Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 17, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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I .
2 'rllJ OiIA1IADAILYflEE . _ : ( SUrs : IATNOV1\tfl1R _ ; 17. 18m _ _ _
ot tWllvl' ! ml".loII bllltlllnlt" lurn'lt ! Ih'l'lI !
"p"roI1 : hOllMI'8 " 'trlppe'I , I ; Turkll will rl'lRnl
thlll M' n tl81 ot intention ot Unlp1 Hltl" " .
10 dreni IflhJPlOfl' . Jo tnIInflrIC' flflY '
where klll ' vlllKII I'VfrywIIrl tl'ollte" :
IICOllle nnkll ! ! nlHI utarving. IIIIlnnt hrll' "
_ _ _ _ _ IWII" .
JItIY . NU' 'I' ( ) ocma'\ ; 'I'tnlu\ ; .
J'oucr' 1'FOIIDPIItUTIS ki 1'1",1 , , " '
. , th , ' 11111' " U.IIII. I
( CIIrllhlpl. I3. I. ) the AissocIate1 IrI81. )
COSTANTlNOI'lil . Nov. 1.-vIa ( Sofla1
Nov. 1G.-No Ilennln acton la known to han
lleen taken by the amha.ladora ot the power
bul I la I reported that they will JoIn In a
note to the Ilorte. Inormlnl ( the lo\'erOent
ot the sultan that In Bple ot the retnon
BtranceM and recommerdatons ot the Iwer
mater 1110 now reached a Itale In Asia
1Inor where I Is i evlllnl thaI the ' ultan'8
authority Is not sufcient to quell the r '
peate,1 diltmbsnces which Are breakln/ out ,
anti It h3 become necc3Aary rot the Ilower8.
In the Interst ! of ChrlltRnly and hlnunlty ) ,
to put an end to these Ilborder by orcup'hl' ' . :
jointly vallous \orlono ot the Turkish em-
Illre untl order \ fully reslored nnd a better
8ystem of government 18 Inauuratel.
In order , to carry out the policy of the
powers . , thc mont powerful fleet ever gaUt-
re,1 together in I being auembled at S110nlca
hay. I , will consist oC thirty Britsh war
ships , Including a ( IOHn : battle 8hlps ot the
flrat ) Ilclulln ; dozen or 80 French ship , In-
chiding halt a dozen b1tte 8hlps. twelve
Hlssll war 8hlp3 , ot which four will be
bnttle 8h111S : eight Italian war ships , and
, hutte AItrlan and German war ships. Th
I Itrltlh fleet Includes the flower oC the
1rltsh feet
I IrltIah , navy and I constanty helng reinforced .
, ANOTlm 1.'IMI.'I. ! JASSAClf .
i The news Cram the different provinces
oC Asia Minor contInues to bl
: grave , connrmil' beyond , doubt the 1m.
; pression which prevailed here for a long .
" time past , thaI the movement has now a'-
i sinned proportions which have placed It bEyond .
I yond the con'rol ot the Turkish authorItes ,
even It the later were really desirous ef
punishing the : lussulmals for massacring
Armtnians. In fact , I Is conshlerell very
,10lbtul whether th Turkish troops would
Ire on the : llssllmans It they should be
ordered , to do so.
It Is now known that there ale about 800
vlclhns at the Kharput masncre and that
tlght ot the twelve buildings belongIng to the
American mlnlonarles there were sacked
alll burned In splc of thc surances or the
Porle to the Unltll States amhassllor : , Mr.
Alexander W. Terrel , that the lives and
property of the Americans would be pro-
tectell , and although It was announced that
Turkish gendarmes had been detailed to
guard the mission The American m\alon.
orlrs , howevr escaped , 0111 are now In n
place , of Aafety. : Ir. Terel has notified
tIm Porte that the UIIed States wi hell \
responsible for the lives nt the inls8lonaries.
The Inhablant ' around Kharput are In a
state of great distress from hunger , and It
the cold weather were 10 set hI suddenly
th3ro wOIll , be much more slfErllg a 11
consllerabll loss ot life.
The Arhklr neil , on the west was Jolnrd
to Icharpilt In 18G , and the following year
thc Kharlut part oC the tarhkh' ! field on the
t'uth , so that now the lmits of the IChsr-
Ilut ) staten embrace n district nearly otie-
third at ' large as New England.
The fIrst mIssionary to occupy this ( staten -
ton : was : lr. Dunniore In 18r : lIe left after
three yeal , und during the civi war In
America he hecale a chaplain In the army
and was klel\
The first church was formed In I\harpul
In ISTiG , with two members. Now there arc
twpnty-nve churches which have a mem-
berhslp ot more than 3,000 I'ersons. The
present living membership Il' n little mor
titan 1,700. Thc names and the homes of
the mh'slonarles ' follow : Rev. O. P. Allen ,
Mount Morris , N. Y. ; lrs. Caroline It. Allen ,
Bangor , Mo. ; Rev. Dr. H. N. larnum , Lelces.
ter , \lns. : Mrs. Mary E. Barnum . horn In :
Contnntnoplo ; Miss Emi ) ' :1 Barnum .
Auhurndale : Mias Carrie W. lush , Ioches-
, . li' , N. Y. ; Miss Miry I. taniels I rnkln ,
\lase. ; Il' , Eghrrt s. Etiis. Portand. Me. ;
t neV c. Frank Gates , ChIcago : Mrs. Mary E.
t Oals ; Hev. Dr. Cresby If. Wheeler , Wnr-
I . , eon , :11 ; Mlsll Emily C. Wheeler , Bangor ,
Me .
I . .He\ ' . John K. Irown and wife , wlose
t hattie Is rO Chestnnt street Calbrlle ort ,
are memhers ot this ml slon , They are at
hOle on furlough nli therefore are afe.
The membership of the churches at Khar-
I put Is relortel us 2.00r , of whol 1.018
I are women , The people have Inld for preach
lug this year $1j92 ; for building purpoE'as .
$2,2GG : mIscellaneous 'expendllres ' , $3,548 ;
schoolA. $3,471 ; missions , home and for-
oitn , $380. The value of the property rep -
prteil to have been destroyed . II between
375,000 and 100000.
I.'rom Ouran , In the vlaYlt of Sivas ,
'here the Kurds have been besleln 4,000
Armenians , I 19 rqorlell that all the Arme-
nians have been massacred , ,
In the distrIct at Macdin . where there Is a
! large Christian Population of Chnlieans and
I Syrians n number of vlae8 have been
; 1 burne to time ground , , the Ileople are desti-
! tote amid s'titTering tram sickness due to ex-
i poeure and hnnger.
1 This outbreak II regarded here as being
, . very slrnlnclt 1.11 aM Indicating that a syste-
'I matI campaign is being dlrecteI frol Ylllz
; ; kiosk agaInst all Christians and ! not against
, the "rleniall Chrlstan In partIcular , as
has Ireraly been believed to he the case.
This puts qnle ! u different anti more serious
cOlploxlon ! upon the whole mater anti Is I
feature which wi Ilmllately attract tub
attention at time powers , even If I has not
already dOle so.
At Sh'ao ald elsewhere the Turks have
( lal11ell that the Armenians were the a-
grtssors . ann that the former simply de-
nllcll themselves when attacked by time lat-
ter. The weaknrss oC this plea can be
111"ell from tht' fact that 11urlng the recent
massacre at SI' M ROO Armenians were killed
, and only len Turks met lentil during the
rlotn . 1 Is , therefore . safe to presume that
It WIS n massacre Pure all simple , and not
In orllnar , lstubnnro which resulted In
such great loss of lIfe among the Armpnlans.
The report that four JeHlit priests under
French Protection had been murdered at
lhlnts , turns out to he untrue. There was
a disturbance there for a time , the lives of
tie prle.tH were In 11I\cr : and they were
saul to have ben 1.1011. hit they escaped
and , are now II safety .
. Time polIo here continue making ulex-
plalitcil arrests anti not a day paoses without !
re\'Olltolnr ) ' posters being plncanlEd on the
walls or distributed 01 the streets The real
state ef affairs calnot bt ascertained by the
r pres'ntatlves at ti' ) emhasls , much le"
l'y 1 reprosentatl el of the press , but I Is cur-
I'ent statel , that 400 SoHas ( Turkish theo-
logical students ) have recent ! ) ' been arrested
- The cause ot thdr. Imprisonment 19 said
to bt' their retusal te return 10 their homes
without recelvln tIm money which Is due
th(1 from the government for their cx-
\"lses 11 ullrroll tnir course . ot study i
but another and more likely , .crelol oC the
1IIIr 11 thrt the stulCltA , have been proved
tb he Ilpl.tell In postU ! the revolutionary
placards continually found In anti about the
11ublo thorolhtarli ot this city . .
The porte I alL ' saId to be very anxious
about the attitude oC the mitary cadets.
Tie latter are said to be strongly Imbued
with the rcvolmitiortmmry spirit , which '
wih revolutolar ) prevails
In the unity all luvy all It Is reported that
the Jo\'erlment has derided to trsusfEr the
Scutarl I'anaiiito , Military t school 10 the barracks ut
. A Tlnl.s , lsl'attl ' Cram Brzeroum says a I
letter nearly four ( olulns In length , dated
No\'ember 3. fuliy contirws the accounts
: o fulconnln'l pre-
vleusly Plhhll ( onccrnlu/ the Immassacre
\ . writr , '
thrre. Te ! r 8,1)'S It Is impossible 8
. yet to asrertan : the number ot kihied . Sonic
erN:8 assert that \ It will reach fully 2000.
Irhap ! 1,00 Is lnt fur short oC the total. I
I'f\R : 'r visiT som QUAItT1its . I I
; Contnllng , the wrier saysYe : have not
dared to go to tho' IllartlrS oC the city wherl
the Turks are . to mmunierotm. I have not hall
an ollporlll at investIgating more . than a
felth If the'eumes . Iheuh I have yet to hear
ot a simmmhe deall 'Turk tl this utrnggle. This .
I think . diIiIlmOVs ' the charge at aggrsslon
brought up against the Armenians. The he
tact Is that I was 1lrel I massacre of the
Innocell Inhahlants hy the enraged Turks .
tnt ! but for tht 11"encl ot C commaula .
things would . hJVJ beeQ worse With the
coining winter limo mIsery 11 More for the
i'PlllnlngrmonlnK wi be terrible "
The cnrrespommtlent ( IU.II. who I. stayiimg '
1\ the AmerIcan imllPSl3lm , says h his sll11 he.lll
jeltl0lY In vlrlolll quarters , that Ihe ( guy-
ernwemst ordered thmt Imiassacres , which
erment oflerN tht IU8cru ( were
10 b executed arOhll ! to previous orders.
Af I proof ot their suodeimimeas. ne uys. an
Amerlcal Ilullllr ) ' nlled Chamber" had
' just gone to lime pos\lce In or.llr to tee- : I
graph to DUtl1 thaI everrthll ! wa ; quel !
Before hD got beck to the mlurn : the Irnl
, unit beul In deadly earimot t lull11 wee I
. . . .
whizzing close h ) hint Mr. ( hllb"rJ t.11.1
the eorrur.ondenl that Hhaklr I'uha halt 1
promised 11 time ennt of riot . to lilce imol-
dieTs lt tech end ot the street In the locality
ot the foreign cOllulatpR , and of the Amnorl- ,
can mlulon , anti 'hethrt trol this reason
or because they feared 1 warm reception .
the rioters avoided this part of the city. All
the looting , I was ciaImrl , was IIOIC by the
regular soldiers at lie ( cOl1and ct the ofli-
CPf. Many wom.n liming Arolnl , the 801.
cler for time PUrPOSe e of carrying off the
plunder. Mr. Cham her attended the
woundel rettl , anll dlrln time nlJht the
ml"lon house \\IS crowded and as foul
smelling as mm menaerle or an o\lul den.
Sleell was lS impossible I , . \ len.
CInnH 4 AIIi1t't' . JHWI'\'I'lxn. I
( ' ' 1..1 , , tm , U'rUII" 1."u'I ) ' t .
' ' ' , , , . .
( 'r"1 h' 'I'rll h .
( Colrlhlet. ; isa , hy 1:11 : , ' m.ociated 11" " . , )
LONDON' No , ' . 1G.-Time lews frol the
eat mind tar east during the week has not
been of a nature calculatel to dissipate the
clouds which have been hangIng heavily over
the poltcl ! horizon for a long time \nt ,
Jrol Afla Minor canto authentc report ot
turther la ! acres ot Armpllanp , .llrlng which
tlw Turk seem to ha\'u applell the torch
(0 ( petroleum.soaked ! vlctln ! amI to have
skInned others al\'l In alllton , tl aSPUltll'
Wolmmmn and , children and 1IIInderlnl property
on al shIes
From the Car east yesterday came a report
hat It Is posltlvely slated at ShanglII that
China has agreed that Oermany [ ' : lal occupy
one of the Inland ! lear Amnoy , for the liur-
11050 ot converting I Into a naval depot.
\ose convertnl
I.'ears are expressed that 1 Ihls rumor turns
out to he correct , international complcatons
ot : serious nature will follow . a [ Hussla
and France not to mcntlon Great Ilrltahn .
are certain to demand a similar commcessiomi .
. ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' Of' ' 1'tX1. .
11.SIS'I' 1'11 \'I.S'I' uJ 'I'\XJ
( ) nlllnl1111 : I ( 'nl",1 UI' tl . \.1.1
'h , ' ( ' .II.'t. " ' .
OTTA W A. Ont. . No\ 1G.-The Fort.thlrd
Ottawa Ild Carleton Hfes let at the drill
hal here tonight to draft seventy oC theIr
memhers to go to Lowe township . In Quebec
10 assist L the collection ot taxes there.
The citIes wi be accompanied by twenty
men of the lrlncem Louiee dragoon , uardS
and twenty ) ' men trol the Ottawa field bat-
tery. There Is great excitement over their
, I-partlre , and , as the farmers ' of the town-
shill seem determined , the result may be
serIous The latest report from the front Is
tlt the farmers are preparIng to receIve
the mita by nn Increa In their own num-
bers. Fattier Foley of I arrelon and Father
I10udin DC Lowe \1 visit the headquarters
oC the mob tomorrow anti try to persuade
them to make a settienmont . Lieutenant Col-
encl Itylnmer deputy IdJutant general . wi
comland the mita ,
t iiti ' rlimi its .i-il ; JnIH'r , ' .
VIENNA , No\ 16.-lu the UnterhRus
today herr Hauck and Herr Dpnsl ques-
told the o\'ernment concering the legal-
I ) . of the recent dlsllton of the municipal
councIl. Count Badenl , prime minister oC
Alsrla , replied that the government nssumell
full resllolslbiity for time act. Dr. LIer.
renly elected mayor ot Vienna hy the
, nnti-Semmmites , made 1 \Iolent attack upon
Count ladenl Dr. Luer saId that those
who supportel , him In the recent election amid
after his rejection h ) ' thl government were
not OIIIOsed to the emmiperor but they were
uwosell to the Jews. The speech of Dr.
LU'lr wait received with wild cheers. On
Dccuunl or the cheering the galleries were
cleared. Herr Dippatmilat's moton for
urgency In dealing wih the I\ueston \ of the
counci was rejected by a largo majorlt
- - - - -
C.nlrll.1 JI'i' Itlt'ImtlmlI' " Stttm " ' ,
TOHON1O. Omit. . No\ IG.-The testimony
" ' by lrs. ' today In the fly-
given : A109\orth 1y-
am care was corroborative oC the tetlmony
given by her hitmeband , E. W. Aylesworth ,
nnl , rather strengthenell ( the crown's case.
Thc wlncss stat t she hind repeatedly heud
her hrother , Wile Wel . ' . ask for the retur
ot $10,000 ho loanell ilynums . and heard the
Iulsoner promise It on a certain day. , ,
1. . . I . . . " 'II I ( " 1" ' fi'o iii 'l'h"H" .
HOIE , No\ 16.-At the next conshltory
Igr. Fancy , thc assIstant ot Archbishop
CorrIgan , wi be Ireconlzed auxiliary ,
bishop ot New York The final list of prel- :
ates , from which the new rector or thc :
American college here wi he chosen Is coin-
poscd of the names of Father Kennel )
'athel' Moommey . Chicago , and Father O'Con-
mmcli . Boston _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: 111"1 1"llrnU.1 . . Stuki's' 1 'lr'
BRUSSELS ' No , ' . 1G.-ln addiIon to pa-
big an indemnity ot $30.000 to Great Britain
for the Irregular execution by Captain
I.othnlre ot the English trader , Stokes the
Congo Free State has Ilromised the marquis
ot Salisbury to re.tore al of Stokes' prep-
rty , which Is valuable , 1111 punish Lothalre
In Ilroporton to th gravity of time offense.
I"I.I SI.mtIfor Sit Yemirs.
LONDON No\ 1G.-Eml Arton , who Is
associated with the Panama scandal has
been arrested here lie dlppcare,1 In 1889
whtn the French government issued , a war.
rant for his arrest. Dllrln hl , absence
Arton was sentenced hy the I.'rench court to
twenty 'earb' Imprisonment and to pay
heavy tines. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lnes.I.JIH t'unl th , ' L'mmtli'i' .
( Copymighte.i lS9 I : 1) ' Press 1lhl.hIO Companr. )
CA ItACAS . Venczuela , Nov. 1G.-New (
York World Cablegrnm-Speclal Telegram. )
"Another re\'oluton has hegln In Venezuela.
Dr. Hojas Pall Is time leader. Uprisings are
reported from , llerent states Time govern- i
ment declares that time disturbances are of no ,
Importanc ; ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tiomimimmimile's to I'lt 11' S'I'll'H.
I.IMA , Peru ( Via Galveston ) , Nov 1G.-Time
Satiate has olprovel the law providing that
forbigim Insurnce companIes must ha\'t a
minimum capital In Peru of 100.000 sols. The
companies mlst Invest 30 per cent of this
amount In hnlrovel propert or In coIn to
bo lel'Olel , In banks subject 10 government
immspcct ion . .
SImit'1IflCItI1I ) (11.WS ; 1.\ ' ( l n.
11" or 'l'h"1 " , 'I"11 t. mill 1'III.h
11,1 th , ' Other I. ii ii A mmme'rlemt . Shll' ,
NBW YOHK No\ 16.-The steamer An-
tanao. nrrlvlng today trom Cienfimegos
Santiago all Nassau lundct Captain Ceombp ,
Mate Kimmileo ant five seamen ot the
American bark Wiiam hales , which was
sunk at sea on' No\.ember S In collision wIth
the ateamer Niagara. The eolsion occlrrN
In a lense Cog. Five ot the barle's crew were
lost with the ship. They were Second Mate
Colenln , the steawatl , lamell hums , Sea-
maim rank NeIE and two other seammien
namES ummklmown. The Roles sunk In four
minutes. " Time seven members at the crew
who were rescued b ) the Niagara were
taken to NaEilu and transferred . to the
Antanago. Captain Coombs t.s the dli.
aster was due wholy to the imeayy tog. Th
bark William Hales haied from this pcrt
When wrcked she wits enronte tram Phia-
delphia to Nasal with a cargo of old Iron.
The , \ntunago also Illdell the crew oC the
BrItsh schooner Ocean Lily. hulln" tram
halifax , amid , which was wrecked on hog
HeeC. near Caste ishanml ell October 21 , Aim
hands were sa'ed.
C.III.lh'r I. . , , 'rlll. iImirIt'il .
DET1tOIT , No\ . IG-Tho relains of Com.
laller Heyerman V. S. N. , Irrh.ed here .
thIs afternoon anti were met II ) DeJ
members of the Loyal I..glon and e < rorll
to Christ chmumrh . where the fun'rll tn.lres
wer. ' hphl Neither QC the coml'.ner'l
chllrel were tmreent. h lnJ unaule :0 conlt :
to nltrolt la time for Limo Fon'I" . ; ' : (
111 11'prer" wlre Eer/t'alll uf lime Ni , ' "
teellh infantry , The el.vlcl" wro slnple.
Ilt , time rell8 ! WIIC Inll at rest b\ Inc
side wood oC his Ilel'eased . wtfO In,1 loa. In iirn-
cemetery - - " _ _ _ _ -
' \0.1,1-1. . $ mmlt'IiIi' 1''l 11 I I'o\'r.
P11OflNIX\'tl.Lfl. Pa. , Xo , ' . 16.-Thommmas
mw'n , who ) 'rstnhl ) ' lurler(1 hmbe two
chlllrcn amid then nttt'muptemt , tn ( olml bl ( .
clde . will recover. . 111 hun , ! h-vu been
btrapimed to trevemmt hlmq ftmn " ' ' '
btraPllel > hl1 mlI'1'lnl omit
ftc Intention . to cmii , hlIf" . antI n wUlch
hmts been , .hu.ct II his iedlde l 10 imi'vemmt '
him from kllJ1 himuumclf. 11. wll. 1'1'0\111 .
. 1"t'
1'II'n i : , whose , Ih > lwllnt wih anOtht'r mnn.
eause.I ; ; ' 10 tmikn , ' ' . .
( au Iw'n Ilk ! the lives of hi" imii-
, Ir.n , rclurntll to Ploenlx'll" voiummtmitIiy
today nll \(11 lain eUlol ) ar . a 'olunlal.l\ :
- - - . -
lu\'I' ' fr Ih"11 SItII""I Su , ' . Jim
, \ New \ -.rrived-A'lrtarie. . iron .
Lh'cr\'oQI \ ; Olyniph. Cram ( lehu'a ; St t l.nl8 ,
Cram Sum ham .ton : ( an'IIII : . from Liver-
l > ul Sailed -11 rurl ' . fr 1,1'Crpvol ; M.iiI-
toh for I.oldcn ; ( laitic' , for 111'1 ' ,
I nalnICI At Lmi'lonArm . lviii- " : tU''totd. from
.nglnnd's ' Queen Rides on 1 Train Made Up
of Thirteen Ooacho
1'r Urll.III" IIJ"HI ) ' Cmi uses . n. " .
Ir' I mm n. iIg ( ml liii' . 'I'ur'h-
IIh. l'itti h' lu liimii'im see
Ih'f.rl' 1'r ( uit'st .
( C"I'rIMlle.l. 1193 , 1) ' time Associated Ir" , )
I.ONDON , Nov. 16.-As If In defiance to
the 11.lucle which Is saul to accompany the
numher 13 , Queen Victoria today returni1
to Wlnlsor caste from Dalmoral In a special
train consbtn ! of thirteen cars one or which
has a handfJme large . saloon car set apait fer
the use of her majesty . The other carriages
contalnel the merb rs ot her suite , ser\antA ,
baggage , etc. The I\ueen's car Is fitted up
aM n library ant Ilnlng ccclii . I is l rich I )
upholstered with white silk and Its turl-
ture Is embroIdered with gold
In honor of the visit ot King Carlos ot
lortug11 to the qmieen here amid at 'home ,
her majebt cduEd a harge bonfire to be
lighted en tOil ot Craig Owen on Saturday
met an honor heretofore reserved for her
hnmed'Ate ' famniiy. The "uen ale ordered
a torchlight l1oceslon or hlghlander , who
Ilassel In front of lalmoral caste amid after-
ward executed hhhl'lnd dances In the pres-
dice ot her maJesl anti King Canoe
The IJrlnc of Wsles passed through I.on-
don today from a visit to the dulec and
duchess ot DevonshirE Chatslorth , near
Baltwel , Derbyahmlre , on his way to Sand-
ringimmtmmm. The party at ( hat510rt' ' . which
Included the earl < 111 countess oC W'arwick
was conveyed to the races at Danby b )
special traIn every day.
Another :1rge : part
Is being entertained at Sandringhanm and
this reveals he : fact that whie . 110mm. George
N Cur7on. time under secretor ot the tor-
elgn office , was one ot the party entertained
hy the prince and princess of Wales last week
at Salllrlnham , his wife ( ormerly Miss
Mary Loiter oC \ashlngtol anti Chicago )
was not iireeent. whIle Mrs. Josellh Chamber-
lain ( MIss 1 llcot Washington previous
to her marriage ) and other ladles were In-
vIted. ' .
Emperor Wilam ot Germany sel a special
courier to Saldrlngham wih a birthday gift
for the prince ot "tS'ales who was 51 years
old emi Saturday last The emperor Is also
said to have writeu to the Irlnce ot \ales
xpreslng the hope that time \ulee of York's
next son will have the name oC Shakespeare
bestowed upon 111m amen his other names.
The newspapers here which have greedily
publshed every cabled detai ot the larl-
borough-Vanderhl wedding , continue to
crltclse the Amerlclls for supplying them.
VanIty Fair . for Instance , says that the ;
Chulchl family Is much annoyed at the
"vuhar mmotices" of thc marriage ahd that
the dowager duches9 ot Iarlborough "Is
not the best pleased that both her son and
her , ralllson 11.rrlcd Americans. "
Truth thluks I clear that "The New York
nrcimmliilonaire has' not got beyond the elementary -
mentary stage ot gold calnsm when thc cal
seeks to attract attention b ) the most lavIsh
tlispiay ot wealth. "
Ilspla )
Time common council . for the first t time el
record at a stormy meeting on Thursday re-
furd by a large majorl ) ' to pass the cus-
tomar vote of thanku to the retiring lord
mayor , Sir Joseph Henals. Thl9 was mainly
on account of the dimmer which Sir Joseph
gave to Barney Damato on the ground that
time latter hud proved hlmselt to be the "m-
vlor of I.ollou" by bolstering up his own ,
Kafr securltes. ! In short the whole Henals- I
B3nato affair In causlur a great stir . In the
city. Liarmiato who a few weeks ago was the
most f'ought ) after man In Lomidon belug
petelsd to slckne3 for tips from about 'one-
hal of the memhcrs ot the peerage . 19 now
II very had odor . ,
Iaytnlr remarks that shlce the "slump"
In Kalrs llornato's social aspirations have
suffered n severe checle. All the "smartest"
men all women here , at one tme suffering
trom the South African slleculaton fever , are
now recoverIng.
The suIt for lbel which Kate Iarsden he-
Jan with such a flourish In 1891 against the
London Tlmef has just beel abandonell. The
sllt was brouht a3 the result of the report
ot He , ' . : Ir. f"raucs. rector of the American
church In St. Petersbur . which was publlhed I
last year. The special chare against ! its
: Insden was that l'ho had Ilractcal ) ' alma-
dOler her work because ot her Infatuation tor
an Intrlgul with a HUilan nobleman. She
had previously dona work wih the ReJ
Crps society In the Turklsh-Husso war amid
amOI ! the lepers ot SiberIa , where sue tra\-
clod 14,000 mies tim sledged and on horrbck
to find a precIous herb which Is mid to han
turned out to he a specific for lepros On
her return to Engla11 she wrote a book about
her travels which arolrd a storm In Russia
ant which , It Is claimed caled tim Ilsf1n !
attack of the
overnment to atack her some
charges made against her being too gross for
. pubiicatiomm. Miss , Maraden . In m1klng the
announcement of the abandonment ot her suit
against the Times , says that she Intends to
re9ume her Work for the lellers. Truth there-
import remarkf : "This , under the cIrcum-
stances Is a pIece oC unwarranted Im\udence ,
Nobody In their senses will contribute n halt-
penny nnt she clears hpr reputation. "
: lfs Inrsden , who Is about 10 years ot age
and the daulter of a Lenten lawyer , so
lutereste,1 the publc In her Iorl ( at one
tme that the princess of Wnles was pre-
\1et ; upon to give her a letter to her sister
the cearina . which Ila\'ell the way tel the
work amen , the lepers.
One oC th ! greatest trials which the Amer-
113 consul In London has to endure Is the
relief of men who imeve shlplet here from
America as cattlemen and are turned adrIft
at the end of the Yea , , Many ot those
men ara engaed In Ne' York and other ports
to tnlte care of live stock , and are prolls d
a small sum and return ticket for their
labor. Upon arrival. howe'Cr. they only
receive a few simhillmmgs . and the return passage -
sage lE deniEd them with time result that
the ) ' arc left Ilcnnless on thc London streets.
Instances this
There have hEn numeOls at
ot late anti the consul has fairly been besieged -
sieged wih applications for relief. Th
consulate has Crequent ) refure,1 the mater
to Washlnton but II l helng al IS'e oC
personal contract , the government seems
powele s to offer 01) ' redress.
York R. Stephens who ha' hen playing
with great success In " 11cr Advocate" al
time luke of York's theater , wilt enter Into
manaement wih a 'oung compostr whose
name II at present withheld . ald who hAS
written a mslcal corned ) ' . for the new ven-
Wilson larrct has alapteo a play < ntted
"The SI"lchammer" from the 1"lemlah and
wi produce , I In I.opton later In the t sea-
son after his tour oC the provinces.
Oscar Durrel will prodnce his Chrlstm3s
Iaplomln'e "Suimta Claus " and "Cinderella"
this year at both Drmlnghal and EdIn-
burgh. _ _ _ C _ _ _
S'hllt"'r MitSov ( UI. ' liimi'k .
DiNVER . No , ' . 1G.-As Jlllre Halet reo
fuetmi to issue an atachlent .for Frarmela
Schlater , the case against the throc men
who 1\rt ed to bl and end through th
manila handkerchiEs "blessed by Scimiatter"
was Ilunlssed today by Commlssloler Cap.
ron. Schlater was eX"lcted to testify that
he hal , not bles ell time hanlkerchles. One
report hns I that Schlater Is restIng on a
ranch near Gelden. Another Is that he has
been setn near Elizabeth ridIng east emu a
whIte her e.
' \'I. . G'I. Al I . th , ' Jrlllrl ) ' . .
KANSAS CITY No , , N.-A FIIEcla : to the
Star ( rom 1llepentence. I\an. bays : In the
tiimUnlet court here Irs. Utata ChandlEr
imas been IrHnleo a divorce from her Iue-
band , 110mm . Peorge Chandler . who was IrAt
ar.I.istttnt ' ' oC Hl Interor :
ns"I tlnt secretary ti. tinder
larrl on , anti who Is now a l'r.tclng at-
Inre ) ' \Vumshuington. . . The grounds are
ulanllonnlnl anl , crull ) , Irs. ChandlH . ,
was given ul DC : lr , Chandler's property itt
thIs \Iclnl ) . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
I "Ih''r . \"II.J ) . II ' 1..11. . . . . . . .
N.\SI1VI1J.E , Tenn. , No , ' . 16.-At a meet-
1"1 today , Presided over I ) ' Sl'lltor \ . Ii.
lu'o alll l'artclpalpII In h i ) ' CousreAmel
1flcimtrtlson. 'ox and MJelrmln , anti IS'
II'rlnent tlenmoersts , Il ' \19 I ! polv.d to iO.
Hugumh' a calpaln II favor ot free .tvcr :
. , t0 \ to I. and to , organlzl' time . .1.'nuoci'mac'y
' \lh r vIew 10 electing fre r.ive" ! dtI'ort , :
10 lit na'lonai eOI'elll ! '
I Alt I.'un Cfnfnl' , ) ; I"IIIXl !
31.-I itumi . , " hUI'llrtnlltlt (
for i'iir' t 'h mm relies .
131'1111. ' " 1-1 1Illd n I I r'II' '
IEN\Im. No" } 6.-Thc : fetholtst Mis-
slonary cornrnRtfojmas malIc n111roprlnton8
for colored ( follows entral
con llkes as tolowA : (
Ainbamna $ 2,6&0'fithm Caolnl , $3,000 : Ctn-
tml : lsolrl , $2t1 , 1 Sa\annah , $ ,790 ; De11. !
wars $1,488 : S ) t Carolina , $ ,720 : East '
Tennessee , $2,0&'iennesace ) : ! . $1.50 ; I.'lorMa ,
$2,100 : Texas , ( : .tIp ; Little Heck , $2GOO :
Upper :1slssh p .f $2,560 : 1.lislal , $ ,720 ;
Wasmimigton , $1 tsf ; ; lsshlppl ; , $2,000 : West ,
Texas , $3,900. . . :
The Ilprnoeh ' tlon at the general mule-
slonar committee uS the Methodist church I
) a ,
Was devoted to the consideraton at appropri- .
alons for foreign speaking home 1Isslonl. !
118hop Foster occuplell the chaIr. The ap-
pl'oprlatons were u follows : Welsh
churches : Northern New York $300Y ; - '
omlng , $300 ; Phiadelphia , $114. Swedish
churches : Austin , $1,395 : Calolnla , $2,32 ;
Colorado , $372 ; Intal commferemmce $ .00 :
cat Maine $372 ; New York $930 : easter
I New York , $ : ,000 ; New Enland , $ : ,000 :
} / New England , southern , $1,700 ; northern
I conference , $5,300 western conference . $ ,700 :
' pound Wilmington . $500 For
PIet 'OUII , $2,000 ; \lmlnton.
the ItalIan mlslons ot Phlalelphla $2,135
WeS In Oklahmommma given , and $14,000 . for time l nglsh work
The subject of foreIgn mission was taken
imp thIs afternoon , and after much discussion
apportIonment was malI to Oerman Swlt7'
Elllli all Norway at 7 per cent below that
of last ) 'ea.
A re ollton was sdopted provIding that
\ h2muovcr the conference or mission year ex-
coells or falls shorL ot a calendar year by at
least one month then ( the treasurer ! hal be
authorized to Increase or diminish pro rata
the ahmpropriatiolm .
The situation In Dulgula was made : she-
clal Imler for Monday morning.
All the bishops incl many ot time other . delegates .
e'1teA Present have been assigned to city pul-
pits for lomorrow ,
! XltILGhi'L' ' IS \\1'11 . 'I'iI htO.t'h' CI"I' " .
' . " 'rlt.mis Cn. , ' Irollhl to Ilghit .
n Unnoh 1iiiiiitimi.
DULUTH , Nov. 16.-Witit his throAt cut
tram ear to ear tin unknown man lies dying
at St Luke's hospital In this city . and the
deepest mystery surrounds the case. Whl
the man is . or 4'w he came by hIs Injlre ! ! .
the polct nnd the doctor \ who took him to
the hospital refuse to state. The man , who
Is limit over 25 years ot age , a short well
built ) 'oung felloW . wIth smooth face and
bile eyes , Is known at thc hospital ns Charles
Benson , but that Is simply name imeu'am. '
given by the hosp1al people usimen he was
brought In. , tarly last Sunday morning Ben-
son was taken to the hospital by Dr. Jam s
: lcAulfl amid an unknown mall , so time hos-
pital lleQple pay . but this Is . denied by thc
' . who . of the
doctO' says he 1.10wl nothIng
case. The wOlnd In the man's throat had
already be ) n dressed when he was receh'
at time hospital , anti the attendants were In-
strlcted to seE that he wanted for nolhlng.
, \1 atempts to timid out who the man Is are
Itscolraed ly the police.
Dr. : lcAulle and the hospial authoriiEs
say th'e man will die without being able to
explain It. I h' reported tonight that Benson -
son Is Iii reality a wealthy young man from
one at the larger'ehties . who came here to
visit the wife ' Of A 'uluth citzen during , the
SUPPosll1 absehce brahe lat r flOt ) the city.
The husband ruurntd uneXlJectedl , anti find-
hug his wIfe anti . the young man together ,
drcw a knife anti Itemplell to kill the destroyer -
stroyer at his tuomimem
, . .
sit.t lION 'I'it . tSI' lAS I XI'III.n.
Itmiimii'itsmEsiti . ! ' ' \11 . lIe . 11,1 I umtu't
I"th , ' lII'il'M .
SAN ImANCSCP , Nov. IG-The Sharon
trust expired .by .lmltaton today and the
heirs ot the late Wiiam Sharon will now
come Into posecibn ot their share of the
big est3te posl . .
Under the uyiii ! . r time late \lla1 Sharon
I trust watt created to host ten years at the
eXIaton oC \ tl 1m , the heirs were to dlvile
the property ifs "roGWs : One-third to Frederick -
! rel-
erick W Sllfrol. ' to Lady les-
keth ( neE Sharon , J.ane-tweiftim to Francis O.
Newlanls , ald 'mne.twehftim to each of : lr.
Newlands' three children , Bdlh MarIon ,
Janet and Francis Clara.
Undel the rancB trlst time entire ' property ct the
lEad millionaire In Calfornln , Nevada. OhIo.
Missouri Iinois and Washlnlon , D. C. , was
conveyed to Frederick W. Sharon all Fran-
ci'i O. Newlnnds In trust for the heirs. A
few years ago FrederIck Sharon resigned as
trustee pnd F. O. Newlands has slncc been
time solo trustee oC the vast properties. I no
other acton had been taken there would now
be a partton of the real estate and doubtless .
less a sale of a conflderable proportion of it.
But the heIr have long since provided
against this and the Immense estate will be
managed In the ruture just as It has been
under the trust . with the aught difference
that Francis O. Newlanh wi no loner exercise -
erclse a truste 's authorIty over the property.
'I"I'I.gU ) 'l'hII- : CIIUILCII ; ' 1'hUIIhi.1S.
1..r of I lit' 1''HII'nl mm 'll 1.
CI"Jr.IIIII t Out' . . I" , ' " - 1',1..1.
WATEITOWN , N. V. . Nov. 1G.-Time tro-
bl13 existing between Rev N. Ccveland , the
brother oC the 11resh1ent , and his congregation
In the Presbyterian church at Challont ,
thIs county , have been ndJufted anti mutual
cOlcesslons late , 'so that the congregation
Is apparenty once more umimited. A committee
ot tie presbytery of St. La\renct has baen
In session for the past two days and gave a
rehearing to both factIons In the church , as
well as to : Ir , Cleveland hmimmmself. The origin
at the opposition to the pastor Is clalnel , to
have been entirely political . the pastor helng
l democrat and an aclve supporter or his
own brother's lart ) From n Grand Arm ) "
time trouble ' until It imivoived
oppcsittomm . grew unt I In\'o1'pd
the whoh coilegiami. The commltel expressed -
pressed Itself as aatsned that Mr. ClevelanJ
had done nothing Imbecomlnr his It1ton anj
: lr. Coveland stated that he regretted , time (
muse ot lan u3e Into whIch he might hn'e
fallen. The faction which opposed hll , b )
virtue at this withmdraval on Mm' . Cleveland's
part agreed to cease all cpposilon 10 Imhtmi .
and time session will h enlarged by thc addition -
ton of certain of : lr. . Clmveiammd's friemmtia.
.U CUI.\S \ \ . : 11 FO.SJ lS ( 1I\JI.
Stt'tutiit'i' 1m'iimm III ly ' ( n''h',1 'I'lmrt'e.
h'missetl'l's ! A / I ' 1',1,1.
PII."DPLPIH\ . G.-Tho Xorwe-
glen stamel Lecmm . tram Port : Iornta , Ja-
mmmaica . which was supposed to have a dele' !
' '
, alon ot ofcerS 'nC the . Cuban republic onboard
hoard , reached this : city tonight , but there
were no Cuban lclals on board But two
pa'engers left tb- . tealer after t'he lad
docked , Mici3et fl'alummomm et Scrantomi and an
Ialan ! nammmet1j1Jijceilo , of New York. One
lasenger waulHI ashore at Dehware
Brealwalel' on at ount of slckne This
wau Wilam ! harls Henry . whose Icsl1-
ton was Bostpn.jIo Is said to be suffering
from DostpI'rJle : Unlld Staten ofcen
He somewhat ; Jclous ! ot the rem1l\bl
naiI oC the n paD3ener ant It \
hinted that \ ( ( ) Charles Henry Is probably -
ably only a \\1(1)1 \ the naiI ot some Irom-
'ent Cuban. . IPlport , that there was such
a delegation oitotrd ! \ the Leon Wl : received
In title ely 01 'EI1 \ days ago b ) time CUS Items I
toms authorllci , but If the Cubans wcre pae :
Eelger : ' on th&- Nurw.elan ship . the ) were
taken off beforthc.sehitmg J l1hliadlpimla.
J' j"
\ mI' ' n SUCI"'H" .
( '
The tithe mnf9erade bali of time order
known W "q 'lo Work amid leaml Broke
aseocimutlon" ! ' /I. IJd lust night In \'asim-
Ington haiL " . w : 1' , Henllrlckson was
awarded the lui'J . far time most I'omlcal
costump , 1IIc .1Plr ' that for time best
womtumm'e coetunmu' \ . ant " ' . SNead that for
time heat ( r01lel ,1an. harry IL. SJIN was
nuam'ter oC < corcn.nle , 1'he floor cornnmhttee
. commlt.e
lapter , ! . ot , \ . I4lihit'li. \ harry Sat Danl1
tt.nn,1 and.\dIafJ Stmytler - - .
, / nor ill t . or \ \ 'ii'ii'il mit's .
A sneak thief ! entered tIme hal\u ) ' ot H. .
I. . ittmrkett's reihlenc. 40 : olth Twenty
thlr,1 itrelt , last evening . , whie the family
was at copper [ , mini secured 1 winter over-
coat Iolopglnc , to : . iiurkett .
Iat MorrisseY , anti HOile Pau'lne hal , art
rt\ short amid elphltc wOI'd last e'pnlnl.
lUl I Ih(1 t'sni' II blows . 10th wer" ar-
retstl fOI disturbimmg theeat' h ' fighmthtmg. < , cm lelurhtni , \eat' ' } fsh tns.
Ju".1 ' Iy ; . u ( 'mitt rl esali .
Iett'r Murh , ) ' , El touriet bt Jplnl [ at the
[ ' srnmirn street 10il'I" ; h.H'.as ' . Olt''e1 out
or $0. nn'l agu'i ! " r . ' h la-\ iighit , on ( 'ai-
1\ JI..I 1 la11:11 :
101 : IV nu ? . I. ) 1.1. i.iktim. : with n 'husky
tasihea ' . I Ih' I' ' ' ' I Illnln It s'as hi' )
11:1 "I'lln i sun . . ' 1..1' ' , J , 't. : . > \1 un . ' 1\b'
1011' 'hi , . . .1. . . . . . " . I't ' I" : : ' " arrtamteul
l t : : \ . I Mir ! I 1 , . . . n h' . h th , 'iureti
I 'J I 1.1 I f 111.1. " .UI J iie ' , < t.
Colonists Asked if They Would right for
the Mother OOlntry.
. 1111.h'r Chlll'rllil "II"llth 'r
Siujjt.'stI' . . Mi'ssaige' Ir \ \ 'mm ril" .
i' . . lie Cmuuumeii
If Irlt.h (11111.
- -
WASIINGTON , No , ' . 1r.-Ilformalol
rcnchlnl here today front Demerara , British
Guiana , Is to the effect that further this-
Patches of aver pointed character have
beta received from Josel1h Clumherllln ,
Drltsh Ilnlster for the colonies , concnnlng
Vemiezueha . Their contents were not ItS-
< Ioeed , but a meetng ot the high council
ut the cOlony \as called , at which I wat
believed the subject would he hIly ulis-
cussed , Time Informaton whlcb was con-
talnell In the Demerara Ilallers ulI to No
\ember 1 was transmitted to the State do-
pHtmelt , -
The report In clrculatol at Dlerara amid
generaly credied Is thAI Minister Chammm-
brlalr h1s : for\arllrl dispatches to the
Irltsh Oulan1 , overlment In which bo in-
Iluires whether or mint , In the event of leaf
ures between that colony and Venezuela
being pIshed to extremlJ , the colonial rov-
rnment Is prepared to do its utmost In an
endEAvor to sustall th prestige oC the
lit itish thug , to which It owes ahiegiammee .
Commeltng on these dlspatchcs , time press
oC Demernr CC ) ' there ned bs no imestitmt-
(1) .
1101 In giving an affirmative answer 10 Minister .
ter Chamberlain. Why such nn 1lllnlr
thonll come trm London excites conjectures ) .
and the feeling Is that It may be timme to
Irritation because the high counci voted
do\n : Ir. Ch1mberlln's proposiIon to buy
Iaxlm guns , ammuliton , etc. In that event
the IPxt meetl ! of time hlh council Is - IX'
pectE.I to show" . a purpos"lo sUllp riir. : , .
Cbamberlaln "to the ulmost itt an endeavor
to sumetain the prestige of the Britsh lag , "
which Is the language DC Mr. Chamb rlaln's
Inquiry , nccordlng to the accepted reports
at Demerara ,
Ilterviews were had with all the foreign
consuls In Briish Gliana conccrnlng the
Venezuelan qtmestlon. The French consul ,
.Mr. Clark , and th Dutch consul : r. De-
jonge refused to commit themselves In their
o 1 cal capactities. The German consLmi : lr.
Weber , was very outlpoken aralnsL the
UnIted Stales anti 11 favor ot the British
110slton , Engiantl . he says should Ilslst on
'I final settement on the lines I has laid
tlous'mm ! I. Weber thinks the idea of any
effective interference hy An1rlc3 absurd.
. \.1 , 'i'hiia CItl' 1'0 II' : II0SIlI"I'I.n.
Xt'sm ' ' 11'U"H111.1 I , . C lie S1nt imishi
. \ lit loin I ies .
WAShINGTON , Nov. 16.-Mlmmieter Deputy
dE Iome ot Spain has been very active for
several wteles threugh the Spanish consuls
amid his Private detectives emllavorln ! to Plt
1 stop to what ho believes to he extensive
and sytematc flhihustertmmg . his vigiance
led to severai developments today Omelal
InCormaton was received that twerm ty-one
mcmbers ot a party whIch left New York In
October had been Indicted by time Drltsh au-
thorltC at Nassau. Word came trom
O.larleston , S. C. . ot the seizure of time
3teamer Lauradn , wlh the prospects that this
wi bo followed by numerous proecutons ot
those In any WI ) connected wih thc vessel on
the charge ot violatng time neutrality laws.
Frommi another
rom quarter came Information con-
cerlln ! anothcr flbustering eXlledlton ,
thought to be on the steamer Jamaica.
The seIzure ot the Laurada Is the result oC
a 'watch whlein has been kept on the vessel
for more than a month. 'he Spanish authorI-
ties are cOlvlnced that she carried time CI-
pcd03 Ilbusterlng party to Cuba , and they
havE accumulated a amass of evidence tending
to Ilrove this tact beyond doubt. Time prEsent
selzlre Is ot more than usual importammco be-
cause an effort wi bc made to hold all per-
sons In any way connctc wIth thc vesel ,
Instead , ot moving against Cj vcssel itself .
It Is owned In Phmihatlelpitha . hut chartered -
tered by parties In New York anti conllanded
by a New York captain , For this reason the
United States dIstrict attorneya' omces In
these cities have been co.operntn .
I Is understood that thc government 0th-
chain In whose cttstotiy the veuiel has been
taken hare been furnished ev"lenct Ihlt the
last trill of the Lauratla was not the only
cne In which arias were carried but that
the alleged flbusterln ! had been carried emu
fOI' a cnmparat\'el ) long perIod. The prosc-
cuton now rests wih the Departmenl of
Justice . though the latter uu'iii
Justce. later wi he aided by
the agents of the Spanish governmmment )
Time Spanish mtnlfler entertains no dOlbl
that an investigation will disclose the fact
that tIme I.1urada has slccessfuly landed
both arms Inl\ \ men In aid of the Insur-n
cause , which Illaces her clearly within the
Inhibiton R/alnst armed expeditious oaln.t
a frendl nation . In slpport of his conten-
tion . he has furnished the department wih
affidavits oC a numbr or time crew who sailed
on time I.auradl to Cuba and relurned with
hEr And are conlzant of all her mmmovemmmemmts.
'he evIdence Is s11d to be conclusive emu al
oC time material 110lnls Involved In the case
and according to thc repre.cntatoll , made
to the tlepartmmmemmt. time result mmmust
departmelt. 1ust necessarily -
sariy be the contemnaton of the vessel
and the arrest and conviction ot its omcers .
' hue ofcllis here ha'e taken special In-
crest In this case In view ot Ito importance ,
and have taken al reasonable means to secure -
cure time seizure cf the vessel and the ar-
rEst of her crow.
Niaw's F'Ilt ) - 'I'huI.1 . \ n- .
Cliii " ' I mm 'h , ' It " ' alit S'rS-l "
VhllJ"H II . n"/llnr "r ' ' ' ' " .
n."t111111"11. I .
W ASINO'ON , Nov IG.-Speclmmi ( Tale.
grarn.-Colommei ) John N. Andrews , Twelfth
infantry , Fort Nlobrara . Neb. , has been Sil
ce3fnl In securing a month's further leave
ot ahoence.
Private Wiiam I. Daulon , company I ,
Twelth Infantry , who enlisted Ind r false
pretemmuas . It ordered dltohago from the
eervl' whout honor.
The following transfers In the Tent In-
funtry are nmade : First Liemmtenant itogartlums
Eidrtdge , from comnmany K to company B ;
First Lleutenaimt Edward ii. i'itmnmmmior , frommi
cotnpany I ) to company K. Leave for four
mmmorths , to take effect Dccemmmiier 15 , h
granted Frnt ! Liemmtenant Robert J. iufl ,
Eighth Infantry. Leave has also been extended -
tended one month to Second Lieutenant 'mvii-
thorn 'I' . Pitt'brant , Tentim cavalry , lepart-
relent of Dakota.
Lieutenant Colonel Josepim It. Gibsomm , deputy -
uty eurgen general , having been found imy
tin armimy metiring board incapacitateml for act-
lye seru'lce , is by flireetlorm of the president
retired fronm title date.
Nt'v Yoritsseiimi.iy Siist'imii.l ,
\'ASIiINGTON , Nov. 1G.-At today's sea-
810mm of time Kmmigimtmm of Labor general aeaemmu-
hiy the smmspmislon of local asz'emmmbiy 1563 of
New Ytmrk was miflirnueti , Time assemmmbiy was
cumargeti su'lthi giving out htmfortmimmtion contrary -
trary to time rules. Amu Investigatiomi uvihl
follow and may resmmit hIm time expmmlshon trout
time otdem' of those found guilty and time reInstatement -
Instatement of others ,
Time aseemmmbiy , after disposing of coumaimler-
able routine btmslmmet , adjourmmeti auth Maim.
do ) ' . Durlmmg the comuhmmg uveak a rcaohutiojm
urihi be actual on lmrovidimmg for the eiect'omm
of two fraterimal tleiegates to time supreme
council faruimers' aihiance , which still macct
In February.
It Is probable that time next convention uvili
be imelml In hot Springs. Ark.
At a reception to the visititmg deiegatea to-
tmigimt , speeches uveru mantle by tJnitemi States
Senator Butlr of Nom'tim Carolina , ( irammd Maa-
ter'crkrnan Sovereign and ohhers prommi ! .
muent in the labor movemmitnt , Mr. Sovereign
eucgizetl Ieba amid characterlzetl time Marl-
horoughVanderbllt tuedding as a matter of
$400,000 spent to te a nuptial knot. Senator
Butler attacketi "imypccnisy , plutocracy , cant ,
mmlmam and chmurclm pocnicy. "
I'mmIti'ii ituies hiss jut' lit-st imi It ,
W'ASIIINGTON , Nov. 16.-Senator McMih.
Ian today expressed tue opinion that there
touid be no determimined or concerted effort
on the part of semmators and nuenmbers of tito
itoueo from the like mutates to secure time
abrogation of time treaty of 1817 , prohIbiting
Iim building of war t'Ca.CiS by this country
and Engl3nut on time gr at lakem' . The movement -
mont grows out of the recent refussi of time
secretary of time navy to let comotracle Ion
h1l c.4tru.Itttm ! at DetroIt of tsto of time
vessels authorized by the last s'sshon of
congress. Senator McMiiiutn takes the Imsi-
tion that the treaty Is of greater ; mroleetion
to tile United States theim to Great Britain
RIlti that it wommlti be folly for thIs coutmtry
to caimcl time treaty ummtih time' United States
can secutre mm caimsi outlet to time title w.tto ,
lie thmlnkm. that a niomitfiemuthon of time treaty
whicii will etnstver sommie of time comuplainte
nutty be secured.
i'IIMIM t'e.i ilnimi rgim ,
\'AhIiIINUTON , Not' . 16.-In imie ammmiual
report , lirigatiher ( lemmormil John It , ihrooke ,
conmnummtmtling time 1)cpanttmmcnt of lakota ,
states that notimimig of umimmeumal Imuilitary iii-
terest line trammshiireh him imls tleparntent (
since the rahiroami otrikes ammti trommimles of
iast year. Aim immsmection ; of Fort AssImi-
home , Mont , , simows timat there is great need
of ft large expenditure for time etmiargetmiemmt
of tIme barracks wimleim mire now mietmscly
crowded , anti too entail for time Iiroper sue.
commmtnomlmitloui of tIme nmmtimorlzetl stremmgthm of
time cotmmpanies , Time geumerni recommmmmmcuitls
thmdtt ii reginmemit of cavalry imo statlommeit mit
this loimmt as a garrison , cm..i that a ritlhimg
itch be immm ii I. I I a fl ntis that mm ew' imu h lii in ge ,
or time necoumstrmmctlon of clii qumarters , mire
necessary mit Ports Mimmouia. Custer tutu
Keogii , 1mm Momitmimma ; Yellowetomme , Iii \Vyommm-
lmmg ; Yates , N. I ) , , cmiii Sneiiimmg , Mimmif ,
limtii ( 'on mu tt'rft'i Is I mu II is l'.isessIomi ,
WAShINGTON , Nov. 16.-ChIef ilazen of
the e'cret service today recelveti a telu'graumm
ammmiounchng time arrest at iloston of'iiiiam
Dickerummaim for havimmg in hmia possession umiti
attetmmpting to va cotmnierfeit Ummlteti States
note' . lie was examninemi before a Uniteti
States comnmmmtssioner amid imelul iii the s'ummmm of
$2,500. lickertiman is the publisher at liostomm
of "Dlckernian'mt Uniteti States Treacury
Coummtcrfeit Detector anti limulikems' and Mer-
chmants' Journal , " ui'imlcim hiss mm witle circtmimu-
then thmromtgimoiit time colmumtry. Last Almgmmst
his permmuit to imau'e in his possessiomu mmmiii mice
in hub' btmslmmcss counterfeit mmotes was re-
voketl , Ito conseqmmence of hmhs alleged crookeml
work. In iS9O Dickenimman was arrested amid
convicted ha New York City for violations
of time iostai mmw'a.
homiiI ' I lit' it.'ioit.-ii til'lsI misc.
WASI1INGrON , Nou' . 16-Time latest advices -
vices to time Vemiezumelan iegmmtiomm commtain
ho conilrmmmatiomm of time rclortvlt revolution
iii' ' Vemmozumeia , said to be imeamheml by lr ,
itojas l'aui , anti it me beiioeed ttmero timat ii
ammy stmcim imprlsimmg ahmouhi occur it woumith be
speedily suppressed. l'resitlent Crespo is be-
Ilevemi to be suthiported 'I ) ) ' Pohumiar opimmhomm ,
amid . im has a well dieclpllned , armmmy of about
5,000 mmmen. 1)r. Itojas i'atmh us'as formmmerly
imreshtlemmt of time republic , anti lie ammti i'resl-
tient Crespo utere friemmuls until recemmtl ) ' .
NI'f't Not i'i ; ' iuiulile I ) itty.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 16.-The secretary
of th treasury line decided that foreigmi timer-
chantlhse bougimt its Cammada 1mm bond amid Imported -
ported immto this country simahh he valued far
tittty ourioses mit time mmuarket in Catmada ' 'In
bond , " us'ithmout time Immciuslon of time Cammauhian
tiuty. _ _ _ _ _ _
ltt'vit iii f.i' ml I'ostmlIii't' it oimlmt'r ,
wAS11ING'rON , Now. 1G.-Time i'ostoiiice
departmmiont hiss offered a reward of $250
for the capture of Thonmas Noonamm , who en'
caped frommu jail at I'eoria , Iii. lie was mimmtlor
eenteumce for robbing time pOstoflice at Forest ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
31 o vomit i-it i s tf t a sn I Vessels.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1G.-Time Maimme imas
arrived at Newport. Thm Pimilatielpimia has
sailed frommi Everett for Seattle , amid time Newark -
ark from Rio for Momitevideo.
SIOUX i'i LiS iISJOVS A liUfl3i.
Shut k ( 'Ieutrmmiit''s tiC I i.e Souti I , izm-
hotmi ii i-I ' , , . . , Liit'i't'tsl iis.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Nov. iG.-Spe- (
cial.-For ) time part two lmuommtime time bank
ciearammces in thus city have been frommm 59 to
85 per cemit greater timamm for the correshiommd-
hng period last year. For time week cmmdummg
yesterday the clearances were $131,720.58 ,
against $75,019.34 for thin sante week last
) mm' Timere is a niucim better feeling imere
in business circler , anti the otttiook for
lively timnes here Is good. Witimin time pat't
week time oatmeal tmuhii lint , been leased , amid
will resume operations at once , anti a comu-
tract has beeim madq for time extemmsion of
an idle sash factory , anti timat hmmstituthon
uvihi start tip early iii time spring alit ! mmuammu-
facture windows , sashes and coiilnn , Time
packing imoumse it' just about commupleteul , amtmi
negothationia are being carrietl on for the
starting imp of time iinen amid woolen mmmhiis ,
In a dispatch frommi Armenia telling of the
peril in which the Macrican mimissionaries
are lit appears the mmammme of Mrs. Wimeeler. a
mnisslommary , This lady ii a rster of Mrs.
W. 'my. Brooki.mmgs of timle city , and spent
nearly a year imere at one time , making a
large nmmmmmber of fniemutis.
Last nighmt while William Cornell amid 0. Ii.
Thoroid were crossing thee Cemmtm'aI scimool
grounds , iii time imeart of this city , they were
imt'id up by two macn , Each of time robbers
grappled with a man , ammd Cornell , having
1mm coat bmmttommmud closely arotmmid hmimmm. uu'an
able to keel ) time robber trout reihevimig hint
of anytiming. The otimer maim caught Thmorod
by time thmroat , tore off imi watcim amid cimai.n
and ran , followed immumnedhatehy by time other
robber. Time mmmen were evidently witimoumt
weapont' , mis timey mlith not i.ihOV. ' mummy. Tb'
loiice are workitmg ott time case.
I it iI.'iiiiry of a ii i ijilittit's ( k.iiertilshi I i
YANETON , S. D. , Nov. 1G.-Special.- ( )
Ammuong the umuommumnents in course of colt-
structiomi at time nmarble wcrks at 'm'anktoii
is omue to ia placed at the grave of the ommce
tenuous Iron Nation , formmm r cimiof of time
Lower ilruie Sioux. Iron Natiomi was not
only a soldier of considerable capacity , evemm
in time estinmathoti of the whmitet' , but was
very smmccessful iii the admnimiistrmithomm of time
affairs of imis Inibe anti time idol of his peo-
pie. Time amommey for his niommtmmnent ut'as raised
by popimier stmbcrhption ammuong time Louver
llrmmio iddians , atid one of time fimmest vieces
of vork iii Scmmth 1)akotv. is hieing tmmrmietl
out. The shaft will be erected on time itrule
agency , where time cimief's body is hmurhemi.
At tmm.1'.t ii- mm 3iitii lion r ,
SIOUX FALLS , S. t ) . , Nov. iG-Special. ( )
-David Crooks , one of time promim'tmetmt farummers
cf timiti county , Is suileritig front a painful
arti dangcmOtms us'ound. lie was attacketl yes-
today by am. ammgry boar. Time anlmmial bit
him iii time caif of time leg , tearing mtway
i , big imiece of flevh. Time ilgamumemmta of time
leg were pulled away.
Ii im.cItt mutt-il l'Iehio.'Ltl't .t ru'stt-il.
SAN FILANCISCO , Nov. iG.-Ahuiot L
'mVhitney , vimo says lie is mu cousin ofVii -
llama C , Wimitne ) ' of Neuv York. ss'zis lIt time
police coitrt today ott a charge of ttttempt.
immg to Imlcit a % votiia ti's lt > Ck et. 'rime emtm't'
van t over Li Ii Ii I Id alt mitt y. I mm I lie amen ii timmie.
'mVimitmmey has beemi released aim his owmm roe-
ogtiizamice. Whmhtnoy'm4 fathom is aim imustmr.
mince migetit of timi city. lie u'e tin as-
nurmied mmnnie wheti arrested.
,1.'ss ( . , tn mimi's' ( ' , iteie (4uIm iii I Is iiI'hiit
KANSAS CITY , Nov. lG.-A e'ieeitmi , to time
Star ( roimu Lltmerty , Mo. , says : At Ke'ar.
ney , this nmornhmmg , Jesse Cole , G7 ) 'e'mtrs of
age , contmiuittctl sumicimle by shooting lmlmmmaelf
thi ought tim Imeart , its' hail licemi eomnpimilmt-
lug of being ummwell for a few , days. lie
took mu imliiauv mm miii got ng t o I hit' iiott "e , itt ) '
tloivtm a tmtl liremi t hit' fit I mm I shut . Cal a uvam. mm
itrotimer of Mmmi.'roltIn Samimmmt"t4. nmnthier of
Fiank antI Jese Jammucs. tIme mated ommthitw'e.
l'u.iii'ess 114Pit'l'PI t'ht'ui ii ( ; i , I I t .
INiIANAI'Ol2lS. Immil. , lv. 1'-Jmimtmes ; It.
iIam'nett nail Pan F'ardt'mm , tim" two m , ti u , ito
robbed thmt . 'um1amn 1xlirese : cotmliltOy e (
1CU44 at 'i't'rro hhu'ite , s'vm' % ' , 'sCa ago ,
p'eatleii guiits iii t tin fu ! ? i'.ii e'imlrt ti.uma ) '
ammtl mcre eachi etttemieetl tim live ) 't'.mrs' liii-
PriOmtmedmt miamI L-0O tim , " . Ilarne't % 'mmH mmml
omriilOyo of tIme . 'mimt1tthIa I ) 1.1 , ttltt , FimrEleum
of Limo exitm'dtss .nm1mhmami3C
' ' mimii it' Iu'mi ,
l1il ii t-'l- 'I'iimimmi usoui
1)ETIIO1T. Nut' . 16.'l'lme gm'ammmi jutry lo
day returned eta Iiiictmncnt umg.mhnit 'fimomnas
M. ThmnmhiOfl , , engimmeer of llm.e wret'ke-mi
Joul rmmah it ml I lii ltmg. 'rime , 'itu rgo I'u maim mm-
m.iaugimter. Jtt'hmrcsontatiVC' at time Ni'tviw'm
estate totltmy out utneh , a tcmmmiortmry injure-
unit , rc'strolnimtg Mayor i'ingrae et ci , Imtmm
remamo'immg porthomls of Clue \vi-'keJ iiia tie
from time scene or mmmimit.
'h'sso ithii'ti in it Ceiiilsimm ,
\\'Ii.LIAMtI'OhiT. i'm. , Nov. uLA hm.'mttl
ommti coihlslomm iittuvt-'mi two freight trititma on
the Faii him tmk m'oumi this nmormimmg meu'uItt'd
in time death of Firutmumn Vihiiamn 'mlcQu'mtlo
of cornhnmc , . Y , , mind hosiimi ) fatal 1mm.
jtmriea to Iir.mleunalm Kilimimiti.
hams- . . i.t. s tiuii hui'iii'm' 1cm ihiit'hi.
NI'Yoitir. . Nov. 17 TIme \'orul limb'
mnornhimg hi belies a im t .uiloti met mm temmuent.
written at , ) foym1umituistrg iii lsott i , ) ' If. II.
hlolnmeu Iii which lime ( 'mlii , ' of lime mtmrtler
of the i'ltzei cimiitira'tt is hahl mit time. doer of
time rninimE urmd imi'steniou.e . 1tiuvumi 1Itt h.
Sudden 1n1 of the Lifo of
a Man Who Unti - - - -
Graced the Literary \Vorltl ,
lit .kelihitiiiit to tiiitt Br , Siiiitii liutii
: ului uty S'muitimtii I' Couttrhhimmt huts tq
( 'oCreD I M.iiic mu uih 1,1 * em'n t umre
- ' S It ( rt-mi I 1.1 mtgii 1st ,
BOSTON' , Not' , lG.-Ir , S. F. Summitim of
Newtomi , the 'euierabhL' atmtimor of "Aimmerica , "
thleii itt title city mit 1 50 title mifternoomi from
imeart fiiiutre , lie was iii time corridor of time
Nrtv Ungimumni tleptmt mititi "fls awahtimmg time at-
rival of a train wimemm iii' was seizeti witim a
lit. iie sank to time Ihoor 1mm mm u'onmi-con-
sctoiie cntmthltiomi amid only spoke a few words
aiterwarmh. Geumertul A. P. Martin , cimairumman
of thm Ihoston 11011cc cotmiummlesioti , vhmo hiatt
just mmrrivm.'d at time depot , aim thu. . way to hmitt
imomiit' iii ltircimoeter , was aumlotmg time first to
reach Mr. Summlthi , I he thu cli lie coulti to re-
% .tt'o hIm , wimhie nthmermu aummmmmmmonetl aim cuter
gemmcy hospItal ammuimumhmince by tcleimimomme , Im
Stmiitht , however , was ileati wimemi time aumibmi
iatmca mmrriveul mit the hospital. lie imami cvi-
deumtiy exliim'ed within fle mmiiuummtes after time
attack. lie hind beemm very feeble fur comae
. tune , htmL utas able to ailpear omit as umsumal ,
11ev. Sammmttei F' . Smmmitim , 11.1) . , mumuthor , Imet
amid hingmmhet , was 1mm October 21 , h808 , at
Newtomm , Mass , lit' attemimleil time Elliott
schtol I mm Ihostomi mmtmd womm t lie Fra mmki I mm st'hm at.
orshil ) iii 1825. lie t as gratlmmatt'tl front
ilarvarth college In 182i , amid lmmmmtiethlateiy be-
gait studyiumg for time ministry at Ammulover
Tlmeoiogica i semmm iumi ry. frommm vim icim int'l it it.
lion he urns grathtmateil itt 1832.
Dmurimmg imis Course at college itt' acqmulrcml
four different iaumguages. 1mm iS34 lie was
ortlaltmtd a uumitmister itt time Baptist cimumrclm ,
anti becamimo pastor of amid professor of halt-
gttages \Vmuterviiie acamit'mmmy , umow Colby
utmivcro'Ity , at W'aterviile , Me. lie retmurmieml
to hiostotu Iii 1812 amid editomi time Cimntstlnn
ltevicw , IL heading hiaptiat orgami. Soon after
timis , hmntvever , ime gave imp time editorIal cimalr ,
anti for several years was pastor of time
First liaptist clmurcim at Newtotm , Foiimmwlng
this lie was time editorial secretary of limo
missionary ummiomu , F'romim ISTS to ISSO lie
'isitctl forehgmm lantls him commmpatiyvitim lila
wife. i he was received everywhere uvitim
mmotablo tokeims of regard. lie mmmade a care-
( mu totur of nearly all the tuihsshonmry holds
of time woriti.
hits inmhiisitod voluimmes have been mmmammy
and lila mmrticies for stundartl reviews ts'ithmotit
contmt. lie becamne imroilciemmt itt iifteemm 1mm-
gmmages , frommu vimtchm ime ahmsorboti the scull-
mmmentai spirit of time best poets numd prose
llteratmmre. lie becaummo acqmuatmmted whtim Lowell
Macaim antI smipplieti tIme words of ummany songs
anti hmymumms for nmimshc of time well kmmowum coma-
ImoSer. The mmatloumni mimmthmeumm which ummnd
imimi-m faummoims is hy far time mmmost lmopuiar of imts
hmretluctlomm ,
Ir. Smmmitim lived for immammy years hum Newton
Center , Mass. , wimere Mrs. Smmuitim , how' 82
years old , eurvives himim ,
Aummong time uumost hie'ashng evemmts in time life
of Dr. Snmitim was tIme - grand teitimimommini _
which uvas temmtlercml hint by time imetmple of
New England In % Immslc hail of tithe cIty , April
3 , last. Thmmt was time last timmme lr. Smumitim
oiupearetl omm mm public hiiatformn , excepthmig hue
ahipearamico before time lmmimmmemmso Saturday
umoommtiay ummeetlmmg of time Cimrlstiaum Emmdeavor
Oh ilostomi Conummuon , to read aim orIginal imymmmn ,
which v m , eUmmg to time ttmmme "Aummerica. "
Auromig those uu'hmo apollo at time testimumonimil
amid svlmo were in time Communion mmmeeting were
Govermmor Greenhmalge , cx-Govermmors Russell ,
Amimes , 111cc , Lommg , itolimmsomm , Ciaflin and
lirackett ; Governor Cleaves of Malmi , Coy-
ernor lhmmsiel of New llammmpshire , Govcrmmor
Woodbury of Vertmmommt , Govermmor Coliimm of
Comutmecticut amid Governor Browmm of Rhode
Ir. Smumhtb left timri'e semis and ta-a ulnugim. ' '
tern. Amnong thiemmi arc F , S. Stimitim of iavemi-
Imort , Imi. , Mrs. J. 1) . Cammtteo of Iiritlgeport ,
Conmi , , Rev. I ) . A.V. . Smuitlm , a missionary of
llurmmmaim , ammti Fl W' . Summithm of Cimicago ,
NEO1LLEANS , Nov. 1G.-Robert S. Day ,
a hirommmimment cottomm factor , schmoiar amid artist ,
a son of tlmo late Jamnes I. flay , tiled front a
wcumnd receiveti last mmighmt by time acchuiemmtsi
dIscharge of his pistol whmile un was scarcimimig
his premmuimmes for a burglar.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 16.-George 'my.
Gibbs , one of time most promnhnont mmmercimantms
and phiimtmmtimropists him time city , died smmtldetmiy
of heart failure totiay. For many years lie
was presIdent of time Yoummg Men's ChristIan
nssochatiomm. lie camne to California 1mm 1849
anti uvame 71 years old , lie fommntled omme of tue
largest Iron 11mm eu time cnmitltmemmt.
1)ENVEI1 , Nou' , 1G.-A telegram hums been
receivtui here annommncing the death imu Oakland -
land , Cal. , of John W. Snmlth , foruimery of
iemmv 'r , aged 80 years. Mr. Smaitim wan
born in l'cmummsyivammia atid canme to Colorado
In 1860. lie buiit several mIlls imero and
teas imronmlmmently identified uu'itim time construe-
lion of time Gmmif and Soutim l'arld raiiroada
amid the Ienver , tRaim & Pacific , mmow operated -
ated hmy time hiurhimmgton , lie vent to Cali-
formili twelve years ago mmliii of hate hmas been
bullulimig time Cauhformmha & Utah railroad , of
whlcim 150 imiihes are already comistrmmcted be-
tweemi Salt Luke City anti Mhiforti.
MONTI1IIAL , Nov. 1G.-fl. L. Gault , the
Canadian cotton kimmg , tlied today of Bnlglmt'a
dIsease ,
iligliti-pit Semi'les liii I I I I mu 0 inys.
CHICAGO , Ill. , No' . 1i-It has tiukemi
twemmty-hlve days to build the steci Irmime-
work of the eighteen stories 0 time F'aiicr
hmmmihins , , at Dt'arbormi amid Vaum 1immm"mm
mitree Is. The rtmnim imimwari begamu out October
12 , mmti time imigimest imoint , 235 ( oat Lhov. ' Ito
u'lde.vtElk. wan meumeimed Noveni'jer 12. lIe.
tween Octoimer 12 anti Noveluim'r 12 wete
htu'e IiUI.C hPs. 0mm two of theae Sumiluiys : the
mm meut siorhod. On t lie at hmer t imm.o t mu mm mimiyi ,
tit" fltCtl were idle , 'l'imree mimor , ' iitts' i'tft
h'sl on muecohimit of rtmlmm , so lhnt the mmctul
ear i , riic 110mm of time elghmteen was orcomn.
t > immim. ml lit twemmty-flvu titt's .mct'mal vork.
Tiilrteemm 4tmmmi omm".imnif stories uu'ore imumlht in
( otmr'se'mm clays. 'I'ime new hmtmihtlt14 ha taller
thiEjlt tin ) ' cmtimer in thin city , exceut the ldu
sq'ie tilmihihe. It is Ia'imtg Cl'CCIU I tt.itier ti.
htormait grtmmmtel 1mm 1891 , before im eomtimchi
L'iS'netl ' itme ormlimmutmmee himniting time height ct
mJ ) ' . scrapers.
- -----i
' , ,
No Two Aike.
The weekly tunflouncetY13i3Ls of
" 77" are like a row of i'aw
mniihtltt , no two emiikce , 'Tia the
snmO witlt Coldia , som'netinies it
i a Cough or Sore Throat ; or
Oatar'rht lnfluerza or Cold In
the Hoeid ; or Soreness In the
Choel , General Prott'atlon and
Fever , when noai'ly all thesca
maymptorns Bt'e present , then
it , Is genuine
477'i jg the nmaster' r'elnody
t'oi' all or those a o ii d t t I o n s ,
l'aken enr'iy , cuts It short . . .
I ) i' 0 iii ) t I y. T-nken during Its
prvaleflCC , it. ln'avent3 Its lnvn-
sion. Taken while sutrIng
from 11,1 a cure is ma p e 0 d I 1 y
' ' 77" will "bi'onk up" g stub-
hor'mi cold that "hangs on , "
hr. ltumtmphrs puts up a 14peific for every
IlIs'a"4' . 'rite ) ' mmcc Usserlited lit lila Manual , whIch
i w'itt tree.
i4timeil battles of iil'nsant peliets-fit your 'eit
poCkSi t'ttI l' 'Irussista or lent Cii receipt of
Itulo. ' . or Itte fur $1.90. lhtmimtpimmCl' Mdj-
clime L' . , til , iui'l Iii \Viiilcm Sit. . New Yomk.
hue slurs to get
, '