Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TI11F OMAHA DAILY nJ n : ItNrE5DAY. NOV El\lBmn. 0 , 1 sOfl.
Potato Orop This Year the Largest in the ,
Oountry's History ,
Not 'lIrlh flue Ijiggitig / Iii Ilrt"ll Ihe t
Nurlhtf''IIIt1,1,1 lu
1rtIgi 1 Coula-
. tries.
CHICAGO , Nov. 6.-Allvnnco sheets Issued
by the Orange Judd Farmer show that the
potato crop II the UlleJ Stutel fox this
year wi Lo the largest ever known. The
acreage was suddenlY Increasell out oC all
proporton to demands for consumpton , In
fl resllonso ) to 1\ulvl [ ( ed suggestions from
high olclal source , coullled with a natural
'I ' dtslro to rcpnce : wheat In the northwest
'I ' with some pay for the crop. The Farmer
IIJaces ' the croJ at 22,618.0 ' ) Lu. 'fhe varin.
tion In yield In different states Is more
' 1 marked than usual In fact , In many dls
trlcts In the northwest growers have aban-
doned the results oC their 'car's work and
will not 111g ther : crop , Prices not llylng
the cost oC the digging and hauling. But for
the enormous Increase In that s.cton the
total crop of the country would not Le cx-
eeslve. Canada Is 10 exception to the
rule oC [ hountCul crop the Ib' ylod :
ClOSely nl' ' lroxlnatng ioO hu. : The
United lh1gllom and ( ontnlnt of Europe
have harvested u large crOll. Seasonable
temperatures and generly : sulclent iiiols-
tore materIally Inlreu ed the average j'lehl (
. , , per acre compared with Ib91. when the crop
hail mlwl with which 10 contend. The market -
ket outlook ul home Is mIler mixed , hut
the sItuation when clo'cly shulell presents
sonic fcnlures which ala ) : eventually bring
about I better stile oC things. Prices are
u'mosl unlr.ccllclledIY low In eVery direc-
tion . hut in addition to aLanllonlent of a
1rt of the croll In the northwest there Is a
{ enlllncj' 10WUHI excessive rotting II many
I portions of the eounlry. T01ethlr these
Inay result In r.levln1 the COn1IsteI con-
ditons and eventually bring nn Improve-
mtnt In Irlcl ,
I OMAIit UI : HIJI.II : ' ' ,
, . IJ. - JI.II ( 'l
I ' CUIIOul I uf ' 'I'n.l. 11,1 , Q ) lutnOII"
'I' ' ' ' Oil StupIt . ziiI FZUI3 I'rutice.
't' ' The IWIII' mlrket Is tint. I IK almost 1m.
II " 0",1,10 to sel .hlc.eno II MY price , us no one
I wants to 11) ' , Quotations :
ic1s--ttrietl- : SIOl'I ( . 15'.f316e.
BUTTgl-lacklng slack GSc ; fall to ! 00.1
Country . 1111 ; choice 10 CIICY country . 1\16e ;
gathered creamer ) ' . 16J1Sc ; leparlor ratliery
IHI2'c '
"I A T.- Cholc" Cal , 70 10 10 lb. . are quoted al
Gt7e ; large end coarse , U16c.
Clt : : : brtrtc , 11.1 ; L'dam , per
10z. , HO ; ( 10us" . 1lb. j.trs per doz. . 3.GO ;
J.lmbu.o. . tune ) ' , pOl lb. , IP4c ; Iuourl.I. I.Ib. .
jars , 1'11 iioz . , 13.6' ; . Young , \merlca. , lUc \ ;
; ' 1win. \ Cane ) ' , tie.
, i'OtJI.TttY-Lve-Ilens . per lb. . 61 ; chickens , lb. . vI ; . Imiatera 3Q,4e ; ducks 7PSc ; turkeys
7Se ; geese , 7q e. Dressed-Chickens , Ce ; ducks ,
& ( : / ; turlft'ys. e.
I IA Y-UI.lalll. fG 6 ; ndlanI. S.GO ; lowland $ G ;
rye Si 1Ia\\ , U. ' 1 ; 10101 10k. . , the pi ice on hay ;
'i ' ! light tOil prlceM. bvleM "el the ! e.t. Only lUll grades bring
1100M COHN-New crop. delivered on track
In country 1lee gcen selt.woriling carpet , per
" 1'
Ib : . 2HU2.c ! ; , tioice ! Ieel , 'uitntng to hurl. 2\U \
, ; common .hoke
a\I' -Prlrle ; chickens . young. per doz. . $5 ;
prairie ehlel , , " . . ol&I 13.OOi33.&O ; quail . $1.7 ; 12,0 ;
Jack snipe 71 ; gnldel plowr , : e ; jack 'al-
his , tier 10z. h2.OUU3.O ; small rabbite. $1 ; mal-
larll ducks . S3 ; 'e ' < hNlb. $3 ; ca'tashack $ ducks .
; " . ( ; tciml bile wing . $ hTh ; teal , gloca
" 111g. S.5 ; Ilxell tucks $ IGO ; Canada ]
l"e8e. $6 ; .lal geeo- . ; bmnls. $3.O : Ileer
flddle ! . I&116c ; tlel'r ratCaess . 12.rI3e : elk iid-
de. : 15e ; ( I , arcaesn. lie ; anlel"pe .addleM sai. ,
( & ; nntch.'p . cnrcasies IO71te. 1
I3t5tNS-1 Ian.h-pIcleiI ] , ' ' . hu. , . . .
BgANSlall.plche,1 lal' ) per bu. $ t.51.SO.
HIANI ; ONIONS-l'or clnlc. 6OJ'Zc. '
I I : rATO ' -ChOleo "loc . 3Q'dS3c ; car lots 2 :
, i ( 8WrT ] 10TATOISCholce stock , $ .Go Ier
. OINSUol/ . 2a30c.
I T , CAiUtAGI-On . . omders . crated. per 10 Ibs .
I CIIY-Cholce ] stock . large No. I , 401 ; large
I , No.2. 351 : slall 2"r ,1.
LIMA . ltINS-I'er'ib. : t4c.
WArrH CI SSler FI IITS. 16.qt. case , $ l.tgl.75. ]
CATWOHNrA QUINCIS-per box. . $ I.5. '
CArIFINrA l'r AWi-No lattet suit.tbhe
lor .hlpll , ; ether varieties . n. >
JDAHO i'SItS-I'er case . $2
, CltNhiflItItt'S(1ioteo : stock per bbl. . $ S,5.
AIIrnl. On.PFSPcr CO-lb. Ib1. . $1.O.
IAS1'tMtN Gl1AI'1i5-Nev York Concomds. pe :
backet 23024e.
C.\.IFOHNI. OHAIESToka ) ' . . per double
case , $3. .
APpCES-Jonathano. . $3 to ; choice shipping : ,
aloek. bbls. . . 2 , : ; cooking imliplea . $2.23. i
'rltol'ICAL JHUIr .
OHANOES-Iexlcans. per box U.O ; Jarnaleas ,
per box . $3.75.
LI IOSCauornia. per box $ C.000iG.25.
II BANANAS-Choice large stock per bunch , $2.
medium sized hunehe. $1.75. $
I'iNIAI'i'i.Cper ( I ' ) z. , f3.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides . [ e ; No. 2 green
hides 4c ; No. 1 gleen ealt.d hides , Oc ; Ireen .
green salted hides , 6e ; No.2 green slhl bides
% 5 to 40 ns. , . Co ; No. 2 green saled hides . 25 10
40 IbA. , Gc : : u. I \ ' eat calf 8 to I ; . hiles. . 81 ; No. 2
" eal calf S to E lbs. . Gc ; No 1 dry lImit hid's ,
10f2c ; No. 2 dry hint hiles , S0c ! ; No. hii" ) '
I salted hides Se ; purl cured hides , \.1 pOI lb. less
! than fully cumed.
lmn Culy eUlcl.
I' SIEI'P : PII.TS-Otecn Fatted . each 260c ;
creen salted sheatlngs ( short wooell early 2G60e ) .
euch Itc ; dry suiearilngs ( shot vooied early
skins ) . No. I , ecti 10e ; dry .hea'lngs woolIl ( ohorl
I woolet early hltns ) , No. \ . eimcii. Lc ;
. dry hint Ianlns and Nebi" ' butcher wool
Pelts . per lb. ] . nel'l w lghl. & ; dry militi
j 1'ansiis imnd Nebraska Iulaln wool hiells. \ per
lb. . actual ' % eight . Hlc ; dry mat Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per lb. . ortual wetgtt : 40'.o ;
miry flint Cololado Murrin WOOl lelts per 11.
actual weight HHie ; dry piece and bucks actual
wclihl. 23c. late feet cut ore as II I. use-
less to pay freight on Ihem.
TALLOW . ANt GHFASI -Talow No.1. 3'c ' ;
tallow No.2. 3e : ; gmcase. white A. 30 ; 3\1 .
h whie Si. 30 ; greaee ) eii3v. 2Pe \ ; dense . dark .
I 2c ; old butter . 2f2lhc ; beeswax . prime , 15122c ;
¶ rough , tallow . 1'le.
1 BONES-In car lots weighed and delivered In
, Chicago : Dry buffalo , per ton $ l2.00jll.OO ; dry
country , bleached . eel' ton $1O.OQjl2OO ; dry
, country. damp nnd mealY. per $ ten , $6.thS.0Q. )
'VOOlUnwa.hCI tine heavy , 60j7c ; tIne light.
I 6n9c ; 'IUotter bIoo . 10t12e ; seedy. hurry unit
chuf ) SQI9c ; colIll and broken. coone. 7tJlc .
10111 and broken. tine . 6c. Fleece vatmeil-
t Medium . ElOiSe ; tine. HUJc ; lubnsJI : , 16p
SIc : black Fc ; bucks . 61 ; lag locks J3c ; donut
4 "uled , Itige. 2t3c
p _ _ _ _ _ FURS. - _ _ _ _
INo. -I\ O. IlNo. I 2
I Lge. \ id'jtJSm'ii ! II
lack 1mtAIt- . . . . . . f20(23 8 16 0) ! $ smo ' flO@12 8 50
10l'k Yearlings. . . 12@15 ( ( ii ) 7 00 7 OJ 3 00 '
Inek Cuh. . . . . 6j f G@ 6 4 00 6 00 2 0
Uack 2.iontnna & ,
'I ' lonnnu . . . . . IS(22 I 0 1000 1000 4 00
, flack Montana . ( .0
luek Yearlings Montana . . . 10 SO 50 500 25
Cub' . 10nlana . . . . . .6 50 4 50 30 40 2 00
SIter Til. . . . . 2000 120 8 0) 900 400
HI\r Tip Yrigs . 1 0 S ( ) 5 0 [ 0 2 50
I HI\'er Tip Cubs . . . 6 00 4 M 3 0' ) 3 01) 1
I 1Iwn . . . . . . . 20@:5 160 120 ( 12 0 5 5
I Yearlings . . . . . ( gO 600 120) .0' ' )
Cubs . ! . . . . . . . IOft2 600 300 4 0 20)
I Jlalller . . . . . . . . . . . & 0 CO 30 0 ) 20
l"isher )0 X- . . . . . . . . . Itl 80 60 6 . 0 5 .0 r 20 5
Sliver ( according .
Slnr bnauty ) . . . . 10 0 6 00 4000 3000 100
silver l'.tte ( ac- .
cord'g 10 I'eu'y ' ) & 0 00 30 00 2' ' ) 00 1500 6 00
G 0 300
recent . . . . . . . 300 200 150 60
III . . . . . . . . 70 30 : 20 ( r 10
lray . . . . . . . . 75 p 40 33 :
LIeu..1 ( 50 r 30 : ) 10
r.nk . . . . . . . 30 20 1 1 ; 1 25 s
Marten . . . . . . . .3 00 1 50 100 1 00 5
Mink . . . . . . . . .2 $ 60 ' ) 4 10 5
Mink natk. , . . f5 6 : 45 2J 10
Mountain Lton
and ( Perfect feet ) . . heal . . . 10 2
Otter Ceel. . . . . . S 0 6f 7 50) 4 00 2 00
Otter Pale. . . . . .S 70 5 oo 4 oo 40 20
Inoeoon Pale..I . . { ' ) 60 5 .0 30 : 15
Raccoon , laek.
( R 10 beauty ) . 502
81INI"- lack , . . . . . . . . 125 75 50 50 Z5
Hhol . cased..1 I 0' ) O 45 6 20
I Narrow slrlped. . I 40 zs 20 10
Ilmonmil slrlpe.I. . . 2) $ 23 2
W.\I\.lno . . . . . 4W 3 ( ) 200 20 0 00
\\'olt Mountain . . 3 0 2 ( ) 1 5 75 41
Welt Prairie. . . . Gt5O 6) 4' ' ) 20 10
1'a\'er. tier kin. 50 6 4 50 2 O 4 0 2 so
lteacr MURIOtATS- . . . . . 200 1 5 75 5 (
Spring Kits..2 .
Winter . . . . . . . 81310 9 7
Fal . . . . . . . . . . 8110 . 7 6.
Kits . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 3
IEEFLllhlster Elect tO 10 60 lb. , 4i !
Use ; good cows ohiO helfe . 4
(5e ! oot : . 4J3c ; mueiliuni
cows amid heirens. 4ttJ4c \ ; gee < forequarters cows
and helterJ. 1Cio ; good hlaJlluurlers cows anJ
3\Clc GOo
j lielferg . Cl arc ; full hlndquuter cows and
f3 heifer , . 61 ; cow l-tunla. 4'ft6l5c ; cow chuck ,
8U31CI steer chucks. 41165\1 , ,
Ieer 54 4e ; beet 1"J'rloln. ,
rn'.h. lie ; beef rolls . boneless . Smc ; Mlrloln butts.
boneless. &ie ; loin ! Ck. boneless , Sto ; buls.
l > ok. . O'er ; cow rlhs. No. i. Gc : cow loin. No. 3 .
Te ; steer rita , 7"e ; .Ieer 'oln" ' Sc.
MItTTON-lrem-se-l . mutton . 5o : racks mutton.
. 11,1 c. , legs mutton . ic ; saddles muton , 70 ; muton. ,
, l'OflK-l'oek 101n8. Tc ; spare ribs 51 : pork
p shoulders . &o : PICk shoulders . 61c ;
tenderloin . . ne ; l.hIS' feet cleaned . per toz , . Mc.
OYSTCtS-lelull. ISc ; hOle.hoe. 20c ; extra
, . . : 3c . . . , .
Ilandarl. :11 : extra selects . lie ; COIIany sc.
leCI > 27c ; New York count , . 30c ; standard bulk.
I > era \ . $1.1) . >
CIUEII-i'ure juice halt bbl .
CWJI-l'ute per . $2.60 ; per
bb ] . . 1.50.
L tA(7lhl lRAU'l'-t'er Lbl. . $3.50 ; halt bbI . U.
) UTfalfornla uimoada . It ; English wa-
fillS . 10f hilled. I"rl ' 8t tndrtts. lOen ' ; nbert , .
10c. Jrzl nuts Peloe ; " eenns . IOtlcj 1..onuIA.
raw. r5e : ronRled Pfl 7H\c \ : cle8Iuul. . Ik. blRek
walnut . 1"1 bu. , Tic ; small hickory nuts , 1'.1
i.\ It : : 8Y1ttP-I'1'e-gnl. cans each , $2.M $
U. " . per des. . . $12 ; 1"111. ! cans . $6.Al ; ( IUarl cons
t CSNe\ crop . CalifornIa . to-lb. boxes. per
lh. . ' , lie . ; common California flgi. . 00-lb. boxes ,
lATl8-1'erinn : , C.lh. boxe , . per Ih. , 51 ;
torus . 10-it tnxpp . pr lb. , Sc.
M.Tr.l - HI'n.\H-Cholc. " .1 lh. , 9' ' UOc.
I'ImSIn\1B-\.stl"l. 2.-lb. rai , . each $1.40.
LI ' 'm'rpuml I/rl..t" ,
I\'GHIOOr. . No\ 5.-WI tlLtT-\lntket : quiet
No. 2 re,1 , winter 5s 21rl ; No. 2 rp.1 8ptlll
.tmcks , rxhnu.t.d ; No 1 hard Manitoba . stocks
exhnl.ted ; No. I California < . GI 4'44d. . 'utlrC
cl , sm'ii , ' with < ,
" stonily wlh near 1"811uns unchnnge,1 10
\,1 higher mind distant POsitIons unchanged from
last nlghl' closing Price ' ; hl8lne.8 abaut
r'llaly .1.trlhllo.l ; Xovsmnher lii 21,11 ; flecetu.
liet' 5 , 3'4.I ; January . 38 31.1 ' ; February , 3s ltl ;
: 1ilarch G. t11. ; . 6. 41.11. ' 31ll
COltN-ipot "lle ; Amellcal mixed new. Is
3".1. i'uttires elooell qliel with D'cemher I , I
higher nail olhol lnisitlis InehlnlCI Crom last
nlKht's closing price ; buslneps about equal ) ' dls-
Irlhutl l ; Novcmnher 39 37i2 ; December . 3s .1,1 ' ;
January , 3. Iii , : I'ebrlnry. 3. 3d : Match , 3s 311 ;
. \l. Is 3ll.
h't.Ot' It-Market 111 : demand Call ; freely IUp-
idlel. , ] St , I.oulg tlne ) ' \ Inter 70 3d.
I'ItOVli4lONS-ltncon , . ' .
1'\O\'IHIONS-Ilcon quiet ; Ilema",1 nl.lerale ;
( lmherlal.1 nit . : to 30 lb. . 409 6 : short ell ,
2' 1 , . . , 31.6,1 , ! ; long clear . light , 3S 10 4 : Is. .
32' 6,1 ; long Clear heavy , G : I. . . 23s ; shell clear
lucks , light. IS Ihs. . 31. : .hort clear middles , ,
lieay , v : ; Its . . 2s ; clear belleo ceal 1 I'S ' < I"s .
3 : tss. Ihluller8 , , . ' cpor , l 18 IL. . sos. hiatus .
shnrt cut. I tn 16 Ih" . 4 ; . 6.1 ; fleet. e"lr India
mes" . 75s ; prime me. . . tSs 9.1 I'ork prime me'i ,
title w.'slct. & 4' . 3.1 ; western mellm , , Its Oil
Lard Prune mess , fine we.ter lOs ; reflued , In
pails. . 31s. l'elnel
ClSt'.SF1-lirm ! ; demand Call ; finest American .
white . 418 ; finest Annerican colored , .1.6,1 , ; Sep- I
l"ml.'I' . 4 ; . .
hiUTT5ht-Finst L.I 1 States , t : lOs ; good ,
& 0. .
SOs.Tt'It I'l2N . , .
TIHIINTrNF- . 2Js 3,1.
n ( IN-'ollnon. .s 71.,1.
( 'O'l'TONS1tl 1 On - I.I'erpol refined , 17s.
LlNSSul ) 01.21. Oil. <
IITIOI.II'I--lelnel. : OtAil. ,
ltll'ltlOhltATfllt IIIOLF-Foreqnmarters. 3'.fd
: : \ Imm.-for'qlnrter. ;
hitnihi , ill rters . tih. , ] <
1.I ACIINO IO\\'IH-Horllwool t. O. b. ,
1.Itrrpol. t7.
HOPS-AI London - ( P.tciflc , . - cast - ) , t2 13s.
I..I.ln Jil 1'1. . " .
IJOHrA. ( No\ v.-COnN-OII. , easier ; new
.1"ldv , N' 2. 2Sc ; No.3. 2Se ; new Nn. 3. 26\ e.
OATS-Quiet. No , 2 white , ISI.GIS1c ; No : 3
While. I.QI71 $ e.
ltvl-uull. : No. 2 , Oc.
WIIISKY-Markit steady ; flnisher goods , on
time , 1.10 ot $1.22 for high ! wines. ! <
11rI'IPTR-On. : : 131 , ! o. . ) bit. : oat. 73.iO hu :
rye , 1,00) . . liii. ; whisky . none ; wheal. 3.60 hu ,
! 1 I PmNTS-Cnr. 35,770 1 mm. ; oils . 11.2 : bu. ;
rye none ; \lmicky,920 - - hu.h ; - , ll , 3.0 bu.
'ri-stile' II H. ! 1.lInIN.
ST. T.OUIS , Nov. & . lerchanI9' exchange had
nn .esslon loela ) ' . Som , ti nid lag was 110ne oa the
emh , however and , the tpelll here In grain Wn'
bearish owing to lie ( nnrliwestetn ! receipts and
hr . .Ileels o rain. nrerlnl9 we.e mU"h larger
than ( lie ( lemani ] an.1 IJrl 'K .I.clnell. December
h"ol . .011 al [ s'r. fowl tu 55 ½ c . and May from
t4'Oi. ; 10 rlc , ili'ciinea from eslenla"M close of
7c and 1 e r.speel\'el' . .
- - - -
Jlln'nllih. : n'h/t 3Iitiii.t.
: nNNrAIOr.IS. No\ . 3.-WI I UATWa.q'ory
iliill. Cloe : NOI'rmbor , tSc : n"ecmler. tStj33'e :
Mms- : . 0f(37'c ( ; "n ( macic . No I harl. , 61"e ( ; No.
I . mirthern . 53c ; No.2 non them , vl'e ; receipts . .
493 cars.
Chl'I " 1'r'lMlmm.4.
CIIIC'AOO. v.-lnTTEI-flrl ; cre"m-
crle- . IUj22e ; dairies , SQ5c.
10IS-F'irm at IH , R1j
1.11,1 OIL SIwl ; Jlnrl..1 n.\ " . .
NEW YORK , Xov. 6-I venlng I'ost's
I.ondol Innnclal cable : 'rhe stock markets
\\erl lat today closing . however . above the
worst. The ceiling was mainly from the
contnent Consuls fell 10 IOI and close,1
at 10G1 hid. There Were heavy sales of all
stocks from Glasgow , where spectilatlon In
irinci has been rampant Americans were
hat . hut eosell : Ibove the lowest A Qual-
IeI of I million In gold has gone from the
Dank of England today for l'arls . although
the rate of exchange (2.10) ) precludes any
proilt on tIne transacllon.
I Consuls .holle,1 % . later Ipewre,1 , coin. -
what and closed al IOI and DC 9-16 for money
anti the account le.l'el\I ) American mlll' ' ) K
leclned from \ ! . [ I' % eon , after the opening
and they Chisel < ! I little above the lowe.t ptleo
being unchanged to . I Inn er. The principal losscs
were : Illinois. I ; heading , ' . all Mexican
Central new 4. . .
Closl prices :
; .
C118uls. m..I. . . . . . . ltflht4 Mexican ordinary . Of ! '
CunHol" 11cc'.10(5 ( 0-1 I. Pall : co a. . . . . 71H
Calm. L'ieliic. . . . . jH'i ' N. ' 5' . C.mll..II. I. . . . 11
1:110. : - . . . . . . : . I H& I IcnI8yl.1111:1. , : : . . 5tH' i
e.'lo:118. . . . . . 7i ite.iiiiig' . . . . . . . '
IlbCentriI. . . . . . IOO\ Max. Cml. new is . l'f ) !
HAl lLVL'It-3O 1 : I6 per oz , I
MONl2Y-M. Per cenl.
Tie : rate ot discount In tIne open morkel fOI' I
short bitis . 1 per cent ; for Ilree monlhs' bills .
" per ctnl. '
Stint Jrnncl"1 ' JIIIA ( Imiotutlotma.
SAN FOtANCISCO. No\ -1'ho onclal closing' '
qlolalons for minIng "IOclt tollY were a3 Col-
lows :
Alt-i. . . . . . . . . . . 12 :1itlia. : . . . . . . . . . 1
A"haCo" ] : . . . . . . : .Tustice. . . . . . . 4
AlllH . . . . . . . . : R ] , mllck\ Con . . . 7
hotelier . . . . . . . \ ) tittYVliiii. ! . Colt . 1
Host.Deicher. . . fU VII. "a"h. . . . . . . ri
10IoCon. . . . . . ao Mono. . . . . . . . (1 (
Ito titan. . . . . . . . 1 : : Mount 1)Iablo. . . . Ii
Illwol Con. . . . . 0 Occhll'nlal Con . . . II
Calc.lolla. : . . . . H Olhlr. . . . COl. . . . . . 12j :
Challenge Con. . . . 4' Ol.'rman. . . . . . . 1:1 :
Cliollar..1 . . : . 111081. . . . . . . 7
Coittbtonce. . . . . . Iar : SlaKc. : . . . . . . .IH
Coii. Cal . . Va. . . . : Sierra Na\.mla. . . O
Coil. liii aerial . . . . : m Si i'cr Il ill. . . . . 2
Crown 10111. . . . 3.i Silver 111. . . . . 20
gxch. . < twr. . . . . r Ulinn COl. 1111g. . ' . . . : )
Gonhl.\Cnr\ . . . 34 Utah Coin. . . . . . . U I
lalo.NOclo" . . I : ! IYelow Jacket. . . 3:1 :
Silver : : rs , fl7$4e. . 'rIXIC,1 dollar.i . Di1O6c. )
Imls , 8111. 2.c : telegralhlc , .e.
Fii-' 1111111 Noh'
\'ICNNA. No\ V.-Ol tine boursc today husl-
nebS \IS iltilt . owing 10 the Tulth crisis ! Corced
sales and tIne fall In 1ngl'h ronful.
l.lIH. No\ -Qututiins on tine hOlrse 10-
day were of I luellatnK allure and the general
lune Was I'ad. ' Tim eo tier ' l" nl renteni lOOt Le Co :
checks. the "ccounl. 1"clngo : ; " 1 l"nllol , 2 : SOc for
IEILIN , Nov. 5.-Trodlnl on thc bourse here
toilayi.iis extremely unit , owing lu Iho Turkish
crisis the fall In L'nglls.i eonaols and force snmtec
ot VI'nnl account. IHhanse : on London , 8 o'S'
sight , 2' ' ) maths H "fg. < <
I.ONDON. Nov. 5.-001 I I. qnolc al fluenos
A'roR nit 23' ' ) . SO ; Mallrle ] . 17.0 ; Lisbon , 2 ; ; SI.
I'otersburg ro : ; Atinitna . 7. ; Ronnie , 10.4. % ; VI.
enna. 103. The amount oC bulion withdrawn
Cram the finale at Inglanl : on balance today .
H50.00. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <
llnllenl I lo ! " .
CINCINNATI . Nov. v-oney. [ 416 per cent
New Vomit exchange , GOc I.remlum ; clearing.
02.007,610. !
" ' , SINGTN [ , Nov. 5.-Today's statement of
tine conditon ot the treasury shows ; Atalllle
cash balance $170,2s2,633 ; gold reserve , $93.039230.
. .
JIP , III , IlUltltOO.
' 110 of l'eimns'li.ii1mi's Sons 101Ir. . }
, 1 h n II.
A great cppor.unlty , exclaims the New York
Sun , Is WithIn the grIp oC the voters or Clear-
field county , PennsylvanIa and the rest or
the country will hope with a common hope
that all those volers. , themnocrats republIcans .
popuhists. prohlLltonlsts , Quayles , lastng-
ites . followers or larrlt ) ' or Stngerly , will
chose their fingers tightly over that unequaled
autO most precious chance. Upon the straight
democratc tIcket . certified to Hon. Pr3nlt
Smih , sheriff of Clearleld county Ly 1\10
secretary oC state and county commissIoners ,
arc found these 'luenlorallIe antI romantc
name , the one above the other :
Dorsey J. G 1 :
lIme Koozer.
The presence of the names of lion. Dorsey
J. Gingery and Jlllge SIne Koozer upon the
straight democratic ticket Is sufficient 111.
detice IC evidence Is needed by any democrat ,
that those statesmen are honest . capable anll
faithful to time constitutIon. To men or other
parties In Clearleh county these names arc
reI , n list wih a wo thy fame.'hit person rf
soutul mimi In nlat county Is Ignorant or the
lIves and workt or Dorsey J. Gingery and
lne Koser ? And not merely among the
forests and b : the waters or the west branch
of Susquehanna anti Ioshannon creek , nol
merely Ly DraIn Lick anti GJzam , aN they
renotl 11011. Lit all over tine state from Jol .
town to Autumn I.laves. and from Gudgln-
\ ' \ to Phiiaiielphla. Everybody knows
t"1St Dorsey J. Gngery anil lime Kcozer are
gO d mel , site men , men or Intellect , cJurc.
capacity anti sand. :
I I the euty or every legal voter In Clear.
field county to cast hIs vote Cor
fehl or Gingery Ind
ICoozer. Clearlele owes that to the rest or
the UnIted States The wires wIll throb with
few more gratIfying bIts of information next
Tuesday night or early next Vednesday
mornIng than Ihe news that Gingery and
Koozer are all right , .
1'r"'HIIU" Coiiiluegi'l 1 1elr"lnIN to I
Cnlf"rlll ,
From Omaha every Thursday mornlng-
through . to Loop Angeles without change-
everything , flrst.clasa but tIckets.
Past timno-you reach San I'eancluco
thn&'ou rrch ( a ! Sunday
evening ; Los Apgeles Monday noon Ex-
IJerlenled excursion conductor accompanies
each excursion-unIformed Pullman
excursion-uniforme 'ulman porter
wIth each car , Only personaly conducted
excursions to the Pacifc coat which pan
through Denver.
Cal at the city ticket ofce , 13t Faram
street , and get lull information
rul Inrormalon. or write J.
Francli . general pltKer agent. Omaha
- , . ' , - - - .
Election Day Dullness Shows Its Effect on
the Cattle Run
I.'en Cattle tler..1 'I'l IH' I I /rl"
11,1 I.lte t CI ( 'It rim mm . . 1'lr'eh..I-
Jn" IINI"'NI Irl"lwih
J.I leIl I OiTeriimgs.
TIJESDAY , Nov. 6.
Receipts and shlpmenls for the past
twent.rolr hours a9 compared with tile
prevIous tour du's , arc as folows :
Cattle liege. Sheep. Horses .
November . 5. , . . 90 4,090 . . . . .
November 4. . . . 2,775 lb5t 730 . .
No\elher 2. . . . 1.09 3,055 iGI 48
NO\elh r 1. . . . 2.24 4.218 28 , .
October 31. . . . . 2.0 ; 4.39 101 . .
SI ! I : ITS.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses ,
XovEmucr 4. . . Cate. . . . . . . .
Xovemher 2. . . . 1.GOi G17 200 71
November I" . . . 1.12 . . 2.021 . .
October 31 , . . . . 1,157 23 101 . .
October 30. . . . . 6 : 3i . . . 62
CA ' 'TrI -The demoralizing effects of nn
election upon busIness were plainly visible
In the cattle receIpts today , whIch were the
lightest for I 'fuesllu itt 1 great while.
Fe % ' over [ fifth [ as many culo : were re-
eeh'ell today ns on Tuesday oC last week.
' Wih such meager offerings 1 very Inter-
'ebtl market could hardly he eXIeltel ]
As I whole the market ) was aholt as dull
nail rplrlleEs nR Islul I on 1 Ii olid ay.
\'erO' few steers suitable for Ito dressed
heef trade we.e 10 he found In time j'arls
'fhiele waR [ train of wosterlis . harlly : more
than feeders nHI a few scattering loads
that Included some warmell UII natives.
'rhl market was slow at about yeEtenla's
prices. :
Onlj' about ten Ion lIs of cows nml helferf
were offered on time niarhcet . and whie the
trade was nol active they were nil sold II
1 00 season The prices ! paid did not show
aiiy material change In vuues.
1 wus extremely dull In tIme feeder di-
vIsion of the yarila Country buyers mill
stayed home nail there was almost no alit-
Elie demanll. The result was a dull und
weak , HellreRl11nl\e sales :
] tElF' iTEEI1S.
No. APro No. As' . Pr. No Av. I'r.
20 . . .1313 ] $2 6 ; 4. . .12i2 f3 : 11.
I. . v90 12 : 7..102' 1M 9..101 230
2. . fi ; 13' ' ) 1. . P20 I tiS ! . 1. . .1010 2 35
I. . s4) 1 VO ' I. 1 . 730 : ' 20. . ) . . . 23
2. . 8i I ro 1. . 73i ' ) 200 I 4..1.1 . . 23
1..10.1 I r. 1. . 550 20'1 ' ) 2..12'\ . \ : 240 '
1..10 I f 1..12.0 20 1..100 . 2 4)
2..IG I : I. . 02 , ) 210 1..12. " ' ) 24
I. . ! 'IO ' 18) ) 2. . 'i 215 33..101 2 ti )
3.10 \ , ) I S5 . . I. .160 ( 2 t 6. . 7ti2 ! 2 T.
I. . 570 1 5' ) 2. . 565 22 : 10..10 : 260
i..045 Silo
t. . n.'lms.
2. . 695 2 00 3. . tea 2 2 ; 1. . 572 2 40
3. : . 413 2 2 ; f. . 590 2 2 : 2. . 2)5 2 1
2. . r,2. 22 ; 3. . j.3 2 30' 4. . 4 ; 2 Ii )
3. . 7 : 22 : 5. . 766 240 2.75 2 GO
flu lLS.
1..13 . 100 1.112) ) 221 1..120 22 ;
1..19'1' ' ' ' ) 21 ] 1..12')1) ' ) ) 22 ; 1..110 22.
1 . .130 2 I : I. CALVES. . ( 22 : 1..1030 25
1. , . 310 1 f 2. . 2110 20 I , . . iso 45
3. . 2n 175 4. . 2j 22
G. . Cr 2 40 12. . 761 2 jO ' I. . 630 2S0
I. . 775 24 : 2. . 530 265 3. 573 29' ' )
1. . : ' ) 2r 1..490281) 0. 616290
3. . 790 2 5' , ) 13. . . vlG 2 hO '
Mmr.1ctnls AND SPIUNGEnS.
I cow nail calC . . . . . " . . . . . . : : . . . . $25 00
1 cow and calf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 O
No. AI. jr. No. Av. Sr.
v .lcers..I : $3 0 :
A. 011cc.
1 Lull..1121) ) 11 Gies. oteprs..IOG6 300
I cuw. . . . . ! "JO ) 210 1 cult. . . . . . ISO , ) 300
I steer. . . . . fOJ 22 ; 20 tetnlers . 12 ; 300 )
15tee..120 22 : 1 fee.lel . . .1075 300
I steer..122) . . ) 22 : I feciler . . 40'1 ' 31
I eo\ . . . . . 930 2 r 23 heel s. . . 1231 3 :
21 e'\8. . . . 873 2 5' ' ) I sl'er. . IUI' ' 32' ' )
I calt. . . . . lilt O 2 ro l 1 sle'.r..1270 ' 32' ' )
5 steers..1196 2 5' O ' I calf. . . . . 110 4 5'
10 - -
C. Plcrson ,
D9 steer. . . . .124 3 0
C. .5. Shhh'ler.
. I . . . . . I , .r 30 calve , . . . 361 240
.1' cows ; . . . . SGi 17 : 1 calf. . . . . 3N 3 0)
I heICer. . . . 3S' ' ) 200 2 sti'er . . .lO5 30) ,
Ilul..1.0 ' 2 0' ) 1 Mle I. . . . 7u ! 3 00
I sing..1SP1 2 3 : 39 steers..1152 30
1 . . . . . ) 240 1''3 . . . 33.
04 cows. . . . . UI 2 40 12 calves. . . . 3)9 4 GO
3 heifems. . . . v76 2 40
HOGH-There s'as a fair run oe hogs In Spite of
tine fall It Its being an electIon Ia ; ' . spie
elocton ) conn-
. lv COl'
l'are.1 with a week ago thel e Was n fatting tilt
II'elt ff over ) . 2.00 . head To quality ot Ihe hog was
'fhe market open.l fully steady whit yester-
lay anti active . The IIekers all hail liberal
arlene . nnl tine bulk of tine offerings IJerl
manila In good season Towarl the cose . after
sonic of th. maul urgent otders . hintS been fitted ,
ibis trade eased ott aind o.tet. weak. tlet .
talvo slles elset : or anl cose.1 ltepreseni.
No A\ ' . Sh. 11. No ASh. . Pr
2 j. . . . .21 . . f3 2 ; 71. . . .24' ' ) 240 $3 25
32".3 G . . 3:0 G2..3H 5. ) s 35
GS. . . .213 20J ' 3 3' ' ) 6. . . . 23 16' ' ) 3 ;
1 . . . .2J 120 330 ' 95 . . . . .242 16 33 ;
SI . . . . . 2)4 ) 40 3 30 71. . . . ' ; 24 . 33j
11..2H . . 320 75..262 121 33
G..235 5' 330 83..2'1 bO 3:5
76..2 : . ' 320 320 73..2 0' 3 2 : ;
1..212 . . 3 : ' ) 2..2.2 ; . . 32 :
9 ) . . . , .169 23'1 ' 3:0 16..221 120 33 :
92..223 32) , ) 3 : ? ' . . . . . . . 40 ' 3 :1 : :
; 3..24 12 33' ' ) 6 ? . . . . . . .3 . 16' ' ) 33 :
7..216 20 330 F..230 21) 33 ;
:4..24 400 ' 331) , ' 3..2.0 , 21 3 Z :
63. . . . .2U 40 3 3' ' ) 71. . . .2Gl 0) 3 3 ;
: . . . . ' 20 33. ) 43..22 : . S . ;
31) . . . . . G . . : 311 70..2..1 : 05
2'.35' , 40 ' 324 ! . . . . . ; 80 335
. , . , . ; SO 332\ \ . 78..261 5) : ; ;
I. . . .2.2 120 3 32' , ' 6i. . . . . :3 . f . 33 %
3'.N ) . . ) 120 332\ t2..2Gi. . 3715
. . . . . 40 3 22 , C ? . . . . 213 10 3 37i4
. . . . . SO 3 35 49..2 . . 3 . t . 31
4..2H 80 33 : . . . . . 4) 3371
. . . . . 40 33 ; W..31 . . 340
11..19 FO 3 3 : 71 . . . . . .193 . . 34' ' )
36..36 40 3 3 : GI..2 40 340
CI ) . . . , . 503 80 335 r..2 4' ' ) 310
H..2.3 ! . . 33 : v3..331 : . 4 340
r3..2.G 40 3 : 1 . . . .2S3 160 ' ) 4)
67..2'1 120 3 Z : G4..21 . . 34
3..2G6 16 33 ; . . . . . . . 3 12Y
2..1 O . ' 1 75 . . . . . 40 ' 310
1..2'0 I . . 2 0) . 5. . . . . 166 . . 320
. . . . $ . . 2 ! ) 8..2:2 . . 2 24
1..35 . . 30 : . . . . . Its . . 3271 :
marl.el. SllEEl'-There were no shcep her 10 male 1
CIIOC.tG ( ) I.i'10 S'OCH : ,
Cattle Suhlipil'Vas A I JIl' fur thc
Iemmmsiiii . ; " ' 1"111 i , ,
CIIAGO. No .5.-Tho supply oC cattle was
ample for Tuesday . reeelpls being estimated al
7.00) head . Including 3,00) ) western rangers nod
2. { Texans Trade was . \ train the openlnl
and prices nol any better than yester.II ) ' . Sales
were on I bosll ot C"n f to U.90 for common 10
. tmictly choice native t,00veq , . Butchers' and canners .
ners' stuff ranged low : bult , . ( roan H.80 10 < $2.9) ) ;
cows and betters , from $ .2 : 10 :3 ; western rnge
cattle 10 from $3.0 10 $3.70 , and Texans al from
$2 In $3.
log receipts were estimated at 33.J ) heal
There was 1 goal demand from city hackers al
) eaier(1ny's . r.ucel ] prices onl1 easter 5lnt1sper .
bought f.mirly of the heat elms. Sales were largely
nit trol $3.5 to $3.G3 . cofunuon 10 extra choleo
from $3.2' 10 $3.70 : packing grades and good ship-
ping droves " ere M'Uln close together mini pIgs
sold largely 01 flm fJ to f3.50.
Sheep receipts were lG.O head. The denrinni
was fairly aell" . Inferior to prune natives sold
al trol $1.50 10 f3,50 ; western .h"rp Were In de
mand al from $1.71 10 $3.10. and lambs at from
* 310 fl : . _ _ _ <
IIUNIN CI t h . Live Sloel
IANSAS CITY , No , ' . 5.-C.tTTLE-flecetpts ,
7.S' , ) bu ; shipments , 2.40 inca , ; best Ir"les ,
steady ; otlners welk ; Texas steels , $ .2QI3.10 ;
Texas cows $153112.40 : ; beet sleers. $2.106j4.ilO ) ;
nnl\'o COW8. $ i.25&tJ.0' ' ) . stockers nail feeders , $2.40
0j3.75 ; butts , $2.OOrijs.sO.
IOlSntcelpls. 9.50 head ; shipments . none ;
market sllonl 10 51 higher ; bulk of s"les. $3.35'i
3.5) ; heavIes . $ IOf3.5 ; pacl.ets. $ 3.4)013.1.3 ;
mixed $3.35tj3.1O ; lights . $3.15t3.4 ; Yomkers t3.w
ti3.40 : pigs . $ . 'i34' ' ) . $
SII J'-Hecelpls. 40 bend ; shipments , IZo
heall ; IJrkel steady ; lambs , * 3.01)514.40 ; muttons .
$ $2.503.2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SI , I.OIIN I.h' $ tflClC.
ST. I.OUIS Nov. 5.-CATTLIS-Iteceipts , 4.G
head ; market steady for best Irl"s. . otherM
weak ; nlth' " steers . $ $3.2fl.I ; C1W. . $ lS5t325 ;
TIXaM 3. ( ant Indian $2.400j3.0 ; COWM. $ .75@
IOGS-Hecelpls. 8.10) he'11 : market tc lower ;
hnet2- ) ' . $3.2(3.5 : mixed , P.15013.50 ; light . $ 3.2001
HI 15L1'-fleeehpts , 3.0 heal ; market firm ;
mutton . . 12.40013.50.
. Stock In Sight ,
Hernl of receipts . at tine four principal markets
for Tuesday , No\.mber 5. 1n :
Cattle . hog . . Sheep.
811 Omaha . . . . . . . . . . < 'tle. lo . ! ) . .
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.01 4.00 , 16.0(0
Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,8) 9.6(0 4.100
St. Luis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.W 8,0 - 4.11 . { }
Totals . . . . . . . . . -a . . . 20,230 5.590 23l0J
A Smallpox Setire.
I ) 'ou would dodge the danger of this
dreadful disease and escape without even a
scare trust 10 Allen's Hygienic Fluid. I
rightly used It positIvely prevents all
rlshty posiivly pevents al con-
tagion. A plea 3nt , personal disinfectant .
deodorant and ermlcldepurlylnK , cleans-
.Ine and healing.
_ _ : _ - ' .
= = _ _ _ - -
. A lIhri ' , t.1'.Qt.t'i"i'h0it .
111 Jlrtll 111 , J" " I ( 'IIUlrlln I
( ' 1111 o'itl I tili
On the aIde or Cow mount ln , anti upon
the line that IlvI11e' ' ° fJt I ! olntlS or Mentlo-
clno tnt I.ake , In Ctl1fbrnIa . lives Dan Slur-
ton , anti here. too , 14 IQ be rounel his trusty
WInchester rifle f ° I ian anti his gun are
never parted. Twenty miles away tlte shell I
or the cOlnty Is stud.lij a diagram of Dan's
surroundIngs . in tiihope that he may devise -
vise a way by whle 1nIt ) ' servo 1 warrant
which he holds ill .hI possession for the
Inountalneer's arrcsT Three attempts halo
been made to enforcB the law , but all have
faIled , for on each or the three occasions the
recluse of the mountains glanced along tIme
glLtenlnp barrel or his rifle anti remarked :
" Oiti" The ofcers don't like time display or
artIllery or the Intonation or the old m n's
voice. That he will shoot there I not the
shadow or a 10ubt , and when heuls LImo
trigger lurton intends to kill.
Time defiant man firmly belIeves that the
laws affecting bnd titles were framed with
the one IHrpose or depriving hIm or the
rights conferred upon 11 by American bIrth
and the constitution. Is sUlmlng 111 Is
brief mind to the PoInt : "A man's pot no
rights that solne one won'l steal , but wh.n
they go up against me they'\'t getter meet
I ) guln tot ) . The law Le danitieni ! "
FIVe years ago Burton furnlshel undlspu-
table evIdence or an intention to follow his
cr.el closely. On time vast slope or the coast
range a hai utile above time La11 where the
blue lakes glisten like two great sapphires ,
there Is a broad llateatm or rich land I WIS
dUly pre-empted anti entered at the San
"rancl o lanl omce Ly 1 prospectIve set.
tIer named Burns. At the tithe no 011 In
the whole fertIle valley , from lteport elm
time south to UI\ah on time north . had heard
that Mr. Burton enterl any claim to the
plateau lint he ihid . and he presented that
claim In hIs own Inlque wa : .
One sunny afernoon Burns was workIng
I near hIs caLn ! when a shadow fell nerO3 the
1100rla ) ' . He tured and saw I tall . rai
beiied hea\ jawed Individual leaning ou a
1110 and regarding him wlh I grIm sttille.
"llo' are ) ? " saId Mr. Dttrns . affaLlj'
The visItor returned a grunt , and for several
moments the men regarded euch other in-
tentl ) Then Burian , for It wan he , spoke :
' "You'r on my latid . " he slid "and you've
got to glt. In just two days , too. "
Bu.ns , who \\'IS a : game n man as ever I
called California home , laughed amid referred
Durton 10 the records or the goverment
You won't go then 1" las that worl."s .
only reply.
"No " said Burn9.
Burton turned on his hoI 1 anti Ila3ed down
tile traIl.
Time second day following thIs interview
Burns left hs ! property and went over to the
little pOi'lolee on the Iendoclno grade for
nmaii. lie was convcri'lng with a little group
or friends In the real , when 1 voice was
heard commandIng ;
"GIt aside. there ! "
Burton was leaning over a raIl rence , talt-
nlg steady aIm wih hIs rule at Burns' Lady.
The muzzle was on a lead line for the sot-
tIer's heart. The men fet baclt. Bur !
turned a shade paler , but that was al. His
nerve was superb.
" \ei , shoot ! " he said , breakIng the sI-
"l'm going to , " relurned I3ttrton.
There was a flash . a report , and Burs
dropped with a fhteld arm. As nurton'
finger touched the trIgger Dur9 swerved ,
thus saving hIs lIfe.
'h would-be asazsli ; loolee upon Serums
for a momenl and then slung around and
passed out oC night among the trees Word
of the affair was senl to Uth. anc Stanley
one of the tOEt celebratd or all Califortmla's
lighting sheris , \as bn the shore or the'
lake that night Burlo dId not expct him
unl the day folo\lngl but as the giant or-
fleer stooped to enter time door oC hIs shanty
Burton selzee hIs' rifle , nut there \\'as no
room to aim , und a Lulet passed through the
and roof ironed as time him. sherIff flung . Durlon to tine floor
, ,
' 'I caIne after you. pan , and had to get
' " ' ' SLanl ( ' comment.
yell was Stanley's oul'
That cost Durton four years of his life .
SPent ehlll the ' .als ' of San Qlentln petit-
tentlary . lOut It .dld not tame him. Once
released . he went back to the scenma or hIs
crfle and laid claim I to anolher piece or
property I Imolu as Go ch's fiat. When' he
found on investigation that he could not
get 'time title , he lad tine one threat that he
was ever known to make :
"I'l kill every man who opposes mel' ! " he
That was enough for time neighbors and
counler lmants. At least three warrants
wer sworn out charging him with having
threatened the lIves or that lumber or per-
sonE , I I these warrants that the entire law
force of the great county has been unable to
Eerv .
Constable Titlglies the first man sent after
the ex-convIct , found him lJng a field with
his rile a few feet from hltmm As Hughes
approached Burlon Picked up the Wlnchesler
and remarJed , as he covered his man :
"Go back my lad. Go back anti tel them
they will never take me again , "
Stanley was no longer eheriff. A man
named Johnson hall succeeded him. Smut
more on the lines or a ulalesman than a
warrior h Leleved ! a sIege preferable to
an assatllt. lIe s2nt Depuly latch to th&
mountains to wall for a favorable opportunJ : :
to make the arrest
Burton observed his arrival through a
chink In the door , stepped Out to a little
barrIcade he had constructed at time rear of
the olmanty and was reardy for the affray.
:11. Hatch looking down time rorl-roul
muzzle concluded that a retreat was mora
advisable than an advance , as he explained
on hil return to the county seat . thus :
"Dan hail the drop , and I never saw such
n gleam In a man's eyes before. I was just
like a streak of fire along the harrel. " I
Then Mr. Johnson In all the majesty oC
olce , went after the man on Cow mountain ,
Burton retired Into the brtmshm sat himsel
< 0WI , with his trusty rife between hiD
Imees. There the sherl saw him. The two
men hooked into cacti othpr's eyes. Not a
word was spoken SlerlI Johnson went back
alone to Uklah.
One Minute Cough Cure Is harmless , pro- II
Ih es Immediate results. a ,
LIKE A ' ! UIX , (1 ' I.lFl3. :
'J'h. J''r"'r" Commil ut.t hailer C.n"I ( } . .
'rnhle l'res'4mmre ofVniter. .
Queer things drift Into a police staten
se'Ietmes. ' and so It cattle to pass thaI
thin officers at the East St. Louis staten
had a Cunny experience Saturday night relates -
lates the SI. Louis Itepubllc. Things were
very quIet "Whhky shoots " the levee , and
the "Island" having been that remiss In their
uElal donatIon that only one lone negro
was In the cells . anti he came there to sleep.
Lieutenant WelkoLlsky thought I would Le
a good chance to give time quarters 1 thorough
cleaning Calng Nlglt ) Clerk Dick Grady.
they fastened the .biio hose to the plug In '
the engIne house tUrned on u moderate supply
or water , and began t wash OUt the cells.
They had just got things nicely started
when some practcal joker came In to time
plug and turned the , , water on ( till head ,
with only about .wemmty-flve feet oC hose
on. The lieutenant hqtl the hose In his imanil .
when It gave a jUlu ; S thol'gh It was alvo
and wrenched Isel loose while a small
Niagara began to. loP everylhlng In sight
'he leutenant II I pretty strong nmsn but
he was not In I with the bose DIck Grady
rushed Into a cil ald then shut the door
Arer him but the hose waltzed up to the
bars amid DIck came near being drowned like
a rat In a hole. Sergeant Mooney and Omcer
Toomey care In dlst then , and the hose
greeted tMm with a liberal shower Doth
men said something and retreated Then the
hose . a8 Ir endowel wih renewed life . got
aCer the leutena t. ' His hanllome uniform
and new ht looked like a sad memory or
summer In a second. LIke a great snake the
hose threw itself around and nothing could
hold It. Finally It sot out oC the jai and
Into the chIef's office , where 1ooney and
Toomey were trying to figure out what had
broken 100Ee. They stopped figuring and
made a swift break for the Inner omce , but
not until both had received another drench.
Time chler's ofce wa flooded In a second ,
and papers and ever.thlng lose went flying
rIght and left . Then the rubber hOle started
for the Inner office , but some one outside Just
then turned the water off .
When a Republic reporter drIfted Ii a few
minutes later the oflcers were wringing out
their lusts . and time water was two Inches
deep ou the floor . That hose just lay there
and laughed , whie Dick Grady , who looked
like a drowned rat , was hanging hlmsel up
by Iho fire to get dry.
Complexion powder 19 an absolute neceshy
01 the retnell toilet In this climate. Poz-
zonl's combines every element or beauty and
- - - -
JAI'AN AF'l'iIit 'ru I , : , \ ' . \ ,
I. " . the l't'hult' C..I.hrnh..t ( the "I ' -
tur , ' Over Clii tin ,
1'101 limo Instant or the Mclarnton of war ,
wrie I.nreatlo lrarn In the Atlantic , there
WM never the least doubt of ultimate 'Ic-
tory. There las universal anti profound cn-
thuslasl , but no outwall sIgns or cmotonal
excitelnetit Men at once sot to work writ-
lag hIstories of the triumphs or Japan , and
these hlstorles-sohluy subscription In weekly
or monthly parts , anti Illustrated wlh photo-
lithographs or drawings on wooll-were sellIng .
Ing all over time country long before any ror-
elgn observers culd have venture1 to pro-
diet the final resuls or time eampalgn.
From frt to last the nation felt sure or
Its .own strength , anti or time impotence of
CImIna. Time toy makers Put suddenly Into tIme
market legions or ingenious melhanlsms ,
representIng Chinese soldiers In fliglmt . or
being cut dOln Ly Japanese troopers , or ted
together as prisoners L ) tholr queues , or
kowtowIng for mercy to Ilstrlous Renem ! .
The ole.fashlonll mitary playthings repre-
seutng samlral In armor , wee supersedell
hy figures-In clay . wood , paper 01 silk-of
Japamso cavalry , Infantry anl artillery , Ly
models or forts amI Laterlell and , models or
men ofar. . The storming or tIme derense or
Port Arthur hy the Kumamoto brigade was
tIme slLject or one Ingenious lehanlcal toy ;
another , equally clevcr , repeated he [ fight or
the Iatslshlla lan wIth he [ ChlnesJ Iron-
dads . There were sold \1c\lle myrlalls of !
toy guns dlscharglnp corks Ly compressed aIr
with a loomiS IOP. amid myrla1 of to ) swords .
und cOlntcss tiny bugles' . the constant blowIng .
Ing or which reca\ell to mime time till her
tlmul of a certain New Year's eve In New
Orleans. The announcement or aeh vIctory
resuled In an enormous lnuroctlre and
sale or colored prltmts ) rudely and cheaplY
exectmted . anti mosty depictIng time fancy or
lh2 artist only . hut well llted 10 Mlmulate
time Ilopllar love or glot y. WonderCul sets
or chNomen also appeared , each Piece repro-
En.lng . Chinese or Japanese olcer or aol-
Meanwhile the theaters were celebrating
much cotnploto rash-
the war after 1 more cOlIlete
Ion. I IE mme exaggeration to say that at-
most every episode of the campaign las
repeated upon the Etag ctors even \Is.
Iee the b3ttflehls to study scenes anti
backgrounds ant fit themselves 10 portray
realistically , with the aid or artIficIal snow
stermims the hardships cl time army In Man-
churla. Every gallant dCIll was dramalz d
almoFt as soon as reportell The Ilealh or
the bttglcr . Shlro1aml ( onjro ; the noble
but fatal courage oC Haraea Jlnltchl , who
scaled a rampart and opened I fortress
gate 10 his. comurades ; tIme heroism or time
fourteen troopers who held theIr own against
300 Infantry ; tine uccessrul charge oC unarmed -
armed cochlea upon a ChInese haa lon-al
Ihese and many other Incllents were repro-
duced In n thousal1 theaters. Immense II-
luminatons or paper lanterns letteed wLh
phms"s or loyalty or patriotic cheer celebrated -
brated the slccess oC the imperial arms or
gladdened the eyes or soldiers going Ly train
to the lehl In Kobe-cormetatttly traversed
iliumnitmatlons contintted
hy troopers-such iuminatons contlnuee
night after night for weeks together , ant the
residents of each street subscribed fer lags
mind lriumphal arches.
But the glories of the war were celebrated
also In ways more durble by the various
great Inllustrlcs or the country. Victories
amid Inchlents ! or sacrificial heroll'm wert
conunemorled In porcelain In metal work
anll In costly toxtitres not less than In new
designs ! for envelopes and note paper. The ) '
were portra'ed on the elk \nlng of haorl ,
on women'9 kerchiefs or chirinmen In the
embroider or girdles , In the designs or sUk !
shltts ant oC chlklren'e holta ) ' robee . not 10
fpcak of cheaper prlnled goods , such as cal-
leo and tOlelng , They were represented In
lacquerware or many kinds , on the shIes and
covers or carven boxes , on tobacco pOlches ,
on sleeve bmtttons . In designs for halrplw , 0' )
women' ! combs , even on chopsticks. nundles
or toothpicks In tiny cases were offered for
sale each 100thplcK havIng engraved : lon
I. In microscopic text , a dlfereat poem
about time \ar , And np to the time or peace ,
or at least ill ) to time tme of the memo . ttt-
lempt by a soetmi to 1\1 the ChInese 1.lenl- .
pOlentary during negotlons , all things
h PJcned as the people had wished and ex-
iwcted. _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _
't'rihs Umii1em'tmihctt1 fUI' hiemil lii's Smilce
Wi be render more 1lenclal. and the
fatigues ! of travel comtmmteracted I tine voyager
\ I ! tile' along wlh him hiootctter's Stomach
Bitters , and me that protective and enaLl1
tonic , nerve invgorant mmmi appetizer regu-
larly. lmpmtrittes In air antI water is neutral-
izomi by It , atid it Is a tnatelnless traiquillzer :
anti regulator of the stomach , liver and
bowels. It caunteracts momalarla , rhmeumumatisimi ,
and a tendency to kidtmey and bladder oil-
nmentS ,
ts Oih ) sTOItY.
'i'omui Corisi II'S Ammtinmlmle Cotmati timent
miuiI Ills .tmmbitlotm.
Thmo dories tlmat are told , sayc tIme Boston
Advertiser , about time late Senator Van Wyck
atiti his affectation of old clothes , anti even
the strav hat , time titetuantleil overalls held
Ill , by a siimgle trjspshmder , over wimich there
wac neither coat nor 'et , recilli one of time
best of the altO amiectlotes ahout timat great
Ohoan of a gonerstiQa that knew hot Mc
Kinley , and to i'lmicii John Simermiman v'as
kncwtm , it at all , only as atm upetart young-
stor. The story to oltl , but , like aid witie , is
all the better on that account , At the ineigint
of 'iotmm Corwiin's PO"'er and iniiuence lit
Wanhniugton , a constItuent , s'ino hati often
slappeil mliii on tine bade atmmi asked imlin to
take something in a LIcking cotmnty grocery
u'tom'e , canme on \Vmtsimington to get a joim ,
lIe s'ao received by Mr. Corwin with charac-
teristie cordiality , and asked wimat commitl b
ilono for imitn. lie applied for time Iositlon of
United States timinlster to Englatmtl , but vac'
told , ivhth every appearancu of deep grief.
tinat the imlaco , umifortunately , had b'n filled
before time Ohie'in's arrival. The latter timemi
alpiied ill successon for time German , French ,
Rtmsslan , Spmlmlsh , Porttmguee'o ' atmd Swiss portfolios -
folios , for consuit'htipo beginning with London
anti ending with sonic ohsctmra little town on
tim west coat' of South America.
The apphicatmt's wandering ambition then
took a new tack , anmi confiding itself within a
narrower range , ended tine aohlcitstion ( or
oflice by asking for a 9O0 clerkshIp ito one
of the departmntnts. Toni Corwin , still cordial -
dial , neighborly and retntniscent , stmd do-
hlghmtcd to see mis visitor , and anxious' to know
about the welfare of the visitor's famnily , in-
( juiring after time vie anti cacti of the nunmer-
ous clmlldren by their Christian names , wac
still obliged to say tltit these places were all
occupied. At last the applicant , rising to tie-
part , measured time great stotestmiatm with imims
e'o from heatS to foot , and ealnl : "Tom , old
fellow , you and 1 , it senis to me , are pretty
nmucim of a size. Can't you let me mayo a suit
of your old clotimea ? "
clk p1
It'll Surprise YOml.
' , Vlieim you see it.
S i
0 It's so highly litilshteti ,
c it's so (14311CloU81y sweet.
it's 1111Y113's Ill tulle ,
it's lots' In price-l7 ,
it's $15 ( lOWll hIltS 8 a Iliolitli ,
No other deaiei' limos as good
ImilitlO its this.
V ?
l a A HOSP2 , Jim - , ,
m Music and Art ,
m 1513 Douglas St.
M ARGIN log- our cueopmet , ot'o sa.
. ' '
plalmning M.thIOIN 'i'2tAI3INU sod
ltitESSiONS. Also Cu , ' daily ansi.
ket letter suggejtmng mainen anti La
EXPLA1NE U. mlmat to trade. Sloth free. Sank
reference' fucotihed. AItiJOQAST . ' CO.
TRADE , 2 Traders 1iuildio , . .1biao.
An UprightJudge
( Be he Con1pttRor or
tomer ) of Fine Tailor-
made Garments made to
order , can't hell ) but say
ti'rj this is the gi'eatest sale
kno'n il-i the history of
u'iscit' .
Suits and Overcoats-
Ion-I our Superb Assoi'tiic'nt , worth
® ®
43O and We make , during our
o For
Choice. _ Choice.
1l ( JIEREJY GViiRiXTXE ihat garnessl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , '
by .11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . durj- our : ectal
sale on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ' , ' oI1i TII'E4\7'2'-F/t'E l)1.LAf'S or
500k ( , aunt mI mat sa/c/arloy rc'e u's ! ! s ifnit jogs c/nnnsetp ice rvlhfn I/n , , Ej' items finm dale.
tte ful/ier arce to heet janf gaivme'mls in 11' ° ' ° n'c1n , , paf , , and tcjs fice of c/na.ce ,
for a Pee iod of cite yea , . Recsm'enl Jyneul ,
CaM Ier ,
Ye M. C. A. Bldg. , 210-212 S. 16th St.
- - - - - - -
- ' - - 4
: RESTORE [ I 'I'ints grOat Vegetable
' .
.PiMHaoD % 'itnntizi'rtbepresni p.
'uunomt'i Fretnch ilii9'siciamm will quickly cnnro volt of all lnez' .
- vous or ttispasv of ttno gemmerativo , Lmimit
erloinna rtncln iii Mmitnlnooi ,
-S itmsommm mdii , l'giinns tin thu itticit , I3etmniial , i.mniissi , na , N'rvsimism
Pimples , i'ot1tns to .5tarr' , } xtnnummltnmg Im"ius , , , Vmsrtcoeela nil
- ( 'omnstinatoni ! , It atopm till losses bs' , Ias , cir miight. l'ievetits ( puck.
tIcs's of disetmnirge , ivinicim if miot ctnem'iel lenitI tim 8arnmintorrtntm'nm ; ain
all Line hnorror'i ot Impotettc3' . ( 'LIPS IsI'eJCICLIJCS : : ttnoiivcr , tins
a E FO R AFTC fl
lnidrii'ys and time urinary organs of all tuupucitics ,
CVPIIENE strengthens mind restores snuath weak orgaaa
Time r'niton sttlTerer'i tire tot , cimrc.i by 1)octora is because ninety' per ccnt into trnimbletl wltb
eosrs , I C Is. UUL'llEN i'S Is tIne omnly known remmlv' to cure wtthnout .ini Op'ratiomn , 50th tm'mtlmonl. ,
la A written gunuammteogtven amid money returned if six hoeq does InnS 05r021 a
. , QOa box , six fur 5.00 , hmy mull. Sontt for rae cim'culmmr anti testltnotmiaia.
' aA.Sremi.q 1)tVs P M EiICT2E CO. , 1' , 0. Box 2070. Sa FramnctexuCa ! , JO r me ' , ij
e'iOAI.E ow GOODMAN DRUG CO. . mo Farnam St. . Orualme. .
See that the People are Moving South
. . . .BECAUSE-
No DroLitlis , No Hot Winds ,
No Floods , No Heated Terms
No Blizzards , No Cold Snaps ,
No Cold Winters , No Crop Failures
MEN.CE the intcihlgchit IalOr of of the llthshulldihi.tiI , who cutii suc
cessuhly gro\s' tS'O or three tsrops yeiti'Iy. -
Time great [ remit growIng anti vegetable raising district of time South. A soil
that raises ati'thing timat grows and a locatiotm from which you roach the markets -
kots of tue whole countm'v. Your frult antI garden truck sold on the ground ,
and placed in Chicago St. Louis anti New Orleans markets in 12 to 24 bour * . .
In this garden spot of ) cnmerica. ,
Offers greater advantages to the intellIgent settler , One malt time work you now
do here will give four times the results in this wonderfully imroductlvo country :
Time people are friendly ; schools , churcimes , mmewspapers are mIcnmty ; railroatl Z. ,
duties Ulme , and a soil whose richness is unsurpassed.
'rss'o and 'I'lirce Crops Can he Suaccssfuhly Grown
the Same Yeti. .4
Tlmnber is abundant-Lumber is cheap-Ftmel coste nothing-Cattle are easIly
raised and fattened-Grazing Is fine all time year , ' ,
Is healthy and delightful ; land and sea breezes nail cool nights. The mean
temperature is 42 t 65 degrees. Time average rainfall is sO Inches , No extreme
of heat or cold ; sulilclent rain for all crops.
20 TO 40 ACRES
properly worked makes you more money and makes It easier than the best 160-
acre farm in time west. Garden producbi arc a wonderful ylulml anti all bring big
prices. StrawberrieS. peacimes. plums , aPricots , grapes , pours , figs , early applea ,
in fact all small fruits , are sure and prolitablo cmops ,
_ : l , .
I S SEE . . . . 'b. : . ; 1tf
Orchard Homes
Surpasses Its soil , climate , location , present anti future value or home advantages.
The Most Equable Cliiiiate iii Aitierica ,
4 ,
This is your opportunity. Time pee plo are friendly : echools sumcicnt ; now.
papers progressive ; cimmirc'ueJ liberal. The enterprising nuan who wants to isetter
time conditiomm of himtslC and hula family inotmld ltmvcstgate ? ( hits nutter and sic wiU
be convinced , Carefully * ieleete i fruit growitl anti garden lands we now offez
on liberal terms aua reasonable prIctS.
Orchard Homes
The most carefully selected lands in best locations , Will make you money.
Will srow In value. Will suit you. Call on us or write for full informatiou.
e. .
1617 Farini Sfrcet. Omaha , Nel , .
'rclephiouo 1039 , OMAhA , N1I3.
Grain , Provisions & Seek
R9om Ol1 Board of Trade ,
Direct wires to Chicago anti Now York ,
Correspondents ; John A. Warren & Co.
- . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _
Li. . P. IIMITII ( Tel. 13)3) ) 8. It , BTAN1tOIt
floom 4. N. Y. Lifo Bldg. , Orneoha ,
liranch offices at Frennont and Columbus. Ai
Orders placed on ttns Cinicago Hoard of Trgu4 *
Coreeaiond.nta Schwartz. Dupe. & Co. , Ubi.
go Schc.noar , Flack Ce , , IlL Lu1i. csp
10 rust National IJauk. Omims.