- , . - - . - - - - . - _ . . -T-- , - ' " . -I----- ' - - - - . I " " - - ' - F. T11i OMAhA DAILY nEJ ) \ OO'rOBJ 180r ; 2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . : inrmDNBSD1\Y , 9 ) . - - - - . - - . , ARREST HlUT : PRO lOTERS . - TeIas Authorities Take Active Stepa to Prosecute the Entire Gang. - GRAND JURY HANDLES TilE MATTER - ChnrKc" nr CII""lllrIIK In CIIIII I n J , ' 'ln. ) " 1,111.,1Inl."t Ihtii SI"nrl 1.1 hips ClnlJnlur , In Ihe Urcnl tisiscU. flA1A4Ai Tcx. , Oct. 8.-A puzzlnt turn waa taken by Governor Culberon and his nhnln- Istratlon this morning which created some Istraton RIrprlso % . not only at thc headrluuters of the Florida Athletc cub , but among tha ) people generally who heard of It. I looks al If the gloso contest alalr ! ha reached the war-to. the-Ilnlfe stag so far as Governor Culberson onll ( Attorney General Crane are conc < rned. Atachment paperl were rcelvel by Sherlr . . _ p Cable from , \ustn ! to bo served on W. K. 4 Wheelock , secretary of the Florhia Athletic cub : W. A. lirily . manager of J. J. Corbtt : Martin JuJn , manager of fob F'1tzIinmons. and Joe Vendlg. These putles ar summoned as vlttiesnes before the Travis county grand Jury.V. . A. lirady accompanied by John I.'arrel , arrIved In thc city at 9 a. m. on a Central train coming from San Antonle. They at once procedoll to the headquarters of the Florida Athletic club where Mr. Brady met Mayor Waters and City Attorney Martin of Hot Springs , who have heon here several days In consultaton with Iresldnt Dan Stuart. While Mr. Brady was talking to the Arllallas mon Sheriff Cable entered the ofce of the club and announced that he hall at. anneuncel taclinents for W. K. Whelok. W. A. Brady Martin Julen and Joe Vendig TIH latter Is the eastern representative of the Florida Athletic club. Vonlig and Julen had not at that hour reache the city. Brady and Wheelock gave bonds In the sum of $10 ; each for their appearance. Martin Jiiien . accompanied by Ernest I Roe- ber. arrived at 11 . . " " Irrlvel 1 a. I. on the 1\aty" train from the south and proceeded to the OrIental hotel The frt man to introduce himself to Julen was Sheriff Cable Julen aha gave lonl. ( The charge Is against Dan Stuart and Is under article 960. tt ; IS , chap. tlr t. penal cole of Texas which provides that a "conspiracy entered Into In this state for the purpose of committing any felony In any other of the states or terrlorls of the United States or In any foreign territory ' terriory' shall Iv punished In the same manner ns If the conspiracy so entered Into was to commit - nut the offense In this state. " , The pcraly for such conspiracy under the Texas cole Is "confinement In the penitentiary - nry for not less than two or more than five years. " fvo A meeting to slect the ballfell ( wi take place some time tomorrow. The governor's acton Is I regarded as harsh to an extreme degree Dan Stuart at noon. received n telegram - gram which reads : "lteiiable pates In Mel- hourno Australlla . cable an oiler to Corbett oIer and Jlzshnrens of 20000. " Mr. Stuart had no reply to inalce. Joe Yenlll was attached on his arrival to- night an a witness to appear before the grand jury , ' at Austin. Secretary Whelock Iranl Florida Athletic club Biady JuHon and Ven- , dig ! O to Austin tomorrow night. SAN ANTONI. Tex. . Oct S.Delane1. Daly Donahlson and Joe Corhett . trainers of the champion were arrested today by Deputy SherlI Nusher on an attachment from the Travis county grand jury citing tht'm to - ciing ap- pear lt Austin tomorrow. They were gIven : the option of giving : bond antI opton going by them- selves , but they electel to go with the of- Ilcors . as by submitting to custody the custoly ex- t- Pease of the trip IB thrown on the Btato. Corbett doa not know what the move means . When asked he Bald : "I hear that they ore going to charge us with conspiracy to vlollt& a law of the state. I was not aware ' that wo were conspIring for any such pur- poe , because as soon aB wo learned there - was 1 i laW In Tea prohibiting the fight . WD ' . this ahnllonet . all Intention oC lghtng In hOT SllNGB CONF'1DE4T. hOT SIINGS. Ark. . Oct 8.-AI appearances - ances Ilad people hero to believe that the Corbet.I lzlmmons fight will take place In this city . I.1st Sunday Mayor Waters left for Dalas. prepared to bring the contest hero. L3st night telegrams were received - celvell from Mayor Waters from Ihlas SY- lag that IL was practically settled that Hot SprIngs \voull get the big flght. The fact that wom3 at one of the hotels were already being engaged today by sporting men con- firms the belief here tlat the tip Is a straight one. The Methodist Pastors' association lila called a meeting for tomorrow to take such action wise. In the 11relhes as they may deem IITTIn ItOCIC Ark. . Oct. 8.-"You can say for mo that I would not convene the leg- laturo 1 II special session to stop 1 \ they were to fgit In tn state house yard. " Governor Clark used this language In conversation - versaton with an Associated press reporter today In reference to his probable acton In the event that the Corhett.Fltzaimniono contest - test should be advertised to take Place In Hot Sprlngp. Ills manner was so deliberate and emphatic that there could be nl pcslbe ! doubt of .ho earnestness of the governor Governor Clark was In a most amiable f'alt of mind and talked freely concerning the 1 later phase of the situation. "I do not 1 really know anything about it . " ho bogaii . "bat I have heard a great many tumors about schemes to hohl the contest In Arkansas . I looks though as If they moan to bring It off at hot Springs sure enough. The fact that Mayor Waters nail City Attorney Martin of Hot SprIngs arc In Dallas negotiating with the managers of the affair Indicates beyond doubt that Hal Springs wantB It and they wil , very likely get it. " "Wil you Interfere should they attempt to bring It ofT there ? " "My posltol In that regard Is wel known. You may say that I will 110 everythIng In my power to prevent the fight : that I will go as far as the law , as It now stands , gives me authority to go antI no farther. ! r. Martin Is city attcrney at Hot prlngs and Is a lawyer of lueh abIlity. He knows as wel a , IYEe1 or any one else just how far my authority I goes and he seenHI to have decided that I. 1 as an officer who has taken the oath to en- force the law as 1 find it . will gO to the end of my authority and stop and that Is just what 1 shall do. I am not disposed just now however to say what my action will bo should they attempt to bring ' the contest oft In A Arkansuq but you can say for le that I would not convene the legislature In special session to stop 1 If they were to fight In the state house yard. I shall see the law enforced . forced . but 1 will not put the people to the expense of a special session of the leglslaturo to prevent a misdemeanor. " NF\V YORK Oct. S.-A cable from the Melbourne gvnlng News received here to day mys that reliable Australians have formed a sYllcato and are prepaed to oTter a purst of $20,000. allowing the contestants to arrange a ate to suIt their convenIence. Information to this rect was wired to Dan Stuart Brady and Julen at Ialhas. "TJ STING THE LIENSE LAW. AUSTIN Tex. . Oct. 8.-The casa of the tax collector of Wllams5n county a al"j the.Blate comptroller to f\rce the latter to 193ue a prlz fight license was submitted to the supreme court at noon today on oral arguments. This case Is brought under the law passed by regular s ° sslon of the Twenty-fourth legis- laturo licensing prize fighting. The argu- meuts of the Flate were to the effect that the law just passed by the caled session of the legislature . declaring vrIze fighting to bo a felony . nullifies spcclfealy all prevIous laws . and that Inasmuch ns .prlze fighting Is now defined ns a felony the comptroller cannot loSslbly Issue a Icmse for it. Whie the ) lalnUf3 admit all this they claIm that there Is some question as to the legality of the law just passed making Priza fighting fghtng a felony , and they . desire an opinion as to the force of the low licensing fighting In ea9) the other law Is InoperatIve. Ex.Governor Hog [ . representing the state along with the attorney general also submits the following folowing propositions : . I there was no penal law I prohibiting prize fighting the comptroller would have no authority to Issue a ilcense for reasons : ( ( ) That the lcense ne' right to pas a law to license a crime wlt.hln the class of uta In se , and (2) ( ) be- cause l the bill ot ! rIghts the legislature Is limited to the passage of laws for the bene- I _ ft of the people , and under section 4. article - - - - - - - . . " . . ' m' - ' , ' . . . . . . ' 'rJ - HI WD " . 's n. , YDE : : ; I : ' S Giving Away Bicycles. GIVING AWAY EAfIFVL PRESENTS S ILK S frm Ih t e great Auction Sale in New York , The Greatest EargailS Ever Ofi'erd. . The prices tel part of the story ; come in and see the goods ; . ' they wi do the rest Drocndell 'lllell Silks . all silk . full Siks. 11 sik. ful : IncheR wIlle , In , ' 1 varIety of new III 2 9 . , , , etyhIshi colotIng , C . " . 'lsh COIO'IIIS In elegant siii . nelu- , ally wot'lh 7e I 3'/\1 / , Ilet'feet oolls ( , . , . : . . \ " , for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . A YAnD . . Double WI'p f1'llh Silks , absolutely : all sIlk . II cal'lllnl. : hlwn ! . Ian , navy , 2 9 . " . old lOse mil gl'ceIS. Otliet' hotes _ _ _ _ C ki cal them n great bni ' . : bl'galn : atiDe - . . : ' . - ' . ynt'tl , we ' 11 sell them at . . . . . . . . , A Y A D . . . . AU Silk Ct'CI10IS , : " . ' , : actual3" worth 1OO 10 . ' . n . : ! ; fuji :0 : Inches wldc. In cream 3 9 C . , , . ' white , lat gray . Illk ) , hillotj'o1i0 mil . cerl'se , best value e\'U' offered at . . . A YAnD iW Plain Colored ' -I'affeta Silk . rkli . brlh- - . - , llntit . lustl , goods . actual value * 10 . per yard ; just the thin , for Hldt.ts nnd dress linItig . In whie. liltik . light 4 9 C . blue \ ' - , ' . iin'y cai'tliiial 113calllni. old I'OSC , tal ( , . I'eel , b 1'01 , otc. . the best goods for the IH'lce In this country go this week A YARD . , at onI3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Exh'n heavy quality Colot'etl Faie Silks ' . In 1it'ovii . wlnc , ' ' , . 4 9 ' . . hl'o\n. . In'3' green etc. , other C , honsel all\'lsl them ( as a : bnrgaln : - t . at tiDe , out' 11'lco Is . . . . . . . . . . A AnD Colol'Cll R:111 : Ducliesso nil tilk . rlU- ; _ ; ' : ! n' 10 Iltl113' , In Ilr the lew rlU4 9 C , _ . dcsllblu Hhliles. n SIII'IIIII bI'gall : , . at our 11.11.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . YA D Plaid Silks , ( till : .1 Ilches vItlt' . II .the lew colol'lug ! for rai ; Ilal.e baud. 6 9 . . some wulst 0' cape 1111g : silks thnt : C are worth ( till ) ' 1.0 n 3'111 :0 titit'- lug this : > 10 at only . . . . . . . . A YARD Agents for Buttericl's Patterns. HAVE I NAY DENs 10. of the constitution . R fight between mRI and bait cannot he licensed . The court reserves Its oplnionunthi next week. I'Ii'l'I'ltI'I'Y " ' . \ ! . t mn\1' HACI : . I'si , ' iirI ( i'M " ' ( 'r. ' sit I 'I'Iiii ' nnll'r. ( "N t. I ii' . flu INIierM . LEXINGTON Oct. 8.-Though the weather was bitterly cold to.lay fully 4t'OI ) PeoPle witnessed the Ipnlng of the l\entlY 'Irottng lor8 llreedera' nasocla t ion's twent.thlrl nnnunl meeting . The track ! was fast . the sport excellent. The feature If the day was the Kentucky Futtirity . \nl\o to owner S7.0. In the first heat Oakland Baron rind I\ntrila Dell , tail en.r In the b.tlng. trotted I tie . leaving Shadow the favorite . In the last pasition. Oallonu Baron caplurell the next three hlts : after battling with Scorlne , thl Iconll choice horRl' The row,1 went wild with excite- IOnt nnd lifted l'rof. hilain . the driver uf the winner the black lon of Baron \\lke : . from the sulk ) ' nlrl carried him to the scales , . where , , the . after Iom. Colsn Ilro\l tiwnor nfer rengratulating him Ilf'Rentel him with $ : o ) . 'rho Tennessee atllte for IIi I rl. 2:1 : clits ! waR tal1 In three heals hy Star Iolnter. after he had druPlled the frst heat to Jr'k . \gal by a head , . 'fisree hoots were trotted In the 2:1 : claR trot and the race was Postponed on accoUnt of Inrkne s. Suminnrlc'i : Kentucky Futurity ! for a.'ear.olll.allo tl winner $7.0 : to Ihe Iconll horse $ ' ) .0i : to the thlnl hors . $1IO ) ) : to the breelpr , of the wlnner'n dam . $1.0 : Oakland Baron nnd Kntllll Bell trotted 1 tie In the first heat . 'Ilml : 2If.1. : Oallanl 110n ( tlam ) won the r000tlil . third nntl fourth heat ! Time : tl : reconl. \ . 2:61 , . 2:18. : ICn- Irma Bell iecond . Scorlno thlr,1 Boreni Impetus arid I.arble also startell. I Tile Tenncsee " stoke for pacers 2:1 : class 1 \alio to \lnner. $2,0 ; to second horse , I $ .0 ; to thl,1 horio . $ ; 0 ; to fourth horse . ; $100 : Star Pointer won th" second third nail I fourth heat Time : 2:07 : . 2O2:08 : \ : % . : Frank Anu won the fIrst hent. Time : 2:031 : . and ! wnii'second.V. , . \ . 1' . wan third lrll Gulnete f01lrth. Vera Conel Ilrllon. Colonel Thornton Alcn and Tommy Brown ) also Itnrtel ) 2:17 : class trot purE' $1,0 ( unfinished ) : One h"at each to the credit oC Bad Actor In 2'1Hoota \ Soap In 2:16\ : and Isabella In 2:17. : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ont" On ( ' Gunt htiit' . . emi thc Cmii'iI. Nf\\ ' YOHI _ . Oct 8.-1 was cold and cheerlef3 today at Gr\eselul nail the racing was tame and 111Irlles ! The only real ' good contest wa In the Neptune stakes for 2-'enr-ohls , at six Curlong when the four "ontender fnlFhpd heals nput : heresy lt 30 to 1. held on the longpst nail managed to ! tamer acr s the line In time IU1. 1 was a hard day on favorites. The attendance la Itenance wal : large. One good thing Amanda V. cottlil manes do : nothing better thal second. Sum- First race six furlongs : Emotional (8 ( to 1 ) won CarIb (6 ( to 1) ) second Salvable (8 ( to 5) thll . Time : 1 :17. : Second race mile nail I ! lxtlnth : Governor - ernor Sheehan (2 ( to 1 ) won Second At- tempt (3 to 1 ) . "conl. 'he Swain (8 to . I ) third . ¶ 1lno : 1:1 : % . Third race Neptune stakes , six furlongs : heresy (20 to 1 won. Amanda V 01 ( to 1) secondrohlCy (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:171. : ' . Fourth race , time Parkvlf stakes . one mie : Lucnnla ( ( to 2) won lranltnvlne (7 to 2) secontl ( , Conno'ss.ur ' (3 ( to 1 ) third Time : I : 44. Fifth race mile and thre-sixtCoiitls : Gallpe ( ( to I ) won Counter Telor (3 ( to 1) ) " 'inoriil Sir Excess (6 to 5) ) third. Time : 3:0 : ! . Sixth race six furlongs . selling : Sirrocco I ( to I . ) Voii Ameer (7 ( to I ) second . The Coon (10 ( wOli i ) third Time : 1:1 : feconl. . . Cold IC(1) t Unwn th. . . \c..lllnn. . . . . CINCINNATI 0. . Oct. 8.-Unusually cold weather kept down time attendance at La- tonln toda } ' . The track Is slow from recent wOllllng. Summaries : First race . ptire . one mile : Maid "Iarlan (3 ( to t ) won , Queen May ( G to 1) ) iecotid , Ipnr ' Irving ( I to 2) ) third. Time : l:431 : \ . Second race selling . six furlongs : Santa Maria (0 ( to 1) ) won , Prince Imperial (6 ( to 6) ) second Olive (6 ( to 21 lhlrd. Time : 1:16. : Third ! race purse Ivo antI a half furlongs : Ben Hollla ' ( r to 2) ) won Sir Play (1 ( to 20) ) second Kirk (1 ( to 3) ) third Time : 1OO3. : Fourth race . Avondale 1lkl. one mile : Galen l'Or (6 ( to 1) ) von . Carrie Lyle (15 ( to 1) leonl. , Overela (7 ( to 2) ) thlrll Time : 1:11 : Fifth race purse live furlon : Anna Garth (8 ( to 1 ) voim . Brace nldle (16 ( to 1) ) second Millie M(3to ( 1) ) thIrd. TIme : 1O2. : Spoiled 1 GII.t 'Ihln . DfTHOl , . Oct. 8.-I was cold nt High- land park today but the racing was spirited and close 1ln1sheswero the rule. Itegice fnlshejw.ro BeH\e was played for I good thing In the last race . but Uncle Jim spoiled I and won hy n head. First race ) aching . five furlongs : Virgin won. Northwestern second Warren Leland thlr . Time : 1.0 . Second race. Ilx furlonls : Merry Queen won Irene Woods seconil ! . Aueola third. Time : 1:16 : % . hlrd race one mile : Derelict won . Jlbl- : second . Ethel Brown thlrll. Time : 1:6. : Fourth race selling . six furlongs : Hnl- loween won . Cnrar second Carl Hulan third. Time : 1:2\ : \ . ! Fifth race one mile : Uncle Jim won D.gue s.coad. I.azola third. Time : 1:45'/ : . IIINhlr ) ' Invited tl SI. 1''h'rMhlrA. NIW YOltIC Oct. 8-I N Pillsbury . the S\'inner nt the Hastings chess \ r Hastngs congress today received n letter from the St. Peters- burg Chess club invitIng him to take part In I tournament to bo organized for the month of November next In which Steinitz . Tarrasch . Laller and Tschlgorln will also ho Invited to participate. KICh contestant wluld play four game with each other. Four Prizes are offered a : follows : 1.'lr.it. $2O ; ! second $160 : thIrd $10 ; fourth $ 30. In adrlition a remuneration for every game adrltlon remunraton e\el gle played of $20 to the wInner nod $3 to the loser ; $0 for traveling expenses. : $ . Pillsbury - bury Is not able to say whether lila business w1 permit him to accept the invitation. - - - - H'MUI , nl 11) " Iistm'it't. SAN I FRANCISCO Ot. 8.-Flrst ( - race five furionga . maIden 2-ycar-olds : Treachery won Little Flush filly . second . Marigold colt third. Time : lO2. : S conl race . five furloimgs selling : Monitor \voa . Marjorie second . gnelno third Time : 1:02. : Third race five furlong . selling : Red 1tcsovon . Dick O'Matley second . atemulocino O'lal.y ! econl. : lel10clno third. Time : 1:03. : Fourth race . six furlongs : Fannie Louise ! won , Imp. Ivy second Ike I . third 'rlme : 1:14 : % . Fifth race . one rl . selling : " 'arrago \vohl Ducl1ss o Mlpltns second . Hansom third . 'rime : 1:40. seconl. . _ _ _ _ - ; : I\UI 'l'ttii CU'S' II HAIBS Ot'EN. 1..I.I.n IN Onl ) ' ' \IIIII'nt. fims' ( Iii , Rate IIN Ih'.n In } f..t. CIIICAGO Oct. 8-A meeting of the Wst- era Freight association was held today An application for a rate of 12 cents Iler 100 pounds ( on lumber from Minneapolis to Sioux City and one of 16 cents to Omaha was referred - tarred to a special committee . I was de- cilled that no deduction should bo allowed on Iowa and MississippI river trainc . except lighterage. A reduction In rates between Kansas City and Aurora Mo. . and between St. LouIs and the same point was agree to. Twenty thousand pounds was agreed upon as the minimum car load weight on apples on time lines of the Fort Scott & Memphis road. Itoad machines and wheeled scrapers were made subject to thIrd class rates. Passenger representatives of the Chicago- Omaha Ins held a meeting here today and decided to adopt the same agreement for the government of business westbound between theo points as In elect eastbound Time eastbound agreement provIdes for time maintenance - tenanco of rates and the redemption of all tickets found on the market disturbing the situatIon . All the western roads put a bIg open cut In westbound freight rates Into effect toda ) ' . The cut apples to all Colorado common points. Tht rates to these Points now art : Fifth class . and classes A. D. C. and I ) . . I cents : class II. . 40 cents. The old tlrL rates were : Fifth class 92 cents ; class A. $1.07 ; class D. , 82 cents ; cas C. . 67 cents ; class D. . lS % cents : class E. . 40 cents. ' "The apparent reduction , " salt a prominent I tramc nianager "wIll not affect our revenues In the slightest degree for the very gOld reason that these reductions were mae ! months ago. All that has been done Is to announce them openly while before they were male secretly. The next open cut will probably be In classes and comlodly rates to the Missouri rlnr. One Is to 10 expected - peted any day. " J1h'n.llA thme ' O"llrnl Ilrumnah . TOPEKA , Oat 8.-Tho directors of the Atchison , Stockton & Denver railroad held a meeting at Atchison this morning to COI- plete the organization. The following om- ears were elected : A. J. laroll or Atchison president : W , B. hail of Stockton vice pres Ident : A. J. Felt of Atchison , scood'Ico president : F. T. Burnham of Ileloit aecre- tsy ; W. Ii. Caldwel of Iieioit . treasurer The object of the organizaton Is to secure before January 1 , 1897 , the extension of the Central Dranch of the Missouri Pacific from Stockton to a connectIon wIth the Union lacl a road at the , .tatoa oC Bogue. Com. mltee wee appointed to secure the rIght- oC-way through Rooks and tir.uham throlgh ! lrdham counties - ties . I Is believed that the rlght-lf-way will be doaah,1 to the committee . CIA IPINS ? " " - LOSE AT 1IO1E SpidOr2 Win/'I . / ' Somppj Game on the Orioles' J Grounds . " 0" _ , LOSERS MADE MANY RANK ERRORS . . t - "I' I Cost Iy J'"lh\c' ; : nl.t : l.rnhlc : lllTI iInk. . cli\ , 'II'I'1 ; I'nth tl S'I'tuir ) ' Cuiim In : rim I I . ) . Ir.'c frlm SrIoms , 01111111101. BAITJMOJ . Oct. S.-Tho chilly weather this forenoon had a ball effect on the base ball cronIes for the cro\11 that turned out was nothIng like as big ! as yestrday's. Themi too . the threatening weather this morning hail not entirely disappeared , and many were kept away by the fear of rain. The rounds were not yet completely dried from the rain of last night but no mud was to be seen ant In Ilractco the players seemed 10 get along very well. There were not more tln 2.00 people on hand whtn the Cle\'elanl players arrived 1111 were received In silence . not so much ns a hiss being heard The Spiders getaway away from the hotel wIthout any trouble. A squal of ) olcemen was on hand end kept the crowd . which numbrll about 300 men and boys back from the mmmnihus The prac- ( ice work of both team ( ! was snappy and vigorous - . orous First liming : Durllct flied to ICeeler as did McKean to Drodle. McAIer fed to Gleason. No runs McGraw was out . Te- beau imnasslatet Kceler filed to Ourllott. On McGarr's bai throw to Tebau oC his cas grounder lennln was safe at first . Keley ted out to McAleem' . No mns. Second Innllg : Tebeau took first on balls. Zimmer struck out. Blake's two-bJger along the left foul line limit 'ebau on third Mc- Garr hit to McGraw . Iall took third but Tebeau wenl out , McGraw to Clarke . trying to got home McGarr : was forced at second Jennings unaasised . by Young. No runs Drodlo made n n\iat sIngle to loft . McAleer made a pretty catch of Gleason's fly to C2n- ter. Carey bunted cafely. Clarke fed to Mc- Aloer hoTter went out at first , Tehlau to Young. No runs Third Inning : Burkett bunted safely but was caught by Carey who secreted the ball under his arm and touched Durkett when he walktl oft the base Melean singled to left. Chids led to lirodle ns did McAIcr. No runs. McGraw put a twobagger In left and took third on Keeler's sacrIfice . Young to Tebeau. Jennings was out lcGarr to Te- beau. Kelley was out . McKean to Tebeau. No runs. Fourth InnIng : Jennings ran from hIs posi- ton at II0rt almost to the fence In front of the left field bleachers and captured Te- beast's tip foul fly . Zimmer died at first Oi an easy one to McGraw. lake fed to Oea- son. No runs Chids tumbled Brodle's easy grounder. Zimmer got Gleason's high , fly . Tebau mulell 1 little pop foul ly by Carey which was right In his hands , Carey was out McKean toiTebeau ) . Brodie getting to sec- oml Clarke bunted safely Broie taking third. Ho wasout Zimmer to McGarr when ho started for hOle on inimor's feint ( to throw to second to catch Clarke No runs. Fifth Inning : McGarr got four bad ones I Young sacrificed . , Carey unassIsted Burlet ! fed to KcI2) McKean got first on bal ! The , bases were filled on McGraw's error of ChiMs' easy grounder but the side was re- tr1 when Mc.lrcr went out at first on an easy one to hotter. No ruins. hotter was omit , lcKean' ' to Tebeau. McGraw singled to center and stole second on a short passel ball. Keeler f struck out. JennIngs fed to Chmiiuls. No tUI ' Sixth maine : hotTer fumhle.1 . Tphp" ' " bunT hilt. Zinimeni struck oll-t : ' - - ref ' i all over the bal fielding Blake's easy lilt . but time batter was out. McGarr fed to Gleason. No runs. Keley flied to McAleer. Brodie ' was hit by a' ' pitched bali. Geason was out . Young to ' flia3todle ! } taking second . Carey fled to Chl . .o runs. Seventh' inning . : Young put a double In canter near th' score boar . Ourllett sin- gled to rIght. Y'Ohr.g went to ! third and Dur- kett took sec&iful al the throw In. McKean was omit . Jennings ! to Carey. Barket played off second on the play and he would have been an easy out had Carey thrown the bal promptly to Gleason. Kelley dropped Chlids' easy fly and ( Young scored Ourkett remainIng - Ing on second , . and scoring emi MeAleer's sin- glo to center Teheau's single to right scored Cimilds . lcAleer' going to third. Zimmer fanned for the third tme today. Tebeau out stealing second hotter to Jennings. Three runs. Clarke single to right stole amT took third on hotter's out . McKen to Tobeau. The latter did not have his foot on the bag but hunt did not lee It. A big kick re- suled from time decIsion. Tebeau had his leg 111aced In such - position that HoTter was almost tripped In crossing the bag. The OrIole pitcher after turning round rushed back to the base and throw 'ebeau to the groun ! . A fight looked imnmlnent but was avoided by 'rebau's coolne McGraw was out lcKean to Tcbeau . but Clarke scored Keeler hit one too hot for Young and was safe. flake mae a beautiful running catch of Jennings' long fly to right. One run Eighth Inning : Blake fed to Brodie. lc- Garr singled to left. Young hit to Jennings who threw to Geason to retire McGarr at second but the kid dropped the bali . Burket slnglell to left and McGarr scored. leKean was out Carey unassisted. Chids hIt a slow one to JtnnhJgs and Yonng scored. Chids stole second. McAIEr fouled out to Clarlle Two runs. : lc'leer tool Keiley's fly right off time fence Brodlo sIngled to center. Gea9n flied , to Burkott , as did Carey to Dhke. No runs. runs.Ninth Inning : Keeler mufed Tebeau's fly. ZimmE singled to left and Tebeau went out . Keley to lcGr\\ Carey got Blake's foul fly . lcGarr was out Jennings to Carey. No rimums. Clarke fed to McKeau. Hofer fouled out to Zlmmr. McGraw tool first on balls . as did Keeler. JennIngs was hit by a pitched ball. Kelley hit I hot one to McKean and was safe. McGraw scoring and time others moving up a base eacim but Drodle went out Young to Tebeau. One run Score : BAL'rIMOR1. \0. n. OU. P0. A. E McGraw. 3b. . . . . . . I 1 2 1 2 1 ICeeier . rt. . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 0 1 Jennings. sa . . . . . . . 4 0 0 3 4 0 , Kelley . If. . . . . . . . . a 0 1 1 t 1 I I. 1role. nn. . . . . . . . . .1 0 3 4 0 0 Gleason . 2b. . . . . . . 4 0 0 3 0 1 CarlY. Ib. . . . . . . . 4 0 1 9 0 0 Clarke. . . . . . . . . . 4 t 2 r 0 0 10r.r. ) . . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 2 .1 - - - - - - Totals . . . . . . . .37 3 9 2 9 6 CLEVBrAND. AB. R. lIIL P0. A. E. Ilmirkctt . I. . . . . . . . . I 1 3 3 0 0 McKcan as. . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 I 0 , CI'lds. 2b. . . . m'I 1 1 2 1 I McAleer . na.--- . . . I 0 1 5 0 0 I ' 'ebeal. Ib..I . , . . . , . . . 4 0 1 10 1 1 I Zimuner C . . ! .i..J ; . . 5 0 1 3 1 0 Blake . rf . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 2 0 0 McGarr 3u. . ; . . ; . . 4 t 1 1 1 1 Young P. . . . . . . . . . . . .4 3 . 1 1 3 0 - - - - - - Totals . . . . . ; . . . . .0 I i. 1 2 1 3 Baltimore . . . t 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1- 2 Cleveland . . , J.j , . 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0-5 Earned rmmn.44flaltlmnore . 1 : Cleveland . I . Two.base hl DInkf. Youn . ? mlcrmaw. Sacrleo his : W5eltr . ( hicasan . Young . Stolen bases : Clarke . 'lcGralh I I. Struck out : By hotter 3 ; by ' Toting . lh Base on baiis : Oft HotTer . 4 [ . pit Young . 2. Struck bals ' pitcher : By Young. Time : Three hours. Umpire : Kelt . ) " \ ( rlr. itiiul J,1msgmi. ' Illn.1 tl ' Fight . Nl.n\ YOU Oct. 8.-After the Interfer- ' once or the . 1hulsn county authorIties . which pro\.ntl)11 the meeting of Grio anti I.avlgno last sight . time fighters . with theIr managers nail backers . lost . no time In mak- lag terms wIth Jim J..nnety. mlnagtr of time I rplm Athletic . club . Maspeth 1. J Kennel ' orh1nalt. made time match for hi ! club but F'arley's Offer was lore lberl. hence the Ialco of last night. Ilariy today artclm of ar''ment for u bout of t wlnty rounds at catch wlchtl were signed b\ Hugh BI'hl1 for Grlro anll Sam Fitzpatrick for la'ignc' . . The lout wi he brought ore w'thll thllt ) days In tIme mplre cluh' l\l ! a. I a.I.hI111j tt'iiii'mi Still ) ' Shot W ASHI a'rON. ( 0,1 t. 8.-1 JvEr ! C. Yeatt- man . , cno of the best known bicyclists In th" et ) anti nt one time holder of the twent . - four hour c harliionship road record of 2"O nlQClllenla I shct rol Idetl hlm.clf yesterday whlo- OUt . riding near Charle : tovtu . Jlenon county . \ \'a. ills fnthel' Is employed . thu , Interior deparlment . - - - - - - - UIH..I'I .r flit' , 'w1Irl1 ni. . . . . 1.0N1ON , ot\ S.-Thl Nl'wmarlut : second October mneeti'g : Cj led toda ) ' . In the Trial stkts event thpro were sIx starters . indutl II ! llr ( 'hro' : 1)15) ' Ho e'l Mogul which t&cthim4 plat . I.urJ Veruy' New Ywln ning time race . Inll T. Jenning anuteu I being seconul , . _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Ul'USU : Nlhhl't' UI ' 1'11 IIU IACI' : . ( I remit It Iii lug hT I.dlhll I 1.111 In Ite- ( " , " ' , 'r I."t ( hrnui iiui . A good elzel crowd of enthllaltl gnth- ered nl diaries Street Bicycle Park Inst evening to wlnc s the second Inltnl1lent of the great six-day cass A bicycle race . notwlhtlnlng , the cool weather . and the ) ' were wel repall for their troll : ( ni thY witnessed as pretty amid exctng a race as Iny crank commIt ! wlph to see. 'rho 11.rformnnce of the Irst evening W.IS repeated amid the cro\lt was kept too bums } ' cohi . cheerln the riders to think of being , : ! At no time lurIng the two hours rllln did limo lutere amid enthlslasm 1111)50 The riders time Ilace. Ilmlll } vied with each other In setting hurry I t/hll. time mmiessemmger klil . work'd wih 1ht ! / amid tim a In to toga In lie t lulls he hall lost on lon(1) evening . hit to no mmvaml . 'I'oozer Iml the rest of the Ilh'rl hung to him for dear life . amid It WIS IIosslblo for him to break nWI ' flom them. ' .l'hree tme : during tl ovenlnl Ill he break Iwn ) ' nt nn eighmteen-secoumml clil In nn emllnvor to take I blip hit ho could not Ilul away from 1 Tcozfr nail Murray. At time sixtieth 111 l'etitum Illllr.1 h1s wheel anti 'l'oozer nail I l dlhl quickly took advantage of his mis- , hap Iml , nlnel I lap on himmu UI ! gl\lng 'roozer n beau of one lab ) . Parker nail \\al hal I coillsiotm . Inl l'onleqlenU ) ' Iarl.er I lost four limps and 'Vil lost six Muirray I developed I \ terrific burst of spel'I1 lt ) slxt ' -secont mile . anti for n tulle anti 1 halt 1001el ns If he woull surely gain a 1111 on the ro\\'d , but I hurry 1' , lghl got 1 kink In his buck . put his nose to the haull" har and fairly made the track smoke . and t'boetl Uthe . with ' Parker numd ! tip gap wih 'roozcr nn U\ \ ! Pegni tiomi Cast to hula wheel At time Inn the hoys startel to spurt long before the Innl lap . miami mulntlhlcll 1 terrific speed to time end Harry l' lghl Slum- ) hlng I first ! . hut helng only two feet almond of Iark.r. nail 'I'oozt'r nail Murray coming In neck anti n.ck for third laee. ) Eulgiulll won the s11clal Prize for the ) cvenln . 1"01- lowing Is the score : Miie. Laps.I I lle . Laps . 'oozer . . 7M 6 Murray . . . i6 7 I I'egaiu . . . 78 5 \'nl . . . 7t 6 I fldgimili : . . . 78 3 : 'l'imonmamt . . 7 2 I Parker . . 78 1 'agger . . . 51 I l Brewer . . 7 6 I This e\nlng all ladies will be 11 nll tel , tree to the grounds _ . Inl grand stand . OIHJhlA I nf the 1ur. " Cuiimrsl mug :1..t. ' . . , . meet- HUHON , S. D. . Oct 8.-The coursing - lag , openel here tola ) ' . 'he great event of the meeting was tIme American cup for grc ' - hounls of all ages at $26 eachm with $ o added , to the \alie of $ .0. Time rey- houmls Ire from Chicago San Francisco Indianapolis . New York Inrlrl. S. D. . Oxford Knn . Oakes . S. I ) . . Fox Lake Aber- Ien. S. D. , Ilawarden . In. . Minneapolis . St. LouIs Iirookiyn Connecticut nail ; lnne- sotmt. The Irst round of time American \\'at- orloo cup \\'IS run through with the follow- Clp'IS rUI thlugl folow- lag results : Fear Not beat Dantun lnster Dennis beat Val hop Van Aafkl beat Royal Buck St. Claire beat 'I'rllby . Diana heut Calif. Charmln May beat Sunet , Het of Stone blat Major I'rince Fullerton beat Nellie Weeds . Frank Green beat Donald , Muster Glenlclrk beat Ha\en. Long Olds beat Itagnarocle . Pearl beat Lady Dellock. Glklrl , beat Kirk Genn : Miller's Hohblo' ' heat Flying Buck Eleanor beat Yorkshire : and Luclnn Swift beat gmln Pasha. nnl ' \h'II.1 stud uncles. Last night the Omaha Wheel club boys enjoyed something a little out of the orll- mmary In the way of I regular imiectirg. Messrs. Siefken and Foyo were up time river with their Huns on SUlla } ' and hrolght hack n whole lot of teal. Last Ilght the crowd of memher nt the club rooms hOI , the pleasure oC Ilscufsln jute ) ' . lender teal ' cooked to a turn amid 8ln'ell hot , oJnn , with 1 routine business and . ' oncom\nnts. , I Is the Intention of time club nmnnagement IOW that the riding season Is almost closemi to make the social Intereourso of the organ- Iznton more or a C"lture. Cross-Commthsme'mmt ' \.I..h-rN. Theodore Krness and nls : brother. Ellio O. ICragness arrive In Omaha 'esteray from Minneapolis. They left Minneapolis Wednesday . and theIr wheels 'cdn.sla anl on are en- route to San Francisco . which place they "xpec to reach In about sIx woekR. 'ho two wheelmel nre traveling under Y. r C. A. colors antI are stopping . lt their headquarters - quarters while In the city. ' .S'utIter Cnlll Starts fur Cmiii forimium . NI W hAVEN Conn. . Oct. 8.-Walter Camp the foot bal expert . will leave for California on Saturday to fill his engage- . ment to coach time Stanford university eleven. Time trip Is partly for his health. lo wIll remain In California hut 1 month and wi retlr In time for the Yale-Prince- ton gnme. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SlrllAhl IellN jut Ottusumvn . OTTUMWA . Ia. . Oct. S.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-There ) was some good shootIng at the West End Gun club tOlrnnnont today. Dr. Douth.t of O ceoll killed tw'n- t-five straight twice. Dr. Webster of this city also got twent ' -lve straight amid there were thr.e matches where two ted with ten straight. _ _ _ _ _ _ Rose's ChnlcnAC Ilecelvel. NEW YOI1K Oct. 8.-Tho written chal- I lengo of time Royal Victoria Yacht club In i behalf of Mr. C. D hose for the Amerlca's I cup has been received. A special motng to consider It hilts been clled for mlonUay evening October 16 _ - G. . . Jnll lr.lllr v S , ' lhiuils. Yesterday the News.Republc. which has called Itself a newspaper , surrendered itself to its printers , Colcn,1 Akin amid other creditors for the satisfaction of theIr bills. The col- lapse began In time morning . when an employo whose pay was back $ & 0. learing that the concern was about to crumble ( demande of Mr. May . who has been posing ns one of the proprietors . cash or blood lie could not get cash and smote lay on the jaw. The circumstance - cumstanco caused a lining up of all parte" whose names were en time ledger with time rcul that the IndefnUo nssots of the con- cern were put In creditors' hand Time latter put II. M. uhf . In charge and Intmate that they will attempt to keep the thing going as nn experlmont to get t Jlr money out of It. . TIIL.lIttAl'IIIC IIItIIIt4 . Authoriy has been granted . for the organ- Izaton of the First National bank of Shaw- net' . Old. NO\\1 hums been recllvell of the buring nt sea of the Britsh shill Gorlell. Time crew were all saveti. I'rot Howe of Boston has received a gold modal conforrll\ upon him by time Berln Society for limo Iromoloa of Indutry. A movement Is I on Coot In Mexico to induce the Unl.l , States to abolish time tonnage dues on Mexican ships In time ports of this eountr ' . Reports of returning slll"rs indicate that time numher of animals which visited the seal Illauds . this year was much Jess than formerly. 'rho jury In the case of Father Flahert , the Mount ? Morris N. Y. priest accused of not crIminal gmmiit ) afmul. . brought In a \er\lct of ' Inl . F\r."essa 1 ? ler of the U'lverlty of I'ennsylvamuia will visit time South Sea Islands . lands In scarch of ethnological and arch- leolollcal 511eclmcnf. 'rhe te\IUO cuter ! Corwin Grant and Perr ) ' nrrlvel nt New 'hatcom.'ash. . . Tuesday from Bering ! sea They report the total seal catch at between 40.0 anti 1.00. Time No'w York court of nppolls hmo af- firmed the jlllgment of time lower court In the case of lIt ward S. Stoke nlllnst John \V. lackay ot al. The case Involves $ : .0. I Am Glad To tell 'what hood's arsaparIlIa hiss done for me. I lied the grIp and its ill ofteet _ _ settled all over : : . 1 ! . naoI had cramps - . ' In my legs and " frequently I had to get up at night and walk torelmixthmeanus- dee , I also had . . . stomach troub- - . . Itlucum took , . ltood'a ' \ \ cilia. One bottle \ cured tuocramp } , . ' and amaother hiss - helped my atom- ach trouble greatly. I bavo taken 8 bottles and use Hood's l'hils which are the best I ever t0ok , " U , A. MEL.\'IN , IMators , Oregoil. oed Sarsaparfla s the O'ily True Iood Purifier Prominently In thopubilo eye today. Fi4od's ; Pills esytlbUl easy to t&kS , &svineffocL SIC , CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDNGS ) Mayor Vetoes Further Appropriation for the Health Fun . TO CONSIDER AT' ADJOURNED MEEllNG Ih'nrn" SI.hhll' , , ' l'rUIIII.1111 S I C " ' ( II"h : . . " (111'h'rl ft'I t' .1 all mm mitt L'isiice C."rt I.rerre,1 III mu CII"ul h. . . . I took the city council jUt forty minute to clean up the business on the clrl8 11011. last night The ma'or'sto of time resoluton by which $625 was trnerrtd to the heJlh ' fund was not acted upomu . There were not votes enough ) resent to override the ( veto I and time council atoure ! to 7:30 : o'clock net Tuesday muigimt . when the IrOSSJgo wIll bo considered II nlJournCl mssion. In vetoing the rolutol the mayor said : I return hmerewitim . without amy approval resolution No h of October 4. Dpproprlatng $525 out of tIme geimeral funl for the Board of , l.alh , to bo avaIlable only for time sal- : lry of time mt3' Ih ) 'slclal amid certain des- Ignat(1 oihicers ) 1 ha\o vetoed this resolim- ton for two reasons 'rho lolrl uf H.alh humus Incurrld lahltel which alount to 57.G over anti nho\'e the 1I10unt set 15110 for the board. These Inhltes "houl he taken cure of first , and nmm9' SUf'us : remainIng - Ing could he , I'votel to such hutmrposes ns time board Ilght direct. 'fhe resolution In question Iglorc ! entrel ' this overdraft mind Is mumitle for its ' . There mme provision 1IIle I ! pamIIt 'hlro are b his new In the Ianls : of tIme com'troler which cnnnot lie Inserted In time Illproprl.l- ton ! orlnnnces for lack oC fuml In the Iwalh fund I Is therefore improper to malta an appropriation for n speclle pur- pose when tim 10nc ) ' should be expemitied In other ' ' . OX)1 lther 'a's. Another reason for vetoing this resoluton Is that It 8p.ell.s lie ollcers to be eta' plo11 by the boarml . which Is contrr } ' to the ) ilaln ' Intent of time charter. Time councIl I has mme authority to dictate what olcers the hoard of lealh must eniphoy . I thai counci sees lit to mippropri- ate money for time use of the board . time bonrd must he alowld to expend It 19 It ses lIt. I do Iot believe It will be Iecessary to employ Iny sanitary inspectors urlnH the relllller of the year . As I hl\o ! urged since the heslnnlng of the year . the snni- tutry inspection can bo better Performed by ) the palko force nlHI without any oxpnse to the city. We hall I Ilmetcal exnmpll of the clclenc ) ' oC this Ilhll of Inlllcton last spring amid there can bl 10 question about it far almond of the prevailing . I being flr nheat prevaing Iystem. I thIs Is done the Imount r.qulrell by time board would be much les than uuder the ohl mnethoil. I have urged this upon the board a ! a mean of avoiding ni overdraft . . hut wihout n\al. nnd It Is now necessary to make some Provision for paying limo over- bit ) which hl ! been created but time IHI'or and council hl\e no right to dictate how timbi lone } ' ! hal be expended. Gas Inspector Gilbert was granted I leave of absence for one week to attend the conven tion of the AmerIcan Gaslight association at Phllelphla. October 16. Time council acceplel , an invitation to attend the Catholc fair on Thursday evening. George Stebbins submitted n proposition to furnIsh time city with suitable jail and police court quarters. lie was \ftrrel to the committee on police. The proposition contemplates - templates the erection If a two-story anti basement brick amid stone building on lot 7. block 1. near Slxtenlh ant Howard streets The buiding Is to be completell Inside of six months from date and to be rented to the city for five years at $3&0 per mmmomith . This IB the same rental that Is being paId for the present quarters. The rsoluton by which $100 was sought to be approllrlatC1 to pay the expenses of the buiding Inspector to tie national convention of Inspectors was turnC11 down emu the rcom- memlaton of the fnance commimittee . SlcnlhlJ1 or Ihumrghmmrs . Last cnnlng about 10 e'cck burglars entered the rom of Miss A. M. Wool. who Is a stenographer at the court house on the 5co111 hoar of the Fronzer 111-116 North Twenty-frh street. Miss Wood's room opens on a side alley . and It Is supposed that the burglars climbed on lop of the porch and then entert the window. Several small articles of jewelry were taken , but the value did not exceel $10. There were other things In the room of more value thnt wre left by the callers In their hurrlel scape. On Monday nlgh time show case of the Nebraska Clothing company was broken Into amid n number of lists and caps removed. A gang of small boys that has ben hangIng around the lilac was suspected of the rob- bery. Last evening a member of time gang was seen near the store wearitmg one of the stolen hats. He was arrested on suspicion . and gave the name of Charles Smltim - - - - - - Glulnur In ( Oit Un'llA Forum . TORONTO . Ont. . Ot. 8.-Juiko Gamulnur with his hmm'otimer left tiiis afternoon for the Austin International regatta. The champion looks In racing Corm. - USEFUL BOOKS GIVEN AWAY i'(8'I'htt'"I'ioNS I.'UI . : IAIO U , n'I . AXI ) i"tC't' " "UlIC. ( Mrs. NelA laggett oC Boston has recently written a book " 1 lnIY Work and Art 1eco. ratiomme , " that gives practical Instructons for making dollies . table covers scarfs . \ cioths pin cushIons . etc. . etc. . with fifty ihhtms. trations . This book together \ \ Ih "Success. ful home lyeiimg " \ I bo sent free to any reader oC The lice who forwards the follow- lug / coupon 10 Wels. Ichartson & Co. , ilurlingtomi . Vt : cum'u . 'l'iiis . 'ull.In , " r"I"h'r or lhi . t. . . I. ontO i'.iiy uC "l'uimi' ) ' " 'url , nl.t . \rl H..II.n lout " . " 1.,1 " $ n""Mful hhuiiii' 1)111. " Thc nbove liberal offer Is malII to advertise the old reliable Iamonll D'cs nhl to get their hook upon home dyeing Into tIme homcs of women who want te t dross wel by muling their old clothing look like nlnv. I In some towns dealers sell Imlntons of 1 ) nmoli Uns Bimfllui ) ' because the ) ' can make more Profit on the ! weak , aibulterateti aimli- stitutes , Sommue of timeumi. dyes citilmmm to color iiotim Cotton ammil wool with time sanme liackago , hut tiuI is aim ImlihmOsalbIlity , mis time miser soomm fintl wlmen slam imas tried to color cottoim with a tiye limat is hot esimeeially mmmade for timat turpose. 1)lanmond Iycs have di1frent tlyca for cottoim froumi timoso timat are mused fur wool atmil are this' oimly package ( i9'e5 on lImo mnarkot tluat can be relied upon to give colors that ii iii mmot fade or crock. Time fact timat lLa. mmmoiumi lyes imave been tIme stamudarul imommm tlyes for mmeariy twenty years anti timat timeir sais' Itmcreascs from year to your , is proof hiositive that they imoi'er hind an equil. - thIUSi'ihIlN'I'S , ' ' ThEAt' Tel , 150 1lm.XTN.tflhLJ5flI3SS , Mar. , . Matinee Today at 2:30 : Entire IO''CI' l"loni' 50c , AII3P IlItleolly Seat 25e. TOlligilt flt 8:15 , Time smuccei.stuml roumiamutic drammmn , "FRIENDS" Management of Arthur C. Aisten , I'rhces-Flrst floor , SOc. 75c mind tilt : bmulcciuy , 35c , SOc amid 75c ; gallery , SIc. Sale of seats opeimi Saturday nmoralng , TAT Tel. 1531-i'AX'L'ON&iiuium3S , Mars , Timrt't' NIgtmt , f'oin isneing TltIhtSI ) . Y , OG'i'OmliIIt. 10 , TIme lienuthlul I'lny of Steal i.tfe , IUMAN HEARTS. OrigInal Cnst Cream MIn.'r' , Nrw'oric Tlmeater. 'niB uIlIATIiT : l'itomUOTIoN oi' aiOttit TIMES. OmIAT1O''EII S.'TtJIttAY. UmtAh l'iIICES. ConiIiit O.t. 1:1-16 : , Coutroy & IoX , qEr , NEW 3s ! TiffliflI N1O11TSCOMMEUCiO'U THURSDAY , OCT. 10. ( MatInee hiaturha' . ) First I'resentation in 'rids CIty of -HO VT ' S- - Portrayal of time fair sex in iIitics , entitieJ , "A CU1TETEO IOMANI" It will be PiaYCi ml ) ' a conmpnimy ot well Itnowa umail competent nrtttts , inclmmdtntt MIIS. C1tlt0i.1E 3hlMIhiT. hOYT , New Music I' ' ) ' liriliian , Scenery ity Vcegthen , Seiiti4 Cii m'abo W'o1nos.la' at time ftillonqgm. prices : First hoer , Sic , 5c anal 11,00 , b.mlcony. SOc au'S 75c ; gallery , 23g. qt'f INiAGEtUINT ( EXTUAORDINARY THI1IE NIGHTSflIflBf ( 11111 OUIW11TUI. , Davis & 1renim's Stupendous Scenic ProJuctioo , "ON THE BOWEY' Time Greatest Comic , Drammmatlc nn.i . ficemmtc Artmievemnciit ever fitaget in Ammmerica , Tima Ail-Conquerhuig Cn3t , Lnchuiing emvt'l' ' lhPflflhh7 Chmmmmmmpimmim flu higo LI I U I iA iiltUJJiU , ) ummuuhicr of hum \\'orltl , m mmii IC I mm mit tim mu I itmw&iry. Time sale of seats III open Sattmrtiiy mmmornlnc. First ulcer , SOc. 5e nail sm.o ; immicomiy , ICe end 75c gallery , 25c. 134 good mesereii seats mit 50 each. Lace Curtain 1e At Bennett's. , .14 , All this week , to close out , we offot' a big lot of , Lace Ctmi'talns cheaper timaim othier can btty thorn , 4 tj > No irndter how wo got them. T \iVc vi11 sell a nice pair curtains for ( $ o % . Ancxtt'agoodpairat . . . . . . . . 8o Still better ones at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f$1.OO ; > Finer grades at . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.35 1''I , , 'I An elegant pair at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i 3.98 Irish Point Curtains at . . , . . 42.4O $3.98 Irish Point Curtains at , . . . . . : : A lot of odd pali'.i and odd ctit'tans at oimu luaU pi'k'e. fr , WI R. Bennett Co t ) 15th and Capitol Ave. I. _ _ _ --V Chas1 Shivericic & Co. , I'hII LARGEST STOCK ANI ) LOWES'L' l'RICIS FURNITURE S 0 C DRAPERLS . . ACURTAINS C 0 .A bmoaiitlftil uie' StoJk , iiirIittsed at ( lie . . , . . 1a'est Prlee ever k nOV.11 I2I)3 D'J.3 sr. , - . . OMAHA.