- - - - - - . - - - - - r- - - I rJlI i OMA1 A PAl 12Y Jn E E I s 'I'll I t' { H14DA , 00 ( ( B IIt ( J 7 , ISHi 1 ) . B . . - : - _ - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - H- - - - - I : - - ii I' ' ' NFWS FROMCOUNCIL _ BLUFFS. Office , 12 Penn Street.-II. ) . Tlltou , \tQUQ\tcr ! \ nud Le5oo. I , . - - . . . - - - ' _ mWtrill I ffi m rn r. - - mll t 1 - - _ . _ _ _ _ T.h . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ j , MlOIL MIST1O : ( . Government wok on the ( rlpraps north of lown has been toppet1 and about 100 men have been ' ! thrown out of employment Scala for the matlneo and Saturllay evening (1erformanceH ( of "I'owhatall" can bo secured at the box 01111'0 Friday morning at 9 ! ) oclock Harmony chapter No. 21i , Order of Faiterfl Btar. will bohi their regular meeting this evenln ! ; . All member requested to lie pel- ent. _ - Jacob Simi will have a private gas machine \ In hla new residence which Is being put up on Canning : Itreet , the first In town 10 far as known Mrs Mina Page was taken to Anamosa yes- t'rday ( by Heputy United States Marshal 11I11- weg to begin serving her sentence of three ycars for counterfeiting. Two cases of scarlet fever have been reported - ported ono at the home of Mr. Kessler , 208 Thirteenth avenue , and the other at T. J. 1I0Kgs' home , 1227 Thlrll etreet William F. Sledentopt commenced two eult8 In the Illetrlct court yester < lay to levy i lanlllord's writs of attachment for $120 each I 111'011 ' Jeremiah Belt and Valentine Milburn. The little 3.year.ol l child ot Frank Poster was brought out ot danger by the nurse ! at the Woman's Christian Association hospital yesterday , and left the Institution for home. A team belongIng to one lIenderson en eyed a runaway 'esterday. At the corner of l'earl street and Willow avenm ' , It eollhled with n telephone polo wrecking the vehicle and Injuring one of the horses. A game of toot ball was played yesterday betwl'er. the Council Bluffs HIgh school club Drill the CouncIl Blurrs Athletic association club , corner ot Twenty-first strt and Seventh - . enth IIvenue. The score wa9 2 to 2. There are stIll a few desIrable seats left unsold < l for the opera FrIday nhht. The & 0- cent seats are not reserved but they arc well Ioealell , belrg In the firH balcony and those who come early to the opera will have an excellent - cellent selection. 'fhe city officIals are congratulating' tlllim- selves upon the evIdent healthfulness of the Council Bluffs climate. During the first six- teen days of the month there were but five deaths or which two were suIcides < and two Were children under 2 years - or age. ThIs 15 a record whIch very few cities or the sIze can equal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Farm loans made In wcstern Iowa at low. est rates. No delay In closing loans. I.'Lre allli tornado Insurance wrItten In best or coin- panles. DarKalns In real estate. LOUOEE 6l. TOWI.E , 235 Pearl St. Nicest line or overcoats In town. Metcatr f3ros. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The IIardman piano Improves with use. PEnSOXAI l'AIl.UHl.\I'IIS. 4 Mrs. John Strocl . who has been visiting ' relatives for several months , leaves for her home , 1010. Ill. , today Des MoInes and Miss Cold- Mrs. Wynn or 011 Ca1l- well or Shenandoah are guests of Mrs. T. A. Barker on North Seventh street. MIss Bertha Moore of 111letown. 0. . was In thc city yesterday the glest of Mrs. Spry at 20 _ outh Ellhth street. She left for Salt Lake City In the evening. to begIn work as a Babtst mIssionary Hev H. W. Abbcley returned yesterday from holding a successful revIval at Stan- berry Mo. , and will occupy his pulpit a the F Christian tabernacle next Sunday after an W ubsnce of four weeks. His friends are glad to see hIm back. . Secretary cr State cFarland was In the city on his way to OenwCod , where he and \v. 4. . ynster were hooked for addresses last night on time political Issues from a repUblican - pUblican stalllipoint. ! I. 1ynster Is a recent convert from democracy , after serving faithfully - fully on that slle all his lIfe. We have sold 3,000 hotbed sash In Iowa anll Nebraska and never had a kick. We now have ready for ImmedIate delIvery 1.000 more at bedrock prices. Write for prices on nil klr.rls glazed sash , glass patnts oils , etc. . statIng quantity Iealred. ( Coulcl Bluffs PaInt & Oil Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Radiant Novelty and hnhurst I stoves for hard coal are the most economical stoves mnde. Sol < only by Charles Swathe , 740 flroad way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Corner tetes and parlor suites In curly birch and mahogany at purree F'nrntture Co. The Hardman piano wins rlany trlends. harvest I Xelr"loll Via BurlIngton route , Oct. 8 and 22. O. M. DtOWN , Ticket ! Agent , Council Bluffs . Dros. Nicest line of overcoats - In town , Meteal C.ro ' 1..1 I' o" In I X. ' ' 111) ' . Manager Alton announces for this ( evenlng's atrcton the inimitable comedians Con- roy & Pox , and their excellent company or players , singers and dancers In an entirely new play , entItled 'O'Flartty's Vacation . " II three act drama by Arthur North and Hart- wig Cassehl. Although written for laughing purposes only stilt "O'I llly's Vacation" ts far more pretentious than anything they have heretofore been seen in . and Is unlIke the so- tailed farce comedy Inasmuch a8 It Is pos- messed of a good , interesting , funny story. I Is entirely new In theme and construction and makes a great vehicle for them to work on. - The Piece Is enlivened with bright specIalties from beginning to end but they are brought In In a way that does not Interfere with time plot. Prominent In time support or Messrs. Conroy and Fox are Miss Lta Merellthm . Miss ! ' Susie Martin . Miss Katie Allen Miss Jean E\'elyne. Hayes and Post J. W. Ingle ) Dick Atchison and many lesser lights. ChiiImmberlimIiL'M I'miIii lhnhmmi. Mr. J. M.Amnermnan . a prominent merchant of Forks , Columbia county , l'a. , In speaklnl of this lnient says : "In reference to Cliamberlimin's Pain Balm , I can truly say that I have never found .anythlng to com- para with It ror.spralns , bruises . burns and lke Injuries. We have used It In our family for several years and reel that wo cannot do without It. " ThIs lIniment wIll heal a burn Dr bmlso without matteraton , and In one- thIrd or the tme rlllulrellb ) ' any other treat- meut. In many Instances I has cured a severe spraIn II three or four dlYs' time , while that man ! _ weeks are usually required Nothing like It. The famous Ctown piano with orchestral attachment leads them all. Dourlclus MusIc house , lG , Stutsman street Nicest line ot onrcots In town Metcalr Dros. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cho'se Crntol ( sib . Mrs. En1cstno Wllkle , ' living at 328 Wi- lams street , attempt 'to commit suicide ruesday by swallowing thQ contents or a hot- tie : of croton oil. ler hlsband , on 01 sol- ! Ier , disappeared about a year ago , leaving ala family In great poverty. That tOKether .lh the death at Iwo sons within ! year , Is IUlll10se.1 to have unsettled her mind and led 31 to choose suicide as time easiest way out If her troubles . Her life was saved by time ? rompl use at restoratives , but I Is feared ΒΆ hat she will never rtover her mental itrength . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ l'olmilbIMts Xo"III' ClnUcl" ' ' . The l'Opults ot Kane township held their : aucus and chose the followIng candidates : rrustee Elhu leyors ; clerk , T. F. Cala- I Jhan ; constabl , C. A. Knotts. At the close , ) the meeting a local branch of time National industrial league was organized , with the rol- lowing olcers : Captain , W. F. 'ravls : lieu- lenant , J. J. O'iiearn' ; adjutant , T. 1" . Caiia- Jhan : quartermaster , George : lcleek : lbra- s.- , 'lan A. l. Bresee ; chaplain , C. A. Inotsj ; lentnel ; , Eugene - Case - . I' ( ) buN IHm's'I'IX ljHt' lor"lorc''ll l'ho"l.hl. . "I - , Dr. I. n. Allen , Minneapolis . Minn. . says : T 1.1 have prescribed It In extreme nervous : aes and indigestion , with great satlBac- Hon. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : llrrlun' Iieemisemi . 4 The following larrlall lIcenses . were Is- lued yesterday by the county clerk : Name anti 4tdthress . Agl. o. I. Klhlel an.0 Council Bluffs. . . . . . . . . . 2 Ltzzte itt . Oliver , Council Bluffs. . . . . . . 2 Z. I. Duquett Council Blurts. . . . . . . . 2. Grace I.anl. . Council Bluffs " . . . . . . 18 Frank Empken . South Omaha. . . . . . . . . 2 ' iaUm.t'Shropshire , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Ulrdlll and Standard planol 13 N. 16th - - - - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - I'iI ) IIIOt' . IW'1 hIM O"X l'UlSSgl. . 1.'urKut tu TIl S'uClr . \nTthlul About hIM IIJIIlun sun. The trial of II. W. Pomeroy on the charge of swindling ft. A. Seater by selling him some land 10 whLh he had no title was on all day yesterday In the district court. Pom- eroy himself was put upon time stand for the ( purpose of telling just what his connection wIth the deal was , and before the prosecution wa , through with him he bad shed several drops ot Ilerspiratlon He allmlted that ho told Seater he had never hall any trouble In Ilefenlllnl his tUle to the farm , and sId that he did not happen to mention the fact or his having been enjoined from Interfering with lrs. lurphy's possession of ii. The evidence or the defense and the prosecution with reference to the representatIons made by I'omeroy Ilrlor to the sale were very contra- dictory . and only twelve jurymen will be able to decide which toll the truth After time evidence 011 the put of the state had nil been brought out the defense mimade a lenthy argument In favor of a mare ! motion to take the case from the jury and , Instruct for a verdict for l'omeroy buL 1 ' was promptly overruled by Judge Incy. . The last wItness was on the stand about 5 o'clock and after he was through the arguments - guments or the attorneys were begun W. 11. Ware comrlenclng al behalf ot the state. The Jury will prob3bly have the ( case this afternoon. A special venIre was ordered by Judge Macy ot jurymen to be on hand this morning. ! I Is composed of the following names : H. Christ Chistiansemi . Hchard nutherror l. 1)r. 1. I J. lontgomer D. Darrel , George W. l'rice ChrIs ChristIan A. g. Avery . 'borne Pratt I. I'etersou Peter Zacimarias O. A. Parker , 0.V. . Graham . Philp Hertln , John H. Mltimen . Wiiam Snyder , It. H. Ringer . John L. . Baker , Fver Anderson Anderson August Hermon Parr. The special venire was for the purpose or providing jurymen for the case or the state against Ed Stoegel , which Is to he taken up as soon as the Pomeroy case Is finished n"'I IImIIIl. On Friday anti Saturday afternoons and evenings there will be a remarkable Ilsplay of fancy work at the bazaar or Misses Clark & \Vetzel . 337 Broadway , and at Ibo same time a special sale or doyiies. Another rea- turo wIll be a fine exhibit of "Commonc turo1 Ilecet " by Me-3sra. Hemmlngway or New York. , These will bo for exhibition enl ) ' . This will be an opportunity for the lathes to see the wonderful changes and uew things In fancy work _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : Iurl Foul I'muimmml ' 'Uh thi . Jury' . . The attorneys for the Omaha & Council Bluffs Bridge company ned an amendment to their recent motion for a new trial or the case or J. E. Bixby against the company , II which there was a verdict for the plaintiff not long ago. E. T. lcKenzle. one of the jurors , It says was never served wih a no- UCI to present himself for jury duty , and neither was J. f : . Early : . another juror. Neither was qualified to act In the capacIty or juror , Early not having been a resident of Iotta\attamlo county the required length or time. tme. The jury box Is nled with the names or ml'n who pay taxes , but are not naturalized citizens , or else have nol lived here IanI enough to become qualified for jury duly. The names of the dlsqualned jurors will be drawn out every now alHI then ( until the box Is empty but thp probahlty Is that the next case will see a little greater care exercised In the matter or questioning jlrors as to their legal qualifications. When County Clerk Reed who officiated at the drawing of the names , was asked about the matter , he stated that It was due to a mistake. J. E. Easley and C. F. McKenzie - Kenzle was the way the names appeared on time slips In the box , but It turned \ out that J , E. Early and E. T. McKenzie were their proper names. In looking hack to see who was responsible for the error he round that the names appeared on the townshll asses- sor's books the same as they were on the slips , so that the error was not his nor that or any ono In his 001Cc . but of time assessor , or the one who furnished the assessor his information - formation _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cbampagne should be In every hou ehohl I Is per- recty pure and naturaly termente-d. - Ed . . rIpi' Iuu Cmmiiglmt . W. P. Farthhmig George Edwards' hired man , was arrested yesterday afternoon by Constable Baker on the charge of larceny. I.'arthlng was mixed imp In the same deal as Edwards. As stated yesterday - , when Fre- mont West sued out a writ ot attachment upon Edwards corn IteimI . Baker tried to serve the paper , but neither Edwards nor his wIfe was at home. Ho notIfied arthlng that ho hell possession or the corn field - and came back homo to walt for another chance at Edwards. lie afterward round out that FarthIng had hind a hlnll In getting the corn out or the way , and filed In Information agaInst him also. charging him with larceny. When he went out to time Edwards farni near Crescent , yesterday to serve the warrnt , IO round I.'arthlng out In the corn field husking corn as fast as he could. When Baker and Denver 10ugh throve Ull arthlnl recognized them ali started on time run In the opposite direction. Baker and 10uKh managed to sur- round him and run him down , anti : e was lodged In jai last evening. - - Chimiiiibi.rhmml mm's CouIih n"I . When troubled with a cough or cohl give this remedy ( a trial. You will be more than pleased with the resnit. I will cure a Se- were cold In less tIme than any other treat- ment. I relieves time htmngs opens the secretIons - cretIons , aIds expectoration anll effects a I'rompt anti permanent cure. There Is no danger In giving It to children for It con- lalns nothln InJurious. ! Another Ils Week In Fr"lln . This will bo another bIg week II rramln- - Wo can't sell enough or these new , stylish rrames. Everybody wants them. H. L. Smith & Co. - Co.Iur"t Harvest Exeurlion . Via Durlngtcn route , Oct. 8 and 22. / O. M. IIRO\VN. Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs. A plant thoroughly equipped with the newest machinery , the best work by sid led employes prompt deliveries and fair treat- meat are among the things that makes the Eagle "Ulat good laundry " Telephone 157. , TIm ree , , , .1 ,11r" , M. D. Gallagher amid Miss Magdalene Ilaughter or Peter Timoll , were united In mar- riage yesterday morning at 9 o'clock In St Francis Xavier's church In the presence or qlito a number of the friends ot the partes. , I.nst evening , at the home or Mrs. Kaimie on I Fourth Street , George Kahle and Miss LIzzie Oliver were married by Itev. J. E. Simpson or Graeo church : lr. Kahle Is employed In ) the Paclne Express company's oUce In Omaha whie his bride has been with Iet- calf Bros. for several years as cashier. Edward L. DUlluetto anti Miss Grace Evans were marrlell last evenIng at thin residence I of time brlde's mother , on Tenth street near Seconll avenue In tIme presence of only a I few friends. Mr. Duquete has been bookkeeper - keeper for several years for Cole & Cole. They have a Illeasant homo already fitted tll on South 'enth street , and will 10 at onCe to housekeepIng. Nothing Is finer , more comfortable and healthful than those beautiful new "Colorado elder Ilown" comforters offered by the Council Bluffs Carpet company They are lght as a feather amid cheap. Another beautiful line at novelties In ' fur rugs will delight - the ladles. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Huber Bras. ' new meat market I. the ( finest In the city , 12 Brodwa ) ' . Cult ! " 'I" ' C."II . I ) 'Ot want a good stove to put up before yet start your furnace , buy one or Swalne'a aIr-tight - stoves , the best made , at 740 Uroads-ay. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) Smir'i.st xeur.lon VIa BurlIngton route . Oct. 8 and 22. O. M. BROWN Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs. Chambe-rs' dancing academy now open tam I pupil. . Call ) after 10 a. m. Circuhirs. ' Why don't you use I gas heater thee cool i days T C. D. Ou Co , The Standard piano next to time Hardm.n. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - .un SI . \t.'II n I OI A IbON.t/.A. . I Iu,1 Irler "Il.I. : j ; . ; . ; OrRin I'r'e . SUlrl'I' .I ' 1'II.tutul. I The exceedingly low price ot corn and the chances for a Itto lucky spec- ulaton are giving a wistful tend- ency to the thoughts at time tel I people who have a little money laid up In . bank or In sock The next few weeks will ' probably see quite a eum ot retired money spent In corn at 15 cents - per bushel to be sold In the sprIng when prices have advanced - \'anced. Corn has never been any lower than It Is l now and all chances - , are In favor or its going higher rather than lower Out In the eat end the citizens have a way of taking their cue from It , S. hart . an A \'oc ; man , who Is generally regarded as a man with a good weather eye mind excellent - Judgment as to the probable movements ot grain 'on 'change. lie has gotten thIs repu- tatlon from the manner In which he 19 In taton the habit or selling and rese-Ilng corn lie buys when It Is low and after It has ad- \'ancell In price sells It on the Chicago mar- llet , to be delivered at some ( hue In the 'tuture. In the meantime I remains In his possession. Then he plays with the market buying when corn has gamin down a frac- tlcn and relhlng when ( lie price stlrrens. tcn rilng tl As the grain Is never mO\d until Is final delivery It costs nothing for cartage and It Is saIl he has been known to sell the same corn halt a dozen times and make a profit each tIme. The eastenders are looking to see what hart Is going to do and If he buys corn now the probability Is that they wi follow suit . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C.\X"I' CII\UJ l'OIlcns. SIiireiimt. < .urt . \lrl" thi . n"I'I"lun II I t'ztvur ul ehrllC'lu Slt'lrtt4. The supreme court or Iowa has just handed down a decision In the case of Chrlstena Sleverts against the National Benevolent as- sedation of lnneapols , alrming time decIsion - sion or the Iottawatamle district court , which laVI Mrs. Sleverts ! venllct. Mrs. Slevert . who lives In Neoia but formerly re- blltd here hell two tnsuranco policies on the life or her hmtmsband . FrItz. The latter ( lied , but the company refused to honor the policies . alleging Ulat they hal lapsed . and also that the deceased made wrong representations as to Ils physIcal condition when the renewal was made. The by.laws or the company first pro- sided that when payment or a premium hall been neglected for thirty days the policy should lap ! but mIght be reinstated upon the payment or a fine or 25 cents. This was afterward ehlnled so 15 to read that anyone coud : so reinstate a lapsed policy wIthin nr- teen days upon showing that he was In good physical condition The alI by-law was ob- served by Sleverta. Ills widow clalme(1 that the company hal no right to change the pro- visions or the b-Iaws. so far as he was con- cernet ( , after the polcy had gone Into effect. In the decision just rendered the court holds that lrs. Siewerts' claim Is well rounded , and that the policy Sleverts hall under tie 011 by.law became a contract which could not be \'olleI without consent or both parties. Irs. Sleverts gets ! judgment or $ : ,000 and coats. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'.1" C.lh. " " . . . . IlilglIIClmt. P. V. Peck who has been rlnnlng a gro- cery store at the corne-I or Broadway anti Sixth street , confessed julgment last even- lug In the district court tn favor of Mrs. Emiy M. hall for " $15. and In favor of Joseph Thompson for $500. Deputy Sheriff Nick O'nrlen took possession or the place anti will hl\e ehargC for the next few lays at least In which time I Is hoped that the proprietor \ \ ill get started over alaln. Thompson Is an Illinois man who turnlhed Peck $500 with which to start. and Irs. hail loaned him $175 afrward. Besdes ! I these N. : Merriam has a claim ct $200 for unpaid rent. The cause or the failure was InsufficIent capital and poor collections. HI''I.tol 10r Ihie I'mmntr. This evening at the Broadway Methodist church there will be a reception - tendered the new pastor , Hev J. II. Senseny and wife , who have jusl come tram Des Moines to tale charge of the work here. All are Invited to bo present , whether church members or not - . S'I'ICIiS OX : cE { alO CO1i.thiI'V.t'I'IN. Sonth Cnr.lln Iciegu teN Hnn UI' . \ruh."t I I..rnl C.IIJ.lt.l. COLUMBIA . S. C. . Oct. 16.-The South Carolina constitutional convention reassembled - bled today. Thin negro cohabitation question again came up and the whole question was recommItted , when the convention took a re-- cess. The provision under consideration de- dares that I should ho unlawful for any white person to marry wih any person havIng negro blood In hIs or her veins , and providing for the pu .Ishment ot cohabita- ton by the lellslature. An amendment was Introducel this morning exceptng trom the provisions or the law those people In the state who alhough they have a slight inter- mIxture or negro blood . have the status of white people. There Is much difference of opinion as to what Is best to be done about tils class , and consequently - the committee Was Instructell to bring In another provision which It Is hoped wi meet time approval ot everybody The balance at the day was spent In discussing - cussing the legislative committee re-port. the principal acton being the rejection of a provision . vision preventing legislators and judges train being candidates for any other office anl pnventng the legislature from passing special laws as to Incorporating towns or as to county go\er1lments. making such laws general In their appilcatlon. Senator Timan Introduced a resolution providing for the holding or another constitutional - tonal con\entlon In 191G and every twenty years tbereafer , This was defeated by a vote of G5 to 47. p 10'I'IEnl U IA HnIC-X SI l.'t'EIt. Cnl""Unn Inll""Ie the G.rll"t fOr n.J.f. NEW YORK , Oct. 1G.-A dispatch tram Montreal to the Evening Post says : Messrs. W. Weir , president of the Vle Marie bank antI Thomas Dugall . general manager of the Quebec bank , have just retured tram Ottawa , where they had an interview with Finance Minister Foster about the American silver nuisance. They claIm a large amount of American silver and smal silver certn- eate are II circulation In Canads , the amount b.elngarlously estimated at from $7&0,000 to $3.500,000 , displacing that amount ot Canadian currency , which has a gold basis , whlo the merican certIficates are only payable In silver . The deputation pointed out that ( this displacement was causing the banks great losses In conm'eqimemmce and asked Mr. oster's advice and assistance In abatIng - Ing what was fast growing to bo a nuls3nee- The minister of finance called attention to the fact time remedy was largely In the hands at the. bmkl : themselves. and Ir they refuse to take American silver . except at a discount , the tradesmen would very .soon reuse to take It at par . but he promised to look Into the mater and see Ir there was any way In which 110 could help the banks. 'PHVATE I1X1tER \ I ABSUNIS ) ) A , 0 , Ohlrltn of Slgolmcy , 11. , Missing and His Safe Lnckct , SAID TO BE IN VERY BAD CONDITION - Cr"ltOr" I \Unl'h . tim p i'lici t i'e'M l'r"I'- erc' 1)111) tO I'Immml lithimul Au- tell.n",1 'I'lr Actnl In the I'reuuilMesu. DES MOINES , Oot IG.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -A dispatch from Sigoimrney la. , says : A. C. Charlon and Allen Stecker , private bankers at Ichlanll , have failed and the Institution's condition I very bad They have been In busIness several ) 'eas. Last Thursday Charl- ton left , o'tenslbly to get money with whIch to make some more loamms The safe was locked , and his partner , who received a note trom Charlton telling him to run the bank while Charlon was gone , does not ' know the coummbination. After waiting Iwo days Stoker concluded his partner had cklppeth and Monday - day creditors got out atachments to the amount of $0.00 against Stocker's property. Stocker had \ about September I deeded It to his son and efforts are beIng made to set aside the deed The propert consIsts of farm land valued at about $ O.OOO. The b3nk had paid S per cent on deposits and had about $60.000/on deposit Charlton has ben dealing on the Chicago Board at Trade extensively and hall lost. No attempt has been made to . find him as ) 'et. Twenty atachmenls were taken out Tuesday and there Is great excite- ment. ment.I Charlon Is found there Is little doubt that he will be se\erely deal vltlm. Stocker Is believed to be clear or complcIty In the crookedness , although some do not believe timls because of hIs deedIng - away his 11rop- erl ) ' . The bank I Is estmated , will nay about 30 cents on the dollar provided the deed Is broken , otherwise almoH nothing. 'rhls , however Is largely sumise , as the sore has . not been opened and It Is not known exact ) . how maters stand. , \SU'I'III . 1 "IC'I'OIY POl I Ui.C'l' 1\ ' 10nn UI"trl.t .1 , isIgt' 1..Irl I' I mm- " 'r"IIA I Ih'l'h.lol emi th. . Sumhjti WEISnm CITY , Ia. . Oct. IG.-Speclal ( Telegram.-JudHe ) 01ver at time Rock Rapids term of court has just rendered an Important mulct law decIsion A saloon was closed and the building It occupied was orrerell for sale I to pay time $600 tax. No bids were madO for the property anti the Judge holds that the bondsmen are liable ! 10 the full amounl. ThIs wi do away with the saloons In Iowa that have been opened In Ito out of the way buildings that are not worth the mulct tax. B''lntnr" tn Meet nt Chmmirles < I" . ' MASON CITY , Ia. . Oct. IG.-Speclal.-Tho' ( ) Northeastern Iowa EducatIonal society will open a three days' session at Charles City tomorrow. The rollowlng topic ar\ the lead- Ing ones for dIscussion : "Ungrauhimmg the Graded Schools " F. T. Oltit . Dubuque ; "What Is the Practical School grucalon , " Sarah C. Drools , supervIsor primary school St. Paul : "I'racttcal Primary Work for Country - try Schools , " S. H. Sheakley , " 'averl' : "How to Prune and Enrich Our Courses or Study . " 11. O. VaIle . Chicago : "In What Respect " W. H. Are Our Schools a Failure . Captain Flolman Illependence : "The County Examam- inatlomm Difficulties In Malting I ! It Anything but Academic In Character " F. H. nodgood , West Union ; "Its Directive Tendency In Our School Work , , " Elsie E. Perry , Creo. - - Ilh'r"lnr ConteNt I'ruiiuINelI. DES WINES , Oct. 16.-Speclal ( Tele- grm.-The ) secretary - ot state and the state nomInation contest board have a hard case before them. The ' representative distrIct composed or Humboldt and Poca- hontas count 1 after 700 balots failed to n a candidate on the republican ticket for the lellslature. On the last day on which nomInation papers coul be 1 11 Parley Finch . the Humboldt moan fled papers nominatng hlmset by petition. The , same day the Pocahontas man , James Mer- cer , discovered what was on , and came to DOs Iolnes and also nell a hetltbon. Doth call themwelves republicans and both want - to bo on the ballot as such There Is -no precedent by which to decide which l'hal be given the distinction. In"n Cnunt C"U" n tnr. " . DES MOU4ES , Oct. 16.-Speciai { Tele- gram.-I.'lgures ) on the population on ten counties were given out from the census bureau today They arc : County ISQO 1895. Hardin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.00 ( ) ' .56 HarrlEon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1.3.G 3.0JI Guthrie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.:10 : 17.91S Hancock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.Gl 1.IH henry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.9 18.278 howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.182 13.2:1 Ida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.705 11,425 Humboldt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.836 11,431 Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,270 18,9GI Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,31 181 : : III'r I , ' 1)t'iu.imuuhtm Grit uieb . DES MOINES . Oct. 16.-Special ( 'role- gram.-Today ) was the elate fixed by the miners or this district for the strike , unless the raise of 10 cents per ton was granted. , Most or the companies granted It and their men went tl work as usual. A few mostly the smaler companIes , refused time raise and theIr men \ emit out to the number at about 1&0. I Is likely the strIke will amount to very little. . ' \'hllll VI' I Sioux Cit ) Coimcerim . SIOUX CITY , Oct. IG.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -Po B. Hutchens was today appointed receiver - ceIver of $23&,500 ot notes , mortgages anti other securities pledged to secure the pay- ment of a like amount or debentures of the defunct Union Loan and Trust company of this place Time most valuable of time securi- ties are on orange groves In California . HIU . \'I' un'u.UY FItGIIAIN 'J\UI UnlenCl1 Jnr.lr" Ili'iig'fit h" n ' 'lr n.t\I"'I " ' ' .nt hlim'rN. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Oot. IG.-Speclal. ( ) -To time delight ot time tarmers for fifty miles around this city , time ciy grain buyers srI waging war among timemselve-n , and conse- quenty raising the price 01 wheat. The customary margin on wheat here anti at Mm- neapolls Is 1 cents. Yesterday this margin was cut to 8 cents , wheat selling here for 48 cents. This has been wIdely advertiaetl . that Is the war , anti the result Is that farmers draw their grain right by other towns to this cly , Tho. tIght Is between the Northwester Elevator "ompany , which Is conducted by the Great Northern ' railroad . and other grain buye . Time great Northern set out to get all the grain to ; shipment and raise time price or wheat Other buyers lald more , and a' time ralr0311 can carry its grain cheaper than the 'other buyer can ship over - other roads the Ilh 15 likely to prove Interesting . for the other buyers declare - clare that the Great Nortbei cannot have all the grain I I rUmorld that the 'Omaba road Is taking sides against the Great Northern. . Don't fall to register tOday , . " ' ' ' ' ' ' < Pyramid ' i Pile cure i Is absolutely safe , and dertain , gives instant relief - lief and permanent cure , in every form of piles. The instant relief experienced in all cases is n : source of surprise to physicians and patients alike. Sold at drug stores and recommended for blind , i ' ingprotluding . and itching lilCS. Oc. and ' 51.00 Q " " " . " " , , , , , . : lIt'I'Tthit4hlhi' ihi1iIAVlS 'milI.l. \'I'TI.mU I' I'\\'IS I. h'I""rlll lust rulnurniN I'nl tn I.tll.t ttm' ! lllhh."t hull . IOSTON , Oct. IG.-Thr battleship Inlllana , which left 'ramp's ship yard on Saturllay for tier official trial trip , drOlpel1 anchor off Boston lht last IIKht. 1.'rol Southeut EIII lfht- ship off the New Jersey coast to New South shoals JuSchuet . the ship averaged twelve anti one.half knots an hour with a head sea runnIng. No attempt was made to approach the speed limit of fifteen knots an hour , but time en- gines and boilers were found to be In nrst- class condition , the average nUlber of revo- luloll3 being 120 per minute , with a hore- power 11e\elolment or 800. Mr Cralp said II an Interview : "The gratifying feature or ito hmadiamma's run to this port was the surprIsing lack or roll. The ship was as stead as a church and surprised everybody on board by her admirable be- ' . h&\'lor. I.leutenont Nixon was naturally emmttmusi- astc over the shill's 11erforlance. as he not only designed her , but ale superlntelHIl'l1 her construction lie Bnll : "The 11Iana roiled R little that the officer detailed to observe that feature abanllonl1 their ml'asurlng Instruments - struments and dhl not record any roll wlmat- ever. " COlmolloro Seifridge . after reading a re- port sent to him by the members of the trial board wlo came around on the shl' , telegraphed time secretary or the navy that the Indiana believed allmlrably all the \'O'ogl frol Phiadelphia. } .Iter. In m interview . he said : "ThIY bring le very gratifying news regarding the steadiness of the new bat- tieshipYltim her hea\y armor amid armmma- ment It was naturally expected , judging from time experience or other countries with their 10dern battleships , that we woull ha\e considerable roll to contend with. One of Englallll's battleships Is said to have roled 40 degrees whereas the Illana docs not record a roll at even one degree. ThIs gives her In almost statolar ) ' Iun hilatformmm a comm. dition vcr ' much to bo desired Ilton very deslrO(1 when the Iuns are used tn actIomm . " The batteship Indiana was given a pre- lminary run tOlay over the KO\llent trial course err the Massachusetts coast between Cope Ann and Done Island , amid the result was very satsractor ) ' . On the run Ull time ccvrso the average ppecd was 1&.31 knots an hour for two hours Boilers . engines antI , e\'erythlng about the ship showed to such ad\antage on the run Ull that ( I WIS not deemed necessary to speed her on tIme return trip , and sh was jogged back tl 0\1 the COIl se 01 an overage speed . of thirteen kimots. Dc sure to register toda ) ' . . CtI.H ) . ' " 1 PASS 0 : 'I'IIU S\I 'l'It\CIi ili'uiui iiiiui Coil iMIuumi uf ' ' - ' , , ' ' 11.,1 . . < C.II.I.1 .f 'I'n' " 'I'rzi his H."U" In I , . " " .I 1.1. . . ALTOONA Pa . . Oct IG.-T\o men were killed and one faintly and Feveral slightly Injured In a wreck on the lartlmhurK brallch of the Pellnsylvanla railroad toda ) ' . The dead are : W. F. GOOD or Ienrleta , nreman ot the : lartnsburg traimu J. C. WOODHNO or Tyrone front brake- man or the water train , both legs cut off and head crushed. 'he wreck occurred bOtwln the Martimme- burg mixed traima hauling mik all Aloon : shop workmen and a water train a mile west of this cll ) ' . The water train . consisting of several . t3nk cars , had been ordered to the "Y" switch and near Ioldaysburg to fet wlter for the Aloona shops and was jus ! pulling from a siding to the main track when the : lartnsburl ; train came around the curve at rul sped. ? Time collisIon completely de- molshed both locolotves and mashed several or the tank cars. The passenger cars kept the track. The following were Injured : David Arthur ot Altoona . eilglneer of time Inrtnsburg train badly scalded and Injured Internally ; cannot recover Henry Blackburn . enllne-er - of the water train seriously lut not fatally hurt WIlliam Jones ot Burkets station a paseen- ger was thrown through a door and painfully Iljurll. I j Den W'andt or Hoarlng Springs , a passen- ger badly cut Ibout arms Conductor Da\ls ot the passenger train escaped with slight InJuries. I A number or others were more or less cut ' by flying HI ass. A confusion or orders 15 responsible for the accident which Is the most serious that ever occurred on the Altoona - toona division. COI.I6AN'S Siimt'I'AG8S I ' GIUP.\'lxn. n.l.uUlnr Cuialuh'r Sul.1 to' J In . H'hA eIIU.n. FORT SCOTT Kan. . Oct. 16.-Cashle Colean's shortage hal grown to $35.000. and may 10 higher yet Dank Conmlssloner Breldenthal comllleted the examination of the State bank'a condition today , and reporled to the attorney general that the bank Is In- solvent. I has been round 10.000 of the best notes hell by the bank and which are almost due are mIssing. Cuban ts In such a mental condition that ( he can give no ac- count of Well disposition. A $6.000 shortage In time St. Louis Dank ot Comler e Is also reported. Judge Thornton Ware of Chicago , the largest stockholder In the bank and an especial friend or Colean arrived totlay and may take an active part In the sette-ment - or the bank'l' affairs. Th3 depositors are pettoning for the appointment of Charles Nelson , vIce president ot the Bank of Fort Scott , as receiver for the defunct institution. Dank Commissioner Breldenthal thinks the reciver can make the first pa'llnl to de. . 110sltors within sixty 11ays. Colean' conihl. ton Is prec4rlous allli It Is believed ho will live but a short ( line. lve tme. . 'In' " : I'n hlI'v ' Hut thu. GUM . S' , LOUIS , Oct. 1G.-eredUh 1ahan ald Francis lit. Chion of Eminence , Shannon county , Mo. . were round In their room at the Hdgeway hotel about 8 o'clock this morning , the fernier dead and the later un- conscious and dying from suffocation by gas. The body or Mahah was sent to the morgue anti ChLon was taken to time city imospital where It was saId he could not recover. The men were well known stock raisers In Shanon county , and came here with cattle to sell. . Be sure to register tOlay. MEW nOHANEY THHArRE ' TIlE OPERA OF POWHATAN GIVEN BY TiE Society People of G ou nci 81 ufs FRIDAY AND SATURDAY , OCT 18-19 AND SATURDAY MATI EE. : IS. O. II. lmOu' vili appear In limo role or i'oealmomtums , 'milt'i . . . ' I'oellholtns : : lh Start , I.uughlll llr ; .J I. tllln , . Capt. ; John Smith : C. II. .1 umlomm , L'mmnt Hulre { : and E. S. Allen mt low/ltan. / Tickets 50c. . 75c 7 c. . $1 $ t : Gallery I 25c. , Special Nolicos-Couocil Blufs FOR IUINT JIY mSICNCE. 3 I'LATNCf street after November I : eIght rooms ; modem convenieacsL Also Ova-room house . No 330 Platner street : possessIon at any time. Jacob Slm. ChIMNEYS CI.EANrD ; VAULTS CLEANED CIJtNE\S E" Utmrlee . at W. H Homer' . , . f3s Urotudmvsy . - - - - ' - - - - - - - FOIl HAI" : ClmA" , A GOOD STFLtM II AT. InS [ , Iant ; bcikr DunnIng No. 2 . with radiators . pll" ; ' . .tc. . suitable ror heating hou.e. Iiiulre at 2j 11h .tr.et .Id 5th avenue . J. J. Brown. TiE OMAhA PARK HAIOON AND FIXTUnCS for f'nt. No 10 1' : . I'leree itm-eet. 11'Iulro oC ii. lagg or C. I. Simeafe " 'Of f.NT. . : IGIT.100M MODERN hOUSE . 2 blocks rrom Nonllrel omilce . Cheap It taken at one' H. ( I. Mea.e , No 10 MaIn street LOST n.D : 1'0KI:1'1001 CONTAINING ( our rnl\ay ietteri . Hetur to lice otitce . Counll lur . WANT.O , I\ YOUNG "AN. POSITiON AU .tlnojIIher ; law onlee per.rre : two ) ean experience : but references. I 18 , lee emlice. j t - - . a 6' . , 1/ , , . " 4 - . . - - ' - - - 4---- k J = , , - - - . t - . I - - \ - - . . I , tT\ " F 1 , 1 / ' - / / I > I ' I A' ' --1 " _ _ I . ' - ' - : I' I 'c _ I.'c I. . e ( I / . I' ' V .I" - \ "h , , . , "t ' . " : . . : : . . . . . " ' , ' " _ . . , . , , a'-\"I ' " \ ' , " . ' . - . . - - - : -jflj4 PLUG IN TH LEAD TTLEAX . . " , fA5 JUMPED INTO [ PUBLIC fAVOR ON . ACCOUNT OF r IZE ADQ ALI . A GREAT BIG PIECE OF HIGH GRADe TOBACCO fOR - 10 . CNTS 4- CLOSTs VIGOR , i \11.n In , ' toiht . .bat in u.e ro Nervous Debtltmv . Ins or Sunal . iGR S , . , , . D.Ultv. . ' \ . . . . . . . . . , , , . . .hh. ' . ( . . . . .sl. . . , . inpiency , . . , Atoph.1,0.1. . . , , . and other . elkncse . , from any cn' ' u.e . , , , Se.ln.I'I. , iralnn . thecked a",1 ( % ni S'IO' ' 'Inlky ) 'foed. . . . . H t neiecIed l , uch Result In 4 wecks. ttot-k e-n I : , .rk I ftamty. , I gte I Slatted ii \ m.gm ln , > nhne .aanwe ieatei. in c I' ' ; ' ( . or tr ' ; cJI't ' l..nes the , ; : N O .ktdreu SHERMAN & McCONNI.r4T1 DRUG CO "umt nonCe ! atreet. Omaba . Nh ' . - - - - - _ _ - - _ . . _ - _ - _ _ . - - - _ _ - _ - - - - - - - ----w------ - . --t JL T11WLIIS'UL Look Long ' - At This . Trade-Mark. , Photograph i on your mcmory. I stands for all that is efcent , economical cleanly and urbic il heaters and cook- ers. With it as n guide you will get what wil satisfy you YE PLANTINTJiEWORLOI AI Your Dealers. WM. LYLE DICKEY & CO. , Omaha. A. C. HA Y1IEU. South Omaha rg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCHOEDSACI'S TWIN CITY DYIE' WORKS Dyeing aiid Cleaning of Clothing , Dresses and Household Goods. , , : I ' , ; - - ! 3 = OMAHA OFFICE , 1521 I artnm St. Teleploue 1521. COUNCIL BLUFFS WORKS and Office , Cot' Ave. kasul 2Gth St. Tel. 31Q SEND FOR PRICE LIST. , . ' , COUNCIL BLUFFS - STEAM DYE WORKS 14 -iou All kinds ot Dyeing and Cleaning done tn / - the highest style 01 the art Faded and . - L stained fabrics made - - - to look as good a. _ ncw. Work prompty - done and delivered - In all parts ot thu tu R country , Bend tom C price list. lst. I J It O. A. .J\OlJ\Y lroprlo to 1. Iiroadwsy near Norlh' . - wo.ter Depot Counc' BluEs. Iowa. Tel an THE ' ONLY FAULT tli ! FI Heath & Miligan Paint Is found by the dealer , who sayts "they wenr two iong.t / Titeim' unequaled . dura. blty and beauty or finIsh Is duo to time rne& that the very be3t mntoluls ave used In thoti' lnmLmlulacturo . ' ' holt1m and ! . gallon ' at tholl nHIUraetlro. g\el' can holt : 1 galen tine every . alon guul'antcnd at DAVIS' DRUG , PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE The touso ! that leads , anti the only house 80lln at retail buying dlroct Jor cash . White Lead , Linseed . Oi and Window Glass In car lots. Write or cal fur IIrle8 on aiiythimi you want. 200 Broadway Council Bluffs. LOOD 1OIS ' OISDt B A SPECIALTY I 4 ood.trynrTei. tmarybyphmmmspermnnentii curd In 16 to , permanent1 U i5ulaym , . Yun can bo teated at home for I the uwalrleo underumo guarnntT. 1 * I yuupreferto cmo bert w. wil cntne to pay ralro.d tare and hotel bill. . and no Cbaleit ue lal tu cure. If you have taken mer curT , iodIde potmeshi . amid still its , . ache anti oala. . 11 ucou.J..tche.ln mouth. Nire Throat 1Imples . (3ocier Colored HuntS , Ulcers 0" U1 part of the body . 1.lr or ET.brl11 1.llnl out. It I. Sits Hyiimtlhtio ULUOD l'OIHON tate \e Juar.uteo to cure. We .olclt te malt ob.n , "atg oases aDd cimailnugu the world for a case We eAnnft curr. 'l'hl < 1.alo luau alw.f baffled thtit . ' 11 of Ihe moat Clnneut ph.I- clans . aloo.ooo capital behind our umiroadi' ean. eplal "ehll unrond' lmonaignaru.uty. ' itbeoIimtsproosaentssstedo .pplm" ' . n AdOre . euoI : REMEDY ( JO. . B01 AOU eIDlo.tM t.1 JJ : , . FIHST [ ' ' NATIONAL ' BANK - - ' mltci Bluffs - , Iowa1 CAPITAL , . . . $100.000 : " 'I' : NOMO'IOUI IUNIXI SS. , ii nl'SIImu COI.I.I'C'I'IISS. ( INIS ' ' ' . ' ' . . , { { I 'I'II tl.UI S'J' nASICS IS . IO\VA I I'gl CgS'I' IAIU ox 'J'Olg 1)l61'SITl CA1.1. ANU SIhi us OIL ' .Vhtl'I'LI. I UUCA'I'IOXAI. KEMPER HALL , ) II rt , A oys' Bonrdlnu School Iteopens Sept 18. l 5. For Cat loKUO atidreag Rev llJ\U Ie COLEMAN.A i1.hlead lut