Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 11, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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= = . . . . - - = _ _ _ _ _ _ - , - - TIlE OMAHA 1)AILYBhiE _ : lO I ( 1)A J Jt , NOVm\BrnH. : \ 1 t. 1 1S9. n
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ui1r@jfJIi ] Il lI ! f t ! I _ . @ 1 1 1
" - - "
I omc. 12 l'rar1trct-II , W. TIltnn , Mnnjier : III
_ _ _ _ -
. . _ . _ . . , . ' .H _ _ _ n _ _
( hrypanth mum ' , J I McPh 'fon. Tel 2H
" Io night rchool ) wi open thA evening at
73O : 0 clock at the 1\1'lmer ! chuol.
laloneY'R Weiidlng" COI\lany \ , ITOlilCn'a
Com"y comllany. and the Salsbury orchestra
tool dinner at thl Ogden ycaterilay.
_ The luneral 01 Ira. Amauda 1lnnc ) ' wi
be held tomorrow alernoon at 3 o'clocl from
n.e realdence mi : Sc\'enleenlh a\'cnuc.
The funeral 01 Mrs. Jane I.ewls wil take
1.laco . thlA ! afternoon at 3 o'ctock fem her res-
hlence In Lowls townshlll , , Ur. Stephen Phelps
0 Iflclatl n g.
Tie 10lden Comely , company wil beln a
" , 'el's engagement this evenln at the New
floliany theater presenting , a 10mestc com
edy enttcl ) " Angie. '
The ciy council . will hol,1 , an adJournel1 (
meetnJ this eVI'ln Contracts for att1e .
walks will be le upon the tjds % . which were
V oplncd last Monlay ( night.
A runaway team and lumber wagon were
caught last nIght on their way up MaIn slreet
anl were put In the 011 Dohany lur ) on iry-
ant atret to await the calling 01 their o\\ner ,
who Is l as yet unlnown. _
Thc Boar.1 01 Supervisors begins Its November -
vember esslon 10lay. and will convass the
voteM 01 the plecton , Chairman Wadsworth
and SUllervlsor ) Currie , will step out and W. p ,
Ilker a 111 U. I Putnam . the aupervicors-
elect will step In. .
- - - - -
I'arm loans malle In western Iowa at 10weRt I .
rate No delay In closing 10anR. Fire all
lorado ( Insurance written In best 01 compa- :
nics , Bargain In roil estate LOUO E &
TOWLI , 231 Pear street.
IONEY to loan on Improved Iowa farms.
LA1tGF I.OANS a sleclaly [ , Fire In.urnncc.
L. W TULLgyS 102 MaIn strr t , rooms
2 alll : , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nicest line 01 overcoJts In town. : tetcal
urea. _ _ _
larlmai and Standarll Piano 13 N 1Cth.
u'1ItsoX.tI. I'It. \ ( iltAt'IIS.
Mrs .1. T. Stewart who has ben dangerously : -
ously I , Is recovering.
: lr , a 111 : lrs , I A. 101 have returned
from a week's visit with friends In Hed OJk
Wil J. Martin . who has been dalgeroully
Ill with typhoid fever , tias recovered sum-
clenty to be al worl
John tcrllel 1 spending [ several days with
his parents on Washln ton a\'enue. durIng the
I'rlmrose & West engagement In Omaha. lie-
he Is known as
I11nc1 his burt cork mlsk
John hail.
' ' Thomas E. Casady heft last evenIng for Moline -
be married tomorrow -
line . JI , . where he Is to
row evening to Miss Agnes Ilarnard . a young
latly who has many friends In this city I.
Zurmuehilon jr" , L' . U , 10wman. Jr" , alli
Perry Jadolet accompauled him. anti will
ofclate as ushf E. A. Wickham leave
this evening for the same purpose. II I
lug lt.I..I. In (11' TU.
"More bIg galnsl" The republican victory
seems almost comlllett Ieturs are stl
coming In , all showing big , alns , The most
substantial gains yet reported are from 919
South Main street , but the gains are for re-
ptihlicana . democrats and pOlullts allo , T ,
I hughes Is giving better result than any
house In the city In winter underwenr hard-
wear shoes anti rubber goods I you feI 1
ere over some 01 the results you have had
give him a trial -
Among the novelties now attracting attention -
tion at Olrree I'urnlure Co.s. 331 , 338 Broadway -
way , are the splemlhl lines 01 pictures easels
and screens , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chrysanthemum display : largest variety ;
finest plants : lowest prices. J. F Wilcox.
I'k'itre l ' rl"t..1 i 11'lnrt. l ' rlltNI I
New picture frames ! You cant afford to ,
pass them by. Cal and see them. EmbrohlI I
ered linen frames mounted to order. '
- 11. L. - St'l & CO I
A plant thoroughly ( lllppel with the new-
pst machinery , the best work by skilled , em-
phoyes prompt deliveries anti lair treatment
arc among the things that make the Eagle I
"that good laundry. " Telephone 17.
Stephan liroc. . plumbers Quick work and
reasonable prices . 629 Broallway.
- - - - -
" % 'II Uwn 'I'helr Uwn 'l'eIejtIilILeN.
The city has lurchas(1 three telephones
from a Chicago company upon the plan sug-
grated by City EectricIan Bradley at the
meeting 01 the council last Monday night
Instead ( 01 paying $ t [ a year. as the city had
been doIng. the Nebraska Telephone compan
offered to cut Its rates down for the ensuing
year to $ [ each. lut the Chicago Construc-
ton company vent I few better ali offered to
put In the machines for $7.60 each and let
them become the property 01 the ciy , ThIs
otTer has been accepled The telephone company -
pany took its discarded 1 machines out 01 the
Police helllquarters amI the ! two alarm boxes
at thc corer 01 Irol111ay and First anti , the :
_ corer ul First 1 avenue and Peal street The
new machines have not yet arrln'I , but arc
xpccted .lall' , In the meantme thc polce
ottleers while reporting are dependent
olcer whie Ieportng upon
th' . re' . - " or _ their _ frIends _ _
'I'ht. ) , )1.,1 lie Sulti. :
Not being able to attend to the pIano bus-
Incas and needing the room for my large
line 01 holiday geol that wi soon he In ,
1 wIll Eel toy remaining stock 01 pIanos at
ACTUAL COST a 111 on terms as low
as $10 per month , This Is a rare chance to
buy a gOOI piano.
Picture training a specialty.
W. W. ClAI IAN , 1 Main St
Wo 'lava sol 3,000 hotbed sash In Iowa all
Nebratlm and never had a klclt Wo now have
ready for immediate delivery 1.000 more at
beth rock prIces , Write for prices on all kinds
glazed sash , glass . I'alnts , oils . etc. . stating
Iluanlty .Ieslrcd. Counci Bluffs Paint &
01 Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ct."II Out Mnht' .
In order to close out I will sell all goods at
cost for tile next 30 days. Miss Itagadale . 10
l'earl strcet. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nothing like it. The famous Crown piano
with orchestral alachmtnt leads them al ,
I Dourlclus Music 10uso , 16 Stutsman street.
! Just received , carload 01 Jonathan apples ;
also carload New York Grcenlns and lall-
whiia } 'ul line nuts amI candles , Ouquelo
& Co . 1 MaIn stret Council luls ,
The lardman piano wins many friends.
Nicest line 01 overcoats In town Motcal
I Dros. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
i.iNt HIM )''I t. . .
larry Brooks has reported to the police
the theft or $55 from his residence . 2t5 VIne
street last Friday ulgit. lie drew his pay
. flOI the motor company that nlKht. 1
amounted 10 a few cents over 155. lie Ipcnt
- the cents a 11 kept the dolars , At night
1 when he went to bed he lel the money In
his clothes. In tbo morning when he awoke
It was gone. Just outsldo his bedroom win-
low he 10uII two loot tracks Saturday 10rn-
lug , about thro feet from thin house. They
iittiicated that a man hall watched him Underneath -
deneath the curtain as ho undressed and
saw where ho l\t the coin 'ho window
can bo easIly ralsell anI besides. when he
arose In the mornIng he found that the back
door hal been open all night , so that there
. Is no doubt In his mlnl but that the house
was burglarlzcd
Looking for fuel savers and hard times
Stoves don't o\'erlook DeVol's new airtIght
_ coal heaterl. They do the work and dent
' COlt you much.
I The Standard piano next to the Ilardntan.
This weather suggests warm and coin-
tcrtablo things. Those "Colorallo IIder
Down" bed comlorts lt the Council lul'
Carpet COttliafl'S anti the big Hne ef fur
rugs meet these suggestions. They are
clicop . durlbe : , beautiful.
- -
Chambert dancing academy now open for
pupils. Cal after 10 a. m. Circohars.
r- Nicest line cr overcoats In town. Metcalf
liros . Metcal
Morchoulo & Co. , blank books and ! binding.
Jarvis , 181 branly ; _ purelt , ulnt , best
I , The Hardran pine Improves with use.
_ - 0 _ _ " no _ _ _ _
- .
1.11 itt \ ' ! IS COll ) VII'hi1IL.
( " . ) , , . ,1. . ( 'ltlr ) ' CIII l'r"I'nrln
fur ii \'llh'r or . \h. , " PSt'fiShSICM.
harry IC , Smith the WEI known ' , s iieel-
man , IH at wurll PI rgetclly evolving ideas I
a the result 01 which a bran lew goat Is to
be launch or a sea 01 cwelulreu during
the comlnl Wluter 'fite Gan'meto Ccntur
club will be the possessor 01 the animal The
club has bC1 organIzed ever since last
spring , and Its Inlnberhlll 19 so far confuted
10 the members 01 the Canymede Wheel
) <
club who have sueccie1 ! In making a century
run. .There arc about a dozen 01 them PO
lar. The roil Ilcludes ! the names 01 n n ,
NIchol , \ " ' . U Calother. lay Bixby , Ins
[ .oull Ii. K SmIth , aeorgeVihilnmaon , W
S. Itigilon . Harry Halenhauer , , Joe Boyne ,
fd Ouquele and others. Nieltois who was
thought to be on the mail to a eonslmpth'c'l
grave a year or 10 ago , heads the ( lst ( wIth
an even dozen centuries to hIs credit , and the
last trace 01 bacteria Is now missing W. I ) .
C.rother comes second on the list , with
ele\'en After each ride the member who
makes a century II alo\\'ed to have another
liar or pendant adde,1 , 10 his club pin At
the last meeting twenty bars were alo\\d.
s \ hlch does not n cesrly show that the
club has done a large bar business during the
pas , summer
The plan now Is to have two degrees. to the
first 01 which all members 01 the Oan'mCle
club shal he (1 lhle , The goat Is to have
a chance to Iletmbulalc over the bodies 01
all who take this degree The second degree
Cdn be taken only by Ihot who have ridden
a century , and In proportion as the honor 01
the second degree Is larger than that 01 the
frst , the dose 01 goat Is to be larger. I
Is understood , however , that the charter
members have decided to exempt themselves
front the goat buahitesa . and save np their
strength to make things Interesting for those
who arc yet to be born Into the Illngdom
1I , ( \X 'I'II''I' I J OP I'it.tYIIt.
A.t' I ) ' C. C. : thh. . . . . . or 101'
. .tt g. :11.1. : . or lil. . . . .
The annual week 01 prayer was opened yesterday -
terday afternoon by the Young Icn's Chris-
tan association with a special meeting at the
First Presb'terlan church and a large audi-
ence was prGcnt C. C. : lehlner , college
secretary 01 the international comnaittee .
made an address , In which ho outlined , the
work 11 the commIttee and exhorted hIs
henrers to nphold I In every way possible.
Slate Secretary IJ , :1 Aikin 01 Kansas was
also present and male an address alolg the :
same 1 no At thc close a collection was
taken to tae ' 1\ldel between the local asso-
elation and , the state conintittee . Some excel. :
lent muslc1 selectols went a long way
toward making the proceedings very Inter-
sllg , The choir or the Congregational
churcit consisting 01 Irs. W. I. . Welch. Mrs
R B. 1ulls. Frank Westcol and I. I S.
Allen , with Miss Gertrude Geason at the
organ rendered two tine selections. Mrs. \ ' ,
W. Sherman sang the offertory sole anti
Iessrs Paul anti Charles Tuleys played a
violIn and cello duet with organ accompaniment -
ment t.
) eetngs wil be hell at j:30 : o'clock every .
evening this week. ThIs evening the meet-
log wil be addressed , , by Hov. John Askin ,
DD. . and Neil , Mitchell.
- - - -
Gtllt. ( . l"tl" liii ( . . Vn'ru' )11-
Ihlr ) ' Ul'.rlll'ul.
Opposite Ogden hotel Look at these
astonlshll ! prices . not for heap trash but
for high grade novelties In the miinery
Hne : : .
hats . 15c. .
hats , 2 . [ ctq
lats , d.55 ccnts.
Fine Itats . .10c.
Fine hats , 41 cts.
Fine hats , 50 cents.
Fine fur hata , 581
1"lno fur hal . Gl cts
1.'lue fur hats , j [ cents
Fine cheule hats , SSc
Better grade chenll hats , 95c.
Fine covered velvet hats. $1.
Fine trImmed velvet hats. $1.50.
Trl1neI hats estrkh tIps . $1.95
White beaver hats lamb's edging , 75c.
Whlo baver hats , Imb' edging 9c
White beaver hatd. lamb's edging U,1G.
flats . hats hats at all prices
hints , hats hats never so chpnp
flats , hats , hats on sale all week
Core anti lake your selecton II you have
uot bought a hat yet Trimmings for hats
almost free. hats trimmed for hall price In I
millinery department. Vnvra's Dry Goods
Store , 12 Broadway.
For line work we are strictly up to date ,
lul City laundry ) ' . 'Ihone 3(4.
'l we you seen thc lew gas beatIng slOVt 4
at the company's omce1
- - - -
1.10Usn ) ) US' ! ' IV.
The Baldwin works 01 lhladlphla has
begun its first shipment 01 locomotves to
Hussla. The locomolve . whlca are adaptel1
for burning petroleum resldnum , which lorms
the chIef fuel 01 the railroads In southern :
Hussla wilt bc ulloa12t ut 1 Back sea port
) the
During month 01 September live per-
SOlS were admlled to lie prlitters' home at
Colorado Springs two left and one was cx-
pelel , The home now has fifty-eight. In _
The American Hallway union Is gaining
rapidly II membcrahlp. There are lourteen ;
organlzcrs at worl In Chicago and apphica -
! applca-
tons for clarters are coming In from ni
parts of the countr ) ' , In Butalo recently 10 ( )
members were initiated at one meetng , ,
Contracts have been made wih thc Mid -
: ld-
dletowl Car Works for the coitatruction 01
20 cars fifty of which will go to Mexico , ,
The buldln ! of these cars wi put a large
number 01 idle moon to work
German papers assert tInt gas pipes mude
of paper arc 1 suceNS. 1anlia paper strIps
are passed through melted asphaltum and
then moldell under heavy pressure. Alter
cooling the plps , which may be of any the-
sired length , they receive a waterproof coat-
Ten Vermont quarries supply fully five-
axthts ! 01 all thc marble quarried In thlE coun-
try , and to do thIs there arc 3,000 or 4,000
men working In the mines 4,00
and the same num-
her In the stock yards which are In all the
large cities 01 the state. al
largl cites The largest tie-
posits 01 marble In Vermont lie principaily
II the hula between Hulanll le Brandon a
distance 01 sixteen mies , These quarries
( roJlcl all the dlrlerent klnd , 01 marble ,
front the pure white , through clouded '
whie cloud.l gre )
aunt dull blue to black , while from sit IElanl1 , )
In Lake Champlain come the red mablei
A new feature 01 the Interstate Commerce
commls lon's report Is a table. giving
table Ih'ln a com-
parattve statement 01 the ,
puatve lttement average daily com-
pensaton 01 the various classes 01 railway
emploes for 1892. Ib93 and 1894 'or 1894
the average daly Comensston was , for gen-
pral othicers . $9.71 other .
oleers. $9,7 ; olflcers , $5,75 ; general -
oral OmC clerk . $2.34 : station agentp , $1.75 ;
other staten men , $ ,63 ; eDlnemen. $3C1 ;
Iremen. $2,03 ; conductors , $3,04 ; other train-
men , $ ,89 : machinist , $2.21 ; carpenters ,
$2,02 ; other sbopmen , $1.69 ; eeetion foremen ,
$1i ; other traclmen , $1.18 : switchmen , hag.
men anti watchmen , $1.75 , telegraph 13/-
ors and lspatchen , $ ,93 , and employes 01
foatng equipment , $ ,9.
Out' ) lrl Trlnl.
Washington Star : "Josiar " sid Mr
Cortossel , "wIth . all yer work an' worry an'
stR'ln' up o. nights ye dIdn't carry the country -
try fur our party. "
"That's what I dldn't , " was hIs melancholy
rell ) .
"Yo dldn't curry the state , neither. "
"Ne. _ "
"Ye dhln't even carry the townshIp. "
"I shordy didn't . "
"Wel. Joslar. a 110'8 confidence never
lols , I stIlt belIeve In ) 'er.
"Thet's downright kind o. . you , lndy , "
"Yo'r6 carryin' capacity may not be whut 1
thort It was , but I'l take one more chance on
ii. 'Spowt ye glt out o. the rock In' chair fur
ten minutes an' try yet hsn' at carryln' a
lead o' wood. "
* -
. 10w I. 't'IOI 'I' h. . . ,
\'es , sir . " said the portly looking citizen -
zen . "I have : taken every patent medicine
that has ccmc out In the last five years .
AntI look at me.
"I seems to have done you go < "
"Yes. It all depends 01 how you take
I them. ( Now every time a , lrunlnlr comes
alonK I. " will , I leI patent medicine I take
"Yes , "
needed "tith It. sel I to somebody . that really
1''CII nS ; UI- la'lt'U' \ ' J.J'I .
Now York Truth The maiden lobbell
wildly a she bowe.1 her heal , over this lam-
fly bIble "My days are numbered , " she
erlcd. When her passion had spent itself
she locked at the page once more. "Thcre
It Is , In indelible Ink ; It h. recorded that 1
was born In 1859. " Once more hEr sorrow
overcame her ,
Phiadelphia InquIrer : "You are a lar I"
The words rang out clear In the alt. A
hush 01 dread fell upon the ( spectators.
"Curse 'oul" Repeat those words anti- "
"halt ! " crlel the first speaker. "I defy
YOU- your worsU" Th two men l'prang
to a table and selze -
yen and Ink. They were ptigliiats. ,
Texas Sittings : : lr Anglo.Saxon ( to but-
her-Matthew , hs ! grace the duke or
'rs'eedledoita dlnf and sleps here tonight.
I want everything In the most correct moan-
ner : lalh \-lo. yes , hlndeed , mum
"Ser\'e tea In thc drawing room at 5. DuMr
at 8:30 : o'clock. Have no napkins at breal-
la't ' tomorrow anti serve cold game pates
front the sideboard. ' ' " 10 , yea , hilusdeed
uflutut. " ' 'And . Matthes' . see hint ( tha weather
Is rogg I want his grace to feel entirely
at home. . " " 10 , yes , hhlleel , mona. "
Chicago Post : "Theso big sleeves , " ho
bega n ,
"Veii ? " she said Inquiringly
She knew that he hall primed hlmel wih
some sharll relark , but she hat learned Ihat
I eased his Ilnl to make them and did not
hurt her. So sIte lell him'on. .
"What about them ? " s'bto asked . as he hesl-
tatld ,
"These big sleeves . " he pall w'en hI had
finally arranged the witticIsm to his faUs-
faction . "alwa's make Inc think 01 the way
people do UI' packages that won't bear In-
PII cUon. "
Westminster ' Gazette : The window display
made by a Glasgow neWIlap [ r In connection
with Saturdays race included a dial to indicate -
dfcate American lme ,
"That clock's clear wrong , " salt ! a man
as he Ilushe his way Into the thick 01 the
enormous crowd that hall assembled "It's
a gweel five hours ahlnt. ! "
"hoot . mln ! " ' uttsavered "If
"loot. answerel a wag : they
hadla plten back the time the race wid
hac been encroachln' on the Sabbath . da ) ' . "
"Losh , fren , I never thocht o. that Nae-
bJdy can beat Ihae Yankees for cute dodge "
CincInnati EIllulrer : The cyclone wih a
howl 01 fiendish glee struck the eastbound
CalorlJ fruit train full amIdships . aa It
In an Inslant millions 01 small , bluish
wrinkled objects were hurtlng through the
cIrculatory ! atmosphere Thl cyclone took
one look at hlmsell and then-
"Oreat heavens ! " he shrieked , "I am full
01 itrunes ! "
With that he lay down and died.
San Franclsro rest : A tIred looking little
woman with her thin cape spreal out to
protect her burden from the rain splashed
through the mud on MissIon Street to a car
last night The tllaUorm was crowled with
men who could not find a seat but they made
\Iay for her and helped her Into the packed
car She stood unsteadily In the aIsle I I , try-
along log to presen'e her balance as the car bUlped
"Keep sll dear ! " Situ sIghted In a wenk ,
tired voice when a alight disturbance under
the cape was obser\able ,
" \'h ) ' don't fome of yeti follows give that
woman with a baby a sent ? " growled a fat
man who was hanging to a strap
Two or three mel sprang up and each Insisted -
slated that she take his seat. She sank Into
one 01 the vacant places , thankc1 thc man
who had male vay for her . and a frowsy-
headed terrier sprang Irom 1ulr her cape
and Eat In her lap while he lurke:1 : at the . lat
man ,
Chicago Tribune : "What Is the present
corllton 01 the cHY'1 finances , Mr. Mayor ( ? "
Inquired thc aldrmmsan Irom the Umpt-
secolul ward. )
"The city Is heavl ) In debt . " replIed the
mayor , "anll at the present rte 01 cx-
pendlurl It Is running bchlnll several hun-
tired thousand dollars a year. "
In the mIdst 01 a ulense silence the alder-
man from the 'Slenth ward rose up
" I. .May or , " he said "ammtl lelow ahlcr-
men there Is only one thing for us to do
As members 01 the ( cIty council . charged with
the ditty 01 looking after ( ha Intcret':1 : 01 this
great city a solemn responsibilIty rests upon
i5.VO cannot evade It 'VI should ba less
than men II we t'aughmt now to alsli'k th ,
ISRU forced upon us In this crisis ot the
clt"s lortune I propose fellow members
01 the council . " he continued , In a voice that
trembled with excess or earmestne' : , "that
we core as 1Il1villuais to ( lie relIef 01 the
city ! I suggest that we contribute from our
private purseR 10 per cent 01 the profits 01
the aldermanle business Ihl ' year- "
The couuici ! rose as one nun Dealmlng
cheers drowned the speaker's voice , anti the
entire bOlly of sIxty-eight ailermen came
forward to this city clerk's ilcak each man
opening hIs purse no he came
"At this point , " explains the ( narrator "I
awoke. I was only a dream. "
Mr Jane Hudson 01 Maple napll ! : lcl" ,
ban been very close to poverty for se\erl
years past. whie she I Jled In vain for a
pension Wile she wa1 sll'clen ! with an iii-
nose . largely caiied through want fhe re-
e91ved a letter from the Ilensiou department
Inclosing a check for $1COO back penelon !
mone ) Two hours later she passed away
The New York State Woman Suffrage aD
Eoclaton will hold Its twenty-se\enth annual
convention In Newburg No\emhe 8.12.
Among the spe3ker8 will ho Irs. S
wi fy Siy-
mour Howell . Mrs. Ille Devereux Blake ,
SUn I Anthony Carrie Chapman Catt .
Margaret Livingston Clianher He\ Anna
Shaw 111 larreto : A. KeYMr.
Mrs. Wesley Jones or Ieston , while camp-
log In the Adln\ndacks. was walking In the
\\oods when a buck sprang In the path. In-
stall 01 being Irlghtened she Ic\lell her
Winchester and hc dropped In his tracks.
A i'utiit'r Ir 'l'uicks ,
When In doubt , tel the truth
Clerk anti shirk may rhyme , but they
don't sound well together.
The young man who knows only a part
of It learns lore than he who knows It all ,
Try and think as much about business
when out 01 the store as you do 01 your
pleasure when In the store.
There was a elgarete.smoldng clerk who
once became a proprietor , , but It was by ac-
I you spend e\ery cent you earn . you
won't wear out shoe leather In going to the
savings bank. . . 0
I you flaunt smoke while at busIness do
It under the nose 01 the "boss , " and not In
the basement. You w1 ! the sooner learn
what he thinks 01 you
Constant abuse of those under you wilt
strengthen your lungs at the expense 01
your manners ,
TInt boy who lies 10 get out 01 a scolding
must be a good doer.
DeWitt's Little Early RIsers cure Indi-
geston and bad breath.
.5. ( Irevsoiutt' flrntiimt .
A rather greW8Jme play achieved sensa-
tonal success recently : t TurIn , lal ) I Is
entitled "The Corp ! 01 the River 10. In
the first act a supposed corpse Is dragged
from a tank representing the river , with all
the realIsm that can bo put Into such a
scene. The second act plays In the morgue ,
six bodies on slab furnishing the realistIc
decoration to the place , but the climax oc-
curs In the fifth act , where the hearse upon
which twelve collt ere beIng conveyed to
the htotter's field , Is drawn over the scene
ami upset In light 01 the public , the coffins
tumbling over. One 01 thent containing .
the murdered body ef a woman , opens. and
the dead vIctIm rolls at the feet 01 the
heavy villain , her murderer. This Is realsm
with a vengeance And thIs play Is given
night alter night In a cIvilized country , anti
hundreds are turned away from the door ,
of the playhouse.
Plies of people hue plies , but DeWitt's
Witch hazel Salve will cure them
- - - - - - - - - - .
Morton's Funny Expcric.q : , When no
' .
Hadn't Gunj
nntn't n I
- , I'
1"lnIh'l.tnll nr ) ' 10'1..0. ; 1.IUnrlnl :
l.a fe I. I t'Irl.k. CIIlh'.I , ' : ) '
Ie fur ! h.l"'r' mind
u UII ,
"A few days age , " salll Secretary Morton
to Washington Post man , "I [ rlceh'eJ a
letter front a historical society In Kansas
askIng for Inlormaton as to a challenge to
fight a due which was supposed to have been
Issued by Jim L"ne to General 1onlphan ,
aho In 110 days 01 time old border war be
tween Kansas anti Missouri , lived at the town
ofVeatorm . In Plate county . :10 ,
" \\'iille I had no recollection 01 any such
challenge , the name 01 Jim Lane brought
vividly to my mind another cccasion when
challenges were Issucd , but which had its beginning -
ginning by a very sincere desIre on the Ilart
01 Jim Lane and several 01 his People to hang
Iii e .
1.lke a celebrated New Yorker , I am n
democrat. Not only that 1 have been adem-
oertln active operation for the last lort.two
years . which will easily carry one back to
1853. My Jim Lane experience occurred In
1850. I was the editor ali owmter In fact 1
was about all there was to a lIttle paper pub-
Ished In my town In Nebraska , l ) only ad-
lmereitt so far as work In the omce and composing -
posing room went , was a boy about 13 ) 'eat
ohl This boy was my printer , my local farce
and Irequenty my busIness manager. lIe
\I'US likely 10 do everything about the paper
except wrIte the editorials , That honor J reserved -
served for mysell , as I meant that ito ut-
ternces of the ( I'aller ' should bo very Ilro-
"It chanced that when the Ire sol people
were coming Into Kansas
they found It casler
and faster traveling to como through Iowa
and crass the Missouri river Into Nebraska ,
ant then go sonth Into ICanaas I was
1IIInsible for then to cr03S Missouri , which
was filled wih their foe Old John Broln , I
bniieve . was the only one of the free sellers
who ever alemptell it. Old Brown came
straight through Missouri
"Ordinarily the free sailors wore a rell
table-looking set of people. BUt one day In
1856 Jim Lane came Into our town with
about as hard an outfit 01 'emlgranls' nt his
back as It was ever imty lot to see. They
were a totmgh criminal set , I enl mlghl
judge train their al'pearance '
"The ) ' camped several lays In our town .
refitting for their progress Into Kansas They
were all men . and all hal horses or wagons
Their hard looks and rather violent behavior
led me to write an editorial about them I
got liP what I Intended should be a sarcastic
article , and from the ( effect It had upon them
I should say It was I I remember rightly I
saId something to the effect that to judge
from the markings anti appearances 01 this
consignment 01 free toilers it had its
Bolers\ Is emana-
ton ( In BOle penal Instlut \ on o Iho east I
arguell that there should be no failing off 01
such a supply . as almost l of the astern
penitentiaries . to say imoth1n 01 the eastern
cIties , would be very glad 'to ' . 'eep It up The
criminal classes everywhere taught be BUC-
cessluly sent to Kansas and' the free soIl
effort might bo utlzed to make 01 Bol
another Botany lay , All thIs , 01 course I
based entirely on the way the JIm Lane
crowll then In town looked ntll acted I
dldn't pretend I was In aiav sort a descrip-
ton 01 free solers generally ) , but jmt bhnpl
matchel this particular crowd then lu town
"it was the day al'er the I'aper came out
and I was sitting In my ofce leelng proull
01 m ) work 'he ralhlul youth I hare men-
toned was perched on a .tool setting type.
\'a wee In time same raDio for the reason
that IhEre was only one rOOm , to the entire
instItution . whIch occupr the second story
over a store As J st ai my.dosk tithnlclng
up an editorial for the next leue a shadow
tel across the room and I , looked Ufl The
shadow came from one or Jim Lane's Jm-
portations. 10 was a tall , Gothic . raw-
bond.looklng propcJlton , shaggy as a buf-
f.llo and with what I deemed a very evIl anti
ferocious look lie carried a copy of ) paper
In ono hand an a large six-shooter In the
other. StickIng the paper under my nose
he pointed at the editorial . using thc barrel
01 , his pistol to that end and asked hoarsely :
. " , ' 011 YOU write that ? '
" 'I wi have to read I , ' 1 said diplomat-
icalhy . 'belore 1 can answer that question. '
"I took the paper and told queston. vll.lor to
It down lIe saId It wasn't noceseary that
he would stand up ) whl I read the article
and settle the vexed 'Iueston of Il aUlhor-
ship Thereupon 1 proceeded to read the
editorIal In question aloud , and very slowly
as one hal to do , or at hast lhould do . when
the question of who wrote the article Is becoming -
coming iniportant.
" 01 ceurse , I was thinking hard all the (
time I waf readIng I was figuring on the
dIstance to the door and my chance of gct-
( trig down the fJlr 01 stalls I led to before -
fore my visitor should shout. It '
shoull shoot I l'emed a
desperate chance , but I hate,1 , awfully to be
obliged , to take anything back 1 hall written ,
and was willing to asume some alight rIsk
to aver ! It. \s affairs stood the man with
the ( gul had me treed. 1 hall no pistol my-
self and waon't lIkely to fall heir to one
titiring his vlst. ! The situation was very
dlsareeable 1 have had some visits which
worried le since I have been Ecretary 01
agrlculur ( , but none that compared wtthi
comparel wih
thl , ' ,
"When I got to the end or my scathing
I'torfal ' I turned mildly and interrogatively
to . my vIsitor.
" 'You are one of Mr. Lane's people ? ' 1
asked , pleasantly .
" 'Yel' . '
" 'You . want to know who wrote this
article . ? ' 0
" 'Yes , sir , ' 'Ie retorted , rather savagely 'I
want 10 know I yotu wrote that article . " and
again he pointed to the olenslvo effort with
his plslol
" 'Wel. ' I said at last , as calmly as 1
mIght , 'I wrote lie article myselfVhiy ,
what's the umaatter with it ? '
, , , mater wih I
" 'Wo won't stop to discuss what's the
mater wml I , ' said my caller : 'It's simply
come 10 this : You've got to take I back In the
next Issue or we'l fix you so you won't write
any more. '
, , more.
" 'Take . I back ? ' 1 asked ,
" 'You've got to write an article and take I
the square back track , ' repeated my caller
with sn ominous wave of his pistol 'We'ro
not goIng to stand any sluf 01 this sort '
" 1 was at this point I made a , lash for the
door. 1 believe I remarked at the time that
. .1 would be back In a moimtnl . pending , whIch
ho might talk to my boy The fellow dldn't
seem inclined 10 shoot ; Ire 'hndn't been west
long enoug'ha . So ho siumajily ran after me 10
the door , which opened ' ) a' ' pair 01 stairs
whleh led down the outslde of the buildIng
to hue ground . and hailed' his < companions In
the street , There were fuur
or five 01 them
sitting on their horses all . holding the horse
11 my caller . There was anot'er horse stand-
Ing saddled In another addition to his . and
I noticed a conslderahle coil ' 01 rope on the
taddle I ( iidn't stop to ask , nor dlr I give
the ' situation much study atm' the time , but
Ive always had I strong In\presslon \ that the
second horse with the colol rope on the sad-
die was for me. Jllst as , I fled down the
stairs the fellow who had pgao In with the
pistol , yelled to his comp3nlo"s f
" '
'Stop that man ; he's tlwgditor . '
" tWldlor.
"The information was gq rqct as far as It
IQrr.ct I
went , and the men In the 'slreet did ihelr
best to act on I. But 'time ' editor' was too
much In a burry for them ! Before they could
got to the foot 01 the stairs or hea,1 , me off
I had entered the store below by a side door ,
and passing throQgh the store with earnest
swiftness I left I and crossed over to time
house of a man named Orton. This man
Orton was a Jackson democrat a Tennel-
seean by birth , anD 01 hIs boasts was that
he had once slept with Andrew Jackson ,
when they both chanced to be at an over-
crowded tavern fomewhere down about Cum-
berlaml Glp. Orton had been long In the
west and was a hunter a plainsman and a
man of ner\e , le also had a rifle with
which he hal mlde himself a great reputa-
ton a a shot 1 hurriedly explaIned to
Orton the purpose 01 Lane's people to string
me up. The old man wu very prompt anti
willing to ' 0 to war lie took down his rifle
with , the remark :
" 'I've killed a heap \armlnt1 with this
In my tIme and 1 jest as soon qd one 01
these people to the ( list as not '
"Then he sent over for another old fellow
equally a violent and bloodll 'ely , le
cme over to Orton'l , bringing bls ; e. After
- - _
, _ no
. _
1 brief cOn/ulal0n Orion anti , hIs frIend
f ommttulited a challenge , nnll sent It to Lattt' [ ,
olerlng 1 shoot It out with any two people
In i biii outfit The ,
hiI challenge was not ac-
ctpllI , anti a the free ollet's \'Igolous
methods hooking toward ma\lnR me retract
haul by this ( ( lute begun 10 attract general
atenton , they concluded 10 go , no further
wih the enter"rl As a result I dll , nol
relract , and the editorial policy or nay paper
\\8 never dIsgraced by a'Y contradictIon.
"That Is the only chalenge In whIch JIm
Lane e\'en remotely figured that I know sn'-
thing t about. "
'I'ISSU 1.\'I.:1 : 'I'ilIt'l.hIS .
Nui , i'l t it's for 1"ltl" . nil Cut otili's for
'I'l I h' tutu ' n. . , .II J.'or" .
This season's fancies In paper are un-
Usualy unique anti novel anti the lueavy
parachnaent paper , as well a silks smith satins .
have coupe Into \ 'ogue to take the place to
a great extent , 01 the more Ilerishablo crepe
pnller. _
The styles of Louis XIV XV , and XVI are
11 latest wrinkle , though the emiliro I
"UI a la\'orle. its chaste elegance anti ama-
plcl ) being better liked by some than the
gay , fly-away lashlons 01 the previous perIods ,
A large stiff lamp l'hldc 01 empire design
i s of parchment' paper In shape ,
Into i which are let old cOlored prints 01
dames 01 the empire Period . In a hal' -
l'aInte,1 ' , setting or gold ami rose color A
Louis X\ sha"e 01 white silk Is patterned
after a Chinese pagoda In form , an" Is cm'
beiilrhett with garlands 01 Pink roses hanll-
painted a deep Iule 01 silks being edged
wih smaler wreaths 01 the dainty blossoms
Another taIling novelty Is a lamp shade
01 Dresden palern , 1 Is madl 01 as hulk'
crepe paper , Is bIg and lul . flecked all
owr , wih dlmlnut\c rosebuds 10 match
the broad ribbon bow anti ends that eta-
cIrcle the top rind drop down The edge
la I scalloped in deell slnu , us po'nla und InlnteJ
In i a breath pink band with narro\\ edge 01
gold This costs $7.
A beauty In crlnklcl white silk Is for tall
the world like a huge , matamiy-petalel rose the
bits of silk pled one over the other , belig
cut tl represent sol Ilelnls
Artistic candle shades core In designs to
match alt the foregoing lamp shades , while
letchlnJ little screens 01 paper silk or bolt-
Ing l cloth lolol ( out the same Ideas , and are
lasene,1 , to- one side 01 thc candl" with a
metal i attaciurnent.
A tail colonial brass camlebrlm Is pic-
t csclue when set off with screens 01 dll-
lerent slyles
The hand.palnte paper or linen frames are
thowl In new designs for the fall trade and
are more attractive than ( ever. One to hold .
a cabinet Ilhotogrph Is 01 rough white papEr ,
t all anj siiiare-cornereui except lt Ihe ( upper
lel l hand , which Is cut out to simulate n
large l flower-a rose leur-doIs. or bunch 01
pansies-and hand.palnlul hike the real bIos.
som , the design extending down the left side
anti across the top
An attractive frame after the empire pat-
tern Is of white linen painted about the
opening In pale green and gold the gilt scroll
and network being most effecUs'e.
A Louis XIV. frame has a heart-shaped .
opcnlng smut Is painted around with pale ,
tinted ribbons which tie him a many.looped ,
bow at the top : an outer wreath Is 01 delicate :
apple blossoms
A little one to catch the fancy 01 the col-
leg youth or hIs admiring maiden Is a
square 01 glass held In place by a narrow
brass framework ; showing through ( Is a bit
01 rough paper painted blue for Yale 01'
orane and black for J'rlmteetoum , with a be
wiching young damsel In ball attire looking
coquettishly over lne fide 01 the opening
sviuchi Is cll'cled ! abolt wIth narrow rlbbon
At the upper right corer Is cmblazoned a
bo big Inlial letter , Y or 1. as the case may
User.1 . and ornamental books nnke pretty
gifts and have each cisc a purpose 01 its
own A long one In golden brown linen Is
decorated In palo gr.n ribbons and ! flowers
and marked ' 'clippings . " and when opened
reveals a 'Iuntty 01 envelopes artistically
lettered "biographical " "laractical . " "hlstur-
Ical , ' ' and a score of ethers , wih Intent to
hol,1 , , clippIngs on different stmbjects . A
chafng.dlsh book Is quite the thIng now
that the useful Iten 1 has come so much Into
favor , anti even the college boy , as well as
college girl , Is usIng I.
The new : table la\or arc the most artistic
yet shown. the three favorite tyleg being the
Louis . XVI the empire and the rococo
They are mostly used al breakla'ts and Itinchm-
eons though they occasionally selve to
bEautly a dinner table The Louis XVI
113ter Is 01 thick whIte pap r. wreathc'l ' :
wlh roses or lorget-mc-nols In hand palnt- '
tog , and , the painted bow-ktmots ! lear to' '
( lie , heart of the young klng's lo\ely. unfortunate - ,
tunato consort , Marie Antoinete , The open I
box 19 nqtiare In shape anti Is meant to ,
hold an Ice or an entree ; the larger covered Ibex I
box Is round and serves for bon bone . whie
the tiny one If for sugared or salted almonds ,
Anotiter a Lotus XVI design , Is In pink
satIn . the boxes edged with a gIlt Icrol
work , whie Jeeln are set ma . anti arc charm-
Ing In effect. The rococo faor are very
decorative for a table as they are 01 gilded
paper , painted its bIg ! full blown roses and
herr ( foliage . Table covers core trout $ I to
$10 a dozen
Thin Germnn favors are pretty and unique
Little ring and ltud boxes In paper painted
In the different college colors and repres.nt- (
atons of rings , studs or cuff buttons on the
cover StIckpin cases of eider-tlown flannel
In hue3. mtmaubo with
pale male a long strip 01
chamois Inside In which to stick the pins
the case rolling up and to bo ted wIth narrow
mtn ribbons. lue silken rOSES , lles , I
at'ters all orchid are used . 10ng' temmed :
and ga-tnted. Little adjustable work boxes
anti painted ( rIfles and nlcknacls galore , till I
one wonders where all the new Ideas came
( miii. CAHOI.YN . JAI.STgO ,
Chicago Heeorl : "Strikes mo that Vander-
chump L ! awfully conceited , "
"le Is , you know how It came about ? "
" "
"Why ; several ; 'ear1 ago the report got out
that heas dead. Several papers printed hIs
obituary , and 01 course , he read 'emma . "
Washington Star : "Jerenalalu . " said the I
candldato's wile , " " 0 you thlnlt your cam-
palgn has bren successful ? " ,
"Wel , " replied lie . after figuring for two
or three minute on the margin 01 a new '
paper , "I guel' It's about al successful so
Car as time most of 'em. I 1 am elected my
salary durIng my. term of omco will comc
within a few hundred dollars 01 paying tie
expenses I have incurred. "
Chicago Post : "Wc don't gtt hal a show
In thin world " t'aiti Battered ( mill , as the
bartender threw him out Into the street ,
"That's right , " admitted Tired . Tom. "We
glt t'run out everywhere . an' there aln't
nuthln' wo kin do , We oughter black up. "
" \'hat for ? "
tectlon "Then , " the civil rights law 'ud give us per-
New York World : "Oh 10 come and
help , " gasped a boy who hal run up to a
' vohiceimmaha. "There's an awful fight going
, on In our street ! "
"Who's fightIng ? "
"My father anti another man "
"How long have they been at I 7"
"Oh , hal an hour. "
"But why didn't you como ant tel me
about It before ? "
" 'I'hy , because dad was getting the ( best
or It all along up to ten minutes ago. "
ChIcago TrIbune : "You told me to bring
something homo whln I came this e\nlng.
Maria , " sold Mr hubs , who had just come
In , "anll I've forgotten I , as usual I have
so many things to think 01 during the day ,
anyhow , " he went on , with some resentment ,
"thuat It's an Imposition to burden me with
a triflIng commlllon amid expect mo 10
charge my ml11 with It all day long Now
I knew perfectly well there wait some little
jlggumbob or kickshaw you asked me this
morning to bring when 1 started for
home tonIght , hut I haven't thought of It I
from that tme to ( lila . What was It1 1
may as well take my lecture right nol "
"I asked you , John , " rcpled Mr 1lS ,
"not to forget to bring your head home this
cvenlng. "
Ilarper's Ba7ar : "Won't you be mine ? "
pleaded the love-stricken young man
"I cannot , " replied the fair young girl ,
"I love you sot ! Say that you will marry
me . my sweet one ! "
"I tel you 1 cannot do I , Mr. Darlng-
ton 1 hOlle I make ntyealf Illaln. "
Although , rejected 10 emphatcaly , the
youth's native gallantry dil not desert hums ,
Although abe would not be bus , she was a
woman , and aims was lovely. She " ' & quite
} I no lovely now ns - before she 1 o lun'c ' 1 ; hits I
llo m. I
" ( , \Il , youireelf plaIn 1" he r peatl"l " \'ou
c u' not : , \Ih : all ) 'our skill , (10 that. Mss ( :
Teeter" Your beut ) . cannot bo disguised , "
Shua gazed at him In surlrle , Nl\'er before -
fore hail , 1 reject.1 one In telling
hr Ahe sins hteatmtlfuml . l le I Interested her ,
A man like that was worth loviiig
"Oh , Ololgel" " she lxclahu"d , " ( 'I take
back all the cruel things I said , I nut
) 'Gur " - .
A Child fIiijuu ) a
The pleaut 11\or , senIle acton and .ooth-
! t.t ! lec01 Syrup cl Figs . \ \ hen In need 01
a laxative , mind II the tather or mother be
costive or bIlous , the most Irltlylng re-
suls follow Its use ; so that I I the best
faimmily reined ) ' kno\n. amid ( \'c ' lamly
Ihoull have 1 bottle on hand.
- - - '
Tltt' IOA11 ! II" " ' Ir 1..1. . Ilitul
The lost celebrated rocking stone In Ing'
land Is that known as I e Logan , I.oggan or
Logging stonl 1 Is situated on the summi
01 a bold promontory ! 01 granite about eleven
tithes front Land's Iml , In lount's lie ) ' ,
'Corwal I k I estimated to weIghs nbout
ninety tons yet 1 Is so nicely hallet.1 thJt
a child can move I wlh one hand. The II\l
upon which the stone rests la a smmiahl . hard'
protrusion , on nil sides 01llch the whole
surrounllng surlace has worn away , leavlug
the enormous bowller stanllug UIOU a narrow -
row neck so exact ) ' and evenly Iioisell thai a
touch sot lie ( wholc las ! to rocking. In
the legendary lore 01 lenzanec there Is a
prophecy to the effect that the I"ln stone
wi stal1 unt the ( eud or the world ! , whets I
wi Cal of its own accord just before an(1 as
a token 01 the enling 01 all tartlly things
Several ) 'ear ago a ) 'OUnl English Iputtnnnt ,
who did not believe lu prophecies hired a
force 01 mcmi . who repalrlll 10 the spot anll
with ropes , crowbars amid levers threw tie
great stout Irom its pinnacle When the
authorities heard 01 the Ilcstruclon 01 tie old
landimsark they forced ( lie young officer at
great exiaensc to reitiaco thte stone just as ho
hail foummud It. Soumae debts that tim imoIse is
utot so equal now as it ssas before the Immchhent
just related ,
Thue only comiaplexian. powder In the world
that is without vulgarity , svlthmotmt Injury to
the user , amid without uioiubt a beautifier is
P.t % I i'vrMlttumwe ,
Miuaneapohis Journal : "I hello , thmcr , heim , "
said the nstoimlshucui rooster , stamttilng ott omme
leg uas ( ho hititly left Iter neat with a ss'lid
cackle of victory , "wlmo are you laiitg for ? "
' 'That's all right , ' ' rephlcti ( lie lien , Imuthig'
nuuuitly , ' 'I have somtaetltliag to hto' for lit ) '
hollerIng , anul I don't do it at 3 o'clock ha
( Ite naornlng , whets all decent fowl ought
to be asleep. ' ' "hlummmplm , ' ' reithied time iiaas-
cuhlime lien , with hIs conib getting a shiatlo
redder at the lutsult , ' 'I umaa ) ' holler in thue
mnortalmmg , but I macncr apemat a imionthi setting
on a root's of crockery eggs. " "Imttiecti , " re-
ph leti t lie imen , ss'l therm gly , ' 'I f soot o I mmtltm-
trous ! fowl iiadmPt act on a bureati knob it
Is plaita to see timat sucim a wooden-head as
Tue Child L % 'c It.
The Dyeupeptic Icttmnmmds it.
'rue Eplcttm'c Dotes Ott it.
- .
ate suil't ' 'tever base t't'fl ' huatchiti. " Anti
ihu l'tcteedd to hIck aroutnul the barmm'utrul
is Imtlo thut' I ooster 'ins se iiiiul that ho ItitcIteet
Into .t little bantaima ( hunt was picking lii.
teeth niiul hlsuteiiiitg to ( hue oxebuustige of eons-
lmhlmmat'nts withm an llly'coiteesled shills on liii
eoitceuttl bill ,
1)c'I'I'lt's ! Little hariy lilsera , the pills
thst cure commatlpatiomi ntl biliousness ,
- -
A Itch luet' Sumr L's. ri' ,
A Kansas unls-cralty itrofessor bias dl-
covered a remedy for uiiphitlmerla whIch Is
said to be very etllcaelotms , antI as it Is very
shophe It otugiut to hi generally known , It
consists of two quientitles Itt ssciglut of salt
to cite of ss'itter , thiroumghm is luleii a cuirrent of
electrIcity ta passed , prttlutciutg chloride of
oygeta nmud ozotie. 'Time soluitluni Is n a
gargle itutti hues been fotumith , it is said , to kill
( lie disease gernas imumitmethlately.
1)1115 ardor blIiOuS
ulCS5i , bilious headache , dyspepsia -
sia , heartburn , torpid Iiver1diz.
zincsssick headachcbad taste
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
kiss of appetitcsallow , skinct.c , ,
wltcii caused by constipation ;
and Constipation is the mOSt
frequent cause of all of theim
Go by the book , ' Pills ice
and 25C a box. Book tree at
your druggist's orwrite B. F.
Allen Co , , 365 Canal St , ,
New York.
.Sinnuai sat.s mars than 5,000 003 boxes.
IiEsni1 IO3AM
Cotiiicil BIirfs , Iowa.
cApl'rtr , _ . . $ IO,000 )
\ % i : SOiICI'i' OUIt lt'ShISS ,
i)1SIhlF : a'ttyt ) , Ctii.tCTIOS ,
oxil 01' 'I'iIJ OI.liS'I' . SN IOfl'.t
5 11lIt CLiN'I' I'Aii ) OS 'l'DtlI)1L'USI'I'S
CtIr. Ai ) Sli3 US Ott 'i'hlm1'iI ,
Sp8ciaI Notices-Council Bluffs
A FiitST-CLASH 5.ltOOZiiiOlu3lUOOI ) LOcation -
cation , for hSOti.OO : coats amid see it. C , IL
Nichoison , &aat Broadway.
volt itu't'-ty' : ltmsttUNC'L : : , 3is I'I.ATNIIt
Mrci't , nft'r oveunber 1 ; ptg-tt ru'uns ' ; modern
CuiaVtmietict'iI. . -
Also iive-roonm itouse. No. lIe I'iutner strecti
itoeesaton itt in ) ' timuae . . lucot , lOins.
cmm malNmvH Ct,1'NEt ) ; 'Ai'i'rg ( 'IflAl1D.
ii : itutite , atV. . b' . ilcutmer's , rat Brouutliva' .
11-i cmtm : rmtuip mAstas ; lO'i'iAt IIASIGAIN.
C. It. Niciucleon , f.t ( titoatie uuy.
LOST , ' .T rii0iT Fiitu ) ( 'ti'it ( iiuUN1)g , OIl
teu , V. Len t hire uutd ( 'ouncli I titiffut , tuown IeuutiueC
car , ! ctt"e. cumutatmtttug tiurds zumtd inciter ; a rt'-
% to ti iv itt he pa il for its m-etut U to ltrs. it. L' .
Cueuuugtumnery , O'J ' Tiiied stue-t. I I
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
Dyeing and Cleaning oi
t , Clothing , Dresses aiid
, .
- - - -
- - -
- - -
. % , : I
warL _ _ _
OMAHA OE1'ICL , 1521 Farminmu St Tcicplintie 152 $ ,
COUNCIL BLUEES WORKS nuLl Offle , Cor. Avo. Antid 20th St. Tel. 310
All kinds of Dyeing
and Cicanliug done In
the highest style of
time art , F'atleut and
staIned fabrIcs macha
_ _ _ _ to look as good as
Cciv.'u'ork pronmptly
u . done an' ; delivered
.5 - 4 0 a in all pai-ts of ( ho
uL ( country. Send for
t : price list ,
t-J e , A. MACII1N ,
0 Proprietor ,
Broadway , near North.
. _ . westerit Bepot , Council
_ , . . . .
' s - - thun Iowa. Tel. 322.
To get our prices on paints or any kind of glass before
you buy. We can save you money. Bring your sash to
us. Glazing promptly done.
Davis Drug , Paint & Class I-bus
6 130. S. DAVIS , Pro1 , . , 200 iiroadwusy Tcicpiiomto , Council 2C9. tihimfiM , Ia.
0 1- '
LI They Call It Overwork.
Li Business requires a clear head ;
yethow few business men-with all
Li their sense-realize what is the
trouble with their heads , They call
D Li overwork , worry , any thing but LI
what it really isiiidi es/wiz. , This
Li stealthiest or ailments usually Li
D comes disguised as something else ,
Wouldn't 'ou be convinced ifa box
of Ripuns Tabules cleared youi'
head arid brightened up the outlook -
look ?
Ilipani Tabulesm Sold by druggists , or by atafi
it lime pric. (10 c.nts a box ) ii i.nt to 'Iii. gil- _
U , aul Cuieoiicni Company , Xo. 13 lupeuc. at , 't , ( ,
0 LiiiLI1EDLJl IDOl _ FJL 1EflD
_ _ pan "CUPIDEPj
I : I I This great Vi-getstI
I , VitaitzerIhepre.cjip.
% -oua or d1suasa of the geulutratuce quiclycueovutjf , , all tier.
orgauus puiclu s' Lost Marmboott ,
lnscmia ' i'ucina lit lImit ltncti , bemiuumt jrniui.ous , s'c'rvouq
i'Itatittt'i , 'ijitfitnea , tui d arry' ' , ixiiituitlttg , , , , \'srioci iicbiiiiy . , ,
Cotistiuation. It StOtt nji isseti or ntgtt , , I'avrnt , ; qukk.
eras of dlsctiargt' , witiclu If not ctuE'-'kpt bt'act to ilpennatiurriucee aui4
n c ro nE AND 1'ITt R all time . horrors td lunpotetacy. ( 'UI'S IIOsJcmeses titollver , us
kidney. and Cite turinary orgauts of all tmupuriuea.
CUI'IDENF strenlithensaruil resofeSi'riaSil weak organs.
' ( ho reewn inmfter'r' , Ars nOt cured by Jkx'ora I tMeuse ninety per cent are trnubhed wltb
'p. lnsIl I. . ( JUl'l IKNEIS theouily known remedy tocure wIlluoul en op-rai , z.cutrstlmoom :
A wrltt'ui gutu snt'e given and nuonr7 retUrned isix bmieu clot-s not ceruci a
aboiiz fur5.ttby mali , bend for , 'acuctrcuIar uumul tracimnoosala ,
4.4Irwia IAVOL 31 EJIICINE to. , 1' . 0. hex IciC..btaa FrauuclacoCst.
5U1 au UT QQODMAN DRUG IXL. 111 * FaXO&W L , Otna
- 0 _ _ . : _ _ --s _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .