- - - - i : . . _ _ _ . . . . _ _ 'I'IEOIA1I DAILY BEEqTI,31 , \ : , OVJ\tHJft H , 181)5. ) - - - - - - - _ . . . - u _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ .w _ . _ . _ _ t ; - - I rrmf.if. I = ; fffJ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - - - - . rm.rmrm. - - . - f@I@f ! - ! - - - . - r@rf - - - ! ! - - [ - ] NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS. I , : I . - I Office I , 12 t Penn Strcct-Il. W. TIltot , MunnWr and LcMco. I i _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ LCSSC.O' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , @ } 1f ! ffi ! ] iWlffl fr2Jifi ! ] im rrm fi'JJ ' . . lmJ Jim trPJ fffi ! r Ir.lJ r rr2J fr2j tr.J ! tr.il rr2J rr2J 1@1@1F.i11"ffitr.jtr.jIrllEi ] 1"1IEiI7i ; ; : I 1 11 _ " " "z-1 = , . " . , . . . . . . . . " . . . - - , . : = . ' " JOIl \ U\"OX. : : Chrrunthemum J. U. rcPh ron. Tel 21\ \ Mis ! Nellie 1.urmllelilen will entertain the WhiM club thIs evtnlng nt tier hOllle on 1Iuit Itroe. I The sleanl h'alll1g plant at the new D0 hany theatcr will bo put 111 operation this week 10. \t the Young ; lel1'l . Chrhllan aMclalion ? - roems IhlA evening He\ W. II. Cable will i preach flu C. W. Gokpr will sing. The water In Ollbert lake Is still rifting , at the rite ot one Inch /I clay anll yesterllay \\lS : rellortell to be three feet and tour Inches dpep. I" , , I. Dattord anti Sylvia , \ . Olallwln ( sere married IJ t evening at the rpflltlence ! of the bride In Lewis township Justice Walller offiCiating. ( I The IlelJllty state mill inspector reports that all Ihp dairymen 01 the city this month are l furnishing mll\ \ , to their Patrons \ \ hlch morll' than stands the 3 per cent test. . ; The Young len'8 Chrl.tlan 80clatlon gymnasium classes will begin ! Itt 7 o'cloel thl ; week. 'fhe boys IOhoultl ho on hand Ilromplly that there may be no dela } ' . All membern 01 Abe 1.lnroln post Oranll ( Army 01 the ltqnibllc who desire to' JO 10 Omaha till" ennlnl to hear the address of ArchhlshoJI ) Ireland will meet al their hall al a. 7 o'clock. , Three cases 01 scarlet fever were reported 10 the city clerk yplprllo The plt1enls arc I-Ihel : Winter r.52 Mill street ; 'Irs. Martha : - tlm Jensen 122 lIunter avcnul' , and .tJulga iienz 1009 A venue I. The democrats at Garner township have round somelhlnl ( In the recant pEction ! to tcd thankful tor. They will hill 1 a tailed calf Ir two and serve them to the public this Ivenlnl ot Grange hall. S. \Vadsworth . Judge } . Aylesworth and Sheriff John T. 1I0zen will make spel'Ches. John Decker , a I'rlmrooe & Vest minstrel man and James flynn a proteMlonal foot ! ra"er . met at the driving park last evening It 6 o'clock and hal a race In the presence ) f halt a dozen wllne3es. 11 Is claImed that there was a stake or $7.000 , which was won by Decker. James VEsey. who Is charged with rohblng t.v. . Stimson of $100 while they were out , n a : mUlllal tear. was to have hall a hearing IltstHday morning , hut at the request of his ' "orney a continuance was granted ! until next $ aturdlY. : Sllmson has summoned ( several wlt- 3eses and It now looks as though Ihe eJSC could he prosecuted vigorously. I ' arm Irons madl' In western Iowa at lowest rate . No delay In closing loans. Fire anti ] 10rnalo , Insurance written In host ot compa- -A : nies. Bargains In re11 estate. LOUGEE & ' - rOWI.E , 235 I'eorl street. 1II0NI'Y to loan on Improve , ] iowa farms. I.AHGg LOANS ! a specialty. Fire Insurance. lj.v. . TULLlVS 102 MaIn street rooms t and 3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Nicest line of overcots In town. Ielcalf Uros. _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'1.11101. : ) ! . 1'\11.\11.\ I'It4. : 'Ir" . M. P. Hohrer has returned from a " VIsit to St. I.ouls. : , John S. 1'001 hac gone ; to Ch3tham. Iass. . for 1 visit of three weels. I 11. P. Burton ot Omaha Is In the city , the guest ! of his brothcr-In-Iaw. I. . M. Shuhert. N. Schurz who hall been serlousl ) ' 111 for the pact two weeks , Is reported considerably Letter. In' . Crawford or ! Lohrvllie la. . and Irs. Costello ot Now York are : the guestIJ of the Misses Patterson I Ur. P. 1' . hlelilnger has returned frolll' ' Denver. whtre he has bcen IntervIewIng ! Schiatter the new Iessllh. : 1IIrs. Edmund ] Jefferis who Is suffering Trout canc r. Is no helter than a few days ago. IIer husba'd ' has now been taken violently - lently Ill . and yesterday had two congestive cluihiB which have left him In a crltlc.11 con- (1II1on. Miss Jennb E. Huh I ot 'Iaron CIt ) ' . grand matron at the Order or the Eastern Star , In Iowa Is expect I'll to arrive In the city In L 1. a short time. She will he a guest at lI:1r- : many chapter and Irs. O. 11. Jackson Novem- ber 21. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 00 to Chllnhers' : hall Wednesday eventng November 13.'e promise you a rare treat , alt USI:1 St. I'aui's : Juld entertainments tko the lead , and that of Wednesday I\nlng all ' efforts. 25 cent . urpaSSe9 previous erorts. Only ! ! l'Iiu curt' 1.'rlm.,1 I'Iet tare Frlll..1 I New peture : Iramcs ! You can't afford to I lusH thpm hy. CJI ali see them. I-mbroltl- . crPI linen tromes mounted to or < ler. 11. 1. SM'l & CO. lIardman alll Standard , Pianos. 13 N. 16th. A plant thoroughly equIpped wIth the new- cat machinery . the best work hy skilled em- ploycs. prompt deliveries anti fair treatment are among thc thllgB that mnke the Caslo "that Keel laundry. " Telephone 157. Stephan Ire ! . plumh rs. QuIck work and : reawnable prices. 629 Broadway. 1177.11'11. ( :1clnl. . Maul ] anti , Ialtle Blizzard : raised the wind I In thc kitchen ot the Inman hotel yestpr < lay nuornbng. They have becn employed as walt- rcssps and 'Ir. Inmate claims they were ' . using ! a good deal of bad language about the u Iaeo which callel forth a rpmonstranc ? iron u Sush' Turbot the cook. This aroused their V wrath aid quite a disturbance was created Mr. Inmate calo In whie It nice at its height ! t end ordl're,1 them trol the 11lace. Altheugh I he claims not t'J t have used any torcl In keep lug them trom going out through the dining : room where breakfast as being served . they 'ent out of the back door anti then fed In- lormatlons , charging Mr. Inman with assault ' Inll ! b.ettery. The case will be aired In Jus- lice Vlen's court hls : afternoon at : o'clock , Looking for fuel savers and hard times roves don't overlook naVol's new alrtht t teal heaters They do the work and 101't t cost you much. ' Chrysanthemum Ilspl ) ' : largest variety : finest plants : lowest prices. J. F. \'IIcox. Chambers' dancing acallemy now open tor ItUlthls. Cal afer 10 a. m. Clrculars. nros. NtcsL line 01 overcoats II town. Ietcal : 1IAIIJltl I" 11".hl. . . .t. News has been received In this city that A. A. 1llgI1lon ! of A\OC1 , who was con , 'lete,1 of a fheme 10 defraud by mpal of a false pcmlol ! afdavlt , and was later on arrested In the federal court at Des : 'lolne3 on a charge ! of perjury preferred by Pelslon lxamlner F. I C. Brown has bem released ! The grouch jlr ) ' . recently In cession In nes Moirurs ignored l the ca'e. ElJlngton ; has gone back to his meJlcal stmle ! In Iowa CI } . . The best mince meat-the old reliable klnl - UUIlO by Trinity MethoelL"t . ' -11\10 ) Triniy Mt.tholllt ladJe3'ar - ranted good. On sale at C. O. D. hirown'a , . Smith Satuntiers' . 4 . 7.oller'ii. James & 11er- ; - ' Ftock's . ' ' 1. Gunnoutl&s Miller's. meat mar- ket and 90S South Third street. I does go. Nothing hike IT famous Crown piano with orchestrul atacll ent leads them all. al. 90urlol1 Music llouse. 1G StutSI street. Just . received ] . carload : of Jonathan apples ; ale carload New York Grelings and Bald. anl lald- Wins. Foil line nuts enl ccuidies. : Duqlete f i Co. , 1 Main stret , Ccuncl illuffs. The lrdman piano wins many friends ltcurrIctte III't'1cp4.'s. . :11 rrll.t. . . . . r. The following marrIage . licenses were Is- . sued hy the county clerk yesterday ; Name anti . \lllre s. ) Age Sll'phpl S. Otis. Hockport. :10. . . . . . . tlrs . C. E. Thoma. lOltaWUIllle Co. . 5 I. M. Daronl. Lewis tow lS hi I' . . . . . . . 26 Sylvia A. ( Ihulwin . I.ewl : township. . . . . . 17 Peter C. Nlelsl'n. Council lhiufia. . . . . . . 27 Jesle Cooper .uroru . . Nob. . . . . . . . . . . : John H. Garner , Poltawatamle counl } ' , . 2t ) nasa McIonahl. l'ottawattaunie count ) . 2 : L - Oro. Nicest . lint , of overcoats II town. : etcat r- Morchouso & Co. , blank books and binding . Jarvi. . 187 brandy ; purest safest . best. I I : bo lardwan pl10 LmprvC wIth U' ! , = = . --w ! _ "h k J Jlnl'I"I'IU : , UII'IU i I' . \ Itb $ . 'I'\XIS : , I 11) ' Caui'ist'l I Trnl.I'I. , " " ' "rnl , I I. ' ' .rl..t.A Itecuc " . ' iIuui hH. . . . I The city council let In adjourned ( session lAst i verilg , the m.yer 1nt all thee ohler- men beIng ; In their r1acos. It took 0 lei of talk t to decide just hO\1 much houhl bl paid . special fllrlnCI who served election d'lY : Twentr./h'e / cents fer hour WR finally fixed I upon and the auditor was instructed to pl : } the t police upon their proving up their claims to t hint Secretary A. C. ! orllng of the park commission - mission fed a protest against the council going back on its first decision 10 pave : Pearl strl'et. A motion that the proposed ] sidewalk on S tory street ! 'houli ' noL be laid was carried. W. it. Brown , clllrmal of the fire and lght l committee . reported that the flee horse . \ 'ltill , " hall been 80hl for $35 anti another hone ltIICllHeti. The team that was bought two months ago had been found unable to 110 frc se\'lce. ant hall hoen sold for ' 200. A three-Inch t alarm box hall been purehascd for $ 135 , and I and the new gong were'orkln ' 'chi. wI'I.On On recommendation of the Judiciary com- I nittee . the petton 'Jf A. Schleuter for re- und of taxes was referred back to the eounly board. H. Klngston's orIginal notice of an In'une- ' ton wau referred to the city attorney. 'ho clerk Was instructed to advertise for bid fer paving the alley : In block 12 , Stuts- man's addltlol1. B. II. Hchlrds : anti J.S' . S'lure ! fed pro. ; tets against paving Story slr.et between Bluff anti Third . on the ground that II was too late 10 pne anti : that I the "treet were I'avel now the wagons with their heavy loads l or earth would destroy lhe pavln I A motion to advertise for bids for paving and curbing Story Street was then carried Irewlck i voting no. The tahlualon ci sidewalk bids was read. I. . 1' . HhOles was the lowest bidder reat. on t welve-foot brick \\llls. John : ' 1 Ilrlln on s slx-IoO brick ant lert Stmson on lour-loot plank. The contracts were nwonle.1 10 Ihes' I three nien. and .1. .1 Hughes seas awarded i the contract for grading from thc edge ot thE s llewnlk 10 the curbstone. George P. \ 'rlghutt'hiliam : Moore .1 1' . ' \\'eaver and Charles Gregory appeared before ap/eared the council and askell for I he remission 01 taxes on the DrIving pak for Ihll rear. 'Ir. Wrlht ! acted as slllpsman for the crowd. He said the company had always paid its taxes excepting during the years when mel- InK' were held and thsn n. as the meeln s were uniformly financial failures . the city council had remitted the laxes. Last spring ! on assessment at $12G was levied OJ each member at the company and : It was all lost At the trotting meeting there was a loss of / $3.000 which fell on the men who engineered the meeting . so that the park was evidently not a financial succoss. Alderman Urewlck IhouJh It the taxes on everything were remitted there might bl coma diillculty about finding ' dllculy fnling money to carry on the city go\'ernment. Orahl Introduced the motion to refer the matter 10 the com- mlteo of thc \vliole Its Is his habit when In doubt. Gleenshlells moved that thc taxes be remitted . utuid his citation remited. 1111 mollol was cor- nod. all Imt Irewlck voting fl)0. Alderman Irewlck called attention to the fact that the arc lght near his home hid been out tour nights and : he thought th city should hire a man to keep tab on the comJ1any. Ahlcrnmn Htshton said Sup = rln- tCiitleiitVright hall agreed to pay the wages at any mln : the city might select for tour n eels to keep track at the lights. Tutu ! will be done It the cocnl > any sticks h I ) ' the ) agreement. The council adjourned to meet again this evening It : 7 :30. : C.me f. r . Y.ur I lit I is , Vu vrz'ts : i t I- 11"1' ) ' 1..1".1. . . Opposie Ogden belel. Look al these astonishIng prices , not for cheap trash. but line for : high grade novelties lu the millinery Ifats Ic. lists , 25 cts lists . 35 cenls. Fine hats . 40c. Fine hats , 4G CtR. Fine hate , GO cents Fine fur hats . G8c. Fine fur hats . 65 cts. Puce fur hats 7G conts. Finn cllnle hats : , 8Gc. hotter grade chenie hats 95c. Flue covered velvet hats $1. Pine Irlmmel ] velvet hats , $15. Trimmed icats . otrich tips $1.93. \'hlle beaver hunts Iamb's elllng ! , 75c. Whie beaver hats , lamb's edging. 95c. Whlto b'aver hat . lamb's . . b'avP edging. $1.15. hats , lusts , hats at all prices. Hats . hats. hats hover so chap. lists. hats , hats on sale all week Como and make your selection If you have not bought ! a lat yet Trlmlllls for hats almost fres. tints Irlmme , for halt price In millinery dep ' rllent. Vavra's Dry Goods Store , 12 Iroadwa ) ' . Chc'c.r Ih'\I",1 Ih. . Ih.j. Officer Claar of the poles : force was coin- polled to exert a grEat deal 01 muscular En- ergy and sale leather last evening In order to slay a little dog that might possibly weIgh four pounds. The anImal had evldcnty been polsomll , or else had a case : ot the blind slller. I ran Into a motor which knocked ] II tram the track and then collkied with anl co\ded wih so\.rl teams without serious damage 10 either the team or the ( log. Clar came along about that time 0111 seeIng the emer- goncy tool In his hand the cane with which he las inflicted so mJny headaches : and heart- aches antI beat the little animal several times over the head. ThEn lie jtutuultl ' on its head with his big feet and II was not many minutes until life was extinct. Se' eral lathes anti , children watched the not very rlyln sight anll the ladles dId not hesitate 10 say that the olcer might ! h3\'e used a little less brutal method ot doing the kIlling . I II had - _ to be done. - The Guilt ! of St. lall'f will give In : entertainment - tainment of ' ' living pictures at Chambers' hal I Wednesday evening , November 13. IS9 : Ad- ml9lon. 2 : cenls. Iie 1..rl11 titus It.foi'iuel. Leo Forman , who Is ser\lng a sentence In the Fort Madison : penitentiary for robbing a Jrocer on Lesser Broadway has written a letter to rme of hIs friends here. In which he states that he has entirely reformed , and Is now much le"otel to relglolw IHlrsll ! ) lie expresses hlmselt as glad ! that he ran up t against the sn-ag just ' at the time ho LILtI be- taro he had done anything more serious. This weal'ier suggests warm and com- torlablo things Those "Colorado Elder Eler Down" bed comforts at the Councii Bluffs I Counci muff Carpet company's and the big line 'ot fur rugs meet these suggestion , . They are cheap , durable beautiful. - - - For flue work we are strictly up to date. Dut City - . 'phone - 31. Ihve ) ' 01 seen thl new gas heJtlng stove at the company's olce ? 1 1 I.4 I.J ; 1L J ,1 ' 1'1111 'FIMIl IN ' 1'11 ' 1'1111.11. . . IuuiIgu's 11,1 ( ' ' 'rk. " , fuel icuit OverN . . . I".k 1 tet'ssctrt'uricuui I' I I ) ' . Three tmEs In succes'lon the clerks In the t First precinct of the Third word have f ailed to fill Cut their election returns prop- a ny. The first time their neglect almost cost the man who was rightly elected his p osition . and the voters congratulated themseh'es t that It would teach future clerks : t nd judges a lesson. A second time the same thing happened : but without any srl- OiS rl 'ls. The thIrd time was lat TUest d ay . when It was developed yesterday. the cerks failed to fill out the blanks In the back part of the poll book showing the total nlmber of votes cast for each cauididate. The Board of Supervisors made the Ils- c every \ \ hen the pel book watt opened. After dlsclsslng the maler attl . It was : Ile- chlNI that the clerks hind : not coniplled with thc t law und the cOl111ed wih returns , If such they could be clled : , locust be I'ejeeled. Under the clr- cumstlnees. : the failure ot the men to comply - ply wlh the law works no hardt'hlp to any ot the candidates for the republicans had enough votes 10 carry the entire county anti lownshlp without the aid of the Third ward. If the election hall been as close IS : some previous ones . however . It might have cau" d the wl'ner no end ot tr"'bl anti ' a good deal of expense to prove his tile to the position 10 which he was rightfully elected. I only elphaslzes the tort that care should b taken ) by the presIding geniuses ot the bal- 101 l box to earn all their salar . The clerks In i this precinct \\ere W. 1 ) McCrary anti Thomas : 'lcI.ughln. while the judges ' ) were I. . 1.Ulllehlen. jr. . P. O. Oelson anti : Charles Gregory . Jr. The follollng are the footings ! by the county auditor . net yet allopted a9 the resuit resnl of the olcal ! canvass ot the votes of the county : Irake : 4.803 ; Blhb. : 4,033 ; pluralIty , 750. Parrott . I.S4G ; Bestow . 3.994 ; plurality . 152. Given . 4.860 ; harper 3.970 : plurality . S90. : Sabln 4.891 ; i'arshiall 3.945 : plurality . 846. l'erkins 4.S7G ; Jenkins 3.942 : pluralIty . 933. pluralty. Pulse ) ' . .1.910 ; ilemnsted . 3,930 ; plural . 960. Iolpr. 4.892 ; Putnam . ,189 ; Deterlch. : ) 3.952 : Jenseu , 3953. Arnui . J,81 ; iiartiin . 4.17 ; plural ) GG4. Morgan . 4.7G8 ; Stuhr. 1.204 ; hultlrailty 664. l'auison Illurally I'/ulson. 4.813 ; Iluntan 4.168 ; plurality . 655. himekr . .1.794 : hansen. 4.936'atlerwontl ; , . 4.0GG : Curnle 4027. Jen- lunge ! 6.023 ; Macnae 3.889 ; plurality . 1,134. Cook . 4.992 ; Jutlson 3.8t9 : plural . 1.143. For poor farm 1.3against : poor fanni 3.47. : fliajonlty . 2.1G5. Majority , In city for poor tarl proposition 25 . exclusive of the vote at Ihe First pre- duet of the Third n a Id and : that of the Sce- end precinct ot the Fifth ward which wcre not returned . Every township except Kane gave a ma- I 'orly ' against the proposItion. , itritcighit Omit Ih. . S. n. O. For the first time In several seasons the "S. n. 0. " sIgn was brought out at Dohany's last evening. I was Iloltien's Comedy company - pany that tl ] It. Thcre have been very few companies at any sort enl certainly : no popular - ular priced mI1any. . at this amusement house that save stch universal satisfaction as thc Iloldens. The compauy Is very evenly halanccd each on ! being an artist In his or her line. The hlleclalles are exceed- bigly goOI Many tms durIng the even- lug the aUllence was mo\'ed to laughter ! or to tears and the proportion ot the varying emotions Is wel suited to the aspirations at a comedy compan . Among those present was a box party under this chaperonage of 'Irs. Ed N. ' . ' ' IrOI\1. The young ladles composing - posing It were : Irs. P.I 'olnl . : 'Ir. Ed N. Brown Miss Marie Ferguson Miss Stena Anderson Miss Della Marks . Miss lessle itlchi. Miss Minnie Anderson and Miss Lia Sweeny. The company wIll remaIn : hrre i throughout ! the week , and Is wcll descr'lng at the patronage ot the Imbue. This even- hug the "Dangers ot a Great City" will be pre , tnled. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'Irs. F. W. I.oomls ot this ciy and Proto Joseph Gahm of Omaha have kindly consented to favor the people of Council lIIufs and Om3ha en Wednesday evening at Chambers' hall. Irs. Loomis has not ben heard : In Council Bluffs for a con , 'lderable ' timmie . and ] her many friends are 10Cldng forward with great pleluro : to heaing her sweet vole ? again. Proto Gahm Is wel known In the mu- steal circles at Council Bluffs. amid the Guid 01 St. Paul's announces his appearance for Wednesd.y evening. feeling sure ot a musical - . sical treat. 'Iii . . ) . :11" . lie o"l. Not being able to attend to the piano bls- Iress and nestling the room for my large In3 of holiday goods that will soon be Iii . I will spll my remaining stock of plan03 It : ACTUL COT anll on terms as low lS $0 per monlh. This Is a rare chance to buy a good 11lano. Picture framing a speclalt ) W. W. ChAPMAN . 17 MaIn St. ilstrietCouirt ioIIiM. HarrIet C. James flied a petition In thc district court yestnday tithing for a divorce front Hchanl James. whom she married , Auusl 20. 1883 , In thlD county. She cljlms he deserted her eIghteen months after mar- rlap. , The caFe of Laura Tucker lgalnst : John Tucker was : triEd before Judge Green 'esler- clay and the plaintiff was granted ! a divorce. I ) an agreement between the panties . how- ever. the detendant was allowed . to keep the children. In the case : of James Thompson against : the Union Land : and Improvement company anti ant John \Y. Paul. a dlsmls1 was : secured fa tar as Paul was concerned all a decree of toreclosure was handed down against the compnny. Decrccs by default were granted In the tol- lowing cases : : State Savings bank : against Eiizabeth F. Patterson and others ; Council luts Savings hank : against Charles D. . I'almer and others amid John N. Baldwin , trustee for the ( olncl lurs Savings bank against II. n. Alexander and others. Dig n"nrl' tic Cciitic' lit " : Iore big gains ! " The republican victory s ems almost complelp. Returns are sti L coming In. all showhl/ big gains. The most : substantial gains yet reported are tram 9\ South Main street but the gains are for re- publcans , democrats amid populsts alike. T. 1. hughes Is giving . better results than any house In the city In wlnlcr underwear . hud- wear shoes and rubber , oods. I you fe31 sore over some of the results you have had give him a trial. Among the novelties nol attracting : : aten- ton at Dutree I.'urnlure Cos. 331. 33S lIt ond- si'ay : ae the splendid lInes at pictures edsels anti ! screens. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.1 uui.ri.L I. I'll'do"I. Bob Limerick ! who went to Fort Madison just a year ago to serve a two 'ears' sentence - tencl for robbll/ some freight cars In the sout'er part of the city . ss'ae pardoned out last week by Governor Jackson and ha returned - turned home. A of copy the pardon was re- calved at the county clerk's omce yesterday . LimerIck was of great assltance to the ; county ofcals In convicting the naclwlz boyl anti W Ii. hall . the other members at - - . ' r - : . ; I / , . : - : : I A' . D Qfl - I. / A , a a . . " - . - II I , - . . . - . - - - , " , , . . - the gang. lie turned ( I13t.'y evidence . and during his confnemenl . a brouKht back from the penItentiary to tetJit : . against his te1.I/1 Ilals. I was thus to this fct''Il } CoUnty At- torney Saunders anti Sheriff ' t'hpn ' neconilu memlet his pardon to the gb\tror. lie halt just completed the frt y5'drnf' his confineii ment when he was relenssd " Jle Is PIII to have secured a job ' anti will , tfY to behave In a law-abiding manner. The pardon Is condItioned - dItioned upon hiD - - kespingIii - . hrontse ! . Wo have soM 3.000 hotbC.afh ! In Iowa and Nebrtka ell never had a k. k.'e , now have reall' for "nmelote del'eyOOO \ more at bed rock lnlces'rite for prIctq on all kinds glazed sash glass . paIn Is. prlcel ; etc. . stating ( IUantty desired Council Bluffs Paint & ' Oil Co. - _ , f , The Standard piano next to the llardnian. - - - - ? igiit , 'h'll I li. " " . . The nIght school began work at the Boomer lchool last evening under the in- structon of Miss Clara MItchell. Thc ot- t temlanc was : scarcely up to time expecta. lens of those who have been urging the necessity of a school where Ihos who erebus bus ) during ; t ! ! day ( may flail opportnltle1 ' tor an education. There W2re only two girls a mid thirteen bo's. Time memhershlp Is divided - vided Into three classes , which \\1 be In ses. sian on five nights ! of the week . from 7 10 9:30 : o'clock. Gnanimmmir . hIstory ' : . geography . arihmeic anti spelling are now being taught anti penmanhip be taken up later. Living plcture . Chambers' hall . Wetnes- c lay evening under the direct super\lslon ef J. Laurie Walace of Omaha whose reputa- , tbn as an artist Is most thoroughly estabt l iiiei1. Do nol fall to eel them. Chamber ? ball. Admmmlsson ! only 2G cents. ( lt.ll ( hit Smile . In order to close out I will sel all millinery 100d : at cost fo . the next thirty days. MUtt Hagsdale , 10 Pearl street. - - - - - - - IJI'lsln 'I'l 11':11(1 ( al\ II.t'I'FS. 1'Inlrtn.1 ( tIIII".lt"'r" 'i'I.iiilL 1..1. it'iiii' 1.1 I. i ItI. . DES ) IINI S. Nov. 11.-Special ( Tele- rlm.-Some ! : ) tlle age ! a large number of petitIons were med with the St1to Railroad commissIon asking that rates : on grin be re- tuce , ! I was represented hy the pettlners that at present prices about onethird thc value ot grain was absorbed In p3)lng the freight to Chicago ant I was asked that the ra'es be reduced to make thcm In some me3ure conform to the current priceI on graIn. Like ! lions have been cIrculated all oven the state , and the mater has at- Irlctell : wide attention. Time commissioners today renllerd an opIn- Ion In tIme uimatter . In which II Is hell that grain rates , or 01 least Ihe rates : which IL has been asked to change . are an Interstate affair and cannot be chanJc. by the tale . aUlhorltles. \s 10 the local rates within the state II Is held ) that these have been proved fair In formcr hearings antI unless the pet- leners have new e\ltlence 10 produce no Iteanimug can be ranted. ! The p ltoners are tcndored the services at the otate coma- mission In getting ! the Inlerstate mlUer : be- tore the interstate COmmtHCe commlssleners. , 'I'l a1'I' lVliN % 'I'I'U A NiI'SI'tm'IIt. 1.1.11 . ( 'nun t'i. : I/1 A rr'Ntt.ci . . . fur 1111..t"ltl i m - 111 01. . i. DES MOINES , Nov.-l1-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Charles ) 11. Dale , on elploy ! at the Ottumwa Courier was annealed at Otumwa this 1II0rning emi an iniiidtmtnt for Impersonating - ating a federal officer . anti bli'ghi her for trial In time tetnal cobrt. A. W. Lee . owner at the Courier . give band for Iale who was tha author : ot Inuolr 01 the malter printed In time Ccurler , 131Inl ( a : series at sensational lUaclw : emi the United Stales om- daIs him the southern Iowa 4lstnict. I was : represented there was a rguiar : system at tel grabbing , In which this federal officers were partners. Dlle : I ! 'chiargrtl : ; with Imp r- sunatng on offIcer In the erort to gel In- formation. le will be tried ' Thusda ) ' . iae llltl today : that despite tim fact that a federal - I oral inspector had II'estb'tcd time charges and whitewashed the oftierra . there Is crool- ccncss , anti It wi he prQvelJ He also said he hid corresponded wIth all : the Iowa con- gressmen.81.1 ha.l th.I"M1ulnc wih : :11 ? s tidt they would bring the maier up for cungresslonal investigation at tha hext session. FnriiiCr'14 l'igIit wih II hixlivmictut'al. DES MOINES . Nov. 11.-S'pecial ( Tele- ! ; rm.-leter ) 1.3ughln. n 11Alnvn""l'l city. while driving home was attacked h ) Iwo hlghwa'men. 1 was dark and the men who were unasked 'llped ' at his horses' heads and olleroll him 10 stop. uslead he whlppell lp his horses wih a heavy bbcll- shako lash antI dragged time mel sonic dls- Lance lie strucl one of them over the head : with the but or the whip anti knocked hIm tlovn The other loosencil his grill al the hm.rso's bridle anti began shooting at 1.3ugh- In with a revoh'er. Lauhln struck hIm anaund : , ] the face with the lash enl got away saf . He hind a bullet through ! the crown ot his hat. but , was unlnjurcti. - - - .1/1 11111. . Cocuuichil in. SIOUX CITY . : O\ ' . 11-Speciai ( Tele- . eonnncil In the \'oot1- gram.-The ) prisoners Wol- bllry county Jai at this place publslel ] In a local paper : today a formal complaint at the allpel "s'slemallc course of starvation to which they arc subjeclcd. " "Ponr Euch nations - tions : If those now allan cd each man for a lens alo\\ real meal woull b3 reqttired . " the document coumtimiues. "to satIsfy the hunger at the pris- oners " The pubic ; Is urged ! to Iwe3t11te this mater , as well as Ihc alleged crowlle eO:11lon 01 the jail ' : ant thc dampness at the cells . which are In a basemcnt below tie level of the ground all take action to re- leve the EI\erlngs ot the occupants , g. S. .u" . . " Clinrereit wlh Sivhcc.ilini. CEDAR HAPID3. la. , Nov. 11.-Special ( Telegramn.-Edwanti ) S. Jonas the alleged orgamm.cr for thl Royal Futernal Gcmardlans . who skipped about : a week ago : after swlml- hug several people out of 20U and who wes captured at Des : Moinns ha ! ' bem brought back far trial. A numb ot Inlormatons will be fed aalnt ! him. lie worked out a fine on the btone pie here a ) 'ea ago ton attemptIng to pass bogus chcks. g..III I Sc. : a Court H.HI : C D.\H RAPIDS . b. . No\ ' . 11.-Special ( Telegram.-There ) was an exciting ecene In thi district court room titLe momng. ! Fred Stuart accused : of withholding the major por- 8 In SWEETNESS an1 POWER ' . 01 TONE BEAUTY ci DE- ' : . , COBSTRUCTION SIGN . and STRENGT of CorlSTRUCTIH "t . ' " BAY STATE" . GUITARS , r ; MANDOLINS , ? , ZITHERS , and FLUTES arc P11"01\ no olher m'r cnlllrml'l. ( . . J1.8tllllC oC . , . IIY Urlety hhh.jralu Inslr. p m.nts. : . , ' . \ I .nD. . : enll rcr CI.loses JOlN C. IIAYNES & CO. . 4'310 .CW'"HIHaTCH COSTON. ST. , . ) " - - tlon of $1,000 turned over to him by hr. I-'arrar a almon ) when ho was divorced a I year ago , wa on trul JUdge Preston , coun- lei for Mrs. Parrar , was making his arKU- lu ient . ant , was interrupted several tmn by ( S tuart . who claimed he was uttering false- ii ooth. Preston at last becamc enraged timid . aut lahel ] at Stuart wih al uprlcI\ \ ebmie In- terference of friends pevente,1 , n collision. Iu" " \\.1111 SltrlJlt M 1''I. DES MOINES , No\ 1i.-Special ( "ele- g rarn.-The ) annual conventon of the Iowa Wommian's Suffrage ase.ciation will open tomorrow . morrow anti continue two da8 In this city. I I Is rpcted 400 women will attend. The meetlug t wilt bo the largest of the klnl ] ever hel In the state and wi take steps toward the t adoption of a pln to push suffrage aglta- lon ts before time next legislature The women s ay thc body wi be more favorable to them than t any previous legislature for man ) ' years. Ii . . . . . I v I' r fcc r 1 l.a. , ( ' ' 1111' ' ' . SIOUX CITY. No\ 11.-Spodial ( "ple- . made at l'ierre g rammm.-Appiicatiotm ) has bepu I'lere for f the nitpolntnment of a receiver for the 011/0lntmeut Forest City 10 nIl smith mpro\'cment com- p ammy . a South Daloln Clrllortlon , . the owner or thc Forest & Siont City r.1 I \ \ 0) ' and 01 1.200 acres of lanll along time line. The 011' plcation Is on behalf of a Connectcut in- Sllrauce compan . which hell a j6.0UO mortgage m against ! the Ilroperl ( rl'I."I'1 Uiui 1 Si lf. . MASON Ci'l'Y. 10. , No\ 11.-Speciai ( 'ele- g ! rain.--An ) attempt Wa1 mall last nlhl ! to loot l the Dank or l'lymnOutli , at 1'1)'mouth. ten t ml = s north of her ! The big ! door 10 the satl was blown off , and the robbers score 01 work on the mone ) chest whel frightened away. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itt'iiiihiiieliit I \ . . . " . . . Ci'lc'it'mitetI . CI1ESTON. 10. . Nov. 1i.-Special ( : Tele- gram.-Unlen ) county rpllublcans tonight celebratoll recent victories with a rousing rtifcation nmeeting. Congressmen Ieburn anll lIaer ! allressel on Immell and enthu- siastc audience. S eWltt's Little Early Risers cure Intli- gpstlol and bad hreath. . Holier :11 lluirmit'l . DES MOINES , Nov. 11.-Special ( Tele- ram.-Thp ! ) Sac : City roller 11 burned this morning. Loss , 10000. No Immeurance. . A. G. Ilrle ) ' of : Magic I' . . wrLes : "I tell II a IUI } ' at Ilno to Inform ) .ou anti the itbitc that DeVt'ltt's'itch Hazel Salve cured mae at a very bad care of cezemna. I also cured my boy at : I. running sine emi his leg. " 'I . \'I'II.n 1'lltiIC.tS'V. I'nl. nlt SuutlilttV'Mt \'iui.ls for : ct'liiishii. \VASIIINGTON Nos' . H.-The forecast for Tuesday 1M : For N.'hraska aimti Kansas-Fair south to 5' \ est winds. For Iown-Falr ; sOlltherl ) ' wInds ; warmer In i the eastern portiomi. For South Dakoln-Fnlr : westerly winds ; colder In the pastern portion. For lsMourl-I"IIII ; warler ivlmmtis . shlt- Ing i 10 cast and south. 1,011 I Ic'nr.l. OPPICF OF TIn WI'.lHRn ilUltEAi. ' . ' . h-Omaha recorll of ' OMAHA . No\ 1.-0maha h'l- Peril ttir' ' and in I nfali . c0lpal'l'l1 wlh i Ihl' t eorrslllln nnl day of ( lit , past four years 19 : iSOi. 1193. 1S')2 ) Maximums temnernturp. . fi 31 H r : 'lnllul lemlwr tUlo. . 31 13 33 12 Average IcI11emllre. . . .11 21 38 5" Averge l'reciitttatiOfl . . . . . . . . .0 . ( .32 . ( Wd Cumithiiinii of iemmipt'nattine t anti pteCiltittttiofl COII tnn 11111ra lre < prccllln ) ton 11 Omaha frl' time clay tcmmd since : 'Iareh \ 1 : Normal tl'mprnture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ii g"cess . for the dl ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acctmmmttiltiteti excess since 'Iarch 1. . . . . 382 Normal itreci iii IXICBB . . . . . . . . . . . ( 'I In'h I llr(1111110n ( Delklencv for the dny. . . . . . . . . . .Ollnlh ' foCal TIle'elplnlon since Iarch 1 19.1 ! ) Inlhc . 'Jotl Uclclenc ) since : March 1. . . . . . 1U.13 Inlhl's Icl..I" ( . ( r.I ' llt" " , tim : I' , Iii. , . : i . Ott , p. , ! .1 . . . a ! " srATI Os 6TATIOXS S WEATmtSII . : = = c = - ; . 3 g = : . ' : - - - - - . - - - - - - - - Olmbn . . . . . . . . tim ) t.1 .oo Clear. Norlh Platte. . . . . . 4 dt 02 .00 eittitr . ! h'I" . . Cltlr. 1111. . . . . . . . . GO .00 CI , icr. Lhlcaw . . . . . . . :11 : 40 ' oo Clear. SI. Louis. . . . . . 40 4'1 ' .O ( tJ ( Cloar. : St. i'aui. . . . . . . . : . 12 .00 Cloar. : Davelporl. . . . . , I .10 .ttt ) : Clear. KUlsas Clly. . . . 4h bIt .OtCleir. ( ) tieiemia. . . . . . . . . 31 I 4 ( . ( JIIlJo ; l. t . I 1 tyre. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ( ( 'lear. Hrik iiy : : . : : : 44 52 .itOIClear. : ; J : IlsmarK , . . . . . 2'3 ' 41 1 .Ott ( 'it'tr. 51. Vincent . . . . 2tl 41 . , ' ' . Cituyemtmmtm . . . . . . . a : i-t . Cl . ( II''a. . , . % Vtliitttttit. . . . . . . . . 32 au . \1 Clotitty. ltitIitt I City . . . . . . . . . . : c 3 .tutl ( 'lc'ar. ( talvestuti : : . : : : . : . : : . . imS CS : : glg ; : : : : "T" indicates Ince ot mrecipimstmon. L. A. SVELSII Observer. FOETY YEARS. 0' SJI.'i'I'II\"H : : PROM l'iLflS. ltemcigirkuilie ( 'ii re fit 1''Iulnr IIJ"r n"1 of Cuhiuiimj.uucc . ( Ohl" 1eol11e who surer tram that annoying and obstinate dIsease will be grtnclI 10 learn that science has discovered a sat . convenient and simple cure for every form at 1)11cc ) . as the experience ot the popular Major ' ncan 01 Columbus Ohio amply atteets. The Major ' says : I would like to add my name to the Ihousands who have been cured by the I'yramld 11 Cure. I know trol ex- perlencl that II Is Cite only remedy on earth that will erellu l ) cure idles ; plenty . or remedies give relict for a time . but as for a lasting cure 1 had : tried all the salves lotions - tions . etc. . without success. Six boxes ot I.e Pyranmttl : Pie Cure entrely remO\'ft nil traces ot a case ot pIles at forty years sllnd- : Irg. , Irg.You You may rest assureti that the 1)'ramlll Pie Cure Ims no slauncher advocate than mnyseit. . I tell that It Is my duty to allow yeti to me my name In In : ) stay } 'OU macay see fit , In order that other sufferers may : thus he 11Irecttl 10 what I .teel ccrtaln wi he a speedy relief ant cure. Time Pyrmid i'ile Cure gives instant re- list anti a pcrmanent cure In all : 1Inils or blind bleeding itching p11cc. I Is absolutel free trom opiates , cocaine and slml , r poisns , s Iommon In IlI cures. The ' ' l'ilo Cure Is sold 1''r3mld I'lu by drug- gllts al G cents and : $1.00. A book on cause anti cure at Piles will be sent tree by adtressln/ the P 'mmll Co. . Albion Mich. - - - THE NEW MUY TELI 11'onOIICo1. ; b. all \ho have p"tron. Izcd I , the best in Cuisine , Eqllpmcnt ' ' amid Service ' IndCI'n lit savory I'ospect. Hates $ : : .iO tu I.OO. ( ) SiceIa1 rates bj' WI\ : or month. B. SILLOWA Pr s. & Igr" " , Hlh and In'ncj' 8ts. , Omaha. Genuine andtvjch . } J , "Ada IlS" C. Sheller ,91 ; I S if , _ . _ JJ4 - ' ' ) II & 'k144 II I I / , , I ' li-IF I ! - I'osvenis from I to 10 horse. Feed 0 niilderd , Jacks , Chain , rlnnti Carts and 1at hut , not least , sou'ruvicic no Itsz tND STEAM 1'OWEU II/u.Y L'IIESS Branch I-louse - - - . Council Bluffs - - - - - - - - - - - - - THROAT AND LUNGS ! - - I 1:1 ll. I" ) ' fr ' 'r'nltrl' ft 'hl 111.1. tf i Is : ietleii.'uI 1'III.t. I . i 11 , J"ra 11"1. ' 1N Hllth II ( .un , 11 Ilu ! . i h I 1 tlIII,1 , nlll Inlll"enl coding I , m , , " I' " ' tmtg wih her i'atuim " . , . 'h ! :1" ' 'olnJ " ' , . . III h arden I ) ' " I - 4 ' / Miss U la tiarti.'im no Sixti , ! I. lJunel 11 ! ! . . , Mate city ease is j to tell omen again tme tl ollln Ile old sturt' 01 ca . . rh- Ir.1 In I the tien'i anti ( imt'c , s tea I I mmg duwn Iln I Ihe itmltg5 nnJ ' t.icm'li. alec. ! 11110 ' 11. 101. rat care no I han II C , , sutT.r ssn't ' plert-Itig ! ! sul.'r \ II. 1'ler'I. ct'alaemtes h rlnnln Ihr'"Ah ! city ti'mmi'es ! Illl , ,1 ! , Ihe ttmsc' , or the .1.11 nnti In ) ' nod . h' h.\ \ Ill ' feit heannll , Il , 1' If f'll I' \ellht or I're. , s u ' t' . 'hlsl. . mmot mmmci' . ) ( 'lit's In u whl ( t'UI ' t n s i..itly \ tictttgmmccci ' ' " ' ' . ot'.Ihllneel 13' " \1) tin " : tl h' IhIOII. c m hl\ ' ) 1' . \ U8 cite \Or8' ' a tT't't ei II"Or8' :1..t'le,1 I'rt m ' I I t t' act thy . 11.ln I I ! ft'\ ' & ' 1 I.h it iiI : , 1"11",1 , wlh mU'U' . I I oepl"ll U9 If I I Ilst . iIt c.etltt' ' Ihlll alit Stint .tithmmt \ , ' , ' 1"1 tiit'it' . nn\ \ e'mts 1' Out ! effects 10 relur I Ildo mime cotigit . keeping liii' thloul Fore UIII ) lend.r. "I "uuhl f,1 tituS the tl'ouhle \ , w"rllng ) i loWmi I lo cite hrunchlnl 111" , . . UI,1 c'vec y ' 1 I liter m c ) 11119Ulhl JOt Stile wil .lkhlll ( I'nilo ' lit I. Cities un,1 I ore smut In Ihe " 011,1 "r Ihe right 1m ! Clad seamed cite Iltn lie I IhlUlhl or et'n'uulmtiti..i . " , . I hut 10 1temthe " it''ittY nr (0 Ilulk 11lul. or 10 lull UI ' U till dial ) . ,1. , i aim. In m met I coul < l'lIolk or elJu ) ) icily cllfll nl ni. ' .Inn ! Illh Cii is c.'n.llh 1 I ) ' slmnneh bttlm- Clo,1 . I" ' U 11.1 Ileul Inll I was r.1 ) I.hlll 10 Ihls contttitti I tc'iitl ral.ll ! h.d i ton I"\ UIII i i Ilr I . l'odand & Ih"I1rl took cute II hnnun.l , \ cUr',1 Ott. . A brie C rIttim so at m ii , itims tnt ii ' ni' . ! 11.r Coll.olh lill IIS "ntle\ ! sioreci ' icetl tic . . thai ' ' .tnr < lily h."lh. .n today 1 haHI'1 i 1 trace of I ) ' 01 < C rtnibies I.rt" - - - - - - - - - - - \ \ ' f. rnl' 'i'lieiii. 11.tnnl lul nts 110 , wd""lo to our ( itlitatti . HIItol i , 1Inll. . hal cover ul Chl''II , ' dis'ctses. \ lie rnr 1"1 cind I.t a Ci , N' hl.1 cm'Cul I ulnlol unt r"l itt ) 'SiC'iitllS II hn r"ul 111le.l. , or ( el' . emery mount lu . I I ) UU ticice treln.nl C the fee I. 15 I monlh , 1Clclne. IIlude.1 I DRS COPiLANI D ) & SHEPARD ) noo'ls 312 AND 313 NlV l'OHK LIFII IIUII.DINU. O'IAIA. NI B. Office HOllr - 10 1 a. m. : : to I p. 1" Eve. nlngs-Wednestias and Saturla ) ' . only. 6 to 8 Sunda-IO to 1 m . - - . - - - - - - - , . . - - _ _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ -.u , " EST. 1856 There's a Big { iffarence in Shoes Some stortS con so1 anything , but to got room in m > ' store they must bo worth the price , ShOH that woai' , that's the kind 1 soil , and arc worth the price : OU pay for the lfl. . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - B. M. SARGENT , 413 Broadway. N ' - . - - - [ rllST ' ' NATIONAL BANK . ' --01.--- Cou 1ci Bluffs , Iown. CAPITAL , ' . - $10.00L , \1,1 , 111.ICIT , ( HII litSiI1SS. ! % .li lmSi . ' ' ii.tiC'L'ui ( . \ 11 II 1.1 YouTh III.I.I ) C''II : 1. 0J II S ' 1'1" OI.nJWI'I.\\ S : 11\\ ' ' : l'I11 CI : 'I' I'AII I 'i' iii : IHo'ISI'l'S (3.t I.L , .A . \1 srl US nit 'it i'i'i. SI'IS I' ' . RA IMIiIIIflh' I l : , \ . l"r'-II-I.I' uLliu 1\ un&nuiii U LA1 11'rctco In the titmets cud Pedpral Courls. Rooms 306-7-S-IS. iOl Ir.rt Block. Counc , . llimtfts. Iowa. Special t1oUces-CouncilBIuff - - A FiitS1'-CLSim 6.nOOM IIOUSC . 0000 1.0. mUul. IIS1'.CI.\'R , O : rule each gee I. C. U. _ Nicholson _ _ . _ , _ _ r > 3lrendI \ _ ) ' . _ u _ . _ _ CIulMi'l'al : l'I.IANIn : , . . . \ PI.TR CiFANl1) : . CIUII'\1 Id 11111. lt W. $ . 10m. ) . . - r.3S - nun.I\ , ' - ) ' , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i3.At'itl , : 1't'J' i'AltM : 811'CIAI. : IA 10A IN. 1. "H 5. " . it. : ; hol.ul. . 33Urmlll \ ) ' . - - - - - - - - - - - I.OH' . A'r 'lU Jlm.n IltTI ( lmtot'Ntts . on bell"'el them " nllt , lollcl luI8 i br\WI 1 ' lther "Mr,1 , . ' , ' , , , tutu . tcmiti ' rim- t'miiiimiing ( " en.p "nnl"llln (11'11. (111 111no ) ; . rf- w"ll11 t lc . . I"hl fttr I. I.IUII 10 :11. . it. U. , ' , , . , : I nt"Olpr ) 603 ThIrd .llpcl I I - - - - - - - - - -w- - - - - - - - - ----I - - - - - - - - - I ' Look Long . M This t. . Trada.Mark. A \t \ ) Photogrph It on olr memory. I stamls for all that is , cfcent , economIcal ck'amuly I and dlrhic . : - ' , , liqd. . e il heaters and cook- ' 5 ers. With it as a . L' - - guide > 'ou wil get wbat wil satisfy ) ' 01 [ ST STUVE PANTIN [ THEV1U AI Your Dealer. W I. [ .YI E DICKEY & CO . Oluha , , A. C. RAYMER , South Omuhn - . ' . . : : . --u- 1 .4Lc.:4 : ! - - - - - - w - . . , THE ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET COMPANY , _ Some November Showings -u.riiiture 111 Ullrlcrcit Oak Acme Hocler' H lit thcs 'lc . I. 141)1CM. $2.50 each , , . . . . Rocket--- SOI.II OAK ' - - OAK WI'I COlm.I R SEAT CUlBICI WITH COII.EI SEAT SOBltl. . 1'10GANY FINISH. ThESE ChAlliS ARE WOI'IY O [ . ' AT- TENTION. (11a.rpets : : 1 SOME SI'iCIAi : ' . ' lIUCmmNTS CLOSEI TillS MONTh. ; WITH c UNUSUAL AND \\'ITIIOIJ'l' VALUES hiOltiEltS. . ThEY AiS - 100 MiSFIT CA1tPETS . ALL SIZES AND ICIN1)S TWO-'i'iilltiS AND ONE-IA1. ] I1EGULAIt 1911CR. . ShADES , I'OLES AND I 1 the B nSC11el t - TAI.E PHIF. . SIAD ANI CO IOHTlms. $1.00 I'ACH. FEA'rIiElt PI.I.OW8. ESC A I'Am. A NE\ % ' TAPESTRY l'OHTlmF AT $12.50. . IN Si'ECiAL LINE O COI.OIS TO D - MATCH OUR EXCLUSIVE DI- : INS AND raperleS- , CO.OINlS O CAII'I TS. I.ACF CUlt- TAINS . SIADES AND SILKS AND l"ANCY 000iS. DOWN II.LOWS. 65C EACh. . . . I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - . - ' - - - - . - - - . - ! , ! I , ABack 'Brokcn ! Back < i Just as yours will be if 1 I you continue using poor soap. I , SANA CLAUS SOAP makes wash-day as easy as any other day. Lessens the labor , makes the clothes white ) and does no darn- age. Thousands of women say so-surely they arc not an mistaken Sold cverwllCrc Made only by j The N. K. Fairbank Company , - Chicago. - - . @ Lsrs YIGOI a % ( ! < ! Wh.n In dOLt .t tat , to ace for 1rous . . . , l..s ' . , . . . . . > , . n.Wly r. . 0' Sexual hose ( tic cub. , , . . . . . 15.1. Imll.n' y . . Airohy , , . , . Virboteie . , Cci ember . esbncc.es . ( non any fn .lh. ' , . . Mdn. , hii. lint ilce . k.J end ( ccli Irol quickly I restored , it . cUl . . 1..ln. , , , . . , . Cul flc5teticJ ' luch . < ( . , . . . "U(1 Jcult In . weeks teu'iet ivc , ) $ ic rtiuit 0 . . . scully. . I. MII.,1 . asy.Ie , cuuanlc . .I.d. 10 crc fr ' . i.uoi . .Cu"l ' ' C ii . . I . Cu. C , " ' J5 f \ , " \11 Slm IAN & McCONNELl , llUG CO. , 153 Dodge Street Omaha , Neb ' .I.l. < , -