r i I . U TJJJn OlUAUA DAILY flEE I : 'iflJES1)A.Y I , NOVJDl\Bmn 12 , 1893. _ _ _ _ _ . " - - CO nIERClAL AND \ I ) FINANCIAL F' ' Bearish Featurc3 of the Day's ' News in Wheat Very Numerous - VISIBLE SUPPLY liAS INCREASED EIIurt : CI. ' : , ru tite. " 'rrl ! Nut Iii - . , ! ' , 1'111- UllrnlllIl 111111 1I'nr. C"II 1111 In " 'hl'nl-Hucla , ! nllcl lIu.III - . ' hearlsh CeaturC ChICAGO Nov. It.-'fhe ar the ( dll"a lIeWH concerning \ heat were legion , nli the IrIc.H oC the article suffered ! . Corn and oatH u Ie drop II conettCtICe. Ollt , ' ' . nll,1 Irovl. ; , , ympathY lurere,1 plghtr II p'mlllh } II0lla alone oC the FllecuJlltVe markets stood UI' ngulll1 the depresll , * ! Illuellcc oC n nt the and showed market IJuml'Y wheat mllrkelld close a deche.1 ) . gait ) for the duro cose wheat mUllet opened at a dcclne 01 the familiar reporls oC big reeellts , up north favorable weather anti unfavorable cabieH . 'J1'lslhlo sUI.1y'IS fuuI,1 10 hlJ II' creascl 3.9IG.tO ' IJu. , compared , with 11 11' crease oC only 1.193.J ( bu. I year ago , and , , total , to A9G.OO ( that brings the lrcFenl lP r,93G. ! hu . complred with 81.220.0 hu. lasl } 'eur. trIte thlfnIO reeellt , Wlre W : elr ! 1llnst . ' tntt Duluth tTh Ca' H u } , III ago. : lnleapolh 111 * lululh got 1713 I c'urs . against t78 eun' 01 the corre- , ( ! ! . and . the total re- IIUIhn , , day oC last yelr. 10111 cel"I" " II ! the PrimarY \eslr mlrllla were 1G7JOO ; ( ho. . agaInst 61.O ; : ( ho. a year no. Ixpurt elenrUu'es e I' not encouraging XIur , " In the vheat. and the bears la'pl piling I whlll. I'H Howl.\'r. e\er ) ' time { he I ) rico droPIc , bo- low r7'2 . for Decmber thole WIS SOl\- I the cloi'c , tiling U f It reaction until near s'1ien it weil I renctoll dOWI 10 & il tc . 1111 coul nit \hf1 I \ . ' . ' big no recc.\'er more than , c. There WIS 10 blj . IjC. and nothing like lramble .1111' g the day Iko n ; wll Inn rkit . 1.11 lie C.cllg I on Ihe mnny ad'rilr received , waR Mitch that the ulvrs r.porl ! .ecel'e,1 , In SIite oC all 1'110 ' kept ' sinking sleadly II sl1le ul bolster It . UlfuitH 10 lp. cCCu1a Cor wns weakenel early II the day ly , ' ntiil . tile receipt tlit' deprcsslon II whenl nl.1 thl ; oC . IfJ cara over StturdiiV' ; $ estinlateH. Jilter It hl.1 . other Salunlnya ! heaviness , more elo-el wnlccII'lt with III own more Imme- I dllte I ourroti tiil I ags. 'lhe iiectIlitt lye hU'I- I I $ rHms Wail light nnll lucuntona narrow. Mi } ' . from 9c \ to 2c lt the starl , de- diltieti 10 2J'c ' ' . un,1 , closcd al 2:1 % C. Oats wI'r. so dll that the movement was . scarcely iirceItliiie. May . which elose Altunlay II Ue selers. wound up today II 2OA ! ( ' bhl ! 'iOViSiulli4 could scarcely he snld to he II the Sp'lllatiVO hlslneq 10lny. , 11 pork C . , ' nlll , in lard cOI'I.r.,1 the lays lucllatolp , 11 there was barely 2c ' helweell the high alt low Ilrlle oC the Iay. 10 ribs , the range WItH 5c . and tile hlheql lgneR were those at the close. Pork ! Is 2t4c. higher ; for the 111) ' . . cOH i vlrlual I y unehalgcII Inll 1 ribs . are 2'e higher. 1.llalel : rlc'lpl. , for tomorrow : \Vli'nt. rn cars heol. , ; Cclii t2 can ! ; oats , 223 cats ; hogs . 3i.OO , ' 1he leading futures ranged ns ( olows : : Arleleo. 1-0"1. I I Ih. ! L 'w7C \ - " ' - - - - - - Wiueal.No.h ( Ol' . . . . ( i'I' ( rnl rf ! W , 1..0. ) . . . . ( rH IH . r.i' Corn liifly , .Ni . : : U2' ! ( H2i ! GI" UILt Nov . . . . 21 21 2,1. 21 l1l'C . 2i" 27 2i , 1.0. . . . 2iS 27) 1 : . . . . 2D ! ( 2U & I } 21 ) } & Onta. No.2. I Nov . . . . IS ' IRbj 1 ; ' I AI Ilo. . . . 18M IH ! I ! h IHh MIY . . . . 20 ! 2I ( 2O3 } 20 } ) l > bbi orlqlerlll II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8) Jai. . . . . U 01 1 Oi I U : ! II Oil 11:1' : . . . I : i D 40 I :5 I . \ I.fllti.li ( ( ) Ibq 1.011. . \0 . . . . I 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . I iO I"e. . . . . C ti ) . ( i . ) . ( , i' : : no Nov..a C HU C HO C t0 C U h1 llbii- . .5 . . . Nov. Iba- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 iO Jan. . . . . . . . 4 r . .1 1 til ( . 4 1 : 0 ni MflV. . . . . . . 4 ii } 4 t\ 4 774 ! 0 t2\ Cu.h quolulol8 were as rolows : 1"1AJt'l--hinr1 \hMI. sprlIg itents . S3.2' , ' \ oprilt 3f. 1.'UH'H-lunl ; . $3.11112.30 ; hor,1 lInkers , . $ . .10'2.40 ; soft. S2.00f'2.2'1. ' H'e 10ur , $2.212.50. w'lil.r-xo. 2 spring , tGQt7e ' ; " . 381rlnl t , ( :7c. . (01N-No. 2. 29'4c. O.VFS-No. 2. I3bc No. 2 \ hiite 200 ; No. 3 white. 16 , f/19c. / ! 1YF-No. 2. : le. "HI.IY-Na. . 2. lIe ; No.3. 3Hj280 ; No.4. 24tfOc. 2H30c. , : HlmD-o. 1. tllJ91',4e. ' 1' I .I ITIY I Himl-I'IIII' t . $3. 203.33. 'JI $ I'IOVftilNH-Mss ( I.ore. 11:1 " 11 , $3. 101 . I : LiirI. , pr I 101) ' I. . . . $ : .w. Short rll'i . . .11.s1" ( ' ) . $4.t4.61) ' . Dry ' 01.,1 , Rhould-rs ( hl"e'l. ) Ui51C 4j7li4 . Hholl clear shies ( InxeI ) , $ ( ,70J'5OO. WIIHKY-Ilsllel' tintsht'ii goods . per gal. , ' $1.22. l'ItT.TlY-Mnriiet nrm ; turkeys 4\.i8e \ ; chiIeIuIis. i(9 , ; ducks . 9.j9\"e. \ 10luy The : f lowag were lbs teipta and .hlmenl Arlele , . Receipts Shlpmonti - - - - - - - - - - Flour. bt1s. . . . . . . . . . 15.00 10.000 Whent . . . . . . . . . . . . 2i .001 ( ) 271010 1.001 ) Corn . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2IIIIU ( 2il.110 ) ) ' OnI8.lm. . . . . . . . . . . . . O.IIU ) 2C4.I'1 ( ' ( ) H ) ' ( ' bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 1.11 I ) ( ) 3.010 ) ( t' itari'y. be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17II0J 1hU.OI'J Ollho Pro 110' o ' ola' 10lay lho butter mar- 4 11 wa' sh'ul' : : creamery . I4t22e ; dairy U } } ( IDe. lggs. lirm ; IGUD. . : q IH\ YthL1C ( H IIAL MA1t1ET. C..111 Qitotatlonson the Jrllcllll , , COII."I&1. . . .111 StIliliell. II ' , ' . . . ' . . YO1t " NEW 'OHK. Nov. 11.-11.OUit--1teceipts. 28,800 1tils . ; exports , 1.10 bbis. . ; market 1o ) 01' . on 'Iwlng Patents 01,1 dull tIll aiound . IU'C" ' huhlot tiff for " le'clopmells ; 1111110CC pci Is pOI- enl. $3.1)ii3.7 ; Minnesota hlker & 2.7&4310. , H'e ilour . steady ; superll' , $2.31j2.5. Duel- wh'ol flour . wI'ak ; $ HfllO. { ' COIN ( . :1\18Ieady ; ) clew western coarse , IHAN-1ul 01 12.0. HYI-mnlnol ; No. : western 42e. IIA itliV-Vt'ak ; , western 4)I4Sc. ' l"II.I IAUI.I : 111A1.T-WCLI1O ; . I'J118e. 501 Oo. \\'lIiAl'-itcceipts. : 4I.bl Lu . ; epo I. . 7.2 ' ba " iiUt \faler \ ; No.2 ted. 6'e ; Nu. 1 iiitt0 . 67'c. 0,1"1. opene0 beer Unite , ' clelrln ! UII of lie Iuroll'nl I : Wil news . hit Ilnck Ron siiiiiliicflts no,1 lo\or caiiles rail bit .1 1:1 : h' . 111 lost \ ) e 10'1 ' II I. afternoon on l'IUhllloo ' * nIl bIg . \1.1,10 supply I 1011.0. cl".llg li 1tc ! lower ; No. 2 i't'ii. ( 'Ste. clo'.II C7'oc. < COHN-Uecell 21.tJI bu. ; t'i"irts 192.10) 1m. Spot \eliler ; No. t. : C'c. ' ( \ortsl 0\1 ans ie- clle.1 all day 01 clear weather ' \'sl \ olll pro.- heels IC Incr'o.1 " ' 1111'1. . with free IhlUllul , I In near 11Inlh. ; cosc < 40J'c \ beer ; May . 35" . citeel 35e. ( OA'H-U"I'elpIR. " ISq.OO 1m. ; exporls. 3.00 hu. SI > ol. weaker ; No.2. 2Je. Options .hll nai1 weak c.slnlc \ I.er . ; Mi . elosc,1 : % c. lbY-fl&tsy : ; .hlp.lng . , 17.00u7.5' ; goul 10 . . choice. O4II'C. 10IH-I'ul : a'late common 10 choIce. iijl I I crop , attic ; Ib3 el'op. 7'000 ; laello coast , HOI cr011. 3' c ; 1bI : Cl OI S4Ci'c. ' ) cWb - Q : , V : Slc.6.G . : , : , 21 102 Ibs. , mi\ : ( lnlveslci. ; lu 25 ibs. . 16e ; lueloM AIres . lily , . 20 In 21 n , . . 21c ; 'f'xls. < I' ) 21 lu 3' ) IL. . 12f 13c. 1.1' : " 1' I l' : I ( -1teat1y ; hemllck r0e. luclos An. - . . light 10 hen , ' ) } 21c . uciti 21'4ti2Ie. \V)1.-Qtliet ; loilie.le Ileece . h(210 ; l > ulh'l , 11)J 22 , ' . 1'ittVIiIONH-11eef. stea0y ; beef hanis. SI5.0 1'10VI tJl&i0. ; CI llo'ittS . doll ; 1.lcklel hel Ie. 0t6jGe : Ikklnl , 8.,01Id'r. . Ce. l . 'nl. easy ; w..ler ¶ "I'lm cl",1 , II $5.r" . nominal ; :01111.1. $5.01) . nomlool : reil&iei. stelul' . 10"1. tnn ; nlw mesS . t.7)0ii.25 1 , fa I I ) ' . UUj2.0) ) . ( 'i1IlSlJ-iasIer : : ; large . 71.18c ; smill . ic ; 11lrt skims. 3\(7\te \ \ ; full . " 118 , 2" ( , 13e. , Lhl. I'liiQt.II'M-strong : ( ; United cl"c,1 nt U.U llLtT'Eihtl2eeIPtS. 3.lS "kl" . ; market slluly ; W""OI ,1,11) ' . 10t \ 15e ; weol.r creamery . 15U . . lIe ; 1'lgln. : . 230. iXt1)-ltei't'itS. 4.121 PkSs. ; market SI.I , ) ' , 0 % cetera . 191 $ lIe. 1 bh\ TAIi.OW-3teahiY . ; city . 4c \ ' ; couiitry fe. \ . ROSIN-Firm ; straIned , common to good , 1.6 C1,70. MO1.MSua-SteadY ; New Orleans open ket- U" . 100.1 10 1)101cc ) . 2901320. 'rt'ltI'iN'rlNl--Quiet : ; 2S08t40. ' TtH'INTINI'Quh'l 2SI2S'e. Ill'I.-tul : ; , Iume.te. fair 10 exl1. 3rH161 . MI:1'\.H-llg : i Irln. 8Ieu.I' ; souIiirn. 112.00ff 1.101 I ( ; nIrtilern. 12011il 50. ( oIlller. .lenI' : fwkero' , price $1 'I ' ; exehlnte , I > rle" . S".4'UII 60. 1.1\1. 01(1) ; bro""lo' irice ' $3.10 ; exchange " ; iriee. $ .1' . ) Tin . barely ) .Ieal : ) ; straits . $14.6) Itt 4 6 : ; 1111110 $ . quh'l. . I"eler. dull ; .lllw.lc. 13.71013.00 ; .al.s UI .lnge. 5 tons :1"lch tin at 111.60. II COTTON HI'In o 1.l1rm.r. quiet : prime ' rrd , ' . 21" . ; 'ritne 0111"1 yellow , I00J l'Je ; err .lllner ) 'elow. 280. lCIINI" CII' 'llrl.'I , . IANHAS ( 'ITY. :0" . 1.-\\'II AT-\.r .Iow. 101"1. N ) . : hil , I , tG ; No. : 1 I. ole ; : . 2 . "rlnl. & 36jIt I , q ; No. 3 , , > rlng , 'J/.I\ ' / \ ; reJ'cIC 3iiff4e. ' ( 'olL'-lhow ; No. : InixOd . : HiZ3e ; No. 2 hite. 235E0. 1 hle. 2 I. OAT1O-IctlYe nn.1 trl ; Nu. 2 mixed nominal . ICe ; Nn. 2 whIte . ISfUS\ \ . ltVl-N. 2. 32e. \-IIrm .0. ; timothy . S8.5I.o ; prairie . S6.O ( 1t1'1I-lhheq ; creamery . 17 2 ; dairy . 150 $ lOc. 1:008-lrliular. lGc. 1)ry ' ( ouil' . .1Inrl 'l. NlV " 01 I\ NUl' 11.-The summary of the ( narket is ernt.odleii in 1 th , lrase , "very 'i'iiet. ' ' : lh ; : 1 : : ; : A gocti number of moie n'"lJ ' , are present l , nlli mol' inquiry has been IllItli , ' . hut tnlng Vllul eo . . . ) they have .lnn8 but I l\l ' . al'\ mOstlY for moderate quantIties 10 1'e. urgent " "Iulrflenio. Irlnlll cloths I , sl'ly al 3 5.160. nnt , noIn " ' 11011,1. lIlitmis'piils 'ht'nl llstrIoet. I MINNI'IAI'OL.lt4. Nf' . 3l.-l"I.OtYit-teathy ; nr'l Ilatenis * 3,15613.45 ; , Ionlelo bakers $26501 .7S ; exisirt bakers , 120010240. ) WIIIxr- WaN wtnk ; No'eabr. 2"c ; ) . . . her . f'e : May . 6"e ; on track . No. I harl. rse ; Nt , . 1 lorlh.r. 6\0 ; No. 2 northern . Ue ; 11- 'elpts 1 , : : car . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , GlIttilli Marloet , Coton : llrkt.t , NIW01 , . Nov. 1.-TON-ult ; mid- W.f' i . net receipts , 'W bales ; gross , 11 : . . n. . isis . ; experts 10 Ottl ntloln , 2.0 balul to I.'rnlor. 03 " . ; In the continent . 1.665 bal.s : C"I\or.t. 7U bales ; pales . 171 bales , , I pln' ' n.ro ; Oole 1Ci.41 $ 1,1. . . NI'W nttt.IOANI1 . Nov. rOrfON-(1ul. ! $ enlilililtig. ' "e : I"I lnslldiing. 0'Oe ; I"Ol ordi- nnr ' . i 12.1C ; n'l tccellis . 11.120 Illes ; proPs . 17.9C Linies. elcs , .rcell.I"\ : ' Iniioe \ ; stock , 325,303 bOles . _ . _ _ _ _ _ ( ' 1 1.U \ ' 1 : \ )1 1 C\'I' , Cnl.ttII of 'J'rl.l. 11.1 ( llnlntlHll ni Stilimir nl.1 " " 11' ) ' Irolhltt ' ' t. eatr'rnl I ' sire' coal tiull . 10ult ) elf.I' I' slw pl,1 .Iul. IIlflS-iOtrii'liy Cluh .Iodl , ice. IU1'I:1 -1'lt:111 .10"1. tic : fair t < 1'1 country . Ufll ; choice In tnney . country . IH1c ; . ' . 1S'dI ! ' CIpalliel y . lole.el creamery IG'l ; Hp.talor CllllelY. . 19i : \.Cholce fat O 10 10 lbs. , are 'Iuole at CliJe ; large aol . Ilue. 4tJ6c. . ChlIliSi-ionieehie : : brick . Iic ; lidam. per 01. CIIISI-PoI..te . ( . 1.11. jars , per dcx. . S3.o ; < 1.IIIUget. I Fancy . tier . lb. . lI"c ; HJ'I'or , , \ .lu. san' I'r < 01. SJ.rOoulg ; /tlulel less ' , J'c ' ; 'ra toe I . fancy . lie. \ l'O/rl\-I.I-lels. Ir. , per Ih. . r.flc ' ; chick- ens .i" r lii. . &lf o , rl.olls. M14r ; hlell' . ilSo ; lutke3's . 76Sc ; gt'I.e . 541cc. 1 ) ressel-'ilickeflS . S'u0s7c ; .lle" . . 1"0" ; Illk , ' ) " ' . Hlne ; 1 ( . ' . { 9c. Jt.t'-t'ihllflli . i6 $ : niiIinnd. $5.50. : 10\lanl. $5 ; rye . straw . $ , color makes 11llee nn iiy ; light hules sell the bel. Only lop grades bring top peices ' 10Iill 3 . COHN-New crop .Ielverel on track In rounlr ) ' , chalco green If..orklng carpet. , petIt It , . . 2',1 ; choice green running 10 hurl. 2tc ; cOlm III . 11,40. ( i.1il'I-1rnirio chickens . ) 'oimng . per do : . SS ; 11111111 . $ i.75j2.00 ; jerk oll'o ' , ic ; gallon Plover . .I.Z. ; ; Jack { 11.II. ( , . I.er . uioO. . ; $2.ulfI2. ) ; .lal raII. ) I . $ I ; ala i In t ii ii hl k. . $3 ; rtlhen < . . $3 , en n- 'o.hodl . .Iucll' H. u I.J ; iai Ilue wing. U i , led . green wing . $1.51) I ; mlxc.1 .1"'IIs. SU'Hli ' : ; ! Ilnul.\ Irlon I.'oe. $6 . 0111 g.'ec . 11.5) ' ) , braIlle. $3.50 , leH saddles. 1fhre ; deer mrCI ! ' " ' . 12'Hftl ; elk snihies , , . I I I ii lfiGf ; cal Il' " 5 . 111 tOe ; nlieloll' saII , ' ' . 121lc ; nll'lol' carcasses . 961110. ' . . VI.OT.\ULt : : I'OTATOI5O-On . : track , cur lots , 2:1 ; small lots Clr Stuil e. 3'c. ' UNJONH-I'C h" . 2.f30c : Imported f\anloh On1018. tIer ' crate . o'Ic ; home grown ! \allsh. per bit. . SIr ; 3 In ri-iibh. lois . $1.35. I)1'AN8-1land-pIcled : nary . Per I bU. . U.i1.8 . rortTocs-ciiuicu stock , 3UU35c ; car lots 2 . fi 300. . ( sss.IJLr I'OTATOIS-Choice slack , SUO per bbi. . CAlhiiAOn-On orders , crated. per 10 Ib ! . . 1.00. I.I'HCholee etoek large No 1 , 4 \4c ; large No. 2. 2e ; email . 2fI3'c. ' . IUtA IIEAN.-l'er lb. . 50 WATIm ' . . , * . & . . \ CImHle 16-qt. case $ 0'li5. F1WIT. CAI.l 1O1tN1A QUNCIS-Ie box. . $ .5. CAl.IFQUNIA 1'i't1tS-No : U"rlela 8UU.lbl for shipping ' ; other varieties , n. IDAIO 1'i.1tS-l'er : case , $2. elbNhtlItiul:8-liuoki' stock , per bh\ , f .50. A hMl1itI. : \ oitAi'i'i-l'er : 611. tibI. . 17.00017.6) ' . I AHTIIN a1tA1'1S-Now York Concol < s. pI ' ba.IIN. 2rZIf. CA l.n'OlN\\ IAJJS-Toka's. per double ease . U.OI.3.25. . A 1'1'Ll.-Jonatiians . 53.23073.60 ; choice shipping . ping . .tod - , ' 10"10. $ l flltofl . \\'Ine.a" . elc. . lils. . t2.5032 i5 ; "onlll Ililiull's. $ 2.20J2,0. CAI.I"OINIA l'1A'i1tS-None. TIOll.\L FltU1'1'.4. OlANG1S-Mexicans. . : per box . U.o ; .Iainaicas ler Imx. $3. i5. - 1.1 INH-lolornla. per box $6.00Z10.25. 1l/NNAS-'Iuolce ialge Stock , per bunch . $2. medium sized bunches $1.75. Jer IINlAIII.I H-ler IJz. . $3. 11J : AND TALLOW. IiiDlS-No. 1 teefl hIdes . oc : No 2 greta huh's . 4 ; : . . 1 Iroen tleel .ul.1 bides Cc ; No 2 gleeli .al,1 iulles . 5e ; No.2 green salted lubies tle"1 : 40 I. . . . . rc ; No.2 green salted iikles . 2 : 10 40 ' lbs. . rc ; No. I vial calf . H 10 15 11. . , 8c ; No. I veal calf , S 10 15 11. . , 6c : No. 1 dry Ilnl hiule& S011'c' ' ; No. 2 dry hint lihules . al'9c ; No. 1 dry suit , d luluIe . . ic ; " .r curll hides , \ 2c per lb. less Ihu' fully cured. fuly curel. Hilml I'ib'l'O-fJleen salted . each 2)0fGOc ; green salted ohelrlngs ( short cooled early 251COe ) . each l.c ; dry shueariings ( short Swouled carh' shillS ) . No.1. each. bc ; dry sheurJngs ( short wuolel early skins ) .N o. \ . eacn rc ; dry flint l6ansas on < 1 Nebr.tl butcher wool Iry Onl I\un Iulcher Wlol peit. leI 1\ . nclalelhl. . 561Cc ; .11) hUnt l6ansas and Nehroka 9turmuuln wool I.els. . Ie lb. . Bclual weight 4'50 ; dry flint Color o butcher wool pelts . per it , . actual weIght 46164c . dry flint Cololado durrain ( Wool lucite. per \ , . actual weight 4151 ; they pieces and bucks . aclur1 oveigiit 2 13c. have feet enl olf. as II I. use- 1051 , ; lu pay freight on theIr 1'AII.OW AND Glt1AHE-'ralhow . . No. 1. 3'c ; tallow No.2. 3c : glease. . .hlo A , 3\e ; grease . \ hle I. 3c ; . tlea.o. . ! L.w. 2\tc \ ; grease . ! durl : . 2c ; old butter . 2612'.tc ; beeswax , prime . 150322e , loulh tallow . Ic. IS122e nONI'Sln : car lots weighed and dell'crC In ChIcago : 1)ry buffalo . per lon , $ h2.OJq5il.00 ; dry country , blcuclit'ul , lr ton $10.009jl2.Il0 ; dry country . damp and menly. per I'l. t6.OOffS.0) . \VOOb-tJnwashu.'l . , line heavy , CHic ; title light , SIfle : qunltel . tluu. bulb ; seed ) burr ) ' IIU thaffy . 819 , ; oole,1 nn,1 , broken. coare. 7611c . Ioled and broken . floe CffO" , Fleece wn.hol- :1.llm. 1:118c ; line . 111 e ; tub wrisucd 161) lIe : black. Sc ; bucks , Cc ; lag locks 21J3o ; dead pulh' 51 c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FUnS - , No. IlNo. 1 No. II 2 I 3 I Lg" Ild'm Sin'hiJ I - - - - 81'IJ- lirAlt- I , I - I lhLk . . . . . . . $206125 S 15 0 1 S110$0fI2 , I 5 0 11Lk Yearllng'i. . 12ll 10 0 7 00 j ( 309 Tack Cuus. . . . 6\ S 5t 6 1 0 5 0 2 03 Back Cubs..6) 6\ Iliack Mountain Montana . . . . 18122 U 0 \ 100 100 4 00 Back llnIO . . . . . . 12 ? 8 0 6 0 5 0 2 50 Iliack Montana I I I I ; Cul , . . . . . i . . 65Cj 450 30 40 2 ( J Sliver Tip.:0 OIl 12,1) SO 90J 4J lOuver Tip Yrlgs. 1 0 8 0' ' 500 GO 2 51 Silver Tip Cubs. . . 6 00 4 5) 3 0 3 0 1 M Iruwn . . . . . . 20 2 : 16 ! MI 12 0 1 00 5 00 < Yearlings . . . . . 8 O 6 l 800 40. ) Cu\ ; . . . . . . . . 10ll2 0 50 300 4 00 2 ( j Bldger . . . . . . t CJ ' ) to " r0 Fisher I-OX- . . . . . . . .7 OJ GOf ' 0 ) 40 20J Silver ( according to baiuty J. . . . . . 100 00 CO 00 10 00 200 100 Silver l'ahe ( ac- SI\er Iule cor 'g 10 bea'y ) 50 ' O 30 0 2J 00 15 00 6 00 Cross < . . . . ba' . . . ) . 7 00 3 00 2 OJ : 0 5 1 0 0 ) Ited . . . . . . . . 1 5 ' 1 25 I 0) 7 : 2) ( Irsy . . . . . . . . . . 7 : to 40 35 : I\t . . . . . . . . . . . .7 M 40 30 2) II 1.11. . . . . . . . 300 20 I : ; I 2 ro ' MIrh'l . . . . . . . .3 00 1 ro 100 10J p Mink . . . . . . . . 60aSS 0 fS 2 ro Mink Dat-k . . . . SS 65 4S 20 10 Mountain 1.lon. ( perrl'cl head ; and , ) . . . . . 1 2 Olor Ceel. . . . . . . 800 61' I 60' ' ) 40 2 00 611 20 01.1 I'alc..7 76 500 4 O 30 1 5 Raccoon . . . . . 6'170 t t : 2 10 Itnccoon . liifll'IC . Inecoon. Ila'k. RKUNK- ( as 10 beauty ) . . . 5@ 2 hihacic , casell. . . . . 125 75 60 ) t 2 : Short cased..1 0 70 4 : 40 ' 20 Narrow slrll'eI. ' . 5 10 2 : 20 10 . . . . . flroad 8Irlpe . . 20 2 WIllerln 1111 < . . < . . . . ' 0 30 20 20 1 ( Wolf Mountain. . . . 3 0 2 0 1 61) ,5 4 WolC I.rlrle. . . . C9 60 40 20 10 ii'avcr. pH okln. rr ) 6 4 to 2 0 f 0 2 00 1..I'.prKI. 1'lver. . . . . . 20 15 75 5 0 MtTS11L.Tb- Iprlng : lCtt'l..2 Wlnler . . . . . . . SIUO ! 9 . 7 Full . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Fnl 1\1. . . . . . . . . . . Z . 3 DHESSImA'S. . UCl.JF-Ltciut western steers . 430 10 60 Ibs. . 454 USe ; good CO\S and hel"rs. H@Se ; m.llum eo\s al helCell. 4"@I e ; god forequarters cows < stat iueiters. 3t5614c ; g011 hindquarters cess 11,1 helfere. c'50$7o ; fair binduarters cows and helfer . . G ; cow rounds 44ff5c ; cow chucks < . ft3tc ; .h'er chuck. 34404c ; beef tenderloins . trp.h. 1.0 ; Sleet . rolls . bcintles'u . 8 ! ee ; slrl.la Iut" . h"nele. : S'5e ; loin tnu'k.i Ilontielus . 8'.e ; 1010 lacks . 61 ; cow thin' No. 3 . HI ; cow loins No. 3. 7'bc ; steer 11,0. m , ilr ; .1..1 loins . So . lul t"l"TON- ) ) reeeeut , millIon , "r ; racks mutton . I 2l 8140 ; hog mul on. 7c ; saddles , mutton . io ; stews . I'onlc-rnrk loins . ie ; spare rIle . 51 : pork Fhouldels. ' 50 ; pork sluoululers . skinned f'C ; ientherhu,1n9 , . 13c , _ lilac' I _ feet . _ cleaned I. per .Ioz. . 3c. Ml5CFLl.ANLUuS. O\'HTLIIH-StetliUtfls . ISo ; horseshoes . lOc ; extra standards . . 230 ; extra selects , lIe ; company selects - leel' . 2io ; New York counts 301 , standard bulk . per gui. . $ .IO. C1il010-I'uie Juice per half bbl. . S2.o ; per 111. $ .50. HAt"H 10IAUT-Per bbi. . S3.S0 , halt hbl. , S2. N\T $ -Culforlt lIltilolIds . 10e ; . : III.h wul- 111115 soft .h.led. 12be ; stanulards . jOe : flhbert . . be ; Irazl 01115 9110e ; I'eenno. l001llo ; IleanUI. raw 5'e ; rl-I.I. 1ff1tc ; chestnuts 1fISc ; black 'UillUt5. . per bu. . SIc ; .mul hickory nUl. pus . . . . uA1'i : : ! S\'flt'I"-Pive.gal. cans each 12.50 $ $3.0 ; per dcx. , S12 ; \ 'Ial. ! cans . S6.Z ; quart cans . $3. , : l'1US-Ne" crop Calorln. 10.lb. boxes. per lb. . lie ; common California figs . Cl-It ) , . boxes . GluGc' \ . D.Ti64-1'erslnn , 60-ui. boxes , per lb. , 51 ; lards ' . 10.1. . text's per lb. , 8e. M.l'llI HI'OAH-hole . per Ih. . S$010c. $ l.\II.l 111' PI\'I R-Ao.orh',1 20-lb. lulls. each $ .40. COCOANUTS-'l'er 1 ( . * 5. Si . 1.011. ( ) , 'imerutl :1:1'1..t. . . ' ' ' . ll.-I'I.OtYlt-Duil , ' RT. 1.01'IH. No' 1.-PI.OUt-nul and hel"y ; Iah'nls. * 3.15413.2) ; extOL fuincy , 12.03133.05 ; fancy . $275612.85 ; choIce . $ Z. 112.W. $2 \'II\T-I..wcr. i(2.85 > opened with n pressure on the solilnIf . which caused I ieelne arid n close near Iho 1.Uom. l.fl o 10,111 fnlur.la : ) ' : N" 2 roil . Ia.h. WIe ( , 1rr"nl.r. , 56r. . ; Slay 62c. 4NltN-Ciearlflg ) C..I. weather wIth the w.ak- nl" In wheat resulted In In easy tone with prlee nl tili' cln.c steady , 10 a shade below 101- unlay . ; Ni' . 2 mixed cash 21e \ ; 1ee"mler. 21"e ; Mi ) ' . ) 2 4G2' ' " , OAT - \'lk Inll lower In sytnpxutlty wlh other markels far futures. 1\01 quiet ; No.2. casiu IPSo ; 1)000lflber . ISo ; Mn \ . 2O5c \ . ltYn-l.uuver . 3l'5i34lc. IYII wlr. 31'(31'.1. ( 'OliN Ml'l.-l.45il.t'0. : ( IltAN-I.'or Oi" : I1\.15'I.C. . 1.0 bid for east Irack. JI.\X HIIfh'a < I' . 87e. TIM0rlIY 1t-$3.l0r3,70. 1 TIMOTIY 1t-U.IOq"3.iO. II A -hnlll grades scarce In demand an,1 , higher ; pr.ilrie . 1 G.o01S.73 ; Imalh . * 6.006114.25. l'OI'I.THY-I.'lrmrr ; turkeys , G'.e \ , cluiekens f GIbe \ , . lucks . 71e : goose . c. ICc' lht'rrlu-3lteuuly . ' : ; crt'amuery , 16t324c ; daIry , Uj' IOOR-RI.nI : , 17c. Vs'iiil0lY-l.2. WIHK\-.2. 1.1tHlrlll : $3.05 1.1\ . , for chemical hnr.I. bul other uleserlptiuuns "len.t LIt 13.05 and 10 buyers nho\ S3. 111'ler hell II $ : .r l'ltOVilONS-I'uul k . ollnloll mess , jobbIng . IUO\'I IOH-l'lk. $ 8.50. l.nl. : 111" olea\ 15.40 ; choir. $5.47\ \ . lill000 . bx..1 shouh\er. \ . S5.U ; logs , 13.lltS \ ; ribs , . . . . sr. : : shorts . S"3n. 1tCC1lP'1'-l'iour : , 6.0IIM. , . ; wheat j . 'Q I.u. ; ror. TrI'I'T-I"lour 1 \u. ; . . 4.01 bu. HIIInN'I-1'our. I ' 5ss ) hits. : wheat 3,0' lu ; corn . 0,0 bu. ; oats , 19.1 Pu Sllur : Murkt' : n0 . Nov . ll.-.l4tftiAlI.--flaw . teaul' ; n\ \0 INul. .1.aI . 1.-HUt'I-lawt aIr rehlning . 3 ; centrifugal . 1. ' test . 3 . . . ito- lal. lulelnlcl ) nrlh' , ' ; . 'nnll,1 A. flc ; ron. feotlenera' . ' 'c : cut loaf . 5'.1 ; Crusiueui . 510 ; 1)1\"r.l. H. ; granulutted . Ile ; cubes , 4'u LONDON . NOI' . . I.NPON. I1.-Ht.aAlt-Cane , 10 : nothIng doing ; centrifugal Java . u. al ; : uIC\ldo. fair 'I , , . _ . _ , . . _ . - - - J' . , , . - _ : - refining . lOs . 8 : heel , Iuletl $ prices barely mnln- Inln . d ; Nuuvelnber1 lOs "II ; I. elnl'r , 10. 7'.1 LONDON , Nov , 1.-Bl ! < l-Can. . dulh cen- Irlul"I , Java , Us r ; MUO\\'RI\o \ fair refining , 10 ! , 6 ; beet , , hil % : little doing ; November lOs Gull December , lOs 754u1. STOCKS ANI I IUSI ! , Pt'i'Ig 1 11..t.IIII.I'lt1111 I nXI'rl'lt l'urul."IC lmiIiii'tiu't' lit ) llr""I , NIW011 : ( , NOI' , l1-l'oreign de\loI'llnl. again e"erlC Ilarmount influence upon Ihe transactions nt the New York Slack exchange nuirkets Prellous 10 the opening hilher prIce for American securitIes In l.o"I' 1 and lore ( 'fl . cur"lng reports ns 10 the foreign nnnnclni and political situation clu..1 1 Inure cheerful " ' 11. mitent . < .plt expectations at gold engagelclls fur rxporl. l'nller this ollnulus tile market " 1'el'.l slrung and active 1111 material 101Inc.'s occurred 01 collie cut the lending shunt "a. , % fellue of tile early lrll"18 the execution If Inl- tog c'rders hem l.nlon for 1 lh flu'cotIfltM If . ' 'la oC the intel natIonal stocks which ho,1 to- N'nll' boron the brunt ot foreign IhIUIIII.\ , . 'Ihuu' . edge oC the Im\ro\ment \I ! " "I lullen off by I rlil ( ill II indusil hal group . II which llrg" OilS SUffL'lt'ul I" the . ' IIII of 24 per ( Cclii. Oilier , iuusseuu In tills del"rlleni rne,1 , UI' tJ 1s her cent In Sugar. 'l'iue rolling oC Ih , ' n.l I ' nome.1IS atetidt'&I b ) ' 1 .e'I"ol I of Ih , ' rlllorO , of lit ' 'itinijie iii's ' tile mOlol.s IlgO Ills t the Inm Pall ) b ) Ihe t lit torney g"11rl If Ihlo lit II to. The 101\11) ' list \OS also "lolel' . although the losses s'ro UflhItlliOrtltflt. 'l'h" hi" 1eliunel 1I0in lu\ 1 UII'II,1 utter Ihlla ) 1.,1 1I"IIC. a \ ole rcculIc1 01"1 Hall"II ) " . In,1 ales exI.'nlnJ In 2',4 ' per cent Ill l.nuls'lle l Nashville. I.oke Shore gained , H. Iel' , 1(11. HI. II\ul 1t4 \ Ier COOt Norfolk't'Mte& II l'r.Cer'd unit : llnholnn 11.5 Per CcItt . . Inll A Ichl"1 preferred . whcn 1..uel. 11,1 , Hoee 1.11'1 11. l"r c.'ll Th" Industrials " ' 1Pllhlzll onll ree l\r',1 quite a little of the cill I ) ' los.cs. Ilclle Shut Cliii , " 11.eo Coal w , . " ) ' ' 1811'10IS In I the 8Iclollo , I , 1) ltd entices of 2& , 11.1 . 1. per cent I el'h'et'ti'I'iS ) Thee ' \'II In RI".III ne\S I."afll , 'lhor ot Ihe 1"1'1'- 10" . TIl enlllPI' ; II oC U. I.i ) ) II I I.ld for "X' per lumorow 1) 1 leading cullltlieICiuli hiusI liroveil l 10 ho'o le'n 118colnlll. lS the flint e 111.olrlnt ri"ws C"1 Ibl1'os : con.llele,1 I" o.roha o\ I t. " flU taper of letli I Oil uf 1111011 . < oI. , ' 10 ( tilags for the Irsl \ cob In N " 'lleI 'ome lu h"II. unit , \ ore . wlh tic oX'epl 1 of Ihe i ooulh\lsl.11 turoperthes. m.II' favorable. Th 'le"llllol , lS I whleas I 1'11111" tilnilcit , the ,1.aI11g. reU'lng II m"ol instances the cuVer- tag "f shirt ( 'onlrlls. Ino Ih\ \ chIme of bus- I" . . . fell conslderll > short of reccnl ( ( Ill uIay :1.tlopllun Tilelol Rnlte,1 off I'S 11 cent II s'ml."lh . wlh Ihe .llmp 10 'flactkutl stocks In Ihlaloll.hl.l. , . In I 11 Ilalllllnt I rellzh1" .al" i'tttueil fl nclllw : I'ee..I , ns In the II'nelll ii.tr- lcet. The closing touts holly ) but the I.l changes \ell. I. 1 rule . gains . liflilS , were ludemld ) ' active , wIth chutnges lalnl ' 011 $ \ . : llwouleoe & Nurl.r IsI" . consuls of 1910. 11I'OIC.,1 jL2 I'er ' cent Coriuge IsIs Oust . .colilis I let cliii . Alchlsll , "IJusIIH ! lit I. . \ lien itsueti ii nil , : ls- sotiri lansu : ' la8'rn : lets 111'1 cent urn ) lake lrl : , ' ' \\'sl"1 n lets 1 Ier , l'enl. Oregon ilniriuvellwnt lets fell lit per ( 'ell. MI..nurl 11 I. I Cel Iall Iro'e consuls fe ont Oregon Hhur 1.ln ' . 11,4 1"1 c'nl , nll He.Il1 , trust r"fellls. Inslllle < . Inl.lnl l ' 1" ' , " . C < nlrl general 4. . Tennessee ( ' , al lets . 111111lham 1 I nnt t 'Ii , lull I 'aol tic toll G s I 1\1 t'u'nt. The Rule.1' " $ .Cr2.0t1. ) Uuomelis were wlholl Illurlanl change oil truineactinus uf $1.OI. In state o.'eur- tIles . UO.I1 ) \ 'irginia .CeIT,1 c. . lutnIntleul . and $6.01 l.ollsllno consol Is eiinngu'd hll < . . The I\nilt P"ol. I.ontul tnandal co"h'111 sill's : 'Flue l'it9' wnrnhi9' aI1ulo'eul ' oC 1.0,1 , 1 S.his- " . ' the ' dinner . ItlucI hurl" s "N'ch " 01 II lorl IIor's ,1111. 1111 ci , liMklel I , I I a. I ( 'lISOlI ring OIl uuccuunt oC ( " .olpnwnl hat I tie llrol'lan I : "owels ! are net Itug In I .nlc'rl The stock lnlrhett' : . however are Ut- tcri' .1.11,111.11 tl" I ugh h the ShlrI" " or tie ( ni and uncertainty of the 1.1elai olloln on the conlnellll tiolilsOS. 'he Imp.rlli hank . oC Germany today rutises Its , lscoUll Into 10 1 per Cent . In,1 lie rat , ' o interest Oi nl"onces to 4l3 1"1' c'nl. II tie afternoon "rlces \ ere Ken- orally littler . although lie closing was n shade h"low hip t"1 COIRO1 IUI'e I.el lIt 1)6'S ) . Lot closed , nl l061. l ' The settlement II mining shares has eomlnr",1 1".11. 'lh. Ilerelees II lo , Ilrl . are "lorlnoI8 , Iml the oceuunl opened line b.t'l greatly reduce. ) . anti the "osltol of our marlel I. prohall ' h.alhh.r than for nuonilia pash. 81' . truth falul"s 'I" expected II thai I'nerl settle- II'nl. oOllwnclnt tomorrow . hut I 1M hoped Iii lit nu v"I'y big Irm wi I ( a II. The o'llnell ' r'mlins Ih , ' wt'akei't spot eI.pl'ciaiiy I 1'ctrI naIl , eco I' \'I'nna. I I Is uaul'l'stuuoil , Ihal : 1"'I1h tankers . ha"I' , I.chle.l to RUllnrl their hotirse hy 1.,11) more Cr'el' . hunt 10thllg wi li " 10ne 10 en- t'UIQ lie Ihc I eOllolole , ' . .C . tie I fi thl" ' Ilnlnl , 'lecullol t thcre. 'Sue Jngloh I 1.111c . 110 be- ; tlln" > I > I.u ) mll"s 11I1n II ( lie low.1 1IIIc" . . .lwrkal uiiwneul 1.11. Iml , lah.r I w'nl hotter . In,1 , olln1 . chose . tt'ailv. "htll , ' for itt thit' Were ( wih giiiil Iu'hl II I. I"J < ) I'orln I a nil 1101 liii. Ccid it 111115 \ ci 0 hotter troll start 10 Inloh on l.nr.1 111.IUI ) ' " I'IS.lrllt ollh. 'h" goad nl oil 11)1 " ik fn , cr5 the . , 11 > lnlol that w hl" WI hilly have seen tie wor.l , the fu t ui'o , In 1:1erlll. The C.lowlnt . were the closing quotations 00 Ihl 10alnt .loci : . ot the New York exchange ' 1(11) : ; cii50ir' ; . . . . If ; U. 1' . D.1 . . . . .41,5 ! AchIBoi. . . . tl Norlhw'.slr. . . . 10 ' AItCII. ' 2. I. 1 . . . , .1 ) .10Ilf.I. . . . . . . 11 Am. g"lre. . . . . 1 Hi N. Y. ( ' .nlrnl. . . 1)0 ) hialttntoro.Olto , ; . ( 4"a ' N. Y. \ N. . : . . . . .t UI ) 1"lntro.\01lo. , 1.lellc. . StiSi Ontario . \ W. . . . 1i ! " Calall SOllh rn. ( % Oregon . 11\ \ ' . . . 51,5 ! C..llrall.a < llc. . . I Six 01.01 Nio' . . . . . I i ) Chic's. . .Ohlo. . . . . lU ! 0. ; . , \ (3. . . . . . i. Cilicago . \ Alton . . lCO Ilrllc Stall. . . . . 2(1 t ( Chlo"lo.\ ( . 1.J. . Alon. . . . . . . sta : P. D.r Mal. . . . . . 2(1 * t'liicago ( Gas . . . . n ( ; 0)4 pllBbll ! . . . . . . lU5' ' , ( 'onsolhulat'tt ( . . lWIf I Illmal Ialaco. . IH4 ( ol . . C. .lc St. r. . . 41 Ieolln < . . . . . . 12Sf Colo. CoaIrol. : . :11 : It. n. W. . . . . . . . 17 ColOI Oil Curt. . . . 1tJ2 , It. U. W.nr'I. . " . : : 1.lawal'111. : . 1 : $ nock 1.law\ ; . . . 74' Iel.l.ack.IW. ' . lUl St. lcllll. . . . . . . . 71' D. I A H. n. ( 11f'I. . HUj tIn pfut. . . . . . 120 D. . .Oc C. F. Co. . . HIJ ) 51. 10 P.I Oaiaii' . . OI ! ( 1.1 :110. . . . . . . . ] ) dOI'Ct. . . . . . . . 1:1 do pfd. . . . . . . : olllrl Iaeilo. 2(155 . Fort Wlylio . . . .117 S.lnrl.nlcr. , ' . . Ilnj n. Northern i'f1 . . lH TelIll. Co1 Oc 1101 3J 1 C' , . .1 : orlherllf. : . 1.I'fll . . . lit ) ) .j.xaslaolfc. "II. Coa\l . . : h loekll"al. . ) . : I ) P. . .0. . O. Cent. 11CI. if tlnol.C"II..II. . Ui ) ( Yahoo PacIfic . . . . Inj ( SI. 1' . . \ Ilhllh. . 21 11. S. : " , 'rl' ' ' . . . . 42 K.Vr.1f'I. . . . . : J" ) \ \ ' . St. 1.\1. . . . 715 Lake ' : rl..1 West 22'4 \ W. 51. C. . . P. tutu ) . W ) ! ( 10 pitt . . . . . . : tVt'hls Fargo I'1'c : . . \11 1111 Slier , . . . . 1 IIS'esterll ) (3111011 . . HU' . 1.11.1 'rrlql. . . . . : H . . . li . I : . 1:4)5 ; 1.otii 'uvilic & N. . . . 111 Whleln I : . . . . . . 411'O l.oll".lo&N. 1..1 : . . . . . . ( tlf \ 91.1St. L. . . . . . 41'i ! . MUlhaUal : Con . . 305) ) D. . \ ) U. G. . . . . . . la Melphl . \ c. . . 1' : . G. 1' : . . . . . . . . . 211' ) Michigan Celul. . . LIP1 ' N. I. . . . ; . . . . . . . 2203 Shisnuirl 1'icihle. : . :1 : C. F.\ I. . . . . . . . 3255 MI".olrllacllc. Mohlh..IOhlo. . . 1 ) .10 nfui . . . . . . . 011 ' NUhll'le Clint . . i6 I. . ' 1. G. . . . . .255 , National ( 'ortlace . i 1' A. A. \ N. M. . . h Nal. Cmlnlu , :1. : 3:1)6 : T. 51. I , . . ' 1 ( C. . . I N.J.C..nlr..I. . . 105lf ! ' 1' . St. L. \ \ C. aLl Ii 1..1 W. lifit ' . . . . . I : 'r.51.1\I\C.\CJ . . . . . 1 ! North Am. Co . . . H' ,10 ; ufit . . . . . . ; Norlh"\1 l'tueitlc . 4' Am. 'i'ob. Co. . . . . 1 N. l'acihie Pucilo. I'C. . . . JH _ 101'1. ' : . . . Hi" : I Xt' \ Yurl ; : \ u. I' " ' 3Imi rhet . NIW YOIIK. Nov. 11.-SICNIIY ON 1.\11. las ) ' nl Ifl2 1' cent , last lol. 155 \ iier ( 'eJ , ChiOeil. 155 \ 11Cr cent. eo"e < ) 1'ItIMi.l StUlft'NT11I ) ' , ' . C.II. IIDI 1 1l\TI.1 1.llH-fJ' . I > er C.II.SfmtINO : FXC1IANOIJ-Strong . wih nellal business 10 bankers' . lithe 01 U iej'1 4.5955 f"l 1. , , and , . ; ' , . . S for olxl ' ' lelon,1 * 4.87'4t.14.6S sIxty clays , hosted 101. $1 S'21i.91 ' ) ; c.mlumelcinl hills . l4.b65. 1"111 HI LVEf , 'iiitT1Fl'ATES-C550ijCS55e. : ; \ OOVI HNn'I' htON1)-Sieauiy ; state 1011. . I nact I t'e ; tel lruiail ijonils. lin. ) Closing quotations on bonds were eq follows : U.S. 45roi. . 110W. 121. C. 1' . lets of ' 03. . . 11.5. tHC0tlt'llC'V. 121 0. . \ n. I. 7s. 'ld. . . . lit ) ' I.S.I"eolo.lcW. I.H.I..cl. . . . IHi I . . 16. G. .1. . . . ll U.S. i. . . .oup. . . IH irhu , 2.1. . . . . . . . Ht 17.11 4s. ru' . . . . . 1 Hf n. 1..1 S. A. ( IS. . lU5 I.S . . I. 111. . . . . 11 12 ( I. II. .1 S. A. I" . . 1112 ti.S.2sre ; . . . . 1)1155 ) 1.1 'I' . C.Ss. . . . . 12 laclrof"oC'(5. : . UUI ) tb us. . . . . . . . . . 10 . 'Ia.elasj A. . . 10\i ( ! :11. : . 16. . \ T. 1st 18. 1. Ala. . cias'u hi. . . . . 111 ! , ,10 211 4s. . . . I Ala. . class , . . . 11 1 1 Mutual 0111011 0 . . I II 'Ala. Clrr"le ' . . 101 N. J. ( I. 11 : s. . lU La .N .w (0lu. .15. . WO No. l'acitto 1is. , . H Mls.oul : U. . . . . lOt ) .10 : .IM. . . . . . . . 31)255 ) N. C. 11. . . . . . 123 N. W. Cnl"oIB. . 141 ! N. C. 4s. . . . . . 104 10 S. F. lob. ! . . 11 11 I ) ) ' C. 101:11'1. : . . 1 50. G. \ \ ' . , , IsI. il Tu'n. \ nCI us . . Oil 51. I' . CCINOIK ) 7f. . 128 'reluli . I1UWIIOt 5. . 105 " 0 C. , lu I' . W.5u . 115 ' 101111. old I. ( . . . . 11 ; 1 SI. C. . . I.M. Guai. : HI Va. CeiiturIes . . . $3233 $ . SI. L . ' . S. I' . aO.u : . 109 : lll to tlflr" ' I. . tI \ , ' 'ux. l'ae. lat. . . HH Atchison a. . . . infl tluu2uiH. . . . . . . .lohl8uJ ) 2t A. . 2735 U. . P. Ist'u uC ' 90 . 1(1855 ( Cnnllu , So. 204. . 11 ( \I\\.sIHhoro , 48. . . 1111' 5 , . . . N. Illte.1 4)3. ) 82'.j Soultileru : . . . . 10lh _ lt. . \ N. 1818. . . 11 ' - bid. _ _ InHlo. S lICk ( ( I nCI (11)115 . nOS"ON. Nov. 1.-CaII011" . a uO 1 tr N'nl , : tIthe Ilal" . 454404t pr 0111. CI08111 1,1,0 fur block hOI"q clOd llitJliliJ .Itlrq : : XT0.S. f. . . . . . Il' I w. 1:1cc. : 1110. . . . . 54 Ala. Sugar . . . . (1834 S0'is. Central. . . . A III. 11":1' ) : 11(0. C . . 1171 . : ,1.01 1ln" : . lii s . I 45 \ < lalllto ( ( . . . . WfBel.l.I.clle. ! , : 118. . . 16 I ( . 111 Telophono. . 3 lIt ! . j.to"I"OI I ) 2tl . . . 2UH lotoii ) 5 Albany . 2tl ) ) Atchison tf. . . . 7755 IloSlon . . 111u. 17t New } : I"lall ) ls. . . I Ill n it. \ I. . . . . . h355 ' ' 1. Electric 10. . . 11 l'ltchutuilrg pal . . \\.IM.lt.nl.l.I ! . . 17 0011. . :1.olrl. . . 21455 ' Alhuu'z Mllihug Co I IllInois Sh..I. . . 21" Aloulz "lalt ( - . llhlCo . . . . . 1055 Mexictli Cnlrll. 11' ' itOtou A Shollialla 1)855 ! ! ' : 1..101.Monlll N. . . . \ N. I : . . . . H ) 111.Olo.tol. . . : . Uk- Oh\olol ' . . . . . . 1 H ( . : tlulllll't ,0 . liecla . ] O ! . Short Line. . . . IH ) . 'rinkltri ; . . . . . . . I 4 Illbt"r. . . . . . . a . Eetrsargo . . . . . 1 Ilar."r.o. Sm Dleo . . . . . a 0.1.011. . . . . . . lf Unlollaotlc. . . 11 . Ollno ' . . . . . . . . la : \o.tEII. . . . . . 01155 'I'ciiiiaritck. . . . . . . 133 ' 10 l'f'I. . . . . . f1.11aIHrlok. . . . . . : Wetutinieh.l'lee - - : . . 34 XYorl ; lllh.1 Qillitlit lomis . NI0' YOlt. Nov. ' 1.-'hl Culo\1 II' era tile ' elobll ; 11111 ; 'IUollon ' : lluilwer. . . . . . 5 OntarIo . . . . . . i CIuoIltr. ! ; . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ( ) ; iiitr. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 ( 'roe'lu : l'olni. : : : : : : : : t 4 Phvlulotith 1 : : . : : : : : . : : . 25 Con. Ct1. \ Va. . . . 240 Qullcuodirer. . . . . . II ) ) lenlwoo. : . . . . 11 QilickllllvL'r I'C'I..lu1 (1uld. . dirty. . . . : : I.rra Nevao . . . ; ) halo . . . Norerusa. Ian ; l'taiutiartt. . . . . . 11 ) \ orrou. Hmliar. 1101114 staku. . . . . 201)0 ) Tlioneol. . . . . . 211 lrl Slyer . . . . . : U YeliowJacltuk . . 32 . M\xl'.al. . . . . . . 50 LOJllol Stock lLnotltt lotte , LO DON. "I. 1 1. -4 I' , III. ( loII ! : Ctieols . mit'y . . . . . lOll ' h'xlr"l : ordltiary . 11154 C'.I"OII.I. 11 or.tlary. Cotisohe. a o't' . . . . 1i)1155St. Iall coin. . . . . III ) ! Cal.l'acllc. . . . . 1t . IN. \ ' . C'.nlr"I.H' . Erlo. : . . . . . . . . . 1 1 l't'nlleylwuItia. . . \H' . rled . . . . . . . ill I Hla.II ) . . . . . . . . 16 " 111. ' Ceutr.ul. . . . . . . ts5,51ex. ) , Cell . , iuty - . titUS ! 'iilt SIL\'Elt-i' . ' ) 13.16.1 tier ounce . 1. I HINI I-30 1.IGI OUlee. : ONI-- ' , B , per cenl. The rate lC 'I lrUI I In the open market for short bills 18 lli leI cenl. I'url. l'mlmlIe IN h'I'r I'AItIS No\ 11.-Tue lalel ibis morning . "rl ( hunt greet tnnneial hou.e have ilecluleul lu 11110 at the disposal of the market ( rom 1.01. . 0 ( to rMM franca II order to ( alllie a - - - - ' . . . - - -ltT51r.-g'- ; . . . - - . pl'itiSlfll'n ' The sp. I ili Innt'I' ) ' I t fnlo , .tt.ln' , 1. ' lamoy. l'I\.e,1 ( , In ' I a' , iii Suitut'u3ilS' 10.1. l.ns . hal 1 good effect , I oi n.a..n Jnlulln . 1."ho < Il1 bill preside tOll ) I I I. "n'r.n- , ot Ilnn'les , , the "hJeot ( of the moot tlflg teitig 10 Inke Ion retle.1 action b ) ' a ledlnl .nl.lrlptnn .C t'nphtnl I" , meet tue nN'I.II , " .t ( . .lltliitulfl. linen Ie IIlhlchlI , 1111 . " "I'nlnller , of nnnnrc , : I. Uuuner. ha,1 , It Ccnf'ert'ner ibis Inl nhnl nn,1 , ' .nl'.quelty ' tue Inuf $ , -rel'e1 tie I : governor or tin Hank ) nt France anui hue " ) ' 1,1"111 oC the eVents d. 'hoogo. The hneet'flgs ' 111. ' hn,1 I le mnrk",1 , 1(1 In lli1)tfl'1tig ) till' hlllllfll'hfli shttlu % . tltfl . hlithotIgil IL is not known clint course has alhol\h I I tnn. \ , is'sn I lleCluie'ei tipn . IA se nil.ohlhclai nuts wno I. i puuI ' IhlM afternoon. , on'I I , ! "AM n 1.811 oC conferences Ihls moni4ti ' ; Ile mlll.lr ) ' ot 110511Cc . IlleIlPIlItS wIll he taken 10 remol" the IIKIC. Prevailing , Ilel.tlCS on Wil ) uouhrse. larnn ti I. 11(1. ' child Ire'allnl , ' Wit Ii Ihr l > rlnell:1 Inrlo bankers . nail I Is . ,55nl rshood that the latter hn % . , 'echleo ' to Inl .I"lfrslood \ 'nNN.u" . 11. -11 .po.rh of tile lar'luls of Sail stuury h" . huuil tI 'flu let I ng t leel dillon Ih "olr.e here . 'he .luot.n I . line . certainly . lIn' iuroved. I"ny I'treho.ln ortl .rs % % 'er . rt'cei't'u.i Ilfl'eo. : ! ere .I\lnl tile (10) for . .euile ! 01 the oleial list. 1'1.1' 011111 great eXChte'Ileflt ) hioeoser. when the morkel oiueneei . all lie hon I" helll hol' ) ' Iur- chuneerl' . "I.nel. 111 tli . later ill leeS I.erlme . eutsler. A fiction was corrh II the lelch.rllh Imla ) ' l.k. loton Itl government 10 111111 11(0 nl,1 rePort Ilon tile cnl.es or Ihe PanIc oC Hallrta ) ' 1081. II F'rautc'Isoo 11111 ( llllltll" , SAN l'l0tNCISCO. Nov 11.-'ruuo official OIORIII eitiotetiolls lows , for 11111 ! sluelH 10.Uy WCt'J : q tot- Attn . . . . . . . . . 1 t.lllstice. . . . . . . . 4 Allhn Con. . . . . . . :13 : KIIItckl COIl . . i lelelier ) . . . . . . : : Mexican. . . . . . . . e : lielut & Belcher. . . : : Steno. . . . . . . . 11 ) ltiocho Coil . . . . . . (1 : 1 MOIllllhln. : . . 1 ( IloloCol. . . . . . . . :1 I h ( lccidlellttt : Cull. . . .2J 111101. ) \ . . . . : , Oiuiihr. . . . . . . . 1 : . , Callolll. 111\crCol. : : . . . . . I Overliltll. : . . . . . . 11 Clutlhengu Con. . . . 42 l'otosh . . . . . . . . Ii Chllnlo Chollr. . . . . . . . ' 14 Iulosl. l'.all. . . . . . . 47 ( lOllflullllctl. . . . . . 1 :4 ! 5h'rr Nalnl : : : . . 111 ) Coil. ( 'al , I Vt. . . . :51 ! ( SII'er 11 ill. . . . a Coil. Itliperiel . . . 4 Silver Klti . . . . 20 ) COl. IIIerlll. . . . . 32 . Union 1\lg. . . . . U : ( botilt & Cturrv.14 Utah CoIl. . . . . . I lliie& : Norerose . 11 _ Y"tow Jacket. . . 30 Silver 5trs : . 0755c. Mtxlom : dolnrs , tiSc. limits , IdIOt. 2"c ; telegraplllu. Sc. P"rl'Ip1 1..111111 . \ Irs. IAI I ! . Nn\ 1.-11 c " lilt l'nt rentos. 93r 51u4 r for liP necouni. Ixehange : un l.nlul. 2C 20e for checks . I.ONDUN. N\ I.-Golo I. fl"le,1 al luenos Ales today II 236.511 I , ilt . Slltdhthd. n.r. ; al 11. - 1,01) . 25 ; at HI. I'etl"bu't. ' r , ) ; ut , ' ( tilons. oi ; nl ltotile . IOi.521 . CUIs/ls for 10Ie ) ' . 106 ; cuun'ois for the o'coull. 11055. ' The II0uni oC bullion girie , Inlo the Bank of loglan,1 on Iollnres Ione ) I. U .l0. 1)l1tLiN. ) :01' . 1.-Tho. was a better ( ( 'lnl nn the hOI"e here today lS I I csult oC ( lie 5h)01'Ctl which Ih IflCl " quill of Salisbury made II i.inli'l 1 ) on HIII"la : ) ) ' . Th uhilcial I 1.lchs An7'lger this e\'enlnl saul ulc lint ( lit 1 Ilelnt oC tie i I npc'riut hlnk t , day . I" I . i1ociu : . 'I I''lnr I I oC Itl I : Inollul.'I. ) exIdni neui . lint tue I'll hshng of the , tie uk 111.0. . ullI : % 0111. uttlie. 11111 rlHlnl tp I. 1.1.1 w.el he Ihlel. hail . tecrl.o.,1 3'.0.00U ' 1011' ) . . f .Ultl.WI ( lalks 10 guild hil loen wlllll\l 0111" nec-lber. ) Ind 1/1,1 the nole reserVe wao : 30.1,0.0 , ) Ilrlls lower IU1 on October 2. 'rhierefol ' . II view oC the filet that P1 ivate dl"folnt huh , rl.n n. high lS Ihe 1111 Illmle bank rle. 01 , Ilklnt Inlu Ol''nunl 11 ; slrlnt-nc ) ' of 10ne ) tIle 111'erlul ' bank w.la c"lpel,1 10 rul.e itsiate. Thin w'ekl' .tolemenl of the Illerlll flank oC Oermall ) ' > lnws ) tile Colowlnl chal : : " ' ' . ill ) ( 'iOn- 1'0",1 ' 1111 ( lie hireviliUs l accnunt : Cash 10 hand . ut'ereitse . I .9510,000 ' 111110 , t r.lStl " u ' Riot . 11 . 10' 1 h"'Ioe. IIIS'.18K ) . . . . crca5e . )40lI'J' ) nlrlls ; oilier .eclrlt" . . tll''IOlSC . cr.'ol. 27.60)001) . 111:1 : rice ' nI. . Iii clrcllal ) ' n. uieOI'eflPC . 2.r 30.WI.OJ morll" 'fh" Impel till Hanll oC 0"1'- lan"s ' 11th' of .lslolnl haM been IIllonce,1 10 4 pel' cenl. 'Il Iires I bUs rate wts 3 Ier cenl. 1.11111'111 lIIC , . ance's llO0TON. $1 .912. Nov. 11-Chl'arlngs , $3.9:6.HG.1. ; IlAl.TIMltl2. : :01. 11.-Clearings . $ 2,123,755 ; 1"llnCI9. $253,235. :1YOl. Nov. lt-Clearhngu' , $8.202.0ZZ ; balitlices . $ 6.423.424. I'IIJAIH I.III.ov. . I.-Cltrlngs. $9.47.- 01. . balances . $1,673,775. ' ' ' ' . ( . , " ' . I'tiltetiiCflt \\'AHII"OTON. :0\ 11.-Today's .lltlmenl uf lie coolllun oC ( hip truisilr ) 0 " 1.'al. : . ahlp ra.h balance . $119,95I'JI ; gold re8cn " . $ n. r.rS. ' . . . $16,626,065 Cl ll'AlO ( . Nu.v. lll-Clearln" $ CIWAt0. : lul'r , Ill Ill 01 SOt I.I. 1"1 " , " ' 0 C"I' ' cciii loans olHI : ' r1" her cpnt ) for , . ' 11"llal 1011)10' ' . Now \111 " " , 'halle. Sic ireiiulUin. 'lalllelo' ' 1 I.nd.n , ) ) 11(01'- hing. . 4.SJ14o 4.88. ' . , Colt X CIII IS , A 11.(111 : lilt lit ICIlIL. I .a rge A c' 'I'n w. ' ) lul'I' 'I'hnl 3 III. I l . 5' 'I' ' ' . ' elT ) in ' . I'I.I. fur 1"111\11 \ .tn' ! .I , \\.SlllNUTON . :0" . ll.-'till' , O\luor rc- IUI n ! 10 the 1"Jmrlmenl I of A grlcu2ture lal : , , ' 11 ( ' 01 II crop tin' ! I\ ge H in'iulurlO of l'eul.l. , wllh lie tle oC ) ' , , 'Id. ! I , Wl'S'Cl r. . .incwiiuit less lien thaI I indIcated h ) lie I . .e'Ulns ' I for October . 1111 , 20.2 Lu. l"l aee. 'rhls musl he regarded Ill n Ill ehililinar ) ' and hot lh.al e.1111o I of ( hi . . ) I'hl ) The .IIC" ok 11 1-10 : of the I'l'Illclli.bl , corn states I" (15 fulol : eYOlk. . 35.6 ; I'enn- syivnnia. Z3. : ; Ohtu . 32.6 ; ? lliCJltg'll ) . 1.h ; ; 11)111- , ann ; 22.11 ; illinoIs . " \S'isculisln0.7h10 ; ; lLlle > ull. 13.2 ; 1ulYl a.I ; :1"11. I 36 ; I,118US. 21.a ; ; ' Nebraska . 16.1. In Ihe Alnntc stat" . Ixcl\1 those uf II"uI liulululk' Utlu e. I\ : 'jchl flIihi'ullil I , 10 Ilrge 1111" O\\I'IIS illiii . of hlh < ' 1.11) In ( lie \11lnla : Hlhl ) ( 'ltl'ohhiiO4. .ome countIes oC l'cflhlS9'ivtinia Hlc llr'lun . the gloater part of the \111 Iakds : onll UIlo < vul , ' , ' . CalC"rla ) al < Note $ k'xi 1 ' . , . ro' Iirt ale cunrellt. ) 011" 1 the I .llrerenl aclon oC ( lie unl\cl"ll lrulh II'vl < llernl 1101 ' Is . rich holul lanl" , 11\lnt al 9 lehl , while upland 'Itl cia ) ' ttne'ts Cle WI ) .h .1 t. The wholl ) l1 'oull I l'a.h1 I ' I 0"11. I gloat .11 failing oft from earlier cslmal" . . 'l'lio , . " . t1'oUI raiing weulher . ' 'arll'r cOlworlel f3Ir hltiune' ) , Ir"le Into 1 conip.l rat lye ( uti lure II "lbrsko Ii nil adjOin . jOin log . tntcS . \ : , le ( 'onsllorble tamale I. uiscrhiiu.'ul I. unlhnel friiu.ts 0'01 the Hock ) l"ulllln. 11.1 1101i the norlher b"r < er. . There " ' m.II ) ' " ' 1'0 ' I" If chinch bugs In < url ) ' . . Iliho tile 101(111K . uC . "rs by soaking \01. . "hl" n.Ulnt 1 > HOlllo > .Uller raIns has made I : large pa of tile CIOI' . , .Ialco. tI flIllel ciiilntiiiliu ' ) Iii .omo interior : unl.lc'"lllhlc 'h. a'rul" 'lel,1 , oC Iuckwllnt I. 2J.l LII. . Igoln.1 I ) ! . I li. last yl'ar . . \Ierle yield of I" " . tatiil'i . . I. IJ.7 till 1"1 ) acre 101.I"CI H3 11. . 11,1 , lale. ) 106 toilS. The Crop of 11\le. , 10 " 'Ported its 711 PN' Ct'lt of I full crulu. 1.1 , . I' J' I" ' I SIn r'I , . l.t'flRl'OOL . NUl' 11.-OVIh iJ'P-SllI : , i" ( quIet , dl'mll,1 tour ' ; No. 2 Iet Winter . . rs all ; Nu. 2 11.1 loplnt. I sOil ks cx tin usteci ; : . 2 Shall I tolut . shuicks , 'xhau > I't ; No.1 CahhOu lila . rs 41 ; fUIII.Sel , ' < ultI let . \ Ih i ne il I' I"lluns \ < low'r un,1 .tolall I".sliol' I "I 11\1 ; clo..1 blend ) ' . \1 i h ne" poslttons O5ti llu ill lower an,1 dhslant luDitioilS II 1',1 , lower ; ( lushness h'ol'lebl OIl liuldttie poiuittonui ; XU"oml.'r. 51 s 21.t : Ikeemcr , , [ . 3 < ; January . r. 3'\,1 \ ; 1'lrualr. 5" 3d ; 1lllch. Sn 4d ; AI.rl. . 55 41,0 . ( 'OltN-SpOt Irmlerlean ; Inixed. ne3. . : ; ; . l ; Culme" OtiCled steal ) ' alt unchanged ; close < 1 htrii . \ Ih I \ NOlrmh.r . il I higher 11,1 , Ii ) her l1)ontis ) lnn. Ilchant.1 frll I..ot nl hls cl.lo ' P1 Ie" ; \u.lnos. il i ) . lit 011(1511) ( ' ul t.lrlhul < ; Novetil- 1..1. 3. bl ; locelnucr. ) as rl"I ; Janu.lY. ; 0 3\.1 \ ; 1.h'lar . ) ' . 3s 355ih ; hl" . 3s 3.1 . ; Airil. ' 3. 31.,1. . h'I.Ot'lt-Slarlcet firm ; , IPIUII , fllr ; freely su\o hilleul ; 9t. * I. 'Ilts ' rlney \ Inter. 7s 3\ l'ItO'hi41ONi4-itacOn. lull ; , lelnn,1 , poor ; IIU\'IHIONH-Jncol. . , . ; Cd ; lung cl.al lIght , : 3S lu 4 : Ibo. . 111. Cii ; 1 I.nt eh'lr. huenv ) ' . : : lbs. . Ils ; shor lle'ill' backs. hlgut. ) IS lbs. . 310 CI ; shari chair t"I' . . . hea\ ) ' . 65 I'R. Ice ; clear bellies. 1 hI Ihhl.s. . . ; 1 ' . i4hlotlluiers. S'luare ' , 12 10 IS lbs. . 3. . 1 litiniu . , .hut , Ihoul"'r. . 1 ) o 16 I 110. 4s. 1'llu1.'e North A lili'l 111. iililiinfli. lo.r I , eUI t lull I 1)10115 . lIs 1 ; prim" ' 10' ' ; . 9,1. I'olk. prllo ICS" . 118S. ' \.I'.rn. SOs 3.1 ; we.ler 1.,1 , u 1. 4Ss 'Jh. Ile.I'.rn. Iart. . ; prime , b Ciutern , : . ; " ' 10' < . II pails , Its.Cl I iis1Quiet : ; demand , molerle : finest . \I.lcln. whie. ) 418 ; tle81 "morkul , cohirech 41s li.l ; Se1itcnuhuer. 45s. 11'1vrH-I"lnesl HO\INII. l'nlteul Hlol-s , 9:0 ; 1001 , lOut . 'rt'ltl'CN'rlNII-11hiirtlS. : 2 , 3d. : : ItOSlN-Cuuiilin I. fs 7'.d. ( 10HIN-onuI OIl.--I.l\er\lool refljueui lis. 1.INHlmU Oll.-21i1 31. 1I1'FItIOI.JtATOH : JI"-l"ol't'1unrler. " . 311 ; 1I11111'11111r1e. I ) : . 5)h. 11I.1'\I'IIINU l'O\\1JIIl-lIanl\\ , t. o. b. . CI , 'er\loul. n. 1I01'1i-\t l.onoln I'aclno ( coast ) , ( lOs . - - - - Clllfl' )111 rt'I. NEW \"OIlK. Nol' II.-COFI.'EC'-O\lllon. barely 01"0,1) ' 01 1'Iedln. ' . of 106t20 IlOInts nni 1111,1 generally w.ak ulilier dl.appolllllnt cables an,1 moro liberal Clint offerings nn,1 I..arl.h news lilt In ( size oc cro\l ; cliseui barely : 8leo.ly III IIn chllne,1 "rlct.s In 15 1"lnlo nel lerllne ; suite's . 111,100 ! ) hn" . IlIelu.JNtJanIlUr : ) ' . $ 1l.3tli ) 14.55 , 2ulnre'hi. $ l4,05til4.l5'.jAirhl. $14 ; May. $13601) ) ' 11.75 ; JIllS' . $13.7) ) ) ; i4ehuieliuler , 113.60 ; December , 814.4561 14.51. ShOt ciiIfue , ltn ) , 1111101 ; No. 7. blfu.ti ) .5th' .ul , uiUhot ; cu1a.lovrm , $ l8.00611e.75 ; sales , 1:1,1.11) : hogs SlarflC'zliu ) ) , ' ' t. atid 4) lu.gs Slant- I : ttiuo. sltlIiPt'il to I'Liriie. p. t. VareIuouso do- lie , ties frill Nu'v ; ldattllllay , 0,613 lags ; New \'ertc stiuu'k tslu'y5 ) 23,800 tougs ; united States stuck , 300.31)4thtr1i : ; niiitt for the United 1111(1CC. 3117,0.5) lings ; , Sooth visible fur (1)11 ) lItilted Stiute's , 57431)4 bcigr , ' ksainst 497,941 liags ltst year. ' - . ' , I , to .NTO14. Nov. 11.-Firm ; good average Santos , $15.70 ; ' , . i3.5) iiags ; tiich ( , 3S2,00) ) baga. \Veekly : ( iooul itverage. her I' ' ) kilos , $15.70 ; ie- celpts fur tIle veek 1)1.0)0 hiiugs ; bhllifliefitl ) to 11w UnIted States. 7J1' ' ! lLigs ; stock. IS ? ) ) ) ) lags. it.MIL'lt1i. ) Ntus'.I Pi.-lull at I5OJI luts , he- tUne ; silt's , 11.110) tIh40. I itlo , Nou' . 11.-Quiet ; No. 7 Illo. $14.5) ; cx- change' , 3 7-161 ; 100I'llitll , 10,0.1 bags ; cleared for ( hit tTnlle.i Sinlos , 7.0) ) bags ; ( ur Europe. 2.001) tags ; stock. 1.Qi.1 , lunge , 'eckly : Quiet ; exchange stuinl.lrui. 31L83 ; exchaluge. 3 7-IGo ; no- t'u.'Ilits , tuinhng ( ho w..lctu Sb" ) liege ; muliipnenii , Ii ) Iho ( 'tIlted Stat. 164,001) bogs ; stock , 119,000 bags. l L llAVltll. Ntuv. ) brpIIene.1 quiet.IStloif the- chine ; 1,1 $11510 , 1d elecilse ; at 3 Ii , IC. , Irregular ; cioi'eut Irregular at 5GIC net decline ; sales , 33,00' ) Lags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'i'ol'Iu Sill I'Ict'H , 11O1uI : , % . Nov. 1l-tOltN'Starket easter ; No. _ :0c ; No. 3. 2.oS4c ; now No. 2 , 27Sc ! ; new No. 3. ' ° OATS-lularket active , easy ; No. I hlte , 18540 $ IS)4c ; No. : t thlhte. hllliS4c , IIYIO-Notiitng doing. ViilSl'Y-Market steauly ; finished goods on the basis of 11.22 for hIgh wiluout. ItEIEII'TS-Corn , Gli.2f4) Pu. ; oats , 106,250 hILl. ; nyc. (0' ) tim. : whisky. 23.1 iihuts. ; whtett. l. ! ) ) lu , SllIl'MF.NTiO-C'tirn , 3,25O Pu , ; oats , 136.750 Lu. ; r'e , none ; itisky , 1,007 bid , . ; blileat , 1,1.01) Pu , 0I I 5Illrlce- , LONDON. Nov. hh.-l'IJTIIOLEL'M-Spot. S IliG Sl'lltlTH-S55il. ( 'Al.C11T''A LlNSElIl-Spot. 3&s Ill ; October sllilunlent. 'iie Cape , 3,5 34. ANTVEItl' , Nov. l'ETitOl.iil.TM-l7f l4c. ItltlMEN , Nov. 1l.-l'l1'1tO1.IU5t.-G 111011(5 53pfg. - 'lc'rhtu.u ) ' % % 'il'mlt ( tmmotit 11)1(5 , HAN l'IL'eNt'ISCO. Nob' . li.-W1I EAT-Steady ; fleceinber , $ flc ; Idueg , $ LU3l ; cleared , 5257.875 centale I Oi\hl \ hA LIVE STOCK IA1lliET Fairly Liberal Run of Conhllion Cattle Marks the Day's ' Receipts , LITTLE CHANGE FROM SATURDAY'S ' PRICE 'I'l'lmlllntr VltIrl' . ' .elive' 1111(1 'allmt's Ste'md ' ( mm , A II ( irlill t's-Sh immi OtTer- Imigs imf llugs I'I miul a lirmis 1) t' III II II ii , MOIAY , Nov. Ii. ReceIpts tintS shipments for the Past t ( Cnt.fotlr ilotlrs , ItS cohnpareti wIth the PrevIous four day's , are as follows : 1tEcili"rs. Citttle. liegiut. Sheep. horses. Novemter 11 . . . . . . 2,703 l.59 221 70 No'emiiber 9. . . . . . . 2,4Sl 4,702 . , , . 21 No'enlher ) 8. . . . . . . 903 4,218 . . . , . . . ' Noveinbor 7. . . . . . . 2,2S'I asu : 1,201 60 NOt1I1Ibot 6. . . . . . . 3,255 3S05 106 . . . ShiiI3tii'TS , Cattle. liege. Sheep , Horses. N0'ehflber 8. . . . . . . ll115 Nos'eihtlor 7. . . . . . . 1,371 311 1,050 ' 71. N0'Olflluer G . , . . , , 5,13) . . . , , , . , . , . . Novelllber 5. . . . . . . SOS NosOnuber .1. . . . . . . 1,140 CA'J'TLl-Thie 'c'ek Opeletl wIth a gootl liberal l'tln of ciittle. Tue most of ( tIC cult- tie \s'ere Oil thii' CoithflOiIsll order itnil there was Ilot a rea1I' choice load of fat steers iii the yards. Tilere vore a few falrlruh westerll steers anti sohlie corn ted flhttlS''lO , bill 1)0110 ( hint , were tirlmne. The lflarkf.'t l'OiItlliCl Ili about Saturday's flOtcil , ttlid was without hilCCilI feittilre or change of liliOrtilnCe. Cows alid lIelfers ) l'Ote In hltioral StlpllS' , lllOilt twehlty-Sl'Ven lottl : beIng offereul for sale.'itlues were about tIle same nut Sttur- : tla' , and Witil tue IlOiililtIl fair everythIng chill tigeul hands l'ensonttbly enily. Stockers 110(1 ( feeliei'ui SVeh'C ill liberal ietip. lily Ititl \ ( 11110 the 0)111 lot wtts not Ovelly actIve , about everything 'its clotiuetl : up hue- fore tIle 01(1110 , 'rho demanul was good for tiiu' better gratles of cattle , nild silch as es- h"CiitIlS' StIlteti tue hulhycrs brought good strong lurlces. Rclresenhlttlvo sales : lil'1tll' STilhiltS , No. y. Pr , No. As' , l'r. No. As' . rr. 2..ilIS $3 10 ' 2. . . . ll' $1 53 2l..1'S3 $ u 65 COVI'S. 1. , . , 74) 1 35 1. . . . MM ° 0) 23. . . . 902 2 30 1. . . .IOO'3 I 51) 3 , , , , 1110 (0 ii. , . . I'93 ' 2 35 2. . . .10li ) I SO 1. . . .1(11) ( ) 00 1. . , . Ill ) 2 15 I. . . . SI ) 1 35 2. . . . 770 2 0 , . . . 959 2 40 1. . . . 160 1 6) 4 , , . . 175 05 5. . . .l0 ( 2 45 23. . . .1014 1 65 1. , , .li'5) ' It ) 7. . . . 1)5) ) ) 2 50 1..l000 1 75 2..10S1 11 2. . lIeu " r.n 2.IOi0 1 75 1. . . . 13) ) 15 3.1033 2 5i ) I. , . . I'll ) 1 51) 11. . . . . IllS 2' ) ri , . Ph ) 2 1) 1. . . . bI ) 1 So . . . .1102 25 1,1310 2 65 3. . . . 04) ) 1 bI l..ll4O 23 l..l000 2 CI 31. . . . 913 1 s ; 1.1200 25 5.lulO 2 5 1. . . . 700 200 lIlIlFEItS. 1. , . . I' . , ' I SI ) 1. . . . 62' ) 2 25 2. . . . 61)0 ) 2 1" ) 1. , . , 66) 2 10 2. . . . ( SI 2 35 4. . . . 427 2 75 DULI.S' . 1. . . . $03 2 1) 1. . , .l100 2 10 1. . . .1320 2 10 CA h\'lH. 20. . . . 300 3 15 1. . . . 10) 3 60 1 , . . . 193 5 00 . I , . . . SO ILu . . . . 275 403 . STOCKIJIIS AN ) ) 1"L'L'tEItS. I. . . , 170 2 85 514. . . . l's ' ) 3 1) 3..1123 3 2) 22. . . . lull 3 00 2. . . . 65 I IS I' ) . . . , 155 3 2) 4 . . . l' .53 3 00 50. . . . lIt 3 15 42. . . .120 3 50 5 ! ' ESTEItNS. No As' . l'r. No , Av. l'r. 1 steer..1510 * 2 65 1 cole..1001) $2 65 \'YO31 INn. l'rllt ( & FetrIs Cattle CoInpan9' . IS inmll'u. . . . . . . 1351 1 15 3 coo s..1090 2 Ii ( ' ( $ . . . . . . . 2 15 S si'ers . . . , . .i' 2(5 2 75 21 t'ovx..Ill' 2 55 2 fee'ihl'rs..116 2 210 l steels..1225 3 15 25 steers..1220 3 35 1) . Grtnt. II cov.1u. . . . . . . 1047 2 75 I cows. . . . . . . 550 2 85 II cups. . . . . . . 225 2 05 18 ( ethurs. . .1010 3 23 I cow . . . . . . . . 1112) 2 4' ' ) II sici'i's..1lS8 3 20 1 luihl . . . . . . . . 110) 1 fl 1 . . . . . . . . . . 1 40 Jensen 1)105. 13 coOs..10)2 ) 2 l , I bull . . . . . . . .1170 1 00 Dna lDte' , I cow. . . . . . . . $9' ' ) 25 33 cows..1049 2 35 4 cows..1025 S 17 cue ' . . . . . . . 2 13 11 I' . . . . . . . 116 20 4 coo's. . . . . . . 1)04 2 2) I ' ' . . . . . . . . 83 , 65 COCL' . . . . . . . 10117 2 83 .2 steers..11 ; ' 2) 40 feeders. . . . lit' 2 75 1 fePuler..1110 15 9 steels..1005 2 10 I steers..1101) IS IS7 , -7 Cattle ( ' 0. . 25 cows. . . . . . . III ) 1 c-.eif. . . . . . . . 24' 2 00 6 lucifer. . . . . . 12) ) II ) 11 lieife'us. . . . . lilT 2 40 2:1 : lucIfer" . . . . . 337 5) 1 feeder.5) 2 50 2 1et'l&'rs. . . . f.Si ) 51) SI cows. . . . . . . l'ft ' 2 6' ' ) 5 cui : % Cs. . . . . . 20' ' ) 00 23 calves. . . . . . 320 3 25 2.1 fecdu'rs. . . . 7 ? ' 25 14 calves. . . . . . 115 4 23 74 fceulels.,1117 3 2' ) Lb. fleck , 1 cow.1261) 2 00 3 cows..1150 3 00 1 cow , . . . . . . .12' 1) 2..I ) 2..Iv. \v. IIuneO. ) 3 COWS..lOll 2 01) 35 COO'S..1060 2 90 I cows. . . . . . . 1117 2 9' ) 4 ewe. . . . . . . 1110 2 40 .1. Sihclceiji'en , I huh. . . . . . . . . . 1410 1 65 2 bulls..IISO I 01) 17 COO'S. . . . . . . 10)3 ) 2 Ci ) 2 510015..100) 2 Cl 1 ( eater..112' ) 3 15 1 feeler..1350 3 15 37 ( could's. . . .3204 3 II . w. . McGinnis , 2 eoovs . . . . . . . 1300 2 10 5 cbs , . . , . , . 1010 2 75 t feeder..1151) 2 75 21 feeders..1150 3 05 1 , Trutier. I cntv..Ins' 2 40 2 cows..1110 2 41) 3 cows..lliI I 05 6 coes , , , , , . . lUIG 2 85 8' , II. Itrel. II steers..1205 3 15 Ii sierra..1127 3 25 . 5 Steels..1323 2 75 41 , itl'erC..1S5 I 20 j. SicNlstl , I P11115. . . . . . . 1490 1 75 1 row..1(5) 2 00 9 cows. . . . . . . 1111 2 5' ) 9 steers..1251 3 13 A , Nelson. 1 steer. . . . . . 101' ' ) 2 I ) 20 steers.IOSI 3 30 It. StcFuurllunil. I coo' . . . . . . . . 901) 2 25 2 'OW'S . . . . . . . 1665 2 25 2 coo's. . . . . . . 1030 2 55 2 t'owa. . . . . . . 115.5 2 15 1 c 1W . . . . . . . . 113' ' ) 2 115 1 sieer. . . . . . . 1013 3 2) I liteers . . . . , ,12 'I ) 3 2u 3 Steers. . . . . . 1113 3 2) . 3 siu'cts . . . . . .12' ' ) ) 3 : is 4 ' . . . . . . . . 3 35 2 St'e'rS . . . . . . Ill ) 3 25 2 teeI $ . . . . . . 1100 3 35 IS steers..1142 3 23 ,1. lut. Sites. 27 f000eIs..12)I 3 35 .1. 'V. Itnulcer. I cow..3351) 2 60 13 cows..1163 2 85 It sUera..1410 1 60 10 fcedcis.,1OSO 3 20 A , I. Coiler. I cow. . . . . . . . ill' I 75 2 ClOd'S. . . . . . . 1110 2 15 9 cows..1058 2 Th 11 steers..1153 3 00 fleet & Friend. 75 feeulere. . .1169 3 II ) . 43 cmos..10(3 2 ( .0 1 steer..1260 2 6) 2 bulls..1373 2 00 NllliltjlSil , % , Ii. L ) , Ilessey , I t'n'e. . . . . . . . 98' ' ) 2 40 1 . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 47 too-loIs .1153 3 1' ' ) It , E. Ilaskell. 75 fOtlietH. . . (1) 3 05 j toOl . . . . . . . .1330 2 10 I c.Ws..1075 2 5' ) 2 sters. . . . . . 150 2 23 1ongfu'Iiow & Son. 1 Clb' . . . . . . . . 84' ' ) 1 F ) 1 ci'W..1(70 ( 2 15 3'.I feeders. . .llOh 3 23 3 ( eeders.ll9O 3 00 Jo' , ' & Joruion. I cmv..10110 3 75 4 coo's. . . . . . . 072 2 51) 5 % . . . . . . . 2 ( .0 1 feeder..lv93 3 0) 2 ( 'elVes. . . . . 135 4 tO ) John lImit , 9 ccc's . , . . . , . 101 2 5) 5 cows. . . . . . . 1010 2 00 . 83 ( 'uses..12'O1 2 0) 7 feeders..2)0 3 15 2) hUlls. . . . . . . 1315 2 flu ) Nl0SMEXICO. . I ilehfer. . . . . . nail 2 00 1 hoOfer. . . . . . 630 2 00 2 hulls. . . . . . . 1205 2 ( .1) ; lueiu'iti . , , . . 509 2 25 IS stIll , 11g. , . 0)3 ) 2 Ct ) 97 feeihers . , , , 578 3 10 SotIrli tAFZOT. , F. Cclle'lt. 2 steers..l ) 3 1) ) 1 steer..1110 3 15 1 cow. . . . . . . . III' ' ) 2 0' ' ) 1 cow..3170 2 0) 3 COOl ) . . . . . . . 12)3 ) 2 60 8 Steers..II' ' ) ) 3 0' ) 3 steers..1173 3 0' ' ) 5 steers..121 $ 3 15 11005-A fairly sctive Illarket , 00)111 ) prIces about steady , colors ( lie w.iiule suhuject of to- tltl"ll hog market. Thuetu. Is rt'aliy nothing more ( If any IllliOItflllCe ti , null. Tile Week peneul as uluuti , ' , 'htht a light mull , call' tWt'Ilt-elgiut fI t'sl ) huutls being re1unrle1 in , itni seven out of that nu'litler a'ere etinsigned uhirect to a packer. The btihk of tO : sales was at 83.4)5(3.45. ) ( Itepresentut- thee sales : No. As' , Shi. l'r , No , 'iv. Oh. I'm. 86 . . . . . . . . 21)6 201) * 3 3' (4 . . . . . . . . 26. ) 12) 83 41) SI.2)7 ) . 16. ) 3 1' ' ) . . . . . . . . SI ) 3 41) 5S..3 10) ) 3 33 120. . . . . . . . 231) ) 24' ' ) 3 40 . . . . . . . . 160 2 : is . . . . . . . . 10 3 4' 61) . . . . . . . :220 16) 3 35 72..243 . 40 3 4' ' ) 67..2.2 240 3 40 52.9 1' ) 3 4) . . . . . . . . 4' 3 40 62 . . . . . . .258 8 , ' ) 3 42l S..2 . 211(1 3 4' ' ) lii . . . . . . .535 , , , 3 45 . . . . . . . . 10 l 4' ) . 63..297 12i ) 3 45 Ss , . , ' . . ' , 204 43 3 4' ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45 . . . . . . . . 50 3 4' ' ) 70..248 . , . 3 45 . . . . . . . . ? 121) 3 4' ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 45 l'llS-ODDH ANt ) ENI)1. I . . . . . . . .21' ' ) . . . 2 0' ' ) . . . . . . . . , , 3 5213 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 20 . . . . . . . . . . . I 3' ' ) 2..3.e ) , . , 3 25 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3' ) . . . . . . . . , . 32i . . . . . . . . , , 33' ) 10. . . . . . . . 101 . , . S 23 . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3244 S. . . . . . . . 12' ) . . 3 : oo 4 . . . . . . . .Ii ) . . 3 35 . . . . . . . . . . 3 3' ' ) . . . . . . . . ) . . . 3 35 . . . . . . . . $ 4) 33' ) $1tIlFSl'-Gnol slleep vere In tlernanul , ant tue inltrhcet on 110(11 CutlId safely be tluoted muirolig. ( ' .11110100 sheep were sloos' at 1)0 0)0111 than steady linde. Itelurelielltative sales : No y. Pr. 221 mIxed westerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 * 1 8.5 Xt'an' 'orI Ilive SIut'h ' ) lIlrI't , Nl55S' YOltiC. Nov. ll.-IUIIVCS-ltecehpls ) , ( bO ) , IilyI , 3,411 heal ; on sale. 6) clime ; uuctive llfl'i ' , uiighltly Ill IiC ( on m't"ckermu ; stags ati.l oxen , * 1.60614.60 ; bulls , * 1.16512 Ce ; tin ) ' cues , 81.1204(1 2.73. lOurollcuuIl cabit's quote AmerIcan steers Itt flOloc , tlmosstu.l Wt'tgilt ; refrigerator beef , 111(12151' AND bAMhis-Iteceiple , two elays , 18.634 beau ) ; slltep. stonily ; lambs , ollelled aethc unil higher , close'i tiuti ; 11110011 , vlon to prime , $1.rAi3.00 ; 151111's , ceurnniun to choice , 83.50 * ) 1i(1S-lteceh1ut $ , two da mu , 10,055 bead ; fIrm at $400614.23. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ICti 115115 ( 'I I ' I.lx' , ' SI lmI'lC. 16ANIb'.H CITY , Nov. li.-CATTI.E--Itcceipis , 10.711) ileltd ; slliptlieltts. l,3'M ) Itead ; Ills r1et ttutul y ( a strong ; 'foxes steers , 42,405(3.53 ( ; 'Ftxas cows , Il.huii.8' ; llaI'U COV,5 , 81.50613.5' ) ; stockers and feeders. * 2.2301 3.61) ; hullS , $ l,34f4 2,0 ) . hlOGiO-ltecriptH. 3,10,1 llOal ; slllpnlente , (0' ) hletlul ) nutrket strong ; bulk of pales , $3.45013.55 ; iCab'itC. $3.0'0ii ' 8.6144 . lackera , $3.4'H43.67h ' rnhicuI , 13,330:1.55 : ; higlitil , * 3.23613.48 ; Yorkers , 13.33013.45 ; pIgs , 82,75613.40. SIIEIJI'-lteceiptl , 4,20' ) bead ; shipments , noes ; a4 . ' - ' market steady ; lambs , $3.00G4.0 $ ; mutlons. 1. . 'ti ' 3,25. ( 'Ii ICAl0 1.1 V h1 5'l'OL'I. liimtlivrs' 1)11.1 ClilimlI lIg Si imiT 't % hIs StrfllmM' 'l'hsrmlgIlohIt ( lit' lItm' , Cli lC,4(1O , Not' . Ii - Al.llt fl,0')0 eat lIe at' l'h't'ti trsla ) ' . Up to this t'me ' tue suipliy line fallen 3541.0) ' ) tiSl1uW till ) cuinrveli'in1Iflg 5u'm tIll if Inst year. Native beet cattle ocre it 0 Iluiltud at fmnl $3 in $4.70 f.r' VtllIllllOli to ill I. tl elkO , StIll extra Caltle ICQIC Scarce 0)11 ) tat g .9' nOm toni at from $1.75 to $5. lilicliers' ) n0ii elan IS' stuff t'ae strolig , ( 'all C selling p1 , ) at frullu I I .73 to $3 , It lId ( iii tIe In I g"i9 a t frIll $2 it , * 2,75. whIle 0110105 ( lIlIes bieetgbt fr.liI 15.23 to $3.15. rotlay's receipts of hogs re'achiel 5) ) 043 11)11 TIle hitimuillet's Is en' active. lI ice C 0' , . C Ptu'ilel ) ' nih1 tlnclin age ii , 'it ith # ile5 ( it u''Ill Ill It Ill ciiiilee lIt frolil $3.40 to $3.73. $ sies we lIriltu I- Iilhll' : it t trolli $3.51) In $3.08 , 1111,1 , life sold 111,45' ) ) Itt froni $3.3' ) to $3.d , Shleep ruceihits 01CFC about 14.001) hieah There bIas it faIrly good Ilelliallul 11101 lurices lbe'rC 50100- vliAt Ilighuer , Iiatl'Cl ) hieitig salatie at fliltll $1 I ) to $2.50 ( or itifenlor tIp to fruIll ) 12 St. 1' Si 10 1 ur chiolce ( ci extra o ethers.Vestt'rI ) sloop ta 0,0 b anttl at 110111 $2 to * 2.85. $100 halutis s4d at fmutn * 3 to Ii. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SIneic ill sight , . ltcccurei of recehhute itt the four lininchhlat tiu3nl"b' for Moililay , No eloPer II , ISOI : ( 'lIttle , liege. She , p. Soththi Onunhut . . . . . . . . . .0. . . . . 2,76.1 1.859 III ICicag3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,1110 50,101 14,15 I Ean'ns Chly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,70' ) 3,7c03 4,201) St. both , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,2' ) ) 3.600 1,600 Totni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,563 69,059 19,021 St , 1.1111 I' ) Li at' Si ii'IL , hOT , 1.OUIS , Nov. hi.-CTTl.l3--Ilceijuts , 3.500 lteiui ; liiariet lted ) ) ' to IC silitdte hic'tien ; mttti : e t'ceve ' , $3.0'Uf ' 1.73 ; c 'WI' ' unit hlehf'I 5 , $ h.S5it3.6O ; Tt'xlg steers , * 2 4'ff3.6) ' ) ) ; cotM , 11.7)612.00. I iOIS-ltccvilitl' , 3,5103 lured ; 1)1111 ket Sc loner ; heavy , $3.4 1013.60 , itihxed , * 3.2)613.50 ; liglut , * 3.2501 9iItlilSI'-ItI't'ChiiS ( , 1,5,00 iueal ; market steady ; l'tti'I'CS , * 2.50613.5' ' ) ; souttlersu , 52.25(43.10. FII I I u l'eM i''Il t'u'l I II I , n II ul a it , LONION , Noo' . Il-Tue stock market opcncui 51 I ullg I it i s linrnhng , , ( lie i'ut'u'eh w hiiu'ii the 111111'- 11(115 ut Sttl hSlPIll 9' ili'Iiverci II I I lie' icr ii 111,1) ir' S tlnluet , oil S.tttlruiay last lie % i IlK It r 155111 ItiC ehfcc't. Cotisois fr hiioflu'y , Iliu'nt'l lt lOS's , Oil utl 111)11' of 1.5 per 'eat ; cQisuIN fIn tue llcc'uuiui , 01)011(11 lIt 105 li-IS , 1111 advance of 316 tier c.'tit. l'rhces t'et e bu'tter today ill itil 1' han lill'iui II The teCOV't ) ' bs'uitlti have tn"'ti Iliurt' lila , It , ' I hunt fur the anxiety felt in regard to tu' ColllliliO settlement. A 'cl lu's of faihuleutu Is fcitr'ii luu'i lint abruuail. It lie' fll'Pt'CrS ( hint tIle ilCt'Oillits of it lltlii lnicreiuleil ill 6,201) slunre , of % 'llIchi 3,20) are' Cttartl'l ot. art' ioav ) iu'itig e'isu'tl ) , Mall ) Ct liens , ttiotl y smith I. vill , itIfeal , 'i , muticcullihu \vI II Not III , lu.i. ' I'm'Ie't's , l'tll 114 , Xiv , 11.'lhe 'l'tllihiil , I eterrtng to thin fiiia nt'izll 1,1 I lnt it , , ) , Fe ) mu : ' ' 5'hun I u'v'r fuirln thi' iniervention if 1ltl'ii the Ibtiusi hill lllll ( hue other taiulcers , tak.'s It wilt lInt ChIll It I alsills hurhc's , Ouch a it'lItItt 15011111 fau'Ihitat" the lie' - ti'ilellt of foreIgn bourse 0. niiiigiu I'll tile l'.trls IlUllkIl , II ) tII' ) 11011 11110111 of it , ' latter. It otlil stitlire to arrest the fitil of ( 'i haIti sa'lce bVIil'i ) hliuve tit''liiU'Ii iie'nvIh. roll ) o'ing tue teals of lililiti I II ) ' , elitulrs and ( lilt igi hg Pliectilill ( ire to C'l - tie Itt ItO ) ' ( 'tist hcfuure the enl ut November. ' ' IJIgI ml lii , I tee SIll t'het. 111.OIN , lii. , Nov 11. Ii l'T'i' Elt - Sicall ) ' , offerIngs - Ings , 38.14' ' ) lbs ; 511104 , 32,521) his. at lIe , t/f ) . . - ( I(1f ( , ' ( 'I ' ' t . . . _ " ' , 1L : _ . 'i'1 ' . 0 , Lou. 1 . , S 1 S , - . . .1 ' ' ' - 'I' j - : I :5 : / , , 'mu. (313' ( mama us"d Wool Soap ) 1 wish mIne tuad ) rvo o.ri.vs 'iii not sliritaic If WOOL SOAP ' is (150th In Iho laundry. 55'ooh Soap is delIcate anuh ren.tihltg forhuut : h llr- oses , 'l'tio tist clceoser , lOll ) ; ul lIlIruIf 2'uur drillers. ' 1V0 sires : toilet anti hatiiiihry. Raworth , Schcdclc & Co. , Makers , Chicago. :1 : Cnn ) 113111 1,1 . tloston. II ) Ieoiianul St. , New Yorh.'J'.i7Chcslittlt St St. louis. LOLli prns - - t'rhmar7 , 000. A SPEALTYonaryorpors ( tar ) ' 8ypiuIiI lJorltliuIleflthY cured in 15 to . 35daymu. You can botreatodat luonio for tllosameurtcoundersnmogultrlellty , 11 youpnoforto Coli)0 here wo aeill colutract to pay rnhhrtuiul fare alId hotel bills , ItnO no chiimngoif ave fall to cure. if you have taken tier- cony , Indido iotnu.Ii , and still have aches nn PathS , 101utUS 'atcites in mouitli , SurnThmroitt , 'Ilflptes , cohillor Colored 81)1)15 , Uit'erut on any pattoitho bcudy , Matron Eyebrows tlthlIlll out , It Is thIs ilyphillitho tILl ) H ) l)1SON thin wogtlarilntco LI ) cure. Wo solicit the most obstl- an o cases $11111 chIttlIolIgo thIn world for a ChIll WO CienflOt ( 'tIre , 'i'iits dh'eano lIftS alwnya bittlled the' lchil of tile 111(151. eItiIneIItpiIysl- clitlill. diOOOOO eaIitltl behind otr unu'otudl- tllifli guarantl. Abso Ut ( apClnfut sent sealed on applicatIon , AddresS 610(1 1llhiiDY GO. , 303 Itlasonlo Temple , CUICAUO , ILl , . TAIl Grand Cruise O RIENT with the l'nst TSIIi Screw } zIirese bteiuuier 'LA TOURAINE" of the Coinpagnia Oeneruul TranallonIqrto ( mend Itoni. Lae. Ne.e 'Sock 1"ebrtlur8 4 ices ) , foe I , ) Onte cr111.0 in lbs .V10)3RIfiAVE-i.j' , , l'uitetlne , TIli'kOV , ( Inpoca , etc. Iteeelltlon of hi , , . ) lfInr's grin , ! trill. S'mojnttiit , frt.o. l'as"muIleers hillel to Otuu.huut ) cuitutn roon. 0i'iil early ' to ) iAtiltlcl : 5 % ' , KoZIlliosicI , ( lenenal IVosteru geut'lCG 1uindohih , St. , b'huicuo , Gr In Ilarry E , Slooremu. IllS FarnaIll street , Omaha , Neb. D T. 'McCREW Is TIIt ( OILY u SPECIALIST ' wIto TIISATS AU. PRIVATE DISEASES Weakness & Dhorder ol MEN ONLY 20 Years Expetinca , 0 Years in Omaha , Hook Free , Coniultation slId l'xanination : Ieee. 14th sad Farnam Sts , , OMAhA NEIt. - CUPBEt1EI Cuisa tile ehZe.t3 of selt-abusa , eceaoej , . emissions , IlIlputelIc ) ' , -b s'anicducelui and coast ) . potion. One dollar a . box , abc fun $5. For sale by TilE GOOD. MAN DIOIIC ) CO. , I'.IrIiCni St - ' - IItIOIGATION IIOND SALI'7. Notice is hereby given that )4L'IlCil ) pro- lOsalS will hlti l'eeelVl'li 1,3 tIle board of directors of tile Orl lrrhgatiun , ihutrli't of Valley count ) ' , Nebriislca , at their oihlc' iii Ortl in saul IihStrl't , Ill ) to 2 ( u't'hOel ( i. 151. of ( he 2ui dity or leeenlhter. 1015. fur 70.000 of the hionilut issued ht' 53111 irrigation Ills- tnict , ltll of sati'l bonlumu leing , hiuhiiut of $600 each and throwIng Interest at tile rate of 6 hiOf cent 11cr 111101101 , ilu.t'itil'O alliiuItlI3 , ' the princIpal ( Intl itiherest of tuahil hionlls pay. ahule at the oihhc'o of (110 ( IltittO trltlur'r : of tIle HtltO of Nelumaskit , 11)11(1 ) ( 1101)115 beIng 1)a5'tihile in Installments as follows : $2.50) thereof 31fl ) abe In ole'V'fl 5't'itrs Croci ) ( iii' dab ttlereot $3.00' ) ll33'1)l0 In twelve ears ( tonI the date tller'of ; * 3,500 lt'iynhi o ii thIrteen ' troln the IlittO thore"f ; $ iPv1) payahlln n fourteen years ( rain the , iate thereof ; $1,500 iut'abli. : in iifteen rears ( roll ) thue tlate thercot ; $5,000 laYahule n ) uictoe'l'n yt'arn from the elate' thereof ; $5,500 payable 0 $ L'i.'etltPel ) ) c'arIu ( $00) $ tile dub thereof ; $6,600 p'oyahio in elglitee'oii years ( rein the date thereof ; $7,5li $ ) laiihi ( I Ill nlneleen years troll ) tile date thereof' * 0(0) tuayabiu 0 tV'enty years from the ilate thl'rl'ot. The hoard of Directors reserve the rIght to reject any anti liii bids. 4til ross all bids to F. I' . Clernents , secro- tany , Ord , Nohtrteskn. fly order of tile llonr.i of llrectorH , made tillS thi day of Nos'eelihu'r. IWJI. J. A. l'A'F'I'ON , I'reehdent , E. 1' . CLEMENTS , Secretory. . . , - ' 'A locili Searie3 & Seares " ( 'M" j ill ) 14 I4tItt , Vo ( tm r. I iii , ut tIll , mull ( I Is. I'll 5(5 I ) C I II I' 55eii' , ' 1' lItcOlt , ( 'Pled , ilttl.itt'I , , Itts I'll II II ( I LI t u'r 1 I I 311 I'lll'l'i I' , ItnIc.lel'hc'strl'turu' , v.'tlc 31 out S . ' t 1)111 I ) ' , I 1101)11 , 1' ) id It , , , ml I ) ( I 16 Id ii ( ' 3' I I lei'te : l's , ( 1 l)1t , , , , ulrnlln.'l. , 53 IllIlil' , , 'WEAK ' MEN. / ' i'rIIlt' IhselIecs itttti ' ti ! Iisordt'n'u of , it'll , . ; ; ' 't'l'tlI I III I' II I hI ) ' Ilittli , ( 'OIt 5111111 t ii ) II I nec . ' SPECIALISTS - (110 ( tltIttlillilih. ) of ill NEll YCUS , CIllONC ! aliti PRIVATE IllAiE9. 'l't''ltltiVhl 6 for nil furmit' . of i'It % 1.l' \'hlC N I sCall Oh or itlti reutut , wIthI ilittllh ( ) . Dr Scarlos Ill ) 8' . 11th Ml. & Searlos , , OIIIIhI * , Nets. WEAK MEN CURED AS IF BY MAGIC , 'ictIm of Lost Manhood 11110(1111 cnil at ( Iluel ) fur , li ok . I bitt. exilhitIhig llOlV ( lilt lItItlil ) ' vigor , . S 1 easily , ( IU1L'llY ' - . itiiul l't'sturoh. ilerlna000tly No 1111111 . : tIluel $ ff11115 t 5scnkneut call at- ! (111th t a Igiini (1 I illS t ( hid y it d sloe , hlcuk I oils 110w ' foil ) htl'Ctil'til , tie- S'ClOilhllIIflt tiliul tohue are illhllitl'IO'ti to every portioiu of 1110 boh' . i'elit 'lIlt 'oiulI'o ( lutoOfut ( seitied ) free to lilly lflutlt Ott nppltcatioiu , ERIEMEUIOALOO.BUFFALONSY. - _ - - - PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRIES fly purchasing goods made at tile tollowing Nebraska factories , If you can not lindl what IOU want communIcate wIth ( lie Inanufac. . J tuners as to what dealers Ouuullle theIr goods. .ILIi.4 , 1UIIII.I I' .l.V ! ) 'l'hIL''L , ' . BEMIS OMAHA BAG CO , Manufacturer. of nil kInds of cotton and bar- lap hinge , cotton ( four sacks sal twIne a spec. laIty. Cl4'GlG-GlS S 11th-St. - - JlflhlilICII . - - - - IIRE\VING \ ASSOCIATION , Ca , ' load shliplncnte made In our own refnige. rater cat Blue llbbon , Elite Export. VIenna Export , and Family Export , delivered to all inlEts of city. . - - - - - - - - - - - " = = = : : - = = - - r----- ( . ' .IftIfI.IGIS , l.I1 iI'.lJ'S. - ' - - ' ' it , Ju SII1SO ) , 1409-li l0oiige'st. Thi Lt'mut and cheapest place to btay It good fluggy , Carriage or Wagon , Ag for the beat rubber tine in use. DRUMIONI ) CAIIRRGE CO. put rubber tires arni bait barlng axles on thIeti cZt make vehicles. arid ccli a top buggy to ) 450.03 besIdes , Write 111cm. 18th antI liarney , _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ce I'I'I.'i ; , : I'IJJ.SiI. I iC.VU I'U hI'IIClf. CONL1)1) ) ) CL , Coffee floasters , Spice Griiui1cr , Iitanufnctur ore Gehillan I3akhiig I'ossiler anti German Dr5 hop Yeast , 1414 antI 1416 l1'rnei'-st. , Omaha , Ne ) I'M ) 1/If. S , 1' ' . (1IL1IAN. ( Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour. C. SI. lilack , Manager. Omaha - 1) J"1TJf.'ITUUfl 1"IUI'OIUIJS. . - - Manufacturers of rarlor 3"uiniture , Lounges , joining Tables and Folding Uethe. tilu ale , , l'oci to Phaler Ste. r - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ . ; : r t'UU t _ _ ' ------1 IC , : . , ) C.hI. iiTii'ii ' OIAIA ! ICE AND CL ) CO. iOflICsttiD flfld Steam Coal. We as , . . Lao ties ; 0111cc 1601 learaanl.et. . Telephone : Oflico 373 , sand , 17(6. J , A , lo , . General Mannger IUOX Ii ( ) IfI. " , . 1NDUSTIUAL IRON \\'ORKS. \ \ 5tuinufat'turinj and Itepahrtng of all lclnds 01 illachuinery , entneI , punups , elevators , pnfltln lIreses , hangers , shuafting and couplings 240 aild 1403 llowaid-st. . Omaha. - - - - - - - - I1AXTONTIERLING \ IRON \VORIiS. \ Slanufactureis of Jtrchuhtecturai Iron Work , Geiieral Founiry , IblachIhlIe nail liiaclcmumith \Voik. Etiginecrs and Contnactors for FIr Proof ItUihIhIlIgs Ofilce antI WOrkE (3. 2' . By1 lt So , 17th street , Oninha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .ILI I'l'ICt.S.SI/.O , l's , ( , 'IfI1t.i. . . . . . - - . . - -.5 - - - - - - - - ' - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L , C 1)OUP. ) .5 l.trnufactuter Mattresses. Spring Tlc'daI .Yabbel l'eatliers nail l'hliob'e N. 14th and Niciiolit. .iJII1' JI'.m 'lUll , 111(12 " (1111 ( l'IUh. - - AIEIIICAN OISTRICT 1'ELEGRAPII. Tile ciii ) ' perfect protection to property. Exan lile It. ( lest thing on eanth.l Iteduces Insutt ann , rates. 1504 Dougia'st. -fl t = _ _ = ( ) VItIftII , l'71I'(1JIl/.0. IiTZ-NEYINSCO. Manufacturers of lien's ant 1103's' C1athitn Pants , Shirts and Overalls. 202.212 0. 11111 St - = - - - - - - - - - PhJ't.fl ItU.Vl. " I tii P ER BOX CO. Manufacturer. of all kinuls cit I'per 11oxe Shelf Itaxee. Sample Cases , Stsliing Sables. sIc , SVoldlng cake anul fancy CalIlly boxes , drtugglel atiul jewelry boxes. 3208.10 Jones-st Omaha. _ _ _ _ - - . - - - - - - - : - _ - I - 5111611' 1'IcIOl.'II0. JII.EVAS---NEllRASKA SIIIRrCO. lIxciuu.hve custom shirt tailors. 1515 Fuinnanl. JAMES E BOYD & 'relepitoilo 10.39. OIAiI.t , NIil , COMMISSEON Grain , Provisicns &Stock3 Itoor ) ) 111 ½ Board of Trade. 1)lrect wires to Chicago anul NOSY Yorlc " Correspondents ; .10110 A.Varrcn & Co w. I' . llMtTll ( let , 1505) ) 5 , 35 , ltTANFOflfl F. P. SMITH & CO. J GRAIN and L-1OVI2lON Loom 4 , N. Y. Life I3ldi. , Otunhu. lIranch offices st Fremont and Columbus. All order , placed on lbs Chilclugo iloamul of 'rrads. Corceeisundeiuts ; chiwitnt ! , Diupe. & Co. , t.'ht. . cosu. 1)cilrener ) , Flatk & Co. , hIt. LeulL 14JISI to 1"ItsI National Utunk , Omaha. ARE YOU INTERESTED ? I II fontiiatlou 01111 lion II ) Iniuku IIuiih , tlih1l I re C I000siillellts , lii 3 ellIs' e111'rioace orb Chicagu IuilIurd of ( rota auth New Vane flIlil Chicago tock oxehinrlge'um. Zitanietlt'lti'n l'ree Sofa aluil euro lhanexplRttiPl In otur ute'e booklets , , , I I ow t I ) .51 aim .51 oh. ' y ' 'it 's % I I Ii Ii , , II I Sat III' 11 'l'l.e millIe tilt actIon I , now ; never IvOrl ) tuotten tuhulor turuithes lItTered ; 125 III $100 of your Iiueoniti hunt Ia ( lie ( ( Ill mmii itt , , I I ) It ( lm ni U HO. A iltreaC at lulicO 1.1 : mcil mm & I 'mm. , I Ill Ill ) ens ii Cl II I I nok . ' m's , 135.l25LA33At.Labvu1u.T , 1)1)0. 24Cute400 , ILL. ' , M ARGIN SetiU SO , our LUIDPIOLC 000It I , picllulng MAllOW ' 3e.sU1NO &n4 T RADIG UEi'ININCI ALL. IuiAltllST IX. ' t'ltllSiOlONll. 4lso eu , , lahhy inat EXPLAINED. letter suggestliug bYhIen en t . whllut to tn5de. hush free hank referencel furnished. AItI300AOIT & CO. . MhiMhlElthi CIIt'AUO O1'hOOi JIuJAltI ) 01) T1IADI , 222 Trader , IiuIldthg , : blc&zcs. , , , 1 , , - - . . ' . - . " . . 'a. ' , , ii.