- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ w - - - - - - - - - V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - V - - - _ I - - - - ; - - - - V- V : - - - - - - - ' y-- - - - - - --V I S I' S - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE OlfAIlA .AILY _ nEl : "rJDDN1J1SDAY , 1OY1rHBU : 0 , 1Sf ) J. _ _ _ _ _ t LINE WItL' \ CO TO A SALE . . . - Central Trust .Oompany Wins Against the I Bt. Joseph and Grand Island DECREE OF FORECLOSURE TO BE ENTERED - AUCUIIII 'n ' lie 1f1l.1 nt tlllllfllI I 1I Of'I.lIt 111111 1'lIur IIIIIIIII . ' I..t lie . ' hid - 11I"'r"IIUII" , l'oillt It. I l'II1111c.1 011. . In the decision rentlered yesterday \ _ 'C1e ) k case oC the Centrlll Trust company against the St. Joseph & Granl ! Island Railroad com- Pan , In which the Central Trust company wished to foreclose on the first mortgae ! bonds , there was a point decided which has nol before been clearly decided In the history - tory of railway IIl1gatlon. The points In question were I1R to whether the proceedings hal ! been Irregular or nol In the matter of neUce , and the further Iluestlon as to whether the mortgagees have the right to foreclose t without waiting a certain length of time t when there Is a clause the mortgage which stipulates thaI thaI certain length oC time ) hall have elupsed after the last default In It payment ot Interest or payment oC principal , or both , before foreclosure proeeedlnls can be eutered upon. This latter clause Is the . I one Which Is ot not ! ! ' , for many of the mort , , gages ot railroads : stipulate that foreclosure cannot IJe entered upon before six months shall have elapsed after the last payment has become due and unpaid In this particu- . lar Judge Sanborn ruled thaI IL was a stipu- I latlen which was Irregular and of no forc ! , and that foreclosure proetedlnrs ; can be begun - gun : al any time after there has been a default - fault In payment of the Interest on the bonds or ot the principal when due The whole of the mornng session was given to arguing ; ! the evidence \ as brought ' nut In lI1'noRltlnns taken III New York last - - - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n.n \ I : iiiy ; : P. H : . Pendleton. ; ; attorney for the I I Aeceml mortgage bondholders representing $1.680,000 of honds al a marllel value oC \ about G per cent. Intervened In the case , I \ arguing for more tlllle In the hope that there . might be some chung In affairs which would \ enhance the value of the bonds. lie argued f thaI the proceolInls , were Irregular for the I reason that there hal ( not been : ! due demand , \ male for the payment ot the interest and \ thaI on that account there had been a I ( neglect of the rIghts at the holders of the 1 second mortgage bonds. The first argument f was as to whether or not the Central Trust company was II duly appointed agent of the railroad for the payment of the Intere1t. I The depositions tallen In Nuw York showed , that there was nn record obtainable which showed conclusively thaI the 'fl'ust COlli' pany hall haen appointed the agent the V \ only evIdence In this regard being a con- tract or traffic agreement ; tween the Grand I Island line and the Union Pacific tn which \ the Grand Island line stipulated that there ( Ghaulrl be placed In some depository In Now f J York , to be selected by the trustees or the , first morlgare lends , $3.000 : ; per month for I f the payment oC the Ina'rest of the bonds , , and that the trustEes of the bonds should 'C ' have tile naming of the Mposltory. In regard - \ , gard to thIs , the judge ruled that the Central - h . tral Trust company was the agent as Il I : lied ben so recognized for a term of years , i and that the people had learn d that there their coupons would bo cashed whenever , there were funlo , for them. And hence ! ! \l \ , was thaI when the attorney for the second bondholders argued thaI there had been c I no duo delllnJ1l1 for pa"lIIenl served ( as prescribed In the mortgage ; the judge ruled , \ that there had been due demand , even though ' II hal , nol been : tn wrIting as stipulated In 1 it' ? the mortgage for the article In the mort- ) gage which 11rescrlbed that there could be " no forl'elosure without written demand on the COlllpa.'IY for the payment of the moneys due was of no validity. S S The decree was not entered for the reason thaI the judge wh'hed to look II over more closely before signIng It ; but It was \lIIder- t stood batween ! the attorneys . Pendleton and l Calhoun and b'trauss that In the amount , which woull have to be pall for redemption sholld be Included not only the value oC the bonds at their face vaitie but also the amount j of tile accrued interest amounting II all to about TSOOOO , The place oC mle at pub- ? lie auction was fixed as the depot at Hasl- hugs . Neb . and the lowest bid which will bo l entered will bo . $ 1,000,000 the bidder to deposit . post ! $100,000. ACer the rendering of the decision At- , torno3' P"ndl.ton wished to have some ar- , rnGemenl made whereby the holders of I s the second mortgage bonds would have the right to bil wIth the understanding that theIr bonds would be honored 10 the amount te which they would be entitled In the final Ipportonmcnl of the results of the sale Upon this poInt Attorneys Calhoun and Strauss entered the protest that luch a re- quest should havt been entered In a cross bill . and , that there had been ample oppor- ! tuniy for the ( filing of the cross bill . all that 1 consequently I shouhl hot bo recognized the decree. The judge held that II would make little If any difference whether 'ueh a I request were granted ! or not . as the second holders would receive their due apportionment - mont I there should be anything to appor- ton them. 'fhe holders of the second inert- gage have t\enty days Iii which to appeal . and that with the time to be consumed In advertisement wIl give nol lese than two months for redemptIon. . ' V A. G. Butley of Magic 1. . . writes : "I fe1 Il a duty of mine to Inform you and the ILb1lC that DeWItt's Witch Iazel Salvo cured ml ot a very bad care oC eczema. I also cured my boy oC a running sore on his leg. . JXCUUSIOX - TO CAl.1l'ORNIA. I Through 'l'IrlMt SI"'IluCur to 1.0" . , 4ilrteil'N. t Leaves Omaha E\EltY FItIDAY at 1:40 : p. I m. , via lhe CIC.\GO. HOCK ISI.AND & ! I'ACI"I Ri " ali runs ' 'ltUGI \\'ITII- OUT CIANGE to LOS AN ( LI S. Thpse ( excursions arc IEHSONAI.I . CONDUCTED by a represertatvo of the l'IiILLII'S HOCK ISLANI ) ExcursIon Co. . and run via Colorado Springs Pueblo , Leadvie , Glenwood . SaIL Iabe Ogden and Sacramento. For rates or sleeping reservations cal at "HOCK IS- LAND" Ticket Olce , 1602 F'arnam st. , or ad- des Jno. Sebstan. Chas. Kennedy , G. T. & 1' . A. , Chtcago. . G. N-W , It A. . Omaha " 'hl' n 1..I..ut Snld . I I have lived here In Mississippi a little over ten years anti , have enjoyed good health all that time , and have known others who Cll10 hero wih poor health . but becale healthy and btrong. I consider this part oC Mississippi very healthy. A9 I' farmIng country and for stock rising and , for truck- raisIng I Is hard to beat. We have the finest of native grasses here for pasture on which stock thrIves and get very fat. , Our clm'\lo I" so mild that stock can : be l raised much cheaper than In the cold climate ot the north , where they have to feed EO long. I have grown red clover for five or six years and lave proved II to bo a sueceu tn this country beyond a doubt . The mInt crop , pays fully as wel here as In Michigan. We have good schools and churches all over the country In every neighborhood and hero the society Is good Political liberties are Just the sale lucre as II Illinois and oio- where I um 1 third party uzian . or have been. - . . - . - I was ralseu I uauesgurg I"nox county , Illinois . and , have spent a Ito ( line In ! lE , sourl and Kansas I hare farmed In oil of these states a 11 I believe thIs ts the b3ot : olnl'y for 0 lucia of moderato nltr.n a 1,1 , Ienty of grit. YOU csn lep Orchard 10mII yourself and 3ec"10 on Its merIts for the trip costs you aothlng I you buy. No one can understaml the favorable situation and chances for suc- HU offered by this Orchard Homes section aplcsl he , lU ) thin grounl. , Parties ic.uve 'ery few lhr' George W. AuuIe. generui leol. 1CI7 I.'srnam street , Omaha , Neb .t l'rh'U",1 ' : ' ( Iiutrnett'e' Is one } \'ho enjoys privileges not granted to others . Such Is dvlY trav-ler via the 1non : Pacific "Overland Haute" \0 Colorado , Utah and CalifornIa. A _ few ot the privileges : You get there quicker Yon have no change ot can. Through Pullman : Sleepers slut mnlog Cars , l Trains bested br Iteam and lighted wlh I IInt8cl Ligh \ . A. C IH N. it City Pas & Ticket Agl. , 130 Vauiun St , . _ _ a ; I'a"nnl t Columbia Metal rb. . Crou Gun Co. LI - V V.\UXBUIWH IJXn'ICI1 (1Il'I' , i'.ibiic 1.lhr"r ) ' 111,11 I , " 1'lrlllT i ' 1' " r 11.1 h'f'r ti ' 1 f. CI ) ' , JITTSDUlO , Nov. G.-Thi was Pittsburg's great day The city not only receIved the magnificent sit at a UOOO.OOO library , musIc hal and art gallery from the equally \Jrou(1 ( donor , Mr. Andrew Carnegie , but the pleasing announcement was made that Mr. Carnegie would endow the ort ; gallery with $1.000,000 , and ( alr proposed erecting for the greater PIlsburg free libraries . bulhlnss at Duquesne , Carnegie and ilomesteatl. . The dedicatory exercises took place In the ( musIc hal ot the new building . which was packed to the walls by the most representa- . tire gatherIng ever seen In the ( Iron el ) . The exerclles opened with an organ prelude by Frederick , Archer. Itight Hev. Bishop Courtlandl offered prayer. The Mozart club , under , the direction of J. 1' . lcColum , fol- lo\ell the ( invocation , rendering the choruses "Hoses Strew We for His Footsteps " by HoCman , and "Songs of the ( VikIngs , " by I'annlng. On behalf ot the bord ot trustees Presl- dent \V. N. Frew made the openIng address Introducing ! lr. Carnegie , who , In a brief address , formally turned over his magnificent gift to the Ileople , delivering the keys Into the custody oC the trusteeS. In the ( course ot his remarks he stated that he would give $1,000.000 as an elJownmenl fund to the art gallery , the Interest ! to be tired In the purchase of works or art all that ho would ale erect libraries al Carnegie , Duquesne anti Homestead. ant Addresses by Governor Daniel hastings , on behalf ot the ( commonwealth , and Mayor D. : McKenna on behalf oC the city . fohiowefi. The closing address was delivered by Con- grossman John 1)alzehi. At the conclusion of the exercises an informal - formal reception was tendered Mr. and Irs. Carnegie In the main room of the art gal ry. The building presented ! to the city ' today was erected at a cost of $800.000 , the site having been purchased by the cl ) ' . Six branch libraries are yet to be built In varIous parts of the cl ) for which Mr. Carnegie has set aside $ OOOOO. This , with the en- dowmenl of $1,000,000 to the art gallery , malles the sum of $2.100.000 donated : to Pitts- burg by Mr. Carnelle. At iir,1s 'I'h'uh'r X'mh'r 1 .1. Archhlshol ) Ircland's lecture I , "Our Countr ) " Boxes ant special resarved seals at special prIces are for sale at the box ofce of Bo'd's theater. Those holding regular : \Imlsslon tickets may obtain a special reserved - served seat at the box ofce by exchanging their tickets for a ipoclal reserved seat ticket , and paying the extra. Those holdIng regular adml310n tickets lay obtain regular reserved - served seats al the box office or the theater aCtor 9 o'clock November 13. -V Dra NIchols & Nichols , special attention tl diseases oC women and . children . 103 Farnam , \1.1. Jg JCln o IX I'ICIVA'l'Fi. I I , t rrzi ligezi. ( VII t N frdi&Q . Pun'r,1 of the / 1.1 t. . gu/.I. . 1'lcll. CHICAGO , Nov. 5.-Tho arrangements for the funeral ot flugeno Field have been com- pleted. Services wi ba held at the Fourth Presbyterian church Wednesday at 2 p. m HeY. Dr Frank W. Gunalaus will otficiate . assisted by Hev. Frank M. Drlstol Addresses - dresses will bo made by Itev. Dr.V. ' . M. Stryller and lon , Luther Lafn MIlls. The honorary pal bearers will be : Victor E. Lawson 11. I Kohlsaat Frank II. lead , Harry G. Sehiridge n. A. WaIler , Miward Adams F. Wiis flee. I N. Irlnbolham ; ; P. J. H. SIlf. ,1 P. handy , II. C. Chatfie\ Taylor and MelvIlle E. Slone. The active bal bearers have been selected from among out newspaper assocIates of "Ir. Field , as follows : hart Taylor , E. D. Winslow Charles M. Fayc Collins Shackelford , C. A. Macdonald and J. W Ihiltinan. The Inter- menl wIll be at Graccland cemetery and will be In prlmte. ChICAGO . Nov. 5.-At a memorIal meetIng In memory of Eugene Field . held al the Press club this morning , the following resolutions were adopted : "The Prese club ot Chicago teslles to express its sorrow over the death at Eugene Field His was a nature rich In all those attributes whIch make a man oC marl . compelling universal love and ropecl 1 and admiraton , In the death at Eugene ' Field the literary world has lost a man who In national and international appreciation has attaIned , the widest distinction. l'os- sessol : of the highest mental gifts , he was In his personal education the plainest of men. Ills perceptIons were quick to distinguish between - lween right and wrong In Individuals and movements. 10 was loyal to his friends and gentle to his critcs , Ho was a clean , suc- eessfnl , brilliant man a perfect husband and father. Ills death Is not the loss ol his perscnal frlendE atone but of Chicago and the world Ito taught the good and taught I fascinatingly. lie was as brave ae the bravest In hl3 opinions and as gentle as a wOlan In his allowances toward those wah whol he ( littered. Eugene leld's name will lire In the ( degree tn which the people loved him his love was that which never fails ot reciprocity ; his heart went out to that whIch moat appeals to humanity-ciiiidhoocl. Ills name hal won a place In every house ! . holds a pInel which I will leeep as long as children prattle and mothers . tel them tales " DeWW's Little Early Risers cure Indt- "eston end bad breath. . IIURLINC.'VON ItOU'l'FI. FnHtcr 'l'Ijie tl Kn".nH Clt. New time card In operation-schedule to St. Joe and Kansas City quickened-over an hour. V The Burlington's 9:18 : a. m. train Is now over an hour faster than ( lie day train oC any oth'r ! line to Kansas City : forty minutes Caster to Atchlzoii . fifty minutes to Leaven- worth : three hours to St. J00. The evening train ( for St. Joe and Kansas ety still leaves the Union depot at 11:45 : 1 m. Fastest and but night train for all points south City ticket office 1321 Farnam strit . M.iIN'I'AISS . IllS IXXOC . CI"yl.1I. . . . . l1ii Coil , . d'rer ci. Attr..Hel DAN\'ILI.E. Ind. , Nov. 5.-At 11:30 : today , He\ \llam g. Hinshaw , convIcted of wife murder . was brought Into court to be sen- tenced. Judge Hadley asked : "Have you a .thlng to say before sentence Is pronounced upon you ? " Henshaw's voice trrnbled as 110 spcle and I seele,1 al times as If he would break tlown. The women In the audience Ct let , theIr sobg being the only sounds that broke the "lenee when ho spoke. " 1 to not arise to discuss the evidence or to add to what has been saId durIng the trial. I earnestly desired to go upon the stand In 1) own behalf. I now raise my voice as my sacred rIght to seal for mY5 I. And I wanl Il understood that there Is not any smouldering fire In my breast against any nnn. There I no spark or revenge , no un- kind word for any friend. I wish to employ these Cow precious moment with other thlnls. The jury says I mini guil ) ' , They say I 11 the playmate of m ) ' youth . the ( wIfe ot my bosom. In the excitement that prevailed . no man can come to a ecncluslon. Accorllnf to tw laws of our being I Is Im- possible. ThaI jury was hermetc11) sealed I ) ' b ) the mass oC humanIty that lucked around it.It absorb the language of their soul I Celt II : you heard It. I d sire It 10 go upon ! ? e records ! .tLt this cout'wll.y .han s upon , lS SlCreQ 8Urll. I ) mace IplJlel 10 heaven , that ( their verdict Is tahe. I am not guilty . Before I , go to my living burial I wish to i thank time court for hIs kindness at all ( hues . , tmes. "I commenl , you all to ( ( rl ant wIll meet you at the jmlgment bar where I wi have another trial soil ( pass Into lalJpiles , I go to m ) living burial and a I gJ I balut you . I am now ready for wlut may come. " Judge Ha110) ' lien ( \Onollcet sentence and Hinshaw wu : taken . back to jail. - - - - - 1)s\'L't' . 1.1t0 liurly 1 mser . the pills that CUll c nltipatle'l ( ' and bUioueness . - - - - - 1t'ry nt ) ' . nubl" ' daily service to San PranclEco 1111 nil ( 'alifornia points via Union I'achilc. Through Pulman 1olace Ieepers , l'ulhnan , Colonist t Sleepers . Pullman DIning Car and Free HClnlng Chair Carf The shortest lnt : the quIckest tIme . . \ . C DUNN , City lan. & Ticket Art. , _ 1302 F'arnam St. - - - - - x. ' , 'Ii miii' ( I cut tn t h. , "IC. C. " Set time table - ! _ column - ' . en 4'ohrr page. . - 11)'lel Drc . ' add Is on pe ' , HREIEN CAUGHT IN A TRAP Surrounded by Flamc's They Finally Escape by Cutting Through n Wall , ONE MAN RESCUE BY IllS COMRADES g"IIIIIIIII'r"'lu'll One uf I lie IInrll- : lug lultllA1I ( hut Purtulntl'I ) ' Xu Onc \'IH Cn sight I In thc Crush. I NEW YanK , Nov. G.-A fire started to. night In Keep's shirt factory at Broadwa and Beeker 'treets , which extended to Crosby stred. Prol the poInt where the fire was first seen the flames ran quickly through the buildIng . which extend1 from the cerner of Croby and Deeller streets , through the 150 foot block until It make the southwest corner of Broadway and lileekor. This build. Ing wa destroyed. From this building flames got Into the structure adjoinIng on the south , while to the north they shot across the narrow Bleeker Dlreet and caught the enormous building . 1 hg of the Manhattan Savings institutIon , the , upper stories of which eon toll with a : great crash , while firemen were working OD the lower ilooro. Jacob Adler & Co. control the clothIng establshment on the floor where the fire starled. Beneath them on the ground door of the buIlding . facIng Broadway , Is the EmpIre State bank. On the upper leers are Lauterback & Co. , silks , and several little concerns. Hal an hour after the flames were first seen In the Crosby street side the building had been demolished. The \\als still stood erect , but the apertures where the windows hal been showed through thom I solId sheet of flame Notwithstanding the enormous heat , the flienuen crowded the building close. From DIe very first I was seen the building was doomed , and the only chance was the saving at the nearby strtmctures. An especial effort was made on the Blocker street side to see that time flames did not cross the street to the eight-story Manhatan bank structure. S\ldenly , 1 few minutes before 9 o'clocle , where had been light for blocks around trol the glare ot the flames , there cal9 darknese. From the rent walls there cale n great black cloud ot smoke that blotted out all light and became 80 pungent on narroW Deeker street that the fire fighters were forced to rll for their lIves , when the high walls parted , seemed to hang In the air for a moment , then fell where the firemen had steod. NAnnOW ESCAPE OF pmE mN , The five-story building to the south caught fire with the falling of the walls and the firemen's attentIon was turned to this house. Twenty 01 them were before this hOlse when an explosIon occurred that shook this bulhlng and every window In the building was blown Into the street. Iron shutters were forced from theIr fastenings and went fiylng through the air. I was thought al first the firemen had been Injured by thIs explosIon , but when the first shock of the explosion was over 1 was found otherwise. Two men who had stood near were blown across the street. Both were slightly In- jured The Manhattan building was across the street , and every effort was made to save 1. but vainly. Francis J. nely and twelve men werl In the sixth story of the building , when from above the fames care l'J rap- Idly that their escape was cut off. Dy cut- tng a hole through the sidewalk to the building to the north the chIef and eleven of his men escaped. The twelfth nuan . Fireman Fitzgerald. crawled along a narrow coning but became so weak that two comrades : , Brush and Darnett , had to climb Olt of a window and lift him along hue ledge , many feet above the ground , to a window In the adjoining building. Chief nely fainted when he reached the street and was taken to n hospital with hh back Injured. FIreman Walsh was overcome by the smell In rescuing AnnIe Coon aged 70 , and five children , from a tenement. There were many narrow escapes. Twenty-five firemen were Injured. The Manhattan building Is occupied by many concerns. In the building . along others were : heidelberg & ' Co. . clothing ; Overbrook Dros. , silks ; Guarantee Siik compan . Goldstone & Sternberg clothIng - Ing : Western Store works , J. 1 Van Note , hats , and John A. Flommcrfel & Co. WIthin three hours the ( fire had done a damage of nearly $2,000,00. the Insurance men estImate . and the heart of the retail business on Broadway waD In i-nina. The Manhattan bank building was valued at about $1,000,000. The stock . office fixtures etc. . within the buldlnl tire estImated to have been worth $500,000. The buildings at 63G and 638 and 640 were valued at $300,000 In round numbers and the stocks In them Insurance adjusters eltlmated to have been ; worth about $350,000. . A Chl,1 EnJo ) ' " The pleasant flavor , gentle acton and sooth- Irg effects of Syrup of F'lge when In need of a laxative . and If the father or mother bo costive or bilious , the most gratifying re- suits follow its ure ; so that Il ts the best family remedy known . and every famIly should have a bottle on p hand. MININt ; STOCICS SOP I'Ol'UL Alt .IXIXG STOCIiS XO'I I'OIULAI. Chicago S'oel I xchun/e Declines to / ' : 1..1.1. , 'lh ' 'h"I. CHICAGO , Nov. G.-The Chicago Stock exchange has put Itself on record against the ( establishIng ot a mining stock department. Messrs. logo and Thompson favored the ( listIng - Ing of the mining stock under certain re- strlctions . and Mr. AdsIt , the mInority mem- ber , reported against the proposition. Mr. Adsit's report was adopted by the governing commIttee by a vote of 8 to G. There wundolbtely be an immediate attempt - tempI at organizing a purely mining ex- cl'ange. There Is no doubt that Chicago Is going to be given an opportunity to trade In mining securities . and It I Is not on the Stock exchange It will be on a Jew exchange . change organized for the purpose. The acton of the governing commitee , however does nol define the positIon of the Stock exchange - change finally. An attempt will be made to list a Iartcular stock-the action II to hue ( presenl time has been In this directIon- and with all the safeguards possible the Stock exchange may recede from its posl- lon all list some of these stocks upon 111- vidual application. . \.Hln".1 Churl I li's of ( ) iumushmm , . The adjourned annual meeting of the mem- bers of this association will be held In the Y. M. C. A. on Monday evening nOxt Nov. 11 , at 8 o'elocl sharp. JOHN LAUGHI AND , Secretary. p - O. , \ ' , C. Simoker. I.ast night the Omaha Wheel club helll their regular monthly business meeting , whIch was succeeded hy a sloleer of gen- erous proportIons. This time the refreshments - ments partook ot a German character , there being served saner kraut . cheese ' : \dwlches all other German eatables mind .Irlnkabe ! The club bud ns its guests Iftr the performance. Messrs. Sundew , ZelgUeld. Amann , Solulerlno . Kaufmann , Count. Holch and Schmidt of the San- dow 'fl'ocalero , Vaudeville company , Ild : Ir. Max Meyer of this cl ) ' . The mk ' quartet fevered the guests with sever I w. : I'ntcret selections . : . Amann gave several of his Inimiable hnlersonnlol' . Mo srs. Miner anti Simpson sang . Iml altogether - ether the ( Mfalr was the ( most pleasant ever given by the ehimb. 'Fhuls evenlrg the dub wi attend the performance lt lloytl's In I body . . II being the first "stag" theater part ol the club for this season. - . Ile ' ot people have pie ! , hut ! DeWitt' ' Wich ( Hazel Salve \\1 cure them. , lint imL'rrsl flit' Commit ters. P. H. Irt ( caused trouble al the election booth Eighteenth and Cumlng street , late last night hy kicking In the door twice within five minute Thl Interrupted time olcials In the performance ot their dUly mind they ball Pratt arrested hlen' ) . SIU , III I . Non ' is Onl.u' " . ST. 1. 11. . No' 5-Speelal8 report n . heavy snowstorm ragimig Inl frpm six to ten Inches has ( alien In North Dakota tea - day . - - _ . _ _ _ I fished h ) ' l'Irln miss . George WI on n , ui l.ul8. two well drouc\\ countrymen , were held up In I , Ilsreputablc hmotie on North Ninth street la"t nl/ht , They ) ' lo ' l I 1uoiethu'k con- tnlnllK $ C0 , but It wan recovlrel , whll the pvlce raIded tile Jollt ( hlet ( ! hncl the following Inmate ftrTestedt I ml I rl \ klns In ) ' Cameron ATAtecl 1.'wl , 1.ssie Inn . ! : ! ThomlJ80n. tItmice Miner . , Mary lrwn and - . I ' All O2 USE1lENTS. J occccccc000ca..ccccceoc Sanlow and the Trocalero Vaudevilles will give 1 sllOelal matinee for ladles and children at Doyd's theter at 2:30 : , thIs afternoomi. The great Sant ow will perform several special feats for the entertalmrenl ot the little folks. Another feature ot hue 'Trccadero's entertain- meat will be tie trapeze performance of lie ( little Jordan children , which Is something - thing truly wonderful. This Is Sandow's last visit to America . and It Is particularly desirable - slrablo for chIdren to see him and his acts I I as he It an object lesson ot the very hlghlt aUalnment at ph'slcal cimhttmre. There are tel distinct specluly acts In the performmianco each one very superior ot Its kimmil. The price of almlsslon have nol been increased One ot the prettiest comedies thaI will be seen hero this season will bo "The Colonel's Wives " which Is announced for Boyls theater on Sunday and Monday next. The play Is on the "Jano" and Charl's Aunt" order I will be presented by Sedley Brown's com- pal ) which has recently won considerable praise on CIO Pacific coast on account of the creditable manner In whIch tt has pre- sented "The Colonel's Vu'Ives. " The company Is under the direction ot Mr. Gustave Froh- mamu Next Friday and Saturday evenings and Saturday afternoon at Boyd's theater lucre will be a carnival ot mirth , magic and mys- t'ry ! , for Herrmann , with his many acts at necro-antique dlnblery will hold forth Scats for this engagement wi be placed on sale on tomorrow evening , amid there Is every ovl- dence that the famous magician will duplcate In this city time phenomenal success he Is meetIng with throughout the country. Herr- mann's entertainment this season Is broulht thoroughly up to date and Is brlmCul of magic and merrinuent "The Asiatic Trunk Asiatc Mystery , " an Oriental marvel which Is indescribable - describable In its sudden and unlookel for surprIse , and the bewilderIng national spec- tacle , "Tho Columbia Transformuuatlon . " will also be produccl ! here In addition to which the laglelan Introduces many new acts of slelghl of hand furnlb'llng altogether an en- tertalmnenl which has never before presented - sented an equal Time dance creations of Mme. Herrmann are embelshed with , many unique light effects and beautiful and elaborate - orate costumes . One of the prominent features of the comIng - Ing engagement of Primrose and Wesl's Mammoth minstrels which plays a three- night engagement at the Creighton corn- menelng Sunday matinee . November 10. will be the two bIg cairo walks which will be given during the ( performances Monday and Tuesday nIghts , the contestants being among Omaha's colored 400. Over 100 valuable prizes have been donated by local merchants , which will be fairly awarded by competent jUdges selected from the autIenc . Entries for the contest wi be received at the Creighton theater box oll1ce , no entry lee being eharged. "The Pay Train " with its elaborate scenery , realistic stage effects and its Inter- estng story of love and : hate , comes to the Creighton for three nlghl , commencing Thursday , November 7 : The attraction Is well known to local play goers havIng achIeved a decided success during former visIts. - Ward and VoIces , with their merry company - pany ot farceurs close the engagement of "A Hun on the ( Dank" at the Crelgbton with two performanccs today the matinee at 2:30 : and tonIght at 8:1G. : Regular matinee prices prevail. - - - Catarrh can be successCuly treated only by purIfying thO blood and the , one true blood purifier Is Hood's Sarsaparlila. " . Hayden Dros. ' add Is on page 2. -p MONEY . l ( ll F'.VOhImOl ) 'I'EACIIHIOS. ' \'urrun' Cuslmt'dfut' 'J'huIIl' 'Vho 10 1"h''H" n'lh Tmtylsr's llstmik . SInce the school fund was exhausted , about one month ago , teachers and elplo'es of the school board have been unable to have their warrants cashed by the city treasurer. They have Instead been compelled to have their warrants registered to draw interest at 7 per cent. Those who are able have been holding the warrants as Investments , while others whose necessities require them to payout cash , have be-en presenting them al different banks which have offered to tal < them al ( ar. When the first school warrants were registered the announcemenl was made that they could bE converted Into cash at any time ( by presentation at the Globe Loan ant Trust compay , Yester- day when several teachers haudel , theIr war- rants to the cashIer of thaI instItution they wee tohl that ( there was no money In the bank for thaI purpose. Only teachers who already had deposits In the Globe bank were to bo accommodated In the mater of cashIng - Ing registered warrants. Teachers who had I no accounts with that bank were Informed thaI they would either have to commence them or take their warrants to other banks. Naturally a number ot the teachers are highly indignant at the dIscriminatng treat- meat thaI has been accorded them. The warrants are readily taken as cash by se\- eral other banks , and the only Inconvenience suffered by those who were refused acconu- modaton by the Globe people was that oC making the trIp further down town . Acts 'at once , never fails . One Minute Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma , and that feverish condition which accompanies a severe - rare cold. The only harmless remedy that produces Immedlale results. p. . Take the Burlington's 9:48 : a. m. train for St. Joe and Kansls City. Over an hour faster than the fastest t day train oC any other lne , line.City ticket . office - - , 1324 . I aram street Hayden Dro.s add p Is on page 2. I'EHSOX.1'tU.n.'IS. . Mr. J. ,1 Lamb Is registered at the Darker , from New York , ! lr. 0.V. . Teljman Is registered at the Barker from Toledo O. 11 Charles M. I ' rloberg ! Is registered at the Barker from ChIC O. Mr. W. M. Hall . In advance of Anna Eva Fay cenlnny , Is stopping at the Barker. Al the Murray : J. E. . Murray ) G. ! Minster S. Livingston , Frank Cavahl , New York ; Joseph liyman . It. T Geode C. W Cobb , D. J. Irsh , Chicago : I. P. Murphy Sl Louis ; E. J. Lewis St. Joeph . Mo ; H. nod man , W. E. Booth Milwaukee : MIss Pratt North Platte , Neb ; E. J. Hopkins . Northfield , Mass : George Kllton . Nolng am , N. I. ; n. F. Kruse , Ciiic3go. - . o H ] U. IIOPRIN-Mrs. nhodl. oge,1 C : years , 3 mr'n'h , 10PJ 19 ItO'S l'uru'rni ' 'lunla ) Novemher 7. at 8:30 : o. m from f"mly mt'siimnce. ( al Rnd Jlckor ) ' . to 81 Patrick's chureJ. : luiteimuent . Holy Sepulchre cemneteiS' . Awarded Highest Honors\Vorld's Fair , DR t' 1 ' 'I BWNf , 'ODi r losT PERFECT MAI)1 A pure Grape Cream nfTutr Powder. Pica ; . . , , rom Ammona , Alun or my : , other 0 Jlefant . 40 YEAP nm ntNDARI. ! P'c ( IN'U ( I"r I : "hlhltl" , On Friday anll Saturday of this week , No' , 'emhCr 8 amid ! , the world famell fur hOI o ot The John IU8Zll Fume company of New York City will have on display al our tore . n most complete a30rtlent of lalle imp fur I garment . representing every variety of fine grades ot popular furo. ( Those who have aUen,1el , former exhibi- tons ( ot this ( firm In our store will bear us out In the statement that for advanced styles and superiority ot fnlsb there Is no hOIPe In thIs country , I In the world , who excel them EverybOI ) ' h cordIally Invited to attend- Friday and Satruday ot this week p O. I. SCOl. LD. ASSAm/I ox CI I LP nl SXAX. UII"'I,1 'I'hll' -t..tllt ti , ll'ol'r . . - Sllth OlimutimuL's Chl.f If 1111. . . Chief of l'olico Drennan ot Sonth Omaha Polce was assaulted at 1 o'clock 'estenby morn- lag whllo crosetimg the Q street "Iaduct. Drennan had been out making a tour oC the Thlri ward and ns he neared the east end of the vIaduct two men stepel ( out and com- mencCl to talk to him about 1101tlcs. After the conversation had contlnuell for a minute or two II third man stepped out from behind \ a supportlmug Pillar and struek Brennan a terrible - rible blow with a club. The chleC fell from his buggy to the avemcnt and was . uncon' scions for fully hal al hour. Soon after the assault II man crossing the bridge saw Drennan l'lng In the roadway and stopped to see what was the matter. lie found the chief bleeding badly and still un- conscious. The police staten was notified and the chief taken to headquarters , where n physIcian dresed his wounds. The blow was struck from behind and the chlef's right ear wus badly cut and the scalp bruised. In falling Brennan struck the rough plank toorng with the loft aide oC his face cutting a deep gash. Robbery was not time motIve of the assault , as nothing on ( he chiefs person was touched. In speak- Ing about the matter to the doctor yesterday the chief said that he thought he recog- nized one of hue men who were taltng to him at the time he was strimck , but he re- fused ! to state whom he suspected. lIe dll not see the man who struck the blow. It vIli b" several days before Ciulef Dren- I wi nan will 10 able to Gl out . as his limbs are badly bruised , alHI II ! Is Supl10sed that ( after knockIng him out of the ( buggy the runals kicked himmi _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ li" ' ' ' n".1 Uull".a .uhl. . Fred Kneancek , In insane ) 'olng man created I disturbance at his hmonue 1307 South Third street , last evenhmug. I wits with diiiiculty that he was restrlned from wih doing violence before the arrival \ of the police. He escaped from an nu'yluirn not long since and he wi ho returned at an eurly date. _ _ _ p _ _ _ St.itlel n" Old . "C'II"U' . P. A. 11ger line had a grudge against \\Illr Altn for I long timne . lie caught him last nIght at Tenth ant Dodge street . und , beIng under the Innuenco of lIquor , proceeded to work off cue grudge. loth men were arrested for llghtlmug. 41II1'U A . SKkIN1 , DISEASES Arc _ j ; : ' . ' . ' \ Instantly , lt _ _ Th'And ; 1L1 Speediy Cured Bv t.u- , , . . - Cutiura Remedies V A warm bath with CUTICURA OAP , and a single application of : UTICURA , the great skin cue , , vi afford instant relief , permit rest nd sleep , and point to a speedy , colomial , and permanent cue of the most distressing of itching , burn- ing , ble dinK , scaly , and crusted skin and scalp dIseases , after physicians , hospitals , and all other methods fail CUTICURA WORKS WONDERS , and its cues of torturing , disfiguring , humiliating humors are the most wolderuI ever recorded in this or wOIderul any . age. CVC\RA RaUDlnS are old throughout the world. Price , CIC\A , 50c. ; SOAr , 2S = . ; RaSOLVUI' , $ i. l'oT R Dero iso CI ; ) CORP . Soc Prop. " , Boston. .4 1\1 \ l abut the BlOOd , Skiu , Scalp : and nal , " Cee. ' ' nIMPLES , blackhead . . led and oily skin pre. PIMPLES I and . cured by ClrCll Sou. MLJSOULARSTRAIN8PAINS .I ! wcai.neu. b2ck ache . weak kidney , , rhewnstisun . and cheitpaine relieved ha ( one mlnuto by the Vutcura At { l'later. - - DOC 1011 ( V .u , ears H SearJes . , V. 119S14t1St , r l , , Ye Cure Cutnrh , uU ill ; . ' _ - , "UNI'N of thus , o.e. 'hrolt V - , 1 . . CIm'uut Stomiiathi Jiow&'Iq V " . d ltv.'r IIythrott'Ie . S Jf U 1.1 .I\'r : . lydrol'lc. ' ' . t " ' "rl'm'ch'.Strl.t"r. ' , Vcak : f9i4 , .5 1'1 S4XiilihhY. IlmHI , Skil ; S ' T \ ; " . . . ? 'lu'l IUdly . , , IIN.aNeN , , Comi- \5 ( ( 11 , "rhu"I. Sypisilk " ; , i\ , \ I , ' \ ! MEN WEAK ' \ 'I" , # : \ ! i \ .n . . " \T\1fte \ AU l'rlintc 11..16 < 'N amid ' I " .IUroW ( ( lI'rtlers . uf .1"1 , . , \ \ V. ' \ \ . \ J \ \ \ . ' 'fr'alm"lt ly mll , eUI- , ' ' ' . , . \ , x ' ' 1 \ , \ MIlaHol ( 'rot' SPECIALISTS . iii the ti tituiommi : of imhi NEfVOU ) , CHR KOC : and PRIVATE D g" : EE. Treatnuent t for mill formi of FEM4 1.1 WEA I { NhSr' . Cal 01 or muCdres . with stam ( NEfI. Dr Scar'lcs & Searle " 111 s. 1 HI , lit . 0J0 , uaiutia ut uJi4tLmIjS5 Omaha. Neti . ' 1 1c ( My mar : u&pd Wool ! t oap ) II \I.I mlo had ) TYOOLErSwinotshrnlc jf WOOL SOAP Is used In the laundry , Wool soap Is dehicate and reirestuinus renal I , , - 0110:1' I dcleal03uI < r"bln" rotlalh Iur- risc , , 'I'h" ( h.1 clt'I cr , JIl , U I ! II at 1our dtafes ' . ' , J".el blr'al ; toilet musiC lauei'Iry. Rawoltb , bodde & Co. , Makers , Chicago , : : u L'latham 1' . 10'1 , " ) s > Ju.ominrI St. , - New YOlk.Wi CleU"u t.ttf _ _ _ _ ; EVERY : WOMAN 'r' lometul d mueetiz4 n reliable . , V monthly n'glatui ledlctuu > V DR. PEAL'S f z. pENNYROYAL pILLS , A 'J Im'ompt . safe and certain In reflt , The genu " ! : : 'f 4 .rmpt " I n"r , . ' . ) tW'iI't 5 Dtay'yh"Tf 1100. lfrnn I leConneU DNI ii , , 1 Dodge , , ot , OhAShU. Neb ' - , - _ , - ; ' . . - ' - - , - - - - , . , . . : _ : _ I _ _ - - - - - , ' . . , - , - - The Echo of Our Doing ; - i ; , _ " - - - - < , _ _ - " - - ' I I. . . Wo OfCI hear hip echo of our cohl II the flr WIt and the 1 wlcwc cast t , tl ( Stlir ! otth n llt ! the hlzrc ' not'hi'e ( hl'n. or 01 II lie ( Il'hhlI'II ) , comnmiiomivemiltljg niid 'yin rlgiit , tiiitler . , ) COllol\l'nlhs Illt see ' 1 11 tlllel' 0\1 110gm' Wo St iiiitl hcnl' of ' . ' . 10 8te Illt ot' l'h'cs cOlllell ) ( nlt liiillitteti Htt Ohio thll - " ecOII iulii'ltmis' . " ; Ant ! Unit Is l left UICOIlll'I-thllls-I1\rk ( : rOt , not blcntso It Is hlrll to spell , hut ( cmi' the I : tlil 01 our II I'"CR. \e ofll bcfO'o HIlw of In I ! HelOI IIIchl8CS , COIICI'dllr CUNt SICOIIIIllchI8IS. t I t Is \III the hmimIutlf1tetlltet' Is thlot hlh slll CCll ICI'dult ! antI his I bnlnleo : of stock to gt 11t 01' . I ( Is whcl leHI : ' cash Is lmtlly mict'tht'd vhit'n ' ' uipply ) to mliOPChmmtittS like' ' bnll te'II'11hl'l thl nl\I 11I'Clltis Iw our- \ Nl'l'e8ho , \lh n bnnel of ell elllls tumid n 1lrlct for huirgo qunn ttes , cltlelllo ( the ( imt'ico-bociuio buyei's of thIs 1,1111 ! ate i'are- . sc.lccely five lit I htHh'I'll \ lug . AIII thitit's why Wo often sell elolhllg beow actual value of itiuk- . IIJ. . i Wo Hhow ' ( ) hI n ' 1'lN Fl l l 'I'Y HUI toII ' tlmnt'il ino'e I. llnllls not how lIttle uuie ImoWH of ci uthi ot' thi ( 'ost of ' _ ltle Oll' coth 0' tie tl 1011 1-fO' that r Inlll'-lt wi stigg&st to COIIOU st'nso tlnt n snit IH 110 IH this ( COllldII't hardly ( bui , tumult' for lint ( ' . I 'ill . conhll't hll'l Indo 10' 11'lee. I wi prove lint ( Ihl' worRied In time stilt IH I hmm'ec'Is'hy time Sulimie ii lit lS.00 ( ) ) IH'tl'hllr 110 NaUl' lS II lur 01 $ : ( IU stilt , tlo I lullnli . tlllllu/s 10t In1ello1 nud wo chnlco the ISHII'tol thnt V I Is better . tahlorl . ll'et ( lOSiguIS-too-hlit&'k ) hnllot . wih Il silk ( hlne ) Invisible ' llittd-siiigle.breastetl-loug , . ' ' Illlhl-sll Intest. lo-bl'elstet-lol cnt-a.buton cutlwn ' tnd 'l'ho \1 ' . 'l'he gems of the season. COle ( qnld . , f 4ta44o ; " " - , " , . , . ' ' : 9' ' " " . - - - uA FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR- GAIN. " MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO , Orchard & Wihelm . CARPET co. 1414-18 DOUGLAS ST1. OMAHAM The City of Omaha and County of Douglas are going to be "saved" next Tuesday , By whom and from whom-it is not our business to predict , But when it comes to CARPETS , CUR- ' " ' - - TMNS AND FURNITURE , and SAVING OF MONEY TO TI-IE PEOPLE OF OMAHA AND VICINITY , we announce with certainty that for this month of November we shall offer extraordinary inducements in every department of our house. vVatch our advertisements this month Chamber $ uits - - \Ve have marked 30 patterns of suits at a discount of SO per cent , One suit of each pat- tern , Oak , maple , curey birch and mahogany. _ - - r I JLEfl CLJEEDTIErfl l V 0 B V U One Gives Relief0 LI o I is so easy to be mistaken about 0 J indigestion , and think there is , some B o other trouble The cure is Ri pans 1" i 0 [ ] o 1"abules , One tabule gives relief r J ri Ask any druggist. LI U . . 1 Uj ' . Q Ilipan's Tabule" Sold ] hy druggists , . or IJY mail . It tie price ( W ; i cents a box ) I . sent to the 11. O pans. Chemical Company. No. 10 S-ce st. , N Y. g DDD . ' - - - DIflCCT FROM THCTANPt , rV. TA STEAM. V . No hotter. No Sleam. No L'suU / juicer . V . I host t Power for Corn and Feed Mills , Hilng' -V. V , S ' . hay , Hlluing CreamerIes , Ihcparntors , &c. , , . - - ' ; , - OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES' ' ' . V : ,1 StatonIY 01 Portable. 1. ' ltoI2Oii,1' . . / to : 1. 1 . r . , - Semi for Catalogue 1'rIc . . tl.dc'CIILIII 10 be donl V THE OTTO CAS ENCINEWORI < Q 'JauiVahsiut HII. . L'JhILiIJ1l.I'1hl . l'A. Chicago , 25 Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So. 15th 3t. _ _ _ - - - - - - - - . - - - - . A Few Advf11tages Offered by the . Chicago. MUwlukec , & 1t I'aul 1smismiy . the alien lies to Chllo,1 A cUI tr made up and started troll Omaha . 9\OuycriY JCIACo. , . Ta. , _ CrDAR RPIDS t _ _ _ 11 Dlu.DS ; : . tmms . . _ ' . Baggage ciieckel , ( moan mealhince lu 4 zUlus Iiu'm. It.ant lain . em , vieo al courteous om. < plo Dall chtcle,1 f.om . by \ , cLucIY ( < , II"I wl lu' erlrle ! ludlnc lumps In anry htth. Vlnt . dining car sortIes In the weal , with menu .rv cd a I. Cart , , . Or . In oilier wOII. . , , order , haa IOU \alt and . pay . for what you get I"I't lea \t unlul deut daily at 6:00 : p. nl" arulvlnk .a chIcago City at Ticket V to. Obe : , IZ-)4 l'IUlam BtrHt C. S cumu:1 0 CItY Ticke AIUIt '