- - - - - - - - . - - r---- - - - - I U I rJT1 OMAHA \ DAILY ngg ; (1\I'ONDAY , NiVJrllflH 11. 1S0ii. - - I - OSSlP ( ; FRITIIE ( ) ? , I R1DIIlON ( ; ) I Satur ay's Gaines Sprung Another Series of Sensalonal ! Scores - MICIIiGAN'S MORAL WIN AT CAMBRIDGE , . ; \"h" ' Il ' ' ' ' \'Ic'f"'lon" III I 1.r"I- , C."ulnl. . r.r ( : .rlc'1 III tIu . . "rln'f.11 ( II-lr. " . ' " ! .runA _ sgl % nil AAIII"t 'I gui. . - . , saturday . o"elber D , ISD . \ 1 long bo rcmemhorell In rot 1)1 clrclc' : as a day productive Ir mor senrtonal scores thin have bEen scen tar many a day. In the same ( utny lrwn not only score > ' on the . once champion ) Vale tell , hit ju1iyi a te ! game with the Sons or PI ; { orncl once again nil hit derc3ts Prlncelon. the Tigers pulling out with six pDnt" ! In the last fifty 8 conl1 or the Fame : Ihe ( PHt does battle with the We.t at CalhrhlFO ) and tchlgJn Is defeated by four small .Ilolntl' . There were ' other lutcredlng reuIta hit these are enough to satisfy the mo.'t ardent lover ot the gru'at college slllrt. The day was not - an Ideal one fur the game ! . and the drIzzly weather and the wet feldl favored , as Is always the case , the cloven with the "trlngcr " L rush 1m' . The game were everywhere at- tendell by large crowds or more than In- - teresterl ( HllectatorB , anll although the play In - most or the lalfSas fast and furIous , It Is ; creclahl ! to the new rules to SJ ) lut not . a 111ayer was badly InJurel\ That wu a contest royal between the . men from lchfgan ! and theo eon boys and although the vIctory goes to Iaf'ard. all must ncknowllrge that the lars from the vet acqulled thfmselves , noh ! . Michigan , begu early last spring to make arrane- meats for thll game , and from that time until i3aturay all that the Ann Arbor students . thought or , talked ot and dreamt or , was ? gJml with larvarlI was their game or the year and , when harvard went went down hercra tJo .Jerseymen n "ul , ago all : lchlgJn thought It saw yellow and blue ; clouds hovering over the Harvard foot bal field. MichIgan hall . splendid tuani . Its line : being cotnpoed ot large players whose long experience had taught thorn how best to . use theIr strength. The ela'en played five gJme berore the harvard game and had scored 222 points , while none or the oppoc- _ big teams had creed the MichIgan goal . ) I was small wonder that the chances for victory appeared to be Lrlht The eleven , \ was wel alcoa ( care or on Its long trip and reached Cambridge In splendid condition. I The game wa9 a clean contest there were no 1 In'urlO ' worth the mention , and but few sub- etltutluie. harvard scored early In the game . on a hlocked , kIck of Illootnlngtnn'a by DJn11d. After this neIther side could gIn a poInt , but the westerer9 have the honor ot having kept the bal In the Crlmn territory a good shar of the time. Don31d nnd Stevenson appeared to hI the weak fpots In the Harvard line , nnl\ they were called upon to withstand collie rurloll onslaughts by the bit wottern lne. I I Mlchl/Jn gaIn sil more than the 11e , perhaps ; the team laktnJ frIends for Itself by the last but clean Jale I play d , That Mlchl/.n wi he recognized hy the easter unh'lsltEs rll this tIme forward Is now an assured fact and a ! toll contest between the representatves or the West and the e of the I'ast : lay bo expected aa an annual event In the root bal . would. I It was anuuouncu.d from Princeton last week that Captain Lea haul decided not to run up ; n largo score against Cornel , That wal a . thoughtful remarlc. I Is now evldlmt that ' the Tigers followed their captaluu'i Instruc- tons to the letor , Indeed , they did not de- \ clde to score at all unt the last fifty seconds - ends or the gatuic and tml , only had tIme to . , 111,1 six points. or course , no one who t - - - read the slrewo announcement or the Prlnco- ton captain doubts hut that his team could , han scored I dozen IhnN haul / they so do- Ii red. The gauge was certainly a surprise t the spectatot's not to lenten the shock to th'e Prlncetonlns who accompanied theIr ; . team up to Manhattan field. I was nnsulable weather for root bal anti the soC turf helped the heavy Orange line , just as I did a week herore agaInst Harvard. Blt the lIttle cols from Cornel were full or Ire and snap and played the gauule for all It waR worth There w.re a number or the best players or both sides missing. Captain Lea was not In the game and doubtless his absence was a serl- t flue loss to the 'lgers. Cornel was minus : Hal , the old reliable tackle ; 1cnnelI. the reg- ular center who was hurt In the Lafayette Larayete game , while lIttle Htchle , a new man on the 'varsIty Hhle PlaYed fullback aol Bearham hell to chan e from halhJcl < to cud during . the gam . The play was In the Orange halt hll : of the gridiron a large part or the fist hlir or the . but the game Cormllns uieveu' rime dangerously near scoring. In the second half hal the Ihlcan8 were llnabhe to r61lst the fierce line bucking or the Tigers , with the backs grouped closely hack ot the line and every weuror or the Orange and Black In every play , fighting for I solItary touchdown. But I took the whole half to gain the longed-for point , even by this superior line 'ork. The Ile worl Corneiltans' defense must have hNn well nigh wel lrfcct to keep the Princeton team from scor- lug for so long a tll-Ul "ale teal thai scared three , times on harvard. As In the larvarll-lchlgan , therl Is a large amount or honor and glory due to the de- I footed teanu . had ' . < teal. lall Princeton Ildl Its teuch- . down In the beRlnllnA ant then taken things easy lt would have been n different slory. nut ns It Is the Tigers were forced to figlut , and tight hUll every minute or the game for the single touchdown they 8el' d. /ame In- I 11 . : terestlug to notice that almost exactly the exacty < Slle thing occurred between , thl e two f' elevens In ' 91. Neither side scarejl until the ( last hal or the play. when scoI'et UIII , ' \ on a blocked kIck , tIme scoret 01 leck tme was alowe'l ' to kick ' goal and the ' Alme went to the Jrs\'men 6 . to O. In 92 there . was no game. : \ 'hrc hail : , been one arranged early In thf ( previous sprIng . but Corel Ihowf1 UI ( very strong ' stron/ nod Princeton c ncclo' ] the game rorty-olRht I honrb before I was te have . been pliHt , In I I ' 93 PrInceton lon easIly , the . ( orl hieing 44 I to O. In ' 91 I It was In even light , Iho game aJ u&ulIolnA to the Jeiseymezi . though Iholme by the smal 18.11 ot 12 to 4. Whatenr eor- i nell dos or d es not do nel ( 0' lIMO 10t against other llevlns I Is almost hOlnll lo put UIJ a close and exelt- exci- log galc agaInst Prlncetout. . 5 . . Irohll'll'eJS not td b heft behind Cam- bridge and Nv York In the root bal line on Saturday and the friends of Yale Intuit have felt cold chills run duwl their hacks when they read the or ) rad score hue ( Yale-Brown game , 6 to t 6. ' 10 say that the Uroln m8 are highly pl\lsr.1 with thenueh'es I putting It Ildl ) anll they hlve every right to be. UntIl Unti this year Brown has been IUOI n In the Inter- collegiate athletic world only on account or , the fast root bal nIne usually turned out there. him this fall Browl has shown that : I Is an hllJOrtanl factor In foot bali . and ! j the glme with Cornel at Ibaca next Ratur- i clay Is Invest11 wih alltonallnterebt , Yale ti ' . Ilnnot claim that hue Blue's best tell was . not In the fihl on Saturday last . as .Jerrems I \as the only ' \r ly 19n mining. lie and L Frank Inl.e . ) ' took the opportunity ' to size UII l'rlnceton'a. gaggle agaInst ornelL uroln , scored Ir8t. ( ( and I , 's hot until hate In the P game that .Yalo could get the bull across for I touchdown. Last Saturday there was I'e jolclng at Ncw Ilwen because or harvard's larvanl's I , downfall. I Is uiow Han'anl's turn to ' 1Ie. ' as the Crllien defeated Iroln cal In the ) , Mason , although Brown scored four Jolnt . The Ilg ! stol that a comlarl on ot scres : : "olll show Yale superIor to Harvard came 1 1 trout New Haven. ' \llpl'lul this su graton to the gaines each tlm played with Brown uno enders where Yale comes In. No one , doubts for a mlnuto that Yale will have Its l luands full In IJrIJull a feam to Inc up I ' agaInst Princeton I week from next Satur- . . da ' . Ntlher .111i has another hard gal - before that In'Jort.lt ' 11tcb. and the ( coaches e \1 be busy from this time on In handling q theIr men so as to male victor I sure thll" . I wIll be Yllle's big genie . although the ,4 Brown game appeared a bIg a Game as the Els wanted , and should , the Blue fall down I wilt be a bud fail . Indpell. Princeton hl I alreai3y defeated lan.ard and Cornell and ' could take \"reat . much more ably than the folowers ot Wnler Camp. 5. . St. J.nls ! I II' one at the best gaines ever played In the west on Saturday , when Mts- soon woo back a portion of Its laurels last the lrevIus week In this city by dereatug ( hi Iorth\uter ( Iln'.I , 23 to 18. I was a .und J.me from start to fnlMb , and was - . - . marrlll only by Pauley ( MissourI ) . who attacked . tacked the Implre when ruled out or the ; alne , I ofcials were more stern In the , wrtorrance at their duties and , would I promptly rule off any PlaYer \ ho even rrap- . tures the rul(1 there would he a more whoP'- annie respect for the decisIons or thuesa om- ! dais hy all concern' " ! hI tile gnluue MIs- sourl' , lerEat or ortl'ste 1 b ltles the claIm or the late t"am that Michigan hall 10 right to represent the west In the eut cntl It first dreatHI ortIuwetcrii. UII'er. . II to 0 Ity or ChIcago defeated ' Adelberl. ; Ih'lt the ume corp Cornel rlrlstered ! against the ( ! e\elaral boys , coil , less I I ) ' flit ) large plnl than , lchlJn nn tip against Ihem. Kansas showed that It Is I to he con- sllllred In the race for the pennant of the Wesern Intercollegiate Ioot l Hal a8orlatol by .Iceatng . Doane college , 32 to G. at han- ass Clty . As las antIcipated . Lifuy'tt " found no difficulty In running away from I.ehlgh at lethlehem , Ia. ( , tle seat or ( lie latter instItutIon. later lustutlun. .5. . Unhu.lt ) . or lenmyl\nla liS .corcII on Ly Pennf'I'anla Slate elogl. but pla'ell a gibe whIch Is saId to Inve 11lpell : qOch \VodrefI. ThIn was Penn's last Hame biore the great Harvard match at Cambridge , and ( lie Philadelphia cranks are already thinking hat ( the game 1& as good as voui. hut lIar- yard Is i bound to Impro\e In Its play , anll It I a quesiun whether tue Quuak'ra are not playing theIr hste game right now. Coach Woodrur has had al unusually hut : time In keepluig J his players In ccndtlon : . and Brook ! WillIams , \llb and Wharlol arc saul to be out or trim. They have nearly a fortnight , however , to recuaate ( , all It Is safe tu 55) ' that they wIll not resemhll hospital patients , when they lIne tip a/anst ! the dcelllers or' ' the Crimson . Many cranlc think that this , wIll be the H.Wle er the year . hut the .1"0' : tees who still clIng to th.1 old , decrepIt In- stituutlon . the American Intercol.gato : r'oot Bill associatIon , consstlng ! of Yale alll , Irlnceton. 1111 that the 111111 champion- ship gall between tli'se two novena al New York City Is the only real big gal ! or the season. - - : I\U . \ 'I ( 'IONNIIl . t gl' 'I'on.\ 'a ' 1' llllr.hl'I. . . ( ' /lh / " 'II " 'itne.a , liii' : IsuiIi. Ng\\ YOlK , Now. 10.-Tomorrow , nt the Irlna of the gmplre AthletIc club , the mUl1 talked , of meeting between Peter Inher and Steve O'Donnel wi lake plac This contest 11 ' excited general Intere throughout the country anti nt'ariy I\er' sporting man or IJ'omlnen ( ( hns come to Nw York to wln ( ! the b.ittle. Mnher und O'Donn(1 should , situ prohahy : will put up a hotly" rnt'tecl ( . atl close lAhl , the men helni.r very ( ( lushly matched acid both In ] condition. ' 'he ' regarihed Iplendld ( onlllon 'They are re/urllet by experts a" two or the he" ht'nvywt'ighuts now before the inublie being elalscd nl Hecoul enl ) ' to the rplrell chinnuphon. A large ] contingent . Including ,1m Corhet and urlo coterie / trlnel ! are Il'm helevers In O'honnell's abIlIty fr get the dlcl lon. Yet. In lllu or the ) talent's oplnluu the general puhae and foUllerl of pugills4le OV0nts pin their faith to 1lhr , and hu 19 n slight favorIte in I the bettIng . In the twcnty-lvl rOlnd , that . the men are ichetitiied tu box bully belIeve that a pclslvo vlrtor wIll lp hall by one of the contelant I II not likely ) ht' ! draw . for the l/htlll wIll la' fast anti furious / wil lnt front the "tnrt , anti or such n html as to make n deci.ive . result certain. O'Innul hiI been fuet ! ) tippet ! al I greatly Improved - proved luau. A claim Ie made that hues Is but a shade less clever than Colbett , and a g(1rl ! lf 1 > lchI' . I'etei-'s udmlrr say hue will hf doing ole terrlr Rwlngln/ ul the time , and a good land with hip rhht will mme than offset I hal rlozen jll : of O'Donnell. ' 1here IH no 11eryln/ the flrl thai Iaher Is n wonderful - / fulImprnvfd mnn. One or the heM jUllges ( In New York said 11her had 11pro\'I < rnot e titan In ) ' tight tlr lie had ever Ieen In the inline length or tune. laher , hu thought would ll' In the nature oC I sur- prise , notwlhFtnnlllJI the tnl , that has been made a9 to hula abIlity . nnd lie looked to t'ee . him settle his opponent . long before twenty-five rounds have ben fought. - - - - 'i'iflS'iIiiS IIADAS 11'1 t M.tV. 'l'rl' n'utllA t iii' ! .Id"'r" \'hen lie It i'feiee Cul.l 'rl1 Iuiwn. A large attendance was on hund to see the foot bail match between the Second Infantry - f'ltr ) ' team anti the Scotth Tlilstles nt Fort Omaha yestlrda ) ' aferoon , Both sides were strnfh' renre4pnted anti the teams played hlrll bal for n while , Orny got a goal after n few inlnutt's play . and ten mlnnh's after notched another polnL halt time cume end lie ! oldllm were get- thug the worst of things. Referee Hohb counted the Thlstles' players as they lined UII fur the second half , anti It was found that ( hey were playing wIth one man more titan the allotted number , and . nlole1 numlr consequently the goals that had been seor'd were lot nl- loweil. ThIs made thIngs easier for the So- ! dlrs , who set to work rind . gave their vIa- Iors some hot ' 01 ] ; Several ( lines . how- ever thin soldlors' goal canto near being dowfetl McDonald hall a couple of good chalices but fplet to' send , the leather through , and GI ) ' had hard luck In trlk- lug the tap , ) . By a comblnell lun on the , hart of North , IhlFIH anti Kearney the lat- tel ' Inlphd up II kicking a goal just before - fore ( line . which heft the sohllrs winners by 1 to O. Ten m' : 211 Infantry . l'oalttons. Scottish Thbtles. Figarty . . . . . . 1ollon8. . .0011 . . Scotlh . . . . . . . ( 'uthiti ! 4\lht'fl . . . . . . . . . . .Bld : . . . . . . . . . .Foitel uthll Hoal'h . . . . . . . . ) ldc : . . . . . . . . . .lose : I uruhy . . . . . Hulr hdck . . . . . .frusse1 ! Good . . . . . . Half hack . . . . . .McCormack North . . . . . . .Halr bac ] ; . . . . . .ThfcR.on ) . Hussel . . . . . . .flight wln ! . . . . . . \ Heiss . . . . . . .Rlght wing . . . . . . : . lcNel avanauh . . . . . . ( enter . . . . . . . . . . .Dln Brolnn . . . . . . .1.lf wing . . . . .tcDonall ( wing \lllnl . . . . . . . Left wing ' . . . : . lcDonall . \ad(1 Umpire , A. D. Hnbh. Captain J. Cavlungh huerehiy challenges the Younl Meu's Christian assocIation foot wherever ball teiun It to chooses. lilay a latph whenever ull " 'Iuf" . Iiuc'u' 35e''l lug . lt 1"llllls. M1tPlhI $ . No\ 10.-1. . S. llatch chIef promoter of the proposed winter race meet- log al BIllIngs parle. insists that the meeting - InA w I begin next Thurslhl , as nuunoiuneed . For this ho says he I , I'I111 upon It.V. . ( unnlnghmn , who orlllrell the clot " oC the lCiunsai ' ( 'ity unset on Siiturthity . ' ] ' I\unsa ( Imel.t . 01 SatUI11) 'Jhero are IOW less I liln 1f ( ) horses at BillIngs Pal-k. \111 Hutch Is i . now butler bond to answer / clul.Ae of . oht\llnhl \ g ! mOllY 111er fiu lao pl.e- tensl' : , Ilr.e"leI1 by I local grain and feell man , resuling from n feed bill for three cars of horses , which the l.roserutO'H \\H Indured to pa ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Su'll. . ht lu'e Ii't'Iii rt'uL (5(1 ( . ' . LOUIS , Nov. 10.- . S' 10.sl..elal to lie ( Hellnhle from Aurll , Tax. . says : The douhll eul race between Bubear an.1 Hall' " R'II , ! Gauduur end H01l'rs. for the cluainphuii.hiii or the world , has been de- : 1111..1 Otf. 'he owner of the lake whero' ' the rce was to tie rowel ohjCltel ( to the exhibition , ' ' . , t'utiiluy atah Ixhlhilon 01 lnllu 111 the re8ult was that the race was Immediately . ) ' derlaret err. I I.II.U I.'UU . \SS.\tI'JH : ; . 'a CII. . ( 'hl.'IJu ' 11 .tseuigea ni 111"111 OC- r",1 I \ . huuighit'i' , . CHIAGO , Nov. 10.-I.ln Dock Dunn , . ChInese lanndr'mJn on South lalsted street , was shot situ killed this morning by the father or ! young girl w hem he had at- tempted to a sanl The Identity ot the man who did the shooting Is at present known to no one outside of his own family . except Lavyer George A. Trude whom he retaIned lS his atore ) . : Ir. Trude notified Sergeant Broderick or the central staten this evening to cal his detpcth off the hearch for the tnnrderer nut ! promised , to prothuc the muderr al\l 11roruc @ man who did the shooting at the corouer's Inquest tomorrow morning. : lr. 'Crude refuses to 1'e the name or hIs clIent and wIlt only 1a ) that he Is thoroughly i ) ' respectable snats. I appears hat ( the young girl had been sent to the ( Ilundry ! to Ret some washing that had I been left there. . 'he Chinaman attempted to ! take liberties "Ith the gl I , II ho had 1 hard : struggle to escape She reported the matter I to her rJther and the enraged man at once dead. went to the laundry anll .hot the Celestial 1'lf'nfs ( tu ' \'sh'rl "n.'nfor" ( . W'AShhING'roN , No , ' . lO.-Special ( ' 1'110- granu.-I'aeuts ) ( have been ! rmJ-Intclll lilHled nB follows ; Nebraska-George " ' . beer McCool , Iunc- 101 , table for ue In counting halots ; James Outbrie i3uperlor . tank ; ' 1holu ! 1' . Owen . Allals1 . tel holder for jctvller ' Inthes. 10\1- 'rell A . Allen Cedar Ilaplda Inbrl- cant ; John H. . \ntrobu. Oituinwau , poultry L'rate ; John Baiter MuscaUne . machine for mchl. cleaun unl\ salting tomaloes' Ignly Uerg- maim , Fort : Irll\ ' on , l'ln holder : \lllnm trIttogu . assIgnor olw-Imlt toV H. Sutton , Joon ' , diaphtagntot' 10Cl0 ( t\o Slt > ; Luclen'c. . ' . 1 > 11. $ Ana\oia. : u \ " , ; boiers " j\erln harvester ( 'onlpunr , Chicago , sheaf carrier ; Irlnk B. (1mB : ledar Hlplts , de. tltctor for blast stackersIavld C. I.andon , Dubnque. hosc reel : \llcrt I' JuMon. w'au- Ion , brake ( or 1IGh : Aelt A. Liatternucum , lollcjO ) ' . cash r"lilten ; Joseph 1" . I.ym- burner And P.1. I' . I.UNIIOD. Iubuque , Iluab. leg tank : Ncls P. Nlcholpon , ) 1 Moines . ' combined car case and hat holder for churh pews' I.uclus F. HlchRtIn Cedar , V''I' ! . , bar Fred Rapids build " tor bicycles : Bt . ' L Claire , oar . lok : , I . . - - - - - - - - . - - - - CONDTIN ) OF TIE NEW \ \ NAVY OOJlodore HiOhbOtfltih Report of the Bureau of Construction. FUNDS NEEDED TO MAKE REPAIS \ HIIII CI" " 1.'IJhl.rf I Shill" suit 1i"llt I. 1'nI" , ' . ( . . . .llnl . 0" Iuuj.T tn I hi' AhN" ' ' " ' " ' ne I % " ' ( I' ' I' ' ) ' . \ IIIU'IIIP ' rlu I Ion . \V.tSIIINGTON , to.-Commodore Philpl"hborn. 8uperntendrt : of the bitt ant ot constrneton unl , I ellJlr ot . Ihe ( navy , has I calllltl'l his rClrt for the year. Time re- per ) t completes estImates for approprIations for next year 'l'he mo1 Iml.ortant . Is $ ; , S50- Sit ) , to be expended on easela Ilthorlz 11 hr congress for the Increase ot the navy. lie 'lw ( asks far $1.500,000 for the general f'lull vessels and or stores anti ofc ! eJ the purchase Int machinery . $ 2SO00 for contlnulnce or work already authorlz,1 on the ( hlartfortl . hue ( Chicago - cage and other , 'c8els , and $500,000 for two I composite saIling vessels I Ito dwells especIally upon the necessity or , adequate money for the ( repair of vessels fer modern steel ships wlh their extrpfe wh.lvlslons and elaborate systems or ventiha- tioli. drainage and mechanical auxiliaries at all Icllh , require mudl JUNter care both when In cOlm'eslon and In c.dlnary uus' . than wus rormerlj' the caM with the old woodeu shills. I Is now more than nine . years slnco the lrst vessel of the new II .y was put In cOlmlslon , and tne necesilty for repairs and renewals oi fittings anll equipment Is becomIng . - Ing met e a 11 more pressing. The IJfc ) or edrelo economy has about reached Il lImIt und unless more ample appropriatIons are made for the care and preservaton of ship , I and the general maIntenance or the yard I plants tie ( etclency or the leet will be ill- mlnlshell and government property will suffer . rer serIous ( ietc'rioratloiu. WOlK OF ' 1 'IAh1. : Commedore Ilchbor notes the completIon and acceptance durIng the year er the Mur- blehed , Columbia , Olympia and Mlnnpapo- ls , gIves status of other vessels which are almost completed , alit ! also states facts In connection with contracts recently let anti specificatIons made und l the authorIty of the ; last naval appropriation bill. He suggests the huportance at approprIations sufficient to I push the navy yard hulls It Portsmouth , N. Ii. , Boston , New York , League . Island , Norfolk - folk , Va. , and Mare Island , Cal. . to a con- dilon to meet the demands ot the lmmeliate ruture. lIe thlnls $12r.OOO necessary at Norfolk . folk , $75.0DO It New York , and $7Q.000 at Mare lshnl\ lie also renews the recommenda- ton or last year for the appropriation or $75.000 for each or the new statIons at Port Royal and Puget sound. This money Is , he sars , necessary te equip tie stations with tools , so as to cnable them to cover the ordInary rpah'ork. . IPOnTANT FEATURE NOTED. Probably the most important [ part or the report IE that devoted to the necessity cr increased - creased dry dock facIlities. Mr. Ilchbor nolIs the fact that there was no dock , 101- ernm-nt or private. In the country stiff- to dock the Indiana prehimloar ' cienty large prelmlnar ) to her first trip. "H , " he says "Euch a condition confronts the department In ( line or peace , It Is easily realized how serious I defect It would prove In time ( or war , when the cJsualtes of bottle and necessity or keeping the bottoms or ves- eels In such condItIon that they mIght de- \'elop their highest OICed . would largely increase - crease tll demand on our docking faclles. The duet constructor endorses the' recom- mendaten of the chief constructor at Boston for a doc\ there sufficIent In sIze to take the largest 'csael . as he does also similar recommendatons from the constructors at Norfolk and Mare Island " Mr Hlchhorn ! also recommends that "In order thdt the plant at our naval stations niay always be kept II : a high state or effi- clone . ) ' , for the performance or the general work or repairing and fitting out . It IE earn- esty commended . that In future approll'la- ions 11ro\.lslol be made for having at least one vessel In course or construction , at each of the three principal navy 'ard5. " SKILLED WORKmN DISCIIAILOED. Explaining the reason for the suggestIon , he says the completion of the vessels building at New York and Norfolk navy yards has neces- sitated the discharge or a large proportion ot the skied force hitherto employed at those statiotts . and It will he exceedIngly difficult to maIntain the erclenc ) ' of the cOnstruction and repair plants at those yards unless early measures are taken to give regular emilloy- ment to a small force or skied mechanics In each of the principal Ylrds. The report renews the recommendation IJre- vlously made of an experimental tank In which carefully cOllnetet experiments could be made with models In such a way as to antIcipate the performance of the completed vessel , these results not beIng capable or attainment - tainment In any oilier way. Several of the foreIgn govrnments have already precded us In thIs directon and have had constructed elaborate experImental datons , the BritIsh taking the lead. One hundred thousand dollars - lars Is naked for such a staten , and I Is be- Icved such a station , properly equIpped . would enable the department 10 mRke original researches and act on quto Independent lines. Inst-ad of being compelled In great measure to rely upon the expcrlments and deductions or others , which must necessarily be accepted at their full value , as there are no means In thIs country ot testing their accuracy. s.\\I : n Sg"I I.I , SA i.tituls. . \ " ' . Ifllf ( 10Nf In " 1' " ' H"I"rnl " 1 , ' " II"UIIII , tt.'i.ort WASING'ON , Nov. 10.-I Jrst AEslstant Postmaster General Frank II. Jones has mad , his annual report for the rear ending JunE 30 , J895. : Ir. Jones shows the divisions under his super\lslo : : have saved during the rear $ ,395,57 ; , the prlncll11 Items helng In the saving In the carrier service by stoppIng overtime and reduction or this force , amounl- log to 1300000. The salaries to all presidential - ' dential poatnuasters amonnted to $5,897,200 , and the gross receipts of postoces ! $60,528- 097. The number of presidentIal postmasters Is 3,491 , of whIch 151 ! arc first chars , 700 second class , and 2,632 third class. An estimate - mate of $17,000,000 . for all postmasters Is malIc for the year ] 89. an increase over the present year or $1,000,000. The total number or positions brought within the classified postons . classifed lerv- ice during the year was 2,395. : lr. Jones recommends the abolition of experimental free delivery service unless $10,000.000 Is approprIated for the purpose , also free rural delivery , unless $20.000,000 Is avpropriatetl or the Investigations anti dlschange of car- riers for cause , Mr . Jones says 3S5 carriers have been removed. He reviews the condi- tons which made the investigations neces- aury . the principal one being that the ac- cumnlatlon or overtime claims Ilowed that iom-thlng was wrong. The work has been systematically Prosecuted during the past eight months and the carriers at 151 offices have been investIgated. At these offices there were employed 1,07. carriers , and their Invest/atlon resulted In the following : Rep- rlmand for various irrogularitlea . 208 : pus- pended for falsifyIng trIp reports , 57 ; sus- pended for failure to collect from street letter boxes , 19 ; suspended for drinking whie on duty and loitering , 392 ; dismIssed for drink- Ing while on duty and loitering , 55. Mr. Jones says : "In view or the great savIng - ' log enectell and the generl Improl'ement 'I ot the sel'vlce , especially In the large cites , I would I'commend the OmpIO'lent of a number ot men In the larger orces whose regular duty It shall be to Inspect the work or the carrIers , make suggestions as to ex' tensIon ! and changes or routes . and , In fact to hue a general supervision ot ( lie work or carrIers outtde ot postohlices. BesIdes the I aetusl sa'lnl effected . the ( Improved efclenc ) . of ! service In lie ( offices investigated must be crellted to this Pr'lce , "At every office the discplne ot the force and efficiency ot the service have much 1m- l'voved. tle ( work has been more equally 111- trlbutel along lie letter carriers and at many offices extensions mAde and facilitIes Increased without additIonal coat . "n eetlate of 12,9t0,300 la made for tbB tree delivery service next year , The money order report sho\1 that there are 19,561 dom.Ilc money orde offices . and order to the amount ot $1BI,70 ' ,089 were $5,70'.089 issued and $15Glfi9G83 paid Mr. Jones recommends hegisla ( ton re ui ring clerkl l handling money order business to give bonds. CoucernluA deal letor water tie report . ' - " . ' ' - - . - - - - - - - - - - says : "Theeuinber ot tllpcp" ef original mal matter 1reevNh \ durIng th ) ' , a for trhnent , va2 ,310S73 . a decrease or 781 , . 171. " Mr Jones renews r'verah recommendttons mAte In his last repcgt , tch ns a penalty . for using \ol rlfks for nnlawrul purpoel : to ( \re"enl bo'cltL1 Ilstom.s : to IletHI the rranlcn law i lore stringent legIslation ! aRalnt obl'ene mal Inter : the power to . luspenll elpll".C the employment or tel' ( t'olor and suIi4tItIite clerks : call for dlnbled cmplo'es : lie better claslfc.tton ot salaries ot clrrkt' In lar'er ofecs , nod the employment or ( substitute 'hidWiert. ; lubstute1 \ ' - lrL - - - 1"1"'hnl. ! -\4--- , 'ilrlll 'l'riiuisi'u'rr.'ui , W'\Sll1NflTO't. o" . 10-Becatuse nr the serious Illness or hit wife , Heu Admiral Carpenter itas. at hiq , own rellrp' , been .11- . lchf1 rrOI the ( command of th ? Asiatic station. Commodore \ 1- . McNir hat been or\ere 10 that dut ) Admiral Carpenter retires front active servIce next \ehrual r , i but his detlclu\ent from e0111n.1 ot th I ltllon will lfinlt or huh early retll to thl ! COlntr ) ' . Commodore McNalr will leave Sin Francisco , about November . 30. . - - - - tNhiIl.lflle OF' IllS OW : . S.-rinouu ut . . \ , . ' iii t lie Cat.- If lt ! 1'rl.1 . I..11 tl ( I , ft.l hiur Si i'i'et l hu"'h , ( \nr The seating capacity ot the Castelar Street t 11 esb'terln CIJlrelL was taxed to its full capacity yesterday merning. The iuastr , He , ' . I. M. Wilson . selected for his text. "lIe Came I Unto His Own a'id Ilk Own Iecelved 11 I I Not. " I In substance , Mr. Wilson said thai Christ I was In the worlr Ind made the world , but I Ihc t Gente knew him not Tht salute was true of the Jtov , the people or the connlt , and the law , Ils rh050n and Ills own : "They I ' " ' . received 111 not" lie cale unt Ills own. The Son or Ian ; was born accordIng to prolls . In thlehm nll of the see I or David , but the Hebrews , ' uihthioughu not. believing the scripture , rEceIved hint not.'he Son of Gal was manifest unto His own. , The Baptst tE tOed that one mightIer than lie was amongst them and seen was this word or the prophet male good. He came also , clonslnl the tellle ] , as Malachal hall I foretold , suddenly anti hike reOners' fire anll promising satisfactory guarant lie healed the IIW lan and testified. ' 'My Fnther worlceth hitherto and I worlc. " lie red the .OOO and declare.1 hlm- self to he the bread or ! ' . lie le ollenel the eyes or the bllll and said . "J In the light or the world. " 1 ( raised Liz- arls and procialinel . "J am the resiurrectioiu resurreton and the lIfe. " He even lay In Josph's sep- Ilcher with the spear thrust tbrolRh his heart and guarded by the Homan smtnels , Lit lie arose und came rerth and asreudell to give repentance and forgiveness of sins unto Irael As proplHt , prIest and king He came Inl al as the fulfineni or the prophets and the law. In 111 was no guile 111 lie sought the honor or Ihn that sent hInt. Wih foresight lIe predicted his death and resurrection and ! II 10"1. hi' healed the lellers , caln 1 the sea and raised the dead. lie came thatb 11s own as lie cOle to all now with the proper credentials and for the end of salvalon. ( But his own roe I'el hints not . 'he deputation - taton from the Sanhe.trln sent to inquire of John relurm\1 \ and quietly ignored the Baptist's propbtcy . " ' But Jesus refused to he I/nclo. \ I iIa ) ' wash our hands and say with Pilate , ' "I wil , have 10thllA to do with this just PHHOli , " , but our words are Idle. We must do _ Ithllg with Him. They demanded - , manded 1 sign whet lie . cleansed the tom pie , although . that priestly act was itself a sign , and further proof was promIsed , A ) 'eal , aCer they took up stones to stone Him because - cause lie heled a .man on the Sabbath autO said He was q1tal with God. The ) ' silenced , the man whol eyes were opened and cast hint out or the synagogue. They departed ' atI wal1ed no inure with 11m after Ills sermon II Capornalint. They Hal these are hard sayIngs. AntI when He brought back Lazarus 10 \ { tM Aanhedrhn decided that He must die and tip through lie ( Kedll valley came ( lao soldiers with torches and sta"es. 'hlY found 11m at Oethsemane's gate , condemned lUau II council assembled and wrung 'ram l'llate , an Inwllng ! son- tone ? , and \e dancIng . demons they held hlth caruuli'al aroun.Hls dross . But Jest . iChf explains the secret ef this unnat t&tu lAelf . Tie said : "Ye wIll not comate ! e that ) ' might have life. " "How often would I have gathered you as . alien hen gathers her chicks but yo would not. " I was not for lack of evidence but because they rerused. Their pride or Intellect would not permi them 'umblng themselves before the Nazarene : their greed of \elith was In- suIted when Christ drove the oxen and money changers' agents or the high priest out ot the temp1e. They were envIous be- cause ot His popularIty . and their waning In- iluence. They dil not find Him coring as the ) ' had Imaglncd , and l'ley would not yield. I Is the same now. Unbelief Is champlonel1 hy the "wi ttot" or the one In rebellion. Your trouble Is lot that YOI cannot believe , but that you will not. The eld I not ret , blt the cntcomc Is fully fet forth. Thls"l the cond mlaton that 113itt Is come Into the world and len 10"01 darkness rather than . lght TI chief priests did not need to .stagger Ice drunkards through h Ito streets or Jerusalem In order to reap condemnation-nor han/ on the cross as thieves , nor sweep .tcwn aM hamlis ont or the moullllns , as Ilolves Oi the rohl-t'ey were condrmned already because they ro- ccln"d limit not lInt now the judglent Is set and before the gre.it white throne stands . Catepluaut. \ Iat thought ) .01 or ChrIst ? I give sent lce. "lie Is worthy or death. . " Jld s Iscnrlol . , "I betrayed Ilnocelt blood"-the thirty pieces or sliver rllKlnt In his CI1 oterutally. Their confession Is uiuhehief . and their judgment Is condemnattoiu . Contrast the trIumphant faith at the ox-chancellor or Germany and the ex-premier or England , and the last will and testament or Charles Dickens , In which he commelds 'Ilmseir to God through the clealsllA blood of Christ , Contrast them and take ] your choice. ReceIve or reject-which Ial It be' ! The judge pauses for your reply. 'OUK SI'I' - 11.I"OIt . , I ncn ; 11:1' : . Si.st.iiii oe fu' ' . \ ' ' 'IIIA I..l..nl . Court \11 I . I , a iIuis' 0. . . ChEYENNE , W.o. , No , ' . lO.-Speeial.- ( ) The November term or the Lnleo States district - net court , which commences Monday , Itromians to bl marl than or u'ual Inteest Aiuuong tIme cases to be trIed Is that ot J. , Amon/ ' . t-ch1 Imown business or v. Smih , n wel man Newcastle , W' ) 0. , charged wIth unlawfully killing cattle helonslng to the Crow IndIans . glmer Ilaiui , . who was assistant postmaster at Fort Washakie , whit be tried for embezzlement - mont or postal funtls. Hank Is also under Indictment - dictment In Ihe ( slate courts for embzlement of county funds alleged to have been stolen white he was county treasurer's delluty. Frank Conway will be tried for robbing Ile ( Rock Springs l)9Ibulhice. Conway Is ale al offender agalns.111e state laws and Is serv- lug a sentence ,111 , fobblng a store at Piedmont - mont 'he can attracting the most atten- ton Is that relatll to ( ito Jackson's Hole Indian trouble. , AhUmber or wItnesses to the killIng or Indlan5.1h white setters In July last are here all will be examined before ( lie /181d jury ) ' with Ihd.vlew or obtaining Indictments - ments against tiiessttlers responsible for the killing. Amen the wItnesses are a number / ( or Indians wlo .f'lrIed part of the party who were fred tipois hyj the posse when the kIlling took place. During ! the sezsion a decisIon will be render& 11 JUdge ltiner upon the fueaton or tb" intiiaius' right to bUDt In \Vyonuing. I I a , slmo hl1iii.lt / JO'WS nUS\ ' . Robs 'l'wo1",1. . : " In ( lit' Sn tim . 11.,1 \01" 11 HUlr , Mrs. T. C. tbuaUion ' , living lt 1722 Dodge street , heard 'i 1noIe In her hallway last evening at 8:30 : oelock : and on going to see the cause of the ' noise was confronted by a burly negro , who thrust a revolver In her race and told her 10 keep quiet . emphasIzing his remarkl with dreadful oaths. The negro was bound upstairs and Iar proceede1 hut a few steps when I ! was seen When Mrs. onaldson cried for help he retreated through the front door and e caped , His object was undoubtedly to make a search at the upper floors and take whatever he could carry away with hilnu. The mater was reported to thi'o pollee matter and detect es were set to work on tie Miss Orphlo Smith . who beards at 1722 122 Capitol avenue , Is minus a much prize gold watch. Some one entered her room and took tl early last evenln ! She has no clew what- . , ' ( Ito thief. Aa time house ever to tlo tllef. tle I just north at where Mrs. Denaldlon had a revolver thrust In her face It I Is supposed that the ume negro visited both houses , The police polce were Inrormed of time theft and are lookIng for tle dusky rabbiI wha I IU.plclaned. - - . - - - - _ . - . - - - - - - BE\VARE \ OF TiE EVIL EYE Absurll Supcrsttions Provnlcut Among Devotees of the Stage ACTORS MORE WHIMSICAL \ ' / ThAN SAILORS Sill ) ' 1 11.'I"N " 'hl'I'h. . . , . If\ 4. lint l'fIIIUf ( I'h 11/1111-1 / IIU , ' > . iii'i'iieii's ur I'roinlient iii'iihi'i's uf I Ito I.u h'J ' lul. Ot al men the actor \1 \ the uttost t stipt'rsth- ( lotus. The pall for being 108t , thorouRhl' hnpre/nated with supersttol\ has frequUty tien awarlt',1 , 10 Ihl' sailor and the seller : but to those People who lowe even u passIng acqlnlntanc'e , wlh ! len and WfnlPn of tim . theatrIcal rorellon the assertion Ihat anr other clas or human beIngs can ho' more superstitious ( hunt aclors ts beyond liehief. for there Is ever ) ' evidence that the Ileellle of the stage are so IhorOURhl saturated with super- stton that the surronndlng air Is hatiemu with I In every showe and fancy , says the New York 'lneJ Not only are tie SUIRe , the play and the theatrical cotumes slturatell with SUlJNS- thon. but every event In life has for the actor its accomplnylng superstition. So tar dos he got'Ithm his HUlercllon that he some- tme , rounds a superstition on a superst- tioti-aut , for Ilstancp , In the habit ot wearing dead men's rOthfs , the clothlnr or one's self In such hahilmenis havln/ ror ags been re- gardeil as sure to result in tlestim ! to the wearer. To an actor the \\arln o a stage costume . or 010 great dead actJr Is sure to /.1 In- sitliatloil anti fauna , according 10 the pt superstItIon . and the old slperstton Is thus wlp'ul out of existence and loses . Its rcrce. In ordinary life the ( old Inw says that I Is an Indicaton that "tIme e\1 e'e" Is upon the per&.ti who ) sees a pin or any sharp Inetrit- ment wIth the Ilolnt toward him i but this 15 rever-cd In the theatrical professlun , for It Is bad luck to set a \ln h with the head to- wart ! ene. I Is the delight or all bettors on the race tr..ck to touch tIme hum1 of a littnchtback all all gamblers at Monte Carlo con lder this act as sure to lurIng good luck : hut , on the contrary , the actor dates hi had luck from time appearnce or a hunchback In he I aulioutee emu a "fIrst night , " 11 80me other tinue. PECULIAR TO ' 1 IHOJ'ES81 . There are superstItions In the iurofesslout clingIng to sUllernumerary anti tar alike , whIch arc unknown outside , the Itrtufe5siOn. A cross-Eye,1 , man could not find elilloyment In an ) capacity within the wals or a lhealer. I the rule should be relaxed , and a CIOss' eyed stage carpenter or a property lan should bt , maged , he "oull be discharged the vcr ) moment the el/htest I-I lck befell the I company , for It would bl his presence that brought mlrortune. The actor 01' actress who has several times hen lu the cast of an unslccessul play , Is given the nJm of a Jonilu anti ever after Is regarded n. pure to bring ill-luck 10 others I Is a fact that mlny I promlslnA actor has been ohlg d to leave his profession because he was tahooed aumd made ummiwelcome wherever as a Jonaim Ind Inwelcome he wEnt hy his relo" s or the prores"lon. On the other hand there arc actors who are regarded - girded as mascots and cherished like gifted iallsnaauts. The star who has htPIJened to be housed In several hotels which ha\'c heen visited by fire Is called the "fre flood , " ant ! houses In which they happen to put up , as well as theaters In which they appeau' . are given a wide berth when postble by all mem- hers or the Irofesslon. ( Miss Kate Claxton , after the burning of thl Brooklyn ] th ater , acquired this name , for she waS playing an emigageunetit there In "Tho Two Orph.ls" In thin winter or 1876 ; when hue terrible conla- graton occurred. The Indlvldlal suplrsUtons or cortaln promInent actors are often amusing and always rhlicumioumo. For instance , a great actor 'W a load of hay on the afternoon or the day upon which he was t appear In n new pIa ) ' . lIe was successful , and ever after Insisted Ullon ha'lng pro\lled for him a load or hay UIJOn which to wish before enterIng the theater emu the first night or a new play. He happened to be succasfuml ' with all his h new plays , and atributed hs : success not alone to his own talent , but meetly to the fact that he had male a wish upon a load of hay. I one new play had brett a faIlure there Is no doubt the hay would have lost Hs vIrtue and been dls. cardell as au evil worker. Edwin Booth was regarded as a man or comlon sense . yet he would ne\r sleep In a room In a hotel with an odd suumbcr . His great friend , I.awrence Barrett , had a lastn/ Ilrejldlce agaInst Ieople who had man ) "S's" In their names , and always malle up his couiupany so far as possible , wih men and women In whoaI nlm s the ohjectonablo let- ter did not appear. His frIends attrIbuted tItle ! prejudice of Barrett's . surely strong enough to he Itylec superstIon ! , to the fact that his own uuamne-O'Shuaughmlieits-lm.ttl so lan "S's" In It. The fast friend or 1.'orrest nail great ( rage- dlan , John McCullough . had a slperstlcn cOIJccnlnF the manner or ltUttlnt . on hits / hlrt ( and other apparel , for he would iuevem' pelmlt his dress to put any garment cwr hIs hlall This was only one or the many sUI rsttons which Jo.ered the lIfe of an otherwise bane nuaut . .blt this one was VC'y Inconveulent at tmes and caused much trouble In thin making : or his garmenls. John T. Haymond always regarded a red- he"dell woman wIth extreme itoruor. To mlet I red-headell woman on the day of the IJro- dncton or a new play was , to him. an omen of bad luck , anll he has been Imown : to remain In the house all day In order not to bl exposed to the superstItion. There wits one runny slpersttcn which held poor J. K. Emnunet to time day of his death and ntade hmimuu apjar rIdiculous at times , as lie was very fain to keep it to huimnsehf , insteatl of exphaimmlutg lila actian , It hue was guimig up or cotuiltug ( lown stairs amid aruothier iorsomu attonaptid to pass hInt out ( lie ihight lie .votuld always go back amid stam't over ilgalmi , uuo matter what lila hiuii'ry miiiglmt be. itt a crovdeti lmotel one unay Imagine Iio' ; muaany timutes lie uuuay hiaie tutruied in de- scem'thing several fIghts of stairs amid how laborious luls jotmuney. Nat Gooiwltt cartaiiuly i a mutatu of good sense and ito cue , to iook at hiimut , would sumppose ( hint lie hiss a pet su- perstitiomu , yet lie has , for lie considers it good luck to tuert a gray hioms in tIme morn- lug The velh known Jantes Lewis has beei : leumown to carry in Ida pocket a small sImon for a mascot , anti will muevem' play a ganute of cards witlmout hmas'ing that mascot in lila pocket , altluoimglu ( hue record does not cay that lie aPvtymm wiuts. lie foumutul ( hula shoe uttany years ago atid hiss ever since regarded it as a tahlemutan. Toni W'ltiften alw'ay's said that lie owed hula success to hIs knowledge of muwsic , and that if lie lied a unusleal entrance lit shmarps lie was alL right , but let time band get Into hats vImeui hue emutereti and hue was sutre of hmls effort falling flat on thin ammdlencc. altl.oumghu ( list audience iuever imoticed tIme thlf- ferenee in ( lie key. NAILS FltlGIi'L'ENED CL.IA MOI1ItIg. It has been said of Clara Morris thmat sIte never set liar foot upon thin stage if there huapluened to be a stray nail ( lucre , atud always - ways insisted upon its removal before site Wouilti mumake an entratice , Of Faiumuy Javeuu- port it is saul that site will never tise a eec- inetle of anether fiske ( luau ( list of a unant a-Ito served her fromut itla own naanulactttre whien a child. Once shuo was oblIged to tttako lip hutr face for a first amearance withm a strange Cosmetic , which lied been rocommm' ntentled to her , and the play was not a sue- cess. "Time Anlericamu Girl" was its name Atla Rehamu regards as aim omen of ihi'luci Pin on ( lie stags witim thin hicatl turned toward her. The first nmlghmt of "Love on Cruche" ( at Daly's thmeaier sIte saw a lila emu tIme stage with time head turned toward liar , anti to this chreumutatance siio has ever since attributed the fact that anotlmer actress , in a subordinate part , matie a greater success titan site did in the leading role. It nsy not hue superstition witlchi governs Agnes hioctlt itt thie action , butt it is a fact ( hat slu will muo'or pertnlt a vig to ho dressed upout iter hienil. . Theatrical managers are freqimentl > ' suuper. etitioUs to a great degree , and many of thorn might be cited as luaving alt time folk-lore ex- ( ant , especially ( hat conmcerning the liroduc. ( ion of a new phay. It ( a said of Tony I'ator that on the mornIng of ( Ito day of tile prohuc. ( ion of a new play ho always puts his left sock on first , anti If lie lmaiipens to get hIs stulrt On WfOii aide out It goes with 1dm that way all day .N cii ( illinoro conaides it an omen of bad luck , if , when walking with a friend , aetna person or object passes between them , and tue willretrace his steps far blocks (0 ( go around such interfering person Di' oh- ic-ct. it tmecesaary. so as to pass tluo Interfering hot ! > ' with iii , friend at lila u'kite , Johmt Ste- ( somu's dreammuu. are world famed , anti the hmorror of Augtishln Daly ivhmen a cros.m-oycd leerson ask" for atliuuissIon to his tlucater Ott It first itighit lies beetu cotttmuuenteil ( upon tlSfl > ' ( lUtes , ( 'Al GiI'I' 'I'll i l'.tl It IN lC.t'sS.ti , lIe , hli.rt.mi mmmi. ! II is I'mrgmusmummr lu'r- ( uilt'ii hi > tiiti IiulI imismi'IIu's , 5101tx F'ILS , S. I ) . , Nov. l0.-Si.eclmtl-- ( ) Time hiusbaittl of a Sioux Falls w omutaut Is in mu at hluitchilmusomu , Kas. W'It it Imirtu Is an Iowa womtuami , vitht w itomum lie has imeout living. Two years ago hr. mnuil Mis.V. . Il. hiortuni cittmuo lucre froumu Sithttomu , In. , stud the doctor niumuomuitced that hm was ready to receive pa- tients. Somtme timmut , mutter hue left agaimu for Shelilotu , daunting tittut lie couP ! tuot get a Huitlefiuctouy prmuctiee lucre. I in left his wife lucre amtil clue moms bt'mt takitig itt sewimig utitico , Tlme latter thought itmat everytlming \ % as tuot righmt tutu site secured time services cf a lirtut of las > 'nra lmm'ro to 11)0k tufter her I imttt.btmtl , It tvas iearmut"ti ( list lie list ! left Sheldout at 1(11 1 lie wife of B , A , hlo > uh , a lIvery- liumun titer. ' . rime ) ' WCuo ( tttcked to a smummll : cattle tow ii Imi ICatisas , wlti'm'e time Sioux Falls attorney secumreth their arresi. horton ctuut- fessei that hie hmth hterstiatleil Mm a. hloyui to get a 'iivoi'ce fromui imer iiimsbauich ottO fly vithm iuItii. TIme ta o will b' ltrooecttte.h. It is now ltietty certain the gang of hittrglnrs tt'liic'Ii Imuc htet'ui rcbblmtg so taint > ' Soumthm Dakotit Postoihices auth stores iii this etatti is tto % % lit j.tIi huer. Tiucy are time three cauglut last rnek at Garri-isotm. Titey gs'e thmeIr mmamttes as George iruitt , Rtlwnrul Ciruammuetus anti \ViiItuiun Graves , At tommy r.tte. shmce their appreitnuislon , tut ittirgiarirs have occurred. Thus > ' hmave all iteen liotunid ov'-r for time secoutti limits iuu $1 .000 ltontl eau'hm , first for robbing time Postottice \S'inufrcl , S. I ) . , autO yesterday fitr roithimug time \iaeisctu , S. I ) . , Itoctoiflce. Johuti Miller , vIto is also Itoh. ! by time feileral atuthorttlu.s out ouspiciocu of iueiuug tue leather of a big gang of burglars. lies lund itls lioarimtg POStiiOiiCi ( for ( we .eeks. Yesterday occurred thue a edtlinug lucre of Mr. Oscar A. lirowit amid Miss liarrieft itmu- Itade , botim ) ntmng i'o&ety hteopIe Cf title city. 'l'lut' ) ' left for ( heir uuesv hattie iii Cemlar htapltis , It , , wtuero Mr. lhrowmm hiss a positioiu as PCI- % 'atn secretor > ' to h'reuii.Ieum . ( ( Iotldell of time llmtriimugtomt , Ceeinr Italtithe , & Northierit railroad - road , Nium'tial SImuI.nis F'lglit , FItIiMONT , Nov. i0.-Spceialleour ( ) > 'ouung mcmi at ( lie Noriuuah school got iuuto a highut last titgii ( and the two vioosere worsted cauuie to tow ii amul had tlue other two , Framik Siuuff ottO J. 1" . Itay , arrested for as- &mult amid battery. Time > ' were releesetl mu timeir own racogmmizamce amud theIr trial set for Montlay mutortming. Last tuiglit a couple of boys about ( If , years of age , giving their names as Miller amid Thomas , vero released trotn a sealed freight car. Tht boys got lutto time ear at Cheyenne. 'Fhme car vas fiustemmeul autO sealed autO the train started ittuuitedlateiy after timoy got itt , auth ( imeyvere umnimble to get out. Thicy huad hiecit lut the car without food or water about thirty hours. Time regular mnetting of time \'otmtau'iu club , lieu ! yesterday afteruuoomt , was dovoteti ( me a dIscussion of ( ito writliugs antI character of Eugcmue Field. Several of his best kmmnwn itoems were read , aud thuere were papers upon lila work ar , a joutrnalls : antI as a poet of the chuilmlremi. hteeolmmtfouus of s'unlmathm > ' for Mi's. I"lehd vero mtdoltet.h. ( CIoMI' ii'tiyt-'im 'ai-i t y mm muil No'ris. IIEA\'EIt CiTY , Neb. , Nov. 10.-Special ( Telegram.-Ttme ) latest reumrcus fromut this juthlclai district iuudicate that U. W. Norris of thus city is defeated lay 1) . T.'dli > ' by two votes. Time oillciai calivass will be re- qulred to thechtie It. A small btmlldlng occiupIcti as a sltoe shop in ( hue hueart of tIme business itorthon of town was set. out fire last mulghit. Time insult' luatl beeti dreitchteti withm oil. Time fire comuuianv controhied tIme fire ieforo tutucim ( lamitagt re- reumlted. - h'url I a ii's ( 'umu'gn H , 'iui.i't1. NEYOItK , Nov. I0.-Tlu condition of time Full fliveu' line steamliocit l'mmritzmmi , whIch ran at'huore Novt'tniter 9 , duuritig a fog , ueuauinm unchuaugetl. All time freIght huts imeetm trauusfcrremi. The sea Is emmauntlu , with a light nurthmwost win. ! . it is simlit thumu ( an effort vIii be mmmdc to haul hem off tomorrow. ( 'i.stly II Imize I ii N's' York , NEW YORK , Nov. 10-TIme propt'ty atmti jiiflt of the Ihiumstratetl Arnerleamu Magaziute' at First avenue atud East Twenty-third street , was almost destroyed by fire this afternoon , Loss , $25,000. I'EhtSOSti,1'tltAG U . l'hI. J. M. Gillespie of Lmker4de : is regtotered at ( hue ireade. II. P. Fiimut is registered at time Mercimsutta front Glbbomu. 1) . 1' . Roife , a Nebraska City uutan , is a l'axton guest. FL It. Sadler , a Ltutcoln muiercltant , is a the Merchmaitts. C. II. Cornell- ValentIne hjaimlcem' , he a Merchann' gmmet. Jolmut Peters nuiti wife of Fmemmtont arc stop- pim.g . at ( lie MIllard. C. C. Mamoit anth D. II. Morria of Chadron are two Arcade gitcete. Mr. I' , S. Lathmrop is reglsereuh ( at time ltarku'r from St. Joe , Mo. C. \Vhlhiamtus antI wife of Granti Island are gutCits at time l'axton. Fourteen , ntemmileers of l'rlntrose anti \Vet's ntiumetreln arc stopping at ( hue Barlter. 14. T. Geers anti W , . II , harrIson of Grand Ishautil were at tIne Murray yestermhny , hi , G. Spemtceu' , C. IT.Vartl and F. J. Doloco are Kansas City arrivals at the Barker , Teum members of Otis Froitinaru's "Tue Col- much'sVivos' ' company au it quartered at the Barker. George l'rlmroro anti wife , \\'Ihhiarn IIVeat stud \Vllihani II. h.efi of the l'rIrnroe amuth \Vest contpany imre at the Murray. Misses Fggheston autO hhtinna of Cle'elanth are at thin l'axtun. havlmig immterruupted a jo.mrne > ' to CaiIfom'mtha a few days' , to visit friends in ( ho ott > ' . Mr. A. Gertley of l'liiiauleiplmla , thm germ- era ! gas engineer of ( hue imuany gas ; mIatuts of I'hmhhadelphuki , Kan'as City attti Omutaima , is iuiaklng Imeatlqitarters at thmo Muuray hotel. Nebraka arrivals at thin hlarker mire : Mr. it. R. Lie > ' , Grand Island ; Mr. E. II. Saneul ) ' , Kearmue > ' ; Mi' . it. C. Sears , Keamney ; Mr. J. M. Gordout mumuti wife , Limucoln ; Cilmut ii. Siate" and \Viihiatt ( 'urrauts , Blair ; Framukustim autd Charles ' 1' . Drown , Grand lehsuid. At ( ito Murray-A. ( Jaiticy , l'hillaIelpimia , Pa. ; W. 'I'Vhtitfielth , Cedar Rapids , ha. ; Ii. iliochu , V. hi. Loll , Eunil 11. Klitgo muted wife , b. B. Masoum , I. N. Ccx , 'tv. ii. \\'st , Gorge l'rimttrost' autO info , Ne'w York ; S. llaynos , 0. \'einthieimtt , J. himurris , Charles Meintz , C. A. Hurst , W' . Ii. Ryan , Chticago ; \Villlaun ii , Law-ton , 'I'retmtoum , N. J. ; 14 , T. Geors antiV. . II. Ilarrho'on , Grand Ilantd ; 0. hI. Reed , 1'itburg , l'a. - What You want of a medicimie is that it rihuall do you ) good-purify auud conch your blood , throw' off that tired feelimug , anud give you iiealth , strength1 courage mind ambition , . Hood's Sarsaparilia is the only trite blood purifier prominently let the publIc eye today , mind it , meets these requirements perfectly. This Lu proved by the testimony of thou. sands of peoplo. hood's Sarsaparilla hiulids up the suervea hay feeding them on pure blood , creates an appetite by toning the dlgesti'o organs , overcomesThut Tired FeelIng by giving vltaily to the blood , and gives sweet rofretmhlueg sheep , You siiny realize that hood's Sarsaparilla Does this by giving it a fair trial. Insist upon flood's and only flood's , 1 ; six for 5 U tand'e ! Ohlic ! tsrmanIotiii7 wits iII Ueo.4'a Sirupsrilis , SN , WHAT FOLKS SAY - 4 lit ) 'I'hild' mC sO'av ev.e t'l' (113 . " 11 ( Yl lslIhlM I'Ol ( f I t 'nit' > - 1)num't , 'l'imey hCtinev at 'a'a'I-i 'i'hi. ' tre SIu'k , tutu 'l'iii' ' It ii ii ) , 'a'a' ii e H 'I' Is u' ) ' % I'i' ( 'mm ri ii , 'a'a'Imnl hums ( 'mired 'i'imci.i , > tei' If ( lii' 1'illhti ) hiij.t .tiiilIi' ( Ii ilIi , . - 1)o eli kiinv 'Imumt yoiit' lhutieys are fOt' ? 't'lm t' _ ' mi i'e' ( ' 0 1' III I tii ii fl hi ii P11 ii fyi ii g yohht. hlomtul , lu ynmi stIfl'i' fu'ohlh l' ' liii lii ' ( ) hh1' tat u'k a ii ii si ( I ( 'si , emi ( 't' tlt's&tmi t'st4 , it ( 't'uhi $ hi i'&uil , ill Ill mn's mu I' yeti I' t' , . ' u'l I d ri , tt 'elh I tug suf , 'ommi' fttt tim ! utmmkii'it ? 1 I' yithi ul is I t is h ( ' ( ' nst , 'nih I' 1 ; 1 ml ii t'ye mu i' ' I I tit 1 mU il fyi hg yn ii i' 1 slot tl. Itini hiloitmi is liht' mid vmik't' . I I l4 itol stimo tiM. Ituit It is lutuith' lit your hutu ) ' m'V'V ( , % ' iutitmtutt' . it let mimumuhu' fin umuthue vuiste that gtii'M liii itt yluhu' littil ) ' . \ \ ' I m t'mmt''u'r ) 'nti 1 mu m vu' n r I I i ink , you 'iu u' otu t stutu mu' i ta mt ii I' t hue mu mtt t tei' vi mlt.'hi utulli'tt : iii ) ynimu' imtii' , iut' him'alim. 'i'iilt4 ' . 'uuslu' ummittti'i' let uii ito l'tii'tlmor mist' . I t is lliei' hitt'imt'tt gitt'luttgi' . it tumid itt' iimm'ovmm umway. 'titlm' luhonil 11111 $ it ( ' ' umuititer ium Its I him t't' 8 mimi : m t'ii ( 'ti t lie w'n si ti t 0 yulhi t' I Id- Ii ( ' ) 'S. \'ittlt' hlullte's lhlit'm' it nut uuf your blood : titul timi' ' ii ( Jilt Of ytuhut' mmii ) ' . 'l'hmls i vlmuut your kiilmit' > 'co ium' for. 'i'lmlt4 lii i'hmy lr. I Ithih'it , , Slmtu'ttguit.t l'itl itt' ) ' I 'Ills -lil ( titt. blood homilies utumul kidimt' , ' ti'oiihit's , lt't'ttmst' ! I lii' ) ' tittiku' I lit' k iti ttt''s , ill I i'm' I Ii t' I uht itul. I lt'i'u' is mu lt'l tt'i' i'i'ttitt ut Pt'iltllueltt gt' it I I t'iu ma mm of I butt mum m . I I e Stt3'M lit iS'i' ( SN , Aumgnst titlu , 0S. I I old i's ol 'ui tt'l mm t' ti. , ( 'hmli'mmgt , , Iii. t : tt i i P itt t'tt-- I t Is 'lthm gi'ett : imheusure : tutu I t'eushfl- uuteuud I I a' ivul m ii mu' fuui hit emi k'ium um 1 t'oiu'r- t los of , S' ( ) ml r t'xci'i I t'mi t i'eitn'd ) ' . I hit vu' for ) 'Pt : u'M I it'u'it ut gt'r'n t sq iTem'p from mm it ( 'Ii I t' k I ii mm t'y I m'otii ml u's um imtl I i mm vi' I u'It'ti t'\'et'3' k itu' mu m m m 'ui it'i mm c' v I I I m oil t a II ) ' bene- I i ( lii I i'esmul Is. 'I' I m t'ott git I lie ml ti V ht'u' mu I' : t iuhm' I eta it i vim S I mu ti ii t'm'd ( o I m'y I I tuid s's i imi u'im gus ] Itlumt' ) ' l'ihls , utmmd tmfit'r tmslmig 11mm' llrmet hitX I vms : 'otiviumt'u'mi I Imami mit last fouuud it I ) ( 'i'hh ( II It ( ' ii t ( 'it If' . I tttit how' Pt'u'l't''tl ) ' ' 'il : until lvn lux.'s of Ilolilt's Spim'cugius : lidmmi'y l'iils is 'lmnt mliii it. it vmttul,1 Pm' hutuitusmellile for iou' it , say too ttnnlm itt hhmt'lr lum'uulse. Vt'my trimly youth's , , i.M hS I I. L'o'N'II ( , NO. 2d I mvltmg St. 1110(1(1 ( I m'otuhuh's ( imhI't ( Imii'aut u'.lluu ills. ( 't1s ( , ' etui ) ' . 'l'Iit' ) ' iiht'tum : ulmeumutat lstn , gotut. ttuumme- I mliii , ( .1 uhtmu'm msl it , i sm : I t' , I ilood k'ss coin I tlt'x- , lumu'k ni'nummhht , litum , ltt'utlmi'lmu' : : , ullzzi- it'SM ( , lm > 'stm'u'ltm , ui'umi'8lghi. ele. 'l'iiiis' t1ist'm'u'.m : cm i'm' mint gi'itOl'ltli ) ' ecu I led I ml 1)0(1 ( ( I iSi'il S'S' , I ) ml t t I i 1' ) ' il u' ' lilootl hlM'ltSt't4 till I lie satin' . , , ,1i ii' ) ' 0 I ui'i'i tuSt' I I i ( ' 3' 0 i' ( ' ( ' 8 1 I seil by it ) ' ) iii liii' lulood lmlt'hm thm llhmn'y 4 lot i't l ui'ttiteu'i ) ' ill t P1' . 'i'iit' ' of it lit tutu as stton mime liii' kltimmt'ys hui'glmm to tiller tIn' lultuoul all I htt'st' d lt't ; st's ii I 'ut imi mpn r. A itd I 1 ii' lit'S t \'lt ) ' I ti t'it i't' t lie k I d mm cys cmiii ! uittkm' : llmu'umm do timu'Ir 'ut'k oh' hilier- itmg lime lilunil Is to tule : I ) i' . I luilub'me Siimu''ugtms : I. itium.'y I 'ills. 'i'lii'i'i' is iiihiiitug hmuti'imuftul : uhiiitit 1Im' . Ilimhh'ei Sjstu'ttgmm' : iiiimtt'y l'ihltt. Noift. I it L' hni t Itlirt' v'gm't li I il i' I i 'i I I ii g mu iid Ittimit' iit't'iis muumul u'otiti , ' , - 'i'iu' ' mepmuumuimtptsuleil IS ' ' ) mime ) ) ) $ - t1 : u t i S tt itil h"'t'i U I 1st me 'l m 0 1 m mm ye I es I tlmt'uum uumttl fouuitd mmumt I lii'lm' gmmqt t ( 'hui'n- I I i'm' I mow'em's , mm it il t I mnumsa Ii i I s o C i n'o ; sIt' s'Imts lmui't' bt't'iu t'ium'u'il 1) ) ' 1)m' , I Iohd's S it t'n gus i lmlut.'y . I ' I II ii mm ft ( ' 1' I I it' ) ' hit d givi'um U I ) It hi imopt' , v Ill uti vt : ys con t i it the I ii sI mug I lmu'l i' I trto Isp. lr , I iuhil' Sitau'm''ns : i'luluui'y I'ills nun for sa I e 1 5) ' mu I tim'iuggi ii I ti. om' vI II 1 e spit t hth''l ( II I tI t 0 tt Il ) ' it ml d t't'ss for 51) ) cemi I s p'r htox. , \n I tin I tin ittu It ) I dmht't . ' ' _ I" I I I u'm' for 's'ott m' fllooml , ' ' fm't' out u'e I itt'st . I I oh il s's \I i'd I- ( 'I itt' ( ' 0. , 1' I i li'ti ( ti' Sn mu i'u'a it ( 'ISf'O. ' ' " ' AS CUS'i'OMMt"u' HOBB SPARAGUS PILLS wIll bo soltfimm Ouiuita : II ) ' Limo Sherinati & ) IcConnell Dru Co. 1513 lticigu street , secummcl drinr .um't of 1' . 0 AI IlSlil lhX'I'S. 'it : c' ( Tonight. ) LJ4J 11 A : : ! lONlY Last I'-rom nttittci' of 'I'HESEILEY ) RROWN COMPANY Under ( Ito mlir'ctlmmt of Guttave Fu oimmeian in ( hm vci'y fumtuuy ( ' mneJ ) ' , THE COLOM3L'S WVS 'l'o ho preceded by the hit'atmtifuml cuguIt. ( : i-Li liter , cult I tIe. ! , T 1 1 E LO ST S I I E E P. ' 'Au excellent 'ila > ' by run moimninable ectm- iiautY" Samu Fraimelsco l'ost. i'mP-e.m : First tiour , SOe , 75. . ' nuid $1 ; Pal- Con ) ' , CO total 7L' ; gaiiery , 2e. EliTH1 'P. . ! . ii'J1I'AXTON e hmUjOPS ! 'itZr4 , 1TwINNU TONJillT ( A'l' 8:15 , PIUMRDSE Afl3 WEST'S D IN31RELSS Su'i' ( hitSI i'4'il l'iri.Ii' 'i'odti sit 'itittu , , 3-MILITARY BANDS _ l N D CA WALKTONGUTI ! Fl ( my imtt : I I a fi lii t Ct , ' ( ' , I'i ii hi 1of mite city , Gmtti ) I'li'/.JIS IO t'I'lI ) IsV , ' . StA NI ) I u i 1:1 : tie - * a o .t.i ' 'a ucnmmgttTrN umutosttox hIii ens ( 'lairs. m'lii'lm-H I 't'JLNIl'thti0 > 1 t'AN 'a'i'iush It u tim m % I .1 ht . . 1' tm ad. , Ih'tmt ( 'otufi'ct lini'ry. I l. I , ! ) I ' rl"-'i'w' . uiga : at ( 'ate's. I ) . ' 1' . alOtjN'r-On , ' 'rum V.'eamNut Coal , NIt 'C ) I. I.i'a Ir Tai bitSt . , do 1' , , tib'l3. Ii. h. l'.St-lt'nts' l'uruuiithtumg ( Ioed CREIGHT IItLLI l'X'i'ON .t hil'IiGi'lSS , 3imm's , TONIGII'r Al' 8:15. : ANNA EVA F'AY 'I'll H lCtI It : mi 'a il.i'Mt , i'ise ttiflg 11cr I.ates ( Orlctuucul Seimsation "SOMNOLI3NCY. " Tite unoit marvelous , mysterious anti leatidr. hug Of all mc ) " huioatt'ai iitienaniena ever pea- enled to ( tic wort.i. Z'cpuiar prices 2e , She , 0c. S OMAHA DIME MJSEE l3O DouglaB Street , A PAMILY RESORT. COiTiNUOIJS ShOWS fi'oum 2 to iS p , mat , omit 7i30 to iOt3O p. mu , Amlumlssioo , lIe. Itosoreeti opera clinics , i0o ox Irma Oco. Mitchell , I'rop. A. ii , iIlemtfmls , Mgq I