- _ r I 8 q'mAHADAIrY H n : WNESDAYOCTOIIa _ _ ao 1Rn ; ; . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : - HOPEWELL \ TO TilE VOTERS - lila Position as n. Oandldnto Plainly Stated by llimse1f , - DEMAND FORA : NONPARTISAN JUDICIARY H. " VrIh' , , fl I..tt"r lit , 'hlo.1t lie ( leM ILPINfItIM fur . \.I..1111C fl l'llIco "It th , ' III ilitri I- "lilt 'l'lclot. JUIgo ] : ' 1. n. 1I0pe\1oll ) , nomlnntet1 ! for re election to the bench ot thl ! ! ! . the Fourth jUlll. clal .lIstrlct . ! , by the populist and enllors11 ( ( by the democratls and ClUzens' iteform league , lies 199ued the following a(1I1ress ( to the voters ot Burt and ( Washington countiEs : I have ben crltlclsed by some ot my ro . publican trlends for betog a nonputlll3n nominEe for district judge. I prefer to be JUdged by the whole people. In the first IIaco ] It Is said I should have Ihcllned the nomination ot the people's IIlllepellllent party. hut why ? No reason Is given. Ie there Is a reason It ought to apply equally to lilY two republican awoelates-Jllllge Ieysor allll 'Ir. i \v. A. Iledlcl They were nominated the Hamo as I , but have not been charged with Inconsistency In tallln t" decline. The reo publican Judicial convcntlon saw nothing wrong In Iuch nomination , for It made Judge Keysol' Its IlOmince after he hall received It , without IUestlon. But this stricture tails en- tirely , coming as It does tram Judge Dickin- lion's friends In view of the tact that he was not only willing to accept the Indpendent : norijitiation but lIollclled It , and went to Omaha the day of the convention and Inter- vle'\'ell delegates for that purpose ay app al1l from the letter at n. CI III Deaver herewith published. Ills nuno was actually before the convention where he received six votes. . It III also calmed ] that In writing the let. ter I did to the republican county convention saying I was not a candidate for district jlllllle : , and asking my friends to support \ Judge Dickinson , that I barred myself from being elected to that position. The letter In lue'lIon was written with special reference to my candidacy before the republican convention - volition and to advise my friends In the convention - vention that I would not contest for the nOl1llnallon. It was wllllllrawal of my ' canl1ldacy liS IIIalnst Judge DIckinson ) for the r'publlc1n nomination. The letter was read In the convention and so understool1. I have kept entire faith In the word and spirit of that letter with Judge Dickinson. I was not thereafter a candidate for tile nomInation - nation against him. It was the support of my friends In the convention that gave him ' that delegation , which resulted In his noml' : nation. But It Is urged that I ought not to nccellt the lIomlnDtions which have been tendered me by the Independent and democratic parties . ties and CItizens' eague. ] Again why not ? It Is on Important mill honorable 0111cc and to be thus selected ] hy parties with which I have not politically affiliated , hcause ot my sUPP09d fitness for the p031t1on , I consider one at the very highest honors. There has growui up In this distrIct a sentiment - ment In Uw last dozen years that the JUIIl- chary shoulll hJ free tram political Influences , and that judges shoulll ha ! selected without reference to their political view This nonpartisan - partisan movement Is not ephemeral but has takcn .Ie 11 root In the convictions of the voleI' Its first practical application was In 1883. Prior to that time we hall but one itidge In this IlIstrlc ! 'fhe Iqlslature of that year gave us an adllltional jul1ge. Believing - lieving then as I 110 110w . that the Ilosltion of judge shoull1 not ha political I . 'lgnel1 and clrculatel1 a petition In Burt county and It was signed generally tn Uw district aslllng Governor lawes a republican to appoint Judge Wakeley a lire-long democrat he- cause ot his rzcognlzed nblllty and Integrity. The appolntnunt was 1I1I\lle , and ( at the next election time tlue republican and democratic conventions met on tile same day anti with the avowd IH1rpo at keeping the jUlllclary r tre-e from political contontlons each convention - tlon nomlnaterl Judge Wokeey ] and Judge Neville to he their own sIlceu'ora ono being a republican , the other a dolnacrat At the next election. In 1887. the democratic conven- tion In Iursullnc of tIle nonpartisan Idea nominated two ulemocratsJutlgesVakeley and Doane-and two republlcans-Jul1ge Gro ! anti myselt. In the republican conven- tion the politicians hall tile swing and Judge GrolT was turned down and a straight re- puhllcan tIcket nOllllnlted. What was the re- suit ? The peoilio took a hand and the whole nonpartisan ticket wa9 elected. Burt county. I then largely ropuhhlcan gave an overwhelm- lug ! vote for the nonp1rtlsan nominees liS follows - lows : aVakeley. , nonpartisan 1.027 : I.ee Estehle . republican. 440 ; A. U. Hancock , non- Partisan 633 , and L . A. GrolT , nonpartisan , 1,116 votes. g\'erett Preclnct-Wllkeey. ] nonpartisan . . 191 ; Groff ! . nonpartisan 199 : FutehIe republi- can 36. and Hancock repuhllcah.IG votl'S. Tekamllh I'reclnct-Walely. nonpartIsan : 236 ; Grof ? . nouipartisan 231 ; lstehle I . republi- cauu 82. and IIlIncocl . repllbhicatu 75 votes. Judge Dckinson supportll the nonpartisan ticket . and his trll'ml who are now censuring me supported It. They knew that Judge Croft was running on the democratic anti citIzens' tickets ] , that he hlld faIled to get the relllbl- can nomination , hut that fact cut no figure with thin thl'n. They voted anti worked for him against the regular ] republican nominees urging as I reason that the bist len should .be selected regardless at their politics At the ntxt election at ju"ges In 189 the democratic and republican parties both Ig- S Itorell the nonpartisan lea and nominatell party tickets hut the people voted to suit themselves. The straight democratic ali straight republican vote ot the district at that time was nearly equally balancll Four re- Ilbllcans anti three democrate were elected but In analsls of the vote shows some Sill prlslnK features. Judge Doanl' . a straight tieluocrat rcelve" nearly 1.000 votes while I , having the straight republican nolnlnation received over 14,000. In other words Judge . . Doane , In allltion to his full pal.ty vote received . ccl..1 two.thlr.ts . ot the republican vote , and I at least hl\ the .Iemocratc vote AgaIn JIIS i. lloyd . a democratIc gO\ eu-nor. having ! judges to appoint namI1 Judge Charles Og.en. I democrat , an" Judge I. J. Ilvls , a republican. Vacancies occurring dur- lug the term of Governor Crouns . ho 111- ponted : Jlflgo " 'alon. a republicaui and Jldre Dule , a democrat. Thus the Idea ot a nonpartisan judIciary has been constantly kept In view Nol only Is this true as to the district jutiges. but In Burt county two years age ! Judge Ilckln on. who now cries straight ticket , was elected county jU"gD as a nonpar- tIsan . lie sought all received on that Issue the democratIc nomInation In addition to the republican nomination. lie ale secure tbp CIIorcmnt ! of the attorneys ot the county without regard to party anti was support. ! as a nonpartisan by the Burt County herald . tw brightest ali most Intense democratic paper lu the state. I have iui.itie thIs plain statement of facts In order ! toremove If possible any wrong tni. Ilressions In regard to my position. I am a j Irm belover In the nonpartisan prInciple as ' applied to the judiciary. and I I were CX- ¶ tenlpll ! to some other offices I would be just as \vehi. It makes no material difference to j , you 01' mo what the politics ot a caunty 01. ) car I ; but It Ioes ( make a great difference to ! every citizen whether or not he Is an honest anti c.lmble oncal My associates on the non- 4 I partisan ticket need no Introduction. Tbl I I nanes ot WakrllY. Uule , F'erguson anti Ker- t 'i ' ser are familiar to cli.V . A. Hellck and t II u George A. Magney lre ) 'olnger men , not so I well known but are excellent It.'lr whose integrity has ne\'er been questioned . As to myself , I am willing to be judged by my record - ord on the bench and my conduct as a citizen at Burt county for twenty.fivo ) 'ear. I thEse tests are satisfactory I am content with the result. Hes\lecluly \ , : ' 1. n. I011 WI LI. . m.IAlRept. . 2tL-IIon. M. n. Ilopewell . Judge at the IietrIct Court : Dear Slr-I trust that you wi fee your \\0) clear to accept the I nonpartisan nomination for re'Ilecton as one at the jllls of this jl < lclal district I think j there were fifty-seven or Ilt.elght delegllteb I out ot a total ot slxt.one who voted for your I I nomination. which Is very near unlllloul II Judge Dlklnbon called at my ! , mCC Fritlay evening . September 20. aqd among other thIngs slated that you were not a candidate for re.electOII and eX\lreue.1 \ a wish that h. bt nomInated hy our convention ns 0\ or thp nonpartisan nomInees . There were Ilrobnbl a hal..lolel dehegate5 ta\ornhl" to his 1om. intlon . but the overwhelming majority wert- . favorable to you , believing that best though you were not a c.ndllole , fur te-elecllon In th" sense ot seeking the oflice. Whie there va ilothing personal iiui'ittioiietl ! WI lothln ! ptuonal Irntolrl against Judge mcklnsol ) , still lie hal\ lot been tried. while you have ben a jlKe ! 1 numbH 01 yer and -iwuys , so' far 8 we know , YUU Ive given stlaUou' to' the people' ot th1 j I ' h. - - - - - - district , regardless of party nflnton : ccnRe. quenty the delegates believed you ly tar the strongest nominee. Trusting that you will be one at the seven jules , elected on NO\'rmhe I. I am . yours truly , n. CLff DM VEn , CI ( ) ? I'.I. UI'I'S I : . \ N ( ) I'INIO. ' . - ! n , flint .h. Cl ) . ( 'h.-ri ' 3Iuty C.rrt.t ! C'rlll"lIh' " "r . ' " , I tin I luuti . City Attorney Connel hiss given an opinion to the city clerk , relative to the populist ballots l. lots , which arc Irregular as first prepared In the certificate which was delivered to the city clerk , the word "populist" was used Ins ( ( < 1 at ! "people's Inllpendent party. " The substance ot 'Ir. Conneii's opinion Is to the effect that the ballot would be technically illegal , as no party known officially as the "populist" party cast Iller cent ot the votes at the election ono year ago. lie declares , however that I Is not the Intent ot the law ] to defeat the manltest Intent of the party flu- log the eertfi at. Onll t\at the clerk may properly correct the cerUficate. Ie any repre. sentatives ot the other parties are not eatls- fled they have the privilege at going Into court to compel the clerk to reverse his decisIon. - - SL'O'I"i' ' 1'111 ( II'S1'0 101,1 I COUit'I' . I" I" 1.tlll II. 'I'h. . , t. H"lllrlll . .I I I " ' 11 " 'I"'C" . The criminal branch at the district court was not In session yesterday , It was not In session Monday afternoon. I the jUlge ot his political Is not hobnobbing with some polilcal friends about the New York Life building or on the street corners ne ts hanging about the lelHlblclln central commlteo rooms. In the meantime there are a large number ot cases on the criminal docket which coulll have come up for trial Monday or yester.lay after- 11000 Clues In which the witnesses are In the city. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ :1'III - II the S""lth. About 200 voters of the Seventh ward met at the hal at the corner of Twcnty-nlnth and Walnut streets last evening to lste to a discussion at the issues of the local campaign by speakers who appeared tinder the am'lces ' or the Citizens' league. I was one ot the largzst meetings that has bon hell In that part at the city during the camllll and deep Interest was manlfest In the muters con- cerning the local affairs that were proentcd by the different peaken' . ThoEe who addressed - , dressed the meeting were .J J. l'ointV. . S. i'oTtpitofl ) . J. B. Sheean , l. HOSQ\lter. I' . O. hiawes . Thomas Swobe , J. ii. McIntosh and , J I , , . Deveridge. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ii.iuIshi-.tuiierIt'uuuu CII""I' Ciuti , . Alt members of the Danish-American CIti- zens' club are requcsted to met at Washington . ton hal this evening lt 8 o'clock. As matters of Importenre wi cOle b fore the club all members are requested to be prel' nt. llwllnl Ilosewatr - . speaks at the citizens' , mass leetn at the Coliseum Friday evening . ing November 1. . V - I"'r'nnt. 11.1 Sit Its nt Cut Prlo. Just how much of a cut Is not known as ) 3'et because we haven't got ! the goods all invoiced 'et-but we wil be realy for you early Saturday morning with prices that will knock your eye out. Wl' would advise prospe'lve purchal' to wal unt Saturday morning when we begin retiring from business with a rush. We are going out of business and If wt clln't sell our goods we are going to give them away. EQUITY CLOTHING CO . 13th and Farnam. p All members of Samos association are requested - quested to he present Wedneslay evening lt 8 , October 30. In Paterson hail . corner at Seventeenth anti Farnam streets. Business at Importance to he transacted. ---p EDSO ItiClI - . President. hayden Dros. add Is p on page 2. Drs. Nichols & Nichols ] epeclal attention to dise.iees of women and children. 1108 I'arnam Al I IIi'i.i rnl' 'I'rIzul. The gan ! of thieves that stole the copper tutbing ! ( rom time \Vcst Side vinegar works amI & 0 hounds of feathers from the DOlp nlttrel factory were t.-fore Judge Berka yei4terlay. All were held to the distrIct . court In lums ranging p from . $200 to300. T. J. Mahonf has been assigned by the state central commIttee to speak as follows : lcCook , Monday , October 28 ; Geneva Tues- day , October 29 : LIncoln , Wenesday ! , Oc- toher 30 ; Grand Islanti . Thursday. October 31 : Cohmbll' . Friday . November 1 ; Fremont Saturday , November 2. p The grocer anti liquor stock ot the II. PunlU estate 1218 Faruuam . Is on sale this week In small all large lots below wholesale prices. L. Itaapke administrator. -S Ia'len Bros. . ' aid Is . on page 2. Columbia Ietlll l'ohish Cross Gun Co. . -S . 'I'Hsn\ " . \HAHIL\'IS. J. C. Castner , U. S. A. , Is at the Paxton. city. Judge N. D. Jackson ot Nelgh 19 In the State Batik Examiner McGrew Is at the l'axtnn. Mr. George D. rtehs NEW York , Is at the Darker. Mr. and Irs. E. G. Benecle ot Chicago arc at the Paxton. : Ir. ali Irs. A. G Deeon at Lincoln are at the Millard. Mr. Burt J. May Is registered at the Darker from New York M. C. Keith . stockman ot North Plate , Is at the Paxlo lIon. John C. Watson at Nebraska City Is at the Iurra ) ' . Mr. and 'Irs. ' J. Vs' . CHes at Culberton Ire Delona guests Mr. and Irs. William Bebrens at Bancrof are at the lellone. Mr. W. I , ' . ' 'ownr , Cincinnati , 0. , 19 registered - terOI lt time Barker. Nat Baker stocman. Lusk Wyo. , Is regis- terl at the Paxton. Mr. J. II. Warren anti wife are Chicago arrivals - rivals . at the Barker W S. Strawn his returned tram a supreme court trill to Washington. Mr. and Mre. J. J. Chlndler , Shenanloah , - I Ia. , are at the Ierchants S. Oblrfolder has returned from a six weeks' trill thronght Iowa. Mr. alI Mrs. I , ' . M. Whiner , Corning , Ia. , are gUEsts at the 'Ierchants Messrs. C. I Word anti D. G. Spencer are ; Kansas CIty arrivals at tile Buker Mr. anti 'Irs. Bukett Moody and Miss Yajneen Load S. n. . are guests at the Vax- toil , George W. Ialocl ( . general western agent for the Great ; orther at Des Moines . , Is at time : tlar < Colonel Icgelalll ot Lincoln the "news- boys' friend . " Is making his headquarters at the Merchants. I.lentcnant J. C. Castu'r Fourth infantry U. S. A. . on his wa ) from Fort Leavenworth to Boise ldaimo I . Is at .the Paxton. ; ebrsimlul registering at the hotels to- da-P. . S. ileacock. Fails City : I' W. Plank : ' 1 Wel. J. Ii. Ager , Lincoln ; F. : ' 1. Wetit- craW , llebromi. , 'hrn.kl ; ; ; t--t ' In" ' ' I \t tite Ier'er-W. II. Englnnd , Lincoln : I Eugene < Pltl leatrlre ; Y. e. Shlckle . Genova. At time DuloncI . F' . \'nre , Nehrskl CIty ; 8. B. Coff.'e , John Sert' Harrisn ; CI 1 ) , KIng I. ' . 1. Crawford . LIncoln. I At the Arcall A. Gaul , 1.lncohl' J. II. i Johnston 10stwtrl ( ; II. O. itodehorst . , l'olumlms ; S. F' , U < rnollh' . 1.0U\1 Ho'ehorst. ; l. I l.eepi'r , leUIH ; J. W. Kelly \ . Grnt 1 lal ! ; < J. H , WIJlams , ail , At the Zti erciiants-Ge'orge I' . Inrper Irorlsburl ; , V. J. loJk , Iatr ; I. . C. \Veber . Ariiimgton : N. I. Ta'lor , Norfolk : II. I. Arln . Olllall ; C ii. George . Kearney ; A. K. Irllc > LexIngton ; J. 1. Conkln , Strol Ashton : lrg. irvIn Scott S , Georie B. Drutmev I.Ce.\ , ll l.n'I'I'US. : Compan A . Ibernlan Knights , will hell its Iouith grallt annual mIlitary bal at Cnlghton hal October 31 Last night the Library board met anti took formal actIOn on the matter which were die- CUS ! d Informally lost I Sturdar. i.Iutie I .mun ( 'ru'lor , the youngest eon at H. : ' 1. Tarlnr ofVaitmut 11. while trying to climb l'to ' a wagon y 'UterllY hall his leg broken between the knee and . nhle. The olh : Om3h Intmelt ccnnpany was yeterda ) ' Incorporated wUh a "pltal "tock 01 50000. I IH tQ .10 a Nol state buslneu. 'fhe Ine"r1iralof . Htchafl and Kate O'Icrte and Ahxsuider , 1 anti Sarah : 'lcGaoel ' ; . - . Attend the Icl tel citizens' : UIIU meeting : t tht Col"lul Frliar evening . - November ' I , at I o'ctock - - 'I CITIZENS' f ' REFORM AND A DEMOCRATIC lUCAl TICKETS - ( : UI 'I'\ ' 1'CWI' . Cleric Ir th ( ' 11".t Courts Chlrh' " . A. Cuc SII'rlll I Juhl C. Irex 'I. Sit r"'ur I . l . g. i 111" " ' , SII.crll' 'II'"t 1'lhlc II"trlellull " ' . I " . . . . Clllt , . .Iuiuigei J. . . . i'uIitts . C"rUI'rl flr. . . . Ii' . I.urlll'r. CIUII' 'l'r'I.lr'rl Prllli .1 . l.ull" . . . CUUlt , CI'rl" U. C. CIIII.hl'l. I . ( :1111 : tCoitu . iuui'u'ul tillers I S"1lul ut'r" " . " .tllul I I I. IC..r"t..I. l'"rth It 1)1st net - . 'i'iiuuuuius liutcetor. . . Iuuatlu's uf I lie I"'IH'OI ( "le. u-uurge C. C.lo'l. "rl ( . . .1./ . . I I o I iii i's. .1 r. Ciiiuri.s II. ittuituit. Si his h1lIi its . " 'llul N. \11111" . I. J. \1 h' " . n"Ir"1 tl I t h"1 I It. S. \-1 , . . " . -iv. I , Ic"rlI "c. r" ii , t ii hl..1 I .I"hl AII.tt. . . , , ' . 1.lh' . Jell ii U'C.II'I. ) . . . n. 11".I , . " % ' . P. SIU''I , 'l'htouuiisV. . " Vlisotu. A s " , ' " " U . I First , " "lIrt K. 'sV . Ilrtl" , S..ul.1 \ , .los.'t1i 1''roh'll. 'l'hh',1 " 'lrll. Iupiuuhuik'i , ( , sgvove. FouirthiVnrd , . \ r.hlr .1.llfo. 1'I' , IiVu rl. C. 111"1 , SIxth " ' 11..1 , . . . . " V . 111'II' . S""lth " Vurui Ii. It. ' " - \'lh. BI/hth " % 'II..t. I , ' . ( ' . " 'e'iuutier. / : lit Ii " 'airuh , .1 , Ii' . 1"1'1"1' . - ED\VARIS \ ) CAIB14E1) ) IN GRAIN Something of Is Career as n. Bucket Shop Speculator , - I - I LOST ON MARGINS AND WOULD NOT . PAY - .Iiuul t.u-uiuu'uut . 'IIII"t S lit' Cit utul idii ft. for CI , . 'l'rettsuirt'i' SII UII"lot- n""I'o its ' 1'11"1 f'ul n Juitttlee'N 1)oke " , JIHtO U"i" I For several days Councilman A. G. Edwards . wards his been scurrying ! around to get pos- sel'slon of the judgment papers that were Is- sled on April 21 , 189. In the justice court at Edgar S. Iirtmdiey . The alount at time judgment - ment Is $112.50 a..d costs In favor of Cockrel . Ilrothers a firm that lt that time was con- ductng a grin conunlsl'on ! shop In this city . The transactol which this judgment represents resents was . the balance ] due for margins In wheat options on the Chicago Board ot Trade. It appears that Edwards had sought to tempt fortune In grain speculation . anl , as mIght have been expected , failed to guess right on time future prices at wheat. Like many another sucker who has gone against sure thing games Edwards refusell to pay his debt of honor and the records' JUst- lee E. S. Bradley's court show the sequel RECORD OF TiE CASE. Hero 13 the record of the case lS found on docket 10 , image 105 , at Justice Bradley's court the documents now being I part at the records of the court of Justice George S. Smitim , In the Kllrblch block : Smih . C.V . CoCrell a 11 W. A. Coclrel. co- Ilartners doing u.lne&s a9 < oclrel Bros. , against Albert G EtIvnrds , : . Apri 1. 1S9. Filed plaintiffs' bill at par- ticuial- In which they ask judgment against said deendant for the sum of $112.50 , due on an account tntell. April 18. 1692. Iss\111 summons returnable ! 9 Apri . . AprIl 21 , 1692. ali gave same to Constable . C. KIng. April 19 . IS9. Summon' ' returned nnlI filed . endorsed as follows : April 18. 16n. H'celvell this vrit . April 18. 1592. Ser\ ,1 iiy delivering a certliled copy of this wri certted n . and delverln thereon to the uvfthhfl- . nampd : defendant In Ionglai count , Ne- braslm. Fees 85e. C. " ' . 1\lng. constable. April Feesi & : r. Nine n. m. 'umo the plaintiffs. Defendll did not appear then or withinII , heur thereafter. 'hereupon Ihl9 cause \ ( ante up for hearing before me cale upon slid iiahntiffs' bill ot partIculars . anti ! plalntts' the evidence. I. . F. Hale WUI duly sworn e\llencH. ot plaintiffs . anti at ; a witness. at request plulntffl. ! winess. . consitierathon whereof I tnc testtNI. consllerton . Etiwards . Is tbut the defendmimit. Albert G. indebted to ald plahntift . C. \ \ ' . Cockrel anti " ' . A. Cor lIre ! I. co-partners. doing bus- tness as Cockrel 118" In the sum of one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents huocred . said plaintIffs' cause of action ( $112.60) ) . upon lald plaintf ! acton herein _ . , _ _ u _ , _ _ _ . , _ _ . . _ . . . . . _ _ . . C t 15 tnererre con"lU" "U ' 'u UlJUUS"U I II by me that the sahl lllalntlffs d9 have and recover from said defendant luhl Hum of one . hundred and twelve anti fifty cents ( $112.50) ) . together with their costs herein (12.rm. . taxed nt $3,40 . ' hanll tlmis 2ist da' . of AprIl . " .lnlss m ) thlf 211t .Ia\ Apri. A. D. , 1892 EDGAH S. B1tADLEY Justice of the Peace. June -I. 1892. Testiett execution and gave same to Constable B. F . Ford. June 2t. 1892. Execution returned wholly unsatisfied. December 15 . 1893. lsu11 alIas execution anti gave same to plaintif JanuarY 13. 1891. Ala9 exccutpn returned and tiled. ' endorsed as folows : December 15. 1893. Hcelved this writ and on this 9th day ot Jlnuary , 1691. . I return the snow imneatisileti. No propert found by which to levy upon. Fees. $ l.iO. CI.HLI Ulon. S W. ALLAN , Constable. The bill ot particulars In the casa was never filed , but the man who wore out a pall at shoes trying to collect too bill from Edwards Is still very much In existence. TALK WITh COCKnEI.L'S ATTOHNEY. Lucien 1' . Hale . al attorney In the Sheele block Is the man who was employed hy Cockrel Bros. to colect the claim against I d\anl . Mr. hale ] was asked 'esterday by a reporter for The Bee : "What was the nature at the claim against Edwards ? " "It was for g3mblng In grin , " replied . hale. : Ir. IIle. . "Aro you sure about that ? " "Tllero Is no question about it . whlltever. The bill . you understanti was made out for cash. That was thus rule and was the truth. It was for money advanced by Cockrel liros. to protect margins for Edwards who was one at their custolners just as they ad- vancellmoney every day to protect deals made by their customers anti just as every other grain dealer advances money to protect the money placed by their customers. " "You are crtaln then " repeated the re- porter "that the bill was for money lost on the Board of Trde ? " , , .at course I , am certain " repl 1 'Ir. hale. "It was for that anll nothing else. ] " Mr. hale then detailed the efforts he had made to collect the bill before the suit was cOmmenced. lie asked Edwards for the 10ner , and Edwards acknowledged the bill . but refused to pay It lale Iude ! \ral trips to the office ot the man who wants to handle the fondue of the city and Board of l'ducation and ua uuablo to get any gducaton wls proml9 at settlement or any satIsfaction whatever. When suit was about to be coin- moncell to collect the amount. lale went to Edwards 1 antI told ] hIm what was going to be < done enl askeJ him It he would confi o I ' judgment. dwards replell that he would not confess Judgnment but would allow judgment to be rendered br default and this was done , < When It came to the knowledge ot the speculative candidate for city treasurer that the story ot his bucket shop operatIons had leaked out he suddenly became Interested In this Inpld claim . The value ot the jldg- meat which coull have been ' diacounteti to 10 cents on the dollar 1 month ago rose rapidly In the option market on.I . \ will not be s < rprlanK to find It token up by the jug- Ilnt debtor at a premtum. a- WU Gurly speskl at the citizens' man leetng at the Colseum Friday ennlni Xo. 'ember 1. - . ' - - - - - .1 ( 'Iii ' ( 'I . tIt 'i'iCKE'I' , Jui,1gts If the 11"tr..t , CourtS gln'lrIJ IC ilC , . . A. N , IriguuMflii , M. It. iI6pei-teii. v. 'VJ ICu'sor. : George , U :111C1" ' ) " . 1 , ' . . tuiit-iit.k . g I el U' IJ 'VI Ii , . h' ) ' . CI'I'\ ' TIGCJI' - : IIJ'.r I Chnrh' I , 11'I\U , CI ) ' 'I'rez.sireri , 'I h 111" Suoitte . CII- Clll.trnlh'ri ( hisIt. ; . iuiiite . Cii ' Cierki CI ) eh'rli , , ' 1111 i S Cuituutit . i'lii'l' . , " .llel i.tt Ih'l"h' ) ' . Co 11 I' t 11.1-1 t-I.I rIO I -v . O. 1IIIrl. I'rllii .J , Ilrli" ' ) ' . . \ h"I.t CI 1 I. . A. I. COI"t.cli. J. l' . Ii'uuui Lhtoutser. I. A . 11 ri" I. . ioIiut 11 h- . A. 'I' ' Itt''tur. . .Jnuiies VuIMlu'iisicI. Ilelh'r" .r I lie 'I".I Innr.1 .J , I , ' . Ilrl" ' " ' I I uuu'u rut 1'111..1 y . . . " ' . . .1 . II. Mci uitusi. . Ftisiuii itht'lu. IL IL 'I'hnll" . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H _ _ _ 10 ca OOC i AMUSEMENTS. J eeccccceOC.CC "Superba" closes its englgement at the Creighton wIth two performances today , the usual matnee being given at 2:30. : One of the ftmnny pieces at surgery In "Slperha" Is that for the relict ot time young lady who has becomno dar on the cycling subject. Pier- rot . time surgeon , opens the top of her ku1l . removes a wheel , en which ho rides oft the stage whie the young lady Is restored to I her senses anti IS t taken away by her friends. "Old Hoss" Wlllm HOEY will be seen In his new comedy , "The Globe Trotter . " lt ) BOYII's theater for two nights , commencing : this evening. The plot ot "The Globe Trolter" Is as follows - lows : Harboto ! B lmscne has planned that his niece , Myra . shall marry Lord Charlng- America with his ford , who Is traveling tn wih unotlter and ts expected daily to arrive at the Brlmst9no Inansion. Iyra Is In love with Bob Hadley. and Is natlrly much grieved at her guardlan's intentions. Along cares A. Cheevcr Steele alias Pall Clifford , on the last lap of his trip arutHI the world dead broke and hot after $ .000. which he mlst hll\e or lose his wager. 'I'ra agrees to give him $2.000 It he wi get her out at her tlif- ficuly , Pall Impersonates Lord Charlngford and many compllcntlons : ensue when the genuine - ulno lord arrives. Clifford. of course , finally , makes his $5.000. getting the $2.000 from : Myra . $1,000 from DrlmstonQ anti $1.000 trom ' U ' 11Sum muanageT ; $500 front Bob , iiadl y , 1 for tuIiimig ! part ot'the plot , anti tile other $600 by auctioning himsel oft . lee ) ' . wlo first appears on the scene In his old chllracter of a tramp , Is taken Into the globe trotter's confidence. shaves and appears first as an old lady who can neiher speak nor talk. anti then as a bogus English lord. Iloey . of course sings "Tho Man " 'ho Broke ) the Bank at Monte Carlo " and also a new . " song , entitled "I Went t Paris Wih Papa. Ito has surrounded hlmselt with In excellent . lent comp.n ) ' , Including rederlc Dryton M. A. Kennedy . . I.ouls DeLange , Burton Clver , H. I ) . Abbey. Mrs. Don Bouclcault ( Louise 'forndle ) . Gerome Edwardy and Ada Alex- andra. Charles A. ( Karl ) Gardner opens a three nights' engagement lt the Crelghton Thurs- clay . October 31. producing his latest success "Tbe Prize " \'inner " which IlrlSentel1 wIth elaborate scenery and a competent commipany Including : troupe of T'rolea singers should succeed In making the same favorable Impression - pression a9 heretofore. One of the greatest novel ) attractions that has been seen In this country and which it' I pleasantl remembered tram Its appearance hero last ) year , will bo at lloyd's theater for three nights commencing Ionday evening nxl I Is Zlegfeld's Trocal1ero Vaudevilles. headed b ) the renowned athlete and strong moan Sandous' The company comprises a refined hot ot new European novelte ! ! . San- dow will he seen In new feats some of wlilch are the most difficult lIe has yet accomplished. Miss Josephine Sabei hanteuse International . tram time Icadln music halls at Lomlon and Pars. : wilt sing alt her popular songs. Kaurmann , the tamou9 bicyclist . wi per- term some wonderful feats on his wheel Thee will \ a special ladles' matinee on 'ednosday , anti as the preEent tour Is announced . nounced as Sandow's farewell . every child to wltne this physIcal should be permitted ! ! wonder. Mr. Mark Tlmall . the representative ot the , Trocadero Vaudeves - , Is In the city. "A Hun on the Bank , " presented ly a company at players. including Ward 'nll "oke . and others well known to local ] play- : anl goers Is underlned for a four night engagement - gagement at the Creighton . commencing wIth a immatinee Sunday. November 3. WUlllm S. 101lplEton speaks at the ell- zln ' lilacs meeting at thuD Colseum Friday evenlag . : oVlmber L . Hayden liros. ' add Is on page 2. . . - ( 'h'l I Si.rviee 1 " "ltlntlnl. I Slxtr.threo applicants for positions In the railway mal service presented themselveE for examinatIon before the government examiner - aminer this morning. The exminaton wi bo a short one arsia1i will be through this afternoon. " \Ve are to bod.two : examinations In each state every year , " said Mr. houston , "anll our six len are emi , the road almost all the tIme. The result -I that 3i.000 sets ot tme. - examinaton papers . are examined for the civil service. The ( average number ot lp' pleants pa931ng may be 50 per cent , tunis gIving the governmtnt about 19.000 appl- canto to select tram. There Is . ot couree . a great chance at not getting imm . but that chance does not seenu to affect the hope- . " tul. warded HonoFs-'Vorld's Fair , Highest - DR , r ' CREAM eANf 'PoDHt Pl .OST PERFECT MADE. A _ pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder Free Crom ( Ammoni3 Alum or any other aduhterant. 40 YEARS TIlE STANDARD S - : IIO'V ' rio GET S''RENG'rII BLOOD GIVES S'1'R1G'I'lI. - lil.lu' ) ' " Fl Her I lie 11".1 nn.I 'i'ake Hit . .I".n.I" lnth'r n'hh' ' \ 'enIu'tus th , ' Su s t'iuu-iIlut ii hut I ( . uiu. ) ' 'I'ruuultii's . , Ite- . ' ' . . iiu Ii'l-iIo " 'I'h. ) MIII ' lie Got ; Ilo Hf , , S Blood Is the ft'olgth of the hotly I 111.0s nesh unc : lusce. I gets nourbhlont front , the stomtth und bowels nnd dlst'lbutes It wliet'e nceded. I . drains away all the WO'I out itmat- EvO'v movement wo mnko wears out some or 'JU' t1SUt3 0' hush , 'Flits wO'n ( ) ant immittcr Is cat'i'Lcti ztvay by the blood. The blued which contnlHI It II poIort- otis because the deud tissue Is poisonous. So It gOes to time khll 's to bo purl- tied . ' .I1hio Idd no , , 's two sllpl ' blood litters. 'rlmey 1to. out the bld matte , ' fl'om the blood und expollt ft'oimi the bed ' . They leave the good muattet' in , The ' blood and builds : pudled goes on hlids up the bed ' . 1ut tlwl'o comes n tmo when time kid- nO\8 don't do theli' dut . . \Vntol' tiltot's nel'd ceaning nol \nd thon. So do blood fiItut' . When ' ' kldno ' os'ct'woi'ked . 'OI' khlneya itro O'el'wO'kod. thor ful. ( sick When they arc sick , they Cliii' t illtot' yotmm' blood I \Ot' . When your blood is not pure , there Is . ne knowing what disease you mlY suItor fro iii. lnllm'cl blood nUI.lB sorl's , Illml11cs , lulut ( 'hit'i4 . ems uses hl'UIIll'II I , 11rdnes8. I nlt'IIII 1 , loss of umbilon t , tlrol1ul8S I In thl 11(011'S full lusle8 , ] ) 1111 : In the jolntH t nHI ulIus'l t't . Jlll 1 . sll\ ' cillil- Illlxlon ) , ( 'IH'esslon ) of tip I ii ts I 11 i I slh \\'l'l I l\owl tlslnsls I lS t . 1III1ntlsl t I , gOlt , 11111111 , chlorosis i 0t ! 1'l'll ? sli'k- . UlSS. htytul h'I'II , Ill' t . 'i'o 'itt-c I hiemut all have 10 (10 hI to 0 l.\e . tll 11 you hl'e Ilel I I you titlooth. . them. 'l'iie kid no ' \s will do it i . YOU wi CU'O You Can euro thcl wih Dr' . Ilobb's ' ' l'ills. SpnlaJls Kidney Pis. lt' . Ilobb's Spl'agl : Indlo ' Pis will also cure such kidney troubles as otc. Bi'lglit's . Disease , Diabetes . Nepliritls . otc.'lh050 kidney troubles ale also caused by iimiput'e : blo l. 1.'I'st [ time kidneys refuse to work , thcn time Impulo blood poions the system , iumd with it the kidneys thombolv03. tIatmy people l'ko the mlstnke of sup. posing the stomach cult purity time blood. I can't. Only time kidneys CI1 do i. 'l'hunt Ie what they arc thol'o ) fOI' So that ' ' "bloo ' " . O'dilnry pU'llold" are a mi. take. A kidney medicine is what should beta tak etm. And then , only . u kidney modicnc that has the 1)'opot. notion 01 the kid ] imoys , such Pis , ns DI' . llobb's Snaz'agus Kldloy Asparagus . Is the only Plant which ha jtmst' time right IccicIII nctol on the kidneys to cnm'o them when o'ct'woz'ked nnd tone them Use that they com- mencc again to ui'ify the blood spa'agls cures the sick Iddnoys and acts hlttttii'ILlly as a gentle tonic aud 10gulutO' I is the Iwlnclpa1 Ingrcc1cnt , made by n spcdlll process , lu Ie' Ilobb'ce . Spur- ages Ki n"v Pills . Ir 1ohl\H I Sit8I'litl1S KIcle ' PIlls Is the t ollr ' i'e mtmt'ti , ' whlh I cOltlllS I I this t l \llal h ' IH'lIHI'l'(1 ) illtiiii'fl ) gims. \1' I . littlulu's , \8PIII18 ) : : Kltlll ' Pills wi Ctlt't' wlll otht'r : 11'ISCI'lptols amid 1IIIlIes wi nut e\11 m'i'lh've. 'I'htt'i' are for sole ] lt till Ih'lglsls fot' GO cents lt'i' ) box ) , O' wi he SPlt lIre- Jlii to nov lllSlm't'5i4 Oil lecllpt of Irht'e. Ynlllbll' I 111111"t I i ] , "A 1"ltll' i I fet You i' I Hlno ! ] . " Illlll : : I free emi Illllst. I I old I'S Mt'dlclile Co" , ChIcago 01 San I"i'anclsco. AS CUSTOMARY HOBB SPARAGUS PILLS wi 10 sold In O.naha by , the Sherman & ) lcConnel Drul ! Co. 1513 Dodge ) street , second door west of I' . o. DOCTOR Searles & Searles fir ll9Si4thSt. , ' - S.o Curt. Ciittirrh . aU .J _ t2 CliNt'S ur the X"Me , Throat ; . ( IM"S th. - 1t ! . Clie'st , Stuituticit . How'I ' - . I Liver Iiythro'eiu , It l.t ; lyorm''I. . . . . ' , ' ! . ' \nrh..I..Slrhtur. ( \ \'II - . ; h. 11'1 t4t'uIiiii3Illucal . SkIll vt.SJt\ $ S . .tiiiti IUIII 'Y 1h'I I' . , ( UI- -rdl . ! ( JI { ! ' " .rrll"l , Snhll lu , : . { r < : : I "I WEAK MEN . , ' \,1 " ; \\J' \ \ : ; I'I I [ } ' 'I ' Al "rh.l. . . BI."I eM " , "i \ ot h'u. ' J "tl \ \ ' BI..I. ; ' ' , L \ ' \ ' 'r'atll'lty lal , COli- r ( \ ' . \ \ . .Haln" rr "C. SPECIALISTS In the trelltllut of all NERYOU3 , CHROXIC and PRIVATE IEA ) ES. Troftnlnt for nil fm'13 ot 1'r 1 \ LE WEAK forI I. . NIS : : . ( al on or ut'dre . wIlt : 8tllJ ) , Dr SC'lrles & Searles 1 \ ; . 1'1 I . l I Ulhl" " . "eb. , , - thlehiatu-'s Enzilsn itutmone tu.nns. rE NNVi ( V 'munf fLr p Orlclnul flnd tt..ij (2rnule . . . . , E. . . " .no tmibm. . UD'U uk . fc j " . ) lunl.1 0. CAIA , . . f.IIA Ill. . iJ:1 : 1' . . . . ' .o"d"d In d aDd auld b..lie ! _ -J loU' . /"d .11 .lh blue rlhLn , 'luke . . , , . . . , , . . , , , . ' . . 5t no ether. 'fuii d..g.o. . t.ltw. . S " . , , , . . . , , , , . . - /o..d ftsuton A' maurit ' . 0' .nd .1. / . . . . , . . . , . , . 10 i.mju fo r.nleul. te.tlmoutsl .u ' " 1Ir . " rup I.ulIt-u. , . , . t . . ' .1.001.1 . ' . , . , " 3mt I. I ( Itlt t rLttnoLt.m , v LL CSup CLIChL.IerCLcinIcalCo.il.'ItLu ! i : ; . .Q/u\ : : . . . , ' 01 b au ,1\.1 , Irou" " . " , .I .1.0..1. . .J I i-i , . _ , - i/ 't- 11 _ _ _ ; i47 ; ( My mama usqd Wool Soap ) tl wlob amIne bad ) I Jf'OOLEATSwiIInotslirInk if IT'OOLEiVSwlnotshrlnk" WOOL SOAP I used In the laundry Wool Soup Isdeilcato and refreituine fobalb Iur- I Wol . ' Iniidelealo ! " . 111. tarot mjuurkaIerI. " ' ' 0 .lcl tl" . and laundr , . Raworthi Schodde 6 Co. , Makers , Chlueo 3CtaUiawi , Uoo.ou. In Lnard St. . No" rorkl' tl Cbellut bt.bL . Luu , , o - a- ' , - . - ' . - ' . . . - - - - . - - " - - " . - . - . ' , We Guarantee ! ! Shoes. - _ . _ _ _ _ _ : , TtlMt 10' Jog ' ' 'e'll ' ( ' ) ( ' . TI JOJ your IIPIII0'1 t'lllll. 'l'liat'i.e ( liiarlhitt'c : shmoe- -hot whie they're fell , IR time cIRlom , hit we gllt'lllle l\'l'I' ' shine we sell 10 W'Ciil' I i'ensOtiitlIi3' , bug tlWj t ; glll'lllll 1JIII t hllll'\'fleloIR , gIH'III'e thlt thmey're 11 Icatiset'- . e'ery ltflt't-gliitritlitt'11 . all 11IIi bin service t'xlle'tcd of I slo , 1111 -I glimirmuustet' that our IH'll'l'R H'O I ow'er hr 2' : li ! cemit. AmI . 10 mtllthls \ ! IIU'11 tees blmmdiiig-4 leW 11:111' : oC shops CI'CO 01' 'Ol. 101 ( ' , ' hmek . IIIIIIII ) wOlkllg shoes , (11'lSR ( styht'l ) , $ t2 : I Ilh'-wlH' 'Ciii , 1111 If Ihl ' ain't Jlsl Ilghl get I 11\\ ' IHh' for liotlsimtg . tlle m i'tile 1IIIIIlH ) ) to I t 11 I I IlulltlR I I I ft'OII tl t lllllll'sl to thp I 1 II nest. Wl hIke to see till $ : .OO ( ) ( ) shol llt'oliht' . A : : .OO ) shoe . : :100 : ( ) here. - 'l'll lll'lg.OC . ; ) sheH I ! of All'lkll eahf-so mire otii' * :10 : ( ( ) aie ! ( ooll 'I'H''l. \ ' 1 OII'R 100. . .111 I whlt t I Ii II ill it I ? col I cc t Ion o I Ihlt I 1 m t : a.n Ihol I'e I IW\I' il I all oU. mmt'ujiimtintutmice ii shils SIW tIme eqtimil-pohmited toes , JIl'11UI tops , wile I tOI , UIII wih IfS I I i , so lIfe hit : vu I 0 I. 1lghl s t fells , iitt-- , (11tll I I I solt's HI1 II'n\ I ' ' sols , solO , : t'oi'k soIl's nll ] sOle of tl t ml t'\s'e4t II\lllol. I I 'l'l Ic lollh ) t I StIlt' , l'xl'111lg t I t fol tl it 1Ifl'I'S a btu t thl'o I I , foui'thi 11tI , whkh mal'I's I au hol Ihsllulel , 110\\ ' 111 ] 'iitt'i' In'lllf. ' . 111' gllltlst . : shoe slll' I I time coumitry-thmmit Is-diti 11 ' ole , ( \ 't't. hea. of 11 , ' suite Illnll ! who wI give I I ' \ \ ' Ilah' If ShOPH for old omit's't. . ( II It I dll'l'I'fll ' . OU. shines are hut th t' Oi a gti :1 : ia ii tee. Wo losl' iiothhmig . lolhll/ w _ . " . & _ - ANHOnD RESTORED j "CUPIENE" , - - "hl'JrcntVlo" , \ ' . : ; - i' ' , ' , , , tioii of . ramou _ . lrlch l'h)6Ielnn , wil qolckl"clro Vlulz'rthelrl' 01 itt-u- . . , olllll'r. . \ \ ' 'ous or dlsflS"R of the gt'li'u-atiu-e trgttitu . uch , , . . > / Iimsonm lila ! . . I'ttlliit In the JlttcI , bemilituih 11. , . I. L.tMllhnol. ' IusonlI..lullsln Jnekl"mlll Iuimtsstttu ' ervoiq 1)rhllity " , J'lmplR , IJuUms' to . lrnrr ) ' , l'xIIU.111 ml"'lnl' Ilrlr".la ) , , , ' Nt.ou. , hI11' . \lrlr".la - COlslualol. It 8tOI ) all Ictssi b3 ' " 1\ ' or ulghL 1.\.ls quirk' ilsq of discharge , which I notrhpr1 ! ) pttiq , toHperuuetttorrfui'a Ilt ( , BE F'R E " "D it Fit R ni khlws the borror.,1 uilary orlla . 4:11'1 : uUtpurllcs UI : U : CS tUe liver . I. UI'IIENJ : .tr'nIIhnqnnl rc.IIpO.lnl weak orln ! . The rrnwn AtO'crN sure Ilot cnell by Jttcturq lu I h/u.e ninety ' per rent . are trotblrl' wi ! ' t.a'tht I S I" , CtJ1'IIEN 110 time otliy known rem"y , to cure wimtiout tuui opi-ratiout. &ss , t'ettipo , , ' " . S Js A written ueualantru given antI money rellrldi "Ix best's dols noL opl.rllu" ' WOOI'nllo [ . lj.O0a , box . 61x fur sam . by mail . Sent ! for luJ&ch'olarlld t.'sllonl,1 cloL l'crlIUhjU . tJa . . , ' . . . . , J'rnAVtH.MEUICJNICO.l'.O.loxO.fanrrolco.Co1 IbStlJ' , En BALE DY GOODMAN DRUG l' . WO Fal BL. Oru" : . 'I- Ingrain Carpets. Our carpet buyer overdid himself In his effort to have all the good new patterns this season. Re- suit is we have too many I ngrails. They arc choice and they are new but to reduce the size of the stock quickly ! this reduction is commenced - menced in Prcs. At one cm the price of 3-ply Cm'pot goes to 750 for n largo 1iO ; : " ' Extra Heavy 'Ycnvo Ingrain omaly.- : : . GSa 'wo-Illy Extra Supes's . only. . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 5io S All 'Yool Ingrain , only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fOe All Wool Ingl'ans : , only. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; . . . 450 Union Juigm'itins , only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . , . . , . 400 1Ilo : ? Cotton nlI 'Vool ( Iimgt'aimis , enl ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :15u : Heavy Double \\Tat'p Lmmgraiiis only. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.io Cotton lngt'ethmms ; only . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . 180 Stall Carpets , Dnmnsk , only. . . . " . . , . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Stah' Ct'lt , Dtnl k. omly. : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . 2'o oil Cloth , lic , 200 , 25o 1\ to. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . .lfo These goods arc all imew . best males Ind will bo sold exactly a8 , quoted above Orchard & WilheltT Carpet COa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ I AFev Advantages Offered by the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Raiway , tbp short line 10 Chlca 1 A clean tn made up and tare from Omaha - 'OU , CIT cHdCCo , , - - - - Baggage checked from residence 10 de811" tioti. meant rain "e.vlce and courteous em ! ployes Entire train Ihhted by electricity , wit h electric reading lamp , In every berth 1"lneal dining car er\lcc In time vest , wih menla .erv ed a la carte or. In other word . order ] wIts you want nnlt pay for what you get. Flyer lea Yea union depot daily lt 6:0 : r. m. , arriving at . . ChIcago lt 9 a. m. City 'JckeL 0111cc. UO1 Flrnlm Blreet. C. B. CABRIER. City Ticket Agent - OWERoa GASli E DIRECT FROM THE TAre JL CHEAPER THA STE1I 10 llohl.'r. No 1111 10 Iiigtii'rr . liES' ! ' IOW mt for Cur tutu Fee.t . Miiis . Ballg UI : ) ' , HUInln ; RoplrturH , Crellerle8 , .c. , OTTO GASOLINE ENS/NEB . S -it - or ' Portable Statonary I to I . . 8 to ao . I' . fend for Cattulogue : . l'rices I. . etc. . d'st'rittutg ' wurk I. tn tie , ton a .hIcaro,24SLsieSt. , THE OTTO GAS EN CINE WORKS .hlearo Olah : ' 3Z1 So 15th St. 3:11.lllt : IlN. . I 'III.AUICI.I'IIA , tA , _ _ _ : - C IOUcDc rD cCq I I 11H And Make Money at It. R H I you only knew it , the trouble fJ I .1 is with your digestion. If that was t I 110 good you would sleep better' . wake I I o better , work better , and make more 0 1i [ money at i How can one "get on" D when the whole systen1s sluggish ? . I- [ ' But people don't realize what is the _ _ trouble , A box of Ripans Tabules makes life worth living I i . At druggists - 'I ' gists . , o : I filpani T tll"l So14 by 4runl,11 or by man . ' . Ir lIme iuiu-e 1 : Ctnll a boa ) II t unt 1' The 1. ! an3 C'hemll11 pl Company. 4u. 10 IPI" ' s. ti . y. n _ to 0 - ± : DDDr1Dr1DorOEtDI ( ' -