Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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'rllB O [ .AIIA DAIXJEIWJ : : ) N I'.Y ; ? , H OYEMBgU fl,1S9. a
I f ( T Jr1 _ fQf ,
I - .IL , . - . . , , . i
I Ofilce 12 rcarItrcct-1I. W. TIItti flTiingcr LcSMCo. _ _
. , L . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ , @ 1 @ ! rm ;
_ - . ' . - - - . - . - . , . . -
MINUIL ! \ : l1f 1oS.
Chrysanthemum ! . J. n 'lcPhcrPOn. TeL 2H
A marrln(3 ! IIcenpe WIIS bsued 'csterllay
to J. M. N. rlcm of Omaha nge l 37 , antI
Mary 1. I"rank of 1I0).t , ICan. , aged 2. ; ; .
The Larlles' Alrl ! ocety ! of Rt. .John's Eng- : !
Uslt ) Luthran church meets Thurfl < lay after-
. nOCJn at the resltence ! of Mr8. O. W. Sn'der ,
" " 217 S'Juth Seventh ( street.
The new grounrl" of thl Ccuncll l1Iurfl !
Piehl rluh wl1havl \ ) ! their formal openIng '
next Satlmlay afternoon nl 3 o'cloclc. 'fho
club'l fool ball team will play \ a game with
the Omaha team.
City \ I'h'slcll\n Trcynor II I ! lockln ! up sev- I ,
oral caee lul'hlclt he claims Ilhrslcllns ) : nUll
parents : have failed , to report contagiOUs 11Is-
ascs : to the cRy cleric ai required by \3w. \
Informations muy be fIIetl.
Ilegul.1r meeting ' ot Woman's Chrlttlan
Temperance IInl'u will ho held at BroaI\1'ay ,
Meth Idlst I tll copal church today nl 3 1
o'elork p. m. All members lII'gently requested -
quested to ho ) present. lrs. T. S. 'Ioles-
'Worth. seerellt :
J.'arm loans made In western Iowa al loIV.
HI ratcs. No delay lu cIoIng ions Fire
01111 torn'\I ] Insurance written In best or com.
panJE Hng1lns In real estate. I.OUOI
& TO\\'J.B. 2 : ; Pearl St.
Money ; 10 io.n on Improved Iowa farms.
Large loans : a pcehllty. L. W. Tulle's , 102
Main street. rooms 2 and 3.
- - - - -
ThIs weather , nggests warm and corn
fortnblo thin , , " . 'fh080 1olorallo I'IdClr ' :
Down" bed comf'tts at the Council Bluth
Carpet com pan ) " ! and the bIg line or lur
rugs IIIp.t hese I su/gestions. They . are
cheap , durablo. bMUtlful.
CllnlIJt" III ' 1'111I" . ( Jllr.1. u .
Burlington route. Note changes . effective
Bnnlhy , November 3. O. M. [ Brown ticket
orent. ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nicest line or overcoats In town. MctCJI
lIardman and Stahdanl pianos. 113 N. 16t. . .
. un. . . . .
'lrs. Ell Jetrerls Is dangerously 11at \ her
home on Nicholas street.
henry ( Luring left Yl'3tcrday for a business
trIll to Coniucraville Il1d.
r. M. Treynor has been engaged as tenor
In All Saints' Episcopal church chulr. He
will begin his duties next SlInl1a ) ' .
\\'lIIlam Swan of Chicago Is In the city
for a brief visit wIth his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. henry Swan : on Sixth avenue.
' \lss \ Sylvia. Mcssnioro [ has accepted a
( psltlon ns teacher In tile Garden Center !
schooltl , and will leave for that Place to-
"lie n"A'I"tt'r..1. "
An amusing incident happcnel , Saturday
afternoon in the Second precinct or the Third ,
warrl. . An enthusiastic vcter who had neg-
lected to register came up town , and , seeing
a crowd I1Ilng In Rllll out or a store on Main
street near Tenth avenue. supposed It was
the plncl to ngIi.ter.'oIi , It was ; and the
store referred to was 919 ! ) . and the crowd
was regIsterIng a IJ1IrclmOe ! of their winter
underwear , caps , gloves. mittens and hoes.
Ho also registered and will vote T. 11.
Hughcs' the cheapest place In the city to
trale. , It you haven't registered there Is
ample time to do so 'et. for our hue Is complete -
plete and full or bar alns.
Miss JJadollet's elas ! > or St Paul's church
will give ! Il reception Wednesday evenln .
November G. at the residence of 1\Irs. E.
II. LQugeo ! 515 [ Oakland avenue. All friends
are cordlIII Invited.
The I.allles' Aid socIety will mix religion
with mince meat this week. The old reliable
Illnll. Get your order In early. 7j [ Fourth
street. Will announce later.
For fine work we are strIctly up to date.
luf City laundry , phone 3U.
H lit'UIlL1CANlSM IN 11'111.
11'llrlN IINI Night l.o.l.ed 1.1 , , a
CI'11 SWl''I'
Yesterday was election day In Council
fliuffs. There was hut little excitement hut
n fair vote was polled In alt the' precincts
of the cl . . At G o'clocle , when the polls
closed , the republicans claimed to have won
the day , and later developments tended to
show that they were not far 'Hong. At 1
o'cloek only four city precincts had been
heard from olcllll ) In the first precinct
( f the Sixth ward Arcd republican candl-
ditto for treasurer had I majority of 7G over
Hardin , and , Morgan : . republican candidate for
sheriff , had a majority of SG over Stuhr.
In the Second of thE Third the repuhlcan
ticket ran pretty evenly , with a majority of
about m. : In thc First of the Second Arnd
had a majority of only 3. whIle Morgan had
n lajorly of 23. In the Pint of the Fourth
Drake . republican candlJlto : for governor.
hall n majority ot 31 over flabb . while Pusey
hall a majority of 103 for the sate. anti
Morgan 32. lardln had a majorIty of 12.
runnIng considerably alt2ad cf his ticket.
C. 0 , Saunders stated at that hour that ,
the indications , : were that the city woutli i ,
1o republcan by about GOO , and the county
11 about 1.000. Morgan was nearly UII with
his ticket In till city , but Ard was a Ito
IJehlnd. although he would be elected by
n good maJority. Stuhr made quite a gain
In Minden , n German settlement. but It was
F offset . by a large majority for Morgan In
Ln.ton. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We have sol 3,000 hotbed sash In Iowa
and Nebraska and never had a kick. Wo now
have ready for Immediate delivery 1,000 more
at bedrock prices. Write for prices on all
kinds glazed , sash , glass. I'alnts. oils , etc. .
stating quantity de lred. Council Bluffs
Paint & Oil Co.
A plant thoroughly equipped with the
newest machinery the best work by skilled I
etnployes primpt deliveries and fair treat. :
met are among the thIngs that makes the
Eagle "that good laundry. " Telephone 157.
Chrysanthemum 11spla ) ; . largest variety ;
fInest plants : lowest Ilrlces. J. I , ' . \'u'Ilcox.
The hi.trdunan piano Improves with uso.
Fin' I" I ' 1'1101 1hOII
A. Lungard's tailor shop on Main [ street , , .
near Willow avenue was found to be on fro
last night shortly after 8 o'clock. low I I
started was a mystery. lie had left the
buIlding only I little while before after put-
ting out his light. There had been uo fro In
the stove. When the firemen arrived the
Illpe was found to have been knocked , down ,
hut as there was no fire that docs not seem
to throw much light on tie situation . A man
who passed the place just before the fire was
discovered stated that ho heard I 1101) lethe
1101 \le
the sound ot an explcsioii. Mr. J.unganll
states thl his Iou In nmado.tmp goods wi !
nmnaunt to several hundred dollars , which was I
covered by $2.000 Insuranco. '
At midnight the fire broke out again and i
tlmt buiidtng and contents de-
thl bul\lng were entirely - I
uutroyed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
The la,1I1 or the Christian church will
Fr'l dInner and supper In the lseman
building on Ironll\l'ay. opposite 1011 street ,
toda ) Come anti eat chicken 1'le.
- - -
Nothing like It. The famous Crown plan
with orchestral attachment leads them all.
lourlclus Music House . 16 Stutaman ! street !
luu't ' \ ' . " . 1.1
Dy starting your hard coal burner 'et. Get
one of Swnlno's airtight eto'es or oil heaters.
Cheapest and best In the city. HO Iroal\a )
Looking for fuel savers and hard times
stove demit overlook DeVol's new airtight
coal boaters. They do the work and don't
cost you much.
RadIant. Novelty and Ehnhurat stoves for
lIard coal sue the most economical stO\'f
made. Sold only by Charles : Swains 7tC
liroadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Prudent p'ople are begInning to think about
holiday good . and \ they're noting the great
line at the Durfeo Furniture _ company' , .
. have you seen the new gas beating atoTe ,
at the eomp ny's ofce !
Nicet tine of overcoats In town. Melcalf ,
Dr . iI i I
orehou & Co. , blank books and binding I
7ho Standard piano next to the lardra : I
. - - . - . - -
'l'OUtZIIS lt'ItUI 'l'liX.tS 1.\ { I.
, , ,1 1H'1 Colored % II" lirt " as the
1"ut I , ' n UrulI'el now.
TIX ! Baker , who was slugged In a row
on Broadway near the Metropolitan hotel
Monday night , iliad ot hs ! Injuries yesterday
morning nt 5 o'clrtck Four well known
toughs , John and Dick Webster , George
Hoper and Frank Johnson , are all In Jai ,
charged with murder as the result or the encounter -
counter John Webster was arrestcl by
DEputy Marshal owler as ho was hclplng
move I house on North Sixth street at 8:10 :
a. en. At the tune hl did not know' that
halter was ( dearl owler told hIm he was
\l'antll. and understanlnl , at once what It
was for . he consented UtoUo without ; any do.
hate. On the stay to the city Jai ho talked
freely about the affair.
"Wo lied I numhe of drInks , In the Metre-
poltan bar ard were all of us pretty well
jagged up. Hoper Imle,1 , flaker'ut cigar out of
his mouth arid stuck It hack : again with the
lighted , end , foremost lallr got mat and
went across the street , coming back a minute
later with a brick In his hand. But , say
how hard Ild I bump him 7' '
"Pretty hard John " was Fowler's rep ! .
"lie's as ( lead CS he ever will be . "
\Vebster stopped aghast anti , turned pale
lie atipuostI that the escapade would turn
out like ni the Innumerabl fights In whIch
ho has taken part with a nominal flute or a
Cew minutes In jail. When he learned l th't
murder was the chare hlch wou\l b2 made ,
against h'r he had not another word to sa ) ' .
Deputy Marshals Fowler and Anderson then
weut down to search George \oper's hou3e. :
On the way they met Olcen Peterson amid :
Murphy and hey al went together. Some one
Infol'mt"l them they woull nrHl Hoper anti ,
[ lIck Webster drinking beer hack or the
Northwestern saloon on lower 13roadvay.
They followed the clew ant arrested both
men putting them In separate cells In the
county jail for rate keeping. half on hour
later Jackson was arresteil , and when lockeul 1
tip In the city Jai told the ofcers thaI II was
John \ S'ebstsr'iio Ild the kiiilng. I
Dick Alien witnessed the fight from the ,
" ' \1 felos had Texas make a speech "
said hc. "tie was In good humor ant nude
a god speech. Roper pulled the cigar ont of
1M month and It male , Texas mal , , lS I
would anybody else. Texas ran across the
stret and picked up a brick. Just then I
saw a man run out of the bUl1lng. pIcking
UII a big club as hel'ent I don't knol
posltl'elyl'ho the man \'as lie ran out
Into the ml110 of the street and met
right between the motor tracks. The felow
struck Texas across the nose with the club
and Texas tell. lie folowpl , the first blow up
with several others anti I was sure he would : .
kill the darll ) ' . After lie had quit I went UII
to where Texas was lying and started to
pick him up and carry him off the track. so
he w otihhn't bo run over by the cars. Hoper
asked moo what I was doIng ' . and when I told
him he pulled , a long knife out of his pocket
and was going to stab me. But he didn't
As Texas foil after the first blow I heard him
say , 'Ian't John , ' several times. "
Immeiately after the fracas Officer Van-
den Burg , who had been standIng at the eli
of the hotel porch fartho3t away from the
bar ran up . but before he reached , the place
where lInker lay his assaiants hat , ! fled. lie
went after them but after chasing them some
little distance gave i up and came back to
Baker. lie thEU cal 1 the patrol wagon and
sent the body to the hospital.
TIm club used W.19 a stick or nttnn wnnfl
four feet long and a couple ( or hiiche l . ! :
After he was locked up John Websler ad-
mltCl having struck Baker In the back or
the head with it . Inrl told Delluty 'Iarshal
Anderson ho threw It away In thc alley west
of EIghth street , between Avenues I and C.
Anderson went down and fOU111 the stick
Iylug In the alloy and brought It to the city
jail . where Lt Is now kept al evidence Web-
ster . said he was so drunk ho 11,1 not know
anything that was happening.
There are witnesses . u ho claim that Jackson -
son also used , the club. There Is positive
evidence connecting George Hoper with the
tragedy , In the shape of a knife that was
taken out of hIs pocket when he was arrested.
The wound beside Baker's nose was clean cut
and the physician who attended him was
Positive a knife made I. An examination
was made of the three knives , and Hoper's
was foul1 to bo blood ) I was the same
knife that : he pulled on Dick Alien . and the
one whLh he Is accustomed to stick Into
people on slight provocation .
One man , who claims to have been an
eye witness or the proceedings says that the
rol started with an angry tale between laker
and Hoper as a result or the cl.3 episode.
Inleer chalengcd Roper to fight anti Hoper
agreed. laker then backed off . an' ] Hoper
followed , him up. Baker went across the
street Illck"l up a brick and came back to
the huddle or the street , where the light took
place. The doctrine of selr-defenso will
probably be the theory upon which the de-
tense wIll bo conducted hut the fact that
four healthy young fellows were after one
lumen G5 rears or age will probably have
some weight wIth the jun'
On the way to the hospital Baker saId the
lIeId was done by the Webster boys and
Roper. After reaching the hospItal liLa talk
V as rambling and dlacouinected and he coult !
not gIve a clear account or It. lie was 10
Intoxicated that the doctor could not get hint
under the influence of chloroform lie was
unconscious a part oC the time . al11 dIed at
; o'clock. his Injuries consisted of a fracture
of the 8J\1 about the base or 'tho ' brain a
cut by the nose ant another on the forehead
All four or the assailants have long and
varIed police records. George Hoper has
already served : term In the penitentiary.
A few months ago he and the Webster boys
attacked a lan named Shatter on Lower
Iroal1way and cut him In the arm. All three
were indicted hy the gran,1 , Jury but have
not yet been trIed. Since then Roper broke
Into a saloon ant stole a lot or liquor. for
which he was given ten days In Jail. Jackson -
son Is one or the parties who murderously
nr.saulted Ed Anderson In the Mint saloon
last winter.
A post 10rtt'm examination will be made of
the body this mornIng at 8 o'clock , and a
coroner's Inquest at 10.
The failure or the police to arrest the guilty
parties until after 8 o'clocle yesterday morn-
lug almost nine hour after the olTense had :
been commited , and almost four hours after
the death of the InJured maim caused a great ! :
deal of comment. Captain Ia\hy , who Is
supposed to have charge of the night men ,
when called upon by The flee reporter about
hal an hour after . the array took plnce.
I dll not know an.thlnvery eariotis had
taken place. lie hall heard that Somebody < y
namel "Tex" had been beaten up a little .
html beyond that had heard nothing In spIte
of the fact that one of the regular force.
John Sandel , was on thug wagon when It car-
rlell the injured man awny.
I Is merely lure luck that : any of the
guiy parties are In custotly. Noue of them
fortunately had hoard of the fatal result
of the atrrar. anti so they did not skip out as
they undoubtedly would had they had a sus-
picion of the truth
Nicest line of OVlrcoau in town Metcalr
Ii to . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Chamber dancing academy now open for
Ituphls. Call : after 10 a. m. Circulars.
Thus Hardman piano wins IPaDY frlenda.
C1 UOC.a'1'S 'I'UG I ItiSlIL'i'S
lown Clh"IN 1111"1..1 to Ilt n Shut ,
I. ii 11.1 Ci'anui.
ClEIOKEE , I. , Nor 5.-Spoclal.- ( )
Cherokee has about the toughest Jot of joints '
to be found anywhere There Is a block on
Maple street , commonly known as "Boiler I
Ivenue . " anti \ most every dar a row of some I
kInd occur In one of these dlvetl. The :
worst one Is that run by Faust and Situ' I
mons. A couplE of days ago there was a
crap game "tartol\ \ In thIs II\ce. and before
night the Illn'cr were throwing for big
stakes. Charles ll , one of the local
toughs who It tryIng to mike a record o
abid man for hhnsclf , and a barber . by the
name of Joe I10wne e the rlae.Pll t : playtra
Irown threw the dice and won $5. but hut
grabbed all the .takes. Then a tight ensued
and Brown got the worst of It , Hull doing
him up badly : Drown wet t to his shop
chaffing under his defeat and Kot a revolver.
lie returned to the saloon and hilt came at
him again. Brown Iulled his revolver and
tried to shoot 11111 , but friends of the men
r.'ented any further trouble. 11 was
arrest1 anti taken before Mayor Primrose !
who find him $100 and cot lrown was
nlolell to go unmolstcl upon promise to
mend his ways. There Is some talk of a
general ! uprising of citizen , who will uk
that the dives on "holler nvenuo" be blotted
out - -
Cl'rokcm"sl'roilMt'uI hliusiul huh.
ClEl0EE , I. , 5.-Speelal.-The ( )
commissioner for the new hospital for the
insane , to be erected at this place next sum
mer , will meet at Des : 'lolnC November 20
for the IHlrpo of adopting visas anti
spciflcatlons for the plant , lt n cost of ,
,000,000. . The matter has been delayed for
n conEderable ! length or time on account of
the illness of General Ed Wright one of the
commissioners , who reslles at Des Moines ,
who has been confined to his room for S0l0
The c0lmls910n Is composed of five memo
bus : The three puperlntt'nlentp , or the Iowa I
state Q'lums , 10cate,1 , at Intppendence , '
Mount 11t'aslnt end ClarInda , and General
Wright anti Jed Lalco chairumuan of Independence .
dependence , The new hospital to be erected
here wi he the largest one In the stale.
CItSSI1U ' 1Ig'I.US ( P APIIO.\ .
A muierhu'm , mu 1 1,1.1'1 Si'iids'trd . . t
Ills Su.'e , ' ' ' '
PlUADE.PlIA [ , Nov. G.-A cablegram
was received In thlp city last night from Dr.
Donaldson Smith . dated At 'no bearing the
word "euccessfut. " This news establishes
the safety of the plucky Phtatlelphlan who
for the past year anti I hal has been exploring -
ploring the wilds of easter AfrIca , ant nt
the same time puts an end to the doubt as
10 hIp safety which ! had been felt by those
interacted In the expedition for the past few
Dr. Smith entered AfrIca on the eastern
coast : a ) 'e1 ago last June to push acr013 the
country or the Gallreas and Masaito two
lakes which bath been recently discovered by
another expedition thenca on to the two
N'anzas ( Albert and Victoria ) his ohJcet to
cnry out and complete the line or exploration
from the lakes to the cast a rlptanco
of several hundred mie ! Dr. Smith ! was
accompanied hy ahout IGO Africans : and nl
first by an Englshman who was subsequently
obliged to return to London. Dr. SmIth
Bent : back some flute feclmens of the rt'glon's
flora after he lied bean on his expedition n
few muonthia for the Geographical Soc ty or
London anti , 'me months later was reported
to he pushing on hy another party whom he
met. Aside front thepe evidences of his
safety there hIve been none until the arrival
of his cable \am laE night
As the regtn : "blch Dr. SunlIt las traversed
IH at the present tIme repretlcnted br a blank
apace on the mall of Africa time significance
of the explorer's biof mesage will be re31-
.zell Il11mt'lntel , ) ' . lie has undoubtedly made
many discoveries of much - "alue.
\\1.1 , V I S I'i' l'UI'1SI ) % 'I' 11.\ : .
C.IIN ituumthiiigtuui " ' 1 Look . . I"t. hue
h''u" Ill"'u ) ' S'stimiiuu.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 5.-C. 1' . HuntIngton -
Ington expects In a week or two to make a
trIp to the City or Mexico. His Mexican
National railroad concession requires his
personal attention . It Is saltl. There are
other reasons which make his propoecd visit
somewhat In the nature of a necessity. Time
failure of his negotiations with J. gdwar.j
SImmons of New York , president of tie
Panama railroad . to restore peace between '
ti'at road and the PacIfic Mali has had no
small erect , It IS baltl , In bringIng ! about a
desire for a conference with Preshlprt Diaz.
Such a meeting would naturally have for
Its main object the perfection of i'omo sort
of an arrangement governing New York ant
San Francisco freight hlpments between the
Pacific road. Mall [ and the Tehuantepec rail-
A local paper says that Edward Atlanta ' ,
an expert accountant from London , and H.
C. Iaggaley , an Englsh civil engineer have
been sent here hy nn I nglsh and Scotch
syndicate which Is negotlatn wih C. P.
.Huntlngton with a vIew to purchasing his
Guatemala Central railroad. They are to
examine the books of the company In thIs
city and will then go to the Central AmerIcan -
can republIc to Inspect the roa , ] They expect -
pact to leave on tie next steamer for the
Bulher country and will probably be busily
engaged there for five . or six weeks.
imo'I'ii ' \\'I'I'1U , ' 11111 CROSSING.
1.llh' : \I""llh""III"IIJt I i , ' 'u'i'ehs 'I'n'o
' ' . ' . ' 't'i'iti .
1'ilMMilu.i 1"111"
DALLAS Tox. . Nov. 5.-Thl southbound
train on the Gulf , Colorado & Santa Fe . and
Missouri . Kansas & Texas railways , both
tried to make the crossing near the paekery
3t the same tme at about 6:50 : o'clock yesterday -
day mornln The "Katy" engine get across
first , and the engineer seeing that the Santa
Fe engine was goIng to strike his train , vcr ) '
skillfully stopped time baggage car over the
crossln to receive it. The "Kat ) . . baggage
car was smashed tip anti the smolcr at-
taclwd derallell and turned half over. The
engine anti the coaches remained on the
traele. The engine of the Santa I'e , was de-
railed . but the rest of the train remllneJ : on
the track. Several members or the two
crews anti n number of pasenges r ccl\11
nervous shocks anti were comtsidtunaltly shaleel
Imp but nobody WUS seriously Imujured . I.en
the baggage agent In the "Katy" car , tnt
was knocl" Into sthinters . esona1 nnlnlnrNl
TIme blamuue J ; - . of the collision has not , . beeu ' " ten.
talnly located. ThE men on both trains chlln
that they complied wIth the requirements of
the Ian'
The regular northbound passenger train on
the Missouri . Kansas & Texas "as "reclled :
yesterday about four miles from Waxahachle ,
bet wen thaI place amid Sterrct which ro
stilted 1 In the engineer being ! instantly killed .
the fireman Ecaldetl anti a number of pas-
sergers inane Dr less Injured. none seriously.
. -
SIIA'Ir hinuumu t ) ' 111" PiIeiI.
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 5.-TIme sugar
planters , through Colonel J. . D. 11 and oilier
attorneys , filed two sugar bounty claim suits
In the UnIted States ercult : court under the
agreementvlth Washington authtonitlos
who will aid In speedy trial amid appeal to
the supreme cuurt.
" ' ' : . \ ' ' 1 Poll IC.\S'I' .
PiII nl.1 C.I.I'r 11'11".1 . for Sotuthi.
a'itst X""INI.I.
WAShINGTON , Nov. 5.-'ho forecast for
Wednesday Is :
For Nebraska-Fair ; northwesterly wInds ;
colder In the southeast Ilortion.
For South Dalwta-Generlly fair : con-
tnued cold northwestel'wl1II.
For Mlssurl-naln. clearing In the wcst-
ern porton ; wllls shifting to northerly
antI colder.
1"01 lowa-I'-alr. preceded by raIn In the
weslern portIon ; much collier ; northwesterly
For KansasFair. precel1l'd hiy mine In
the early morning In the sonthpast por-
ton : much colder ; northerly winds .
Iot'iu I II'e.r.l.
OMAhA. Nov 5.-0mahI : record of tll-
attire anti r.\lnfal. compared with the corresponding -
spending day oC the past four years :
_ _ . . 1s2. 189 ! . lS03. 1St2.
: Iaxlnum temperature. . . 7 45 ' 2 61
! nlmul temperatumre.'t 3 37 31
Average tl'IPl.rature. . . f2 39 Gt 4
Precipitation . . . . . . . . ' .0 .00 .W
Condition of temperature nail Ilreclpitntol
1&15 mit Omnha : for the day and since lurch 1.
Normal temperature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
gxceMs for the da ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Accumulated excess since . March 1. . . . 423
Normal prpclillaton. . . . . . . . . .01 42
[ pfclenl ! ' for the 'II ) . . . . . . . . . . .01 Inch
' 'otalllreelpllntlon plnco March 1. 19.tO hitches
Deficiency since March 1. . . . . . 10.hS Inchmea
ltt'morht frtm Slntol" itt H II. I.
" V
ii it ! . :
Q' ; StATE . or
e " 3
. ! :
: i 1
; ; : : = = . al 7 T Clean. : -
North . Ilate. . . . 30 lii TI-
111.01. . . . . . . . . 3 : 12 .00 e"lr. .
Lhlcaro : . . . . . . . . I ti'4 . Otm ( 'loutly.
: .11
1 (
SI. Loumma. . . . . . . . IU itS .ou Clolly
SI.lall. . . . . . . . . l till UI l'art ciOumfiy
Du\.coPOtl. . . . . . 04 11 T Iatl CIOII\
Italene C1t' . . . . . tu US 1 ' (1U11) .
hleicima..1 I .4 'r I'art c ioumtiy
1I\u. : . . . . . . . :2 : .01 lar\IOII
Salt Lake . . . . . : S4 .OU ( 'louitty.
Cly. :1 31
18Iarc" . . . . . . , . : : 22 .30 ( Moiety .
Sm. . \ 'titcen1 . . . . . . . 2 : : .U SflO ' .
IJ'llceM . % % tog'
Ch.yenno. . . . . . . . : Ik , i 31 . ) , ! noIII. ) .
Wllslol. . . . . . t.o 30 .5ntsiiowtmmg.
: .llt
lalI < Cly. . . . . . . . 10 : U .ou nowlll.
Oalveslon. . . . . . . . . t : : 7 : .10 Cloudy .
L A. WF l. I. Observer.
'T' Indicate trace ot precipiaton , ;
- - - - - -
Discharge of the 19ro of t 'Itnclloy ' fire
Creates n Bitter l Lt1ng ,
- tng
11 Sill he nf tie I"rl"J. llh'I"lt" I
ot Ir""I.I."t 111 the ttreIit nrlh-
111 SllutuI hit'gl listo . I .tssuiiile
1 'I'hrel teulll .1.\"Ielt. : . 1 . ' !
) lNNEAIO.lS , Nov. 5.-There are come
threatening aspects In the Great Northern
strike situation , which lead to u belief that ,
the strike may become general among the I
'merlcan Hallway ulion men on thlJ system
by toimiorron' . Tint discharge of Engineer
William le t , the intro Qf the lndey ,
Mmii. . fire at West Superior , hI very distasteful -
tasteful to the men. . Dst was Ilresident or
the American Halway union at that point and
a member or the grievance coutumnittee . I Is
charged that ho was dllchargel for those
A Devils Lake , N. D. , special sayi ! : The
strike went into effect at 2 o'clock this uttorn-
ing. Train No. 15 , a through fast freight ,
arrived this morning and Is still standing on
a side track Three englno crews responded -
sponded to the cal or the foreman , but so
far no train crews have been secured. Only
part : of the employee are out. The city
council last night adopted a resolution declaring -
daring that In case : of a sttlkc the com-
pany's property and its operaton ! of trains
would be protected at all hazarlls. This
"as wired to Preshlert Lull.
Iii view of the fact that Devis Lake was
a strike center In the last strike 19 deemed
ST. l'AUL , No\ 5.-A special from Devil's
I.alc. N. D. . says : Since the strike was or-
dereti no freight trains have IlepJrtell anti
hut one has arrived. The later was a
IImltEI one from the east. Passenger traIns
are not Interfered with Mayor Kelly and
the city couucll are determined that ito saudi
disgraceful scenes as were enacted In the
! el
last Itrlle shall occur The huslness len
generally are provollel and ( lsguste,1 , with the
tate of affairs. . The elevators are full to
their capacity with wheat and unless cars :
are furnlShed promptly - they wi not be ,
able to take moore grain , which wilt cause
eln11ete stagnatiomu of business and jobber
wi qulcley feel the effect as country muon-
clients wilt he tunable to meet theIr ohlga-
tons at l11aturlty. The strikers are quiet
and orderly anti have lade no moton toward
Interfering wIth their fellow eumupioyes The
Icn simply refused to answer thin calls.
They seem to he determined.
Wlll { ; nslg t1Niiit Anll 1r.
Grlll 1.thl'rl 1'111I1.11'1 I I I
Agiuimust I lit' 'II Ie " , ' .
KALlSPEL , lont. , Nov. . -Roy Oood\l'ln ,
director of the American Hallway Union ,
who has just been released ( rom Jail , where
he was sentenced by the United States court
with E. V. Debs and others culled , a meetng
of the order here last night. Only ten em-
plo'es or lho Kalspel dlvlIon were Ilrescnt
the balance being men discharged from the
service. , ,
I was voted to strike tmd Ooodwln called
the strike to take effect at 1 p. m. At the
appointed hour the train crews resll011ed
promptly , and when.1 was 'announced that
G0(11wln hal caled a strike they took a
.trong stand In favor of . the company , anti
expressed a rletermlnatlOl1 to deCea the
slrlke. GoodwIn was denounced as an agia-
ton , unworthy or notice . His anarchist
speech at Spokane I few days ago lost hIm
any supremacy he may have , OJoyed among
the railway men.
All the trainmen fre'r ' t. anti passenger
engineers . dispatchers and 'r cmCI kept at
worll , anti volunteered' thEir .unltl support
to the company. They had no grIevance.
The only railroad : men In ctlve service who
went out on the Kalspel division are three
firemen . one engineer and4one section bos'a
the others about thirty , are discharged
section men.
At midnight a mob of about fifty strikers
went to the roundhouse , killed all the engines .
glnes ant pushell a car : Into the turntable.
Sheriff Baldwin soon p\troled the track with
tieputles . anti gualdcd two freIght trains that
cnmo In at 1 a. m.
Superintendent Ryan acted promptly , and'
set about to end the strike. Warrants were
sworn out for Goolwln , and other rlng-
leallers. At 4 a. m. Gootlwln was arrested.
SAN FRANCISCO No , ' . G.-The threat-
ene,1 , strike of the elplores o the Great
orthern railroad has catuLed no little
rnlroad caubo,1 ltte comment -
mont among local railroad : men and eSPt'elaly
among the men of the American Railway
mu it io mm .
The dissatisfaction or thus 11 men has a
peculiar significance ! In this city , Oakland aud
Sacramento . Inasmuch as It Is generally ad-
mUted that on the success or f.lule of 1
strike on tIme Great Northern railway systel
at this thins hIngEs the future of all organIzed -
Ized railroad labor west of the Missouri
rlvel' .
Incidentally It many be saId that on the
Southern Pacile raIlway : system there has
beeu unusual activity of late on the part ot
labor unions. Within the pasL month It Is
ofclal ) ' declare by the local AmerIcan Hall-
WlY : union ohlicers . nile lOdges of that
order have been successfully organized on th
Pacific coast All this work has baen 'etrectEU
throlgh the Instrumcntalt ) of James huogam . :
of Salt Lake CIty , who Is the general west-
cnn representntve of E. V. Dabs and one of
the nominees for congress In the coming
election In Utah on the people's party ticket .
Hogan , It Is said , has three traveling delegates -
gates In this state who have reported to
him that American Railway union sentiment
Is stronger than ever on this coast and
promlsel within three months to bring al-
most every railroad employo In California and
Oregon Into the camp.
CLEVELAND . Nov. 5.-FIrst Asastant :
Grand Chief T. S. Ingraham of the Brother-
hOOI of Locomotive Engineers , who represent -
sent Chief Arthur during the latter's ab-
scuds In Europe , said today that so far as
was known at headlluatcrs the engineers
on the Great Northern harl no grievances
whatever. lie believed It highly Improbable
that they wouhl he In any way Involved or
take part In any strike . on the road.
D"llh" or nUl ) ' .
WAShINGTON , Nov. 5-News has
Ieachpll the Stub department of the deuth
on October 21 last at .AnluI , W . I. . of
James D. Pox , United S\ut , \ : consul lt that
NEW YOIIK No\ him-WIlliam Libbey , Il
relr'd merchtttnt . who. formerly was ntsao-
lllted In business with A ' 'I' . Stewart tlell
1IIIIell ) ' ut his home , tod/Y , \Ir. J.Jbey
\\'al found unconsclou hI n oorn. A doctor
was called In antI It was found that the patent
tent had ruptured n blood vbs"ll. Ho never
recovered being found. consciousoess . and . : died soon after
No Chemicals
No Ncmivgm QIiAKINcI
. - . -
- -
- - - - -
M i't' : TO . \nlt ( l 'I'll I : Si'l"l'i.lilI'i' I
l'rl'lmlllrl" i I " Ir the " /u.lel'hll-
IIrl.rlulh'I..I.lJ. . I
NESS''OIiIC , No\ 6--AI the parties '
directly Interested In the marriage settle-
ment of Miss Consuela Vanlerblt met at the
residence ot : 'Ir. Vanderbilt 01 hast I teventy-
second street toda ) ' . The duke or Marlborough : .
borough and his lawyer , V , ' . : 'Ilward , were I
met at the house hy W. K. V.nllerbl anti I
ex.Judge henry 1I0wlan.l , representing the I
family . The Denhelm ( deed , which , late I
from the reIgn 01 Queen Anie , were hsnded '
to Mr . Vanderbilt's lawr to be copied , anti ,
the memorandum of the brlde's seltplent I
was read , and c0llente,1 upon. All Informa'i
tlon on the subJect ur the sEtlement was
refused , but I Is said around the hotel 101I' I'
riders that the yearly Income which Mr. '
VnlHlerbl has settled upon his laughter wU11
exceed $ ZGO.OO.
LONDON , Nor . 5.-Tho Stan.1tr,1 . says that
the marrIage of time lullO or Marlborough to
MIsS Cousuelo Vanderbilt will be celehratll
on alt the lulIe's estates. The bells \ I bo :
rung . In all the chnrches where he has Ilrop. ,
crt ) cud the cmllln'es will be given a Itoh-
day and n dimmimer. The newspper hEe I
eagerly pint the reports from New York I
of the preparations for thus vedding . but thE I I
Suit referrIng to the SO'ClIEII : rehearsal or I
the cerelnony says : "Thc rehearsal was cc- . I
Eentll ) ' American amid vulgar. :0 clerg ) . I
man here would permi It. " "
The Westminster Gazette this afternoon
prInts a cartoon headCl : "The Duke's He-
turn from the Lanl of iohIarz. " The cartoon
mepr2sents the titmice of 'Iarlborough reclining
In the stern or a pleasure boat wih hIs bride
seated ou lop or : Jle of dollars.
" 'II\I.I IIXI'11.1. . liE IliGlihilt.
CII . . . of I il ( ' : 11.1 " ' 'llrlltII11 Semisuuuu
liii' 'a't'uurs.
SAN FRANCISCO :0\ ' . 5.-Fire more or
the whalng fleet arrived from the north to-
< a ) They were time steamers arlhal and
Orcn , the brig Hhlnlgo and the barks Alice
Kowles anti Lyilla. ,
With the arrival of the Orca the last hope
of 1 calch In the late season llles. The
Hoasarlo brought news that thin whalers hall
gone to the west\nrl amid there was yet a
chance for thc blubber hunters to redeem
thusmsel'es. According to Captain cOregor [
there , i ere any number of whales to the
westvai'd , but they were Inaccessible on cc-
I count of the Ice. lcGregor says that this
ends the worst year he ever exporlence 'In
the Arctic. lie caught but two whales. <
The catch of the Arctic heel amnounteti In
all to t\l'ent-slx vhiales the snulest known
In lan ' ye.ars The yIeld of bone from the
catch will be . about 10.000 pounds which I
means that whalebone wi be high this year. :
Bone Is now selling for $2.71 a pound anti
It Is eslmate that the prlc wIll b9 all-
< prlc1'1
vaneel to $5 before the sale begIns.
. O G f . e
Did (
DidYou 9
@ Sleep @
@ Well
c last Night ?
Sleeplessness is one of
f thc principal symptoms of
' Kidney ( Troubles.
Don't ( take opiates , but
cue your kidneys with (
© HObbIS G
Qs paragus - . . . . _ _ -
A few doses wi relieve , @
e A few boxes wi cure.
' - At all druggists for Soc. t1
I- \ al rmdstH GO.ller
boxer \ mai'l postpaid on
recepto ! pnico.
O I rte/or interctny ( l > am/llc.
O Chicago Son Froncleco.
G e
wi le felt in Omha 1)2. ) ' the
1513 Dodge street , second door west of 1' . o.
. \nd anxietIes can lc relieved to a cer.
tiliuty l ) usIng
Dr Chevalier's
Price 10 IJer luox.
I ; )01 11l'C humid and in ,1oubt . ns to
what : wi relieve 'Ol , scud for these
lulls. SClt sealed securely ly lal 01
Iccclt of price.
Slierifiun n & McConnell C \ Drug Ci I
1513 Dodge St. OMAhA , NH ! ] .
( MornIng )
: .
Every person entitled to life , lIberty ID'l
the pursuit of happiness Is honesty entitled
to one of tbeio Secretary Book Cabln ts.
For the pursuit of happlneu Involves the
ownership and use of such a pIece of combInation -
bInation furniture .
The best evidence of this fact Is seen In
this rapidly Increasing demand for them ,
Three short ) 'ear ago they were a specialty-
today they arc a staple Where we sold
one then we lIterally sell fifty now
The engraving shows a very Inexpensive
pattern. There are five shelves Inside the
cabinet , holding 150 books under lock and
kcy. ly using the top anti , upper seclons !
you have two places for additIonal volumes
that may be often needed .
Then there are the three drawers anti thE
desk Itself , with the most complete subdivision -
vision of pigeon holes , racks , shelves , com-
putmentl , drawers , etc.
Chas. Shivcricl &C 0. ,
1206-1208 Domigins I St
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- _ _ . - - _ - - 4 ,
The G.cntc , t Bat.gain Cnc.tivnl 01 Record. _
The Bankrupt Sale
: Morse Dry Goods Co.
No' lit PII amid Slc.cssfll Pi'cgrcss PIUCHS 'NNIII.\TI ) ANI
u " ' .Im IltOllSIIItI . : ) . NcnI' aicro lllgit-'mrndo ( UUOlH Holt nt sich
- - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - -
Hosiery and U tderTcatDept. .
CHl.onE 'S H1Umo llOS1' -Fast black Imea'v gttls
dottluin imeolti and tO , . Morsn'uu ' 2k' , i3AN'iUUi"r IOJc
SALgOXLY Ilol , lAIH. . lorso'l . . . . 11'lco . . . . l' . BAKHU11' . . . . . ; / 2
DOYS' UC\CTI' 10SI - nc\ ' leI 1 do1iblo heels anti
tmettlmt'SC't , nAN1uI1"r ! SALB ONLY 5
1'AIIt. . I\'BO't . . . . . . goods . . . . . BAXlHuP' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < C
LArlEs' pLmcm LTNI'l ) VESTS AND 1'lSot. . . \ . 0
hue gOOtl' . llmo's dco (30c ( , hAN KU1"l' [ SALl' 9
, ONLY 110 0011' , I AGl : . . . . price . . . lOc . . . HANKHU11' . . . . . . . . : . . V " C
l'etrulutt' tuntle , lol'so' ' $3.00 : , BAXKHUl' SALE $198
ONL . . . I . . 11 . . e . . . . . . . . . . pdco . . . . . . . :100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . , . . $ I
cIIIr4nruN's WhITE COM HN , ' lIN suirs-Etegammt ( Ij" 1 47
11mw utli 'Om1 ol" , tItim'e' ' ' 3.0O . BANKHUl' 147
SALE ONLY \001 gOOIL . . . . . . 1'Be't . . . . . . plcn . . . . . . . . : . . o. . . . . . . . . . . . ' $
Flal111el Depart111et1t
EX1HA QUALITY OU'rINt . PLANNr T.-megalt dnu'lc ( ' ) t
' , In utmuti Stt'iles . limo ISo ' , Bi..NI- 10 -
cuItm'lngu - /
( ) lltslds gt'adu
cnlodll 1111lts PHCEONLyAUD. Ilt Stt'IVUA. . . gl'I . . . O . . lANK- . . . . . _ /-2 C
WII''I BABY FLANNELS-Eioutrmt , soft , fine loo(18 (
Mom'so'd hOc . BANKHUP1' SALE 1'iIOl ONLY 23
YAlE OSO't . . grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lHII . . . . . . . . . . . . J
SKTHrNG FLNNEr-Al1 wool heavy ' rOtR. Mom'so's
.I 1t3 , BAXKBUP1' SAL1 , i'iuci ONLY 29c
YANI c quality ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lHIC1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . .
EIDEfDOWNS-.1 Inches wile , plaIn clot'i , gout ! 0
shuttles 3'iLt'l . . : . Mtmt'o'i . : . . . : . .1:1:1.0.0. : : 75e . . . : . BANICIIUP'l' . J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALF . . . . . . . ONLY . . . . . . : J 9 C
l\Iusln r' 1 Outing a7 1
Remnants 5 - 2 C Flannel HI - 2 C
ItANR 0,1.1. ICU1'T . . . SALE . . . . PRiCE . . . . ' % J BAN ONI.Y IitlTi"I' , yAD. AI.E . PRICE . . . . .
Linen 0
Thread 3 Linen
J hAN ) I ' HIr : . . SALE . . . . . InIE . . . , . Floss. 1 C
Int'-il ; . - ' IANIIWIT ; ! . S U . . IHOE
, lutl:1 SIlk -1 r- ONJI . . . . . . . . .
1-Iandkcrchiefs 15 I P
Handkerchies , C
lANIIII' . SALE . IHlIj . j % .j Lace
mo.y. . . . . . . . .
Black Laces 10 I 1' IIANEIIUI"i' ONt.\ . . . SALi . . . . . lHCE . . . C
1tANIhilTI'T 0:1.1. . \E . . lHWr. . . . : . _ _
. . 11 eavy .
t ; Knitting 1 0 , - " ShIrting Flannel , 10 C
SIlk . C BNI\ll \ ! ' . . . SAI . lHllj . . . . . . . .
. .
. 1mAlhtVpT , : SALE PRICE ONLY . . . . . .
i 0N11\ . . . S..E . . . . . . _
g Whiting ' ) t Ladies'
Shaker Flannel STI" Kid Gloves , 88
. 2 . . , C
I' lA ONLY Ihti'i'T , \t.I : : i'IIIOE . . . , ) B I htt'PT . . . . .s. . . : : . ' .I.t.I. . :
, . . . . . . _ . _ . _ _ _
. - . . . . - . "
\ " .H"S. r- .bE'.J' ljLJV. ' = " 0' ' ' :
. -
' % 1/4 4- ! : Counci --01- Blufs , ! owa .
CAPITAL , . . . $ IOOO (
\ , I : JH.ICI'r .
\I IH ! ' ' CI.I.l'C'IIIS.
It'111'1 ) :
O g ( I 'I'un ( ) .I ) S'I' IASI1 IX U""A
r. ' ' CI : i'I' , ox 'I'DID 1 ' '
1'I'11 1\U } I'OSI'IS
CAI.I. AJU Sgg us Oi " 'IIII .
.pJs1 ecial - mufs
- - -
. " : . . _ _ A 1"lST-I-LASS 5.1001 JOlSJ . 0000 LO-
: . , t.t . $ OO.O : como and . e I. C. It
. 1FlTTtttNG CORSt I J THE WORLD. Nicholson , t ' . Broadway. - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _
c , rout 1t1NT MY mSWJNcSI6 VLA
stitet . after November 1 : eIght rOU8 ; modern
. .
" ' OTOOhIC 2 , r'fl Al' ) I" Ii V P.f e connnlcncpu.
"E' , U I ItIJUU U. VU , , 5 i. U way , , , t Also ilve-room house . No. 320 Platner .treet :
possessIon al any time . Jacob Sims.
cIImMNuYS ci.EANrIvAue.Ts , : CLEANSU.
. Fti Uttuko. I at W. 53 , Homer's . GOt ilroadwuy.
. H _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SI'10 , X. Y. 11 " " ( 'NI ! ! llh St.
' ' .JO'wl'wi , ' . , . ( 'cam nil I'aric ) 13"ACHD VRUIT 1'ARM : Si'ICIAL HARGAIN. ,
'I' I I i .5 ( ) ( ( l'I''l' M'IIIOI. ) ( aIJ ( onlmllarl , l"AnISII'CIAL nAIOAIN.
1'111 ' i2rontlwuy.
' . lm- : ;
. 'itAmmIt - .
. 1lOMt AND (
or.ra n D I.1ITI"U. 10 n ( IAI
ONAOI' 10 young Iadleu ,1..lrous or tnklnJ 1 01 ImN'r , HEVEN.RO0M IUStmNCC : , ] GZ
aiecmal c urees. ' 1Jrungh , < colegiate lr"I.artl. 81h street : $15.00. C. A. Itltmmuchtird.
Hiocal $5.0.
. _ . . '
Muale . Art 1.111101" lme. I'roment rur- ( - - - -
1usle. wIth Iia. Sly\'unus heed ) , Mrs. Chae. \'rD. : loon OIltI1 Fan (1 : In.\ :
Leslie 1organ , I'rlitdlititls. huu"cworl Mrs. J. Mueller , nz Wiow nvenue.
' ' : ' .1
V4/ / - - -
Av & . Dyeing and Cleaning of
E- '
Clothing , Dresses and
Household Goods. ,
. " Y. ' .
: "i. ; :
OMAIi1t OEFiCl , 1521 Pam-utmmti St. Telephone 1621 ,
COUNCIL BLUEFS WORKS and Office , Cor. Aye , Aan'l 2Gtlt St. Tel 31
- - - - , - _ . .
Al Clcanlnl kinds of Dyelni
Itnlned the the ort highest , fabrics Faded style mad ani at
to look as good
new. " 'orle
done an" prolpty
In al . parts of the
country. Send tor
prIce lst.
. . ,
O. A. : lICIAN
) ' 1'1' rl ct. r.
Droadwoy. near North-
i Ulur. weter . lowl. Depol. TeI Council 8
_ _ _ _ I
IT WILli PAY YOU _ _ . 1
To get our prices on paints or any kind of glass before
you buy. We can save you money. Bring your sash to
us' Glazing promptly done.
Davis Drug , Paint & Glass House
GEO . S DAVIS Prop . 200 Irodway , Couuichl iIiuft , ha.
.iJ4 S JL V A , A. rop. , Tclcpholc 281) .
. , . - . - ,