Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1895, Image 1

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    -i' . .
1. . I . . . ' . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . ' - . ' ,
, \ . ,
ESTADLISUEI19 _ _ ! , . . 1S71. . OMAhA , 1'U1TISDAY MOllflG , NOYEl\IllEH \ 5 , 1S95. . SINGLE COpy FIVE OEN'1S. t.
Startling Statement - of the Governor General - ! I
. ) oral on the Subject
ItelllMe" Cu BxeellCe11 Heh.'IM ClIll'
hlr,1 1111 In I I * iiiiti's , J Such
4 % trocI heM , \r. ' I ilsiNteil . llluu !
lie \11 n..IIu ,
( Cop'rlghtel 1E95. by lre'f luhl.hln Compan )
hAVANA , Oct. W.-New : ( York ' 'orld
CorrespondenccSpulal : ! Telegrani.-Generat )
Campos' statement to the correspondent of
EI Ilpercla , a Madrid newspaper , has cre-
' atell a profound sensaton both hte and In
the mother country I has opened the eyes
of even the blInd loyalists , who never gave
the revolution serlotw consideration.
The governor general practically admits
3 that to end the revolution he ) will need 150-
000 men , halt of whom he will have to pro-
vldo burial grounds for , and that peace can-
not be reltor d only after three years of
bard fighting and at a very heavy exp nse.
To this must bu added the loss of the Insur-
gen ti and widespread < etlrueton of prop-
erty.lo I i firmly opposed to the policy of put-
ting to death all Feb31 1 prisoners , as he .ls
urged to do by the conservatn'e party le ,
says such a vcre measure would only swell
the rebel ranks and InspIre such t.nor ,
among thtm that Insurgents would never i
sUrender , but would fight for deu life. lIe
went so fur as to hint that I he were
obliged to re'Jrt 10 such proc'edllgd another
general-In-chlef would ha\'o to be appanted. :
The Spanish are very angry because General ( -
oral Cunpos : has exPressd his opinion so
trnkly. They say he has injured Spaln's
prospect by divulgIng the real Importance
of the revolutIon . Through his almlsslon8 ,
, they complain , people now know that the I
Cuban reb"ls after all are not so badly or-I
ganl7ell or armed , ant that IC 150.000 men are
y needed to oppose them they have a fair !
' t chance of victory and will be joined hence- ,
. forth by many who otherwise would have '
, ' remained quiet and harmless. The SpanIsh
" h I ! reported to be highly die-
/ . ( at General Campos' plain talk . 1
I. Is again rumored that he wi be recalled
shortly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ttr CtIAX ) ISUIta ' ' ' S 'I' I LI. AC'I'I ' \'J.
/yt : \ ' \ 'oi'l. ut Ilrlll $ I I'hztutil I I. Illl\
Ih'rll"l 'l'rnil" Coistlislics.
r HAVANA , Nov. 4.-Threo Insurgent prisoners -
I oner have arrlvld at Cienfugos . The insurgents -
surgents have liberated Ixteen Spanish prls-
Cuers who were taken during the recent en- at Tardio , near Clenfugos.
A detachment of fifty-three guerillas at Los
S Alfonls , Santiago lie Cuba , has hall a sklr-
mleh with 350 IUurgentt" commanded by
Mlro. The enemy left four wounded and re-
tired. 'fwo Insurgent officers , Major Zahas
end LIeutenant Parna . were captured.
Thc Ineurgente have burned the plantation
of Purga , near Trinidad , province of Santa
Captain General Martinez de Campos hag
arrIved ! at Via Clara. As soon as the
weater Jlrmlts active operations ' agaInst the
insurgents will be begun.
'I , _ .I 1 < n/claly den.Ia1..i.ere that tht Slunl h
hh government tntend . to recall Its ambassador
I Washington , Senor DUIIY De Lome. I Is
I added that thai government Is entirely s.itis- I
lIeU with the course Minister Do Lome has
A dispatch from Neuvltas says that the In-
surKente have derailed a traIn near that
place by the use of dynamite. I
At Hemates , In the province of Plnar del
Jo ! , thirteen young men have been arrested
3 nm\ ImprIsoned on the charge of having
conspired against the government. At
Torno Burro , near Calbarlen , province oC
Santa Clara , the pilot boat Mercerlta , which
was loaded with groceries , has been captured -
turNl hy the Insurgents. The crew cap
t eleased The inhabitants of thc provInce
of latanzas have raised bands oC from 100
to 400 volunteers and a detachment of 10
colored firemen have left for Santa Clara.
A body oC 1.000 volnnlt rs wi be mobilized
In this vicinity and sent to Matauzas.
Gh't'l i1vevy ' ACt IU"1 iiii.1 . Sent Chuck
to 'I'htt'hi " Cuiiti1es.
t. 11" , C.I.I.I. .
T hAVANA , No\ 4.-letails have been re-
eeh'ed here from CenCugo regardIng the re-
leaw of the sixteen Spanish soldiers who
, , . . Were captured yesterday by the Insurgents
l In the engagement fought at Tardio Ojo de
, : Agua. In the encounter slxly-Cour Spanish
soldiers had made a gallant 'tand against
1,200 Insurgents. The soldiers were commanded -
) mended by Colonel Vule , Major Sanchez
F end Captains Navarro and Rio , who were
a among those captured and released by Rego ,
the Insurgent leader The later was the
firet to greet the SpanIsh officers . and embracing .
bracing Colonel Vale he said : "He tur to
your comrades , heroes . You arc an honor to
the Spanish naton , and I am Proud to bo
" - , able to boast
of descendIng from such a
people. " Then folowed a touching moment ,
i . during which the Spaniards anti Cubans em-
bractl each other and hid each other Care-
I wel , the Cubans shouting a ! the Spaniards
went away : "Adios , valrntcs Espanoles. "
i 1 a\XU l.aaxs 1'0 'i'ttfi ivt'rnit. !
1 I :11" Ih'IIIII"h ) , \ 1 Chitiitis Co the
, * 1.lnu.1 uC ' 1'111111.\ \ .
LONDON , No\ I.-The Daily News today
says : A perusal of the report oC the ministry -
try oC telegraphs , just issued , shows that the
Drazlnn government has bpeclal reasons for
attaching importance te t Trinidad , the pos-
sNslon ef which Is reguJc as the hey to the
telgrallhc situa'ion. ' I the rock Is Brazian
tcrrlory It cannot be utize for cable pur-
Iloses In opposition to the existing systems of
the go\rllent which have gIven a guaranty
against such conipetitiun. its possession
by a fcr'ign power would facilitate the scheme
( f the Urazlan Submarine Cable company
to build lines to compete with the cables re-
ctnty ucqulred by the government and the
good relations between this countr "
rlatons country and Brazi
would be seriously Imperied through its
taking posoesslon of arid the retention of
\ 'frlnldad ostensibly In connection 'wlth the
" schemes oC the Urazlian Submarine Cable
\ com pan ) Careful constd raton of the report S
¶ j may assist Lord Salshury to withdraw from
, what allpelrs to bo a false position , lloubt-
' IfS assumed under the misapprehensIon oC
\1ty \ uf the facts involved
1 tZlTA " ' . \\lS : 11 , \'l' J.ti.tiIIS.
nl.llA Ill ! lhl 1'1,11011 , : COI-
' fIt ' 'I"HI I I II r'li 'I'll flil.
Ill II ) fil' lb Illlh' ( " 1IIIMII"
I , yrlJht Itil , 1' lrp 111lhln ! Comlan ) ' , )
AN S\INAnOH { , Nov. 4.-New ( York
Vt \d \ ablesram- lleclal Telegram.-The )
ai 'orean ' consul at San Francisco rep rl
to , go\'ermeut that Manuel Casin , a
Spa 'rih anti Antonio zcta's Intimate friend ,
ha arrived there from . \capulco to
It ; time advisability oC uluC
th laelfc Mal Steamshhl corn-
l' y for $200.000 because the captain at '
, J City or Sidney delivered to the Mexican 'I
, Ii uthiorhtles Ezeta's baggage when It as dls-
a.- cowTd that It cJhsled oC war niaterlali I
Ciriro : , 'tth'-I ; ; ; : ; . ; Sn ' e Ch ' ShI' ! ,
J r\ , Peru ( via Galveston ) , No'I. . -
' ! o 11"Iih ' ship Indian Imlllre , Captain
'fhouplon , from Newcastle , N. S. \ \ ' " , for
Ci1iao. July 13 , via Valparaiso and ) Iol. I
C'li Ilnl\o , leru , with n cargo of [ coal , has ar- !
r 'c'l at Calico Plf report having tX'
l1erlelh'etl n severe storm , during which 100
trrs of coal were jettisoned anti the .hlp
II mautied . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
. Iitii'Ims Clll.l UI fur . \.1 ,
(1.5 ( ! . , ' ' thl . lS9 by I'r . ' 1"1111111' { UII"U . )
( H' , \ n : I.\I\ , Nov . - ( : York \orU
j ( ( lhl ram - ( 'i'elegrern. ) - I' ' sdeot :
1'1' , I s had a ictt'g NuCerence today with hU
10'1 tof.
I' I. I .ter rga'tlitmg Ralrallor. I I" reported
th1t Jr"d.le ' t Gulrn his cale.J ! on G'mt- '
tuala for It.l . 1 : case of net1.
ICICY CI ' 'FiiF : l \ \ ' JXlSTn\ ' ,
XC1 Seh"I. ' tt It cforim's l'rtlll"11 h h )
1'11"1 .
PARS , No\ 4-The ministerial Ieelnra-
ton of Iolcy was read In the Chamber of
Deputies today. I promises further In-
quiry Into and the publication of the fullest
Informatin obtainable regarding the Southern
railway ecandal
The measures to be introduced by the new
government Include an Income tax bill and
n bill to prohibit memlnrs of the legislature
from becomIng dirctors of fnmclal : or commercial -
mercial undertakings having any transactions
with the government.
The declaration oC policy also promises the
government support for various Euggested reforms -
forms In the crIminal law
The government will also introduce measures -
urea intended to defend the 1'rench asantry
against International speculations and , for the
form ' ton or a colonial army , etc. The dec-
larton oC the policy Is of unusual strength
and vaguely describes the radical aspirations.
In the senate the ou'lmlng of the policy
of the Ioureols ministry was received with
extreme coolness , with the exception of the
passages referring to the reform In the crim-
Inal ias' whIch Is understood to be aimed
at the anarchists , and tha references to the
alliance with Hussla. In the Chamber of
Deputes when the declaration of the policy
was read great enthusllsm was , lsp1yel
from the radical and socialist benches. Elsewhere -
where the reading of the document was coolly
LONDON. Nov. -The Paris correspondent -
ent of the Times praises the cabinet for havIng -
hog time courage to advance frankly a radical i
policy whose premeditated ambiguities
scarcely conceal the real goal toward which
they tend Such boldness , he goes on to say ,
Is a new thing for France , who thus knows
whither It Is desired to lead her and may
chose to Colow 01 not.
S..rlll" CIII''t' . \111.1 I In .t' , or.
LONDON , No\ .I.-George Alexander , the
well known l actor and theatrIcal manager , !
who has planned to reopen the St. James !
theater next Thursday with "The DIvided
Way , " was charged In police court today
with gross mIsconduct on a street In Chel-
sea at 1 o'clock ] this morning with a street
walker. Mr. Alexamler , In reply , saId that
ho simply gave the woman hal a crown for
charIty. Tim magistrate , ar1reHlug Mr
Alexander , salt that the rmollcernan'c evidence -
dence was corroborated , but lIe would give
time actor the benefit oC the doubt , and Mr.
Alexander was discharged.
11.1. . fil' Ctltll'l CtlV'M .
( Copyright . 1Si : , hy lre ' 8 Publishing Company. )
COLON , Colombia , Nov. 4.-New ( York
World Cablcgram-Speclal Telegram.- )
Colonel Rives sailed for New York today
on time Allianca . Hevlewng ( his eight years'
administraton of the affairs of the Panama
r.itlroad , the Times says : " \Vhile safeguarding -
Ing the railroad compny's Interests , he
maintained cordial relations with the Colombian -
bian government , as flattering testimony ten-
dcred by the hIghest authority evlnc 3. "
The entire press lauds the colonel to the
ldes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( ( 'lln n"I.ler Oil 'rrlnl.
BERLIN . , Nov. 4.-The trial was opened
today at Prenzlow of a storekeeper named
Herman Sprlngstln and his married sister ,
Augusta Iloek on the charge of poisoning I
Sprlngstcln's wife last larch , and also of
having committed a series oC murders be-
tween the years 1888 and 1892 , during which
period Sprlngsteln's parents , Augusta Dock's
husband , her son and another woman are .
said to hav been poIsonecLsvith 11'le' .0C
I obtaining the money for which thtlr ' lives '
were Insurml. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l.tll. Siern ( llnh.1 n Sin"
DEIU.IN , Nov. 4.-lr. Luis Stcrn.of New
York , who was sentenced to two weeks' Imprisonment -
prisonment anti to pay a fine of GOO marks
for insulting Baron yon Th\mgen , deputy
commissioner of the Spa at Sissengen , il-
varia , and who was released on 8,000 marks
bail , has been granted a stay of execution for
a month , It being understood that at the expIration -
pIration of that time ho Intends to present
himself to the authorities In order to undergo -
go his term of Imprisonment.
'l'rt.hIMIIIIIC ConlIammed.
Jtrl'"r" lt 'l'I''hl.tllc COllh'll.t.
LONDON No\ 5.-A dispatch to the Daily
Telegram from Vienna says highly respecta-
hIe European eye wltnlses write horrible
descriptions oC the Treblzonde massacres.
Feet , hanrs , ears , eyes and tonAu \ete
severed , It Is said before the Armeuans : we'e
finally dispatched. The Athenian journals
1 nai
of today afrm that the eulan has appealed
for the protection of the Engl3h feet against
the machluatons of tim young Turks.
n. XI'e ' 11'1. 1htlt Ctnehul.t. I
nOUItGES : , France , Nov. 4.-The trial of
the marquis de Nayve , charged with the
murder of his stepson , was contnued here
today A former governess to he t prh Jner's
daughter testified that all the misery In the
family was due to the sinister influence of
Abbe nonsselot , who wanted to break up
the household und thus get the wlfe's tor-
tumie The court will set tomorrow unt
the case Is finished .
Shnllo Ctll.h'lcc In Turkey ,
LONDON , Nov. 4.-In an erlorial i time
Standard the writer consIders that the mnora-
tarlum wi seriously hamper Turkey In rais-
Ing further loans In 1urope. The Constanti-
nople correspondent of the Standard says :
"The CrerI.yonnalsso greatly helped the
Ottoman bank to surmount the crisis which
Otoman . subsiding. Ex-King Milan of Servla
lost heavily In the African scare. "
jII.N Che ' , 'h'I. : ln"t H"'II"n , ' .
PARIS , Nov. 4.-The Fisaro today , com-
mentng uon the Venezuelan aralr , says :
The dispute between England and Venezuela
Is worth witchln on account oC proximity
of the BIIt9h ali AmerlcJn fleets. Prudence -
dence recommends that they should not be
left too long tOiether , for the Intense hatred
of Anlerlcan5 towanl the old country Is appalling -
palling . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' . ' \ mmierlvmmu i isMiolIlmeteM.
' \11'ctIWI.I'ln 1."lon"I.I' .
CONSTANTINOPLE , Nov. , I.-The lurlt"
Ish government hag again Instructed time
governor of Bts to protect the American
missionarIes at that Illace. Owing to the
disturbances the American mlsslQnarles who
have been eng.lgell In relieving the sufferings
of the ArmenIans at Sassoun have decided
to 110slpono operatIons and seek safety at
flithis. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
nt"'lnl"I'A th. . Chll"M"1' " ,
Dl ltIN , No\ I.-The V03slscho Zeltung
today says ttat Colonel Ton Hannekln , the
Germal omcer who was mitary assistant to
Viceroy 11 Jung ChattK , has arrived In this
city from Chinn , charged wih a special mission -
sion anll fully empower ( to arrange for the
reorganlratcn of the ( hnese army on the
Russian , French or Grmiuan model. '
- - - -
Curl t ishi 1' ' ' . ' ' 1J'1' 111 . \lll'lo.
SI IL.\ , India , Nov . 4.-A , messenger be-
101glnj to the British agency ran amuck
at C.thul , titm c.tpltnl of [ AChanlst3n , and
killed Lieutenant Colonel ! ahontl Akran
! British " , and severely
Khan , the 111Ish envoy
wounded the on\o"s semi
lscnl.t..l : $ l ) ( h's'lln \'ILr Shill ,
LONION , 10\ ' . 4.-A special dispatch
from Shanghul says that Hunng Au ,
the 1IIrt , flag leader In the island of For-
moan ha I retorted to have escaped on a tier-
' from rnhng to Amoy
mal war Sh'p Anlling .
- - - - -
, trimmet lit . . . \.1 tr nlull ,
1'R , No\ ' " . -lspatchi. received here
Cram Constantinople rep rt that tbe Ar-
monldns ht : piaged the Turlls' houses at
Zeloun anti have killed 'furkisim women and
chfl'n ! ihere _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St'iet l'm&t't41 tu ito 111J.I.
PJiUJP4U1NOIS . No\ 4.-Valentine
Shortis. the \aley J jetl murderer , ws
sentenced tbls morning to b hanged on
January 3 at 8 a , \ .
I a.
I ( hIl" " " ' . nttl'rM 1'"C'lh..l ,
I LOnON. Nov. . . -A dispatch from Shang-
h1 says thaI the fIve leaders oC the Iucheng
I Monday massacre were executed at F'oo Chow en
- -
- - -
Close of the Oontegt in the Various
Oites ! ,
l I.tlnr. Iimt'l harsh In t "nC tnI Che
hlt' . I 'I'l itegmmrmhhe'ss ur Other
Coiisimk.rntims-.Comtest hums
leel ( lllct ,
FnEI T , N.v , 4.-Special.-The ( ) fall
eampJlgn In this county has been a very
quIet one , though i great deal oC political
work has baen done. Not much interest bas
been tatun In the state tcket , indications
point to a for Norval , but the popu-
lists clim that Maxwell wil carry the county ,
many democr.lts volng for him , Mahoney's
vote will be small. For district judges
there has been considerable trading done by
the popuiists. The republicans will mosty
vote theIr judicial ticket straight. Holen-
beck's veto will probably be larger than It
was four years ago. Marshal and Patter-
soil , republicans , wi probably be elecied.
On the county ticket there has bem a ,
strong fight over the position of sheriff.
Chapman , time democratic nominee will be
cut badly , and Krealler , republican , stands
a good chance of overcoming the usual llemo-
cratc majoriy In the county. The repub-
lcans wl ! also elect Shiveley clerk of the
dIstrict court. Time republican candidates
for cleric and treasurer have made strong
tights and stand gooJ chances of election .
I looks like I clean sweep for the republican
city ticket , with a possible exception.
IEmIN , Ntb. , Nov. 4.-Speclal.-The ( ) re
publcans held a big rally hero Saturday
evemitsig. All the nominees for county oC-
flees were present and made short addresses.
Lawyers Jeson , Seymoro and Sloan oC No
braka City made arguments favorable to
the candidates.
GRAFTON , Neb. , Nov. 4.-Special.-Graf- ( )
ton has been deluged with candidates for
the past weele. Wednesday a joint rally was
held , 130 candIdates behlt present Including
Searie and Ilaatmmmgs. however , the chief
interest attaches to two local offices-tue
supervIsor and the justce oC the peace. In
the former "Dlcll" Dobson Is the populist
candidate , ngalnst John O'Urlen , a sold
Cat mer , who seems to have set "Dick" a
11 ely rapid pace.
PEItU . Neb , Nov. 4-Speclal.-Congress- ( )
man Jesse D. Strode oC the First dIstrIct
spoke to GOO people In tile new opera house
here Saturday evening. The meetng equaled
I presidential campaign meeting , anti the
Judge's remarks were listened to with great
interest and enthmmmsinsmn. The meeting was
closed with remarks by Tom Majors.
Music was furlshol hy the Grand Army of
the Hepuhlc banrl of Peru , under the leader-
shIp of Prof. _ Clinger. , . . _ ,
TECIJMSEII Neb. Nov. 4.-Spechah.-Tne ( )
TlCUISEJ . . . 4-Speclal.-TI
outlook on the t slls of time political contest
In Johnron county tomorrow are decIdedly
favorable to r publcan success. The heat of
the ticket wi get a large majority , and not-
wlthstanr1ng the fact that the republIcan
nominees on the county ticket arc confronted
by fusionists In the opposition , there Is not a
Hhadow of n doubt that the whole ticket
will be eleeted The judicial nominees on
: the republican licktLeton . . , anc1Stuii , are
very ac't e"v terS nd.wlib ) I
given a hanllsome vote. On the county ticket .
the only offices on which there Is noteworthy
opposition are treasurer , clerk anti sherIff.
canditiats for these
However , the republican candh1t s
offices wi receive ai least 200 pluralitica.
The campaIgn In this county has been a
great deal on the "stiii hunt" order. While
there has bcm an unusual amount of can-
vasaing done by all the candidates , there
has been no public demonstrations oC any
sort. There has not been a Ingle rally or
speech In the county. The campaign has bean
a clean one from beginning to end.
hASTINGS No , ' . 4.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
-The campalKn closed this evening with a
populist rally at the opera house , at whIch
Governor Holcomb and ex-Congressman Mc-
Keighan were the spealwT They dlscussell
the tariff anll free silver from the populist
poInt of view , and gave plcnt of "middle
, of the road" advice to the members oC the
party. The greater part oC the audience '
was compoE'ed of republicans , who were
preset merely out oC respect to the gover-
gXlgC'1 A I\HGB VOTE IX 10"'A.
HtI.uhl"IIMUC"'IIICC IC l.el.t n
: lnJnrl' I ' nC .B,000.
DES MOINES , Ia. , Nov. 4-The republican
and democratic headquarters In this city were
closerl tonight. Time campaign work Is al
done. Chairman Mcllan of the republican
commilee saId simply : 'Ve have made a
good fight. We expect more than Jacllson's
plurality. , I think we will do 7,000 more ,
whIch will give us a plurality of 40,000 and
upward. We wi also elect 100 out of the 150
members of the Keneral assembly , making
sure of Senator Allison's re-election. "
ChaIrman Walsh oC the democratic com-
mitee said he was satisfied they wou1l cut
down tme republican plurality , and that with
dime effort on the part of the democrats they
would defeat General Drake by a small plu-
The populists are claiming from 10,000 to :
GOOOO voles , which Is a large gain. The Ilro- :
hlbltonlsts are also expecting a largely 1mm-
creased vote , due to the republican party
alloptnK the mulct license law. The Ilros-
pects are for a large vote being polie1.
PIh Ci.nters nit the Sh.'I'II. .
TOPEKA , : ov. 4.-Th2 greatest interest
In time election tomorrow In this state pJr-
tcularl ) ' In thc eastern half , wIll be centered
ohm the office of sheriff. The populists ar .
I maltlg ulurual efforts , . to elect , the ! shmer1f !
In every county. In tils county mere WIl I
be the hardest fght on thIs ofce that has
been known for many years. Democrats I
amid populsts have combhlc < on H. n. Kep-
Ie ) ' . a democrat , to beat David Burge , the
pr < sent republican lucumbent , and I by
any chance Kepley should win the victory
In this republcan stronghold It wi be used
to advantage by the populsts II the next
state camp3lgn.
'limo only state officer to be voted for Is
chief justce of the Iuprem court. Ihvhl
Martin , republican , ppponied to the psltion
last summer , was nominated by the republ-
cans. Neither the populists nor democrats
made any nomInaton and hIs only opponent
Is C. K ilohhiday . jr. , Independent , free
silver anti resubmlsrlon Cldhlate. Martin's
election Is generally conceded.
1..lonlrlc"'h" , \1" ' In I 1)mmil.r.
BOSTON , 4.-Dlspatches In the morn-
hug papes from Constnntnolle : state thmit
American missionaries In Blls , & l'aster !
Turkey , are In Imminent danger. 'fhe mir "
blonarles referred to are those or the Ame
lean board. The ) ' mire Rev. htoa'al : . Cole
from Stark , N. II. ; Mrs. Cole . Littieton .
N. H. : Charlotte Ii anti Mary Ale ) ' , Cloc-
tow'aga N. Y. ; lies' George p. Knapp ,
ilnrtCord. Can. ; : Iu , Knapp , liarre Mass . ; ;
Mtss Grace KflmmlP bor In Bils , home II
thIs country . Aublrmlale. Muse . , and Mrs.
Alonzo Knapp UUbbardston . .
lull"'lln. lid , Semi ( fem 1.llel.
HIGITON , N. J. , : . 4.-Waiter n.
lacm all Assemblyman Boomfeld I.
hunch each began suit today t " salnst.Clml , S
man Charles F. tneppar ot inc lemocrtc
county commitee tor $10,000 damages for
liimel . In eireulltng I campaign Ilapor , containing -
taming a copy oC a letter purporting to have
le'1 pent CO\ Bacon b ) ' tiineim. 'loth ' lIra-
nounce the leter a forgery . ' he ) ' also
offer a reward or U.O for the cJn\lcton ot
uter author of the letter .
- - -
' 111"1" In CUII"I.'III 'l'eit'grmuhlhlt'rs.
' 'I.mIE hAuTE , Intl. . : o\ 4.-PresIdent
DtiM of the Amerlt'an hallway union will
make known In a circular to be sent to the
local unIons tomorrow that the board of directors -
rectors hp1 decided to malte an innovation
In the memberhlll or thl 01,1 r , cOmmercial -
. cial telegraphers arc to be adrloJ : , I Is
saId there are mon ) ' commelclal tregrJPhers :
I who Want to jOltn the or.I"r. \viti I ) n . ,
, last few months the A ' li.
, ew I t' hums been
made a strictly secret organlzato :
, ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . , .
------i- - A _ , "o. _ , ' _
h''lhlln' ' I II I " 'mmriun . 1."lnC. I , t C-
Cnt'lee.l , Int lChIlel.
WASINGTON , Nov. 1.-The Turkish le-
gaton has received from tht sublime porto
the following telegram , under yesterllay's
date : "About twenty Armenians of Dverk ,
vliayet of larbeklr , ttRcked some gen
'armes and patrollng soldiers , Idled I
number of lusulmans and set fire to the
bazaar . The necessary mcalres were taken
for the preservation of ordr. The author-
Ites oC grzeroum report that bout 200
Armenlals , dressed In costumes oC KUris antI
Lazes , surronndc the village of ! anis ,
Terdjan , Inhabited by ltBulnjans and Chris-
tans ahike. They were , however" dispersed.
"Time Insnrgents of Zeltoun attacked the
village oC Tchonkour , 1aMsl ! wounding one
Musammlmami . killing lls wife Ild taking away
his belongIngs. Thl also attacked the vii-
lge of Ismnls ( Maruh ) and burned three
houses An Armenian of respectable stanling
was arrested In Ute act of making s
In his own house A few ArmenIan spies
dressed In the costumEs oC Ioldlers or of officials -
fclnls of the Hegle were nrrested. "
CHCAGO , Nov. 4.-The folowing was
Issued Union : today tty the Atnuenlaim National
" ' 0 the American l'tmbhle--Whulc the hor-
rlblo butcheries and time appalling outrages
In Armenia are being carried on with no
abatement , whie famine as a result oC time
barbaric TurkIsh regime 18 raging , threat-
ening death to those wbo have escaped the
swords oC the TurkIsh soldlcl'8 , the civilized
I world Is Informed by the recent cable ad- I
\Ices that the Turkish populace as wel !
as the government , demand 5tho immediate ,
withdrawal of the mlsslonarlh who are admInistering -
mInistering rele to tha famine-stricken
survivors oC last rear's Sassoun mnsacre .
As the patriarchate of Constantinople has
been allowed by the Turkish government to
send relief to the ArmenIans : of Sassoun
and Moosh , the mlsslonarle oC the American -
can beard were entrusted with the
philanthropic work of distributing relief and
help to these who are In need and In danger
of starvation. The presence of the repre-
Eentatve9 of the American people haul not
failed to inspire assurances to the Armenians
and protection against fre1 outrages and
assault. 'helr wihdrawal has been de-
mamlPI with threats of a sUI more horrible -
rible massacrc.
"Tho noble missionaries 're not afraId
oC the threatemmnd _ they undauntedly carry
on their good work. Cable advices from
Constantnoplo are to the effect that Mimi-
Ister Terrl has complied with h the 11emands
oC the Turks , and ordered tIme missionaries
to their respective posts. ' BelIeving that
the withdrawal of the missIonaries from the
famIne-stricken districts will not only de-
prive the AI'menI3fs of their , much needed
relief . but will also expose th2m to the fury ,
fanaticism and cruelties of the now checllcd
TurllD , the Armenian NaloJ11 union requests -
quests the AmerIcan people who have been
quIck to s'mpathlze with all suffering races ,
to Insist upon their executive to Instruct
the minister at Constantinople to by no
means comply with the domamd of the Turks
by ordering the missIonaries to withdraw
from the field of theIr philanthropic worle
as admInistrators of relief al , Inspirers of
confidence and assurance. , '
"This general appeal wa unanImously
adopted at the regular meetng uC time Armenian -
menian National association lln behalf of
the ArmenIan National union
"T D. KIUNGA V : Presldcnt.
SOMEl SYMI"l'OM : 0 : " STItllU.
. . . ; :
- : ;
Grclt'ort"t"r hmJllt : . Jlrelt n' to'
- ) " " 'IC'I\ll"tht' u'.II ,
ST. PAUL Nov. 4.-4n tbc' at strike of
the A. H. U. on the Great Ito ther road
eighteen months ago , time start was almost
exactly similar to what Is clalnled to be a new
strike at this tlmne. Then , at now , the officials -
elals or time road united , up to the time when
the road was finally ted up , In asserting that
there was no cause for I strike , and there
would b none. Then , as now the men went
cut at various points along the line In a somewhat -
what scatering manner. Just what may be
the outcome It Is difficult to , say , but th
there will lie at least some trul\e , Is n' ) sf
sure , In vlw of reports fromrloumgs , .e line
today. I : -
In favor f the ompanj.Avas thus acton of
the englnels on the kbntant C ntral , fifty-
six out oC sixty qrrtimat branch voting In
favor of a dommjmdmlcation 'o the Great Northern -
ern olcialst1 t they had no grievance and
that they protested against the announcolent
of any new schedule In which time A. H. U.
was concerned. , The . conductors . of _ timum ! entire
system are acting touay I Javor ci UIC cum.
pany , their vote being taken almost without
opposition In favor oC I somewhat simiar
statement to bo presented tt the officials. . it
It stated that time other brotherhoods mire about
to take similar action.
In the way of trouble Ult or four men
went out at St. Cloud , but trains were In
no way affected. At that point It was
thought necessary to place watchmen on the
new bridge for its . protection. At Devil's
Lake N. D. , It was reported tonight that It
had been decided to strike at mIdnight. As
that was one of the points where thero. was
trouble of a somewhat riotous character In
the former strike , the city council met there
tonight and decided to do alt In its power
to protect the property of the railroad . and to
suppress any IncIpient riots. # ,
Out Montana trouble ' ; as reported at
several points At Havre the railroad wires
were cut , and orders for the -thrl divisions ,
that center there were Interfered with. I Is i
understood several arrests followed , though
no names or more definite information can be
given. At Kalspel , Iont. , four engines were
"kIlled , " and as a result of theIr activity In
that direction A. n. U. Drectcr Goodwin and
five other men were arrested and are now In
jail. At Columbia Falls , near leaspel , an
unsuccessful atempt was made to bur the
Great Norther bridge. A meeting o $ time St.
Paul A. n. U. lodge was hel tonight , and a
largo number oC new members were admitted .
but as yet It Is not known what action , I
any , was taken on the threatened strike.
Mrs. Sllh iIvhmIemmtIy JI "I li' . I
NgW YOHK , Nov. 1.-MI'p. Sophia Smith , !
who was arrested for obtaining good by
representIng herself to be Irf. C. 1' . Hunt-
Ington , was nrralgned In the Tererson mar-
ket court on two chnrge9 tOday and was
held for examinaton In' , on each
charge 'wo rlerrhanfs 'Ineared against
her. Mrs. Smith denied .tim1i charges and
talked In nn Incoherent a wny }
'l'lldl" Il'II.IUI. " In C lie Colt Citsi' .
PROVIDENCE , It. I. , Nov. 4-A notice
was served on Colonel Colt"by Mrs. COI'I
atQrne's this afternoon to the effect that
they will gO to New York November 8 , to
take the atitavit of : lr. Gray , proprietor or
Gray's Inn. Juclson , N. ! 1. , Mr. Gray im 1 >
going to Florida for the wInter Ntvember
! which accounts for the hQBlc In opunlng
the case. ' S
ote.l C'ommmmterfe'hter I&rmesti'd ,
ANSAS CITY , Nov , . . .hs afternoon
the loel police Irrosterl Cha\e8 . Long , alas
Charles HOS and Joseph Tntern , charged
wih coimntereitlng . ui I I noted coun-
tel'felerl whom the United ! Stntel olcera
have fojowctl all the . way from Denver.
1lr. , Semmtt'imee for , vlrt 'lur.1'r ,
DANVIlg , hid. , NoRev. . " 'llal
E. Hinshaw , . convicted or tle ' murder of his
wife recent . , was today denIed a new trial
by Judge limuiley . and will i1' sentenced to
life Imprlwnment this afternoon.
p \
'i'imit'kmm CIII.1 * tu Chiftmmge 1111l. ,
TOPEKA , Nov. 4.-John H ulvane , pres-
Ilent or the Hank ot Topeka , hal bought .In
the \arlous mortgages Igalnst tha Topekl
chnre Capital . or anti the it imaper Is said wilt . this week take
! o
( IC Ilte 110\,1 Fzm tmml. .
1)ALLAS. . 'fex" , Nov. 2I.Sergeantoif : ,
cOlplny Ii. , 'fhlnl reglnmm'mmt . U. S. A. , dlell
udtenly at the rorruttn mco here from
emit hydrophobia resultnl . from the bite or n
- 5-
% lt\'I"ltN ut Ve4Hi'h . , X In' . .1.
At Npw York-Arrivcd-MaaeachUsetts ,
from London. .
At ilamburg-Arrived-ScatIa , from Mon-
I lrea J .
I At Movihis-Arrlved-F'uraeata . , from New
York for [ Osrgow ,
I \ from Dre-
At New York-Arrived--Fuida ,
I men.
_ 4 _ " _ LV i- " - _ " : -
Desperately Strive to Avert the Destrlcti
Hanging Over Thor
TnXII'rM Cleat aim IIIIIl tht' cu , .
nll.1 Ctllt ) ' tC'M oC 'I'mia-
en'er. See Sut'ecss 'l'lmrmmmmgie
n "Igorll" Struggle .
The polls will open at 8 o'clock this morn-
hag and close at 6 o'cluclt this ennlnK on
what promises to bo time most exciting local
campaIgn In the history of Omaha amid
Douglas county.
Never before have the Issues been so
clearly drawn between good citizens and advocates - !
i \ocatC of honest and economical government i
on one site ali on the other the reprN' nta- !
tires of the utmost corrupt ring at taxeaters :
that ever infested a cornmmmumuity. The Issues
have been fairly joined anti the home owners '
ali busIness men are united aa never bfore
In a determination to take the management
of county and city affairs out of the hands
of tl dervish gang that has hall control for
the last four years and has developed a list
of defaulters and Incompetents In nearly
every deparlment of the governmcnt.
Whlo all classes of private enterprises hnve
felt the knlfo of economy and retrenchment ,
extravagance has marked the management oC
public affairs until the t xpa'er are In open
revolt amid united In their demand for a complete -
plete change of officials before the corrupt
gang cause a confiscation oC property In
taxes to meet the demands of the tax-
But the dervish gang Is prepared for a
death slruggle to maintain Its hall on the
public oliices. Wih tha machinery of the
county and city governmentk' ' , time all of the
police force and the open llllport of the
wrter works lanagement and the Infuence
oC several corporatons that have profHl by
the actons of the rllg rule It Is making a
last desperate effort to retain the combine
In power for another two years.
W. J. Droatch , In his Insane fght for pout-
Ical preCerment , has dragged the pOlce force
Into the mire of politics and made of every
officer a fixer and worker for the dervish
tcket He commencell his schemc , as soon
as the new board went Into power hi Septemn-
ber. Time heads of the department were
selected from a list of men who had been
charged for violations oC the police rules ,
and each man was chosen on account of his
specIal fitness for doing political dirty worle.
Then eighteen special policemen were selected -
lectcd to do special duly during state fair
week. They were choscn without oxamlna-
ton further than to show that they were
compet'nt and willing to carry ont the polt-
cal Ilro ram oC Uroatch. With this part or
the polce department In line Droatch com-
mence1 upon the Ealoon Interests and has
used policemen's clubs to coerce the saloon
amen , Into line f r his candidacy for mayor.
Saloon keepers who announced their oppoel-
ton to Droatch have been under polce cc-
plonage , whl those who professed a willingness -
ness to support iroatch have bee extended
) !
special privileges and have hall their , places
opouudayandnightftin1J3Pen . .vlolalor.of..the ' ,
In w Fjnel ! tormerly } ! r\1seIJ\Jon1 \ tle vomln'j
of the "bur'nl dlstrlct"Jl . " bcen'fre'iiItted '
anti the womel assured that tbe.y Would no
longer bo subjected to arrest or flume under
the Droatch regIme. This has resulted In the
levy of n neat campaIgn sum for the Broatch
gang upon the women of the town , and their
butlers alg , piano players and pluggers are shouting -
Ing for Droatch. While openly bidding fOr
the support of the sporting element Uroatch
has been parading at the same time beforetime
the church goers of the city by declaring
that he will rigidly enforce time laws against
the saloons and the sportng ehenlent I elected
have also
. Friendly
' r. corporatons
passed the word along the line that Uroatch
must be elected , and every trick known to !
time class of poltcians to which Broatch he-
longs has been resorted to In order to whip
the men Into iimme.
Alonzo D. Hunt , superintendent oC the
American Water Works commipany a leader In
the schemes of council 125 , Is playing a star
part In the plan to elect Iroatch for mayor
anll Albyn Frank clerk oC the district court
The fund set aside by the Unied States
court for the enlargement of time mains of the
water works company In the business part of
time city Is being brazenly used as a campaign
fund In the Interests of the dervish tcket ,
The order to have the work done could have
been secured months ago but the dervish
ring did not want the work done . until election ,
time. When the work was finally commenced '
It was discovered that It , was progressIng :
too rapidly and the men were laid off on time '
excuse that pipe and material for the work '
hail been dela'ed. This kind of excuses was
kept up until within the paet few days. Then
the forces were gradual ) " increased. During
part of last week 2SG men were cm-
played on the works. Yesterday more than
100 men were added and any men who wanted
work , or wanted to get a little election mono ) '
for a show of \\ork , were given a place untIl
time forces were so large that the mcn were
In each other's way and there was hardly
standing room In the trenches for the forces
employed. No one pretends that the Interests
of the city or the Inlerests of the water
works company demand such pernicious
activity on the part of Mr. Hunt , but he
I knows the wishes of his dervIsh friends and
has not hesitated to carry them out. I IE
understood that the large force oC men now
employed will be materially reduced after
today as there wi bE no further Ilesslnr
need 01 their services when the election Is
over. The men wi be allowed time to
vote today amid will not be docked for any
time that they may lese whie at the polls
or at work In the Interest of the dervish
The Frank brothers still have their oil
roOmn In full blast. For the last few days
It has l pall ful attention to time midnight closIng -
Ing order. Fixers of all brands have fillet )
the place day and nlKht and every trick
learned by the federal court sang In Its
years of rule In this city and county has
been used to decoy voters and workers Into
the Frank p3rlor. Elmer Frank Is taking an
active part In the canvass anti Is workIng
as hard to capture the anti-A. P. A. vote as
Is Albyn' to bring his fellow members of thut
order Into active support of the federal court
The counci combine hes carried out Its
part oC the pro ram to the letter. I has
usqrped the 110wers of the mayor and refused
to approve the appointment oC the clerks and
Judge of election who cannot give time sIgn
of the A. P. A. and the county commissioners
have approved und confrmed the acton of the
council and fled the vacancies on the list hy
appointing omen selected by the dervish ring
All ths has been done with the express purpose -
pose of seeing that the counting of the votes
: Is In the hands or "friends" oC the ring , ant )
'It ' behooves friends of good government to
see that the vote of the people Is fairly
counted and the returns properly made to the
Hy and county authorIties.
All day yesterday and untIl a late hour
last night the streets were black with men
bent on politics , and the contest booked for
todjy was the only topic oC conversation. The
dervish contIngent that has infested the
streeticorners for the last two months was
out In full force and spent the tme In car-
wiging conferences on the plans for the
day. There were Pyburn Hunt , Hascal ,
Macieoi ) Savage , Scot , Chaffee . Ir03tch.
George Stn'ktr , Doc Savie , J. \ Furnas : ,
Beech Ilgby I , John Westberg , logbutche
Frank , Pete Schwenk and all the members
of the gang each anxious to have his elfc -
ton day work cut out for him ant ) each scili.
log to resort to any methods neeeuary tu
win a losing flgimt.
I bias been concdell for several days that
time nonparlran jutlclary CI'ket wi ho
elected , and last nght , there word none of
tjmo dervish shouters wIth hardihood enough
/ claim the election of either Scot , Baker ,
, DickInson or Fawcett , and few of them were
- ' - S 1e- " - : : ' . ' - - ' r -
I . .
A'"ll x'rIOX "O'I'I.nSI :
A " 'ur.1 its tu tht' CUIMlrlCUtl nt Cut'
(1t111 Illul ,
uters wil Coke IUUC" . Cheat tht ( '
I 111 t I h' " emoummimmuted by Ito Cttm-
. ' 1' ' it'mgiim' amid ( ' 1.101.(1 1 , ' .i'IO-
t'rll. 11.1 1IIIIIU"C" 1111I'lr OIL .111.le
haunts 1111 uu ofhlt'lmmI 11101. len . " .
uerlC" nl.1 Illl'II"C. ' 11.ler Cht' imi'I'
11' time .h.IAIICul "t'IUrt'IM" t'oll.1
sleet ho' Illt.rle.1 itt tIme .IUtllle , 11.\
time em'rtiti&'iitt's nt flit ci I lemms' n"I-
im'It 11'e , CIN.rUr"l hc.1 1\.1 ii ) '
Cht' t e I. . Il t. . 'rhu"c Chit 'imertelm -
miorst'ui h ) ' C h. IIIIIII.C" 11"'t' , lit 1.1-
.11101 , CI , h..I"IICol ut ( limit part ) '
11.1 I luiiemmr ' I" " .Ieummot'rmmt-lIeuhlie's its-
. " 'I'll , 'ul ( lit' t'tt iImPl' :
hllli Ccl".t lllle ( ' n cross UI'III.le
" ' ' ' timil t lmt'mirs thc denlgtmn-
t"'CI' ) IIUe thlt h"lr" .1e.I"ln-
( home " . i'uimo'rlmt , "
at all snlKulne concernIng any other candidate -
date on that ticket.
CatHlllates on time Citizens' ticket arc mull
satisfied that the verdict of the people at the
polls today will be very emphattaly In their
favor. All assurnces have lpen mnde that
the vote of the business men , the waKe
earners and the smal home owners wi be
registered In favor oC the candidates who Irc
111tdged to economy and businesslike admin-
Istrton oC publc affairs. Time showIngs
that have been made of the extravagance , de-
ralatons ant rinK rule thut have marketl
thi administraton of affaIrs during the last
two years have been met by the dtrrlsh can-
dllntes for cube not wIth denials , but with
abuse , amid the hontt voters have refused to
be satisfied with their evasions.
VO'I'lIitS' it hU III'S A'l' l'Ol.LS.
Some Lt'gutl L'rovtslomms lit'spcetimug
Cotmd tiet of ill ec'tioiis ,
Each and every voter ougimt. to know hue
righmis wimemm casting hula ballot mmext Tuesday
and at time sanmo timmme every voter oughit to
know the dimly of time cflicers of ehectiomm.
\\'hen nmuy office' of election attemmmpts to Interfere -
terfero witim the rights of a voter it is time
duty of that voter to resent sucii interfer-
alice and stand upon his rights. In order
thmat voters mnay know jimst wimat. their rights
are under the provisions of tlio Austraiimmn
ballot hams' time followimig extracts arc given :
1. Time polls siiahl be opened at 8 in the
mmmornimug amid reimmahim open till 6 in tiuo after-
mmoon anti no iommger. Ballots cast after C in
tIme es'emuimmg Wotmi(1 ( be Illegal.
2. Each judge and clerk mntmst. take time
requimed oatim , . and entry thereof mnust be
mmmade in eaelm itoh book.
3. Any judge of election may administer
time oath to thme clerks and otluer judges.
1. If any Person appointed as a judge or
clerIc does not attend at time opemming of time
pails limo electors liresent. shmali choose sommme
pereomm to fill time vacancy. The judges present -
ent have no righut as sucim to fill time s'acauucy.
Every voter presemmt hues a riglmt to assist in
iiihing it.
5. Amiy peron wimcm declares imimnruelf unable
to read is entitled to tile nsststaumce of one or
two of time electtoum officers to assist him in
preparing his beliot , Such voter is entitled
to name the officer who shalt assist iiimmm.
0. Ammy voter has a right to take a sample
ballot into tIme votIng booth with itimmi. lie
has just. as mnumcim right to do this os lm would
hava to not.o down In lila uiemmiorammdumms bock
for whom lie wanted to ' 'vote and refer to
that , S
hiceomqer , hmas ajighmt , undcr army S
8. A deputy 41mcm'ff
power in preserviimg tumotpae'arbund 'a vat-
Ing place that a policeman hah ( , It ' is not only
time deputy sheriff's uightbut 'his duty to
preserve time peace and arrest aus one who
disturbs the ieaco or Interferes svith a voter.
9. The floard of Fire arid , I'oiice Comnnmis-
sion'rs has mme power to appo'.ntepecial police-
niemi , Any one so appointed 'wouim ) lucre no
authority to make arrests and no right to
1)0 inside a voting imootim except when castIng -
Ing imis own haunt. If lie attemnpt.s to enter a
bootim except to cast. his own vote lie shmouid
be arreiteci.
10. If any qualified elector imas fahiemi to
register he must make affidavit of his imiace
of resiuieimcP , etc. , before time city clerIc or
collie ono designatemi by the mayor , and also
provo before thug judges ef election by two
freeimoldflrs , ss'ho have kmmown him for cmm
year , timat lie is ami inimabitant and qualified
voter of time precinct.
11. Unlawfully interfering srithm a voter , deceiving -
ceiving aim Illiterate voter or attemmmpting to
brIba a voter are offeumses against the lass's of
limo state , punishable by fume or imuprisonunent
iii the penItentiary.
hr. iirmiiierNit mm Cit mmd iuismte ,
Dr. J. F. flruner'ut name appears on the
official ballot. as a peoPle's independent can-
dldate for cotmnty coroner. Dr. Drumner line
removed to W'nsimingtOfl , html imiS svltimdrnsvmul
notiee w'ait not lmaimdetl to time ohilcimmim4 in
timmie to hmtmve hurts annie rnios'ed from time
ticket. lilt ; friends ask tiimtt mmii wimo in-
tcnied s'otlmmg for Dr. liruner be thmu noti-
fiet ) of time fact that hliH name should not ime
on time ticket. ' - _ _ F _ _ _ _
, l'htt'S'I' 'I'ANNiIICIIIS 511 ( iT iO % % ' .
Vihi 'i'miiee Otmi Ne , More hums for time
? ei'xt Shst Iimys.
NEW YOI1IC , Nov. 4-Time World tomor-
ross' wIll say : 'The United States Loathmer
compammy , known as time Leather trust , yester.
day slmtmt down tim 100 tanneries under its
control. Not anotimer hIde with be taken from
its rats for sixty days. Iuring time sixty
miays that. the tanneries are closeti more tiuamm
15,000 laborers , tanmmers , clerics anti enmphoycc
generally will be without work , Time meeting -
ing at. svhmlclm time lockup svas decidetl upon
was imeld a less' days ago at the office of tim
trust. As a result an artier svmms sent to time
tanmueries omm Saturday last to pitt no mmmore
hides 1mm time vats anti to take no more mum
after yesterulay , so that time dote down took
effect at 0 p. am , today. Time concerns simu'
up mepresent 00 per cent of tim
hmemniock tanmueries ant ) 40 per cent
of time mmnion , time latter so caik'i
hecammso they mmcc a comnimination of imenmioclu
and oak bark in tanning. Few of time strIcti'
oak tammnerles are Inchtmtled , as they are mostly
ommt of the trust. Several of the rivals cf
time comnbination imavo recemmtiy been emmttimmg
prices extensively , which Is stated to be
time cammse of the preseimt curtailing of thme
latter's operations. "
11.1111) 11L0'V 'l'O 1NSI'lt.tXCII MHN.
untied time' lilmohit to Coummhirie for lime'
Mnleiimg' of itmmt'sm * ,
SPRINGFIELD , Ill. , Nor. 4.-Attorney
General Mehoney today rendered aim opinion
thud it is ihhegai for insurance companies or
agents to enter Into an agreemnent regarding
rates for Ineuranco , m'ebates , etc. , anti parties
to all such rmgreenments are liable to imrosecum-
tiomi tmmmder the trust lass's of time state. This
is likely to cause consternation among Insurance -
suranco people in Illinois ,
hhuimml ( lt'i'IC Is thissiig.
' ' ii. liter.
1ANSAS CI'I'Y , Nov. 4-Harry
lIng , remlttnmmce clerk at time Union NatIonal
bank , who ss'mts recently granted a leave of
absence for two weeks , is missing , Of-
flciaimm of the hmummk say Sterlimmg's accotmnts
have been founti perfectly correct , anti they
attach no dishonest motive to his die.-mim-
ve'arnmiCe. lie svas last seen Wetineueday ,
October 20. Sterling Is 2 ; years ohmi , of
medium iieight , with slight moustache , dark
hair anti eyes. ills parents live in Ilehena ,
Mont , , ssimero lila father is an attorney ,
1,111(1 III ) euht Old \4tmlmmls ,
Nii\V YOltF , Nov. 4-Iidsm'artl Ii , Morse
of Stapleton , N , Y. , an ex-cimief of police
of Suim F'rancso an'i Toledo , 0. , was to-
nieimt retnoved to time liudeton Street imomu-
imital etmitering ( rota old bullet svuunds in
time feg reeniveti years ago svimile pursuing
imorsettmicves in Coiorato ) anti Now MexIco ,
- - - - - -
Comul ) l i itt's itesumimia ( ) hu'rmm I bits ,
1iAzhitro , Pa. , Nov. 4.-Ever ) ' collier
nrul cosi strip pit in time l.elmigh relon.
svimic'iu was forctl to ielmut dorm several
wecics ago on act-Ount of time drouthm , re-
eutned work timis nmorning. givIug cmiii t.
mtmnt to nearly i,000 men. itrttrs of the h'tttt
week imavo swollen tile mountain stratums
amid there is now plenty of svaler ,
- S S _ .
- -
Oircumstiiutlal Evklonco Points to Him att.
Ida Gaskill's ' Slayer.
Investigation by Authorities Brings Out.
Some Additional Damngiu racts ,
His Account of ills Conduct Sunday Afth.
noon Helps His Case Little.
imi tiger of' mm inhi hemmmumms ( rmmt butt So.
( rm'mtt that time At'emmsm'i hits
Jiceut i'hmit't'ml iii Ciii , 5mmtc (
1 t'tm I C i' mm I itt ry.
TIme ness's of lila Gzmskhii's crimei deatlm was.
time lcadimmg topIc of conversation about. town
yesterday , even time fierce struggle him mumunici-
pal politics boimmg overshadowed for a timumo.
Eseum among thmoo ss'imo wouihti slmrhmmlc from.
such a violent procethtmre as iymmciu law timore
was atm unmistakable tieire that time wretch
ss'ho comummmmittcd time foul crime simoulti speedily
terimminato this life. 'rime pohico are hard aL
womk upomm time case mmmi claim lO hard found.
fumrtiuer evidence migainmut the milan Margmmmm.
Aitimougii it appears to he a pretty strong case
agaimmst. this human , 110 stone swill be left on-
ttmrneti to secure all time facts mmeeded dm1 to.
link togetiuer time vmirious bits of circumumetan-
hal es'idemuco into a cimalim strong enough to.
scimul thmo hrimetrator of tub crimmue to tue gallows - S
lows , Inquiry develops time fact thlmut Martin
ilcioker ammmi Edward Sanford bear gooti repui-
tatlcmms amid stremigthemis time immipressIon timat.
neither one of thmcmmm is moore timan remmuotely
comicerneil in time brutal affair.
A thorough search of thmo rooms.
occupied by Morgan ammti Samiford
55'Cs made , hilt mme ftmrthmer cvi-
deuce of time crime oilier thamm time
bloody clothes already secured by time-
ofllcers ssero found , A siuarp qmmestiommimlg of
several of time mieighbors , as swell as ofVii -
ho Gaskiil , tlmo brother of time mnurderet
girl , elicited Immammy miew facts. Willie Is a
briglmt boy amid time cross-qtmesttonhmmg of time
ollicers faIled to simaku , any at hits state-
meats In regard to tile affair. lIe said :
"Yesterday afternoon I was playing In
front of time vacamut. house ssimero may sister
s'as aftersvarti fouumd. After a ss'imiie I
went. around to limo attic ot'thie houSe , and as
I was going timrough to St. Imimmry's avenue I
looked In at one of tile windows. I saw a
man in thm nmlddio room , anti hen I looked
again he went Into time nextroomn. I went
looked into that . -
_ i * , *
it was Mr. Morgamm , " ' I said , Hello , Mr.
Morgan , wimat are 3'otm iliding for ? ' Ho
said : ' 1 anm not imititng. ' Tush ho said , 'I
\vnt you to tell yomir uitle % sister Ida to
comno over Imero. I want her to carry a.
mnessago for mime. ' I stuiui I would tell her. ' -
"Morgami then s'cmmt out of time house and
doss'mi tosvard St. Mary's avemmue. lie diii
not say hue svamu commming back ngalmm , but I
supposed ime svommid , so I svent hack to our
hmoutse. Ida svmts iuonmo ammt ) I told her Mr.
Morgamm wanted her to take a nmmcssage and
to go over to the old vacant house. She
said she swouhd , hut I don't know svimethcr she
did or riot. I svemmt omit to viai amid diti not
see Ida again umittl evening , She was home
svimemm I got back , and I iicartl mamumnma tell
her to go after Martin Booker and teil him
to caine and take supper svithm us at 7 o'clock ,
Slum ss'emmt out of time 110050 mumul that was limo
last I ever saw of her. "
When akcd if Morgan actemi as if Ito was
tinder time influence of lIquor svlmemm lie sas ,
iiirmm iii time vacammt imouse iii time aftermioorm thmo
boy repllcti. "I don't itnoss' , sir ; hme acted
rallier funny , anti seemed to want to get
away frommm timere , but hue mliii mmot act. like
otimer drunken macn do , and I tlon't think he
svas tlrtmmmk. "
- - S
Willie also salt ) that Morgan Imati given
Ida nickels on several occasions , anti that
she haul shown timem to hmimmm , ammui saiti that S
she hint ) received them from Morgan.
Mrs. Gaskihl , time mother of tlma girl , has
resiuied In this city for sixteen years. When
questiommed simo stated u'umbsmantiaiiy tile' smimno
as has already heemm pubilshmem ) . She hail
sant Ida to call Mr. ilooker to supper at
5:30. : ammul had not seen her again tmmmtil imer
dead body ss'as discovered by time oihicors.
Ida hint ) alwaym' been a good girl , anti hiatt
heipeti her about time house. Iii fact , she
1usd done mmmost of time svork in taking care
of time roommis. Mrs. Gasklhl mcaitl timat lila
caine to lmer a fortniglmt ago mind asked her
it she mmuigtmt svashm Morgamm's ulm'lmes , lie lmati
pronmiseul to give her 25 comuts per week It
she womiiml dim this swork for hmlmn. Sue hlati
given permission to do so , hut hula hail per-
formumemi time work hut once , anti timat was
abotmt a week ago. Site had been aware of
the fact thmimt lila icmmew Morgamm , but did not
kmmomr hmhmn ioreanall' imerseif. lila , i.hme said ,
swIms acqumainted witlu nearly every one 1mm the
fiat ,
T. P. Penny , whmo occmuptem' time fiat iummme-
diateiy mmortim of anti adjoinIng time Morgan
anti Sanformi roommms , mutated timtmt ha hail left
his roomum at about 6:30 : o'clock Summmday evening
ant ) went toward Ilarney street by sway of a
back entrance , or simort cmmt. Ate lIe passed
from tIle slmauiosv of thma bumlitlirug a man swhto
swas sitting on time lower i'tep of a rear fiighm
of stairs , that lou from thm upper fiats ,
spoke to him. lIe rettmrned time greeting
and passed oem. It ss'as ( hark amuui hue tilt. ) not
recognize tlm man. lie luau ) titoumgimt little
about time mmmatter.
Whmen he had walked a dozen yards from
time building lie imearil o cimlhu'e ) voice in one
of the galleriemi overimead , 'i'he party salt ) :
" 1 ss'iii be reauiy in a minute. " lie recog-
aimed time voice as that of Ida Gaeklll. lie
diul not. see time person to svimorn time remark
was auluiressed. There was no one around
at that tIme , at least hue imotlceil no one cx-
edit the mnan svimo haul accosted him on the
step ,
Mrs , Agnew , svimo lives thlrectiy opposite time
vacant imoumse in wlmiclm time crime was cmii-
omitted , stated to a reporter that her two
little tiaimgiuters , Enmmmm and Ehiza , aged 9 and
1 respeciveiy , had told her yesterday
timat Morgan was In time vacant house 5mm-
clay afternoon betsveen 3 and 4 o'clock. lie
had motlonemi timemn to comne over , amid wimoli
they had done so gave thmomn a few pennies
and asked them to come into the imousts with
him , They hind refused , but luau ) kept tim
pennies , whIch they showed to timeir mother.
All evidence timUs far produced lefls to
show that the mnurtler was cormmniitted be-
tsveen tile hours of C and 8 o'clock in the
Alex Mimrray ant ) Wihhlani ThmomptOfl , two
macn who played cards at timu roomims of Morgan -
gan cmiii Sammford , stated that they imaul been
called to time latter's fiat severai timmmes durltm
the clay ant ) evening. Mtmrrmmy said to Dc-
ieetivo Iurmn timat ho was present about S
o'enck , wimen Morgan went to hued , lie was
there shortly after 6 o'clock , svhen Morgan
left , Morgaim hmatl said when lie svent away
that lie was going out to see imi girl , Upon
hula rcttmrtm one of limo men asked imim if lie
could mmmake a call Iii such a short time. Mor-
gail replIed that Ito luau not seen hmi girl , but
hail chuanged iui mint ) , lIe eeeummed very
much agitated a. lie was preparing for bed ,
so rmmmuetm so that one of tim men aelced idea
wimt was time immat'er nuI ohso it lie swould
( ike a drink. Morgan refutiv.l the offer and
.mm'rely multi he isas gmIitg ( to b uu"mi did not
irant to b : 1m he rttl.
Sanford stated to the officers that Motii
. - .
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