. - _ _ _ . . . : -1. k. ' w " TIlE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'RU14SDAY , NOV J l\I.UJIt \ ! ] ] t' . 18UG. D _ _ _ _ : = : ; . : , _ _ _ _ . . U. - _ u - _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ = = ; ; _ _ : ; . _ _ _ _ , , " , ' _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . , q . - . . IIlh _ _ _ _ _ - - . . , . , . . - " I ) . . ' 'J. , ' tI ( 61t , ' 1 lit 1'JiIl1' ' , , . . , " ! "tJl ) ' , . , t ' 1111' . p . . . , , .M 'YIVAY " . . y-Yr :11I11. . . . ryln . , . 'k " .1 NAT - , . ; .11' " . I. I" [ I T ' The Falconer Stock. . Omaha's ' Greatest Sale ! ! A marvellous success. We cannot find language full enough to thank you for the royal reception given us on our opening da y. . We realize fully that Mr. Falconer's reputation for excellent goods and strict integrity are the main reasons for our enormous l'lush. We . thank our competitors for their unselfish expressions of good will , and wish to express special thanks to J. L. Brandeis & Sons for their hand _ ' . . ' II : . floral and sentiment. t : : . some offering kindly nt. : We cannot as yet find time to quote prices : Have engaged a large additional force of salesmen , and from now on can . promise better serv- ice and less friction. , Have not as yet shown one-fourth of our genuine bargains. . . X . . . t. ; . . , . . KllPATRtCK.KOCH , , I . DRY GOODS CO. . , , : . 'J ,1 , . . . " . , . " ' = - " : : : . ' " I" I"f , . f , . . , . j. , ; . 'i . ' / ) ' ) lJ . , " , I I ' . . - ,11:1'101 _ / . _ , - , . , ' , . - ' , ; : : ; - ; ' , . , , . , . ' .j' , , . . . . . . . . , " ' ' " 'w . , , . . . . , . , , . , . . . , , , ' . . . . , . . ' ' . , . , , ' , . < i " f t ' i' ' . , r ' ) . . . . ' . . , . ' " ' 1 . ; TO CONVICT GEORGE DAVIS Trilll of the Alleged Train Wrecker Opens at Lincoln , FRANK IIILTON'S ' UNIQUE PROPOSITION "l , , -Sln' " Oil 11I"I.eelor AMICII thllt the . . . . . . . ' the ChnrgeM of CroulteducsM h ) COlltlltollWI'lilth lie \IIIle : l1ure : SI.ccllic. LINCOLN , Nov 11.-Specla\-The ( \ ) Davis murder trial opened this morning in [ district court before Judge Holmcs. The jury Is 'Com10sCiI [ ot the following ' ; : . H. Armann , George J. Fischer , John W I\lInnlclt , Charles Wray , J. S. Shaver , J. H. Ciarh , F. I N. 1111 fen , Pat Murry ! , jr. , C. II. Yates , H. II. De. bOfll , C.1. : . IIranson and W. B. I\lann. Nearly all at them arc tarmers. County Attorney . torney WOOllwar made the alIening statement . lIIent for the prosecution , and George W. Adams for the dorense. ' The prisoner , George \\'ashlnlton Davis : , , Is being tried ! , on the charga of wrecking a Hock Island passenger train on the night at August :1. : ISU I. 1 eleven lives were lost In the uccklent 'rho first attempt to convict him resulted In a mistrial , It having been shown to the satisfaction ot the court that the bailiff In charge or the jury hal , been guilt ot Irregularities while out wllh them Since then quite II number ot damage suits have been instituted against the Hock Island road by the administrators ot the estates or 'Ic- Urns at the nccldent. Some at them have : been withdrawn without IlreJudlc , pending the present tr1.\1. III1.TON GROWS fOLD The attorneys for Prank Hilton , the al. leged defaulting all Inspector have made a motion that the state be compelled to make Its charl'S , against defendant more spl'Clfic. In [ substance It demands that each Item nllll charge included In the records kept by the ex . ell Inspector beset out In the petlllon Mod by the Htate. In this connection It [ will ) e remembered that Hilton for several months after the appointment or Stale Oil Inspector 3dmlsten : by Governor 1I0icomb refused to : urn over the records "r b1q otllce , hut re- : allied posso59ll : tlr them all through the period In " luck the case against him was ) ellll ; ' ; ; ; repored ' . 5upHlntelldl'nt ; Abbott ot the State 1I0SIII. I I I KIMBALL , ' - ' . - - - t t Some nlle 11nN Stud " . That hI' who advocates truth must not be draM or repelltlon-trllth Is nets so common as to bo tlresoml'-There's a s sweetness or tone II responsiveness to t the touch , an enduring goodness about the Kimball Piano that makes It un snrpsned among the worl < l' , great , pianos. Prices and terms that will make you allli t.o : Piano cOlllp8nlon- able. able.A. A. Ho spa , jr. J\httllc and \rt. 1513 Douglas St tal [ for the Insane denies point blank that Steward < 1 newlck assessed the I'mpoyes ! at the Institution for campaign purposes. lie admits , . mlts that he received [ a letter from the pop idiot state central committee soliciting aid and that he posted It up ou the bulletin board In full view ot e\'er'holly. Nothing , ' ' and the emlJloyea however , was compulsory contributed Just what they could afford and no more. The Lincoln cltlzl'us' committee has authorIzed - Ized Attorney John II , Allies to begin proceedings - cl'edngs [ to enjoin the sale at the north side viaduct b011l18. A test cass will likely soon ' be begun 'In the courts It Is understood that both the city council and mayor are In sympathy with the mo\'ement. Omaha people \ In Lincoln : At the Lindell -lUchard Smith , M. Meyer , W. Lyle Dickey , Vance Lane , Netherlon fall , A. S. Churchill At the Cailital-F. 1' . Hoggeu , 1\1. Coady , 1\1. W. Ha'le , A. F. Wilkins. At the Ilneoln- F. W. Shaw . Lee S. Fstello John W . 1I0sler , C. D , IIIbbard , W. R. Morris , - - ' - S 1.\I.I. n.tSIiitS : lUI'I' nUSIS1 ss. ( ; iohtg Into \'ullllllnr 1.I'IIIIIIIIII.n fader this Ne.v Slnlllh' . LINCOLN , No\ 1l.-Spec13I.-The ( ) Stale flanking board haD authorized the Hank or Wllson\lIe ! to proceed IIIlIler section 35 : ; of the new bankln law and close up Its busl' ness , under bond or $2,000. : ; The Steele City bank , which recently went Into voluntary II- lIuldatlon , has been granted limo same prlvl- loge. henry Rico ware president and Hercules Rico cashier or the Bank or WlIsonvllle. The : capital stock and surplus were $15,437 , with $16,151 11eposlt9. The provision Included In section 35 or the new law , under which the Bank Wlisonvlle ! , Steele City bank and CItizens' bank or Omaha have recently closed up their own affairs reads as follows : i'rovided < , however that whenl".r the at- flers , 1I100'Ihollll'l'8 or IJWIHrti ! or ill ) ' insolvent - vent hunk shall give II good and filllllcll'lIt bond running to the state of Nebraska conditioned 1 upon the full settlement . of nil the lIahllltll's of such bank by such olllcerl'l stockholders < OJ' owners wlthlll a stated time 111111 sulll hand stall have been approved \ - proved 1 by the State Ballltln board , then then Hlllto Banking board HIIIIII turn over all the atisets ot such hank \ 10 the olllcl'm , stockholders or owners of such bank fllr- nlshlug "tlld boril By the Nebraska Banking board and all the state bank examiners this provision or the law Is regarded with great tavor. The State bank or Bethany , Lancaster county , has gene , Into voluntary IIl1ulllallon A. U. I'ar- mentor Is President Louie \1. : \ Thomas cashIer - Ier , and the capital stock was $10,000. 1IIIIIIIIn Dlsurtutec . 111111 ; IIlIrl I.OI' ! CITY , Neb : „ : -ov. 11.-Specal ( [ Tell" grnm.-IIIram ) Vatulecar ot Omaha , a lire In' , ' ' > > j , ; ' : " , l1 l \1 \ _ 11\t : \ , "lL , . These IlIlh \rl 1'letures Are deJlgned to get the attention ot the ladll'S. Today It's the wet weather I.dles' shoes we'\I \ mentlou-Ibosa cork f.lled ( soles-lIgbt-gracerlll-not a suggestion or clumslne Thl'y'll keep the feet dr-no rubbers neecs- SJry-no colds-no damp feet They're In latest lasts , square or pointed toes , all sizes , widths AAA 10 F. . Three prices , $3.00 , $3.50 , 400. We commend then 10 your consideration Drexel Shoe Coe 1419 FnrUUlt1 St f'uranco agent , while endeavoring to get off the Union PaclOe passenger while In motion this evening fell under the trJlu and lost the fingers or his right hand , -011111.\ Hldney ! IIII ' ghn' S" " It. UI..I. SIDNEY , Neb. , Nov . 11.-Spl'clal ( Tcle- gram.-In ) chambers today Judge WIII13m Nevllle sentenced James Roberts to two years In the penitentiary for robbingi the hardware store at A. Pease last month. The defendant hal expressed u desire to plead guilty and begin sentence as soon as possible. A strong effort was made to send the young ' ; lIIan to the reform school but he was beyond the ago limit for that Instltullon. Old Settiers' 1"11 III UC < 'lIllIr. DECATUR , Neb , It.-Speclal-E. ( ) . D CanOeld , the oldest resilient ot this city , gave an old settlers' tea at his home Satur- day evening lu honor ot his guest , I\lrs. W. 1\1 , Wilbur ot Omaha , Black Ulllhl1H'I'11i III UCllei COli lit" . DIG SPRINGS , Neb. , Nov It.-Speclal ( Telegram.-IIIacl ) dlphtherlll bas become epidemic In the central part ot the county' , resulting In several deaths. Julesburg , Colo. . has quarantined against Deuel county people from the north and the plague has resulted In the IndeOulte closing ot several country schools 1.111111110111 ca"1 'I'hrowu troll II ] lugg y , INIHANOL.\ , Neb . , Nov It.-Speclal.- ( ) While assisting Mss Vlstlan Grossard 10 alight from a carriage last evening , it . C. Whittemore lost control ot the lines and the team ran away. : : Mss Orossarll was thrown from the buggy and badly bruised. The buggy was wrecked \t' . (1. ' 1' . t' . i Iitertnlutlualt. OIlD , Neb . Nov. It.-Speclal.-The ( ) \\'oman's Christian 'fcmperanco union gave an entertainment In the court house Friday evening , the principal part ot the program being a scello on a railroad train . l'roll'1 YOllr Chlllr'u. Mothers would do well to atomize their lldren's throat and nasal passages morning and evening with Allen's Hygienic Fluid-a positive preventive ot all contagious diseases , sl'ch as diphtheria scarlet and typhlod fevers , small pox bronchitis , etc. It has a pleasant , aromatic flavor anJ Is perfectly harmless. - S " 11111111I oust : , \I1"'r. William 1\IeYI' , a young boy , was arrested . rested at the instance at P. Swails of li"j : South Fourteenth street for stealing dozen browns from his rOI'lorIe'e : ) ' will be given II hearing before Judge Berka tOlltl ) . m l It'll hI' nil eye "III'II'r- to those who knew something about sldewards-I'or $7.75 then"s a hand. some , neat sldebeard-others up to the east elegant massive oak-new big line or these sideboards placed on ! .le Monday-the price part is [ theIr strong attractlen-bettrr see ' ( 'm now-buy later It you wish. Hedgcocl { & Odell , 20j North 16th Street , r ooeoeccoO ; ; = oocooececaoet ; : ) J. . Creighton hall was crowded last nIght with an IIIHllence which Included mall ) well known Omahll people , attracted by curiosity or a desire for lonIIOc research In the dl- reetlou ot Miss : Anna Eva Fay's singular powers. It Is safe to predict that most or these that were there will go again and all- vise others to go , for tbe exhibition Is one which affords ! plenty ot food for reflection as well as a sufficiency or amusement. Extended tended comment on what MIss Pay does Is deferred until utter another view or the performance - formance ; not In the hope ot being better able then to explain the whererore or what Is presented to the senses , but with the Idea ot doing fuller justice at least to II descrip- lion or the strange things accomplished by this alight , blonde woman , who faints In her chair when the display Is over John G. Tipton and St A. I ) . lJalcombe Bat on the stage last night , and tied the "tall' ilia- hatma's" hands and feet , or held her tightly , sitting tn the cabinet with her ; but "the band played on , " and It the two gentlemen could account for the strange manifestations that took place they were not heard to do so at least. Grunt that these and similar tidings have been done before , and perhaps exposed , time out of IIIlnd ; but the writer hereof was one or many who set down a qUEstion on paper-a silly , trivial question In his cas -anl ! put the paper In its pocket , without a soul , as he verily believes , having seen It lIe then went down ! to the theater and returned In about an hour , having In the anthne forgotten all about his ! question - tlon , which cannot be said to have been upon Ills mind at any time 1I1113 Fay not only called his name hut also came startlingly - lingly near to repeating his question , which had been In his pocket , and not In his head , since he scribbled It heedlessly down . II would be Interesting to know how lIIany ot the dozens : of questions which were read In that way were correctly read , and what proportion of the answers given fitted the question ! In the cane cited the result was II surprlslnc one. Moro chairs will be provided tonight , the management not having anticipated such II rush to the opening perrormanc After to- night Miss Fay will occupy the Creighton theater for the remainder ot the week The neatly painted standing ! room sign , which hall not been used at the Creighton since that attractive place or amusement first opened its doors , ws : , , IlrOuht ! ' : out last night for the first week " day ! , performance ot the present engagement qf , Primrose & Wcst's minstrels I'osslbl ) II , greater degree ot Interest - terest was felt In llt9 e\'onlng"s entertainment - IIIl.'nt by reason of Wo cake walk , wblch was billed for that1 ' , accslon and for which some valuable prizgs 'bill ! been contributed by local merehanl.\ \ ' I. The contest was 1\ hugely enjoyable of j1lr , and the audience was delighted to E' e J.hat the professionals who competed , being called In because ot the small number ot , oujside entries , had by no means a walk-t\w/IY / ; 'fhe cake , a cre- ation hy Baldnrr , i'll/it to an Omaha man ! , George Gilmore , an'nloye \ \ ot Nicoli , , the taller , and his 11al'fnl'l",1 ' Miss \ Bertha Alex. under , carried off thmt'i1 1 first \ ladles' prize , a plush rocker from I thi , 1" l'eople'8 Furniture coml'.n ' Other liriiht' ! and winners were as lIowD : ti ( I S IH Second ! prize ( gent ) . Kwon by Jam s Hus- sell a pair ot trousers , presented hy Nicoli the 1'allor. SEcond ladles' prize won by 1I6S Laura Pearls , a box -ot confectionery , presented by 1)'b311. I Third prize ( gent ) , avon by S. n. Thomp- son , a box of c'gars ' , presented by Robertson Bros. Fourth przo ! ( gent ) . won by henryWil . ( lame . a keg or Metz. Bros. ' beer , prey m1ted 1 by Mr. John M. Dowling. Another similar event Is announced for 10- night , when other prizes will be awarded ----e--- Champag-re : ell II rel'torer hn no ellual. Cool.'s fxtra : Dry ImDerla [ Champagne b pure , delicious and sparkling ( 'lIlIuhl the 1,1"tll..r. Frank Rroglin charged with trying to In. cite 1\ slot . t the count ) . court boils grounds : last Monday night , was before \ Judge , ! ! nerka ) 'eoterdsy : 1I.lerlloon. 1Iroglln Posed as a leader of n large gang , the members ot which vowed that the ) ' would break In the 1 Jail allli hnng Morgan , the alleged murderer of Ida Gaskll Chief of Detectives Cox and \ Otllcer King Interfered at the time and placed Dro thin under IIrrest. Judge Berla found Ilrogllu gulll and lined him $25 and coqls . . ' 11.11 : nNI.I ( ; A'I'gS11.1. . A'1"1'I'ND. Large . \ I"'IIIIIIIU'.111'1111I1,1 III time TrauMntlsMisippi . Cnllgress. . . Letters or acceptance have been received tram more than 250 at the delegates to the Trnnsml9lsslppl : congress , which convenes In this city November 25. Among those who will be present are Judge Torrey , who will argue the good points ot his bankruptcy bill Senator Morgan ; ot Alabama and Congressman - man Dalley at Texas will discuss the Nicara- gun canal Yesterday II letter was received front Governor W. J. McConnell or Idaho , In which he said that he would do all In his power to have a full delegation from his stat , and that he would attlJlllI It possible , speaking upon the Monroe doctrine. Ills let tel' closed with : "The time has arrived , I think \\'h'n we should assert ourselves and put an end to the aggressions at Great Britain - ain on this hemlspherc. " The complete program has not been made out , as It Is yet too early to bo able to connt on the various speakers , but numerous topics have already been assigned and accepted by those who promise attendance. - - - - Go - C.\I'II'I' ; . \ . SIIOI'I.IJo"I'I'II. She IInl1111111' : n Teu Strike III a Donglns Street Slol" ' . Detectl\'es arrested a well dressed woman at Fifteenth and 1 Douglas streets last night on the charge ot shoplifting , In coming out or the Kllpatrlcl-Koch dry goods store one of the officers noticed a woman ahead ot him , and on account at the peculiarity at her appearance accosted 1 Ill'r. ' She at first appeared Indignant [ , but when she discovered 1 there was no escape silo con- sente 1 to return to the store ] In the ! olllce she broke down completely and turned over 11 bolt ot silk , another of velveteen , six handkerchlerv and a pair or glovl's. At the station she gave time name ot Mrs , Ada Post and calll she hal , just arrived front Kan- sas Clt ) ' . The police , however , think she Is a resident or Omaha and an old offender In this line She was round 10 be under the Influence ot liquor , and stubbornly refused to say anything concerning herself or her antecellents. _ . --S - - \IOIIIII'S : 'Ol NI ) NO'r nt'/I'\ . ' 1'1) ' ( 1111I11I1.,11111"1' . Drr'Idrd Ih..t . the Chllrl-l" + ' " \'r. 1.lIfollll.'I. . Yesterday afternoon the Beard or County mmll'sloners rendered a decision finding Frank F. l\loores , clerk or the district court , not guilt ) . or the charges brought ! against him by Sackett , Wlnspear and l > avls. , ' The decision Is to the effect ! that I\lool'I I' was not guilty ot neglect or duty , extortion , ' rorrulltlon , or wlllrul mlllrelsance ! In OmN. ( 'I There was a fading , that ho wall guilty or carelessness In the management or his office , nol more HO , however , than the other clerks at the district court who had preceded him . It your children are subject to croup watch for the first symptom ot the disease-hoarse. ! neu. It Chamberlaln's Cough Hemely , Is given liS soon as the child becomes hoarse.1t will prevent the attack. Even alter the croupy cough hM appeared the attack can always be prevented , by gl\'ln this remelly. It Is I also Invaluable for colds and whooping cough. . llIrrlllJ ideenNcN. The following IIIlIrrluge IIccnsca were 19- sued yesterday ! : Nllme and addrt'sf Ago. Joe Sterba South Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 1'lIIma : Nl'ra l , Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1"rl1nk ( load . ItOCkWOOlI , \\0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Anna aa I'wood , l'aplillon.:3 : : Michael : F , Carey , 011)5115. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Iulufut ! ! Lyon , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 John V. PI'lIIl1ton , Omaha" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Eliza , ; HI'II1Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. \\11111111I l'lIlC'rolun111"1'100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ; Mao 10 ; . Gould , Omaha.9 . . : ? The only complexion powder In the world that lit without vulgarity . without Injury to the user . and without doubt a beautlllllr Is Pozzonl's , J00 03000D00130J OJ19Ju309 1 SOUTH OMAHA \ NEWS ' oeCCCCCOCOCOCCCCCCCCO At the meeting or the city council 1.:1.t : night Ell II. Doud tendered his resignation as city attorney , and It was accoptell. The mayor appointed W. C. Lambert to fill the vacancy , and , the appo.ntmenL ! was conllrmcd by the coune ! ! . Ordinance No 665 , requiring the owner or property on the south side ot F. street , from the Intersection ot Twenty-sixth Itreel to the . alley between Twenty-seventh and 'rwent- eighth streets , to lar a Ihlewalk , waf read for the third time and passed , Properly owners will be required to lay six-root sidewalks wIthin thirty dll's. Ml'sSl' DouII and Chrll'tl.e , who were appointed - pointed to go over the reports ot ex.Pollce Judge Fowler , reported that the expert employed ' ploYI'd 10 check up Judge Powler's books had utado errors In his calculation" , because he had not consulted the docket , but lead checked Uj' front the jail record. After a thorough investigation ot the docket It was reported that Judge < owlel"s account with the city balanced. John Pabllk wanted the council to cancel city taxes ! on $180 ho was alleged to have In bank when the assessor came arollllll. III' claimed that he lId not have that amount of money In the bank lit that time Iterorred to judiciary - ciary committee Contractor John Owens sent In final estl- male ! for grading ! district No. 28 , $6i.30 : ! , atlll $ 25lO for grading district No 29. The cstl- mater were referred to the committee on viaducts , streets and alleys City Atlorneyj Dead made the statement that he could settle with Anna Stalsney for $110. She fell on a defective sidewalk anti sustained severe luJurles. The city was sued < l for $1,000 , but agreed to settle for the amount mentioned above fly a resolution of the council the city attorney was Instructed to HettlolIh Miss StalHney for $140. Police Judge Chrlslmann reported Ones collected - lected for October amounted 10 $83. An electric light was ordered < I placed at 'fwent-re'enth and N streets and charged to the Union PaclOc Ihllwny cOmlJany. Ryan wanted an electric light placed at time n. & 1\1. ' crossIng , Thlrt.slxth and < l I. streets , but . the council failed to order It . Chairman I Ryan or the committeI' on finance recom- mended that the Trlhune be paid 6V cents per square for printing ordinances , the total [ bill being $18 ; carried The Drovers' Journal blll for $14 , lit the same price , was also al- lowed. Crosswalks ! were ordered laid < l on Q street , from Twentieth 10 TweUIfollrth trl'el. The Drovers' Journal sent In II cOlllmunl- cation staying that If the city clerk was Instructed - structed to send all ordinances < , etc. . to that paper the work wOllld be done for GIla cents per slluare. The contract for the city print- Ing has never been let , and < l the ( Drll\'er3' Journa [ proposes from now on 10 charge only 61/ , cents per square for each Insertion , pro- . vidlug < It gels all notices , orlllnances , et. . A motion by IIl1l1a to hay the cOlllmulllcatlon on the table was carrll'll. The printing matter stands Just where It did < < 1 II month IIO. ! Three bids for repairs on the two viaducts were opened and rcud. The bidders < l were S K. Martin , E. : S. Beattie and It. A. Forsythe The contract was awarded , to 1.'ors'lhe. AI though Be\ttle : was the lowest bidder < by $123 , I-'onylhe Is a South Omaha lIIan and , agreel that ho would buy all material and emlllo only South Omaha help , and < l accordingly - Inlly was awarded the contract , while Dc.1t- tie Is II lIIalr contractor. Adjourned aunt [ next Monday niglmt , when the proposition for a new city Jail will he 1 consldl'rell. . . - Plies or people have plies , but DeWltt'1 Witch Hazel [ Salve wlll cure them QUAKER OATS The Child , Loves It. The DYtlpcptlc nCIUQuds U , The Epicure notes ou It DO YOU EAT IT ' ' r , T GREI r'HUDY AN. d F 4 11 r S ' -S ' .e ion A ? } L a a 1 4 ) ordlusry This extra- lb' Conlitl/.atfODl / ' Jnvenator Diu ness , is Flllllng HCD- fro ndorf most it aaunnmmNerv. OWl twl.chJncr : discovery or fho ago. I'- Q or and the eyes has been other en- - doreed by the 1'1I11s. ' lcadhigsclen Htrengtbens , tine moo of InvIgorates Europe and and lones the America , enllro.pteIn. Iludyan Is "udYlln curve purely Vega- lJeIJll1ty. table , Nervousness , Hudyan stoma mlS/llonl / ! , Prematureness am'idevelopte , of tits- anti restores 1n 20 - weak mcaD ! days. Cures 1'&llIs Iu mite LOSS' nctfj0toi , 4 nlgh ANAOOD nlllttsloppl.'d ( , j ; I ra 4 ' " Mi quickly Over 2,000 prlvale endofsemenl8. l'relDnturen' . s means Imnolen ! ' ) Ih8 first stage It Is Ii Yll1pOD1 : of seminein / weakness and lanenneR' ! . ylt can bo stopped ht 2lJ dAys by the usa 0 f lIudyan. Thunewdlttcuvcrywnamade iv the Br < < ! IILI. Isl.ofthe old fa moue Hudeon Medical Instltulo. It Is tune strolllClt vitalizer made It IJI very penverfll , hilt hallnlu3. told < for 51.00 a pack ! : . 01:0016 "aokug's for $5.00Ilnlnseale ( , < boxes ) . Written gllaronteo ! lIven fora cure. If you Luy six boxea : and arc Dot Jntln'ly cured , six more will be soot to yon free of nil ulcergea ( SendfOr ' rtreulul'llunflle " . .Address JlUUHUN DIVAL INH'l'lTVT , Junction otocklulI , Iflurk6t do J IIII11tA. ! ' Ban i"rullcl..cu. Va . - . . "I'se in Town , Honey I" ! r t , . N I1. , te'y Pancake Flour ourof A combination of the great staffs 01 life WHEAT , corm and RICU A grocer who offers you any other colored . ed package than Red when you ask for the Genuine Aunt Jemhna Is trying to deceive you , and Ifhe deceives you In this matter he may In your accounts Remember the Red package . Beware of counterfeits. IIERE'S OUR aUAnAHTEE fan , 11 f."Cku not lIenulne Allut .le llrua's Sahr It aiua Paueako hour , and if you do not sni p : lb nW : : uu lo en makes , the best cake. you over ate , return the rmo- I Iy lux to Jour Ilrooor , leave I Juur uame.sudthe Grocer will rotund thu money and charge It 10 u.s. /lclenUncAllr / j'rep&l'Od 1Ul'1 ' ManutactllreJ Only by H. T. Davis Mill Co . St. Joseph , Moe