc to receive Intm'bt at the late of U per rent per annum from the date of the reorganization agreement , while the as senting bondholders receive but 5 par cent , according to iheproUslons of the agreement ( irltlMK Itfilil ) to III- AKIiON. O. , Nov. 20. John ToJ of Cleve land , vice president , wus today appointed receiver of the New York , Pennsyhuiila ft Ohio Hallroad company by Judge Vorls of this city. The petition under which the ap pointment was made was filed Uj tha Fann ers' Loan and Trukt company of New York , and Herman Urlsler and William Tell , true- tecs of the company , were made parlies de fendant The petition Mates that the plain. tiff holds a mortgage dated Miy 8 , 18SO , for (25,000,000 , which , with accrued Interest , now ainmintu to 172000000. ithlU tlia ilt ff lulinl' truM < > < 'R hold n ftcroml morlRHgp for $11. $ BOO 000 tin ted .NUiy JJ Isso The present Indebt- pitim * nf ( tor citnpiny Is $ I2S,0)0.000 ) , m recctvorMilp li brought n thnt the * Affair * Of the enmity ny < .ny be wound up preUoiu In lift absorption by the newly organized Hrle company. lti * ' h ( .SIIMIM IV I ) I < < I nr . KANSAS ( TlTV. Nor. 20 A special from Topekn to a local paper snys Referring to the statement that two of the new Sant.i I'o directors wqilld belected ( from Knnuu , a prominent Olflelnl of lint system , talking teA A rewrtcr | , predicted that they would be Colonel C > K. tllolllday and ex-Governor Thomaa A. Oiliorji , both of whom are mem- bera of the present board. Nel'her of these gentlemen will have anything to say about the matter and disclaim all knowledge on the subject , _ _ _ _ _ _ riircclowliiRr < > tin1 LV nil-ill llrnnrli. TOPHKA. Nov. 20. Foreclosure stilts have been fll'd In the United States circuit court hero by Samuel Carr against the Central Uranch of thf I'nlon Paclllc. the Atchlson , Jewell County & Western , and the Atchlion , Colorado & Pacific Railway companies. The thre = - suits arc similar and arc all brought by Mr. Carr us trustee for purchaser ! of the construction bond' Issued at the time the railroads \se built. _ Soli ! tin- Port llo > nl \\VMJi-rn. . ORKHNV. 001) , S C. , Nov. 20. The whole system of the Port Iloyal & Western Carolina read was sold today by Special Master Theo dore 0. Hasker for $2.650,000 to John W Hutchlnson , Jr. , for Samuel Thomas and Thomas P. Kyan. Only one bid was offered. ltnllwn > AiilfM mill I * THonnN. H. C. Hlchard , general claim ng-nt ot the Northwestern Is In the city. W. O. Ijlltelft assistant superintendent of the Northwestern at lloonc. Is In the city. General Solicitor Kelly ot the Union Pa cific w'll ' go to St. Paul on business tonight. Managing Receiver Clark ot the Union Pa cific has gone to St. Louis and will go to New York before returning to Omaha. Assistant Oeneial Freight Agsnt Wood ot the- Union Paclllc Is In Kansas City attending a meeting ot the west ot the Missouri freight into committee. Freight Traffic Manager Munroe of the Union Pacific Is In Kansas City , listening to the coniplalnfs of the Kansa City Kraln men on the nsw rates from Union Pacific points In Nebraska. C. Lincoln of Chicago , division superin tendent of the \Vagn ° r Car company , has been In the city several days looking for the equipment of the new fast trains on the Northwestern and Union Paclllc. IIKIMM.M ; o\in ITALIAN \inimts. . Austin ( "orliln > < - < ( lln n Colony nt Thrill In ArUmiMns. NBW YORK. Nov. 20 The World to morrow will publish the following Austin Corbln recently chattered from Fmich , Cdye & Co. of this city the steamship Ypuem. This vessel sailed tfom Genoa November 8 for Now Orloins , with 700 Italians on board. At Mr. Corbln's cilice no information could bo obtained about the Importation. It Is known that Mr. Corbln ft lit the head of a big colonization entqrprlte He bought a large tract of land In 'Arkansas a year or two ago. H was announced then that he Intended to found a colony to bear his name and to be run In accordatfce\ with his Ideas of agil- culture. The e Italians are said to be agri culturists. A member x > t the firm of Funch , Edye & Co. said ) esterday4he had no Knowledge of what Mr. CorblnMotends to do with the 700 Italians , lie did not know whether any con tracts hid been made with them It wis suggested that under the contract labor law the firm could be compelled , If the pissen- Kcrs were contrict laborers , to cairy them back to Italy ' We were assured. " replied the member of thp linn interviewed , "tint Mr. Corbln mada arrangements w Ith the government lJCforeho went into the- under taking We are Informed that the 700 Ital ians are agriculturists. " Prof. Alexander Olderlnl , who is In charge of the Italian bureau on Bills Island , has been sent to1 Now Orleans by Baron Fava , the Italian aiAbassadar In Washington. It Is also VmderstoSd ihBt Daron Fuva suggested that the Italians be landed In New Orleans Instead of New York. IIOUMI.VK Tim ttlltt.VT > OIlTII\VUhT. Ilvli'KiitcN from Sri oral Hlnlrs Pnriu ST. PAUL , Nov. 20. The northwestern Immigration convention continued its sea-Ions today , with increased Interest. Among the speakers was Archbishop Ireland , who deliv ered an address on "Immigration to the Northwest. " The agricultural resources of the I'aclflc northwest and fruit growers for the Columbia river were two subjects dis cussed by Ellis G. Upsw and 1) . Stearns , re spectively , both being delegates fiom Oregon Hon. T. M. Daly of .Manitoba , minister of the Interior , of Ottawa , spoke at length on the products and Industries of the Canadian northwest. The afternoon addresses Included "Our Northwestern Prairies , " by Colonel r II. Irons , editor of the Fargo , N. D. , Argus , "Resources of the State of Washington , " by Albeit Why to of Tacoma ; "Thorough FarmIng - Ing , " by O. C. Gregg of Mlnn"sotu , and "Minnesota Its Putiiro , " by Governor D. M. dough of Minnesota. A resolution for permanent organization was presented and adopted. The organisa tion will be known as the Western Immi gration bureau , Mid Its member ! ! shall h ? the northwestern mates and Manitoba. Three members from each shall be appointed by the delegates to thl.s convention , who come from Wisconsin , Minnesota , North Dakon , South Dakota , Manitoba , Montana , Washington , Idaho , Wyoming , Oregon and Iowa. CUIII'IMHS I.ITIC V'I'i : . l ) < -llil\t ooil I'lrni .Sued liy nil | O\MI Or- DHAnWOOI ) , Nov. 20. ( Special Telspram. ) Suit was Inatltiitcd today In the Unite 1 States circuit cnmt hy the attoineys for the IH'xlon Mining company oC Cedar lUplds. In. , against the Golden Itounnl Mining com pany of this city. In the complaint the plaintiff states that In 18S2 the Honaiua claim was puten.ed and alI ° gO3 that during the years 1S)1 ! ) and 1SO.J the Oolden Hew .ml Mining companj extended Its tuniHs Into the Honaiua claim tome SOD feet , exacting on therefiom estimated to be worth $ JOO,00 ( ) , which amount null la now brought to re cover. It was not known hy the Uoiun/i people until about tvo months ago that the Golden Howard company was trespassing up n and extracting or ? fiom tholr mine , at which time the ditcovery was made by N.V. . Chapman , superintendent of the mine. The case will be brought up at the Kebrnaiy term of United States court In this city. It Is not thought tilt i suit vtll Interfere materially with the proposedsi9 , ] of the Oolden Hewarl properties to ea tetij capitalists. < - ( tlir . .JinLvuiilll.i. . SIOUX KALt , a ' . , Nov. 20. ( Spsclal ) An attempt waa'niaile In circuit court ye"or- ! day afternoon to Uualldato ths grand Jury drawn for tho' ' prVSEnt term of court. The objections madJVITO that nine of tliQ men whose names were In the box weio not r = M- dents of this c/mnty / ; that Ihe names of two of the men app"arcd twice each ; that one man whose name nde In the liox was de d The attempt MIM , , And the praml Jury was held good by Jlfu 16Smith _ of Vanhton. who Is presldlni ? In'tho , flba iiLo of Judge Jones At ths clo'o cfhls , clmige to the giand Jury Judge Smith to 1/1 ih < 'in that If they knew of any -ilolatlons 'of Iht prohibition lau In this county they shtlilfl rluv stlgate ths matter and bring IndWlnio.Us , If any should h . ' ' found. . , ' , ' llliic-U HUM vi'miV'ii a Ne llallriiiid. " HOT .SI'HINaS.S. Nov. 20. ( Special Telegum ) At a public meeting of citizens a committee consisting of the mayor and four othtrs wan chojen ( o represent Hot Sprlngj &t a railroad meeting to hi held at Minne apolis In December to consider tha iiueatlan of bulldini ; a railroad to connect 111 ? IllacK Hills with thu ca > . ( rn iiart of the fUt ° Much IntercHt Is heiog aroused In the HIIln upon this proposition , and commute a ha-o b2en chosen from about every low n of Im portance in tin llllla to attend the Minne apolis meeting. \Vninllll TlllcrH II Diike of l.lllllllllllllll SIOUX KAM-3 , S 1) , Nov 20. ( Special ) Tlllls Johnucn , a td 25 yars , attemptoJ to coirmlt < ulcide In hfr.joanu hy taking laud anum She uok i o lir e a doiu. which mndo her eiu * . Dor I'f ? was kave-1 after ( no physio n til w red o > pr her She M again at v.i'ik ' it Ucr pt-tltiu'i In Ihe kitchen qf a loraj rf/ ) , ' " 'nt. She refuse * to give Ihx r * > u nn for ! ir cl COSTA RICA IS PROSPEROUS Not Troubled nt Present with Any Itilonml Troubles , NO INTERNATIONAL CLAIMS PENDING Coneernlim UK * . lu l l AITiilr I'riiiiiiniieeil u l'nlr > 'I'll I o by tin- WASIIINOTON , Nov. CO. Senor Cilvo , the reprcsenlatlvo ot Oosta Hlca , has returned from n vHt to his country , where he at tended the festivities of September Ifi , the national holidiy. Ho "i > s the feeling In Costa Hlca la favorable to a Central American union nnd thnt such n union will be ultimately formed. Hut at present the condition of the country Is 50 prosperous and lt < Institutions In nich satisfactory simp ? that the union is not likely to be consummated at once , Mr Catvo's attention has been called to the allcccd claim of $20,000 made by Marclal Niclo against Co"li Ulcs. The claimant has attributed to him n fantastic story ot 111 treatment by the pioMdcnt of Costa Hlca re sulting from the alleged fact that Nlcto and the president were attentive to the wine lady. Mr. Calve says the statements arc malicious and absurd nnd ho regretf tint the press of th's c.wntry should have spoken PO lightly of the president of a republic \vhle has been on the moat cordial terms with th United States. Ho adds : "A < > icgards th personality of Scnor Don Rafael Ygleslas. am pleased to state hero that ho. Is above anj Imputation tint may In thu sllghle t dcgre attack the uprightness of his private life To the honor of Costi Rica this firt 1m been acknowledged oven In the heat of dc bate on political questions. " "Fotinnately 1 can nay with pride that the government of Costa Rica Is not now am ha nevef given cause for International dlill cuttles growing out of claims founded upon unjust acta of the authorities of the countrj against foreigner" residing therein , and tin fact that the German , Italian , Spinlsh , Nortl American , Hngllsh , French and other colonies are very numerous and of long standing al of which prosper and aresutlslled with 'he ' treatment they receive from the people ar.i the government Is u fitting reply to the tr'imped up charge of Scnor Nicto. " \II\M\POII.S oitiinitnn TO iH'itori : CiiiiNtileri'i ! AiliHiilili * In Sli'cn t lien ( lie- I.'oreiIn TiirUlNliVnlorn. . WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The Unlt-d States ship Minneapolis has been ordered to loin the European squadron Immediately , lotibtless on account of the Turkish situa tion , She Is In American waters now , and it will take several days to get her out. The orders to Captain Wadleigh of the Minneapolis are to report tn Admiral Sel- frldgf upon reaching Gibraltar , but unless the admiral Issues other order * ? by that time the ship will make Smyina her destination This point is believed to be as near as a warship can get to the American mission stations , believed by the missionary boards n this country to be rmlangerod by the general uprising of the Mussulmans In Asia Hinor. While the Slate department authorl- les felt that due precautions had betn tiken n the ordeiliiR of two \essels , the San Pian- cl ! > co and the Marblchead , to this coast still a point was yielded to make the safety ot the missionaries additionally secure , and after advising with Minister Terrell the orders to the Minneapolis were forwarded. It Is now at Norfolk In peifect condition , jut needs to take on additional stores and coal to begin her voyage to Smjrna. She Ull carry 1,000 tons , of which .TOO will be taken at Norfolk. The remainder will be alien on at Hampton Roads. If all gjcs vel ) he ship will likely sail the 23lh Instant. \s It will not be- driven to make a lecoid run , but will proceed at her most economical rate of speed , namely fifteen knots , It will nobably make the run of 5,000 miles In about two weeks. With this accession Ad- nlral SelfridpeII1 have a fleet of thiee of the best cruisers In the navy at hisback , vhlcli. though small in comparison with the brmldable armaments gathered In Salonlca iay by the great Huropean powers , will sutllce to meet his object , the protection of the American citizens In Turkey. n.\ . MII.E.S COMMHMIS Tim AIIM\ . 1'riilMi'i HIP Work of ( Artllli-i-j ami ClMllIl'J . WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. General Miles , who commanded the Department of the Has during the last fistal year. In his annual re port says the Instruction and efficiency of tl.o cavalry was excsllent The Instructions of the artllleiy was embarrassed by want of modern artillery and material , but In their absence the ofllcera have made creditable efforts to keep abieast of the times. The general recommends that the posts b sup plied with "Mib-callbres" for pinctlce work with heavy artillery , and the enlistment for the long term of ten years of a special class of non-commlbsloned otllccrs to be trained as experts In aitlllery Ilrs. The elllclency of the artillery was also excellent. All of the Infantry in the department and part of the artillery had been armed with the new rides , which had given satisfaction except In the sighting and some minor defects. The dis cipline was excelbnt , and the trials by court ipartbl show a considerable reduction , not withstanding the increase In Ihe strength of the command The consolidated post mess was not entirely satisfactory , and the old company mess Is believed to bs b'tter General Miles mentions briefly the need 'or garrisons at the teaboaid potts , which subject he has trca'ed at greater Ir-igtli in ils uport is mijor general commanding the irmy. and winds up v Ith recommendations for HP\V bundling and Improvements at most icsts In the Department of the Cist n\\n , WANTS i's TO s\v I IIASI : . 11 It' 111 < ; ! Ill OnAVallcr I'IIIMTS I nilcr Tlioso ConilK IOIIM , WASIIINOTON , Nov. 20. Although the State department absolutely refuses to con- Inn or deny a report that the French gov- iinunt has rcfuseil to furnish It Ihe record n the Waller case , some dllllcultUa , It Is known , have been encountered In procuring this document. Just what the nature of the trouble Is cannot be learned , but It Is understood , a.d stated In the Associated Press dispatches yesterday , that the application for the record Is not regarded by the Fiench government an a matter of right In the United States , and It Is assumed thnt If our application tuks * more the shape of a ie < ] ueiit than a demand , th necessary documents may bp forthcoming , Meanwhile the Waller cat'It.solf ' may be sudlenly settled , t > o far as the liberty of Waller la concerned , by th1 voluntary action of the French govern ment , us word has come here from olllclal ciicl'u to the effect that It In contrmpbtej to proclaim amnetity foi all political prisoners taken In Madagascar , which would Include Waller , unless BO mo &pclal notice bo takin of his case and claim l.lrnlciiiiiil KM IT TrniiKfrrrciI. WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. ( Special Telegram - gram ) Second Lieutenant Otto W. II Furr , Second artillery , If idleved fiom duty with ballety C of that regiment by commanding oincer , Fort Wairen , JUsa. . and Is orJerrd to icport to commanding ofllcer , Fort Rlley , Ktiii. . for duty with light battery A , Second attlllery. Senator and MM. J. M. Thurston urrlvej li/dsj and ure ngliter d at the Aillngton. Repreicntatlvo Molklejuhn has also arrived. John 1 Painter of Iowa 1ms been promoted fr in a $720 $ to an $ S10 clerkship In the Treasury department J. II. Shields has been appointed pofcl- mastfi nt Underwood , PottawJttamle county , Iowa , vice Herman Hueludonk , resigned Clilnii Will Proli-'l AnifrlfiuiN , WASHINGTON , Nov. 20 , Ileceni prena dlapitches announced tint anti-foreign riots weru apprehended In the Cliliu-te province of Slun > IIal. The I ) partniEnt of State In In re ceipt uf a dispatch from the United 8talt * minister at Peking elating that upon hU repretentatlon to the Tmmg-LI yanun of tin pondlni ! trouble tit Tal Ken , It had Unuei 6rlar ' ' In Ilia If.fal niithnrltJd * i'A "kiJIiilri fflHEW /HEW t | largest piece sold "for Tel. 1031 PAXTON K BUIJflH&S , MS" . iiinrr Coinmonclnij HlPUTO Illlut fllunlo Tonl.'hliit , 8 13. Mr. Walker I'IUMNTINO WlAMiLET Trlday HUnrd-iy RICHELIEU RICHARD III I'lticr.b Lower floor Dtlc , 7.V , JI.OOi litilcony 3" > c nnd OOo ; ( Jul ei y SSc. Only Mntiiiec Saturday. Sunday Mntlwej , Nov. 24. First Appc. nance In Oni.ihn this bcaion ToorpuiSo1 Black Crooli 100 I'coplo 100 - 3 ( jrand lillct ! > : i "so iiilviinco In | ) ilcc-i. t-iilo ofcuts upon at 0 o'clock thUnioriiliu. " 1'se in Town , Honey ! " i ? A combination of the great staffs of life WHEAT , CORN and FilCE. A grocer who offers you any other color ed package than Red when you ask for the Genuine Aunt Jemima is trying to deceive you , and ifl-c deceives you In this matter he may in your accounts. Remember the Red package. Beware of counterfeits. HERE'S OUR GUARANTEE. Buy a incUiik-H of ( Ivnulua Aunt .lomhun's Sclf- ItlsliiK I'.UH.iUo I lour , nml If > ou ilu nul Unit It iniikus lliuliuitt cakcn you ererntu , rot urn I he emp ty hot lo your iiOtir leave jour niiiiiL' , unit Iho ; recur will lufuuil tliu uiuney mid cli-irKe It u > us. hclcntlllcally rroinniiland Manufttctnrod only by fS.T Davis Mill GoSt Joseph Mo . , , , , , , IHO the tnat'cr , and take precautions against HstiirbJiicos. and to inulcc earnest efforts tu irotect foreigners. " Will Nnl I'liNli Pi'oceeilliiKH , WASIIINOTON , Nov. ' ' . 0. It la prohahlo tint the Kovcrninunt uill not piiah llhul pro- ceedliiKB , at pre nt , at loaht , iialiiat ( the jaiirada , lecantly ° elzed ut Charleston , S. C is a filibuster. A telegram ha'j heen re- colvfd at the Treasury department from the collector of customa at Charleston , liat Uliil proceedini's had h en huijiiii a ho hanrada hy the New York owneiH on the ; ronnd that tier charter had heon forfeited ly her captain hy unlanfully ciignnliiK In lllbuttcriiiK expsdllloiiH iiKalnst Cuba Ther * are roveral conntii In the complaint , \\hleh BOOIM to lyako a prima facie risu ahalnut th olllocri ) of the Msse ) , and umlrr thraj clr cnmstanccs. It Is likely thiit the Bovfinmem vlll wispsnd furtlfr action until the pro- cnllniH Instltuteil hy the own ° rn ha\e h ° en leclded. Ten lllllliiiiH for IVimlonx. WASIIINOTON , Nov. 20 The ttecretnry of ho interior today Ifciuml n teqiilslllon on Hie reasury for llO.hriO.OOO for the quniterly pen- Ion puymont. The amount lu distributed to iKeiiclox aJ follovvn lloston. $1,800,000 , \ucuita Me. , J7GO.OOO'jshln''ton ; , I ) . C 2 05.000 , Columlm , 0. $1.700,000 ; DPtrolt , Ilcli , $1 SOO.OQO , San Kunclm-o , $775,000. ' Hie lloml I < > ll MlllK l'l WASIIINOTON , Nov. 20. Thu I'o3lolllc3 department ha1 * Issued n fraud order against the Preferred Uond and Investment company of I'orthnd , Ore , of which W. 0. Ilalley U sccrntHry. lieasurer and general manager Thu charge le conducting a lotto * ) or similar cnterprlws. Dnlrj men lo Orunnl/r. SIOUX KAMA S. . . Nov. 20-Special ( I ArraiiKements have hJta about complett'il for Hid holding of a fctuto oonvenllon of South Dakota dilrymen ami creanwry men In thlk city January 8 , H3C Theio are h u m , sevftity-Ilve and 100 cream-rle * In ihiit state and more are belnc bulli canulanil ) 1'iiHi | 200 d leiatii are exicctod | to. attend tli-s j nrst conveutlp1 ; , And a t < tp ( irii iiU.vtlpn will j AMI SIJMIJVrS. IT ONLY I SUNDAY E VI-NINO , NOV. 2-4. "OUR IN ins I < ATIST siccnss. Whtcli Ilun Tin PC MontiiH rtt the rourtcenth Stiect Theater New Yoik. NKW StNlhl ) NI3W DANCUS ! Kxcellcnt Compntt ) I Splendid Production ! Sato of enta will o | > n at 3 o cloek Sutunluy munilng- Prices Flint * lloor , COc , 75o nnd ( I.M ( ; balcony , EOc nnd 73c NEW THEATER NOV. 25 and 26. And hla ailinliable conii'nri > Iti Maitlm Morton's dmiiPHtlc cdineilj HIS WIFE'S FATHER Hex slieetH upcii ut 'J ' o el ale haiimluv m o ru in i ? PliHt n Mir $1 0) and Jl DJ. h.ili un > COc and 7x K Uk i j 2" I rnni : LIST iN'rnuM\ sikn > i > in. THE DOG CIRCUS HtRli'S FCH AT BILXXETT'S. And Ills Womlcifii ! Troupe of I'oifoimlii' MHXICAN hlll-IMII'.UI ) DOUS Kvcrv > iftor- noon this wiu'lc rioiii 2'U : t ) 0 p m ( Jiaml niatlneu iierroniiiinues nnd f llnid ly u\oalni ; until lOoclock On n ini o siu-t , ) in our Furniture - Department NO TICKRTS NliKDKD-ir.S rifRI ! l.uilli-s , hiliu- the clilliluin. W. R. BENNETT CO. 1309 Douglns Stroot. A. FAMILY RESORT. CONTINUOUS SHOWS from 2 to S p. m. iiuj 7Ht" : : lOMOp. m. Admission , lOc. Itebcived opera i-halis , 10J oxlia. ( ii-o. .IIIIiilicll.l'i'oii. A.i.llliniriiN on oM socitxl occcsaions. YOU cannc/r / go to 1ho' ' without * whiff of THE FASHIOnAOLC PERfUtlE. Flowery , refr-oshin , For sale by d-ugist's $ $ only. IMPERIAL CROWN PERFUMERY CO , bAlnr LOUIb MEYEH DROTMEinS DRUG CO..AGEHT3 ALSOTRY ( WEDDIMG BELL5\T \ o nev ; IMPERIAL cno < vu \ PEACH BLOW. | odors. CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Vlctlma of l.oit fi\tnhootl nhouid faced at once for a honk thai , oipl.ilh.1 haw full innuly vigor is iuelliiulukly und punuunently ii'dtoreil. Nu mau autfurliiB from ACbkncis can Hf > ford tel noiottils tlinuly udvluo. Uook tolld how yfull BtlPUKlh , ( lO- rclonmcnt and tnno are Imparted la every I > orlliin of Iho hody. Kent with im l'lvo proofbfaeuluD/fet toanyiuaoouuppllcatloa , EfilE MEDICAL CO.BUFFALO.H.V.