- - - - - - - - - - - - . . - . . , ' . " , ,110\ \ ( I . ! . . . . : . . . " I , to . A . ita.o. " . \ : \ . 8 . . Tn'E OfATIA DAILY DEE : MONDAY , NOVEBBR ! ) .1 , 189 j. Y. I. C. A. STATE CONVENTION 't Will Meet in Omaha Next Friday ! Evening , .tST OF TiE DELEGATES FROM COLLEGES orclll" ut file " " "uclltun I froth Se1'rzhI ! Ullt' ' % 'UI Ih'lh't'r11 - .IrcsNc-SeNNIhhit , II . ( Jun- chulcII Slllln ) ' U " enliig. I 'rh1y evening ! the state conventIOn ot the I I Young Ien's Christan nuoclaton convenes In the nuoclalon building. from all ot Active association men al parts ho I stnte are expected to participate. As has ) been the cuslan for many years , the telc- ClteR will bo entertained In the home ! of the tltizena. Mr. 1. I B. Henderon Is i chairman or the committee on entertainment and will be pleased to hear from any who can welcome - come any or the delegates to their hospl- tnly , I Is expected that the major put of the delegates " 1 consist ot students In the many colleges where the association work Is active. actve. Thomas S. : Iclheeters , secretary of the St. Luis association , chairman ot the state corn- mltl' at the Young Ien's Christian nsso- elation and ono or the leading business men In Misoaurl , will deliver the opening ldress. The delegates : will be lc'meJ bl Dean Oard nero Mr. C. C. \ehner , the International col- lego secretary and one of the brightest speak ers In the ranks or association men , will de- liver an add esR Saturdayevonliiga This night will be cole go men's night. Sunday tie dele gates wl occupy such pulpits In the city as may bo thrown open to them , Many excel- lent speakers wi be presnt and will bo ready to supply these iuipits. I Among the speakers who are to take special part In this convention are : Mr. J. W. than- aol ; secretary Western International institute ; Rev , A. H. Dylcs , D.D. ! , or England j Mr. C. M. Copcliind , district secretary ; Mr , E. 1 Aiken , state secretary , Kansas ; Mr. W. A. Magee , state secretary , Iowa ; Mr.V . A. Venter , secretary , Kansas City ; H. A. Clark M. D. , State university , Lincoln ; Mr , O. D. laker , seretary , Council Blurts ; : Ir. II. g. Wols ! , secretary Chalron ; Mr. W. J. ll , secretary , remont ; : lr. F' . F' . Carruthers , secretary , hastings. This week will bo a crowded one at thl Tlls - association building . Wellnesclay night there wi bo a fine elocutIonary and musical recital under the direction of Miss Fuller. 'rhursday , night H"v. A. F. Irvine will present his pictorial - tonal lecture on "Social Vreckage. " Tonight Is to lo bold one of the annual meets or the assocIation. Two hundred of the most interested members of the orlanlzaton have been Invited 10 meet around the tea table and discuss ways anti means or Improving - proving and extending the work of the ass ( elation . Speakers from the board ot directors - rectors will address the gathering and It Is expectEI that as a result of this meeting plans will be set on root which will effect an Increase In the membership up to 2,000 members - bars by next April. 9 "uh'r" Ate'nIotii nepublcans In sympathy with the citIzens' movement muet remember that the word "citizen" does not appear upon the official ballot. Each citizens' candidate Is designated upon the ofcal ballot as "democrat. " . 'UUK OlO I\X'S C1.VhI. Studies In Suclnl Seii'ie'iunit Ihii - tn- cltonll fl&'inrtiiii-nts. The department ot social oeneo ( ot the 'Voman's club has always been one or the most hard working and popular departments at the club. For this year Its program Is one or pecu- liar Interest. "Functions or Government , Its Hghts and Duties" will be , the general theme. Ther wi be eonlldered with reference to the citizen ef normal conditions , to state unl- veraItie , 'common schools , public kinder- gartens , sanitation , libraries , parks , enter- tainments. etc. . and will take UI the tune for some weoks. Then the gmeral theme of the stato's Jlghts and duties toward . detective and criminal casl ! will bo considered. Each subject will be given all the time It require to be considered In a thoughtful earnest manner. Current events of political and social Interest - terest will bl reported at each meeting by a committee , of which Mrs. P. Il. Tracy Is chairman. At the last meeting Mrs. Tracy's report was upon the re lgnaton of Prof. lemls of the Chicago unlvorslt A 111sClo elon of some Interest followed , although there was IIrhaps no difference of opinion upon this matter. Another feature of the work Is to be the study of Kkld'a Socal ! Ilvoiution. Each week one chapter ot this unique work will bc carefully reviewed anti briefy IItussel by sonic member or the claes who I ! e\eclal ) ' Interetel In the boolt. Members of the depoJtment are very much interested ! In the development of this outline , and under Mrs. I'ord's efelent leadership - ship a very Instructvo ! ason Is anticipated. The plan for the department of education for the cession Involves two hues of work At each m ctng the members will reall and die. cuss a portion of P3mo standard pel1lollcJI \6rl" , under the supervision of lrR. Surbor- ought , the leader. The first text to he taken UI > In this mnnner will le Froebet's Education - ton or Man . The department desires to ard and encourage nil PUblic or private I move ments which may be educational In I broad and general sense. One of the lecture of Miss IIofer'ei course will bo given under the ansplees of this department - partment of the club , anti It Is expect that It will secure other lectures cn educational subjects In course of the ) . - - m InX.\CU f SlIiflSt1'L'A. ) CIUCIJ.UI. Ath'INt'N 1'1'II'NI" tu ICt.t'I' Out or the I'tIiti'lhl right. ' ST. LOUIS , No\ 3.-A special to the Republic - public front Lincoln Neb. . says /shop lIon- ncul Ibsuell a clrcllI' to the priests , under date of Nevunber 2 , In \hlch ho mentioned that John nrennan , editor of a Catholic newspaper at Sioux City , In. , Is endeavoring to create rellous discord In the state by Issuing - suing Inlnmmatory circulars to the laity tnd clergy , urging them to polItical agitation In the IIt1ending election. Ho added : " . \s there Is ito religious quelton Involved In the btato campaign In the state or Nebraska this year , and as the but policy to vuruo towards those umisgimideti men , known as Icmb rB of time \merlcan 'rotecth'o asaoclation , Is oclnton 10 Ignore thel entirely , I must regard , time appeal o this Brennan ns not only mi- premier . - , butll' Impertnent. " IoWItt's Little Early Hsers cure mit- , aeston and bad breath < p 1 hiUItIiXm'l'ux HOII' ) I l n"llr 'l'hne-Cnu"II' CI ) . . I Now limo c\iin : operation-scitetiulo to St. ' a Joe honr. and Kansas City Iluicliened-over an - The liurlington's ! t8 : a. m. train Is nol three hour faster than the day train ot any other line to Kansas City ; forty mlnues : faster to Atc'iiison two . und ene.half hour to Icannworth ; pretty nearly a whole day to St. Joe. The c\'enlrg traIn for St Joe and Kalsas I CLiy still leaves the Union depot . Cl stllea\'es at ! : t5 p. m. I 1 ' . \te5t anti best night train for all points al I Lout tm . [ CIty ticket office , II2t -S t Farnam street . . A i'risilegt'I Clmgmrmmeti'r . 4 Is one who enjoys prlvlcslS not granted to otlmrs . Such 15 every traveler via the Union , Iadlo "Overland Route" to Colorado . Utah Uah anti Cillforzila . : - A few at the prlvlegs : You get there quicker You h\e no change of care Through Pullman Sleepers arid Dining Cars , ' 'lalns heated by steam ant lIghted with Ilnllll Light . A. C. DUNN , Clf ) ' Pass . & Ticket Agent , ' . . 13(2 } : rcll St. . Nc" 'I'JnnCnrll on the t4t C. " See tmo table column . on another page . 1r Slln/ul un ( ) ' ercont . - George O'DI'lel and Fltlk C ! . .Tehnan were nrreIed yesterday nCtcrnlol fur hnv- Ina stolen m , Overcoat belonging to A , lL Chibbn nt Sixteenth nn'I ' Davenport Itrert9 , Gbln Meant . Jim McGuire and H. A. ( ln- ton were arrrsted . for 11\lnl receIved the stolen Ilropet ) . . O a O O 8 PULPIT EDITORIALS I. lit 11EV. PRANK CRANT3. 8 cccccccccccccccceC COD There I one great Issue that Is always be- tore the people In I democratic goverment. All agree that the people shall rule , but time question Is , how shall their wish be ex. press c. In other words , shalt government bo by mass meeting or by representatIon 7 The careful observer wi notIce how thIs all and Is Issue runs through al our history constantly croppIng out In current affairs . Daniel Webster's great reply to Hayna was simply a masterly presentment ot the argu- ment that the wIll of the people was not to bo round In the factious vote of any sep arato section that might object 10 a natIonal law . but was to ba , determIned by the prop- erly elected representatIves ot all the states , and by tIme regular judiciary . lie imeld UI to rldlculo I layne's theory that South Car ( Ina could hersel ba ) whether or not she would consent to obey the behest or the imation , a 111 ( he cited that New England , "being fully ot time opinion that the embargo law was unconstiutonal , was equally clear In the oplnlcn-It was I mater they did not doubt upon-that the question , otter all , must bo decided by time Judicial tribunals of the United States , " In present New York City polItics appears the Rma queston under an- other form ; the saloon keepers and their I friends Insist that the excise laws are unjust , anti therefore should not \ enlQrced , whie : tr. Roosevelt stands with Webster hollng th.lt whlo they may be unju3t , yet that Is I a mater to be decided by the legislature and courts , and not by meetings anti processions. Thla Pulpit some time ago brought out the santo Idea In Its arral'1nent of our city government's polcy toward the gamblers , saloons anti brothels , claiming that the polIcy of dealing with these evils was a mater for the people to decIde hy their proper law- makers and judges , anti not by the opInions of any executIve omcer. The recent police board contest was another variety of ( the same queston , time ho110vcr hoard declarIng that because I thought the law unconstitutional - tonal It should rislst It , but the true theory being to obey the law , even I wrong , until the courts shoulll othcrwlee decide. In the mater of southern lynching there Is ano'hcr phase or the struggle or lawless against lawful - ful publc sentinient. No one doubts that cplnlon In the south Is opposed to the name- less crImes of which sonic negroes arc ac- cused , but the issue Is , shall that opinion be left to courts or to prIvate men or mobs to enforce ? He\ J. W. g. Dowen on Monday of last week at the Atanta expoton , Negro day , lucidly stated the matter : "Aa a repreintatlve or the thinking people of my race . I take off my hat to the white man of title co'untry , north and south , when he swears by all that lveth that the sanctity of his homo and the purity of Itia famy shal bo malntalntd at every hazar 'We simply ask that the sins of the vicious b not charged to the whole race. Our training on the whole has not been what It should have been , but the race Is making a heroic effort to expel from Its sYllem all the \Iewl at degrading sin , and l1 far wo have 13110 progress. Wo do not ask that the criminal escape but that the court Ihal ferret out his crime by due process of law We ask that justee ! be meted out to all crimInals , black and whIte " 5 . . Because some mlsllonJrlc ! hare been mur- tiered In China there Is a frog-like chorus from many censors crying out to the church to Dtop senllng Innocent people over to that barbarous land to be siauglmtered . They for- get. When the original Christian came froth a distant country to this earth he was set Ipon and murderel as cruelly as haE ben the tate of any In Ku-Cheng. With this 'e- ample before us we can hardly be. expected to desist II our effort to save mnklnd be- cause at perils or sword or , death and If \\e : did so the ernie critics ' who now blame our toolhanlness would then sneer at our cowardice S. . . The Ilnro potato scheme , by which vacant ! I city lots are tisul to rallo crops for the poor , will continue to bear a social and moral fruit even batter than pot atom. The 10\0 ment should never stop until none shall he allowed to hold a pece ! at ground vacant for speculatIve rposes. l Ho sholld be eom- pelcd In the meanwhile to give Its Ul to that city which males : his land valuablo. A slm- plo mctholl of accomplsh In , this would be to tax the unused Ian on which the owner re- 1 fused to alol the poor to raise sustenance to the extent ot the e 'tmated value ot what produce might be grown upon It. . ' 'rll' , ' " 1I,1'1'lllo'l for , ICIHh ' N Sake WU be rendered more beneficial , and the fatigues or travel counteracted , \ time voyager \ ill tak' .llong with . him hfostctter's Stomach flitters , and use that protective anti enabling tonic , nerve Invlloranl and appetizer regu- larly. Impurites In air and water Is ncutral- Izell by I. anti It Is a matchless tranquilizer and regulator of the stomach , lIver and bowels. I counteracts malarIa , rheumatism , ments. and a teldlncy to kidney and bladder al- . Iive'ry 1)ay ' . Double daily service to San Francisco anti all California points via Union PacifIc. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers , Pullman Colonist Sleepers Pullman Dining Cars and I"r Re- dining Chair Cars. The shortest . line ; the quickest time. A. C. DUNN . CIty Pass. & : Ticket Agt. . 1302 I.'arnam St. . Drs. Nichols & Nichols , specIal atentl : tl diseases at women and . children. H08 Farcalim. : " 'Im'r Prlll , . 'uhu"ul I" . Frank C. Johnson's friends a ) he has not absconded. According to their report he started for n < olorlio health resort , but was taken 10 1 on the train ho hal 10 leave It at . Culblrson und 10 10 I hotel , where ho now is . . - i'liitStX.tIl'.tlLtdtAi'iiS. State Oil Inspector dmlston Is at the Merchants . the Mr. Paxton and , : rs. J. Blake or Chicago are at H. Ii. Stevenson at Sal Lake City Is reg- Istert at the Mercer. ' Mr. and Irs. S. 10lman of Los Angeles are guests at t'io : ia rd. ReceIver Oliver W , Mink ot the Union Pa. cHic , Boston , Is at the Millard . Mr. and Irs. J. C. C. Clarke of Alon , m. , are among the Paxton arrivals . : tr. and Mrs . n. I. . Daugherty of Lead , S. D. , art guests at the Merc'nants. . H. W. Cresswel and J. T. Day , cattlemen , Sperfsh , S. I ) . , are Paxton gnests. Part ot tSio "Tallow C ndle" company and part or the Gardner company spent Sunday at the Barker ) Part or Sandow's Trocadlro Vaudevies and part ot Wnd & V lcs' company are doml- dIed at tIme Barker. . Mr. Iolsch of Hamburg II In the city , a guest ot : lr. F . Zlegfeld , Jr. Mr . Holheh Is on his wa : , to Slbcrla. ) W. S. Pugs ! ) Douglas , W'o. , and D. n. Castda ) Hawlns , W'o. , catlemen , are reg- Istered nt the Paxtoim : r. anti Mrs. Eugene fandow anti halt a " " dozen members at the 1rocdero" company are guests at the l'axtoii : lr. anti Irs. Harry VOI.CR and John Ward ot the Ward & VoIles company , with sev- eul members , are at the I'axton. , : . F. Zlegfeld , jr. , of the Trocadero Vau- tevles and : r. lal\low , who Is the star of the ergllnllalon , arrived last evening and alu at tIme Paxton. At the Murray : J. D. Salr. Des Moines , la. ; A. Deagon . John Page , Joe Kelley , George S. loltz. F . C. : MII an , Henry J. Schroff , New York : : : I Steirm Chicago : O. M. Sutton , Lincoln ; Frank D. Sopp , St. Louis : O. O. Hunter. Wllnm Tnrple , I. . C. Muson , J. T. Seaman Columbus 0. ; J. Brat North Platte , Net' . ; 1' . W. lckert all wife , George H. NIcolaI , 'I' . Williams and wife . \ \ 'ard'ckes company ; O. Sadlcaln ! , N , Ti. Kaufman and chIld , New York ; M. S. DewIt , amah , XehrnRI.nn" nl tIme hotels . At the I'uxton-t. M. Dlzner , Crawford At the Millard-Il. E. Marqucsson , Alit- once ; W. I. . Park , North l'late. . At the Merelmants-A . B. Langdon , O. M. luUlns , lapltoni N. C. flower , Cedar ltaptds ; l. I Sad.cr , Llnculn , , At the larlllr : T. I. Estabrook Norfolk ; I" ' . 1 . 1lcUnuls , lhitst'ngs'liiiamn ! ' ; Caimlil . Clint Slaler , Grand Island : larry : ew - afo\e , Columbus , . " - : : . . . . H I I AMUSEMENTS. ] 1 coccceo The new week In Omaha's theater circles was ushered In ycterllay evening with an Incongruous mixture at here play and maud- ln sentiment , one at the play houses pre- sentng a concoction ot the mOlt pronounced equine favor and the other a tearful upo- sllon of that battered old relic ot ante- belum days , long known as the dramatized version ot "Uncle Tom's Cabin " It's the toss ot a copper whether Upper Hare ) ' or Lower Harey got the wont of It. Probably Upper Harney escaped the more easily , for the auditors could at lest vent their feelings In telr antI thus gain tIme credit or posseu- trig a tender , suscptible nature , while on Lower Harne there was nothing to cry over and but Ittto to laugh at. The man Is probably unborn who can look far enough Into the future to ceo the end of "Uncle Tom's Cabin " The piece Sfems to have become a part of the solar system , and the chances are that It will follow the evo- luton at the stars untIl Unto s'hJI be no ' more and Oabrlel's trull > et hIatt shall signal the rolling up of the heavens as a scroll to uher In the final drama of all eterlt- and oven then , amid the crash at systems and the wreck ot worlds , with the living caln , upon the mountains to co\'e thenl and time counUes3 dead ot the nturles yet to como taking new forms from impalpable dust , the nations of a globe , rapidly merg- big Into chao , will pause for a brief Instant - stant to witness the fnal apotheosis of Little Eva II she Is borne aloft by blonde angels , whie Uncle Tom kneels at the foot of her deserted ( couch , listening with bellng ear to the melancholy cadences of a dark } ' quar- tet Ward and Vokes drew the usual Sunday aferoon anti evening crowd at the Crelgh- ton , with their farcIcal : production of the farcical piece designated un the bill boards as "A Hun on the Bank " Messrs. Ward anti VoIles arc what they claim to be on their programns-'gentlemen of unlmlel1 nerve. " I requires nerve , and lots of I , to present "A , Hun on the "anlt , " with the company that presented the piece last miight. There Is consh1rablo map and go' about "A nun on the Ban It. " I affords man ) ' op- portunites for the introduction of clever specialities. A few are attempted-or rather hinted at-by the company now at the Crel- ton Arthur Iimagan Is not unfamiliar to Omaha play-goers , ali his songs always secure the encores they deserve. Wlmot gckert anll Emma Berg have appearell hcre severl tmes , and their singing ii I ! far better .than the average . : lr. Eellert Is as rotund and full throated as of aliI , amid his tenor voice has lost none of Its clearness and flexibility . Probnbly the fact that he Is singing the same songs that he did five years ago baa sOlethlng to do with I. No voice could lose itself the " Iself In duet from "I 'rrovntoro" after It had threaded Its dizzy heights so freuenty as has : tr. Eckert's. Al Bellman has a dime base voice , and he used It very cleverly In time only Opportunity given iminm As to Messrs. Ward and Voltes , they arc clearly entitled to enter Into competition wih Old Hess lee ) ns eXlmnents of the Weary Wraggles typo or historic talent. Their good natnred "Joshing" amuses the audience. They keep the center of the stage most ) to themselves and ( hey till I pretty wel As for their farcical success , as they name It , for an audience that appreciates their kind of farcical success , "A nun on the Dank" Is about the kind or a farcical succes that Ilnd of an audience would appreciate The new Trocadaro Vaudevll8 , headed by ) the handsome young athlete anti strong man , Sandow under the personal direction of F. Zlegfehl , jr. , wi open nn ciigagexnnt of throc nllhts and \ \ ' engallment at Boyd's theater this evening. The company has closed one ot the most successful week's ergagelents : ever seen at --Autlitoriumu . CheIO : , when the stalln room sgn ! was displayed at every ' perlormance. This fCllg : Sandow's farew'ell American toUr , every lady , child and man should see the world's gleatest cthilete. The Troc.1deros , which Is Iha lrgest and best vaudeville company over seen In this country , comprIses some .f the best or the European novelties or the time. The five Jordans , the Ireatest of al aerobatl' , will appear In a turn that will be thrilling In daring and In wondrous feats of strngthm. KaufmJn , the w rhls champIon trick bicyclist and the holder ot forty gold medals , will be seen In feats of riding. The LucCers ! , floU the Alhambr3 , I.olion. < 0 some rcmarkable high kicking and Jumping. They stand withou a peer In their line. O. Gust , the great Parl.'lan eloln and Im- Hntor froU the I.'oles Bergles , Inl . gives an act that Is entirely original and 1m- Ilates every know animal. Miss Josephimia Sable , a late reigning sensation In Pane and London , made her American debut at the Audiorium , Chicago , amid made a de- cidcd hit. Arnann tha great Munich Impersonator - personator , has added 10 his list a representation - resentaton I the New York reCormer , Dr. P.rkhurst. and an hnltalon of I.cka'e's "Svengali . " The Wednesday matinee will b3 given for the exprese accommodation of ladles and children at popular prIces. Primrose nml Wesl's big minstrels will p- pear here , at the CrelJhton , for three nights , commencing Sunday , October 10. Herrmann's appearance at noyd's thlater on Friday and Saturday of this week will be particularly interesting , as the magician. will appear Iq his latest novel style of entertainment - mont , thatof giving a short mmpctacular play that has been devhell for the purposes qf displaying magical illusion . Gorgeous and expensive electrical effects arc also m3de use or anti tIm act as a whole Is one ot sUlldcn surprises and startling beauties. Herrmann's other acts are "Tho Asiatic Trnk Mystery , " "After the Ball" and "The ColumbIan Trans- forniatlon . " In "The Asiatic Trmmmik Mystery" a girl Is ted In a ezck . locked In a trunk . which Is aferward strapped and locked In an- other ; a few minutes elapsc anti the girl Is seen freed and another total ) different from her In size and appearance Is found In her place A pleasing Innovation will be the aI- lenten Herrmann gives this season to the musical part of the program , which Is under the personal supervIsion or Mr. Eddie Fox . who wl havf the assistance of the exctlent theater orchestra. Mene . Hermann wi also porfomen her elaborate bpectacular lance creatIons. . crcatens. "The Pay Train , " which lays at the ) Crellhton the last hal of the week , has been seen here before and Is remembered as one or time bEst of those melodramas sometmes derisively classed with the "tank" school. I Is said to be better than ever this rear anti should enjoy some measure of its former pop- ularl : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' \ 'mi.tIsIts C.UGII'I' IX 'l'ln ICI . Irollhll I ) ' ) IINt ur thtPh.t.t tl miNt l'nNN flit'Vimtir In ( hit Arctic. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 3.-The schooner Hosarlo has arrh'ell from time ArctIc ocean , bringing 3,000 : pounds of bone , the residue ot a catch { r live whalcs. She Is the first of thc whaling lect to reach port from the north and It Is within the limits o .posslbliy tht she msy be the last . When she left the ocean the Ice was forming very fast and It was hevler than It has been for many years. Time nosarlo brIngs confirmatIon of " 1 news of a very poor catch In the Arctic. From the report of time Hosarlo H looks as If the entire fleet would be caught In the ice This Is con- sldcred by the whalIng men to bo a very serious state or affairs . The steam whalers are amply provided with store with which to spend another winter on the Ice , but the 11- Ilg vessels are up In the Arctic region and under much less favorable condItions. The majorlt or the barks are provisioned wih only enough store to last them through the summer , all I they are compeled to spend the winter In the north btanaton stares . the whalers In - the face . . 4 Hnw nt n l'oiitit'mtl Inl ) ' . I.OUIS"I.I.l , 1'y . , Nov. 3.-\ special tlom Smith's Grove , Ky. , says : Last night the democrats held I rlh' nt the Shady Grover school house , which was interrupted by outsiders . The < onfuslol became so great that Chrlrman 11th was compelietb 10 ati- JI1 eompelell Jour the meeting . A general ' iight followed , In which lull wa shot anti bally hurt Ho may recover. John 1. harvey was fatally shot , John O. FranklIn clubbcll to uncon- ecloupnes rind others badly beatemm. Politics Is said to have the cause p of the nlacl , . 'I'vcitt-Tvts InJnrltl In I'rt'cl' . PALLAS , Tex , Nov. 3.-Ncw9 was received - ceived In the city this afternoon or the 'ivypcic of the northbound on the . " :5 nOlthbound passenger ! ! "Inty" nt 11 n. m. nhol four miles north Wnxahnt , his ii. 1 . Smith or this city I. \ who wnA n IIPcler 01\ the train nrrlvel at 7:30 : thl9 evenhmmgale said : " wlll 1 suppo , to n spreall lee the rails the engine \ antI four Cln were ,1tmUel. ' 'here Imme- , lateh' arose a cry or tlltls1. mingled with moanl , indicatIng many or thl IISpengr9 ; had heen hurt. 'ho engineer . Mike Murray , was killed anti In all twelt.two peple were Injured , thirteen or themsi more or less son- . Ously _ _ _ p _ _ - _ UUCA''II'INO'I'gS , Iii thc COllh'J Schools , Douglas county has sixty school districts and evenly.lve teachmors . The attendance In the schools Is poor. Almost every child large enough to work Is helping In the corn fields or gatherIng seeds for shipment to the eastern . markets. DistrIct 43 , two mil cast ot Elk City . celebrated a pleasant occasion on I rlly evening last. The district IJresenled the school with a very handsome flag. An appro- priate progrm was carl red out by the \upls and COlnty Superlntend"nt lull was present and made the speech at acceptance. The school house was full to overflowing. ' The Eastern Nebraska State 'eachers' as' sedation will cons'cno In this city I'rhlay I , and Saturday after Thanksgiving. Miss Daisy Splckarel ot Premont will have a paper Ipon "Tho Nature , \urpose anti Limits ot School Diecipiimie. " Irlnclpal George Pox of Splnllehl and Miss toore of South Omaha rill bo en the program. I ul programs will b { published In a few daa. Heducell rates have been securCI upon all roads , enabling teacher to cOle to Ihls meeting at ono and one-thlnl rates. Certificates 'shouhl bo ob- tained when ticket h I purchascd. Aimmoumg t lu' Orllhchuol. . . Miss Whie ot Walnut Hi , Sixth grade , entertained Miss Upson at the Long school Thursday. Miss Newton of Castelar Is suffering from a nervous attack . Mr. Allen of 101e Is connncII to his room hy an illness that threatens pneumonia. Miss Foster of Onawa , Ia. , was a visitor In the city schools Prldu . Miss Dalant'no spent Saturday In Lincoln attending the state conventIon of the Young : W'onmemm's Christian assocIation. I Irs. Kean and Miss Hughs are assisting In ' the Fire und 101 co commission civil service examitiation. . - trs. E. A. Holyoke , who Is Interelted In private schol work has sccured services of , . \ lss Alela lofer of Chicago for a series oC talks imimon the kIndergarten to bo given en the 29th and 30th ef this 10nth. XOlt'N from thc itigim St'houl. About fifty members of the senior and jlnlor classes will enter the oratorical con- test with Minmieapoils. Sophomore hehl one of their regular rhetorlcals Prlda ) ' . Time seniors rend several scenes front Ierchant ot Venice" as part of last week's rhetorical program. The cast was as fol- lows : ' Portia , Marie Kennedy ; Nerissa Miss Bealrt : Simyiock Arthur Welshans ; Bassanio Mr. Franklin ; Amitomiio Mr Evans ; Oraluno , Mr. Connell ; Dulw of Yorl . Mr. Gordon. Miss ilalback's musical numbcr was mich enjoyed. Miss Goldsmih read a well prepared - pared essay on " 1.\as Marner , " and : lm " " . "Hubensteln. OC Higgins un essay upon the entire program perhaps nothln was more applauded that 'the ' recitation of Jake Gish . _ _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ JII ' Sllrl 1ln' 11,1 I :1.lcll St.h..IN. CHICAGO , No\ , -John D. Rockefeller's Ilnltecnt $ ! , o.o gift to the lnl\'erl t ) of Chlcalo , as Innoulcell In time Associated press dispatches yesterday . Wl almost the ! ole topic ot converltlon lt the unIversity lolaThl tJUtc't were not prcpa'ctb for tIme girt . and nceolclngl ' hld 1n,11 , no jlamis , for the outlay of stch a simmum. / . ( 1lun , . Peetl . secretary oC tIme hoall of tlultc ! aid totlay that nothing delnlte could now 1011) / be said concerning the malel' . He Ihol/ht I school or medicine anti a school of hw might ht the ollCOlO Inl :11 HotlHfellr'l latest endownJnt , "sumlm ; that nil of hi : ' conlllons wal II b0 met by the trustees of lie Inl'erll . Dr. . Gol.pecil also Stltl'l that In the e\'ch' or the e luhlhlenl of I profeintlommal school Ihero woull be no ailliia- Oon wIth any olher e school. himirgia . ' \u'lf. lt ilitauli mm * , . RA'i'LiNS'yo. . , No\ 3. . - . . ( Sperlal Tclc- grnmn.-Last night : H. C. Magor's saloon was robbetl . entrance being malc throulh the front door. Th" chan ! between " anti $ S , lef In the tihi . was tiilcen and Fame 150 worth of Iqnol' anti tlllr ! Thomaa Cannon' . also entered In ! meat tmllt was ! entelell the slmc way and about $1 In change 1IIIen from time till. Both 1llces , were entered by unlO'lllnl the front lools , which were ngairm relocied. . a Take the flurlingtum's : 0:48 : n. m. train ! for St. Joe and Jalwls City . Three hours fttster f than the fastest day train of any other lne.CIty CIty ticket office , 132t Faram street. nJ J. DA ' SON-Chnlmer C. . alell 20 years 10 months , 10 da'I : brother of M. : I au.1 . .1. 'Y. /awon. UI lreRb'lerhl iio1iitai , Sun- day morning , November 3. 1S115. Funerl flom Slcond Ir.sb'lerlan church Monday afternoon . November 4. at : o'cloclt Iltllment F'ort'st 1.lwn cemetery. Frlenlls invited . Grund JUlelOI and . Jefferson papers ' , please Call ) _ . -p " \'I'lgl FutIICAS'i' : _ ltt11 IllnN , Pulunt.tl h ) . CI'nrlnA " 't'ltu'r In I Xt'h"INkl. WAShINGTON , Nov. 3.-'ho forecast for loma ' Is Monday : For Nebraska 111 KII aIJ.ocal raimme followetb by clearing weather ; colder ; northerly - crly winds. For South Dakota-Partly ciotmily weather amid lIght local snows : colder ; norlherl Wi ntl. For Iowa-J.Iht rains ; wind shlfnJ to northwesterly nnd colder londay nl"ht. POI Missouri-Light rains : wlnd9 shifting to northwesterly ! anti eohter : IOllny night. l.tlll htecori. OFFICE 01 TiE WEA''IEH nUn Al OIAIA. No\ 3.-0mahu rpcorl or temper- attire anti rainfall . eomparell with the eorre- sltontiiimg tIny of the past four years : Fpollug ISt COlr rarl tuy ) 189 ; . 1Sil I. 1893 1S92. : toxlmul temprmturo. . G G3 W ( 59 Mlnlnmuen temupemutumre. . . 4 34 24 37 : lnllul temJemture. Average temperature. . . . SS 45 37 48 lrptllllllon \e1/t lemper\re. . . . . . . . . fl 1 . ( i ! ,0 .0 ConditIon . of tllertul amid Ilreclpialol ifP5 at Omahl for the ( day antI since Match 1. : Normal tempera ture. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ! Excess for the Ila ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Aecumulatecl ecess sluce March I , 1S95. ' . ISti NOlmat e"tss . . . . . Ialch . . . . . .01 Inch Deteleney preelplulon. tly. . . . . . . . . .11 ( Inch 'l'otmih lreciiitatiOii since Marcim i. i9J0 Inches 'olall.tclplnlou larll ! ; lelelene ) ! lnce March 1. . . . . .iO Inches Hell > rt. frul ! tntln" I t S p. mu . . ' 0 " " CC ; 'E H ' . i e" ; ; SuT or STATIOX& - ' ( j ! i WE'rUIU. .2 "g : : 1 : ; : : : . . . . . . . I 70 - IbmimiIn I , Norlh Ilalo. : . .u. rI maud ) ' ; Valpnluo. . . . . . .i H. I I .oo Cloud ) ' . Lhleao . . . . . . . . . .r. , II i .ou I'art cioiitl.y SI. i..otmis. . . . . . . . 'lO I ' .0(3 ( Part clODdy St. :111. . . . . . . . IO ! i tn ' .10 Clotmuly . On , euporl. . . . . 1(1. ( 11' , Oi ( Cloudy . Kal : ) ' . . . . . . U4 I lit' .00 Cloudy. ! CI t Coml im ejemma. : . . . . . . . . . : U : . ' . ' Suo\hlf. 11\1. . . . . . . . . : il.H : .00 Cloudy. Salt Lake City. . . . . 4U' ( R ,00 Coul ) ' . litbinarcic. . Cly. . . . . . : 40 .IHI Clou.ly. St. "Iuccut . . . . . . o : (0 .00 Cloudy . Ciieyemino. . . . . . . . 4 ! . (4 . (0 Cloudy . chef.cuno. WIIMou. . . . . . . . : o I 4 : .00 Clol y. lallICIY. . . . . . H' 4H .00 Cloudy. < L\'c , , lou. . . . . . . . lit , 70 .00 Choimdy. LiA , . WEr.St. Observer "T" Indicates trace ot precipitatton . warded Honors--\Vorld's Fair Highest Honors\Vorld's . DR " 3ICEj CREAM - BAKING "DIR ? , OST PERFECT MADE : A pure Cure Cream ofTuta Powder. Free mom Ammonia , Alum or any other ad lerant , 40 YEARS TUB STANDARD ' PiNil 1.'UUTS ! ln"I ) ' Orown , Ilull'kl ) ' Sultl , A wonlertuly fertile sol , one that never I fails you , sad a climate that Italy l\el cannot - not rival , makes Orchard Iomes one ot the I most delightful places In the world I which to live.'hen you add to this the fact that I for every acre ) hand there that you cimltl- vato nature enables you to harvest not one , I but two to four crops each year , arM crops that pay you all the [ way rrol $200 to $ OO for each anti every acre eo worked , It Is hot strange that the people arc determlnel to go south just as son and just as fast as they can get them ' elve In shape to do so and secure - cure a home there The abundance and lrO- fusion of the fruit that grows there all the facility wIth which you can sell that same fruit for cash Is only equale by time ample anti sure crops that the market gardener Is sure otho gins to his vegetables the Same aloun of attention anti care that any whatever busimmess lie Ilrullent man gins to \ busines hl may chance to he elgagell In Plcnty 01 mild . refreshing showers and a generous anti khl1y sol make It possible In conjuncton with the long mlll seasons or the Orcharll Iomes country , to raise two , three and tour crops at payul' ) \'cctabl each year , and what Is more , to gH your cash for them . Seedling Ieach trees give fine crops. Grapes do well and bring more money than those grown elsewhere. They arc ripe and marketed - etell before the crop north ot us. Pears , with proper care , bear abundant ) . . The Japan IlIum and ershnon I sill do veli . The PeCan tree Is a good grower anti a cntaln bearcr. Figs are very profitable I , one tree producing generally from $25 to $40 per sea- son The Scu'ppernong ( grape Is a good grower , amid gives a large crop anmiuslly. A fine early aPlllo can be raised , while late russets arc a remarkably good crop. There Is a wild grapp very IU8clus , bears abimmid- anly and mnkes an excellent quality of wine. In tact , most all known fruits do well and pity a large return to the , rower. Wrie or cal on George W. Ames , general agent , 1617 l arna0 street , Omaha , Nebraska , for all further informatIon about the famous Orchard lomes region . gOO O O gO QOQ I SOUTH OMAHA NE'VS CCOCCCeccc cCe The total registration or voters In South Omaha ! Is : FIrst'am'dFirst precinct , 433 ; Second precinct , 30t : Third precinct , 366. Total , 1,103. Secolll Wnrll-Flrst precinct , 308 ; Seond precinct , 2i6 ; Third precinct 171. Total , 865. 865.Thlnl Wnrd-l.'irst precinct , 286 ; Second precinct , 21 Total , 497. Fourth Ward-208. Total registration-2,663. Mzmp.1eChy ( ; u"/ . . J. S. Scott anti wie have returell from Chlcgo. Mrs. A. B. Haley , Twentieth and IL streets , Is vcry etick. The city counci Is booked to meet tonlh. As there was mme meeting last week there Is a large amount of business to bo tram actell. Charles Compton and Andy Crlston were arrested Saturday 1\llht for fighting emi the streets , and will have a trial before Judge ChrIstmann at 10 o'elock this morln , Time regular monthly meeting of the Board or gllucaton will be held this evening. The only bushleEs at Ilportaneo will be the electon of n successor to Member Odeon , who has resigned . p One 1Inute COl1h Cu-e Is harmless , pro- :1 ces Immedlale results Columbia Metal Polish. Cress Gun Co. - - o e . r DHobb's ! r paragus r ir ( ; .II W IU 11eYrl S are made frbm the rot of r e the Asparagus , recommended - ( r ) mended by eminent phy- 0 ( sicans for the Kidneys ) . and the Blood. ( . ( ) Cue all Kidney Troubles - . ( les , as veil as Rheumatism , ( ) . Gout , Anaemia . Lack of ( , f Ambition , Nervousness , ! ( Headache , etc. t A few foes wi reiicvc. . r , A few boxes will cure , 0 At all druggists . or by ( mai prepaid , fo.50c. a hox. f r Scud for ftaeJthlet . H00i3 S MEDiCINE CO. , . \.4 Gl' OIARY HOBB SPA AGUS PILLS I ill bo sold il Omaha by the ShERMAN AND lCONNELL DRUG CO. , 1513 Iodlc street , seennll door west ot I O. DOCTOR ? SOrles & Searles / ! 1I'Si.ttliSt. 19 I.fl , , , . . Ve Cure Clllrrh , tilt t1 . -ar - . i cases or thn NO'4L' , , - , \ - (1. " ( O l' 'hrot , - : ) . Chl"t , Stolteh. lo.I : , , . _ . . " ' " I I II I.h'er : 1)'tro"el. 't4Im . , ' \ ' , . . ; "lrJo'I'h'SlrJtur' fl't.amc - ' " 1h'l S".UIU I ly , iium' ' . Scl : J 'tt , iiiIney 1)iitL'iiseit , Gun- " y 1\1,1111 { HIlII sel HOI- : , , ' t , ' "J . -crrimtt'mm , S'I'hl , ! \ ,1JWi''orrh.t'lt ' : ! R \1.I . ! : & WEAK MEN. < ' Wr" ' ) I } : * \ Al Irh'll. HI."I"II , IUII \ . \ ' , , ' , , . Hilurl\'rl or ) 1h'mi \ \ , ' j . 1 I'P \ 't'reatmiia'mmt hy 111 1 , "tm- \ \ : , . \ . - . ' , . : , ( , \ ' ' 0.VIUlltOI : free. SPECIALISTS In tIme trclLmonL of 1\ NERYOU3 , , CHROXIG aLl PRIYATl DISEASES. Trenlmontor allfornisof tEMiLE'EAIC I NE : Cal on 01' n ' dress , with stum ! > . Dr , Snarlcs & Sn1rlc 1 hiS. 11 Ih St. . I \ " , 011111. "b. , . -.p - 1'.p ' . ' / ' S _ //I' ' ' -I ' L U' _ ; ) ( . tll ! ' - ' - ' -a. . s1 FITTING CORSET THE WOR MY En , - STROUSE & CO.412 O'war , IL - V. Mfrs EVERY WOMAN ' Sometimes needs a rellb1t - monthly regulating medIcIne , DR. PEAL'S ) pENNYROYAL piLLS , A-a prmpt. safe mind certaIn In result , The tenu toil ILr Peal'sl n.n'rt1Moollt RntanYbem n.O Sherman & 1eConneU Drug co. , l l [ e street. Om& Neb . - - - ; - - - - - - , _ _ _ , , A Contented Woman. , In Hoyt's farce , "A Contente Woman , " a certaIn ward hceler , a person or a somewhat tough character , Is I Ilccoralell with 1 pretty black eye by omm . or the omcers ot the Law anti Or tier I.eagul who , as he clalls , struck hll with brass knuckles. I Is turn cull to rlalzo that our present heated cite- I lon camumpaign Is fought on dlfel'e nt prlncllles. ' May the most sincere taclo n wimm Dut there arc other things w orth fighting for besides economy In public aubmninlstration-A wage earners savings Is by far a greater factor than the . rIch mnn's taxes. , To save $ S,00 on a daily lece seity-a suit ot clothes . Precisely what we arc at just now. Sellng th 0 best possible ! ' O.OO suit For Tvelve'Dollars Anti load ot 'em to pick fro 1. Every blessell one well tailored anti ; fnIshed elaboratel ) ' . Direct . tr emma the hamls at the tailor , fresim-miow- lretty-styiisim-and everything el so I Bought them all'antngeously a ortnlght , ago. I was a fruitful catch Linda feather In the cal ot our Tm uiyer. Amid we IOSt emphatically gu arantec that $ O.OO buys , In majoriy ot stores , a poorer article , anti th 0 minority could not possibly otter a better suit for the O.OO , I I Is not t rUQono or the BUIS shan't cost ycu a penn-'ls ) our for the provln g. There are 1 patterns In all- IOSt ) ot wCrte,1 anll cheviot Some casslneres and tweeds. Hemem bar , a saving of $8.00. Commie amid look , , _ . - 0 _ - tC @ H2CflhL4fca - &ot44 ; t@ _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ . l"AN"OnO lE TORED E "CmsmEJE" l - - 'hl"lrlntVtleln . \"rcueJ 'h.2Inn. r \ . ' , . ton ! of n ramou " ' ) . wi "O'Ckl ' : : : r ' , , \ ! , , I oUS or ! ,10" " " " of III ! clwmlve Ur' " ' , Pich. Lust ' hllboo < Ilsomua lnlnsin ] ac1.lcmll,1 [ " J > ' mlslonq N"T'U\R ) , \ " ' 9 , In Nar ' , J . " " : , , rtll nllnr3 f ' - Comistlpatton. ! It attb'3 all Ioses livdziy or II"s . ' \nrlcpI3 fl . % _ _ _ . . . : : , . slol , Iv , Il/hL J"t\'pnl" quik. . _ l'S of dlscbnrcp , \1,111 I not rh"Kpllpn.l. 10 Hplrmllorrl'll ' muut . lnt ' . ' ' 0 E F3 RC AnD AFTE R nllhohorror.ofmlotNJ ( ( 'II'JUINJt'lenlUlSlhulvcr ; : ' lu SEF'RE AFER kld1)'s ! nud tbo Irlnar'tlnn"Of al ) PInENE Itrnlh.ns anti reotomeS "mnl weak omgumns . UlUIJtcl 'J1 TCI\n sutTererM Ire Iot , cured by hotter , h bl'nl o nInetY per cent . Ire trotmhle,1 wit , trolblr.I p-cs'r.iitIa. CUL'IISNE Is the only known relwty 10 curowlhoutll optrntiomm. aaom'amimoim . "Ii A written guninntroglvt'mm rnc money , rellcIl1 tlx boxes iloes miot oJt.rnlol. . . I l Oa box , six fur $5.00 . b ) tnihl. Send for l EI circular anti letmoulal toes ctot I'Clnl..D " : . . & , ; : lresa JVOL 1EIICIiE CU . 1' . 0. liox : . San } 'rllc.Cnl rrSnle J 101 SALE DY GOODMAN DnUQ t" . WO la Si , . Or _ ' - - f.I _ - . . . - 49" . < . . - . ADROIT OBSERVERS ' See that the People arc Moving South : .OSBECAUSE----4 . .BECJ\U8E No Drouths , No Hot Winds , No Floods , No Heated Terms No Blizzards , No Cold Suups , No Cold Winters , No Crop Failures llENACE the Intelligent labor or of the hushan man , who cun sue. cessfuly grow two O' three crops yearly. - 0 REMEMBER t ORCHARD HOMES . _ . . . 'Hf. . . , ' . . : , ' ' . ' . " . . . = . , The great fruIt growing and vegetable raising district or the South A eel ! that raises anything that grws anti I locatton from which you roach the mar- kets of the wholc conn try. Your fruits and nrdcn truck sold on the ground and placed In Chicago : St. Louis and New Orleans marl.ets In 10 21 hours- In this garden spot of . \merlca. NO PLACE ON EARTH Otters greater advantages to the Intelligent settler. Ono balr the work you now do here will give tour times the resultS In this wonderfully productIve country' The people are friendly ; schools , churches , ne\bpal'cr arc Plenty ; railroad f a- dutIes iliac , and 1 soil whose richness Is unsurpaswd. r Two Itl Three Crops Can he Su.essruly Grown 7 . ' the Same Year , I Timber Is abundant-Lumber II cheap-Fuel coats nothlng-atte are easily raised and tutteoed-Graztng Is fine alt the ) car. . CLIMATE - Is healthy amid delightful ; land and sea breezes and cool nl hts. The mean temperature Is 42 to Gi degrees The average rainfall Is fG inches No extreme or heat or cot ! ; sulelent rain for all crops. , 20 TO 40 . AC ES properlY worked makes you more 10no\ and malcs It easier than the heat lc acre tarm In the west. Garden prodmuct'i are 1 wonderful yIeld and al bring big arices. Strawberries , peaclmes 111uls. apricots , rapes , pears , figs . early aJples , imi fact all small fruits , arc sure anti profitable crops , , GO SOUTH. , , jj I S S SEE . . . . ' . Orchard Homes . NO PLkCE ON EARTH. - Surpasses its oomi , ciirnate , location , present and future value or home advantages. The Most Equable Climate iii Aiiiericu1 This is your opportunity. Tim pee pie are frlendiy ; achoots eumcicnt ; newspapers - papers procTesaive ; churclmes liberal , The enterprising man wimo waritni to betttir Ihe condition of himnumelt and his famIly ahotmlfi invcsUgato this matter and ho will be convimiced. Careftmlly colectqd fruIt growing and garden leads we now offer on liberal terms uriC reasonabio pricee. Orchard Homes The most carefully selected lands in heat locations , WUI make you money , will grow In yaiue , Will suit you. Call on ui or write .or fuU lnorrwmtion. GEO. WI AMES , flI3NERAL AGENT , 1617 ti 3tt'eet. Ornalia , Net , . , _ - , ' - - - _ _ _ _ _ . OWER'oMOASULI1E , , DIRECT FROM TH TANK , . : CHEAPER THAN STM . ic Iloiler , No Strammi , Ni , limigimmeer , 4 IJEST I'OWEIt fur Corn siod Feeti Mihis , hahn ; ' . , hay , RuuuitmgHeparmttoraCretmimieniva , &o , OTTO GASOLINE ENC/NE& ; I' or PortabIi. FIid ( or Catalogue , i'ricee , etc. , tlescnibtng work to be dons Cblcago,2lSLakeSt. , THE OTTO CAS ENGINE WORK& Qaiabai 321 Se , 15th St. 33m1 t. ' , % 'ulmnmt Stp , , L'ItiLDjCL.J'JJI , j' ,