- : r I I C' 2 rI1E ; OJ\AJIA DAIJ..Y flt'ti' . ! TT1 T .1 ( f1'f11 ! )11T . . . ngTDs SUNDAY. OO'l10H ] R In. lS ! ) ! ! . . IOWA TALKS { FOR ALLISON Chairman McMillan of the BopubBcan Committee on the Situation SOME STATES WHERE HE IS STRONG IlIrllllrd III th ' 01,11111 thnt lie \11 l.en,1 lie " VIMt ii nit .urt Ii , . . - erll II h'r""I"'I I hlut . r X1i1s1iii. , - DFS MONF9. : Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Teic- i gram.-Chalrman ) If. U. Mc llan at the republican - publican ate central committee toay gives out a formal intervIeW , In whIch ho takes a rosy view at the chances at Senator Alit- ; son In the prehlentll mce. Ito said : "Allison Is now auured stroll support In the west and , northwot flu la certain at 4 the deIegatlol tram Iowa Nebrul , Minno- , ' sofa . North and South Dakota and Now Mex- Ice WIsconsin Is I expected to bo for him , . but this Is not yet certaIn. In the cast Ilc ha a powerful Influence working for him. ; Matt Quay . Tom Platt , Joe Ianler and other ; leadero Ire at work for him. SCator Davis " ot Minnesota and Senator Pethrew ; at South Dakota are In the same combluaton , They are ot the opinIon ! th1t Hetd vIii not have : nearly so much strengthi as he expects. In tact , that hI will not be In the race ! erlously. They my the f h will he between McKinley : and Alson , and that developments . In the cast Indlc1te that the western man wi have ? strong support and gOOI chances to secure the New York :1,1 Icnnsylvanl delegatons , In former years conditons have been such that tht I1Jty has been torcml to name a . representative at one ot the two great doubtful states , New York and Indiana. , This wO nol bl the case next year. The we&t Is d coming to Allison. I know this tram cor- respondenco and other Inside information I ; have as to the progress at work. lie wilt go Into the convention with a large part at the country vest ot the Mlsslslppl at his " hael _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lIUJ :11,1'1 : Y r.I' ( \ 1' ( ) 'r. l1'ml.r of the t"1 Sinh' : UIUI I I I CII",1 Ilto Court . OUT DODGE , Ia. . Oct 12.-Speclnl ( Tele- gram.-A ) itiatter ot consIderable Interist to Iram.-A mater . , military men has opened In the courts here. Last summer Jose Ryan , a member or company - pany G , Iowa National Guarll , was absent from the encampment wIthout leave ot ab. s3nce. 'Che law says that unless there Is /ulclent excuse a member at the militia cannot be absent tram camp , and exacts a fine of $2 a day for the time absent . Captain - t ' J tain Chanl sued In justIce court tor' the colecton ot $14 for seven days' ahsenc Ryan resisted , claiming sufcient excuse exIsted - Isted for his absence and the ( justice upheld him . The captain then carried the cain to the district court claiming that civil all- lerenls hal , no right to pass on the quesf ton , lint ( It rested wih the military officials. Judge Weaver today upheld the justice on the theory that since the law says the lines shal be colEled ! In the ( civil courts they have a right to pass on the ca 'e. An appeal was at once taken to the supreme court and miiary officials arc delermlned to up- haitI thir position on this grounds of its necessiy for discipline or have a new law passed covering the 1101nt. pOln ; ) IXI.IS IUS'I' NI' STon CI'I'\- . Fire n"1) ' " he )1'nIN "t Vettlln- I l.iil . 1(1.14111 IS I " ' . U"I 1.11 n"NIIN II I'utt h. STORY CITY . Ia. . Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Tell- gram.-I ) coal miners are lost In the ( depths ot the Summit mine The maine Is about three miles south of town. It Is a small mine and employs about twenty muon who live here The shaft house caught fire and burned late last night. Only tour men were In the mine al the time , working on the Ilght shltt. I was Impossible to stop the fiainemr. whIch domolshell the entire entre wodwork of the structure. , The destruction at the shaft destrored the means of ventiia- I ton and probably caused cxploslons within : the mine. 'Cho mine was explored 200 feet from the foot of the shaft , but no trace at time missing mIners culd bo found. The scenes at the mouth of the shaft today have been most Pttiabie. ! Three of the men , who are nov ' believed to be dead , are married all have clmiidren. The wilow8 and orphans and most at the women of the town have vaited anxiously for word front the search- I ers , but have now given up all hopes. ! - - qu..r C"urN" lt it nll.th' HI" ' . I DES lONES , Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-A ) year ago Jessie F. Bennett secured - cured a divorce trom her husband. Soon after he broke Into her house anti she hall him Indicted for burglar fast wEek the trial came off. She was caled as a witness. I liar testimony was objected to on the grounl that a wie cannot testify against a husband - band , and It was discovered that the decree . . . lied never been made of record. 'Che county attorney completed the dlvore by filing the ( decree anti paying the tee. She then went on the stand and testIfied against her former husband. Today she and her former husband appeared , secured a license ali were mar- nod again. lie had been acquitted on the : . charge of burglary , _ Inl In the coune ot the trial each relented At the last term of courl the regular jury panel ot fortr-two len was excused In the mlldlo of Ito term all called again. The court refused to order that they be pall for , this time. They decided to sue for $21 tees each. Today JUlge Stevenson threw the test case out of court , holding time JUlgcs at court are sole anti final judges ot the amount ot tees to be nlowed juries. Au appeal will le taken to the ( sUl1reme court. I''nlur Suit lu unIon Couut" tJI1ESTON. Ia. . Oct. 12.-Speclal.-A ( ) very pecular ali unusual case has been instituted , In the district court The amount involved Is not large , only $ : 1.52 l , but the Issues are ot great Importance to the taxpayers of Union county Itt February . IS9 , a child at Andy Buret , a fireman al the Burlington . was taken sick with diphtheria. Dr. Sclmifferie , time healh officer . quarantined the home ot Burnett antI lu cOlequence Buret was compeled to refrain from work. Ills chili died , and the undertaler's and drug bills amounted to $ U ; . which Burnett refused to pay claiming the county was responsible , owing to his being quaantnell under the laws at the state. Burnet wanted the Boari ot r Supervisors to pay the claims which they refused to 110 , 1111 now the undertakers sue the county to recover for thO casket. 1xltrIiteuate,1 , , 'lla it Gin J..t , SIOUX CiTY . Oct. 12.-Spoclal ( Telegram ) -Ludwig Terrman , a fnrmer near this place , repeated thin line honored experiment at blowing out tIme gas at hotel 'owle this , ! . - morning with a slight variation at his own In\'enton. \ On retiring , Terrman , realizini g realzing that he knew little ot lte city ways decided to IcrVe the gus burnIng rather than ( take any : chances. The light bothered him so much I , hmovevcr that he finally resolved to extlnguls it I and having heard that I exlnguish . . S blown out . tau n ell I out Instead with his night cap. Fortunately the transom was open and the rural gentleman escaped with his wlta life although he 19 still very ill ( rout the cgecie or hi"xprlence. . - - - - - - - Street Cnr I.iticii 10 - COI.ol.lnt. SIOUX CITY , OcL 12.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -Arrangements for the consolidation of the Sioux City Cable railway , the Sioux CIty & Leeds Electric railway . the Sioux City Ele- vated railway and the Sioux City and Subur- ban railway companIes and their selo to a New York syndicate . have been completed here . and only the few days required for the execution at the necessary paper will elapse before the lines pan into the hands ot the new management The roads will be merged Into one system , and connected with the South Sioux City Electric railway . which will cross the new Pacilc Short Line bridge and extend several miles Into . . mies Nebraska , . _ .y . . _ I xGo.ruor'uUe ut Ntuln. NJO.A , I. , Oct. 12.-Speclal.-Ex-Oov. ( ) ; ernor Waie or Colorado spoke hero today at , tie city hal to a large audience composed mostly at populists tram the adjacent coun- try. The governor was met at the train by a few ot the leading popuii.ts who escorted him to the hotel , where be " ' 8 Introduce to man ) I was thought for a \IUe he wlull peak upon the street , where every one would have a chance to hear but on account ot the high wind ho spoke In lie hail. The populatl do not expect to figure In the c3mpJIIn thIs fall . hut are holding off In readiness for the presidential election. I"t nlll 1 IJht lt Norh 1'u"l.h. NOITI I NG.ISI , la. , Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Tele ram.-A terrible tragedy took place at lllerburg lat night. Joe Tlmb rlakl 1 faklr . In an attempt to secure whisky from John ' L. Milier . a clerIc In hatter's drug store , was struck In the neck , a fatal luiow , hy Miller. To add to the suffering ot the victim a bottle of carbolic acid broke over him , burning him In a frightful manner , ' Miller was hell , to the coroner's jur } ' . IiNflhHIIl I it I..l ; I- Ti ; ; IieiuiillIesilM. W1BSTEI CITY . Ia . , Oct. 12.-(8poclal ( Telegram.-Senator ) Davis , who was to have opened the republican campaIgn In this city tonight , Is sick at Oltumwa , and he taied to appeJr. lie would have been given an Immense antI enthu'iimtio audience There is much disappointment among the republicans - lcans , Sl he Is the strongest splaleer they I will have In the county during the campaign ' SIII" City . H"II.hIh" ' Hul ) ' . SIOUX CITY , Oct. 12.-Speciai ( Telegram. ) -Fully 1,000 people tended the republcan rally at MQvlle , twenty miles from here this afternoon , every town In the county sending a gotI ' delegation. BesIdes speeches by lion. George : D. Perkins and , Colonel lenlleron , short addresses were made by most of the loCal candidates at the coring election. - - - - - - - - \rk "t ThIeesmut 1'rtrnl. CmJ I ItAl'IDS , I. , Oct. 12-Speclnl ( Telegram.-Durlng ) the absence ot the family trai haute toulay tramps broke Into the house ot J. A. hilain . near Bertram , and stoIa $70 In school orders , some deeds , , ab- tracts , souvenir coIns and some other ar- t ick's. I Is supposed they escaped , on a trelght train. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.t imrer HI/lu n'n" . DIJIIUQUfl , Oct. 12.-Speclal ( 'fekgram.- ) H. f If. Hagan , the well known lecturer . died at Ileumonla yesterday at Atlanta , Ga. lie was born In New York torty.elght years ago , graduate,1 , from Yale anti Columhla law bchools and practiced law In UUbl'Ue until ho entered the lecture field , about twelve years ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( elllt ot Sh : J"WI Cimun ( it'll. D S .MOINES . Ia. . Oct. 12.-Speclal ( 'l'elc- gr/-The ) census department has given the tolowlng fgures on population ot Rh : more 10wl I counties for 1&90 and 189 : : Decatur , 15,643. 1 16.639 ; : Delaware , l,6t9 , 18.10 : Des Moines , 35,824 , 37,629 : Dickinson , 4.329 , 6.023 : Dubuqu , 49,818 , 60,177 . : Emmett - , 4.274 , 7.619. " 'OILitIIii ) flY ' 1'hI1 IIIU ) CIOI.JI\ . lown 1111 IIII'nrl"'r ( etti mug Hid "e 'helr JI/ . ChICAGO , Oct 12.- IJlory. Son & Zimmerman - merman company today issued their tenth annual live stock crop report for the season of 189 .96. Compare with the same time In i 1891-9 It Is as follows : Illinois reports Hi per cent less old hogs : 1. per cent less pigs : 8 per cent less tat cate , with hog choler prevailing In thirty- tour counties. countes. Iowa , 8 per cent less old hog : 4 per cent less l pigs : 1 per cent more fat cattle : hog cholera Ln seventy-two couns. Missouri , 10 per cent less old bogs ; 8 per cent less pigs : 3 per cent more tat cattle : hog cholera In nine counties. W'leconsln , 2 per cent less old hogs ; 1 per ccnt more pIgs ; 16 per cent less cattle : hog cholcra In only one countr. MInnesota , 2 per cent less old hogs ; 0 per cent more pigs : 6 per cent less cate : hog cholera In sIx counties. . South Dakota 16 per cent less old Imogs : 1c 7 per cent less pigs : time same number ot cate ; hog cholera In two counties. Nebraska , 13 per cent less old hogs : 10 per l cent less pigs : 2 per cent more cattle ; hog cholera In six counties. countes. Kansas , 15 ; per cent less old hogs : 12 per cent lesa pigs : 19 per cent more cattle : hog cholera In eIght counties. countes. Indiana , .1 per cent less old hogs : 3 per cent less pigs : 20 per cent less cattle : hog cholera In seventeen countkes. Michigan , an equal number of old hogs ; 5 per cent more pigs : 17 per cent less cattle : hog cholera In tour counle . Ohio , 2 per cent more old hogs ; 1 per cent ' more pigs : 20 per cent less cattle : hog cholera In four counUes. Total of eleven states , 8 per cent less old hogs : I per cent less pigs : 4 per cent less flt cattle , with hog cholera prevailIng In 1S1 c cun ties. crcntes. The ! reports are or unusual Interest agate this t year , owing to the unprecedented amount of hog cholera In the country amountng to I almost an epldcmlc. Farmers In lawn and I Ia I llinois feel very panicky on the situation , nnd are lelng their droves of pigs before the cholera reaches them II order to get something - thing out of them. This Is one of the prlncl. pal camu's for the liberal receipts ot hogs at the principal markets ; and the contnued ; shipment at these pigs to market cannot help but result In a shortage of hogs for the late winter and spring months. Every carl01,1 , i i of 111gs that goes to market now means a I I shortage of three cars ot hogs later , and I with an abundant and possibly an unpre . cedented corn ' re3dy for cedenttd trop teedlng the tarmers are discouraged at the outlook. The reports show that the greatest amu5unt at cholera report come tram the two largest hog producing states Illinois and Iowa This fact Is significant. . CI1.tXII.IIt Allis IlS Y.n\s. % % 'itnts Slh'.r Nlt" " , to Sen.l Ielo- Knf'N to Intu'rimntlonul C"Cer"lce. I DENVEI Oct. l : = 1n a letter to T. C. Clayton , secretary or the Republican State league at Colorado urging republicans ot this state to stand firmly with the national organIzation , Senator Chandler of New Hampshire says : "The republcan party will go Into the next presidential battle pledge to bImetalsm , which I believe . as sure .1 right Is right , will win "On the other hand the democratic leaders -tho men who nominate and control Its national Influence . patronage and organla- tion-are gold inonomuetaliists. "President Cleveland and his administra- ton are absolutely In the hands at : Ir. J. Plcrpont Morgan and his syndicate at foreign bankers : they are against sliver as a money metal and they are committed to gold mono- metallism. With the patronage ot the government - ernment and with wih money manipulated by William C. WhItney and Calvin S. Brice , the democracy are hopelessly sUbjugated , and their next national convention will be as hostile to the boste principles of bimetalsm as are the English creditors who propose to exact - act the pound ot flesh from their debtors In all put at the world. I Is the height of folly for any bimetalist to conceive that anything - thing but gold monometallism goldonometalsm can come from another democratic national victory. " \Ve . bimetalsts outnumber the gold mono- metailst ot time world 100 to 1 and nee not tear that wo shall not shal eventually lcceed' With a practical suggestIon I close. A bl- metallic conference held In the United States will be attended by representatives tram all "ester hemisphere governments and front the governments ot Russia , France. Japan and China. Bmetalic organizations In Canada , India and every other country will send legates. The decision of the canter- tnco that the nations should coin silver wIthout lmi at the rate of 15 to 1 will be irresistible even by England and Ger- many. Our congress should call congres cal a conter- SliCe and provide for paying its expenses " . S\'I'I.JY 'o'1' IU'.UHI OU TItIAL. . CI.CKnlu.t the x-CnNh"'r l'ost- putted for JUleeu Iits. KANSAS CITY . Oct. 12.-Tho appeal case ot Elmer C. Sattley . the convicted cashier ot the defunct Kansa City Sate Deposl and SavIngs bank was to have come up be- tore the supreme court at Jefferson City to- day but the attorneys for the defense have asked for a continuance . owing to the Illness . 1. ness of the senior member of the couoael Time case will probably not be heard for fifteen - ft- teen dan at least. Satey stands con- victed at grand larceny } ' and I under sen- tcnce at tour years In the penitentiary . lie Is pow engaged In the insurance business In Chicago and la under $10,000 bond to the supreme court to appear for sentence In case the verdict ot the lower curt Is sums- talned. James O. Darragh , who was president of the failed bank , and against whom thirty Indictments for grand larceny are now rest. Ing. Is also sid to be In Chicago. Dar- ragh's cases are also set for the November term of this criminal court but he will not be trIed until the case acalnst Sattley Is I Sattey decide before the supreme curt I I DUnUANT IAIES A lONG TAU { Says the Story of the Scaled Envelope is a Pure Myth COMPLAINS BITTERLY AGAINST REPORTERS I I I . . \N ' "rt" Ihnl Trh'lnl U.nrk. ) : iit.le UIh'r l'I'IIt .t ( .oitlIii'tte. % ' , ! 1.'I"'II..t h l ) ' tlu.J.i. . rita itNts tl the l'r"N'eut"u , SAN nANCISCO , Oct. 12.-The story ot the mysterious statement at Durrant sealed In an envelope marked "To be opened It I am convicted , " brmght forward so prom- Inenty br District Attorney Bares , docs not seem to worry the defendant or his lawyer so much as It angrs them , Durrant himself 'Is not only wrathful , but professes to be , greatly surprised at the conduct at the reporter - porter Upon whose testimony he thinks the \losecuton will rely to establish its point , " "I to not lee to say anything against a woman , " saiti Durrant " salt , "hut my disappoint- mont Is so keen that I cannot keep silent. The reporter haa been kind to me In many ways-has given me repeated assurances ot her b ler In I1 I "nnrrnr n,1 in a ntn" . . i.i - - - - _ n . . . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . , .w . . . a . " that I hat her prayers for a speedy termina- I ton at this terrible nlghtm re. She has repeatedly sought expressions ot olllnlon from me. Adhtrlng to an inflexible rule ot not denying or endorsing anything , whether for or against me , I always gave her the same answer. My time had not come to talk . " "At a recent cal she detailed this dramatic yarn about my harinz written havlnl wrlttn a mysterious something which I put In an envelope with a strict Injuncton distinctly written on the outside that It bo returned to me In case at acquittal , or opened , In the event of convic- tion. This stupid story annoyed me , ammil , realizing how much talk this would anl . J askell her as a fpecal favor that sl iu - make ; ; I np o mention at It In any way either to the press or the prosecution. She readily assented ( - sented , , . to my request and even went further " 'If yt doubt me ' she said , 'get your bible , ' I took that dear hook and passed It to I mor. , She placed It on the wicket door and solemnlr swore that she would make no mention ot it. " "Imagine my surprise when the district \strlct atorney aslet mo about that envelope. I was not that I cared about the story. It was not true. I had nothing to fear I lte l did It Impress me after I suppose I was relegated to oblivion , whrre It belonged , that I hal absolutely forgotten It "I wrote a statement , I 19 ( rule. Everybody knows that. I was made public , but somewhat - what garbled. There was nothing mysterious a bout . , I and no envelope enclosed I " " The press talks of my coolnessmy nerve. I Is not my fortitude In this hour of dark- ness : It Is my al'abdlng : faith In God that sustaIns mE I have faith In Ills goodness : lust lie will protect me because I am Innocent of these fearful crimes "Dr. Graham , " the prisoner branched off . " 1 have always looked upon ns an honorable man and I cannot think but what he will tell wi tel exactly what occurred at our meeting. Surely what Iw fHld all what Dunnigan has bartered for harl cash must be contounded. When Dunnigan came here wih Graham he told me Ito was a correspondent for an eastern paper and was anxious to set me right In the e astern papers. As I was not consentIng to : Interviews i I had to declne his flatterIng offer. "The district attorney has made consider- able sport at my Ignorance at time word alibi. albi. I had never been Interested In things criminal - nal : I hall never read , a trial , the word was as strange to mo as It I had been Sanskrit. After my arrest I heard the word several times , wondered what It wa and did not ask , as I knew I would male me appear Ignorant. The conversatIon soon Instruetel me" Durrnt doer not appear to take much stock In the general oplnon ! that the district ator - ney hurt the case ot the defense when ht - probCI so deeply Into time matter of time man In the light coat who Durrant , swears gave him the clew that sent him to the terry. Time , detectives at the defense are inclined to make light at thIs part of the matter. They have established to theIr own satstac- ton the identity of the unknown who they claim tapped Durrnt on the shoulder and started him for the ferry I The mysterIous person , they say was noth- log more than one of the ofcers at the police In the employ ot the city and county of San Pranclsco. They argue that for some days prIor to April 12 the name of Durrant had been joined hy the police with time mysterious disappearance of Uanche Lamont. Carrying out this Idea , one ot the men In citizen's clothes who had seen Durranl wal detailed , on time afternoon of April 12 to accost the suspect , wherever found , and to gIve him a "Up" which would lead him to the terry , where another lan could have an opportunity to see whether or not he came , and I he did to watch him clotoly and report his action. That Is the theory the defense has figured out Captain Lees denied It . JIIS. : STANI'OItI ) AGAIX VIC'VOhtIOVS , Court lt AI'I"'nl AnrnN the Dee"l"u ot Judge Ittiss . SAN FRANCISCO . Oct. 12.-Mrs. Leland Stanford has won another vIctory from the United States government this time In the United States court ot appeals. The decision , , handed down today , was signed by United L States Circuit Judge Gilbert and by United : States District Judges Morrow and Hawley I Is given on the appeal taken tram the pre- : vlols order of Judge Hess , sustaining the demurrer - murrer of Mrs. Stanford to the suit brought against her to recover $1&,337,000 alleged to ; be due time government tram her husband's estate on account of Ctntral Paclfc bonds As the decision Is an aflmaton of the cor- : rectntss at the positon already taken by Jtitlgo Itoss there Is no relief to be ohtalne ] In the premises through a suit In equity. I Is hell that I the liability exists I Is purely "a creature at statute " the question berore the court being entirely one of Interpretaton I of the law. The usual privileges for the Imendment of the complaInt and the reargue Ing ot the case were reorered to the counsel I for the government , ' but It was state that the government's attorneys would not take advantage of hue offer . I Is understood that the case will be appealed nt once to the au . pronto COIT ot tIme United States. The opinion rehearsed the facts connected L wih the creation of the debt and stated the question before tile court to be whetber the stockholders were to be held IndivIdualy liable for the debts of the company. There had been an omission In the contract as to ( ; time means by whIch the debt could be collected - lected In case of ito company's failure to meet ; Its obligations . but this was unImportant as In its absence the law provIded means fem : securIng payment The court held that the ( liability ot the I stockholder at the Central Iacilc could not be different tram those at the Union Pacific ' and that had there been a consolidation Qf the ; two companies the debt could not have been collected tram time stockholders , and what would apply to them then applied now. The laws governing the stockholders of the Union Pacific were cited at length by JUdge Oil - bert. In this Instance tIme shareholders were not held ( labia and It Is explicitly so state In the charter which was obtained In lilt - nols. On the other hand , the state ot Call . formula imposed a personal liability clause when the Central Pacifc was Incorporated , The court further charged that I was the intention - tenton ot congress to put both roads on tbe same footing. Judge Davis . ot IllinoIs has already decided. that the Union Pacific stock holder were not liable. The students at Stanford university tonight celebrated the decision - . . , Tit1iASUhtLht I.US" : NOT A CJUIXAI. , . " ' , omlll Cottimt ) ' Otlnl AI.gel to . L Iln'e l.en Short Iixouttruueel . CIIFYENNF Wyo. , Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Prank Lusk retiring coutty treasurer L- urer of Converse county who was declared by the board at county commissioners , t In his accounts to the amount at about $3,000. today made n final setUrmcDtlh the c.unty I.r r , payIng over the alleged shortage . Lusk claImed the amount at the shortage by , reason of n verbal agreement with the pre ceding board of commissioners . but subse quently became satisfied that under the state constitution the bad did not ' ave the authority to make the agreement. A reso- luton was adopted by the present board exonerating tusk trom criminal Intent EN'l.ll ) , 4AM I1ILANC1IING Ot"I' , I'rl'r. . lt \ . : ; , hits 1"1 Ur.ulllllIt \ ( 'ui ii. Isitliuthple. I.ONUON , Oct. 12.-The Speaker today publshes a 'iignrtie1e ' : dealing wIth e\'olu- ton of the fpgu $ policy of the United States , citng PI eXmples the Venezuelan and Cuban' " questions , In the course of which It rats ; 1"The United States as a great power Is cming Into foreign polis , and Is I coming ! atay , The process of c\'olu. ton at thc American foreign policy has been gradual , but , - unmlstalablt antI In the lat few weeks wq bu'e hall Indications of time existence of , aspirations which may at an ) : moment leato \ : .the active participation ot AmerIca In a Epreign war. "Her Intervention In the Venezuelan dispute - pute Is not Warranted br any treaty or : 11recedtnt In International law and can only be deter le on the ground that the tonroe m tloctrlne henceforth will be acted upon as governing all the foreign policy ot the United States , And what Is more serious Is ; that It Is not time Monroe doctrine pure amid I simple , but that . slnplt doctrine with developments her acton means that the weaker stales ot America can count upon the United States In frontier disputes with any Europtan colony. Time 11resent acton undoubtedlr does I not go any turther than the friendly sug- geston to "rhlratol , but I Is hacked nIl I supported by claims which logically point to m n declaration that interference wih the frontier claimed by Venezuela will be regarded . gardell In Washington as a declaratIon of war against the United Statu. ThIs Is a serIous affront and It Is to be feared that It Is not quite appreciated at its proper value In Downing strEet , " The article 8Ul9 , up the situation by S3)- tog that " ) urolle must understand that the m people at the Unite States are decWed , frt at all , to prohibit It necessary with riles and bayonets any extension of Britsh I boundaries : seconl , that popula sentment In the United States Inthuslastcaly favors m every Insurretonary movement which acts I at the removal of an European fag tram I AmerIcan soil . This policy will entai force , expenditures and coutiphications . but these facts are not clearly seen yet by the I American citizen who blunder blindfold hut headlong along what used to b ( called tht S path of manifest destiny. MOtl'f'II n.Uo'I' . ' ' ' ' SOll'I'1 . ' I.n , I.I'I'UL\'I'ION. S.crclnr ) " oC th , . IlIt.rlur Iteiuuier nn In'.rlnnt li'elnion. WAShINGTON , Oct. 12.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Tho ) secretary at the Interior tOday denied a motion for a revIew of the departmental - mental decision of August 3 , flied by Abner C. McAllister . In tIme case at John T. Mc. Chesney against Abner C. leAllster and the i city at Ablleen , S. I ) . The decision at which a review Is , asked declared that none S or the ( parties In the case were emitltled to I entted time land In controversy , which Is a quarter : section within the corporate limits of the city ot Aberdeen , This decision clears the : record ot all claims to the land except that med by the mayor ot Aberdeen , a trustee for the townsie setters , which was Ile I after the present litigation was be un. The application has not yet been passed upon by ; tIme local officers , Secretary Smith also decided tIme tolowlng cases : Nebraslea-Isaac D. Long against Frances White , McCook district , decision I aflirmel. Mrs. Whl.le's decsion a0rmcl. , . ( entry held for f.ln- ceflatlon. v ; South Dakptmt-trs ( . Hal M. Fowler against Prank , F. Els , Aberdeen district , , aiilruned . Elii' entry held for cancellation . Aaron J. Fremc1m against Thomas Noonan , huron district affirneui . Noonan's entrr to i be . ' held Intact. F. T. Day against Walter E. l.'ogg , Huron district , motion for revIew .Ie- nled. 1.'ogg'S pntryto ) be cancelled. In re Flora Doison lIurol district affirmed. ftp - Ilroprlaton for return at purchase mOley : denIed. Cutrnar J. ' Outman 'Draeten against Martlr I flarringtoui Abirdcel\ district affirmed. Martn rIngton's entry , hel 1 'Intact. SI'CIWI.\HY ' SMiTh JS S'HC\S''IC. . , ' - SITN lie C/"no't Override S"llr"c , C\hrt \ bINlon WASHINGTON , Qct. -12.-0n August 15 _ 0. W" Mains at Stn3wali , . GOlo.z addresed a m letter to the pres" nt concerning the status of the Maxwell grJnt , In Colorado and New Mexico , mylng : "I have the honor to re- quest information as to the petItion of set- tiers on alleged Maxwell grant directed to your excellency under date ot lay 8 , 1895 , requesting as a bar to this eviction the en- torcement at certaIn laws. This petition has petton been pigeonholed by the commissIoner of the ( general land office. Is the pigeonimoling of the saW petition for the enforcement ot certain laws sanctioned by " sanctoned your excellency ? This letter was referred hy the president to Secretary Smith , who today peslrent reply to Mr . Mains. He lr. lalns. says the lanll In ques- ton are held under an outstandIng federal patent and are private property , over which the Interior department has no jurisdicton , as twIce decided by the supreme court ot the United States. The secretary rather tartly adds : "NeIther the constitution ot the UnIte tarty States nor any law enacted In pursuance thereof has given this department authorIty to overrule the decisions at the supreme court , " , UUlQUAY hIilII'ldf ) IY FIIEfl " 'oln. . Jxllrl . to th. . Uule,1 States elrl ) . 'l'rt'blcd the II.t Y"nr WASHINGTON , Ocl. 12.-As a result of t the repeal of the wool duties , the exports from Uruguay to the United States have nearly trebled , and according to figures sup- pled to the State department by United States Consul Edgar Schramm at tonte- vide , they reached , during the fiscal year , $3,075,836 , and a stIll larger Increase Is expected - pected for the calendar year , based on beav- - orders from America for wools. The conJul quotes from bailing newspapers at Uruguay a statement that the as country has fared so well from the repeal ot the law , It would be vell for the wel government ot Uruguay on Its part , to secure some advantage In the importation ot North American products , , al the most practicable means of fostering these growing commercial relations , so prom- Ising ot benefit. S'UNWI' : h.iII.VAY - MAIL SI 1 "JCB. "oNtlmee ( . IcpisrtnmemmtVlIi Itecomn. m..1 Its 1xtruslou WAShINGTON . Oct. 12.-Second Assistant Postmaster General Neison , who has charge ot the railway mal , the street car mal and the wagon mat service . will recommend In hIs annnal report an extension of the ( servIce upon street railways. He has found the experiments - perlments In that direction very favorably received and meeting wIth ver encourage- ment. I Is especially desired by people liv- by lv- log In the suburbs to be reached by fast street railway lnes , Mr. Neison says that the demands now f0btreet railway service exceed the appropriation and that no more extensions caq be made until after ca' unt the next npproprlaton blrhr passed , and It then de- pends upon congrtl whether money thcretor w1 be torthcomlng. ) IUA WILl. ; : : PI' ' 'I IlS JIXE1' . Next ; UO"lu ) ! 'i ix",1 n. the Jit " ot Il' 11"1'1 'S.tllem , ' " t. WASHINGTON , ccj. 12.-Tho solicitor at the State departndntthuas ' concluded his ex- amInaton of the'a9lgnmlnts against the lora claim ar.dtfirdds that after all these shall be paid there will be due Mr. Mora about $700,000 , for whlcl aiaunt , less $118,000 , Secretary - rotary Olney will prob4bi gIve his check to the assIstant wltVJo1blY the UnIted States. on Monday next. , The $118,000 will be reserved - served for the lhnflJ\lon \ at the claims ot certain atoreysh \ tnayment ot whIch Mr. Mora w\llcs to a'ltute , but wl bo returned to him when the department ! Wes with time original attorneys under the origInal contract made by Mr Mora , N'hrn.lu 1'Osliiliiccs CIoed. WASHINGTON , Oct. I2.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Nebruka ) } stofces have been or dered discontinued , to take erect October 31 , , 3 follows : Halman , Hol couoty mal tcI I Ewing Nantaaket fluffalo mail ; Duralo county , mal to I Ha\'enn. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ Iorchou1es u 1.'uehh'l liar , KANSAS CITY Oct. 12.-A special to the Star from Carrollton , Mo. , says : This city - II all excItement today and time people mOVe u abut wIth that restless feeling that torebodes a lynching bee , Late yesterday afternoon a L young negro asouled MIl Lena Bratgovel , , daughter at a prominent farmer. Four ne , gross are under arfst charged with the I theI crime but nODe ot them have a yet been I IdentIfied . I I MIGHT DEFEAT - STATEIOOJ ] Utah Domocrt Considering the Advisa' ity of Voting Against I POLITICS I A TANGLED CONDITION I , \CllU lt tilt3Iuruumuim Chur'h II UIN- clllnlnJ Slm" "C Its : h'm- h'r. Stim'n II' I llor- imet's " "I. SA 1.1 LAKE , Oct 12.-Political circles are anlmnttl today over a report that nt n secret meeting of the priesthood at the lormon church n few day ago , lion . Moses 'hatcher and 1. I. Hoberts were dlsclplncd for vrtl- clpatng In politics wihout permlsflon at the church authorities. Thatchu' Is a caml- date for the senate and Hoberta 15 a calll- and 1. 11. 10berts were disciplned for I1Jtc- Ipatng In politics without permls&lon ut that the republican ticket should be electell. Just why theee ( two gentemtn were slnglell out for discipline while there arc other church omelals on both tickets , 18 something which democratic politicians claim they do nol understand. They cite the tact that JOStl1h F' . Smh , one at the counselors to the first preslMncy , openly advocated and urged the election ot time republIcan ticket last year , and thnt Apostle John henry Smih was a mmutmber all pre3hlent ot the constitutional c lventon to which no excepton was malII bl the church omclals. The democrtc party has been waging a \Igorous campaign wIth the claim that their chances for vuc- cess al against church Infuence would be next to Imopeless The republicans make thl ( claim that In the last campaign the republican church of- dais who took an active part In politics , had the permission at the church to do DO , wlreas In the present case such permhHlon : was neither sought or grauuted Judge Powers , chairman of the democratic commitee , In a publshed interview says : "U we fnd t-at our efforts are to be thwarted , our money wasted , our victory surrepttouslr taken trom us , I shall advise the state commlteo to give 10 authority to cal a conventon ot the democrats at Utah , giving that conventionm to tlt conventon power con- alder the wihdrwal ot the democratic ticket from the field , to tlsband the democratic party and advise the voters of Uahi to vote down the constitution , and to vote In favor of a territorial form ot governmnent until we are certain that all our People train the highest to the lowest wi be tree to act tJUtcaly as their JUdgments anti their consciences dictate. Every' man In Utah must have the Very tnltst freeeioni ot political poltcal action . and no ecclesiastical authorir can be allowed In any degree to meddle with our political aralrs . " wih George M. Cannon , chairman ot the re- publcan state commitee , was seen. He aall , so far as church Infuence was concerned , he had heard nothing of it . He said indications pOI'te strongly to a republican victory , and he believed the rumor was a subterfuge of the democracy , who feel that they are , lost and want an excuse for failing. taiing. . The Argus , a republican paper , In today'a , issue , says : "Much as the Argus desires a republican victory . We ne\'ertheles9 say here openly that we prttlr defeat by all means , than any victory we might obtain that should be taInted with even the suspicion ot Mormon 10rmon church control or dictation. " The Herald the leading deinocuatic paper , demortc says : "It Is better , now that this Issue has bEen raised . that I be s tle,1 , h tore Utah becomes a slate , than to meet It when state- hood becomes a realIty. " ChaIrman Powers snl(1 ( this evening that a meeting ot the territorial committee hal , been called for Monday next to discuss political maters , and It might discuss the calling at caling another democratic convention for the purPOse - POse at ISulng a declaration ot Indepenrence to the people at Utah. Most ot the leading Mormons were out of the city tOd.lY and their views could not be obtained. - -ALUB 01 IItILIGA'rIoS JBCOGXIZI.n South nll"tn 1.I.ul..o lie A'ltelul , . " % 'nf'r'd. SIOUX FALLS , S. D" , Oct I2.-Speclal.- ( ) IrrIgation Is being recoglzt" both In and out of this state as a sure winner It used In South Dakota A St. Paul loan company which has been obliged to tale numerous sectons ot land In this state In settem nt of their claims a alm'l farmers are now figuring on a big Irrigation scheme They have written to a number at the well known wel artesian well diggers for figures on the probable - able cost ot slnllng a large number at veiis for irrigation purposes. By irrigating wels land the company feels sure that their prop. arty will rapidly Increase In value and sell at a good profit. sel l xf'.ule,1 1.ltAnttn XenrlnJ ni fluuI . SIOUX PALLS , S. n. , Oct. 12.-Spe- ( clal.-Another ) verdict bas been returnerl In the Important case ot P. l'oteraont and J. S. 'eler aealnsl ! hnnn " Ieterson In..I. . . _ .r---- . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .u. . . about $1,200. The verdIct is . however , a sealed one. and will not be opened unt November - : vember Even then the case , which bas . been In the courts for the past ten year : , will not be Ittd for each party declares their intention at appealing the case In ths event that It Is decided against them. The ca 'e grew out at tI3 detalcaton of County Treasurer Stemey ] at Clay county many . years ago. Mcinerny' ' } lcIner was one of Stickney's I bondsmen , but a whie before thus detalca. . ton , he sold all of hIs property So when the other bondsmen came to him for his i share of the bends he refmrd to pay and had not property which could be attached . The bondsmen , above named then began an . acton to have the deed to Iclnerny's prop- elty set aside and are still trying Another Incident has just come to lIght In this n\atter. In settling the account at the county with time state , Treasun'r Stlckney . Stclwey overpaid the ( state $ :06SO. This money evI- denty belonged to Stickney , as the county was fully reimbursed for limo loss. The slate has allowed the amotmnt and I will be paid t over to Messrs. Peterson and Teller , who p made good the loss to the county. ' 1' . ) Pity nn 01,1 Gmuuirui mutee. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Oct. 12.-(511eclal.- ( ) When the Great Northern railroad extended I its line from thIs . Is lne hero to Yankton city guar. anteed 25OOO to pay for the rlght-otway. , Ot that amount about $13.000 has been paid , , leaving the balance , $12,000 , with two years ; Interest still unpaid Senator Pettigrow . who I has been handling this matter PetgeI. Hill . , Is very anxious that the amount ho paid be. : taro he goes to Washington again. lie u therefore called a meeting of tba guarantors u last evening to talk over the situattotu . at r the 10 on the guarantee 125 al'e left In time I I cIty No conclusIve plan was devised at the meeting for the payment JudKe J , IJ.'rtol Ycr" ' Ill. SIOUX ALLS , S. D. , Oct 12.-Speclal.- ( ) United States judge A. J , Edgerton Is serl. ously Ill at his home In this cl } While returning - turning home tram holding court at Icad wood he suffered from exposure , and the result - suit has been serious prostration. While u there Is likely no Inlnedlat ( danger Whie I the atack , the judge Is a very sick man m and will probably be unable to hold the t term or court here which should convene I next wcek. He expectetd to l'pend the win ter In the south D he did last } 'ear , and I will probably leave for there next month it I able to do so . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1'nrth'lunke Sll1 In fu , IIbctci . hills . HOT SlINGS , S. D. . Oct. 12.-Speclal ( I Telegram.-A ) heavy earthquake shock was I experIenced at the now mining town or IIY- stone last nigh at 7 o'clock I was so se. veto that goods ratted off the shelves In : stores. I was also felt . though not so healy \ ' - ly , at other places through the central part ; of the Black hula . p . Delegates 'J'uko n 10111" , MINNEAPOLIS Oct. 12.-I wu a holIday P for the delegates to the Episcopalian con venton today a.ld very pleasantly was It : spent In a visit to ice city ot Farlbault , ' ' Minn . . where Bishop Whipple lives , and I where are located the Shatuck Military ! school tbe Seabury DivInity school and St , Mary's lush . a scbool for gIrl , nil of wblch : ara under Dihop Whipple' direct care. The train was cut Into two sections . J. Pierpnt t Morgan's prIvate car was attached and he entertained - tertained a party of guests en the trip Argether some 600 excurionIsts ( went to I J'albault , They wilt return at 4:30 : and to. night a special session of tbe ( board ot mil , siai wilt bl held 1 1iNI.M IX )11X10 IWI'I'OI7Im , .lIu'rl"'I' " iuvetuirs . 1.llklll After UI TIui mugs In i C lie. 11'Iuhlt. , CITY 01 MEXICO , Oct. 12-Viscount . Conely says that it is practically settled that time exposition site will be out the lanuls to the nortimeast of the castle of Ciuepultt'poc. State Commissioner Foster of Illinois amid Conmnias'Ioner ! hand of Mam'aciitmsetts are lucre in conference with the exposition authoritIes. George \V. Marr anti William Mackey of CM- cage have arrived here to take up 100,000 acres for a coffee plamitationm out ( lie iathmmnms of Tehuuantepec , purchased for a Chicago synuhi- cate. Marr Is ant experieactl coffee anti tea ilanter fromn Ceylon , There is much cmmrosity ! in railway' circles regaruling , what chauuges tIme llelglan bondholders - holders ill niche iii tIme umuethods of mnaming. ing the Monterey & Mexican Gulf railway wlmlcit they have taken over. Artiutur Mouuomumu , ( ho new unanager , hums meboliaiicd time olilco of general stupenintendent anti imas apoimtted many Amiuericami olhlciale. lix-Manager Josoplu Robertson vlil pushu constructiomu mu ( hue Mcxi- ean Miumorai railway and vlIl carry omit otluer local enterprises in which hue is iumtercsted , togetimer with large Baltimore capitalists , Mamuager Castillo of time liatnict Street Rail- vay' compamuy , controllIng amuul operating 100 unties of traunways here , says ( Ito commupany is miot flagellating with amuy' Amimerlcan company for time silo of time property , but is treating vlthu Anuericans for instmihlImi electric ( rae- tion , It is believed iuere that before long the question of chmeip ftuei , rouuderlng electricity profitable , will have bean solved by time uutihlza- tiomi of thee imminiemiso deposits of heat uteam' tiuiiu city. city.Time Time official statemenut it made by the private - vate secretary of the late minister at time in- ( crier , Itoniero Itublo , (1it ( me did umot receive time sacrauuuent atuml chin in tlmo bosom of time Catholic church , but rather died as Ito lurud lived , sincere , liberal and a Freemnaeon. Time iueahtit of ( hue city to remarkably good , notwitimatanding ( ito colder weather resulting from tue ciuanges of the seasons. Time Spanish ipers are furiously attacking ( lie Mexicami licraIul , wlulciu Imas arguueil imu favor of LImo recognition of beliigerent nigiuts of time Cumbans. Time Spanlaim papers issue cails for time emiliotunents of velnmnteers to serve witim General Campos , buut any movement on the part of Cubans lucre to aid their country - try is regarded with hearty dislike. Time liberal papers are askimug that hlishop Phancarte explain if the jewels 1mm ( hue crown unanumfactured for time coronation of time Virgin ot Guadaloupe are false or not and to State .explicitiy what the crown cost. A report that a Spanish mob in Madrid had stoned time Aniericamu legation has been widespread - spread here for some days and wae generally puhlisimed in time press. No denial has been received , The case of Pedro Cano , cimarged with imaw- ing unscrewed time brake shoa of a freigimt car of ( ho Mexican National railroad , timereby incum'ring time deatlu penalty , is still imi doubt. Exports have testified timat mis lme only loosened ono scres' lie did not involve any risk of tie- raihunenut. Tue judge inns not yet doided to turn the man over to time federal district authorities to be shut , 5 there uupeuno to be some doubt as to huls having been sober wimorm ito eommnittecl the miecul. Time poor wretcim , when ho began to comprelmencl time enormity of hula offense and that iiie might ho hiot for it , trembled so hard that ime could not stand and face time judge , A siiglmt eartliquialco occurred yesterday at Oaxaca , % ' 1tL lIE A NATIONAL CAI./tMI'I'V. imelfiust Striice Mny 'rlurowOmut mu. ilium- .1 re.i ' ' 'i'Iuommsuuit.l ltum , LONDON , Oct. 12.-Time threatened ship. ping atrlko at hielfast and arm ( hue Clyde will ho a big affair unless troemblg is soon averted. The seat of the strIke Is at Belfast , wlmere the 'engineere are striking for imigluer wages in view of improved trade. The flelfast ship owners have agreements with the Clyde. Tymueside and other nortim coast yards re- qumining the latter to shut out their oin engineers it the nmen compel the Belfast yaruis to close , Yesterday 3,000 menu in the Unrland and \Volt and other yards at lid- fast struck work , and it is expected ( hut 20,000 men will shortly he idle. If the Clyde yards close as expected , over 100,000 workmen vill be out of work , sitU It is call- mated that work will be suspended on 105 vessels now building on Lime Clyde yards , whit an aggregate tonnage of 230,000 , Much anxiety prevails about time Tyneside minI northeast coast , whmere a stoppage of work wIll mean ( ho dismissal of 120,000 engineers. Luutuits St-ruie 'tt'ill Pouft'lt Ills hicmll , MUNICh , Oct. 12.-Tlue lawyer uiuo reprc- tented Mr. Louis Sterns of Now York dumnlng ( lie legal proceedings growing out of hula alleged - leged insult to Baron von Tituongen , deputy commissioner of the Spa at Kissengen , amid his subsequent sentence to pay a fine of 600 mnarlcs and undergo two weeks' iunpnisonmnenut , that Mr. Sternovill not go to linisomu , but will forfeit his ball , 80,00(1 ( emuarks ( abouut $ i- 000) ) , and tlmat lie will cuot again mc , able to visit Germnmeny. S F1fll ( IL' ! ' 1iA'1LS i L.L it i ) . ' 1' OIl III ) , , . . , Cnlli.I mug to Ii ourgutlul so tue \'i4eu'it ' ' , . . l'misst'.g.'t' .As'iiieim I iou , CHiCAGO , Oct. 12.-All cut rates ere withdrawmm today on the western roads and nothing was left imndone to carry omit in good faith ( lie execumtlvo officers' agreeummeuit of \\'ednesday. Time rub will come \Veulneaulay next , when the general freiglmt agents meet to try to agree on percentages. A circular was issued today in conformity with the Lnstructlons of the executive olli. cons by Clisirniami Caidweli of the Western Lines Passemiger association for a meeting of the general pussenger agents to ho held here next W'edueaday to reorgatilzo tIme aseociation. Time general passenger agents iuave been al- lowcul mtmciu more latitude titan time general freight agents as to the nucans to be used to end hue delnoralization which ham ruin riot for several months past. It ha hueen left to their own Oheretion what kinud of an agree- nieumt timey' will have and whether ( lucy will pool business or not. All that is required of thmeni is that they restore rates and get such an agreenuent as will nuiaintaiti thenu , Double hhmumugttg of l'e'mlerml Prisoners SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 12.-United Stutet Marshal lial.twln has commupleted all arrange. . menta for the execiutlon of Thmoimias St. Chair . and James Hansen next Friday , Time cloumbio imangicig will take place at ( lie state lmnison Sami Quentiuc , wlmithcr both prisoners were taken today , Two scaffolds will lie erected and both men will elio at ( ho same time , Time crime for wimiclu the two prisoners will be hanged is time murder of time mate of time bark liesper , on time imigh seas. This will he time first execution of federal icrisoners on the Pacific cenuet. Other men have been eon. victeul of niurtler on time imigit sea , limit hmave not vaid tIme death penalty. lhuiyes toes to the Grituuil 'l'ruunlc , DETROiT , Oct. 12.-Charles M. hayes , who has been general manager of ( ( me We. bash railway since 1887 , has been appointed general manager of the Grand Trunk railway at a salary of $40,000 a year , lie still prob. ably be succeeded by Joseph Ramsey , Jr. , general manager of the TermInal ltaUroad association of St. Joseph. Time change will occur In a month , General Manager Sargent will be retained by the Grand Trunk system in another capacity. 4 ICctnaas hluuumle Couuipelle'd to Quilt , TOI'EKA , ICan. , Oct. 12.-State Bank CommIssioner - . mIssioner Jireidenthal went to Everest , Brown county , this aftertuoon , to take pea- seselon of the Everest State bank , which has failed , The hank was organized in 1892 with a capital stock of $11,000. At the last statement its liabillUes wer $35,000 , of which $29,000 was in time formmu of deposits , All the directors and stockaoiders are nueo of wealth and there is every probabIlity that depositors and creditors will ba paid in full. SItE IS ii NOBLE BATTLEShIP Now War Vessel Indiana Beady for for Trial Trip , ONE OF TIlE MOST FORMIDABLE AFLOAT Comtst lefcmu.ier Nuiumeel After limo lIouler Slutte l'ruuetleutlly Ri'nul' for ( Sperms I biuui I U I lii' lIvi'imt cut Uori'iguu 'ur , I'hii1lE1I'htiA ) , Oct. 12.-Tlue battleship Inuhtana left Cramp's ship yaruh today for lien official trial trip oft tue Massaciuuisetts coast , which wilt probably take idace \\'eulutesulay of next vcek , Time itmuliamun is miearcr counple- ( len than tiny gos'orimumient vessel that luas yet bemc given a trial trip. livery gumn Is in its iroior ) place , all the armor is in place anti tim only thing tiuat remmislns to be dance is to phac somiio of tim cabicmet work in poItton , Sue is cemummiatuded on time hiresemit trip by Captmimi It.V. . Sargent of Cramp's. Time only umiounbers of time governniemut trial commuulttoa out board ( Ito ship are Chief Euigiuieor Mull ! . gan amuul Lieuutenant Commuamider Schroeder. The otlmers will join lien at iloston , A large Three of paimiters amid otlmer workmen - men were busy tin ( ho Indiana yesterday , getting - ting her neatly for ( hue test , amid all was biutetlo anti confusion on board of her. The arms- uiiemit of tiio Inmdlazua is of great force and pover. It consists of four timirteeui-inch lrlecim.loamiing giumis , forty' feet long au1 weigimluig sixty-three tomes each , mounted 1mm hairs out time two nisiuc tuurrcts ; these are called thic "terrors , " and are deservluug of tite imsuito , being tlmo umiost terrible weapomus afloat ; ( lucre sure eight eight-inch guumis , uuioummucd In yams on tlH ) four smaller ( turrets etc this tmp- Per hccks ; fouur six-inch gmuns , utioumiteil in iirozudsitlo in time tipper casemiuentim amitishp ! , with a secondary battery of twenty six- luouuniler amid femur one-poumnder rapiti fire guns , . - - - . . ' - - - - ' - . , . ' . . . - ' . . . , b " " ' " "U' 'l'imis forms time lmevfst anti uuuost divershfleul armiuor over placed on a vessel of time Imiullauma's ullmueuta1ons , time oight. of armor , exclumalve of lmrntoction dock , behmug 2,605 tons , and tIme weight of uiiotai thrown at. ono cosuipleto uli- charge of the main battery is 6,650 pounds. The Massaclumusetts , time sIster ship of ( lie luidiana , lies along time clocks mmmd is also being rapidly liumsiucul to completion. Time uhimmuenslons of tiuls vessel are : Lemugtiu cmi the load mvaterlinue , 348 feet ; extreme breadth , 69 feet 3 incItes , amid tlrauglut at mionuuiai load uiispiaceiimcmmt , 21 feet. % 'heui deep loamled with coal to their fimli bimmiker capacity timeir cllspiacenient will he about 11,001) ' tons. Their veer consists of two vertical iuivcrted ( lurec-cylinder triple expmutusion emigines , of muboumt 6,000 indicated horse hewer each amid - tinder forced draught , or 10,000 collectIve , actuating twin screws , calculated to develop a sliced of 15 kmiots mmmi Imour. It is expected , imowevcr , ( lust ( lucy wIll attain a greater speeti amid obtain time prornimmm of $25,000 for d.uciu one-quuarter Idiot exceeding timat figure. Tim Indiana is imcavhly aruiuored amid is a veritable hloatimig fortress. 11cr protection consists of a water-line belt of ilarveyiztd mmieleel steel armor cxienuhlng through time mmuciminery amid holier spaces and thu bases of time main or ti-liichu gtun terrots , The armucor , is 18 inicimes tlmicic mIt time top of the belt amid extending dowiuwarui 4 feet , where it is ut't'ejti to a iiiinhmnimm tiiielcmmess of S incimea - at time bettomim , time euitir Itltlm beImQ'D f t 2 induce. At caclu crud of thmo vatenliuic belt is cii ammiltlslmip belt 14 inches tlmick , corn- piotimig time nnuuioretl citadel , Forwuirul amid .ift of thue citathel tIme protecttomu is a sub- muiergeul flat ( heck of 3-inch nIckel , steel , extending - tending to the atomic , where It vuids In ( Ito rain , amid to time stern , wimere It protects the uuuder-water steerimug gear. DI it EC'EOILS CLOSEJ ) 'i'illil 1i.tNl , l Isil 11-eu S tm'mmggl I uug Alouuir Si iit' , t lun l'uiuuIe or' is9u. : SPRINGFIELD , Mo. , Oct. 12.-The Corn- n icrclal Imamuk of this city was closed tonight _ o n time recommendation of ( lordomi Jones , state m anIc exanuimuer , amiul W. fl. Shiepparui , time c ashier , Is temporarily receiver , The capital s tock of time bank is $50,000 ; total asSets. 5 99,634,62 ; total liabilities , $50,000 ; deposits. $ 33,000 ; bills payable , $13,000 ; cash out hand a miul sight exchange , $10,000. The bank was e xamined by Gordoim Jones , who fInished Imi work on Friday evening. Timis cvemiing a m iceotinig of time board of directors was imeld , a mid It was decitleml ( lust nailer time circmmmmu- s tanmces it ccas best to at once close time d oors of thme batik anti Imava a temporary rs eceiver nuppoimuteul tuntil time secretary of s tate could tmihco limo proper mmctiomu mmoni time r oconumnentlaioui ( of time examiner. Tit actIon was taken by titus direcmors in order that j umatico mIght lie done all those financially i uieresteth ( iii time bank. and to work in Imar- m cmomuy witlu the state otficiams. Tue condition mo o f time lmank's affairs dues not imiuilcate ( limit t imere vili ho any loss to any depositors , humt a ll will be paid In full as soomu us tIme assets c an be realized omi. Tue Commercial bank "c was orgammizeui In July. 1887 , mmii humus been in a prosperous condition until time panIc struck t imemui , anti they Immuvo siuuiply beeui unable to veatimcr time atormui. 111,001)1 1(11)1' iN A MISSOUItI .IAIL _ l 'it t Croce u nil ( it lu'rs iuumigoiousi llu't iii cm I'r , for .111 Fhlut , ST. JOSEI'li , Mo. , Oct. 12.-Special--In ( ) a desperate and bloody ulgiut aummong tue puis. omiers in the coimmity jail tonight Ohio Sicpart _ was fatally shot and l'at Crowo. tIme ( rain r aMmer , was badly ctmt about the Iteaui until neck. Stewart was simet Icy iJepiuty Slmeniff Frank Ileaclu end will die. Time figlut annonig t ime iinbsouers origimiati in a tiu.marrci betweemu l 'at Crone and 'rommi l'munuilmon , tIme latter mint- d en sentence of uleatim for wife ucitirder'iuen i t became general mumnong the sixty pnimunors Ieptuty l3ach % vent iii ammii attemupteul to qumeil time riot , The Prisoners ttlu'noi emi I mimmi amid he begami to fire into time erowul , Only outs eliot took effect and that lodgeil In Stewart's left brest. Crowu wits badly unit witit a imroken bottle In tii fight that preceded - ceded tlto shootitug , Ills simuhl Is iuobhiy fractumre&l anti omme cut out hula neck Is close to tile jugular veluu , but physicians esy imo will recover. Several other prisoners were serIously injtmrcii. S'X1)iO.'I'ii iitlVS AN Olild MIlL , ( old ant it euu. ni 11 I ii I ii g Cui mu .my 'a 1'Imm ii t SI ) Id I .u Xu'm' Yot'1 Cii mul I um I Is I DEAI\\'OO [ ) , Oct. 12-Speciai ( Telegnarn. ) -harris Frankln ( , president of time Golden Itowarul MinIng conipany , one of time largest ore iucllls lie ( Ito vest , returned from New York today. Ills visit to tlmat place was to confer with capitalists about tIme purchase of tIme mmulll , Franklin reports that the whole Plant has been bouugtmt by wealthy Necv Yam I ; capitalists and that timey vili take poasesslomi of the works Iti about tluirty days , Time con- sideratlon is lulaceul at $9,000,000 , It nothimig occurs to cancel time sale it will be tIme 11g. ges ( timing 1mm tlmla part of time country. Time new manmtgemuieni , it is understood , cvill nut only furtimer develop thus mines owned by the comnpany , butt will endeavor to develop tlmo whole mutinlng country. 'I'lmrei , ilIm i ps "ilssiuig , SAN FRANCiSCO , Oct. 12.-Private advices - vices franc Ouaymoae today estimate that t ime steamers ilego , Mazatlan and anotimer small gulf ccaster have been lost , with all bands o board. Time craft were right in ( hue path r time htmrrlcamce and notimlng ha been heard of tlteuu , tlmougtm ano was due at Gumaymas and ( ito other at Mazatiame some days ago , A number of mnlnera , Amer. ' i camu and Mexican , took passage on the 1' steamers , and if it be trtte ( lust the vessels went down a lmundred lives immuve probably been host , There Is great dhflluctiy in comic- mumulcating with the districts vIsited by the gale. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Garelhumul tliIlona llumrommtc to Scm mulit F'e ST. LOUIS , Oct. 12.-Cardinal Gibbons of BaltImore , accompanied by his secretary , Father 8earmlon , and lifahiop Donahue of Wheeling , \V , Vs. , reached here thIs evening - ing front ( ho east in the j'rivato car of Colonel _ R , C , Kerenu , national repubhlcau comnniitteemnan from MissourI. The party , aim guests of Colonel Xercns , will reunaIm here umnflt Sunday evenIng , when they will continue their journey to Santa Fe , N , Id , , uoC : l os a ; the pop m