- . U' - _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l'TIE _ OMAhA DAILY _ IIEE : f'ND.AY ' - , : NYVJMllEfl _ 11 , 1Sji ! _ _ _ 7 8PBOI L NOTIGB8- - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ A. ) , l'rtl..III..n. . . fur lI.qai' 'II'U" u ' ' , ,111 I . tnkvn 1nl. 1lao p. nt. fur fi. 'rnln" .IIJ u"fl I p. nt. fur the . .nrnhl" n.I' " iaiiihsiy ' cdl t . " " . Alh'l'rtl"'r" , lT rl"lll'"tll : n nur. 1ersL ( 'IIeIC. r"l III. , . n " "t\I'r" tIi- % IrcI.Mi.II tn n nlllrr , ' , ' " .trr II l'nr. fit 'J'Iie lire A"'I' .i , ndaIrevt'i ' T ,11 I" t"h cr.d upon I.r"tltll" e.r the , ' 'ho'e' nu' ' , ' . II8IVN , 1 I.e n , 'nrJ Ir"t 1""I'rtlo"l Ie I " ' ' 'rll U"'rl."fer. : .11 I , " tnl. " fur . " " fhln 2e f.r Ir"t In"o'rtn" . 'I'hl'"e cal , ' crt INI ' nIt . Iats tlt"t J , ' rln SSflNCUI- th"'I I ) ' . - - . . _ . - - - " \1":1-\ : I.I II IhI' . WANTI ' O-I\I : . 1TIT.t.U1ET ITh 'N Omlhl 10 or"nIEe eliihni "r Iht.e 10 fle tomi. hIes or oUt famous Orctind Itutn " lanb In tnnu. ( tchlit . r.nltal . . MIIslpl ' The 1le , cr Immltt , lon I. I , Jwlnl BUt MI..I..II'II , . . there are no Iol , vln,1. 10 , .Id wlntrr . , 10 bhIzzar. ! . no nOI' faLliire. . Where . IW" or thre. rtol" " can h. 5n4 . .h ) .tir. " 'h.rl ttire I. no .1.h Ihlnl u fallttrf , . . II" ' . . rallr" I it mln wilt work ( Ino.LnIf 0" hal1 n h. .Ios9 In Ihl. cClnlr ) ' . Cool , ummer . Inll wjntsriq. I4tire ' Iti . or fruit And nri1n trudc. HiT" po111 crol's tnll .nd I"m.n Itur. nlch..1 enil on tlh. 1&'L tattvnv rlr\lr. . 11 01 . t..1 . Otnahia flea " . ' . Am . . general ag.nl. lCl 1.'nr,1 . . Omlhn. 1-12 - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It.n TO S ) C RAT.AIY VAIl ) ! . : II . tor Ilnrl : . ' "ptlMr. not nee.try ; , 'xlr In. .lur.m.nls 10 cU.lom.n. 118hop I iClin" . iI l.ul. * . . Mo. - - IS-M8I-N2 ' 1'ANT1I rl.'TY1 tuii.uiflS AT ONC'I. l < nn81" . ( I ) ( nn,1 l'ounlry , ( omlln , ' . I11' n. ' ( ' , . I n. fl-M701 1 " 5.0 TO St.M I 1m :101 Hltl.I.ISO r1T1 . : Hlpr hIrttt14. , Ittort Oil Ons lurn"r : cnn lr plnr.,1 In tiny .ok 'I , hrntnl "O"f o ftirnat. It tt'ot1ttc'en a prtet niiturnt KQ . flre : 1tthr , ttn1 . JI..lur. 1 ftr..1 nlturl frp 1.t.r In . , . . ( , . ' t h"lr"r . than 'oal . o w".1 I'or I.tu n1lr.t ' ( ' NoveIt Co. , \Vorh . Ihaw ( 'I'v. MIctt. la ) 'ity Nov.I ) Co.'ol , la\ I-MI ( ; : :1.h. WANTflI A COM1'flTFNT MAX OR 1'hltM ( ; 01 1.'IM OIIITFNT . 10 .rl In Omhn. : luII . 11. . sttIHrnetoty : Set- i 'rn.s lB 10 ttitetrlty . 11(11) ' . " -t. 1 Small rn.htnl reqilireti I , for .xOhll"'p territory. . MI- I OIlnl . .ttlor. . ' Irpmg . tlimt Peek Commit RegIster Co. . Svrnetmtie . . . . , - N. Y. 1I-M7G i- I 1MI'1.OYMfl'TmV ' : ? TO OLPNl ) Yt'Nfl ( 'all nt hotel ICatbachi . 1lh mmmii ' Ilowaril. fruits ! 10wntl. 'nl 10tl'l Ilrneh. : 11' . D n. m. 10 G p. mu. r.malnder or \ . .I I"n . r. ' . 1-M81.I : WANTIn. MAN FOi ItAII.IY 1':1lT. : - merit ; muol 1. J001 shad. soaker antI hnnlpr ; lit I < lpnlrlck.l < oeh Dry ( teed . Co. . Falconer'u . 0,1 : .Iote. Ii-MS4 1 WAC'l'fl1)-A COOK AXnAITgI. Om\X WAr1II-A 261h antI . M. South Omurtha. l- 83.D- - - - - ' A 'I.g-I.I.\\.I : hI1t.1' . Itl.IWANT A iiNlT PhOTOS. $ 00 t'IIt TOZ . 0 PiH ( : F'r 110TOR. ? on. DI'I.s , 13.15 Soulh 161h sl C-H W'ANI'tI (1lItt . TO DO I.WIT 10IHI"\011 . while Itentln" clmoo1. Col Z2i ( Iturdette. -:176i ( 1' . . \s-AC-rCD. G1. FOR GClm.HOtHI ! - . " work ' ; Gin fumlly . Call nt 101 : ! 11 o.nue. . ( ' -M U I2 I ' - - - " \\'AXTEU-A flhItT ron aIXIA L IfOiSt I' : , work nl 1 1 Cuts sl. C-i6.9' 1.'Ol IU 'I'-10ISgS. nOUSES-F. K DARLING , IJAItSCfltt m.clc , 1)-415 1- - . - - - - JIUHES IN AI.I. P\ITH OF 'nm CI'l. Thll . : O. P. Dn\'ls Compnn . no ICuirnamn. D-4iC - - - - - - - - I"UBN1SI:0 F HOUSE i FOi ItNT ; I . \ ITIFUI. hioup. ten r m. . elegantly . Iurnl.hied. hot water lset. Ilunlr ) .tnhte . carriage. ele Thos. F. Itoh. GIG Plxlon block. D-131 - - - - - - - - - - - - - STANFOI1I ) CIItCLfl COTTMt15. G rtOOMS f. STANFOlt ClCLF COT.\Gt nil mo'T.U" . ruel. A 1'1'1' ' Byron Heed. Coin- PonY. 212 Po. lHh 8t. 1-77 - - - - - - - - - - - HOUSES-IWXA & CO. . 103 N. ITI ST. ) I-4tS 1-18 10l81H-0. 0 WAI.LACt. :1 l : BROWN BL1C. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 0-19 8 MODll1Nt-flOOU llOtTSr.S : G lN g.noOt loISrS MINUTrR walk front court hou8e. flown 23 Datl'.r blk. D- . O AUTWUL ISOVSP. TrX ttOOutS. m.I' : Illly tU nl.h.d. hot water heal. lalmr ) ' , stable enrmlage , ele Tho. F. Hul ! , Cit 1'rm- ton block . 0134 Felt - flCT-NI'l'.tS Ft'flNIStltr : ) oTsn01 eight noms br.ldrs 1100" " and , Lattlirpons. .outh front Ho'ntl . wIth .1. all cOI'.nlene" II'ulrl 2G4I D-37 ' Iltif- - - - - 1624 NO lnU t' . . 8.nOOJ1 : IODI11 : lllK wih Imtn. Omahn neal Jslnle & TI'u.1 Co. . 21 fo. : I'thi ' sl. D-2 : - - - - - - - - - Fen fl1NT-ltOtTSCS IN ALL ! AJTS OF' TUlt cIty. Ihienlian. Love & CO. . 40 Patton 0' , ' . . D-M2G1-2 - - - - - , MODERN IIOtISFS-NflV 7-ItOOM DWEI.I : 101AFS-NIW 7.100:1 logs near Hon.eom 1k. : . 2iI6.1 POIpl.lon n'p. : 1\ modern hi kl , . . GIG South 2itli ' . & 1&.2) North :1 Ills . nn,1 1 2 Sherwood n" ' C. A. Starr. &IG 0. N. Y. LICe. 1-7.:30 50 A. 21ST \1.NUt. : NIXr.HOOJ1 MOlnN : houor ) 'ard 3:0xC t. . . J. N. 1renzer. " 1110.11 . . . . . pnsmomce. 1-JI.8 iron mN'r. G.BOOI UOI'SI1. c S. liTU A'K ' ; . t-M32 . . :3G I - - - - - - - - - - ITl1M. NO IQU.WmTlm Oft SitMMIllt. STrAI. IQU.\ : \ 01 SIItn : central. moler , 5 or 6.rool lImits. 'rizaril. :1 . . . ' . N. : ! 4ths. U-CS.U : - - - - - FOlt1t1'NT.lIO.UflINO : 10' 1 : Ol 2 HOIMIS , all CUTII.hp , ! AI'II' 3tt S. 12th . un .talr. . . D-M701 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fen mXT C1t1.P. 1)ISflAhil.1 ! ; STOitli : . lsm.\H.l Static " .1n. . , ' 1 ( U. J. 1cn. I. CZO H. HTOI' Ht. ) . 1)-113-lt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r I.on 1tlNT-tOItT-1OQM HOI'Sf . $ : .00 pPn molh : " "lllnl location. InquIre :51C 1' " . . . " . _ _ _ _ _ _ Dl.l ' i'An.OI. ICITI I 1N. nnnoo'n' : Ir ) ' . chinn. clothes. \alpr closet and shmik. cholc. $ .0. 210 Iamnin St. D-7t2 _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - & .1001 VLAT 41 5. 1TH S1'mmT. NIUI Howar : side \i.low. ; no dam k rooms ; $ I.OO. Inquhe 31 FIrst rnlonnl bank 1nl.IIH : . 1)-M2 II 1-li2 ; 1 VOlt -i:1 1"-\Ji\ I- sTnmK store . 21&0 ft. . . nl your oI.rl. . . . \ :2'3 ' . . . 1lrl&m / nln'.rom inch-n hou.e In ' . 1"0. splendid r tt'ialr and hl'l' 1IIIIIre nl 61 : r : . 'u . LIt . _ hulclul I : . _ D- G.U - f isotit t ' -TIX. iOO\IflIjJ : . , T-J lnn . In h Orlr. ; r nitnii her ' jK Ii .Irrcl. r \ \ ' . 1' . Clllk , : \ : l'ulsll''I. . I--MS 1.- - ' ' - ' r nHi : T : 'Ni I : iOLh-1tOmfltro'rr.kGi ; , corn.'r ' : llh omit SaltIer .tr.t : cellar. I city water ; only JG.U. In'ultel:1 1-31iiO Paitians. 1 P H ' : : , T-'li . nx - : . : JiOM - CITY H. II. llller & Co. . lIe "ulII , ! lj-ss-i. j'UINIHllm IIO'HI : I'fl Itl : T e.dINTIS. 101 H:1' rINTIS In Houlh Mutt Smear lan'1 Iatl' half thick t t/.m tilt Ihu' . U-M > -IC' Nl1'Il.V - ' ilnlm 10'lmu ' : ) ; tl"a ( . ' 1. . hol truth . .hi \ 11'r.lh gout ham. . tn "I' Itime : cot ncr I I it tory 11,1 l'nrl I' . . 01'1".11'I' ' I ; t t'sit. $ : i. ( ) " " ) in truth. .5. H. Vartotte . lluu las lihock . lGlh ant liodge. l-3IsrJ IC \-IS . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Poll HI' : 'I'-I'n"III.:1 : ! 1101)315. . . - - - - - - - - - - - I"UlNISIIn : no03. I. MONTh. 191 PAn. n.m. -Mns' ' r - / FI'ITI'1 OJ IO IR 1.IT.\ILE 1'01 1011 , . &PltN" n. nl DoJ' . . L'-67) ' i . .I.'on I I : X' : ' . NlCiIxL'r1tN1,4llEi ) 10m1S ; terms teasonaihe. t'al nt li U"ull" sl. _ _ _ _ _ : -7jo N : TWO 1.\nm soiI'\H ; ; OXT 'Oo : anti beard ; steam h.I. 2)4 i. : .Ih Alrl' I. . ' . _ 11M .U' - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 1"I'nXISII 1 IIHUIS . \:1 lu\nu. t ILI1ttl1I.I Y11hNlS1lln lt AT T111 J1'm\I. \ I"III = IIn r 'i CahuthisI. 12 Crip. aye ; transIents accoutitnoiitheil. ' . f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t-ihl.62 v- n0011 WITh ! IbO.ltD. : SOI"fU 2TU HT. MG-Nt5 1:1 C.:19' NIC : PIIXIRlrn lOMt WITH IIO.tTW ; roles r'nsonaIle. TIme . OO ' . rl. rtnoont"le. Tlc Ho. ' llnnsey . ' sll " " 1.-li31 IT i'on 1N1' : . : IOOmX FNItNISIIIfl : flOflMS atit / boartl,19 Cuilhfurutta 0" ' - lioOM I \ < 1oatl. _ Cnlfornl -h'6.1' : h.1GANT : FtltClShIIli ItOOMIS . STIAM bat. , .Ih FIUIRIP Illl tcarl\ $ : I. t1 per w..I" Wc1.I.r hotel . 15Ii 1 10nnl h. I'--MST I lC' : Y NiSI : ) - IiwxrnuoM , - - ijj Iwo gentlemen . whth or without haiti . "lhll lIve tnltmutes ' walk or l'olOI e. In'lUlte ' li03 l.rnnm ttrcct. } ' -US : r'- - - - - - - r - Iron ) tlST-UN11ltN1S1hI ; I'BOOU : ! TlnED on SIX nOOMS. C1.OL'TS. WATnIt. . sewer. \ N. 1lh itreet . n. st.l. FOIL 11iNT-ST01L1s . \XI 0I'FICLS. FOR nCNT. Th1F .RTOny IM1ICIC ItUILDINO Fn TiF nnf' DUILDNG at pit 1..mal ; Nrrel. This bllWln J.I a . . Ir. Jlf cement " : I mlnt. complete steam heat. Ine fitlom , 'leT .n al ' liners . * . . ela Ap. - \b' at limo onl.1 or 111' lies. & l-tlG F-- r . _ - _ _ _ AURS'rs W.tTL1) . - W'\1'fCI. WANTlD. lomS1'.CI.ASH MllN 6 F flCSh'ECT. 11 . nrSl'C. ability aol clever address tn dty . "d State 10 . ct 1111 rlureaejit , . rn.tt . Unique bcnsviteitt endowmenl com. 1'1' . ! xcp\opalr COl4 nuJ permanent pOll. . . Uon. AdITlS ' lhlMI Mutual All Mool.lf U' earborn Street , Chlo'eo. . J'h U' ' ANTI I-"O 1t1P. % VANTgI ) . rAUMS T 'UNT IN noTnl.AI nn,1 , nIJohnlfliountie , for Ihe he.1 nptln and 8whhsti tenanh In Ihe counlr ) ' . O. , V. ( ltlock , 1 : rltMm .t. 1-3 : - , T0h1.t6f. STIAOC , rl.NI ( I\Ct ! , 11 1 AiS ) -4 In' . % l.cn'IC STonAOC .N1) WAT1C1IOt'Si - . ' .913 Jones. O.nerl atorage and forwuiriling. M- . - - - - - - - - - - " ' . \ 1'1 1-'J'O IU\ ' . WANT TO ItCYATocK 01' n1tot'IntEs luYi CI ntof'InS nr I.nPnl met'chiandt.e. must 1e chrnl' , Aut- ' drerts 101 D I 6Z Olahl lIe. . N-I3' SM.tI.t. SCC'OND hAN ! ) C.\JNr OhIOAN m g.ioh order. give decrttion and price. Address 1 : c : I. . . . N-9 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I.'UI I.-I.TI : t'I't'I1l. - _ t _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ti : O\IJ. : T.\1mm THAN MO\I TIWM. \ I .I II a third tr a C.w choIce Ilteces or . fill mittute for CI.h.1 iz : One c' ' 1"1. nistlon ho.1k . civse . nne handsome ntut noUII e.r. hand.um. 1111. . . ! hl" " I manll1 foldIng hi-I. one hint 1 , . . . ) 0181.10 It..111 111.1. . nl I.rlval. Mlp : Iolln ) ani . Tu..da afternoon next. II'ul. at ! to'n C. ; . Drexel hnlel. . O-I C : 1 ' - - - - - - - - - Full S.\.I - IHstsXU , \ : S. 000. T1A1.I m' CAfl1lT.T : 11OflSfh4 AND hitinces tu .nl. A. 1.I : , , ] . Commercial : . lunll batik . l-iI6-1' _ . , _ - - - - - - - - J"Ol S.\.I'-\ISCIH.I.\I'Ol'S. : iim ) : C.OOtt . ( 'I.OATS. CAHIITH. mmU' dIng , . . . on tIayIuient. . Dtlp PiStil nut wiLl cal wIth sahmiptes. E. lhsh , off. Q-mi n'H' ' I hol.1 IIAI1D WOOD , 4 ANt 5.1 0'OT 1tNCI : I.'on l corn cribbIng. : . I..e 9l 1ougl" 11SCI . 1 YOt \ \ ' . \ XT TO ltY 01 5121.1. A GOOD .rO I'I.hln,1 ' , bl" , p. ,0 10 Omlhl ; Ik'de I Co. , 223 N. 16th stteel. m.rcles .0palt'.I. Q-MiI7 OS ron HAI.r. r.oT IN n.iS \ AT Ii "OS I. 1C9. B. , . . Q-S9.I. , PII1NITPIII : or 11-11001.1 BOAHmn lhuJtSC 10lHIt 1.'I'nII'In 0' I.HOO : : full or tlrst-chjiss toaiders . 1nquhrt.t2I Q-M 1 I 16th. 16' . - - . CL tilt VOY ' ANTS. lhlts. on. ii. \\'A I nr . CLAIRVOYANT. nt- liable bulne medium : 81h your II 19 N. j _ 16th. - - - - - - - 11 ASS.\a : . 1\'rIS , I 'I'C. 1IAIAMht ! . I1J. N. I' : . COlt. lCTH AXO Douslcs : rom 11. massage and balh ; : _ ) . ' S1' MMI. IIOWN ! . ! . . Tlm < ! s AND I:1IcTnIc : baths. ; FInest I.rlots . In cll ) ' . 18.3 ? H.51 . - - ' -:1.1 .1 - MMI. : .UnH , I"OlMUflI.Y 01" ST.LOt1IS . IAS" P" ! " ! ut h. . ! i Ho. 131h Street . . n"or. ronl 10. T-M I , ) 16' 1'EILSON.ii. \1. \1 CO. . 34Gml ; I1LDL. tCAI.TI BOO free ; home ltnlm.nt ; lady - attendant. U-IS : . IIATI1S,1IIASSAOC. MMI . POST , 319\ \ ; . S. t'-BG ITU. PINS : 1.1\\ lOS cn\P. it ) lACl.I \ lilh ant SI. 1.harys avenue. Tel\'Ilwue. U-ISi 44) . : : U\ ' IS YO' TIMI : TO 1'1 1 : IJWIOIHD : . . cemitetjhei'cs ; IIRltrul : come nn,1 , 5CC. : I. . Allen . 9Z1 S. : I.t Itr el. U-IS3G lC' :1Jn" ( TO I.O.H IJ.\ ES'i'.A'1'l. ANTHONY LOAN .ND'rlttsT CO. . : S X. Y. Ilr" 1inni . rut low rates rot choice .eeurH In Nebraska & Iowa farms or Omnhn city 1top"TI ) \ \ -ISS : IXI \ TO LOAN AT LO\\'PST nATIH. : ThIn U. 1' . 1)avhs Co" . 15 : Fannm sl. " ' -13 TI GI'Elt CENT - MOI Y To lOAN ON OMui t'ul estate / : . . . faints.V. . it. 1.letltte. W-130 M 10XI Y TO LOAN OX 11110\1:0 : 0 MAi1 , \ prperl ) ' . Fidell ) ' Trust Co. , 10 1.'oran IA1\ W-t MONEY TP LOAN OX IMP11OVLI ) OMh1. \ 1:1"10\ 0:1\1.\ real estate. Brennan L\u & Co. . Paxlon Ilk . . \ CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 61G N. Y. 1.111. - W-49 MO1ITOAGES . G. a. WALI.Adll nnO\N ULK. \\-43 LOANS 0 . : IIPHO\ltl' & UXIMI'nO\'I CITY PtolertY. ' \ ' . Furam South & Co. . 13 : . ' C1T\ . W-l9 - \-49 : MOITOAlt LOANS : 1.0W nAT : S. . J. 1) . ZIttle . 161h and Voul.s , Omaha - PAlM i.OANS DOUGI.\R AND SAIIPY . ITO HAIIY. 10 ) " . ' ' : low rahc. . . Oan'ln llros. . :10 N. ' . 'r . W-l : - - - - - - - - - - - iIiONIY 'r ( ) . . \ . ' " ' 110Xg\ 1.0.\X-CI.\'I"1BI.S. MON 110 : LOAN OX FUHN1TUm : , PIANO' ; ; hots" . . wnon. "I" " . . nl \ eat ratea In city ' ; no lenoval or I."l : strictly confidentIal : you amnunt. can laY the loan off Il any time or II any 031A1 , 110ITO.\aE LOAN ( . , O 8. lClh sl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x-In MOXtl TO 1.OAN : Cl 9G DA8 ; FLILNX- lure. \bnos , clc. Duff Green , room 8 , lurlot : block. X- IUSIgSS CIL\CI FOnTU M.DC IY I'RISINT : D\I : : tIIFSIXT . : ( In tattles. but nt\helc au quickly , IS hy our plan or eue".Cul speculatIon In gratis. 1 Is the best method In use. Our book plains " 1..ell"lol h h ) ' mal tll . ( Sent ttee. ) highest lank r'r'r.nrez. Act qUkkl lallsol Hisheot . 4i Omlll : "I < i. ChIcago. ) . Y-M5613G- POlL 1INT CO.\L Y.\nO , lIST 0"1 : . AN ! SI'auhlng , \ L. Itl8h. yard : clue'ap . with truclage. P. 11. 1vlo. First Natl. hanl 1. wih _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -i87-13 Fen fALI' : . GIo.tn" : . ( ONl'1'TiOIity . fnll stand and restaurant enmuhitnech . In No. \ eastern Nob. 10\ a. Addreas I : s. lice . Y-ISII.1- - - - l'OI l XCL G IQl'J' : IN LAnCU : Tn\CT 01' I.\X ) NEAIO Omaha. WIlI I hate you 10 otter ? ) NJAt . ' . DIO . . . . , . Vale ) : Y. 1.lr. ! llg. Z-IO MAKI . OrFfl : l'On n. i NOTE : I ALSO . liavo ' ti.nni nun IJto\ ) ) ' tn isle for pIano. 1" . 1" . 1tooe Ulaha lUs Ci)1. . 1lh and 1'al'iini. " _ _ _ 1ulam.JIm : - - - - - - WAXT : O TO TnAJ CLhAlt UInO\'I ) city Irlltl ) tU' Inhnpl'"l,1 farm ; ! trill : olre Inrmnhrnl'o S 01' . I.a Y ill ffei'ence. . \ I'I'nt . \I'I'\ Iremtses . . . . 01' write 1.'rp,1 , hhoisen . IZ6 :4. : 12th . _ ! . ! : . , i't. Z-2J7l 1' 1'01 TRAIl : . hAN1iSUMCVILI. . HTOClCtt ) drug shorn In city I or : 'J.IO ( ; wi ItHIp tar g'od cottage In h Omaha 01' Council Ill tiffs. . Iun" , 1 : M , 1 1' . . Z-I : 12' . - SlT.OOd.Oa 1.hlhlc11.NDIsl : 1'01WaD ( 'LILUI 1"\'I"'U1' nnl coals Address I' 2 . H. . - Z-SG6 It' 6.100:1 ( OTT.\l : . I.'IXII.\ Iit'li.T. COST I.'IXII.J'I.T. 111. hattie , In I " I tile for clear 'n"anl 101. < . S\ . Darlhng. list - hr blot - k. Z-ISG 1& i-LJt.'jrv IN 1Ji : ' rlt.t'lc.ta : ' , l'JTlr 'I1\K.\tI I'ltoriIrry : ; 'pnt"r ot touts ; pa'l blol ; small oaNlnl. In'nce ; 10 untie for clear reslIence , hot cl.aT or ho\u . lit \ lint lot F. K. D.lrlnt Uar"er T.sl\ hOoch.7..MtGS " ; - lC - _ . - - - - - - - - - - ) , ' 01 S.\ 1.1nl . \ 1IS'I'TlI . - - - - - - - - - - IIA'ttQAINS. SA1.l < 1 TI.Dn - IX - CITY - - - - - l'ltOi' - - - - . ertes ant Corls. John . . 1"lolzer. ' \ . 1101. . . m- 1MI'Ot'1D F.\111- . c.\m.c" . 123 1.'uTlm st. ILM-Cit.31. IIOMCS : ON r.M4Y PAYMINTS . IIAI1QAINS 10MIH nAR\ \IXT5. In lots. O. G. : \'nlaee. 110\ IAlOAIXS . , lU . VOlt S.ti.i : Oil iNCIt.NUI : . 1:1.IOANT : I'flOl'- tity nl stulJ . .1 cor.r 2Hh and " 1'101. . on easy terms . "r II ta1" Son Francliuvi prop erty In r.hnn ; . 1'10"1) ' Trust coml > an ) ' . Bole agent. 1103 1'8lnanl sl. IU 3)1 IOAflO.tINS. 10'SI S. I.OTS AND FAnMS. sate "r trade. 1' . 1 D"rlna. larker ! Iock IIfl-w3 AUTRACT-TJIE 1\10N HUCD COMl'ANT m- : b'.thtM I.AXDS. C. 10. IrAnfilsoN. 91 N. Y. L. It1-CSt :3 \ ' OMAHA J : . 'I. 1\1'1 WhiCh HAH CO' Ihe owner * Ti,00&ilo WIICU CT ' 1 .oO ; tl\ombl' located . tree train Inrurrnn.e and wni1ucln nt the I'.nt . tIme pucln . an Income Of 13,11) , I. hereby ) ' offered tle $ l.Qtsh.-hrlf $ ofere $ .O.Oh.lr cash balance In one ) ear at 6 tier ernt. " , I.rel E CT . car ot lee . 0111cc . . HC-1Ii71 AT 11lt ) ROCK I'ItICE. LOT % 1. ULOCK II . West End J. III. : trlon. 1111-1.1331 13- 1. - - 810RT'UD T\'I"W.nTI . . A. c VAN RANTS SCnOOL i3N . ' . J.IFJ. l OMAUAl1LhifNEs 'L'.EOE. iSTI . FAINA : \ . \ TJ. ! , ( h1I.TIIS Afl TI1.T ! WOO MANTm. ( JflATV.S. TU.rH Pan nljlac.tlhulp all Isle fntll writs for rIce. Milton nee 8 Son . . Omaha 1 , - - - 3ItMC , AlIT ANI ) L.tXOG. . aconor I. ' orr.LitNnr.ciC : . UANJO AND - guitar teacher. - 1 1 O..S stt.'et D.NJO 11 1.SSoNS : OI'11N IX 011. . WATlm COl.flht Ott china painting. : r. \Ina M. J'ntk. 01.1 Jim. _ - iiP ) ' alrp l. :11-1' - I3I I'JI'"gXT AOUNChlS. . - - - - - ron 1.IS.CI.ASH iir.i.r , UOrLH AND i'RI- Yale ( atntlte . . cnth ( . 'anadhari 0111cc . 1:2 " In. . au m iht'hl.IINfl . \ I LOAN . \SSOCNIJO . 81.\HW IN Ml'TtAL L. & II. . % ItS'N PAY I. , MISN 6 , 7. 8 per cent "h"1 1. 2. 3 'P818 01. . ahs.ays r.leelahl. 1101 1llnal at . Nailnaer . , nl"8) S.c - . " HOW TO UIT A 10Jm on SlCL'iOl : 000 ! Interest on sarhngs. apply In SICUm I. . GOOt . Assui 2704 lIce bldg. a. 1.1. ZCattlnger . I IIG . 1''XIIOICIS. . U. : .10\\11 1.0 , - : > MONJY. US N. lC 0 AT. 21 101SFS % VIN'l'flItlIl ) , \'ANTEI-I1OnSni3 TO W1NTI ; itflST OF care : terms , rpn.onlhl , A. V' . : . 11HT Sits ' : Oi N. Y 1.le "hi ! Te"llhone 10l . S3S-1'25' 10JAI.'INTrUP : : : IHT Ol C.1tFO ANn I It.lthn.1 tnhlo. In . tIme country ' ; hex stalls , . . ' . : nu stiels. Omaha I.'nlr anti , . Spiel I. .h.I. neso. cl.ilon. Geo. : . 8"'IItl , supt. In : < .I"I.honl tl.,1 MII-N n..o. I J. : . 10nSIR \\'IX"I.mU ; IICST 01" CAlm 1".1 horses . hoISt wInter lrST IIHI summer. Ad- dr'sms 1. ! . .1. \\'plrh. iretna Neb. BUnm.r. JI ' 6 AI. UOlHI WI:1 11 : IST 01 ( 'Alt ) ; . 1"01 $1.0 : . NeL. per monlh. Address loPlel' Jrs.'nt.r. . l1 ) . \ , I'ILES CUlmD. I\ A SINOLtI.I'AINTjiSS . lt'all.nl ; no cutting : no I.ll : : no clalp ; In caustIcs. Helnl II. . . . . n specIalty. 10610n Ile Cure Co. . tOT New York Lire buIlding . , 9:9 , 1- iI0'1ILs. AItTNA HOUSn mUnOIIJA ( : ) . N. W. con. _ 131h _ and _ 1)odge. u _ _ _ _ Rooms _ _ _ L ) . dayor h _ wr.l _ _ _ Iii _ TID LAXtE HOTI.I. . 602 S. ISTIS STflIllT . 6 f. 13H RTnbIT. steam heat table boar. ) . $3.00 1er weeL.MI13 w..I.:1 , -:1 J IIN'll S'I'S. : DI. PALl . ! . . DINTIST. . . 2db 0 HUnT ST. 01 ! - - - - - Co. " . . ! U8f SlmmOAX CO.Tlm IEST sorT coal . I'enn. hard cmii prIce Jlarnnl.e < Victor \'hiite. Tel 127. lC05 r.u'nam. 115 _ _ _ h _ . IIUI'.INIOSS : I'I'ICIS. DAMAOrO UUnOIi nrsU.ItD. . i 3 X. m6 16. . . - - - - - u lnt'I.\ hiltS . \U BJ11.\ . ' 11 nS. - - - - - - - - - - - I. K. h1t'flKIT. FT'NII1AL 1)iflnCTOIt ANt - emnt.almci' - - . . - - liS ; - Chicago - - sl. . 1"lc\hole - 9G. 61 SWANSON'Al.hlrC.lTOl cUllING. TEL. . 1060. GIS _ _ - _ _ _ _ i-0 : . JAUI. - - . i'N1)URTAIChlt - - AND MM- A"D bslmer. 147 I"ornam at , telephone 2 : & 1 11Y , \XU ( alAIX. UU\ YOUR HAY \ TON Oil ( \1 LOTS. Wg Iuy limmy. A. H. 81)'Jcl. 151. UII I st Tel. & 1107. . . I.ISI' ( LtS'l' , 5'S' m.nN.\HO JIITCII. Im-HX TO 1ZO 8. 2ilh sheet nod receive rewatil. Lost-MSIO.1j' ; j' i i I "I.ii , 'I' . . INSTHUMI'NTS ' : placed on record November S 9. 1895 : WAnnAN'ry DMEDS. Ii Peckhnm end wife to C g 11111 . lot 12. J block 2 , Van BClrln He/lls. JI. $ S I I harder une wife tu Gu Pepron. / B 40 feet lols 1 nncl 2. block 1. stibdls' or J 1 fledick's arId. . . . . . . . sullv . . . . . 2.8 QlIT CLAIM D RnS. I C Pnler on anti wife 10 ] I I'ntter- lion . w lot 7. block 17. Omaha. . . . . 2 :1 G PaleT-on and husband to same , tame ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Wlllm 1ulowl ) ' and wife to I' : M lnrrole. lots S unit 9 h , Oklahoma ahd. 1 1)EI'DS. Special master 10 Omaha Loan nml Trst company . lot 4. Snnnside ! aLld. . 1. ' Snme 10 I. ) : Mormie lot I. I block 4. Du : Pont Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Same lu H ; ( Jon" lot G. block G. Van .10 Camp's 111,1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Same 10 J ; 1 Franela , lot 17 . block 20 , W Hanscom Plnee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20) Sam" to Llhiwocal ' , , IllwoOI ParI Inn,1 company , lots Ii and 7. IJlo.l , U . lot )2. block ' 2. 1.lnwool park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ilocl. . . . . . . . . Sheriff 10 :1 C LiIlm . 51xl32 feet In se : : ne G.I-13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Total amount of . . . . . . . . $ _ : - - - " WHITE STAR LINE. t'nl.,1 States anti loyal 1.tnIl Steatnetit . Saln ! ( r . Nesv \1IN:5lys ns fottow : Atlrtnte , 2) Nov 8:30 : 11 1'lonlc , 4 ic. rolows . Germanic . 21 No , ' , . 2 1 > 1lllnnnlc. ( 11 I..c. . . 2 pm al Saloon passage . * ) and upward . pa."J" S , H.rn.1 Hhln , $30 ant UlIivtirJ UI"Ird. . Steerage asaage . $16 and upsm'nrd ! rnftti IIU'Ill. , on l.mnll & everywhere In Great Itri . ' to Its : \11 ldnn,1 sell ut lowest ral"l . For inspectIon or IliIiS . Of Inl\"cllon 1.IIns Ir Icnl"ts and ni' furlh.1 ( Ilrolnalon nPII ) ' to local agents or ) 11. I.\ITLAND In . lc\ Agh. 29 1'\ar. X.Y . N AJI.I : ( X. ( i'm \\"N Act. \ . _ _ _ .Ei _ ' fOTI CI.\IIK STII T. L'lllC.tGO. - - - - . RAIL WAY rIME CARD Leaves llUJtl.JNJTON 1.10. -HI . \ ' . Arrives. I.HI \'j.\rrh'es : Omaha Ulion Jelot. 10th & MamonSta . Oiriiihia lG.lum. . . . . . - . tenv'r Mxpress . : . . - . . - . - . ' : Olllhn 9:40am : I 4I'm.ll.11. :0itmi. : : : . . ' . . . . . . . , lent . 1.0' Ionl. ci' & ' IU&.I . . Sn' . . ! . 1.4:0\0 9:1 : : : .X.htu.lu ' al CeM'ol.t ) . . 7 :43umm . . . . . SUlllnr : HPI ; B :1m. : 1.lneoll 1.11 ( except Sunlayj. . . : . : :151.m..FI.I ! Mall ( ( for Lltonln tunla ) dal ) . . .l.ol : Lt.4tis1rhi1CAi3PffLfljT5a' . AmtTr Omahnilnlon Depot , 10lh & Motion Sis. Artve & 4 : I.nl. . . . .Chicago Ye.Uule. . . . . . . . . . 9 'I um. . . . . . .lhtn&o Ixpress. ' . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 : : : OUI 7'liflt..rtcago & Ht. l.ute . . :11 > 1 7'lm. "uls Ixiiais. J , . .C.\I"uao ! . 8 ' } 6:00am : : . . . . . . . . ' . 'I.r. OOal 1 ; um. .lal'Uk . .Iunctul LO(1 . . . . : - - - . . . . . . .1..1.1 Mail. . . ( . . . . . . 2:1011 5:30PI Lc'iutes jlII\OU , 2ihL. , , Wi' . PAI'I..tArl" , , OmahatJnionJJejot , . IGlh . Olaha & MboltS. ' Ommihia COpl.---.Chlcnlo : Llmll1.- : . . . . . . . Omlha 9:30am : 11:00am. . . .Chlcago MxIesa ! .Jlx. ( HUla ) ' ) : . _ _ 5:2pmn : . - i..eic , Ittli AutO & ? O1tT11 - - ' - , . - " - . - - 1.\ 1.1CIIAOO & X01TIW" ' ' ' OmtiaUiiIoii Depot , 10th & " 8'"N'IAth'es . . ! 10 : ' .m . ; : : . . . F1.ler I'xpr.s.- . : 5 4 2U1mm..eatibuled LimIted. . : . . . 9 :3111 : : 6&Satis..Mo. Valley Llnled. . . . . . . . 10.351ni :20.ln . " . . . . . . . : I.I > n..Omaha _ Chicago 1."nl..10.3\m . : Leaves . ! ( 'hilC.tOO , 11. 1. ' ' ' . & Ornahmat'nion , IACJ'IG/Atl'C / Omlhal'nlon D."ol lGlh < Matson St.j Omoha _ _ _ UST. : _ _ _ 1Iam..Atlantic : : " . . Express ( . , . ex. , : : ; , . . . \tuntC"Pt.s " . ! . SunIayj . . . . . . . . . G,351t : . . . . : 4 :4tpnt. : ! .Chiteago : . ! lhul.1 Llml"I. ; . . . I : llpin ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \\1:81. 6:15nt.0IRhoma" : Texas Mx. ( ex. . . I 8un..10&am . . . . . . . . . . . " I'm.- ' , . .Colorado . 1.lmlc. . . ' _ ' .Wpm 1.eat'es , c HT. 1. II. Ri O. Arrivas \tlh'8s Omaha Depot , 1lh nne \\'ebuuer Sts.omalet ' : . . . . " Accommodation . . . . . 8:101..810u" Cly . . 1 : ! : 'pm..Sloux City : \ccommonton. . . . . 8:11'1 Ie" ( . CI . cx. Suni .Ii:5.imn : . . . . . . . ) Inll lx\rc. . . . 8un..1:5''ln . . . : , Leaves , I. . . . E & MO. " Ai.Ll. . lArrivea Omahal O OtmOt.lt0iaa4 "AI.L"IAth'e . nn.I..r fll. ? : llptn..Past Mail and L'xpreaa . . . . . . : : lgll..I..1 . ( . . Mnl . < . tx\/ . . : : ; " " IGIm.lrx. Sil.)0. ) 1x ( . . Mon. ) . 4:5i'ns ' . . . 101. 9:0em. .Xotrolk EtlirebI . : I'n : Ie" ( Sundar . . . .pr. ) . .I0Mam ' . . . . . . . . . . . .10:3'al 6:10pm : : . .St. _ ! .aulU"I.re6. _ . . . . . . ' _ ' _ . : : n l.e < \'eM I J C. . 81' J. & - C' . U. lAn'i ' Omahn Unlol D.pol. IGlh & Mason SI. . / . . Omaha 9.lSam..Itansas CIty ' ; - . . . .Jan.R-C Yla ) lxpre ' ' 5:10pm : n 9f.I'm.K : C. Night ix. \'In U. P. Trans. 1:30 : O I.eares I MISSOURI l'ACIFIc . ' lAiii' MISSOUR Omaha , ! ) ShiOt . 161h and IACU'IC. \\'e.t.r Ste p Omaha ii53iii'.t. . : LouIs : xpc , . . . . . . . . . . . Omah1 6 ; 9:3)ptu..t. : Louis 1.I.re" . . . . . : o : 3l0psn..mI.NebraskaLocale,5 _ ( . ) . . . . OO0iun : loaSIOUX CITt' ' l'ACIF1t. IArriv Om.hn Vopot. ! lh and'ebster5s. . . . Omaha , : ( . . . . . . . ' . - PattI - LhmIte' ! . . . . . . . Omah 9. : : 1 . 'eves 1 flIOIJX CiTY & t'ACIPIC . t.trrirta OlahaUllo"1 ! iC 4 Mason $ te. ' Omaha . m'--.810u' City ' . . . . . . . 4:20pm..hit : . ' _ 1.lulLlmled. CII' 'Ia.onler : : IGp ! 11 Leave. UNiON t'ACIFIc. - JArrivea 'NIN Omaha UnIon Dipgt . 10lh 6 Mason Sts.J "rrlYe 9iCam ; . ; . - : : . .ICearney . Expreiss. . . , . . . . . . . . Olaha : 2Ooiirn..Ot'erlan.I . . " . : : so 2:01.1. . . . ' . . .O\.rlun.l J..I.c. . . . . . . :3G'm : , : ( ) llu.Deat'ce & Sltoma ' . cx. . Sun. . ) ex. .1 ! .I2oun : . SUI. 7:00101..I'aetflc Mapress : . . . . , , . , hOZlamn 5:41pm , . . . . .laOLo . . . , . > "s. . . . . . . . . . . ,105,1 : , - - = = - - - Leaves I WAlAl1 - ItAll.WAT. - - ' - jArrivrs - TAH.\AT. IArrl" Omaha Union V.pt , MuSh I Mason BI..r ( Omaha Tbopm..ILotsL . Canon Dill. . . . Omah ' : S61 ) . } . : . 't . . . . ' " . ; EEt . : .r : - : : ( Troubles . of Shorty - Stubbs :1. : . , -j The .tlps nld DOWIKor Wnhno' ! Unlucky Mnn. ! ; , . t Martn Orln In St. I.oul , HIHlhk , ' o l [ BS Et : ( 1 ( : . ( ( ( - "Talking nbont U luck ) . men , " remarked the colonel as hI blew gently Into a glae of hot whisky an.l ! tle tainplCl some of I frol a email spoon'I ( guess lie ( 105t 1111' fortunate cm/ I ever ltrsew was Shorlf Slubbs of \\'nhmGo Nb. i \I "This Shorty Stlbb lacked about two Inches of being se\11 feet tall and he was a hiving picture of hard luck , I ) the chile of which the 1m WIlD hid nothing to pat for four days and WI then rUI over bf 1 tile wagon faded lulo the most InsignifIcant III- slgnllcanc" . From constant slooplg In dodging low doors Shorty had blcome the posscssor of I hump on his hack that would make Ihl t famous doubll-humpHl romelarr , of the far eat ashamed of hillmIsetf. Ito got so used 10 ducking his nut when goll In a door 10 matter how high I was that he i use to remind me of 1 goooe. You know I geese wi alwa's dodge his head when he Is going under a gall or a fence no l ter I the tot ) raIl Is Ilue fel' ! train time ground. 1 was time same way with Short ) lie used 10 dudge. I retiicmber . going In Iho door of time poslofce at Wahoo and he couhlu't have rlacled , Ihl tel ( of It with 1 hauler. "At the tune I l nlon of IcowlnJ Ihls Shorty Stubbs I was teaching the oung Idea how 10 shoot In n ' 'deNtrlcl school In n sl- telent about six mils frm W'ahoo. The Inhabitants of this setlemenl were exeei1- , Ilgl ) Illmlh' " In theIr ways . The m.n worl vests made out of Brussels cOrpt-wimlchi . I see . arc quii fashIonable amoug young swells Its the ccun'r nowadays-nilti leather coats. Titer ) USI.l . to fasten their . coats with hooks and eyes and they weren.tn ) of those ' sos thnt hUII" hooks ali eyes. either. The cus- tom "macled of thf PrehIstoric ages when mln only wore clothes they ) ' could gel on and off easy . but I has its ndvlliages. "I was out 11 this settlement a ) 'Iar. and no one In I ever go a letter llurhlg thnt ( hue . or sent one oIl. We hind , n sushI service consisting of a man and a lion to and from Wnhoo . every week. All the stuff he carried was . laundry-my lauldr ) I us,11 to crud 1) ' shirts Into Wahoo wIth hIm ' dirty wlh on Monta ) arid he would brIng 'em back cean 01 Fri- do ) Some weeks he woul'ln't car ' anythIng at all . al. "The first 1mI I ever let this Shorty Stubbs was anI nIght at a country dance given In a dugoul. This dugout was buil Into time sIde of a hIlt . partly , alHl PartlY out on the prairie. Such a I'ut ' of I asas nol walled hy the Inside of the bill Waf wale hy sods. A ood. active mal could han Jumped over tie exposed part without having to double hIs ICS l\l r him 10 all ) ' con8ld. .rabID extcttt. I Iememhcr I got there carl ) escorting a young wornaim who SOle years afterward commllcd suicIde I ) jumpln oft thin brIdge between Omaha and Connc I BnUI ) The Itowd gathered slowly . nnll after awhlf the dugout was " ful of p1011le lint ( hre\h. ; lug room WS8 nt n premlul and a slumber ot those present adjourned to tie barn . which was a comforlahu and commodious frame structtlre one story .Igh and about eleven feet square Just as lie ( orchestra . which con lplel , of otto fiddle . trmick UI' the Olnln quadrIlle . Shorty Stubbs arllved wIth his wIfe , a woman whpse ' face anti general ap- pcarancl \ CII warant hl arrest on sus- plclon ot Intent to .dlstulb the peace In any communIty. The dhar was really ahout tWo ft too low for Shorty nHI the roe was bnt little hIgher ; In fact. it was n close shave tar any medhmtm-ohzed mOo to cavort nrounc II a country dance undqt that roof and keep from locklng his braIns out Shorty bent almolt douhle as he entered the door anll then straightened tip suddenly and his head hilt th roof n smash thai sounded \w a bah . of cotton fling Into the hold of a steamIot. After that h. walcd around hike with bloody Jookhtsg arount lke a man wih n ) nose loolcl > for a 5roclC 1 to throw at' ' the person that ' . " ocnnteti 10' Shorb' mashcd hIm' He "nntet waltz did . and he IrLed 'I , b ut the - position ' he assume - sume made the proceeding oxtrsmely 01111- cult and tryIng on the general enjoyment of tie occasIon. lIe reminded me of a boat going through a canal steered Iy a drunken Pilot. He would back against the sldl of the dugout anti , make a dent In lie wal nat a malt could hIde I tuI In. Then he would steer under n ful head of steaul . In an op. 110sle dIrection all WIHI up at the other sldo ot the rOOI i)3 ) ' sitting his partner In the lap at bome Innocent anti Inorendlng speetalor. Finally the mater was nrranged. "In one corner of the room there was what the InhabItants called a 'taler hole . which answlred time purpose of a collar. This 'Inter hole was about lour feet square and three feet deep ant was covered wIth boards. Shtorty In his mad career . uprooted these boards wIth hIs generously proportioned , feet and felt In the 'talel' hole. with his prtnor. Slit escaped injury . IJI ! Shorty tore the whole rear elevation out of hl ; palls. Ito lutched It Up. howe\'er. nnd. thereafter during the evenIng . lie and his 11ariler waltzed In the 'Ialor hole. True , he had to ' .pEI , ' as they sly on the flowery which means , bplnnlng 'round and 'routid In one iIace . hut the situ- aton was acceptable 10 hInt because I ai- hewed , him 10 stand UI' slral hl I was also acceplhlo to hIs vartners. One of them a woman who waltzed with Shorly bclore the 'toter hole sap was covered and then waltzed wIth him In the 'talpr hole. said the change wal just loycl ) She said that when cango was walzing wlh her out among the other ) wal ers. bent over with hIs chin on her shoulder she conll sight along his back clear down to time tail of hi cot and felt 1,1 she wan dancing wIth a cannon. "I hecame a whole lot Intere.t(1 In this Shorly and managed 10 get aC'nalntel wlh him. He Was 1 pecular man to talk 10. At every unuslul noll1 he used , to dodge , as' ' though he WI afraid somelhlno was going 10 hit hIm lie had n Ilecular sOrt of a voLe that sounded like a fat mal carrying a couple 01 Impt ) baslet ! through ; a dark narrow hal all letting Ihem scrape. As he laleed he would put his right leg over his left ali wag his foot-five beats to the right and heft and f\'t beats up and down. lie would also lock the lingers of hIs hantls over his stDmach and twist his Ihnmbs one over the othel' . Whel Il was talking fast he wOlld twirl them toward the front but when he was takIng slow he would reverse and twIrl them bsckwnr.l , toward himself. I got the history of 1mb. life ont of him In sections and filled out I ran something like this : "ShorlY was her back In Pennsylvania and Oi the day of his bIrth he weighed about four pounds and could have ben well shaken alound II a pint bottle. ) II had , dlrng his haI'hood. everthlnl In the ealelllr of Ill- ness and fell off eVlrythlng he climbed on. Defore the age of 12- hits bad broken both his . onci . ' and once Drills twice enc Paratelf 6Imulaneousl ) ' . WJl he was 11 year old he WaS a thin , puny kid about , four feet tall I and hit father use0 roar at him because he waan't strong enough 10 do the work of a hired ) isoali. . . 1 "When he wag n. . : ear old It was the general opinIon of the neighborhood that be was growing smal r , . lld tie commlnts on his Inslgnllcant appp4rance so riled him that he Ietermlnell tl slimy 11eople that be was willing to work Y . he was not able 10 throw 1 horse as too of the other farmer boya did. It waa ' In threshing time he reached this detesrnlmiatton . and threshing lachlles ant tovlnm bljidors were just corn- log Into use. IWln ejUpned his father to be allowed to cut bals , Qn the threshing ins- chin ! and his rel ! I , was granled. ThIs cuttIng of bands COm6tS ot standing up on a platorm on the slJtlf the machfne hear " " the "teether who shoves or hJeon the grain In . amid ctlttlflg the twine banll around this hunlles of Clltng ' ' " ith a sharp knife. I Is rapid work and . .sornewhiat dangerous If the knife Is .bort. 'he first throw out of . time box Short ) made 1 desperate jab al a hUldle and mused It. lie made anolher jab and mls" d It agaIn. Ills father who was the Zestier reached over and got the hunrle just a8 Shory wa making lila thIrd jab and Shorty cut his fathers right hand off . Shortly after that Shorty's mother got struck by a raIlroad trtn whsiio.on her way to town In I wagon and they had I bury her by prox ) Then bls father mortgaged the farm to buy a gold brick and felt so bid about I that he threw himself Into the only good well thee was ' 'lhln five miles , and . they never could tnd the body . ThIs left' ] Shorty an orphan and bankrupl. and the 1elghbor. feelIng rather Bore at him b. csuae Ills rUIf Ipoled the well . refused to take care of him and lured him over to the cnty supervisors , who In hurts . bOlld hll out to a farmer. Short sl"Jod with this man until he was 21 year ! oitl . all the time small and . tme smll thin and .carti teoklng. On - - . _ _ . 'I his 21t birthday ha ran away antl hired out to a f.rmer In a neighborllg cOlnt . Then ho began to . aM he ) bl groaM grew so 111rn fast Ihst he hatl glOIlg pains all time time. was of liD Ue 10 lrohcsiy . and COihIihIi't kN'1 Illmllf In clothc . lie shoplsI gro111 " hen he was 2. ; anti lien Joilell a cIrcus . traveling for two years as the Irish Giant . The circus went UII the fume In \'ahmoo. anll Shorty stnl Ihere. Ill ] SIX monlhs' time he had lost hll' right ti' ha\'II. it lot 1)1 ) hiavimg 1 shot out by I cra ) cost hoy. broke this leg 1) ' falling , 1110 ( the only cellar lIt town . alil married the homele.t woman In the MIssourI "ale ) ' . lint Ialll ! mititilas. lie hail . been larrled children five years . \ lien I got there . amid had oust' "Sholl ) ' was really a good nSlurr,1 man. . hilt Iho fhltmty t mail . uf life he hail beets drag : tl along hjl , I ICI\llnc ) ' 10 sour huts. 00c1810n81) his good Inlure and hitimoromit' tl . lsllol wOI"1 crO011. . with tl mast heartrellnl resthIts. Shorty Ised 10 hang around . doing oohcl jobs and being a very \owor(11 man. his slflces WPr' In demnd Ilrol ) generally. but Ilco\e ! that hlrd him walched him careful ) ' 10 t. 1 that he dldn't . break ( \'er.thlnl he 6et his hands on. There ii aim a four 11 In the town In.1 . Shertf's Hen'lcs wlre greatly appreciated ! Ihele when grll was mO\lg In from Ihe cOlntr ' . He coull carry lore \ eIght anti 1f I further Ih81 any man In Walwo. Its \llnler. when \Iolk was slack the boller-roomsu of thl' mil \Ias Shsorty' fn\'orll loafing 11lnce. lIe he- ( amt frIendly wlh Ihl englner. who I\'al' also the fleetnisis . and was occasionaly allowed - lowed 10 throw coke In this ftsrtiace. One (1S3 ' ito engIneer. hnvlng samlthln In sight 111 lowu. went nway. heaving Shorty In ( -chnrge. wih Inslruetons 10 keels 1 tht steam at a certain fgur ! No sooner hind he If the mi Ihan Short ) begati turning every screw antI cock In the snfrhlnery . altO Ihl first thhimg hI knew hp hal tllscomssictc. . ! lie ( pllon rod. and the flywheel was spinning . I around Ihrlgh the air about 9.000 revolu. tons to time rniiiulte. Of clurse . Shurt . "Ilng n WISI man , made his exit forlhwllh. Then the pellle of the town bgmsis to galher aronnd Ihe tour ( misill . and when the engineer got back Ihe loose plslon roth . In Its lal career hall b31ered 10wn the boiler- house anl was Just beglnlln 10 lal1 a fail Olt of time foundatIons , of the llke ; btack. I cost $ ; 10 repair the .Iamage. When Shorly was aslell hoI hapPI'"ell ise said he had heard 11. ( who was the engineer . complaining ahout the way the engine \ ns runnIng bit. . and he Iltght 11.1 fix her ( a "That episode queered Short ) In the lown. so he got a job wih a man who was rnnnlnr 3 hue of supply wagons from Omnha nut Inlo the wids ot Colorado. This was before the : days oC railroads In Nebraska . altO the freightng business wn' booming. "Short ) got a job thriving n team of horses drawing fooll and oi her stuff ou 10 Ihl mining camps Ind the day he heft homo on his first trip they . made a pool In the poj- 051cc . In which everybody put a dhne munch a guess ns to what would hap 1 10 bliss time man regIstering time right guess 10 take time 1iot. Nobody won I. for strange 10 relate. Shorty went clear to Colorado anti , back ant not a timing hn(11 ned 10 him. We frur ( l that he would certainly hose one of the horses bul. as I remarked Iso fooled us. Two day" after his return he steered ass Into the local frewale forwarding depot and I know from time way he acled that he hall Eon1lhln of W8) ! more titan ordinary Imllorlance ( 10 coinmuni- ) onto. lie forgot to duck his head going II tw ( door. We put a couple of drlnls where Ihe ) ' would do U8 lie 10st barm antI then ) Shorly unbosomed himself. 'Ily crlmln ! ' ) Sa3'S Shorty . 'I'm Ih' owner of thO gtgan- Icklst scheme lint ever growl In Ih' brain at martal man. I Idehet thO Idee on lY way out 10 Colorado or . 111111r after I Iltl there. You leow whll I bates here I tlee alolg a cat. unbelcowlsl 10 me . fur lb' WI of a gun hiI In Ih' freight an' lever makes hlssel npparlent tel we ! Its away oMit Fort KearnI ) wa ) I feeds thIs cat an' ( tick cart lat ho ovatt1t pestered porte an' time I ' readies Slmann i 'ho's big an' fat nn' fit 10 blg light nnybody. Out In them there sitosin- tayneouB deeslrlcks they Is se\'crl miion of ( Ih' biggest dogon rats you ever see. They're blgger'n a jack rabbit au' hungrllr'n 8 imlroil man. ' 'ho1 cat ait'ttming frm a copper bler to the haIr or'l a man's head. Th' foot thing I knows the"s a feler offers me $10 fur that there cat nn' like a bloody eejlt I sels him not knowlis' the bilos condItion of thO cat market out there which ought had run thO prIce or that there feline up to $ W. Inside flggeron. ' . "After giving me tIme to properly 111.1 th tale heal telng me . Shorty grew snore cnfldentlah . and Infonlpd 1" that his scheme was 10 rcolr thin cuntr ) ' around 'ahoo for cats and take them to Colorado for s.ale lit' realIzed that he would have 10 get lute Ih ( ' market quick before 80mo other fnsuclli ge11ns got onto the ochoine . a 11 started at 01100. lu 1\0 weeks ; hI had the greatest 101. lecUon or Illnlght vocalists corralled out In J barn back of his house that ever hilt \Vahioo. He had cats of both feXIS and every color from creme de mlnth to mIlk Ilunch. Il bud a wagon built with thrle tier. . of cages on I. and In these cages lie loaded Ole corgo of this- tUlbanco morning and btarteol cut to one moring slartld ropu- late Colorado with rat destroYlrs. lie tonic along a commissary deprlment and plolised , when he left that he would pay every cent he owed In town al soon as h" got haele. This assertion gave everybody In town I personal anti . I might Ply. a linaticlal . Inlerest In his \'elurl. ant bo was wished all sorts of good luck. I was certainly greet sclll ( Sitorty was manIpulating. and would have redounded to his credit If It hal gone through but I didn't go Ihrough. Shorly's Ilodoo stuck to him like It was riveted. "It "asn't long before Shorty was back In \Vahioo. lie walked Into tOSVtl looking ai : thought ito had been having n collar and dbow bout with n scrap Iron cutler . Two of his rIbs were hroken anl he was other\ bruite.'d anti batero . I seem9 ho had gotten along 113 I man going to a wedlng , unl h. struck the Platte river and attempted 10 ford It at a place called Cedar 19Iand. I was raining when he got to the bank and the cats \ t ore very qUiet lie fed them before he started across and made the ford 11 right 10 the leland. After leaving the lslartil . for It WLS only hilt way nCr05 ! lie ran . Into a b11 place sod the first thing be Iwt\\ the wagon and the horst welo Ilnlelng In qUlclsn.l. . Its lashed the hon's and swore at ( item . but the ) ' kept going In worse and worse. Suddenly the wson careened over to the right and upset , failIng all over him. How hp got out ho could never tell . bnt when he came tu hc was lying on the hank of the island and the , horses and cats were out o { sight. Then bl' took lila surrowfnl way Ilomewall ] "For several months alter lint he was sIck . In fiuct his whole family was cIck. anti right I when he was lowest hits wlfo gave hlrlh to a couple more twins ant It look four doctors to pull her through. When Shorly was able to get around he found himself \ounderlng In a financial his slough of tnanclal despond away imp to neck As \on as he could he got his old job of driving a freight wagon alsO staled out again on Iho. ( long trip to Colorado. lie was afraid of the Cedal' Island croslrg and went around hy another route. "Along about Thanlesgl\lng time lie hap- poled to be home anti was gh'en n job by a local horse dealer which consisted In taking a couple of saddle horses 10 I man dov'n In Lincoln. What made him do It I don't know . but on his way bade he drIfted nrolli 10 Ibo vicinIty of Cedar Island and the Inclnatoll seized him t go over and 1ake 1 look at the Place . where lie had the accident. lie got onlo tIme ISland all right and then lie got off again . the worst scald maD this aide of the Hoclles. No loner had hI set loot on the Island lul he was attacked by what he claimed was a collection of some 7.000.000 wild cals. ThlY scralched and bIt him anti he swore after he got back to lawn ( list they would have eaten him np I be halln't thrown hlmeslf In the rh'el' and drowned sOle 200 or 300 of them When he got to shore he began to do some fguring and finally came 10 the correct conclusion that the animal list ( had attacked him were hh awn cats and their natural ] progeny ; the cats he supposed were contributing to rile sit and make snappy to drInk the waters ot the pellucid Platte . "Now Shorly knew that the Idea ot getting these cats and selling them In Colorado was not feasible al that time , because somebody else had got ont Sborly's game anti gone through with I and tie state of Colorado WI largely populated Iy eats . But II evolved snottier scheme . which \\4 to kill all the cats on the Iblnd , akin hens and float the hides on a falboat to Omaha where Ulero was a good market for thorn. Ito unfolded .hl sclemi when lie . got back to lawn and a - " 'hnll crow.l . of tS 111termlnCt to Join In anti help him In time proposed s.ilaiighter . " "Shorl Iud no gun 1 ( ho borrowed one frol a .horlklr In to1. . wlo was only I about three feet tail . allot 'n called Jim the 013uI That afternoon hfT" ilrncUcll osith the gun , shooting at : mark , nod on the reo oul shot . his anns ben : ! longer thnn thp ( br. tel of time gun . he got 1.11 . left thumb over the IU7lr ald hot It off. That night . while hf % vas pick In bti his mitt Wil bll. nursing hi Injurell mit. a lule tsrloisgjmmg 10 a mieighsbor wandered over on the ref of Shorty's titmgtiut foil throu/I RIII h\t,1 1 Oi a bet its , which all thl t Ihlhlln I WPo plelllll . slrlouI } ' InJurlnr two of thlt anti painfully injuring limo others. . The mule WIS killed and time misaim \ ho 0\ nod hIm aflcr. wanl oiled Short ) . for tIm value of tIme 811m34 claiming that Shorly wu guilty of negilgeisce. "Thl series of acehlul ! t9,1 , ! I1s.CCtAC 1 lio'thrnnemucnt of the ( cat titlist anti I WI ! nearly n Ilnll lfol0 got 8tarll1 1 SlIces there % were fifty or tmmore its tts hientO' . and u c' vcr0 arnieti sttii all sorts of we'.opomm , ' , and happy Ill ( lie anticipattoti of a regumliur eatumrmmalla. 'Flit' oea'ini Isati tseen ovarns amid very auth Sunny flguurmi that ( iso thur oh tiiest' cats would be Ollispi ) Oitt of sight tot' skinning purposes. FInally ve got along Cotiam' is.la'ut way , antI then tratuspireil eaiiot'- thing that capped this ciiiia'c ( of Shorty's' mnislortuitics.Ve foutiii t lint ( ho I'latte. aching to it vay it hind sontetnmes. ! , hiatt changed Ito course' , amid Cedar iaamsd was ito longer sin Ishnel , lint as flue a little istiumuils as ) 'oti ever situ' a j.lctmirt' of iii a gesgraltIy. ( flwery eat htad cecaped ems dry land , heavimig not a trace behtirmil , . , I left \'i'uiimno shortly after that auth tmet'er ssw Shorty Stuibts again. I thu hear , though. a few yearn later , that tile wife was continut' lag to increase : iii&l timiih himly , anti that Shorty hail it''n nrrtn'teil and i'ist to jaIl for fahltimg through a winmiow. I don't think tie's tlcd yet , bpcaiis , sittmmpl ) ' , that It w uiuhi he the luiekIe ( thiimmg timat could imar.pei to Imiims If lie % ould die. I guem.i , take hIm all aromimmol , ) ' ( ) il could le.is'c' iiiiii at ( lie POSt amsd tImt'is lie vouiiti bent out. mlii ) ' hmoodooeoh asais ( lint ever hap- peuied. " The body must lii , tvctl itoumrlsbel hOW. to prevent sLlcmmes. . If your appetite Is poor ( aloe hiooui's Saroaparilhis. - CltliA'h'I'Itl.Iul OP I1.tlIl'V. I'eriitiit 'Iuss. usia , ' teiut red lsli 'I'rniis ( if ( 'liiursueti r. I once hcriev a ssian-atiui to time best of tim ) ' knowledge un is In ( lie land of time living yet- who hind comitractemi ( tic remttrkiiiio habit of faiiummg asleep III a standing positioiu , sti's a gossiper iii ( lie New York News. There art' other tumemm iii this city svhit have cqtimmhly odd vays of doing timIngs , Tlvre recently illeil In this cIty a woman is'hto had Its sonic s'ay contracted ( lie tmnfor. tuiluito habIt of swraring. Simo misoved lit the very best society , hiatt a large acqualntauice atumomig ( lie first people of tutrope ammO Amer. Ica , ammO was recognized as a social leather iii both cutiimtries. Yet whenever sue was laboring under arm ) ' great wctteimseimt site iVOtliml gIve vetit to a volley of oaths that was sun ply a hmia Ill hg. Sue its eaii t mmoi uI a g by It , It iie a habit iviiieit shioc'ked her own semmac of propriety even issore ( bait it diii that of others , but it hell her a shave througliouth her lift' . Slit' struggled against It for years , yet wimenever time ocCasiiits arose it lisastereil hi or. or.Tisero is a cotninuiter os-s tue New York Central % Ito has becomsie tli victim of a iservous. habit that Ic , conatamstly getting 111:11 : Into trouble , It can be beet oloscribeil as mu qumick jerking of time heft arni outward fromu time 5bhp. lie lives at Spimyteim ltivvli , atmii it freqimetitly lmappeni that hmcfore time traums reaches thmt otatlols ( lie cars are so crouded ( hint he Ia obliged to ttuitc it seat witit a has- sengci' tiext to his twitchIng ants. I m'enmelto- her sitting mmuxt to him once. when hits nudged mite In thmo rIbs so 'iolently tImtit I , vhio know nothing of hits aflhictioni , became greatly in- ccnsed at wimat I sumluimosed was "pure cussed- ness" on imis imart. " \\'hat thu you umean b3' poking ate in that rnaiittor 7" I aokeii angrily. "I'ardois hliC , sir , " hoe atinwered with crlmos- sonissg face. "I f yeti it ill allow mime to cx- chammge scat witis you , I wIll vromnsioe to animoy . you no nmore. " I gave hihmo ltiy seat , witicts himippeneti to be .jtt'xt the wIndow , anti it was not long bafor iie sent hut ehhmow jerking throuigis time glass. Time habit of reading a chapter or two of come favorite authmGr before retirIng to bed ts one that is. very prevalent among mets of a literary tstrls of mind , It seems to be a kind of iimtehlectumal ' 'nIghtcap , ' ' wiilcbu they momust tahoe to induce slumber. it matters riot at clint hour time victIm of this habit retire ; it nsay be at 3. 4 or 5 o'clock in ( lie morning- the ) ' Itlimot tie a certain munioiiiit of reading be. fore they cami comispose thmemnselves to sleep. Yet It is a habit ( hat omno ivonid think cotmhmi be easily broken. On thm contrary. overt a mats as strong willed as htoscoo Conkhing en- deavnred to break it iii vain. it 1550) ' sotinui cynical to say that tlsono who are said to die of a broken heart are iii almost every case ( lie 'lctimns of a very pernicious - nicious iirubit. The trutiu Is that times' sihsilly nurse their sorrow tmmmtil grIef hmas becommie a habit with thomom. Thteui , ovhen it is too late. time ) ' fiuti ( hint they conhmot shako It off. Time natural consenhmiencto is that time Inhimul affects the body. A case of this. kitsul tvithlis my own knowledge was that of a young girl whose hover jilted her. For noontime slit' woutld see nobotiy , declnrimig tisat liar heart was broken , amsil that idie 'as only waItlmig time mutimnonoims of deatim. I ier lmareimts imul. innu'Cii her , atmd alma was us a faIr va ) of dying of wimat would have undoubtedly been considered a 'broken heart. " FInally the famiully ( lector gave tier a tremnemmdoue scold. 1115. lie told her timat it was her duty to wait night and ( lay 01)015 her ageml snothmer , who hind been brought to time imriimic of the grave U ) ' her folly. Tue girl tonic the Itu'ou to heart ammO absimmioned tIme habit of imurs- ing her grief to ndnsimilatet' to the miupposecl needs of her mother , Another Insatmco ( apropos to this lsalmit Is that of a ss'ehi known New York mercisaiot vhio , hmavimmg lost ais only soms unmolor I'ery moitrimful chi'cmiinstances , gave way to incea. snnt grievIng. Ills friends shook tlseir hmeaiia anti whmispere'l ( hint the poor snari was ehowiy dying of a broken heart , One slay lie lisp- tidied to go into tIme olflce of a gas coimspsmsy to pay a bill , when Im was struck with time weary look of time cleric whio receipted It , anti abruptly asked : ° ITou"hong is it since you have had a lmoliilay ? " "Thmrea years , sir , " anowered time over. worked man , Oii ( Ito fohiowing mornIng ( hue other em. itlores. of the otlice s'ere asttmnishted to see a miew clerIc Its their comrade's 1)1100. ) Tue aor- row-otricloen sian hmd pitt mn time cleric's liar. floss , aimd lie ltore It for three misonthie. At ( lie end of that timito two regeilerated ammul isappier sne agalmo cltangstl places ; ( lie clerIc with a bloom on isis cheek , and the eorrow- strIcken fatiser immensely iniprovad by the cniforceil duty whmIcis hind broken up the habit of grief , vimich uouiid stmrely have brought hum to ( lie grave in a short tiimse. The Powerttmi episode in Dickenis' "Tale of Two Cities" of oiml Dr. Manett , tvhmiIe suffer. jag froiss temporary imisanlt- . returning to his lornier prison task of slmoenoalolimg , is a pieturetquo accotint of time tyranny of habit. It was not withsout profound study of hiulnilatu nature ( lint the great novelist Invented - vented ( list remarkable litcident. There iii ami aged widow residimog In a little hiotittt emi tile iu'est sub of time town who mami' years ago host her husband in a shipwreck. lie' was. a tumsUor , and was umseti to holum grog. She had been In time habit ( if Isulrclsasliig it for Islus turid preparing IG accordIng to lii taato ulisnever lie was ashore. She keeps UI ) ( his practice even to ( ito pr"elnt day , at. thtotmghs there Is no orme to th'thk it after it is noade. Site herself never drinks ammytimirig. Again , there Is an old wommiato of sty ac- qualntanca who in time slays of her girlhood tvas In Ilte habit of stIcking Iter thumb , It waa a very long tltne before her parents sac- ceeuled in breaking Imer of it , bmst her rcmforrmia. tioti was finally accoinpiisiictl , antI ohio beCame - Came an exceedingly we'll lelmas'eti Icily. In lmeI old ago , imoovever , tIme dIs.gmtmitlng trick had returnsd upon her % wlth such a tyrun. Isous force that her thumb is constantly between - tween ( icr ( oohiss ( gnome , arsd she sweeps and wails like a chmiicl wiuen any one at. tempts to retumova it. Time miser , Paine , Ito tiled in ( liii city a few years ago , was in reality penurious nsore froisi habit than fromrs origimmal dispositIon. In hIs early youth Ito was as havlsim imu liii ex- ponmhllurcs as was necessary for a yoiin person of frugal nature to be. flut time habit of Ceolioeny svblcb hoe carofmhiiy fostered gradually got coiuspieto control of hmlmn , so that as lie advanced in years he became powerless to control ii. 1"inslly the habit of saving anti hmoarihing led hIm hsmto oilier hiimblt that subjected hiirmi to many hiidignltiei. One custom of his to visit barrooms , when- eser there was a good free iummchm cosmnter , and riulif hi. pockets with crackers , cheese arid picides. There are no habits so diflicult to over- conic mis ttmoss' recoiling ff0110 imysterla. Tlml Is. a fact well known to nil phuys.iciatis. , It , liroken at all it Is lucre throiigls seine tiii looked for bIt of good fortilhue thsan thitoimgiu treattnenst , it hflitY be hard to believe , imuht it ii a ( set , nevertheless , that hers.ons. itt. Ihicted wIth thla diese leave been known to contract this' cxtrsorthlnmir- habit cit tuistier- goiimg P51111511 'surgIcal operations. . iii every large hospital there are records of audi east's. .fter uinmiergolng all operatioiu itt one imospital , they wIll r.'sort to ammothier , coin- i'lalnlmig that thin forisior tipera' hums tins moat been a SiiCt'Ps5 , ilctnnmidlng that ntiotimer is ahti'tmspeii ( , There is case on recent et a yolitsg girl who had vhnt isuy be ehleut ( lie eumrglcal operatloms' ' lsbit , atsil umotlers emit at least to tlo.t'tu olieratlomme before Ii vaa iliseos'ercd thai s.lse vmua lmmsposlng CII th dot'- tors. 11cr troimbli' seemimeit In hi' that timerus s mis. a du'dmu'ltim ! botie in tier left anti near hit' iris ( . I let aria st as ass plums to is great size trlmers she first applied for treistnie'iit hut , altitoumgh ii su-s reisemutedly operated than by tIme iiest a.mirgcoims. 1mm New York , she till hut ccciii to iniprove. It was flmiahiy iilst'ot'eno'j that after cads opi'ratiois. she tlrove nsilnters ; of wooti ihitu ) ( lit' st onilil , thmui'i irC'vi'iititig its imetiling. Anti nil becatise shmim hail coiitracicui mt liassiots for operatluisa as iutexpiic.mblus as it suns original , t , ( . 'rI ul. lets Sut iii t lit' hlrs. , Anti 11mm loekus grow ) eammt mlhmtl m.ilvery , us- firissltie't of age collIe ous apace. To rttmsrul mmii atmtt'Iio rut he t imt's.e is oust' (5 1 t hi , lattigis sffet'ts of liosietter's Stonmacim lltitenmu , mm tmse.i I ci mie I os 5 % huicis t hmt. a geil a miii I ii flrmii call resort mis a s.mfe : stslee mmd iumvigorant. it. coil ii tern ets a t eimde ncy t o rheut mimat I aims mumut hoetiraigla , Iimsproves uhigestiohs , recttflra liii- iouiimess and overcomes muuuilaria. A stitse. glass before rctiriimg lirottioits slttimober. - 'l'S'O lNll.tN ltl.IUlI4 , Stou' ) ' of lii. ' liuiri3Isui'm'lumg , . of a It. S. A. 0.iiei-il. A Taconsa'asim. ( . ) corrcshioiidenco to tim Sato Framicisco Call says : Geiierai . V. Kumutz , 1' . S. it. . , retired , anti 11 tnelssorabie cimarncter of l'umget Soitmud , stun died here after a short Illness oti Septemmtuuer I. 1895 , left two eons by his mutractive lnmmhtaui wIfe of long ago , who arc' siow anxious to tii i-ecogtilzeti as General Kmmuz's ( legitiimsmute hieir. hieir.Time Time fact thtuit ( leimermsl lCmttttz had two semite by hIs hmmdiuuis trifo sync isever generally hisoowit : , titoumgis liii Present svife tt'as ; tsvuru ) or ( lie fact , aisul has recogmmizil thuiu as tue emseral's suits. \\'imen tim tiommshtsloio of tIme liumuhisoim ( hay cOimspuny : gas'e place to time authority of the United Statc'te his % 'moslmington TerRor ) ' , Ccii- ermul Aulgtmst V. 1Cnumtz , timi'mm a hietltelsaist iii the Utilteti State's army , t\'Ob atmltluised at Fort Stellacootsm. W'itile there lie was liiur- ricO to the orlmisOmi tiaumgister of ChIef Laslii. imiere , ( lien to girl of 15 ) 'ears , lIvIng ositlu her mumothmor , ts'iio lied liecoiii the ts'ifo of Sergeant Gordomu of ltduienuilit ( iCttumtz'a catms. imiansi. 'I'lit'y svet-e imiarrit'il lii aceordimisco switht time rites auth cusstotns of time tribe to which I tie girl bchoiigcd. umimd hme at ommea becamui. ( bit' cimlet icily of the post , Ois March 2 , 1557 , Ntigemm , tin , eltier son , st'iiti horn at ( lie ofilcers' uiuiartera at ( lie fort , anti tin Fcimruary 2 , 1859 , Augimatuis twos boris at lort Samsmiuimmuoo. \\'hmen ( heneral Kauitz svas detaciteti front ( Ito lelmartiiient of l'uget Scuitti aimul ormiered ho report \'m'aahsimighots. . lrs. iCamtiz diii itot like time iiiea of goitig away froimo nil tier lioohiifl , anti it iV1IL' agreed betwesit thmeiii that s'hiut remaIns at Niu.qualiy rcscrvation until such timsoe as otiier arramigeisients eoumid ho nhatit' , l'erimapms , realizing that toy the for- ttflmeg of svar lie inhmt ! tmes'sr eec her imgatiu , ho naked iicr to Proitsist' hiltil thimut ( lie lit'us siioumld be edticatoil anti mhrow UI ) tiumsid ( ho auirroumnuhimrgs of cls'iiizatlnmm. General iCututa muover saw the yomimig himotiter agaims , and not imtitii time boys ss'ere grown to lucius estate did Ito ever see timent , although correepond. once sync kelmt till imetween titeims , tsimti a immonthly allowance for theIr etpport tmimd Chit. cflinit stat' aetot by time gemmerah utittul they struck out for timetmiseivius. In 1875 tIme boys jottmed their mnotiier us OlympIa , theim tIme capital anti chIef city of time ' territory , anti entered Union academy , ( ito' loading Institution of lt'auning itt tle Iiortlmsveat. General ICaumtz paid for time tuil- ( ton anti iutsculos , ant ! ( Ito boys and their issotiter lirovitleti for time ( ithier oxpc'mises. ii rs. lCamitz was a favorite witlu the ladies of tim capital , In 1879 tIme 1513's left tue academy with high hiommors , stantllng 99 iii a class conoposef of time brigimoo't ( boys' in tim territory. Among their schoolmates were James Picket , comm of General Picket , who became a stated artirut ; Allen \'ier , first secretary of state ; Maurice McMichoeio of tim thrum of Struve , Allen , Ihtlgiues and MeMicken of Scuttle ; ltobert Mc. Fatiden. I lesimert flmmrloett of l'ort 't'owiiemtm1 , Jiarry McElroy , Lleuitetinsmit John lisydeti , the 1'alcott boys of Olytispia , A. Ferry , ) 'ouhtmgi.tit soim of tile first govoriior oil tim state ; time three dmuughtters of Judge lhlgelow of Oiynmpia , Clara Litmllow , now Mr. . . herbert hieccimar , amid loan ) ' others who belonged to time bruihmant social circle which gathered at th little capItal In ( lie far iiurtiosvesi. \Vimile the boys swore at 1'orest Grove cal- legs their sisotimer smiarmicol ilemiry Walker of 'm'elm i'ralrie , su'hmots hue hiatt ioiiotvms for nullity years , nmitl with stiioni m.tie lived ummmtil tier death ill ISSS. Sue mmmarrleui mm immuits imansed higgIns several 'eare before , after slmo icturntd that General Kaiutz hail mmmuirrieti it t"t.iisitil iii time east , buit ( lie mismurrlage su'ta : hot a happy nine tumuil sue lirocurid a divorce , ilwouii Evamis actimmg nit her mittorimol' . Mr. \\'miiker stiih lives at Iluinters l'oiimt , near OlympIa , W'lmems General Iautz ware oboist to return to ( lie sweat lie ss'rote time boys , asking thimms to macct hitiri at Tacoimma hotel. Augustua was uSa ) ' ut thin titne , timid Nugemu svcnt to thi hotel emu tile day apioiimteui ; but not flumiliisg his father thieve strolled doss'mu l'acillc aye- itue tots'armi ( liii depot'utmtil lie saw his lather coining Imuulf a block asvay. Time geim-rai conic tip to him , stoppctl , mit omit hIs hmatimi anti amsiti : "You are 155) ' boy , aren't 3'ott ? " Ntigeis ailmuitted that his was , auth they rrtlirneti to ( lie hotel. 'i'he general vIsited ( lie 1)11)3 at theIr farinm ailviseul with ( item ahiouit their lirospects , tehihtig ( heat to hmoid theIr math' , anti as siumoit as his afi'aiis uvn'ro ai'ranguh 1st' tvoulih itroviole tisain stitlu immnmmiey to carry alit their plans. lie also told them that iii case of lila death ho had made Provision for them imm hmimu mviii , Ntmgen lmsarrieil Lizzie L. Oinmey. niece of limo late Jumuige Oitiey of I'artiiimid. 4tigustuiii svaa iiiarrieii lii 1887 to Marie , the iiaughster of Jacob Kersimer , a Mexican veterams of coin- - pony M , tInder Captain 11111. sm'hso hiaat'ta of raimihmig tiuo first Anmerican hag In tIme tei'ri- tory. Augustus 1Cautz limos rensainemi at Isotime. tvhiiie Ntugen lois been assay , auth has. heemm t leather in the fight inaile to aeciure tinrfect title to tIlt' Itummi1 of l'miyishiup rcservatloil. lie is liredsiit of time' h'ilyiillilp Intilais Lanil comp.iny. Nugen is Instructor in Inanimni traintug at W'armtm Sprinmgb , Ore. _ - - I'i ist ( . ( t T ii r ( 'Ii I I ii itii. , Mothiel's would do mcdl to atonmlze tlmclr chIldren's throat anti nasush passages inoi'lmlng and evening with Allen's Ilygl'.mnmic Fimmlih-a positive 1)l't'VefltiVO Of all contagious disease's , st'ch as ( iiphmthmeria. scarlet aimih tylmhiiod fevers , somali pox , bromichitia , etc. It tins a pheasant , aromatic flavor anti is pcilectly imarmles.s. 1Ii GO'l' A IlilNIC , % 'ims % 'lllIsv.e do.'si'eumiiiuumihiilt. , lint Cuiuluii't "sViill All liu' , A bartender in a Imopular Cliestimnt saloon , where buslimemis does msot coinnoence to rmislt umntii toward noon , was lmuisliy ermgageii ill givIng a piofemsiohial imollais to time glassoi the other ismurnitig , relates ( lie l'imilatleliiiiii ihmtihttils , when he twos thistsirlieih lii hIss worlc by time appearamice of a mliorelmutable hoxdclmug stranger. Time mitis's clothes hiatt time app-um' . alice of hieing slept in , One of bmis i'yes was wholly closed aitd time oilier twos very thuds discolored. ' 'Trust asic for a drink ? " azked tlm stranger. 'Go take a mvalk , " replIed tIme thispetm.l , of I Iqil iii refreshimmsemmts. 'rime Seeoly stranger attoiled and departed. About three.iularte'rs of an imoiu later hit' 10. appearoth 1cm front of time bar anti greeted time harionder svltb a simsile. 01 timougimt I told YOil to take a walk , " mtjitl thin whmito-aproned IndIvIdual. ' 'op , you Old. " said the seeker after spirIts , "anti I took your advice. I've been walk. log ever sInce , aitti I'm tired. You don't expect a feI'en to keep ss'm&lkiug all day , do you V' The barlenohir mneltcml , and tIme atraner's uncloieii optic beamed with gratituilo as he tilled time proffered glass to the brIm. With tsu'o little chshhmiran subject to croup we do not rest easy Without a bottle of Ctmamn. berlaims's Cough IteImlIsly In time hiotlse , for the moat severe attack , quIckly succumb to a doses of tt.-Morrltorm , Cole. , ihud. ' I - -