Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1895, Image 1

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f1 : . . THE OMAI-IA' : DAILY BE
. . . . . - - ' '
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. I S''An.aSJlED JUNE 19 , 871. . Ol\fkIl.A : , DNESDAY ! MO11IG : \ , OO''OUBlt 143 ; , 1S9. ' \ . , t : ING-r.d OOpy PY CEN . [ 'S. '
k ne1p1ess Armenians Assailed While Attend-
' . ing the Market.
* .Y -
r AlTlllr III1H 'l'hrun1 'l'I".lr I Clultr'IUU ,
II ( 'IIH'"IIIII.h' ' 11'0 ' I 1'11"-
( Hlc'1 ' lt I : . .llhllrhll ' 1"\1
ttol'1.u.1 ' thl 110' " . ,
JODON , Oct. 1A dIspatch to the Daily
News from Constantnolllo I.Ys : "Ielable
lews has been received hero that fifty ArmenIans -
menIans were killed and I numher woundell
at Alhlssar In Iho village of Adln on the I
Anolan railway hy a Ioslel mob I
"Tho Llaughter occurred on October 9 ,
which was marllet Ilay , when many Ar-
2nenialS had gathered from adjacent viages ,
1arly hl thl morning a Turkish rough , findIng -
Ing that the Armenlam' were not armed ,
IllckCI ) a quarr1 alll shot one of them.
Tilr. , , was then raised on all alden the cry :
" Why hesitate to massacre the Infidels ? '
"A mob of TurkM armed wIth revolvers ,
then looted the market and massacred the
helpless ) Armnlans Their bodies were
thrown Into the vells. I Is stated that the
11111 was esponsllo ) for tIm atack , No
Inch or children were Injured , Probably on
: , accunt of the arrIval of Iahnal\n from the
vIllage of Oleve. three mies distant , who
made a valiant effort , at the rlsll of hii ! , own
le , to save thin Christans , Otherwise the
slaughter would ( have been cOlplete ,
"Tho panic Is reviving In Constantinople
on account of thll attack and the Armenians
ere again flocking Into the churches. The
polc . IlHeg111 the safe conduct ( ca Il l' given
to f the Armenians by the foreign emlJssles
and they Insult and malreat the holders of
thrm '
TIl Constantinople correspondent of the
Standard blames th Armenian revolutionary
commitee for forcing the Armenians to cloao
their shops and , maintain the appearance of
1\ panic when the Armenians themselves are
ready to resume business . -
"I visited , the prison , " the correspondent
says "and fluostonll the prisoners anl
founll there \ no serious complaints
against the polco , They were inspecting a
lIst of fifty-six prlt\ners foi liberation while
. I was there The revolutionary leaders are
f Iesllonslbb for the c011lnuanco of the dead-
lock , "
A dispatch to the Times from Athens ,
dok'ribing the growIng discontent with Turk-
Ish rule on thin Island of Crete , says a band
of /000 I armed Christians recently met at
1llna to petition the sultan to restore the
harter alllshll In 1889 and for a reform of
S taxaton anti of the "ens d'arinie. The gov-
rnor or Crete sent troops . against the pet-
toners , who withdrew to the mountain ast-
nm"es , whither the troops did not Ilaro to
folow , They now threaten to foment n re-
belon In [ aver of annexation to Greece. Thc
: r'ek government , fearing complications .
3precates a Cretan 10vemenl , but the situ-
ition Is perilous.
Ilon perious
\NICO : IBU ! \.S.\CE-1IL\XB. .
11"'I.r11111 ; ; VI.ltH t""I'r/I" ' "
' \ ' 1' ( ' " h',1 f'll I. ' rUI' ! " - .
COUItCELLES , Oct. l , -Tho streets ! [ , ,
tllh : town were IJrofneely < eoratel and thc
railroad staten wes crowded InsIde
anti ont today wIth people cage ;
to greet the emperor and empreSD of
3ermaly upon the occasIon of their vIsit to
Alsacc-Loraine. Their majesties arrived at
I o'eloell and were recelv11 ( at time railroad
Itallon by Iaron van lammersteln , presl- I
ent of the district ot I.orlne , the bourgo- I
monster mil other public olclals , The emperor -
peror and empress subsequently proeeeled
lo Chateau Ulvll , The route to the chateau
" 'IS : lned with memlH'rl of the Veterans' as-
iociation . school chid ron , ete . who enthnKI-
Istcaly cheered the ImperIal party ant
Y pelted their majestes with lowers ,
'fho 1 llleror Frederick , monument on the
2attefehl Woerth wi lJ unveiled on Fri-
hay next
The emperor lunched at Chateau Un'le
; 111th then took ] a shlclal train to Ietz. the
itt I eels of which were profusely decorated
Ilth buntn/ anti flowers. At letz his
1lajsly met 1 most enlhuslaste recepton ,
fer visiting the cathedral he returned to
'haleau ( Urvihie . where Ihele Wa a hanlluet
Ibis evening , at which all the Imperial party
'aa Ilrespnt The luttefehls urounll lelz
, 11 bp vlslell by the emperor toiiiorrow.
ETZ. I Oct 15.-TIme nelsp.pers : hero Is-
led special el1tons announeln the arrival [
ho hnlrlal I : I parI ) lmml : perorVhhiiamn ox-
) rsed to the governor of the imperial pro-
, lice Prlnco von Hohenlohe-I.angenburg , his
.rat . satisfaction al the enthusiastic char-
tcter of the reception which the people had ,
leconlell him
. JtI..tN.s II\XU ox COII'a.
E'iiiit'ii l'uIIrN lu.h'l t. Ill" ( ' I
" .h' , ' II I'rai-st.
I'AlthI3 , Oct. 15.-Tue Solel today com-
lntn upon the uprising In Seoul says :
"The powers amI Hussla cannot allow Japan
* i 10 cstablsh a stringent Ilroteetorate over
Corea Very dangerous complcatons have
11ln which may eomproml80 ) time results ob-
lahwlI by the Intvenlon of time powers In
limo setlement of the China-Japan dlsl'utl "
Tile 1.'lgaro refnrrln to time COlcan situ-
Iton remarks : "Tho Corelns do not want
Pie Japanese yoke. Her policy has received
1 checl' ' from which Il wi have dltculy In
rccoverimmg , "
UI"I"'r.1 T liii hf i I"lrA"t" ,
: IAIUn , Oct. 15.-An official dispatch
received her from havana today says an Important -
portant engagement has been ought at
Llnlleros ( .Iunadas ) In the leneses district
If time Ilrovluce of Santa Clara between a
Spanish \ column eommal1lell hy Colonel Milan
huh the comhlnl'l iiisisrgamit forces le.1 br
tierra , Glrrio amI htotlcriguez. The fight-
log Is said to have lasted seven hours after
Ihlch the emiemmiy lsporgell. bit ulel\'ards re-
formi' at the Sierra Colorado , whel'e the In-
Ilnonts WPe eventu.ll ) routed . losing I
lumber of kllCI al11 iiiniiy wounded. On time
Spanish side several soh1erb were wounded
. .tllit.VIltI Ii St'iiiiiiiii'i- 'I''nl . .
A..rh'll S..h..I..r I , ' I."M"
1.ONION ) . Oct. fli.-A dlsllleh to 110),1 ,
trout Vaiparalso Chill . Innounces thai the
merlcan hll 1.1thla , Captain Carter , [ rom
l.iverpool on June Z ; for Son Francisco \ , wIth
coal was buruell .t sea on October \ The
Parthla proved a total lou , Several of her
sailors landed In ole of the shill'S boats. but
Iho ellllnll , cit let lale alil 1 II i note en ot lie t
crew who len thi wreck In boats . al'e still
mlssilg , 'hc Parthll was built at ihathi
Ml' , In ISRhe was n double decked ship ,
registered , : , :11 : tons was 2Gm ) feet long. hall
I forty-four rout beam mmmiii '
fortY-fulr blal I waR t\Hnt-1
tight feet .lePI' , Site WilS owned by 10ughton
urea of : ll
I'uwn nl'llurh..t hl'I",1 h ) th ( ' fin t iIi
I.ODO Oct. lr --The KuinIclmetetung !
today plhlshel t lllsllteh frol 1 corre-
pendent In Consluntluopie' , u sertn ! that In.
lormaton had been received there that the
town of Zabara Arabia on the Persian gulf
bat hoen bOlllarle,1 by two British wnrshll ,
til hal been llestro"I , 'he ln,121 : ! gov-
Hnltnt lIne no miens of an ) ' such bombJrl. ,
L mll anti otelals believe that II refers 10
< time shelhl/ Arab . )1)WI off the ton n of
U.\hrchn lit them1LofSepteniber. _
- - -
. JII'II"N. ' CIII' ( "bi Clr'l. <
. YOOII.Oct , 15.-\n Iml\'rlal ! r- ,
flnanco iitms been Issncd
his prohIbiting J.paneSA
trol visiting Corea without s/eclal Prmis-
11l1 from the govermlmnelmt of Jallan A ills-
patch from Seoul states that during tIme con-
l I' ' " Ion which followed thl recent attack on
ho : royal palace then' the IloIr8 enlrc a
ellroom all Jlurlered three wo nlll , one < of
whol Is sUPPoled 10 have been the qUfl of
- , rorfl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( 'uiiimv.Ier St'thllrrh' . . " , 1.1 h'
Ql'lmSTOWN. 0,1. 15.--Thie Cunad liner
l'thla , Cptaln'ard , arh't hue at 10:0 :
' , Lie miloriing ( ,
,1. 10rnlnj frol 10ston She was ten
IY on her vcyee. hllg ben delsI\ \ by
.d ! weather on time \13nlc. : )
ItiI1"1'I4)N ' 1'0 ' 1'11' : .tlihlthC.tNiS'I'S.
Sireviies h.h. - lt t h. Iln'I.Ut I I
S'rul 1.1 I gull geM '
CITY OF mXICO , Oct. 1 . -Tho Interna-
tonal Congress of Amerlcanlsts has organ-
IzcII by the choice of Joaquin larrada , win-
Ister of Justice , a president antI four vIce
preshlcnts ( ant 1 corps of secretaries. General
Daz was elected patron. A sliver medal has
been struck II commemoraton of the assefil-
bln ! of the congress here anll each member
has been presented with one Today's 1'10- '
ceedlngs were destitute of scientific Intere l.
President Diaz has directed that all posslblo
couritsies be rxtended to visitIng scientsts ,
The banquet was a brilliant affair and
speeches were made In several languages , as
the assembly II a polyglot one
I dlor Mata In the Home Journal alleges
the coronation of the Virgin was entirely a
political 10\ment and engineered by an
astute clergy as a monarchical and reactionary -
ary demonstraton ( , The humble classes of
society were expelled during the coronation
ceremonies , whist the aristocracy always
ales of monarchy , were treetr with every
consillerton , Much comment Is excited In
religious circles over these atacls , Time
charge .hs sustnlned also by Catholic Editor
. :
Terrazas who S.YI the IK'rer cass amI the
1118nl were practically exeludel from the
church at Guadaloupe so as to give room to
rich peoll , Terrazas himself admits that
the Virgin of Oualaloupe Is a political s 'm-
hol , or as ho expresses I. an antI-Yankee
fag , but Terrazas Is snubb"1 by tIme high
clergy . and Arehblshol CorrIgan of New York
expresses the hOle that time Virgin of Guad-
aloupe will heeome the patroness of the entire -
tire American contnent ,
Slight shocks ) t earthquake have ben felt
at Icapuleo
A great antl-Gtmadaloupe manifestation oc-
eurrell at Vera Cruz where 20,000 people ,
bearIng banners anti firing rockets , paraded
the streets amId halting al the I.aunc
cigar factory l tcnEJ to amltl-cerIcai !
sllteehes Iform laws were cheered and
shouts of death to priest were frequent and
many arrests were made by the polee ,
Gregorio I.ecea has broken the Mexican
bicycle record hyolng a mile unpaced nnll
with a flying start In 2:094- : .
. - -
C.II.I : .t I'I : . . . I Iii yis i-ti' " S'"I"lhlA. I
LOnO , Oct -Truth says that the
statrl lent that the Sackvle pamphlet was
Intentl to drive the Unlml States ambas-
sailor , : II Thomas 1 Bayard , from I.ondon
Is absolutely nousense , all : "Anybody acquainted -
quainted with Iho 111110matc service wi be
mighty amused to henr that even a com-
! lnaton of all the members of thc service
concered could elect In the very slightest
tl posi Iou of a [ orelgn ambassador In
I.onllon. I cannot be denlcIl ( , however , that
MiIiayarti nvaled hlmselt of Lord Sack-
vihlo's InJlllclollS act to excite an anti-
gnlsh agitation to assist the eamldaey of
Mr. Cle'elanll , therefore It rellects great
honor Illn gnglanll that our goverment has
been so Ilgnllell and magnanimous to wel-
core sador. " as I has Mr. Bayard as an ambas-
11I . 1''A , 1".1 C"11 " % .1111. .
MADRID . Oct 1 , -EI Nacelonal says the
Spanish gO\rment has not receive any
threat [ rom the Iovernment of tile United
States respecting the reception or treatment
of thl' Inlell Stales eOlsul at Havana Mr.
Hamon 0 WilIams , m Nacclonal mitts :
"Thai the governmcnt ot Spain , In con-
sIunco of the friendly representations or the
government of the United Stats , has reeog-
nlzell the American consul as a diplomatc
agent. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cut II Mt-'rzIg ( ' Hnh' " ,
HAmUHO , Oct l , -The Boursenhale reports -
ports that II has learned there has been a
mutual agrlmont with tile purpose to Corm a
pool of the contnental sleamshlp lnes , They
ha\'o agreed to reduce the steerage rte to
Now York 20 marlls ( $3) ) from ) 'eslerda ' , The
a/remeI1 has as 11 object to ecure a more
just division of the passengers as between
time Brish and continental steamship eom-
pnles _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Na'ver 11..1.1 I I t. Get Out.
LONION Oct. 15.-Lorti Sackvle writes
tile TImes this moring In reference to a !
pamphlet ! nttell ' 'My Mission to the United I
States , ' 'St-8 . " Lord Saclvle explains that
the panlhlel was prlntml privately for
friends and was never Intended to be pub-
iisimed. and he cannot understand how I be-
came publc , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cu..t CI'h.IH II ituuumuijtiilmi .
BUCHAH Sl" Houmlnla , Oct l , -The
cahlnet has resigned anti 1lng hlrles has
slnllonell Demeler Sturtiza. the liberal
leader , to ! orm I muimlistry.
Late In the day Domcer Sturdza succaedcd
II forming a liberal cabinet , In which he
hlmsel Is the IJremler and minister of foreign
Ilalrs , .
lIIX.CO IIIH.I.I'I 'i' 0 GI'g IN .
" 'orL .r * litmcii ( 'liemig CIIII".I.1
1'i'iu'it'iiII- ( ' .1111. . . . . .
WASHINGTON Oct 15.-Minister Denby
anti , the British minister to China have suc-
cecded In overcoming time obstacles which
threatened to make the Kim Cheng commission -
sion a failure EO far as It was Intended to se-
euro the punishment of the Chinese who were
gui ) of participation In the rIots at Kim
Chen . wherein much lamage was lone to I ,
missionary property and great Indignities I
haller nlon tile missionaries. At each stage
the eommlsslou has beemi hindered In prose- ! ,
cntnl its Inquiries by the local Chinese 01-
daIs . anti the viceroy of the province of Sze-
chuan hlrsel has stool In the way of the
Ilunlshlent of the guilty partes ,
1.'lnall' appeal ) was male to the Sung 1.1
Hung directly . and that body has acceded 10
the tienmamidt , of tue ministers as \\'al evl-
denced by a cabl gram received at the Stat ' ,
departmenl today [ rom ) lnlster Demlby , which
Is suilstantal ) ' as follows :
II'I\NG , Oct -Seventeen criminals
wl Iw , 'xI'llte,1 , lt K\ Chen , The Yamll
- that mill Iho leaders , in
Illeos al ( ( n the rlotmlg )
> hal he execmmteti , all participants sentenced
awl all 111'llalc'l * . hal bp trlc < 'rho com-
ml slol \ ill I I Ilrobahl be adjolllIln Im-
lie , hal decree hits becn Is.ue.1 whl\h meters
till of time SZN'huan olollis Impllatell to a
boar.1 : COI Ilunlshment 1
I Is sutpoeeil thaI the adjournment of the
conlnl85101 referrtd to Is based on Iho fact
found Ihat I Impossible hlms concluded heretofore Its work. 10 It Induce has been the I
Chinese government to take any steps to pun-
Ish Iho olelah whom the fac's clearly showed I
to bo in large meaSlre responibie for the i
Two cable messages were rccl\et by Sec- '
retary Herbert today from the Asiatic staten -
ton , One briefy announced the arrival of time
gunbOl lPlr ( 1 at Chenumipo and said 10thing ,
In regard 10 . limo state of affairs In Corea The
other mCEFago simply annollcoll the arrival
of the : lachlas at Shonhal ,
1'"I'lt lt th. . lhu"1 II Jmipitmi.
WMHII'O : Olt 15.-fleiorts to the
UnIted States Elpen'hlnl : surgeol general of
the marine hotplal er\lce Indlcote that duro
In time Ilrescnt ephlemle of choler In Japan
there have hn 1 .jIO cases enU 2S 523 deaths
1'Imeo reports agr : In earln that the
disease WDS unusualr virulent this year In
cetain districts 1 . nlmost all the cases proving
fatal I 11 helevt time ( illdmlliC his reached
Ii clhnx alHI ii I now ulecllnimmg. <
: . - - - - leelnlnG.
' \'M"'rl lu.tmn.h'I'N1'0111',1. " .
, ASIIa'O , Oct 15.-Specitl ( Tell-
gram t--Postmiiastirs were appointed today as
folio ws , Ncbraslla--Bestwlck" : lclls
connt ) , Thcmn Stilts . vIe : S. U. Henshaw
resigned : Florcnc , DoujlaG county I , 0 1
'I'racte , .Tobn StalJn .Ieal , Jon a-.cmno ,
! owail rommuty.Vihiiammi cTmanIe ) Ella
l\cn\l. re@lgnct : ; 01.1. Madison county . : , Irs ,
Herrlla nppr . ) ' , "tee E. :1 fllpcy , tie .irl.
\.111..1. - . . CI" ' CIIII..I. I
ST. JOSEPh. Oel 15.--Caler .1. Waler.
lbs lX'11rleat , wa ar'alg.e.1 , In Iht criminal
eOllrl for trIal thIs morn In\ and \ on applea-
lion of attorneys for ( defendant , the eat , was
cntnuell nnt the Noveinhorml . al1 . hleh .
tlymlimVtugner \ Ill be tried ru the charge of
embezlement anti I'Gulbl on thp charges of
crimInal assault and kidnapping. No
ulaul kldnapplnl :0 men-
ton Wl9 male or bal today DR WInt dcs
nol tNlr , to bo released , bnt viI remain
In Jnl pe1dhlJ a trial or hIs case.
Sensational Stories Sent Out from Washington -
ton Without Foundation
CIIt"N"111 to tht.I1'rlcnn CII-
1l1111) ' IIIN lthhlA tl lu "lh the
A'l lou 'I'ii ' ' Pro-
\'JII 1'llu'n -ln'nr1 Iru-
I'UIICC" thc St ' lri'pI Ah"nr.l.
ST. PAUL , Oct. 1Seeral people most
directly Interested In the Orinoco country are
In St. Paul and have met and talked tIme situ-
aton over Informal ' . As soon as the papers
II connection with the lease or the Venezuelan -
zuelan land grant of tbo lanoa company -
, p3ny to the Orinoco company are
ready the omcers of the later company will
I met In St Paul. ThIs meetIng will prob-
ably occur In 1 few days. Among those now
111 time cIty are Donald Grant , president of time
OrInoco company ; lresldlt J. A. Bowman of
time Mnnoa eomlmn j Sam Grant of arlbault ;
W I I lhcr and othcrs.
When ren In hIs ounce , Iresllent Bowman ,
salt : "The lease has been eomllieted II the
state of Wa hlngton. The nmount of land Is
1.000.000 acres and time amount of purchase .
$2,000,000 , the leas oxlendlng over nlnet-
nine years. 'fhB Incorporaton wag made In
time state of Washington rather than In Mm-
nesota , because there It costs practically noth-
log , whie herB It would have cost between
$14,000 and $ t6O00. l Much nonscnse haa heen
written and many senetonal eomplctono of
natons repqrted I deslro to Impress emi the
people generally that ' 0 art not stirring UI'
strife. We do not want trouble , nor are wo
asking the go\erment for anythln Nor
have wo ever donE so . cxcpt to demall at
one tme of the Venezueln goverment our
rights.o are not agitating alY question of
Internatonal dlspule. Whatever qimastiomla
them are will , work themsel\es out
Ftmrthermoro we ne\el secured any lald or
concession from Venezuela for the purpose of
having any such question setted , As a matter -
ter of act , we wi lose nothIng whichever
way It I ! setted , "
"how about the report that Secretary of I
State Oney had demanded that the Bllsh I
government within a I\en time '
cease its encroachments or submit the matter -
ter to arbitration ? "
"That report Is Incorrect. I such had
been done It would bo equivalent to a , Iecara-
ton of war , Still I am , led to believe that
Mr Olney made a request upon the Britsh
"overnment to have this whole mater arbl-
tlted , No time was specified anll he made
no demand But his request was couched In
\Igor.ns terms , which none could mlslnter-
Ilrel "
\\'as It because the land of American
citizens was beIng encroached on that Mr.
Oney tool the mater In hand so vigor-
ommsly ? "
"The question does not appertain to the
lands or the Minnesotans nor any other
AmerIcans , hnt to time land generl of the
souther republic. The qutustioml . In ) line . Is
whether England call 11smember a South
American republic and ignore the Monroe
doctrIne Englanll takes hut n little part of
our tract , but altogether , silo has grabbed a
piece of land as big as New York anti
wealhier than her own little Island Great
golt and tmber lands has she tallen We
don't ask a thing. We have setted with
thin Venezuelails. I the BritIsh tale part of
this territory upon which she has encroach
or if I she takes It all , sue will stl have taken
but a small part of our possessIons nnd we
have It properly fixed , with the Venezuelan
ovelnment anti we would ha'c our losses
made good by other possessions. So we ask
nothing ; not even protection , "
LONDON , Oct 15.-United States Ambas-
sailor layanl was Interviewed today respecting -
Inp time report circulated In the United States
that he had been Instructed by Secretary
One ) to submit an ultimatum to Great
Britain on tIme Venezuelan question In the
form of a dispatch the slhstance of which
vao saId to be that' the UnIted States lll
never consent to BrItsh occupation of the
11sllted terrItory In Venezuela Inle s that
natiomi'a rlhts are first determined by arbl-
trator : I' , Bayart , after reallng an article
lublshpd In a New York newspaper , dated
[ rom Washington October 3. saId that the
[ acts In the case seemed 10 have ben evolved
In the fertile braIn of time writer . In time same
manner that I spider finds time material for
its weh from Its own Inlerlor lie rhlculed
the staten1nt of an ul'limiatmtmn having bn
drawn lp by tile United States , amId said he
could not seriously dlscns the mater , The
fact , however remains that since the diplo-
matc break between Great Britain anti Ven-
ezula. some years ago . the United States had
been ellea\oring to bring about a pe\cef I
settlement of the queston , The same situatIon -
ton contnues at presemmt and the longer the
mmlatter was allowed to drift the
mater alowell drif more anxious
would the United States become to see It
definitely setle\ ThaI was all Mr. Bayard
could say about the matter.
1h'I' : : 1'Xuln I 'I'eulks ot I lie
\'Iuish ) ' 11"11111 C.I IU I ) ' .
NEYOItK , Ocl. lHeeelr McNulta
of the Dstilng and Cattle Feetlng company
In an Inlervlew says :
All oC the seventeen distillery properties
sell iy me at judicial sale ace , Wit rropertpl I
excell\on. renh' to hI tUlned over to time
new . comIHn ' . 'fhe Scilf ldt. the 'xcp lon ,
wi bo turncil over In Ilue couree . hut time
delivery of tile others wi he delayed unti
tileii lS the conveyance roust bo on a single
' 10'11. misVtlS the sale. The properties Hold
'Included the best distleries of the com-
Iln ) ' 1111 till oC the plants that were oper- ,
nt11 under tile reltlvershl'I ' , ' 1hl outlook
( or bUHlness Is good /n,1 , the prlanenc\
the new eOllan ' Is now an e tahlshell imtet.
itt , proporton 0 ' the trlt Is threo-lrhs oC
thl entire 111011u\1 TIle new eOlllany wi
be enahle,1 to sell Its product al a small
mnrgln above the COt ot pro'lneton ' , anti
wihout los. whlo other cOIp.nles. 10 meet
time , must cell
comllelllon sel nt front unit to
2 edIts per proof gallon loss.
N : \ YORK Oct l , -I Is stated that all
the paper In the Dstiing and Cattle Feed-
lmlg ellement have been signed ant Ihat J.
I Oreenhut has deposi ell with time rcorgani-
zaton eonunltee 1.19 shares of old distilling
cOlpany stock.
' ) ho distillers' contract for cattle feeding
for tue ensuing year has been awarded to
lelsn Morris on terms regarded as [ , \orable
'by the distlilers' company The distilleries
wil slot Novmber 21 , \ Ith a capacity of
OOOO hushels of corn n Ilay. I Is not true
that a dIstIlling company has been ormed
amId ofcers elecled This statemuemit reported
In a Chicago dIspatch said to have been made
b ) Mr. Mayer . Is pronounced Incorrect hy
members of the commUtee here NegotIations
with reference to the distribution of the
AmeIcan compan- are . In progrss ,
Chili it t'd ii m'iit-ii tl ION iflt her.
TOl'EiA , Kan" Oct -Tho nl)8tery
surrounding the whereabouts of Marie
Ihihul' , who ra aWI ' [ 101 n I..avenworlh
COI.Vtnt . , wits ceared UI' today hy I le- :
Jrll trol her mother In l.ealh'lle. whIch
rtlatell that tIme chlhl had been broumgtit to
her h ) a slln/o lan , \ hot once dlslp-
\larel\ The 'olwka wOlen \ ho hud taken
time girl In cllmirge. prewlab ! 10 keep her
Quit of n Catholic c.enl. refuse to tile
Ilht to II wllro she was , hut It Is believed l
they sent her home to her moth.r , A ha- !
bemis corpus cape against the woman was to
Ille beln heard this afternoomi . but the
tUlnlu lp of the child In Lpadvll satisfied
the relatives lucre , amid . It was dlsrlsbed ,
\1""I"lt" Ir t't'll"M'I" . (11,1. I : .
AI Ioston-\rrlved-Catalonla. [ rom .I\'er-
At : lovlArrl\d-Anchornll , from New
York , for Glasgow. :
\t Queenstoivn-Arrived-Cynthla , frommi
BOMlon. for 1.lnrpool. I
, \ New \-I'-k--rrl\I-Ethlopla. from
Oa.I- , .
At ilrcmemi-Arrived-Trave , from New
York via Southampton.
real \t Ilanlburg-Arrivptl-Canada , from [ lont-
At New York-Arrl'c-Ccvlc. front I.h'er
1001 ,
Honolulu. At Ran Francieco-lepart'd-Autralta l , for
S\llg l Ct ) t'It'l' IIn.\lU . 1i1)'l'l ONS .
1.lrA' Num Iii hi.r ot Cn" . . . 1f11A l'r..1
for 1IIIIIntUentIIA.
WASINGTO : Oct 15-'he supreme
court today beard mIlan ) ' motons from attorneys -
ncys , a majority or them for the advancement -
lent of case on the docket. A motion to
allvanco was made In the Indiana railroad
tax cases , and also In th@ Tennes3e bank
tax cases , the attorneys requesting that as
early a day bl set as possible for the argument -
ment Similar motions Were made In the case
of tim Lclro GI Light company against
Michael J. Murphy . street commissioner of
SI Louis , anti In those o'tho ' Central Pacifc
railway fornln conlany against \e t people of Cal-
The California Irrigation c'3es. Involving
time constutonalty of the Wright law , were
under consideration for a short time on n
melon by : II HUbbarll , representing the
Fall 110011 IrrigatIon ' district for a consolda-
ton of the case with that of Tregera aganlst
tile : loteslo district. Mr. Josph Cheat ,
representing the oPPonJ ! slle , .usesnted.
The TregerR case had becn act down for aI-
"ument on the 21t InsL , but the court con-
sentod to a Postllonemenl or that case , anti
stated that the melon for . consolllaton
would be taken tinder alvlsement anti the
date for argument announced at a later day.
These cases involve rlmlar questions . but one
of them reaches the supreme court [ 101 the
&tltO cOlrts ' 1\ \ the other from the federal .
courts In one case the law was pronouncell
constitutional and In the other unconstitu. I
tonal , I
: II Choate called attention to this fact and :
said that In view of thIs fact the cases ought
to be henrd by a full bencb. To thl ! suggestion -
ton the chief jurtco ! only replIed thai It
was ohvlous the Tregera case should not be ,
hearll at so early a datE at the 21t , I Is
reported that ex-PresIdent harrIson will appear -
pear In these cases .
Attormucys relresentn ! jhe states of In-
diana nnd Ientucky asked jointly for tbe
appointment of n eommlbslon to fix the line
between thin states . determining the state
owiThrship of the Island hi the Ohio river at
time mouth of Green river , as ordered by n
det'reo of the cotmrt . anti , upon being asked
to deeignate men for the work , hamled In
the names of G. V : lenze\ of Intilamla . Gaston
: I Alvez of Kentucky and Colonel Amos
Stelmey of Iho englnCr corps of the army
Time court look no action.
Tie rovernment moved to advance the
case ot Judge Charles D. , L'ng against Pension -
don CommIssioner Locimremi . In\'olvlnG the
right or the commissioner of penslonl to 10
duce hIs pension
SI.S Cldlt'l'AINI.Y ihMAh'l'1.tltIN n.
1111A : Ir F''iumzii's . oft the Open ieai
th. CII" " .
WAShINGTON Oct. 1 ' 7James Shoakley ,
governor of Alaska , In i' ' annual report to
the secretary of the interior . says on the
Ilsaplearance of the seals :
"No one at all fmiar with the past
history of the Islands can look upon the
) c.
. ulon
deserted rookeries today and not realize wih
crushing force how great has been tie
diminuton of seal lIfe , 'oscaly of the
prolilctvo class tile females. " On the
rookeries now there are many male seals ,
whie females are scarce. tThe tlrlnuton Is
due directly to the killIng at sea , where no
dl crlmlnaton can bo made as 10 the sex
ot the seals. Better protection must be
granted than Is afforded 'by the Paris trl-
! unal
Fifteen tbolsant skins were taken on the
Islands thIs year and 38.0Qwero taken by
poachers , 76 per cent of which are females
Time governor tilscmmsm4iut seine length
the mIning Industries u , \\ska anti says
that the production Intljies that It will
he a profitable anti , Ilermrcnt : Industry , The
laws or the mining counl ' are administered
by the miners themselves and II Is wholly
Impractcblo to try 10 exrclse government
control or the mines at present.
Upon the subject of tbe' Alaskan boundary
the : govrnor says : "Tho' people of Alaska
over the whole country expect and believe
that the government of the United States wIll
defend anll maintaIn our. right 10 all the
terrier ) Included within jthe boundary line
fixed and agreed upon by treaty made between -
tween Great Britain and Hussla In 18C . and
acknowledged for fully three-quarters of a
century wihout queeton or tlspute ,
- -
' ' , ' ' . ' ' ' " ' .
SI.lrlnnl"t. ' Cnln''litlnu 11"1" " ( ' "
t hI' . \ rrt."ts nf ' : Ut.lhlll" .
WASHINGTON , Oct 15..The third annual
convention of the Spiritualist association
oponei here today anti 'I contnuo three
duys The al\al report'.of President H. n ,
Barret showed an adlltf of f5 per cent In
mcmhershlll during the ) ' ( ar. I was elahnell
that there are 125,000 bdia tide spIritualsts
In the United States , and ten times that
number interested In spIritual phenomena
The report also protested ' against the alleged
gentral persecution of spirit mediums , asserting -
serting that fifty-two , of * , them hal been arrested -
rested durllG the ycarbn false charge
PresIdent Barret reeoml1cnllet the appoint-
ment of commItees on legIslation In each
communIty to eonduela , vigorous campaign
agaInst time persecution "r cpinitmiaiists . and
urged them to take a inure active part In
politics. Pettons caIlIn ! . attention to recent
arrests were ale presented on behalf of
Phiadelphia mediums. ,
At the session this e"en1ng a national fag
was presented to the e0fnton as a test-
menial , given by Dr. J. ; . Euvell.
I'lxe IIH g .t'id'1''o - ' ) II H 1 1.1'gU
' \'ur 1'I.nrtl"'lt - 1 utforiitt-I limit _ ills
St'l'vlet'M Art UiwiitIsfzi'tom'- ' :
WAShINGTON , Qct.15.-Special ( Tole-
gram.CapiainVllilamn ) 11. Capl ) of the
Sixteenth infantry , acting Indian agent at
time Fort Berthold agency ; North Dakota , had
a conference wih the secretary or the ulterior
101lay The delartmentti has requested the
secretary of war to Issu . an order relieving
CaptaIn Charles G. Pen \ey of time Sixth In-
antry , V.ii ( ) Is agent lt the Pine Ridge
agency because of a 1 lunterstamllng between -
tween Captain Penney mind the Inilan olce ,
I Is saId thaI the services of Captain Penney
are not satisfactory to the department Of-
fclal of the War deparlJent say In defense
of Captain Penney ! har : he Is an excellent
army olcer and Is r\vlnr ot ] support
II Is probable thai Captn : Clapp will lie relieved -
leved at Fort I Berthold amid ordered to releve
CaptaIn Penney at PIl' nlle.- . ( CaptaIn
la1111 was at the War dip3tmet . tOlla ) ' ,
. \n : Ih.Cl , 'VOTIiiFVihi'l'Il WISI' ; : ulI 1"ull ' nl"urn rrll
'I'Iieir Suiuiiiu'tr 111" ' .
"ASmGTON. Oet.I:3 -The preslde.tal
family was reunited In \ alhlngton this even-
InK Iresldtnt Cevelall ) rQached time cIty
by-water II the aHernoc\lnd llS , Cleveland
anti the children arrlv1 by trall over the
Pennsyl'anla r'ad at 9t5 : p. m. About 4
o'cloek the steam yacht dneida , wih the
president , Private Sccrtary Thurber , and
ComodorB Benedict , doled at time Sevemitli
street wharf , where carles were In waitIng -
log to cOlvey them to tie , .xeeuUve mansIon
The chief executive \\11 have but a brief
rest , for next week he cols to Atlanta to pay
a visit to the Cotton States expositon ,
- - - -
1.1 hour fl.nlZ , , II S"III.
W ASIOTO : Oct1 5.-The anlual business -
ness session of the Netonal . \noclatol of
Retail Llluor Dealers , t 'hl United Stales
began yest.rllay. ( At1drqs of welcome were
delvt t by District COllnlssloner Hess ant
by Chairman Jordan ofjIe Loa LIquor fed- (
oration . The report of Se rotary Ialo showed
that time association no Ja I meulberihll In
twenty-five states , all ) f whIch are repre-
snle.1 ot the convent . . Six states were
added durh'g the year . , Time report was not
made publc , but ) It 1.60wet the IJlgress
made by the aS60epto ! Its efforts to rre-
vent an Increut oC ti" er tax I 8d0.
cat.ed a more thorough ? organization of the
Iql\r trade of the - nlry. CommItee
were appointed to draf rwolutons and prepare -
pare necessary , Its to time constlu- I
tion. The enlern orgl L ton Nporterl that '
during tha year 150 I \ 'organIZAtons had' '
been formed In four eat ram its PI Th dele- '
gates this afternoon cslr Mount Vernon. I
, r
, .
. .
' '
- " -
Governor Ho1comb Pays His OompHmolts
to Commissioner Russe1.
\Ith It&'frremmu'e . . th ( ' CII'ru t
iui iii' \ I.h I il.'emuie'r Cln"I'rllll
time Curl lt time CII\'lct" .
LINCOLN , Oct. 15.-Speclal ( ) Tele ram-
The supreme court did IOt today pass OIl the
apllleatol of Attorney 1lrllpatJlek for leave
, to file n suit In mantnmus to comll1 the
i Board of Pure has ! anti SUPlles to help out
Warden I.eldl"h In maIntining the comivlcts .
but Governor Holcomb wrote to Lall CommIssioner -
mIssioner Hussel the folowing letter , which
more fully cxplails his Ilresent Position In
regard to the muddle amid states the existng
conditIons :
I.INCOI.N , Neb. , Oct 16.-To Hon H C.
flUseil. Chairman BOlr of Iuhlo I.aniimt
anti Bllhln s , I.lncoll < Neh. : Deal Hlr-
1 have before inc yours or today 1ltlvl to
the emillormlt or the Idle 1 convIctS In the
Ilenltenthlr ! I note that you say "I wIsh
onlo lore to cal your Itenton )01 to the rl'l
that wo havl plrtes to take lOt ) convlt ! at
I good price I'el' ' tiny therfor " I wish to
city hInt this Is the first communlcn .
either oral or written , of which I now remember -
member whereIn tIle board speaks of mall-
Ing contracts for tile (11"I"vlm'nt of the
, In tin' poumiten-
bile convicts noW oonfnel1 thl Ilenlen-
tar } ' , anti that this Is the Ilst InfoJlaton I
which 1 h\o , Ilcl'lvtt of Inr lontrmplate < l
contrnct for jilt em\lloYInl \ oC such eon-
viets , chiller hr the board 01 : II lellel' . lS ,
' tile '
the leSSl'e oC the PenitentiarY under
contract recently entered Into hetween him ,
and thl honld , :
nnl nm hut Iellrtnwhnl I have hercto-
fore sahl , both hnmbltc.Y Int In private , ever
slnco the conlllt extsiitlg hetween time state
amid : . Dorgan was termlnatNl , wl1n I ay
that there ought to hI ounl rpnmnertvo
wmmgos to the state for every hue convict In
wlJes pnltentary , antI I belcv\ < that there
were numerous parties who were < lsi Otis
of securing such labor rr01 the slate , so lS
to give work ( tin all of the convicts not now
havln employment I have convlrsell with
lfferent iarttee , who hayo expressed to le
a desire paltes the lahor of such lonvlts ,
and I have referred them to your houorhle
boar ns being llt proper mind only nuthor-
Iy whll'h loull enter Into such a contract ,
hOlllng each time that sltsflCtOIY arrngo-
Ints could . be mad wherehy all IIrisoner8
mlHht ho fUlnlshell wih work nli the state
have the accruIng henelt thercfrom
Since the termination of the DorHnn con-
tract I hay exercised every effort within
my power to secure the emplo'ment ot nil
Idle convicts to Iho best Idvnntne to the
slnte I have not knowingly put tIme slight-
ot hrln nhout
eat obslaco : In tIle way bringing Ihout
this much 11elIIed result. 1 IUuw of no
authority to enter Into contracts or this
n'turo anti this ptmrpoe , except hy the Uoall
of Iuhlc Land8,11 hiuilthimigs . amid Cor thlt
reason such efforts ns have been mantle by
mo could avail iloilmimig wltilolmt the actiomi
eoull nvnl nothi1G wihout acton
of the hoarll '
Whiiio my uom'itlomi as to the contract en-
'hle \ostton .
tC ell Into hetwe UI ' U I dot Ilbl. I.'ndJ
amId , Bulrln/'I ' Inll 11' ! Ilemer hilts been
full y uta tti / nimd w' IlIle . In I my jwlgment t ,
fuly acton excede the lutholl ) ' Ilven to
tile board by law anti , 11 nJllnst the best '
interests or this Insttuton mind oC the
tlxpnyels generally . 1 far a' my authority
01' imilltmence mlht extend t hlye been ready
al al IUmls to favor the employment of tIle
ithle convlctl under any contract which
mIght be approved by Iho hoard. nothwlh-
standing the Irreullrlt ) ' which rlrht exist
In mnlng the contract through Mr. Beomer
! the 1tso" of the state . and nit I tinder-
tn11 time posIton of Mr I.eitiigii , tuevar -
lIeu , he entertaIns the same views and his
been reary to recognize any contract tie
board entered Into anti furnish to such con-
' labor anti guttrd - for
trctor the necesIr Ind gUlr
the same to time tul capacity ) ' or Iho penl-
tentury , anti 1 hope you may b' successful
In closIng the contract for the elllolent
oC the conVicts at which } 'OU make meuton ,
As to tIle section oC the session laws oC
t895 which Ii Iuotell In your coiiimnimmiication .
an,1 undel which the hO:11 has souJht to
agaiml lease the prison and prison label to
nlaln : I' Blemer , It Is so palpably tmncomlstitu-
t. . nal that It seems to mae useless for us
to dui-etmss the "nlhlt ) ' of tile an1. or the
ntgimt of tile board 10 net undel' the luthorl ) '
eoimgiit to he confen'd upon them by this
Eourht , .ourl vr ) ' trimly ,
SI.AS A. 101.COID , Governor
Folowing Is a copy of time summons In the
landamus case \Varden I.eldlgh addressed
to Sias A. 1olcomb. governor ; 11. C. Ruseell ,
commissIoner of public lands anti buidings ;
J , A. Piper , @ecrctary of state ; Joscph S.
ltartley . treasurer ' , and A. S. Churchill . attorney -
ney general who are made defendants In the
case :
In tIme slpreme court of tIme state
or Nebraska : YOI and each of you
are herehy imotifled that on tiio - day of
October , 189:1 nolfet soon thereafter n ! I
cal bo imcartl , I will apply to the supreme
court or tIle state of Nebraska for n writ oC
mandnmus to issue I : agaInst you Iefuiln
you forthwIth 10 provide nIl imecessmtry sup-
lIles for Ihe temporal ) ' Illnlenunc ! of the
stale \'Inientlry , anti further 1 < lulrlnl )01
amId each of yj to mpc With Iho plllntf
as warden , make' estmate ! of thl' supplies
npcessury 10 maintain sail , penitemmtiary . to
advertise rol bIds thereror , Inll make con-
tracts for the furnIshing of such Euplles as
are requIred by law. .
lIt't' VA1Nli IX GALA A'I"I I I g.
C'h'hrntlA th. . I'oimuiitiig lt thc City .
0) ii t' II U nil ri-il 1'11'11 ,
FORT W'AYNII , Ind" , Oct lTho eole-
hmlon of the 100th anniversary of Fort
WnynB's existence as a city , which Is to continue .
tnuo fOlr days , was begun this morning anti
large crowds are In attendance from Intlana ,
souther Michigan and northwestern Ohio
The day was Ishered In by firing a salute
of 100 gun and the ringIng of all the bells of
the clt ) At 10 o'clock time art buildIng , con-
taming relics of pioneer days and art die-
plays , was opened with Intereslng exercises.
This afternoon an Immense bicycle parade wae
given over Iho paved streets followed by
hleyelo races and base bal games Tills evening -
ing the opening centennial meeting will be
held at tile big Prlncos rInk. The addllress
of welcome will bl delivered by Mayor C. I
Odley , and the response by Hon p , A.
Randall . president of the centennial eommlt-
tee Fort Wayne was never so handsomely
or profusely decorated , nor had aD large
crowds of visitors as she Is now entertining ,
- - -
I' \ hId 'i'.tiCIIS ' 1'0 C.\ IIIIH .
lti ' , ' . 111 Sin IthiAeeumsu'ih ' . .t \"A-
111 Use .r hiihhguIis. .
DFNVlm. Oct l , -Hev , Frank Hyatt
Smith . late of the North Avenue BaptN '
church , Cambridge , Mass. , seems qllo likely
10 be placed under arrest and taken back to
Boston as 1 prisoner of tIm federal authori-
ties. He Is now In this city as a candidate
for the paslorshlp of tIme FIrst Congregational
church , of which Hev Myron W Heed wal'
formerly [ In char"e According to' the war-
rant In the hands of the government olcers
Hev Mr. Smih Is charged , with having written .
ten and malell postal cards bearing remarks
of a scandalous nature refvrrlng to certain
members of his CambrIdge church which
body , It Is said Is divided Into two factons ,
with one of which the clergyman seem to be
very mooch at outs WhIle the warrant has
not yet been sen'el , , I Il' slntell. that It will
be ' 'morrol 11ev. Mr. Smith denies In
( e. . all the charges male , though further
than that ho relss to say a word.
S'I'i1.tMliht C. ' I'Si'I.11i : \ IX A SLtiAiib.
Ni II" I'issi'mig-rs Url\l.t 11,1 t lie
it I. iii II I ii ii " 'r 1"1.,1.
ST LOUIS , Oct. . 15-A special to the He-
public from New Orleans , I.a" , sa'I : The
Freddie : I. . an American vessel , and the mal
steamer for the north district of BritIsh
10nturas. capsize Thursday In sper\tu \
Santo bay near the coat of Yucalan , ant
about weh a miles from Corosal I had
fortY-loven palengen anti a crew of eleven
aboard , P. C. lalnlck of Nol Orlesnl ,
W. I. \ lcUonalll ii. I hudson . I , McCoy :
Mrs. M , Habelo of Usilco . Mrs. Wordsworth
of Orange Walk , her Bon and daughter and
DOC of the crew named Toby wore drowned
, " . .
( iitO"l'hi Citt/ il1Mlil1htSIlhl' .
UIO\"I'I IN l1 ; / , 1 lmlII'
I I.I"IIIII ( ' .11 I IMI'il lt" 1111 -
( 'ri'imsi tIer . 1111.1) ' 'Ihll l'h'rA " .
INIAPOIS. :111" , Oct. 1 . -The
hour of deputies of thc EpIscopal cOn\cnton
totlay first Iltencll to the report of lit. Lit -
lei of time General Theological \ Scmlnar of
the Church , its progress and Its nceds
The petItion of the ICW Ilulolarr ionic-
: dicton of Duluth , approve by the bishops
) yesterday , wits prcsented to the house amid .
HeEolutons were passed rccomme11lg that
the expense commiteI raise a flnll to pay
time Ira'pln ! xpelCS of time bihops In
: Europe vlltn ! cimtmrcumcs there and declarlmlg
it expetiiemit to namlle a deputaiiumi to attemutl
tIme next nicetimig of the Canadian symmeti of
the Clmtirciu of England.
Rev. Ii. C. lmmtmcan of Louisiamla , in his
report on time state of LIme church , saul that
since thmo last commferemlco in 1S92 ten bisimops
I'aii dicti , fotmrteemt had been comiseerated ,
fummr of vhomn wemut to moisslommary tiistnlcts.
'rime chumureim hmow haul stventy-tulmmo bishops ,
4,644 clergymnemi , 567 candidates for lay or-
tiers , 19SO baptisnis In time past ) ear amid
131,473 comifirmuatlons. There were mmiv 618-
500 cotmrnumuca1ts , 5,117 chi'irii etiuf1cs anti
iiearly 600 imistitutlotis of a bemmevelent or
eilmmc.ittomial character. Contribtmtions ( rota
all omirees liati reached $3S,0OOO0.
Dr. Dtmneamm's recom t showed tlm boty of
comiimiluinicaumts ias growlmlg lucre timami the
numb-r of clergy. Tiu increase In tito
triemmniimmn Imati beemi 65,701 , wiille the list
of liriestS hail grown but 157 , a fact Ime at-
trlbtmtetl to "instmihiclemicy antl dumninmitiomu of
stpommtis. : " Tue mncommie for hue three years
ias $35,000 lees thmamt for time precetiitig
'Fime COmnmllittee ma Jo recomiimiienti utlamis for
patriotic servIces emi time Iommrth of Judy , for
ctnicter regard for tlmo divorce laws of tue
chutreim , for better Sabbath obwrvmince amuti
for moore active propagtnda for Christiaml
teacum log.
It beimig sotmgimt to thotmk time nmmtiior of a
Ptubltcation for ita gratuitous ilstrihmitlon , a
I esolmmtion refusing to permit tue tiistribtmtion
iml the comivemitlomi of amiy pubhicatioim not
oileIahly recogilized was offered by J. Pier-
Pfltmtiorgaui mmd va * , imnanimmmously adopted.
Time imoimso of bshiolla totlay comlctmrreti in
time action of thmo depmmties providummg for final
cutljammrnmiient oh October 22 , emi wimich day the
pastoral letter will ho roati. Most of time
mllorning lesslon tas devoted to comlstitimtional
revision. An ammiemmtimtuemit was adopted to
article v , makitig the commsomlt of the bishops
of tlioeecs affected as well as timat of time
conventioml necessary before amiy diocese or
mnissituary junimudictiomi could be erecteti.
The actiomu of yestenilay osslgmmlmlg time
charge of Alaska to time btshmop of Olympia
% as recoui&ideretl by a iwo-tiiirds vote amid the
advisallihity of tile election of a missionary
bishop was consitleroti.
The deputles finally paseti tIme Packarti
resolution referring the bobject of commstttu-
tiomial revisloml to a miew conimulesion , coma-
poseti of ix clerical anti six lay mnemmibors.
The biejiops will Imave no conmlection witiu
the work of tlmis commmnissIon. Tue Imomiso
itati previously defeated a proposal to refer
time milatter back to time lwesent joint commute-
iomi. Time cstablisiimllemut of a llrovlmlcial
systemu was excepted fronu limo matters referred -
red to tue new comnniisalon.
-I Li , .Al'I'ld.t L 'i'imidS'VtNFOILI ) CASE.
Al torni'y Gemuoi'iil Itmi m'nmon Orders Ohio
Stilt 'i'uii.euu Umi.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 15.-Thmo govern-
flout's stilt agaimist the Stanford estate Is to
be appealed Immilediately to time United States
supreme coimrt by the govermlmulent. Time hat-
ter's counsel here , Jutlge I. . . I ) . McKlssick ,
imas received instructIons to that effect from
Attorney General harmon , The dispatch ,
wimich was brief , saId : "Sorry you lost ,
but feel confitlent you diti everythimig possl-
ble. Case simotihil be appealed to tIme supreme
court. "
Judge McKissiclc hopes to imave lila lueti-
tion for an appeal preparetl and filed some
tithe in tIme next two or three days. A
citati.oml or notice to tue other aide will thou
iie iceumed , amid withumi ten ilays lie thilmllts the
appeal sitotmld be perfected.
In speakimig abommt tlm subject Jmitigoic -
iCissick said : " \'lien time appeal goes b2fore
time United States supremime court fimo attorney
general , as lii tii cumetommi , ivill emmtcr an ap-
pearamuco anti illo'e tIme court to ajivance tIme
case emu tIme cahemidar anti set it down for hoar-
immg on sonic peci.fleti day convomiiemit to time
court. 'rime court imsumahiy grants sucim requests -
quests on time motlomi of tlme attormiey gemmeral ,
but of commree thio day for tiic' imearing of time
case cannot be kmioitmm until time count sets the
"It is 1101 time custom of the court to tile-
place oilier cases specially set for otimers
newly ativamlced on the calendar , html I ani
inclined to timink a hearing irlll be Imati sommlo
timmle iii December. Bumt as it all rests In the
discretion of tue coumrt I mliay ho nutstakemm as
to the time. Anti yet it the J'earlng is
lostpomleti later timami next January I shall be
conlewhat smmnpnlsetl. "
WAShINGTON. pet. IL-Attorney General
hIarmomi ivill mnako a motiomi iii time United
States supreme court to ativamuce tIme Stamniforti
case as sooti as time appeal cami be brought
Imere , with a view to procuring a final tie-
cision as early as possible. Aboimt $15,000-
000 is involveti. Mrs. Leland Stanford hind
an IntervIew witim time attormley general thus
mmiornlng. Silo was prepared , It was ummider-
stood , to make a plea to the attormley general -
oral to allow time case to rest wlmere it is ,
bmmt witen she ascertaineti tlmat it wommid ho
appealed to the supreme court iue comicurred
iitim tile attorney gemleral in the opinion timat
time governmcmlt'a Interests , time Interests of
tile Stanfonti university amid Imer own Interests
would be best simbserved by the earliest lies-
sible final decision of the case.
ShIEitIm'1e 1".tILlli ) i'O ihlN'i'Il' ' HIM.
ahiiii .trrt'steil umt3hmiihisomi iui Not II , .
I ) r. ( I uert.imm.
MADISON , \\'is. , Oct. 16.-Tue qumestiomu of
time identity of tile macn arrested imere Sunday
night. anti is'imo is smmppcsed to be Dr. , loitmiV. .
Overton , tbme Des Moines , Ia. , grave robber ,
wait not ascentaitueti by time arrival of Slmerlff
Joseph McGarraugim of Des Moimmes today. 'rime
sheriff dlti not know Overton when the hatter
\sas at Des Moines , and was unable to tell
whetimer time man hmeld Imero Is tIme Iowa
pimysiciaml or rIot. tie believes timat l Is and
has telegrapimeti for Captaimi Morgati of tIle
ies Moines pollee , vhmo is well actiuainted
whIm Overtomi. Morgan wIll arrIve lucre to-
Imiorrow. Time mnami untier arrest tiemuies ho Is
Overton and Is willing to return to Des
amo liig ( tir Ii Shuir ( CuiriiuumIgi. .
CLE\'IILAND , 0. , Oct. iS-The Chevelanti
Cimatnber of Commerce tonight adopted a
resolution calling upon conhmliem-cial hiotiles
in oilier cities to move ( or a miiorter politictil
campaign mlext year. Thou prenmiiiiio recites
that mnucii of time depntoteioui following the
election of 1i92 was dime to time bug cam-
ualgn , and it in necunltnemldoi timmit the con-
vttmitmonm , of tllo tWo great htanties hue hiolil
three months inittenil of six ltmOuitims before
time election. A memnoritul to ClInt effect wtih
he sent to hiothi the ilemmuocnatic anti r&'puhli-
can national comumlttees.
. ' .nolhi'i' iChiihig I ii the' q'u.i''l toi'- ,
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 15.-A specIal to the
Star from At tica , I. T. , says : Another kill-
log occmirreii near Caddo yesterday , in which
one hioffer eliot anti mortally woundeth John
Meyers. Ihoffer surrendered to Mmsrsimal Fry
anti had a prehinlitiary examination before
Commiesiomier Grubbs , who held tue defemudamlt
upon the charge of murder. Meyers tiled
scan after being eliot.
iiuiIiurIs' . ' . * , , t'iiiit't'ouiiiliihIe ' ,
NEW YORK , Oct. 15.-The steamiwr Alone ,
vhiicii was lIned on by a Slamlilshl gomiboat
while passing Cape Moysi om October 6 ,
arrIved tlmimt mtternootu. Captain Solders iii
at a loss to imecotmnt for the contluct of the
Spatmimirils , as iihti stetimer 071(5 displaying
huer umsuini signals. lIe itihl hnako it report to
his company , which may hiring tue ima'ldcmit
to time mtttentIofl of time lttite departmneuit.
I'ii rllon'Il A I I of I hiu I iumun ti's.
ChICAGO , Oct. 15.-lovernor Aitgeid van-
(1000(1 today a bunch of 112 girls from ( hi'
E'umistoii Industrial , sdtoI. 'l'ims var'Ion
applIes to every prlsormer in time pehiool , and
is the result of this ummiimi'orahtle repom t mails
0) ' Li. coiuitnittee which investigruteul the In-
ititutiomi. 'Fhe girls range 1mm 'igo from 6
to 21 ,
! 1vs A POLITICAL 1)EB1 )
Jutigo Ambrose Relnilhds iliidgo DiokinsoL
of a Pow Pertinent Poets ,
Juuilgi' Sent 0 a miii I I is Ii'ui ( i'iumitit ,
.ti't'tmNl of Oe'uipliig ii SI mu liar
iteimitiomi to 'I'iiose ( it ( liiNo -
torloums Ciiiuiei' Assiupislims.
Jutige Anibnoso of the district bemmchi of the.
Fotirtiu jmmtilcial tiletrict. yesterday sent the
fuhiowimmg Imiterestlmig letter to Jtmtigo licklmi- )
son , cotmmity jtmtigo of iimmrt. coutmity , cmiii nomii-
illee Oil the repimbllcan ticket for jimtlgo of time
district court 1mm tItle district :
"OMAhA , Oct. 15 , 1S95.-C , T. iickimison ,
Req. , Cuimutiitlate for District Jimilge , Tekamomib ,
Neim. : My Iear Sir-Yomi beimig mba emmgagctl
ill mimI effort to b clocteti to mmmi oiiice for
whIch you have been imommuimuuiteti , amId lit the
comutluct of thmc canvass with 3'ommr chosen commi-
pammion , Cuiitmmimighammi hi. Scott , I take thIO
liberty of rcmnimmthimig you of a few timings :
' 'I owe Ill ) ' defeat for rcnommlimmatiuml to yotm ,
ammtl I desire to leave nothmimmg tmmutltuue ill time
Paymmmemit of ill ) ' polItical tiebt. hhcimig imutiebtt'tt
to you for timis commditiomi of tiulmiga , you cannot -
not blamile 1mb for * Ieelnlmmg to repay yen n
full lii limo gold coin of the renlimm. For thIs
vim rposo I mini a ci ogle mitmi mmtia rd tmman.
"F'rtuni yoimr owmi persomial assmmrammces prior
to the mmieetlng of time coimvemmtlomi , as veIl as
( noun mmiy own kmmowlcthge of tIme fcellmmg of the
delegation elettetl froiml your county , htiml
no reasomi to believe html tlmat I itouhtI receIve
tie vote of your delegatloml. Voti imaii saul to
lao at least uminmi two Occulsiomls in mmy chain-
bera at Omutaima , Iii time Presemiro of one or
aloro of time unsent ocetmpaiits of limo tiistrlct
licmmcli , that limo tlelogation front your coimmity
was for mime. 'omm Iimmti aestmred inc ( limit umider
no clrcimmmmstamicee would you eimter nmiy coma-
Imimmitlon ititim nil ) ' set of intlivitiunls iii reha-
titmi to time choice of the cotiveimtioum for ills-
trict jumthges ; yoim vero of tIme QphiiiOml ( lint
no commibimmmmtiomi was iectesary amitl tiuat ammy
mmlmumiimo stout Into a commihilmututiomi to defeat
tue iiommuimmtmtiomi of tue timeim liresomit jmmdgea
woimlti limed vitlm ultimiinto tlefeat , Yotmr miomn.
Immittiomi you comisimiered assured frouii time fact
of your locality , antI of ' ( lie two coimmltiesi
\ihmicii were smmpportlmtg yell. For title you
imati good ground. You ivero aware , as was I ,
( hint iii view of ( ito two ilolegatiomme already
imuetnucteil for 'oum lii W'asimimmgomi numil hurt
counties , that Dotmgias county imiiui Cimicedetl
3'Oimr mlomlulmirmtioml. As lii te as I 0 o'chrck nil time
monmiing of ( hue conventiomi you assumred omie or
miioro of ill ) ' friemmds ( intl I wommlti receive time
Votes of tiuo tleiegatiomu of hurt cotmrmty. You
assumretl moo In private commversaion ( that C. it.
Scott hail 110otes in your county , tmmihemts It
\vuis miecessary for your nomnlrmatiomm , when
thmey wommld ho suilllmmg to swahlois' Imimmi. You
also assumreti flue ( lint lie hath hot to excecti
two votes iii Wnsimingtomi county. I commfcsa
( hunt tmpom ( lie nmmmmotmmmcemiiemmt of tie vote of
llmmrt county , which 'ote was time first to be
ammmlommmmccd iii ( hue commventloml , tumat I % 'as commu-
Plolely pralyzeui whieim lImo clmuiirmnarm of your
ilehegation mtmmmloummceti the eumttno vote for other
gotltemuieml : thuaml rmiyselr.
"Are you aware why ( imle was ilomme ? If
not , ICt illO mmiivise you that It was because
of mu couilbimiatioml niatie by atmil Cmmimmling.
imani It. Scott anti iuiti friends. wimereby you
considered it necessary to ilefcat imiyuteit amId
Jtutlgo halt' 1mm order to appoastu time wrath
of time imead mmd front of the Clnmm.mua-1aele iii
1)ouglas comimltl'Viiy ( ilti do ( his , judge ?
Fhectuise : timotmgiit that C. Ii. Scott hind become -
come , all of a sudden , a fit amlti prorer unan
to ho rcnoimilmmateti for time otilce wimiCh he mitiw
imoidui ? If so , ivitnt has ciuangeti yotmr vlews'l
No nian kmlots better than yourself the feel.
mug of ( be entire bar of Burt county ill rela-
( Ion to timat gentlemnaml. llow ottemi you imave
expreeseti to illO yotmr titter abhorrence ot
htini as a juitige ; how you itavo ciisrmtctenlzeth
hula hitmmess for that positiomu ; imimil ynmm know
better than ami' omme else that imo itas miot the
cimoico of yoimr thelegatlomu ; but still , mtotwitii-
standummg your ott.repeateti opinlomi to nie 01
hulmmi , you sutis fit to enter into ut commlitimmaiomi ,
not Omli to nomiiimmate bliin , limit at hilts request
to beat Jumilge Blair as well as mmuyslf for re-
mmomn imia tiomi.
"There are a class of individuals ComlIpOs.
ing a liorfiomi of society of the Chmimlese poptm.
lation iml thils coumntry kuiewn mis iulgimhimiders ,
Ttmey are nssaseiims for booty. Mr. Scott , with
ills lieutenants Imu iatmgiuis commmmty , Mesers ,
Slabamugh , Macboil & . Co. , occupy time saimni
relation as tb thmo Chinese assassins , except
that timese gentlemnemi are lohiticai : assassins
lmmstead of luersomlai. \\'ihi ( tlmeni you have
seen fit ( I ) maico yotmr bait. Ill niy Jutlgmueni
scum have violatetl every pnimicipho of huonom
amlti mllanimood , every primmciple of commcetle
tniemidsulip ; vIolated every promlmiec , ammti rIo.
hated the faith ivimieii tlmo 11001115 of Burl
county bad hilaced imu yomm , ivhOml yomm went Inte
a eomnhmimiation , ilot only to mmommuiiiate Scott ,
hilt to defeat thmo uuOilmiiltitloml of others at liii
ii Ic tat ion.
"Timese to uiio are not pleasammt semitimmients
Judge Dickinson. I had rallier leave ( hei
ummsauti thami to say them. For yomu persont
ally I have never entertaineii amlytiling btij
tue warmest fniendutimlp , anti I hind reason (
believe that yomi emmtertalnoul time aamre fo
mIle. You hail often extolled mmiy cOntluhc
mmpon the bemicit , not only to myself Itersonall
html to others ; mmot emIly orally. hut Imi wri
imlg ; anti to be ( hums slauigiitered ill thuo bmoue
of may frientis , anti for smmchi a cause , huas IcC
mile but 0mb miltermiative , amal ( lint IS to pay m
political dehtmt. Yours very truly ,
"a. v. AMI1ROSI.J , "
Foil. Molt Ii 1)1 1IEC'I' I.fl isi..t'I'ION ,
.iissoimrI l'umumiIstMIIo'lnr , ' him' lime
hiItiiitIvi' iinil hi'fei'u'iiuiuima ,
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 15.-At today's meet'
Ing of time state ilopuhist convention now le
session here , the fohiowimig resolution Wa.
adopted mifter mu hot tieiate :
\Vci iufihm in our tlevotio'i to the prineiplem
OiilhOtiiCd ) iii tile naiomuni ( lilatfonmul at tue
Ileolilo's itminty , adopted mit Onunlua July 4
1S9.iii 'ies' of ( he witiespretmil comnumption oh
legislatIve iiotiies , we ileem it rmece'sitary it
the huenlettmatiomi of Amnentcummi liberty timal
imiore ihirect legislation be mutloliteil.
( hicreforo retoullinenti that imi Ihue miext mutt.
tional pluutonmn of thin IteollIe's PartY ( iier
lie a demnamuti fur momcii direct iogisiauon a
is eimubodieil iii tiw immitiativo uutiti roferen ,
Percy Poppoon , a St. Lomiia representative ,
ofterei an anuenilmemit , whiling to it ( hut
words "Inchumiimrmg proportitmlnl representml
t iou. ' ' Time muiiiC'iltl in cmi I Pni'clhii t ateti
heated argliiilent , btmt wan hinally vote
tlowmi , amitl tile mesolution us presemute4
iIhl ! ICAN'Z' CASE A.i IN 1'OS'I'i'ONEI
lilmiess ( if iifl .ttti&iii'y 'I'itioi , It Oye *
On N-t t .Iomniiiy.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 15-Tue trial ci
'i'lmcodoro Dmmrrant was today contlimumed until
next Monday on account af tiue illness ci
Attorney Domuprey , time leading counsel tom
ihe tlefense. 'i'hmlle the lirosecution made at
objection to time n.otion to continue tbmo triaL
Judge Mmlnilhy was reitmetant abummt giving hi
consommt mmmiii annoumiceth thmat ( ho trial should
be resumed next Monday wiiothmer Mr. Deu.
prey should have recovered In tIme meao
tiimio or imot. Mr. leuprey is suffering fron
a severe attache of nlmemlmatismim , which Ima
mnado it itmipoasible for iuimn to attend the
trial for several days , ttimt huls physicians be.
hove hue itiil tie able to resmmmmio his duties
next week.
- -
ttumlo of Siiimlh 1)nIotii iliimi.iji ,
IilOijx FALLS , S. I ) . , Oct. 15.-Special.- ( )
Suuuiim Dahoma : securities are not iso imard to
get rId of as nllgimt be supposed after the
hiartl times and a tow vartial crop failures ,
hay county han just issued $16,000 of bonds
to refund time bommded Imitlebtetimmesu of ( bat
commnty. The ) tuere all takemi by N. W. hlarria
& Co. of Chicago at a premmiiummu of $250. The
old bonds drew 7 item' cent amid were iaued
fur ton years , with an option of fifteen years ,
Fho now baud5 call for 6 per cent interest
and the old imuuid ; being tcken up when ( be
ten years expires saves ( lie county 1 per
cent for five years , or $160. Thus , tAcit
smthm the prenilummi paid , iml4kes a profl of
$ lOiY ) for iay cuurmty.
- -