Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    . i ' .Iln OMAHA DAILY BEE : 'I'Iit'itHiAY. u"CUttl'i1 ; 17. 194)6. ) r
- - - - - - - - - - -
WORE 1 [ UI ) TIlE SI' ' 17V11111) \ )
, i
Oitltcns' ' Reform Club Hold Rousing
Campaign Meeting ,
- -
. .
VUlullllnll of 'hr CII , . mad for Irnll"
for JIIef UI".I II t Iessler's' :
111111 11t"ur. n 1.lIrlr ( 'r..1
of 1..1.1.
Iessler's hall was : well filled last evening
with members oC the Second Warll CItizens'
neCorm club I'reshlent ] Mu Adler presided
and made the opening IIpeech. lie said that
\ during the two weeks that had intervened
Iinco the club had ) last met nominations had
been made for city and county offices hy the
CItizens' league . and that thee nominations
had : , been endorsed hy the democratic convenis
tion These nominations were or good bual-
ness men "Ne\'er In the history oC Douglas
county has such a set or cotnpetentWand capable
blo men been placed before the voters " said
the speaker "I am lire you are all satllled
'WHh ) this excellent ticket and I am aura
the puhllc generally III well satlsflell. There
a' Is a class that thlll ticket Is nOL acceptable to.
But this class might as well h ! Eatlsfld , with
the nominations male , for they will have to t
116 content with them I think . after the Glh
or November. Let liS put our shoulders to
the wheel , let liS labor togethar honestly
fearlessly and earnestly for the good cause
and we shall ho abundantly rewarded hy see-
Inr the government oC the city and county
In honest hands"
George I' : . I1ertrand was then railed for
and : responded with nn enthusiastic addres s
on the Issues or the campaign ' ; . "It Is not Cor
lIIe to say that the conduct or affairs In Ihe
municipal and county government has been
for tour years most deplorable ; ' he said J.
"You taxpayers are already , well aware oC
that Cact ThIs h the reason why thousand , s !
nr the best citizens oC Douglas ! county have
banded , together ! and subscribed to thIs cit ,
jzens' reform movement. And there ts noelle
olle within the sound or my voice who will 1
gainsay the fact that It was high time ror
the bone and sinew oC this community to take
some action to check these dishonest olllcerA
In ! their wild career "
Mr. Bertran then took up the various can
lhlates for the most Important offices and ex-
IImlned theIr records In speaking or the rc-
IJllhllcan nominee for city treasurer , he saId :
"They have nominated a man rol' this offlee
who has shown hllmelr inrapabte oC handlln
public moneys , a man who has clone hIs level
Jest to cover up the Jeralcatlons committed 1
In the treasurer's office a man who protectl',1 , 1
lIolln and Coulter 10 the best oC his ability
mill did not back down until he was forcer I
to the wall ! by the mayor. "
- Mr. Bertrand then patch his respects to the
rPIJllbllcan nominee for city comptroller
110 sahl : . "They ask liS to promote a man
from the office oC deputy comptroller \ who has
failed to give the slightest aid in the exposure
or the embezzlement or finds he was em-
played , to watch I (10 not say these men are
dishonest hut I. do Ray that they are tncapa-
hie to serve this city as public omcers.
"Who Is this man Scott they would agaIn
place on the bench ? lie Is the man who tour
years ; ago rondo premises concerning the In-
tl'rlty ! with which he would . discharge hlB
JUlllclal duties not u one or which he has
, e pretended to keep. lIe cannot change his
HPOtS. Let a barrister appear before hIm } t
who does not conform to his every whim , anel )
this man , this sky rocket this judicial cy-
alone IC you w111 explodes his volley oC wrath
upon him. I say this man Is a disgrace t to
the bench. A man who Is now grovelling ) !
about In the filthiest politics when he shoal
bl' al Ills post oC duty Is not flt t for the office
or Judge "
. The speaker concluded his vigorous talk
with brief sketches or Messrs Brown , Drexel
Coo and Donne , all of whom he predicted
would be elected by the voters In ! favor o (
good government on November G.
Thomas Flynn made a short but stlrrln ! ;
address In which he saId that he could , not
endorse the men who placed an American
flag on the top oC every school house , and
then took away the very foundation oC the
school by stealing the funds that were to
support It.
After the chairman had appointed a corn
mltteo oC two for each precinct or the ward
to superintend the registration ! or voters In-
tercstl'll In the work at municipal refer
Thc-mas ; Swobo was ; called for and J came to -
. ward Ito told oC his experience In searching
out the wrongs ; oC the treasurer's omc . He
said that at tine beginning the present comp
troller hari assured him that after a three
ough Investigation he firmly believed that
Treasnrer folio was an honest man and that
Jill was satisfied his accounts were correc t .
An examination was then mad . and , the ract
resealed J that no count or the cash dra\\ol' hall
ever been made ; the shortage was tounll
there. The officers hall burrowed J differs
RUIIIS oC money and , had left In place oC the
cash ; slips and personal checks. Investlgatio °
showed that these pcculatlons had J ben 1 In
progress ever since the first montb at the
/ present Jmlntstration. MI' Swohe said that.
fJhoulll ho be elected he should make some
big changes In the methods or the treasurer !
office , and h' was e'luully positive that Guy
It Doane woulll Institute reform In the omce
ot COIIIIJtroller. !
Be sure to register to < 1ay.
. - + - -
1'\n'NUS.U.IS'I' , ' ' ' ' ' ' , .
; S'I'\'I'I 'O\I"NUNXCI. ; : .
Opened nt 1''lrst Chllrt'h Last N""IIIIIA' :
. ' -I ' rugrrtn of 5es " 1a U.
The opening exercises oC the Nebraska
Mate conference oC Universalist churohes took
place last night at the First church Ito' ' .
A. J. Chapin made the opnln Jllress. He [
said the object or tine present meeting was to
bring together pastors and others Interested
tn the church work from all points In the
fJtate. Financial and religious subjects would
bs discussed by several able speakers can-
Ileetell with the church nod a musical pro
gram woulll be rendered at sonic oC the ever -
log sessions. After a cornet solo by J. C.
Garley the sermon at the evening was
preached by He\ g. H. ChapIn of Lincoln
The Collowln program lIas ) ) teen arranged ror f
'hursduy and I.'rllay oC this week :
Thursday 9:30 : a. m. . opening exercises ,
presldeut's address . reports and convent ) a n
business , five minute addresses : 2 p . m. . Sun-
dry school work , addresses by [ True M ' ,
Cline and ) He\ George Crum , elscuslons ;
3:30 : p. m. . aldress , by Hev. W. W. : lerrltt
or Ic-wa. ; address b ) fey. Martha Oarner
Jones oC Kansas ; 8 p.m. , Bermon by Re r.
George Cnln ot Minnesota , communion
. 1.'rlday. 9:30 : a.m. , praise ) service ; 10 a. m. ,
'Mlslonary Work In the West " : lr. W. N.
Decker Hev. Mary Gerard Andrews and nev ,
I9 . 1. Chapin discussions ; 8 P. m. . Young
t l'l'ople's Christian union informal report
Nebraska and other "iloston ' ;
states "loston. 95 ,
by Hev. A. J. Chapin ; Iowa conference Re v
Martha Garner Jones ; addresses J and letter a'
- - - -
AI.IUJJI'I"S 11.1. POl . x'rl.\S.
Chllrj'N for 1'ltlllj out u Fir" n'
the UII' " .
As the hoard J oC health Is a good J deal oC a
nonentity at present , owing to the exhaustion (
of the tumid J. the regular meeting yesterday
, 'a very brier. The report oC Meat inspect tor
Prank for September was approved J and a b ill
oC $11 Cram Pre Albrecht for services at
the . dump lost February was referred to the
city . council. Albrecht wu recently suspend
and consequently 1:0 : brought In a bill for p { :
111c ) len'leel rendered In putting ; out a n rt
III the Jump eight months niP. At that tier ne ,
Albrecht was drawing a regular salary as In-
. I\ctor , but a he claimed J to han worked
. Saturday afternoon smith Sunday on this OCCI- ,
.r shore he puts In 1 charge for the time at $2
, per day. Another Item II $2 for a bay 1110
carried water , and the remainder II for ash , :
amid dirt which hI cblnn he hal to haul to I
lilJalr the < damage - . caured r J by - the are. I I ,
CItt'IN. ( . \ ' ( 'lt. . " .
There wi be a meeting oC the Nlnlh
1Vard Citizens' Reform league this ;
Thursday evening lt 8 o'cloek at the ha II .
.wenty.nlnth and } Farnam All citizens w ho
are In favor oC reorm In our local poltlc
are Invited to attend.
. WILLIA I. IUEISTEAD. l'realdeal
: I s'r IU1'1'1. : : : 11 :1'1' \'J.I II I
1"II"'rlt. ' , ft I..rl.r " ' . .nr.11 I I
' ' ' '
Nut ( 111' 'rhls 1'llr. I
r do .n't make , any difference IC you have
li ved , I In the ells for arty ( yenta . you Cdn't
veto at the coming ( .tecton unl@u your name
Is al the reKlstr.tton list In the voting pre-
rlnlt In whIch you reshfo ,
1.1r year' . registration don't count.
The voters' list I made tip new every year ,
and the old-timer his no advantage over the
lan who has bn here but six months.
There will ho three days for registration
this .
Today Thursday . October 17 , will be
th ! drat reglttraton day
The three days for registration wi be
Thursday October Ii , Friday . October : I.
Saturday NovembEr 2.
I you take advantage oC the first day
you'l have an easy tme oC It. I you walt
until the ' coOI day there will be a crush
and on the third day you are apt to get
lert In the crush with the other lay and
in different people who have neglected to reg-
lter unlit the last day In tile afternoon.
The registration officials will he In the
polling heaths or other places designated ' ;
In the official proclamation Cram 9 o'clocl In
the morning until 9 o'cloc al night on each
registraton day.
Don't0 a clam.
Register early
Register on ThurEla ) , .
ooaaaoaooaaaQaaaotaa OO Q
ccoccccr ec Q . c : " . cc s G'7t
Frank Burs . and John Mason were sent up I
to the county Jail for ten days yesterday '
afternoon by the pollco JUdge for being drunk
and disorderly and having no visible means
oC support. They spent the forenoon working
the commission men at the stock yards for
small change ' ; by lclllug a pitiful story oC hard
luck on a western ranch , all managed to get
about $ t Wih this amount they crossed the
tracks and got drunk. Then they soloed a
disturbance on the streets . JUdge Christ-
mann learned ) how they hUll raised the money
to buy the liquor with and imposed the sentence -
fence mated
i l'III"'lrl'H11111 llnll .
The annual bal oC the polcemen svlll . be
held on the evening or October 2t at Dlunt'e
bath A largo number or tickets have already -
ready been sold , and the policemen expect
to have a great time. Chief Thomas Bren-
nan will be master oC ceremonies Officers
Connell , [ itches , SpoeUel' . Sheehan , 5ful
chy and Tan emlln will act as the moor com
mittee . Captain lcOonough and , OUcer
eters will be at the door , while Oc e r
Corcoran : will leak after the cloak room .
Uonncllmpn Walters , Mles [ , nan and
1lcharrl : will act as a committee or mur .
ran emenh. and Mayor Johnston Council .
men Ilyluud . Frnnek . Iulaly and lulla wil
look after the reception oC the guests.
- - - -
liter ] logs ( nlll lu.
The C\lahy Packing company expects t to
begin lelln hogs for export soon. One eC
the buyers for this concern sold yesterllay
that be rare long the hogs would be solid 1
enongU to dress tar exportation. The other
packing houses wil no doubt follow suit son
Ir the receipts oC hogs keep up. The govern -
meat microscopists have not bud anq work
since ( June. Orders came about October 1
Illst year but the hogs have not been In shape
this Call to pack ror export. Large heavy
solid hogs ore beginning to come In now and
that Is the kind the packers want for the
foreign trade
_ _
; 11A'h' CIt ) ' I ; IIxxI/1 !
E. S. Irownfeld oC Cozall spent ) e9tenlay
In town
Born to Mr . and Mrs . J. W. Sipe a
James Cummins oC Dunbar was In the cat y
yester a )
Friday night the republicans w Ill rally at
lllum's hall .
A rally Is billed Cor Franek's
hall this evening
MI3 Oussle TldJens or Clinton , Ia. , Is the
guest or firs . Schreln .
} Uss JennIe Iamllon of Chicago Is the
guest oC ! rs. Denna Allbery .
The republicans have established headquarters -
ters In room 20. Pioneer block .
piss Kato Illllen and J airs. n. Nichol
have returned from visit with '
a friends at
Sioux Clly . 1a.
The steam radiators . for the nev Iahoney
building arrived yesterday afternoon an < J
will be placed In position at once .
leo Hive [ lodge No 18t. A. F. and A. :1.
expects to move Into Its new lodge rooms In
the Mahoney building about November t.
Mr. MIX Foote and Miss Alma Francis
were married last evening It the home oC
the bride , 626 North Twenty-second street.
The "Dutch band" met last evening to
malee arrangements to serenade Sam ShrlgllY
pod J bride who returned yesterday tram their
wedding trip
Wiiam llooley , colored went home last
nlghl and food several men "rushing the
can" and drinking beer with his wife ThIs
angered Dooley and he pIcked up an axe and
started to break up the furniture In tht
house. The crowd , scattered . and Mrs . Doole )
ran to the police staten and caused her bus
banels arrest Cor disturbing the peac-l ; and
malicious destruction . oC property
Don't Cal to register 5- today .
! , If'I"'U'I'N UIIII ,
Yesterday nferoon the Switchmen' s
union hrnrd from the ' , )
hlnrll reports ways a 11
means and transportnton commitees a 11
IIJollrned because the Inanee commltep
n alimit yet ready to report The whole Ilay
was Fl\.n ; to commlt' , e work and thosp
not on the committees hnd a vncnllan. 1.alt
e\'enlnl they accepted the Invlnton oC Ihe
Council Blurs lodge No G. 10 uteml 1 local
ml.etln The vlRltng delegates report ha tv -
Ing as pleasant a time a as they ever hud.
.NISO : ; , L - 1'.11tAGRA1'IIS.
Mr. n. O. Hall Is a Chicago arrival at
the Barker. .
Mr. and 5lra. \V F. Eaton oC SL Joe are
at the Dullard .
! I. amt ! rs. C. lI. Alexander oC Wayne
are at the Dellone .
: Ir. al11 Mrs . J. F. 1alousch oC Brainard
are Mlar,1 , guests .
Sir. S. N. Nies and suite . Coon Rapid Js.
In . ore Marker guests.
Mr. eel Mrs. W.V. . Wide or San Francisco -
cisco are guests nt the 51111ard .
Mr. and J Mrs. J. J. Chandler Shenandoal r .
la. . are guests at the Dlerchanta .
Mr . A. W. Hcndrlx and wife are registered
at the Barker from Parkton ltd
Mr. n. C. Gifford . mayor oC Welt Point.
amt 516. O. I. Oatlln oC the same city are
stopping at the Barker.
: tr. E. A. Van Dusen , advance represent
live of "The Old Homestead" company . la
rlgtstored lt the Marker . )
lion . Merrl IT. D.1Y. the well known
democratic 1 > Itcan and mIning promoter
of South Dakota , Is at the Paxton
A. 5 1 [ larrls and W. I Plumb has ' e cams
to the city iron lalrik , Nev . with a traIn
load of cattle . They are at the 1'azton.
S'hru"I'IIN lit the luh' '
At the Paxton-C. J. Anderson , John : fl R .
At the 5flllnrd-F. :1 [ " 'alcot. Weeping
water ; I I' . D. foss Crete
At the Dellonr-L. H. Drummer . Te\lpn ; . 1 .
\V . i'erry Orl ; Mrs . I'mla : Barker York :
A. . \Inlil. laltln s ; J. K Jenklna . Schu-
Ipl' ; J. E. 1lanlsh O'Nei ; H. D. Apgar , P.
p , Ware ' ' : t. Bishop . } . D. PII Olrro\\ ,
Nebraska Oly ; e. A. :11\'lle. Dodge ; 1'
N. Prout 1IeaU Ice . !
At the MprchantsP. . Tyler , Sterlln/ ;
J. M. erulkshank , - . G. 8. Cunnlnlhnm ,
North Mend : gt A. Frv , Niobrara' I. . ( ' .
W.her W. J. Crane . 1' . Mpnkln , Arhnglo n ;
1 I : . I. . ( 'IIVlanl Ansle ; N. I. . ' .rlngton 1 .
Iturrawx , Norrolk ; Ir. ) . : I. UobhlnH..Onl 1 ; :
Wiiam Gilding ! Wt npr ; George n. [ Me-
Coy Osceola ; I. . C. Pulhand J. M. Stan o .
Nehuwka .
At the Arcade-C. D. Tom , Grand islant . i :
. . , iI , Uemman C. : I lllnlall. YulllrnlHD ;
J. 1. JaKel' . Geneva C. A. Newman C Jlum _
bus ; J. 1. lo.enre , t. Cambridge ; John 1II 1 II-
Thcmaa . I.yon. : J. It. Brnokx York ; J. t 1. .
IIIRghrs . D.Wit : J n. R'hltG C. Dr ' Iimw n .
Aurora ; 'unnle llnvlx. Iawncp : I ale Ilue r-
tette . Te'cumseh' 11' . I : . \ ' ' luel'-
, lettC. 'rL'UI : 1Vorlcy , Pa
Gpblla Drock' J. O. pcClaln . l.ul\.1e Iuul : .
McKQ'le , l'ulrleld ; S. . - Iuhrmnn - . Schuyle a
Don't tall to register today ,
} ' .E.O.IS ; OF t A 1 mlCA IN SESSI ;
Opening of the Notional l Sistcrhoo Convention .
vcnton Yesterday ,
1Iler I mI fort lt . Ih r 1.IIIIII'r . \rt (111.
\'r ) . ' Lust g"'IIIII-II.tUI :
'l'ntlr-Delegmates '
In piss Ida Palmer's response to the address -
dress oC welcome hy Irs. Wiiam Louden
was given the keynote oC ! the convention of
1. E. O.S which ) opened at Myrtle hal ! yesterday -
day morning She said that the organization
had been In exlslence Cor twenty-five years .
ha IOOO lemhera ali should have 25,00 ouch
h3 In every state In the unlau . In regard to
what should he done with the hods . she
suggested that the value oC the lodge II
furthering the battle oC womanhoo ror
grandeur oC character would be great . cn-
} tariced by aPiroprlatln all the funds ror
some great charitable work
Irs. Loude'I's address Was \g:1y : charactel'-
latle I or OUIII ho@plalty , and voIced time
Ceelngs or al , and epeclaly or the members
oC the Omaha lodge The opening devotional
exerche3 were led by Irs. Durland.
The commitees appointed were : Finance ,
Mra . Mclr.nry ; auditing , Mrs. Spiman : hy-
laws lrs. Whlney.
The greater part or yesterday aCternoon's
session was given tlJ t to reports oC the seti -
rotary and treasurer The treasurer shoved
I the elstence or thlrteel chapters with 260
I , members In the rte or Nebraska Iowa has
Corty-se\'en chapters with 1,432 memb r.
The treasurer's report showell a balance or
$ ! HS. A letter rrom titre . Martina ( Winans
one oC the most Influental ouch earnest wcrk-
era or Los Angeles was road endorsing the
suggestion oC Miss Ida Palmer that the funds
bo used . In building and supporting some benevolent -
nevolent Instltutian . and the sentiment seems
to be generl.
The reception given the guests and mem-
bers of the society hy ! r. O. W. Llninger at
his art gallery last evening was much en-
Mrs . Robert T. Lincoln Is a P. E. 0. and
organized ! the nest lodge \Vasidngton . D. C.
Already there Is some tall of the coming
election oC officers Aside from the pr st-
danQ lrs. Briggs , ! [ rs. Bryant or Omaha
Is one oC the most IJromlnent clll < Jates. She
has been a member oC the 1. E. O. since
1889. The state grand chapter and the
Omaha chapter organlzell at her home In
this city Fur two years she has been president -
dent oC the state chnptcr ouch also president
or thc Omaha chapter mud has filled man y
other omces. )
Mrs . Spiman oC Iowa Is another prominent
candidate , ouch tram the following each or
them has there Is no doubt that there will
be unusual Interest In the selection oC oC-
IcErs. . "
Don't Call to register tOla ' .
IN TIl } 'HS'IHIC'r 'ol'nT.
Gus ; Ju'ohNo" SIIJ fur ' : : nnn tor
tbi' 1.0" " ot nirl. .
In the opinion or Gus Jacobson one oC hIs
forearms tram a point Just below the elbow
Is worth $25.0G. At any rate he Is suIng G.
I. lammon & Co and Thomas Sword ror
that amount on account oC the loss or a fore
arm while In the employ oC the defeudan t
On December H , 1892 , Jacobson alleges
that he was In the employ or the lammond [
company al South Omaha. 10 was employed
to pull pieces or pork Cram under the cleaver
of a "clea\'er man. " 'Vhlle he was puliw g
out ono oC the pieces oC pork the clever
trucle one oC his fingers and J cut It off. The
accident was largely due , Jacobson avers . t to
the fact that the "cleaver nnn" was utterly )
Incompetent and from the further fact that
the company through Ira fornan Sword . hurrIed -
tied the employes too much. After the finger
was cut off Jacobson says that the company
sent I physician to attend to It. Jacobson
thinks that the physician was not much used
to treating human beings. At any rate hc
say that blood poIsoning set In end It was
found necessary to amputate his forearm
To notch Court nt " " 1111011.
Judge Ambrose will go thIs morning to
Holt county to conaller an Injuncton case.
There Is a scheme on fool In 10it county
tD divide the county In two. A propositon )
to that effect was to have been brought before
the voters and J the Injunction was brought
to prevent It. An Invitation was extender )
to three oC the Judges or this dlatrict Iey-
soy . Dunne and Arnbrosc . to hear the case.
Judge Ambrose will probably not hold court
In this city Cor several weeks to come. The
Injuncton case Is expected to last the rest
or the week. On Monday Judge Ambrose wil
FO ; to I'aplllion to begin the McCarty trlah
There are a number oC other cases on the
docket or Sarpy county .
- - - -
1.'I"lu'NO" ' 'UN Not S"UNft' ' .
Duncan Flnlason has begun suit against
the Union Insurance company to recover $24 :
Insurance 10 was a put owner of a bull < J-
! mug which burned down II 189t. His Interest
In the bulldln was mortgaged to Martina
Conk but on account of that fact he will not
admit that he retained J no Interest ! In the
building. When the building hurned < down
however . the company paid the claim to
Martha Cook amid positively refused to pay
him his share oC the Insurance . which ht
claims amounted to the sum he Is suing for .
SU\IA' for False in.prisntunrnt.
A suit far $5.000 damages for also Imprisonment -
prisonment Is being tried beroro Judge 1101)0-
well. The suit II a result oC a neighborhood
quarrel between James al. Payne the plaln-
tiff . and Adolph Slefldn . the defendant. On
April G , 1893 , Payne was arrested on a war-
rant sworn out In a Justce court by Slelkln
Sierkin claimed that Pane had threatenPI
to beat his children to death with a clnh
and had. him arrested for tear thai he would
murder them Tine case came up Cor trial
In due course oC time and Payne was
tme I'aYle acquitted -
quitted .
UI'r..t ' Court Nnh' " ,
Farrell & Co have begun Butt In the county
court against the Midway Investment company -
pony tar $21)0.65 ) tor goods Jelhere
The defendant In the case oC the Omaha
hewing associaton against Becker Derbwel'
hos moved Cor a new trial The brewing association -
sociation sued ror $3,47 on a note and J soon
The D. Webster King Glue company Is
snlng tie World Publishing company In JUdge
Koysor's court Cor $140.21 for goods delivered .
The plaintiffs received a verdict In the county
A. J. lanscom has filed a aunt Cor the tore
closure at a mortgage on the residence at N.
D. I.'alconr.r. The mortgage was given to !
cure notes which aggregate In the nelghbar
head . or ' 1,000.
In the case of William E. Ilaley against
the estate oC Calherlne Tesler the plaintiff
han asked Cor a new trial The case was recently -
centy decided for the deCend nt. The suit
was brought to recover $7,000 attorney Cees.
Judge Baxter yesterday rendered a jUdg-
mont Cor $ G47 agalnsl Eliza . George I. and
John L. Eastman In the atachment suit
brought against them by J. T. gdllng & Co
A' motion to set aside the attachment was
I. F. Mallam has flied an amended pe
ttan In the suit which he has brought
against C. 1' . and F. Weymuller and C.
Ilarde. lie Is seeking to recover $37. the
balance on an account for moving a house
and for attorney's Ices
Yesterday afternoon Frank Gallagher and
rank I Kelpln were being trIed In the criminal
court for 18saullng Thomas Gallagher wltb
Intent to do great bodily ' injury They are
alleged to have been the partners oC the Petty
boys who were irled Cor the same assault
several Jays ago. assaul
James S. Cameron la .uing the Peae Plana
company briers Judge Fergun to recover
$649 commision Cor slllnK pIanos Cor the lIe-
fcadant company while he was Its exclusive
agent. The comp3Iy not only denies the
claim but puts In a counter claim against
CunMon : ror ' 358.:5.
rank Patterson . a negro , was aC'lultid oC
burglary yesterday aterncon by a Jury I'at
rlaremt was charge,1 , .Ith entering the real
thence oC ex-Coulclman McAndrews on the
night oC July 4. Ills alleged . partner In the
deed J. another negro named J Wman Saunders .
pleaded guilty to tLe charge oC burglar .
- - _
- 3
- a -
t'l'lilGJt : lllr 1 l , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . -d _ _ _ _ _ . .
Dep't Depart111ettt
.16-lit Illnelt l Stet ' tnt Scr o-
Mj-It nn SIOI'1 E N 0 R M 0 U S
heavy : Mntlnssc Sllks-
\I wool goods , Morse , s Ilrl" : lo:1 Ilntnc Slk
't 1L1NCfjPl'T [ 8.\1.1 3 3 C . \Plortp' enlnrt . elegant Ih'-
J 11(1 [ , Att"tl ( 'L\H\ ) . . . III/nl for rOI' . a ; ; h' ! / ' goods
5.-ln Ser ; , . Ilrgnl.111 Ilfcl lllty. Cnnlcl's { \ I , turn . ! l NOW c linlr- 98C I 8 A N K I R 1 U P T S A / L [ E "Olt I.NI $6.00 ( \ : AI ( PI' ' ' ) \'fnl ) . , \'j . ! . ) . PtIICIi1' Irneati . . . . ) 'J" n }
ONI.Y ( AHI , . . . . . . . . . . , - - Cltlfton1-
1lorlo' " , . 2'.0 : nunllty , - " - In stripes and pnht ! , , evening I
. . flalt NO\ ; $ t . 15 "trhlel .thl
0'.1. ( \I'OJ" . . . . . . . . . 0 . , "hallel handsome inno.m ' : ,
36-ln OF THE Morse s prlro H.W and $ l.2A
- Colored Dress Hoods- . lor'I1 Ilrlio Illt S\2
Colur.U Coed RANIlu'PT SAi.i : P1t11'I : ! 4 9C
New novelty toasts nil wo,11 ONI.YAnDI. . Ile'I'
novtI ft'l'ts ( \AnDI. . . . . . .
fabric e1 + guni rlch
nnd . el"lllt CJ , orll rih s . Ile8lg11 S P MORSE DRY GOODS CO Stl'lpcd _ \.I\ti-
e'ol.le. of the tight IJrlcld far I. Ouly 15 ' ,
o , . , 1 I.1Cc' " In the lot lle I
. . I' \1Cc'
plgn . . proJI.lnn' . ru" r goods , "v.'r ' branch , ' . ;
, - " IMnt )
, ' " ' , . gooII rtnch )
1 rh'e 7c itdNRl'PT . 4 .
FAi f' t ' \\\Fb \ \ ; ; ) SALF. : : , I : : 9 c Come early 1 1 i ordcr to get the choice stntile i. 1 j . . , . . colors 1 IA.NI 1 toff . 10I"/ t htLhB C
; 1111"r
A hil lot ot Dress oods- of the assortment l ! H b ONI"IAm ( ) ) . . . .
Tn close nut "lnNlhlh \ M All Ali Silk Itinire-
lknxmco l Al SII
Wnol and Silk Wool 1'Inids
8AI.I. novelple amt Slopes : lHlel' I.rr vlrd. Sik ; 111. ONrYAI . \or : . \.1101' I"1 ( , nr49' and ; ! J . ) I 0 : : : I..Sc : N C c : : 0 : : r SAI.g Good I nllk rh'e . relnhle shaddes IHCI $12. . : w.t'rlltl..1 0:1.1 n.hs ! ( I :101'41 Htl'T pure ) 5 9 C
Under wear h I Corset Waists Trlmiziln
1 LItet . \1 the best makes both . but . rl11111111tg
I tun mind clasp fronis . al ) colors - b
JDe p fir tment Depart11el1 t. DNI.Ynml ors and . sizes $1.25 . : , , : . Mnrle' OUIt , , , . . . ! ! : , rrh'r . , , , , , 69 } e1 aa t lent
. . . I Wnlst Corsets
Children's Wool Vests Iolg Three lots to hr clo ed out
Chldrcn Vcts. Qalitei Tlr'o leclnl lotl hI clm.(1 olt
Qllts "Tho TulloI' Madr . " gnoll Thursday . comsisthtg or l'crshut Braids .
Thllr".ll lnl
. . clmlltlll ler
Ant Punts . amoral rioI' Large size lrrhpt Quills ' lulltr ) arch I Inll' ' goods . . . HI ! 1'nesententerirs . ! ! . Spangled nod Ir-
goad . worm and durubie ! . 111 : mot-n'o'm price $1.5 , Qllll'7 5 C nurses ! , . goo.I. rhlescent Nnvelllt's . )
s price 75e 37 " Jeweled mid Pearl
Wlrl Ind Iol.e' . . OUR
Ilulhe C "
sizes I . . . ' , one . ' J th guniR . I'IUCL ! ( I'11) ) . $12 . . : . . . OITI . . I'1tl'I" : UNLY . . . . . . . . . . . Dress 'lllllog. Nn\lh Jp\ ted early . the ) '
BANiRi 11' BAI.g PH ' I ' : 25 C ' Ill trot t last I to I g .
( w
1. : a a. t long these prices
; mil t Ip"e
' lt
ONLY ( E.\CIt . . . . . . . . . . Extra ' slzo . Helv ) Qulltx ' 'In III t III Cl.
Ior'gJrlc. ' $1.4 . QUII'95 C .
, price \ Lot t.
PHICI' ! : ( bACH ) . . . : . . . . . . Iot '
Lndics' Scotch LOT l-lorle'l Irlcc 75n' to
Lntlos' Wool Vests 1.llgl 11 Mnt ' sellles Quilts . L ace $ L25 UUIt l'mCI' : UNLY2 C
llorse'x ! 111'"pllh'l . . Quit ! 1 3n $12OUI \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Regular I mode ' I . Imported I I lol''e'lJlll \ $ - 0 OI'H nA ( t1) ) . . . . . . . . . , . .
ell Ipole. .I'ltl''I' .s.
, : . . ' ' ' . .
. . 'I' I' I \ .
goods whlh' . only . 31 ! . . L. ( \11) ) . . . . . . . .
. ' vi1P'1' ! . onl' . : qunllt.7 : C Lot '
I.'NI . ) ( hAul 8.\JI . . . . lllI' . . . . lcnchcd Dnnfnsl ( epartmet1 t 1.07' 2- \ lorsl" ' pl'lre $1.25 to
Dnlnsl - $ ; ' .cA . OU ! t PI ill. 'E . t05 Oc
Ladles' Inches wide . nil pure linen ' ( S2.C. YAlD nll . . . lllCg . . . . . . . . . . .
Lnlios' Divided Skirts tine goods . lol'"e' Ih1n'55 C
/00 : !
Ot'l [ / [ ltlel : ONLY ( YARD ) Pillow Cnso Laces lot 'J .
, . ( ONI.\
'ntural wool , plant , n10
orso's pric:2.50 , , 100.11 , : \Vhlle 1 , 4 to 8 111Ch1'a I wide , 1.0' 3-lore' price $2.0 to , .
HpI > T 9A1.15 l'RII'1 b QNLY ( 70-1 Ia Sttltt I Damask ; ttretty' designst : > . 1 ; 0 Ol'lt I'ltl'I" : 0" ( . t07 5 C
( IACI : ) SAI.l . . . 11.1 . . . . . . . ' . 1.00 - . t ln01 Ilrlty :1 rf'1 drlllns 10. . .0UI 4c ( ) AID ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J'pInnt tine Hood . ( ternan lHICg ONI.\ ( \\ID ) . . . . . . . . . " .
make . soft and ( durable . i3aulcd I lirmntdiucs (
Ladies r Fast Illnck Cotton Hose 1Ior" " ' ' , price ' 12. OU1t75C f.I orChsLle ! , 1Fj t'0)OUI Bc F0egant ! goods , desirable mind
- Ilnck CotOt IHIl'r . " AitO . ONLY. , . . . I } ( , O . , . ( . \ t'0) ) . . . . It gp/nnt .Ih. pretty . patern !
Regular made double . llorse'a trice ; $3,50 . OUR
{ Wlc- }
heels and foes Mon\ 't pore . I'RiCE ! ONLY nAnD ( . , , . , , , 1 50
\ IJI )
fie . BArhII" ! ' ' S.i1d712 ) lC " r\nt E ( curial I t Lncoy nCE 1) . . .
lHCI . ONLY ( PAm ) . . . . 2 Corset megant goods , width 3 to 15
Lndics' bast 1ICI . ( Wool . Iioso De PHCI imeltea Diorse's : : ONi.Y Nice . . 3c . . : . . . OUR . . . . i4JC Glove
price Plain 35 .c. and BAN . , ( \.I. , . . , I Morse's ' SALT : 2C ep a rtmet t I 5fursr's + . OGLY , , , , ' 2.0 , OUR 31
HIg ONL . ) "lt,1 ( ( ) . . . . . C I orf.prir . . . . . . . . . . l7C
- De artl
$1,25 Corsets . epar ent
New Loco Collnt's
Including staple , relable Lnc. Colal's
1LHandkerchef - fo HIb makes eloxe : . them mull ONLt co IorI lt . . . . quick . . and . . . , . size oun . . . . 8 3C I , In 1IUrdo , lllnt . . . and lace . . . . square . . prices . . . . ettccts , . . each . . . . . 8 9 C RIOCk A . , . bll Woolen tot warn lttOIS . . goads .
- 51 I nr.r " price wax Cue mid 750
11ANIUlI'l'1' SALE 1'RICI':23C :
Department ' IANI RI'I' ( I ) SAI.J . . . . , . . , . . . . C
Small W are Suede and tiltccc ( lilos'es :
Pine goods . real ) lid , I amid i-
Denartment honk also 4.lllltJ. mill colors
Lndics ' Jnp . Silk Nnntcrclllcfs C - _ and tlzll U.GO nnll $1.75 gouda .
Indlcs' SII Inu1'crchlcf BANICRi ' Ier SAI.J < . 8 8
All pure etHIc , initial corners , Stoclcnetc Dress Shlellt Mnrse'1 Morse's price 25e. OfT ; : ; PItICE..17c ONi.Y ( t'Ailt . , . . . . . . IICI , , . , . C
Morse's ' pdre. 3' c , corlrQ 11 C 15e. OUR lnICE. . . . . . ) . . . . . Bc r. yard ar > eel 25. err lHICE..17c , ONI.'Alt . ) . . . .
1'R1CE ONLY : \ > . . , , . . Assorted Hairlns , In hugs . 5lurae's Mor e'H Ge , : Cotln . , . . TI'etotltlSe ( .Io\'cs
1IUCI' ( \Cl ) . . . AssartII lalrnlns Murl's e'HlrlC" OlHt ( : : . . Je OISSI \
( price lOc oun IIICI . . . . . . . . . . 5e Hooks and I . ) 'ps , block or whlto.
UlbreaJah : \ e I\Ubb'I' ] . C"mb . Iorso's. aiorao's price 3c . OUIt ' h. , . . In 8-lnch suede , vnlng
Cochlea' Linen } " . ; ( 'I. . . . , . . : . , . . , , . : 3e. OUI I'IUCI : " , Ic abodes and BtlN.t colors ,
Ol , ,
Ladl.s Lnch IatldkCPChlCtB price i. I TnblRIctn . . . . . 7e 5 -lool < Corset Ci , PHI.I' 6hlllo. llorl ono
Jnulkcrcltcts ,
Initial I cors. . Ruled \rltlng Tablet1. Pat s.heets. . ll7c . oun , ( C1191J . . . , . MIr's , . price . . . or the best bmol" 11Jrtpr , '
cor tine 10 "hPt" .e. . . . . . . .30 . "
s. e goodx . \
Morse's ! rice I. _ , OUR ' Morse's prlco ] Sc , JUIt . PRICE . . . 7e Stewurte lRIC8. Threal I , ' hlor.s0. ' $2.00 . uall' , . RANLRUPTit 7
- , c 9c , , St-WI.t'S 'Mortc's . ' ON'I
' C IIPI' . (
, ; , 'C Raae su . " . . . , S l.lrIIHIJi. ON1.5
totters lad PAIH
HICb : O. i 1.1 , ( hAC I ) . . . . . Hale ' . hack and ss'hlte1 and ' chl- prllI e , OUR IIICI . . . . . . . , , . „ 3e y )
' lnlCI drln'R. . . . . . . . whie. . . . . ; lorse'H . . . . . . prlco . 9' Ipst . Plns OUR toll PHII. count : . . MO'se's . . . . , . . 1trice ; . . . 10 Hcyulcr 2 Clo\ ' '
C cut' s Inltlnl HOhdkcrchlcts Envelopes finest linen 1\11C \ . ) parse's Illnck Pins ( ' , Morso's prIce W dozen I In the lot . brolcen
pa ors )
Pure IlnOn ibis goods . " price 2sc . OUR PHle i , , . . . . : ' . . . . . 9 lace „ OUI PIn. PHICI t . . . . . . . . . . . , . 4c 'I zel. good colors . one "rleen the
PRICE . Pur : ONLY price (1 ( EACI lue , ! ) . OUR . . . , 19 Fancy Corallne 250 . 01)11 glass Dress PRICE. Atomizers Stays . . . . \orRe'B . ( . 1'1 . . . . doers . price . .13 ) , Wire oun Dress P1tlCE Stays . . , . Morn'.t . . . ' . . price . . . . . IOe . : le l Best r . $ H . ( .rMJ F'.11fq : ' T qutQitlra ) SALE . . . . . IHCN . mnilrt . . . 1.37
60 Cotton Flannel . 12ioOutng Flannel , IDe Cretonne Calico , 12c DressCin hams 150 Crinkle Gin 'ms
Milrcmtrants ) , 2to to yards LllKe tlKlre ! twilled Large variety striposchccks
Mil )
Tluirsdll ! Lrlc : ! clecks Ll ht and rhodium colors
l. ay , In cnch , dark or light colors , bevy lee : ' . and plaId , LIKlt fld ledllm
Only 31C TltursdaY , onY Thursday Thursday , Thursday ,
2 6c only 6/c yard only 6 1 , c yard only 4c yard
. , .
' -
' - - - -
, - " . -
The great laughing success , "CharleY'3
Aunt " will be the attraction at the CreIgh-
ton for three nights , commencing with this
o'enlng's portoruance The story oC the play
hinges upon the adventures oC two OxCord
men who Cal In ! love. The objects or the af-
rectlons oC these two young English g0nlle-
men are on the eve or leaving for Scotland .
They west declare themselves on the moment
or never. In the nick at time , a wealthy
and wl < Jower aunt oC one or lineal announces
her aplJrouchln arrival In London from her
vast estates In Ilrazih She wi be there that
< day [ lore's an opportunity for asking the
girls to a luncheon In the elegant roms at
Jack Chesney one of the swains. The aunt
will arrive In time to chaperone the affair.
. The girls accept the Invitations and shortly
appear but the aunt does not . east notice
son comes that her arrival has been unavotd ! J-
ably datnyed Dleanwhlie , Lord ancourt
Oabberly a wealthy and waggish ; young col-
legion has been asked to the luncheon as a
makeshift to entertain the aunt whie the
lovers do their lovIng. Babherly Is on the
owe oC goIng to amateur theatricals where
ho Is to personate a mal < Jen lady or advanced ,
years In the Inventvcness of desperation II
Is decided that Dabberly must Impersonate
the aunt who has arrived On this persona-
tion hinges the whole fun oC the play.
"A Texas Steer " Charles H. Hoyt's satire
on American poltcs and life In Wasbln ton ,
comes to Bod's theater for three nights
commmcng ! Sunday evening next.
! I. Tim Murphy who created the part oC
Don . Maverick Brander congressman from
Texas Is with the company this 'e3. and
whit a well selected company Insures an enjoyable -
joyable IJerrOrmance of this generally conceded -
ceded heat oC Charles H. Hoyt's plays The
sale or seats will open Saturday morning at 9
MI' . g. A. Van Dusen , advance representa-
tve at Denman Thompson's "Old J Heme-
stea , ' " company , which comes 10 Doy 'a the-
Iter Wednesday anti Thursday oC next week
arrived In the city yesterday.
The attraction at Boyd's theater for Friday
and Saturday nights of next week will be
De Wolf Hopper and his merry company inline
the comIc opera , "Dr. , Syntax. "
- - - - -
Don't fall to regIster . today
: lnrrllA' " i.It'1 . rlxex.
The following marriage licenses were Is-
sued yesterday :
Name and . Address , Age .
Alexander " ' . Crack , Minneapolis. . . . . . 40 ,
Mil ) M. Sherwool : Uen\r. . . . . . . . . 3t
Fred F : . Cockrell SOllh Omaha. . . . . . . . 21
Alela , Woodward ' J. > South Omaha. . . . . . . 21
John H. Lucas Sarp county . . . . . . . . 6t '
l.uceUa A. Sours , SarlY count ) . . . . . . 5 4G
1'lwln ' H. Morgan , Omaha . . . . . . . . . 26
Kitte E. : Ogburn ; Omaha . . . . . . . . . . 19
James Adam . Omlltf : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Deborah J. : reAllll , South Omaha . . . . 2
Hans e. Anderson Omaha . . . . . . . . . . 30
Marie P. Clark , . Omha. _ . . . . . . . . . . . :
James story . Sioux City. . . . . . . . . . . . . rt t
tM. Fmma Mlller Sioux City . . . . . . . 43
Max Foote South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Alma Francis . 8out",9muha. , . . . . . . . . 21
01or p ' 'holpson. ( Jruaha. , . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Mae Updyke Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Louts Baron , Sioux Glty' _ . . . . . . . . . . . 2&
I.ellh Cahn Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
\\'fillnm C. llaney lpatrlce. . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.lllan J . Proctor Waterloo . . . . . . . . . . 2t
John I.amI1rlcht. Beemer . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Annie \Vaagh . Deemer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 ,
lnNN tnI "lu"rNI UUlhf'r" . " I
The Young Men'mt Christian associaton ,
begins this evening a class for the study o nf I
Chrletlanlly . I ! t Is for men who are meetng
with dlmeuttiCs In uecepting the Chrislla n
faith and thole neceptn consider them
seh'cs skeptics . agnostics 01 free thinker
will be welcome Dr. 1)111 was In the
midst of the tree thought ot I'ngali : : whit e
he was pastor of one at the Iradlng . "angel.
teal churches there and Is '
Ind a fair and thor
ough student. le will conduct time class t n
the conversational manner and will consider
any dltcultlfs which are presented to him
through the let.,1 ( six . The general Illan
oC the cuBs as tal"ns outlined I. to consIder -
. outlm'
alder the authority and interpretation or
the scriptures the destiny oC man and the !
work oC redenipt/on. / I will meat on Thurs
day evening at 8 O'cock ,
Opening of Grand Lodge and Rebekah State
Assembly ,
lh'I.nh. Iteftmse tt Urn" , the 1.lnt.
0" . 11IJnrr..1 AppllcauIs-1'ro-
' .e.III" " Y"Nf'rtnytlcr.oun
l"t 1 "t'nllA' .
The grand lodge Independent Order of Odd
I elows or Nebraska met In annual session
) yesterday morning In Odd J J Fellows' hall. The
morning was consumed In conferring the
grand lodge degree on over 100 past 'grands ,
In considering grand omcers' reports and J
In exemplifying the unwritten work
The secretary's report showed 201 I work-
Ing lodges In the state with a membership
In good standing JUly 1 of 9,390. There are
seventy-rour lodges oC the Daughters oC Ho-
belmh In the jurisdicton with a membership
of 3,9i. Though there was not a great In-
crease In membrfhlp shown the report of
the secretary was highly dtlsractory.
Tate afternoon session was given over al-
most totally to consIderIng the reports oC
conmrnlttees the Judiciary report alone causIng -
lag contnued dlecuesion
I.ast night nt Creighton hal Omaha and
South Omaha lodge teams conferred Iho tour :
degrees oC the order .
UBI'I'Bns , 01" iUIIR1CAll .
1'rmu'eedhmirs ot the S'nt" . \ '
.ru..III ! " \N""hl-
. \III.ullltl'nt ot Comnmlttee . '
The state meetng of the Daughters of
Iebelmh was enlivened yesterday afternoon
when the question was put to timid out time
sentiment oC the delegates In regard to the
order promulgated a year ago by the supreme
lodge admitting unmarried women over 18
years or age not relatives oC Odd Fellows to
memb rhlp. The order orIginating In the
supreme governing body was the law , but
some lodgco have Ignore I. The resolution
favoring the order was carried by a small
majorlty. The older member anti olde r
lodges were opposed J to It. I was favored by
tine younger lodges
Secretary Cora M. Beel's report elicited
much praise because oC its completeness and
as a showing oC god work < done
President 11. L Hoagland's address was
devoted cidefly to the consideration oC the
action oC cerlaln lodges In resisting orders oC
The membership In Nebraska Is 3.95 In
seventy-five lodges .
Last evening the delegates attended } Ruth
Hp\ellh lodge ) No 1 to witness the secret
work In the Initation or a can < Jl < Jate , This
was the oral time a can < Jllute was ever In-
It'ted before the Rrand lodge In Nebraska
At 9 o'clock this morning the delegate
will listen to a report Cram the sovereign
grand J loge by Grand Secretnry Wier oC t
Appointive om : ers and committees were
named a follows : .
Appointive Omcers-Warlen. Jennie A.
Bright ; conductor . Chem Hoog ; chaplain
Lucy J. forger ; Inside guard J. Wllbrow ; out
side guard . Emily Cheney. H
( < Jental CommltteAlberta Utley .
Maggie Allen . Nellie Redford . Eva Dckerson , :
Sarah Richmond .
lo'lnancial CcmmlteoMnry C. Sperry .
Susl9 mink. I' . Cole Luis Welgga J. Augusta Dhn .
Dla rlb"lon CO'mtecMrs. ! Llvesey . : lg-
gle Robert I . Llzzlo Lent Nellie Smith Jennie !
LegfslntlonSadie5'right ! . Mary Finaton
Grace Haler , : lrlnr West , Mra . Uran. :
H turn _ lf. POWErl , Llip Chowln" Nel-
le 10well. ! Hoe Stevens C. C. Hobin
: llesglgmma Talbst Belle Bolshaw , E\'a
5l0rzh0u . Kato Williams . Ella : . \o.ldell. .
Memorlal-Catherlh Bellamy . Anna Mar
shall . 1.lbble Bunt . Dora 1.1 Sturgeon , Mary
state oC Order.\med Hooe , Berth
Ieterlon. D3kr. Lldn Seldoa . Mary J. Slllen . Emma
' - , '
Shades for Windows
WB WAX'I' YOU TO 'l'IDiIvOI" " us when you think or Shade ,
for this II n purt of our business . and al's t larger part thnn yet
might unlink . You wi tied In our . Hloek the . cheap Klehun Shades
ft lUc each , with spring fixtures I'elll.r 10 hang . J
Opaque Shades
In nil colors with or wihout frhlge-the [ lllln { ole iL IOc : for I six
feet ' .lu Oil hand paInted OIIIIW [ 1IIIe to O'dl ! rouly , with lim i . t-
shorn lixtu'es , :11 the seluln Scotch fast colored 1ollndH.
' ' \ colored OpUIIHS to Illch extellol' mind Illet'II' of hnuse-
rl'\\ ' 1111 very desirable. I
Send 3'om' orders hr mall amid our lan will cal , show sumples
und lake iueasures . .
. OrchardflOarpetCo
. .
raaaa ar uooLJI1E1 JDo o
F You Think I Is S01ething
" Else. .
Fl . The "why" of the bad feeling is B
what puzzles Yoil It is easy to imCJ
amine so many causes , when the
I j real one is indigetion. You think
i its sOlnething else rhe cure is
' Ri fins Tabulcs A . single one
. [ gives relief . Ask your druggist
nlpanl Tabulf8 : Bold . L 7 drurHlrts . . . or by roan _
I line price ( : Cfft. . . . boa . ' II rent . to The mil . II .
pans Chemical C"mp.IY. Nc 10 nDNC at . U. P.
D mo 000000 , 0caLJUlc d
. , .