Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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_ a I _ _ _ _ - - - , - - - _ - - - . - - - - - - . - 1\JIE OMAhA DAILY . 1UE I : ltl - { . DA\ ' , NOVJJMBgn ! 11 , 18H5. _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ " . - - - - - - - - - - - - ii. .
- - . -
Oxnard Plants Not Responsible for the
Sugar Beet Growers' ' Predicamcnt
- .
I . I I rk I "h' 'c'nther ( lllllm' , '
, .
; thc' SC'I" " " I'r.hlhl ) ' tInS CI" ' II
: the Ilfl..r IlIIII ) ' ul
the HW : CruI'
AMIS . Neb" , Nov. ! -To the Editor of
, The neo : The litter on sugar beets by I James
M Orlne8 ( II I"lldlY's paper I ! unju8t and In.
Judicious II the highest' degrt and shows a
deplorable anll dllerUUs Ignorance uf the
whole matter. The plain facts of this case
are t well known that there Is 10 excuse
:4 : . t for a let'r of this kimi. Sugar companies
conl1ct with farluu to deliver ] beets ur a
certain rinality . and for some cause or causes
, which IU ono cal thoruughly understand ,
. , very few of the bees raised Iii Nehr lta this
1 year have had the required content and
, . purity. I lnow : this , because we have an-
A al'zed beets enT' dar Ince the ht of Octo-
I 'I her , and a far ns llY own eJlltlence goes
beets are not developing the Impro\ement
that was hoped.
There : , ' 8 several fEatures o the mater
( which Is a \Ol'y oroad one ) which neeJ cor-
rctl : , and thHn has beeii. perhaps , on hath
sllts an oinfssiou ! I of celtaln provisions that
might haV ' GrNly mltgntl ] the Present
, condItion of things anI allowed of a much
bLll'r uterstnn ! < llg of the mater on the
part of fnrmer During the bt season of
:9 : ; In NehHukn , where the two s
have drawn beets frum so wide a territory ,
. , which has involved transportation by ra'i '
1 for IlstnncE ! as great as 125 mIles or marc ,
chemists ! II the pay of farmers shoulll have
Ion stationed at various points ; for Immtance ,
; at Vale ) ' , 1'remonl , North Uenll. Columbus :
\ r ' 1001'11' amid nt any other convenIent Iloints !
; , which may have men centers for an acreage
; " large enough to afford the services of a chemn
It" 1st A very little organlz3t01 and co-OpHa- )
I b ton would have costly provided , this and the
1. entire cost for 1 polariscope plant and CI1 r-
: _ p ton ! ) ' a Ihemlt would nut have exceeded
$250 ! ) at ' . When
1 an ) one point.S'hen we frs raised
,4 bets In IID:1 : I employel ( a chemist at once ,
h . and I never would have consented , under any
k circumstances whate\er , to raise n consldel'
'r " able quantity of valuable product al a
t heavy exp nse and transfer It to d huyer on
. L . n basis of being obliged to accept the do-
t . ' cslon of such buyer ns to a vital quality of
) the commodity. lolo\cr I happen to know
: that :
the factory people wIsh h beet growers to
' emilloy ) chemists In just this way , and I only
, t blame them because they have nol InsIsted ,
, - or at least allvlse.d that such chemists should
/ be employed at varIous points In the country.
' . "
The real fact of the case Is that something
5 , ha ) ! happrnell detrimental to the qunlty of
the beet In Nebraska . In the nature of n die-
aster or calamity , and whIch has greatly wor-
, re,1 : , ant dIstressed all pereons who have ap-
, . Ilreclaed ! the slgnllcan e of II I Nebraska
cannot raise much better beets than In lSD5
- with reasonable certaInty Nebraska would
be excludl'l , from sugar producing countries
- becausc of Inability to Compete with countrIes
- that are able to Ilroluee , better heets. Some
of ns who have the Industry greatly at t heart ,
and who do our best to understand it , believe
< untertanll I beleve
, . that such a season as lD5 Is the result of a
, variety of causes ant that It wIll not happen {
again , for the reason that Improved lethods
, of beet culture , which wi come about with
expansion or the ( business , wi make such a
, low augur content impossible , even I condi-
tons of weather were to be repeated . We
must remember that the roll of Nebrasl\
, today doubtes contains less moIsture , at
" least In the eastern part of the state , than It
ever has sInce white men have Inhabited the
, Inhable
f \ country. This was partIcularly true tip to the
23d of August , when we had ' three Inches of
rain amid . as an actual fact , the wIld prairie
rrF on the valley at this point was so af-
fectl by the protracted trouth of several
. years that ( the yield of hay has been extremely -
tromely lIght. I Is probably the abun-
. i Ilant rains at the ell of August after this
protracted drouth , that has caused ,
the sugar content of at ieat two.
thIrds of the beets grown In
the state to be too low for the economical
extraction of sugar. The difficulty of ex-
paining : all this phenomena to the satsac- [
ton ot every one Is tha\ we frequently ant
commonly have similar conditions of weather ,
as wo are very lIkely to have sOle raIn In
Septemb2r , and always have beautiful weather
In October. We can only cay that It Is probably - ,
ably the protracted severity or the Irouth
l.tstlrig ' through several . and
l.tstl'l ! - years producing :
a condItion of dryness not known before , rol-
lowed by conditions that have promoted too
great growth , thai have brought about a
sugar content thai Is from one to two points
i too low.
Lut yar In October our beets ran from
1 to 16 per cent of sugar whereas this year
they hare run frol 10 to 12. I explained this
point the other day by stating that this ( lit- !
lerence In the case of I very large factor
would amount to a loss of 2,500,000 pounts
of sugar In the output of such a factory ,
amountIng to $100,000.
. I Is Imllortant at a time when tllera Is
such an unfortunate obstacle to
In the develop-
mont of the bee sugar busIness , that nil the
dIfficulties nay be as cleared unterood ! ns
possible , ant thai beet growers and sugar
manufacturers , who are really In the same
boat shall not tall out with each other and ,
, . wreck the eratt. Mr. Grimes' letter Is full
of Illnts ) showing a lack of plain everyday .
day details of the growing of bet , ns , for
instance the very great inequality of time
sugar beets In adjoining , felts , Or In the same
fell , or In time same row. Two heetB In the
same row lay stand wIthIn three feet of
each other ant show n difference of several
points In sugar content , and n cOlpetent Person -
son told II once that he had sen nn extreme
diference of seven points between two botIs
In the sale row. Wllm any one ha this
fact In his mInd , hE can clerIy understand
the very great Inequality In the
ver Inualty sugar con-
tent of beets
grown by different owners tn
dIfferent fields. The tlferclce In 'Istanee I
between beets In
bets the row , amid naturally a
difference of Beell train dIfferent growers , 1'1-
suIting In dIfferent klmls of beets , produces
wldl variation . I Is sUgestll by 5010 that
the reign dealer In seeds may unload
mlxt seed upon us , see or poor quality left
over from old crops mixed wIth good now
seed. Time fact that the beets of California
, have developed an excelelnt slgar content
shows that this
point of seeed must be con-
cideredvitim reservation , but I Is sn 1m-
Ilortnnt factor , nenrtheless , alll II must be
taken Into consideration when we are working
for the successful development of the sugar
Industry In Nebraska .
, To sum up the bEt growers of Nebraska
arc to .blamo In that have
ao they \ nol co-oper-
ated In the elploYIEnt of chemists , nlHI In
the selection of persons to regulate and over-
see their business relations with the factories.
It woult ban been well If the factory people -
pin thelsel\es hat pointed out to beet
rowers the propriety of looking after these
matters on their own accoUlt , but al they
. , doubtless have al the b\slneu they can attend .
1 tent to thenwelns they did not conceive It
to 0 one of theIr proper functIons .
There Is not one single charge of unfair-
ness mate against the factories by Mr. GrImes
which cannot 111) ' be explained by a very
1t0 knowletge , which could have been easily
galnell. I have considered this mater care
fully for the last thirty days and predicted
an Immense amount of mluntorstaIJlnr and
recrimination because I knew that pains were
not taken to prevent IL Even If cases of
error on the I'art of the factory can be
proved they could haye been provenlet by
the proper business niammagemnent of their af-
fain on the part of the beet growers. lie-
Bides analyzing our own beets for the last
forty days , we have analyzed many beet for
other persons , ant I understand the situation
well enough to ray without hesitation that
\ _ I do not believe there h8 been any cue or
Intentional disregard of the rights of beet
grow(1 al the part of the factory . As In the
. cue of most of our mIsunderstandings and
quarrels on other lubjects the trouble could
easily be explained by a little more knowl-
edge , Time trouble ha Ilmllly been that In
the season of 1895 the beets la Ncbraka have
not had enough sugar , for whIch the factories
have not been to blame.
A radical point In our sugar bet contracts .
tracts ot today 1 tie setting ( f . certain
. .
- - - - - - - ' ' - - - - -a'
- - . - - ' - - - - - -
price for 11 lH'1 They .hould bl II&ll for
according to their qualiy , and the ffrme8
shoill have tile "Idpucc tf their own cbel'
bt as to he ( IIUnll ) ' of the heete Another
point Ic I that pruI'ltlol In the contract should
he nlile ror tle , receh'llg by the factory of
beets below 12 and SO at rme price , In order
thAt the crops ! may be h3r\utet anl such
blockade aa hu IJre\'ale this year made
impossIble. YOUII truly ,
I. 1 - AI.I.I . : , General \I.mnmtger.
! l'I'll : " " : cCI'n' , ' 1\1.1.\1.
BOl' migaimi"t SUlmer ! Frrur from nur-
fell count ) Ahilrmmmed. . : Opinion by Chief
JustIce Norva !
When timla court Is nskemi to declare I
atuttito uneonstttunal the particular cc'
tion of thin consttltlon which It I. claimed
ton law Infrlnp ahoult be pointed out In .
the hrltf Ile\l. \
2. fly section 15 , chapter xxxI , eUIJled
Stntuts , two mole , Irc preFcrihll for .IR'
charging : chatel mort IO ' , vlz : By ni
entry by the Jort lge' ! . hIM Igent or lS' I
"Ignel' , OIl the Ilrgln uC the indeX . dimly
uttcMtcd IJ ) ' thc "OUlt ) ' den : . and by the
county clerk , when Iltholln,1 , II 111 > b )
a \\lten order Bignell ! y the mOl tgnge
and at. ' tell uy a jUtlce or the Iett'e or
501am , 0111 C'L' 1)\llg a eeI : . I .
\ .
SOll . . n order to the county cleric to release I
a mortglge 11 invalId I lS a release UII ! :
attesteil above stated.
us "
aho\l "hled.
4. L'nmicr .section 1" , chapter xxxli . Com-
lmIer sel.tol
iilm'l ' , " Stututeim . I mortg'I/I' ( ' 11 little ( ) for
tIme .IIIIH . e ! thPeln "Ieclted , for failure to
smLthmf ) ' of record I IIJLlf 1 10rtll/C , within .
In t1c ' ' lwmiod therein mminieii . after Ilemald
t'l' JtI'lud
amid the IJyment , of mortgage deut whether
the lurtgagef acted In good fli { I or nOl ,
ur whnt\cr lila ) ' hl\e been thc mutl'R of
flch Ilrtgn I'e. A mere mlstnlw or Iglor-
ance without n lorruJt Intelt Is no tefense
tl Ntm'h atm Icton ,
Iolroe HUll ngmimmet : Iell ( 1rror from Dodge
rlson. . 'ount ) . \lrmel 1JllnH Opinion { by Judge Hur-
A ease wi not ! I considered In thl' court
us hath In IIJpcul lud I proceeding In
error. A party must elect which remedy ,
he wi in' ' rmlt' , ! lI , hnvlng i flied I pettol I
11 error , mut 110 presumel to have ! e- '
, , ' .
Iccto,1 thlt rllneI )
2. 'lh" Imeml(11 lJtton In thIs case doc
mit'd ilff'i emit of tic'-
not stai' 1 new If'l Ilff'lent entice nC-
lIon from that set forth In the original Ill'
ton , . and ojectuls to It on that ground
ttOI. W"f' 1rotCriY , , overruled . II tIme trial court
:1 : 'I 111 acton ) , IH miii'cioceml by the Plead-
Ing" waR to Ret aside an l1eged fraudti-
lent IlnMcr of propert and reach and np-
II'ullrlat" to I lme pa . 'melt of jllIlltH
a/ah t time debtor his money or propertY ,
Ia11111 : I tn ha \1 heel comm cenieti , Inl WIH
Ilullhll In Its nature aUI Irlnhle by the
court wlhont the Inter\cntlon of I jur ) ' .
I. I 'Fhie rlht to such In ( qullhle INlon
l'xllt.d prior to the ( nartltnl of thc tnt-
ute provllng for procLcdlngln alI of cx-
lcnton 111 still c'lst : Tie Rtatutor
remedy dId . not Fufcrrllle or destroy It.
f The c\llll ( ce examlaell an'l he11 Ruf-
lellnt to support the Iimmdings of the trIal
G. In trial of fact to . the court wihout the
Intclventol of n Jury If sulclcnl ccmmpe-
tent evidence Is mmdnuitted \ , to RIItall the
Indlnls \ of IH' court the CIFe wi not hI
reversed on tlim' round of the mulmiccioli of
Immatcllal amid Incompetent evIdence .
7. ' ( he , Ilea nnt ahatem.nt of another acton
pendIng In the same cOlrt between the
1:110 parties regarding the ame ful.ject
matter , nnd in wlllch relief sought ii I prIce-
tlcnl ) ' the sonic , II I good defense to a
second acton , and the fact that one Is nn
action at law and the other In equity Is
Iml1 terlal. )
S. To constitute n good defense , however.
It Is ntclsslry far the < part seeking the
uhatenlnt of the present action by reason
of the pentenc ) ' of thnl already commenced
to pleal , timid pro\e the connection of the
former ncton to the ml0 subject matter .
the rela ton" of the partc ! therein to Ue
the sanw as that In the case 10 which thc
pica h. Intrpose.1 Inl , that the relief FOlght
ii 1 > praetclly Identcal wih that sfught In
thc eeond action. .
State ex rei regents ot the UnIversity of
:1rm'lm agaInst \loore . auditor of puhlc
Iccountl. Mmemulamus. { \\rlt dcnled. Opin-
Ion by Comnmnissioner Irvine.
Session Law , 1S95 , Ch. 6 pro\llng for
a uniform system of voucbers , 1Iples , to
claims against the State unlversl ) .
Perkins against Butler count ) . Appeal
frol flemtler count , IU'aflirmed. Opinion
imy Judge Harrison. ) Nor\nl. C. J. , lssent-
1) . JUIIgc \
InJ.The order for n rehearing In this cao
was as follows : "Rehearing allowed on the
folows "Hchearlng
folowing question : ts this case , In view of
the plenllngs and , the p\llenee. one calling
for the application of the rule whereby
partnership Issctt are to be n'lpled ' to the
payment of partnership dehts In preference
tu debts of an Indl\llual partner ? plef.rence
re-exmmmnlnntion of the case . the conclusion
of the opinion renderPI at t'o former helr-
log. In relation to time question for consideration -
emton on rehearIng , approved Iml ad-
bored to. ( For opinion , see G2 N. W. Hep. .
008. )
2. 'rho points 50 decided at the first pre'1
Ing of the case having been then set forth
In the Fylauu ! of time opinion , they need ,
not amid will not be re-state.1 imere.
Glde & Anon Co. against Dawson Tuwn
and Gas company . , et al. Appeal from Douglas -
las count ) . AthIrimmed. Opinion by Judge
Hnlllon , ComlsIO1r Ha"an tIHCntnr.
In all caRes of claims against corporations
all , Joint stock . aH oclaton ! the exact
amount just ) ( lime shall ho Irst ascertained ,
anti , after the corporate property
shall ' have been exhlustell the Indl-
vlhlul suhcrler thereof shal bo
Inlvlluall' , lahle to the extent of their
unpaid Imh crlptons , and the lablt ) for
the unpaid stmbscm-Iptiomms shall foiiow the
unpllI sucrlptonf Ihal folow
Htock. ( Sec. 4 1 of Irtcle xl of Ne ! ConHt. ,
I referring to Mlscelaneols Corporatiorf8. )
2. Time ' capital { , Includlnl unpaId sufcrlp
Lions for stock of a corporation IN a trust
fund for the ilayment of its crediors ,
3. Suscrlptons for stock of I corporation .
11) ( 10 pall In money or In property . such
within the , oC to
as power a corporation acquire -
quire Inl hold , or In labor fur the corpora-
ton In the furtherance of Its pur-
poe Inl , uuslnI
- . 'here pa'mont of . Euh ' criptons for
stock hi lade In Ilropert ) or labor , I must
be of such value lS to be the 10nos '
worth : It property. of time valul of the
amount of the par yalue of the stock , mimi
It Ilbor , It must ! e reuHonaul ot the lace
valu" of the stncle.
5. \Vhen ProPerty Is conveyed to a cor-
pomton In PaYment of . uhRrrlltons { for
stock , It may he at n viluatun agreed upon
between the Parties to the transaction , pro-
vldell time valuation 19 one made In good
faith or In the fair exercise . o judgment
and discretion hOI'Htt. . directed .
6. Where the properly conveyed In payment .
ment for stock II knowingly and ndvlsedly
o\'rvaluet , It II btmt u formal and Illusory
compliance wih the rerlfrements of the
law anll fair dealing In this regard , mind Is
not smmliicient . and the transaction may be
Impeachell II I credItor of the corporation ,
II I frud ; amid the liability ot time smmtmcrIber
for stock to tht 110unt of the difference
hllwecn . the fair and true value of the
Ilropert It the tmo It was conveyed , and
time tictltlotis value lt which It was received -
eel\cII. he enforced unlnHt Ruch subscriber
ni an uopall Portion of his subscription to
the stock , and appropriated , In n proper
action. the corporation to time . satisfaction of the debts at
7. The hooks of n corporation are its prl-
vain books . aH to thlrl , persons , and such
pcrsns Ire not chlrglaule wIth notce 01
what . Is contained theein nor wih the
dimLy of examining them for thc purpose
of ascertaIning the cOlltoa of the capital
In respect to whether fully pall In or not
mind lt what valuation , before granting
credit to the corporation , to the extent that
n failure to do fO wi har the right In a
proper action to . Impcach the transfer of
stock to a party In consideration ot the
conve'nncl to the corporation of property ,
whlth may be shown In the books and prove'
its frlIlulent charctr ,
! Time nmenllel , petition held to ht suf-
Iclnt In its statements of time fraudulent
character of the transaction therein ought
to ho attacked.
Galighcr against Conneil. Appeal from
Doughl' county. Aiiirmmmcid. Opinion ! ) '
( OnmlsRloner Itagmmn .
The facts In timid Case Inl , the law nppl-
lahl" thereto are Ruhstantlnl the sammie
nM thOHO In Conmieli against aiiigimer. 3G
Nebraska . 749 ; aid Council against Oal-
Igl1r. 39 Nebraska , 793 , nll following
these CISIS th . d..rec 19 nuiirmemb.
Trct ) against . Slate. Error from Lan- .
caster count ) , Alrmct. OpInion ! CommIssioner -
A defendant ! convlctl of a felony In sup-
port of his motion for a new trial led un
alllavit allegIng ml londuct of the jury
whHI' deliberating , Time statellnts of tile
nl\lavlt were not eorrohorted and I mild
not mippear , by what means the ntant ! au-
milieu possession 01 the facts alleged to
constitute time miscondtmct
'hl nvermneflts of time afhlnvl were not
denIed b ) the emtato. Held : ( ) The trial
court wns not otmliged to take the state-
mentR ot the nfravls at true. (2) ( ) Thut
whether there had ! eel ml conlilct of the
jury was n question of fact Cpr the district
judge. (3) ( Thlt In tr'lnl such issue the
tlstrlct judge hall a right to weigh and
Ir'n lll'r. a9 against the stattJlnts In the
Impeallln atdavU , the presumption of
law thnt the Jurors had obeyed their oatimmm.
2. A district cou\ ; when called oalhN'1
prenoimnee jmmdgnment against a
prCnOlll'O jlllJlnt I Ilenn can-
vlctell at a felon ) ' , 19 not limited to the sole ,
question whether the person so convicted I
hlN anything to MY why Judgment thoult
not 1'0 ) pronounced ngailst him
3. The district court In such a case has no
authority to coerce an answer Cram a pris-
oner to mitiy question whatever : but whpt
Inquiries the court shal make ot surh I
jirlsoner . aside ( room the Inquiries provIded
by statute . or whether any . Is a matter
restlmmir entIrely In Its discretion . mater
4. The ob\'loI8 Intent of the statute In
fixIng the punishment for the crIme
! crimE of robbery -
bery : Imprisonment from thrle to fIfteen
'CIII was to invest the trial court with
discretion to grade the punishment . within
thE Ihnll ot the statute accorciimm to the
enormity of the offense , to take Into con-
sileriton In fixing the punishment all the
clrclmstances In evidence under which the
crIme WIB committed : perhaps to consider
the age , time mental condItion and the pre' .
'Ictd % 'iiUfm good chnrlctcr of time porMI C'n-
5. ( II I Jroeculon for robbery , everythIng
Pali slid IICIO by the prosecuting WItneSs
mind the pllsOIlr nt the iliac of the ( tlonlol1
Ifallt Is euml'e'tetnt evidence lS being n
IT : uf thai transaction.
G. Aim Ilrollntun for robbery chnrti the
prh.ont . with ha\lnl rolhet the \r08tcut. !
11mg wlntl ! of U4r ' . " " 001 nll ( \ Ilwful
mOM ) ' of the Cnlrll Sitt $ ( ' ! " Ielt I , that
limo n\llent ni to the churncter ot tIme
Imlumley . was surprlsllg and lecl , not he
prOHn In order to stmtnin the convIction ,
! \
Section 420 of time Crlmlnul COlIc ,
7. I Is error for the district court to
nmodits' In Intrlcton rPleste,1 ( by Inter-
Ileatlln or , 'rsure , mind thus give uch 11
IIIJrl tOI , Section 2,147 , ComlJler StntuleN
8. ' 10 secure time reVlrHl1 of I julglont , In
11 error IJ'oceedh11 to this court It Is lot
cnolmgim tu establish thut the district court
pnolfh hut It lust appear from time record
timat puch Irror may have clused or contributed -
utoll to the julG1cnt Iller re'leand
thus have prejudiced thc cOlplalnlng partr.
No\elblr 6 , iS93 . cout let pUrlUllt to
niiJotmrnnmemmt . Contnental limmildimmg and I
' .011 Issocatlon against Aulgel leave to . I
Ic IICIHlet petition : Ynnkton , ! . & S. \V .
III\I'UY commipcmny nlnlnt State. leave to
Ile nn1ml ml"\n trlnscrillt : Dorr against
Meyer leave to Ic Imelllell transcript :
Ioneli Culnt Ire ) ' . death of appclee SUi-
Icsted ; I'.orrestor against hatter , super-
Fed cas vacated. ,
The folowln CluqeR were mlismnlssed :
Smith aglhlRt Cobh ; Craig n/lilst Chicago ,
St. Paul , 111enllolR & Omaha Hllhm ) '
cumIJn ) ' : Beechel against I < IOPII : llmls
against lfmmdrege : Bue Hii against Sllp <
son : Caurman : mlFaimist Fleming : Cool
nnllt Joh'llon ' : IFulnst against Sherwood ; I
'rman ngu'nst Perry : Bvcrson agaInst
Wie ) ; Dlollhl Safe unll Luck com 11 I 1
Ignllst Arrc ; Hutln against Meyer : liar-
11101 aJnlnst Galdn'r : lllrt Igalnst
Omuho I Dullnc against Chicago . SI Paul ,
llneapols & Omaha Railway cOlpan :
Ylllc ! & Finan Co. uglln-t Omuha Ilanll"
mill ; Austin against Flannlr ; Iewis
agulnst BreeHc ; 1,1 kle ngullst . ' Ienel : Ciii-
emmgo Hock I lan < & Pacllc Hallway corn-
IHn ) ' 1"IIJlt Uull'I' .
Union Trust company against Alien : leave
to file Counter aliidavlts. Hlrts agaInst !
I'iatte VOlley Iniproveimmont compan ; ad-
Plate Yaloy In1ro\elent 11-
\ . .ncll1 Lau agaInst Seacrest ; jUIlglent of
reversal Sptcht agalmmet Stevens ; contI111
l'ennem' agaInst anti ,
Pennel Igllnst HUItrt CooJlrrlder
against Stevens ; manllutes onlered. 'atcon
against : Robertson ' additional sumety on 1mm-
.nrcton Iont to b0 given In tfeln day
I'"armlanll Security company against Nd-
son ; motions to dismIss tend strike tramis-
l'llpt o\erukd. Seavlr Igllnst Hail : mao-
tlon to Illvance o\erruIcl1 First Natonll
Ianl ( , Sutton . against Grossimamis' . mnotion tn
consolidate overrimied. Clt Naulonal
olllatc o\'lrruled. City : lt onll bank ,
hastings , against Tholas ; motion to qUnh
hI of exceptions ustaincil arid cnuse ad-
\anle < . Ailimig against Nelson ; motion to
strike trance rip t led.
trnscript o\errulel1 itevnoiels
\ Hc\uolls
against . ' lcCanllell ; 10ton to quash ) ,1 of
exceptions sustlined , Peck u"alnst Tln-
lay ; motIon to reinstate and , recall mandate
Hustalnl State ex rcl lCckett agfln t
Scot : leave to docket gran tel ! AURtn
IKallpt Flunner ; dismissal \ncatcI ! Jllt-
son ajlln t Ient ; motion to trl'l' alllavlt
su"talntd , 'hompeon lgalnst lssourl Pa-
due raivny ; leave to fe Ilend(1 petition
al payment of costs for ( lefendant's rles.
State against ll : lIon. C. J. Phelps and
lon , J , W. Dawes IPllolntel1 to Ilw anl )
State ex reI larfuett against Ilaushausen ;
il. I J. Clemcnts appointed referee.
Hehenrlngs were denied In the following
cases : Polock against Whipple : Grave
against Norfolk National ] bank' O'Donohoe
a"alnst Polk : Camp against POlioce ; Grlten
against JenkIns : Clark agaInst CambrIdge
I ni Arapahde Irrigation company , and
" .Ite against Carson
The followIng causes were argued all 8uh-
mlted ; Crtlhton against Flnln80n : Shafer
against BrlggR : 'arren against Sadlek ;
Lewis against Iarler : Jones against Dris-
coIl' Huuernln against " 'anI ; Hetmln
against Voes ; Otis against Buters ; McDonald -
aId against Grbow ; Farmers Loan and
Trust company against Kilnger : Baker
against Kllngcr : Dlerlng against Wishell ;
Commercial State bank against Ketcham ;
Fox I aFalnst Graves ; Baum Iron company
agaInst Burg : Union Pacilc Halll'a ) ' com-
pony against Hay ; Morse against Walker ;
Bartrm against Sherman ; Clafn against
thank Kaufman ' !
; against Cooper ; Home Fir
Insurance company against Burg : Ferris
against Murphy : Houlh against Stover ;
Burket agllnH Clarke . : Chicago , Ho k Islam 1
& Pacile Halll'a commipaoy against A 'chcJ :
cOI\I'n \ )
Korth agaInst State : Williams agaln.t Stlte :
Nichols against State : C0lmerrll1 NatIonal
hank agnlnlt LlpJ : Omaha allnst Iegeath ;
Dehamlnl agaInst Detroit Brll"e Iron
works : Johnson ugalnst Milwaukee and
Wyoming Investment company : Austin
against Flanner : Doln against McLaughlin -
Lauhln : Lawneall against State : Foss
against Dnwls : I.anham against First atonal -
tonal bank Crete , two cases
- - ,
VOILIC COVTY ) ' ' ' .
\'lnIC : IHS'luC'r : cotiit'r
1mtmm- Iltlortnlt CliMes to lie Hearth
nt ( lit' ComhlK 'i'em'mm
YOm : , Nov. 10.-Special.---Tlme ( ) November
ttrm of tCle district court of York county
opens at this place tomorrow , with lon Robert -
erl Wheeler presiding. In all there arc 133
cases on docket , ten of which are crlmlnnl.
After the excitement of the campaign work
time lawyer for the pas few days have set-
tell dawn to hard work , preparing for the
com In ! term , In looking up their respectIve
cases , and preparing the ncessuy flies , etc.
One of the first cases on docket Is K. K. Ha-
ilen , receiver of the CapItal National bank
against n. E. Thompson ant others. ThIs
case his been carried over several terms , but
It Is thought that It wi be trlll this term
wlthoul fail. The case of Anthony Yost , b )
his next friemmd WIlliam Yost against the
lluriingtomi ralrcal , for $ , damages , a
a resul of being run over by an ellne , Is
also on dock"t. Yost was run over by a
switch engile , , whlcb he claims was throngh
the negligence of 1 1) road , wholy , while he
was a section hand. He Is n crIpple for
le as a result thereof. The case of Andrew
Peterson against the estate f Philp Me = han
will bo another Interesting case. Peterson
sues the estate of Ieehan for damages , re-
suiting from a fall from a scaffold whlo at
work for lleeban on the Orphans' Home
building at thIs place . In the accident ! 1ee- ,
han was killed , amid nl plaintIff Is elllavor-
Ing to haM a dead man responsible for his' '
Injuries. This case involves a question of
law for there seems to be no direct prec-
edent In line with the case. Among the :
criminal cases there appears time case of the
State against Frank Haelot , In which the
defendant Is charted with assault with Intent
to ki , on George Ilnten , I parolE : convict. '
The York MIlitary band will give a concert
on next Thursday evenIng , the proceeds ot
which will 10 to tim Methodist church funds
to aid In rebuilding the church.
A negative of the burning Methodist
church , which occurred here some tmo ago ,
was taken by an amateur photographer al
tie time , and the same upon baing developed
presents a splendid picture of the fire.
A pleasant musical recital was given by
the pupIls of Prof. O. Daret nl the parlors
of the LeGrand hotel of this city last even-
Ing. The entertainment proved to bo a rare
treat to those In attemmdance.
Mrs. George Palmer of Henderson was In
the city today , enroute to Seward . where she
will visit relatives. - - - -
, , 'g.'TI" H FOngCAS' .
Fair 11.1 Light ' Ynrlnhle , , 'hul. for
. .
c.rn"l.n ' . .11' .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 10.-'he forecast
for Monday Is :
For Nebraska and Iowa-Fair : light . va-
riable winds.
For 11suri and KanRRFalr : slightly
wlnl cliittlng to ' .
warmer : , ! hltnl suthlrl )
winds. For South Dako\a-I \ : light , variable
I.ocnl Itreoril.
OMAHA , Nov. 10.-0mahn record of tm-
pernture and raInfall , compared with the
corresponding day of the paRt tour years : .
1t95. Ib91. 1853. 1892.
Maximum temperature . . 46 30 63 51
MinImum temperature. . . 2 IG 6 5
Averare teniprature. . . . 37 23 52 :
Jrtclplaton ver" . . . . . . . . . .0 'I .00 .0 3
CondItlomm of temperature and
Condiion temperture ali precipitation
nt Omaha for the day anti sInce March 1 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
Delclenc ) ' for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Accumulatell excess since March 1. . . . 379
Normal precipitatIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch
Del1lenc ) ' for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . ( ( } Inch
Total precipitation since March 1 19.79 Inches
Deficiency since larch 1. . . . . . 10.0 Inches
- n"l.ort" from Itllo" " at H I" I. .
Ce . . .
- 9 s . "
0 m ! . ; STATS or
, STn
: f
B E " 3 :
: 3 g
_ _ : , . :
nm ; . . . . . . . . 42 4 .0' ) Clear. -
North ' : H 65 , no ( Clear .
himmroa. . . . . . . . . . S : 61 .00 tiiemmr
thloalo . . . . . . . 80 3' .ou Cloar.
S. . . Lll. . . . . . . . . 42 44 ,00 Cloudy.
511.aul. . . . . . . . . . 32 40 .on Clear .
Da1cnporl. . . . . . . 84 40 .00 Ceor. .
Kansas City. . . . . 4 : 48 .00 CI"ar.
Iclen : . . . , . . . . . . 31 I .00 Cloar.
hImyro. . . . . . . . 4l 68 .00 ( t'Rucloud .
SaitLimicecity . . . 42 60 .00 Clear.
Ulammmarcg. ' . . . . . 36 U .00 Cle'ar
61. Vlucen . . . . . . : ' 1 44 .00 Clear .
Cbeycmms. . . . . . . 8'4 : : .00 Clear .
Wiiilstnn. . . . . . . . . . 32 41 : .00 C : .
KIIldCly. . . . . . 32 : : .2 .00 Clear
UaIVoaLOo.56 _ ft _ .00 _ Clear.
' ' ' iimdleates ' trace ot precIpitation.
'ldlcate. 1 . WIILS1 . Cbservsr .
- , .
ALL DUI ) - TO k di1rE - FOREICNERS ; i
Dullness in the Btb k Market Ascribable
t European Influence ,
IIII..r nf I lii' Itlll : ( imlilMI' ' nl.1 thc'
1"1 I Iltnl uf , Gold g'll.rC" ,
"lh i.tumiimpmi ! , 'IIIK In-
"tel.1 uf 11'IIK.
NI : \ \ ' YORK , No , . . 10.-Ilenry Clews , head
of the banking hOuse or Henry Clews & Co" ,
writes or time situation In Wall street ;
himliiiemce most ode e 'EO to tie stock mn k't
lfuenco hayo been the ulettell state of
fluropenn I ' polities . thc foam a of a coapFo In
the " 1afllr" speculation ant the mippt'oacii
of sterlll "xchlle to the gold Hhlpllln
! !
point. The lm.ter : flctor hInd prolabl ; ' 101
Inlhlence thal . .1 the others comblued. . Lan-
Ion , was n steady seller or our stock 1111
as wheat mind cotton tu not go outwards
wih sulcllnt freldom to pay for our large
Import ! , the supply of bills \I'ns Ixhaustcd
tOnI we timid ourHl'I'lR emi the verge of gold
exports , instead of thc Imports usual at this
sel on , This situation \\'as tlllel ful ad-
\ 'mntnge of professional trailers , who had
Ittc I .llcut I ty In I fOlchJ ! Iqu\llton I by
\lak or tired holders . paltcularl ) lS time
imlg operators seem el wllnl for a decline.
Towlrd the close of thc wllk there was n
rally . basell upJn short coverlmmg. and a more
hopeful feelng de'eoilei. : I would sell
as If al the unrnvorhle condltuns hlli
been faIrly Ilscounted hy time declne of tile
last few weeks , but enougb unceltnlnt ) still
remains to demanll cauton ,
The outcome of thE elections cnn lmmmrtiy :
be alll to have hn'l much Ilmollllto effect
Illon the Investment mark.t but It Is 10t
therefore to be rllwled ns devoid of 1m.
portanee. I leanH ! much as to the flture
of inertlec. I strcnthen very decidedly l
the prospect of a ncw prolongation of rc-
pUblcan ascemmdancy In nltonul affairs , anti
with that goes a probability that InlnClal
and currency questions wi be tealt with
on lines different . from those laid duwn hy
the opposite pllt ) . There Is mme re.lson to
suppo that time republicans are any let's
, lesl'OIS to I emo\c the tlners conneetell
witil our curlcncy system than the democrats -
crate hu\o shown themtisei'es to uo. But
thtlr Ilhods of trlltllnt are likely to
follow ideals which so far ha\e been hinted
lt mthel' than openly cunsllerlll , A party
so bug In power mmmay be expected to im0'e
sonic reelect for the Instutlols which It
has eRtll : lshe"l anti for tla treason therl
IN n prIma fade iroltabllitY that the new
congress wi hesitate \ to hast ) sacrifice
the greenback ( l'nlcd States loteR ) and will
he In no hmmrry to extrnd privileges to the
state hanks In cgnflct with the Interests
anti prestige of the natonal banks ndlca-
tons are not lacking thai these two pre-
pOFses lens mmiy go far toward shaping re-
publcan : policy on Inanclal and mOletllY
measureB On ) the question of retiring thc
legal tender notes , a second thought Is he-
glnnlnK to appear. { The argument Is put
forth In quarter which wi command attention -
tenton that the truubles of the trlasur ) ' mire
not so much due to the ! greenback itself anti ,
for what It intrinsically Is 13 to the fact
that there has been supertted to thlt note
15,0,0 at Sherman notes anti 3 O.0,0 of
silver certificates , all oC which are , In the
final Issue payable In gold , I IR rlasuned
that thc olclli gold reserve of $100,000tOO II
thus iadI to hear n burden of SOIO.o : ; of
obIatonR. Instead of thc $ 31OOO 011,1-
naI ) ' contemplated : whlb It Is claimed Is
quito sulcleni tothrow discredit impomi our
whole patter currency. To Iemel ) ' Ufon t vast
excess of paper o\el \)1e \ ) goll reserve It Is
proposld that thc , entire bottle I of Sherman I
notes shall ! e retired ' through al I ' Hle of
low Interest bonds which shall Iford a
basis for increased ' IHUlS If national bank
lotes upon conditions more lerl than
tioso now existing , anti that lt a later stage
at ( least a good porton of the silver eertl-
cates shal be withdrawn . and the silver
het ! against thcnl n wel lS that held
agaInst the Shermans ; shah be disposed of
'fa provide Igalnst lice contraetol that
woull result from the'o wlh.lrwal . ! of
currency I Is sUhestcl that the COIItonH
ot issiming bank flutes shll be so far cam-ed
as to admit of a corresponding Increase In
the yolumc of thlt clrrcney , In this way
thc greenbacks would IJC retained In use nnl
the privilege of issuing I hank paper would ,
be relervcr to the natonal hanles. i
At Ilresent I seems likely that I policy of .
thIs clmrct.r nutmyite flyore' iy the part i
Into whose hands political control 11 falll , 1
I Is not to ue queFtoned that Sich a course
woud ! present practIcaltes timid attractions
that would win for It consllerable sUPJort ,
Under such . conditions the greenbacks would
be greatly trenthenell and woulr ! e read-
Iy accepted for un Important claps of uscs
for ' is'ouiml otimemam'lse ha ,
which gold woul othel'wlFI refulled
CertaIn It Is that they have fallen Into Ils-
repute only since the other forms of cl\cu-
lalnJ notes have been put out In such 1m-
menRe \oume. : and thc wIthdrawal of the
later could ommiy give eonl1lenco to the re-
tamed original l legal tender. A change of
this character would he less revolutonar ) '
than the one favored uy the present administration -
ministration , which would not only withdraw -
draw all tbe present forms of paper { legal
tender but would suhstlute a new hnsl )
at guarantee for bank notes , anti make
thdse notes Issuablo by state banks as well
aB national ,
The significance to the market ot theRI
foreshadowln is I that they seem to suggest -
gest n working way oat of the tleaRur '
emarraCHments. which may he ! raclwd
for pulc consideration In the new con"ress.
The position of the "Kallir" troubles In
Paris seems to have been Romuwhal emmed
anti there Is less apprehension of a violent
erasim of that ' petulalon that lucre haR
heen Thc European political situation now
preslnts the most gloomy aspect of the two
" 'al street Is' beginning to hrllthe morl
free : ' In , anti
fm'eey consequence 111 as there has
been a contnuous letting down of prlres
here for some weeks past , the t"ne amy
coon be expected to become more hopefu I'
vIth more dl posilon to uuy. MOle courageous -
ageous huylng than soiling Is what II really
needed before the marltl Is lIkely to tur
Pronouncedly upward ; Icanwhle' : continue .
tnue to recomnmnend conservative tradlmmg
conselyatve trtlug
anI ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.ono I"I\CI.\ IU \'n\ .
gnroll'nn lloimrsosleeiimm'ed to lie In
n Cr'C"II l'o"lCoo.
LONDON , Nov. 10-Tho critical position
of the dIfferent European bourEeS during
the week has compelled dilcount ! roktls ; as
a measure of . precaution , to advance mane ) '
rates slightly. The week the Stock
rtes slght ) on exchange -
change prayed so disastrous thai thc settlement -
ment commencing tomorrow Is nntIcipated
. antcpated
wih the greatest nnxlet ) . I Is almost cer-
tlin that some failures . will then ! e an-
nounced. 'he tall oC London consols and
other gltelget securIties has been nil the
greater because they ha\e already heen
forced abnormaltV high. Declines In prices
In almost all at the Ipeculatve markets
range Cram 2 to 5 per cent. Dealings In
mining securIties arc very limited . Com-
ptIRonl with the prlcef of a month age
show how lrlous the fall hal been , even In
the best reputed mining stoclt In the
foreign markets the greatest colapse has
been In Turlltsh amid Illan securities . EVI'n
It no further troulet develop I If Imprh-
able that any noticeable recover will take
plata this ) ' el r. The week's declines are
as tolows : Louisville & Nashville , G . per
cent : Denver prefered , 5 per cent : Helln
Irst ! , Atchison first mortgage und 'ahaBh
6s , 3'4 per cent : Athilson . grlc , Lake Shore
and Pelnlvanll , 2H . plr cent : St. Paul ,
Union l'aCimlc anti W'abasim
lalllc an.1.aIIRh. . 2 II"r cent ;
Canadian Pacific . 4P per cent : Grand Trunk
guaranteed , 314 ' PFt , ent.
)1.\CII flS'I'IIIC J r 'r ii ng.nw.
. .
Inrkc.t Dnr'nl ' time \'ei-k DII 1111
Iolrn/'I l.c'II'rll I , .
MANCIESfl I Nov. 10.-Tho market
during the week was 'dumil and discouraging .
Ittlc business havlnb.ten done and stocks
accumulating , boh' 9t yarns and cotim : In
spite of the miimmcr at idle machines and
the Increasing list Od employee In distress.
Lots of ) 'lrn8 wc q fold at i4c decline , but
regular quotatlon renained nominally un-
! >
changed. Cloth fl ll'he contnuell absence
of the large Indl 'emun ' keeniy , ommiy
smal IBHorted lots 'bllng daily sold , offers
for quality anti fIUAntl ) ruln much below
COBt. I.eyantn" 'nnll' continental ! uslness
has been hlnll'rl , "Y the potcal situation
the home trade ' 1\1 \ plow In:1 : there WM can :
! hlerobll waitng fur cotun developments.
The continental lplnners continue busy
wIth 11rolabc ! orders.
Cotton Mmirlt.t .
ST. I.O1JIS , Nov. S.-COT1'Ouiet 'aC lower
nmtddltng , Sc : : 8nl.a , 21ltal ( - ; recelpms I , 27 ;
bales ; alack , 12C ( r hales . '
Ngv OltL.t1ANt. 9-COTN-Qulel
middlIng , Se : low immIddling. 81e ; good ordinary'
1 13.160 , net receipis , i.OS3 bales & : 001 ' IS , 1.4 3
bmilei , : clItoris . to Great Imrltain . , ( ( hal.a : In
l'rance. 1 ,4S1 bales : If lime Continent . so belt's ;
COI81\1' ' 2,8i1 bales ; sales 1,150 8j ; stock " '
316.32 hales. ! '
NlYOItK , No\ th.C'OTTON..Qumet : mid-
tiling , S'c : Iwl receipts , none ; gross. asia hah's'
( forwarded 1.91 halt ; sales , 64. bales , mmli > pln , :
neu , .Ioek 15.60 t.I" ! ; future a clOOPtl , stenily ,
aieg , 1 3O > halea ; JunUar . 55.47 ; I"ebrumjry'
'U , March , $ UG ; April , 8,6) ) , : ta ' . U3 : June
' 8.0 ; Auguat $ ? 4 ; November . 11.39 ; Dec r""r'
$ ,4. spat cllp.1 imuIel \ ; mlldlng uplands , bc :
mlldlnJ gulf , ec : sales , 1. lxmlea . ,
Ir' ( moilc . 3hiirIi.t .
N1'I W YanK , 9-Temperolur8 amid , weather
were not inorahle 10 un iileIt'tlm.etl tiemmmanI for
. t
purely "n'"luble fnbrle. an,1 ouch engugelmlenls
Went ) realrlc.1 10 orders ceilIng fur led rute
QuanUlu II n1et current requlremenla ot an
ur..1 char CI.r. TlereI little doing In
spin stuff ; 10 "IHr Qt unporaco were pn ; . .
eat. Irlllnl cloth ' 111el but firm nt S G 1e ,
nlr for time week. :5,11lecu ,
I.'AI.I itlVlBt Mass . , 14'.v. I.-There has bern I
Il'I 1 "
n It"lerlle u.ine. , In the prInt cloth mnlkol
during the \uek , The demlnlt for m.gtmlnmra inim .
for 'I'Jta or very early deliveries . amid there \ero i
lnt rnnulh In .llht tu nllw any free tralln" , ,
.fhereaa 'ule 1 1011 le111)1 rtmr odds durinI
the lirrt part II , that week , anti msnemfnemurera
met the demnanil . fairly . \tcssrs. ltm'nmInlon amid
llwnl flrnl I,1 the following .tatell.11 I " ' 10'
Iluelll for the w.ek 220.OcO rleee.1 ; Ilelnriro.
2l5.ti ) ulcers ; Murk ( I < da , 4GI ' ) r "el ; GCCt ,
7.0'sl liletes ) , 53,01)t ) pIeces ; lateek' stek.
7 & O. ) IlcI'ls , ; "I . ( odiia iG,004) Pieces ; 64.64 .
24,511 1le'es ) . : OO.OJ 1 > le.'u ; .111. , 47,11.5) 1,1"eo ;
ftmttmrcs , r3O vheees ; .11 . for week\ delivery ' :
Nom'emmmmer , IwOO I'lm'cs ; l"celblr , US 0. ) ) 1lee" , . :
January , " , ( ) tll.l'U ; I'"hrulr ) ' , 31,11. " ) } mdeces ;
Mlrch , ) : , \ ) lileCes ; AprIl ' , 7 , ( pieces ; May ,
GO IIlecc ; Juno , 6Q PIeCeS. .
CII.\W : M.ltiCl'I'i' .
I'ntll'l' 01 4 lie 'l'rn.IIK I nl.1 Clm.ll
I'rk't'n oil Smitur.lm' .
CHICAGO , No\ . 9.-Tho contnlld rain !
anti snowy wenther ali the fact Ihat there
Is no appnrent nbntemcnt In the receipts
at northwester Points enticed December
wheat to fail oft this moring loon after thc
opening , which Wa met ) 'etenll"s closing
price , 5S'4c. ' I soon droPPNI to &S4m0 , but
encourlglnF cables amid 10le good news
calsIll I reaction to 5c. COllertun , of
statistical reports and light clenrances ( roam
Atantc ports anl hnt a bad effect timid
thc tell anti after 'mmrIotmit
Price fel off Ilaln , Inll nrtrlrloul
change closed met from 5'.c ' to 5S1c. ' 1 ' ime
estimated result of the 'Helt's Ilomcste
mo\cment of wheat Is that the "Islhlo SemI-
ply will , on Monday . show un Incral (
of from 2,5,01 bu. to 3,0.(1 ( ' ! I , lnnc-
npoll Int Duilth are eXIIN't\.1 to give 1\
Inerllse of lrIW hl" , nll New York atm
Inclea e of Ibout , 2WOlO bum.
In com the Ilrolllel of cllarlng wcnthtr ,
wih ' 1IrhlpS the moro Il\oltant matter
that the NO\ember shorts 11:11) : ' nil CO\ ' .
.rell \cRtcnlu ' , caused n declll of I..C . In
that future. Dtcemer nml Muty mire wihin
1-16c of theIr previous dmey's closingalue. . , .
Tlale wn smul
Omits contnuetl very dtmhl. Sales wele very
small Int chungs ) In 11'lce sl ht. \ IIY
hlenel , . ant closed at 'estenla"s Prices ,
: Itrovislons Prospective large receipts
of hogs next s'cek entIced a weak feellmig
( morn the ljcgliimming amid n ( lecllmme of i2 ° c
In pork was limmally CStfltiiSill'Ii ) for time day.
Lard anti ribs did not participate to time
( mmli in time veakness , time decline in eacim
being ommly 24c.
Time leatling femtures ranged as follows :
Articles. I _ Ommemm. I lLIziu.I t.ow. I Clois.
\1meui : , No. 'j
Nov t'7T oh t7L ; 37
hoc r.s os ; ics !
May U2 03 02't ' I32I
t'ormm , No 2. ,
Nov. . . . . . . - 2ti + 208 < 2il 2O
Dcc 2I4 2I4S 2h
May . 2o 20k 2Ut 2t'b '
Oats. No. 2. . .
Nov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
h'e 1Si i8 I14j 1H
May 2U ) 2m ( ( 2O ) 2O !
i'orkiier bbi .
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it )
. . . . . . . . 15 ii 17t . 0i ii (10 (
Mmmc' U 47H 0 50 U 37 % ii 3mh
Lard.lLitl lbs . .
Nov. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) . . . . . . . . il2i S ( IC . 5 aOl4 l
Iec..5 . 8'2i4 3 t5 5 C2i4 S 52I
'liort Ribs- . . .
No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , an
Jmmmi. . . . . . . . . . 4 Ct ) . 4 tl2 . 4 5714 4 1171.'j
Maw. . . . . . . . . . 4 1.0 4 cr 4 Si ) 4 hit )
Casim quotations were as follows :
F'LOL'lt-Steady ; wInter patents. * 3.lfltb.50 ;
winter m'trniglmts , 12.t0F3.20 ; spring patents , 13.151c
spring straights , l.6ii2.9U ! ; bakems , li.S&t.t
WIIIIAT-No. 2 sprIng , 5tirSc ; No. 3 spring ,
578f17',4c ; No. 2 red , 58t6lc.
COltN'-No. :1.29aC. : .
OATS-No. 2 , I84c : No , 2 whIte. iic ; No. 3
, Wltlte. 1tttllttc.
ltYi.-No. : 2 , 37c.
flAlthL'Y-No. 2 , 41c' : No. 3 , 2t128e : No. 4 ,
FLAX SlRI-No. I , 5fl3'fT9i'.e ,
'riMoTity Sflfll-I'rtnmt' , $3.0) .
i'ltOVXiONi-Mecs jiorlt , icr blmi. , $8 12'4tIS.25 ;
lard. per 104) lbs. , $5.5itl3.0) ; cimort ril'q , sIdes
tlt"ts. ' ) , $4rO4a * ; dry salted elmotmitlers ( tmemi ) ,
it ? 'iiII.Stj ; short clear itics ( boxed ) , $4.C1t8
\ , ' _ ' finishmed goods , per gal. ,
IOt'hTll'-Stealy ; tom leys , 7l7t'c : ehlrkees ,
c'tmcc ; tiuclts , 5tiO'jc.
'rice following were the receipts and shipments
to4ay :
Articles , flecoipta. SlmIpamcnt.
Flour , bbls. . . . . 12,000 10,000
Vlieat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 41)tttt ) )
Corn , Lam..2 111.0(10 ( 284,110(3 (
Ommts. bmm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242,4101) . ) 105,000
llyt' bti.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4mflO ) 3ft00
mmmirmey.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . io,0ou _ 40.000
Ott the Pr imiom ecmmano today this butter mmiar-
Imet was tIthed : creatmmt'rv , i4u2Oc ; dairy , OJ.r
lOu. Eggs , mirmii:144i0m. :
Clommlmmia ( tuotmitlomisoma time Primicipimi
Cozii lmmiIItit'H mmmiii Sillimli's.
NgYO1u. . , No' . 9.-FLOL'R-lleceipttm , 32,108
tbls. ; exports , 7,5043 bids. : quIet anti easy wIth
mmhmeat ; Mhnat'altolis patents , 13.08133.75 ; MInnesota
laieers. i2.Qh3.i0. 'Itie Ilommr , stead ) ' ; ttultcrflhie ,
$2.&Rj2.7a ; fancy , * 2.50133.00 , Iluckwimeat hour.
easy ; $ i.0 , spom.
CORN MEA L-Steady ; yellow m estern , coarse ,
aLlAN-Dull at 32.60.
ItYE-Nonmhnal ; No , 2 western , 42c.
hA itl.U-\'cmtk ; weste'rmm , 40llSc.
im.iu.Iv : MALT-'cmk , : % 'estern. & 0g600 ,
\'iiIIAT-1teeeiltts , 12.30) Itu. ; exporhs , 7,50) hem.
No , I hmarti , 61'5c ' delivemeti. OptIons opened
lirmoer on war rumors , hut soon tmmrned weak
unmier comitlmmueti c'et weather meest anti large
receipts of spring wheat , tmgethmer with linanclal
, icpree'm'hon abroad ammO itmmmll clearIngs : cloi.oti
mIllet an'm iower ; No. 2 red , May , 63 ;
closed 6Sc.
COitN-ileeelpts , 51.804) him. ; exports. 70' ' ) bu.
g1,0 , tftmll ; No. 2 , 36'Ic. Optinims Oltetieti steadier
on rmhmls ; ivesi , eased off wiLhi ivltcat and clearing
misfit her ammO cit'st-d ummchmammgeI ; alIt ) ' , a5ij
35 15-m6 , closed 55c.
OATS-ReceIpts. 216,008 bmm. ; exports , .1,400 ho ,
i4pot market , miull ; No. 2 , 23e. Options iluiet
anti vealc. closing ' , lt te lower ; amy , 2mc' .
itAY--Stuimly ; Sithitltlng , $ T.081i.0 ; good to
choIce , $00 c.r.c.
liOl't-SteatiN' ; state , common t choice , iS9m
crom' . 3117c ; it'35 crop , lube ; l'achhie coast , 1SII
cr01 , . 3'.e ; i'I5 crop StilOc.
, IiiDm'i--Qumet ; CalICt'mnia. ' 21 to 2 , lbs. , 1IluiStc' ;
Gaic'esttvm , ai to 23 his. , Pic ; Ilumenos .3'rt's , thr' .
II ) to 24 11mm' . . 21e ; Texas , tim ) ' , 24 Ia 3' ) Its. , 1211 lIe.
I1'rhtiIIt-imemeI3 : hemmmltmck sole , ituenos
A'res , light to heavy , lie ; acid , 2i'mi24c ,
'OOr.-'Quiet ; domestIc hicece , ls24c ; pulled ,
191122c' ,
i'llO\0810N8-ileef , stentiy ; famIly , iao )
12.60 ; extra niece , l.00itS.5O ; teef bmamq , $ l5.eoi
i5.t0 ; PaCked , tI.OOliii.0' ' ) ; city extra lmitlla nmemts ,
$ l6.601m 16.08. Cut nteats , tiulm. Lard , quiet :
era steani ci'sed at $5.'JO bItt ; rellnei , Steatli' ,
i'ork. fimni ; nemi' nmess , i3.5iimo.25 ; ( small ) ' , $ im.sooj
llL3TTlfl-Pteat1y ; westermm daIry. iO'rJhlc ;
mycittern creamery , 1111230 : 1hgIns , 23c.
flOG8-m'teatlc' : state ammO l'enmmsylvamima , 2itJ2c ;
western , itillOOc.
TATm..O\--steatly ; cIty. 14c ; couzitry , 4'4c.
h'R'l'itOLuUM-Quiet ; tlimhtetl closed at $1.49
ithti ,
Vm11EE-r.asier ; large , state , 7'4iui0c.
ROSIN-Fimni ; atmained , common to good , 11.65
1ctOLAPC8-Steady : New Orleans , open ket-
tie. gooti to choice , 2911Ic.
Tt'Ili'JNTINII-Quhet ; 2SI2Sle ,
rtmcm-uulm ; domestIc , faIr to extra , 3TfiG'c ,
atlTALS-i'rg Iran , qemiet ; sommtlmern , $ i2.Olf (
14.00 ; aortmcrmm. 312.00(114 50 , Copper , easy ; Pro-
kent' price , $11.60. Leami , , mmmlet ; brokers' price ,
$3.20. Tin , quiet ; straits , $ i4,5 ; imlates , quIet.
i4pemter. weak : tiomnestle , 53.50.
( ' & ) 'l'TON sgmi ) OIL-Qumet : erode , 24tj2hlc'
ililiti , Isi120c ; off stmnmmer yellow , 271(271,8e.
St. Limimis ( bt'mu'rmmi ttgmrle-t.
ST. 1.01115. Nov. 0.-VIlllAT-1.xperieneetI a
msethalc mit thme ttN'flhtlg ttecaumte of time ulset of
time % c'ar news miCti thme contmnmmei.ramns , anti imeavy
r'cn'Imtm. In th , ' northwest , and tmrouglmommt time
remmmahmmtler of this thay the nmarkm't metes depress'tl ,
closimmg ' .4i"ic untier ) 'esteriImmy : No. 2 red , emtph ,
6l'4c ttiti ; November , 57c ; Decetnber , &S',8t58'4c'
31aP , 60',50 ' Ltltl ,
( 'OliN-Easier atm predictions ( or a clearing up
of time raIny weatimer anti mt'ports of expectet In.
creaseti receIpts for next week , cioshng below
yesmertlay ; No. 2 mIxed , cash , 34i1c ; November
21tc ltttl ; Decemiter , 241,8c : May , 26',6(2C'-e.
OA'rs-stcamly ( or futures , trading iigimt ; spot
tiull , Ntt. 2 , cam-tm , ilt8e 1dm ; November 1Sc Dc.
ct'mlter , l7TtjiSc ; MIt ) ' . 20te.
1yi-No : tlemmmaemd ; offered on call at 36'2e , but
mt'ccivetl no ihtls.
( 'OlIN IIIAL-l.lSfji.50.
llltAN-t'alriy actime ; 52m83J53c for sacked ,
east track.
II A\-Firtn mmami utmcimansed ; ralrie , $6,5Ocj9,5o ;
tlmtmotil ) ' . 89.5081 IllS.
WI I I 14 i.ii.22. .
l'Ot'mii'iLY-\S'eak ; hum keys , lower , 60 ; chickens -
ens , lower , 53j6t,8c : tltmchs , steady , ? ' , c ; geese ,
steatiy. Cc.
IItTTTllt-Ctc'adi' ; creamer ) ' , IS6IBC ; dairy , S6J
IXIGS-Iligher ; ITo loss oft.
, $ J'AD-Nonmhnmmliy itch ] at $3.02'.88.O5.
b'i'Il.TIlt-Offcreti itt $3.05. but no blis ,
l'itO'1SlONS-1'ork , standard mess , jobbing ,
1R.0hIS.52. l.mmrtl. mrlnme itti'amn , $5.10 ; choice ,
* 1.00. Ihmmcon , l'oxecl shoulders , 15.25 ; longs , 15.10 ;
shorts. rits. $1.25.
htI'iIi"fS-ilour , 1.008 hhds. ; am'heat , 41,08) Pu. ;
corn. 20.00 hem. : oats , 13.0 ° ) Pu.
t4lll1'MiNT8-FhoUr , 5,080 Itltls ; wheat , 13,00)
imu , ; corn , 4,0)0 ) lu. ; oats , i6,00t ) lu ,
CotTer Immrkct ,
NIW' YO1tK , Noc' . 9.-COFF1L-Opemletl
m'taiY. with lrices unchanged to S paints mower ,
foltoweti by a rmmily of tOilS faints on time local
Ithdding mini mm trim' luying , orders ; cloeti quiet at
net unehaageti to S moints advance ; Noc'emler.
$14.60 : let'enmtter , Iil.f.Sttit.60 ; Marchm , $ lI.11SJ14. ;
May $14.llUil.55 ; Isptemntter , 114.556(14.00 ; srtot
cotfe' , Itia , dull ; No. 7 , $ lI.Cl' . ; imiiid , dull ; Cor-
tiom&I. 1lS.itfll5. )
i4.N'rOi. Nov. 9.-Firom ; avermigo Santos , $ l5.,0 ;
rt'ceImtIs , 11,0)0 ) tmgs ; stock , 47 00' ) lags ,
Vt'arelmaustdeliveries ( ruin New York yeslerilay ,
g.iyj bags ; New York stock today , 2Sa.I'J9 Pigs :
i'nltel t4tmites Inek. 3r0G6 lags ; uhiommt for the
t'nltei States , 167,000 iagu ; total visible for the
I.'nitt'd hitates , 541,608 bugs , against 6Q-4,3J ? bags
last year.
IiAltlmt'itO , Nov. 9.-Irregular at i' ptg 'he-
chime ; sales , ' 7,000 lags ,
IIAV11II , Nov. 9.Olteneti itareig steatly at decikie ; closed uncimangeti ; total sales ,
lo.e LagS ,
itlt ) , Nov. 9.-Quiet ; No. 7 , lila , ill ; exchange ,
$ ti. , receimtt. , 6,0)0 bmmgtm ; elemmrel , for the llnhiei
8tate , SOOt ) t'ags ; cleared for lurvltc , SiO' ( ) bags :
stock , 179.000 bags.
loud au ( .rmt I mm Imi rkm't Ites'iem' ,
LONDON , Nov. 9.-The weattmer durIng the past
wtete has bt-n wulfler 54111 amis woe has nmwie
ioitI Ct'nreS. Tite aebsat Ames wIll lr.btuiI'
itXcssij tis t t.f iaat ymr. In I it toni kit it itsi
ti. hmetmi Oe.iet amid d9tttee.1 , oa'mn * , ttl tic' % tik-
( ( as. of time Anteriesn aiI contimmanlimi Imaul httP
time mIld weather. ruoi , IUi'pl ) ' Sfltt pier , Ienmcnti. ,
lit i lower. 1'ircels icer. plow. Nertlmemim dreg
Wtet altomtt a'a , 'jIm ) he.t at s hpot mc a' . , itmhl.
Males mcs ruIet .ini ck'.pd flrmner. Patceis acre
Stead ) ' . Oim imttsed AlileCtt'titi miIti.l , It'ttiiet
ileiii'cry , wtms c1emott'l at ICs 6.1. Ilat icy cc is
tirnlem' let 6(1 'lemumer. titS tittli timid t'mms' .
OM.tIIA (1 I3' lIlt. ' . I MAlt I IPI' .
Cotitti I Iomm at 'l'rimit , itmimi ( ilicitmitiona
4)11 Slillili' 0 nil L'iiH'3 l'i'til iit't. ,
Time creek closes with emegs itromig nmmd PoultrY
Gnome is in gcmotl ticmaiitl nntl Is selilmmg freely
at stead ) ' irites , (3uttatlons :
1lflSi4tmlctly fm'mim ! stock , itO lGt4c ,
1J1t'rTIit.i'akImmg : stork. Sc ; fmmir to good
country , 123j14c ; cimuice to fmiiic' eoummtm ) ' , litfiSe ;
gathered crenmmmer ) ' , 1G lSc ; separator Ct.'atmmci y ,
\'flAL-Clilce fat , 70 to lid its. , mere dltltted at
Glfc ; large antI course. 4tJGc.
CilfllSl-loniestli' trIck , 1ie ; } latmi , per
doe. , $10 ; Club house' , 1.Ib. jars ' tier iIo. , * 3.60 ;
Llmtmtemrger , fcmtmcy , per lii. , 11340 ; ( , % -lb.
jars , ier , 'loz. , D.J'occng ; , 'tlmlmlCt' , iQc ;
'Fec 11mm' , ( mini' ) ' , lie.
1'OULTILi'-IIve-J lemma , Icr lb. , Pte ; chIckens ,
per lb. , 6' : roctahers , 3iftt' ; .Iteka , It ) S. ' ; mutt l.ev.
76Sc ; get's , ' , ? G1cm lme'mo'd.-'Imickrna. Gl8ttc :
, lemcles , t'ci' J' ; tmlrie's , 5511cc ; geese , ti'c' ' .
I l. Yl.'imi.i titi , * 6 ; in Idittild , $5.50 ; ba Ia imti , $5 ;
rye straw , $4 ; color imiaki's tile ItCl'c' mum itmI5'
light baIt's sell the best. Onli' tot , grades bring
tel , tricer.
IjitoO.t CORN-New crimp. , lelivered on track
In c'otmntr ) ' , cimolce green sehf.wtttkiflC carpet , Per
II , . , 2'c ; citnico green rtmmmmtimig It ) Itull , .tc ;
eomlmnmomm , 1'e ,
(1A1tg-I'rnIri lticicen , young , icr dos. , $5 :
hr. , I m ho cii Iclicimp , oIl , $ J.iIO4J3.50 ; ilium I I , Ii. , lj'l.ti :
Jack snipe , TIc ; mtidemm plover , $1.23 ; jock rid'-
itits , Iter dtmz. , 12.eit3.o0 ; aimmail rattblta' , Ii ; nmal'
inri ducks , $3 ; reiimcmida , $3 : ci'nbmick dUcks ,
15.00 : tutu. blue ac lmmg , $1.75 : di ai , gmeefl
wing , $1.00 ; tmmlx"tl , lemt's , $1.10 ; Cammmmthti
geese , $0 ; ammieli Cctmte , $4.50 ; trnmiii ; , $3..0 : deer
antilles , i5i16c : deer carctamis , 1l'i3lC' ' elk pal.
dIe , lie ; elk carcasses , 'lie' ; atitci P0 shtldies , ii
fuSe ; antelope ear'nses , l0Ctiie.
\'gcllTA lILt'S.
I'OTA'I'OiS-.On track , cmtr lola , 23c ; email
lots Imommi smart' , 5)c. )
ONIONH.-1''r Pu. , 2Si30e ; importeti Spanlehi
otmkmt , mci' cm mite , 4jOP.if,5C ; hone' gmoevii $ pammishm.
per It ) ! . , $ I . 10 ; I to t'itti. lmhs , $1 . 15.
1hL''tNS-l1ammtI.piLked ltav ) ' , mmcm' iu. , 51.756(1.50.
l'oTA'rocs-cimoiec stock , lOijISc ; car lois , 25
.st'tgT l'OTATOLS-Cimoice stock , 11.53 per
ClmiAd3l3-On ! orders , crated , per 193 lbs. ,
( 'Il.iity-cImmlee : : stoci , large No , 1 , 406tlc ;
large Nt , , 2 , ISe ; etnami 25i(3e.
LlM , IlH.NS'-l'er lii. , & ' , jc
WATIIt CltCtSper 1C-qt. ctlee , 01.501(1.75.
Notmvihimitanthimmg repom ( a mit freczmmmg In New
York state , tmme mmmurket conhifluem t. te steadily
suIitl hi whim as limit' Commt'itrtl am alt's mis L'tcr
cmmttm 1mm e. Theme is me Cm cc immt't'mmtent , anti
e'ultmes Immivo mutt advanced miltpmecitibi ) ' . ( lucIa-
tions :
Ct1lF'OItNIA QUlNC1S-l'er lox. , $1.50.
CAL1FOIINIA i'II.tItS--No 11am tletts ault.ible
for shIppIng : other varht-tht's , 12.
liAmll ) i'm.tlts-l'em' : case , $2.
CItANltFitltmiS-.Ciiohc btcic , per bid. , $0.50.
i.M1atIA OltAl'is-l't'r : 6)-lb. bit. , 17.QOtetl ) .
EASTIICN QI1AI'lH-New Yomk Concords , i'e :
basket , 231124c."OIlNIA QflA1'S-To1eays , pei double
emcee , $3.OOUI.25.
A1'I'Ll-Jtaatimnns , 53.251(3.50 : choice shmhl-
pimmg mtock , lIen iavis , ( kimlmon , S'lnetmp , ole. ,
ttbls. , 02.50012,75 ; cooklimg ammtee : ,
TltOi'ICAL l"itUl'l'S.
ORANOSS-itteicames , per box , 54.00 ; Jamaicas ,
per box , $3.75.
LIIItONS-Californiij , LeT box , 16.00016.25.
ISANANAIO-Cimoice iamge stock , per bunch , $2.
tnetihemm shzed bunches , $1.75.
I'INIIAI'PLTIS-Per doz. , $3.
HIDES-No. 1 muceim hIdes , Sc ; No. 2 greemm
Imhttee , Jo ; No. I gmen salted hides , Cc ; No , 2
green salted bIdes , Sc ; No. 2 greerm salted hItler.
21 to 40 lbs. , Cc ; No. 2 greemm salted hides , 25 to
40 us. , Sc ; No. I veal cult , S to 15 lbs. , Sc ; No. 2
veal calf , S to 15 lbs. , Cc ; No , I dry itint hiles ,
lOlJlZc ; No , 2 dry flInt Ithties , 51(1cc ; No. 1 un'
ti1tett hides. Sc ; part cured hmldes , % c per lb. ices
titan fully cemneti.
sltgli' i'RL'rs-cmcen salted , each lSSJGOc ;
green salted mtimearliage ( elmont woometi eamly skins ) ,
each Re ; dry eiiearlhmmgs ( short wooled emily
shuts ) , No. 1 , each , be ; dry mihtearlmmmg , ( churl
vuoled early skhnsi. No. . umeit , Sc ,
dry flhnt I.-mmmsas anti Nebnnemea butcher iooI
Pelts , tsr lb. , actual iveigit , & ( jtc ; tiny flint
imtnsas mind Nebmuskmt Murrnmn wool meltS , Iter
lb. . actimal Welghmt , 4315c : dry hint Colotatlo
lmmtelmer icool pelts , per lIt. , actual , 4it6o ,
dry flInt Colomatlo amurrain im'oot pelts , per ihi. ,
actual weIght , 4iflc ; dry Ithi'eCS anti bucks , actual
welghmt , lIthe. have feet cut omf , as It is useless -
less to laY frehgimt on their
TALLOW AND UImRAh'll-Talhow No. 1 , 31,4c ;
tallow No. 2 , Ic ; grease. witito A , 3'c ; grease.
ms'hmlte It , Ic ; gmm'ase ehcw ! , 25c ; gmt'itme , tinmlc ,
2e ; oil btmttcr , 21(2',4c ; beeswax , prlmmme , 150122c ;
rouglm tallow. l'c ,
IiONi8-In ear 1)15 weIghed and delIvered In
Clmhc'ago : Iry burrao ! , pen ton , $ l2.0Qi14.00 ; dry
country , bleaclmeul ' I'er ton , 510.O0fi12.50 ; dr
coemntry , dammip amid'macsty , nez' ton , 16.001(3.00 ,
\VOOI.--Urmwash'.I , mine Imemmvy , 66Tc ; mmmi lhglmt
101Cc ; imtmahter tilted , lOtfllc ; seed ) ' , tturm'y ammil
clmarra' , SOuSe ; cotted and broken , coatag , IlJIe ,
eotted and lineSmen , fine , G1Se. I"leece wimelmel- . .
Melhmmnm , 150ilSc ; tine , 141(1Cc : tub stashed , 161 $
lIe ; black , R ; bucke , Cc : tag locke. 23c ; dead
lulled. 501Cc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FUflS. _ _ _ _ _ _
lr.Jo. 1i'o. ; ilNo. ii 2 _
_ . Md'rmmJi3mn'il _
fll'c'he . . , , , , , , . . . . 1201(23 8 15 00 $ 06(10 1101(12 5 5 00
lihack Yearlinge. 320(15 33 001 7 00 7 00 3 00
liltmclc . . . . . . . . $ 5 65) 6 4 00 6 00 2 00
illack l0ontmmna & I
Mmtuntahn . . . . . . 1S0J22 34 001 10 00 10 00 4 00
Imhack Montana .
Yearlings . . , . . , . 1 _ 00 oo a oo & 00 2 50
flIacIc Mommtantm I
Cubq . . . . . . . . . . . .6 & 0 4 50 3 00 4 00 2 09
Sliver . . . . . . . . . 00' 22 0 5 00 9 00 4 0)
Silver TIp Yrigs , ii eel a 00 5 00 5 00 2 50
Silver TIp Cubs. , . 6 oil 4 r ) 3 00 3 tIe I 50
Hrown . , . , , . , , , . . . 206(25 16 03 12 00 12 00 5 0)
YearlIngs . . . . . . . . ) ( 5 00 6 00 8 00 4 00
Cuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 00 6 0) 3 00 4 00 2 00
liadger . . . . . . . . . . . . P3 6. ) 53 54) 50
FIsher . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 6 03 4 0) 4 00 2 00
Silver r.Ox- ( according .S
to bauty ) . . . . . . . . .100 00 60 00 40 00 30 00 10 0' )
Silver l'mile ( cc- .
contl'g to bca'y ) 50 00 30 0) 20 00 15 00 6 0)
Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 200 110 10' )
Red , , , . , . . , , . . , . , . 1 50 1 25 1 0' ) 75 2
Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4) 31 15
RIt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 40 30 2) 10
L'nk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 2 0) 1 mr 1 25 50
Marten . . . . . . . . . . . .3 00 1 50 1 00 1 00 so
MInk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501(55 6) 45 :3 10
Mink Dark 55 65 45 20 10
Moummtahn LIon.
( perfect head
antI ) . . . . . . . . . I
Otter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ( (5 7 5 0. ) 4 00 2 Ot )
Otter I'nhe . . . , , , . . . .I 00 .5 00 4 00 3 00 1 5. )
flaccoon . . . . . . . . . . 6)6(70 to 31 20 10
Raccoon , itlack , .
( as to beauty ) . . 500J 2
lilack , . . . . . . 2.5 75 5) ) 50 25
i4imort cased..I 0) 70 45 40 2)
Narrow striped . 50 40 25 50 10
lirosti strIped. . . . 2)6(25
OVclveniae , . . . . , , , 4 00 3 0' ) 2 00 2 00 1 00
\olf Moummlain. . , 3 00 2 00 1 so s
Wolf i'ralnie. . . . . . . 656(90 CU 4) 20 30
liemuver , mmer skIn 61 ( 4 so 2 00 4 00 2 00
llome'er . . . . . . . 00 1 50 75 60 23
SprIng . , . . , . , . . . . .
\'Inier . . . . . . . . . . . . 5CiO I 7
Vail , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . 7 6
ICits _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 _ l _ _ _ _
illlIlI"-Ltglmt western steers , 400 to COO ibm. , 4j
6J5c ; good cows and imeiters , 4'1$5c ; inedhumii
cows slid heifemi , 4t6(418c ; good forequarters cows
mmmiii imelfers. 31,80140 ; good hmn'hquamters cows and
helfere , 6',41(7c ; fain hIndquarters cows and
helters , Sc ; cow rounds. 41j5tic ; cow chmucki ,
31(3'Sc ; steer chucks. 3',41$4c ; beet tpnmlerlolns ,
fneslm , lIe ; lwet rolls , boneless , RISc ; sIrloin butts ,
boneic's , S ½ c , bum [ macIts , boneless , 8140 ; loIn
lmacks , 60o ; cow ribs , Na. 3 , 6c ; cow loins , No , 3 ,
7e ; steer ribs , 71.40 ; rIcer loins. Sc.
MU'VFON-Irt'st'eti millIon , 5)e ; racks nmtmtton ,
5'Oe ; legs mutton , lc ; saddles mutton , 7c : stews ,
i'ORK-Pock loins , 7c ; spare nitts , Sc ; pork
simomiltierS. Sc ; pork , hnuitlers , skInned , Site ;
tendeniainti , lIe : pIgs' feet. cleaned , 5cr dos. , lIe.
OYSTmlttS-tiediumns , 15c ; horseshoes , 200 ; extra
stanmiarils , lie ; extra selects , ISo ; commipany selects -
lects , lIe : Now York counts , 300 : statidard bulk ,
per gal. , $1.10.
CID1'ilt-i'ure juice , per imaif Phi , , 52.G0 per
bbi. , $4.50 ,
14.kUIIR KR.'mU'i'-l'er tbl. . * 3.S0 ; halt Phil. , $2.
NUTS-CalIfornIa alnmonis , bc ; ingllc.lm val.
nuts , soft shelled , 1295e ; sttmntmirils , ICc ; Ilihtemtp ,
bc ; lIrmuzIl nuts , 931loc : pecans , iO1(12c ; pemmnums ,
maw , Ste ; roasted , 7oIri4e ; chestnuts , 141lSc ; tlmmck
wainuts , men hem. , ISo ; email hIckory nuts , mter
hmei , , $1.75.
atM'I.I : SYIIUP-Five-gal. cans each , 82.710 ?
$3.00 ; per dOz. , $12 , 14.551 , cans , $6.5 ; quart cans ,
I'ilS-New crop , Calltornla , 10-lb. boxes , per
lb. , lie : commimomi CalIfornIa fIgs , 60-lb. boxes ,
DATIII-Persltmn , 60-Il , . boxc , len lb. , Sc ;
farls , 30.lh , boxes , per lb. , Sc.
ltlAl'T.l I SLTQAR-C'holee , per lb. . 01(10c.
PrtllSr.R\'IIS-Apsortoti. 20-lb. pails , eaclm $1.40.
i't.orlie ImirleeImm ,
p1OltfA , Nov. 9.-COttN-ilteady : No. 2. 29''t' ;
No , 3. 1St' ; new No. 2 , ? 7'5c ; new No. 3. 27c' .
OAT-trieguisr ; No , 2 c'hite , lOittllSc ; No. 3
whIte. l7I41ili4c.
lOVE-Nothing doIng ,
W1IISK\-Mcrk't steady ; finIshed goods on tue
losis of $1.22 for imighm wIrtes.
ltECOll'TS-Corn. 91,00' ) Pu. : cams , 10,750 Pu , ,
rye , 0)0 Pu. ; wlmhulky , none ; he.t , 3,6)0 Pu.
$ illl'MlTl-Corn , 25,508 Pu , ; nals , 63.750 bu , ;
rIo. 60) him , ; whIsky. 675 gala. ; wheel , cci Pu ,
ICiinsmis CIt' irmrl.m-ts ,
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 9.-Vl1iIAT-Hlow , but
silghmtly higher : No. 2 hard , SGtjS7c ; No. I reti ,
62c ; No. 2 , tmtrlng , 531m5414e ; No. S spring , 5l'00c
nomInal ! ' 3it0040t' .
52c ; rejected , )
C'OltN-HImw and uncitmingeil ; No. 2 , mIxed ,
220.c ; No. 2 wimite , 2314t123i4c.
OA'f8-llrmn nrmtl ucmive ; No. 2 mIxed , ICc. No.
3 sitmlte , ls0j1t'.c ,
1IUTTLIIL-Firmn ( rearmmer ) ' , 170120c ; dairy , Ii
ltiGS-l'Irm ; iCe ,
311 uiiuiii moiIa S'm'iiemmt 3Iii rict.
Ml NNRA1'OLIS , Nov. 9.-S'I I lLtT8teai1Y.
c'ltised ; November , t.3c. hecemltcr , 53t053'Ic. May ,
SlI'se , On ( rackm No , I hard , t4c ; No. I north
ermm , 533c ; No. 2 mmartlmerrm , BOse ; receipts , 635
cuirs FLOUIt-Steatlr , ; first taicnis. 83.iS1$3.lO a un-
nmi'stlo bakers , 12.6502.15 ; ciftOlt bakers , 52,001
3.f0. _ _
'Frlsm'o Vht'mut ( limuitil 1 hums.
HAN FIIANCII4CO NO % ' , .wIhmaAT-Ve.y duul ;
May , $ L64 ; cieared , 131,333 CCUIOJ.S ,
( .AiIAuVv4sThcKIAllIu
Receipta of' lIcigs rwtl Cattle Were l3oth
Liberal for aturt1ay.
Mit'l&et ( immict iit't'jtt fur Cove Stat !
-hugs 9iiihL Off 10 Cemmts ( ciii ,
tile 1're itusia iJai 'me ( Lmio-
tm * t I miii a ,
SA'1'i.itDAY , Nov. .
fleeipts anti shipmmieiitmm ( or time past
t'etmt'.fotmr imoum's. ate conlilared a'ith time
lmrevious ( our da'c , are as follows :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep. liorseL
Noo'ernhmem' 9 , . , , . , . 2,4Si 4,792 . . , . 24
Novt'miiber S. . . . . . . 1103 l,2i0 , . , . . . . .
Novuimnl't'r 7. . . . . . . .IS'J 4,93:1 : 1,206 60
Novi'mmitjer 6 . , . , , , . : tor : ; 3S05 lOG
Novenibec 5. . . . . . . 930 4,090 . , , , . - .
Cattle. hinge. I3hicep. horses.
No'cnmher 0. . . . . . . 1,195
No't'mnu3et 7. . . . . . . 3,371 lii 1,036 it
Noe'enmitmer 1. , . . , , , h0m
Novemnber ft. . . . . . . so. ;
Noe'eimmbor .1. . . . . . . 1IIS
Time t i''c'hitts ( for time week witim coin-
lmrisons are :
Cnttle. liege. Sheep.
Receipts this veelc . , , , , 12,9.12 22S93 2,043
itoceilits lust week. . . . . . llitiS.'l 26,245 8,11(10 (
Sammie 'eeic iSli . . . . . . . . . . 1lOSi 80,501 9,486
Saimie 'cek lS9'l. . . . . . . . . . IS,214 20,502 (1,821
Samne veelc 1592. . . . . . . . . . 15 , 107 2b,2u0 8,168
Tiiti foliott'imig wIll show tIme lecehiltit of
live static ( i'ommi time first of time yesm' UI ) to
dtto ; amid time thecm'case , as compared svitic
time corrc'spommtlilmg perIod of last yemmr :
Receipts. 1)ecm ease.
Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , o'ios ooass9
tlog'e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91(1,109 707,627
Siit'ep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S2.Chi 39,025
Horses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.970 1,627
Time disposition of time day's offenimigs of
liVe stock vmms as follows , eemcii Lmu'er nmr-
clmnsing time miumtihcr of Imeati immtihcntetl :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep.
Onmahma ! 'aeiclmmg comnpamiy 19 1S0
'i'hlo (3. II. I itmmamnomici Co 1Il _ 1,082
Sevift mitid Commmptny ; . . . . . . . . . . . 131
'l'hmut Cimulaimy Puiclcimmg Co 376 iISO . . . , .
it. hlecker & Dogaim. . . . . . 2
ilnitiihton & Stephmenmt. . 30 a
SiiiltiCl'H nntl feetlers . . . . . 214 15
'l'otmts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915 4,757
CAT'l'LE-For a Sattmi'tloy time receipts
as'ere liberal , beimg ( lOtIbit3 'imnt timeS' were
omm Friday niltl time largest since \\'ednemiuimiy.
'rwo trains out of time mmimiety-nimme loads
caemmmtetl 1mm tile yards were hot Imhtentled for
timis mmmnt lcd , beitmg immmltemh imere olil' for
feed. In ndtlitloim to tim'mmm timere were
tes'elve lotids of cattle timmmt were shiitped to
Nels Mom'rls timmtl'eme rIot offered on time
mimai ket , so timid tim' actual numiibor of cat-
tie aim sale wmts really smnmmlh.
A gootl emmmimmy of dIe vestertis here were
large ammul huh cattle , few of thmeni tieslratmlo
for killers ; there vmue , however , a three-
hontl beincim of good corn fed imativeme on sale.
'l'he mmmmtrket on fmmt cattle as usual omm a
b'mitmmriay , aemis raUmer quiet mlntl wIthout
feature of immmportmince. There was mme par.
ticemiar clmummge Imi 'alt' ,
'I'hme early offerings of cows were very
light and iii , ' nillrket .stm onger , in mnmtny
eases fi0c , ; imigimer , Toward time close It tIe-
velcpetl that there \eere mimore Cattle timama
lmatl been oxltCClt'd ammd time feclltmg was
himirdly so strong.
Time stocker aimti foedem' trade was very slow.
Time cattle aim cmmhe a'ere nnaetiy large mmd
aim time comnmolmishm omther , time very kInd o
cmtttle timat tim o hot wmimmtemi. 'rho ilertimmnd
for hulls for feetiing litirlmost's is m'elI main-
tuuimu'tl ammtl itrices s'ere stemiely at time adVance -
Vance noted ) 'edtei'ulmiy.
'J'ime , fc'mli'r tranle tltmrimig time past week has
nmot becim very active. ' 1'iiOe States whIch
have been taking a good many mmppe'ar to bo
pretty aveli toeketl imp wltim cattle nmmmi imavo
ceaseti to 1)0 imirge ittiyens. On tIle OtmeI' )
immttii. , Nebrasitmm fzmrniers , wimo are especially
short of cattle anti wotmiti like to stock up
again , mire eitims'r lmnmmhlu' to immmy or timey do
not ha'o any coflhidemmce imi time tuiemre of
cattle vahmme , Feetlermu imrtve let'n , iieitl 'cry
high mill time imeasoim , and it is a 'ell knotvma
fnct timat bankers and otimers wito are an-
cmmstonitmd to loan mimoney to feeder hav
been afraid to mb so tiths year for fear that
tile cmmttie % ' 0thhi ( not pay out \Viien returned
to market again.
110(1S-Yesterdny It ic'as mm $3.45 mantel , today
ii $3.40 market. Time meceipta were lnmgi for a
$ aturthtty , in fact time lmtmgest of tite week , and
tIme iuyers itd no tr'nmtme In obtaInIng a von-
cessIon of Sc. Time nmark-t , tl'mmei ) , timat flinch
lower , mtati m'as active ut tIme uit'chine , 'rime iena
were eI'rmrCtl at on early himtur , Tue inlees luml.
rammgel mull time way fromml $3.25 to $3.55 , with the
great bulk mit 53.40.
TIme Imog immnrlcet during the rapt week lmmme toad
tiomne lmmmpro'emmtent In time matter tmf values , tha
is , prIces 'ere laigimer mit time close tiir.rm itt the
umenImig of time week. Still lime close of the week
ivima ltwer titan ( lie CIOMt of ttme iru'viomms week ,
Itmrimtg tIme Ilmet two days of the' ltttmt iveek hogs
cold largely mit ( hum 53.30 to 53.35. On W't'tines-
, lm' Sc was mttltiei mmmii on 'l'htmrsitmy antI FrIday
front 13.40 it , 53.O look me Purge share of the
otfenhmmgm , . W'imIit' time mnmtrket humus imnti Its imps and
doct met. thmorc It'lng , llghmt lhtmetUnhlons from , iay
to ilay , values have rt'mimaineul ver ) ' emearmst -
tirimmirY uiumrinmr lime two mveekme mast. I'nie'ioims to
that tIme mite tendetmcy cf tIme mimurket Imad been
steadily eioii'mmwamd , rIme' micarket Is now from 40o
in roe lower than It mias one mmmontl , ago and $1
lower than It watt a year ago ,
SulSEl'-Thero were no sieep hero to make a
mmmarket. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CIIICAC. ( ) 1l'li
lii Cattle 'I'rile tisu I'ooi miimI lIe.
, ( , lION I.Im.thi I. -
CIIICAC.O , Nov. 9.-hi cattle tratic' wtis poor
totiay. Receipts m'ere very highmt , aitommt 1,000 head. '
Prices were ltmas'er , itutme of a'emimelm rangers are
fast ftmliinmg off , bemt Iieimtl' of natives team conning
forwmmrti to tmika their ihare. Few cattle name
sq imigim aim $1.75 , expom it tnt payimmg frormi $3.55 to
84.25 what timey ru'qtmmje. l"or time reasan so
far the 111(1)515' of weslu'rmi mnrmgers frotmu mmp 3110,000
imeami , on 43,001) nmmone than nrrlvu'i In a lilt
perlmet last year. 'I'hem'c' cmuttle limii'e wekone
nloimg ivitim natives , anti citohee iutmi are ISo to $1
lower itmmmn Intmmgust. . intro Io ttrlccs vere
paid. Tithe week's rmmn of Tu'gmummt ammiommnte to
10.0)0 ) itenti , coimiptireti i ithm 9.000 bust creek. I'nie.ea
( tlr hue 'I'exnnmi Pace mmot clmmungel amuck anti are
altotit limo auntie ne a ) 'ear migo.
Time receimme of hogs were imetivy tculmcy , 30,000
heath , nntl limb' , m'itim 6,000 im'iml , left over , omatle a
big supply fr Satmirilay. Time mtmmektimg uhi-innnl is
gowl , lttwevcr , unti t rmtie mc'tms act I ye mm C Frltltty' a
uleclifle. ) alrn were ut mt rmlnmge itt frtmtm $3.30 to
53,7) ) for coimmmmmon to choIce ulro't'uu itt hmu'mui'y , anti
mit from $3.61) ( , $3.65 for higimt weigimls , Witlm from
$3 5(3 to $3.60 for Itacldlng , nommi mit trommm 83,60 to
$3.1 ; ; ; for stmlmtplng lots. l'lgmu sold mainly at front
$3.23 to sa.r.o.
Only 2,55) head cf i'hteep came in today , imntl
tIlt-se were oIl at the retlmmeeti tilce. Nmutit'es
iimtmmmgimt frumim Si to $3 , westerns fromn $2 to $2.50
anti iamnbe from to $4. '
ICtimmeumis CI I.Is'e Steel ,
IANSAS CITY , Not' . 9.-CATTLE-Iteceipts ,
So' ) iteni : slmiimnents , 2,10' ) mmii ; mnmmrket stronm
to steely ; Texas steers. 52,40013.50 : Texas emma' , , ' s
$1.S0'jt2.30 ; becf stars , 51.0)6(4.75' natIve cows , S
51.565(3.0) ; stockers atttl feetli'r , , i-.111t3.0 ; bulls ,
IIOUS-ltecelimts , 7,400 imemid ; sltiimnents , 400
legal : ntmmrk't weak to Sc lacier ; itmmlhc of sales.
$3 501(3.60 ; iieaviu's , l3.00iih.C2 ½ ; miuckars , $3.tMi
3.G2' : mrml'ceul , 53.451(3.55 ; lIght , $3.40f3.63 ; York-
ems. 83,501(3.55 ; pigs , 12.55013.50.
il I Fl:1'-ltecuiita. ; : 3.100 imeami ; shIpments , 300
itesti ; mmmmmmket seemly ; hunts , 83.000(4.30 ; mutton , ,
82.211j3.25. _ _ _ _ _ . - - .rr6i.
St. Timmia 1,1 vu' Si , ut'lc ,
lIT. 1.01118 , Ntiv. 5.-CAT'rl.II-lteceipts , COO
Petal ; very quiet ; native sme'rme , $2.5.)1(5.b ) ) ; cowl
nail itelfers , $1 551(3.40 ; Texas steer , , $2.303.00 ;
ctiwit. 81.750 , 2.t'5.
11008-lteceipts , 2.20' ' ) iteal ; market S01iOc iowr :
heavy , $3.43(3.60 ; nmixei , $3.2)1j3.50 ; lIght , $3..t
sjiint'-flIpi' , r.nm imetml ; stu'ndy ; natIve. ,
52.50013.60 ; soutlmern , $2.2511'LIO.
Stci'lt Iii SIght.
Itecirci of receIpts , nIt ( Ito fomir mmnincIpal enariceti
for ilatuidimy Noc'emmmbvr 0 , l)5 :
( atlle. hogs. iliteep.
Sommth Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,792
e'hlcmigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 30,000 2.W )
itummsas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 7,4(5) ( 1,100
Lit. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 2,101) 500
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S 44.392 4,100
Teiephiouo 1039. OMAhA , N1B.
Gr am , Provisions &Sook
Room h11,4 ! Board of Tratie.
Direct wires to Chilcago anti New York.
CorrespondentE John A. Warren &Co.
i , P. SMT ( 'in , 1301) ) 13. 53 , ftTANFOfl
F. P. SMITH 45 CO.
Room 4. N V LIfe f3ld. , Omahn.
13 seth offlees at Fremont and Columbus. All
od.r. placed on tic. ChIcago Hoard ci ulcad ,
Cerres , ondentE Schwartz. Dupe. k Co. , Caa.
ago' bcmiritter. Flack & Co. , tip
to vlrim National hank. Omaha. .
iunPiW 13 IitI lot cur t..nupmet , coca . .
hminhIuLii palamag MAI1cIIN 'l'IIAiINU &od
llUiusflu l'Itgs8lONS. . , Is our daily ma $
m.'vnr siiJIfl'i kit letter sUggedtlug wtc.n .n4 1 *
f4AIL4alLuu. What to trmidp. flOsh' Irts , HsmmI
references : urntaimed. AItI300AST & CO. .
VIM3E , 3 Tradiri uildiiig 1micaJo.