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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1895)
in TTIIfl mfAlIA r AIIV UKK * 'PlTimsn A V. "Xtl Vlfl MUMP " 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. Aili < - rllntiiinl * fur tin-no column * nil lie tnlien until I'Ji.'to | t , in , fur the r-irnlnir ntiil unlll H | > . in , for ( lie mornlnc mill Munilnjrilllliiii * . Ail * > < -rtl * < -r , liy -iiiPMtlnu n mini * IUTOIli ! ( < ! < , rnn lint f niiMMrrt ml- tlroineil < o n ininiliorril lftti > r In ran- of The HIMAII * > \ i-rx in mlilrcMicil vill lie ill-Ill crril iiiioii prcHi-ndidon it tlir rlii-Hf only. HntfN , I 1 "c n mini HrM liini-rf lntt | 1r n noril tlicrrnftcr. NolliliiK InUi-ii for ! < > * ( linn 2.o ! fur llrxt Inii-rllnn. Tlir o ml virlliii < -iit- < must lie run IMMIMTII- tit ! > - . MITfTIONS \V.\\Tii ) . W\N"rfi7 : I'AMM.V WA8IIIVr MI'.NT * olilrlK , to rfnu ulnrrli cloilit'd 7"i 'on' . ' ! irn NMO Ho SM flr < vt. A Mill ! 2 MAM : 111:1,1 * . WANTED-I.IVIl INTEM.IOnNT Aflt'XTH IN Opinha to orpnnl' " c : ln nf cmpito flv fnml- lira of Mir fiimous Orrlmnl Hnm'd Innrta In ci-ntrnl Ml smippl. | Tlio tide nf InimlaniHon I * polnc H'Hitli whcro tiirrn nrp nn lir-t wlndi. no rod ! winters no lillxrniils , n"iop fillirrs. Wliiro Iwn nr Mirro prpi rnn l" > ial r > lnen. l ywir * iVhi r - thorp l < nn mrh tlilnu ns M'lnri" II n innn will work nnc-liilf ns linul n Mo r1o"s In tills rnunttv fi'l MimniTd. nuM wlnlrrs Hum pnvlni * rrnjis of finlt nnil rniilon truck nirh * t poll rn mrlli Tt * M rnth-'nv fni-llltlps Oi > o AV. Alum. Rrneml nRfiit , KI7 I'm mm s' . . Oinnhn. H-17 ! MM TO llvTrrt PAT.AlTv I'AII ) \7.r.S.MrN , for rlRnni : i-xix-M'tim not nffonsno" pxlrn In rt-irwnts tn rn tomcn . JIMiop Ar Kiln" . Ft. Mo * _ _ ITS no TO jfvvv ) i-nTTMnN'Tii siTi.UNn TIIK Itlilrr Dciulilp Itrtnrt nil On9 llmnf-r ; cnn h" plnccil In nmrmilt or li itlnr ( stnvo or fimirtop It rirortiipps n prf > rt natural pas fln : lipltr anil * r-'icnpi-r thnn ronl or wivd Tor trims n'1-p Hay City Novotty Co. , Woiks , Ilav ri-x. Mlrli. l-M7.V.-r > 7 _ _ WANTFJX MI1N AT aOOD SAl.AUV. 'AU , nl KM DnilRlliB. I1-SIM-20 ! ) _ AI'I'linNTIClIS WAN'TnP TO I.nAUN I1AII- li"r trnil ; stMily wmU nflcr clRht Mfpltn : Snt- nnlny WARP * \\lilli1 lonrnlni ; ; tonls free ; rn n- loiin ni.illn ) HI I.OHH Il.irbor collrco fit N gill utriol. St. I.cinl . Mo. n-ir > 2V A MAN Tin IAY TO MAS A an iMSTumrT- Inu Ranp Hnliuilos , si-pnlll | | ( " < , iln rnrrrrpon line. Re-nil . vlvnn Co , 727 Wnnilwnnl < > tnilt. Mich. , lOo for luiinpli * lonp , etc. , tccclvc niillll on > r. II Mid 1)2' D , HOY TO I'l'T KAlllMi'M IN H nl Omnha ITphnlstcry Cu. II M2 23 * * RAMHMr.v TO TAKI : ounriiN.YK Hi2\ ! > niimplon ; KM ! nxcliiHlvo tnrrlluiy. p.iy pnnil H.I- | nry ninl pxpcimcfl or Illiornl roniniHilim t > nrop"r nptilli-antH. Addrcsa 1' . O. I ! ix ! ? " > Nv York City. H-M2)6 ! ! 6Ai.KS.Mn.vrVANTin TO sm.r , TKAS : inn innney ; < < xrlunlve tcrrltnrv ; iinitlrtilniH frp ; Haniplo 15 civntK. Mnhuilowu Ti'u ' " i. l > part- | nicnt N , C'lilniro. III. II-M3I4 21 * . MIN : TO RIM : < ocit nnM Imrn jn olq | on rnTiintlssU i. A MrpM < , with icfprem-p , Atlns Oil Cu. , Cl < > \ elanil O It-Man 21 * _ _ AXTniX TIPMADI.K MAX TO \N'm.H nrtlrlo : si > lli n Hl lil , KOO.I | > Milnn' fm u-ooU Ill-ill. H. A. rrolji. IliiU-l Oxford. 11-M2I' 21 * \VA.\Tin -i.M.viK nni.r. i.noANT CAUINCT PHOTOS. 12.00 rnn nox- rn , navlcr , 113-115 South 16tli t. C 171 ANTnn. aoon OIHI. anNirtAT. not'sn- ttork. 2105 Cuss street. C Jlir.C Jl ANTHi ) . A r.iui , rou anxnitAL iiorsn- wotk In fnmlly of tno. 53" S. 2'Jth nvpnup. C-Mim SI * WANTUi ) , ami , TAKI : PAIII : riiu.i ) AND help With IllUgrwotk. r 30 So. 2Stll. C 1D7-20 * WANTKI ) , ( inol ) OIIU. . WITH nilFl'IlTlNCKS , n 1211 S. . " .Mil street ( Cluorgln n\e ) C 10S--L ! ' roil IU.VT nouses. JIOL'SnS-P. K. nARLIXO , DAItKnil IH.OCK. U-173 nousns ix AM , PAIITH OF Tin : CITY. Tim O. ! ' . Davis Compnny , 1305 r.irnain. P 170 IIOUHI : VOK HKN c ; nnAUTirUL IPII rooma , olvRnntly furnlsln'J , hut writer heal , Inumlry , st.ililp. Qiriingc , etc. Thos. T. Hall. C16 I'nxlon block. P 131 STANTO11P CinCI.i : COTTAOnS. K I1OOMS , nil , inoili-rn , Kai , fuel. Apply liyion llcej Company - pany .812 So. Uth St. D > 77 iiousils nnxAWA & co. , 101 x. ISTH ST. P-173 nousns-a. a. WALLACI : , 212 nriowx IILK. P-173 rou KINT-NICICIY runxisunp nousn OF L'lKlit looms Iji-slilea nlco\c ami bathroom , s.iuth front , nlth all convfnleii . Inciulii608 Hnlf- Ilowaul Bt. P-2I7 1021 NO. 1DTII ST. , 8-I1OOM MOPliltN 1I1UCK with harn. Ornuliu Heal nstute & Trust Co. , 211 So. IStll at. P 233 roTnTnxT. nousns IN AU , I'AHTS OF THU city , llrcnnan , Love & Cu. , 130 i'axtnn lilocU. P MM1-N2J JIODHIIN IIOtTSBS Ni\V 7-ltOOM P\Yii.T.- lnK * iH at Haii'sconi pnik , S715-17 I'oijpletnn nve. : modern Iiiliki- , CIO Huulh E/th / , C1S-2U North 23d bin , luid ll-J .Shciuooa avc. C. A. Starr. CIS N. V. Life , P 574-N30 too s. aisT Avnxun. Nixn-noo.M MOPISUN IIOUHJ. yard C:0\1C3 feel. J. N. l-'renzcr. iijipaslte postolllce. P M5SO STIAM NO ncjuAU wiNTnn on st'MMnu. cc'iilinl , inoiicni C or C-rooia lints. Tlzurd. I'l'l N. 21th. P-CS9-P3' TOIt HUNT 5-ltOOM IIODSI5 , 031 S. 17TII AVK. D 115W-N3' ' ) FOH HUNT cnnAr , nnsiuni.n HTOitns. Hats , rouma , etc. U. J. Kundnll. V20 8. 10th st. P-71J.PI S OU 0 ItOO.MS , CLO.SUTS , WATHH CDS N. 13. D iTI-DIO' DJO N , 27TH AVI : . . S-R. , JIOPIRN , jw. 3001 . llth .St. , 7-r. , modern , $23. 2775 Wclwtcr St. , 7-r. , modem , f25. 3101 .lackain .St. . 8-r. . moapni , I2D. 410C Iifjyetti > live , P-r. , modem , JS5. S07 H. 21th Pt. , 14-r. , modem , { SO. i'OJ S.Itli K. . 9-1. , mudem , (30. ridi'llty Trurft Company. 1702 Karnam nl. R-91 30 123 Hoi'.srs. AI.IJ sixns Axn rAirrs or uiiy. K P.VenJ , ICth mid DoucUn Htit-cts. Ii MWI.-PIS roi1 iinxT-nidHT-nooji HOISI : . " JIS".O. > i > in numili ; lential lofiitlon. Inqulrv i'-jlC Cop nve. P-9I-20 nousn.VITII CITY WATKII. 112 So SSIh. 1 > JIMS 30 roii itn.s'T I-I.IOANT : nnsipnxcn , AM , ni' ' nvenlpnci" ! . beat locathui , clieni ) . in I , i\o & Co. , IMxion bloeK. n-M103-23 _ coMi'writ.Y"rl'iiNisiinn : lo-TtooM IIOIIRH for rent. 115 S. rail utici-t. P Mli3 30 * 1217 so. SIP : rtntNAcn , aAB nATHf sssooT" P-M1IO 50 MOIJHHN TIN-IIOOM inline. IIKST I.OCA- llon In Oinnlin : 5 minutes' wnlli In ICth Hln-ol. W. I1' Cl il ; . : j"i ) D.Jilfilan . Htteol. n MHO Si * ron HUNT. ; .iv HCSIUKNCI : , N. jj. con. SSIIi .111.1 UnlMIiurniil , ruinlilieil or tin- furnUlu-U. OjLtir 1) ) . William * . 1107 Ilainoy st. l-153-2i ) iTUNitiinii iiorsi : rou KINT c MONTHS , 1117 South Slut , near llimseam paik. half Mork frwtn i' r line. P--M153 24 * r-on HINT. : TKN-ROUM iiotrsn , AI.L , MOR- cm iiinvcn1 'iii'fa. furnm-ff , i-lty water and cl - trm , bam. Apply SU4 S. 33d utrwt or 1(01 Cull fonil.i rtiwt. HKNT , 3ron A LIOIIT IIABK. tucnt ultiljn : | for > her repulr hop , or mo t miy llRhl luiflticmi , "r tn lUe In. T. C. lliun- ner. room 1. Wnro Hook. 1 > iSIJt T , Nic : coTT'Aon , s IOOMS. u nililiiles nail : friMU hu lniM * cenUT , loeall'ii ; J t Kucli it plnrr u % \lll rult a - . ' j man. ilulit party. Tent cheap T. C. Jtiuimcr , ic m 1Vnte Mm-1 ; . U 1S1 21 rnx-nooM IIIIICK. > ior > iFii.v. PUONTH li.insruni purk : upoclnl , JJJA ) . llurna' rhlnu Dtoip. P-M1S7 8J roiNT. : s-tooii jioi'si s. ij.cuao and lUrl > c. U It9 six-nooM .Mopnitx iioivin. LMiv ri.Aci : . Uth , uuillh of iliindcrnin. P-MSQ1 S3' rou nn.NT-i.M'it\isiiiu HOIMIS. jon itnxTri'itvisiinn bugnl. Call lit : ii)7 ) Uotiuliu t. IOH H1XT A Dl'SIHAIIM ! iim\ty fiirnli > lird , In inhale family of two , Ten nilimii'x walk I1. ftyim O. Iteffrenrcn t\ * clmni ; < J. 1 * 1C , llec , i-l : ! i.Ji ) ) Bt. Jl.iiy's. i : M2 ) S VI Jl.MSIIIOl ) HOOUS AM ) IIOAIII ) . Ujciium.K : ruiiNisuuu JIOUUH AT tun ( Jnpllol , J71'2 Cap. u\u : tratuloiitii ucrommoJattJ. _ _ _ _ _ _ r M it JD j _ flilS VHAX1CIJ.V , rilij , 18TII STltnnT. I'ASt. lly UMUIIIIJhtfu . r jotKuitioiia , DOWN "TOWK " Hli ailcngp. 1--JIH4 icni.v rt' i t < i tmtrp noona ANI > HOARD ; * l ru licut. } > l a. 23th uircrt. -M138 it * HOOMSvrrn . Tlie rou iu.NT-sToni : i A.M ron nnxr-Tiiii sToiiY iiriicK iTtJiinTxo M | f. Pa rnn in iifp | Tlili I'lillrtWiK Imn n fU - tin if ppmi-nt Immmpnt , ( nmplp'c "rt" ) ! ! ! ! li il In * nxtiui' i wntiT nn nil floi'in. Ban , Mp Apply - ply nl thiolllpe * , [ The lift I-91J . .UJI\TS \ > TIII. wiAXT ONI : in-xpunn nKcnm to it'll nock cprilflcntwi rn'iiieil bj Inntl. I.nrce profit * lr > ira-Inrldn | I inl ' ' , . , l.p- Mnrn. In J-121 : * AOI3XTS W.U TBn-M M ANU WO.MHX < l ar WCO tv < " > l5h 1lh our Hbir urtM-r ranlly nn > l i mnnllily In other llnr * J201 Humpies fr"p. Thn c Keelslns htmlm-ns nhmilil nddredi. lih mnnip. Mi-rrlll MfR. ( > > . . \ M ) . IS Cnnnl ntmt , Chlrigo. J 111 1)15 WANTin-rAiiMB TO HNT ix Pornt.AS ind nilloinln ? rntntl B , fo" iho lc t Oermnn and Sn'oillsh trnnnis In th country , flV. . Cnrlock , 120' 1'arnam nt. K-2M-XM * \VAXTIP. : noviin AXI T\VO IIOOM. * . Mem- ITU r"nftil TiP'-R. In prl\ntp fnnillv , n'th ' no otlior lioardei . bv c mmi-rplnl tiiu'ler nnd lfp 1'liHt ln ji refprenie rrnulri-tL AiMi-M I * 3f. HPP otlleo. K-JI2I2 2 : * JsTOIt \ K. n\vnns. 1:11 HAIIXIY. M-4S2 r.vciFir PTomr.n AXPYAiinnorsn co , 9QS-310 JO PS General Hornge nnd fiirttnnlinff. M-4S3 WANTHD TO IH'V. \VANTIP. TO IH-Y. A .liT erow. . frp h. nrt t be cheap , ntite p'lrj. A > MiP ! ' 3' , If * N-li7-2l 2 SncOXP-IlANP I'OOI , TAIll.nH AXP 5 1111- Hard tiiblea ; muft I.P llr t claii. Adlress r . ' 3 , Jltf. X-179 21' \VAXTIP. POO ; Avii.i : , imoici'X SITTIH : or pointer rilve full iliripMon. . riu.tlltlpntlnna and price. Address r i2 , Heo NM2)i ) 21 * WANTni ) , IIOAIIII AND TWO ItnoMS roll Kenllpninn nnil Iidy rml two eh'ldien. within iMay x\nlkln illatnticp to XVeb tei rtrcet del it ; ii'ferente ( ihen. Htatf pilce and l-ttatlnn. Ail- dresi r 37 , llee. K M2i 21 KOIl SAMKL'lt.MTrili : . von SAM * ou TUAun. A C.OOP PAYIXO stock of fumltiirp stoxra and tinware. In one of tln Iii-Ht t.iwrs In lo n. Cull or aildiprts llyron Sweazey , ( Itnntl lutel , Omahn. O-M1SS 2I I-'OIl S.V1.1 * IIOHM'S AM WACO.VS. ron HAM : . ONK C-OAI * WACION. ONI : set double limm-ss clieap , 1112 South 2H li sticot. I * 15S-20' KOIl SAM : MISCni.I.AXKOtl.S. IIAHU WOOD , 4 AND n-l'OOT TOSfi : I'D It cum crll/hlng. O. 11. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q-132 IP YOU WANT TO W'Y Oil SUM , A OOOD Heoiiul liimil lilcjcliRO to Oiniilm llk'ycle Co. , 323 N , ICth Hlroct. Illcj-clcs rppalrcil. Q-M77T-DS ptJKNiTrun ti-nooM not-sn. rt'ii , KIUST- clans bounleis. Inquire nt Dionf > 2l S ICIIi. Q-XI8ID D9 FOIl AMQUANTITV KlNi : OI,1) M'Mllint. cnnslstlnir nf 2\l , 2xi ( , 2K'J fixS ; n' i > nlientlni ? , Hliliilap , w Inflow ? , tloci * , pto. Apnl > at yaul , nth nnd Wel ) > ter. or Ass iclatnl CliurlllPs S07 Ilownia Blieut. Tel. : rIO C--.M112 3T " roil SAM : , A iOT oiTAiiM:3 AND piniv. Ititc ; 1 No. n Kcnilimtiii uppwiltpr anil ile'l ; , 1 Hall's it > ; 3 lipiti-rs ( lianl o.ui ! ) Klniliurit ! No. 22. Ulotcky Uros. Co. , lilt llmnpy st. Q-17T 21 3ii.sci-M < .vxiors. HOOK rtiNDixn. Tim HIT.KLUY i UIXTINC. Co. , 114 and 110 North 13th Htie"t. II 1S > D IS CI.AIIIVOYAXTS. aius. pn. iTVARnr.N , crAinvoY.\xT. nc- llable business medium ; Sth year at 119 N. inth , S 1SI 3IASSAOR , IIATIIS , iCT , MADAME SMITH , N. n. COU. 15TII AND Douglas , room 11 ; massage nnd bath-t. T 118 23 * _ MMi : . HOWKLL. TUUKISH AND r.I.nCTUC baths. Finest parlcm In city. 31S-o20 S. ir.tli. T M743-21 . AMKS , FOIlMnULY OF ST. LOUIS , MAS- t-age baths. 007 S. 13th St. , 2d door , room 10. T M12S 2J _ MADAMD aitACE Lno : iincilnic , MAS- a e ; hath tiarlors healthful and refreshing. 417 South llth , up stalls. T M130 23 < VIA vi co. , 346 unn IILDO. . IIIAI.TII HOOK free : homo treatment ; lady attendant. U JS5 BATHS , MASSAC.n. JIMC. I'OST , 319V4 S. lITIl" U-4S6 _ nxi : r.ivnuY uins cHn\p. ID : AUMI.IY , 17th and St. Mir > 'a avenue. Tclenhone. 410. U 1W rou TYr wuiTnus HAVING THI : reijulsi durability anil npecd. cull on the United ijpewilter & Suppllcj Company , Omaha. U-123 23' .MOXiV TO I.OAX UK VI , KSTATI ANTHONY LOAN AND TIIU8T CO. . 318 N. Y Life. Loans at low latea for choice secuilty In NeUasl.a & Iowa faims or Omaha city property. \V ISS MONIY TO LOAN AT i.o\vn T KATES. THI O. R Davis Co. , 1503 I'amam Ht. \\r 4S3 c 7nu CIXT MONIY TO LOAN ox OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Mfikle. Omnha. \V-I90 MONKY TO LOAX OX IMI'UOVRP OMAHA piopeity. ridcllty Tiust Co. , 1702 Kuril.nil. \V-481 MONDY TO LOAN OX IMI-UOVfiP OMAHA real estate. Uiemiun , Love , v Co. , I'aiJon lilk. \V-4I2 ! CITY LOANS. C. A. STAHR , 513 N. Y. Lll-'n. W 493 s , a. a. WALLACI : , UUOWN ULK. W I'Jl LOANS ON IMrllOVHU & IJNLMI'llOVnp CITY property. W. rurnam Smith Ai Cu. , I3i > l-.unain W 193 MOUTOAGn LOANS ; LOW HATCH. J. L > . kittle , 10th und Douglas , Omuha. W-430 . LOANS , DOUGLAS AND 8AHPY. 1 TO 111 yturu ; low mtus. Claivlu llus. , 21tl N. Y. L. \V-133 six run ci\T MQNIY TO LOAX ON IM- imncd Omuha leal estate , Texas lands to ex- chiitiK" for Improved city propeity. \ \ ' | | | as sume or pay Inciimliranoc. Will not coiuldcr piopuililun under 110,000 , Prefer to deal with owners. 1'usey & Thomas , 1st Nat'l Hank bide * , V M910-P1S aioxnv TO IOAX-CIIATTIIS. MONIIY TO LOAN ON rUHNITUlin , 1'IAXOS Iioraes , uKona , etc. , at loivent r.\t s In clty : no removal of gooda : strictly conlidentlal ; you can iuy HID loan oft at any time or In any * u-nount. OMAHA MOHTOAGn LOAN CO , . 3-JU 8. ICth st. st.X4D7 MUNUV TO LOAN , 30. CO , 80 DAYS ; FUUNI. ture , pianos , etc. pure Orcfn , room J , Hniker block. x 498 jjSi.\iss an VXOKS. rOHTL'Ni : MADE IIY TIinsUXT APVAXCr liialum. . but nowhere no iiulckly us by our plan ut * ucces ful fpuculatlon In Kialn. It is the belt method In use. Our book rxninin. .ucculMlon by mull fully. fSent free. ) llKl bank u'ferenpcs. Act Quickly. Paulson .t Co _ 470malm _ Wds-.jrhlcagp , Ill , _ Y-Mc4.30' ; ! ron BALK-A vi.y\oi STOCK or "iMiadT incut * . } 3 stoelt or coufectloncry. 0i ) butclicr shop ; n pod Iliery buslneau ; Eood opcnlnt- ny of these line , all in u Kood town Also Jiiie Hn Improved nnd iinlmpiaved farmi In Minkourl. Kansas and Nfbinika to eicliaiiBo for cutll or we.terii Iowa iHtidi. Onki & Jarhton , ailver City , la , -8M.DU I'U , SV'l : ° , UOrIitY STOCK IN NO. 1 LOUA. ttiui , ITO. Ucais Inspection , nss N isth Y-Mir.721" UANTID ; TO TAKU i-iin I-I.ACIJ of n\o retiring phyflclnns In a county teat JPWII. No opposition within 12 mll . Should li \i > J3W,00 i-juh or secuilty to buy team cilico outfit , tic. Warner & Muxuin. IJuttr , Neb V-M1M2I' WANTED. JOH I'lUNTINO OKMCE TO IJQ. & ' ' ' ' " -w"wm ' " P. . VlTj.'ScV'0"13w"wm bo. 1611 ! It , KOU SALi : . RMXtON ntlSlNUSS AT SIM Leaieunorth nil net. AdJit * above numtxr. ran UAKU orKK roil M.IOO NOTB. rir. Oinulia IJu * . Col. , UI'i ted rarnani. Z M-J7I I'OII IrilM1I5. . ( II.NICI At , STOrK OK 1WY , rtrVnnt rp l ntnto nnd nnm cai-ti. Ad- llox 111. I'mtiKfoM. Inil. 7. MIB7 2S IMPnoVKP I'AUM IN HOl'THWnST MIS- wnifl to rxrhitnre for mmll i > lnck < f inMfmn- dlw Addrowi I' , c. llltw-'im. ' Pp pV tcr , Mo. 5C-178 ! _ IWITV ix I.AIIOI : TUACT" ? ) ! ' LAND XKAII Omnlm. Whnl Imtc you to offer ? II. 1' . ixillw. ! > ! N. V. Life hlOff. /-MO I SIX-HOOM rOTTAOn. rTx7li7Y ltriLT."c'OHY ; j llttlp linhie , to trn IP fm cleiiracnnt bit. R K. ' l'n'l ' ir bli.rk. . K-.M2IS SI nqriTY IN nxn TiiArKAon i'lim-miTF ; orrtrr of lonn , pnvnl Miwt. nnmll p.ipum- linincc ; to trnilp fr clear imMmrp lot or hoiifp nnd lot. r. K. PnrlliiK. llarkcr bloik. /-M2I4 21 rou SAM : HI : A i , AHSTUACT3-THR IIYIIOX IlKI'D COMPANY. HE-5W i.MPitovnp rAiiMS-o. * . CAJILOCK. 1213 ' J'nrnam ft. IllS14J1 : * ItAUOAlXS. SALi : OU THAPi : IX CITY PIIOP- frtles and fnrms. John N. l-'renzcr , opp. I * . O. un-sii I'AUM LANDS. C. R HARUISON. DI2 N. Y. I , . IUC rM-X31 * DAIirJ.MNfl. HOlfsiifl ] LOTS AND FAHMfl. sale or trade. R 1C. Darling , 1'arker bloi-k. Iin Ml HOMrON : UASY PAYMnXTS. In lots. H. n. Wallace , Urown block. nn-504 ' " AT Iini ) HOCK'l'IUClir LOT 21. 14I.OCK 12. \\est nnd. J. M. MnrBton. lit : MSII-Ht * UAHflAlNS IN AClinS. rAHMS. DWKLL1NOS nnd lots. R D , Wend , 10th nn 1 Douclas H.IPOS Hi : M531-D13 IOWA IIAHOAIN , 4W ACIICS COUN LAND , cheap. AiJdrcsa Lock IJox 4 , Modalc , In. UK MM ! 30 * " Till : UND13USIOXKI ) WlSIin.S TO sr.LL HIS farm Shi-ildmi. f-heildan coun ! . , Ne braska , pontnlnins 120 acics , SO arrfa under culthntlim , of wblih IS ncres Is njw in winter k'r-iln , 20 acres pasturage , 20 aciea bm liml. A peed house , Ftabls for 1C head of stock , uranniy. corn crib. plK nnd uhlcl.en house ntvl n treed \ > p | | 50 fet deep IH on t'ae place. The . \holp will be Fold , If for > * cheap. _ Aildres r SO , Heo onicc. U 15 131-2-1' TUX'AM rAHMSN \ > IMll'IT LANDS. SMALLer or luiKi" traclRi low prices , easy pajimvitK Wo nr prepared to answer questions touching the * " l.inda , nndto arianKe for cheap lallro-td faro for any pern ins wishing to visit soiithern TPMI.S. Com-siioiulenco inllclted. Omaha Heal nstuto nnd Trust Co. , 211 S , 15th street. Iin M207 OAHPIN PLOT or nvK ACIUS rou tino.oi In New .leraey ; pavablo on Installnipnts of $1 00 ilonn and SI DO per ui-ck , Di-llglitftll climate nnd nclKhlmrhood , l/ind hlRh , ilry and hnalthy. cnerpd Mlth v.nod : xol ! specliilly suitable Tot nmall fruit , vecetables and poultry lalsins ; Nepr nillroad nnil eonxenlent to bi t marltiMH Tltli clear. ImniMllati' iio sessbn. Addrt- Illsley'H llstnto Olllce , Slf'S. 10th street , Philadelphia , Pa. UK M2J1 21 \viNTi-nun. WANTKD HOHSKfl TO WINTBH : 15EST OK care ; teims reasombi ! > A. W. PliellM & Sou j07 ! N. Y. Life bid , : . Telephone. 1031. 32S-N23' " " noiisns wiNTnunD : iTnsT""oF cAiin AND attention ; b"st stables In the country , box stall * ; mi sheds. Omaha Fair nnd Sp-'cd ns n- clnllon , I5eo. M. Swlgart , supt. ; telephrne 1121. M411-X2H _ _ _ nousns wiNTnunD : uns-r or CAHI : ( 'Ui'n hirse . bo hlnler and summer. Ad- drc's M. J Welr'i , ietna. Neb M3CO-3) ) _ oissn.s wiNTUiinp ; C.OOD SIIIDS : ANP plenty of watct ; lies' of caiu. 51.30 pi-r inontli Inquire W , r. Sn > der , D9th nnd Lenvenworlh. 33S-2J' JIAXTICl.S , ( ill.VTKS AM ) T1MJS. WOOD MANTIILS. C.UATnS , TILI33 FOI ! tluiilaces.esllbuts ! and Iaric floors , write fm pi Ices. Mlltnn Uo era & Sonn , Omntii. 30" PILIS cuiiED , nY A sixGLn PAIXLIJSS tiontment ; no cutting ; no tyltiR : no clamp ; no caustics. Hectnl dlspa es a specialty. Huston Pile Cure Co. , 307 New York Life bulldlnt' . - MUSIC , AUT AXI ) onoiian r. oiiinxuicic , IIAXJO AND guitar teaebpr. 1815 Chlengo street 10D HMI'I.OYMIi.Vr FOH riHST CLASS Iini.V , HOTELS AND I'HI- vale families ; call Canadian Olllce , 1522 Pouring C41-P2 Ulill.KlXR AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. SHAHEri IN MUTUAL L. ' & , II. ASS'N PAY G , 7 , S per cent v. hsu 1 , 2 , 3 years old , nh\nj > , ledecmable. 1704 Kaimin st. Nattlnger , Sec. 509 now TO airr A HOME oit sncuun GOOD Interest ou favlngs. Apidy to Omaha L , & n. AHS'II. 1704 llee Llldff. G. Jt. Nottlnger , Sec. G10 PAWNIIUOICISUK. II. MAHOW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N , 1C ST 521 SIIOUTIIAM ) AXIJ TVPISWIUTINCI. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. C13 N. Y. Lim. Ms OMAHA I1USINESS COLLEGE , 15TH , FAIINAM S07 AETNA HOUSE ( EUHOPEAN ) , 71.V. . COU. 13th and Podge. Hpoms by flny or ueek. nil TIIE LiANOi : HOTEL. C02 H.IjTH STHEET. steam heat ; tnblo board , (3.00 per ueek. M-.113 LOWEST HATES TO OH FROM EUROPE , western nci-ncy Thomas Cuok & Son excursions. Hairy E. Moorea , 1415 Karnutn street , Omaha. M 930-D13 HUSIXISSS XOTICRS. DAMAGED MIHUOHS UnSILA'EHEP , 710 N. 10. CIO L'MiilTAKiilS ' AXI ) H. K. IIURKET. KUNEHAI. DIHECTOH AND embalmer. 101B ciilcnKJ St. , telephone 90. 517 SWANSON & vTLIENri70l"cUMING , TEL. IOC ) . CIS M. O. MAUL , UNDEUTAKEH AND KM. balmer , 1417 l-'arnam st , , telephone 225 , 519 HAY AXI ) RIIAIN. IIUY YOUH HAY rtY TON OH CAH LOTS. WE buy buy. A. II. Snyilcr , 1515 Hurt at. Tel. 1107 , C22 COAI , . USK SHERIDAN COAI TIIE ItEST SOFT coal , Peiui. hard coal price Kuaiumeed. Victor White. Tel. 127. 1C05 rarnani. 615 roil IlITUMINOI'S COAL , OAH LOADS , 1OR dnmntlo or mpani purposes , addieo Uxcclalor Coal Mlnlne Co. , Du Quoin , 111. M1C9 D18 > LOST. STRAYED ONE SORREL IIOIIBK , SHORT tall ; weight nbout 1,050 11)3. Information oa to Me whercatiouts will be Krnlefully iccclved , John I. Hcdick , loll'/j ' rarnani st. I.oit 83T-23 LOST. A YOUNG HUSH SETTER POO. HE- turn to 1319 Harney ; suitable rcwurd. rcwurd.Lost Lost ISI-W LOST , SMALL 8ILVEH SWISS WATCJI WITH trolil fob chain. Heturn to 013 Davenport sum and Bet reward , Ixut 18J-20 * THIS ATM I3XT. RUBS VAN VOLKENUURGH DESTROYS PER- minently by electricity supertluous hulri. moles , warn , elo. { loom 410 , N , Y , Llfo llldir , D1C * NEW CIiASS FOHMINU AT MOHANU'H SviSb s6" Jfelneyhau A4UIt' > Turtdiy an3 JVlday. p. rn. : children , , Tueeday. 4:15 : p. m , Snturilay. 10 a. m. ind it p. m. Call for terms ! Aluays open ; prlvaU loions. S63-PJ5 DEKT1HT3. OR. PAUL , DENTIST , H20 BURT BT. ( II A TONIC DINNER DISH \Vltnl A\ > in ; ( U IK-II W > lint iA - - iiH ( or Illiiiicr. ITS ni-'rm-Ts oTHI : ICIDM'.VH. Mck ICIilnriM , it nil Him ( o Cure ' 1'ln-in \Vllli .SnurimiiH ICIiltn-v I'lIIs K HIM : v.-Milt vi : Tnoriuis. Nn-rnllril Nri i-/rr * < ml > l < - - < CIHI-.IMI li > -Sick Killings nnil tJiillltcrril Illimil. Till- : SICK AMVii : < li 01IT. . A wilt < Ii' l. tit our food tind drink ! : < iiHMllclniil. ii/tl wo don't lumv It. Hi ? ull'oL-ta juv ( looil. soiiit'- thin" * bail. o ' Aspm-iiKus IH ro'iilly a ( INli of nuMll- I'lllO. , l | It Is ph'sisaivt ciKiiiKli. Tlit > most iiKVilorn ini'tllcliu' Is. lint tlio ciTtR-ts nrc not vi-ry slroii1 * ; tin- way wo oat It. Tito n-al Is In tlio rotil. anil wo tlon't oat that. Tlio root if tispaniKtis euros Ulilnoy tronlili's nnil blonil tnniblos. Tlic two tire nlllod. In fnot. inio cansos tlio ntlii-r. Kltlnoy tninlilo. ciumo bliioil troubles. lllnwl tronlilfs canso Ulilnoy troiiblos. This may si i > in pconllav. lint It's tnii' . To osplalnVoll : klilnoys nro Illtors. ridiij-i'il hltlnoys niv not. Clo j-od klil- I'oys i-auso lilnoil tronblos btrausi * tlioy don't illti-i * tin. bluoil , ami unllltorotl blood Is polsoiions. On tlio ntlior liaiul , iiolsonons blood poisons tlio 1-lihioys. The fact tliat tlio kidneys atv clojrjrcd inakos llioin all tlio mori' si'iislllvo to tln > unison. Yon not r.n-jiifs disi-ase. tnaDoti'S , otc. 'nu > unllllorod blood lias caused It. Thi' M'ay to Ri t well from nil tills tronblo Is to euro tinkidneys. . They \vill I lien Illtor your blood. Pure. iiourlsliliiK. stron-jtlienlii - } : blood Is a Kiianinlee ol' health. Hutrhow to cnre the kidneys , to unil-i" tlieni ] ierfoctly well and strong , to rt'K- tdate thoni. tone thi-in up and clear up their clir-'iness ( ? The antnver is : Do it with aspara- UB. Do it with Dr. Ilobb's Sparauiis Kidney I'llls. K'dncy ' li'oitbli" * are Hriuht's disease , diabetes. nopliiltK slet'plossness. bae- ! ; acln > , sldeat-he , ' nervonsness , evil I'ore- Imdinp1. swelliiif : of the feet and tinkles. Hlood troubles are rheumatism.lout , em-alula , antiemla , pale and sallow complexion , chlorosis , depression of 'uiiits. los < of ainlltion. diw-iness. Dr. Hobb's Sparajins Kitlney Tills ci > re all these ills and disorders , easily , 'cnlly. iierfoctly. They act on tlio kidneys. They cure the kidneys. AVhatoYer disorders d Klilni'.vs canst ! Dr. Ilnhb's Spar- Kidney Tills will cure. Tint lliat'.s all. They can't do impossibili ties. If your sickness Is due to your kid neys be sure tltal Dr. Hobb's Sparapns Kldnoy Tills will make you well. If not. not. Many diseases not sonoraliy under stood are now known to bi > caused by imliltorod bood , that is , sick kidneys. Not all nervous" disorders , but many of them , aiv rail , * ; the result of unlil- t orert blood. TK ) Ilobb's .Spiir.-ifrns Kldnoy L'ills.l . euro tlientr * rnllltored lloo"d ! poutalns as its chief impurity uric acid. Tills IS a strong nerve irritant. J. It causes head/idle ' , neuralgia , dl/.y.l- ness , liysteria , a'tri'Ul. rheumatism a lonjr train of nervous disorders. As soon as tho3blood is pure the irri tation will pass-Mho disorder will lie cured. Dr. ffloub's Spara-iis Kidney Tills will do It by ciirln the kidneys. Koiuotliin * ; ( jhite as important as med icine is liy-'lojio. Care of your health. Tlu science oflio v to live and eat. Dr. Hobb'SiJ .HuaraKiis Kidney Tills will cure youl * His , but If I hey come back file bliiiiij. liinst be laid on yon. .t..f..i- Kor If . - . . yon , , avofjc. . worry and eat and - . . . . . . . . , .l. . . JW II' .MU III I IIC lilWS Ol healtli tliero i liollilnjr under the sun that will keep you in perfect health. You can make your kidneys well witli Dr. Ilobb's Sparaciis Kidney Tills , and with them perhaps one-third of the dis eases which you have boon lauKht to think incurable. Yon can keep them well by taking a little care of yoursc'lf. Dr , Ilobb's Span-ns Kidney Tills are for sale by all ( Irii 'ists , or will be mailed prepaid to any adress for . " 0 cents a box , A free book : "A Kilt or for Your Blond. " illustrated , telliiif , ' all about the kidneys , mailed on reijuest. Ilobb's Co. , Clilca-0 or San Krancisco. AS CUSTOMARY HOBB SPARAGUS PILLS will lie sold ill Omulm by tlio Sherman & Momicll Dru { Co , 1531 Dodge Btrcet. BCCOIII ] door west of P. O. OPFJCICONSTIlUCflNG QUAHTUIl- inuBter.-Oini-liii. NoU. . Novemlier 18 1893- - Sealeil pronosHlH , In trlp'.lcuto ' sul Icrt tn ti.n conc/ltlona / UBunl ; will lie recu'lvcJ hro " ntu 12 m. . cea ral stnntlaril llmu w"rinosVl"y , November 27. 1S95. tit wlilcli t/me / nml liliico tlioj- will bo oponcil In the presence of b S ( If-iH , for construptlng wnllcg at Fort Crook N.b ; , Government reserves rojcot or accept any or all uny pun incicoi. j-ians anil BncclflL-ntlnim can be Been , and nil liiformntlofi oWaln on application hero. Knvoloiwi ron/nini / propomtlH should bo iimrkcd Proposals wnlkH. " nnd addrpsaed to ciIAiii T" fo . ' HUSIWinKV. Major and Qr. Mr M N10-20-21-23 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Is hereby Blven that tlio partner ship heretofore oxittiiiK between J.eonhard KlrKclit und Kmll Purr , under Urn linn immo of Kli-Hoht and Durr , In wholesale carry if on n llnuor luslnc-s at Oimilm lias been dlnsolvi'il , Nub. , by i/niliiul consent. Halil Klrsclit will continue ( bo business and nafiimcs tlic debtH and will collect all ac- countH duo the 11 nn J.ICONHAIID KIRSCIIT , KMII. . UUltlt. Omnlm , Nov. SO , 1S33. A KI ( > IJof Mnio. MiirvlK'Nl. A pretty little story IB told ot Mme. Mar- chesl , tlio famous operatic teaclier of Paris , In connection with Mine. Nevada. When tliat then unknown , untrained singer went to Europe she did iiot have much money , and by th9 time she reached Paris her purse wan nearly empty. She told madame of her condition , and madame very kindly replied ; "I bslleve you , and what's more , I believe you have a voice. I can see the vocalist In your eyes , You are now too tired to sing to me. You want a home. A pupil of mine has JustMeft a family with which she stayed for two years. You can replace f , ' , You.w' ' "ve a beautiful room and AMU bo cll cawdjifor. When you ore rested we shall begin our studies. " Her'ambitious ' pupil remained for two and a half yearn In thin Improvised home. Mme. Marchesi had theatrical Influence , vhlch when her California charge was fit to leave her. she exerted In her behalf. Th new star made her debut unfler Colonel Mapleson at HU 1Iai ° ,8t > r 8 b H r , In London , in April. 1SSO. The op ra was "La fiomnainbule. which has alffava bpen a ftvorltb with her. Mine , Nevadanitno before she went on th laEwas nwna Wlxon. She was born In Nevada Cltr , CV an-1 , Melba-Ilke , a pt d the came of her blrtbplaci. IVIIL WORK POORLY IN 01IAIL\ \ Now Oity Treasurer Ordlnanco Full of Defects. WHY IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEFEATED M'iiNxril | l.i-nctli ! ) > tlr. Uitinoiit Who Armies Hint tlio Prrnriit . * - ; ( l-lll N Ili-ttcr UN Olijfi-tloni. Some surprise has been expressed on ac count of the actlun of Mayor llemls In vetoing the ordinance fiovernliiR the olllcss of tlio city treasurer and city comptroller , which WHR mcdelcd after an ordinance \\hlch h ? had lilmscir recammrnileit at the bt' liiMln cf his first term. In explain Ing his action ye&terdfly the nuyor rnn-irkoit that It was trtt ? tint the ordinance aB In one Ens hhi own child. but U had bn RO badly maiislcd that IIP failed to recosn.ze It. Neither h1 nor City Treasurer Dunicnt had been consutleil when tlio ordinance was diaftMl. and the ! ! rt ho saw of It was when It was pros.tiled to him for his approvil. Sines then u great deal of additional Information had b > ? n obtained which Imlicitsd thut the system proposed In the ordinal.ce would not be prart'cable ' In Oniali.i. 'Ill R WMi > the opinion of Mr. IJiuncnt ar.d nf h.tlf a ( loz n ol the leaiis ! : ; bankers of the city wh'ao ntlvlce had ben obijlned. In the Ilrst pittc- , the rondltlons were so radically different between Omaha and Cleve land that tit5 sysl'in that was nn iindoubt ? , ! uccess In Cleveland would nut work lure. In Ohio It was n panal oiTens" to draw s warrant wh'n there wire r.a funds to pay It. and as there wu < always a balance in evcty fund , tit : duplicate check system was practical. Hut In Omaha , whre thare wore GUtBtamlln * ; warrants amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars , It was evident that tlio same systuii would have to be modified to nii-3t th ? iHffm-nc ? In the situation. The rasasR : of the cnllnanco would ba a practl- . "I repudiation of nil ilia warrants which are now outstanding , as the treasurer could not pay mem unless th y were accompan.ed by the duplicate ch ck. He bad vetoed the ordinance In crdor that n conference mlf-Iit oo held and tlio ordinance to amended as to provide for this and other difficulties which had not been sugg'stfd until recently. It would Involve an expanse of at least $500 to have the neccs ury boolts and blanks printed to carry out the provisions of the ordinance , and ho belUv.d thut this should not bo , done ' until aftar Ih ? ordinance had ien um'cnded to that the blanks coulrl be utilized after they wjre purchased. Mil. IU.\10NT'S OH.IECT1ONS. The-fsnt's of the ordinance as It passed the tnmctl are given a moro detailed presenta tion In tl-3 foilowln : ; opinion , which was jivei ; : to ilaycr lmls ) by City Trcabiircr Oitmont : "In answer to your Inquiry with rci-pecl : o the ordlmrc ; leccntly pa < o0d by tlio hon- : rablo city council , 'prescrllnnH certain du- . 'es of the city treasurer and comptroller , ami Kiil.'itinK the depositing nnd withdrawal of jiibilc funds , ' I have th ? honor to submit ihe following for your consideration : "I3y kcction 1 of sa'd ' ord na.iee It Is nude 'lie duty of th ; city treMirer , 'bfore tlie ; k'sp ' ot each day when his olTice- shall be ) pen for the payment of taxoj or receiving : = veimes , to deposit in the bank or hanKs huvlni * : contracts with sild city for ths dt- or funds of the city all public noneyo or revenues received by him , his deputies or assistants , during such day prior to the hour of 12 o'clock , noon , together with mon-ys 10 received subsniiient to such notir on any previous day , etc. ' "To carry out this plan , literally , would require the clositu ; and DalancltiK of the ash nt noon each day ( In the midst of the lay's business ) , Instead of nt the end of the iliy , as Is now done. The inconvenience f such nn arrangement Is apparent. "The pre nt method Is that adopted by all arge mercantile housas , viz. : The checlr- is they arc received during the. day , after baing properly crellted arc entered in deUil in the cash book for deposit. After the los-c of the ' business iHy'ji if there Is a stir- plus ot coin or currency over and above the . mount needed for change anil each small nymcnts as are made In cash Instinct ot by 3lieck , the surplus cash la added to the de posit. As the banks are then closed the de posit Is put In the safe under time lock tntll the next morning. By the tlmo the banks arc opened , the head bookkeeper bus checked and verified the cabh , Inchidlnr the Ippo ts , and the deposit IM then EI-IU to bank , between 10 and 10:30 : u. m. , in time ! or the "clearings. " which are made promptly at 11 a. m. each day. When the day's " ceipts arc large- prior to Ihe hour ai which the banks close , nn extra deposit Is maclo for the purposeof increasing tha Intereit re ceived and to avoid carrying largj sums over night. PltnSBXT SYSTEM HKTTEIl. "I believe tlio present system Is much bet ter than the one- proposed nnd If It is deomnd advisable to prescribe by ordinance details of this nature , 1 would respectful.v recommend chat the ordinance be changed ncsordlngly. Uoferrlng to the last rait of said sec Ion , whlcii makes the trc.uurer's bank books subject to the examination of the comptroller and finance committee , I would respectfully cull attention to parogiaph of section 119 o1 the city charter , which provides that the troah- urer shall keep all funds of the city sjp.trat ? and dlstiiint from the fimdn of the Hoard of Education , and also to t > e tion 13 of jlmjitor 79 of the revised statutes , which requires the treasurer to make a monthly report to the Hoard of Education showing the state of Its finances. In view of the fact that the city treasurer Is custodian of the school moneys and of the further fact that the school fund hap , In the past , been deprived of a lair.c amount of interest jiiftly duo It , the ndl- : nanco should provide that all books of de posit and check books relating la the bc'iool ' fund should bo tuibjcct to the Inspection and examination of the secretary and the IInance committee of the Doard of Education. The school moneys are deposited bcparulely and Ecpatate check books are kept , and the fore going can bo done without Inconvenience und without interfering with matters pertaining exclusively to the city , "Referring to section 2 I respectfully iall attention to section ' , i'J of the city charter , which clearly prohibits the city treibtirer from using the fundu of the city , directly or Indirectly , for the mo or benefit of hlriiMt or any other person or corporation , and pro- HUU3 iiui-iiuuio penalties lor us violation. The fact that thin provision of law 1ms been violated openly ami with Impunity does not make It necesKiry to oimct an ordinance pre scribing the same restriction and pcnaltloa now contained In the city charter. DUPLICATE WAKIUNT PLAN. "Ueferrlng to section 3. This section Is evi dently intended to minimize the opportuni ties for theft if the- treasurer Is Inclined to be dishonest. Analyzing It , we find tlm plan proposed provides that warrants are to bo issued In duplicate and the duplicates at tached to the treasurer's checks. All city depositories are to bo prohibited from paying any check unless a duplicate warrant Is at tached thereto. Checks are to bo numbered to correspond with warrants , If there Is any merit In this provision'It lies In the fact that the banks can "keep tab" on the treasurer and the treasurer cannot , without fraud , draw cash from the bank and steal It. To some extent It would afford protection , and If It did not Involve great Inconvenience to the public and a largo amount of extra labor and consequently additional expense to the tax payers , It might bo well to Introduce this method. It Is stated that this system Is In use In Cleveland , O. , and I am Informed tliat tills section wag copied largely from an ordinance In force there , I find In the report of the mayor of that city for 1S92 that at tlie close of that year there was a cash balance In every fund of the city. This means that all warrants were paid In cash , A system , such as Is proposed , would work under such con ditions , but the situation hero Is entirely different. Here warrants aggregating hun dreds of thousands of dollars are outstanding drawing Interest , some of them having been out tor moro than five years , It la proposed , when It U necessary to pay one of these old warrants , that 'a duplicate warrant shall be made out and signed as herein required , with check attached thereto , and shall be deliv ered by the comptroller to the treanurer as hU authority for making payment of came by check as herein provided , ' Ii the city to bo put to the expense of having duplicate ! ox all ( hue old outstanding warrants printed , , numbered , etc. ? Irr-ir can those lieued by official * lone since out c' office ( and In lorn * tkadj le duplicated f I tie coinn- trollcr to Itnvp clmrgp of the check lwk < of the trc.isurer ? If not , bow Is he to Mellvfr tn the trensuror tlupllmto warrants with check * tttlBolied ? ' AS TO m-oisTi-uii : ) WAI-HANTS. "IleKlMred wiirrann , an n rule , prti\ll.ite Into tlio hands of a few buyers and It hi sel dom that n ulnplo warrant Is presented for piymcnt. I'sunlly they come In In large blocks. I'nder the proposed system a ti'psr- ati < check inu t b gl\en for each warrant. In such cises lit ? holder would be compelled to wait until , say , twenty-five or moro clrcks were made out and signed. A warrant forever over $33.000 was presented recently for which I bad to ISI-.IP live chocks. To which one of the five checks should I ha\p nttachevl tlio duplicate warrant ? In ano'bor case ovtr $70.000 was pild to one corporation at one time , In a slmlhr manner. ' L'nJer th ? proposed tyslem how can nuney be ttansfcrrcd from one city depository tit another when Occasion r'qiilres ? How the schrttl money , which come * In largely mixed with city mtiney , be transferred to the credit ot the school district In the school fund bank accounts ? "Section 3 alto provides th t 'no city war rant or treasurer's el.'ck shall be drawn or signed oxc pi In purstinnoo of an appropria tion by ordinance or concurrent resolution. ' ns the law now proUdcs that no war.ant can bo drawn except as stateii , u this ordinance become * n law It would lie proper to conclude that iiulhorlty by ordi nance cr concurrent resolu'lon must bo glvon befora a check can be drawn to pay a war- ran' . I cannot believe that such was the In tention. " 1h ° list provision of Ihli section Is ob- J5cllitiable , be-causp the remittances to Xew York to pay bonds and coupons maturing arc always mide two or thre ? days b-fore the cios" of the month , while the regu lar appropriation oullnance In pastu-d two or three weeks earlier. U would bs Iniposslbl ? to tell that early In the month what banker or banks to draw warrant * on for the funds. In frtct. In many cases , funds are not avail able until laf In the month. There nre goad business reasons , also , why dralts should alwjyy be made payable to the order of the purchaser , and lhn endorsed payable to the order of tlir- party ti > whom the money Is due. XUMIIEIU.VO OK CHECK ? . "To number each check to correspond with tbo warrant for which it Is Issued would nfl'ord no additional protection , answer no useful purpose , cans' n large waMu of time , and lend to confusion. Iles.des there ara just as uood reasons whv tbt < bnnlc nhnplcn bo numbered consecutively and all blanks ac counted for as that warrants and tax receipts r-hotild b ? . I believe It would be a mlctnko to change the present practice. It would necessitate the numbering of each check by hand IIH It Is Issued "HofErring to section , I am of ths > opin ion that it would require nbout as much time to tr.kc uepiratc tecclpts from each of the hundreds of persons to whom small nmuunts will be payable ns to make checks for them , nnd if there is any. Karen for at taching duplicate warrant * ? to large checks the same reason applies to small ones ns well. The proposal to permit the comptroller to group tiles ? small uniiiuntt and have warrant ! , for all sums under J50 made In favor of the trejburor would open the door for fraud which It would bo difficult to detect. Hun dreds of men are employed on tlie street force , as teslstrara and clerks ot election , ard In other capacities , many of whom could rot be Identified after .1 lapse of a short time. "Ueferrlng to section fi , I would respect fully call your attention to si'ctionn ! )7 ) und 9S of Ihs city charter. Every duty of the city treasurer prescribed In section D of this , ordinance Is included , with other require ments. In .said sections , of the charter. It has always boon the custom to keep n cash book , make reports to the- comptroller , etc. , as Is tlieiein rcnulrcd. If It In lnipmi i tn prescribe what books the treasurer shall keep the provision should Include ull the necessary books. Instead of mentioning one only. The lust clause ot bectlon G , which directs the comptroller to count the cash and verify the bank balances monthly. Is proper , but It should provide not only for counting the cash at tlie close of the month's business , but at least twice during each nlonth , and that tlf- comptroller should b ? prohibited from notifying the treasurer In advance of the clays on which he would make his examination and from adopting any uni form days or stated periods for such pur pose. Tbla provision. In my opinion , Is the only one of value In the whole ordinance which Is not covered by existing laws. If broadened , as suggested , and properly en forced , it would afford ample protection. If not thought adequate , It might be pro vided that the mayor , iir some other official , should witness the counting of tli3 cash. "The comptroller fhould be required to re port to the city council at least once each month just what the cash consists of , noting particularly any rherks held over or receipts carried as cash. If such a system had been In force the late defalcation would havs been discovered before It assumed any considera ble size , and probably would bnve been pre vented altogether. Olson' * Monthly Stall-incut. The following is the comptroller's state ment of the condition of the vailous city funds on November IS : Tutal Ami. Avall- nMp ; 'asli rcsoic ' 91 lull , anil ! ' ) ] i" cent of KTt li-v. . nni-p .M-JII-III ; limn " ; --M m ' - . - l'lri . > Ill L'iH < U 10C I T" r.illfc SI.7SlfS ' 8.J5G 4V c'uili , Kiitti-iln nnd clp.mlnff 1T.KM 5.1 I'.Tfi'i > i Kuvr iiiiilnliilnliii ; 10 S2"i 00 J.CTI K I.llin-.rv ' JJ'HI7 ! ( -,01121 JuilKinrut Jl.SSS la ' .O'i.l 30 IMrk 57.50771 2 CCP 31 I'.uk licn.1 1.3il : OS lloilltll r.lj ! | Cl 31 12 iVnii'i mil Iiai7i9 ( : ) ,3S'70 ' MclltlllK 5'i.TfM OS 0779) I'liimlwrn * niiilntiilnlns' 2 : : . ' > ! S.S37 T ) I'nllre G Kill 30MM 3 < i City hull K.rgMli CC1I XO Don 2,11773 r.7."i CO Klrctrlcnl 21)01 ) IV ) 00 llmiil 10'U 73 0,152 rx ) ( AMilliililr nml lint ccitl- ll-ul In , r > . ' . :7,10J rnvlnir l mil 2J.1SD 5S KM & t.V\nlilju ! : | 1111,1 nut curtl- llo.l tn. ( S.'Jl.iOiii O.'ivtl.u ' tower IS.Si" SO 8,33731 Total . . . .r.'C.ltJ 01 $ I2SM : so MH. iujruws < ; ii.vrs. An Iiu-lilvnt < if Trmcl nnil Ilmv lit- I1'pi n I nil HH | . \i-lloii , Jlr. Chauncey .M , Depew left New York the other evening for lluffttlo , feiiys the Now Vork Tribune. Just as ho was paxslng through the gate one of the station employes raid : " .Mr. Depew , there Is a touching case here. There ate two women who have just come In from the we > t. They have Just money enough left to buy tickets for themselves to Rochester , where their friends live , but each children go without paying , under the Miles , and the women neem thoroughly miserable , and have had nothing to eat all day. They don't know where to go , and If they are ' 'lorced to leave the depot they will probably have to walk the streets all night. " Mr. IJepow turned back , nnd In a moment saw that It was a worthy case. The women were Hebrews , and their story , us told to the trainman , they repeated to Mr , Dt-ncw. Ho bald cheerily : "All right. Come along as tny guests. " Accordingly the little troop clattered along after him nnd piled Into the train. Their eyes beamed , and they seemed to be llftrd at once from the very "tlough of despond" to hysterical exhilaration , they were so glad to be going to their relatives. When Jlr. De\\a\\ \ \ went back Into lila private car be found un appetizing supper waiting for him , and ho thought of the hungry children In the front car. He surprised his colored cook and waiter by ordering the one to prepare a sub stantial meal for eight from Ilia block of pro visions , and the other to take It forward and glvo It to the two women and their chlldrt-n In the front cart. This was done and Mr. Depow caw no more of his guegiH. They got off at Hochester. When some one commented upon It , ho said , with a short laugh ; "It was o fcellUh move on my part , A fel low always sleeps better after he thinks he has helped some one out of difficulty. " A I'revcnllvr Mi-illi-lnt- , Combining antUeptlc with deodorant prop- ertles , and possessing an agreeable , aromatic odor Allen's Ilygienlo Fluid maktm a most ac ceptable dentifrice or gargle ; It eweetena and purifies the breath and teeth , Initantly re moving all odor of tobacco or liquor. It's use prevents tlie Inception of all contagious I'lildt niUNH C'ouililiiu lii Ni-mlou , PITTSBUItO , Nov. 20.T1plate glass combine , known an thu I'Jtlsbura 1'lata Glass company , In In m-tiilon here , Trade wu reported good. The demand Is heavy and all the fuctorleu In the combine but ouo ur lii full operation. Tliero U very I'ttla friars belli ? Imported at present , and th outlook 1 * not si : nrii.r 1011 .s A \ cnVnrl < ln < < lllnir I'lvr Krrt \\lilt nnil l-'oitr Slorli-M lll li. Five feet wldo and four stories hlgli an Hip ( llmniMniifi of the queerest liniuc < In th.i city , says the New York rresj. u is in Kevlnglon atcnui4 , at nighty-sec-ond rlr i > < Tlio.'o who llvp. In that nrlRliborhond have grown accustomed to the odd-looking build ing , which Is as long as an ordinary nrort- tnciit bouse on the Lexington nvemio tide. and thin ns a panrake In Klghly wrom' ' strojt. Hut the str.iy iiwlestrlnn ( tn | ) to look at It In aitonlfhmsnt. Then , nlnn rliancPs to one , a resident of that iv-lghbor- hood Mop , too , saying : "hooking tit that Ike-foot house , are you ? Well , tlta''s Hi * 'sp.te' houw. That's the name the workmen invp It when they built It , an' It's dung to It ever since. Spile , you know , wa thu reason it wn < t built. " One old wnmnn saul with a chuckle : "Tbo owner put It up to spite th ? man wlio built those lint limits SpolU the light on this side , you know Hut I guess 'he cut off bis nose to sp'to ' his face , ' for he IMF had to live In It , 'c-iuee he couldn't rent II. They say 5011 lmvi > to climb over the footboard to go to bed. and ! > sit down befon < vnu run mil tin n li-nr nf 11. . . table. " However that may be , the IIOIIPJ nttrnc'i mticli attfittloti. and vcrlous gups'es nre iiiadi * as to how any one can mannijo to k. ep b usii there. One woman was seen walking boldly up to tlio door and measuring It with hrr ' Imsljaml'y cjtic. "I told you H wat Impns- slble to get an ordinary sized table In tli-ro , " she exclaimed with nn air of satisfaction. "And aa for n pluno that's Imimslblo " Th * house has stood tin reflnce 1SS2 , yet few pcr- t'ons have seen the Inside of It. Hut whi-n once \oii arc fortunate enough to gain an cn- trance It Is found to bo much more com fortable thnn It looks. Tlio dwelling If In tended for two families anil has two ontr.iiiir < "i side by side. Although thn house looks loss than fho foot wide at the end ? , nlong the si lo It conuv * out like n bay window In thr j. plntTs. so that the p.irlorx and halls .ire roomier than might bo expected. The stairs , to bo sure , tire strep Mid built similarly to tho-t > in a steamship cabin. What the b drowns lack In width they make up In length , anil , In fact , arc llttla more Inconvenient than many a hall room in which bachelor women make their "dens. " The kitchen is In the basement , and Is lighted by queer little round windows , which mind nun nf llm i nriln- i. . i.i. . re A case of "will and won't" Is to blame for the building ef the "spite" house.Vien Park avenue wits wlder ; il at the tlmo when the Now York Central railroad made Its ttin- ni'h' . a five-foot strip of land was left on the west side of Lexington avenue. It was the I ropcrty of Joseph Illchardson. When I'hlllp McQuacle b"gan the _ ertction of two hand some apartment lioun-3 Just beyond this odd i-irlj ) of land. Itlchardsotr thought It wax a good opportunity to n-nkc - , hu mom-y so r.iln.-.l the price beyond what McQiiade was willing to pay. They haggl'd ever It. and neither would give In McQuiule thought KIctmrilsoii could not make any UFO of the land , so ho began the f mi ml nil on of the fiat t houses. Hfchardson commenced to build nt thn same. time. Day by day the structures rose , one of brown stone , the other of common red brick. There was a lawsuit , it Is mid , but Itlchard- son could not be restrained from putting up surh a house If he chose. At that tlmo that part of New York was not thickly built up , and all Yorkvllle atmirtd Itnelf by coming down to ' the " " i'ee "snito" house , as It was dubbed , The two houses stand there today , a homely monument to man's , obstinacy. U Is doubtful If the "spite" house decreased the value of the apartment houses , for they today command a jood rent , ami tlm ( Into nr. , tarely vacant. The " " . "spile" house , on the other hand , has not been a favorite with tenant- * , and 1ms stood unoccupied or closed most of the time , while the taxca have boon rather high. It has two families In It now. One Is that of ( he builder and owner , and conp'sto of himself and wife and his wife's sitter. The narrow windows of the house aie closed with heavy white rhnttors and n wire grating Is placed In front of the door. Joseph mchardpon , who planned and built tlily nn now IIOUHO to injure , It Is alleged , the property of another man , Is described as being rlc'i and eccentric. "He's old , loo. My , I guess he's 100 , anyway , " Mild u worthy householder In that neighborhood. * -Hi. Ili-ltiilii'n Coluiiililii Crnh iiiul ( lie Olil AliiHUim lloiiinliii'.v. Great Hritaln manifests n disposition to move the boundary between Alaska and liritlclt Columbia to the westward , for tha purpose of taking in the newly discovered gold teglon In Alaska , -sny.s the Cincinnati I'nqulrur. To accomplish this It will only bo neceyaary for her to satisfy the United States. ' government that the northwuitern coast of this continent docs not refer to the conti nental coast at nil , hut to the wostetn coast of the Islands adjar nt to the continent ; nn-1 further , to show that the I'ortl.unl channel Is not ths Portland channel at all , but that another channel to the wcstwaul Is the Port land channel. In lS2."i n treaty way nude between Or < "it lliltdlii and KtiKsIu In which the huiimlury line of Itiibslii was arranged and estab 4- lished lo the satisfaction of these two na tions. This wan In dlsngard of thu IrlflliK , ' fact that ( ireat Hritaln at Hint tlinil.ild no claim herself to the exclusive right tea a single foot of territory wet-t of the Itocky mountains. This fac-t was stated by Mcssm lIiiKkidson and Addlscn as late as 1S27 , In thi'lr ' negotiations with this government coiicoiDitif ; the northwestern boundary ques tion. In 1807 IltiHbla ceded all her possessions In North America to the United Stali.s , and , in describing the territory so conveyed , the description of the line of donuirliutlou between the anil Urltlsli pn.'ii > t.HU ) > ii ! was milled from tlie treaty between Russia and Gre.\t \ IJrlluln. U follows that wlntevcr Orrat Uiltaln ac- kr-owledged In 1S25 as belonging to ItiU' U "lie cannot now escap ? froni ackiiowlcdKliif ; as belonging to the United Slates. Tniit boundary consisted of tlio I'ortland i-iiunni-l to Hid fifty-sixth degree oC north latitude , and thence "following HID summit of tin * inoiintaln-i to the one hundred and forly- flrf't meridian of went loiiKllu'lo ' , nml thence north to the Arctlroet'Jii. . Hut It w.ia provided that wbencvur tin * nionntnin Miinnilt shall bu moro than ten marine Ic.igiivs fr.u : the ccabt then there shall be nilxlltuled a the boundary line "a line parallel to tha winding of the const ini'1 ' wlilcli slnill never f\ceed the dlstsnco of ten marltic leagues therefrom. " l-'or twenty-seven years this boundary , llxrii by treaty , has been fully recognlred by fJrent Hritaln. Her maps and tlio..o nf tbu Unltod Slates have hewn the same bound-Try - lino. Shrultaneoiitly with the recent diwowry of gold fields within I ho United Stnt-s territory of Alaska the Hrltlbli guvc-inment has mack- tlic discovery that we ought to move our boiind.'iiy lintho that It will run alonj ; a line parallel to tha windings of the ouUldu coast of tlic Islamic , and Dial we mtiet aliso agiue that iho Portland channel , mentlruic-d In the treaty between Husi-la and rrrat ! Ilrlt- 8ln In 1825 , and whluh hat always bwn Port land channel , Is no longer Parlluiid dunni-l , and nt-ver w H l'nrtliui'1 ' channel , and that thn cliaimi'l Intended Is one of anoth'-r iiiniiami n-hlch could not by any possibility ba mndo , to harmonlz ? with the le\t of the treaty , lly Kome chnnicteriiilr management nho frcems to have Inveigled our goveinmi'iit Into the appro-illation of money for HIIMO now survey in that region , while Mie bus a sur veying party in the P..IHIU lintlieEs. Whatever licr cnRlneers may i | iort , and whatever any engineers may report , the way to deal with this question U for tlm president to Inform Great Hrllnln that It there is to be any removal ot uny boundary lines American and llrllhh territory at the northwest , wo may decide to rp-enUb- llsh the boundary which exluted prior to IM6 wlien Mr. Polk'n administration , under du ress , sin-rendered llrltleh Columbia then a portion of cur own O-egon territory to Great Ilillaln , an the pi Ice she extcrted from tlie United Slates for nonlnterfcrcicu with us In our war with Mexico , If this should be deemed unncces-idrilv harsh as a tint prrmntatlon of the cas of the United RUtm , It infKht bo moillllcd HO as to vay that tlio present boundary , acqui esced In by flrt-at Hritaln for twc-nty-wven years , sliall not be disturbed , and that wo will not admit to dlxcusulon ty : question of the vllgbteit alteratlun tliRrcof. We trust this matter will receive proper attention at the hands of congress. We do not believethers Is a public man In tha United States who would , for a elnglo in- itint , concent to Miy dlicunslon whnlever of this Itikolfnt prel n e of Hiitlsh right to Urrltory of the Uulttd Stttt-t.