' THE OMAHA -DA.ILY ; . - . " : OMAHADAILY13jDE. : ' . , J srJ1Ajn.JJSIIED JUNE ID , 1871. 01\AIIA , MONDAY 1\ORNLNU1 , ; OOTOB1i 1.1 , 189. . SINGLE OOPY IHYE OEN1S. I - - - - - - - CLOSING UP ON LOTTERIES Report of the Postoffice Department on Re- cent Frnuds. c - NEW lAWS ThAT ARE NOW IN FORCE IlIINIII4NM ) tett'M I'.cnllr lcthol" In C'rtlin I Ulr'etol"I'Jct tl Iln'c Clntrllntc,1 tl the GIlhlnJ Spirit of the 1copI. WAShINGTON. Oct. l-W. L. 11ampen . i aulstant attorney general for the potofc . has ) made his annual report to the postmaster general. OC the operatons oC his office , he IYS that during the year 2t8''Craud' onler were Issued , prohIbitIng the delivery oC reg- latered pnckage and the payment or money orders to certain companies and partes hamed or theee however thirty-eight were I duplcato orders. The orders were issued , agalnt fifty-five lotteries , operated by so- called bond Investment companies , twelve avowed loHerle ! , twenly-on lotcrles oC mIs- celanous character and 130 schemes devised to defraud the public. Seventy or these orders were revoked upon It beIng made to appear that the parte" operating the schemes had abandoned them. This len In force at tim end or the yc.ar 18 orders , original all duplicates. Twenty- eight or the order Issued during the previous year were also revoke upon the proper showlnK. Mr. Thomaa says that the act or March 2 , 1895. further amending the lottery act , has been successlul and has effectually closed the mails to lottery conccrn DEATH KNEhI4 0 LOTT1ltlES. ] 1 adds : "This act goes farther still and forbIds international anti Interltato carriers from transporting lottery material from Cor- elgn countries Into this country or Cram one Itate to another. ThIs department has no jurIsdiction , however , to enforce that part or the law , alHI ( I cannot state definItely the t extent 10 which the lottery carryIng business has been checked by the act , but I nm In- t Conned that all or the express companies yield obedience to It by iflslng to carry the prohIbited lottery matter. I may be con- fllenty asserted that the death knell or the avo\vod lottery In thIs country has been sounded , and tht.lr business has been vastly crippled , Ir nol ruined , but I al sorry to note the tact that many buslne men think they mut . In order to succeed , resort to schemes that appeal to the gamblng spirit of the people , and they accordingly sugar-coat their legitimate enterprises with lotttry , ad- verl emenll and thus create a desire for other anti more pCrlclous modes or obtaining - Ing something for nothing by hazard or chance. These fascinating and apparently Innocent - f nocent hemes reach the boys and girls of the land and tend to make them gamblers. " SO t CIANO S m COM INDEO , The number oC claims allowed for losses by burglary , fire , etc. , were 1,306 , amounting to , t36,686 ( , le again urges a law cornpell- log subordinate ! In postofces to give security - rity for the handlIng or money , or making tim postmasters responsible for the loses Incurred - curred by subordinates. Mr. Thomas also calls attention to an Important subject In the following : "Attention has been several times during the year called to the dangerous matter dc- poltd , In the mails , and , upon investiga- tlon . It wao discovered thnt. there was uo lCnalty prNcrlbCl ( for depositing such mat- ter In the malls , and indeed there Is no statute forbidding its being mailed. Many substances , such as poIsons , mateht0 and other articles liable to Ignite or explode by chock 'l jar , live ali poisonous hwects and reptiles , smalpox virus or germs 01 con- tagious dheaes or fatty substance , liquids , sharp-polnte Instruments some very danger- OiS to life . h011h , comfort or body and 011- ere are Inl.le to damage other mal mater and sacs If they Ihould become lOose In the mails. " CALLS Slit I.IOI' . X\Unl'rr Nnl S. nOl 11'1.1"11 1.,1. . . . tite Irlt"h..1 11aM A hvzti " 11''n n Ilnollll ; Pool. WAShINGTON , Oct. 13-00n M. Dickinson - son Is In \\ashlngton with a committee to look after the Interests of Michigan In secur- Ing mere raPid mal service. Mr. Dickinson's name has been spoken of recently ns the ono referred to by Sir Lionel Sacll- vle.West In his pamphlet as the member 01 Mr. Clevelanls cabinet responsl- , ble for the minister's summary dimissal Mr Dcilnson was asked , as to the facts or the casi "The Incident occurred , when I was a member - ber or the cabinet. I do not feel at liberty to dIscuss It. But as to Sir , Lionel Sacl yule-West , I have no hesitation In saying that he ass. Is " \ and las always been an Infernal - Mr. Dickinson was asked for his views on V nezuela In1 Cuba , lS I has been stated of late that he represented an advanced posi- ton on these ' questions among the leaders or his party. 10 said he dll not care to go Into them at length. The developments of no distant - ' 4 tant lay would speak more eloquently than words. lie referred to the fact that Daniel Webster hal recognized the Inllepenllnco or Greco many years before that country hall actually secured complete independence , ali In those days Webster hind been accused or < < " , " "Jingoism I x-Congressmnn Weadocl , who Is In the 11chigan party , Illed to . Mr. Dcklnsou's statement that It was a recognized principle ot international law that a struggling people should be recognized as belligerents as son as they showed their abilIty to resist the es- tabhished government. This was not a recog- nition or them al/ nation , but a , People entitled - titled to rights or civilized warlnre. The Cubans were entitled , to I now and the tittea- ton or their reco ullon as a nation \ ' \ come afterward. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . St.1'Itll : g C01UI' SI.SSIO : ' ! OU.\ . First li' " Sithl to lIe n'oh'll tl . \.hll""lol II t Ian Jlr , WASllINGtON . Oct. 13.-ln accordance with the usual custom at the beginning 01 thl Ocober : term the United States supreme ' coUrt will her no motions tomorrow when It reassEmbles , except thoEo for admtslon to the bar , but will sit on Tuesday . to hear gen- oral Inotiolls. The majority of these usually take the form oC motions to advance special eases . and the indications are that the prea- cot term will prove no exception . The gO\- orment will have about fifteen such motions , Including one In the Judge Long IIen81n case. It Is possible that besides hearings for admIssIon - mission on Monday , the court may announce a few decisions U the IJreshlent should ar- rive In Wnshlngtol before the convening 01 the court there \U be nn earl ) ' adjournment In order to permi the usual urinal cal at the whlo home. " 'INfl7.UlI..tS . \ ' " ' . ' ' Z\I : 1\'I"I'I.n TO cnl 11' , i'reim.trntliis Co.niil'ti.l for H'C'r- rln . th , ' Slhh'eC 10 Coimgrt'ss . \\'ShllGTO. Oct. 12.-'he manner In 'Ileh the Venezuelan mater Is to be brought before congress las been outlined In a general ' way by those who have been most interested In the subject. This will bo \ ) ' means 01 a 4 resolution to be introduced , It Is said , on the frt lay oC the senlon. I wIll provide for a committee of six , three from each house , to consitur the entire question anti to report u to the obligations or the United States anti time course deirable for this government to tll < e. Thus resolution , It Is said , will not delay a speedy determination of the attitude oC the lnlr1 States , The IJrpoe Is to have all neceslry material , In the way oC historical titta , ready for the commite as soon ae It Is appointed , , and It Is cXllectel , that I report will hI mnlle to both branches Dr cngn' . ' 5 before time holiday receu. s..lellry hIe'rlI'rt II \'iisIii 111 I I , WAHlllNU''ON . Olt , -3ecretary Hel- bert 1m returned to the ' from > rcturnll city 4labammmn fInancial Wh1erehCi.tben queton mnktnl pehses on the - , U'I"UI ! AT ' 11' : CITY 01. ) IISiCO. 1'lllc " 'lrk 11.11Jrrll ed Oi ass Ite'iai , ' , . Menlo. CITY or , ' MEXICO , Oct. 13-Now that the work on the grand canal and tunnel , the most Important parts or the project for draining the city and valley or Mexico , arc practically completed < . attention Is being turned to plans suggested for reconstructing an entire sewerage for all parts of the city to the mouth or the grand canal. President Dla informed the city government that a resolution will be Introduced Immediately In congresS Ipproprlatng $25,000 monthly to ail In the providing reconstructing city sewers , the council will appoint a board of . directors to take charge of this money. The total cost or the work Is variously estimated from $6,000,000 to $10,000,000. and the result Is pretty closely computed by competent en- I glneero to be a certain reduction 01 the present heavy death rate hy one-hall. Several large concerns arc In the field for the contract. The Central Methodist conference or the Methodist church ( South ) Is In session In this city. A grocer hai returned to the archives 01 < the nation a lot or ancient doculent& stolen hy a clerlls now In prison for violation tr trust. Great Interest Is manifested here In peat exploration , anti the etato of Mexico has authorized time town governments control- ! Ing peat beds to make contracts wIth the companIes desiring to work them. Lake Xochlmlco , near this city , contains sunclent peat to make 60,000.000 tons 01 dry peat : suitable for combustion . . Two hundred more thieves were yesterday sent to the state 01 Vera Cruz to wok on the coffee and tobacco plantations. An inclined IJlane with cars to run by eteam will be plJcCl on the hi at Oualla- loupe , the national Mecca . In former times deyout knees. pilgrims ascended the hils on their , A preliminary meeting 01 time congress or Amerleanlsts will take place tomorrow. The late Manuel Homero Hublo rem em- ' bored all his clerics and employes tn hIs ' wi.News News Cram AcHempan , state of Guerrera , announces tl , n tremendou9 hailstorm oc- cl'rred there , destroying crops and killing and maiming many cattle and domestic animals. : Sevinty-threo large trees were felled and the : force or the wind dragged them some Ils- tance. The Inhabitants were filled with terror , thinking lint ( the day of judgment had arrived. Military circles are talking of the con- temillated reorganization of the army on principally German models , and no donbt time enclency of the regular troops Is to be greatly Improved. This does not Imply any desIre for an aggressive policy , but rather that the government wlshe9 to have time coun- try In better shlpe. Many prominent gentle- men who belonged to the old order of things have died during the past two years , and their places arc being fled with wel traIned officers. There Is no doubt of the complete loyalty or the army to the adminIstration , and the olcering of the troops by graduates of the military cole go Is displacing men ac- cU9toml1 to revolution. A high ofccr says any dul' constituted government will have the adhesion or the army . This Is one of the greatest achIevements of President Daz , and has been quiety and 10st unostentatously eC- fected . _ _ _ _ _ _ lO"\S POIGI'I' ; LON An " 'I' I.I" 1)111. of Ihe O'elllntol of the Cmii- lImit of lmLtimmgzmst.zm r. PARIS Oct. 13.-A dispatch received here from lojala , Island or Madagascar , says that the fighting prior to the occupation by lhe French or Antananarivo , the capital or Madagascar , on September 30 , was or a very determined character. The engagement was fought over ground which extendid nine miles mies right up tl t 0 capital The artilery fire ri uled In the royaL palace being struck by n shell. POnT LOUIS , Island or Mauritius , Oct 13. -Word has been received here that the French made a brilliant attack upon anti captured the Hova fortifications at Faata- tra . Madagascar , near Tnmatave , on the 10th Inst. I'AitIS Oct. 13-Presldent Fnure today at- tend * 1 a gland kermesse tn the machinery gallery In Limo Champs de Mars , the occasIon being the opening or the fetes In honor or the Malmmgtmsy vIctory. General Dtmchiesno commander of the Mada- gnscar expetiition. has telegraphed to the government - ernment some 01 the details of the taking of Antananarivo Ho says hint several smart seJeral engagements which were fought on September - ber 28 and 29 brought him to laC , On September 30 ho attacked this heights cast 01 Alltauanarlvo. "Two columns under Generals Ietzlnger and Voyron , " the report continues , "engaged 10ght and after a feb captured the heights , The Malagamy batteries at the palace and north of the capitol having opened fire , I commenced to bombard , when the Malagasy envoys came to ask us to suspend hostites , I made an official entry to the city the next morning und the treaty or peace was signed and ratified b ) the queen In the evenIng. Our loss was six killed anti fry wounded , The behavior or the troops was bcyond pralEel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : g\SPAI'gl MEN 1'lOVOICE A RIOT . 11111"h 1.nlmorvrs SIII , ' TheIr Frlond- .hilI Iii nfl l lllhntc ) lmtmimtor . FEflROI . , Spain , Oct. 13.-A number of dockyard men ma.l a demonstration yester- day to show their sympathy with some news- 11aper men who were attacked b ) naval of- cers. The newspaper 'moon have recently been publishing articles reflecting upon the navy anti this aroused the anger or the naval am- cer. The contct between the knights or the 11en and those 01 the sword followed. The publL generally Is In sympathy with the new paper men , and the demonstration was the result . The police atemptell to disperse the gath- eying of workmen , but were greeted with showers or stones During the disturbances two otcers were wounded The crowd then marched to the naval headquarters and pelted that building with stones , smashing all the windows ; Finally , as thf rioters threat ned to wreck the naval headquarters , the marines we're ordered to fire over the heads of the crowd In order to disperse the riotous gather- Ing. The rioting then ceased for the time being . but further disorder Is apprehended ISUIGE : ' 11,0' UP A TOWN. H"lllrt oC liii' . \lllr COIC" I ) ' " 'I ) ' uC ICey " 'est . KEY WEST , Oct. 12.-A report has been received here to time effect that the town or Baracoa , on the northern coast oC Cuba , has been taken by the Insurgents and blown up wIth d"namlte. . \mlllliln for Slim , 11'1"'I , hAVANA , Oct. 13-Julie Kelly , Angels Tarnyo and a carl driver named France have been detected In the act 01 remitting remitng ammunition to the insurgents. Five firemen have also Joined the Insurgents. Time Insurgents have captured In Santiago bay a merchant steamer , which had been equipped us a mau-oC-war by Si'aimi. The crew In charge were disarmed and were thin liberated. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'urh'11111111. . I Coiimmmmisslomm. CO STA TIrOII.E , Oct. 13.-The porte has appolntlll a commission to inquire Into the recent ArmenIan arrests , alul has prom- Isel the powers to deal severely with any one who ts found to have tortured the Ar- menlnns In prison. Many persons were killed and wounded In the reCf nt disturbances In thE .rnI&l distrIct southeast oC Constantnoplo In W. Minor , but order has been reatorp The town oC 11nlll Is the resIdence of Greek < and Armenian archbishops. l'rlgroNs uf Chulcrn In Itmissimi . ST. Ph'TiItSiiUltO . Oat 13-/clal re- turns for the lut fortnight ; In September show t3t there \ ere during that tme 4.42 new cat's and 1.701 deaths tram cholera In the ProvInce of Volhynla 1 1"111 hit * Slh'rlll huh svm , ) ' . VL\D\OSTOCI { . Oct 13.- An American lclenllfc oxpeditioi bus arrived here to In- aped LImo Siberian ralway ; The government tog will their grant work thenm full facility for accomnpiiah- TRAP PREPARED FOR DURRANT Prosecution Believed to Have Some Startling - ling Information in Reserve. PRISONER SAID TO HAVE CONFESSED " 'hlie Pnlrlc oC D.'C'I"C gXIIt".l tu , lie Iestro3'ml I ) ' the Mutter Yet tu 1. . Illrllue".1 1)- the Slntc' Atorle ) ' . SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 13.-Now that Durrant has told his story on the witness stand and ha made answers to all the ac- ! usatons Implied by the cross questions or the prosecution , nn impression exists among : those who have watched the trial closely that theo Is something to come which will per- haps have more elect on the minds of the jurymen ns regards the guilt or Innocence of the defendant than anything that has gone before . This feeling ts due to the confidence wih which District Attorney Barnes put a series el , startling questions relating to a conversation held by Durrant with a news- paper reporter . Miss Carrie Cunningham , at the county Jai within the past week , and also touching on the address and endorsement of n certain envelope which may or may not have contained a conlesslon. The questions Impled full knowledge on the part or Barnes , and I was evident that when the proper time cale testmony would be produced to can- tralict tile denials of the prisoner. When the prosecution's witnesses are put on the stand they will relate time partIcular words of a conversatIon that bordered on a confession They will seek to prove that this man , who has heen almost as silent as n dead man for six months , opened his mouth and talked or maters touching his very exIstence - Istence , and at the very day and hour when It was treat Important for him to maintain silence. These witnesses will seek to show by their testimony thaI Durrant made admissions - sions which destroy the whole fabrIc oC de- lene , SUBSTANCE OF TiE STORY. These alleged admissions arc taken by the prosecution as coming from the one person on earth who knows all that occurred be- neath the belfry or the Emanuel Bnptst church on time afternoon of April 3. The record or what passed at the county jail between - tween Miss Cunningham and Durrnnt Is thus told by the prosecution , which ts In pos s- Ion or the Cll facts : "On the evening of September 22 Miss Cunningham - ningham visited Durrant at the county jail. anll durIng the course of their conversation converEton Durrnt showed her a small envelope , which bore the following address and endoresment : "Messrs. DickInson & Deuprey. To be opened In case I am convicted . To be returned to < me In case I nm acquitted. ' "Durrant told th young lady that the envelope contained a complete statement dt l all that had occurred al the manuel BaptIst church 01 the afternoon or Aprii3. lie saId that It had been written In order that his attorneys mIght know the facts In the event oC hIs being convicted of the murder of Blanche Lamont. "Oa the following evening September 23 , Miss Cunningham again vIsited Durrsnt at the county jai and was there l'hown a' ' large envelope addresse like the other and smaller one. Durrant told her hat , the con- tents or the other envelope hall bcome jammed up and that he had transrirred the written statement to the larger envelope. SAW TiE GIRL'S CORPSE. "On the morning or Octobr 5 Miss Cun- nlnhnm held a conversation with Ourrnt at lie county Jai and durIng the course of that conversation and In answer to questions conversaton questons asked him by the young lady 10 said that al about 5 o'clocl on the afternoon of April 3 he ascended the space between the ceiling and the roof of the manuel Baptist church for the 11rpose of fixing one oC the sun burners. Whie at work he heard a noise , which nt once attracted his attention. I saemed to com\ from that put 01 the building where the belfry Is situated le walked along In the direction from whence the sound came and peered through the opening that con- neets the space above the ceiling with the InterIor of the belfry tower. Whlo ! In this pOl'llon hs saw the body or Blanche Lament lying on the second , landing , or the bslfry stairs. He repeated the details of the clr- , cumstances and added that Blanche L1monf was murdered on the second landing of the belfry , stairs , Miss Cunningham then said : " 'Oh , yes. I was from the second landng ! or the 'talrs that the blood dripped down < and stained the cloth-covered picture frame on the floor below. ' "Durrant replied . that there was no blood on the cover of the picture Crame. as 'we ha'e had the stains analyzed and find they were made by water , not hlool ' . An ofcial inspection was made of the cloth-covered picture frame referred to as being stained by blood. This inspection revealed - vealId the tact that a pIece or the cloth cover , one Inch by two Inches In size , had been cut from the frame In the center or one of the largest blotches or staIns. As this was not I\one by any one connected with time prosecution , the inference Is drawn that It was done by some one Interested In the defense - rense and that It was for the purpose Indicated - cated by Durrant's alleged statement regard- Ilg the analysis. , " 'OgS OF A : EXSLflI ) l'JtlNCfl . H1.,111 Nulilrmummm mm's , , J. . Itt'miiii'rt.il Immsmiiie . I ) ' ' 'rllhie nld I'rIvzitI.ims. NEW YOhtK Oct. 13-A beautiful young Russian princess , Vera Keekuatoff , who hat been living In exile with her husband here , Is insane and confined In Delevue hmospital . Prince lCeeknatoif , her husband , who belongs to a prominent family In Polatoa , Hussla , was exiled - fron his native town two years ago on accoult of connection with the nhiuilists . ills wIfe followed him a few months later. They secured rooms In the house of Dr. J. J. Sul\an , presllent or the VigIlance league The prince made several ineffectual efforts to obtain employment. The remittances he re ceived every month Cram home barely sup- ported hlmsel and hIs wIfe , and al last ceased. The rent became due , but Or. Suli- van knowing Koekatoff's history , was lenient with hIm and allowed him to retain hh room. According to the deter the couple have frequently - luenty gone two and three days without food , being too proud to beg or to let their neighbors know 01 their unlortunate condi- tion. The young wile a few days ego began to show signs or Insanity She began to act strangely , and at last grew so demonstrat\e that her husband was reluctantly Induced to agree tu her removal to the hospital. . COG ltlfl.tTIOS.tiCOVXClL5SFSSIoS . ) & . ' nlc. stud . Cieg' In . tttt'mmlgiumco 0"111) ' ( lit' Syrmmeiisn Churehl' . SYRACUSE , N. Y. , Oct. 13.-The delegates aOl clergy attending the National Congregational - tonal council In thIs city today occupIed the pulpits or various churches In the city . Mass meetngs were hold for men In several or the churches thIs afternoon. Dwlghl L. Moody addressed a mass meeting or men In the First Presbyterian church at 4 p. m. . and this evening spoke to a mixed assemblage numbering 5,000 In the Aihambra The final day's besslon or the council wIll meet tOmorrow - row morning , the frt business to bo tran& acted being the completion of the report on mlnlterlal standing. Reports wIll also be received on Christan unity , expensed or dele- gates , Columbian exposition , church manual marrage and divorce prison reform and ! abbat . observanoo. The convention will close with an address by Hev. Mr. CIrll oC Massachusetts - on "Capital S and Labor. " ltlll.1 I ) ' time Ih'I"'I CLRVEIAND . , 0" , OcL 13.-Sylvester ' Sco- veil , son oC 11ev Mr. Scovo'I : , president or the \\'ooster. 0" , universIty . and for some tme manager or the Cleveland Athletic club , loft yesterday for Cuba , where he goes under contract wih the revolutionists to act as Instructor - structor In cavalry drIll at a handsome salary . Scvel was a member or troop A , the crack cavalry company oC Ohio . and ts In expert horseman and swordsman , as well as aD all round athlete , I ' , - To I'HOTgCT - .IOlN - L.I.I H , Jrl'III Ct the hIJ.I" n.d Mass l're- Ilr11 tnllllcII t. . C"Jr" ' " " . NEW YOItIC Oct 1t-Fx-Governor Thomas , John Outhrle , A. M. Thomas and oth- ers who have Intere.t 'themselves In be- half or John L. WaIler are hopeful that the petition anti circular letter which have been sent broadcast through Kansas wilt boar go fruit and will obtain the release or the ex.consul from the prison iln which ho Is con- fined . Time petition Is addressed , to congress anti asks that an Invethlaton be made or the cause oC Wailer's arrest ali Imprison- ment by France After presenting the cue of the ex-consul , the petitiOn says In Ilart ; : "Your memorialsts are Informed lint ( while John L. Wailer and his family were domlclell In Madagascar and In rightful ro- session or n valuable laM grant bestowed upon him by the lawful government or Mad- agasear he was wrongfully anti forcibly arrested - rested by a boly oc soldffrs , commanded by an officer of time republic 01 France , and summarily sentenced b7 n pretended court martIal to be confined In prion for twenty years and that hue was denied a hearing be- taro any tribunal , and that he Is now wrong- fully imprisoned and deprived or his liberty and property. Your mcmorlalsts respect- fully pray congress to institute an Investga- ton or the cause or the ImprIsonment 01 John L. Wailer , and that he bi l prolecte In his personal rIghts and property as an American citizen , " CLEVELAND , 0 . Oct. 13.-Chnrlcs T. Maxwell , a colored medIcal student In this city , ha received a letter from ex-Consul John L. Wailer. The letter Is dated " 1nlson Central , Du Clalrvnux , Prane , Sept S. " After thanklug Maxwell C01 expressions , sympathy contained In a letter ho had written to tIme Imprlsonell lan , Waler said : "It gives inc great pleasure ! to know that I have the sympathy and supper or the American people , who are using every honorable mnns and endeavor to secure me' lY liberty . which to an American Is dearer Car than life. I ama < le. a vIctim oC circumstances and whether I shall finally receive Justc nt the hands of the French people or rdrlsh In a foreign prison by virtue of a ha'ty conviction ren- < Cetl by a court martial ] n the heat or ex- ciement , rests with God zind , the American people , In whose actions 1d rIghteous judg- ment I have the most , nPlclt confdence , Thnt I I the desire 01 Intention or the French as a government t do me an Injus- tce , I do not for a 10ment believe. I nm also consoled In the Ilowlcdge oC the fact that , the American people , true now as always - ways to their long estab\ hed creed and nu- mercus precedents touchIng the protection or American ctzens abroad , wIll not permit any injustice to be Inflicted 111 one 01 their citizens by a foreign nafQn , po matter how bumble bl that citizen. . . " SUHACE COMi'.tN1LS' , 1.\'NS'r , i'rem.riimg tn Stlll thc l'rmtctiee oC ( lh'llA 1..llh' " of. i'reIiiiimumH. 'NEW YORK , Oct 13-Tho executive of- i fcers or most of time large life Insurance companies - panics 'Ield a meeting : tatur < ay to devise I means for stopping the practice of giving re- i , hate or nremnltumns. 'President John n. lIegeman - man or the Metropolitan Life presilled. lloo. lutons drawn by Commlssl uier O. S. Merrill or Massachusetts were a < qptel. After setting forth the facts that tie legislatures or twenty-onc states ha\o enacted laws forbld ding rebates under penalty ; that such laws have generally been a dtd.ieter ( : that com- papies have placed tlmcmcivs without exceptIOn - ton In opposition to rebating ; and that the pracU can bo suppressed only hr the active organized co-operation oC lie companies , they ' contirmue : contnuc _ , Hesol\ed , Thil"Il h o' the uhscrILng ) eomp.1les agree that ' < t .wt not pay or allow , or offer to pay or 'uow , nqr permit any person . connected with It'n any ' ca- paet ) to payer 11101. or offer 10 payer allow , any rebate .or premium ( iii any manner whatoever , dirpctly or Indlrect , ' : 'that a referee ) : wl\o has no omelal coqnecton wIth any life company shall be appontlt ! , who shall examine - amine Into anti ! Ieclcp all .hnrle of rebat- ' Inc hy agents or others . and whose decIsions shall bo fnal : thnt on tit decls'on of the referee lint uny person "connectel ! In any capacity with any stmbscrlblng company has made any rebate . sutth ptson shah Imme- dlntel he dismissed Crpm the service oc said company anti shall mint , for n' period ot two yearn thereafter . be agaIn clPoyed : hy any company party I the agreemenL 'ho referee Is empowered to begIn propecu- lens for violations of timq laws against rlhat- Ing anti to employ eo\ln8el to assist. A fund of $10,0 1' to he made u , anmimaintaIneti In the reCerco's hanls by assc"saments on the 8uhscrlhlng companies The referee Is to receive IL slhLr ) ' of $ ? , o a year In,1 , cx- penses , and Is to ho flwther alowed an amount not exceeclhg $ ' . , O for a secretary and clerIcal assistance. ' ; The agreement Is to go tnto elect November - ber 1 next ExGovernor'Vllnm Ii. ltlftel or Massachusets was sl"\este , as the rer- cree called for In the arnemnermt. ageement. ICANS.tS PUGI'1'i'5 l'AIUOBn. INL'mtlel Cosmvietumurummtce,1 ISis Lii- ctI ) " , \Ctcr 1.'ulrtccl Y&'uims. TOPEKA , Oct. -Governor Morri has granted n pardon to Z. T. Campbell , . who fourteen years ago was convicted In Osage ccunty oC robbing \Vclis-Fargo Express company oC ' 500 , and sentenced o the peni- tentary for eighteen months. The night be- tore the sherIff was to have started to time penitentiary with n batch of prlsonere . Camp- bell esoaped anti was never capture . He < .went to Salt Lake City , where he has since resided , living an honest , UIH'Ight life. lie recantly communicated , through Inluental ; friends and relatives , In Topeka , wih ex- Chief Justice Albert II. Horton In regard to his ease. Judg 10r n made an Invest- < g1fon which cOI1lncell him that Campbell was Inuocent or the crime charged lie pri- seated time case to tl go\'eror wIth the result as stated Campbell was staten agent for the Santa Fe at Oiage City . as well as agent for the express company. One night : a package con- taining $ 5OO was Intrusted' to his 'care , lie le put the package In his pocket amid went out for a drlll < . lie fell II wih evil companions - panions and got drunk When he came to himself the money was g ne. BeIng unable to prove whirl the mdne , went , the law was applied . Prior to that time he was regarllel } as a good fellow with / , first-class appetIte for liquor. He reformed Upon going to Salt Lake City. Upon receIpt of his pardon , Campbel will return to Kansas for a visit wih his friends and r,1a"vcl , whom he hits not seen slrce bla coolviptian. covl . I CII \gl.\n llNldSi1'l'I - : ' - ' ( IIYA 'I' . Pr".ld'lt SIII.I. n , Porlun ut the Snlhlth II ) : " " , Vurl. NEW YORK , Oct. l : - The yacht Oneida , , having on bead l'rosi9cnt qievelanl1 , dropped Inehor this morning iL 10 o'clocl at the new Yorl Yacht cub anchorage ground , at the , Coot of East Twenty- lxl ateet . Mr. Cleveland - land got In a smal boat anelwas , rowed over. lie thn entered a carrfa which lt cod waitIng - lag and was rapidly wb\led ! to the residence or his rJml ) ph'slclan ; , Ur Joseph Ir'ant or 54 West Thlrt91th strfot , where the presIdent - : Ident tel < dinner with' UH ' . doctor anti his famiy and spent an hour . .r two chatting with Dr. Dryant. . i GREENWICH . Conn . Oct. 13.-Iresldent : Cleveland and party irrlved on the yacht , Oneida nt 8 o'clock lat ovenlng. They were : landed at 11111 Harbor' dock and driven to , . E. C Denedlct's houiu. This morning at. hal past 8 they wero.drlven again to the dock , where they boarded the Oneida and steamed off. InC'r""IIJ Chords . C'r"1 I I ) ' . NEW YORK , Oct 13-An interesting ceremony - mon ) ' was p'rorleJ t'l 1\'en'll at St. I.as- rence Homan Catholic church when Ge'ft \V. Davhlsn , who was 1'1 today exh n and director oC a relKlou' order In the high ritualistic l plscopulan Church of the He- deemer , made a confession or faith . received absolution and was baptized and received Into the Ioman Catholic church The Church church. oc the Redeemer . Is a hljh Episcopal - - - Seie'imIIlleVrlter 1 1 'etro"I..I. GItEAT BAItING . Ias" , Oct 13-Frank- Un I. Pope , an electie'iamm Corlerly connect - nectOd with the Bali Ttephone : company , a scientific wrier or some note was tomlJgtmt killed by 1 shock frrnn electric lighting apparatus In the cclal'et his house Three thousand volts cmerrd his body. FOUR MINEHS SUFFOCATED - Caught Like Rat- in n Trap by Fire in the Mine Shaft lARD BUT USELESS FIGHT FOR LIFE He"euluJ I'lrt. Phi , 1 , 'II'lcc tC Slllcrhumnn 1'ITtrl" tt Shnt limit ( lit' Mminie Ihnl Irtuht n'nth ' 10 the lioiieles. 'IlmmiM WEBSTER CITY . la , . Oct. 13.-Spoeiai ( Telegram-I.'our ) men were suffocated by gas and smoke In I coal mine two and a hai miles rrom Story City last night nt 6 o'clock The dead are : ALBERT l'ETERSON . single. AL1 XANDEI EASTMAN , slnglo. INOE IO SON , single. GEORGE PAYNE , marrIed : leaves a wife and three chidren , The men were In the mine just at closing time. The engineer had built a big tro In the furnace under the boiler In the shaf house and left for his sup r. While 'Ie was gone time timber adjacent to tIme furnace caught fire and the flames reached the cable running down the shaft. When the engineer returned ho atemptid to hoist the cage wlh the men , but the cable broke and they fell to lie bottom 01 the shaft. The fall was not over three feet anti they were uninjured . The mine was filling with smoke rrom the burning woo and lucre was no other mode oC egress for tiiemn Payne was foreman o time little gang of miners , and they followed him to ouo of time cells , thinking they could bank themselve In anti prevent the smoke Cram entering. The cel was only a hundred feet from where time wood was burning , but before thlY coull enter and buid up time barrlcalle they were suffocated with smoke , whIch was so demise thal they could not fee their hands before them , even with tIme assIstance of their miners' lamlls. Time first news or the accident was brought to Story City by a courfer about 7 o'clock. Immediately upon hIs arrival n resculug bali was formed and at the mint they foull time friends cf tbe Imprisoned men standing nl the opening or time simaft , Irom which dense vol- nines or smoke were pouring , almost panic stricken. As soon as the smol cleared away a cage was rIgged up amid volunteers went into ' the maine to learn the Cato or the lour men They were Cound almost In a heap , ono body lying across the three others The hHI- catons were that Ilcath ensue within a hai hour after ' they entered thme cel I vllences or superhuman stremigt'mi were Cound In the moving or great rocks anti chunks of coal to stop up the passageway that tohl how hard the Imprisoned men hall worle to save their hives. The bodies were brought to the sur- face and remove t Story City. The suffocated men were quite well known at Story City , and the funeral , which occurs tomorrow , wIll be one of the ' largest ever held In the country. The engineer , In spenll' log of the accident , saId the furnace had always been c01ldered perfectly safe. On many occasions before , while going to hIs meals he had left more fro In the grate and an accident had never imzmppemmed. Ho could only account for I by explaining that as was his usual custom , ho had banked time fire ane the gases under the ashes had caused u' ' , slight explosion on the grate anti one or the coals had . been thrown omit . pslng Into a crevice or the lmbers and thus starting the blzc : . ' , , ' , t " . - . ' . stnrtng 'rJH I lIi.LRD An MANY hURT . ' Ilt"lnt TrnlIeCumr .1mm mumps time' ' 'J'ruel. 'lh 'I'errhljle' lilCeet . 'PITTSDURG , Oct. 13.-In an accident to- night on the Carnegie branch or the West End traction road thee persons were killed and twelve fourteen . or people badly Injured The killed are : GEORGE nOTIMAN , furniture dealer of Carnegie. JACOB IEIZEL , glass dealH. MRS. ELIZABETI 1SIOP , ' 1509 Carson street. lujured : Michael Foley anti wie or West End , plsburg , badly cut about head and body : both dangerously hurt. Prof. Alexander Phiips or Pltsburg acad- emy ; head and neck cut : serious. O. J. Baldwin of Youngs\'Ule , I'a ; skull fractured : not expected to lIve till morulng. MIss Emma Laughln , 39 Atwood street , Pits burg. Fcalp wound : hath legs crushed Miss Pearl Here , Seventh street , Beaver Falls . scalp wound. Mrs. Leetz anti 6.year.old son : both badly crushed : condItion serious. Unknown boy bruised. Robert Wiey , 10 years old , bdly bruised. George \V. Addles , motormau , leg crushed anti head cut. Frank McGuire , conductor , badly bruised. The names or others Injured are not known , aD they left the scene without helng recog- nized. The accident happened to car No. 26 on the long hilt comlnK :0 'he west end on its way to PLthburg. I jmpell the track and turned completely over. Just as the car started down the heavy grade the brake broke and It was soon be- yond the control or the motorman. The speed h came terrific , anti when sharp curve over lie ( foot of ( lie bill was reached the car made a wonderful leap landing trucks uppermost In McCarthy's run , six or eight feet below the track grade. The accident occurred nt a lonely spot , and It was quite a whUe before assIstance reached the sufferers . who were wedged tightly In the wreck , which was moat compleJe. When time conductor saw that time car was beyond control he hid down on the fool and all'h.ed the others to follow his ex- anmiple The killed were Cound wedged under the ( roof of the car , which had been smashed In upon them The escape oC any oC thee In the ear was miraculous. The dealt were brought to the morgue and the Injured to the several ' hospitals. " . I'Lg\SUHE l'AILTY ClIMES TO GRIEF , Four Hr.1 I ) ' th" CnlbhlJ tt n Ilnt Il 1IIImol. . BALTIMORE , 111" , Oct. 13.-1 our men were drowned ( lila afternoon by the capsizing or a pleasure boat In the middle branch or the latapesco river. They were : hARRY STINEH , a fero'man. FilED VALKMAN u bartender. WILLIAM A. IEYNO.DS , a baker , JAMES HUSTON , occultation unknown. All the men were residents or this city and together with friends attempted ta cross the river Cram the ferry bar to Meter's pa- vilon , In Arundel cotnnty A strong cast wind made the water very rough and when about half way acres the boat began to fill and went over leaving the pleasure seekers struggling tn the water A number of row boats went to the rescue , but before they reached the capsIzed boat the men hall gone down for the lat ( line. Their companions \ \ ere rescued wIth dlfllcuity. No bodies have been recovered. - - - 'J'hh''ln III Cit's-ic Cl1Jht , I ST. LOUIS , Oct. 13.-Joseph Fuler I Thomas , nn educated colored man aged 3 , years , 'who \orkel } as mail clerk on the Iron Mountain raloul : between St. Luis and , 'Cexarknnn , Ark. , II under arrest , charged with stealing mali . He confessed that the IJecuinton3 , which were confined to the mal matter addressed to ChIcago , hall been going on for over two months , but the secret service olcials believe they extcnJed over a longer perloll. 'fhomas' guilt wa' Ixed upon him by decoy letters , Cram which he abstracted marked , abstrnctel _ _ . money _ _ , PIIII lute' 10uI J IJht , NEW YORK , Oct 13.-Matthew Gray , a private In the United States engineer corps , stabbed anti Ilrohably fatally wounded ' fatal ) wpunled Pnt- rick Shea tn a bar room row at Flushing , I. , I. . tola ) _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ :1"11",1. .C 0..11 Sle'miiiiri'i. lid , 1 : Uane. New York-Arrlved-L Gnscno , ( roam Giasgoss'-Arrivetl-Cmmrthagnia ( , from 1hl- adelt.hla. . Souttiampton-Arrlved--Trmive Cram New Suthlmpton-Arrlved-Trnve\ proceeeeu. lew Iiavre-Arrjved-Lms loun."gno , from New York SE'Elt Olt1 AIIOU'i' ll.tl.hlX. Seerni 1'1" II I 'l'r.mmhle nail ) lch I" fc 1"1 r..l. IIALIFA . S. , Oct. 13.-A heavy southeaster - caster has pre\al ll along the coast this afternoon aOl Is still raging. The wl11 Is accompanIed by blndlnr sheets or rain anti In the harbor a heavy sea Is running. The only casualty reported Is that to the American - can brlgantno H. C. Sibley . which Is ashore at Black Rock , C. n , She Is bound from Iort l'evl9 for Cheler : , Ia" , with a cargo or pinier. pOtTr.AND , Me . Oct. 13.-A severe storm has raged here all Ilay. At tmes time wind blew twent.fvo malIce nn hour alHl time rain fell In torrentu' . The harbor 1& filled l with coasting vessels anti a very henvy sea 1 [ running outside. About 10 o'clocl this e\'en- lug a tiree.mastell schooner broke away from her moorings antI went crashing about the harbor , colliding with several other vessels lying at anchor , but lie ( extent of the damnge she accomplished cannot be learned tonIght. BOSTON , Oct. 13.-A wind aOl raln.torm which struck Bostou shorty after 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon deveioped unexpected severity - verity during the night anti today the city has recelvell the worst lenchlng In mln ) ' da8. Time storm extends all along the New England coat north or Cape Cod. At 7 o'clock this moring the wlll had reached n mlxlmum velocity 01 Cort-Cour mies an . hour. Up to 8 o'cloek tonight five and twent- two.hundrelths Inches of raIn had fallen In this city since yesterday noon , which Is marl thau the total rainfall here shiel July 1. In twelve hours three and twenty-two-hundredths Inches fell . which Is very uer the record. The storm struck the harbor aOl lower bay whit time wind blowing hard from the southeast - east Saturday night I backed into Ih'I northeast at about 2 o'clock Sunday morning and grdusly Increased to a violent gale , kicking UIJ a trelen10us sea outside. No very serious casualties , however , hind be.n reported up rundown today. The upper ! harbor Is filled with shipping and most 01 the vessels have out two anchors. Some of them have dragged during time day , and in one or two cases the assistance of a tug was necessary - essary to bring them to a place of safety. NII\V YOIIIC , Oct. 13.-'rhio Norwegian bark Figaro , which mirrlveti in port thiite mmiornhmig from lhatmtvla anti l'nmlang , reports that emi the morning of October 11 , wimen about thirty-live niiies uiorthienat of CnUe htenmy , shin spoke time ichiooiier Laurme i. Sprague of Itoekianml , Me. , lotmnti fromii lirtmmiswick , Ga. , for i3oton , withi a cargo of Itmirmhmer. Lime b'mrmigue was in ciiargo of the chIef watt' , wimo ieporteti that Cmiptnimi'lx - mton hmui dIed of smmlipaseti malaria , or swmmnip fever , anti that four mnemmTherme of ( lie crew \\'ere su1terimi from time , iim'ease. After ex- chimemigitig POsitiOmis ( lie itcimooner headed ( or Cape Ilenry to lmrocure medical aid. a- ' 'AS NO'i' 'tl It. JIA1LILISON'S F.tUl.'s' . l't'rr' S. ilt'mmIIm ElomiercitoM time Es- l're'MitIeiLt. CINCINNATI , 0cm 13.-The Commmierclnl. Gazette , a strong McKinley paper , edited by l'erry S. lientim , who was close to harrison dtmnimig hml admnimilstnation , will tomorrow say : "A great deal lmas recently appeared respect- lag time attitude of I'resitient Ilarrlsomi toward ( lie McKinley tariff at time time of its atiop- ( iou. It is contemided that. in the capacity of president , harrison opposed time atioption of scimemhtiles as hIgh as thioce Iii time McKInley law , and that ime entered a protest - test migainat timeni to those who hind time measure in charge. One promninemit reptmbll- can- newspaper has stated recently ( lint time McKinley tariff defeated harrison's re-dec. ( ion , and timat ( lila fact is tue cause of 'liar- risen's feeling toward MclClniey. Another in. fluential republican newspaper in time west annotmnceti timat duninmg time consideration of time McKinley bill , President Ilarrisomi sum- atoned its author , and Speaker Reed , 'imimd pomim'hbiy other party' leaders , and-- warned tiiemii agmiimist tue adoption of such hIgh figures. "Time CommercIal-Gazette is Iii a position to say timat all such statememits are umitnmme amid misleading. Ex-Presidemmt Harrison deserves - serves neither ceneure nor Praise 00 account of the McKinley tariff mw , lie took no part In _ time drafting or time consideration of ( lie measure. No feature of time law , so 'far as those who compiled it are aware , represemmt lila particular views or nit with hIs aieclfle disapproval , I'resldent harrison , when asked by those tiraftimig time bill what he thought. of It , said timat time details should be left Iii charge of those responsible ton the measure , ( list they were most fanililar with time subjects in hand. Ito offered imo advice.'imen the bill went to time white house for signature the president did not , so far as known , show any displeasure nor offer any critielsmmi , Nor diti ho express this- pleasure with time lat' . It the law was over imeid responsible for time eiefcat of 1532 l'rcsl- dent Jiarrisomi should stand bhammieiess. " a FAVORS FOIl. CNLIiiFIi.t'I'li YIi'i'S. ( rmtmmil Aruir J'ost of 'I'neommiut i'rovimlepi , tL I'eemiliimr l'robloiii , TACOMA , Wash. , Oct. 13.-At the regtmlar meetIng of Custer poet No , 6 , Grand Arniy of the RepublIc , of timia city , notice was given of a resolution to be Introduced at time next regular meeting , wlmlcim will attract widespread - spread attentIon , At the national encamp- went imeld at Phttaburg in 1894 , anti at time last encampment hold 1mm LouisvIlle , tine ques- ( ion was mentioned , but Custer post of this cIty Is the first organization in the United States to take formal notice of ( lie mmiater. Georgce liasbeard , a well known politician and a macwhen of Custer post , gave notice timat hm would mmext Saturday miight offer a reeoiution providing that Custer host appoint a comnmiiittee of live to mnemorlalize coumgress for a law doing away whIm ( lie distinction he- tween federal atimi confederate veterans so far as relates to their mmthniIsiomm to natiommai sol- dlers homes ; in short , ( lint disabled ox-con- federate soldiers be admmiitted to natIonal sol- tilers' homes on exactly time sanme basis as ex- union soldiers. Mr. llasbeand. wimlle not an active Grand Armny man , lies been a member of Custer post simmce July , 18S3 , Imi time late wan he served in comimpany C , Thirty-sixth IndIana vohunte'ers , Ills proimosed resolution has stirred up much feeling in Custer post , mimamiy memuibera being outspoken agaInst its passage. Under the rules IL will lie on the table two weeks alter being introduced , - p t1mmiiImimImiteii Iimuml Notes. Ci.EVELAND , Och 13-Joseph Dreyer was brouglt hero tonight by a deputy UnIted States marshal from Stark county anti charged with counterfeiting. lreyer tried to vass a It bill which hmimmi beemi hixemh with pasters to represemit $10. In iils iossesalon was foimmimi a $2 bhhi raIsed to 2O Iii the same way. lie also had pastors for $5 bills , Ho told tue ofilcer ho botmght the immisters from a Piuibmmrg ( muami , who * .tmp- lihieti them by mail. This is the second an- rest for a sImIlar offense In timat vicinity within a short ( line , antI it is teiieved coumi. terfeiters are eystemmiaIcahhy at work. Slmrcsvd Seimemimo of me Pmgli'e. * POCATELT.O , Idaho , Oct. 13.-Liemmtenmmnt J. K. Miller of time Elgiitim inmmntry , ta- tloned about twenty nuiies from Jackson's hole. states ( hUt J. C'llsomm , 'ho brought the report a weelc ago of time killing of Captain lmItiu anti comrmafllona in Juclcson'mi hole , Is a deserter from the Scvomitii cay- airy , In camp in the 'feLon pose , ammtl that \'ilsomi mmtmlo these stmmtementmm in order to obtain a relay of horses and to facilitate his escape. I.Ieutemmant Miller says there is mio trutim whatever In the atatonment that Cap- tam Smith was killed , S SsniimViI1 i'iisim ( lie Cimilimi , SANTA FE , N. Itt , Oct. 13.-I , A , 1'eralta- Reavis said totiay lie believed tine lnlmn tUed in the Unltemt Statem. court of ciainis In be- halt of the Cubami brnmieii of the Per.-iltu famIly to recover * C5.000O ( ' ) , tlmo uhlegetl vauo of the famous i'etuhtmt imenti grant , woijimi Lie lmmshed by the Spanleim govermumnent : es an offset to ( lie Mora claim. lie imoi'ls timmit the Cubimmi brammcii of the h'ermmlta ( mimlly immul tin title to time gramit , l'enmtlta-htemmvis Ii still lucid here , mm imismnem ( or him. " .nn.tctlumi . with I the attcmptedl'erm.tltms granifraud , heiiver zimmti nipmmle Creek Ale Ilme , DENVEB , Oct. 13.-Time Demmyor & Cohu. radu Southern Bailuvmmy comnpmuny , just incur. porated , proposes to connect lienver amid the Cripple , ( 'reek' mlnImig region. Florence , Canon Cii ) ' and Silver Cliff by an uir l'ms ' roami with eas' grades , anti also to provide tenmliial facilities In this state ( or time Mitl- land Terminal and Florence , t ( rhiimie Creek hues. ' [ 'lie dIstance imetween pem.pr and Cripple Creek over thIs hue is cimly about seventy miles. . I hANKERS FOR A VINDICATION William J , Broatoli Wants His Career of Duplicity anti Treachery Endorsed , LIVE TOPIC FOR A PULPIT EDITORIAL ler'isii ( niiaiii1n ii' for tn-or itesnr re'e'ts time' lpuiiii's , emi 'iiit'tt lie Met a Gmilhimmg left'mtt , Six I'enrs Ago , In acceptimig time noiliination for mayor at the imanmis of ( ho coimvemiiomi helti itt V'nshi- ingtoii imahi Oii Saturday afternoomiV. . S llroatch said : "Six years ago a scemie was enacted in tlui hall which niamiy of you will remiieniber. Thie mionilnation at your hmmnnds today jtmstifles the recorti I niathe as imiayor , I want to say nov timat lmmtd Mr. Cimaffee or amiy otimer aipiran been miomiiimiatetl by this convention tie woul&t have received ili ) stmpport , not only Iii a quiet way , but I would imave gomie out to the umeet- ings ( lint will doubtless be hold anti raised mmiy voice for lila election , We are mmieetin mieu' isstmes in this light. I amii ell aware ( hat the batteries of The Bee will be ( turned against nie and time rest of ( lie ticket. you vihl nominate today. Tue issue Is clear , It is whiClmer tue party shmnhl rule itself or aub4 nut to time dictation of one mamm , [ "or mn part , I nun wtllhig to mmmeet time isatme. I amii sure that. it Is not necessary for nie to promn- . Iso you that I will prove worthy of time comi. titience yotm have Idaced In umie. ' ' Ever since ( lie reptmbhicami party tumnet Broatch dowmi six years ago ii the cemiventio to wimlchm hue referred in imis simeeclm of acceptance - ance , lie has had a grievance , amid hues beca porsistemitly tiemantling that lmi woes be umiatlo a party matter. lie has wanted a vIndication antI looks impomi hmis nomlmintlon on Saturday as stmcii , Simice lie imits imitrotiuce(1 , time subject a little rc'low of the comiventiomi of 1559 antI time causes that led to imis turninmg down may not be out of place. liroatcis was elected mayor In time sprhmmi ; of 18S7 During his term time city charter was ammientied so tlmat time city electiomi was clmangeti ommitli Decemuber , so ( hint as a hold. over he had served time city for two auth a half years vhmemu time fight caine imp for hilts rcnommiinatmon in Novemimber , 1889. Time repumlmhlcan cIty convemutiomi lii 1889 wats a ummmcrnorable one. It was hmeltl on Novemiibe 21 \Vashington hall anti lasteti from o'clock in the afternoon untii daylight tim next morning , Fl. 1' , Davis was ciuairnimun of ( he convention , wimicim was comimposoti of seven delegates from each wam-d , In all sixty-three delegates. Broatch had been practically do. feateti at time hmnlnlnrics , after the uimost out. rageoum" methods had been einplo3'eti in lila interest. When time convention met amm at- temmiiit was mmmdc to seat a hiroatch delegation ( room ( Ice Timirti ward , btut an investigation showoti timat time Broatchi delegation lielul certificates ( hint ivere ciear forgries , anmi after a contest thittt nearly precipitated a riot the antl-hiroatcim delegation was seated. Thb candidates for tIne mmiayorahty were W. .J' Broatcim , Dr. S. D. Mercer , 4t. L. Strang an4 Thomas Swobe. On time first ballot hiroatc received twenty-eight votes , and they never tiesorted him , The other candidate held their forces well in line and a deatiiock en- sued. F'imiaiiy time annie of 0. V. ' , Llmiinger was presenteti as a conmipromimlso candidate , amid after an all nli'imt sesahomi Mr. hinlugom' was nomInated on time 267th ballot. Ills now. immmmIon vaa niatlo unmmnlmmiotmm on mm-motiomm of Broatch's ehuief lieutenant. John T , Clarke , anti everythmimig seemmied imarnionfoims. Tim warring factions got together and pledges o support of the ticket were given by all eon- ccrned. BANQUET OF TIlE TWIINTY-EIGIIT. But the pledges diti not last long. On Sat. urday nIght , three clays after time convention Broatelt gave a banquet at ( lie Paxtomi imotef to the twenty-eight macn who had stmpportetl liini In thin coimvemmtiomi in which Mr. Liningor had ( iefeatemi hmimmi ( or the mayoralty uirnmi- inatlon. Amtmong ( lie leaders of time Broateh- ites who were at the feast were Julio Mc- lonalti , lieimry Dunn , J. N. Phillips , 'rimomams Goiden , Eti Cone , T. .1. McGramie , .Iohmn T , Clarke , Charles B. llruner , E. I' . Davis , A , G. Edwantis anti Charles Unltt. In addition to time delegates' uianieti lion , (1 ( , v. I4lmiimmger and I'aul Vandervoort were present , Tue report published In Tue lice on the morniimg after ( ha banqumet commclutles as fol. in ws : "Mayor liroatchm matlo a short speech at. ( lie opening , in which hue am'sertod timat he was u'ithm the cantiidae ( and wanteti the im. mortal twenty-eight to stant ! by Lmninger. Ito 'pletiged his iinarty support anti that of his friends , and hoped ( hint no one woulc $ think that lie was disgruntled at the result of tile coumventiomm. "Mr. Lininger respomidqd briefly to Mayor llroatch's invitation with a few aimpropnlat remarks , "The faithful twenty-eight pledged their fealty to the republican ticket and resolved to heartily mmulmpont each cantildate without reserve. Time party broke up at a lat hour. " 'rtiis was the report of time banqumet that reached the publIc , but it was not nil. It was decided before time nmeotimig of time twenty-eight stalwarts had atl- jotmrned to form a pernmnmient organization - ization anti carry emi time war In wiiIchi they hmami been defeated iii time convention. TbI huroposition was vIgorously opposeti by W.V ICeysor anti Clmarles K. Coutant , mo haml boon niemhers of time Broatch dehegatlomi in tim comiventlomi , and timey refused to have snore to (10 with time orgamilzation. ThIs decision to fight George W. Lininger at the hohls was taken on Noveniber 23 , antI yet six days later time memmibers of time club who hind beemi piottimig ( reason to time mionilnee of ( heir party's convention accepteti his hoe- pitaity , and on Thanksgiving nig'iit mmttemidetj a banquet given by Mr. Lininger at imI hmom to the delegates to time convention. H , P. Davis acted as toastmaster , as lie hind acted as cimairniumi of tIme convention tiiat imommuinatod Mr. Linminger , Pledges of support were given to Mr. Linhmiger end time hmanqumet adjourned , Mit ! time very next night time Tweny-elgim ! plotters met Ia C. . L. Cimaffee's otfice ant laid their plans to knife Mr. Linminger ant Jahmn Rumahi , time cantilmlate for cIty treasurer , Timoy accepted mumoney train Mr. Cushming's mstmpponlers amid wogemi war on relmubhican cantiitiatos whir ) were distasteful to hiroatciu , GETTING IN ITS WOItIC. Mr. Limiinger was defeated at time election anti Mr. Rush secured lila seat as city treas. urer only after an election contest with Jameis McShmane , the democratic candidate. The work of time club did not enti witim time dec. ( ion , but plans were at oumea adopted for th organization of time city coummeli under the denmocratic atiminiatrmition , to wimose succesms lime club hiatt contributed so : iiucim , Cimaffe-es was cimosen president of time city council and t.imo conihine imad mnuclm to do with time ex. ( ravagance that mnmmrked Mayor Cusiming's ad- inimiiatrathon , The club held together for ( tie two years of Cushuing's term anti was on check in 1891 anti mnatlo a feeble effort to defeat Mayor ihemmils , but the effom't was futile. The cub also maths a tight to give llroatehi time 1)oimglas county delegation for governor irs ' 92 , but failed sIgnally , anti themi the chief of time conspirators went Into retiremuemm ( , fromes wimlelt his recently emerged , seekIng now pro. fermuemht pad a vindication. Most of time mmmeimibera of limo old club who defeated Llmmimmger. a Protestant , urn electeti CuatmIr.g. a Catholic , have became leathers of the tier'ish contingent of tIme A , I' . A , Tine treachery of hIroatclm anti imiti Twenty- oigittrmi to time republican city tickob hiatt beconmie a nmatter of gemmorat notoriety before tIme day of time election. They hmeltl miieotingmm every wocig and liersistentiy Platted to acconmpilslm time mae- foal of Mr. Lmnimiger antI Mr. Itusim , Where the result of time election had been made kmmown 'rime lieu , on tha morning of Decent- ber 5 , contmulnemi time following editorial , ax. liimig time treachery of time gang : WORK 01' IuROATCIil IIENC'IIMEN' , "Timers Is an adage that all is fair iii war arid lrnhliles. But there is aim unwrltteu cede of imemior ammiang soithierme unmd pollIqtana which no muian cmn violate wIthout beinit exterated and held In contempt , In lbs