F I _ _ _ . 0" . . THE OMAHA : DAILY IEE. . . , . # , _ _ . - J . ES'r.A. LISIIED JUNE lD , 1871. OMAhA , MON DAY MORNING NOVEMBER \ 18 , 1895. .4 SINGLE : COpy F11T1 CEN rS. EMPIRE TO REMAIN INTACT ' , It- England Decides Its Interests Do Not Lie in Turkey's ' Dismcmbermcnt . ORDER SHOULD BE RESTORED AT ONCE . lJllllc..1 to Ih'h'rlhu' .IIt " ' 1. b . to Ilnle rH' tie TrluIIe-NiM- 1uI per Ulerll.'e ' . % ' 1111 I" I , l'h'hlelly 11"lllrell. LONDON. Nov n-Slr 1111p CurrIe , Drlt Ish ambassador to Turkey , who has been In Bnglanl during the past month In consula- ton with I.orl Salsbury In reference to the troubles between the Turks and Armenians starts In the mornlcg for ContantInopIe. Ills I journey back 10 Turkey wilt be made In as . I short a time n possIble , and he wi resume his post at Constantinople without loss of time. tme. Lord salIsbury , accomlJnlll by his wife , went to vllt the queen at Windsor caste last ' night I Is evMent Important decisions have been arrIved at regarding eastern aftairs , sInce tomorrow's Post will publish an article oflice. The evidently Inspired by the foreign olce. * article Is unlertooll to Indicate that the prime minister has decIded that the utmost effort must be malc to maintain the integrity of the Turkish empire , and therefore must In the first place be directed .0 restoring order In the disturbed districts. . Continuing , the article says : "I or the mo. ment , all thought of cOHclng the sultan should be laid aside. I cannot be doubted that he will ( Icier to the wishes of the powers as soon as circumstances permit 'lm to 10 80. I Is Ilmcult to apportion the blame justly between the Turks anti the Christians and It Is b le\'lt on good authority that the disorders are partly due to the careless order dlsorlers party carees orler of the sultan , who commanded the provincial governOf not to molest the ArmenIans while they were quiet , or I they revolted to exterminate . terminate thcm. This order has been interpreted - preted with much generosity by tie Turks , .1 while the ArmenIans thelsllves are blain- . able to some extent for fomenting disorder. DEI.AY IN EXECUTING REFOILMS. "Tho ambassadors of the foreign powers In general , and Sir Philip CurrIe In particular . have acquired a position enabling them 10 give Important support to the Turkish government - ernmont at this critical time. Sir Philp Currie's instructions are such as to justify him In delaying ! the execution of reforms I until the authority by which they are to be carried out has rlcovtred from temporary weaknes9. At the present moment any naval demonstration In the Turkish waters , or un- due Ilressuo on the ( Turkish government , t can only hell ) precipItate a crisis , from which % "I Turkey's friends can hope to gain nothing and her enemies ever'lhlng. " . The artclo II the Post concludes by ex- pressing the hope that the sultan will be able to place more confidence In his ministers and that he can be induced , to abandon his per onll government , but adds that Sir Phil- 111 Currie and his colleagues must remember . that they are not only the apostles of ho- manly , but also guardians ot peace lion. Francis Seymour Stephenson , M.P. , presi- dent of the Anllo.Amerlcan committee , says the sultan hat lately developed symptoms of a monomania hardly distinguishable from In- -a. ' sanity , and It Is not unlikely that he will IHet with the same fate as his brother , Mu- z rad , the former sultan , amt thus simplify the task of Eurote. A IASSADOlS MEET DAI Y. A dispatch to the Times from Constantinople - nople says : The sultan : gave au audience to . the Austrian ambassador 13'rifiay. The mm- Iters meet daily , and the ambassadors also MIl 0 meeting today , the Austrian ambassa- 2 dor presiding. The money market Is right- . mug Itself. The run on the Ottoman bank affected none or Its thlrty.four branches except - cept the branch bank at De'rit , where slight trouble was roported. . I Is officially announced that an Armenian disguised as an Arab was arestel at Orfah , bringing a letter from the bishop at Aleppo to the Armenian bishop at Ol'fah , at'ltng him - to send gun powder and salpetre Jo Zeloun : to alI the Insurgents , adding : " alonjbon of Zeltoun will organize an nrmy. The k Armenians of laTa8h are ready and eager for the fray. " The correspondent of the Times learns that the constitutional party professes mme Thr'nal nnlmus against the sultan . complaining only agalnlt him on account of his odious mls- government. The constitutional party should _ confounded with Midhat's not bo wih lllhat'l young , Turks party. Time members of the consti- e tutonal party say they desIre only rational government by peaceful means. They hove never cared for vengeance or for blood- shed. shed.A dispatch to the Standard from Con- stantnOll ! lays that French omclul reports . Insist there are at leult 5,000 vIctims as a rl- \ , suit of the three da ) s' massacre at Sivas. 1 ThIs seems Incredible. I Is noteworthy \ that the wave of Turkish violence 'Is nol . . ' sweeping wcstwnrd. The Idea prevails that , ' - when the inhabitants of the Zcloun dll'lrlct ' have been wiped out the massacres will temporarily CEas ? , Illvlng for winter and famine the complete extermInation ot the ArmenIans. SULTAN I3ECAMF ALAliMED. Order has been restored at Gueron , a town of Asia Minor , and olcial dIspatches during the last thlee days Indicate that the sultan , fearing acton by the powers , las ordered the mal\eres to be stopped. The I campaign against the young Turks continues , t according to the Standard ( correspollcnf , who says : "Thirty-six more of . the memo hers of the young Turks part ) have been I drowned oft Ka Ikl islantis . This will ha llenled Cmclaly , hut I am satisfied ot the truth ot the report. " Representatives of different goverarnentt' ' at the Moush consulate report small loss _ 4 or Jle tiurlng the recent riots there , owing to { he IRlant behavior of the governor. who f exposed his own life to stall the lighting , whie the better class of the Moslems , & 4meltereml the Armenians In the various . thelerrt mosques. In conclusion , the corespoudent Bays the varIous Turklbh papers Publish fresh al11rals , urging upon the people the . necessity of abstainIng from all acts of vio- lence. A Constantinople dispatch to the Daily News say the Armenian missionaries at hulls have wired the English and American ' reprelntalvls asking that the government provide an escort to Van for them alt their , famtlies. This , correlomlent makel the astounding announcement that fully 20,000 Armenians have been killed during the recent maesacres. The Vienna correspondent of the Daily News says I Is rumored In nOvices from " Constantinople that several olcers leave sub- mited letters to the .ulhl , which , they claim ! , convict Klaml la8hR of treason. The Vienna correspoDltent of the Daily News ale an- nounces that the sultan has ben l' upset : by the recent turn which affairs have taken . that a nervous fovem' 11 ( .et In and that he r Is now . EO sick he only devotes two hours daly .to plblo srfirs. The ) 'OUlg' eon of Sultan Abullamt I" always with him. , CmlMISSION : HOLDS ITS mST l S SSION. The Telegraph's Constantnople dl'patches - . announce the Armenian Hefornl commission , holt It ! flrt moetng Satlrta ) ' . The ! ulan promise to can ) ' Into execution the reorms proposed whoa the dlll'bauc ( are subdueJ The correlondent adds fresh dl turhulea are reported from the neighborhood of AlntR Marouan . Aleppo and AnmIs. The 'urks ac- CUEe time Armenians of provoking the trouble I claiming no non.Arnunan : : ChrLstians . have Eur"ro.1 during the recent disturbances In Asl Minor. Th. ' correspondent at Constantinople of the i. . _ _ _ Chronclo ! cOlplalns ot the punctiliousness ot 4 the Britsh embassy , which , for the Pke or I conforming to the requirements of Intern ' thmnl courtesy , has contented to the exelu- . ! ! of the lnglsh III1tr containing Lord Balb'bury's lord la'or's dInner speech The correspondemit says ho can ebtaln no trust- worthy e\'hlenc Indicating any hnprovcmeut lu the mental condItion of Abdu \ Humid I The n'ly News this mornIng publishes I long dispatch train New York , \\hlcb do , Icrlbe the indignation antI anxiety awakened In America because of the existing condi- ton at affairs In the Turkish empire and because of recent attacks upon American missionaries. Commenting upon thIs dls- I.ateh . the Ialy News says : "The new world 18 asserting itself to redress the wrongs and alter the balances' of the old The lethargy - argy of the powers In general , and of Hussa ! In particular , Is hard to realize , still hartor to explain. The present disreputable Turk- lab mlnbtry Is by its very existence a defiance - lance to I urolle. I'resldenl Cleveland Is not likely to Intervene except for the purpose of Protecting American citizens In Turkl ) ' . Sir Ihlp Currie will do what he cal for the Americans there. I Is wel , however , that the Turks shoullt know there Is a great nation - ton beyond the Atantc which will not allow the blood of its sons to be shed wlh 1m. punlty. " CONSTANTiNOPLE Nov. 17.-Later advices . vices received here from Alexan < eta , north- : ern Syria , confrm the accounts of a las acre - cre of Christans In that town In time presence . ence of 300 Tnrklsh soldiers , who II It not render any a "lstance In the suppression of the disorilers . Armenians and Iu8slhlans accuse each othcr of burning the vilages amid or other outrages which have occurret In northern Syria The sultan has prohibited time bringing Into Turkey of alt papers containing accounts of 1 I.ort Salisbury's , 'peecli at the lord mayor's , dinner at I.ondon a week ago. , ' Heporls received from numerous Armenlsn villages toward the end of September Ic- scribe numel'OIS and well organized Iurlish raids , followed by the stealing ef the flocks of the Armenians. In some cases murdering of the men and aNaullng of the women oc- currI. Any complaint made to time authorities . Iils was simply Ignore" ASKS OLNEY FOR PROTECTION. CTION. EAU c.AtlE , Wie. , No\ 17.-The to- ) lowing telegram was sent to Secretary Obey Washington tonbgimt : "Constituents of mine have relatives who are missionaries In ' . ' larpoul , Turlte ) In their behalf would urge utmost 110"91ble efforts consistent wih existing conditions antI me- latom , be made for the protectIon of nil such. M. GnI PIN. M. C. , ' 'Seventh District , 'iscoiislu. " The peepll In larpoul referred to are It\ . . P. Allen and famiy , relatives of F' . C. Alien , prlsllent of the Commlrclal bank of this ciy.GHAND GHAND RAPIDS , : Micim , No\ 1.IeDan P. BradllY of the Parlt Congregational Church , spoke of the recent burning of mission buildings . Ings at larpoul , Turkey , In his morning sermon today. At the close ot the service a conmmlttee , with ex-Congres.'man Cutcheon as chairman , was appointed to suggest acton on the matter. and time result was the send- Ing of the following telegram : "lion . dwln 1" . Uhl ) , Assistant Secretary of State Washington : The Park Congregational - tonal church , In view of It personal and flnancni ! interests In the mission of the AmerIcan - lean baud at liarpoul. Turkey , plundered and burned by a Turkl'h mob-has Intl'ueted Its committee to urgenty request that every possible effort bo made by the State depart- mont to obtain reparation for the Injurle ' , and especialy to secure protection for our missionaries ali the property of the Anier- lean board. DAN F. I3ItAILlY "Pnstor for the Conimittee. " Thl9 afternoon the folowing reply was re- cel\ed : ' "Hev. D. F. Bradley : Our latest advices report larpoul missionaries Ilfe and the American minister II' taking all possible pre- eautun for their future safety Nothing h being omitted , In the direction of appropriate . and energetic action. EDWIN F. UII , , " Time Amlrlcan Hoard of the Congregational ehurch.ll exclusive charge of the missions 10 Asia Minor , and the Park church lisa a representative In that ficld-Mrm. Etta D. Iarden-who Is stationed at "brash. leI letters recently received state she Is not allowed - lowed to write particulars . of the trouble with tIm Turkm' , , _ nBJE'n'sso . " ' , \S - O ; ISQAIII ) . , \l 'JH'11 , to 11"1' I.et Cimimis ems time' , , Sleller , " ' . PIILADEI.IIIA , Nov. 17.-Generat Bar- tolome Iasso , vice President of the Cuban republic arid a general of the easter dl- vision , Is bdle\ed to h:1 : C banded In this country Friday night frcm the steamer Lecn which arrived last night. ThIs statement Is .ast denied , however , by Colonel Nunez ot time local , Cubans , amid Captain S\'anot of the I.eon. I was stated on good , authority that when she left Cuba she nad on board Gen- eral Masse , hIs son , a young man , 22 years of age : Dr. Joaquin Callo , Senor "eona 1 and twenty-five other Cubsns. They It Is i salll , were coming to this country In order I to alt Delegate Palma to present to the i AmErican congress the cause of Cuban free- : dom. WhIle the Cubans In the United States desire to havo.tlllr came mude as strong all possible when the proper time collies , they have strongly advised agaInst General Masse leaving the Isiand. The marquis of Santa Lucia the vice preshent ( ! , left for this coon- try during the beet war , ant the result was disastrous. The sale position was taken by the Cuban leaders on the Island. I Is bt- alll li'eved has Masse come has here thrown all bounds aside i Word ws sent to New York and It was learned at 1 p. m. yesterday that Secretary QUlsda of the Cubl revolutionary party II this country and 11. I Hubens , counsel i for the revolutionists , let time visitors and 1 went \ \ bUm them to New York. I The seizure 01 the steamer Iaurada In i Charleston by United States authorities i created much excitement In marItime circles : ' yesterday , Captain John D. hart , time agent of the vessel In this cIty , salt : "I IN\e tonight for Charleston and expect 10 be In the Unll11 Stalll court In that city on Monday - day 10ring wIth lY law'ers. I shal pro- vide the alount of bl needed to release ' Captoimi liugimes. I Ihal order the dl.dlargl of all the crew at the I.aurda , excfptng the captain , the first and 8econll olcers , and time chief tuglneor . Then I will put the \elsel In sonic dock , cancel the Insurance Iloleles , and permit her 10 remain there until t case I settled. I feel that time suit brought against her 'amid the csptoln for yb- laton at the neutrality laws and also Ihe one In libel hy J. C. Kerr of New York cannot he vroven.t . iiIIt'd JhIN.1 for n l'zmlIml'ssm " , 'a , . . llATTI-BOnO , Vt. , No\ 17.-Gcorge A. Cushlug committed suicide near the home of his fnlhlelH wife near 'rovnscntl In this l'OUlty. Thew oman refmmse4 to allow the body to he brouht Into the housl' . "Irs CUlhln became infatuated with . \ . A. HOIl while living nt Montague . 1IUII'1 four years I go. her hUl band left her on till imccount. lip went to Oltllll. Val. . Imulo n huml and wrote for Ills ! wife tn come omm. She Inllll the objection that thp plnce In Montague shoull first be sold 11t1 he signed the Inper. , . Mn' . CUlhlng sohl the place amid houJht an- other Townsend ami ta live nt 'rownll'lll went 1\0 there With Hos' Clishimig cnme from Cnlfolia Friday. Ilt upon learning of time stnt of affairs shot and killed hlmHelf. lie left a letter saying he forgave p his ) wife. nl" ' . : IuUhl'wN Ilrh' " 11 Oll y SII. CI.tN''ONlnd"Nov.P.-G ) nr lor Matthews tolny burled his only Ion here II the family 10\ near the old homCHteall. hlro were Present 1 Senators 'rurple amt Voorhecs nil the stute olcials , memnbers of time supreme court and ! .O people. A special train from lulunlpolh' bm'oiiglmt 200 eople. who were brour I ) entertained hy local ctzen ! Flowers 1011 In \\'ngon I"uds from all . 1mar15 ot the tnte. lIIs ' .Vi 11 ) lt'et II ehl 'hllnt. * PllA DgI.lll.No \ ' . 17.-'rimc executive .ommlte ( of the Ulle\'oleut and Protective Oilier ot WkK met here last nlHht and after listonin to ihe violins of vnrlon' clleH so- I l"tlnlnt Inclnnal tl us the place for hollnl the next natonal tonventon ot the ufler , ba Hlnnt . ; vn the secommt ) . Tuesday In Jut ) ' , 1 91 , ( mshli'r 'l'ok 'I'WI'II' 'Fimeusim mmii . NCOitiEANS , Xov. 17.-Ciiurbes O. Ifoffmnnmi , assistant cashier oC the Now Or- . leans Irewlng a8 0tlaton , Is ! "IIOI.I't to hI' ( \out $ : < > shert In hIs account" His whraboutl are -kmmsvn. I i5b said fuse : entrlo In the bOOM was lime lethol resorted - sorted tn. a 311\'ICII" ur t.'I1 Stt'nnmers , :1\.11 At 1.lton-Arrlvoll-HoialJn. frum Mnt- rNII. rNII.t ITavro--Arrlved- : . Touralne . from XW 'lIt ( \ At LivcrpoI- -\nlvd.-I. Ice Superior , from Mormiremsl. At New YorkArrlyedeatapunla , from LiverpooL. Ltverpot. I " - ARE COVERNED BY TYRANTS \ Deplorblo State of Affairs Exists iu the Oongo Free State. KING IS THE LARGEST SLAVE OWNER NamIlyt's hither le'liimt'rzitely Iollel ! or ' 1lelr Iulll'r 11.1 Iseiry or I ureclI to SI'I for n . lere 1'ltllee. LONDON , Nov. 17.-The Associated press has receIved a statement confirming the reports - ports of the horrIble condlt n at affairs In the Congo Free State from an American ml9slonary , who has Just returned to Jurope. , The missionary In question , He\ J. 13. ! Iurphy , Is on the ! tar of the American Dap- tst Misaionary union. Ho has worked inthe Congo for nine years , all ! returned to Antwerp . wer' recently by the steamship Leopohivhlle. His lat staten was Equaton'le , right In the center of Limo Congo Free State. lie Is the last arrival from there. He says : The seal of the government of the Congo Free State Is at Board . which 18 about 500 miles from the coast , and 2:0 miles from Stanley Pool , which ought to be the real Congo center. I takes four weeks to comnmimu- nleate between these two places , hence It be- cumes almo impossible for the governor to manage his vast and unwieldy territory , and consequently the comnnmiiarles , or petty gO\ ernorl of the interior districts , ho almost unlmied powers. Tjeo offIcers of the state are young and Inexperienced. They do not come out as colonists to develop the country - try , but In order that they may receive quick 1romoton , , the Congo decoration , and above all , to get mane ) ' . Of course there ate ex- ceptiono , but It Is only the few who leave an Interest In the country and In the well-being of time people "It hal been saId by some traders that the kIng or the Congo Free State Is the largest slave holder In the donminioru' , and this Is true ; also the ofilcers by a play upon words , conceal the fact by calling them liberated slaves. I leave beji toM by naval allt other officers of the st1e that a certain sum per Iwal Is paid b ) the government to the commlssalre of the II strict , for which the laves ! are delivered to the navy omeers , who bring them Into camp Fifty per cent condi- of these wretches are In a starving - tion. ton."A "A word about the rubber and Ivory tradIng - Ing , or rather plundering , of the state The o clals have placed 'posts' In all the towns upon the river banks amt In most of the Inland towns. Each post Is In commsnd of a black corporal and a company of soldiers belonging to a hot'tibe tribe , armed wih European guns , so the natives are terorlzelt by their presence These soldiers are commanded to stop every canoe that passes the river post. The natives try to pass wihout being noticed , the the soldiers fire upon thrm. The ldlers then seize the canoe and confiscate Its contents. I the nat\es should lusler up courage enough to cal them they arc forced to sell their Ivory or whatever their canoe contains at the soldiers' own prIce. I have seen these things , ant have remonstrated whim the state for I. buE got no satisfaction. " AllOt i'r'i' ) o I'HOIHICE _ In l'OIlI".1 'Clml'o" 1111 (4nmtz " "lhll n 1'e'e : loUI' " lnrl'h of l ncl o t1. r. JADmD , . o\ ' , 17.-lt Is reported that General Campos Is about to introduce mmumer- ous political reforms Into Cuba Atvlces re- i celvel fro I Iana state that Genlrl Max- Ima Gomez , the Insurgent leader Is no\ vIthiimm five hours murchlng distance at General . erl Caml'os' ' heutqnarter : , The Ileraldos' Havana correspondent says General Camllos denies all reports or any armistIce or any suspension of his fight against the Insurgents. Reports have been received here stating that Ilurlng the last voyage of the steamer Cataiimia to Havana 170 convicts and 3 00 volunteers - ' unteers 'mnlnlelt and tried to capture the yes- eel The marines s\ccoedld In suppressIng them after a severe onlct , tn which many were wounded. Twenty or the principal cccl- prlts heave been sel back to Spain. 1)rosvmii'h I ) ' t lie SWIIIIIIJ or n hose I. GIBRALTAR , Nov. 17.-0nr twenty pas- sen/ers from the Italian steamship Solferlno were drowned by the swamping of one of the smal boat Twelve hundred emigrants from Genoa , Italy . bound for South AmerIca wlre on head the steamlhll ) at the time. All were landel safely save the score or more In time single small b03t. The Solertno went ushor' near CU\ta. She was com- manled b ) Captain CAtfiero. - - - - - Sent 011 n : I'Wllllrll. . hAVANA , Nov. li.-Altmlral Jose Navarro , who was appointed In the early part ot last month to the command of the Spanish squad- ron In Cuban waters , has arrived Ilre and has assumed bbs functions. Smile P'nlel"eo Semi is for 'I'iirkee . . IARSJm.lES. No\ 17.-Time United States steamship San Francisco sailed Sat- ul'day eventng , according to program , for the Turkish waters. . i'mlimi.i' 1.'I'rIJlnlll 11" I Suit . I SOFIA , Nov. 17.-A son has been born to 1 Prince 1 lnlnanl , ruler of fleelgaria and i hIs wife . Princes Marie . Lmlse of Bulgaria. : 'I' " . l.emrge I uitiiHtrIvM " 's'i he'd Omit. MNRIDAN , Alias. . Now 17.-Fire last night destroyed time Meridiami . ' alh ull hanlt fnctor ) ' . A large quantity of lumblr was also con umed. About the tbnle the fire tnthe fre seemed under control It broke out In the Cittzemms' compress and warehouse. . which , together with u large quantt ) of colon , was entrrl ' destroyed . 1.01511 : Sash fil tor ' . $1KJ,000 ( ) : insurance , $2,0 : compress , wal'phouse and coton , $12.0. ( icily In- cured . 'wo hundred amid fft mln are thrown ( melt ot work as a comequence of the destruction ot the ash p ant door factor ) ltimt'i INIIII Stem rts I. PI"t 'I'rnil. CHll'AGO. No\ . li.-'rhe frt Chicago , Roclt IhlUlt & Pacifc train running oem the new fast schedule between Chlugo , Kansas , CUr. Omahn mind St. J0gelh left Chicago nt' G 0 chock tonight. 0 The train was a heavy ono to make the rlqulret average of forty. live mlcs'ln hour. I conslsled of two baggage - gage cars . one day conch , three chair cars three Pulmun sleepers amt a dining l'nr. One chair cur all sleeper 1:0 to Omaha , two to St , Josellh ant thee remainder of the truln runs through to . Colorado Springs. SI W : JJ huller hlhilIi.s. . K ' . No\ . . i \1ANCEBUHG , ) , Noli.Twent ) miles south oC here near the head at GraESe , , n large . holler at the mill ot George \ v. Stamper. Jr. , exploded , 1llnS two men Instantly and slrlousy : Injurlug several others. Cccl Kllwel , the engineer. was killed . 'ash was the other man killed . John dwlu receIved fatal Injuries and six imereotma whose names Ire not known were l'ersols sca1 < . ' < , Time mi was . a saw and grist mi combbeeed. . 1 ' 1'1 lift I 1111'1'r ICmibtt' . cltYrilitIE , Okl. , X9\ ' , 1.- lr. Jim Web- ster , an Osage Indian woman , who had been h,11 for two weeks , charged with the mur- tier of her hUbhan , has been release . Time otclnl Inve tgaton Ihowed that he came Iomo Ilrunl nntt chasllt her around time 1\0 wih \ butcher knife , trying to kill leer. unt stumnbllng. fell. running the knife Into hlH body and killed p himself. I ' Inulll Xu ' 11' ' " ' h'i'yi'e' In i : i. , I' . TOl'EKA Kin" . No\ lT.-rime Slate Live Stock Sanitary cmmlHslon , which went to 01(1 Mexico ten tus ago to Inspect thl' cattle In tht states of Sonora and Chllmumm- letia returned last ' laf night and have reported ' to tIme governor that mme Sf.lenetic or ' 1e"ll fever existed tn that p region. fleiit'ra.l 'Jlrllnl Slnklna 1"1"1. NE' YOm" , Nov. 17---Genrnl NJW No\ 1--Gln"rnl Thomas Jordan the ex-confederateCneral , wh" " Is lying nt the pint of death nt his twn\ was said to 10 sinking fast at mllnlght nJ I was not expetcd that he would live canny hour lOmeer . < . TIlJ5TON ON 1 ( IO.UnZ\'JN. 5Elntlr 'nlkN or IIN t'lnn.fll U.nll "ll I'neilic 10-11" . Senator John M. Thurton left list evening for Washlnglon. In an Interview the senator said : "My resignation D general solicitor of the Union I'ncitlc railroad has been forwarded to Judge Dillon In New York anl wIll b icresenteel to the rlelver ot the road In \resentC1 , about a week. I resigned not because of any real or apparent improprIety In my actlng as attorney for the receivers , but simply be- cause the duties ot that \osltol require the whole tmo and atentolr of tIme man who holds H. "I have little Idea what the prospect Is for successful reorganization of the Pacific road under the plan proposed by the present com- enittee. I have another Ilea or the adJust- meat ot this government mater amt reor- garcization of the Pacific properties , somewhat ' what In 110 with the recommendaton of the goverment receivers , but 10t according to their method of reaching the reuIts . I be- levo It would be a great thIng for the coon- ' try at large to have the Union and Central Pacific lines operated together as one prp' erly. erly."At present this noble country Is largely at i the mercy at the P < cfe line west or Ogden operated by the Southern I'aclfc. which has time choice of whether its tramc shall go vii the Union Pacific or the Southern line. I think It was one of the purposes of this government In chartering the rods that they should continue as' one , Ine . operated togaher and I think reasonaole legIslation con be enacted to secure that result. "I have prepared a bill whIch I shal introduce - troluce In the senate early-II the sessIon , the general plan or which Is this : Take a state- ment of the goverment's claim against the main line tram the MissourI river to San Jose as It will stand July I , 1896 , and offer that claim as a whole for sate to the % llghlst bIdder who' w1 give 40 or 50 per celt of the principal or Interest-malte that the mIni- mum , so the goverment would get nearly or quie hal ot Is entire claim : sell that claim to ole purchaser . giving , the purchaser all the rights of the gO\'lrnllnt , Including Its right of entry , possession acid fore- closure. Give to one court of the United States , presumabty at Nebrsku , juri'ellctiomi , over a suit to foreclose on the entire property and al the foreclosure sale provide that the property should bo sell as a whole , a purchasing committee \ to be created - aled ns a corporation , amt au such to pos- sees all the corporate P'r that congress conferred upon the several lines. That , In brief , Is my Ideal solution of the Pacific roads controversy and reorganization of the roads as a through lne" 1 think a com- mitee could be organized within thirty days to buy the claim for 50 percept of the entire amount. The sale would ecll spirited bidding - . ding , and time amount realized might bl greater than 50 per cent of tbe government's claim. The government would certalnl get all that It could hope to re \ lz from ) any method of enforcing Its claim. "I thlnlt the republcans ' should try to or- ganlzl the senate without , 'cQublnaton wih the populists. When the two Utah senators com In In January the republicans will bo able to organize the senate , I : not before. I thlnlt time republicans In coemress ought to pass a gOlerdl tariff act In harmony with their Idea of American protection t amid on whIch we would we ' \ Ilng tq gq to the country In the presidentIal campaign ! I 10 not be- hIve In any tempqrar ezpUent to Incrtase the revenues. " I , - - - ltII'l.EY SI\'II' n For TIRE . .IJL\Cl . LIki'ly ' to , II , , : I'retjitIcn2'-'aif . ! nie I 1'- orJnnli1 Snlt.\ . , . CHICAGO , No\ 1.li1 IY ! : Private advices . , . ! ! : , \ cato the election , of E. P" , ! 1Jp1e . proentl third vice president of the Cicago , lI\au'i Ite : _ & it. Inul ralwa ) ' , as irsident l at thee Atchison , Topeka & Santa F R'lroall com pan , and of D. D. Roblnson'present acting pre51dent of the company , asrst mice presI- ' ! dent. Mr. Ripley's name ht Dot heretofore been mentioned In connecton' 'with the Ateh- lJn property and his frend3'ry ! he made no perrnal effort to secure the offic. ' ne Is scow ere 0 trip throuh 'the't""outh'with the ox-World's fall dlrecto0' thleh body he was 0 member , and I expepted to return to the city tomorrow. Up tb , a tv days ago the prIncipal candidates wera D.fl Robinson and E. T. Jefery , president o tm r Denver & Rio Grande. The Boston and Aimfecicarm Interest were stronglY In favor , bt tl ' election ot Hoblnson. 'Che ' European bondholders favored Jeffery. A few days ago Mr. COPI I , chairman of the board of dlrector , , announced the withdrawal - Irwal of Mr. Jeffery'a nanl , It being the da'iro of the , owners of tb - ' la Grande to retain his servIces as pread t at the com- pany. ThIs , It was belevcd ; yould leave the field clear for htobirm.on . I appears , however , that the American and . fqrein members of thee joint executye .fQreyn commitee were unable to reconcile thelt differences. I dawned upon the American . members that un- less they comllromlsel thelr-dlf ; ren t9 with the Europeans the later vould be able to elect a new board and president regardle31 ot their wlshe The Amerjn bondholders are m01ly : Bostonians , and ) . lLpley came originally from Boston. - / ' " opesn Interests - terests , It Is mid , were bruht around to Mr. Hpley by J. Pierrepoiti Morgan , who knows Mr. RIpley wil 'OI' : < lceount of his connection with the Milwaukee & Bt. Paul , In which property Mr. lQrgnn 11 said to hold a controlling interest - 7 , I X-.J\l. IIID KI.lEI'AN ' OFVICIIII. Shul Two II'scnilerM ; VIi ( ) CII ' to 1.ltl""NI"lule ' IUII llNCimmeil . WhEELING , W. Va. " . 'Nov. 17.-A ter- rlblo tragedy occurred th/ ( } afternoon at Wleyvle , Wetzel county ttl\e t miles from New lartnsvle , the couuty meat. The re- ! IUI Is the death of one mann an olnc.r of the law , who was Instan'li killed , thE fatal wounding of another , ant .erlols Injury to 0 thlnl , and the escape ( . 'the perpetrator. Last summer John White was arrested and convicted of robbing- freight cars at hundred , on the Iallmoret , & Ohio rand. In August he escaped from tSm county Jai at New Martinevilbe. Since that theme the of- fcer haN been locking fori the man. This afternoon County Cons'bl ' Newt urbee learned that White ha''Theen seen about Wiieyvihie. Ha went after 1 ( luan but soon found that he had n tough , Iustom r. White halt been drinking , and iypd In a temper to commit almost any crIme , , \ Vhn Furbee al tempted to make the arr'ut Whie eliot and Instantly killed lmim ' " The tragedy occurred gem the outskirts of the town , and was wltnemd b several per- sons. Among others wne : ames Baird and a cItizen mmaened Hibbs , : who attempted with the ethers to overpower murderer. , Whie , who ' was now thorquglr Aroused and pumped cold lead Into thel without hesita- ton , bringing down Ilbb , with a wound In tb , stotnachm . from y'hleh hl will likely die and catching Baird In the leg. This intimidated - dated the others . and White escaped. I II now reported that a posse has been organized and Is after the murderer , with prospects of I lynching _ _ _ ' _ - : lo\'IIJ Oi 1.lI" ' 'I"'ortl SUIOOI1. . WICHITA , Kan. , Nov , J7.-At a meetng of the Law and Order league last night I was decided to send a commitee of nine to 1 senr I.eavenworth , where the open saloons have not been Interfered witl , bY the state au- theritics . a8 were wl1 Wichita . to stir up a slnthnent among time church pee : thCre agnln the open vIolation of the pro- hlbltol law. The league extltcts to mliii- once the prohlhltonlJs : of Leavenworth. Jist'cia'erecl I . Coimeet. SAN JOSE , Cal. , Nov 17.-Prof. . J. 1 cuheborl telephones from Mount hamilton 'ns follows : "A brlhr comet watt dlpcov'r.-t In eon ' t.latontr'lo by 11 U. D , Per- mine ill I.ck ! observatory at 5:0 : this morn- lag . In mIght nse"lislon 13 Imours14 minutes north ; declination . I degree . 40 minutes. The . . cum t has a shot tul ali stellar nu- C emma . abut the seventh magnitude os seen In the morning twlitght. ' S lthul'l I.'N th , llrelcr to JIuitt'hi. NI'W YOhtK . Nov. 17 -The Wort ; this morning publshri a detailed statement written at Moyamenshg prison by n. I Holme In whtrh the blame of the lurdlr or the I'itzed chlhtron Is laid at the door of l lult tit the missing and mnleru1 Euward Hatch. -S JAIL OFFICIALS POWERLESS \ \ Negro Taken Out nnd Hnnged by n Mob of Infuriated Men - DIED PROTESTING IllS INNOCENCE 5"h'lt ' . . Arm ) ' :1'n ( Irnctti'el I'l'rll" . sheet to l'riey wll time' Colt- demlell :111-)111 " ' . 'n" 'l'lioroemghely I ' Orannhell. , FREDERICK , tl" , Nblames Golns , who assaulted Miss Lilly Jones at the home of hamilton Geysbert , nlar this city , last night , war taken from the Jai b ) a mob of 30Q men this lornlng and hanged to a tree In a feM on the Jefferson turnplte one amble from the city. A report reached the city about midnight that the woman had dlcd from the cuts and beating Infcled by the negro and this infuriated the len who hal ben gathering In the streets end discussing the outrage. A mob was quickly gotten together . gether and unmasked , but armed with revot- vera , the men marched to the jail. They had prevIously broken Into a machIne shop In the neighborhood ot the jai and procured sledges , crowbars and files . They malle at once for the door of the west wing of the jai and began to batter . upon It. Fully twent : shots were fired from the wrdows : above by Sheriff A. H. Zimmerman and hIs deputies , but the mob paid no attention - ton to them and went on with its worl. The Jai boil was rung to summon assistance , but none camne In twenty minutes the large door panels gave woy under the lie\y blow and the mob burst Into the corridor ThfY quickly overcame the slight resistance the omcers on the Inside were able to offer and foolish the cell In which Goings , cowering and crying , was conflumed. The lock was olwed , the bolt swung back acid the trembling wretch dragged out In hIs night clotheD and stecklng ft t. In the meantme time friends of the lynchers on time outride hal lowered an electric lmp near the Jai and cut the rope from I , extinguishing the light. Goings was led out amid the howls of the crowd , the rope placed arounl him , and he was hurried down the road to his place of doom. lie protested his Innocence as they dragged him along : and begged them not to kill him. He was promptly / recognized by a uumber of men who knew him , and the mob did nOt , hesitate In Its work. ArrivIng at the tree the negro was aslel to cocmIese , but this he would not do Two omcrs of the Salvation rmy asked ( to be allowed to pray with the man , and their request was granted. The Lord's prayer was then Ipaled , and the nro and most of the crowd Joined In. GoIngs' feet and hands were then tied and ter anl the rope vas' . drawn around his neol. A man seized the other end of It and threw the end over a hienb. "Let him GO , " was shouted , anti quick as a flash , -he was jerked from his feet and hung dalllng In the air six feet from the round. One 'shot was fired Into his body and In a few minutes he was dead. The mob , durIng time process of lynching , observed order ; non were allowed to Ire at him cx- cent the one. A memb of the mob md a brief speech In wliell hD said ! tbey were there with the unfortunate wretcb , not In a spirit of malice , but to malt an example of him , anti teach his race that ther must "let' th 'omen 'of I.'redetlek county hlon ! b ssautt"for hiahGolngastUfered " whIQh.Golgfsnltere Objlswat : scThelmdastardlyopeMt 1 , : ab1l j"aBf : l.a"nd tFd11" qp U,8 Jones'rhRj'hltEen . cuts and stab' wound ' on her body , where Ice hacked at her with ' a , ' knIfe and rnzor. She says he asked her for something to et , anl , when she gave It to him , he said : " 1 will give you a dollar. " She screamed and ran fifty feet down the garden , where ho overtook her , knocked her down , and cut her , also crushIng her nose. The fIeld In whIch the negro was lynched Is the same spot the negro ISRusl was lynched In November , 1889. After watch- Ing the bOdy swing In tM air a few minutes persed. the crowd let tt dangling there and dis- - p IOAXCI OP A : UBU'S 1IPg. 1 ltH tim Sulclele ArtN' 1.'ln Coem- 'Iclell or Murder . MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 17.-A special to the TrIbune from Aberdeen , S. D. , says : A I tragedy In real life has been brought to light through time efforts ot EdItor Baldwin of the Sentinel , who had upon his subscription list the name of Eugene A. Stanley of Montana 1 appears Stanley lived hero and at Columbia - bia for several years and his real nome was Thomas Daly In 1889 'le went to Montana and became a successful prospector , amass- Ing considerable mone ) While In Helena last spring he tel Into the toils at people who by the aid ot a siren drugged and robbed him. The woman was arrested , but Stanley was so much under the influence of drugs that his testimony was ot Itl ' account and the woman was dlsc larged. Stanley , who hal retired .to the rear Dr the court room , on hearIng the verdict stepped up and shot the prIsoner twice. She gave a gasp arid died In time arms of the judge. Stanley was tried on the charge of murder and convicted , His frIends succeeded In getting the sentence commuted to life Imprisonment. The disgrace was tco keen and Stanley killed hImsel a few days ago In his cell. lie has a brother living here and two brothers In Butte , Mont. I \yl never bo known why he changed hIs name. p Ills " 'n' ) ) IEI'US11I ) 'ro FEEl ) lIlli. Cllrlr" : lllnnd Shouts tie " " ' 0111 " \10 Tired or ills Cln'e. RAPID CITY , S. D. , Nov. 17.-Speclal ( Te ! gram.-Sherl ) Ingeror turnell last c'ventng with Charles Mahnd , the man who shot Imis wife at Keystone on Friday. I seems that because his wlo refused to support - port hIm any longer Maland , without warn- Ing , shot her In the back wIth a 38 caliber revolver , the bullet passIng entirely through the body I Is expected that she will re cover. ThIs couple were married last Junt , under peculiar clrcumstanc While attending a wedding tt wa jokingly suggested that they also marry which they did , malting the wedding a double one. Malanl ever since has been supported by his wife The later waD a waiter at the Franklin house In Key a to tie. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IC."toue'l Strung Girl hILL CITY S. D. , Nov. 17.-Special.- ( ) Keystone seems to have a junevle strong woman In the person of Maud Fay , aged about 13 ) 'ear daughter of AI Fay , Ilroprietor ot one of Keystone's hoteh. There Is noth- Inc uncommonly muscular In time appearance of Maud , who I a rather slender child of prepossessing appearance , but on Thursday last she surprised a crowd acid won 0 box ot candy by mtng , bodily from the 'floor . D. M. \Voi ( . a 2tO pound Omaha travelIng coon. Mr. Fair says that when Maud was 7 years of agO she would easily shoulder and carry away a sack ot Iour , . ' llrntltt'rs Omit for le\'elJr. ASUI.AND , K ) ' . , Nol - Ial"hat Black , colored , and porte Wootem dnuRhter of t well known farmer eloped yesterday to Ohio. Black's brother , Jim , worked for hlcrtio's tath1r umul helped the girl Jet mtway. liortlo's hrothers met Jim returning from the Ohio side labt nlJht and shot him cleat ! . Time brothers are still I In pursuit of the couple , 8\llllg : they wi kill Marhul ) Black on sight. , - SnlUiu IC'I'Ier 11'11'1 lit Donut . TOLEDO , Nov. n.-Louls Merkel , u en- bali keeper , and a crowd ot huntenon Ilbout'ho place became involved In t qUil- re ! early this morning and In the melee "Ierkt'l was Imock't down and beaten : to tenth , Ills asalantl were arrested . lee I Ilrln ' : IUICIIlIIU Story ) ' . INlANA1OLIS , Nov. 17.-John C Wright , when shown the dlspatth from St. Louis stating thM ox-President harrison had realized 110,0 out of an Investment of $500. said I was a regular "Baron . Mun- chaueem story ; nothing In It whatever. . its : ' . 'Ol ' 11' : : I Z 11 1C S 1.\Nns. Simmt ( r time "i'ummlil-lte Set tIera Irl1I ) ' h'I'r tIme' Limit , . DENVER , No17. . - special to the Republican . ' publican from Boise , Idaho , says : Tomorrow the rush for land on time Nez Perce rlr' ration wIll be cnade. The boullarlf of Lice reserve are lined with people rlatty to make a Ituh for the land , while seine have gone 10 far ns to Fluat right on the roen'alon , lettmlned to hohl the Iround at all hazards . The acton of the "sooeers" : will doubtess cause much trouble. The exact tme of time start for the land 1 not definitely kcmowic Sonic claim It Is I mhlnlght ! tOllght , while other hold different views : anti much con- fllon and trouble will no doubt result. PartEs who went to the reserve from Uolse report that I Is Impossible to find corner stakes , even whert the Inlians have taken ahiotcements. This fact \ ill h to the coma- plcatons , o lit 9moug time army of excite ! people who si ill rush for land , I several llo not meet with vIolent ltlath , 1 will be a cmmiracle The town lte crowd , called the "toughs" by Uole sleklng land . promises to furnish a ftw funeral , Several 'oung women ii ill join the clinic for a hand fortueme Among them Is a school teacher named lctnt'rl. She went to the lIne froemi mace point imm W'tmsimbngtoem , and for several days tralmiod leer horse' for the race. She acid a corn- panton caniped at a point fromn where time boat timimo could be enade to a coveted tract. Tlmree totegh young cmmen atteciipted to scare them. away , when time ecieoolmna'emm drew a six shooter and blazed awa at the trio , her alma was umccertaitc , but the young fellows made a retreat. htO'IiIS lIiLlAiC Ut' 'l'IIE ShOW. tlnri time hhinuII melds Drtve I Imi' Chicrr Sisters frolic thii SInge. CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia , , Nov. 17.-Speciai ( Telegram.-Tice ) four Cherry sisters are mmmi- sophmisticated country girls vhco rumi a farm teenr theis city sod who in time past four years hmave gained niuclm notoriety by reason of the ummirpme entcrtainnments which they give. They attenipted to give omme of tlmee cntertaincneimts in tIme I.mnieis opera hmouse at Marion h-act imighct , but it was brought to mm semmsatiommal close in lees timan half an hcotmr amidst the most intense excltemiient. Scores of looal imoodhimens were in thee audieeece witbm baskets and bags of decayed fruit , and wimen thee sisters appeared on the stage they iere made tIme target of time rioters , srbmo seomi drove timeni back he- hind the wings. When tlmoir manager ate- peared on thme stage anti sotmgiit to pimt a stop to this lie' too was peppered with rotten fruit , Exasperated , bee sprang out over time tootliglets and started toward those making thee dtsturhximmce , lie was sooem simr- rounded , and whmcn ice attempted to hemistbe one of the fellows oimt of time house another grabbed a chair amid reduced it to kindling wood over thco nmanager's head , The on- fortummate manager was rendered imaconsetous by the blows and was carried to time stage bieodimcg proimmeely frommi a score' of voimnd. TIme audience was then dismissed , officers proaent makimeg no attt'mmipt to put a stop to time disgraceful proceedings. It is feared time manager's Iemjuries icmay result seriomisly. Suits for damages iviil probably b institmetetl tomorrow agmlnst the cIty of Marion and the manager of thee opera Imouse. lItiltNIim ) TIlE hollY OI' 'l'hlIl (1tlhEN. Jmmiimeflt's.c " , S'ere the Iemeiieri in time . iisoralers tie Coroem. MILWAUKEE , Nby. 17.-Rudolph Nmimmnr- .niaciier , now visiting in Coremi , writes to time Milwaukee Sentinel from Seoul , , firing an . . . . . , . , . , ' fr-------- _ ' - ' - - - ' - - i - - ' - - - ' - f. accquntu let October. Tiit 'time" , lapameso : were ismsti. gatora of the outragti sodas evident. The letter says a hotly of Japanese soslci comn. omitted the murder , and timey were' backed by Japanese troops. Wimen tlmey lead , gnincd cmi- trance to the queen's apartmeientz they found four vomen there , anti , bobcmg unbblo to roe- ognizo the qemeen , 'ho had disgmmisd herself - self , they killed all four women. Time bodies , after having b2enslaslmedlnndstabbLd , were tied up in blankets , carried to time eaten yard , saturated with oIland burned. It Is reported the queen was cremated alive , not having been dIspatched durIng time alaugimter. Time Japanese govereiment has started an inquiry , anti many arrests imavo been made. An Amnerican general , who hac been acting as vice minister of war of Corea , is said to heave been an eyewitness of time otmtrsge. lie was in conmenand of time guarti , and made a heroic resistance to time assault of thmo Japanese on thmopalace. lie came near being killed. several bullets passing close to hun , Had ho lost his life , time Japanese government - mont , time welter says , might have foumid itself - self in serious complications with the United States. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ liIL1DGli FIILI , VIThl 'l'IIII CltOVh ) . Many l'recimmitnteil Ieatu dime' 'meter limit No Omme' Iroaviei it or ICihied , ST. LOUIS , Nov. 17.-A special to time Republic - public from Fulton , Mo. , says : Mmmcii excitement - citemont was caused timis afternoon by the falling of the Gerhardt bridge over time Stin- son river , where an immense crowd had gfltbercl to witness the baptism of a number of cohorol peoplo'by the Baptist colored mlrmls. ter. Time bridge was covered wIth people , bothm whmite and b'ack. ' Without any warning whatever a fifty-foot span ivent down with I' . fearful crash , precipitating the crowd of men , wommien and children lImb thee water from a lmeigimt of fifteen feet , TIme pcople foil in iceaps in tIme water , which was four or five feet deep. A large nuenber were imcore or less Injured , hut leo 000 was killed , Time accident threw a damnper over time baptismal proceedings for a short tlmmme , but timey were finally resumed. hmemrri smg l'nlitics fromim Labor tii'eti misc , . ChICAGO. Nov. 17.-What is expected to be time hardest fIght that will occupy time tinme of the comimig meeting' of time Fetlera- tioci of Labor was started at time meeting of the Labor and Trades assembly , when It svemmt on record as hiotmmg opposed to time future discussboem of volitlcs in limo trades asrenbhies antI inetrmmcted its ilehegeiteec to the conmlng convention to work against alt political nicasures that might be tip before time coming convention , It was in Chicago tuft the fancous socialist Plank 10 was imrougimt out. It is attl to have been Chi- cairo that cent the dehegatlomi to Denver which practically kilied that immeasure mmml row the Trades anti Labor assembly wants to i-ide in the front"cnrriaga at the funeral of the mlisi.USsion in time imnhls of bona Ildo labor unions. p - 'i'rouhlt' Iii n hicmmt'vileimt Order , CLEVELAND , Nov. 17.-It is said that timere is much dissatisfaction atqong the members of time Order of Chosen Friends anti thmit large memleers are withdrawIng from the order at mummy places. It is feared that unless radical measures mire adopteti the order 'will soon cease to exit. Asslsmemnt Prosecuting Attorney Kaiser , a Promlmment member of time order in this city. speakIng of the matter toilcey , said : "rime caimeti of all this trouble Is time action taken by time cii- pmcnme council last Seltemlmer , It was do. elded then heat In time future only one-half of time face value of the insurance lmuitctea woud be paul , plume the amount paid in by time Insured , instead of time full fuce 'alum. ' , Its \VCI5 Previously dono" Fl mest iIiL'IO 1mm t iii , Ci I ) - hh.mrmmi.ii , ST. 1.01715 , Nos' , 17.-A special to limo lie- itmlihlC from Shmernaan , Tex. , says ; rtmls city was visited 1' ) ' a destructive lIre timi mourn- lug. The Linz block , time finest 1cm the city ii.mtc burmeeti resulting ice a total boss at B,000.000. Time lower iloors vere om.ctmpteil by I , Goltlsccmitim & Co. , dry gootlie , admit Sidlierim & Thomnpm'omm , druggists. Unleismltim'mi hose Is $ l00lY ) , insuramiec 22eJO0 ; Skhlierem & 'I'honipsomm mm loss is sioo o , irisumuiwe , * 5.000. Jo&'Pim I.lnz , owner of the bolltlmsmg. hoses * 35.000 ; iemsurzicmce , * 2dXA Theme ivere eight attics's of various kinds in time upper atom-lea. all of whilhi were destroyed. Lu rge lireia'i m'y ilism'umt'ml , CINCINNATI , Nov. 17.-Eeiriy this morn- Inc the flammner brewery of tide city was burned. Loss. $170,000 ; Insuralece , * 150.000. 'rho loss of time Varwi ; faucet unit beer pump works was $15,000 and cC time ( 'ben-In. eiati Tin Stamping company 310.000 , botim tIm- sumed , Fireman Sweeney was Injureil by the ooper cornice fahitmig on hml hmeami. 'i'hie brewery was in the haemds of receivers uemd wa recently appraised at YO,000 , FOUND T\VO \ NORE BODIES All the Bodes Recovered From time Clove. laud Horror Irave Been Identified , FOUR rERSONs ARE STILL MISSINcI ( ii.eiernl hit'iIeC thmmit 'I'isey Art' In th it ii'er-Siei'tmmturs iIsiile the htesmiomisliilIty lhe'time'i'mi limo Cnieilmmetor tImed loteirmemnit. CLlViiLAND , Nov. 17.-The people o timis city atooml miPlialieml wlmomm they realIzed time full horrorof time terrible accident ivimich occurred last eveemimig on the bIg Central via- duct. It was time worst accident that ever limippeneel In this city , ammil thee story ot htow time mmmotor car , bailed with mimn , wonmen amid chiiitlren , imail pltmnged through the open draw , stralgmt ! clown a hiuntireci feet into Limo river , iimms told over cud over again. Thousands of peopha retnmsineml by time river bank all last niglmt , aimel thmousammilmi more were there early in the mmeorning. Ureat crowdi. ' are still stammihing emi time bridge above LIce wreclteti car mmemtl about limo Imlaco where time wreckage is buried in the river , eagerly discussing every detail of time accident , Time first reports of the disaster have been verb- fld in ever ) ' Particular , with tIme lmosstblo' exception of time hmtmnmber of victicems , which is sonmewimat semmahler than was at first supposed - posed , Time work of kettimcg time imothies of thee- victims has gone oem steadily simmee ii o'clock last evening , atmd it is mmow , bclievcd notim- log Immure can ho done until time last bit ot wreckage of time car less been removed from the river. The scenes ahocmt the river Into last mmight , wimlic the work of resctme waa belmig prosecuted , i'ere pmmtimetic 1mm tIme ox- treemme. 'l'iie tlmousammds of people who hail assemccbleml waited with bated breath for the discovery of time bothies. It i'as a t'.md crowd aced ommt of respect for time mmnfortimmmatc ( lead. belt very little mmolso was ecmade. Occasiommally- tim. wild screamn of aomno frantic woeimmto ivlmo believed sommce ommo dear to leer wue ammmomig thu untortimnate ommes , would echo Over ( ho hats only to be taken imp at a distance by somemo other is-ommmidi ivhmose imeart. imas breakIng over imet lom. It was almost Inmpossil.mle to get to time river. Patrol wagons- dashed tlmis way noel thmat , their bells clang- imig , atimling to the din and confusbomi , Ammi- bimiaemces dashed up to time acemcc' , oemhy to toni and drive away again , carrying the reemmains of other unfortunates , LOOKING FOR iEAIt ONES. It was almost immipossihle to work with any systenm , Time crowd Pushed its way as near tieD acemmo as possihmie , and time efforts of tIme large force of pollee to mnaicmtrmimm order were- aimnost in vaimc , It was witim great dIfficulty that a body , whmoem recovered , was takeem to one of time dead vagony _ Foeer % rndios were found aheemoat at time same limos- . They were idaceml on stretchers and tIme sobeemiec immarch to time ammmbtcianco started. As time botlies were ' passed from the tirehoat to time willing 'lmaccds emi mmlmore tin aisle was meade need the bodies liassemi along. Riery few feet some womiman wotcld step oimt from time crowfi ; LICOC Into tIme face of a hotly as it passed. and. ' 'It Ia not imimmm , tlmamik God , " she woultl say. Amid so the sad lerocestlon moved oq. 4s the bedy of a youeeg boy iyas taken. ' .fromtheflreboat an old lady nearly fell bate , . lmzzict3. , . o ! CO , . thie face ot the dead boy. . ' 'She would 'maoU lie put back. She threw ieerseif on time body , looked tntf thmo face and cried : "Thank God. " 1"alhio tepon her knees , she raieeml her voice to heaven , acid prnyetl as only a nmothcr coukl under the circuemmstanctme , i'resslmmg close around her were ammywhero frommi 1,000 to. 1,500 people. 'rlioso mvhmo saw hmtr raised their hats , and not a fair joined icer 1cm prayer. At. another simot two lemon were tryimmg to hold , an almost distracted wornami. hue believed. her lmusbaemd was on time ill-fated car , and. was almimost insane with grief. On board time fireboat , alongside of whmich was tIme raft from ivhcicle two divers were. working , Coroner Arbuckle mmml several 'ot tIme boat hands were Imtmsy grappilmeg. toc- hodies , and all was confimsion. A hook woulmi catch on soemeetiming in time bottoni 'of time river. Time moan imammtlliemg It would shout : "i've got another , " Time crowd oem shore who could see what i'as going on oem hoard tlio boat woetld take up tIme cry. But Its macny cases time moan was wrong ; his hook wocmld bring to time surface an old hoard or It lmteCe of rubbish , Again time news would. be carrIed to time mumxiousiy awaiting crowd. STILEET CAllS STOPPEI ) . All the tune time resrcim was' golieg on cars were kept froni rienning over time viaduct. liotim tails froccm the west to tIme east ap- proacim of time bridge wore blacked with poo. pie. Iii thin center of time bridge immen , wornea mind children vent this and that way , scream- log , jostling cacli other , women temering thel hair antI calling upon God to save their des ones , Women fainted acid were trampled. on bey time mad , rushing and insane crowd , It was lmpocsibhe'to keep soy kind of ordeq and the effort was fInally abantlommeil , It was a crowd wimh a conmnmon grief. Not oiee of time multitude bet know tiecit perlmapa a brother , nmothmer , fcmtheer or sister was at that. moemiommt hying cold In death at the bottom of' time river. Everybody trIed to see every- hotly else , anti , as a result , it was heard tci distinguish ammy omme.From time dizzy heigh time thmousaemdrs of people who occtmimied poal- tions on the bridge watcimeti the prcceediemg below. Their view was unobstrmic'ed , anti timey saw cverytimbng tiemmt took place. T1m second a body was hrougImt to the surface tlmosa at the rail on Limo bridge reported to timoso In thee cen'er ( of time linde , auth tlmen rush to time rail was mcmade by lmucmtlrsda. The finding of the boTy of little Gertlo hioffmmmamm illbed time eecp of sorrow for A.V. . hlotfmmian , a grocery salesman , hlvbmmg at l&0 I'earl street , She was the last nmomnber of lila faeuily , Ills wife and icon , harvey , time letter - ter aged 7 , vere tahin fronm the river last nbgimt. Time little girl's body was found. badged agalmist time baemk of thee river. lies' little Imameds were flibemi whim splInters from time wrecked car , anti her baby face waa batlly bruised. When Iloffmamm realized what hail happened to imimn , be became bereft o his reasoem , Reisimimmg to time river , tie plungoc in amid tried to drown hmimeiseif , but was rcu- cued by friends , vimo took Imimem away anti tried to coenfort hmimn. Time fimmal identification of tIme body of Curt Lepuheme by his stepfather , I'rof. C. B. Cbenm- emits , tommy disclosed a romance , Lepchemets mother was an Englisim girl , Several 'years ago she wemmi to Ilerbims to study cemusic an there moot and married a clermimarm army officer namned Lepeimne. Four children were born to leer , and her husband died. Last summer she met I'rof , Ciearies Fl Cienienta , and the two became engaged. Prof. Clemmionts was ts teacher lit a musical school in iierlln , buL lee obtained an offer of a posItIon in thi city , lie camno to Cleveland , and Mrs. 1e. petino followed helm here , arriving only bst month , withm leer children. They were mur , ned coon afterward. Ctmrt , who was 14 year or age , was her eldest mien. DIVERS CAUO1IT TIlE TRUCKS. The divers zucceetled this evening in fas tenimig a chain to time trucks of time motoc ated they vero raised fronm time river. Thq boil of tlmo strealmi was then dragged , bu cia imthiea vcre found , fwo ijersoems are stIll mnibsilmg , however , and it. Is lerobabie thel bodlemi have floated down the river. The at , , those of Miss Saui'imeinier and Matthew Cablahan. Time search was given up tonight and all time irreckage remmmoved from thee , scene at time accident. Arretngemmmemmts have beemm made for the funerals of time victims , foam hy cli of ' , imieim wilL occur 'l'bmuraday. Time imuniber of vieticcis isas immcreased to liftien today by tIme discovery of two semen , bodies In ( he river. All of time dead imav bepn tdentitled , but four hiercoems ho wenq supposed to have boon on time iii fated ca as it made tIme awful imlunge are still miss. log , amid tiiero i3tms to be no doubt tha their bodies wdbh be taken frocem time bottom of tIme ris'r wlmen the heavy iron trucks o tIm , inccketl motor are ratseti , One of this' bdIe found today was ttea of I.ttti ( letie hloffmmian , aged 4YJ years , imlmo rau going home from time store when. ,