- - = - = = - - : . - - - 'J'11J 'tAJTA D.A1T..Y' . BEE : Al' nAY , Xvg ) [ nglt ' a , 7 ( Jti/ ! : ' 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ! ) \\1.@J1ill \ ffiWi-L ! cl1/1i1@IFJ / ! Iii ! I { 1 r Jfill WOMAN'S DOMAIN. 1 - - _ _ WI 'rgll 1'nOl' ' ' s ! , j - ti BII'llut't'1 ; \ ' rl"1"11I nllli ( h'I'II' ' "I- l'It't ) ' In Colors nllli 11s. t'rhtb NI\V 'lOftl\ , Oct ! , O.-It : ! II mostly lu matters - ters or detail ! that ! fashion II JUt now occupying ' , I'lng ) herBclr , malll features ( ot early Winl r costumes / 1IlrtCtll1g ! In no great degree ! : from \ho.\ \ \ or "utumll clolllr Sleeves continue to drop , until how the chief ( btdge may he lalll to ho al the elbow \ ; and \.Irla \ are still very I w1do al1l1 ns much godetcd liS ever , only nd . i mltllng sometlmo , In very dressy Inslau'os , I 'p.r--'of an elaborate and fantastic decorutlon. This decoration may IJo tither wide or narrow , n root roll or fur , n bias band : thaI reaches 10 the knee anti IJerhap there richly outlined In Vandyke , or else In the sllallo or appllancl's Inn grogeon9 tnr dtscription . 11 may also ' 1llh good ' I- taste i : be I ; --I hr i ' iii - ' entirely : " different ' , hue end texture tram thin gown , but con- nionly matches the revers or the bodice and long cults of the slc\'e3. A trll11me,1 , deelgn for n silk skirt ; 18 or ex- l'eel1ln sll11pllclt , and yet Is most elTectlv 'rho skirt Is olctc'l ' and , Rout , and hack laid In live wide tuck 01 the huttOlll , sides r- malnlllg Illalll ; and when fashioned In this way ono or the new changeable silks Is com manly el1lplo'ed " A skirt for ) louse use Is made In sort silks end lathes , and , Is gathered primly 01 the wnlsl all around In the good , olol-tushlone,1 , t way our granl1mothcr\ liked This gathered model Is aha seen In an occasional IIIIlortell ( toilet for dressy orcaslon ; but sol11ehow II lIeems there out or place , the spreullng : splendor . liar or the golet article having spoiled us for Its slink 1Iainness , , \IA1tm : ANTOl i I'T'm : Till } RAGE. For evening wear many bodices are hegln- nlug 10 be polnllll lit the bottom after the Marie : \ Antoinette node The evening toilet Illcturell % Illustrates this within piquant effect and the design will lJe found becoming 10 any figure not too slender , In the original the gown was III one or thin splendid Louis XIV , silks that now flood the markel-arul are : . possllJle only to the rich and I1Ilghty ; while with a pink stripe , UI' which clambers little rosebuds , a gllslen. Ing moire ware covering the whole The leeve8 arlll V front or the bodice , which laces up the back , are or white moussellnu do sole. Plllk and white IItephnnJlIs , interspersed with knots or yellow antique IaN , trim the bottoms of Ihese ) , and shape IlIlo a becoming bertha al the neck And here n word 10 the uninitiated . It may be useful 10 know that Marie Antoinette - tolnetto llls ! Pompallollr silks , so commonly - monly so mistaken , arc not hy any means the ome , 'fho Pompal1our article , the silk specialist will tell you , must ho always / hovered In y 5 t'r . . Ulf . ll F ' ; I L , I l1 1 t1t'l ' 1 I r I I Jr'I ' I u t t A DINNER GOWN sprays or bouquets , though It may be either brocaded In the shadowy fashion of chine' slll " silk.Ou 011 the other hand , lo lJe genlllne , II Marie Antoinette must be primarily striped , slender lines , In palo tones , on It plnlt blue or white grounll. The flowering comes In In the shapE ! of garlands twisted Into wreaths all over the striped weave and tied with love knots , or else clambering up Iho stripes ma-\lolo \ fash- lee Again , there may bo small flowers scatterell over the striped background , or prim bull with stiff stein and , leaves , or else tiny light bouquets at mlnuto roses. lint nved It all will run that magic ribbon , thaI foolish ribbon In lo\'c.kllots or curling waves , thaI speaks more than anything else of long dead Marie Antoinette and that , prr- haps , was ana of the telltales 10 bring her little neck to the guillotine. Who knows ? H1bbons have always , been considered the symbol ot extravagance and light henrll'llness-nml poor Marie even tied then In the handles ot her milk palls or around the necks of ( her sheep \ when shl' chose to play fennlere 11111 10 cOllllllue 'filE NI\V I CO.\TS. In the coat , with the big fur collar , pictured , 19 demonstrated the present all embracing fancy for short tails and loose 'lffects Pale brown Kercy ! cloth , uIIII natural raccoon fur , are the materials employed : and , na with all \ the jackets on this order , the lower portion Is pleated , shirt method , to a yoko. Almost no Slllig coats arc worn now , these abort blouse.llko affairs havingg taken their r I t t tl , 9 Iry t. . i r l A Noym.TY IN uns. Place enUrel ) ' , They are not always made or cloth , but have sometimes the sleeves and yoke In one material and the skirt portion In another , Ono splelllll visiting affair , so arrange , was a llandnltz confection , which ! hal the yoke and sleeves In emerald 1 green velvet , Perforated In large squares over white satin , sad a skirt or broadtail This though hanging at the back In four turning pleats gave 110 lmpreesion of clumsiness ; indeed , It was found 10 lJe lJe. coming 10 both a alight and well rounded figure , The peruratlons of the velvet were edged 'I ' and threaded < < over with jet until this portion of the garment bristled like IIrmor The effect of the whole was superb , A SMART STIIImT GOWN , The natty street gown shown with the 110ublc-breasted front and ! easy IInel pictures the revived interest In black lIereules braid that has suddenly IIILzetl upon the modish world , In this instance the gown Ihlrr I. Zibellne cloth , which seems conventional enough to support the stout braid , but It has been found on velvet 01 well , and not uncommonly - monly will \ be seen a stylish \ English \ hat I L 111:11 : olHI rOl lt,1 with It , ( 'ompand wltb other ! trimmings IIrrculcs : braid l' quite in- cxpeneiv'e I , mll , , where a stout wool walking fr0'k ! : 18 In ClJntcmplatlon , It Is well 10 keep II In mind , Black 18 always need on color and n bull ot elehoraleness can be made by CCllnbllllnG : different , wbllhe . , , It 11 n tale ! ' f tunny colon list ( tells the back . tUrned bOlllc with the square hal and long veil III design II seems simple and Camillar enouh-eXcelll ! ; that the backs or bodlces were never as much trimmed ns now , but II 19 realized In stuffs never known to camhi before , and whIch now come ib- gethp.r with unchllllcned ! license. This bodice proper Is In black serge , as rough ! ; and heavy aA a young hlanket The yoke , collar anti double \ epaulettes are : " or white velvet ; the long cuff buttons of the I I . t. f' fI I , Ir i .f . I ' 1 h I I \tt t FOIl STREET WEAR , - - - - - sleeves sapphire blue silk over which Is gathered black silk mu@lI.n Then with this there are bands of rich yellow lael'-one al the front shaped Into II pleat and fasteued down wHh diamond and sapphire buttons and II belt and collar ot black lI10usellne de sole sale.Was Was ever a garment mallller ! A PERSISTENT AltTIST Moreover , II IR strongly suggestive or an Idea on the dressmallCr's part to use UII old scraps at stuff , so II calls 10 mind a good story tolll of the laIc M. Worth on the same subject The lady In hand was an American , more limetl for her dollars limn good looks , antI Worth was going through the agony or mak- Ing her beaulllul Suddenly ho grabbed up a scrap or silk rrolll the floor , an unrolled bow , and , twisting II ! into knot ] , slapped , II 01 the lad.1 JlI1ee ( , , "There , " he said , "Ihal bow Is magnificent 'tI1 the Im'I" I will make It the tashlon " "I won'l lave H ; ' slid the lady , whereupon 'orth turned flue silk Into a different shaped knot and pinned H to her bust with the same speech , "I will makl' il the tashlon " Again this waR UnlJleaslng to the dame , so after one how after another hall danced oil over her body with tin l'.tmcresull the great general ot clothes put the pIece or sIlk In his pocket and heat a vanquished relreat Rut here beheld the strategy accompllshel1 when the ) bill came home. Along with the fine gown came a bandeau and knot for the hair , marked 30 francs , and Inscribed II'lth these words : "I shallo mak these bandeaux the fashion : ' It was the f'3me bow NINA FITCH , I.IUXS CUHSr-HI':1I : 11nUH.S , ruU'urllh'j : tlnldeus \110 \I't' Not -'Irllle IIf the blotrlttnhl tlonnralut. Miss , Julia : WoO < 1rutt of Newark , N. J" , and Miss : \largarel"G " , Liner of San Francisco , who have been visiting al the Mesa : Grande In this relates the San Diego Union , county , . . , . . . . - will lake : home trophies ot their Sltlll and prowess , which certainly will cause them to lJe looked upon as young ladles or extraordinary .lInary courage. The trophies would \ be valued ned by hunters In any part of the world , for they are no less than the beautiful pelts of big mountain lions bagged the other day by a patty composed cr Miss LIner , Miss : \ Woodruff , J. M , Stone and D.1 : , Knowles , Mounted on good horses and accompanied by \11' : Stano's two dogs , the party started down mack canyon at 6 o'clock a week ago last Sunday morning all a hunt for lions The big cats had been frequently seen In that part at the country by the ranchers around Mesa Grande , whose repeated losses In the way of calves and young 001111 were enough 10 discourage them allogetho : Tin lions were safe so long as 110 organized party or hunters raided Black canyon , which Is a dark / and rorblllding stretch or undergrowth and trees , with just enough or side hill 10 afford a good retreat ; for mountain lions , Inaccessible - accessible as the place naturally Is 10 then , the muscular lions had often dragged their prov In their dens with apparent ease Miss Liner and Miss Woodruff each had a six-shooter buckled 10 her waist and pre- sl'nleIt very formldnble- appearance The two men rode In advance , and after covering about two miles the haunts or the lions were announced by the barking or the dogs far In advance ' , . . . . the party rushed forward In those 10 see a lion 'Pring " into the branches of 11 tree on the hillside , Mr Stone rode I ' under Ihe tree , and , taking II steady aim , sent a ball Iron a Wlnchestor Into the 1I0n'R lungs With a IJl0otl.cunll1ng scream , the wild animal sprang from the tree to the ground \ , Its tawny neck and sides bristling wllh rage and fright , It bOllllllell along with IIIlghly leaps , but the dogs were so ClOl1O Ihul the lion stopped to light , Its chest wound , however , was so weakening that the dogs soon valllulshed the big brule Less than 100 yards rrolll the spot where Ihe first lien was klllClI Mr Knowles saw another lien crouched among the branches era a tree. A rIfle ball closed Its flaming eyes and tUlllbled its lithe body ellll over end to the rounll , Then tying their horses the party proceeded on foot after the dogs through the heavy brush and over rocks coming 01 lasb In the bottom of the canyon , where a lion hall been treed lJy the dogs. The nnlmal presented a majestic appearance as ho stood upright on a limb or the tree , his claws distended and sunk deep into the bark , Ills long tall waved back nllll forth , and ns he faced his enemies his long teeth were ulLsclosed and a deep growl came from his : throat Whllo the lion stood thus , ape par\ntl ready- and willing 10 begin the fight , the two young ladies advanced and stood beneath - nealh the Ir Je , Then Mr , Stooo raised his rifle , took QuIck ellll and IIred. The big lion fell 10 the ground lifeless , lie and his ) IIIntes 1 nil measured over six feet In length and , created soma excitement when the party returned - : turned \ to Mesa Grande , IHS , " 1I.\HXln' - - - " 1I.\nX\'ro , \'Ut' ul the \'urlll' HIth.t alas nud Jlt'r Interestiiu ; Ihl..ll1l1"I , Much aJ [ current interest now centers In Barney Barnato , the multl.mlllionalro magnate - nate or the South African IIIlnlng region , a macro tender sellillne/il / will be entertained toward his beautiful wlCe and their two interesting . terestlng cltldren prlmroso and Jack Mrs , Barnato was born In Arrlca , anti b'ha Is both beautiful \ and charming A devoted wife allll mother , she nevertheless finds time for such FOclal obligations RI her position In lire demands , and to those who come within her favor she Is a 01'3$1 lovable woman. The fabulous wealth of her husband puts within her reach every luxury- that even the fem- 1r.lnB mind ' can conceive , and she wears the distinction whIch such wealth confers with an unostentatious grace ' that makes her a queen among women It Is nol surprising , thererore , that her hu&banescapes from the exciting turmoil or mone.maklng whenever the opportunUy presents Itelf , Or thaI he Is happiest and appears al his best when , ha- Ing cast settle the cares of business , he enters upon the pleasant enjoyment of home life \ I witch he shares with his wire and children , These favored parents are as blessed In their falllily surroundings 8. they are opu lent , In material interests . They Have twq lovely children , a 3.'ear.old daughter named "I.'ab Primrose , " and a baby aged ! : : years , ebrllitene 1.ad18 Hotebery , " but ' 1111\.1)8 called "Jack , " Primrose I. a pretty ) ld - - - . - - . and a great ! ; : favorite , The first gold IlIln : " her for't'l1atc. ' falhrr owned , and thC one from which was taken , partly hy his own hands , the foundation or his colossal fortune , was called , "The I'rlmroee" In honor or that pit hi African soil thc gIrl baby wag named , IIIllI her joyous prattle glvas :18 : notch plessute I to her ather's heart now as thc Jingle or 1 the gohl did when the product or time IIIlne I mlntell In coin or the realm was then dropped into hIs coffers , l'X ! < inIo's ) IWllfawn. IOWS : , Hrllllli C..hlll' . IIf Crt'nlll Sallh , .lth 1'.1111 . 1.111. I-'llIIllIt'lIll , The bridal gown or Hiss Consuela Vendee hilt nl marriage 10 the ! luke , or Marlborough ! next Tuesday , Is a satin of pecullal' creamy I lint n trifle deeper than Ivory , and mateh- bIg ; perfectly , the rare point lace 1I0unclng , I twelve Inches deep , with which II Is trimmed , This combines the patterns 101011'11 ns point Angleterre and point apllllque , being made especially from designs , suggested by 11'3. Vnndtrblll herscH The lace ! was mnllc In Brussels , Without cutting , this 1I00\11c < ! Is arranged III four horizontal rows across the front and I sides 01 the skirt , entirely concealing ! the calln , mid crossing the flounces diagonally I on the right side ! Is n long spray of orange IJl0ssoms : The front of the corsage Is draped wilil chiffon , gathered very lull from neck to belt , and covered In turn with a deep tall of the lace gathered Into a high slack collar covered with Ihe slime rare lace and hang- Ing ! thence unconfined 10 the satin girdle Triple re\'ers of the lace project over the ' enorlllously full sleeves , which are pleated , into the armhole , and cut In gauntlet style below the elbow without trllllllling at any sarI. A spray of orange blossoms Is fastened on the left shoulder The most distinctive feature of the gown , however , Is the court train , five yards In length ! , which Is fastened to Iho shoulders SOIllO Il\'e Inches below the neck band This , which falls In double box pleats frolll top to buttons , Is bordered down both sllles and across the lower edge with a Iwo.lnch wide embroidery oC pearls and silver , representing ' rose leans tied together III Intervals with a true lover'f knol. The veil to be worn with this grown Is or exceedingly I lIne Brussels net nwl will be tastened with a half coronet of orange III OSlO illS , Withoul the immdnse court trait the bridal gown ; would appear extremely simple The train Is the regulation lengl prescribed for the presentation III the court of SI James , and the gown will he one In which the future , luchess of Marlborough will be presented to the lJueen \'alHlcrbllt's gown Is ot clel blue satin , or richest weave The full gored skirt Is cut perhaps four Inches longer than walltlng length In the back , and Is perfectly plaIn , ' save for a Ihree.lnch wide border or Russian sable fur The bodice Is fashioned with :1 : lIght-lIU1ng coat - acanmed back , terminating In Iwo full box pleats reachIng 10 some sIx Inches below time waist line , separating to show Iwo narrow bands of sable. Loose , straight jacket aides of. cream applique lace open over a bouffant vest at while mousseline I 1 do solo , embroidered In a small vine pattern , I with oval shaped pearls , sea green In hue , the leaves joined together with a delicate tracery or 511\'er. Appliques of thus embroidery finish the lop oC the full elbow sleeves , whIch are finished at the lower edge with It full twist 'at ap- , pllque laec Outlining lIch armhole Is a nar- : row band of sable , whIch terminates In two I tails of the same fur , pendant from each II shoulder over l'jlO lace jackel The small toque 10 match this costume Is of the soma materials , the sable being arranged In the form of wings , placed on the sille The brhlesmaltls' gowns are ot pure white satin , completed with broad : I girdles and lashes or del bile satin rIbbon , almost a duplicate In color of that used In Mrs , VnnderlJllt's gown Although the exact model utter which they will be Ill'slKnetl has not yet bzeu settled , II has been decided , that the skIrts will be short and quite plain , and I\lal chiffon will be used for lrlnuning ' Each brlllesmaid will wear also a. large haler or royal blue velvet , broad hrlmmE' I , antI with a full gathered hell shaped crown , encircled with del blue satin ribbon , finished on the right silo with a chiffon rosette the same COIOI' Trl.mmln . the loll sldo arc six large palo blue ostrich lips and a white aigrette , and where the IJrlm turns sharllly up In Ihe back there Is ! fastened full bows or the blue satin ribbon. ThaI portion of the lingerie designated as' the "brhlnl sull" Is chiefly remarkable for the exquisite qua Ill ) ' of the linen cambric emllloyI The pelgnoir , Marie Antoinette In design , Is tucked back and front to the waist line and girdled with white satin ribbon The broad , roiling collar and revere , the latter railing over the full sll'l'ves and eloping 10 the waist line , are hand embroidered In n rosebud desIgn and edged with tour.lnch1110 I Valenclennl's lace. A cuff at emlJrolllered rosebuds finished with a deep all of lace , finishes the sleeve , The other garments or Ihls particular suit are made to match Valenciennes lace and hand embroidery only being used for trim- ming The bridal corset Is made or white satin , brocaded wllh tiny white carnations and trimmed al flue upper edge with a deep ; pointed border of Valenciennes lace , The clasps , the large hook and the buckles on the attached slacking supporters are all of solid gold.Each Each of the several dozens of garment included In the outfit of lingerie Is marked wllh the name "Consuela" III raised ens- broidery . " 'O I\X'S IXU/I'EU MISSION , III'fI.'r tu Cr..nlr n load house ' 1'IInn tu N1".1 In Any Other nd"n"ur , Certainly there Is wisdom for two young people who have sworn 10 love each other , no matter whether there Is poverty or wealth , no matter whether the days are bright or' ' dark , to Have 11 bomo of their own , writes 'I ' Ruth Asbmore , discussing "Tho Mistress of the Small lIouse" In November Lallies' Home Journal , Boarding house life Is bad for women , and I do not believe that any man has ever really enjoyed It , God created women to nuke bomea-to make homes for the men they love anlt for the children whom God will \ send to them , And a borne must be ' " , 1 - - - - - I start ' / d I lit is 1J ! 1I'III"1i : , l' t' ' s II I. c I r. I 1)o 1 nJl waft ter II bug ht ' uc ! aid many . 1'\ ants hut IIIlke , lmnpplness ' txst mil It llute I 1I'llse , wi'h oue mold ad a 21tlll. It Call be done , I know It can , : ! h1'1ot shrug y , lIr shoull1ers and , say you tjq , lot like lIeu e' \\ark Work Is I only IIlsAci"i flol "hcn I' Is bsdi ) ' lion' , and jroutra lIug the sh r and Glass to dusting ! lie brL 'ahue and , bU1I1I1 ( 11111\ cake ( 'verythrl1 flay hi Ihlnl.ly . done aM well done Jf ( yon go about It In thud right \\8) ' and With the rrgnt apirll You will have ' to I , lH"conshl'rJle anti coat will have 10 11& patlt'ul. You will cer- talnly make mistakES , bu each mistake I" one stets toward ! success . OUI'Ilell ) 'oltn' 1C whit I ip' : : ucd . consideration n.1\Iten'letM' ( a : you : \ will need to make calls upon ' ! them ( often atilt I often. ThEn you will gain / PO much , You will be the happy housowle ! , the lady 01 th house , She ha.1 the right ! 10 dispense hI' : pllallty and good will ; lie ( mist tebA , not only or the house , but or tilt , heart or your hue band ! , because : for him 1 ) 'Otl have cr alecl a Iionie Amid ! that Is a womanly work - a better monument lo you , my dear I ! : , than the Ilalntlng or a wonderful picture , the wrhiliK or n grelll book or the I'omposln or a line pace : ot huleic Prom out 0 hOlllo all vlrlurn and all great works may COllie No man ever mJlo ! a 1I0me lie dots nol know ho\l' 'fh wOlllnn' brain , heart nllli hands are neres ' sary . allll a hOllle Is such n beautiful thing , It means rest , It means peace nllll II means lo\'e Make > one for your hmbantl and ! let him find these three great ! ; joys In Its four "ails. .t Silt I'l lJ'c VtICI.IIV1191 : \ : . 11'elrtlls : IU ! IUIIIH , \11'1. . I Burr ' nud I. Terror ' " ' . 1"11"11I 1111 I 'I't''rll' tn 1"111' ' "In northern New England 1 I'ecentl' meta n fat \l'oman , " said a New Yorker to the New YOlk Sun , "who oughl to ineplre all victims of adipose ! tlsbue. 1 was drh"lng with a native when she came along the rend She was positively enormous and would have looked ulipleaR3111y big had II mint been for her pleasant , frank face. She nodded testy my companion , who retulnetl the ahutat ton wLth more deference that I hall observed tn his manner ward any onE else Alel we hall pzseed her he said thaI she was the wealhl sl woman 11 the mounlalns" " ' 1'ou wouldn'l thlnlt so to see the way sh + \on works , ' he added , 'ror she doss about as mnu'h asany Iwo men around ! her ( ' , She has the biggest and finest farm within t\l'eny : mies ) aid she works II all hes2I Ot course she has some one ! to help her In huylll 11mI but chic does her own plowing anti seeding and can lose more hay thin any lan I ever saw Fat ? Well , she Is n pretty big \IOmal She weighs nEarly 300 , but chic Ilon'l mind that , and II don't interfere wih her gett , mug arolnd , either You just try walking with her and SEe I you eau keep up with her I can't I bought some hay from I her lust \Ieek , and when I went to get II silo told mt she would park Il In the wagon It I would throw It up 10 her.Vell sip kept me working until I thought my arm : would break . and the way she Iampell down thaI hay was a caution , 1 Waf ni I could , do to get II out again , II was pacltl1 s hm ) - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - . 11e , t 1' y I 5 . .e „ I _ b t , i iL Jy ' J I 1 - - - SHOULDER DECORATIONS. You saw her walking nosy. Well , that's what she calls taking a constitutional after her work She will cover ten miles easy , \eI cver mies " 'Mind you , she has not gal to work , and Nho 19 not stingy , ellher ler aister Is traveling all the lme , She goes 10 Europe , 10 the seashore and ever'where She's away now. They are both or them well educated and liberal 10 the poor. No one has to ask twice 01 thaI house , but tramps have 10 be mllhty polite Several or them who tried the other thing with this one round them- selves out In the road J quick they dldn'l know what had struck them She says she works more for the love of It , and when she has 10 quit she will give lP lvlDg . ' "From Inqll.les that I mad afterward I learned thaI this woman was a lady In every sense or the word , well.mannerell , genial , and a good converl\lonalst , leI marvelous strength 011 abundant animal spirits Impel - pel d her to 110 hard work for the pleasure ot I , " JuHh111 Sates , The popular delft effects are shown now In brooches and even stick-pins. Changeable taffetas with borders arc among the novelties In dress falJrlcs French plaids , serges and homespun ( male- rials woven with on Irregular thread are mach l\sC'll for school dresses The newest steck collars or plait satin or fancy plaid or chameleon sik ribbon have a large butterfly bow at the back o all the gay and brilliant fanciro or the autumn , nothing eclipses the petticoat or gorgeously 1)Iallel taffeta or surah silk Once more the princess dress Is In ra\'or Many : \ handsome gowns mire being built In tills forms . For short women no Style Is lS effecl\ Thus drooping sleeve , so much the vogue , requires but 1 slight Inlerlulng of fiber chamois 10 give II exactly the desired effect . Feathers and jet are combined effectively this fall as :1 : trimming for rlph gowns , In design the vandyke point Is most In evl- deuce : " . ' " Seal and velvet c atgihtse bags arc very stylish and servlceabl / and so are those made or lizard and water 'enakOO akin. The latter ' are beautifully marked , beautiuly Wonderful color mix hires appear open the new malelassel\ crepohs . The various grounds are deeply crinkled , and the raised designs are or the colored silk. Oharlreuse.gre Ilerty satin gowns male up with draperies of spangled chiffon arc among the elegant imported dress toilets for opera and receplon p'rar , PlaIds are every\vhl're. They are shown In long Scotch coalsl In the latest cheviots for shopping ' gowns and In all the now school frocks for children. Dashing Marie Antoinette hats of black velvet are conspicuous for their many plumes , Occasionally a plaidailk , scarf II allllCIJ 10 increase . the striking effect . lands or fur will be touch worn this season , and on gowns of every description from the most delicate hued house gowns to the darkest and richest of frocks for out- . , of.door wear Very handsome changeable erepons are used for dinner and evenIng dresseR , A stYlish model Is green , fawn color and oh rose Is made lP with accessories of spangled green velvet and ecru lace WaUeau bows appear again nt the back or hal.low evening cotages , and never have ribbon trimmings or very description been more fashionable than now , A whole piece or ribbon I easily utilized on bodice and sleeves. Amaryllis , a reddish heliotrope color , I r one of the new shades which promises to . . THE , 0 ' POPULAR - 4 _ L\ HOUSE FURNISHERS REIIABIEq IN SERVICABIE EVERY DEPARTMENT AND UP- TA TE . POPULAR PRICES. PALACE REGAL A. PALACE REGAL VENTILATOR tPhVENTILRTOR Guaranteed ' ' Guaranteed to Heat to Heat 3 3 - Large Rooms with only x + large Rooms with ony 2 - Toni ; of Coal. Tons of Coal. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS . To New Beginners in Housekeeping. We Furnish Your Home CornplI 'If not Convenient to pay cash ve will make terms to 5ttit. o I , , . e - e o- o 0. r . . : , ll-J2/3FA M/IM ST1 . have a considerable vogue later In the season I can he worn by bruneles and blondes and proves equally becoming 10 each t'pe Scotch plaillell velvets In various clan patterns - terns Ire used this season lJy fashionable milliners on hats for youthful wearers , and slight accessories ot gay striped or chameleon velvet are employed for hats and \ bonnets of black or mOf.green velvet for women of nearly every , age. A fashion note of real moment Is the introduction - Irolluclon of contrasting sleeves Plaids and brcodes have already made the sleeves 10 bodices of a solid and : neutral color A brown silk waist has sleeves of rose-pink chine chile and an emerald green velvet supports - I effect ports , sleeves or faille In at , faded 1erslan : Many of the walbt-Ienglh capes of mink , seal , otter ; \1 beaver at other seasons , that fitted so closely over the arms thaI It was Ilposslble to raise them , have tills fall been mode over very hanflFomely Into full cqlels thaI merely cover the shoulders Some are fOIr.ell ot the parse cape material alone , ethers have new alllllons , oC Persian Iamb , astrakhan or any .ultall'e fur contrasting with thaI composting tire colel , A pretty coal bollic ! for theater and deml- dress occasions Is the waist ot a black and white striped silk gowo I Is made at black satln.llnlshNI velvet , and the revere are ot pale blue silt , covered with lovely oM- tashloned embroidery . The vest Is or creamy lace over white satin , with a frill of edging down either sIde , and the bet : Is at pale blue The back Is plain and closely fitted without seams and finished with a narrow plaited lJasqut' Among the cloaklngs are stilt seal plusher In six different grades , each grade about torl-elght Inches wide ; velour de north In live different grades , this thlrt-tlo inches wide ; alas plain and plald.racel beaver clots : , rIch colored kerseys , natty boucle fabrics , bart , fleecy wool diagonals , French casslmeres , lIne ladles' cloth In plum color , green , olive , gray , tan and black , checked , cheviots of English manufacture and fancy lJakel cloths In various fnC color mixtures Very full skirts , Basques and puffed sieavea arc as decidedly . a feature ot the young girl's wInter fashions as they are oC those for her elluf , and , It she Is just entering her teens she can have them nil combine ) In one gown. The skirts are gored 10 hang III full folds at the bottom , except for girls under 10 years of ale , when they are made of straight breadths plainly hemmed , antI reach just below hue IOsee . The waists of these gowns are either cut square In the neck to wear over a white guhUIJe , made with a yoke ' and , bell and collar or plain cloth , silk or velvet , or with a plain waist , simply gathered around the neck and Into the belt , i'eulinlmt : ltl's , Miss Mary : \ Louise lunle ) of Atlanta Is the new southern poet bane : \ , lllelalne Lemaire , the eminent rench artist , Is a pupil of Chapln , Miss Alice King , the English novelist , although - though blind , Is a fearless horsewoman The new woman appears :11 : Cripple Creek In the form or It mining expert Dr Mabel Spencer at Kansas City has received - celved time nppoLlmenl \lh'slc1an \ for Riley county , Ksnsaf 1 Is said that " lxwel Gray" Is the preud- onym of Mary Gen Tulel , the invalid , daughter or a physician who lives In the Isle of WLghl. Miss Elizabeth ) Nourse , thc Cincinnati art- Isl , who has mad such a splendid name , Is back al her studio In Paris , and has four paintings In the new ParIS salon , Jrs , U S. Grant havlllg purchased the old EdmunllR house In Washington , recently occupied - cUlllell by Secretary Oney , has decided to lake her permanent home in the capital city Mss Hela Matthews or Arlington . Ind" , Ja 1 one.armelwood carver and lolleler , leI left arm lJellK disabled all her clever and work hand Is , accomplshC'll with her right arm mla Wheeler Wilcox and "Jennie June" anti II host of other literary women and men have formed a ramous country club known al "The Pot Luck club , " 'I'hey lake turns al the chafing dish , , IIS8 Agnes Pitman painted the exquisite frieze , 68 feet long , which Mrs. Carrie Ioer- loin has had placed around , the Cincinnati rom at Atlanta , The design Is or apple blossoms In graceful sprays thrown on tinted , cloudlnKs of excellent atmospheric effects , Lady Margaret Scot , the woman champion got player of England , on the occasion at the Colswoll competition won the first prIze wih a score or so for fourteen holes , There were ten other players , to whom Lady Margarel conceded starts 10 the extent or as many a8 sixty strokes , ' The author oL "Tales QC the PUDJtub , " a. l + . . . . . rw _ . . . - . . Mrs. Flora Anne Steel , Is the wire ot a re- tred Indian civilian , She has spelt more than twenty years at her life In India , amid In order to pursue her studies In folklore has mastered five of the native dialects Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt Is quite an ex- pert neelliewoman II seenis she em u- IJrolller all her lnen , amid that her work Is trllly beautlul leI mother , so the story goes , Is equally skilled , and does exquisite drawn work-all , In fact , used on the table at Marble house , Newport t , leI thimble ) Is a , wonderfuly dainty affnlr or Homan gold showing a border , studded with dlamonlls , : Mrs \ Iwcomb McGee : \ , the daughter ot the famous 'nshlngton astronomer , Prof. New- comb , Is the first woman to he elected a Fellow or the American Associaton for the ! Advancement of Selce , and Is also a mem- ' her of the Anthropological society . She was graduated In medlelno at the ColullJlln uni- vrsiy In WashlnJton , and Is now working al the Johns 101111ins hospital In Baltimore , Gertrude Iherton , who Is now living In London , comes to the defense or AmerIcan girls In n British periodical , Lady Coln Campbell's Realm , which II appears has been assaulting Columbia's daughters , Miss : \ Ather- Ion makes the plea thaI the heal a judges Americans hy the " \'llgar thousands who rush to Europe to spend their newly-made dollllrs , and hy the 'popper' girls , who cross their 'Ieglets' end eat candy In the reading rooms or the Grand or lelrolole ( , " The health ot the wife or the vice president - dent Is reported ! to hC very poor , and , one lady , the wife at II prominent ' senator , recently - eent ) ' heard tram Mrs. Stevenson , and , says that the rumor or the III-henlh or the young ; daughter of the vie president seems 10 be cOllrmed by the tone at Irl Stevellson's ) letter , Mrs. Scott , sister or Mrs. Stevenson , will take n house Washington this winter , but It Is likely that time family or tilt ? vice president will remain In their old quarters al the Nornandie Jane Cakehreall is . In 1 sense , a truly modern English herollle , She hf made 277 alJpenrallces In a I.olllon police court 01 the charge of drunkenness , and Is , apparently , very far from the end of her public carrer The despair or magistrates and philanthropists Jane may lIe salll to have conquered , the resources oC civlllzation leI friends will nol or cannot help her ; a cell relalns her only a few days orI ( eks. Even the suggestion or lady , Henry Somerset that she should 1 be taken 10 11 beautiful home for inebriates hi not very promising ! , for II Is quite certain that , after making things "hum , " Jane woul ! soon return to public le , lo = 1'S , Minnealoll a 111' . , Afer n day of toll , the RW'et Calm ot cnntlnt , Comes with n good cigar ; , 1 weet , When Slit' light IH spent ; 'hen tlmn Is loth to gather his wIng Of shadows deep , O'cr the little mother who rocks and sing 'fho babe ' to sleep , From the hal boring walls ot home , away Care mils afar , " ' .eathl',1 , In the wiching halo gray Of a good cigar. No other scene can , Ite this , In lire , Content emhrow , I the hone , the babe . and the little wife ' , Belong to you e 11'11 111. . 'rendeaehes , The southern people are naturally religious , and wherever a s1lemelll IR formed there will lJe found churches of different Ilenomln- Hens The writer , In company with a party of northern gentlemen , was invited 10 slop al 11 small town In Mississippi and examine an exhibit of the agricultural ! ; and horticultural products or that ! secton , The exhibit was one or the best wo over saw north or south , but what Imprese,1 , the writer was Ihe cordial greetings or n large number of people al an early hour In the morning The orchestra and organ and all the people join heartily In the doxology , "Praise God from whom ell blessings . Ings lIow , " This was a southern greeting 10 a party or northern tourists and home seekers , and II was genuine. We do nol believe there Is a settlement that will nol cordially welcome - come the coming or nortbern families who , with honest purpose , seek to make n ham In the south The refined and . friendly people of the Or. chard , Honas regIon respect a man's political or religious IH Il'r and no one tired expect any timing but thJ most .ordIal welcome front these hospitable people See Orchard Homes , neo , W Ames. general agent , 1617 I'nrnam 51" , Omaha , Neb , -e-- Ilnclcrrn'a Arnlel Su1Te. The best salvo In the world for cuts , bruises , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sore. , letter , chapped hands , chlblilns , corns , and ail akin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required , I II guaranteed to give per. feet satlsfaatlon or money rerunde Price 23 cent per bOl For rile by Iuhn & Co J , . _ . _ r v - - . ' . ' . LIDUCA'I'11)NAL. , THE JACOTOT SCHOOL No , 11Vest Stilt HL , New York Ciy , Adjaeenl 10 IPltlll : i'nlIC , .I'.nl 1111 OrplA I IJI.HJITJl'l. : JO { 11:1 ( IAI'- 1IONAnn ( In young buttes ' . \.lrOI1 \ , If Inklne "lcc\II , \ ' 'll'.t' . , ' 'IoruI collrglntr Ilpl"\'IUOI. 11 lc , Art and 1.lnKII" . . , Dille. F."nlnt rot- ( I mrriy atom " wlh , : I. pals . H ) , 11".nI1 I'c:1 , , l'Ius , L. - - - - - - it' J'1he r / ' l On All SOciAL occ Astons ; jt yh You cannot 3P ' to The opera wllhout 4inin I awhlf f o f l r r PERIAL - o vJ 1 TlE FASHIOh1A LE PERFUME , Flowery , refreshin , delicATu and lartin . .w For sale by drub ists only. IMPERIAL CR4'WNPE FUMERYCO , SAINT Louth , 5 MEYER BROTHERS DRUG COAGENTS , AU OTRY WEDDIIIG BELL5 Two new' IMDEpIAL odors. . cnowm PEACH BLOW , . - OPIUM oR MORPHINE HABIT ! PdIHLECCLT G PEItII ITE11TLT CDBED CR. S. B. COLLINS' PAINLESS OPIUM ANTIDOTE ORIDIHAL AND ONLY GENUINE REMEDY. Discovered In 186B , "YHERIAKI" Book Free , Office 312. 78 Monroe Street , Ofice . CHICAGO ILL PO , Dnlwlnl53. I / - MARK ) ,1 a ( , ( f ( is i ' ' ' t J till I I J r I r 1 I 3 t - t , t . 1 , / 0 t , I . t , I ( Mr mama us' Wool Snap ) tl whh mine hI ) rVOOLEiVSWI not shrInk I WOOL . SOAP I. u-cd In lime laundry. Wool Soap I deltcato and rurrehlit forlatl pur- p.cs , ' 111' belt cl'anoer luu u bur of yuur , Iur- ulluur Two afeaitoUotawl laundry , Rworth , Schode " Co" Makers , Cblca , . U t vorktei : ill ' ' , : r / t.B' . : nerd Loula l HI. , .