Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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I ;
2 'rIlE OMAhA ( DAILY Jn It : . LA'I'UflDAY ! , NVItBIR2,1S9.
- - - -
Closing Out the Fllculcr Stocl
at 1.'alconer'Llderr . for mel , &c goodl
1 lot of men's samples direct from tim
ml , go at I ! price.
Mn's Natural Wool and Camel'a hair
Shirts and Drawers , LOc each , worth 11.00.
Palcoler's $1.50 Shirts or Drawers go at
! 80 each
Wo are Ahowllg Oi elegant line of men's
Flannel O\'enhlrts nt /Oc , 7/c , $1.00 and $1.25.
2Lc. Men's Holer End Suspender 12'c ! , worth
worth 1 case 20c of men'l C mel'9 hair Sox , 12'c ,
Wo are showing Immense bargains In
men' In(11 and Inlned ItJther gloves at
2c. lOc and 7cc.
: len'l heavy wool mittens . lOc per pair .
Ien's Dogkln Driving Gloves lOc pall
worth $100.
Ladles' latral gray Jerey ribbed Vests ,
Hlc , worth 3 3c.
J.3dleo' ( Fleeced Vcsts or Pants , 2c each
J.adles' nil wool Vests and Pants , 75c each ,
worth $1.25. .
Tremendou3 911e of children's wool Unler'
Wear for tomorrow at lOc , 12'c. iSe und lP ,
sale meii'a Undereat' In center
Slleclal of men'l Under\ ear
aisle tomorrow.
Special from 7:30 : to 8:30 : P. ? .1.-a Dress
for OSc.
- - . - - , - , . .
Dress Goods
Saturday's Specials
38-ln : all wool Novelty Suiting worth
48c al . . , . , , , , , . Novcly , , , , , . , . , . Suitng . . , . . , , , , , . , . . . 25c
36.ln all wool Black ( only ) lenrleta ,
ni 30c. . . , Back . . . . . " . " . . . . " . , . , . . lOc
40.ln Chamelen Suiting , worth 30c. pe-
cal , . . . " . . , . , . . Suitng , . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . " . . " . , . 25c
46.ln Serge , our regular & ! quality ,
special . . . . . . . . . . lc . . . . qualty . . . 39c
fB-ln Dust Proof Storm Serge ( black only ) ,
\\orth 7io. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
Special from 7:30 : to 8:30 : P. I-a Dress
for 98c. .
Navy , Brown and Black
\0 will give you sOle extra values In
Noveltlea to llaydeu. for 76c and $1.00 , goods confined
Sleclal from 7O : to 8:30 : P. M.-a Dress
for 08c.
. . . , , , ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Special front 7:30 to 8:30
'P. 1\1. , a Dress for 98e
ThL will ht hy far the grandest bargain of
the Yr. J Incllles All Wools , Chameleon
Suiting . In 38 and 41 1 Inches , Belges In grays ,
etc. Fighit yards to the pattern and only
one to a customer. NONE 'fO II DDLEnS ,
Special from 7:30 : to 8:30 : P. M.-a Dress
for 9Bc.
Chairs and Rockers
a 'I
. f
Wo are now showing the fine line of ChaIrs
eon. and Rockers carried by ' . ' O'Connel & Anler- .
Choirs at 4lc , 65c , 76c , SSc , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
Hockers nt 95c , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 ,
The goods are fine In every way and while
they last you can get a bagain.
Special from 7:30 : to 8:30 : P. M.-a Dress
for 98c
Special in Silks
For AU Day Saturday
All Sle Cr ? p s. regular 35c goods In Plnls ,
Cream , Light Hines , Nile and Yellow , go
tcmorrow at 10c yard. Quantity Imltel to
each customer.
Special from 7'30 to 8:30 : P. M.-a Dress
for lIfe.
AiiisilIc35c Crepes
: for tOe Yard
Saturday's Specials , '
Closing out Falconer'a Fancy Goods.
Tapeatry Covers , worth $0,00 , for. . . . $1 71 ,
Tapestry Covers , worth f5.00 for. . . . . 2 25 i
Fringes , worth $3,00 for. . . . . . . . . . . 100 .
Fringes worth 25c for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
l'lush 11als worth 20c dozen CO' . . " . . , . 8c
$ dollar. All t'ntel and Stamp gees .1 SOc on the
Machine Thread , 2c each.
LInen Thread , 2c each.
Twin Wire Drlss Stays , 2c.
Tooth Brushes , 3c
SpecIal front 7:30 : to 8:30 : P. M.-a Dress
for nc.
Another Great Day at the
Big 4
stricty Fresh Eggs 1 only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c
Separator Crlamer ) ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . lc
Floe Counlry Buler. . . . . . . .10c , 12c
} , 'ul Cream Cheece. . . . . . . . . . . . 12Yc
Noiifchiatel . Chcee. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c
I'ul Cream Brick Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc
Jest Soda Crc 'rl. . . . . . . . . . . 4c
Jrehh O'stl1 ( quart ) , only . . . , . . . . . . . 20c
Sugar Cured No.1 llama. . . . . . . .
Salt anti PIckle Pork. . . . . . . . . 9Yc
1ologna , Ieall Chese. Liver Sausage ,
llgs' I'eet and Trlpc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4c
; 3-poun(1 pals bel 1.1d. . . . . . . . . 24c
j 5-\ul\\ Ilal > best Lard. . . . . . . . . . . 40c
10'llounll pails best L.ard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78c
) 9 for Sllcclal 9S . from 7:30 : to 8:0 : P. M.-.a Dress
Glow . Night Lamps
We will give away free enl of those beau-
tful ! Glow Night I.amps with every pOlnd
of our ehalee gradl ! of Tea. Thl mow
Night 1.1mp Is constructed on scientific prln-
clptes and h without question the cleanest ,
neatl"t and best lamp known tOday. Com- '
\Inl\ \ with Its ltyglt'nhc qualities It should
commend ltsshf to popular favor at .
Is 1 fa\or oncl.
Sol'l ' everywhere for SOc each. Wi burn 200
hours , or 20 ten-hour nlght8. '
Special from 7:30 : to 8:30 : I' . I.-a Dress
for D8a
: Hat Dud Cap Deparhue1t
pcclnl fU Snturdny Oul ; .
$2.75. qualty John 11. Stetson & Co
Hat , II black , nutra , In Wall shiapa , sizes 6 %
and 7 % .
lIfe . l n's fine fur Fedora . DerbR anll all
styles SoC hats In buck . bron , worth $1.50
to $2Ol1.
1.00. mea's heavy Winter Caps , tn all
Itles , SOc.
. 75c meu' heavy Wlntn Caps In alt
Ityles , 25e .
We and 750 bo"j Winter Caps all
at'll : : c.
Ladles' anti mIsses' plain and plaId Tar
0'8hant.1. SOc and The . reduced from $ .0
. . $
and $1.50.
Children's Fancy Caps , 25c , : e.
. 0 tnts. Giving away Iceles and Deaumul Prcr-
fr Special 9Sc. from 7:30 : to 8:30 : P. : -a Dress
" , . N , Ilbcocl ( , Lee SpratIn , J lclhl MartIn ,
.1. I , StI'enn , Sa1uel nets and othen
l'ILiSlD1T l'm SIES ,
The ittetlng was cal.,1 , to order by 11
( F' . Weler , who Btatl,1 , Its object In a
few brIef sentences lie salll , In substance ,
"I 1 esteem It a great honor I ! well as f great
privilege to prlsille at this meeting tonight.
I al proud to IonIc around I ! anti \ see the
faces of this vast audIence of citIzen of
nlhlencl clt7eni .
Omala whe have come here tn behalf of.
good , government anti equal rights to all
cltssea of citizens. We believe In a 1unlc-
Ipalty that 1\ Ill bo n govlrnlont for the
best ) Interests of all the people of the city ,
We do not believe In ostracizIng any man
on account of his religious views . We be
10\'l that every man has a right to' t worship
and rote 1 his conscience dictates. "
lr , Weler then introduced W. S. Popple-
ton , whose appearance wns the signal for
another I trr'ul of cheers .
: II ' , bton's address was flrl with
statEl howlnl the misrule and extravagance -
Iance oC the len now 11 power and arrahn-
lug the I for their shortcomings lie said
In Ilbstanco :
.I Is , as your chairman has said . a proud
privilege to stand before thll' alllpnc . nn
alllenco IRl'shalcl1 ! ! under the banners of
gOl government anti , CIIII rights for all cltl-
zens. 1 Is fitting that citizens oC all classEs
shoulll meet togoth . regardies' of port , to
discuss , a business question anti 1 question
of principle. We all .
Irlncll111' are al member of the cor-
Ilornton or Oiiialta and once cry two years
wo meet to hIre anti Emplo the men who
[ .hal Inna ! our affairs for the next ln
years 1 Is hiring tIme nuw . and I Is neces-
sary and Important that we consider carefully -
fully the men whom we wIll elplo ) ' and get
honest m-n Under our law \1 cannot get
rid of our 11resent servants until January 1.
but on next Tuesd3) we can hire our scn'lntt'
anti m3nger and arrange for the reforms
that we hopt to inaugurate wih ( \ coming
year This Is n critical tme In thr hlst1ry
of our rly , The hard tmo3 through which
we have been I'Jsslng ' promise to he lifting
nnd Wl feel the breath of Lushwl'3 life returning -
turning t , ali there t Is nothing more Inlortllt I
than that Wo place our city affairs In
honest anti economical hands.
"The debt of Omaha including the general -
oral debt . Is $3,011,100 : special leht , $1677.IjOO Ien. :
school district , $585,000 ; warrants outstand-
In ! $136,866 ; part of county debt , $560.000 ,
or a grand total of $6,270,566 , on which wo
pay an annual Intere't charge of $332.4t
The clty's general debt Is over 14,500.000 ,
whie that of Kansas City Is but B64OOO and
that of Denver Is I but $2,50U.00I , Hememhor
this burden Is heavy : upon Omaha In her race
for commercial slpremacf In the west. Ilgl
taxet' arc a chi to enterprise. Mon of
means will not Invest their money In enter-
prises while we keEp In power the name In-
luenct that have brought the city Into ( ls-
repute during the last four 'ears. I Is
Important for you to decide whcth you will
employ ns the head of your government n
man who served the city l'lx or seven years
ago ali was reClsel n ro-cmplo'ment Then
one year later ho was a candidate for gO\
ernor and was turned down In every wanl In
the cl ) ' , ( ( \plllalse , )
" at the ( I cord for n few minutes In
18n , when the dervish contingent camp Into
lOVer , the running expenses of the city
government wre $6G ,123,87 outside the sink-
big fund In 1892 , IS ! and 1893 , the same
oxpens under the rule of this Ian ! were
$ : , : H.217,04 , or an average of $7S1,405H6 per
year , or $116,281.79 more per year than In
1801 These are cold figures , taken from
officIal reports and are worthy oC your earn-
cst consideration. In 1805 the expense to
October Is $2,000 more than for last 'ear.
Iii addition to this there has been uncovered
n defalcation. At first the dervIsh sup-
porters declared that there was no short-
ae. We have found that there Is n short-
ago of nearly $ tOOOO. We do not know how
much until Wl elect honest men to ofce who
wi turn the defaulters out and go to the
bottom of this mntter. ( Applause ) Since
1891 you have pall out $ .00.000 above the
expense of running the city In that year and
this increase In our burdens of taxation has
been adrld when every man In our city Is
putting the knife of economy Into his business -
ness all domestic affairs. Th < question Is :
What are you going to do about I ? The
issue Is clearly defined. The question Is
are you going to say to these mfn : ' \Vehl
done gooll and faithful servants , go and
rob us some more , or are you going to say
to them : 'You have letrayed the people ,
you have robbed them In their hour of need.
Go and no longer bo QUI servants ? ' ( Ap-
plaus )
"As to William J. Iroatch , the people have
already decided ! once that they tll , not want
him nny more , because thEY believed ( \ that ,
however great his private virtues , he was no
respecter of the rights of the People when he
was In public ofce , beal\3e ha sunk the
rights of the people and made them seo-
ondary to his own political ambitions. Mr.
Irotch has told you that when he was
mayor ho saved the city the cost of an olco
and its rent. Of nil the ofcers In thc cIty
the mayor Is UI" man who shoul ! have on
office above all others. lt Is the man to
whom the people should have access , to whom
they should have the right of a henrlng. He
! ! I"ad , Io office and he left ! no record to _ show
coat ne ever was mayor or omens , so fl as
a record of his vetoes , his signing of bonds
or offIcial acts of that kind are concerned.
lie let a reord In other directons , howo\'er.
As ono of the last acts of his official C.-
reor . at the eleventh hour , he signed a le80lu-
'tlon instructing the ciy attorney to confess
judgment In the famous cas steal case by
which the city was robbed of nt least $20,000
During his administration the city's expenses
were such that tim rate of taxation was
greater than It ever was before or ever has
been sInce. In 1888 the tax levy was t5 mis ,
the highest ever known at that time , but the
next year the expenses of conducting the city
government hal so Increased tnder Broatch's
rule that the rte broke the record again , and
the levy was raised to 48 mIlls . To show that
this was extravagance and an unnecessary
taxation H Is only necessary to show that two
years later the levy was reduced under
Broatch's successor to 38 mills. Jroatch
boasts that under his adr.llnlstraton $3,000-
000 WHO spent In laying pavement In Omaha
I nn a young man and have seen malY Instances -
stances anti exhibiton ) of mOlumlntnl nerve ,
but I never thought to live to see the
tme that any man would ask for the com-
menllatol antI \ confidence and ullport of the
people 01 the strength of having laid the
mies of rotten wOOU"n Pavements that are
being torn up nol In dls city. ( Applanse. )
" :11 Dr03tch has ftatell that ho was not re-
Eponslble for the laying of these wooden IHve-
mcntt' lie hal his veto power and ho novel
u9Nl It against the which
thl pavements we are
now tearing up and replacing. The Board of
Public Works was protesting agaInst the
wooden blocks , but Mr. Broatch failed to
come to Its relIef . The trouble with
Iroatch Is that he loses ' his sense of
relponslblty to the people and subjects
everything to his overweening Political ambi-
tions. .
: II Poppleton went In to a further discus-
slon of the public career of Iroatch and
showed that he had used his position on the
police board , not lu the interest t of geol gov-
eminent , but for the advancement of his
Scrofula in the Neck
I dangerous , disagreeable and tenaclouB
but Hood's Sarsaparilla aB R thorough
blood purifier , cures this and all other
forms of aerotula
"I bad R bunch on
, . , my neck as largo asa
a ben's egg I was
, . , - , nd \Isd to Ia0 It
cut out , but would
4.i ' not. A friend
, 10t. sug-
. , . . . a geted that I take
.i - hood's Sraprim
, which I am glad to
. sa ' that I did , and
. .t/ i soon tbo bunch
f . " Entirely Disap.
: "f t , pearod.
' , . . " i 111 I I can truly praise
Hood' Saraparia , for I know I I. an
excellent medIcine I have recommended
Hood'8 Sarapria highly In the pat ,
and shall continue to do as. " Mns. EL
HrLLINos , Red CIOod , Nebra.ka.
Hood's Sarsaparila
I the only true blood purifier promi-
nnty 11 the public eye . 'Ii ; six for ' 5.
U ood' Pills are th but tt.r.dInuer
tood's Pils 1411. . TblJ . I .1' aflr.dIDDe o.uUo.
political hoom ) for layer , and would use his I
Poition at mayor , hot for the welfare of thom I
people , but to further the claims of W , J. I
Iroltch for the nomination for go\'eror. I
Continuing , he sahl ! : I
" \\1 have come to look to the 13)01 with
hlo veto power to protect our IntcrN'ts ns a
People. We to not wnnt a curbstone mayor , I
a gas steal mayor , n high tax mayor a mayor I
\ Ith no l < e. of Iuty , but n desire to use his
I prellon to further hll polItical albiton I
I Wo want a mayor to stand between the peo- i
IllS anti the robbers , anti "ch a man 13 :
Chai el H. 110\ . " ( Applause ) ,
Mr. 10PIlloton closed with nn appeal to the
outraged citizenship of Omaha to rit'e nil on
election da ) ' and blot the public robbers anti
th entire dervish gang oC boollers and Incompetents -
competents off the facE of the earth.
At the conclusion of the applause
folol\el Mr. Poppleton's address the chair-
m3n introduced Henry D , tnbrook , and
the audience arose as one man to give him a
Iulo't enthusiastic woicouiie. He spoke as
follows :
"My t Friends and I'clol Citizens : At a
banquet recently given by thl liar Iswcla-
ton of Iansas , : , JustIce Drewlr of the
supreme court oC the L'uuttctl States delivered
hhmel of this ollnlon : 'I believe , ' said ho ,
'that eve ) ' full blooded American boy hus
nn ambiton to become a Ft1tesman ; that at
! "Jle tIme In hl& life he feels sure that his
future leads up Into the line of political
' .
"Now , men are only boys grown up and
this may account fur the fact that the
halucinaton suggested : ( by thc emLelt jturist t
as Pectiliar to American ) "olth does lot always -
ways IlsapII ar with atlvalcil/ years : and
the result Is that every mother's Fen In
America , young or old . expects before he
dies to be a candidate for office ; and I ho not become n sttesman , why . It L
Call ) to become n politician. For what Is
1 politicianVe have c01e to regard him
as a something which shows from
direction the wind 1. blowing amid which
adapts Isel IlstRlter to the atunoapherle
pressure A politician Is n partisan when
there Is no party Isno In\ol\ed except the
party label. lie Is willing to bs used , for
pol expects SOOI to require assistance. lie
sometmes confonlis his consciece with his
llcletbook-ln common wIth the rest
us. In the last stages of degeneration , the
politician develops a mania for office , antI
gOOJ UII and down and to and Cro. nn ear-
wigglilg , button-hiohing. leg-lllng. baby-
kissing , pEsterols blathersktte. ( Lugh-
ter. )
"My I countrymen , the hope of political pre-
Cerment held ont to American nmbllon hus
made of us a race of politicians , and I SOII-
times fear that It has made of lS a race
of cownrds 1'01 surely It Is political cowardice .
a1lce that has lermlted to grow up In this
nlnoteenth century , under our very cyea , on
organized religious persecution. lint that n
secret political society . dedicated to religious .
ostracIsm ! actually exists no one would veuu-
ture t ( deny. Listen to this , from the Aso-
clatr press dispatches of October 1i :
In POH1 aI" ' 1'Iil A. P. A. ln TJ"G.
"ST LOUIS , Olt 15.-The advisory board
of the A 1. A. ' after I two Ilu ) ' : ' seslon
In this cit3 ) ' nujolrnerl \ sine , le tonight.
PrRctcaly nh \ tile work of the meeting wns
done todn } ' . and It consisted almost wholly
of the drafting oC a report h ) ' 3 sullom-
mitten and Its mlopton hy the board. This
report was In the nature of a ltclu1ton
of lrlncllies nnl may also be con ' llrl(1
ns parte I ! notice str\el On the political
"Todn"s sesslol , was held behind closed
doors , Secretary Dunn stated that reports
its to the co " dllon of the order 11 the
dlferent states were recetved. These , he
says , werepr } ' encoumragimlg.
"In the arldl PfSe matte the growth and
of 'the order topic
11reent strength 'tht was I
10 which refel'onle was Iu'c'ttuently n11le ,
The A. 1 A. was dlclnrel } to bo tile dom-
Innnt and \ controlling power In many ciled ,
It was dalmed by tIle speaers that several -
oral states cnn now be s.ayed from one
oC the great tlllcal parties to the other
through the wrIt of the A. P. A" which
h01ls , ! the balance of 11\0' and I. able to
dIctate pohicic4. lavln ; captul'l , tauny
citIes utilti gained recognition In a iluiitllel' ) of
ctes ! the ! association Is now trning Its
attention to the national /o\'ernmont.
"The following report amid i'esoliitiong
Colowlng 0111 resolutons were
adopted :
"To the Officers and Stembers of the Na-
tonnl Advisory Hoard of the A. P. A. : Your
commltce on plans oC vork and resolutions
begs . , leave to submit the following report : I
" \\0 recommend that nn executive com- '
mltle bl crluted , omposel of thirteen I'
members of this board the chairman , secretary - !
retary , treasurer and , vice president to Ie
officers nnd nine members to be appointed !
by the chairman , 1
\\'e recommend that the advisory board.
through Itl exeCltl't committee , collect all I
pOBslbe : reliable InCol maton conernlng the
views , allatons and record of all presidential -
ta\ \ and vice presidential candidates and I
'iossibfhlties' In all political parties , and
after collecting and formulating the Fame to I
furnish the information to the executive
boards of the states , to bo by them Wa-
somllltld among the subordinate councils
all advisory boards of melr jurlllctons
and to the councils oC the older where an-
pulor counci ! are not orJnnlzer1
"itesolved That the hoard advises the
ireiUlera or tills order to vOle for the nomination -
nation to olce on thc party tickets of the
party they allate with , and to vote for the
oectiOi : oC candidates only who uir In thor-
olcton . ' ' , cnnlldatlf wlh ] I ) , If I ' nrt i' , I.II I sun-
port ' the < following ' pr iICpts : : : " ' (1) ) , < Iluthuetion i
of inhimligrat ion to , lobar nil Imdelrhlp persons -
sons : (2) ) Ixte1Hlon 01 time for nttttlraliza-
ton , and (31 ( : cluatloln ] 'u llcaton for
suffrage ; ( ( ) the mulitenlncl of one general
non-aecturian free " Public school system . ; (5) ( )
no public funds or public property for Kec-
tarlan IHr(0scs : ( I ; ) taxation of all PropertY
not o'ieci 1 ( nnd 10nt1lpd by the Ilubll ; (71 ( )
the openlnJ to pUblic official Inspection of
nil Private schiooi' . convents , mnlftere , ! ' ,
hoslltai anti. all Institutions of nn etluica-
tonal and reformatory character : (8) ) no
support given for any publl Position to any
puson who recognizes prImal ' allegiance In
cl\1 affairs to any foreign 01' I'cclelnstcal
power : (91 ( ) publIc lands for . actual settlement
by American citizens onl. . .
"Now why go into secret conclave to dis-
cuss the credlmla contained In this declarn-
ton ? For my part , I nm ready here ant
now . always and anywhere to proclaim my
acquiescence In every article of this ( dochara-
ton , save only tile seventh : and ( excepting
possibly tIme sixth and seventh ) most Amer-
leans , Catholics or l'rotestants would hears-
ly subscribe to cnlY principle enuncIJ(1
1 have Ilwls believed that the property of n
prlvnte corporation should he taxed , whether
that corporation be oranlzetl for gain or
glory : whether It be religious , encatonal. or I
ellmos'lur ) but I take It for granted that i
tile Catholics wOI\ld Ilrotlst against paying I
taxes on their church and school property , 'I '
and I have on Idea that many of their Protestant -
estant brethren , owning property dl1cated' '
to like uses , would unite with them In the
"nul I cannot conceIve how anyone , outside -
side of Turkey or the Russian Empire , could
advocate creating a public censor to go pok- '
lag his nose Into the domEtc economy of private -
vato schools. amid female seminaries , anti private -
"ato hospitals. anul , convents , and monasteries ,
One thing certain , these establIshments would
no longer be private , blt public : whlcli means
that they would go out of existence : Cor It
would bo dishonest for the government to
contrlhut not 1 cent to the malntenandi of
these beneficent Inetlutons , but , according
to the A P. A. program , tax them Into the
bargain , and yet claim the privilege of sUller-
intending them The government ought to
be thankful that such institutions exist all
that the care and eXl1ense In such matters
Is so largely remo\o from I , without attempting -
tempting to dictate policies and moles of
operaton , 'fbe only possible excuse for such
Interference on the part of the state would
be the detection and punlshmlnt of crime ,
but r would rather a million tlmo trust to
the American newspapers amid the American
repJrterl for the ventilation of pontble
abuses than to some political Paul Pry with
A. P. A. Instincts anti a nose for scandal.
( AI'plausl. )
"Concede , If you please , lat , tile Catholic
htOShlitals In thhl country ( and there are hun-
des of them ) are conducted \ for tile sole
purpose of prolagatng the Catholic religion ,
ant that when those IJlrl and gentle women
minister to the sick I Is In the hope that lIe
patent may live or die In the Catholic faith.
10 SOil know of I sweeter , holler way for a
l'hurch to proselyte Would to God Protest-
rnh' dl.l more of It , Instead of cultivating the
spirIt of bitterness amt all unchaitableness !
( , \rpllu5l )
"Concede also , If you Jlea e , that the Cath-
010 schcol tech four ls Instead of three :
that to remttllrtg . 'riling and 'rithmnetic they
atith , religion . Are not Protestant denomina-
( ions following ( heir oxamllleT The truth Is
that thoughtful men the world over are beginning -
ginning to question the wisdom of nonreligious -
Iglous education . They are coming to the I
belief that the child must I. spirItually de- .
velopel a well as mental ) ' and physicaly .
In order to luke the COlllete man or woman '
and the perfect cltizemm . 'Iteapotismu , ' says de 'I.
'ocquevlle , 'inS ) govern wIthout faith , but i
liberty cnnot : ,
"That great .t3tcmnn and historian , I
r Ollzot , spoaUngen ; ( ( thl ( subject , once all :
'In order to make edne\on trul ) ' / COal11 \
socially useful , It must be fundamentally re-
IRlous. his eoImmjutriot , : I , Thien , Ix-prlmo
minister of cOII / , said In ails report to the
Corps J.eglsldtlt : L'We must malel educaton
more religious than It hM been up to the
Present lUculent We must put I upon its
former basisor if wo do not , I tremble for
the future of 1'"nHcl.
"Ghdstono I. I , equally eiflphlatiC. 'I \'ery
educatonal system , ' he MY , 'which places
religion In the 11' ' lilrot11 Is tl rnlclol' . '
"Durlnl iilullrqumnlent In the Grrl , will
case , Daniel ) \ : < blpr , vohementy excl3lnc :
'In what age . , ) > . \hpt sect , where when , II
whom , has ,
refgron ben excludel from the
educaton of youth ? No\\ere , , never. E\'ery-
where , at all times , I hns hen regarded a !
essential. I Is of the essence , the vitality of
Inst ruuctloui , ' )
"Theso mnemu Whose words J have quotell ,
are among the gl'catcst In modern hlttory.
They are unanImous In sciutiment and all
Protestants. sentment al
"Now , . Anlerlcal Iublc , schooll are not
only non.sectarlan , but they arc virtually
noim-religioums. ' 'A'hty ' ? Because In our goverml-
ment minorities have
mlncrlls their rights , guarJnteed
by our stats and fcderal constitlmtioils. I
OilY religion were taught In our public school
It Would displease Ilob Ingersol : If cn1' one
religion wore taught I VclM displease the
followers of every other ; IC all religions were
taught s'luy . God bless mel we woull have
alother thirty ycars' war on our hanes amid
thc ( PUPIlS woull ha drlnn craz ) ' , ( \p-
plaut . )
"Our ! \'ernlnt , tilerefore . has wisely left
r.I/IOU3 education ' to the Illercnt relfluls :
Ilnomlnatols. wlhout aUemlltng 10 judge
between them as to whllh Is rIght or whlph
Is wroulg , I'ut wishing godspeel to them
all , belevIng that In thcm all , particularly
those CoulHled on the bible there art great
amid essential trutlls. This being ito-this ho-
lag the polcy of our gO\rnment declared
hy its founders tn be the wisest and safest-
how fatuous , ho\ fatal It \ould ho for the
govcrmcnt to ntlempt nn espionage upon
all religions , and a general oversight of reo
Iglous methods and Instructons ! If It Is
thought by the A. 1. A.s that such J arc-
IKlous and Nlucatlonal cenorshlp can be
established In tills country In harmony with
existing Insttutons , then I soy they arc
obviously mistaken ; but I. ns J suspect , I
Is proposell to cstablsh . such a censorshlll ,
harmony or ito iunimony 'then sir , I ote In
theIr scheme the germ cf trelson , and I de-
10lnce I as revolutlonal' ,
"This A. P. A. declaration of princIples
further asserts that 10 aid viIi be given
lantldate ! for publc office who owe' primal
alegl3nco In cl\1 affairs to a foreln or cc-
cleslnsteal power. I say amen to thut But
what Is the oec.u.lon . for tile tedious reitera-
ton of such 1 poltcal platitude ? Wo have
heard the same old tune
sting In all the keys
of the gamut since the Coullntlon of this go\
ernment . Has there lately been Imported
Into the UnIted StateD a colony of foreigners
for the IIUrl1"O of out\"otng our bona title
citizens ? You know beUer. You know that
the Innuendo refers to our citizen , of time
Catholic alth The A. 1 As assert that
every Catholic ackmlo'wledges the POlIO as
sovereign head oC the spiritual amI temporal
world and that tile first anti parmolnt
alieglance of d' Catholic Is to the
alegiance Calholc 110pe-
spiritually , civiy and polItically .
" But what overt'wct oC the Catholic church
In America has ever warranted thlD accusa-
ton ? What Catholc , nnthorlzed to bpe.lle
[ or his church , has over admitted the truth
of this .ccusaton1 Sir I deny Its truth , Ind
so do the Catholc' , themsclve , I once heard
alt address delivered In the old Exposition
. Expositon
hal In this city by 'oung Father Shcrman ,
son of Wllanl Teeumsoh Sherman of heroic
meimlury In I tle "ntd ' t of It I heard thl\
young priest passionately exclaim , with hil
soul In his vIce , that If the pope of Home
! houlr attellpt to Interfere with his political
liberties as I man or his cl'l duties ns a
citizen he wdull march through tile Vatcan
as his father hlarctel through Gcorgla Arid
sir , thll' patrIotic dntment was caught up
by lint ( Catholic audience and , applauded to
the echo. ( Cileera 'and applause )
"But whnt'ls . flue use of dent31 to those
forsworn tC .dblfve ! ? The A. P. A.s are
benon forclls'thl ! Ist of pdhitical amP religious -
Iglous ostracism. And what , think you , must
'be the ultimate result ? Can 6,000,000 Amlr-
lean citizens be proscribed through the ma-
chlnery of a secret order , their loyalty arraigned -
raigned . their religion insulted , their Ilrlest-
heel denounced . their sisterhood maligmled .
and tamely anti everlastingly submit ? No !
Not If they are AmerIcan !
" ' , be not deceived. There
"My countr'men dlc I'cd. Therl
Is dopendlng In the United States today an
Issue more vial to American institutions
and the cause of human liberty than any
which lel II to the He\'oiltonary wnr. That
war was fought over n tax on tea. ' \'l are
cOI'frontel with a conspiracy more trelcher-
ous and treasonable than that of the south-
el confederacy , for the men of the south
were brave enough to flaunt their treason In
the ( light of day nail , ! told us where to meet
them. The Issue before us Is a portentous ,
overwhelming issue II'olvlnl In Its success
or failure the civizaton and progrlS of the
last ten hundred years. And yet It Is only
n few short years age when the world be-
le\ed that human tolerance and frateu'imity ,
and altruism hid found their ultimate expression -
pression In the war oC the Itebehilomi . which
witnessed the ICranohlKement of 3.000,000
blacks. Was patrlotml so exhausted In thIs
war for civi rlghtl that It must 10W Itand
by aml wltless the dlsfranchlsemlnt of 6,000.-
000 whites ? -
"That Is the real . lue6ton , however spe-
ciously you plrlsE it. The edict has gone
forth that no Catholc Ihal become an officer
or teacher of our public schools. What Is
this but disfranchisement ? What Is this but
treason to our constitution ? But the pro-
scripton StOPS not llere " 0 citizen , Prot-
cstant or Catholc , may hope for poltcal
reconlton unless ) ho expressly sanctons 01
tacitly cOnC01n8 to this gigantic boycott.
"And tIle melancholy phose of It all Is the
fact that these propagandists Ioem ' thrum-
selves so etrong that they arc throwing oft
tlieguiso.Vo are no longer dealing wLh a
political inasctulerade' , but with a political
menace. Their llrposo stands re\'tllet In
its naked Ieformtty , For folly years I looled
upon A. ' I' . Alsnl aa n disease which would
run its course and cure Itself. I have laughed
at It as a joke . Even no\ I am no alarmist ,
though 1 801lmnl' believe that AmerIcan
good nature has carried this Joke to fr ,
' \0 have temporlzlr too long. , \merlca ,
' of liberty , Is In .
Ood's temple lberty dailger The
51n of heaven has shone upon its mlnarell
and towers. Thl lnt and splendor of his
rays have caused the eyes of tyranny to
blink . No man can look tip there Ind be
al A. P. A-for he would never know
whether hIs lanter was lighted or gone out
nut the foundations of this temple are deep
buried In the earth : and there , down there ,
In Its subtefanp nauls , In its dark
and sunless 'ItlrInths , amidst the ilamnps ,
and \por aif ) ! 1\launss of its cellars , these
political molt" here burrowed , littered , and
waxed strongq . ! trong that many ot my
republcan , frlentrGod forgive thlm ! -hove
not dared to } ' cl their honest thoughts , be-
cause , forsootji4 , ttere was an otlce to be
had . ( Contnlet , tlplausE )
"I shall never forget the peculiar haunt-
welcome glvena m& after my last visit to
Chicago I Ifuhme gf the mOt extraordinary -
nary explrlen ls of my le , While tn Chicago -
I had cordefi ! an Interview to a
cage % Intlrvlow reporter -
: cortel
porter for the'vening Post. I hall ventured -
tured my opIpl9U . that A. I' . Alsm was un-
american , ant t\HI \ , tim men chosen to office
In Nebraska n\hrpsh \ their aflaton with
this order wqr IJ ¶ far the most part a lot of
political n0I\1estlpts \ amid nincompops. I
really did nl1 ! l IIECt these sentiments to
please the A. , ' .e . . ! -nnd they didn't. But
what amazed 11 was the behavior of soml
of my republican rl"nds-good men , honest
men , strong mel , to wise and too patriotic ,
I knew to have actually Joined the order.
They would pas mo on the street with a
shrug of the ehouiler anti a dubIous . com"
mlerotng smie that was absolutely be
wilderlng . At lat the mystery was sohel ,
One of them . , bolder than the rest . whispered -
pered sot ) In my ear-so that the winds of
heaven might not catch 1 up or the vault
of htea'emi re-echo It In CouncIl 125-'Ihctween :
you amid me and the gate post , ' lId he , 'I
heartily enlorsa everything ) 'ou stated In
that interview : but Lord old man I you ha\'i
cooked your ) olllc,1 goose'-whatever that
mlant : I wun't 11 the Ioultry business .
. ' .
( l.aughtlI' )
"Finally the SS'orld.herahd , that lohamet's
coOn In journalism , ( laughter , cheer and
contlued applause ) eternally luaponlld be-
tweeuu heaven and earth-supporting \ '
twtn earth-supportng everything -
thing In general and nothing In particular-
the World.Berall , I say , came out In an
editorIal , unusually lucid for that periodical ,
Inulntch IU I think I know what It mealt ,
hero , b what J IUYA : '
" 'HN Irlr 1. I "luhrool bCln hnmo-
tzelt bf' F. itoaosvntt'r ? 1Is Intlrvlw In
the ( "hicisgo \'I'nllJ 1 Post would , indicate
third Iulh WA thl ( ISt You are a good
orator ' but- '
, hiemiry , -
"Now there 1 Is al31nl Tht eqnl'ocal
greeting of iiiy frll'ld" reducel to print-a
sort of typographical smirk. I was tempted
to excaim with tla dramatst , 'but me no
huts. ' hIut-whiat 7 Woull tim SVorid-lieralul
Intimate that I might to belong to tile A. 1.
A.s T SurEly not , hlRIIJ the Worl1-IHall
Itself disclaim , melhshlll In the order , 01-
though It it with mis-
tholgh supports I , together wih a -
celaneols assortment of other tllns \ \ hleh
Iosewatlr opposet' , No I mOJnt 11recl IY
what ny Crlenls hall meant : It meant that
my sagacity was not equal to m ) cOlrage :
that my political goose was coolnl : that
henceforth 1 eoull never hope to be el'ted
dog Pelter. Wel , now , since that much II
8tlel. since thu's gltering teml1taton ha9
haln removerl fnunm , I breathe ! IIl Uut
0 , ) 'OU erlbel' , Ilharls es. h'pocrltes ! I the
tmo shaH enr come whm America . does need
Ilrtecton against ( lie disloyalty of her Cath-
olcs , remcmber : ) l' have genuine Amerleau
blood to FIII : meanlhle ever ) ' drop at ( list
blood protlsts against tumrimiiug over my part ,
or my cotintmy to tn Ilanlanshlp oC
gugllhmen tt ho trip on thm' letter 1 or oC
Cautnihiana who yearn to 11rotct America before .
Core they are l'\'el natur.lzetl ! ( Uproarous
aimpiatise ' )
NIn'lm IlOTi fEllED BY ( ATIOf.ICS ,
"Since this day John Alden marrhl l'riscli I
: lulen , and thlw made tlosslhle my Ilresrnce
! crE' this evenumig , I anl m ) nnccstor
tan ) of thln Irotltant cleym n
-have 1 \'l ben molested ' by our
Catholic lelghhor9' In mimmtl luody or
estatc' . and I have not the crednlty to believe
that In thIs ! age ami generation American
Catholcl have changed their nature or sov-
eyed their allegiance to the United States , \ nil
hElaUIO I will not believe this , nor Join In a
con8plracy to virtually expatrbtl theill I-a
Prtpstant. an i'.iumem'ican. n republican-aiim
tahooel anllol it . and am madn to feel like
an alien In m ) nath'o land. Look YOI ! I alI
L's , trumly protestant that I have never tried to
mEasuo the Almighty with 1 tapelle , nor
confna him In the straight-jacket of n creetl .
but as I hope for this tolerance and mercy In
the Judgment they , so strive I to be tolerant
amid merciful to my brother man-s truly
Amlrlcan that I am wlllg Every citizen oC
the United Statimu . male or Cemale , black or
white , Jew , gentile or Christian , shall have
every right . tinder the law whIch ! I posselS ,
every hope of haplllnC\ which 1 enjoy , every
scope for his amhlton vouchsafed to me-so
truly republican that I relHllatl as n lie the
assertion that t ) party has surrtnlere(1 to
the l'imihlstlnes. except sporadically all In
spots. In Omaha , to he [ r.ri. the A. I' . AI
have assumel the name of the repullcan
party , but they have stolen the livery of
heaven to tern the dEvl
"Is I possible that a majoriy of tile voters
of this city honestly and conscllntonsly be-
hove that G.OOO.OOO Catholics In time United
States are plotting the overthrow of the Pub-
lie school system , or contlplate injecting
Into that s'stem tile teaching of their 8ec.
tarlan faith , against the express Intenlcton
of the constiuton ? And all this tinder time
eyes of 30.000,000 i'rotostammts to say nothing
or 30.000,000 ethel who e religious arc nl-
catalogued ? J this coull bc acconllshcd , If
our state amt federal ccmttltons could be
blotcll out , or t'llr mandates rendered
mitigatory-if a revolution so radical , so
Clnlamlntll , so opposed to every tradition of
cur govermimnent . could be brought about hy
less than 10 per cent of our actual Ilolllaton ) ,
It \\'onl be lie most extraordlnar happen-
lag II the history of the worll ,
"But surely It could not bo donc without
our Icowlng it. There would neeasnrly \
a period or Pl'eiaratioil , and this preparatIon
wOIII betray ItsetC. Could th enlstng anti
drilling of soldiers , the pI'chase of Irearms ,
the buid hI ! of warships , the forging of can-
non 10 unnotced ? Do you think a Cth-
olc can carry a Krlpp gull concealed about his
person ? What titter nonspnse ! I I ' llp I ,
with the of the (
wih resources greatest emlllr ) on
earth nt his com 1 a 111 , was powerless to force
the inquisition upon the Unlel Netherlands ,
could any power loss puissant coerce time gov-
erlnent of the Unltel1 States : : ? And who
was It . by the way , rose np to resist thc
tyranny of this Catholic monarch ? Wiiam
the Sient , himself n Catholic. And I would
stake In ) ' Imlortal soul ( bat ' It a Catholic in-
vnslon oC the United States were ordered by
the pOpe of lome , American Catholics would
not bo time last to slrlng to the deCense of
their country's liberties.
"History shows , alas ! that there hvl been
bigots and tyrants In the Catholc church , hut
It also shows that the Catholic church Ias
not had n 10nopoly of these nlonsters . Such
men are creatures or the age and surround-
lags In which they live. I. abhor Ihlll I
I am not lartcularly enamored of Calvin , '
who blrllrl Ser\lus at the stake. I
"A. } ' . Alni Is based on the proposition
that the Catholic church of today Is the
Catholic church of lOO years ago. I there
any other denominaton of which this state-
mont could be made ? You know very well
that IC Jcnnlhan Edwards
, of blessed memo
ory conhl walk Into nn up-to.datl Presby-
teIan chlch he would hear slght men-
ton oC tile brlmstono 10ctrlnes wih whIch he
was wont to regale his congregation 200
years alO , Ah , but the Protestant churches
ha\o al\alced , have broaeened ont ! So they
have , and so , too , have the Catholic chueh d ,
For I what Is a church ? I Is the collective
name of a numbel' of iimdivlduals A chnrch
Is , unl , Is only , what Ib membel"s make I
You can always gauge l the pulpit by tile
pews. I the peYs are flel with men and
womEn of education anti enlhtenment , you
can Ieht sured that he who Ils the pulpit
h qualfel to speak to them. That man
has real moder Iteraturo to little purpose
wilts has not dlsco\'ercd that the Catholics ,
indIvidually and collectively , have kept
abreast of the tmes In e\'erythlng-knowl-
edge science , culture . ataiilunent-that goes
to make tip our 10lern c\'lzaton.
"But alnce when have Catholics been foes
of liberty or a republican Corm of
lberty republcan govern-
ment ? You cannot mInnie R republic on thc
earth today , Inclllng the republic of these
Unlell States , whose existence Is not wholly
due to the Catholics or to Catholic astlstance .
One thing II certain : Protestantsm as such
never gave birth to n republic.
"Catholicism alone stood out against the
tyranny of the middle ages Who rebuked
the atrocitIes of tile IJmlerr Theouoslus
Amhrose , n Catholc , Who hurl Il his anathemas -
emas ngalnst the Iblllnous cmprlS of the
eal't ? Cbrysostom , n Catitolic . Who wrmiumg
Magna harta , 'the pahdilm of gnglll wrun/
lbertes . ' from ( lie tyranny oC Kumug John ,
backed as lie was by lope Innocencl of
Home ? Go rend time eleventh chaptel' of
"Ilummmme's lstory ! of F5nglamid"-tiiey were
Catholic barons with Bishop I.angton at their
head. And do )01 fondly b leve that Cath- ,
olics would destroy , or surer others to destroy -
stroy , this Amerlcll republic , which , txcelt
for thor would never have existed ? Way ,
Americ was discovered by : Oaiiopc- :
Christopher Columbu" I you say that Columbus -
lumbus was not its tlscov"r r. t , say what was
the late Collmblan expoi'ton , Intenl 1 to
commemorate ? Did rlcJon discover Ami rIca -
lea ? He It so. Ericaomm was a Catholic .
But Coilmbus amId Ericsn only , ) uchod UPOI
our bo Il e \ I was left (0. ' other Catholics ,
1lssl011rles and exporJC , , to press onward
to the Interior. The llt.m0n ) lal'es1 en.
discovered amI made kn''I' by Chnmplafn-
n Catholic . The Maiss ! 'ap ' valley a'.1 . all
thlD fertile western cOlnt : ) might not , oven
yet have been o/lned to you on.1 me and cur
children after us were It nl" for the n'
treplly and slf-aacrIflco of euul maim as
Hennepin , DuLuth , Jol t , Marquette , La-
Salle-CatholIcs every ons oC tbml. Ie of
the greatest republcan club . : tli $ country ,
the Marquete club of Chicago , was . nalll
after Marquiette , the Catholic mIssIonary and ,
explorer Catholic missionaru.s -
Catholc mlsslonar s were preuch-
lug to the Americn Inlnc as enply a3 1:26 ,
long beforE a Protestant had ! eye fat hui .
foot ou American soil . I was a fUll 10'
years hater that our Ilgrlm fathers lanled
In the .ilay1iover-honest , hal -hpaI'Jd , tb-
stinate , oplnlol1ted , uncomor ( .11' 011 duffers ,
fers , train vhose loins I havl the honor to
be de.cendel , They were constItutionally op.
Ilosl to helng happy themsll\es , or ilermimit.
ting anyhotly else to be lmappy. You rememum.
ber Macauloy said that ( lie l'uritans objected
o bear-bslting , not on account of the PSUI It
gave ( lie bear , but for the pleasure It gave thu
spectators. Roger Whhlianms , the most liberal
by all odds of ttue l'rotestarmts of lmi day ,
could not stand ( Ito genuine rouumdumeaul , so he
moved over Into Ithiode islammd and started a
little colony of his own , where all macn vero
to be etlual before time law-that is to say.
all meu except Catholics , lie drew the' line
at theni , Tiuis dear , gemmial , angelic A. P. A.
actually cut the heart out of the liritish flag
because It represented a Itomilaul crosi
"Now , rigtt ; south of Ritoilo Island was
Maryland , a Catholic colony , founded by
George Calvert , Lord Ihahtinuore , himself a
devout anti Imious Catholic , Pick out fronm
- - - - _ _ _ _ s - _
time juirisimrummieumce of that perioth thu immost
hilmeral , tolerant , humniuuno aimd sensible law
passed by ( ho legislature of umimy Putriittti
coloumy if you vill and contrast it with ( tile
etatuite , eflacteth as early as 1649 by the Calhu.
ohio colommy of Marylammul
" \S'tmeretum' , Tue euiforcing of coimu'eiCilCe 1mm
limit tiers of rel Igi'nm tii t Ii frt'quieitl ly falitmim
otit to lie of dttmugeiuum ( 'ommcquerlceu ) to
thmo'io cumnunomus enlthi vhut'ro It hmnttm 1)00mm
Itractiecil ; for time mimore tltliet nitmi Imeumee.
1 * hiltu go t'emim nul'ml t of timis tmflViflCe , mUlti I tie
better to lmrest'rt'e mumttuutl love amId tint ) '
ii ilCIil II t lie iilhiit 1,1 ( nuts , r U liCOi1 or Iut'r-
Sons vhuutsoever vitlmimm this lurovinct' , i'r- ,
fes4ing to iehievo 1mm Jestus Christ , simahl
Irommm tmeumccforthu lie nnhpviso troubled , limo-
les.teti or dieotummtemltImueetl for or 1mm re-
SPert of hula au her religion , nor iii thin tree
exercise thereof within this lmmoviimce. mlmr
iii utmi' % 'ay commupeiietl to tIme belief or ( 'xer.
else of liii ) ' rehigioum uigaimis ( hula or 1mev con-
"My frioumths , tile Imistory of Maryiaumtl shuow
that l'rotvatants troll ) time oIlier coiommies-hltm.
oral l'rotestamms l'rotestaimts ' '
( , 'oft color ,
as you rummd I VOliid 1)0 lund we
lived lim those tlays-actuahiy iIocktI
to Maryiamluh , to tlui CatholIc strong.
btolih , to ercalue ( lit ? Prosrriiutioim of their
brotimer l'rote'staumts , As (11110 ) , tiu ° re
( taunts uiPOm ) the scope uichu mltemi 95 Jetlersoum ,
I"ra mIll I I it a i'd roimi l'a I ime , glorioums aid
iueathemi , whose theology was all etimllulleth imp
iim time golden i'tuie. 'rime irincipies Promnlul-
gatetl by tiuco muien sere deriveti from Ciuritu.
tianhtP ) , to be sure , limit it was Chrisiammity ( as
taught by its foumutler , not by theologians.
Let mime call yommr attentIon to this tleclara-
tiom ) of primucipirs , for example :
' ' e lucid three trtmtiis to be self vithent
That . mull mileim nme ert'aiu.'ul t'mitmal ; tiuutt tile ) '
itm.e i'iilowcti tu ) ' their creator t'itll certain
I mull hieilttbil' righm ta ; that a umuomig t imese mure
I I fit , II bert y aIm ii I lIe imtm rsuu I t of hum 1)1,1 ) umei'9.
i'lmuu t to umeetu m'u t hmt'e righu in govermmmncm ) t ii
mire I ileti ttm toil mm flnmuig lieu .hc'rivi n i. t im dr
just Powers fromn time consent of time guy-
"rimus subIimumo trtmthm was mw'ver so stmbllnlel ) '
tmttt'red , niimi it iu uloitimietl to revoilitiouuize
time world ! I quote tile mutteramice from a
docutumment calietl tue leclaratIomm of lumdepond-
( 'net' , ii'ut'rm tip Oil ( hue 4thl tin ) ' ( if Jul19' ,
1776 , mmml signed by one Chuttries Carrot of
Carrolton-a Catholic troll ) Marylamiul.
SliEl ) ThRIll 111.001) VOlt LIIIE1ITY.
' 4'timtl the princIples Charles Carrel sub-
scriled to vim his pen hm fotigimt for 'ithi
lila sword. 1mm tue war Cf time revollulomm ( tue
provincial armies htati mm lmraver soldiers ( han
those of time Catholic faitiu. At time battle
of ihuinker 11111 , that first real tEst of heroic
patrlotismmi , ( ilere were engaged emi the Airier-
Icami sub 1,500 troops. otlicors nnui immeum , tuuud
of ( huee 21) per cent at least were Irtshm
Catholics. Wimy , .mmler1cat3 first comummnotlore
was a Cathmollc , who , to ( hue demmuand at a
llrltish uimamm-of-war as to who or what ime
sm'as , sumg out : 'I'm Jack harry , hmaif Irlslm
and half Yankee.'ho tIme im-I are you ? '
limit American patriotisumi , Aiimericaum valor ,
Anmerican prowess , emIhisteil as they nero in
a righmteotms canoe , couulri not of thenleelves
have brought our repli'ohic into beimlg. Those
were timmmes to try 111011's souls. 1reedout
staggered amuti groped wildly in time dark ,
lieu' mmakctl feet left their bloody linpriumt 1mm
the snows of Valley Forgo. I'atrick henry ,
s'1tim time trumpet votce of a ; urophiet , luaU tie-
clareil to ( lie Virgiiiia ( leleglltes , \e shah
ilot fIght our huattles alone , TIlel'C is. a junui
GotI wiio ireithes over tIle tiestinies of mlii-
( ions , amlul 'hio will raise UI ) friends to light
alit battles for mis. ' \\'hat Is a tricmlml , II ) ) '
comuntrylnon ? Sommme OUC has said thuat 'a
friend is time first 01)0 who comlmes iii when
all tIme world goa omit. ' Tiuat friemlll of
America , of liberty of God-write it aim yomr
hearts , 111) ' countr3'mneumthat ! friend was
Fraulce-Cathlolic France ! ( Chleors. )
"You recall lieu' tlhat Catholic noljhemman
and soldier , Lafayette , ( he intititata friend
and counselor of Washimmgton , surrounded
Yorktown with hla treopn , and In conjummlc-
( loll With the French fleet comlmpeiletl th
suirrenuler of Cornts'uuliis , Title sumrrenuler
Imlsumrcd Anmericaum indepoiutieumce , and Lafayette -
fayotte s'rote oxtmitimmgiy to thur Frencim mimium-
icier , Vem'gonnes : 'My great affair is settled ,
humanity imas gaineul its cause , anl Libem'ty
will imever be without a refuge. '
' 'Forgive the sanguulne propllecy , my
frIends : Lafayette had mmovt'r iuemrd : of ( lie
A. I' . A. But Oh ! is it true that gratitude
.adr eaumm ? May ineit like hftuyete pledge
theIr lives , their fortunes anti ( lucir sacred
homuora to compass my ontrailehulsmmment. and
I secretly conspire to discredit their re-
Ilgioul ?
"After tue treaty of Paris tue slates confed-
crated anti Washington was chosen presitlent.
Every orgammization 1mm these United States ,
religious , educational anti Intlustrial , trails-
mnltted to the lresitlommt felicitation , 1mm a for-
11151 address. Let me reaul to you a portioum
of ( lie address sent on behalf of ( lie Ammmerlcami
Catholics :
"Sir-\Ve have becim long impatient to tea-
tit ) our joy anti tiithoUndeul conthilemice on
your behulg czulletl by a UnflniillOuiti % 'ote to
the flrt statlomm of a country ill Which thlat
unanimity could not hlave been obtainer ]
wIthout the imrevioua nmerlt of mmnexanlpiem )
uuem'Vicea , of Omnimlent'st1oimi and tmnhilonl-
ishmed vit'ttue. It Is your iuecumuiar taieumt , In
tray alid lii peuCe , to nfforti seemmrity to those
' . 110 COlOiUtt theIr proteetloit Into your
imiuntla. In var yOU simielul tiic'mn from time
r.viuges of armed hostility ; in imeutce 9'Olm CS-
tUlhiSh public tritntitmIllI' I ) ) ' the jumatiec uund
niouleratloui , rIot letia thmamm ii ) ' 11w vigor , of
votmr guvemimlmleimt. Ity exanlphe as wt'il as
by vigilance yotm extellil thmt' iimillioncu' of
lutwa on tile mnutnrmi'ra of ) 'ujlir f'iiov citi-
zemma. Voti emlt'otirage ueepect for religion
itilul inculcate , I ) ) ' words umiluh tti'tiollti , tluut :
Princtlmle On Wimlell the welftlm'C of nations
so UluiCli depC'ltlS-tlmat a stimPrintviuuliumg
provktemlee govolns tile eve'lmt of' the world
unl % Vatctlt'S over thir' commdumct of mcmi. Ytiuu'
e'xalteii m)1ltXinmtu anti tmnwettrit'ii attention ii ,
tutu nmorai nuiii phlyluical uiillmi'Ovemmmont of
your country lla'c' protlUcell nhri'nuiy timi'
happiest effects. t'nuher yumur amlumimmiuuu'utiomi
Aimlerica is aitiifliiteui With zeal for the at-
taliiunent mind emmcotirngemlicmlt of tmsefuml lit-
ortutum'e ; uihue iulmlmrot'ti4 agriculture , exttntIuu
her commerce , acquires with foreign mm-
tion a digmmity tmnknovum to lieu' botoi'e , From
( hiette 1101)11) ' events , in which none can feel
U warmilem' interest tiulun ourselves , % vu ile-
rl'o adttitionnl pleasmire by time reeolit'ctiomm
that you , sir , hutuve tieemu time Principal instrument -
mont to effect so rapid a cilamigo in emir
PolItiCal situation. This Proumect of nu-
tlonal lmrosIerltY IS ImecumItrIrly lmheaamlt (0
US Ofl another utceolmimt ; hecaumume svhilst our
country presem'ves hmu'r fri'otionm antI hIde-
pentleilee , ' .50 5111111 Imavo a vehl fouiliied
title to claim fm'orn her justice tite eqtmuul
rights of citizenship , uus uue mInce of our
blood spilt uncici' ) 'ouir r' es , uuilti of mum'
cOmmlntoli et'rtioila for lter th'feilsO umltier
your nuspiciotim4 ( 'niltliict-rlmhts renmlerj'd
mimcrc dear to ums 1w the ; emlmcmubrance or
formner hmturtlahili'i. 'i'u'iICi ) W'e 1iVa % ' for ( tie
preservation of 111cm ss'here timey iiavt' been
grantt'ml , itmitl expect ( lie flihl extension of
tilelt ) from tilOse states which restrict ( hic'umi
-when vo soici ( tile Protection of hieuven :
over our common country , we mehthuer ) omimit ,
nor calm omnil. to recomnlemlti your Pr.s'rvui-
( Ion to tile siumguhar care a ? tilviume prowl-
dence , huectuose see conceive that lb hiumilan
mneamls are so nytuhiable to Promote the welfare -
faro of time United States as ( lie prolonga-
tioil of your iieuuhth mmii life , ium wiliclu ate
hm.cltumieui ( lie energy of your exutmapie , the
wIsdomIm of your counser , and ttmt' Persulusive
eloquence of youm' virtues.
"Imi reply to this atidreas , Washmiumgtomm siitl
in part :
"I ( eel that my coiiduc ( in svam' utuiti in
Peace huts root witlm mnort ) geluermul mipmmo-
initIal ] tlliln could reisolmally ; luave been
OXhieCtei , tinti I iimmul mmmyself disposed to
com1sidei' tlmutt fortumnuite circuuimmsiutnco 1mm
a great degree resuItimig from tile miblo support -
port aumil extraoruiinnry dllnmior of my fellow
citizemia of all demmonlimlatioi ) .
"Time prospect of rmutionttl 1)roperily now
before its is trumly unuinimting , Dm111 ought to
excIte the exertions of all good men to Cl.-
tuthillmihi 01)11 secure ( lie happiness of their
country iim tint Imem'ullammeimt ( hurution of its
freedom nimul I liii ellitilthetlet' .
"As munklmiti heroine mmmore ilberiul they
% % .lli be more mthi ( to allow that nil thus. '
wlmo Colldtict tllemlmelves iii. wol'uhi9' umuem-
herti of time QomnilmUiiht9' alL' equulmhiy emutitletl
to the vrotectlon of civil govei'imint.nt. I
1)01)0 ( tVUr to see America : unuommg the fort'-
mmmoiit natiomms in exuammlluhi's of Jumstit'c' amid
liberty. Ailti I hireaummimo that ) 'Oumr ( eiiov
citizens will not forget ( lie patriotic larl
) VhmlC'h ) yotm took 1mm time aecoiimpii'ilurmmumut of
t itei I' revolum t ion ; uiud I lIe eSt it Iii islu muon t
of tha'ir gov"rnmmiet. or tile mnmiuortaumt mis-
m4iatuunce whltehu time ) ' re'c iveil Iromul a mututiun
ii ) Which ( it , ) ( .Ut hal It' ftu ith is lirofe'I4sd.
"ForgIve tile luresuii.ptloum of our firat lIrea-
ident , my friends. Vastmingtoim had never
ileard of the A. I' . A.
"lii ITS ? s'ae Iranieui our lrceemmt federal
cOflstitullioli , ( lit ! wisest , mmobleat , mimost ex-
( r.tortsictury itohitical code ever fuhmmuhim.sted.
Its ixtlm artIcle provhllc's that no rehig-
ioua teat euohi ever lie requtrell a a quahlflca.
tioui tti .l't ) ' offiro or public tract ummdrr the
iTniioi Suits. 'Fimimi imlatrunment was algacti
ly Tilonlas FIh .SitlOflZ , a ( jhuumli frctumm
i'ennyim'anla. It is time supreumie law of thus
laud toth ) ' . N' . ammo dare to attack tt openly
or to auiggcse ( list it sixth article or first
ameuudrnent be expunged. The year foiiowiumg ,
1788 , ttme commaIuution of till' Uumiteul States
% 5a5 adopted and raltfleel by the states , anti
a civic parade took place ha l'hiiadelphula.
( lien ( lie seat of our natitnal government , to
Comnruismmlorae tito evermt , iu. place lit ( hue
triuuimluhih marehu was uissIgneI to the clergy ,
and the Jewish ratubi.ot the city wslked between -
tween two Chriatiamu' nutniaters , to ihomv ttmat
the new republic was ! ounde'i on relIgious
, , 'It seems sraug ( , ' says Mr , Tlurjmaa
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - -
\'eiltt'ortli I ligglmison , ' ( list imo hmLtorlcat
umaumuter imp ( ( I this timmme hiss selected for imia
ttmeiime ttmat fine incimlent. It huouilth luavo
beemi irlmetum5tuh lim art , lIke time l.'mndtmug '
or ( Ito l'iigrummia \\'ashmlmugton Crossing limo
Delaware. '
"S'iu > ' tiemt't commit. A. I' , A. artist avail 4.--
lmimnselt of this suuggeethou of ? ilr , hliggineoml
' -If time A. 1' . A.e have aim artist in their
mlark lantern hrigamle7 'owaday , ho mniglmt
mimahie It lush light Imletuure , ) 'tlum know , 'ithiotht
Overt exposing himself to th sumumliglmt.
\'hiOt 1)0 ThEY TilliIATi1 ( ?
"Anti yet wltlm the comustittution before ihmhr
eyes immiti tlmis iuistorlcai incitht'mmt Perimelme lit
mumimmti ( lie A. I' . have hiatt ( lie' effrontery
to iuroclint to ( ho imeolde of ( he t'mmitul
States that ( lie ) ' have st eiie UPOit iuresi-
tlemmtual anti 'lce lmresitleumtial candidatca aunt
'imoasibilities , ' anti that time ) ' are etrtmimg
eiluumglm to 'dictate luohicies' amiul practically
nuihilfy this eommstituitiomusl iumluibltioim. Ior "
WllOuui i'u this threat itmteunlcml ? Not for the
( . 'athmolicu' , for there imever s'as a Catholic
imresidont of time t'litt'l ( States , uuor is ( lucre
ttttla9' it Ctthioiit' cimuliuhatt' lit tile field. No.
This iuotlce is serveul umluoim lmrolestammts to
' % 'aiim thueumm that they mmumist not aifluiate with ,
molerate or othmerss'ist' colulmtenammce titei.r tel-
lots' citizeils of the Catiuoll faith. Sir , t un
miuome ( lie Ptirpose of thie COilSpiratorS is
Veimtlitetl the mumore treasouuabie anti ( lanluma-
liii' it aimiuteurs. Th Catluolics as shell OtO
iuowerlcss to Protect ttueullselvcs. They umro
oumlmiumnibereth 10 to 1 , amId tmmler thtm iron
rmuie of mulajorliles coumld lue crusiieti immto limo
( ! a m I ii mu mId t lid r Ii lmerties utbolui ( ely couuiis.
c.tetl , ( ho constitution to tIme eommtrary mull-
) v I t lusta midi it g. 'lit C ) ' iiltil 1 rely lillOil US , mimy
fellow l'rotestuuiltuutupoum oumr nooti sense
Ii ilti fa I rmless a nfl m.u I ri ot I slum -lit shuor t . upon
tlme s-anity of tIte mmuajortty-tt prevent so fotmi
a wrouug. I titi IlOt ( lOll ) ' but ( lISt the A. 1' ,
A.s have tlCcoummilishcti sommtc' little good , on
time prilleipie that thieve is mb great loss
wumlttmuut COmmit' amuinhi gain. Tiicy have , for
iilmittumuce , 'sat down' on tlt iurofcsltlmul Irish-
ullltim iii imoliilcs , anul to that , .temmt are en-
tttitttl to thIn gratitude of thur coulummluumly (
gu noraily , tuiltl of tIme lrisll.Amllerlcaius par-
ticuilariy. 'l'lue Irish are Oil aggressive race
uind are soilletimumea proilu ! to huecoilie tot )
mmummileroums tim politics. But ( lucre Is umo rcasoit
Wit ) ' all lrlahmmimen should lu iuroscrlbetl or time
religion to wiutch I0 per cent of them belomig.
Nor siuoumld it be mieceesary for tms to forumu
secret socIeties or ktilk out of umighmt iim artier
to aduimimilater an occasional salumllury ctistlga-
lion , I iiuit willing to comucotie the goal
flghiiimmg qualities of ( lie Irish , limit I aumm hot
uviiiiiug to pay thuomul ( lie conmplinlemmt of
ulris'iulg roe intet a luale , If amm Ammiericail
wisimes to oppose imien or luleasuires. let 111111 lIt )
it Oit'iliy 111cc an Amnericaim soldier ; don't lie
iii aummblmsh like an Ammlerican lildiaim. Mulumy
first cltuuus citlzemua ilavo extiSti tllemselvea
tt ) tiuoir coumsciences for ( huoir aillhiatiomm with
tIme artier Oil the very score I have just suig-
gesteti , Lot tlueimm wuthutlraw their syumupathuetlul
eullimort aimd there is miothiing Iormmiithable muholmt
the A. I' . A. It Is a uumiesiuumpeum , abuoruillth or-
ganizatiomu Wilich will disintegrate if ommce ox-
paeti to ( loti's slunhight rimit ( lie air of free-
ulOui ) . itt (110 ( Ileart of it till , utimul eimergizimmg
it thirolmghoot , tluerc' is , mmmluloutbtediy , am ) ole-
mulemlt ( If geumuine religloums bigotry , amiti I try
to give to gentuimmo bigotry tilt' respect timme
to lumistuikeil hloneat ) ' . A bigot Is a huigot , just
as a sick 111511 Is alck. You can seldoull argue
a lunatic iimto samuli ) ' . lie is to lie dealt with
ill COillIlassioum , rallier than In amlger. Ilut
tIle great 71)055 of thue A. I' . A. is slmmmimly alt
accretion of politIcal vngrammis , vagabonds amid.
vamudals-paruloml ( hue Mortonuan aihiteratiout-
vitht hero Elilti there a ullail vito , lute mumy-
self , is sOilietS htat weau' ' of tiuo ProfessIonal
to re ig it cv.
"Anti this brlmmgs mile to a brief coumsitleru-
( loll cut local affairs. Cithzons of Omaha , if
I Comlnot appeal In your coitaciemuce , let mime
apiwal to yotur iiocltetboolc , for , ati nlreutly Imu-
uinlatetl. we sonletinmes coimfotund tile two.
Voum oughut to have known , logically amId withm-
out coumrtimig ( lie experience , that umuemu of a
caliber to take tip with ( lie anachronistic ,
umumanmericaim Idea of rehigiclums proscriptiomm
coumlul not be mien of sufliciemm ( caliber to mu
your umlulnicilual go'erhumnemlt as it sluould be.
Are you aware tlma ( at this blessed mo-
hilcilt four 4 P. A. export mmccountautuu ( are
trying to llgumre omit ( lie amllolint of tue ulefal-
cation of ait A. 1' . A. treasurer niutl luis A.
I' . A. assistammt , which tlefaication , except for
thlo crimmiinal carelossmmeas of nil A , 1' . A ,
conlptroiler auutl ( lmo supine imidiffereimee of aim
A. I' . A. coumucli would uievi'r htun'o bean muos-
etble ? And are yotm fuirtheur alvutre ( list timoso
four A. I' . A. accomuntans ( am's liable to hang
Ott to their job for time rest of ( heir A. I' . A ,
lives , witlmouit over perummittimug you to know
( hue wily atmtl wherefore ? Do you kilow tiltit
every A. 1' A. tax assessor lit yotur city
levies SySIenatiC htlackmnail umpoml the 111cr-
chants and propemty llolders in ttls district
ummdcr threat of amu umlireasoulable assessment ?
Io you kmuow tiutt ( hue A. 1' . A. department
of (110 ( judIciary of this district has become
a steilclm iii tile mmoiutriia of Aiuioricamm jurla-
prudeumce , anti that ihroimgiu the 'ociferouis oh-
scenities of it bhal.unt uleunimgoguo ( hue office of
jutlge has bean brought to the level of your
Cit ) dog catcher-witli mmuy apologies to the
dog catcher ; sitlCe A. 1' . A. mlog-cutu'iuiiig : hia
ahElilllt'd tile dlgmulty of a ilmerultive ofilce It
must bo treated with reveremice . ( Applause , )
" 1)0 yotu Itutow' , I stty , tiuat yott are bcimmg
Itlticlteli , pills god , Pl ml midt'rcd , hooted , lit I kcti
ailil swildi0'i ! him nearly every uiepam'mlueumt ( of
yomir hulummulcilu4j govermiiuielit , fronm treasurer
to dog catchIer ? What mire you going to tie
aboumt it ? Sit tllure amid mutake mmmoumtims at
itosewater'hunt good wIll that tb yomu ?
Wilat has ltoiuewater to Cue svithu It , amiyway ?
' \Vluat'a I tecumba to hitmmm or 110 to hlecumba ? '
Is it possible tiua ( there is a citicen of
Oinaita , other ( hum hitchcock , with so hluic
indIviduality ( hunt lIe lumuist perforce go
wroimg becatiso Itosewater ilappeilu. . to go
might ? Thlcro seemums to iuavo huruken out Ia
Omaha several species of htyulropluobitu wluiclu
( lie great specialist , I'tistour , mles'er huoarul of ,
Amt A , 1' . A. froths at the mnolmth at slglut of
lmoly water , and hitchcock anti his fohiowera
go Iumto spasumis itt ilto mere illeiltiOn of Itose-
water , Speakimug for iu'Seif , I usia in tiuiti
mmlovenment hot becatiso ltosuw.mter is imu it ,
bumt lit tiespltue of that fact. I aun willing to
tcstlfy , however. timutt Mr. Rosewater imu
luau losti to Sn ) ' ae to tIme itersoimmuel of time
ciii/.emis' tirket tihami aimnost amiy 0110 COil.
ulecteul wIth the citizens' hliovemmlent. Ihelieve
tills or not , oiie tiiimlg is crtaimI ; if Oiuahiu *
Is foolish enouglu to vote agaiuuat. 11cr OWim
interests. slumuiti ) ' becatmae ltosewttter voles
ii ) favor of (11Cm sh ut.werves to follow
SOifle of her mimerclunmuta into time iiaiutla of a
recolver ; amid she will , too , before sue ruulti
Very often Nature needs only a little
help to get over aim obstruction.Vlieii
a boom of logs is floatimmg dowmi u river ,
, nil goes well tmmmtil omme single log atrikca
sormuetlmiumg numd sticks. 'riucim there's ii
' ' join ' ' -ammul tm'otmble. It is just so mum
tile progress of food thmroumghm ( lit' olmgcs-
tive orguums. : E''erytliiiig goes vchl till
soiiicthuimmg s.ticks. 1'hueim time proces : ; of
digestion 0t01)g , rltat'a imnhigestioui. Unless -
less the imimpt'uiimimeimt is renmoveul , laisoim-
oils ptttrioi iuumtter begiiis to accumumituhate ,
'lucre's ' ' ' ' nitd
a jamim - - coumatipatiomi ,
triumblc , Sick iieatlncime , hu'mhiommsiiess ,
Sleepleilshmees , vertigo , hmeartbtirii , loss of
nppetite-timc'se are soume of time symimp-
totiis , Jtmst a little help at tiu appear.
auice of the first oime votulm1 emimi ( lie
trotmble. .Nattmrc is a hard worker , hunt
she needs auui'isL'muce if too imttmchi be put
upomi her.
Dr. Pierce's Pheasant Pellets otTer time
best nut ! shmmmplest mrietltoti for ftiruishuimmg
this assistutuice. 'I'lmey umrc lrmmil1t ) auil
% 'er ) ' effective iii their actiomm , btmt they
are miot stroumg nor severe. 'l'hmey catmac
mb v'moiemmt wreimchi of time systehii , They
go right to time ' ' log " ( lint is fast amiul
loosemi it , Nmuttmre does time rest , By nit /
by , with a little care imm dieting , Nature
will do it nil. That's omme great mtvaumt-
age of time " Pleasauit I'ehlet.s " over ( lie
rnamiv stromigly catlmartic pills-you do
mio't become a slave to their use , They
really crc ( lie trouble they are iiheamit
to ctiue , I.veit Uic worst kinul of cliromihe
constipatiomi uhisapleams wit ii their use.
CAI1THN.-Sorne 4raljmmlimg dealers do lint
permiult ( lair c'itomumere in have Br , Pierce'a i'd.
lets becauuac Ituierior pilLs mufI'urul greater profits ,
Such dealers are iuut iihti. 'thcy overlook