, - ; . - - - _ : : - - - - - - ; _ : ; Zr : ; r- = ; ----T" ; " - - - - - _ . _ . - . . . - - - ; - ; ' - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : - . - - - - . ' - ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'IIE O IAIL\ . DAlr..Y ' 1flE : 'i , i > NESJAr9 ' NOViM1liH G , 189z. 5 l . . . - - I . - - - - . - . - . - - -J Gl'andest Bargains Ever Ofie1'ed--Nothing to Equal or COlnpal'e With TheIn ! : , VC1' Seen--No Matter How Big Our F01'Dte1' BnrgniuHavaDeni , These aroby Far the Biggest , Best and Greatest..Not Only do We put on Sale the $10,000 Spot Cash Purchase of'Me1'chan(1ise from the Crailitol's of ; < ! . . ' . . ? r : . i3 " But Also Over $100,000 New Desirable Merchandise , Bought at a , Pearful Sacrifice , and a $0 ,000 Investment ill I1Jlell's Pants , Boys' Swits , Men's Shirts and Mell's UJ1.clerwea1. , all 011 Sale Tomorrow at _ . - - ' . - 7mCY LE5 4 N. W. COl'ner f. . ; S , _ < ' I ! ; * 6 BICYCLES GIVEN . , - . : 'p 16th fLl1d DonglaD , , , .1t' . : , GIVEN AM.A AWAY , . . ' I . : J PIU3E. . I \ . . . . . ' . ' . . , ' . . OMAHA : 7 ! } il , ' , 1' : T:3 : .r.mmzszlililml : : : - q , i . " " ; , ' 0 ; ' ' " " " " . 'o'1 'S.i' 1U : i' . } ! ' ' . > NQ u - , . . , ' $40,000 $ SPOT SEJACKET8 ! and CARES : Dress . gflfg ) [ . lEN'S Fern one . fthc Largest ! anuracturers inNclV , York : of SKnrfS and W APPERS. Goods SHOES" oy& S uts9 I ! Men ' S ants I Men s Shirts" He ' . ' , . , . " , " Largo * 8COLtt113'Sitlg1o : ' , , , Ifleiltof d"j , jack. i anti , Double ; FROM FALCONER'S CREDITORS AT 96C YARD These arc slightly damaged . by . . water , owing to the bursting ots made or Uea\'l'l' . . Special ' . . . . ' o\.C ! ,000 ] unmade (1IcH : pattern on iJ c chlnchllIn uo box of f in the f . V . . , o a pipc 10 le factory. ' . ncnl'I ' onoColl1.th lhoh' Very I1nl'st make ; or nol1r Brussels _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h'ol1t , till ( 'ba" ' G ' sale tomm.t.ow at nent'Iy oiio > \\0I.dl , sa'ie a e S' ' ' . . Cll'pcl : that cuu ho bought I , . ol'lg'lnal cost ALL THE \ vorth : 5 , ( n sale at P . . 5 ate 1 11 . O\'OI'Y ouo wOl'lh $ l.a : ! yard , LJ , 9 8 c - , . , , . . , , . . . . uenllliCul I ' and , , 1 " _ .7"1l\ sltttelns.s. ) . . . pattOl'IHI ) . . jnst " \ : . . . . . . . . . CORIl SOLE . Me"l Pants . . rrIlUd OUlOl ' hU1p1'll.O.tOUlOI.l.0W. [ ) SHOES S lts AND ul'11ldcd1ll1 , fill' UUI11ulo : ( dl'pss patterns , each pntlol't1 YAR D " , g ' edged , worth $ ; os , I contululnJ.r j I Cull ! ! yU\'d 1 double foldvut'y _ _ _ _ _ _ Fll RE PROOF SHOES. In heavy nIt wool cassttnere l'Ilo\'lots tuid worsted that $1 2 5 extra wide IIg'lilh 1 ! ca.iiiure , . , _ . \ IUl s \ 9 on ( : aIo I\t . : 1Ut I' 1'ngiocor } , etc. t _ _ _ _ bocunia ! ! Ihrhtly , wet , go nt 0.00 ; unci ( $1.2.i. . bllll.It 1 bt'oWU nllli ! g'l't'l'n 1 us 10C . , , JfJ tfA @ I\'cll us OVOUIII11' hudp t : . ; also AT s 1. 1 0 YADD M11i1 1 \ Carrcr Sho3s , GOO Down or the iUJilt and highest Utado . ; $ du belges goods worth lo ' I : : IIf iJ ) UJ up 9 8 If' I ' - . I : { l ) ' , the entire ' Iolorlll.n sHlgl1 Cut ' . l\JcuYlu'dlho cnlh'cpatlol'll -Men's Flannel Shirts . 1 iJ . C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : , . , . , . . - - _ . _ - - fm' _ _ . , . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . . _ . _ . _ lB . \ . Wlltun \ e will , Cnl'pet sell you . the lIot very U COlUUlOU'l'It. flnot Royal . \Y'\rlll \ \ \ Shoes ' , . ' wool. ' shirt in the lot a , I uul ' , ' , ' . I SIt'lell.\ all Every ! SCtL1PIUS1I just ItS 1\0 ! : 4il3' thp 1l1l0bt Itoyali1. . , - /1 WOrth ' " up to " .r.Q Go 'n ' this ' sttlo ' nl , , " . Catci'pillc' , , . .Taci. , . d2L I $ a. ; ; ( ) Full 1)rcss " Pnttcl'ns , $1. I 50. ! ton in the ml1l'kot. No l\IJuso Enamel Shoes , ( - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ot , like l'UI , balm ; ' V I oo fllI'dly ] nIl wool 11I't'sbpattol'u ) of In . the couiltly sl'l1s lheUl I ji lined thl'oug-hont. ' . , C a P e S novelty chcvlol In stl'ipo ) und nO\'l'lIy Nt. loss than $ : ! . : iO ( ) 1\ Yal'l1. ( tl d Kugiro She CSt , I/A" All the $ l : : ! .i quality I3e.t g'1'mlo . a I'ough olTcetl ! : , goods : wtu- j' ' 1 [ 'LtkO . YOIIP choke lomol'l'ow 0 Calfs1iin Shoes I l\IIen's \ Flannel Shirts , : ullr\\'Ol'lhrOlJa y&tttl wtu$1 $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! ) . . . . , I )5 ( ] skin Buckliklll Shh.t \Vorking , and all ! hh.ts OtlIOi , Imported kind oC ! : 'Ion's [ [ oIc- 5 0 C I _ ' HllldJlIC .Y lI' tl : iillIliel , for ( \\eJ. . yards the ( IPOSS COI. . . . plltlOl'U . . . . . . . . of . . . . , . ) D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YARD _ _ _ _ _ - 20th 111111 Century Dress ShO Shoes 3 ) , tllld WOl'ldn" Shirts , worth $1j : ! , all 1:0 at iiOl' 12.bU flcLty ( ) , lI.lIS and cite" _ $ ' 1'UJ : Full DI'ess Pattcrll , S1.iO. ( ! ) AT $1 . 98 YARD 5 _ _ . 1 nJc ( ( ) dl'es in . ' ' , nIl wool llcy,1. . - S 121S [ J : gOods Slll'g'CS \ , ! clo cloth fancy weaves in granite hloy$2 } ! : ! . 50 ( lii ) $3 00 \ \ \ MEN NIGHT I SHIRTS I _ _ . _ _ _ ( . _ . . - chcek and plaids . , the cntll'l1 lot strictly Inchl's , handsome POI'slun -P' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , worth $ , I.OJ . 8. \ . _ . , . 800 dozen illon's , elegant high . grade Night . all . . wool each . contalnlul ! designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cach. . . . . . . S I 9 Sale 3 9 . . ' . . yarils : . worth to ( itic ! a SalclH.tco. D . . ' Shirts In plain and faiicy trimmed anti C l.adles.l1neJa'k't .lnhroad 500 ladlc Jacl.et In 'hln- ( ! 50.j .ards.Wot.lh.uPt Jca$169 ( duth , , ' ' . / . i t7 . o ' ' tl . the onlu'o . ' I EACH 3 50 . covert 01' 1)oucte ex- chl\ln. \ cheviot nnd Prench YUl'd. palh.n'u i $3 . : - bilk cmul'oldOl'ed " : " ) . . tr'lJ1o sIeves hex Cront. rIp- $4 4 J 3 beaver , 31 , ; IIll'hl's lung ; these 3'LLl OU "Bat'galn Squfll'O" . . . . . I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - \VOL"Irr A DOLL i \1" pie hUl'lt , with or without vel- $ goods were formeily sold UI' ; Rud I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vet collar one-huH liricti I to $2G. many of them satin r Worth _ _ $8. _ on _ _ sale _ _ ( or _ . . _ . . . . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ ednesday lined throughout ! at. . . . . ; . . . . on . . . . . ale . . . . . $9 98 I ( Fine ) \'Cl' Imported tOO distinct ig'h styles class ! to 1l1'UR9 select goods fI'UIIl , , AT 17C YARD $3 75 $ 5 00 9 M e ii's U 11 d e r\ierm \ ' . in rough ln'ocls , chll11l010011 . . rlcitry cotton chain inrthi GO . 300.ladles' . . JacketR jaunty $9.9 , . colors , cost to import $1.50 a ! : . ! . ? tle. made oC host meltons wrappers of ! miorted down 9 8 ( Ulpott\\Olth.IOcIUtl ; , lIe MCIi : . Heavy , , ' Oil 1 Uiidcrs'cai . arlll ker : < eys. . In 2-hutton and . antI cloth l'esemhllultl uiIorIovn n I J ' -'al'llinthissuluat . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . C ' . . . . . . . . . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ vo ii'i-i [ u p i'o [ - Mcii's " Double eay Breast Natural Gray " worth hlf'hl Crut. $1..GO ! .on full sale I'lpllle at . buck . . . . . . $12 50 comfortable Pretty patterns and blUe wqrrn and old In 1 D _ per _ _ _ _ Yl\I.d. _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ YARD S.OO . . ! .t _ . UIHlcrwcal' ' , , ' , , , ' . 3 9 rose. girdle gray around 1111I1 th tatxl1 waist heavy , full II 12 ] styles of f CI'I.'PONS , In all wool " . Men 11 nCIOJ cd StJ . s Fitney . ? Striped C Ieeves , WatlelluFbaOk , at. . . . and slll and wool , lucks only , at Every absolutely warrant- . 'v.- . Underntl\l , Separate cloth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ an { AT 29C YARD pair - All wOI'th 11 dollar ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 tbO $2 $ 2I5O cd in , . . 50 C $1.00 $ $1 $ . ec every way. Dress Skirts ' . - Grl'atest or ; ' ' . $2JO $ 2 orlment Silk W598 I \ lxtrttllca3 ' Union Ingrain Carpets ' 'len's All wool S al'let Undcrsear . . . . . . . " . . . ' . . , Dress Skirts tp good that nov01' soil r01' loss i\1edhatld' \ ; Jlon's Ilyglenfc Fleece o. Storm , . . ergI'U . . . . . . . . . . . I ue . . . . . . . . . 0 . . I tO _ . 2'9 . ; ) ' . . ' thunlac . : V V V Liitcd Underwear : , Morris i1IIIs 5 0 oil sale a\ sale In Illaln ut . . or' . . . broctlded . . . . . . . . .e. ' 'sll\t. . . . \ . . . on . . . $17 . 50 $ , " ' .0 " 0 NOVELTV ] DHFSS ( . TornOl'l'OW thun - yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29c ' . 4I.:1 Fancy Striped UlIlIcl'wear.1\lcn's \ Can . . . . . GOODS , In flilk tII(1 ( wool , $19 8 YARD . this : English Wool Del'by tub Un- I'ough effects , go IU I V V ! f del'wenr , Worth $1.5U. . . . . . . . . . . . . Special I Large A. in . I" , . sale at , pOI' ytd . . . . . . . . . , I . - - - L a d les ' Fur Capes , from f Extra long boac . : ; . . reg- - apes at$9N98 . V . . . . ' . ular $ I 5.00 qualIty at Plaincloths , In hnpOl.to.1 ul'oadoloths , AT 39C YARD Ik 'VI'I..ht's I1enlth UIllI'I'1l , I : Colorjaegcr J Ininurted IJlHler\\'c'u' : \ " 1l\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hll'cl' urn ( ) all colors , Call weight . SOl'gOS - . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' 15 1 TO 50 ' and cnRsluorcs these l'e 46 l llJlis'hViclllln.l ! rcnch Cash iiicrc : , 5c 3 go UP Ii Fl' ! ; , IlatidsoIllo Scotch Boty Brtissels . , c Feather inches wide and heavy \s a ' , \ And nil othel' Underwear 'eat lcr Boas.from ! an . , , ; 4h59c CUI'pets ologantdoslln .nt.lISSclS39c , 3 9 WOI.th $2 . uu' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All New Fall Sty'es 19C UI ! ) to . , , , . , , , , . . , 98c 9 8 j cloth on sale , nIl al wool , ) ' , yard worth . . SI..o . . . . . yd . . . , 7 o } 'd. , goo 011 . sale tomol'l.OW. . . . YARJ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pOI' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ V SOUTII IAIIA'S ' POSTOFFICE Bids for the Sites Opened in Washington 4 Yesterda.y - THIRTY-TWO OFFERS OF GROUND MADE " rli'es Ito tigt ' frum $ ' , : ' 1111I ( ) ( ) Co IjIlU : ) ( ) "n" I'IIIIH11 Over the 'l'.wru.Ue -Sell'l.tI. . " Cu ilL' Bl..r- . III I iti.L Ltit er. : WASIIINGTON , Nov. 5.-Speclal ( Tele- prn.m.-Bhls ; ) for sItes for the new vostOtUCe' \ at South Omaha , Cheyenne , Bolso City anti V Helena were opened today by Supervising Architect William Alkl'n. Thlrl-two bids 1 wore presented Cor the South Omaha site ; ranging front I.GOO to $ lii.OOO. These biddIng 111'01 Timothy J. Mahone . C. N. Folsom , I'otter & George coinpuny T. J. O'Neill ( who submits several propositions as special agent ) , Jo'illl M. Glasgow , Davlll Anderson , Charles F. Falis rllnlt Pivonka ( with the German Savings bank ) . L. I ) . owler. I. . M. Anderson Z. 1' . IIelgeS South District oC South Omaha and the South Omaha 1.:11111 : company . Kate Tombrlllck. Allnlo M. Geary , Fannie Jessel- ) 80n Jllml'S C. C'hual anti J. M. : \\'cslerfil'l An appropriation or $2GO.000 was securl'II for the purchase oC site allll commencement oC bulllling at South Omaha. , , A decision on bills sub- milti'd will not be made Cor a 1II0nih or more , as the 1)1(15vlil ) hare to be briefed anti In- dl\'ltlually camln'll : < by the secretary oC the trta8ury. On the face oC 1'11' bids the lowest Is made by I. . M. : \l1Ill'rson. who offers lols 7 SlId 8. on bloek GJ : , at Seventh alit ) .t 1 slrl'ets for t.500. Secretary Smith has alYlrmetl the decision at the commissioner on the allllllcntloll oC Albert 1I01t. that the Interior IIl'partment cause suit to be brOlIht to cancel n patent issued to WIlson P'll's for a quarter section at lalll In Nollph : Innll IIlstrlct. The secre- tary holds that 110 SUmcll'lIt show III ! ; Is malle by plaintiff to warrant the department In recommenltlnt a suit for ancclilltion oC tbe 113tl'nt IlIvoh'l'd. In the homestead : contest oC Heubl'n A. Sla'malll'r against 1.lzzle Slay . tram the O'Nelll dhitrict tile secretary aC- I1rmetl the decision oC the commissioner and holiis .1..r.'o < l80t'8 entftot. . c1nc..llatlon. ! The secretary t ' ; - also ; ; 'relllf - i lecjiloll:1 ; : ill the Callow. lug c.lses Cram SOIllh .Ikola : Francis A. Smllh against George A. ( Iritihu , . Chamberlain latrlet ! , eonllnlssloner's lIl'clslcn reversed , Smllh's , , contest sustained and GrUHn's entry hl'lI ! for cancellation : Charles } < ' . lIalhmllll Balllst Mary F . Place huron district , .11' cislo II afllrm'll 111111 ) contest ltlimlul' : John I ) . Stull. Watertown district. lIeclslon afllrmell allll Imlay's contest thisinisseul : "n1l1 Simon agaInst \Im 11. Church soul Jt.11\ . Frank ChamberlaIn IlIslrlct. decision alllrme < l. contest . test dlsmlsst'11 al1lt Frlluk's entry heM Intact. ClU'SI'IIS ; : II 1\1 ux 1"U:11t SI'I I'U. shmmmI nil 1I111n'1II ) ' ( 'nittrndIi.t , , Si Cllr. remit II mausuir. W\SIIlNOTON. No\ 5.-\n unfounded statoml'nt hu been clrculatell , b.lSell on the Publication t'l all 311111'11111' ( oC \lImlral Ham- ssy's annual report oC the usual tables , showing the amount of crulslllg done last i I year by our 113'al'euels , that thue ves ' ? 1a have greatly deteriorated 1 In seul and are hOW tar below Ihl' requirements In the case oC mOlhrn lIanl'Cssela. . AI a IIIstll'r 01 fact .Imlral Itamnu.y hllme\ \ ( is \ the author- Ity for the statement that there la not a single one or our now \'en'ls whteh ) could < l not , IC occasIon arosu' anti they were put In trim , eelU11 or exceed theIr pl'rfornunce on heir trial trills. A Iluotabll ! case In support oC the admiral 1.1 the eruh' hiostoi whtfehi though lIeslgne.1 for a thlrteen.knot'euel. . has exceeded this In actual : service anll with. C out sl'eclal preparation haa averaged fourteen and one-half knots for hours III a tlml ! . The mllolake In the present case has been tn allumln that the cruising IIlheds of the vellels for the year lire their best sieeds , . As I matter oC fact the naval relulatlons ; IIprU11y forbid naval vessels tQ run at Cull 1 speed' on cruising duty as otherwise , aside front the posl'jble Injury oC theIr machinery Crom excessive strains the amount oC coal consumed would not only cost a vast sum oC mnoiiey , hut time vessels would actually he Ilroeludell Cram making the long ! cruiseR. The filures In the case oC the crack cruiser New York Illustrate thIs point very cleulr. Xo' " vs . fur listS Aiiii ' ' . \\'ASItINGTON No\ 5.-Speclal ( Tell" gram.-By ) direction or the secretary at war the Collowlng transfers are ordered : Liouten- alit Colonel gvan allies Twelrt-second infantry - fantry . to First Inrantry. He Is ordered to report by letter 10 time commanding ! general , Deparlment oC California for alalgnm nt 10 station and upon expiration of sick leave will I Join station to which assigned : Lieutenant Colonel John 1\1. Patterson , First Infantry , to Twcnty-second InCi1nlry. Flnt LIeutenant Ormonl M. Lissak 01'11. nanco department Is ordered 1 on n. tour Col' the purpose oC aUachlng sights to twolvo- Inch sea coast rlnes. For instruction In torpedo practl"e the tel- lowing omcers are detailed WllleU's ) I'olnl : Second Lieutenant Wilson Chase 'rwentlelh Infantry ; Second Lieutenant Matthew . \ . Bat- son , Ninth cavalry ; Second Lieutenant Wil liam n. Davis. Se\'l'nteenth infantry : Second Lieutenant George If. McMaster , Twenty- rourt.'iI infantry ; Seeonll Lieutenant Charles O. ( Sawtehie . , jr. . Second cavalry ; Second 1.len. tenant William H. tullar , Twent-first In- Cantr ) ' . Two reerults. eolorell. are slgnl':1 : to the Ninth cavalry . amid will be sent to Join the troops at Fort flobimuson Neb. , at once. vi 111 I I 'l'mr X. . ' " Sh'lo' lIull""H. WAShINGTON No\ G.-ChleC Engineer Perry has Nlurnell Cram an extended trip on the lakes on the steamers Zenith City and Victoria , undertalen In Imrluance of time In- vestlstlon that Chief Engineer Melville Is rnakln Into the respective merits oC sllOlI amI watl'r tube boilers for naval uses The water tube hollers oC the Zenith City were found to be well adaptell to marine uses allll gave no maI'o trouble In tI.dr management than the old type or Scotch shell ) ) boilers In place on the Vlelorla. As It result oC this Inquiry backed by experlnmu 'Its ashore , It Is probable that one oC the twin fOCreW boats which the Unlol' Iron works will bullll will be eqlllPllel1 . with the new style boilers anti that two oC the four single screw gunhoats to be built on time \lIantio coast will be like. wise sUPI'l1ed. thns affording a good / ompor. tUlllty tar l'xhaustlvo comparath'e tests oC the types ot boilers In actual naval servlcc. I 11"111' Cu \1,1,1 , 1t'J'lIulI. I WASHI-'OTO- : ; : ; , r.-Sl'eretary Herbert has received the report of the trial board : upon the ram Kutahtlln. Time facts are as to the perfcl'manco oC the vessel and her failure to achieve the slleell reqnlred are sub'tsn- tialiy I\S given In the press dispatches. It I now rem.llns for the bureau chlers to devise ' E1IJme plan. IC It Is Possible to avoid the ; literal executIon of the contract provl lon for the rejection of limo vessel on account of de- ficlen ' . Opeed. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ 11.It. . USflhl J 1:11I'X'I'Ixn \ ' . " 'ho'll Cht' 'l'rl'lr'r , 'nnh'(1 It time Cn..h C..nloln'l 1k' Io'unllil. NEW Wl1ATCO , Wash. . Nov. 5.-The Uelllngham flay National bank has closcd Its doors by order oC the directors , being unable - able 10 meet the county treasurer's llemand for the countY'tI depOflt. No statement oC assets and liabilities has yet been given out. Time cashier reports the liabilities approxl. mmmateiy U05.oo0 , oC which $71.000 Is due to the depositors Time asets : are $187,000. I'nsldent Morgan says the IUlpelllllon Is due to a Sleall ) ' withdrawal ot deposits and o ! general feeling oC distrust since the reo cent Tacoma bank trouble. The aU811tnalon oC the Bellingham Bay Na- tlonal bank precipitated ' a run on the Den- nett National bank which conllnuell until thus close oC banking hours. The directors held meeting anti adopted resolutIon not to open this morning and directing the prelli. dent to . . . . .Ire the cOlllplroller oC time cur. reucy to place time blink In the handll 01 time examiner The directors say that wllhln thirty days sufficient assets can be realized all to settle with all credltora. FOR COPYRIGHT VIOLATION Case of Wheeler Against Cobbey Thrown Out of Federal aourt. WANTED EIGHT THOUSAND DAMAGES Litigation Plllnll 11101\.1 IIN.1t IIICo II I'ruhlt'1II 'hll'h .i silie Slum , , imsslIy ' S'CClt'II-CIIII- tnl Citi ' Gu..ll' . . LINCOLN Nov. 5.-Speclal.-The ( ) case oC llllanel 11. Wheeler against J. I. Cobbe CM $ s.r100 damages for an allege Infringement upon the copyrighted publication oC the Ne. braslm statutes was thrown out of the federal court thIs morning by Judge Shlras. Whea the jnr had been partially drawlI to try the casa the derenw waived the federal statules on copyright alld ( claimed that III order to recover the plaintiff shoulll have , . commenced his action within two years or the alleged \'Iolatlon. The court took thIs view i oC the matter . tumId as time chIef darmge alleell ; ; ; In the suit arose Cram the s110 of 12,000 I cop II's ! at GO cents each to the slate In 1891 : > . for which the plaintiff claimed G.OOO dam- ages : this decision left only about $2.GOO ac the veult or oobsO'luent ' sales. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTl S. At a late hour last night Irs. lCanna I'otmimg a servant girl at the home oC M. A. Iner801l. came near dying Cram the effect oC a drug. III's. : Young Is 18 rears old. lieI' 1II0ther Is dead. When coked to reveal the cause oC her downfall she said that E(1 I Johnson , a Burlington engineer , was the father oC her unborn child. Today the police received a telegram from Deadwood S. D. , asking that a lookout be kept for one Kimball , an Inmnno banker front that place . who Is sUPllosed to be hl'adell toward Lincoln. A few weeks lnee KImball was arrested at Tecumseh with some valuable papero In his p0l1805slon. which were bent here for the police to look over. The oll1cers at this point dIscovered who be was and wnt word to time Tecumseh force but the man had been reieasad before the information was I'ecel\'ed. Young Joseph McGraw suetl the Grand Islanll railroad for $20.000 anti received a verdict oC $38 for damages suHallll'll by him In an accident on that road. Now his father and the Hock Island road are both In court asking for a new trial. The father avers In an aflldavlt that time jUf were allowed - lowed to go out durimmg the trial without . a bailiff and that enc oC Ihem. J. W' . uller- Ion. was approached by the altorne for the road taken into a saloon and tampered with. Counter aflhlavltb were filed this mmtornhmtg but the roam ! wants a new trIal on the grounds oC Errors or the court In Instructing - structing the jury and IIdmlttlll anti ( excluding - cluding ovhlencc. The either McGraw sa's the coml'an ' has offered to settle the cast for a greater sum than that avardell by the jury but he believes Ins son Is entitled to more 1II0no . Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Capital -P. A. 1Iamllton. \t the Lincoln-Frank Il'\'lne. Prank Iee. . GOSSIP PlltUI 1"U S'I'\'I'I lint SE. SIIIr'III ( ' Con rt \\111 II'"C 'l'uIII y- 1"'IIIJ"IIC1nr I ) ' 1:11. : . . . Not 1I'nol ) ' . LtNCO1N Nov. 5.-Speelal.-The ( ) su- Ilreme court will meet tomorro\\ but there Is 110 prospect that It will hand down < < a decision all time penitentiary mutltlle. The po- titian for mandamus has been 'filell by At. toritey 1lrkpatrlck and time answer oC the attorney general but It Is now thought that each aide will file n. brleC. That at Mr. mrlt. patrick \ \ ' 11It \ la aald , be a. strong one. One of the Important points that will bt urgeel Is tIme alleged lIIegalllr oC the action of the Board of Public I.alldo and Buildings In leasing to A. D. Beemer time penitentIary grounds stud plant along with the "col1\'lct' labor " Time bill passed to buy out DIJrgan , with an evident Intention to do away entirely with the convict labor l system , repeals all acts In confilct with itself and only pro- vides that the hoard may lease the "labor of convlcto , " which , Attorney Kirkpatrick will arue , Is an emitlreiy dIfferent affair Cram perpetuating ( the system as carried on by Stout , MO her anti Dorgan. Totlay the governor - ernor anti Mr. lClrkpatrIclt holll a lengthy Interview , In which the case was freely can- vassed with a view oC making up time brief to cover Ihls salient point. It mmay he a weelt or more before the supreme court hands down an opinion Time State BankIng board has taken pas- serolon oC the Steele City bank. It Is now 1:1 time hands ot Secretary Townley. The In- stltutlon Is In rather a bad way . but It is thought It will pay out. The capital stock was $8,000. deposits $7,000 , and $3,000 bills purable. Time nominal assets arc given at $17,000. C. D. Rico Is presIdent anti owner. Velillor Rlto Is cashier . 1I"C'ICln. . Co n Sot toss : \11111..c.'r. SUTTON , Neh. , G.-Speel.al.-The ( ) Ielhotllst people recemttly gave their pastor , Ro\ Mr. F'owier a reception at time parlors oC the church ReCl'l'shmelits and a socIal 1 evening were enjoyed br all , a large number being preFenl. The Sutton Commcrelal club Is the latest organization. Hon. FlV . Woodruff Is president - I ident l ; Pater Nuss secretary ; Carl Hold treasurer. The club has a fine Bulle oC roams. "rhe object oC the climb Is to 11romole charity and good Cellowshlp. Rc\ 1111' 1"Iook has resigned his pastor.\lo at the Conreatlonal church 10 answer a call at the hillside Congregational churcll In Omaha. 1\11'13. Dr. Thol11pson of Strammg has been imere sorno tlmo caring for her mother , I\Irs. Dr. Clllrk who has been III some weeks oC typhoid Cever. Yesterday there was a unIon service at the German Congregational cmurch oC which He\ \11' . Hllkenhaumor Is Ilastor. It was mls.lonar day. Time following assisted In the servIce : Hevs. 1"look. Fonler oC Sutton. Wuerschmllll at Hastings , anti J. Licit oC Lincoln. Good music enlivened the occasloll. Xt'hrnNI.u- CIIlIl1nl' : ) Iu'itlouis . NEURASKA CITY 5.-Spoclal.-F. ( ) . P. Ware and Camlly left for Davlll City this mornln ! . where they will make their home In the Cuturo. 1111' Ware has been In the drug business III this city for sO\'l'ral yeal'S. The young people gave a very enjoyable dance last r.lht at Memorial hall , and after dancIng ! untIl a late hptmr went to the station with Miss \ Mary _ \Vila-on. who departed for Georgia whel'o sl\ \'illl sPend the \\'Inll'r. Miss Alet ! ! Maddr lett for u visit to Omaha last evenltm. Irs. W. 's. He tor , 'who visited Sunday In this city loft for home 'eslerday. Irs. W. H. Grah l0 . accolIl\Jallle \ by her imum.barmd lert for AUlOta yesterday to take In the tfShlS at tfS' ' I'xposltlon. ! The slllk In the ' fill 'Of ' time B. & M. trestle at this city Is no\ tinder control and passengers - gers lire enabled to ' elIteI' the city without transCer. , , l ' . I \\111 110' nil 1ml.III/ . . ; ' C'rt'1II01l . NEW OHLIM . Nov. 5.-Tho I1rst cero- mommy at the klnl ! . Ic ,11otuIiana. and the moat Imposing will be hmmt crowning oC the slatue oC Our Lamiy o Prompt ! Succor at the Ursuline convention I 10. The statue will be cro\Tneol.by . Archbishop Jall8S1I : oC Texas Other bishop ! who will participate ' In the ceremony arei : ' lllr. : Forest or San Antonio. Igr. Gallagher oC Galveston 1\1 gr. Verddguer oC Laredo , Igr. Dunn of Dallas and Mgr. Durin oC Natchez. Slant lit IIIH SlIn. SIOUX FAI.I.S. S. D. , No\ 5.-Speclal. ( ) -E. Larson was arraIgned before the police Justice and fined $1 and costs for discharging firearms within time city IImlls. Larson In the heat of r.asalon fired a dhot Cram a revolver - \'olver at his son Oacar 'ather alll son conduct . duct a hardware stare hero anti have Cre. lIuent quarrels on account oC their ungov- ernable tenipara The bullet did not hit the young man 1I1'"w'r " 'ls'i'ts PIIIUII'lul I 'ru..hh'H. NEW : OIU.E"NS , No\ 5.-Sults have been filed against the New Orleans Brow. Ing assocIation by the State National bank for $21.000 and by the MetropolItan bank for 113000. In the first case attachments wore luued. and III the last namall case the ap- I'olntment of 11 receIver Is reluczted. : - V - ENGLISH TEAM QUALIFIEI > Bubear and Barry Will Be Pitted Against Teemer and Rogers. ODDS OFFERED ON THE AMERICANS OIIt'IIIII IInCl' , II III1U-\III. : nllHh , 'Oil by ' 'I"'l' ' 111 II lint I'IIIINII , 111 al m22 : : 1--lIlIlIlnll : 1'I..IHhe. 111 time JltlcI AUSTIN , Tex. . Nov. 5.-There wa $ an Immense crowd In attendance npon to ay's races anti the ) ' saw fine sport , too. The first race was a halC mile dash for a IHlrse oC $100. whIch was beautifully raced anti finlshtI with Wlnllers. TeenIer , Gaudaur anti Rogers In the order named. The other starters were : Barry . Ilalnes , 'Ingate. Peterson and Ilan- Iou. There was very little dlslance between any oC them and Teemer won by a half length Time. 3:22 : % . Time amateur lap teak mile race with turn wUl have to he rowed over . as a protest was filet by Iartln that "Ed l'agKlss' boat was not a lap teak. " The 11rolest was alloweI. ( ' Tlmo of race. G:27. : There were five enlrles. ThIrd race , trial beat between English doubles for position In the final , three mile. aalnst Teemner and Rogers the American crew. was won by nubear and Barry by hair a lenth. ! TIme , 19:34 : : % . This was a close race to the last Iluarler when Hubear amid Barry's spurt forged ! them ahead. Bubear and Barry wUI noli' liars to row Teemer and Rogers tomorrow for a purse and the clmamn- plonshlp , anti a6 their time today was J : > :3414 : against Teemer and Roers' corrected lime oC yesterday oC 18:02 : % , the sports arc cimoos- lug limo Amorleans as winners and giving odds. The fourth race - was a mile anmi a half straightaway between Miss l\Iosenthelln or St. I.oul ! ! amid Miss Tilly Ashley oC hartford Conn. Miss 'Iosenthelm won by hall n boat length In 15:17 : ½ . Sue had a good load all down the course. but Miss Ashll' crowded her some on the last quarler. Tonlght's trains are jammel with visitors and tomorrow - row will be one or time biggest days . PINISIDJ.IIIU : I' 'I' BI'l'Ji : JJ.\lII ! ( h\'lU'r SIt\,1 IIIH lIor"l' hilt YzuN en.- 11I'lh'ol tn Go 111gb CINCINNA'rl , No\ 5.-1'he , feature at an excellent 1u"s racing at I.atonla today was the Tohacco stulle sellinI evemmt at II I mile. Six went to tile Ilust. with I.ehmnn I the ta\'orlte. arlll Buck Ma"sie ( secollll choice. Time latter went to the front anti was uevor headed , I.ehman giving him II race In the ptretch. \Iapsll' ; was In to sell Cor $1,900. Bob Tucller. tralnf'r for lelsh- maim & Son ran him ur to $ I(0 ( when ho was bl,1 In by his o\\'ner. J. \1. ; Murphr. 'I'h" imnmmdicap ' mlle and a sixteenth , was a handlcal ' for the amid 1 well won victory tor.WOhht a odlls-on Cava rite. Simon \ \ ' . lIe . II ! n great : colt right now. 'I'ather line ; track Cast ; attendance lare. Summarlel : Jo'irat raeo selling one utile : I4trath. moath (3 ( to 5) ) WOil Tom Sayn , (3 ( to 1) ) second La Creole (5 ( 10 2) ) Ihlrtl. Time : :13. : . Second race , } JurRI' . six tllrlonlts : Nick It ( to 3) ) won , I lemIry Voting ( ; to 2) ) I'cond , Banlu Maria (10 ( to 1) ) third. 'l'Ime : 1:15 : : Third race , hnndlenp , mile ansI . a sixteenth - teenth : Simon W ( I to 5) ) won iobemiguia (3 ( to 1) ) sccond , hartley (6 ( to 1) ) Ihlrel. 1'lme ; lHI : : . I.'ourth race Tobacco st\kf'fI. : value to winner 1315. one mile : Buck Iu..slo (15 ( to 5) ) womi I.ehman (9 ( : J 10 GJ ) I < ecommtl Granann (9 ( to 1) ) thlnl. Time : 1 :10\1 : \ : . 1"IUh race live I1nel a halt furlongs : I.u. colic 11 (5 ( to 1) ) won , Ida \ Vagner (7 to 2) ) second , Shumlock ( . . . to 2) ) third TIme : 1 :0) : . Sixth race f llhlK. five ar1\1 a halt tur. longs : l.uCI'II (1) ( : ; to 1) ) 11'011. Iurqul (10 ( to 1) ) secomid Eponu I . (5 ( to 1) ) third. TUne : 1:0'\1 : \ : , n'l1n. ' Cn 1'111) ' \O.h..n. . omw : 'YOIlIC Nov. 5.- lr. ( I. I. Ic. Avery . aneslatmint malinger at tile I'nl\'erlllt at Pennsylvania Coot bull team mukotl the tJllowlnl : I1nnoun'l'ment. "There will \ be - - - - no game between the Boston Athletic ns- socll1t1ou anti 11 t011111 fm omit time Unl\'el'slt at l'enilm4yivmonhmt. 111'lNlle \ time I't'pre- Ientallve of the Boston Athlotlc ussoclullon. accepted the proimoition Crolll the Cresh man tl'am on his own rC"lol1"lblllty ( last night. hut IInds Ulon ( consultation wIth Hos- , ton players that thc ) ' will not entel' I I. coIl- i lest against u second team. I ' LxuigsCro'uvt ! nn C h. 1..1 Iiuy . Ng\\ YORK Nov. G.-The largest crowd at the lIIeettn turned ont toda ) ' . time Illst day at the racimmg. at Morris lJark. Summaries - maries : 1.'jrdt race live furlongs : 'l'rl'mar/o / ( I to 1) ) von . 1lIrma ( ll to 5) ) sl'col1ll. J\ledlca (10 to 1) ) tllll'd. Time : 1I : ( ) } } . . Second lace six furlongs : W ' 'ernlll'rl (7 ( to 5) ) won , Peact'llIalwr (10 ( to 1) ) ' ecommd . Patron (10 ( to 1) ) 'hlrd. 'rime : 1:15. Thlnl race \\'hlte l'iainte Imamudicap six furlongs : I117ell't (1 to 6) ) won. Merry Prince (1 ( I to 1) ) second , Silver 11 (15 ( to 1) ) third. 'rIme : 1:13 : % . Fourth ra'f' , mile and 11 quarter : I.u- canla (8 ( 10 5) ) won , Itetumgeo (5 ( 10 2) ) sec- onI ( , Urand'wlno (7 ( to 1) ) third. 'rime : 2:11. : 2:11.Firth race one tulle . selling : Sir 1)Ixomm Jr. (6 ( to 1) ) won OOl'lelt (9 ( : to 1) ) second ; \lnl1l'hestcr (3 ( tn 1) ) thin ! Time : 1:43. : Sixth race oums' mill' : Gotllum (7 ( to 1) ) won. 1)oerslayer ( fj In 1) ) toecol1d. 1\lonaco (1 ( to 1) ) thlrel. Time : 12 : \ % . Sevl'nth race , 8tel'lleeha ( . ahout two miles : HlclllllUS ( t 10 1) ) \\'on. Unlto oC Abereorn (1 ( to 1) ) sceomidVoodford (4 ( to 1) ) third. 1'lme : 33. : ( ; 1I'Hnlt. . nC III' ) ' 1)1st . . i'l't. . SAN FRANCiSCO No\ G.-Summnrles , : First racl' six Curlons ; l'atriot lOS ( Dennison - nison ) . 8 to G. won ; lila SaUl' , 19 ( ItIley ) . 6 to 1. secOIII : Mount Stay , 9S ( Donnell ) . G to 2. thnl. : 1'lme : 1:1J\ : ! % \ . Second race I\vo \ CurlonlTolllo : : \ Ilawn 108 (1IInl'lchs ( ) . 7 to I. 1 won ; Vaiemite 111. ( Ilennl's"e ) . 5 to 1. "cOIIII : linmTy O. 1\0 \ ( Hllaw ) . III 10 1. thlrl. 'l'lme : 1 :01. : ; \lnul1t ; \\cOl'egol' \ II. . Irene g and Diana lilly , also ran. Third race . seven furlongs : \\'awona. 99 ( , Tones ) . 11 to G. wou : Centuriomm lot ( Sloan ) . ' 12 to 5. lIecond ; Goodwin II. . 110 ( \onnhul' \ ) . I 20 to 1. Ihlnl. Time : 1:32. : Tar and ' Tartar I ' alSo ran. 1'ourlh race , five tUl'longll : Yenleml 109 (1IInrlehs ( ) . fi to I , won : t'otemltate. 112 ( Flynn ) . evpn. Foeollll : Hl'lIl1zatlol1. 10\ \ ( Chevalier ) . 9 : I to 5. thlre ! TUne : 102. ; Myron also ran Fifth race mile IInel n Hixteemltil sellIng \ : Bal'ca\clln. \ . 120 (1I1I1rlchs ( ) . G to I. 1 won ; ( 'Ie- cr0 . HO ( SlIoncel' ) . 9 : I tn I. I'c.mlltonmn. ; ; . HO ( hioumnessey ) . 11 to 10. Iblrd. 'l'lnIG : : . Nellie 1Nick O'1\lulle , Silver \ Lip also ran. - - IInelnJC III S. l.nIlIH. ST. I.OPIS. No\ G.-Snmmarles : First race , tllh'tll'n-slxtl'nlhs ! ot a mile : Flnllout sven King secommd Imp. Thorn third. Time : 1:22'1. : . . Second , r'ULe. 2-'ellr.olds , nlne-slxtpenlhs ; Sylvia won . Sidelubia secomm1 'l'en'llnes third. 1'lIno : OG7. : 'l'hll'd race. 2-'ear-oldR , IICtl'l'n-slxlf'l'nlhq : Schiller von . L.atly Inez second KIrk third 1'IIno : 1:15 : % . Fourth l'al'l' one mil : Aellllp Huchanan \ ton , Miss Young , 131'1'01111 , Toots ( even ) third. 1lme : 1:42 : Fifth race . selling : MIss Clarke (3 to I ) 'troll Sounllmoro ( second Chlswoll thlrel. ' 110 : 1:42. : \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ iCi. uisms . 4 ( .It a . ltiies' n..llt. . . KANSAS Ci'l'Y Nor SV-Itesuhts ut Fx- pOsition hark today : First race , tour und I bait furlongs : Daisy V. ' won. Nelllo H second Or ) ' Hulo thlnl. Time : O58. : Secant race live CUl'lol1& : Darwin \,110- , 15 (0.1 . won , I lurle ccond . E. A. Il ) ' thl'd. ! T111 : 1H. : ( Thin ! race. six StIll a halt furlongs : In- \'ado won \Iontello second Ah'a third. Time : 1:27. : I.'ourth race . six furlongs : ( atln won Hl , \ rt' secomid 1ml IKK leurl Ihlrd. ' 1lmo : 1 : IHi' 1' itth race deeurcel : ciT on account oC dhrlml' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ % . . \ 'l'hlr.1 or n I' 1I.r.l. SAIdNA. Kan. . Nov. & . -.Lrammk . l tJrharel broke the \\orill's orme.tiiril : . - \ \ otl-thl.tl ) mmale Kland- In" sturt. umipaced bicycle record hero toda ) ' In 0:42. : ' 1he lowest pmevioua rpcorll was Ot3. : "Hulo by Cox at Cimleugo. . 1:1".1 : - hardt Is hut 17 Yl'lr or ago. 1ho races ' . oC today were manugell by Ihe I.easuo Inel'lcan Wheeimners. Cr..111 . . \ . C. II'C"II. Jrln mm. IIROOKI.YN. No\ 5.1.00t"I : ( 'rca- ccnt Athletic chub , 16 . ; Brown unl\II ) ' , 0. Comlllxlon powder II an absolute necessity oC ( lie refined toilet 4n this cllunato. l'oz. % , onl'l combines every element of beauty and Isurity. - - - j fUSSCLI'U ' 11 J IN.JtNC'1'HS. S"'lt.1 of I h. Iriglutor S..uth Illu.C .1"hh'rM . .t Itats's. SIOUX FALLS , S. I ) . . No\ . 5.-SlIeclal ( ) -As a term r dispatch announcel1 wonl hu time case , the Injuncton secured by the jobbers of this city Igolnst the Great North- 'er railroad . restrin II ! ; It from ralslll Its distributing rates out oC this city , was dlssolvel ) 'csterda ) ' . Time Jobbers Cell very juhlant over this victory allli my that here. after they wi 10t be backward In allpl'allnr to time courts as lit this case tu secure their rJhts. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ill . . Iomuis'stle ' 11"H " ' , 're FleIls1e. SIOUX FALLS S. I ) . . Nov. 5.-Speclal. ( ) -A second divorce has Just boemm granted Mrs. Jessie Connor Cram her husband . Charles C. Connor. The couple usemi . to live In the east , amid several years ( )0 Connor disappeared - and for commahihorabia pearell was gone a consllerablo time. Irs. Connor secured u dl\'orce anti had just secured her decree \ hen COlnaI' showed imp ataln. 'fher wcre rerarrlCI amid care to Sioux Falls. 'he spent ouo winter In Caiifurimia . and while there an alorney here attached their Curnlture on I JUdgment sent out here ly all eastern compan In thin spring they relurned . anti Mrs. Conlor claimed the property and sue,1 , for it. She secured ! a judgment ualnst the sherlfl for $1.900 Connor haD wallerel off Igaln anti his wife has just secured a secumid dlvorco. - - - - - - - .lmtslgs' fluigert au's Ifemiltls. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Nov. 5.-Speclnl ( ) -Ju go Edgerton l , who recenty was conm- pelell to adjotmrmm time lerm oC Ullte States court here on account oC his feeble health , has IU Car recovoroll that ho will leave this evlllI ! ; for Arkall as , where he wi spend ) the wlnler. lie will bo uccorpanloll br his wlCe. daughter Margaret , anti son , Fi I . G. fdertol or YuimmittomI. Judge Caldwell has tnt word that UnIted State' Judge A. n. 'I'homas uC 1.1'10. N. D. . will como to South Ialwta thIs wlntel' to hold federal court. 'rime terms of court wIll ho held as Collows : At Ab2rdeen , Ttmesday January 7 : at PIerre , Tumeuuday. January 1 ; at lellllwood. Tuesday 1"obruary 5 : at Sioux Falls , the first Tuesday ) ' In . April . - - - - 1'CC r"n' CII.J.lnt. 'h.t"nt. ' . . SIOUX 1.'Al.f. S. ii. , Nov. 5.-Speclal ( TeIegramn.-A. ) II. Stites . anti-Petgrew can. Ihlnll' . dereated Jacob Schaetzl'l for eounly eOlrmlsslollfr ly 17 mmiajorlty. curryln evry precinct. I was the hotest klntl or u light which has been tvaeml hetween Senator Petti grew and SUll hack emi ana side alil N E. I 1III1s alll KIUreto on the other. 'l Is Is the first contest oC power oC these relmiml lican factions slnco the "big Caul' split. This h a boost for 1IIIIIs . fcr governor. IIII nllol SVI- hulls 'hu.'I.I. ( . . . BAlTIIOHI , Nov. G.-Calltaln Frederick Lang Ild his wife were lurdered at their home al FranklIn avenue . Oarlll'nvll' . last nlghl. Their heads were crushed aa thl'Y lay In bed and time house was raus ckol ! . I Is suppOd that robbery wes time Incentive of the double munlor. Licecliam's pil.s . arc for bilious. ness , bilious headache dyspepsia - sia , heartburn , torpid Uverdiz. ziness , sick headache , bad taste in the mouth , coated tongue loss of appetitesallow skinetc , . when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the boole Pills 10C and :5C a box. Dook free at your druggist's orwrite D. F. Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , New York. II\I Ilu mot than .m m 1 u .