- _ [ . ' , _ - - _ _ _ TIlE OMAHA \ DAILY DEE : .J\WNDAY. . NOVEMllE1 11. 1S91. It F CIeste _ _ _ - . : ! - : ! : = n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ . _ p _ _ _ _ . 'ws rrotn nscbtd : ago 'y has It thll the I Sleux , \\ho went out c.n d str.ke In S ptembt > r and thtatene4 to burn the agency bundlngl btC41Sl the lovernlen r " tulet the rate for haulrg frtlbt from ValentLne , Xeb. . to the agency frrm O to : cech per 100 poands Iu\'e I : ollhlerll their actlvn and rt lmed vGrk . at the reure < rate AlhJh the gov- frment I'es them pr3t.CZliy ; ever'tilg they neelt tu eat and near . ! Ys a Chamberlain - lain correiiondcnt of the Sleux I'als Aras- Leader , I10ner I a bard thing to get hold or Inles they work an.1 . earn I T ' , reore. wll ! a long , cold 1\lnter before them and lots , of curcte ! afltl chewlne gum to buy they decided to work rather than longer attempt to lulke the CnlteJ Statu eovern-ent. Crow Doc. the Indian who killed the noted chief Hpted Tall , tOOI ( a prominent part In the dllcult ) . and was put In JaU along with hollow Inrn Bear , arotl1r prominent disturber - turber Prt\'ate ad\'lce Just rceh'ed from HOShud N'S that Crow Dog has been given his l\t tr , but that hollow Horn Bear Is "i an oleuunt ; of the aer.ey jail. A few of the diturbfrs are Flh'11 ! to inducts Ithe Indlnil.l ! Indians to refuse to haul lrelghts at the rrlnced rate but without suces. rOUTS 0 : TIlE \TIWX A part of miner from the headwaters or the Yukrm hue anl\d 0:1 : the pchoun Mary 1nhue from Onalaika , E3Y a Pert Tc wn ' end SPP131 to the &n Francisco Chronl ' . and report that the Candlal go\'ernmolt i. I establishing well equipped . fortitications on commanding blurs over- fortn catons . kokin the strategic points on Forty-Mile Il'okln. , Plnts cnek . Md .IF'where along the Itlll.ose,1 boundary lne , A large company of Cana- dIan military police ore bnly engaged In t exploring the country for mountain 1'3ues 7 1 both In Aluka and Canadian . terriory , A loop of Iorty-\le : creek rune Into British territory. and to reach the most valuable mines It I necesIary for Amen- can miners to pass through a small por- ton of foreign terrltory , The river Is , , . very narr \ ' , and the police have erected .n towerln cif ! forles.e which , completely - pletely guard the travel on the rh'er At several other point breastl\orks , subtan- ( taly built of tone , have been erected and on the whole the actions of the polO would Ildlcate that preparations are being made to accommodate large sQldu of troops at various 11Ints along the hounduy and par- tcularly In thc vicinity ot the placer mines. Io\e\'er. the police are vary kind to the American miners rendering them every as- \ tI8tanc pOslble , and In many ways bestowing : - Ing email favors and endeavoring to ala ) SUI pIclou or unpleumnt : Inquiries as to the ob- jects of uch warlike preparlons , Small detachments attired In citzens' clothes have visited all the importAnt mining camps reconnoitering - connoitering the surrounding countr ) What their object was they do not 8tute Thomas nuckman a Yukon miner who has been on Forty- le creek for three or four yar. speaking of the military post crected by the Canadian police , said : "All their fortfcatons are built ef heavy slone. through which are portholes commanding the paths and rh'ers A few me properly armed could withstand a large force of sellers , The police themselves arc noneommunlcath'e and tim commandant says the forts are to st.elter the provincial police. Some of the very richest placer mines of the Yukon region are under the immediate command ot these forts " of \ hlch ten han been erected this year WYOMlG DOLOITF. I Is not generally known that upon Cs- I per mountain are t\ral aeposlt of lime- atone , Oil. r ther. dolomUe of the lne srndy nature which In the vicinity of Lead. YUe. Colo" , carries consIderable lead and cii- , 'er. This sandy carbonate occurs In several - oral places on our mountain. says the W'O- mlng 1)rnick. In most of these the deposit - posit Is a layer from two to five feet thick. ucderlald and overlaid by heavy . compact limestone or dolomie , and from white to dark red In color according to the amount - of Iron with whl"h It t9 stalnld , This layer o ! fine grained crystalline rock Is much mere porous than the ordinary limestone. and therefore has offered an casler channel for few of solutions containing smal quan- . titles of various minerals. The Irclpl- toting Ilower of limestone has trapped the gte3ter part ot whatever lead and silver may have been brought Into contact there- wih , and I Is to this precIpitating acton that 1 attributed the pre > nce of the precIous - metals. A curious fact In connection with this S dolomite Is that It I the same variety that yIelds the oil in northwester Ohio. After the drill has penetrated to a depth varying from 1,00 to 1.30 feet mostly In shale , the Trenton limestone Is reached In some j localities this limestone ha" at some remote ago and , while under water ( n this case an arm of the Gulf of Mexico ) been acted upon by the magnesia salts In solution and part of the lime replaced by magnesia . trans- forming the limestone Into dolomie , and leaving the rock fine grained and Iorous. In these localities the top of the Trenton , . - rock , sometimes to a depth ot fifty feet forms 1 good storage reservoir for the oil . which has , found Its way there. but which I not necessarily supposed to ha\'e orl.nated In the limestone. or at toast , not . that limited top portion of I SrTTLlHS MUST LPA'E , Indan ! Agent Treon of the Lower Drule and 1 Crow Creek 1genclel has notified the letters on what Is known a" the Bob Tail Crow Indian - dian allotment that they must vacate In ae- Crdanco with InMnctons from the Indian V bureau says 1 recent dispatch from Cham- berlin , S. D The land Is situated on White I , rh'er lu the ceied Sioux lands west o this ' ciy , and consltl or a true over 1.WO : acres. The land Is mostly good bottom hnd. It ' hnt 10Uy bttom I was allotted to Bob Tail Crow and tile children some year ago Some white setter ! entered Contest proceedIngs to "ha\'e the allotment canceled but were beaten by the local ofc . the commIssioner of the general land oWee and.the secretary of the Interler The \ hitts . five or six In number. hive resided en the ' land during the time the Cnte" proceeg ! . were pending. antI Ilnce , still being there at ' . this time. They expected to win the land and have nude valuable ImprOlenlentl S. . . UH.'reon. When notified to vacate they asked to bs permitted to remain there until spring , and I I Probable that their request will be granted by the Indian department. LOST CAm : FOUNt The lOner "Lost Cabin of Mount C Hood , " Oregnn has been fonnd but its fabulous wealth still remains un- rrthl The wealth consists of . . two sacks of gold dust hIdden by a stage robber lan ) ' years ago In the vicinity of the "Lost Cabin " So many rears have ) elol'sl since I was stolen that If feud now ft _ . ' : H _ _ _ - . - . I " 'hen'n UUT turulnrr You want the lowest "rN 1'OU think you cnn gt It or those who give long tme" Not If we understand It ' YnN of experience have told us that f' we can buy for ( ath and 101 for cash ' itt : per cent lower prlC than the other wa' . We are ca.h. t . Hedgcock & Odell , . 208-210 N. 16th St - - ' - . " _ = = L" it would b& considered a trasuretrove , says the New Ycrk World and would belong to the lucky nnder. The burled duet Is t- lm4ted tl 0 worth at least I $ :0,00 The "Lost Cabin" was built In the Cas . cal-s thirty-three years ago by four Oregon ! plan' eu while pr"'rectnj They were Louis I Paquet of Eut I'orland , Captain hedges and Colonel Caufld or Oregon City , and Dr. Ic- Alec of Salem. \ lat recalled It to mind and I Induced l.Quet to revisit the scene of his . early pioneer days was the published state ment that the fal s "Lost Cabin" had been foun' Its location was minutely tescrlbet , ant he recognized I as the structure he had helped to buit ) , With James Watkns and a ) Ir. Applegard both of 10rt II , Ia'net started , for the mountains. Tie ) ' \ ent to Iehama , on the Santam river , thence to lkborn , ant then truck Gold creek which Is a tributary of the north branch of the San'lam Just be- fore reaching the cabin Paquet gave his com- panlona an Accurate description of the struc- tur how It was con.trncte'and the tunnel near It When they came to the plate It was found he had misstated nothing. The cabin hal nearly all rotted down but the tunnel was still there. came of th . bank at the open- Inc having faln In. ! I was with p rular sensations that the Oregon pioneer saw the spot ho had not . . ' , lie 911d he visited In thtrt-three 'ea Il built the cabin , and the oM shack near by It for a sort or bladsmlth shop. The I"trr had nearly ditppearl only 0 mound Indicating where It ttood. } XIECTS SOME I'IGIlTING. "It It be true that the Canadian government - mont has picketed the Alaskan boundary lre with It mounted plce , and proposes collect ' duties all - to colect revenue dntes on al mining ma- chmer ant supples brought Into the dls- pitted 9trlp. there will certainly be trouble at once " rays J. C Edwards , n mining man of Salmon rh'er. Alaska. stopping lu tla ciy , says a Portland dispatch to the San Francisco Coil. "The entire white popuaton ! of tie Yukon country will not number over : OUO , but , every man h I a fighter , " he continued. ! " 'hen thue arc the men of Juneau , Sltka Klimoo anti Chlcat , At the first news from the Interior that the fanadlan police \ ere attempting to hoist the English nag , at Forty-Mlle creek er elsewhere these men would pour over the divide and down the Yukon to help their countrymen ant defend the American flag. "Another factor to be considered Is the Indians of . \Iatka , ) .ho have been taught to love the stars and stripes with a fervor almost equating the Amenican'e. There Is a hw prohibiting the Issuing or selling to Indians of fired . ammunition. but there Is rot a lan of them but owns a percu slon' fire rlne. "At the first intimation ' of trouble be- tween the American miners and the Came- dlan polee : .000 of' theee Siwashes could be enlisted and taken over the mountains \ Ih the Juneau and SItki volunteers. I have been on the Yukon four years . and I knoMmethlng as 10 the feeling of the miners who , without hardly an exception . are Americans. over this boundary ques- tton . which Is assuming a serious aspect. " : ElI ILASKA. Beatrice's bogus warrant account focts up to $ I,53. Havelock expects to see houses buIlt right away for seventy new famIlies. I The Norfolk sugar factory \alt $ ! for I belts during the month of October. A valuable horse belonging to 11. 13. Fdn- I cher at Emerson commItted suicide. I Wayne county gets from UOO to 115.O4DG , out ot her beet sugar crop , and I was only a experimental crop. 1 W. D. Wallace ef Orlando Is blind in one ere since a loaded shell exploded while he was charging his gun I The mortgage indebtedness record of I Ickols county for October shows $15,750 flied and $ S.707 released. George Frost of Emerson got from a doc- tar a box of pills for neuralgia Instead cf taking the pellets one at I time several hours apart he : walow91 them all nt one time. The deter nearly wore out a good stomach pump before Frost's life was sand. TIE DAKOTAS. The new fouring mill has been startoti at Hot Springs. To show how rapidly the country east of the ' ) Missouri river Is coming to the front In the I' production of stock It might be cite ] th3t I $ S.Oo worth of cattle ant sheep were i shipped from Miller during thl four months , just past An epidemic of hog choler prevails In the eastern part or Yankton county and also In Clay county . and I I said that se\ra hun- tIred hoes have already Ile\ In the west. part of the county the disease has not yet appeared and hogs are being rushed to mar- ket by the hundred. The : atonal American Woman's Suffrage , soclaton has called : mass meeting at Grand Forks , November 14. for the purpose of organizing a North Dakota Woman's sul- rage association. ConsIderable enthusiasm Is being manifested over the meeting and an In- terestng program has been announC Tom Towle , a rancher the ranche on headquar- tens of the IQreau , In tbe northwestern part of South Dakota , reports timber wol'l to be numerous and destructive In that part of the state , destroying ! even the older cJtte , He reports a 3-year-old steer having been k7lle'J by the wolves a few das ago \ Itlu a few rods of his ranch buldlnls , The new woman In the shape of a well forme smoth. face young man In swell female attire did the town of Aberdeen In fine shape lalo\ e'en ennlng. Mashes wlre made on susccpttbie young men as well as married men and It Is said the fun waxed fast and furious at tme ! The would-be mashers all got left and the fair Incog. was not detectlt Four months Igo , when Mr. Fisk obtained a bond on the Ida " 'Iornce mine Dar Key- stone the property was In a IIracUc31r undeveloped - d\'tlopl state. His first move was te ex- tend , the tunnel. which was already 16 feet through the leI A ledge o eighteen fet .Ide. \lh a four-Inch vein of rich ore was found. Additional de\'elopmenl rhowel a vein rich beyond all e.pectatonp , being abut $0 to the ton , which gives goo promise of placing the Ida } Florence In the front ranks with the rich mines In the hills. COLORADO. There I a great . deal of prospecting being done In the Wheeler district. na Alma Word comes from the Taylor river mine In wblc a number of Aspen people are In- terested , Jhu indications pint to big de- "cwpments , \ \ ' , H. Forshl hs struck It rich In his lease on the half Ioon. At a depth of thirty- six rel thue are t\n'nt Inches of quartz that assay as high : ,1 ; per ton The o Jc\ \ ' . , I'ut I Lee a " 'rAIt - E\'pn the moat commonplace pIcture look well tn nn elegant tmme ' \1 are making to your order-while you walt a minutean ) size , any kind ot fame iou know of , at less than the moulding costs e wbere. A. Hospe , jr. MuslcaudArt , 1513 Doljlss St. . _ . . It Prepcrty I located on the wet slope Dt Gold bill.The The Tom O'Shanter at Aahcroft . I work- lag a large force of men and shipping twO car of ore a day , The Lat Chance , located on Squaw moun- tain. near the home itun at a depth of [ thlrt.rh'e feet has a good streak of ore , assaying $0 per ton The vein has ben opened up for a distance of about 3,00 feet by live shafts , and Is well defined the whole distance. A considerable quantity of this $30 ore I on the dump awaiting shipment , and this property gives every indication of becoming - coming a bonanu What appear to bl a genuine shipper has finally been discovered on Mineral htii. The name ot the property 18 the Lady Loc ella , located on the west Elope ant belong- lag to the Pennsylvania , Washington and Cripple Creek com rai ) ' . At a depth of 120 feeL In an Incline shaft there are three feet of ore alone the hanging \\R I , the ore run- ning about $3 ; per ton. A mill run on .e\'o eral hundred pounds of the quart was made todar and I showed a value of $35.20 per ton In gold. A strike of \'err rich ore , assaying lS high as $ ,200 to the ton was recently made In a winze between the first and second level el secont the Home Hun mine. The vein Is six Inches In width TIle company hasn't been working very many men of late a . the vein was lost. owing to the shaft having been bunk perpen- dlcuarly , Forty men were at work In this minI at one tme , and the Home Hun ranked among the best shippers. This big strike will be god news to the Squaw mountain p ople , as the home nun has ben the gUldlnr star In that beaUty ! , ant now that $ lOO ore has again been encountered the home Hun will occupy its former poslto : A large focce " 1 soon be emplo'ed. WYOmG. Wyoming wol grades are being steadily Improl'e by the Importation of pedigreed sheep. One hundred and twenty-five thousand head of sheep will b shipped from Casper this sea son. Heports are current of another rich gold find northwest of Hawlns .abut six mile ! , Twenty to $ tO per ton In gold and silver Is the estlmatcd value Cf the rock estmatct c 'Hils ) ear's tributary wool clip In the , ' 1- clnity of Cheyenne was In ecess of 3.000,000 pounl anti , the clip of next year will be much larger In case cf a reasonably favorable winter Several . members of the Standard Oil com- pan will soon Illec the big Shinbone canal W'cmlne , They are interested with Buffalo - flo LUll In the canal . , whlrh Is to b eighty Ile ! long and thirty feet wide at the btom , When completed this wi furnish sufficient water to Irrigate : OOOO acres of the bt land \\'yomlng. . Articles of incorporation were fed at Chey- enne of the Gohlen Bar Steam Dredging com- p.n ) The company has secured 1000 acres of gravel hers along tie Snake river In the Jackson Hole region. and will Place two \rLe steam dredges at work on the property early In the 'Irlng , The ground hao been thor- cushl lestEI this season , and I sid to be very rich In gold The Post United States geological sur- veying part has jmo completed Its season's work In the vicinity of Cheenne the area covered extending front the Nebraska line to a point twenty mit north of 1 a rt\'le , In- elusive of the Rawhide Buttes vicinity and Goshen hole. The topOraphlcal map of the survey will be published \ Ithln the net twelve monlh ! ' . antI will be a more or less valuable guide In irrigation and railway line ( I ireetlor.s. A contract has bu'n rte with eastern par- tIes by A , W l'hillips. late editor of th Central - trl Wyoming Newm' , which provides for drilling an oil well near Douglas ' 'llln ninety d ' . . The well Is to be 2,500 feet deep . unieas oil I. found at a less depth. The parties Interested have put lp a large forfeit , and none of the boil they contemplate - plate purchasing will bl trant'terrd to them until they comply wIth the conditions of the contract calling for the thorough de\'elop- meat cf the property. OREGON. The Ashland Jolrln\ mIlls are now turning out seventy barrels of hour a da ) ' , Most of I Is shipped soulh. Ralro11 ties are being floated . down the Couie river to Coquile CI , From there they are hauled by car to the bay and shipped to San Diego. Timothy 0 SullIvan and : . : . Barlt have disco\'erll trace of gold and silver on the Lewis and Clrk , about twenty-five miles south land. of A torl , and have flied clfms on the land.The reservation IndIans , the Klamaths , Mo- dos and Snakes . held a general . eonferen"e at the Klamath agency recent ) and discussed the road , lane grant ant boundary questIons. Nine of the head men were appointed to take action cn . thee questIons. Thirty-two mining claims have been filed upon the wood-tin ledges discovered In Yam- hIll eounty. by :1 y Fu11l " . In to\fnslll : south . range 5 west The tin ore lisa ben assayed by the government assayer at Washington - ington and Is , IL Is said , S74 per cent tin. Referee A. \Voodccck's stenographer )1 0 WIlkins , has completed a summary statement of the net amount due credi- tos for labor and ma'erlal under tie several recaivera of the Oregon i'aciflc. Thee are something Ik" 1.:00 claIms . aggregating nearly $ 200,000. F S. Hindi Is engaged In making a five- mile ditch In the Steamboat placer muting district , In Lane count ) ' , The ditch 1 10 bo five fed ride at the top , two and . a half fet deep and three ret wide at the botom , This wIll give sufcient water to successfully work 2.000 acres of placer ground In the Steamboat d itrlct , Mr. HInds Is hlghl pleatl , with the prospects of the district Pocket-Hunter Sicezer was In Itjford front PO\\ el's creek to cash a bunch of ; old fotnd In one of the pocket seams over there lie says that pocket huntIng I quite I trade In IElf , though often the pockets don't pan cut more than a few dimes , though they sometimes go as high lS 30000. His find this tmi was $ : S , The gold Is found In small seans of cay which he calls "slate , " and the ordinary Individual wODld rass It by without a suspicion that It contained any of the precious . metll. ' . WAShINGTON. Machinery has been ordered for a flax mlii . to b Bet up on Whldbr land , and operated by the Iol\nd colony , located there. The C\l : river I 101e now than was ever before known by the oldest setten , an.l people are fording the river with their teams . both above and below Caste Rock , The town or Premont , ncr Seattle. has a peculiar eharaeter. ills name Is Johu H31- lien . and Le lives In a hollow stump west of I.'remont houlc\'ard. In the edge of thE woods. on ldorado hill. About two year ago he Uo- Gn " ' 11 over Them- \\1 have the exclusive sale of the ! bo ) ' ' quilted Ihoe . * , and there's no shoe In the city of any kind or price that \ Iii wear ball ns Ion ! lioya' IIes. : I to 6. at _ . : Youths' sizes , 1 to 2. nt S2 : Imitation I the bet or flattery . ' will - be able faten. ; you wi proba11)- to get the imitation , but you won't get the real genuine quilted bottom , with oak tanned sole leather 10115 an ) ' " here but at Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 ForuQn St , . ,1.,1 , , , lived In a little Qbt made ot bak , but ft was burned , and UU'l , afterward he J his abode In the ) wtUl , , A force of tell son 'Is being worked It the Cleveland ml1 ! In Steen ! count , and pro- ducing about a ton bt 10.ouncl ore per tay , This ore I being tk d from : ten to sixteen- foot ledge of slirer4Md , fet II1a < ore Ernest : Kent a cemsian on the train on the W , & C. R. . shot an eagle that measured alx feet eight Inc ! s' rom tip to tip meaure , al\1 did It while the trln was rushing along at the rate of twenty rzetiea an hour The people of Oqllyntale expect the Day Dros. . contractors at the Cascade Locks , to build their ralrofU for them , the citizens of Klckltat to give the right of way and grade . twenty miles of th road at the Goldendale end. At first a 'narrow gauge road will be bui , A great deal oC wOrk Is being done a the San J'oel placer minI on the Columbia , north of Wibur , The Wibur Register says : Most of the plants are now running day and night shifts , especially to keep water running over the sluices fO that freezing will not interfere ' terrere with thC work. The Skagi river stemer CIT of Cham' paln Is scarcely ] able to make her run up the Skagit river because of the low etage or water The river II reported four feet lower than It hae been known to be In ten 'eat pat ; , and two feet lower than I was ever known to have been br the oldest InhablanL Seceta ! I'mon of the Mining exchange has reeh'et letters from 5kmaula county of this state stating that some very rich and extensive deposits of gold copper , Iron pyrites , copper glance. gray copper and the different silver ores have been discovered about ten miles north ef Mount St Helens I Is salt the entire principal ledge Is one mass . of ore , the principal ledge being over fifty feet wide In the vicInity of IoQllam beer kegs : are being used for baar trap and are saId 10 . have worked so surcssfullv that one min caught five bears wIthin ! a week , The plan Is to take a beer keg and knock In one end of It ; drive a number of spikes lute th' , sides or the keg. slanting a little toward time closed enll ; place some honey or other delicacy - < Ic.c ' of which hears are feud In the keg and take the trap to SOl ! locatIon frequented h ) bears , and the chances are old Bruin will wil walk right Into It. I he does h \ eatght , for the spike w1 prevent his backing out. MISCELLANEOUS. During a recent visit to IgJssI : , one of the peaks 0' the Sai l.'rancbco moun- tans. ! Prc James discovered some rare srei- mens o topn and the Flagstaff Democrat repor's that he has discovered a ledg2 of that article near the simmumnit. A rich strike hH been reported upon Belt rreek. about four miles below Neihart . In lengher county , lont3na. The original [ dls- cO'err'as made by Andrew elron and John Haelon. but more than thirty loca- 'Ions ' have slrre hlen made and recGrJed. The gold Is foulll In enal' letiges of quart and I very rich Assays have been de- termln from $100 to $3,5CO An ore bUHTho has just returned from the Couer d'Alone district In western Idaho says the trouble between minion anl non union miners Is selted for the present and that the mla are clpplug to their full capacl ) as the dflnd Is brisk for lend- silver ores. The CGmp3nr of rilt" ? set lute the district hail a quieting eflct At the Gem and Burke mines the nonunion men re- tain their places Manager Cormratl ' of the Montana Coal ant Coke company oLlo : I employing a large number of men 1C - work In thE cOlpan"s ' " coal mines. III r 1 corstructon work ou the surface. I Is' the Intention of the company - pany to Increase th.ceking ! plant to 20' ovens I ) ' the erection or IGO ovens ImmEdlalel . In order to meet te demand for coke I is I expected that fully 400 men will be employed at that place wlhln the next thirty d3)5 George Klddu. . In workln\ a placer nitric on time Snake rhCr. opposite Barnnm Island . Is I taklnl out consHetabl gold. Two years ago a I1OSpector .mQI a goo del of money on the same propert ) with a rocker Mr. Kidder sEcur.1 : machine from Salt l.kl that \ as guaranteed to raise 100 Inches of wnter Many wrc cf the opinion he was crazy for buying Slcb m3chlnerr He placed the machinery In' posItion and mined whli onlookers laughed , tail now I Is his turn :0 smie , Dlrln . ' th ! past three weeks hE da took ) ' . out $ ( ) , all the 111\ ; a\'erage $20 a day.The Treadl el com pary has recent ) ' fin- Ishell a ' powfierhouse. the like of which does not exist In Alaka. I consists , of a tunnel run Into the solid rock seventy-five feet and removed from the mil abut 400 yards. The tnnnel Is tightly lined with timber on all tide . thus rendering I impervious to moisture - ture . Its length will also obviate any . possl- hilt ) of the powder freezing whIch \ \ I mlnlmze ! the danger of handling It. since thrc-rcunhs of the aclent happening ar c3usod by frozen powder and the subsequent attempts to thaw I out At Circle City , the most northern settle- ment on the wlster continent , about 800 men will winter. Gcrge Snow an actor formerl of Port Toansend . built an opera hGuse , lmae organzed ! a dramatIc company , In- dulng , four ladles and \\1 present a series of Iinform.nls this winter Three pro- feulon g.mbler 'from San Francisco ar- rived last spring and succeded In .Innlng about $20,009 In ' old dust before their Iden- ti ) ' was dlsco\red , A meeting of vigilantes was convened and the gamblers were force to dIsgorge their \Innlng . Then. with am- ple provisions and elothln . they were placed In a boat and set adrift on the Yukon r\er , Subsequently they arrl\'l at St Michael's Island , and worked their passage to San Francisco & I\-\'II : i \ : A ( Ht'r YI SSI I. . \u . \rm ) ' or 31'tI Slurt th , ' Shill Down Slit' t r"IH"o1) ' H. That a launch of a great vessel Is a moat- ten of mathematics . as well as or great skill anti , labor. says a wrier In SI. Nicholas I shown by the fact . that the man of science who has time mater In charge always makes a set of eolculatlen ! II" log the strain on the ship and Its prise ! condItion at prac- tcaly every foot of the journey down the ways. Il : beat should get In the way or If It sheuld take an unusual length of tune to Inock out thE keel-blocks : or I anyone of half a dozen things should cause t'rlous < 110) ' , the scientific nun knows just how ' long he can waIt , and just how far the limit of safety ) ' eltends , , There Is always one supreme moment In a bunch , and It it' at a time that escapes the average spctator , I Is when the vessel gets fairly well In the water. This Is when an important factor known a the "monn'nt of buo'ancy" comes iito play I you can imagine a vesel sliding town an Incline without any water Into 'whlch ! to 'Irop , you can see that the vessel would tip d\wn suddenly - \ denly at the end which has left m1e ways , anl , "auld rise at the end still on the tn- clne , But really , In successful launclle , the stern of the vessel 1 J rradual ) ' I'fed up by the water , and tills hrol\s the weight for- \ard on that pat Mf.the . ship em restIng on the Wa'E' , TbQ .trce ot the \Iatr Is called the "momunt.f buoyancr " and the natural terdencf. . tJle ) ship to top , to the bottom of the slft : i Ja called the " 10- of . ' 'Xow ment weight. , the momsnt of buoyancy must avys be greater than the mOHeIt of weight but \ must not be very much greater , for If 1t were It would throw too much weight fo rd on the part of the ship still on the ; as . and might break them down or InJtte ; the plates or keel of the ship When Ihe ! great English battle. oulp IamJles was -launched. this did really happen : and " 0 gr3t " 1 the strain near th' bow that put 0' the cradle were actumaU \ pushed right Jnlo thfbotom of the vessel. I 1& this danger et . disaster that calsel the scientific launchf , make the mOlt careful calculations a to .hf condiion a surroundIng - Ing the sblll a eyer root of her journey Inte the water , : erfr ; , All the props have been taken town except a few that reach only a little war np the sldu. A platform wIth a ralln\ on which the stalwart workmen mar rest the stet pieces of timber they use a battering-rams when they are driving home the wedges . has been erected along the Ilde9 of the sblp There are fleariy COO workmen distributed nur\ along the aides , In gangs of four each. Each gang has five wedges to lok ater , The time set for the launch Is usually just be fore high water , where the stream haD a tide A dredge has been lsd directly In the path the vessel will take when she makes her plunge , strIke obstruc- plunJ fO that she may no - lions. Every part of the ways hu been Inspected - spected , I the weather Is cold lard oil has been mingled with the tallow to make It soft ; anti I the wether Is warm , stesine bu been mixed with It to make It had , It Is about an hour before the time for the ship to mo\'e. The wokmln are summoned . monf and the signal Is given for the aut "rally. " All at once a great din arises , I Is a If aa array of street pav' ware at work blealh the ship I you pr i through ths I I crowd you will see the men dnwlnr back the battering.rams ant then pr.'JecUng theft sharply , against wedge ate wedge. This work contnuP for four or five minutes , and then an inspection I mate , I ts neee- airy that the wedges be driven In unlforml The effect of this rally seems imperceptible. I . resulted . however In drh'lnj the packing close up against the cities of the ship , and , when that was accomplshed , ha driven the slidIng ways down bard upon the stationary wac , squeezIng out the tallow here and there. But the ship still rests upon the keelbloks. After a rest of fifteen or twenty minutes a second rally comes. ThIs I moo .plrled than the first. In0 the wedges , and the great hul seems to tremble just the least bit She Is . beginning to rest on the launching Ing ways. At last she I raised the smallest fraction of an Inch aM\e the keel-blocks. Now comes the time for quick 111rk , Here Is where the "pioneers" begin to swing their axes. One gang of mea rusbe up to the re\- props that are stIll resting against time sides of the hull. QuIck blows are gl\en. timbers ant chips begin to fly , antI prop after prop fails to the ground. Another gang ot men I inciting after the pioneer They are the painters and wih long brushes on the ends ents of poles. they daub over time places where the props rested wh'ch could not be painted until the preps were taken awa ' . t.'ndtrneath the ship nnelher gang of men Is making Ila\'c with the kel-blocks. Sharp chisels are being Inserted on the sides uf the blocks , au,1 , sledges are used as the workmen come up from time river toward the boa' knocking this way and that the blocks which have been the support of the ship ever since she aas first laId .Iewn At last , ar.p.enl ) ' after much conftmstomu . hut real ) ' In cccord- ance with a cardul systrn , nil the heel blocks are knocked wy' and the supreme momnt has arrived. All the wedges have ben driven home. ant their outer PLIers are In a line as straight as a file of soldiers nn dress parole. The ship rests on an entirely : new foundation and a very treacherous one There are no side suppor's ' to keep ) her from toppling over. The toboggan clUes are ready for work , and they must be true In their In- clnaton , ant In their hmcmnizontal positIon , er the ship \1 be wrecked as she goes sitiling down towards the water. She Is held en- towarts helt tire\ ' by the stout piece ef timber that clamps the stationary and eliding ways together . glher just underneath . . the bow. Ct IIU'I' 1,1'I'I'at\'I'III . The Authors' Journal for Xo\ember Is an Int'rC hog number. Its special "feature" Is a forcible article on "The lroctcal In Liter- or ) I.fe ! , " b ) Judge Touree , but the immoSt tntereettng article perhaps Is al anonymous on ! , "Reputation by Inherlance : , " which charges that one of the meH popular authors of the day ( hose nam Is not given ) Is a literary fraud as time heel which gave him his reput1ton was written br his fatber. The Authors' Journal Publshing company , New York The Horsclesse Is the striking title or anew \ magazine devoted to the interests of the motor vehicle Industr ) E. P. Ingeol , 15- 159 William Street , New York. Among the subjects treated In the current Issue or the Social Economist l are : "Dishonest Nowsp3per gconomles " "Shns of Sound 1inktng. " Wages Paid In Some gnJlsh Industries , " "The Tory Ecomiommmlsf. I " "Plead lug for the Greenback. " "The Hate of Vagea t Product , " "Hor eless Carrhge In France . " "geunomlcs In time Hgh gchool " ant "The Great Kofr Beom " Social Economy Pub Ifhlng Ce. , Union Square New \'ork. An extensive collection cf handsome chl- Ilren's toy books are being Issued by time enterprising Nec' York frm , lullhael. Tuck & Sons com pan ) Their high class ltho- graph , apt Illustrations. interesting eharc- ten of the text the attractIve co\er. In short , the general eclenc@ of these colectons , ' mnst : t once commend them as just the thing to charm the infantile mind Under the caption "The Imptndlng Political Advance" e'-Governor James M. . \shl. ) In the November issue of The Arena pleads for a dlre tote for the presidency Insteal of determining the selection through the Intcr vento : of the electoral college , and he ale protests against the foil ' of throwing awa protest adnt foi ) away votes on parties hOPlls ' I ) ' In the mlnorl ) ' . Dr Charles Ro.olph , In a paper entItled "Tbe Unrighteousness of Government "Te Unrleheusnes ! as VIewed by a IhloSphlC1 Anarchist " defnes the distinctions hetween the nihilstc anti phlLrphlClI anarcbl t and bfrlteJ nmisgmvermm. ment amid despotism as unrighteous , though erroneously applying to tlOn the name'01' e-nmen. S na'o John T. tOlpn cr.t'iucs ) : . a paper to Inform lS "Vimy the South Wants 1"lee Silver " and Prof George 1 Ieran Itals with "The Society cf Jesus' lelglon , " The Arena Publishing cempJnr Ooston Ad\'an ! sheets of 'olume. I . c John Slier- man's "RecollectIons of Forty Years In the House , Senate and Cabinet , " covering more than GOO pages have been , Issuel. and wIll soon be followed b ) tbl bund \ohlnle , The book Is unique In Its composition . lomblnlnJ \\h the bIography of one of the feremos I Americans of the dar so much that Is hls- i torlcal antI at the same tme presentng the financial anti economic vIews cnnected with the story of their development amt application - . ton In the experience of one ltl1med the .foremost of AmerIcan financiers. As an outline of the latter day history of American finance alone , It Is a most valuable contrlbu ton to our lterature The Werner com- pan , Chicago. The eighth special report ot the cmlls- .lener of labor deals ecush'elr with the subject : "The I0uslng of the \ \ 'orking Pe pll " Th reporl In fact , embraces an In- qulr Into , he housing of working people In different countries , entering Into the sub- Jccts cf sanitation and building regulations . rent coilec'lng , model lock buildings . mOdel small ItJuss. mojel lodging houses and the economic and ethical aspects of the various methods of hosing , The annual statistics of manufactures for th ' state of Mas&chusels for the year 139t corpleJ by Horace . G 'aiihin . chief of the bureau of statistics of labor . adds an adJI- lonal fund of reliable fgure to the vast array already a\'alabe 10 the student or In- duslrlal conditons , ComparIsons are made front various standpoints , by separate Indus- tries. br localities and by S2es and the pro- Iartonate distribution of individual wage Is shown , . A has el featur appendf Is an In- Iustrlal chronology of the State given by towns and citIes. The complete novel In the November Issue or I.ipplnCt's. "In Sight of time Godtes . " by Harriet Riddle Davis , deals with lE at the capital. The principal character are a member or the cabinet , his daughter and his private secretary , who aught ale b called society manaler for the family : th& acton Is chiefly between the two hst The tale 11 written with abundant local knowledge ant striking Phiadelphia ability , . J , D Lippincott company . , The cheerful unwrinkled handsome and almost youthful face of Limicoln In thr very prime of manhood , which serves a fronts- piece to McCiure'a for November , Is perhaps the most interesting contribution Her made to Lincoln portraiture I Is surprising that this wonderful picture. which Is the earlest per : ralt of Lincoln , and 15 from a taguer- reot'pe owned by his son . Ioh.rt T. Lincoln has never before been engraved or published. It taken at least tweh'e ' before was I wa years any other known portrait There are five other portraits of Lincoln In the magazine , al interesting - terestng and rare , and the first chapters of a new blorraph } ' , This new life of Llncolu Is a genuinely fresh , vigorous ant absorhlng narrath'e. There Is a bunch of rem.rkable . letters from Hober I.ouli Stevenson to his closest friend , Mr Sidney Colvirm describing tn such phrase as only Stevenson could cam- man,1 , the round and stress of his daily iii. dal U- c.rary life In Samoa. The romantic rise of : Ir , Rchar.1 Crker from a pennies ward "heeler" to be the opulent "boss" of Tammany - many maintaining ; mnIncaiy utablshmentl In New York and London. and supporting one of the costliest racing stables In the world , Is described In a paper by E J. Edw3rds Octave Thanet supplies a merry Tllankglv- log story . and Rut'arJ Kipling roiates a remarkably - markably vivid tale ot love anti adventure above the ArctIc circle , S. S. McClure , lm- Ited 30 Fayete 1IaC. New York. Xo lover of the beautiful I art In Amer- Ica. and no artist anywhere-amateur or pro- teulonal-wl tail to be Interested In the Nonthiy Illustrator and Home and Country for November. The number contaIns 156 lulr\onl. In variety of subjeots I can- not wel be euell In "English Fads and Fancies " b , Thomas CampbelCopelant. 1- IU > trtl from dra"tn by George Ou : au , rln : "Klku ; the Royal Plnwer of Japan , " by 1.llal E. Portly , illustrated from photo or living cbrysanthemnums . by A. T. Spauldn : . and "Cuxhaven to Constantimoopla. " hy C W Aliens , illustrated from drawings b , the author there I a tent for the intellect and the sight which I really enJoable The Monthly Illustrator Publlhing company , 19 , 153 Leonard street , Now York. A malt interesting paper In the ovember number of the North AmerIcan Re\'h.w ts "The Girlhood of an Actress , " by Mar An deen de Navarro . consisting of three cbap - , - lets trom the adanc sheets of her remlnl , cenees loon to ha published. \n ; llusln , PII , on "The rlallc oC Jocularity . . by the late Prt I. II. iloyesmu . illustrate , the 10' I ability or Americans to consider serious I ti.Ings serlon.lr. anti In tl "Outlook fee f Republican - publican ! ucC s. " l1n , Charles T. 'Ssxtt'n. . lieutenant governor nf Now York. contributes D thoulhtul paper on the lulbltel of the next Jul.nlal : election , " \'lit neeol ! 01 . College Womel la ably treated by Cimanles Th\lnj LLD . , president of Western Ie serve university and . \tI rt clege , while : Major General Neiman A. Miles treat In an- other ebs/ter from his forthlllnl book "Our Acquisition cf Territory. " The North AIIIEr\an Ie\.lw , New York . The leadIng article In the o\ember Forum Is a diwmmsslomt of the third term questIon by Prof. John 1.1ch McMnsicr , the hlsto lan , entItled "The Third Term Tradition , " ) Ir. McMasler cites the well known historicl precedents against n presidential third term , and thinks there Is no reason to believe that time oldtme anlpatb ) ' to a third tein Is ono whit ices strong than I Her w.H. Pr"shlent O. D. Ashley of the Wabah Hai real , ! compln ) ' reviews the general railroad situation In the United States , suggesting remedies for some cr the evils from which our ralrots are . now urErln ! C3ptaln "Ifl'.l " ' . Mmultamm . t. S. N. , wrles an Intercstl I and tnstruclh'l leaper on "The aa a areer. " The I.'orum Publbhlng company . New York. EIoom . ( 'ilAliM AND COURTESY IX LITTER W'iIITiNG-ily 'rances Bennet C . II\a ) ' , Cloth. gilt top $1.00. Miss Cahiaway has ni'proachetI her subject not only with tll tact and I'rotlciemmc' which ccme from long ewerlence : anti training but I with a literary . and s'nmpathette spirit RI11 unll of practical \ tdom , suggestiveness ant I I readers god see hich wlo anti ntraet her TIlE : , nOI OF SINGAPOI1E-Ihy St I , ' George Hahhorne l.ler. Street I Smith. New Yorl This latest story of Mr. Hath erne gives time reader an Interesting hmpse of life and eutoms In the city or Sitmgapore . In India , willhlr ho hu transptll his characters. all [ mom . \merlca. and proeeeds to weave about them a tall of love and alhenturl' . and t hrlln ! escapes from imitates , vhomn they encoummter In ottemmmptlmtg the resetting of the hmerolue's father , who is a itnlsomuer , Time Nalmob and his bosom friend , Major Max , both love time lmeroine , and time nicest worthy wins her hni'art , and all ends hmapplhy. TIlE CENTt'itY COOK nOOK-Il ) ' Mary Itommaiml. CloUt , SST images , $ Tite Century conpny , Noa' York. 'I'he imok is moore than a nmero compIlation of receipts. Time first part is dm't'otetl to die- courses anti hints on practical stmbjeets that tviii prove of great help to housewIves. These rnnge from the etiquette of dinners , the nlatmner of serving , of laying and mlecoratlmtg the table. Ice the preparation of thue bonito macala , time training of green cooks , time care of utensils , antI that very hmirge anti ho- portant subject , e'otmomny in time. kltc'imen There are many hundreds of receipts , annd tlmeso Include tIme simple aummi Incxlmenmstve dislmes , as well as time elaborate and costly once. The ilhimetratlons preaemmt aim entIrely nsa' feature In cookery books , They are au repro.jmmceti trout photographs of time actual objects , and so cannot be rmmislc'aclinmg , mis mIght be the cisc In drawings. Time picttmr's reprcsemmt time mmmaimmmer of mcttimmg a table , time pmeparatlcn of fish mural meat for cooking. time garnlslmtnmg of disimc's. amid time decoration of nimany desserts Tints tables for boiling , baking - ing amid broiling. detachable inemimoranmda for the cook , amid similar devices , combine to make up one of time Immost complete and useful cook books ever issued. TIlE MAMMOTh hUNTERS-An Alaskan story. by'illis Boyd Alien. Clotim , 75 cents. Lothrop PublIshing company , Hoe- ton. Three bright New York boys. who have traveled before , go to Alaska on a bomme- hunting expedition-that is , omm a search for ivory arnonmg time remnaitms of the great prehistoric - historic monster known as the mnamnnmotim , traces of which exist in Alaska. ttow the ) ' fared and what they found Mr. Allen has toU with all time acctmmmtpaniments of a brathiess and excitIng. but imenitimy amid in- structiu'e story of adventure. TilE PuIITNERShiy'iliiam 0. Stodilard. Cloth , $150. Lotheop Publishing company. Boston. One will 'Tardly meet with a jollier fellowship - ship for real. substammtiai eimd than was this of Neliy amid hilly and Soot , and Cash the dog , and Peter time bulilmead-well , they wili forget all about any other eucim parto'rshlp 'a bile reading of this. Mr. Stoddard calia 'The Partners" a girl's story. It is. hInt it it' just such a girl's story as every boy will uvisim to read. PIJI'ILS' OUTLiNE STCDIES IN TIlE IllS. TORY OF TIlE UNITED STATES-By Francis II. White , A. M. Paper , IZS pages. 30 cents. American hook commipany , ChIcago Time hook presemits an original anti system- elk combInatIon of devices , comms'eniently or- ranged for Indivtdnsl nr class Instruc'Ion. Its use will mitt the memimory , the imagination armd time jtmtlgnment , while cultivating neatness . . . " ' . .J arrangement of material. Its use in schools will discourage mere mennor- izing and commmpel the pupil to obaervtt closely to select essential facts , to classify his kr.owledge , to form opinIons for himself anti to carry his investigations up to the chief authorities , anti , when possible and desirable , even to the original sources. RECEIVED. PATRICIA-By Marie St. Felix. Paper. 50 cents. The Merrianu company , New York. c1ciito's CATO MAIOII DR SENECTUTE- Edited by Frank Erneet itockwocd , A. M. Anerican hlook company , Chicago. BOOKS F'OR GIRLS \VOMEN-Eduted by Augusta 11. Leypoldt and George lIc. Paper , 50 cents ; cloth , $1. The Library Bureau , Boston , TilE YOUNG CONDUCTOR-fly Edward S. Cilia , Cloth , $1.25. Time Merrlarmu cant- pony , New Yerk. AMF.1tICAN ( 'ATIIOLICS AND 'TIlE A. P. A.-By Pctrick Henry W'irmston. I'aper. 25 cents. Chmaries 11. Kerr & Company , Chicago. ' , C ANIY'S W'AItD-1l' James Otis. Cloth , 25 pages. Time I'emmmm Pubilaimirmg comim'mnl' , I'imiIadehphia. Front Megeath Stationery company. Onmaima. MAGAZINES RECEIVED. TIlE BOOK BUVEI1-Cimaries Scriboer's Sons , New York. TIlE JIESPERIAN-The hlesperian Ptmbhislm- ing company. lint Springs , S. D. TilE LIANKE1tS' JiNCYCLOI'EDIA MONTH- , IN-The flankers' Encyclopedia company , Chicago. TIlE GItEAT SOUTIIWEST-Tho Great Southwest. 31S North ThIrd Street , St. Louis. Mo. E\'EltI' MONTII-Ilowley , hlaveland & Co. , 4 East Twentieth street , New York , TilE ilL'MANITARIAN-Tlme liumnammitarlan , 302'eat Seventy-second street , New York. TIlE AMF.1tICAN hISTORiCAL REGISTER -The Ihisbrical Register l'ubhishming corn- pony , I'iiliadelidmia. BAU'ilOOD-Babyhood Publialming company , 5 Beeknman street , New York , TIlE t'OCKET MAGAZINE-Frederick A. Stoka coumpanmy. New York. WESTERN AME11ICA-Western America , 916 West harrison Street , Cimicago. TilE Ml DLANI ) MONTHLY-Johnson Brigham - ham , Des MoInes , Is. One Minute Cough Curs is harmless , pro- droes Imnmediate results. PURE , HARMLESS , SATISFYNC 4 ; MAIL POUCH TO B AC C.O Nicotine Neutralized A &PrINERVOUS ? U I-DYSPEPTIC , - - - - - - . _ _ _ LITTLI3 THIN6S. A little panther Is ; umtytmmh ice a llttcn. t'ut fl'iOt1) ' Simflt5 burn am' a pet. lie wilt grow , 3Oti SeC. A little ht1 hatilt gets to be a ttratmnlcai thing mind nmeakes texts tir mimraiiIs. .tutd time mormuilats are right , toe. A little fit of tenml't'r 3mm ) ' lead to a lifetime - time of regret. Iimw limO ) ' of us hma'e to utepiore e'ttmutiered friendships and aomd we etml'cot recall. A little cclii of the meant so c'nuni'n at this tnmo : at time ) 't'ttV I'O S fmtt as the b.mb > i'atmtlmer. mind as a oummirnmmtomi is Cviii ifl.fl 'I undeslrol.lt' , A Huh , cc .e'rtlon mini oherystnn will prove that the little cult ! all miever motY to ho 1'ntennonmumt it tvt' lma'e iromntmt re. counrac to that ' ' " sterilnmg imr'cmmUt'e , Ictmtf"a Purt' Malt \'Imiske ) ' . A lIttle cenmimimon semise will nimw thmut shatever "tmttuine time heat of the hi'iy muitis the digestIon , qmtkeims : time clrmialiomi , sharpens tIme aIipetlte anti Imtsmne iouimitl sleep is liii' best timing 1mm tIm. ' womil for mu t'ohii. 1)ult % 'ii i'nrm' Mmmli'imtskey dtce.m these timings. Is hut time dteltic'tlon us imhmtmtt mis ( In ) ' ? .A little cold fir striking tic" sltlmm con- Irat te the hmoiHl v.'sm'u'lti bt'mm"mmttm it mmml , hmives the 1ihntij dm' ' ' Into tIme t'oi ) ' , ( .atmS. ing comigi'mtton tirt it nmd it , ihmtmn mmcii I . 'mt mi t ' a mtrtis , LTtmfl'"i l'tmre 'tlmmlt \ % 'htikt'tLntm. . lmtt& ' and elmmailzes time elrt'umlrutlcmn. , so tlmmmt time stmnfcc lt'll timid intcrmmal exemms t'f he.ut are comrccteel. A little ( ommghi imla. ' int'e.l ! ime et , pp " 1 ii ) ' lo.uh nppl ira t ion n o t iii' ii i m at t'd mmu"mmml'm'i no tt time ttmr'at. but tiet' ut'nti'm'ni dmem her of t'lmic'ii time commgli Is limit mm , . mlipmttmn tie- mmmanils it tommie amid it titlimlant I ) Cm melt 't em y tii.m'r of time body hlcitmise I'mmCt 's Ma't tmI.lce ) ' does thIs Its mmmiii Is a housm'imuld word. 1nsnanitl' stlm5 the tflOt ewnmilmtmmmg pa'ns allays inflanimnmation tintS rur'mt t'Otti . 1na , whmImer of iii , ' m.tmnee , $ totmn im , 1kaels or cmtimO , giant , or imtucous mmwmbrummes , HALJWY'S RAY RELIEF CL II HS A : I ) i'it E . 'l s'l'S Colds , ( 'nugha , Sore 'l'Ii rome t , iimllui'imsmu , iiroiii'iil us , i'mieimimmnmmii , itli'um- emmmtisiia , N'iiriInzla , II&'n.ime'hi' , 'i'tiot Iuu'Iit' , .tst Ii tins , lii Iii- t'imit iiri'iulliiiig , rt-nrs Ti1i voits'r u n frmi one ti twenm3 minutes .N itt 0mm. hour aflm m 'mulmt , this mudvertim'tment need any' one SUFFII1 1'1TU i'AnN. ACHES AND PAINS. For Iteattache ( mmennmr m't-k or nvrtou.t. toolim , arhe , neuralgia , m iiemmmmtmtt5mnm , tumai.gm. Itatne unit t.'akfltmm'S in ( lie Itock. enmmne or kmdnt'ys , m'simi around the itvcr , miurie ) ' . s. iltimig Of the jttmma m.nI 1.aimm. of mitt it I mid. , t It , ' attii'ut ; ion of Itmiti. way's lteai Iteimef . iii nit itt , Imammt'tmtam' case. and Its eumitinued use for a Ccw tinys crrct , rerTniIn'flt 0th. ' TA1IN mN\S'Aflnti.Y-A halt to mm 1eaainommfmi i'm Imaif it t'.mmmitjlm'r ' f s.att'r fur smon'm.'t'im t.'ute , eimt' . aint mm tim. iomv'ia. eoti , 'Immils. ft't'r imn.i arc" . titmurrimoeS , sick heomlache amid all intermn.ui p.m ins i'rlc' ao , mi'r iotIe. Sold by mmli miriaggists. Monthly Pains tad anuxietk's can be relieved to a cer- nIuty U ) ' tuslng Dr. Chevalier's Female Pills. Price 1.OO per box. If you tire tlumtld and In doubt as to t'hat svihl t'vlk''o you , send for timeso pIlls , Sent settled securely by toni ! on t'eceipt. of Price. Sliermun & McConnell Drug Co Il3 Dodge St. OMAhA , NEIl. ( Morning ) LOIi pia B ' i'rtmaryiico. A SEC'ALT onilaryorTer. ttaryeypimtllapormanentii cured in if. to 35 days. You cn be trented at. imomime for the canoe price undercanmo gnmarammt y. 11 yoopretcrto coma hero we wii contract to pay raliroafi taco and hotel biOs. nail no cbsrgeIf we tmmiiiucure. It you have taken mimer'- cury , lniido pota'mtm , anti titi hava aches and pains , Mucousl'atcltes in nnoutim , Soro't'hrnmst , 1'impio , Copper Colored Iputs , tlcers ott any part of thobody. flair or Eyc1irow fisilIn out , it ii this Sypimihitlo 151.001) 1'OOSO. th we guaratmteo It ) CUtS , 'No solicit Limo roost obtI- nato cases anti chisiiougo tlmO world for ma cain wo cannot cure. 'this dmeaeO baa SiwaCi batHed thit skili of time snat fintlimemmI pimysi- china , 3n00,000 cspiteii behind our uncondi. Imonal guaranty. Abmiolutoproo1.entst'nte4omi ippliestion. Address (1)OK ItL'MEDY CO. , 801 Iaaofl1o emp1o , C1.UCAUO. iLL. -o-o-o--o-o---o-o-o--o--o--o--o-o-o- jAre You t Toothless' ? 0 i'lhi ntmnnue you a Ness' Set tot' ; ' ; .oo , Fit ( tuiuatmttl I DR. WITHERS , 4th Floor 16th and Iougiaa. i Tel. 1775. 'r 4I" EVERY WOMAN . c'c5 fowetio.r'S mweda a reliabi 'I monthly reguLating nnedlcin'j , , ' Dfl , PEAL'S ΒΌ PENNYROYAL PILLS - 1 , A-c pmmpt , Safe itnlcei'ttuln in result. Time genu' Tie ( Dr t''ai'mm ) imsrPrclIsitonoiit 5i'at anywhere , ; I. . 5Thrmsn & MeConn.U Drug Ci. . , LSi $ Dodg .trewt , OnnhL Nib. THE NEW MURRAY Pronotinced , by melt who have p'ttron- iZCl It , thu bcst In Cuisine , EltllIttI0nl ) arid Service , Modern In every respect. Rates * 2jO IA ) SLOt ) . 5'Special t'ntts by w'elc on' month , B. SILLOWAY Preis. & Mgi' . , lilli and IIam'ttey Sts. , Oinrnha , IRRIGATION BOND SALE. Notice Is hereby given that sealed pro- posal.s will L'e received by the boarmi of directors of the On. ! irrigation distrIct of 'ahiey county , Nebraska , at their office in Ord in sold district , imp to 2 o'clock um no. of the 2d tiay of l'cenmbrr , Ieti3 , for E.0 , ( ) ) 01' the bonda issued by said Irrigation ills- tnict , all of said bonds bt'immg bonus of $51) , 'arh and drawing Interest hut the rate of 6 iwr cent l'er annum , 1,4)'nte anntmaui ) ' , the prineiiai anti interest of saId bonds Imay. able at the nitiee of the state treasurer of ttmt' state of N.'lmrurka , said bnmiIa iieirmg maymmtiIe in installments as follows : flS'e ' ) timuireof payab't' in eleven years ( mmmi iii , , date therm-of ; * 3,0Ilayalile in twelve ) 'earmt freon time date thereat ; gi,5' ) [ ii'flbi ' in thirteen years from the 'late thereof , $ i. ( ) lma'dbie in fourteen years from Ih. ' dat' , thereof ; $ l.C l.a'aiiie in llttt'en ) 'uars ( taint time datit thereof ; $ , ( % jQ payable in mmixteeen y"ars from the date thereof ; $ .iJ.iJ , ) iuytmlil'c In seventeen years ( earn the slate thercat ; $ ,5i ) payabe in elgtmteeeit years ( rain time date timereot ; $7&s ) lm'atIC In nineteen years from time date timereo ( ; , s' ) psyatmle iii twenty years ( rum time date thereof The Board of lirectars rum.erve the right to reject any and all bids. . % 'ltlress all bllmi to F , I' . Ciements , secre. tar ) ' . Ord , Nebraska. fly order of tims iloartI of iirectcrg , triad. this lilt day or Nowember , lws : , J , A. PATTON. President , E. P. CLEMENTS. Secretary , N1O LIht ' -