Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1895, Image 1

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- S'L'.AULISIIJ tTUNB 10 : , 1871. O.A.HA , SA'L'UHDAY : RThNENONOVBU11t 9 , 1895-TWELVE PAGE SI"NUrJm OOpy InY.l OBN'1S. to. ,
\ . , No Longer Able to Play Off One Power
r Against Another
feh"I" ur It . foruit' . SII.c..1 h ) ' the
. 'u"'r. l'rl'lcll I I ) ' it nil
lii t ( erM 11.t l S..I Clle
tu . CrIMIM.
1,0NnON , Nov. -In spie or the fact
' hat Sir Illgar Vincent , governor of the
Imperial Ottoman bank at Constantinople , has
Buccected In betering the fnancial conditIon
of TUlkey by luspentlng for a month the
payment of gold for hank notes In order to
give time for the conversion Into pounds I '
TurkIsh of the gel which Is coming to the
. hank from 19 branches and ) the prolonging
I of the concenlon to the Ottoman b1nk for
twelve years I Is bcleve'l that this will
'aford ! only momentary relief and that together -
gether with the change of ministry at Con-
shntnople It will have little or no effect
upon the political asct of uffirs.
In view of the many startling reports from
Conrantnoplo recently It Is I poslblo just
to beleve that pome of them have been
colored hy exaggeration upon the part uf
Armenians. But the main fact does not
appear to be In any way altered by this
cMioring and It Is that Armenia appears to
be In a condition of the most dreadful an-
The latest review of the situation came
from Constantinople today In a dispatch from
the Tlm ! correspondent In that cl ) ' . lie
telegraphs : "Tho condition of things here
Is regarded unbearable by all the diplomats.
The sultan , whoso sole Idea of policy Is to
1'1y ' oft one power against the ether , Is non-
plusgell at their unanimity. All the powers
are friendly. all they give him sound , hut
most distasteful counel. None of their
uuanifestatIona have any Eelsh purpose ( affording -
fording material fo the manufacture of po-
ltcal Cplal
_ _
( : The Constantinople correspondent of the
Times says : " 1laml Pasha was tlsml ! ' sed
from the ofco of grand vizier hy an offensively [ -
fcnslvely expressed trade , which was hOt In-
tenlled 10 dlspulso the fact that he hall re-
fueu1 to retain olce nnll to cloak the sultan's
Insincerity as to his intentions regarding the
leforms which have hen demanded by the 1
p"wers In Arunenn , all also tu cloak hIs ,
refusal to proclaim the reforms by an ImperIal -
Penal nkase. IOaml was ordered to Aleppo
forthwith . which IH a virtual exile , but he
was taken sUddenly with I high fever and
. e. huronchultis . ant six physicians declared that (
.I lIe was unfit to travel. The sultan thereupon
P gave permission for the ( delay of his de-
'I would bo uhifllctult. " says the Times cor-
rC3ollEnt. "to conceive the condition of
mllll which brought the sultan to appoint
Fueh a delllorahlo cabinet or to describe the
consteraton It has \I'oduced overywhere.
The grand vizier Is perhaps the least ob-
Jeetlonahie. Ills Intentions are honest but
11114 abIlities are suuinfl. Tcwflk Pasha Is a
nonentuuy. Abler Ihaman and Memcukh area
a couple of fanatics. Muinier's aptitude for
uncle n work has raised him hhh In the es-
to. in of the sultan and places him , facie
prlnelps , at the head of the political spies. "
. . The Cunstantuople corrcpondont of the
' Daily News writIng of the Intervention of
the Frpnch ambassador In til Imtlr of the
labeklr riot says : "HearIng that the
Prench subjects In nlarbellir were In dang r.
l Caunbon the French ambassador . sent to
the porte In the middle of the ( night to say
that : If any French citizen was killed he
weulll ( Insist upon having the governor's
"It Is alleged that Klaml I'ashia's dls-
mlHal from the olle of grand vIzIer was
du to his having demanded certain adminIstrative -
Itrat\o powers formerly pertaining to the
grand 'izier but long In uheyanc "
- -
A dispatch to the Chronicle from Home
sa1 tie Scorner II ! I Iattno of NaplEs has
allvlces to the effect that the marquis of
o Salisbury has cont\lcntaly proposld to the
luwers the Ilsmemblrmmt of Turkey.
A Berlin dispatch : to the Chronicle says
the Vossische Zeltung has news from Duchur-
est that fresh massacres have occurred In
the vlla'et of Erzeroum and that many 'vii-
loge's have beln burned and pillaged ant an
cnormoUs number burned and kiiicd.
A dispatch to the Times from Homo refer
Pi , to the gravity of the Turkish affairs , anti
says that ( Italy Is In perfect accord with Rung- I
hand , and that the Italian fleet Is ready to
act with the English fleet whenever tie
Interest of European Ilcaco may neeel I
CONSTANTINOPLE , No\ S.-'hero Is h no
change for the better In the Political situation
here , unless It rests on tine fact that the
Ottoman hank has advanced the Turkish gO\-
erment the snm uf $ l , & OO.OOO. whIch wi
. enable the new minister of fInance : . SabrI
' Pasha , to provide for the most pressing needs
P' of the government. The hatter . It would
seem . ron51 ted In fitting out the army N-
serves just called out In the porte's attempt ,
to make some show of trying to restore
order In Armenia but there are so many :
oilier Ilcmands upon the Turkish ] treasury
at the ; ireseint moment that the money just
advanced , will snot go a long way even If I
" ere Illaceel tn legilimate rises . which Is not
likely to be tine case. In the best Informed
clrcll'd here tie sluatol Is Ilgullell as
dechlrdh' critical . anti important lle\lopm nts
are exectc,1 wihin a Fhort tm .
The ImbaHUdorl of the powers 110 not re-
garel the new Turkish ] ministry with fd\or ;
I Is not expected to last long all It I not
thulht that I wilt b able to 110 anything
"orth mentioning toward cledrlng the pohiti-
eat atunospliere. The rumor of palace con-
splr,1cles. which have been In circulation
for months put , continue to be bruiced. The
n'le of the lepoF d Iohammell Iurdll , re-
moored from tile throlo because lie was
alleged to ho sufl'rlng fro 1 idiocy . Is once
fore mentonell as being a likely cjllldate
for tine throne. There arc many people who
believe tine Ileposell sultan Is quite as sane
ar thl prcsont ruler of the Ottoman empire.
Abul Iedjhl , Then uf course. the name of
the heir Ipparent , lohalle.1 HeHhel , I
heard mentoned a8 likely to succeed his
uncle , the present sultan . but that report has
Ileen In circulation for months past. In fact
It was said some ttle I ! ! that the present
sultan haul offered to resign In favor : of
Mohammed Heshed. hut tt Is atitied the
representatives of tine power did look upon
thla as likely to I\ro\e \ any solution of the ,
rOlpl"ated situation and the matr was '
alowed to drop.
The l.mcul ) ' does not rest In Intl\IIUI19 ;
one sultan Is about as bdll or coo.1 aI' an-
other ; I la the system of gO\ernment In the
' 'urkh h empire which Is to blame for all the
trouble aud untl thee Is a decided change In
this direction there wl be no Impro\llent In
the condttlons of the Armenian
cundLtons : or of the
Turl , .
The uppolntmlnt of the e.-lrant vizier
I lall Iasha , decidedly I wel-IMnlnl nnamn
. . ; ! vail of Aleppo inn rrKUlled lucre AS beIng
I. only Inothel' way of sendIng him to elle.
lIe may not ! e actually exiled . hut lie will
mint bo allowed to return freon
10t alolfd retur frol Aleppo unt
It eultl 0 Ilor\o. \ lie is I ehsrgeti with many
thlng but the SUI anti suubstanui'e of \ hleh
reaus : to tue that ho hu been nnade
EI3:1S hI malI 1 seope-
; OJt tor the in : ! and lack of mlrry of others.
'l'hu sultan bat to to something. P he
changed , hiM grind vizier and turnell over hIs
cabtunet lie lar have galnll ) some time b )
eo Ilong. ! but that lms to be about all.
1\ addition to the exile of Waml Paha : ! to
I Aleppo , It Is rumored that 1 Ilumber ur hhh :
"r'OnaKea liars been exiled to onatoln , but
I I , d.lcul to get nt hue truth In such mumat-
te I , a Ileolllo reportrll "exlel ) " lomethups
phoru ilnul theIr \HY to the bottom of the J/ -
The Tukish troops ue : ! eng CCfleflhrfltel
at Ialah for an nllvcnce on Azouma . 1\ ron
s the nnnullturI .
a Illnr NtPlralol are completelt.
l'rther private reVerts received here from
narbklr enthnate the number of Armenian
victim , of the recent massacreI at . OOO. I
Is believed the number 1 ! I exces or the
actual total of those kIlled. but there , emn to
b3 no toubt that the vlctLs are lumberell
by the thousands.
Ii'lulssM.tN : : : I"OX O ) ' 111 : S'I'\ % U.
111. . Sniumu' Sllh'II'II" IhullJ111 tt
I lii' hIuiiImM lirut .
TORONTO. No\ . 8.-The trial of the two
II'ams brother for the murder of Wiie
Wels for the Imrpose of obtaining the Insurance -
surance on the hatter's life continues to attract -
tract rrowtls notwlthetanuhlng tine fact that
no senstoLal Incidents have yet developc'd.
Among the exhlblH put In by the crown Is
a photograllh 0 : Willie \\'ells. This photo-
gralJh , from its position on the raIlIng . 11-
rect ) . confronts tine IIoners. but does not
eu to worry them lt all. The continued
direct examination ant the cros-examinaton
of gxpresslan Fox consumed most of the
day and whie his evidence was on the whole
damaging te the dtfen , several 11scr2p-
'anells nshlerably weakened 11 effective-
fleas. Fox decldrell that In one occasion he
fOi nIl the prisoners experimenting with the
elevator. Harry lyams said ho was chan-
Ing the weights anti , that I broke loose
from him anti the cage fell. Witness de-
cared ] that there was at the time no MceH-
sly for using tine ele\'ator. This was the
only new Ilolnt brought out today.
- - -
- -
- -
A IIIU'I'U 1.1. : : iS I I'.J i'C'I'lOX .
Sltrl ) ' Sct'imi- IisumeM II lie . . \ nmst chin
It..h"rlth. I
I.ONDON. Nov. 9-Tho Vienna corresponll-
cot of the Cit.ronicle records a stormy sitting
of the Helchsrath on the rejection by the emperor -
peror of tine election of Dr I.ulger by the
ant-semies. as burgomaster of Vlennnntu. The
premler's explanation gave rise to Inprece
Ilplted scenes. I.ueger anti Prilce 1.lchsten-
stein nllle violent a 11 abusive speeches
against tine governifleunt. The pUblc gallery
was crowdell with ant-semies. who Joined
In tine noIsy dcmolHtratons which were malIc
and who were ejectell for that reason. The
house finally approved the rejection If Dr.
Luneger's eecton by majority of fifty-four.
- - - -
. ' . ' Goverumor utesigins.
II'II .t I'rnm mice n\'rl. 1."III" ,
LONDON Nov. 9.-A dispatch to tine
Stanllanl from Paris says It Is ruutniored , anti
Is not improbable that M. Magnhun governor
of tIne lall , of f'rance. ant a senator , will
resign tine goverorship of the banle I Is
SUes that Iagnln Is actuated by the same :
motives as those which led to Ow relgnaton
of 1 Chrlstophle as govrnor of tine Credit
I.'oncler , nuamely on tne ground of the pro-
jected bill announced by tine new ministry
wiich will prohibit members of the Ieglsla-
turo from becoming directors of financial or
comm relal unllcrtaklngs having any transac-
tons with the govlrnment.
SI ) .s 11 ' mlVIIMI miii INIreu't. ,
LONDON , Nov S.-The St. James Gazette
thnlti afterunoon referrln to the address
whIch the United States ambassator , lion.
'Chomas 1' . Iiayard . made at glnbur1 yes-
terelay evening before the Phiosophic so-
ciety his snnbje'ct being "Inuilvitiunal Liberty
the Germ of Natonal Progres9 anti lerm3-
namnce " In which inn ? denounced socialism annul
protection . asks If Mr. Bayard IH planning
for his recall . adding : "him severe condemna-
ton of the protective policy 10W prevailing In
tine United States , If an indiscretion . Is
clearly a deliberate one "
It IIIMI mig ltl" ' fur th.rll'llal" .
NRW YORIC . Nov. S.-The Armenian Ue-
lef association of this city cabled today to
the relief com mit eo In London BOO sterling
for the suferers In Sassoun , A cattle lesS -
st'ge has been received by the association
from tine duke of W'ostmuinster giving Information -
formation that the London commitee Is still
ahlo 10 s nd funds to the region of the mas-
sac re S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tlnll'Iltlll1 Jlr111 Cut I tie ,
PARIS No\ S.-Owlng to the dlssatsfac-
tO : caused by the recent landing of Can-
adian horses anti cattle at St. Male , depart- the English chan'
lent of le-et-Vlalne , on Fngl
rich Deputy Druner has written a letter to tine
minister of agrictuhttnre . M. \'Iger. asking thlt
veeele bringing for lgn cattle to France be
( IUarantlned Ipon arrival at French pOrts. ,
Ytl Ytlz'llt" tt ( jim It 'l'imrie ' .
BERLIN . Nov. S.-The Cologne Gazette
says that General Von Volta . the second chief
of the general staff of the Turkish arm ) ' , who
13 a member of the conncl of the Turklh
ministry of war , ha ! asked heave to reign '
hlH commission In , the Turkish army.
Simouuiui Cumitiumit i'nnumit'n' 11.1 Aml'II'n.
! hlul.1 ( 'U'It
No\ 9.-Tho flerlini correspond-
10DO : \ - Derln
ent of tine Times says the Bmetalc league I
"IS adapted a resolnton that before un Inter-
natonal conference Is hel on the wlject of
himnnetahlisinn. tine Glrman government ought to
tebato with AmerIca and I'rance.
II ) ' 1"II"'u I lie I'nlnli ! l'llllnl" .
PARS. S.-L'lntranslgeant asserts
that the government Is about to r open the
qnicstiofl of tine Panama canal rheme scan-
dal and that It wi prosecute a prominent
member of Iarlament In connectIon wIth
them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SI , irnus4' " ' 11. " " . ilmmrnii.t. , ,
lONTI'Nov. : . 8.-lUll's colt storage
warehom' on Wiiam street caught lire 12-
day. Tine damages were mostly cansId hy '
water anti amounted to between $80,000 and
p00.000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lint I.h Shill Ilmmm'uiiil.
LIMA Peru , Nov. S.-I Is reported the
British Ihlp Mineral , headed at layt wih
lletroleum , for San Francisco has been
btnrned. .
i'ltiIIC'i'iON UJ g.\HIY ! liCCI' : ! ! .
IiitluuiMInIstli' . II' ' l'etiuig . . .r Cuhnn
ty .mll t hi" . 1 " .
NEW YOt { . Ncv. S.-The Cuban sympa-
thlurs In Now York hell I moss meeting tonight -
night at the Murray huh Lyceum which was
a great display of enthuHlnsm. Senor Trujihle .
edito . of m Iarvenler , was the first speaker ,
amid predicted that the ' liberation of Cuba Is
now only a questIon 'of a few mncnntins a
declaration which was received wih \ ld
cheering. Senor de Quesata , secretary of
the Cuban junta , paid a glowing trIbute to the
memory of young Cespelles. Tine sp aker's
leferencn to Maxlmo Gomez evoked prolonged
applause as 1111 also lls recital of the deeds
of value of the insurgomuts. The other speakers - I
ers were A. M. i'ierra. Francisco Chacon and
, I. l\as of Costa Itica. who tel how tine
IUrerent Central and South AmerlCn repub-
lice had gained their Inllepenllenee. Senor
Chacol Ic crltclsll ) the Cnhan lutonoml8ts who
ncnunaimi loyal to Spain and Martinez the
Ca mnn p05. _ _ _
" ' 11 Sign ! the Ih'lth " 'lrrllt. I
TOpEK.Kal. . No\ S.-Geneml Iorrl ,
has decided to Issue the warrnt for the
hnmingiung or Carl Arold and " ' 1:1am :
hanginG Ilurderers of Mayor Marsh of
lan' '
1'1nngsley. who are now In the nonIte'tntinnry
111 sentence of death. No hnutnas 10\- :
Indlr hus ever ISSIid Fnlh a wlrrlnt , ItI
( hovermnor Merrill does nut like to Ito the
Oo\ernor . hunlln'll ctzenl of I d\nrll
county vetItiomnci the governor to s.'ny the (
\orll. Ilettol't Jlllle \'ninullvemt. who senttneed
the t\O men , ulpeln'll In person anti , re-
qretl.1 \ tine issuance of the varrnnt. wih-
vinIrin entemmcctl murdcn'r can be
out whlll 10 F'nton1 ll'
lenhiy hung. There nre rort-slx eon\ct ; !
In Ole Knnsa jennltemitlary under srntence
or lleath. _ _ _ . _ _ _
Clllht time GIIII" II 'l'rnl"ll.
KANdAS ( 'ITNo \ S.-Herman Goll-
IJlm . on insolvent , mcrchant uf Haton. N. I
recently hllpCt ! a hart or hll tok of
good to 1. los'ncranz of Chlcao. l'rel1-
Itors In Klns : t'Ity were iuulvisetl ot the (
mnovt' amid the goods were uUuehell ut the
S'nta ( l"p depot today to ttFh' claims < r
1al.:1 : City crouton - - - aggregatiung - . : oQ.
( : II.ttrl..1 I Ih.rlulh'r.
KANSAS CITY , = " \ ' . S.-Thomas C
thnlth , who In October , last ,1 appearlll from
Ucdge ( ' . Iun. . where he was aGent of
the Rock hlalt railroad und the . Pnled
Stoles Express : l'olpnn ) was arrn'teti lucre l
I today . lie Is I al'euB'11 ut being a defaulter
to the Inount of $ Ot ) .
Insurgent Leaders to Do Consulted ns to
the Rebels Demnnds.
SI.IIIHh A iii marl I I . Numsv . \wnrl' thlt
I mt. OI'II..ltll I. I..t 1 lr-
1IIIh' 11.1 1.I.el ) '
tu ' \11 Simm.
( Coprlght , I , iS13. by Press j'tublisining Company. )
hAVANA . Cuba , Nov. S.-New ( York
World Cablegram-Special ! Telegram.-Tho )
Spanish government , I nm Informel , wIll try
to ascertain If the Insurgent leaders will
accept modified home ru1r as the price of
la'lnl down . their orion The conservatives
will do e\'er.thlng In their power to circumvent - ,
vent tine scheme. Cubans generally believe '
no such propositIon wIll br entertulnell The
people of Havana are just waItng up to the
fact that General Campos Is doing nil that
lies In his power to brll ( about reforms In
Cuba , even to the extent of homo rule.
When General Campos came to tine island
last spring It was generally supposed that
he was armed wih discretionary power In
all things concerning Cuban affaIrs. I has
since leaked out that ho Is supreme only
In miiary maters as commander-In-chief .
of the army. Political changes cannot be
made wIthout reference first to the foreign
minister at Madrid . who In turn has to consult - ,
suit the ful cabinet , of which Senor Canoyas
Is tine held ,
General Campos came to Cuba under a
misapprehension. lie hot been led to sup-
pose ( mat the rebellion wou1 not extend
beyonll Santiago proYlnce. Instead the veteran -
eran soldIer has been confronted by large
armed bands not only In Puerto PrIncipe ,
but In the rllh central province of Santa
Clara. Since the extent of the civil war
has been appreciated General Campos bas
privately talked In favor of reforms. lIe Is
too imutehligennt and broa.hnlnlell not to see
Intellent anl
that reforms In economic conditions arc absolutely -
solutely necessary If commerce Is to prosper.
ills views have been violently antagonized by
the union conservative party of which tine
two marquises , Apeztepula and Clenfupgos ,
are the leallers. The conservatives wish to
treat the Insurgents as bandits ant shoot
them as takon.
Tine general-In-chief Imows the situation
lnetter than all these radical SIJanlsh conservatives -
servatves. as they may be called. Gen-
eral Caml0s Is In an IndepentEnt nosltion.
Ills i hli i ' character and disinterestedness are
too apparent for the dullest person to fall
to recogrnize anti he wi 10 what he deems
rigint regardless of opposman or pressure
of any kind. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lnismmrgnnts Urh'I' A"'n I'enipimmmnts.
hAVANA , Nov. S.-noloe. the Insurgent
leader who has been operating In the pro-
ymca of Sant.1 Clara since he landed there on :
June last has Issued In order to the peas-
ants of that provlnca to remove at least three
umniles from the towns and forts of Santa
Clara , under penalty of beIng shot. CaptaIn
General Martinez 110 Canipos In order to
counteract the effect of this order , Is rln-
forcing tine arrlsun of tine towns In the province -
vince of Santa Clara and has ordered . the
country people to reconcentrto around the i
towns all has granted the farmers the use
of all the available lands . near tine towns.
IllCg IS XI"\ " 'I'I'IOV'I opg.
SI ) ' " 'Flnerm' IN Noloumlt tim . Next
Ir"hl1111 lie I lti'jumiluileiimn.
PITTSI3URG Nov. S.-"The results of the
elections of 1895 make I mot certain that
the nomlneo of tine next republican national
convention will bB elected " said Senator
Drlco to an evening paper reporter at tine
union depot last evening. Mr. Bdee was
seated In a Pulman car on the eantern ex-
pross. The defeated stutesman said ho wa9
going to New Yorl The reporter asked him
how the election would affect our presidential
poltc9 , and Mr. Brice made answer as quotell
above. Tine senator continued : "U tine next
presIdent II not a republcan the la9t election
has nut least anided , very much to the Interest
that wIll be felt In the deliberations of tine
reptmbllcan convention. Who will bo nominated -
natid ? Well , Mr. McKInley Is a charming
Icnteman , able , popular and probably as
magnetic as any of the candidatES. "
To the reporter's suggestion that the publc
woull like to know the senator's explanation
of tine result In Ohio Mr. Brice saul : "Ohio
did just what the other Etatet did. The result
In Ohio was no Ilf rent from what It was In
New York , Maryland or Kentucky. The people -
plo seem dIssatisfied with the general policy
of the democratic party and no local argunment
has any effect on the national Impuls
"In Ohio wo did our best but It was uso-
lesnu. Chairman Anderson of tIne democratic
committee did excellent work but the odds
were too great. General oraker will be
elected to Jceeell me ant senator. anti what
I shall to does not concern tine publIc. "
The reporter asked Mr. Irlce If President
Cevehannd'o : policy was to blame for the
wholesale democratic dlslster. ,
democratc '
Tine Ohio senator heslt1ted a moment anti
then said : "No , I don't think Mr. Cleveland
Is lumeel personaly for the tidal wave. Still ,
jib e will have to bear his share of the blame as
beLng mart of the national organization and
le 19'lp of the d mocratc ! party. "
"How about Gorman ? " apke,1 , the reportr.
Mr. Brice arched his e'ebrows. "Gorman's
all right. Your man quay woo bolen worse
than Gorman was last Tuesday , and ho seems
to be doing pretty well. No Senator Gorman
Is not annihiated. ali the rmn who thinks
h Is Is very badly . mistaken. "
- - - - -
tIONLV itII.tIY 'i' ( ) 11'1.1 ' 1'lg C.\X.\
XI' ' Ylrl In.1 I.ncll Cnl\n1.t
'Inl. haul Ir I Iii ' I'nh'rl.rl"
CHICAGO . Nov. S.-Tho Evening Post as-
serts that the Nicaragua canal Is to be
built ; that New York and London capital will
foot the bills and AmerIcan contractors 110
the worll. I Is also sold Chicago englneor
anti drainage canal contractors will have a
leading part In the construction. This has
been brought about by investigation made by
the heading slllrita In the NIcaragua scheme
Into tine work being carrIed on In the l' lape
of the $30.000,000 Chicago drainage canal. ,
For months their experts have ben Invest- ,
gating this work. arid It Is said that as a re-
stilt line movIng spirits In tIne western works
hayS bee invited to visIt the Nicaragua
lealer , In New York.
Tine Post further asserts that for several
months certain Lndorn financiers . In company
\\th some Now Yorkers . have been looking
Into the sebemo anll hsvo practically de-
chlell to back It. Between $70.000,000 and
S5.000OOO will he needed anti that amount ,
sayI the Post has been , In efct. guaran-
tecd. The Post adds that while the deal has
not yet been completed the negotiations are
In a very alh'dneed stage and almost on the
verge of completion. All attempts to secure
financial all from thIs govrnment will be
abandoned and the mater he prosecuted ana
n purely private enterprise. The princIpal
ncgotatona have hem n going on. It hJ
statfli since the "islt of Warn MIller to
this city a few weeks ago. No names arc
given In connection with . the plan.
I'rh'nh' IJ'h'' I t.s \11 I ( ) rgn mni it' .
PITTSIIURG : . 8.-Notlcea hare been
sent out from this cIty for a convention of
private detectives to be InePt In Unit ! city In
I february for the purpose of forming a na-
tonal aunclaton , The main ot'Jeet of the
combine 18 t ( secure for the mennbers , first ,
their rights under the laws of the state In
whIch ( they operate , and a natonal law
which shah 11rovde : that a detective to be
lIcensed by the Department of JUltee ! shall
first pat an examinatIon In the rulu of
evidence In at beast three Itatcs. the general
laws of the stale In which he proposes to
reside and the criminal code of the United
g\'IX IIHIU.g loXn . Titiii'SiSthI't'IIS. , 1.
- .
Dr. 'I' , c. I."tll ' 1"1" i or Ceumoketi mess
In thl' 11111.t . \ . I' . . \ . 11.1" .
WASINGTON , D. C. . Nov. S.-Somntetinlng '
cf a sensatIon wan pro\ueell \ here Ylsterday
among the memben anti otheu interested
In the local branch of the AmerIcan Protec-
tve assoelaton by tine announcement that
Rev. ' ' C. gaston , pastor of tine Jastun
Ireabrterlan cinurch preE'lent ) of council No
12 , A. P. A. . all for varIous reasons one of
the most consllicuous membes of the or-
ganIzaton In Washington , bal withdrawn i
hem the order. The success ttatned by the
A. p. A. In tine elections lr aeveral states
Tuesday attracted ntentn . lo the order
ant naturaly has increased the Interem In
the reports of dissensions In the local boty ,
It Is sold Ur , aston and hiS frIends contemplate -
template formlnl a new uatio-nnai artier so
the trouble here has some Interest [ heyolll
tine boundaries of tine D'strict of Columbia.
In an lutervlew with the St. Loul 1 He-
11blo corresporndent. Dr Ealton said :
"My dIssatisfaction with . 'tho ' manner In
which tine organization Is ollluctpt tatc3
back to May of this year ; hen I was selected -
'Iected aD a delegate from tine Dstrlct : to
the suprcme council at llw ullee. When
I arrh'CI there J found a 11llorable coml-
ton of affairs. Over malt if , tine men who
sat In tine Ullremo body W4r not entitled
to seats under the consttuton , of the orler.
They were seated by 1 or'tltal com-
mitee appointed one week heforo the cen-
venton met by Supreme President Traynor.
With a membership In thth' . millions , the \
books of tine treasurer shcII un apparent
balance of a few hundree dt1iars , and subsequent -
sequent developments forced the confessIon -
shunt from the lupremo president that even
this balance was only app rent and that
tine treasury was banknlpt : ; \ trust fUI )
of sevral hundred dollars taken up hy
subscripton for a specific In.poso had heeu
misappled and tine al1mlnlstitUlon had been
characterized by an utter disregard { cf the
constitution. Through the voles of the dele-
gates Illegally seate In the , ' otnvemntion , Supreme -
preme President Traynor fwas re-elected.
Utterly disgusted. I lort tine lpnventon before
Is I atljournnnnent . having preobsiy announce
my intention to wlthMaw from the order.
At tie earnest request or promInent members
here and Ilsowhere I heh my rColuton In
abeyance for a little winile , In thc hope that
somothlng could be done wIthout open dIs-
rupton , but recent events hlvo satisfied mo
of tine futility of such hop ! ! . The power of
the SUtlreme president is- , In fact. supremnne.
futmnro eonvcationns aa' '
lie can pack futro , ol'otons
he packed the last 1" Is Dn much
of a despot In his particular province as
the czar of Hussla. Ilu . cln override
the consttuton wih Impunity anti I
charges were preferred against Inimnu his own
appointees would try him ' I 18 useless
to struggle ] against sucH an organization.
! ' the
The discontent Is wldespreal'jhroughout
order. Several of the mosL , peaceful state
botINJ have declned to pay theIr per capita
tax Into the supreme trh1sury or give I any
upport ; others pay just enough to maintain
a 10minal alrglancl to the luprem author-
Ity. 'he need for a new natonal organIza-
ton Is apparent to every one . I can bl oh-
' . for of
talnell with comJlrtve IMI. many
the state organizations . notuiy New York
Massachusetts . Illinois and Ohio . are In ex-
celent condition. " I
I " 'VI there be such an organization ? "
"Tinero IUSt bo If any el\ctve work ] into I
. meld becausJ of
to inn ? dono. I has been off
the fear that ann open rUPlure woull InjurIously -
jurIously affect the growth of the cause , but
It II clear that nothing tOid bo more Injurious -
jurious than thin mSlwr 1nl whih the af-
ral . of the order are at p1csent almlnl8-
tered. " , -
teret. , .
cAMI'AiaS' . iofl' JO'I ' ' . ; ; { " , I"JON ! .
- I
Presliyttrluili ! , , " . . ,
1'Nh'h'rl,1 UIUr . 7 ' h
. ,
'I' " I. . ' Lip t h. ? " , ' lttu I . )
NEW YORK . Nov. S.-On ; ; ' { Mi o Important -
portant foreign nnissionary'nvennents ever
Inaugurated In this co nt'y ' beln In thIs
city on Sunllay 11 l.ehlf : of the foreIgn
missions of the PresbylerUn church. Tine . '
canlalgn " ! culmlnato ne : Friday evening
with 1 grand central m fng In Carnegie
Music mall . The presldng omcer will pos-
sibly bo ex-Presinlent Harrison anti , the
speakers wi Include Johu ' ' . Foster . cx-
secretary of state . who wlt speak on "For-
flgn Missions from the LN'mln's Stand-
point , " and Rev. Dr. Clarke . president of the
United Societies of Christian Endeavor.
PI'omlnent memhers o'f the various e\'angel-
Ical churche will occupy sats on tine pla\-
form. Numerous conspicuous laymen will
ale ho invited. The conmilteo having tine
campaign as It Is called . inn charge conslst
of Rev. 11. S. Van Dyle , : ames hlowdley.
J. H , Davies. J. S. Cambets and Anna P.
Attcrbmnry . all of this city. '
Beginning on Sunday in'ornlng the pastors
of the _ different Presbytfran churches of
this city will deliver sermns upon foreign
missions. The mhlweek s rlce on the following -
lowing Wednesday evenlnl ' will bo devoted
to prayer for foreIgn mls810ns. On tine following -
lowing evening at S o'ciock clntral meotn ! "
wi be hell In five different parts of the
city , which has beE divided Into as many
districts. _ _ _ . _ _ - _
I'art or I lit' Crl' , ' Ir tht SUII.en l'mt
SUI'III..1 tu 1..t 1e"1 Sgmei.
NORFOLK : , \'a. . No\ SDurlng a dense
fog off Sewehl's Point , hl Cinesapealte bar ,
the Norfolk & Washington ' IbiD steamer Newport -
port News this evening rn ' , down and sunk
the tug Kate , belonging , to Captain John
Twohr ! of this city. Th'particumlars . are
mcager. The crew ot UI6 steamer I.oul o.
which was near the sCene : of the accident ,
heard tIne two vessels crash together ali the
cries of the leu In dIstress , but the fog
was so heavy that they w re unable to ren-
lor assistance. When they arrived at ho :
scene of the disaster they founll tine bodies
of the cook anti frem n foatng near the
.sunlen tug. I Is presumed that the remaln-
thur of tine crew of the tug were rescted by
the eteanner whIch proc do to Washington.
(1.11.1. . n..tll'l. front 1"11"1.11
111ADgl.PIIA , Np\ 8.-Compiete : returN -
in the state how
turN from every county !
that n total vote of 738,6O Was cast on Tucs-
day for the republicnon'nend . democratic candl-
dittos for state treasurer lnywarl having
n plurlty of lSUO Il 183. when the peo-
PIe vote for enndllatps for the same otfice .
there were 7t9,35 bale " cuutel , Jackson
rCintmbli000 : . having n rikimruiitY over Osborn .
Ilemocmt , of I3,146. , 11\lralty . when Hust-
togs anti Slngrrl werd tine candidates for
governnor . tine total nllbcr of republican
and deninocrnntic votes cast was 9OS.O5. Governor -
ernor hastings having no ' plurality of 241,397.
\11 UII.I I . loIlUe - ll to Uhnuurl'1. .
NEW YORK Nov. 8.- ' 'cablegram from
merlin to 1 morning' paper says : I has
been otclal ) ' annotmneed today that hi"
majesty contemplateM ertng an Imposing I
monument to Ilsmarek , the staunch sup i
porler of the Imperial dynasty und tine
meal founder of the Implre. "This grnll
tribute of gratitude to the greatest < lplomlt
of the age will Itall'ln Holenuu ut the
entrance ! the great 10\.1 canal , or . al his
. .
majesty / t chllstenl.1 I ar the o\lenlng. \ tint !
Kaiser Wihelm canal .
SUI'ltINI',1 IIrl.r e 'r . \rr..I.
Nfl\\ ' YORK , Nov. , -Tiie polce believe
arrested or tine three
that they have arrestt one
men who nvaded ! " 'lltpr lire ! ' saloon to-
night wIth mesks un ut\1 \ shot . Dck Pope
The man WdK arrested thiS evening , atempt-
lung to pick the cket of : rlel I.acoslley of
Pr\ldence. H. pcket was hea\'I\ ' armed.
lie gives his name 19 1t'mond Iiroy und
says he Is from Hoston .
( . ' \ or t h. . 1"ollu Sunv . cii.
SAllr S'J IAIl ! , Micin. . Nov. 8.-
Sixteen men , comprsing the crel of the
overdue steamer Missoula . given up us lost
early thIs . evening , have just arrived here
In , ufet ) . Tine Mlsloula foundered oft
larrlbou Islaml8. .
IUII..1 IhuN"U " 'Iiilt' h..ul (
NI'W YOHK , Nor . 8.W. - . Codman died
today. The verdict of the coronerl ' jury
was that Mr. Codman killed hhnselr while
tempJurly Insunt' . Decoalll was u rela-
th'o of l'renuinient Cievtianui'a - wife .
SIOW Storm nit iimnrhiuwiomi.
DlIU.INOTON. la. , - heavy
snow storm set In this evening ut 730 : , lIre-
ceded by rain. I I' the first of the season
Naval Oonstrctor Opposed to Intersting
Themselves in Legislntion
StuI I uncut lt time 11.1) ' " \'I.h'lt )
JI"'lruhh' ti its Cuiuts I 1'11'111
Ullh'r 10\'rlleltut C"trul-
tther 'l'oimles HI"'I."ol.
NEV YOH . Nov. S.-Tho Society of
Naval Ar hleets and Marine ' Engineers had
a warm IIEclolonr the Nlcaraluan canal
at to.lay's session of its convention. The
qucston before tine body was the 11roposlton
of presenting a memorial to eongres ' from
tine society asking favorable acton on tin'
NIQrapua canal project sunder the aUSllleH
or an American connnpany and the IJrpJsllon
to present the memorial was defeated by a
vote or 2' to 15.
Admiral Rchart W. Iead ? , U S. N. . was
chairman of a commitee which hat tine matter -
ter In clnargc' and he made the following rePort -
port : "In tine Judgment of this commItee
It would bJ proper to direct the IJrel'dent ! of
this society to alltress such a memorial to
the congress of the United States when the
report of tine Nicaraguan canal comnnmission
appointed by tine pr2sitient or the United
States , Is mate 11ublc. pro\ltel said re-
port Is favorable to the canal. "
The report was accompanied b ) the draft
of a mennuori1 which follows :
"To the lonoraH . the Senate and Iou
of lpprespntatves or tine Unltell States I.
Con less , Assembled : The Society of Naval
Arcinitects and Iarine Eungineers , Incorporated -
rated under the laws of tine state of New
York , Iii convnton assemlell , do hereby
present for the consIderation of your honor-
, ahle body the question of aiding by suitable
lelsla10n. befitting thl magnllle of the
great project any properly organized
American corporaton enpaged or to he en-
gaelt In the task of constructng a phip
canal through the territory of the republic
of NIcaragua.
"It Is useless for the society to remind
your honorable body of the transcendent Importance -
portance to this country of a succeslful pros-
pcuton of such a work. Apart from its
commercial benefit to the entire civilized
woriti It scems to us to promise to the PEO-
pIe of the United Slates tine mean of cement-
log In oven closer unIon than now exists
the seaboard states of the Atlantic and Pa-
cHic of renderIng ono and Indivisible the
ties that bind _ tine extreme cast to the ex- I
teme west anti of jUltylng one of tine mottoes -
toes of this glorIous unIon : 'Esto perpetema. '
"Furthermore , It scems to hold out to
our people engaged In ocean commerce the
prospect of eom\letng \ as of old In American-
built ships , or on more even ternU than
hitherto for the great truths of China. made
possible by the recent struggle between that
country and Japan , and I further promises
to Insure cOb r ties of frlentshlp betwean
ounalves and the Central and Souther
AmerIcan republIcs , giving to this ( country
that predomlnanc1 In tine affairs of the
American continent. whIch by right wp
shou11 have , but which has been jealously
contested hItherto by certain European
"I'or tinase and other rea onl' , wblch
doubtess occur to your honorable bed ) ' , wo
ask m t respectfully that the Nicaragua
Canal company , under th2 control of tine , cit-
Izens ( f thoVnitedState ( ! may "Tcclve at
'yourlants " such c9ntmht1eratl9n ; mtynpatby
'nd. ; lubstaUa' , ald" ns
'you m Yd em d hn' Jgeme . ;
" The oppositfonto.thi9 . m"l orhrw ei
on the ground that ( It was ineJlledl for th
l'Jcllty to Interest itself In legislation , amnd
was led by Charles H. Loring U S. N" re-
In tine absence of ChIef Constructor Philp
Ichborn. U. S. N" , Secretary Wiiam L.
Capps read a. paper In whIch William lch-
horn reviewed the ship building of the
UnIted States navy during the past year .
and drew specIal attention to the conditions
Involved In the design and construction of
war ships In this country and nurged tine
government to seek homogeneity In the
classes of cruisers and battlesinipo.
Papers were read byV. . I' . Stephens on
the "Cnter Board ; " by Prof. WIlam S.
Aldrich on "gnglncerlng Research of tine
Navy ; " by Naval Constructor Albert W.
Stahl on "Experimental Test of the Armored
Silo of the Iowa " and one hy Lieutenant A.
H. Nlblank.U. S. N. . on "Tactical Comn'uiera-
tons In War Ship Dcslgns , " which treated
mainly of the best means of communicatng
between the connll ! tower and othpr parts
of the ship during engagements.
The third annual banquet of the society
was hold tonight In the banquet hal If the
Hotel Druniwlck. Covers were lid for 125
guests. At tine head of the table was Clement -
ont A. Gllseom , prosldent of the society
with : Hear Admiral Meade on his rlgint anti
Charles H. Cramp the shipbuilder . on his
left. The first speaker Introduce(1 ( was Con-
grossman.ehect Amos CummIngs , who responded -
spanned to the toast "The Navy. " Mr.
Cummings said that England spends In one
year on iner navy what we spend In six
y ars. "If we attempt to do the same " he
said , "wo put on a long face and throup
both mantis , but the pe7Plo who do thIs and
prevent our efforts to make a naval &ho\ln !
are our western brethren , who have never
scent the seacoast , and ale indifferent as to
whether or not the coast and its cites bo
attacked bv on enemy. " 'hY. we ought to
spend i- 50OOO.O0O a year on our mnavy. "
Mr. 50.OO.000 referred In a cJmplmentary
manner to Admiral Meado's service In tIne
navy and concluded his remarks by saying
he hoped to soon see Meade back on the
active lst ,
"Tho Merchant Marino" was responlled to
by Admirl Mea < . "The NaVal Reserves "
by Commod Miller of the First 1 battalion.
anti , ether Ipeecbes were by Commolore SI-
card Aaron Vanderbilt . President F. E. Denton -
ton , Chief Engineer Charles ii. Loring and
Webb. I.eter of regret were received from
Secretary of tine Navy Herbert and Assistant
Secretary McAdoo.
"Vnmumtt'ul In III ) ' Stmuteni .
SIOUX FALLS S. D. , Nov. S.-Spoclal.- ( )
, Postal Inspector Fosnes has brought here
, from SIoux CIty a man who gives his name
I as John Miller . who Is being held on suspicion -
picion of being one of the robbers of the
I Madison postotce , Fosnes says that he Is
not sure that Miller Is the man he wants ,
but Is sure ho ls tine man that the authorities
of Iowa Illinois or Missouri want as ho has
been mlxCI up In some crooked work In all
of those states.
- .
tftt'r Ihl' Slot llrhhl ( .
ST. JOSEPH Mo. . Nov. 8.-Speciai.-A ( )
hundred salon kee ers have been arrested ,
on the charge of maintaining gambling de- :
vices the devices being slot machines. Sim-
liar machInes are In nearly all the drug
stores but they do not pay winnings In
inane ) ' . and therefore lo not core under the
the law. The saloon keepers
ban of may
make 1' test calc and carry It to the supreme
court of the state.
HI''O\'rl.t .n"Uu'r I. . ) . .
DETROIT. No\ 8.-The dead body or
Jlmes U. 'Chomas was taken from tine
wreckage of tine Journal bulhln this morn-
log. This Is the thlrtr-seventh hotly recovered -
covered u\11 , according to the limit of mIss-
log. was the Ilst body left In the wreck.
'hompson , engineer of the lnuiluiing . was ar-
r ' ltell this evening and Is at Grace hospital
under custod .
" " \'IU'lt. .r Ot"11.c. . X"N. .
At Uremen-Arrh'ed-Draunlh\\Ig. frol
New York.
At Queenstown-Arrl\ed-Indana. ! from
New York , for 1.1'rpol. '
At New York-Arrh'ed-Columbla. tram
I At iiuli-ArrlVei-4araI . from Phladel-
pIn in .
phil.At 1lvorpool-Arrlved-lndlana. from
A Qhasgov-Arriveti-Lady Palnner from
Newport News.
At Llverpool-Arrived-Roumoro , troD
Baltimore ; Taurlc , from New York ,
Wenther Forecast for St\rn ka-
' Oencral ) ' 1.'nlr. SorlherlyInlb. .
" ,
I. ! Tlrkl'3' 110 iI'nuelmi'ii th. ' liinit.
i ; IIII ( I tiers ell.1 I I n mum t' Hul' i .
IIII I , \rlI"I' I I us lt . .hl I.I nu .
'rlJ..IJ' II I I 11101' ( 'ormi fIeld.
: . IUIlllr" , II" thin i'nuit'immner Stock .
C hue noel lmmr .1,1 ' 1.111 I I t'llr'gl tllll"t t mu
Y . I. ( ' . A . ! tntl' I t t'OI\'I'1111 t .51 . 'I'lo.
: . ( unit imti'mu lint t e ( 'in ' m' I' it for " I I "lrllt. :
. . l'nmr'mu iItt'rtmtturt' .
I tninmnt'immuity or time 110'rltlrl'
Illrl\1 I' in luut'uo ins IIIHI'U. I I
.i . 1.ltlrlll : i t 1111 ( ' 4) III Iii " 'mut .
Zn. Illt Oumt nut's ' 1111 ( iiuis Ih u'r
Ihllrli Sun ' r Illll" l'llt' I.
. ' . ' th. I , St I im I : i t't' t iomn.
I.lh'ot ! Iglr.'o nut I I' tll. lh't'lol.
( I. t'CII'1 I Ilnlo " ot'nml 11\I'r" I t ,
, 'lrl.lm ! 1rl'll ( 'nun Ct St , Ihlli.
7. e.mll'r"llt Inl 1'I"nl'lll. I
1101111 \ h'w itt thl . \.1' .
I. 1"1)1' I lie I ' , m rgi'r I 'lumitily " "ul.l. .
A 1 , rt , J imhm hilton 1111 th. I i "llln I I ,
' IIIInllt ( lets 1 "Irl.r Orll ,
S"I.t.r t 1.lllg. ' I..n.t " 'non t eull.
I 0. Ilfc nit 11lrlll : itunu-of-fluir.
Mstcry ( 'ommcu'rnuiuig III" ' ) " .
II. ! hlllurn , Ill ! lt 1111. iiunrgitirmu .
1"1"1 QII'I'1 lt t lie C ii umnbit'rmu .
12. IIIIIM C ton c , II II rrllJI' '
, \.I.gX I. : 'I'II'IDI.\X IS 1) V i NIl : .
gl.1 .r ( lit' AI..I ! tnh'111 (11 lIe
la'fu.rrt'4 hiI I I.l.ur" .
COLU IUS. 0. . No\ 8.-Aliens O. Thur-
lan fell all hurt hlmsllf anti la not ex-
pectell to recover.
On Friday evening last Judge Thurman
hall time fall whih rosulet In a serlou Injury -
jury to his hip. No boom ! helng broken antI
his consttuton ieimng so wonlerful ! strong
lel to the belief that he woult soon regain
his accustomel inealtim. The erect of tine
neVOUH shock appeal ell to have passcl
away anti Tuesela alI ) Ineby he hall
Improvel so unnmncin tlntt huts iin'siciamns anti
friemitis tinonnghnt he would nnnnnioubtedly get
up ingaunn inn a short timnte. Yestcrtiay , mow-
ever , a severe relninse occtnrreti anti timere is
today btnt little mope that lie cant recover.
ills vigorous constituntiont nnnay yet mmli mint
tlnronngmn , but tint' chances are all agaiunst ininnt.
This information connes froumn nenthers of time
Mr. Timurnnan was alone in tine parlor
winen lie fell. lie thnotiglut inc Was strong
cnonmgh to walk to the library anti back to
hIs chair. In returmning to his chair ins fell.
Juulgt ? Thntnrnnnan was snntferinng conmitlerainly
tcmniglnt front time Injury to ini lnip , bunt
etlnerwiee Is better , mnavhng tinily recovered
ccneciotnsneeit. lIe is abie to tunKe enotmrnen- !
unnemnt and ntay survive for several days or
Cuimu ru lug tlii itt't incus.
DENVER. Nov. 8.-Tine itnmtmtion politi-
eally remains tunnchangett. The retmnrnts fronn
the cotnnty electioun reutituini lockoni Inn tine
county clerk's oilico. wmnile representnttive
of moon the renntnblieafl tnmnl tnxpayere' tick-
e'ts keep constnnnt guard to .ee tinttt the\ '
are nnot tamutlnereti with. Counnty Clerk I. FL
Itert uieclintes to nlow nny to ice tue
uigmmren' . hint says Inc Inns no initmrntlit > ' out tine
face of the rt'turnns of 102. Frientis of mint
oppomnent , (1. .1. Kittdi-'ll. .ay they ln"Ievu'
the rottnrfls am' framnninnient. anti tinat a "gal
contentt wll in' fileti na snoun niH ( lie oilieial
cttni'ntn's is made , vltlclt will be sounno time
mtext vcek. Tine law pro'des that the "run-
vase nhmmll inc ntatlum by tlno c'r'rk anti two
justices of Ihuc' pemnctt , but it is rtntnom'eii tinat
ant effort will be made to lnsvc tine work
ilone' by tIne judges of the , dittrict cOtnf't.
TmC ) partiea in Interest decliie to state their
Intern loflejin Lhinimat.t r.- , , , , , , , , ' - . .
' Z. ; . . . ' - -
. ( ) mniulnnitMnIKIiiCdTut *
1CA'1AS CIP1'"K V , 8. niorttnbouJii' '
freIgint train oh the Miiiui'dri ' Pacflc' ! rasni
was wrecked tnt flamapo siding , two miles
nortin of here. at 9 o'clock , A tramp , who
want steallnng a ride 'on tine train , want in-
itantly klhcd. The train huroke in two at
the stnmmit of it steep grade. When the
engineer CtOiiteti at flannapo , tine lOose see-
tion of hint tnmnin'crasinetl ulown upon tIne ( or-
warti section , emnuinsining everal cars to
sphinten' anti ktileti the tramp , wino ivas out
the bumpers. An tnttposted letter itui(1resed
to Mrs. Many FL DeWitt , 1SOS Sotntit Sbc-
teenth street , Omainnn , Nein. , anti smgnett an.
M. leWTitt , was found in tito cieaml nttamt'mu
pocket. The trtnimnnncn escaped innjimry.
Mrs. Itunsi Is limii nit It't.ut.
LOUISVhI1i. Noi. 8.-The remains of
the late tirn' . J. Ii. Eustis , i'ite of tIne nnmn-
luasmtdor to France , arrived lucre front
Europe tinis afternoon. Tine party ac'om-
panyinig tIne remains was mt't at the mmeniomn
tlCiOt my Mr. nn'l Mrs. N. hiuckner anti Miss
ilustis of New Orleans , mind frlerndtm of tine
fnimitily inn tinis city. Tine hotly was con-
veycti to Cmvi' lull cemetery , where tint' In.
ternnennt toale place. The Fervices at tine
grave were u'imnplo nnui were contitieteti in
a heart' nmtin. Antiong tine nanny hemtutitnml
flortul tributes placetl on the grave were rev-
crmni nieces mlesipnnetl at tine request of tine
American Chamber of Commerce inn l'uris.
Cit mmii' In lCitnsnus for ann A roiiult'um'inn.
PIIILAIIILI'IiIA , Nov. 8.-itev. Cyrus T.
Brady , rector of St. i'aul'ne cintnrcin , Mann-
hnattninn , Kant. , nrelnnlemicont of iCmnnsamt , tvmts
niamed my Itisinop W'inittttker totinty to imc'
mtrchntlt'acofl for tin' dio'ese of Peimntuyivtniti.
The nrcinuln'rmcont'iniP is nun iniimnt'nntumni mod-
lion , witin mm cenlitmy of $ , ( OO anti expennes.
A clergymnait zncuiunainteil with tine ntitmnation
ativanced tIne oiuinionn that tine conntentloen
between rival cunmntliduttt's for uillce' count-
peilt'ui the mishap , for tine sake of httrinonv ,
to hook omnteitle of the diocese ( or a ntuittube
tuetqnnl. itt" , ' . 2ir. Brady ivill rnrrlve inn time
'it'y In a few tiiys to tnke : cmnango of tine
lnost. _ - _ _ _ p _ _ _
lui remmnmi's Sent tt'nmeu' leferm't'uI.
SAN FRANCISCO , Ntw. 8.-Theotiore
Durrant was taken from tine county jmtui to
ttte snmperior court today for muentemuco for
the ntuurder of lnlnnrnt'hno Lntminont. Tine count
granted en conntinmunannce utntii Novennler 2 ,
nut thin request of the prisoni'i'nm euntornicys ,
Wino mlen'ired two weeks in wInk it to lurtluntre
a miiotittfl ninth inrocuro mmIildn'its fat' nL ness'
tritti. 'l'ite' cmnarge migitlnet IMnrn aunt for tine
numnruier of slinnnnieVliiiannsu wits , on nntotiont
of tine district etitoritey. continmmeti litulcii-
nnitc'ly. i large crnsvd asvaitn'ni tine arrival
of the prisoner mit the mucus' city hail , but no
eiemonnntm'ation was made.
'En'.muilit' Iircw'i nug .t miuloig IiI. lit its ,
KANSAS CITY. Sos' . 8.--A epecial to tIne
, Tournttl from Vina. I. T. , says : t nncssagt ,
front TtnmnietiUait states tinat innnncin excitement -
mont tmnti intense feeling tr'tween liohitial
factions inn the ( 'hemoket' mnationi tire prevaIl-
lag , anti iiotndsined will resunit unless coon-
Promiteti. The cofltiititmit4 nnrc' sinnttintr to
those of eigitt years ago , winenu many nrnen
were killeul. Thu nnatiotnal party is contesting -
ing tine e'ieetIon of Sam Mayes as chief on
the Downing ticket mod tint' Innllaninu nra
collecting in tIne capttti : armed to tine teeth ,
determined to mini tinein' frlc'ntis.
( Irmu mul , luuror S'nmt Uni for Ctuuit.iiluE ,
SAN FItANC'IS'O ( , Nov. 8-United States
Grand Juror II. C. Stmntmnterlna'es , accusetl
of having disclosed certunln testintony taken
before the feultnrmni grmmnmi ltmrv In the investi-
gallon of the elniurges of nuntlmltiationm of' , suborunatimin of iterjury , etc. ,
mngalnst ilne pruntclpai'4 until w'iinneses in tine
Freennann.\'cHtintgmiOt' Inmntemnt case , was
found guilty tcntiay of t'anttt'tnpt of counrt anti
want umententeeti by Jutigo Morrow to six
momntlne in the county mu witinout tine alternatIve -
natIve of a 11mw , anti was also severely reinrl.
onanded by the court.
Ni' un Stt'n ninnuhil ii LI inc ( mm iImnn'oist' .
PENSACOLA. Fmn. , Nos' . 8.-I'ennsacola
celbrateti today tine inauguration of a ntess'
steinmtinii ) line front this port to Liverpool.
Tine hitte Inn inatmguratetl by line houisvihitt &
Nasinvihic itailn'onn't eomnpmnnmy. winicin is mow
etpentiing here $ lt.O.OJ ( In extentiimng its
wharves , tnLnilding ness ss'ar'hnouses nnn'i in-
encasing its facilities ( Or loatHing 'een'e'lum
with cotton amul gnioimu. FIve ntemmnernu wilt
be disinutcheti for livorruinl tnontinly. Tine
first steamer of tine line ivili sail tomorrow
wiiin a full cnno of touon , tobacco , t. rn
antI hour. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sluinut 11mg % 'uus iii S.l C.iu'fi'im mm' ,
TOPI1CA. Nov. 8.-A n'pccittl to tine 'op-
ital from Lyeneinn , Knnn. , says : Dr. It. Ii.
Mulhings of % , Coffey coumnty. a nnu'Ilnew
of John U , Cnmrlisle. se'en'ettnry of line tresa.
u.'ry , after a two days' trial , ss'as tininu utter.
noon acqulttetl of tine eln.nrgc of mnnurdering
J. v , Blake ant the utfternoonn of le'eennber
27 , 1694 , in a joint at Arvonia. Thut shootling
was in 'lC-dofemnee , Blake heaves a wtfe
and several chlieirtn ,
Albert Applegato Shot anti Killeti by an
Unknown Man ,
iu'numl iii. mm 'i'lmoumgtit to lii' dli. ' 'lt'hiisi
ill ii S'rummmg'ml ii musliam mmmi's % 'm'in-
gi'nunIi'e , .t I I iiuuigli 1,1 I I Ic it.
i'usi I I tel ) it mnots ii ,
WILSONViLIfl , Nob. , Nor , S.-Spcclal (
Teicgramnn.-Albt'rt ) Majors of Ievlzu's , eiglnt
nmniiemu sonutin of lucre , came to townn tinis
nnnornning annul tolnl it tale of a coolly inianinned
anntl cxecmntcnl nmnumrder tinat eccumrreui at tinat ,
place at about smntnrise this mornnimng. Tim
facts inn tine cite , as related , are tlnese :
Last cvemulmng a mutant tmmnknouvnn in tIne nolgin-
borimootl of ievizes calieti at tine monte of
Joinmn Nelnmmn anal innuitnireti for Albert Apple-
gate , saylmng lie tras an otti frienntl of his
aumtl titat me mail known inimmn out tine range
itt COloratio. lie stayed ts'itii Nelson last ,
tngint ! , bunt did mnot give mis mnanne. Tints
imnorninng early lie starteti for tine fleiti near
by , where Appiegnite was inuskitng cant , Thus
ii'.nppottitiomns of tinose wino fommnntl tine hotly nra
tinat tine untunruherer seneaketl inpon mint victim
in a thaw which ran very near where hno
Stan huskIng anti connitniettcenl fining when
Ito hail reached shtootinng distance. Apple-
gate , after tint first elnot , is snninposed te
muSe mleciuleti to clinch tine umnaun annd started
for mint , innmhlinng mint coat ant Inc rain. F'tnur
mtinots wt're timed , bunt tinat omne strnnck inimnn-
the fnttnui sinot.-junst ins hue reacineti the tntmr-
derer itt lemnowin front the fact that hula fnnco
s.mnu ; ltanlly bnnrrneti ivitin pownler. Tine tinot.
tttrtnck Intuit Just below time ciunnek inane , caus
inn g I unstamnt tlenn tin ,
ito 'vita fotnmnnl a malt Iuonnr later my Albert.
anti liennry Majors nnuul Vn'Ihl and Julio Nelson
mmmii carricui to tIne inonnne of tine limiter , Tine
connnntry is lnoImng nicomnred harnnteui men.
No onne knnows wino limo nnnmmrtierer was or
tine cause for tine crinnte , hint Ito is SuInpOseti
to ho a nmtann witin wimomnn Ainnlcgate luau inati
tronnblo wlnile living inn Colorado. lie told
Mmujors last ennnnnnner thmint hue lund caunseui tine
eeparatinnn of mm nntann mnunti mint ivlfo Inn Cole-
ratio , nnntl tine lnumsbanntl Innuui eworn to follos-
mutt aetti kilt intuit It it took twemnty years.
'fine mutant ss'iuo connmmtnitieti time , ulecul is l'robably
tine anne wino minI voweul vemngi'nnct' . lie inca
meyer been seen nltnce tine nnnnnrder was coin-
mnnltteti. Anuiegmtto is welt kmnownn mere as a.
sober , intiustriotns mmututn.
- _ _ _ _
S'i'OIt ! Ci iiStS pmln1L5 IliJlt'F.
Si. 'nu ( lii' thu i'yliu miii lit nnuisi uk' Aftect
iliumuumt'if . ' .inii' ,
ChICAGO , Nov. 8.-Tine Iatly News' W'astn- .
Inngton eltecial says : Sennator Gilnian today ,
tiiscusainng tine euminject of mis defeat , said ;
Tinee mat beenn no exaggeration in , fine state-
mnnent that uho ilgint was against Semnator Gor-
unnan. Tine eleciictnn of Ilnmrst was but an in-
citlent in the ireat lnattle. Thin fight was be-
tweemn thco sviuo favored tins W'IIsont bill anti
those \s'ino inelieveni the eenntnte diti right. in
elnatnginng tln measmnre. Bunt far ( liii tine
stab woumiti inure gone democratic , and I
wotnlmi mayo lneon retmnrnetl to tine senate. I
mayo suffered defeat nnmnro than ninny one else.
'rune PeoPle inatl it. in for timeir seunttors , amnd
my hnold-up caine first , and of course I was
mit. Senator Gormmnan Inas met been inunrt. lie
is str.onglyeatrcaclneti , Inn , tnobenate. , , hi Is
lie. does.notconmne'up ' .1 '
attthbefO tiat , ' '
fic lr to inimn Iilcuiiiackbirda to"ni tree 'with y
fet'llnngs of greater gratification annd pride in
himm iinamt they maul winen lie saved tine country -
try from the force bill. "
mCi1N'I'I'Cn " ll1GISi.i'rtJIiI t. 'viii
% citli.'r I'umrt y limis mu lmnJorit y on , IoInntt'
ilnu lint.
LOUISVILLE , Nov. 8.-Tine EvenIng Post.
says tinat ( tie general assemnnbly ivili be a tic
when It meets , and tine elcctlon of a ammo-
ccst'or to Senator Blacieburmn Is a nnnnmtter at
Tine demntocrats have 68 votes and one demo-
cnatic-poptmlist vote , ntakinng a total of 69.
Tine rlnubhicanns will have CS anti omno republican -
lican aiiianco vote , ummalcimig a totnnl of 69.
'line republicans claint that tine lieutenant
governor , Worthningtcnmn , will have tine the-
cidvO vote , titU8 innsurlnng tinemnn ( Ito senator-
slUt ) . Tinlun inn am error , however , as the
iietnteninmnt governor , as presiding officer of
tine sennate , ennunnot vote inn joint ballot.
A special to the lIvenIng Post from Dan-
s'llle , Ky. , utsys : lion. JoInt W' . Yerkes , chair-
mtnan of tIne repnnblican state' cemntrai committee -
tee , tommy announces tinat mo will not allow
mis inaumno to he prescmntcd for United States
lICCiNt iN iIii1 lii'i'itIi'i' ItUINS.
its. , ) 5iore ilumil it's 'I'muicin ( ) nmt of time
U a'lu , ' i p4.
DlITltOIT , Nov. 8.-The walls amijcimng tine
wrecked portion of line Jomnrnnal hmuiitiing have
been braced , anti tine work of digging in tine
rubs progresses rapidly nnnnmi with mm greater
degree o Eufet ) ' .
Two bodice svere taken out tini , nnnormilng.
Tiney were those of Lizzie Weidbuscin , em-
lnloyetl in illhier's hintiery , amid CinarJemu Lind
age'i 20 , ahic unit emmninloye of tine bindery ,
Several persons are Still mnuissing , limit it is cx-
pecteti ( mat all will be recovered before muight ,
A mmnass macdung has been calleul for to-
macnow nigint It ) tkti steps for line relief at
the famnuilicut of tine deani. Several popnnlar
sulnscriptiOfln mayo nulso berm started , annul a
genterouus rosinonee is hjc'imng made.
I'rosectitltig Atten nney Frazer mae ordered
tIne murrettt of limnglmneer 'uinonnpscn : of tIne
wrecked tnuiitiirng.
- ' - - -
SAYS , , : ; % : ; Cl.tI ) ( ii' IT. .
.1. Stt'ri inmg MortoniAgum I ii Sn.t'nlc , . z , ,
hit' a'rt'nuI.ieii t.
ChICAGO. Nov. 8.-The Daily News ,
\\'asinimngtofl special aa's : Tinero is much
connunient 'among oiflcchnoltlera today on an
interviess' with Secretary Mortomn lnrlnted In
several morning newspapers. The interview
was prepared by time secretary annd given to
( hue press mis last nigint. 'limo surprisIng
featmnre Is thnat Ito assumnmes to speak for the
presidemnt aunti sinews lively sat1sfaction at
dennocratlo tisfeat Inn several states. Once
before tine prcsitiemnt mae scent fit to publicly
tlitclainni any res7nomnsiiniiity for the utterances
of Secretary Morton , mend ofliceinolde'rs are
pretiieinng that hue ins ) ' call tine secretary ot
agricinltmnr'i to sinanp account for the fre-
quenty : of hula interviews.
CimrlstlnnniVoriermm' rout , cnn t inn ,
NR\V IIAVRN , Coon. , Nov. 8.-The second
dy' session of the Cinrimtian'workernm' convention -
vention openned with an innercareni attendance ,
Ii. Ii. ( lidbud of Syracuse , N. Y. , conducted
"A CinribtianVorlen's' ' 1 rainIng ClassMrs.
J. It. Pardock of Cinesinire nnade an address
on "First Aid to tine Injunreti as an Auxii-
iary tim Cluriatian'ork , " Rev. II. II. flying-
ton tnt iirooklyn spoke on 'OInen Aid \Vork In
Emnglannti anti America , ' ' anti following thIs
11ev. John C. Collins , 11ev. Mr. lihnorter ot
Sauit Ste. MarIe , MIch. , ninth Rev. Mr , Gillette -
lotte of liartforti related their experience In
gospel wagon ) sork , wlnicin they salui 1usd done
a great deal of good.
- -
liie Un. . ii i ( ihht'd I ii ii ru'ek ,
CINCiNN\Ti. Nov. S.- Freight No. 2 $ on
tine 1Ci'mntticiY Central division of tine Louis.
yule & Nasunviiic raiiway ns'as wrecked at 3
a. nun. today by unit ojen swItch at Morning
View , mieveunteenn miles front ( 'inclnnati ,
Wllilanit Iletisen , svtno ss'as lit a box car with
I flungenno Leigh's valuainle yerhInnn , Was
I kiietl ! 'fine race imorsent ss en a nnom seriously
hurt. te'en cars tiers uienmnoiutlted , unclothing
five tilled nlnh liege , imiot of ss lunch were
killed. The irsck cleared at noon , Then
trainnuneti escaped s ' in aiIint immjnnriei ,
- - - - - -