- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - _ _ . . . THE OMATIA DAIT.lY IEE : SUNDAY , : OVE [ DEn 1' , i8. 1 : TIE CONTINENTAt SUNDAY How it is 1 Observed in Pars , Berlin Bud Rome. - A DAY OF REST AND RECREATION ' Dlnnlel of I'/rll Rlil If .J.nnl MIIItUII4ICR-I.flhItT of Iellrlon In Jerln-flc IU" " ! FeNI/ . - The arlct enforcement of the excllc laws In New York City ha provoked 1 ,1ulp can- troverp Lehnen Urn advocates of the Purl- Un or American Sumlay on the one hand and the multitude which believe In Urn freedom of the continental Sunday. 'fho American Sun- day as defned by radlc31 church members and practced In New York , means the closing ; of saloons from Saturday night until Monday morning and the suppreulou of the NIl of liquor Ly hotel , clubs or other placel not Itrlcty clscd a. , aloons. The continental Sunday Is the anttwsl , of the American : ' Sabbath r called , but It Is not that riot of I' intoxication and revelry that Sabbatarlans lek to Inculcale. A collection of the views of eminent men on Sunday observance pub- Ishcd hy the New York Independent contains three leUers descriptive of Sunday life In Paris , UerlL and Home. These leters pre- Dnt the continental Sunday In different light than Is commonly understood , anti are fairly : representatvo of nuropo as a whole. The Parisian Sunday Is devrlbel by Theodore Stanton of New York City , Berlin by J. II. 'y. Slucleenberg , D. D. . ot CambrIdge , Maas. , and Homo bv I'rof. F. Z. Hoolcer , S. T. D. , _ secretary of the apostolic delegation In Wash- Ington , recently connected with the American j coliego In Home. From the letters the following - lowing extracts are taken : SUNDAY IN I'AltlS. 1 I the day be nne-A bright sun In winter I ant cool breezl In summer-l'arls presents the most beautiful exterior ot any capital In the world. There are smoothly Paved road- ways full of cheap cabs-ono of the greatest desiderata 01 New York-ant neatly laid sidewalks tree from those treacherous Un- ovennUee , the bane ot the pedestrian ] In American cites ; and , to cap all , theo Paris streets Are as clean Then there are well trimmed lawns In the many public gardens , numerOUD fewer beds blooming In every season - i , son , graceful fountains over playing , Innumer. ' able statues ant groups of sculptnre by past . masters In the plaetic art. comfortable benches scateret along mils of avenues and scores of more comfortable chairs under the trees of the broader streets and squares . countess restaurants and cafes with their Immaculate tables Invitingly Installed on the i : broad sidewalks and lastly the famous boulevardstho boulevards , from the Madeleine to the Montmartretho like of which , for nn Indescribable somothlng , are to bo found neither In London nor In any Amorl- can city , overflowing , especially on Sunday , ' wIth good-naturetl crowds of men , women and children In gala dress. : But a descripton of the attractions of Paris on Sunday would be quite Incomplete without some mention of the charms and ontertaln- ment In Its Immediate vicinity. Here belong the horse races , offered In great variety nearly k all the year around , at Lngchamp and other suburban tracks ; the Seine boats bearIng < . their happy humAn freight to the Vlncennes wood , In one direction , and to the superb aI- I lays ot St. Cloud I the other ; the neighborIng - Ing town of Seeaux , with its garden dedicated 4 10 Robinson CruMe and Friday and Its din- lug tables perched In the easily accessible branches at towering chestnut trees ; St. Denis , wIth Its tombs , and Versailes wLh Its picture galleries , and , still further away but one ot the favorite Meccas of th. more well- . wel- to.do Parisin Sunday sIghtseers , l ontalna bloati with Its historic apartments and Its grand forost. Such are some ot the more inviting aspect of external 1 and exterior Paris on a propitious Sunday. NoW n word nbont a few of the Internal - ternal , the within-doors alurements ot this same captivating city. The magnificent I.ouvro wIth Its Immense collections of paintings . sculpture ! , antiquities , ethnological and naval museums , Is thrown wide open on Sunday , year In and year out , to the delighted crowds who throng Its gal- 10r1N from morning tilt nIght. The ainio thing 19 true of the fine mIlitary museum at the Hotel des Invalides . of the Trocadero ethnological and architectural c9licctions , of the Gulmot exhIbition of oriental religions , of the motor painting and sculpture at the Luxembourg , of the Carnavalet museum so rich In souvenIrs of the hltory of Paris , and true , also , ot a half-dozen or more other museums , collections and exhibitions of greater or less Importanco. I Is on Monday that these public resorts are closed for the weekly cleaning and sweeping not on Sun- day , when alt the population Is free and can visit thcm. The two state theaterstho Francais and the Odeon-and tIme opera hem > are not only open throughout the year , wInter and sum- men , but novel dream of closing their doors . on the Sabbath. In fact , on that day the frFrancaLs and time Odeon , and , as a rule , all the ParIs playhouses . offer two performances , afternoon and evening when the programs are made as popular as possible and the male prices at admission rClluced. In a word , time managers oem to vie with one another In an effort to entertain the public , a strIking instance - stance of the democratic spirit ! which por- yades time Paris Sunday Furthermore , the best musical concert oc- S cur on this same day ; and It Is on Sunday , too , that the military bands perform In the parks. When the great annual picture exhibitions - bitons are In progress the price of admission 1 reduced , as In the case ot the theaters , on Sunday , and at the old Salon no charge whatsoever Is made In the morning , when one may see Uncs of people , four or five leelJ and n black long filing In through the gates In order to feast their eyes on tile best work at orler leading artists ot time world. Now how do the people of Paris use theN privileges ot a French Sunday ? In answering thIs question wo may "epara to the population Into two grand divisIons. The leisure class . that have amused themselves luring the week tmt generally remain at home on Sunday ; for I they go out they complain ot finding the streets too crowded time cabs taken anti the theaters full. Speaking generally , I Is the maulS who take IOSsesslon of Paris on Sun- day ; and they evidently get so much enjoy- meat out ot I and must bl 0 much benefited by time aesthetic surroundings that OVen a Puritan would have to admIt that some good thing can come out of Nazareth. The big stores and most of time small ones So no business on this first day of the week N that the army of clerks are free. Many of the great public administrations , such as time past and telegraphic offices , close early Sun- and add large contingent to tay afternoon . ( a contngout Ihose bent on rest and Innoaent amusements. The mechanics and vast mRjorlty of the Jay laborers , the shop girls and house servants. the university students-probably from 15,030 to OOOO In numberthe csdet ! ( rom the various government school In Jaunty hIll- terms , anti the muliude of school chllren , all , In their way , give , 'Incty and variety to the joyous scene. I may bo Bake. how are religious ; inter- Oats atectetl by a Parisian Sunday ? I have never perceived that they are ImmJure1 thereby. Neither Catholic prIests nor Protestant pas- tore appear to complaIn of it. Criticism em- antes only trom Anglo.Saon'Islon , who do not know the France , outsIde of ParIs. and who do not get beneath the veneering of l'arls Itself. I may. In fact be said that time Catholic church profits by this unrestricted Sunday , e pclaly In the country dlsrlcts ; tar time peasants , who flock to t.WI chiefly lor the ShOW9. time dancing and the promolule , , - begin and end the holiday at mass and 'es- ' prs.b b I true . as sometimes asserted , that a . ulshn Sunday propagates immorality ? I may seem so to an American or English eye accustomel to our more constraInt I Sab- baths. The noIsy merr-go-rounds loaded with fhoutng children . and someUm"s even wih adul _ ; the open-air concerts with many a broad song ; the sipping ! ot wine beer and even Itronger drinks universally anti Iub- ! lely at the cafes , and the frequent outbursts ' of hilarity on the streets and In oven cabs . IS'- are IpL to shock and be mluuJerstoo by oalooker from over the sea . I I. tel that It there I alt this turmoil 01 the aurf.mce . there ul W lottici worse bencath. Dut right I , hero It I' thAt ne make our , nI'ahe. : French reveler wear their merriment on their lleve , . For Instarlr , one aces more Intod. caton In Now York during one wo'k day than would be Men In Pais during 1 month ct Sundays. This Is no exaggeratIon , but time . simple truth. SUNDAY I iiCilLlN . The Germans make n sharp dIstinction between . tneen the Sabbath and Sunday , cIlntl ; that the former way peculiar to the old dll\enl- lon , while the later belongl to the \ new ChrIstIan freedom rClectng times and lea- sons Is emphasized : nod I there is I no divine command to sanctify the Lord's . day I Is easy to make the frt day of the week 1 holiday Instead ot a holy day . The result ID what Is known as the contInental Sunday. For a long time , however , earnest Chrtt':8 have regard the neglect of the religious obecryance of the day nl the source ot 1'1- calculable moral and spiritual evils , and united efforts have , been made to promote its rcn- secration. secraton. A few year ago law restricting labor on Sunlayere passed by Parlament , and the elect 19 visible throughout Germany. Except- Ilg bakeries , provlelon sierra and met chops , places of business are cioed In Berlin ; and the former are also closed during the hur of service from 9 to 1 In the morrln . and after 2 In the afternoon. The Sundays IfuM- dlately preceding Christmas are no included In the law , but the stores are open ann crowded. There Is another Important exceptIon-the limitations to labor on Sunday do not .lect I the leans of transportatIon , the cafe , the I restaurant . the saloon , and places ot onll- ment. Alt the theaters are open , Inrlutll time royal theater and time royal opem. The crowds on Sunday are expected to campen- sHe for any loss"s sustained during t'ame week. The most objectonable play Is as likely to be given then af at any other time . S.cular con- cents abound. Among the most popular resorts - sorts In winter are the dancing halls where the dancing Its from Satunhy evening to ! Sunday morning , and to which multitudes lock on Sunday evening. Uestur ns are usually connected with time thealI , ) , concerts and halls , and intoxicatIng drinks are sold One need but look at time mllons on that dry to learn why so many faml'le and employer regatd the l1y of rest as TnO'ht of all to bo dreaded , and not a few believe that many a laborer would bo better off It the day were spent In ordinary wurlc. Certalr crime are more frequent on that day thl' on o htJ's ; It Is made the occasion for Intrmpernnce end debauchery , and In nnmerIIS Instances the , effects are felt .m lollay , In time lndutrial : pursuits. Thl Germans are very for.'l of nature , and arc glad to CSCpJ frJm tic confnement of the city. On any :101 : summer SUlllay multitudes - tudes crowd Unter den Linden and tim olher thoroughfares to get 10 time Thlcrgalten , the great park of Bhniln. Adjoining It Is the ! Zological garden , \.Ien' on sonic occasions 50,000 or more conr ga o. The restaumramtz' : l and beer gardens In the uburu ! do an Icor- mous business , the mans of conveyance are crowded anti oVtrcrI\led , and frc'quc'ntiy extra trains are run late at night In order to bring the people iaclc to the city. Flre families , parents anl children , go on theRe excursions ; often there are large parties and , groups ot families . lan } ' talc coffee Insto.\1 ot beer and Ito Intoxication Is seen ; but i statistics prove that there Is more drunken. sttlcs ness In Derln than a. atr.lnger would uspect. SClletmes the exclrsrollst start In the mlmorning but more frcllHty after dinner , and return In the evening . Grunewald , the royal hunting park Is hut a few mie ! distant , and Is frequented ly SCrs of thousands. The unnumbered multtlle , ! metme : hundreds - dreds of thousands , who thus seek conlact with nature , must not bo sumpposed to consist exclusively of thJ who Ignorp the church. Many attend divine "erVINS In the morning and go to the woods In the afternoon. The religious services are usually held at 9 In the morning and at 6 L the evenIng. Sunday school meets soon after dinner : but tt ! Is mora for children . young men and young womfm attending oniy as teachers. Very ge.enmiiy the chlcen Le- long to the poorer cl3e . 'fIH churches of Derln are whol'y Inadequate. Numerous eio- gant ones Ilav : ccootly bmm ad.k'J hut still time actual neo Is are not met. Tha popul- ton of the city numlrs about 1700000. The Catholcs have over 100.011 , tIle ! Jews about 70,000 , willie the rest . excepting a smal numbr designated as sects , belong to the Evangelical S''to church commonly called the Union ; that 10 i , the Lutbeana nmmd Its- formed are united , and have equal I'hls ; In the same churc : A fey years ate the for \ ' ( or six dozen turclics and Illaro of worshi ! hall a seaUrg ' capacIty of GO.OO , not quite enough to acc ) ; nHhho all the servant girls If they went at the same time . I has repeatedly - peatedly bean stated that no other city In Christendom was 1 porlv provided with church accornnodaiin'ls. : . Many of thlEe churches were In the center of the city ; but In the new parts , awar from time center , where the growth of the population ban been enormous , few r'1Urhos ' were built . As ! con- sequence. there were p. ' 'ihIS with aver 100. , 000 ! u1s. : \'en now , whe' to ; numher of' ' churches has incrlIHM ; , there are palsheg with GOOOO ' 0 SOOOO sr.uls , with but n single church and two or thrle % pastors. Time mln- tcrlal I force 19 r1t eqlal : t : th' dema'ids. Marty taml09 neve" see th'J pastor In theIr homes net even In cales of stckncp' : end Ihonsanes of fnnor.tls occur without the pre - once of a preauor. Sometimes they are not wanted when the de'd are burlel ; but at other times they ,1e wante.i : : and cannot bo baJ. These fact : ld l'lo laxity of view respecting - Ing Sunday sro lt , however , the only ex- planatono of time mnanne . of obsorvJn lime day In Ilerlin. The libe.is hiv long h.ati : control ot time city gv.-mmniemmt : an ! ! In Germany to bo liberal In i'oittics usually means . to I' " very liberal In reiIIon. Many Jewl are 1nfluntLal : headers of 'he I'uty. ' Little r1uH he I x- pccted from tb2e liberals for time mu1II 1- ton of churc'les I : tar tte betut cbservlce of Sunday. rot less significant Is the tact that an extreme rationalIsm and agnostcism havE entered time ranks ct culture , while the soclalsUc masses are arf'ct.d by materlnUslc atheism. What an Influence these socialists exert may be Inferred from the fact that a few year ago they cast eve ' 20,000 more votes In the city than all the other parties . and that five ( f the six relJrOlontnllves In Parlament from Ueiin are Bocl.,1 democl'at8. DurIng time last two d'lcae s an Improvement has taken place ! n tim roilgoms ! ' conJ1ton : , and this has told on the attendance nt divine service ; but for muHlu'lel ' In cultured circles and among the mnias Sun'lay I slmpy ! a day of rest anJ reerta'.laa and amnusemmibnt. for social gatherings anti family en fhln- nlents . ofen with ( hlcln ( ant , gale . In famies regarded 1 exceptinaly religious It Is customary for the lall ! to sew or knit , or engage In oth. r Icnds of lght worlc. The servants usually have every other Sunday afternoon for visiting , and great numbers of them are seen In the streets In public gardens and at bals.SUNDAY SUNDAY IN ITAI.Y. One scarcely ever hears the first day ot the week called by Its calendar name In Italy. It Is not generally spoken ot al Domenlca , but aa the I'"osta. Time observance ot the day In Italian cities I precisely such as Is Im- plied In the name by which It Is commonly known. I Is a festa , and what a teata means to the rich to the middle class , and to the poor ot a Latin race , Sunday means to the rich , the poor , and the mIddle class In Italy. To all It means a day ot enjoyment a day of rest from the usual occupations ot the week , a day a tar ao possible without care , a day ot general frIendly feeling and good-fallow- shIp a day for healing up ot old sores and ! Ierhsps openIng of new ones. The Italians arc all Catholics . They would think you Insane were you to question it. I you do hazard the Inquiry , they will answer that they were barn Catholics , and Catholics they expect to remnln. Now , time first and last absolute religious duty of e\ery CatholIc on Sunday Is to hen mass. That done there \ nothing ell that the church absolutely requires of her children on Sunday more than she does on other days . except that they ab. stain from all unnecessary servile work The first religious duty therefore ot all Italians on Sunday would bo to hear muass . In the cites of Italy some ot the people hear mass end some don't. The other requIrement for the sanctification ot the day 19 pretty faIrly fulfilled. Servile work is I , for the most part . suspendel. Most of the shops are closed. Dutcher shops , bakerIes , groceries and the lIke are open for a pat or all of the mornIng ; but they are closed In the afternoon . Wine bops , cafes and restaurants are open all day and evening , and ot course . do their best busIness on this dlY. dlY.The The enjoyment ot the day begins In the afternoon. All Italian cities have withIn or near them parks or , 'la or reortl of some kInd tar public amuemont. To these places the peot1. flock fA cowc Who families g together and there onJo ) the pleaurel ot open air anti beautiful I natural lurroundlngs. The older people meet and gossIp : the younKer people stroll and talk theIr small , sweet talk ; the chIldren romp and lay unU the linking sun warns them all ot nlght'l approach , and they then wend theIr way homeward. Those who have horses and c1rlc and those who can afford to hire them make timeso Sunday afternoon promenades with such adlitonal ease aOl luxury. Those whose circumstances require stricter economy eeem to get equal enjoyment from watChing and admiring the display of their more favored brethren. To imi l reRe the pleasure of these outings , bands nr" stationed at diFferent points In the parks Dr In the public squares , and programs of cx- celent music are rendered with consummate skill. WIthin an hour after sunset all are In their respectIve homes and time afternoon's pleasure Is over Snch ID the afternoon for the quiet . order loving element. But tastes differ . and another portion ot the community prefer to go out on the roads leading to time country anl pas their time In taverns anti roadside Inna. I Countless places ot thl kind exIst , and croo'dD ot people frequent them on Sunday afternoons. They go In little groups anti gather around tables set In the open air , If thf season permits , or In pleasant rooms , I cold or Inclcment without ; and there they drink their wine and cat luncheons , either brought with them or ordered from the host The men play cuds or outdoor games , the stake being the wIne for the part } . . I Is In these partIes that trouble arLes . They play game after game , and at the end of each game time loser II3ses the wino around Dy and by It becomes dIfficult for them to follow exactly the course of their games and . to feel Mt- fled at the end ot them just who 1& time loser. Then dIsputes arise . quarrels ensue , and not Infrequenty iemo serious cutting Is done ; or , becoming exhiarated by time wine they drink , they grow Impatient of the slow progress of ordinary games , and tko to methods of gambling whIch give quicker results , but which infallIbly end In misunderstandings. Evening comes on , and , though these people remain at their pleasure longer than the more peaceable ones , they , too . return at a convenIent - tent hour to the city. Still another kind of popular amusement I provided for thee whoso tastes do not run In either of the directions I have descrIbed. For children anti for grown folk with tastes of children , the showman pitches his tent In the squares and vacant places on the out- skirts ot the city. There Punch anti July shows amuse the crowd ; freaks arc ex- hlblted : gymnasts and Acrobats display their teats : thrIlling tragedies and sllo splitting comedies are acted ; singers whose voIces have become too worn even for concert halls find still some "so poor to do them reverence - ence ; " a stray wild beast sometmes lends an attraction to time motley show within the mysterious canvas ; Jugglers and magicians make time crowd wonder open-mouthed : merr-go-rounds help time poor PeoPle to Imaglno almost anything their humor fits them for , and all Is enlivened by time squeak- Ing tones of dilapidated hand organs I one goes 01 Sunday afternoon Into time very poor parts of Italian cites , still other sights are to bo seen , still other ways of passing the Idle day. Here the shops are not closed Wares ot all kinds are exposed for s leal kind that the poor require , and ot a quality stilted to the condition of time buy- ers. Household goods , clothing , food , every- timing Is bought and sold with greater com- motIon than on any other day at the week Time populatou turns all out-of- doors ; tIme streets are fie ; huclc- sters congregate and their cries , mingling wIth the loud talking ot the people hell to make a bedlam. Push carts , laden with wretched candles all fruits , with nuts , anti In the seasomm with vIllainous Ice- cream , wind their way with difficulty through the crowds. Dark , dismal , dirty wIne shops are there In great numbers and are kept perpetually filled with customers attracted - tracted by the placards hung out before the entrances tolling ot wluo to be had within for 6 , G , 7 or 8 cents the hal litre. The pleasure and rest enjoyed by these poor people are not of an elevate kind , to be i i sure , but It Is the best they can provIde for themsclves. They cannot go to the parks and vIllas , for they c.nnot clothe themselves In a presentable manner , anti "human re- spect" Is perhaps strongest In thoery poor. They cannot go out on time country roads to the taverns and wayside Inns be- cause the distance Is too great anti they cannot afford to rIde. They stay In their own district and do the best they can. Such a crowd , ot course cannot puoh and rub agaInst the other for hours without treading on ana another's toes , literally and metaphoricaly , and good spIrIts grow tired In time courss ot a long afternoon. Time re- ammlt , hot words , quarrels . blows . anti sometimes - times imomicldes. With the coring ot night oven these people-at least so tar as women and children are concerneti-retire to theIr wretched Indoor quarters. . 1.\IOI . % NI'r ISiH'STU\ Thirty-nino unions ot the A. H. U. have been organized In time eastern states. Forty unIons are tt be started In Tenuesse and Georgia. Time financial statement of time Interna- tonal Typographical union shows a balance October 10. $43.028.9 : ro- cclpts to October 25 , f4GIO.G9 ; total , $47 , - 639.41 ; expenditures , 41,674.94 ; balance In treasury , $45,964.4. Typefounders union No. 3 ot Chicago will soon adopt a label "hlch will form a part of a matrIx and bo cast .n each type cast by the members of time unIon. Chicago has time only typefouuders' union In the country I The great mountain ot coke accumulated ' at Dessemer , Pa , by the CarnegIe Steel company receuty contained 50OOO tons , and Is stIll growIng. Nearly 1.0 men are at work In the noach shipbuiding plant at Chester , Pa. , where seven steel vessels are under construction - struction . A shirt manufacturing firm at Elizabeth , N. J. , as an experimnent will semi-annually divIde its net profits with Its employes. i the plan makes the employt attentive and Increases the standard of thoce employed I wIll bo adopted permanently. Ground has been broken In South Deth- leimem I'a. , tar a new silk mi which Is to , be buIlt by Lipps & Sutton. The new mi wi cost $50,000 , and I Is expected will employ GOO hands. The AmerIcan Sewing Machine company , ' Washln"ton avenue , Pimiladoipimla . Is putting , additional machlner- Into their bicycle department - ' partment with the expectation .t being able to turn out 10.00 bIcycles durIng the season ot 1896. Sharpless & Watts , 1522 Chestnut street , Ph1adelphla. are entering upon the manu- facturo ot bIcycles and expect to have an output during the season ot about 3,000 wlmeeis. Sioux City has secured practically next to time largest glucose factory In the world. C. Anln Peter ot New York , repr03entng easter capitalists . signed an agreement to put In a ,000.000 plant If $75,000 bonus was raised. Two-thIrds of time amount was raised at a meetIng ot business men Vast deposits ot Iron have been found at Aitken , Minn. . by parties ot practical Iron men who have bten prospectIng there for some tme , hut nothing will be domme toward developing the property ! until sprIng. The Morton Tin Plate company , Cam. I bridge , 0. . report a steady Increase In the I demand tar higher grades of plates and are : confining theIr operatons to , the manufacture - ! ture ot these goads , so tar as their tinning ' department Is concerned. The yellow pine of southern Georgia can be : utilized In more ways than any other tree In time world. Its products are tar , pitch , rosin and turpentine , and the body ot the tree can be used for fuel or manufacturud Into lumber , shingles , cross-ties and fence rails . A large factory Is soon to be erected by the Winchester Repeating Arms comp . y. New Haven , Conn. , which wIll bo 300x60 feet and three stories. I Is to be built at brIck on the slow burning plan , and bo Ie. voted to the manufacture of paper shot shells. In the roar a brick Itructure will be buIlt . lGx50 tulel feet , to bo used p tar dryIng the pap1 ' Oil 1'0111. Old people who require medicIne to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find the true remedy In Electric flitters. This medIcine does not stmulato and contains no whiskey nor other Intoxicant . but acts as a tonic and aiterative. I acts mildly on the stomach and bowels , adding strength and gIving tons to the organs thereby aIdIng nature In the performance ot the functions . Electric fill. tens Is an excellent appetIzer and aids dlges- tion . Old pcople find It just exactly what they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at . Kuhn o CO.'I drug storo. COiN IJIII .tI.I'l'I . LS . A Massachusetts new s4nman deserted her husband because bt ma ' } her work In his grocery store . She In sfll the business antI ho refused to shnr , . profits wIth her , so she quIt him In dll/ / ' One ot time nurrylnl ' t'ces at Jefferson- villa , Inll , had the hOl1or of tying the knot for the 1It one of twnty.one chIldren of one famIly , the other da } ' . All came from Kentucky , and were nlVrieml within three years. 1' pt Iowa Is to get In ormt aim. . international mar- riage , and there Ic a title among time assets. Miss Alee Dlknap , daughter ot the late General W. V. ' . lelkRap , Is to wed Count Szeckenyl ot the AustrIan legation at Wash- Ington. The duk' of larlhoro lh Is not limo only man to gain a rich brIde. George D. Tit. comb , time proprietor ofmatreet lunch cart , In Providence , H. I. , la'to marry next week daughter. Miss Grace M. Ilawes a millionaire's Miss Marie Delphine Meredith nead , clnugh. ter ot the former .Axmmel lean coimt'ul general at larl amid minister to Greece , way mnrrled on November 4 to Count Max , do Fords , of nn ancient Prench noble family . The father ot the bride , General Meredith Head , Is A favorite among Parisians. An Indiana clergyman has undertaken the job of finding nn helr.ess for a tItled rench- man. The brIde must be a desirable pt'ron with at least $2.000,000 subject to check. I the deal can be consummatell , the prince Is willing to sacrifice $10,000 ot the brIde's money In rewarding time agent. There h. a girl lIvIng In Flora , 2nd. , whenever never misses a passenger train during the daytIme , and watch Intently for some one to get off . lien story Is a ad ono. About four years ago her loyer , a raIlroad man , waR killed . She went Insane from the shock and from that day to this she has met every train In the hope of seeing her laver return to her and firmly believes that he will do so. She may be seen standing on the platform - form awaiting the arrival ot the train In all kinds of weather. Harvey Dareal and Mrs. Amanda Cravens were married at Galatn , Mo. , In 1848. Two years later he went wIth a party ot gold- seeker to CalifornIa. lie quit wrItIng , and , supposing he Intended never to return , his wiI got a divorce. Afterward she married a man named McDonald , who died a few years ago. ShE anl . her first husband , Dar- neal , met about a year ago. There was a t'econmi courtshIp , resultIng In their marrIage again November 6 nt a hotel In Princeton , Mo. , after being separated forty-five years They arc visiting relatives at Itichmnond. ' . \ { G CIICg ! Madeline S. nrlhes In Hochesler Union. You love mo ? Aim I know , Al men love , no bettor , dear 'Vorshlll ? Yes , / month or so. Tenderness ? lerhaps n year . After that , the quiet sense Of possession : careless care , And time calm Indifference That nil married lovers wear. Blame ) .flJ . dearest ! Not at all. . . made ' ' stand. As fate you , so you As fate ml\le YU , 50 you fail Far below love'f high demand. Yet strange Is love's deep lawl I can look you throllh and through , Tracing lalnIY naturo's law In the heart she gave to you . Hnowlng : nil my heart must stake , All the danger all the tear Anti yet glntl , even so , to make ThIs ! my losing bargutn . , dean A. G. Dartey ot 1bgIC'l. , writes : "I feel It a duty of maine to Inform you and the plblc : that DoWltt's Wltch'lazel ' Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. I also cured my boy of a runlr'Iore ! on his Ie : i . MILLIONS AT 'fiIHI COMMAND : : . . . I In thee prosaIc days when a Chicago rail- way king desires to give his brother millionaires - aires a "jolt" he saunters out and purchases a $10,00 fur-lined overcoat. That Is what General Joseph T. Terrence did time other day. "General" Torrcncetho title Is bestowed - stowed by courtes-I add oil his money out of railroads. He ) hts teen building and operating railroads since he was of age. He operatng ralroals Is rcputed to bl wortl $2000O00. Not long since he completed A' .c."tory mansion II Chicago , whIch , because of the ma"nlfcence ot Its exterior und Interl ' ( Iecoratiomms . Is regarded - Is gardc as one of the wonders of that city. John D. Rockefeller Is probably the wealh- lest man on the western hemIsphere. He Is reputed to be warth $200,000,000. I has all been made since he became 21 years old . He Is time oIl king of time warM. Ils fad , I It can so be termed [ , Is plmilantimropy. He made time University of Chlca"o what It Is by his wealth. He lIves modcst } teaches a Sunday school class-so do his wlo and daughlors-aml has imo hobby outsldo the desire - sire to tb the greatest possible nmount of 10 good wIth the money whIch ho has ac- cumulated. Cecil J. Rhodes . the dIamond king at South Africa , does not mow ] just how much he Is worth A recent wrier says that ale Is a choice compound ot Nero , AtUa and Genghls Khan , with some at the amiable traits of Dick Turpin and Doss Tweed. Mr. nhod Is an Oxford man , puny In his early years and with the prospect of an early death before him. Ho went to South AfrIca to recuperate , liked I. took to conservative politics and speculation and there ho sta's. lie Is described - scribed as an Englshman , 42 years of age , bIg and strong In ph'slluO and In brain masterful , a man ot great Ideas , a man who justifies hIs Ideals by his deeds ; he learned the business of diamond mining ; ho becamE Interested In a mining compammy . But there were many mines and many companies Mr. Hhods determIned to consolidate the mining Interests , to control thcm all. He nccom- pushed his purpose. I was not easIly nor quickly. Vast capital was raqmmlre.1-$150- 000,000 at the mInimum. The great amal- gamaton was one of the most Interestng In the financial world Ho Is worth today perhaps $35,000,000 And It has ben made within twenty years. There Is anothlr Englshman whose wealth Is simply stupendous when viewed even In the lght of nineteenth century fortunes. Ills name Is "Darney" Ilarnato. To his friends he Is plaIn "Darney. " Who Is he ? Few cal tel with accuraey Ho Is outspoken and frank , nnd his wealh , estimated at all sorts ot figures , but probably $100,000.000. has not turned his head . Darnato has ben barber circus performer , circus manager theatrIcal promoter , gold imminer gold owner and gold mine promoter. The parallel to Darnato at the mIllionaIres who have been mad6 In a score of years on who have been made In a se oreot years .n this side at the Atlantic Is Anthony NIcholas Brady time gus king ot New York. He be- gao life as cashier In an Albany barber simop 'fhen he took charge of the b1 at time Dela- van house ; then he ran sIx tea stores , and finally he dried into the granite pavement bUl'lnesD. ' Pretty soon , Iln the language ot the street , h6 had "molley to burn , " Then he took to cheap lumluatng : gas and out ot thIs has made a fortupo. Ho lias no tads. He Is a home man with. simple tastes. lie la quiet and unobtrusive but as quick as lghtning at n deal. hero Is the story of one of his latest transaotons : The Provi- dence H. I. , street raIlways were In the market and Ihey werd brought , almost as a matter of course , toc ! r : Brady who had money for such invostments. That was FrI- day. Friday night Mr. ldy took time train to ProvIdence and spent Saturday there making hIs examlnatol " For time examina- ton of such a oysten .dme experts would have taken two weeks , but on Monday morn- Immg bright and earlyf ! I. Brady was back In Wal street advising his assocIates to g < Into time deal ' At no'on1 Monday a contract for $13.000,000 was conclude anti the deal so haaUy made has resulted In one of the most profitable Investments In the world Mr Brady'a wealth Is estmated at $23 , . OOO , < O. - p I TruuhlNwIh ThI. ihcumnUNm nell ArNAI'OLIS , Md. , April 16 , lSH.-I ! have used Chamberlain's Pain Dalm for rheuma- tsm and tound I to be all that Is claimed for it. I belIeve It to be the best preparation for rheumatlm % and deep seatEd muscular pains on the market and cheerfuly recommend - mend I to the public . JOhN O. DnOOCS , dealer In boots , shoes . etc. . No 18 Main St. ALSO nEAD TIllS. MECIANICSVILLE. St. Miry County Md. -I laId a bptle of Chamberlain's Pain lalm to a man who had ben suffering with rlmeu- mltlm tar several years. I made rheU-j well man. A. J. ll'OILL A GREAT [ INSURANCECOMP I S U [ ANY REPORT OF THE NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE. Solidity of Itlvestmettts attd ECOtl011Y of Manage11ettt. - Assets of $73.349,707 and Surplus of $13,845,436--Re ! of a . . Two Months' Investigation of the Con1pany's Business and Methods - ods by Representatives of the Insurance Departments of Five States Embodied in a Report Which Confpn1s the Confidence the Publc Has Always Had in This Milwaukee Institution. The examlnlon ot the business of the Northwestern Mutual Lie Insurance com- pauy Ly a commission representIng the WID- conslu departments of five state , which has been In progress for two months has been completed , The examination has been very thorough ant exhaustIve . A large force ot clerks has been emplo'NI In xamlulng time company'e In\stmlntD. liabilities ami mactim- ods ot busIness and the result Is a stib- stantnl testmonial to the solidity of Its condition , the excellent quality of its assets anti its cconomy of management. The coin- pany'o surplus Is 13.645,43G.64 , whlo Its assets has grown to the enormous amount ot i3,349,707.84. . Time relJOrt of the commission - mission Is as follows : ' falows lm.WAUKEI . , Oct. lG , 1895.-lon. Ii. I. Palmer , Presllent rorthwester Mutual Lie Insurance compauy-Dear Sir : The commlslon relJrescntng the Insurance de. partments of Wlscollln , Massachusetts . Iluols , South Dakota aud Nebraska have completet the examination of your com- pan ) ' anti submit to the ant you folowing re- porL giving time results of such exumlna- tiomm. The last comimpieto cxamlnaton of the Northwester Mutual Life Insurance com- pan } ' was made In 187 , participated In by the departments of lasschubels , Nol York , Illinois , Maryland and \'ieeonsimi The present examination began early In July last by the Insurarco ± departments ot South Dakota and Nebraska , to which were subsequently added by invitation of the company , Massachusetts , Iinois and , \Visconsimi I Time Board of ExamIners organized by : the selection of Commlslouer William A. rlcke aD chairman and placed time gen- ernl supervision of the ( Ietals of time ex- ! amlnaton In charge ot Wm. D. Wimiting . In this work leh departments were re\- reseuted as follows : South Dakota and Nebraska , represented respectively by C. Ii. Anderson and Frank H. WIlson , examIners ' Wison , employing four clerks las : chuseUs , represented by Conimis- sloneI George S. Merrill ant Wmmm . D. Whitng with a force ot seven clerks IlnoJs , represented by SuperIntendent D. K. Durfee , J. J. Iinlnkenlmoff , actuary , and one clerk. WIsconsin , by Commissioner Wiiam A. Frlcko and Henry S Val , actuary with a force ot five clerks together with time lion. W' If. lylrca , attorney wih . Constituting In all a force ot t\enty-slx persons besides the appraisers ot real estate In different localte ' . December 3i. 1894 , was adopted tar makIng - Ing the financIal statement so cs to car- respond wIth time date ot the company's last swern statement 10 the several severl depart- ments , but time examination ' examinaton wa broumgimt down to August 1 , 1895 , to ascertain wimetimer any material changes other than those in- cident to the normal course of business had occumrred The examinaton his disclosed the following - lowing to bo time cOlpany's. - I , , limit imcIm I CII.1 I Ion . lec. al. I 1sn I. . Cost Value of flc'ni Ittate Owncd . AfHJTS. F.tate - Home Acqllr olke , buildIng for'elo ; tin . . , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ " : 2 ( ISO.07 l xcc.s of alprlisemmmens . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lam ' 32S. 4 5 : otr coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G' 5 O.8 Lnmm " Total on boils . . . ! . nnI . . ! . . mnortgageq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ } IO O .M I"nn : on Co. rorla " . . ! on renl estate . . : : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sic . cam &J & ! Iiolcl" nsslgncli ns c b ' . ' , . . . . . , s. _ . rerlum not s on ' . ' < lntlrl-secucl I ) reseu'e . . . . . . . . . I'ar'nlue or bonds owned . II . rOI'ce-s"curell . by n"er\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467GV.t _ Market value o\'er Itur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .170.nc. ( ) . Cash In Oflic , ' . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33n 101 ( ) 7,5tO.06 .OO onle. . . . . . Cash In banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mel ! 10.rS Aent limmeret deitit on Inlnnc . s . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2iiQlis : : : . ahio511 : , . i : : . : : . . . . . a. " . 31301.G2 5.nl.1 1.I.Sn ! 1 .30 Intenist I : on : uOr\n \ cue. I' duo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 2:3.0S.O ) , nccruec . . . . . .1' g ! ' C1 l' n , S3 ' g Intcrest on moltcy Jn loins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ' to ) 00 ' accnw,1 , . . . . . " ' . 1 - . , . 0' ) 1 . . . ' . . , . 0) Hent on real estate lonns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137:00' : I aCl'rucll I . . . . . . I r.2r.c 1. 3t. .C Gross , eslatc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1 . . , " , J. mtccrtmci , . . . . . 8.S2..r. Iremiunm : : nccre,1 Gross prmlul on oulstnnllni ( I.nlcle ; i t' ; : ' ; I : : : : 29 : jl : : reflWtmlM , . . . . . . . 421),11q.O I ) I ] decrcd prcm. on Policies 'n ' rOI'ce Ut 'enr. 121.81.00. lencwlIs . . . . : . uCG ) .O . j 1.3,0.17.00 Deduct for cost 4 0) on Collection 5 per cent. . . . . . . . O 2 O G ; per cent. ' 9 .01.O Realizable on uncollected and deferred l'remlum.208. $ ,2\8.576.00 1.4 G.801.0 TOTAL . \SSgTS. DEC. 31 , 1891. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $73.31307.84 1d1mrT . rTIam4. ltesrve ( actuaries , nl.ll , 4 per cent ) on policies nnll nnnultcs In force December 31 , liii 1 , n. compute ' hy 7tmassmcIusmts , clepartmcnt on correteti Deccmler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' 1.sl2.1.2.fl0 Hesln'e on certnln rrctonll pnil up In.urancc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58.812132.00 ] . . He"er\ for paid up Insumnce clahnahlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12i.38 . ) 1te'em've against excess Tontne guarantees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22. .O He1en'c against polcies ( olelc-d for Intempersnce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.oI7.ct Heser\c against prmiums below net rle' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.01.c . Denth ) cnlms In process or adJu.tment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $201,32.46 Denth claims contested or In litigation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.IC2.39 Denths occurring In 1891. proofs received In 1811 . less reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . IS7,7,2.27 I I'ndowmcnts : ' , cue mini awnltn ! clnlmants. . . 18 . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.42.00 4G7CS 12 ] 1'Ilenos due on oltstandln anti dererrell premnimmmns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13'.Ita.lO ( DI\lllcnds ! cue In cash nno \ull'113 , nut lc.I-lortel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,061.41 iaqiso.rt Premiums paid In ad\'ancn anti accrue. ! comml..lons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.OIU . . . 12.M.O ) Unpaid bills , accounts . etc. , presented after . Jununl ' I.t , 1890. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00.0 . . Agent credlC balances etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOTAr ' r.IAnILm'r1ms , DIC , 31 , . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ) SUItI'LUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13,545,1:6.51 . 73.049,7O7.s4 of timis surplus 13.563,711.0 : is accumulated Tontine earnings , ammd general surplus 4,061,72.ma l3,5l5,406.54 . In this Item tmo ! Commission have cltarge'I tite Company whim time extreme Imosslijie liability S : It Is orml fair to state titat ( roltm time experience of time Cotmtpummy In tie adjustment of clatrmms Un- tier these Itoileles , time actual iIa1ttlIm' Vittummdoubtet0ly be largely reduced. ASSETS , Time tItles of real estate owrmed were Investigated - vestigated by Attorney General Mylrea , antI were found to 'est time ownersimlp of each piece In time company \vlthmout flaw or in. cumbrances. Eacim parcel was valued by op. praIsers selectoti by tIme cimairnman , witim time final result of Increasing time total value by $56,590.S8 over time amount claimed by time con'pany In its Decemmmber 3i , 1894 , state- macnt. Time real catato on Imanmi acquired by foreclosure - closure Is remarkably small In proportIon to the large suimi Invested in mortgages and Is earning a faIr net rent , as is also time home Office building , when ahiowatmco is mmmade for the portion occupied by time company , This amount tom' own occupancy does not cuter Into the company's annual statement for rents received arid paid. The custom of the company imas bon ( witim few exceptions ) to dispose of real estate acquired - quired by foreclosure as rapidly as possible and nmerge time not loss bite the Imiterest earnings of time year In wimicim It Is sold. An analysis of the business for twenty years simows timat only a small percentage of loans mantle are foreclosed and aequiret1 as real estate. The mortgage loans , conmprislng rmeanly 80 par cent of total assets , have been carefully placed and ylelmi a gross rate of 5 6-10 per cent Interest , payahle semiannually - annually , About one-fourtim of time immontgages represent farm loans , The loans are dls- tributci In IllInois , Wisconsin , Minnesota , Colorado , Nebraska , 01mb , Iowa , Tennessee , Ir.diana , Kansas , Michigan. Missouri , Kentucky - tucky anti a few in South Dakota , /tlabammma , Texas and Georgia , About one-imnif of time wimole is In Illinois anti Wlscommsln. Time Interest in default is less timan one-half of 1 per cent , or about omie mommtim's interest. Loans are Imlaceti tlmrommgim salaried local agents , wltimotmt any conmmmmim..mlon fronu the hon. rower. Time titles are examined by time coimm. pany's counsel , with a corps of assistants , and no charge is made except actual disburse- inents and fee at local ccunsel , Attorney General Myirea has examined Into time system and reports that It Is commmprehen- dye and complete , anti timat extraordInary care ha exercIsed In imrotoctlng time interests of time'conmpany In time granting of loans. Time t - torney general imas also examined the abstracts of sucim cases as vere Iimvolved , tinder foreclos. ure , In default of interest , or loans made to trustees , empioyes or connections of the conmpany , and flutis the lmap2rs complete azmd itheut flaws , The expense entailed ty this cystem Is comparatively email on each loan placed , and together with any loss through purchase by the company on foreclovuro and subsequentm sales , gives a slight loss to lme detiticted from tIme gross 5 6-10 icr ePut interest earned , as the extra coet of imatmduing , This loaves a immargiim of mmeariy $1,000,000 wlmlcim wotmid imave to be lmmmpalrcd before any dedtmctlomm could justly ho mmmntle fromum thIs Item , As jill pa'mmmemmts of immtereat or principal are immatle direct to time imoimme office and not ilmrouigim balm agents , it was deetned unumeces- sony to comnmmmtmnicato with eacim borrower as to time ammmcumnt of imi ouitstatmtiimmg loan ; the sanmo being sufilclentiy cimeckod by time papers anti receipts of Interest , Loans on policies and renmIumiim notes were checked by time notes timemmmseives amid whtim time Wisconsin valuation registers , to ascer- talmm If time volicles umpomm wimich timoy mire a lien verc in force ammd able to sumstaln the loans. Timese itemnm , vcre toumrmd to agree with time company's books end statements , Time itemn of lrenmlmlnms in course of coilec- tlon and deferred were treated lii like mmmaml- imer , resultIng in a slight dIfference only frommm time commipany's tigimres. The bonds o'ned were counted by the commuissioqers , amid fommlmti to be on imanti wltim the exception of those tiepositod with time insurance departments ofVlsconeln , VirgInia anti Calmatla , for wimich satIsfactory certificates were fmmrnislmed. Time preinluma ftmr mmmarkct value over par allowed is $51- 451.83 less thmall thio coimmpany's atatemnemmt. Cash In office ammd In banks , as showmm by time books was found to be correct. Time compammy's statemmment deducted $ iS- 167.51 , immostly agent's credit balances , fronm caslm In office , wimicit has been corrected above by carryImmg time same immto liabIlitIes. Ono-imaif of time agent's debit balances were foumimd to 1)3 good by paymmment since December 31 , and otimerwise , amal 1mM been allowcmi. 'rime totai assets found on oxammmitmation do n'e mmlatoriail } ' differ from time aimmoummmt clalnmed by the company at tIme same date , LIABILITIES. Time valuation registers of time Massacimu- imetta departmmmeimt , being commmpumteml on a 4 ir cent basis , were used for ascertaimming time imccessary reserves to be held eu policies and annuities. Timeso were first cimecketl by conm- panison with time coimmpaimy's registers and discrepancies - crepancies Inquired lmmto and corrected. A further cimeck was made by conmpanison of policies reported as loaned umpon or having premimimummus lIt course of colleetiomo or deferred , Inquiry was likewise nmade Into timostjjoil- des marked oft time registers of time Wimmcon. sIn departmnemmt by lapse , snrremmder , deatim or mmhtunity , to ascmrtaill If justifiably cancelled. The final valuation Is in excess of that found by the company by time simm of $144- 361. It was discovered that timertm imat.i been catmcehloti certain ten paylmment life policies wimon ) owners Imad ceaseti payIng premmiimmrns and Interest on notes. Those policies con- taimm clauses giving paitl-mmp Insurance on lapse for as man ) ' tentim parts of original in- surammee mis timere imad been "cornimiete" an- mmual premmmiums paid , bmmt time notes declare time polIcy forfeited In case Interest bouid not be paid timereon , We are pleased to note tlme prompt action of your executive coirmmmmlttee In passing a resolution reimmstatlng time Insurance on thtm class of policies as soon as your attentIon vas called to timis matter. It was likewise foummd necessary to increase the special reserve on certain otimer policies guaranteeing surrender vaitmes In excess of ordinary reserves , from time sunm of $25,000 charged by time conmpany , to $128,388 , and to cimargo for guarantees In excess of 4 per cent actuary reserve on certain Tormtiimo polIcies , the sum of $22,312. A deduction was mamlo of $3,514.61 from time amount wltim wimlcim time company cimarged itself for deatim clalrmms outstanding , on account - count of error and because after careful in- vesilgatloim IL Imecamo apparent timat mammy of tlmo cases contested were frauduient and constituted - stituted no real lIability. Any company iong In existence Is bound to accummmmmhate a consid- enable ammiount of such cases. Some of timeso are outlawed , others nmerely nominal and practIcally abandoned or time parties wIllIng - Ing to commmpronmiso and some imad been settieti since Decenmber 31 , for mmmucim lena timan timeir face. It wouid be unfair to compel a company to carry such cases forever as a' lIability at their face or sumbimmit to extortion to get rid of tlmenm. It was not discovered tlmat time company hmati unduly or wIthout sufficient cause contested any case-Irm fact , the amouimt in lItigation upon death cialimma , compared witim time amount paid , Is surimrlslmmgly simmall and time company aingulanly successful in defending such suits , It was found necessary , hmowover , to add $187,762.27 to time claImima outstandhmmg iii Pro- COBS of adjustment , for deaths occurring In 1894 on wimlcim proofs wore not made ummtli acme time 1mm 1805. Many of those cases were unknown to the cormipammy on Iecember 31 , as proof blanks mire fimrnlnimetl by the agents , anti not fronm time imormme 0111cc , but It ha necessary to take thmenm Into coneifieratlomm In order to ascertain time true conditIon of the cormmpany at that date. as the parties Insured were actually dead , anti ommly a fornmality 1mm. tervened before payment becalne mlmme , Time surplus of limo company Is dIvIded into Totmtine and gemmeral surplus In time usual way ports , The practice of thmo company In giving enmployetl by departments In timeir annual re- notice every year to Its Tontlne policy imolders , of theIr annual accumulations , is hIghly to be commenmleti , Time Income and dIsbursements as rendered for 1891 in Its sworn statement was found to be substantially correct , The interest receipts are large , hieing 5 1-10 per cent of gross mean assets , The ratio of leath ciaimmm Is only about 80 per cent of timat expectt'.i by time tables lumen which iti Ironiltmimms antI reserve are calculated , Time ratio of expeimsea is smmmall , amid showS ecommommm I cal mlm.ummagenmeimt , Aim Investlgatioim of time btmslness done in to Aumgulst 1. dIscloses un umimimeumal event apart fromim time regular course , 'I'Imo corn. mmmission , lmurcycr , desires to give expressIon to timeir opinion , applicable alike to all commu- panics , that time Interest of the polIcy hollers ditgts timat no immoro immoney be carrIed as "cmmsim on immund or Iii banks" thmaim Is neces- szmry to macct time current needs of time commi. iammy ) , anti that all fummds over anti above timese lmecessItles be prommmptly Investoti. Time ammmommmmt of Immisimmess imas Immcreased , wIth It com'mespommtilmmg Immcre'ase 1mm incoimme , disburse. imments , assets , iiabiiitie ammd stmrpimis , A larger reintive lmroportlomm of Immvestmmments in city , coutmty , state antI Ummitemi States bonds has bc'etm mmmmutl , Time coimlimatmy imolds no stocks , ammd does not limrest lii raliroad bolmuis. Time expolmso cimargeablo to eacim Item Is weil witlmlim the limit provided for , except In time single case of mmcmv business , whereon the ' first year's conmnmlssloims imlums time atidltlonal expemmacs Immelmiemmt to time first year after , ci- lots lug for ligimt immortality , does imot heave enommgiu of time iremmmlummm to cover the ileCes- sar3' . reserve at time eimd of the year , Tiils conmmmmemmt Is not to ho accepted as reflcctioim to upon time commhlmammy , but is mimamie enipimasizo time regret of the coimlmnissiomm that all fixed lmremnlummm life commmpanies do not take concerted aetiomm In cuttlmmg down timls large cxpcns item found in these coni- ianies , rather timtmn await time tIme for iegia. hatiomm to restrict the cxpemmdltum'e for imow bulsiness , ThE VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Time several depmmrtmmmemmts of time corn. paimy are colmducted witim ability amid Iimteg. rity. rity.Time Time medical lepartnmcnt Is timoroimglmly s'mttemnatlzeml In its ummetimods of appointing ammd sumpervizirmg local exaimmimmers ammd serum- tinizimmg aplmiicatiomms for Immsuim'ance. Time ratio of rejected eases average about S per cent , amid time districts in wimichi ap. Pllearmts immmmst reside are restricted to the better portion of time United States-no foreign - eign business is domme. Time care exercised 1mm seiectlng risks is likewise proved by time ' actuary's calcula- tioims , showing tlmo tleatim rate to bo only obout 80 Imer ceimt of that expected by time immortality table , altimougim the company I now tlmirty-cigimt. years oltI. Care Is again simown by tIme smomall nurmaber of cases of fraud among deatim clalimis. Time legal tlepartrnent looks after time titles aimd obstracts , end exarnimmos imminutely immto time legality of each bommul him wimich time COimmpalmy mmmakes Invcstnments. A careful in. qumiry Into time details of tlmis uleptmrtnmont will be fommnl ( iii time attorney general's report , Time Actuarial department Is vell syste. matlzeul and ejttipped , mmmakimmg it 'easy to acquire army immforjmmation desired. Time card Bysteimm Is tlReul 1mm timis and several otimer departments svitlm good effect mmd to arm cx- tent imot umsumally found. Time financial department , wltim the aiti of time flimaitco commlmmmltteo of seven trustees itt aim extensive nfair. Timis coimmmitten mmmeets several tiiimms a week mmml , asses tIpoim every investmmment. Time immlnumtes of their tramumietloims , as 'eli as time cimmmracter of time iims'estmncnts immdict careful anti 1mm- telligeimi. ( iisenImmmination. Time agency department Is managttl with time assistalmce of time . cnnmnmittj on ageimeles ammml Instmrance , 'limo increasing new business anml ault'ammco in iimsuranco Putt- standing fromm : year to year are evidences of Competency , Time cormipaimy gives no bonumseg , L allowances or salaries to agents. Agermts are tmnuler bond , and homes from tiefault are tea' nimd simmail imm Lmmoulimt. Agents' debit balances and comnmnutad COimmimmissions are no. tlceabiy aimmaii. Time exanmlning eommmnmitt is commmposed of thmreo trustees , wimuitte tiumly it Is twice a year ( Decemmmber 31 and Jumn 20) ) . to comlimt mmii time assata , compare \'otielisrs mmitmi cimeckmj with tlmo cash book , cimeck nil time entries which finally culminate imm the ledger , anti verify time trial balances fmomt 6vhicim thm Pmmbiiutimeti and sworn statemimezits are mmmade up. This work was found to have imSeil faithfully done botim for Iecenmber 31 , 1891 , anti June 30 , 1895. 1895.No No expenditmirea for illegal or Imnpropem' Imurposes have been tiinovpm.ed , The custody of securitIes is In the imaimmis of the President nmmml seconmi vice imresident. flontla witim two sureties for $20,000 are given by time prenitlent , secretary , casimier aimd treasurer. All officers anti office em. pioyeo are salaried and receive mme other Colnpermsation. No one , except agelmts , tie. rives any commmmisalon upon time busluesa. The conmparmy's treatmrment of policy haiti- era Is eminently fair , All privileges and imeimeflis aiven to imea' lmolicy Imolders as to loans , rates of hillcrest , surrender vaitmes , mzmmarantecs , freetloimi of occmmptbon antI rests ulence , are extended at once to time old , Every facility Iii making timima examina. tion imas been cimeerfumily extenulemi by time officers end clerks over a reriod of more than two mnontims , frequentiy entailing nglmt ? work anti considerable iimterruption to cu ; rent bumsiness and suspeimsion of vacations , Time mmcw iiuc'lrmess written by tIme coumpany , however , during timis period has been as largo as for correspoimmling date Ia any previous year of Its imistory , Time commission has found iIttl to crit ! . cise anti mnUclu to commend , It is a pleastmre to coflgratuiat time policy imolders ot time Northwestern Mtmtual LIfe Insuranca cola- pany upon having their interests guarded by so emclent a board of omcers , anti the imigimest compliment timat can he paid Is , that timis examination lmss denmonstrated that the company in its denhlmmgs witim Its policy hold. ers anti beneficiaries aimd its ilnarmcial maim- agoment has lived up to timat imigim standarml of reliability su'imich hiatt gained for it time confidence of time people and made its grand success pozsible , Respectfully aubmmmittcd , WILLIAM A. FRICICE , Commltsioner of Insurance Wisconsin , Chair. maim , GEORGE S. MERRILr , , Insurance Commlssionsr , Massmcimusett. IIRADFOItI ) IC , DUItFEII , Sumponintemlent of Insurance , Illinois , J. E , i1IPPLE , Commissioner of Insumrance , South Dakota. EUGENE MOOIti , . Auditor of Public Accounts' , Nebraska. Nebraska.'S 'S JOHN STEEL Geiteral Ageiit \ NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY , -oc- ) 0 l' P' fO r : PATTEISON BLDG. , 1623 Vnrtnitn St. ' - . - - 5-