Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1895, Image 1

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4 1-.rt
, . . . . THE OMAHA I . . . ' DAILY BEE.
I 1 .
: I ' ,
! : rAnLJSIIED JUNE ] n , 1871. 01\lAllA , 1TEDESDAY 1\ORNI-N - , OCTOBER 9 , 189 : . SINGL m OOPY 1"IVE CEN rS.
- - - - - - -
1 Sensational Inoident of OevelRDl's ' Second
- , . .noident
Oampaig Revived
Crlh'IN.'N th" . \l.'rlenn Pc.pI4 nlli
I'll hIIc lItit nul ' ' IrNM's hid Ig-
Jntln tint NIJlnl1 Shuulll
' 1'Iterenftir Heceh'c In'nrll ,
NEW YORK , Oct. S.-A special cable to
the WorM from London says :
"An extraordinary , and In many respects
unprecedented publication hy a Britsh or any
other high diplomat , has been discussed dur-
Irig the past few days among the foreln
reprerentatva to the court of St. Jamcs
This Is I handsomely printed pamphlet
marked , For Private Circulation Only , "
and entItled . " \ly lnlon to the United
States , 'R1-89 , " anti ham , just len Issued by
Lord Sackvlie ! , who as Sir Lionel Sacllvl0
Wet , K. O. : J. G" , was the I nglsh minister
to Washington for the Period namee ! I
will be remembered that Irealdent Cleveland ,
almost on the eve of election of 1888 , sent
Sir Lionel his passports because of a letter
written by him to an alleged Englishman In
Calornla , commenting upon the approaching
election. This pamphlet Is Lord Sackvllle's
defense and explanation made
dcense explanaton several years
after that Incident. But time unprecedented
part of It , and the part which has aroused
very excited comment , Is , fIrst , the freedom
of his strIctures upon the American people
and American public men , all seconll , his
own expressed Indignaton thai the British
ministry should have accepted : Jr. Dayalel
as ambassa.lor tD this country while a sac-
rotary of state of the United States Mr. Ba-
nrr ! hall wantonly insulted In person Its ac-
CI edied representative.
"Tho phamphlet consists of fifty-two pages ,
1&,000 words , and Is of very limited Issue ,
nol more than 100 cOles. Theco have been
lent under seal only to leading foreign dlp-
Ilomats , , time higher I nglsh officials , and a
- few personal friends.
"Chester A. Arthur was presIdent and
James G. Baine secretary of state when Lord
Saekvlie came to New York In November ,
1881. At a reception given him by St.
George's society he says that : Ir. Baine was
Eent to greet him by Presldenl Arthur and
ho made a most cordial address of welcome.
In It he referred to "The loyalty of the Amer-
Lan people and their admiration for that
gracious sovereign , his royal mistress. ' Lord
Saekvle noles also his very cordial . recell-
ton by the president himself , but remarks :
'That while : Jr. Ialno was usIng this con-
dilatory language he was carrying on a
V hoslo controversy with her majesty's go v-
rnment respecting the abrogation of the
Clayton.Bulwer treaty ' .
"lo says he entered upon his duties with
great solicitude. I was welt aware of the
dlmcultes I should have to contend with In
combattng the influence of time enlan or-
gUluton : , exercIsed over the government ,
und whlch was so powerful In both houses of
time l gisiatur. . '
"Iord Sackvle quotes a private letter he
wrote to Lord . Granvie , then foreign minIster - I
Ister , In April , 119 In regard , apparent to ,
a dema"1 or request made by Secretary Fre- ,
llnghmmyeeii for time Immediate release of cer-
tain Irish suspect , , In this hotter Lord Sack-
yule distncty Ilates that Assistant Secretary -
tary Bancrofl Davis represented to hIm that
time presIdent felt embarrassed by the acton
of congress In time mater and 'that he , the
president , trusted to the courtesy of her ma-
Jesty's government In enabling him to avert
I. lie says ho told Secretary Davis that 'he
must remember there
was a public olllnlon
In England , as \1 as a press , neither of
which were likely to bo convinced of time
necessity of a concession to the United States
government on this 'Iueston , simply because
congress was terrorized by time Irish voters. '
"Davis frankly udmlted this and said thai
the prcsldenl himself appealed to her ma-
jest1 government In the present case.
"Lord Sackvlo here deliberately states
thai Lord Granvlo , upon representations of
Lord Spencer , then lord lieutenant of Ire-
land and lately In Lord Ioseb ry's cabinet ,
telegraphiel ( time Irt assistant secretary or
state , saying that his ( Lord Sackvllio's ) life
was In danger and asking for Protection. ,
Secretary Irrelnghusen , bo says , declined to '
take a stell officially . but sent him to Gen-
0 erl t3hcrmnan. The later invited blm to n
trip In 'the president's yacht. ' All prepara-
tons were made In secret and they , spent
ten days cruising In the James river , after
which It WIS deemed that the excitement
caused by the Irish executions had abated , "
, "Uo says danger again became Imminent
when ho was Instructed to Ilcmand the ex-
tradItion of latrlcl1 Sheridan for complicity
In the Phoenix plrk murders. Ue fell thai
such a demand woull be hopeless and so rePorted -
Ported to Lord Grnvie , and then time In-
strlctonl were re\'oked. A pesidental ell-
lon was approaching and : Jr. Balno was
likely . to ho ) tIme republican candidate .
" 1 was at Uls , time that : Ir. Blame spoke
to mo In time most
eonlomnatory tones of the
condlct of her majlslY's government In deal-
InA wIth the Irish questIon . They imad cre
meted stick I hostile feeln In the United
States thai ho fell convinced If the popu1.
lon was poleel there woull bo an almost
unanImous expression of hatred toward I ng-
mmiii This language clEarly Imlcated his In-
tentol' to trlele upon this hostility to Englanti l
I , In order to gain Uw Irish vote for his cicc-
lon. "
"Jo notes : Ir. hhlaine's tlefeat wih
nol greatly repressed exultation , and
says he looked hopelessly to time
now democratic ad nil ii istrat ion ami !
Mr. hiayar.l. The lUer , ho Fa'S deprecated -
cated to him 'tho
Infuonco which the Irish
. party hail obtained In the constituencIes , and
' . expressed himself as dctlrmlneel not to allow
I his acton to ho dictated by it. '
. , 1.or.1 Sackvle ! then reviews . al length the
. negotiatIons over the Bering sea question and
: ; asserts thai neither ltmg1antj l or the Dominion
could get Justce , bee.muse the government
dared not Interfere wIth the Alaskl\ Fur coin-
, pany , which corporation was rich amid Infu-
- cntal In both houses of congress.
"Lord SacJvlo quotes a conversatIon with
. lit ? . Dayarll , of which he made a minute at
time time , In which the later said : 'The Irish
; , Veto had become I great factor In American
- politics , and ho might tel me that the word
hiritisim preOxcel to any politIcal or commercial -
cia ! question was sufficient to create enmity
toward England . '
"Ionl S cllvlo treats of events prior to
Mr. Clovelanmi's renominaton In ISSS : 'It was
neces'ay for him to show himself more anti-
I nglsh than his opponemmts. ' He then quotes
the Murchison letter and his reply which he
meters to a 'Incautious . ' both of which to
his amazemCnt were 11ublshell In time New
York 'rrlbune , an crgan of time republican
party , on October 2. IS88. ' Ho learned front
Ilrlvato sources that no such person as
I lurchlson existed.
"Tho excItement over the Sackvle Incl.
. ' , dent , as It wa called , became farcical lie
WIS caricatured lie saw : fr. 11)'arl ( omit'
r days before election and the secretary 'cor-
- , dtahiy I accept my expressIon oC regret at
what has occurre . '
"When. however . , I saw : Ir. flayard the
following day he fli the matter had become
. Eerlous. Great Interests tellended ! UIon , the
re-sleetlon of Mr. Cleveland : ho could not
ignore time Injurious effect which my letter
hall ! hall upon a certain faction , the vote of
which was necessary for the democratic can-
. dldale. lie saw a COil of 1 telegram from
. the State depstment to Minister Ihelpl , ae-
. cu.lng him of 'political cowardIce. ' Ito tool
this offensive telegram to : Ir. Ia'iud , say.
r Ing ho Ionsilerelt It 1 personal insult. : Ir ,
Ibyad was 'enmbarrassel antI confusell , llel
at last Saul that he kimew nothing of Any such
tlleJuam having beim lent , '
"ne was fur1hel with a COP of the fol-
lowlig telegram received by a menber of time
cabinet from the national committee In New
York : 'Doe the president know that the
Irish vote I slipping out of our bands be-
CalJe of the diplomatic shll'.shalylng1 See
Lament ( ( president's private secretary
mind chief wirepuler ) at once Something
ought to be done today.- .
"Accordingly he recel'c his passports that
"Iorel Sackvllo Quotes a lratement hI
made to Lord Salisbury accusing Secretary
Ba'arel of flagrant Inlsstateml'utK of facts anf
of duplicIty. lie refer tD President Clc\'e-
lanll In biter terms and acids : 'Thro Is no
base acton which an American politician will
not resort to In order to gain an election. '
le Quotes another dll.tch from : Jr. herbert
to Lord Salisbury , In which the author of
the Jurchlson letter , one O gooely , was rec-
ommended to Iresldenl Harrison In a letter
from two California republicans , one bearing
the historic name of harrison Gray Otis anti
the other JUdge W. 1 ; lltzgerald , telling the
story of Osgoodly's fraud , and claiming for
hIm the credit and recognition which was
fairly duo him for hll' remarkable achieve-
mneimt -
"I.ord Sacllvll gives credit for time publ-
cation to ono Quay , a senator and chief of
republican . wire pUlerR , to whom his ( Lord
Sarviiio's ) letter was sent by the California
politicians. '
"I.ord Sackvlle says : Mr Iayar.1 . remained
In obscuriy for four years untIl time re-elec-
tlon of : Jr. Clevelanel , when he was appointed
amlassador to London as a recognition , I
mlY be presumed , of his remarkable achieve-
ment. Time perpetrator of thel degrading
acts of political trickery emerged from the
political mire a social success and meets
those upon whom 1m so mercilessly trampled
wih a smiling coummtenanee , " ,
Lord Sackvle sale that two justices of I
the supreme court , since dead , spoke In the
strongest condemnation , of President Clo\'e-
land's action toward him He quotes a letter ,
In ful from a manager of a dime museum
In NC\ York offering him $2,000 per week :
and expenses for himself and suite If ho
would hold two levees daily of two hours In :
"my palatal museum . " !
"It , Is unnecessary , " adds Lord Sacltvle ,
"for mo to comment further upon the pout-
Ical degradation which avowedly exists In
the United States , nor upon the 11Icuites
which a Britsh minister has to content wIth
In maintain In ! amicable relations with a I
government Infuencd ly the political neces- I
siy of the moment and wheso action Is con-
troliod by a factIon hoste to his own coun-
try . " _ _ _ -a- _ _ _
PA'I'\ 'i'ixiiit : i'i' 101SF } 111 i .
One l'i-rsnim Iti I it-d nlll I.'onr Others
I. ' " t" I ) ' IIJ n r. ' ' .
CINCINNATI , Oct 9.-At 12:30 : a , m this
morning an alarm called the fro department
to limo five story brick tenement at 21 West
Sixth street , In which were sleeping forty
tenants. Time flames were In the third , fourth
and frh stories. Women and children were
screamln piteously at the windows. All the
police patrol wagons / were quickly on the
scene and the work of rescue begun. Thomas
O'Irlaherty , a deaf man , more dead than
alive with suffocation , jumped from a fourth
story window Into a net held by the polce
without further Injury.
At 1:16 bOles wore taken from the fourth
and fifth stories by time firemen on their lal-
dora. Irs. Mary Holmes , aged SO , was dead ;
her daughter , Miss E. J. I'endery , an actress
known as May Edwards of New York , was
taken out unconscious from suffocatIon , but
nol terlously Injurcd. Time fatally Injured
are :
RAChEL DAVIS , aged 4.
lAUE l'ONSO aged 19.
burned. MRS. Wl.pIA:1 A. DAVIS , all dreadfully
The los Injured are : JulIa Davis , nervous
shock Theresa and Lang. exposure . ; Ida : lnkowsk ) ' and MIss
All art of this city except those otherwise
designated. Iamle Pone and Rachel Davis
are nol likely tD live till morning. I Is be I
hewed that all time others : except losing their
household , goods , escaped with little or no
Injur low 11 fro started Is not known.
The revised list nukes one dead , two cer- ,
talnly fatally Injure'l and one very serIously
injured All the seriously Injured were by
burning , together with r suffocation.
1'llnt 1111 Y"rnlNh , h'l In S.NNJOt.
CHICAGO , Oct. 8.-Tho annual convention
of Imlnt anti varnish men opened today at
the AudltorIunu . There were delegates pres-
cnt representing the local clubs of New York ,
Phlaelelphla , St . Louis , Clo\elanll , Detroit ,
Cincinnat New Orleans Kansas City , :1-
waukee , Omaha , 1o < 'ton , Pltsbur , Sau
Francisco anti Chlca o. The national body
differs from other trade organizations In that
II docs not consider prIces or territory. Its
main object Is to secure national legislation .
Time heading purpose has been to secure a
department of trade and commerce In the
preshlent's cabinet. . Ib has commiteeI on
I-cent postage. fraught classification and the
development of time linseed oil Interests The
scsslon wl contuo . until Thursday
1"IINI.I' tl I lie ) ) enmoiurzms.
INDIANAPOLIS , Oct. 8.-The municipal
election In this city today was a democratIc
land 'lde. Tha entire democratIc ticket Is
electe by majoriies approximating ,000.
This Is regarded as remarkabh , In view of
the fact that a republican was elected two
years ago by a majoriy of over 3,000. The
republicans concede time election of the dem-
ocratc tIcket by a Jrg3 majorIty. Those
elected are : Thomas Taggart , mayor : Charles
Cox , polco judge ; Charles Stuekmeyer , city
clerk SIx councilmen at large are elected
by the democrts lnl at this tme tha 'demo-
crats claim seventeen of he W3el counci-
men giving the later thirteen out of twenty-
one coimmmclinmen. There Is much nolt'a and
enthusiasm In time city . tonight.
Crl"ll ! tl of time IUIC Mtntl.
ASHC"ILI.E , Tenn. , Oct. S.-In a letter
to Mr. J.V. . Gaines of this city , dated
\merlcus , Ga. , Octobel' _ , In reference to the
reports that he had changed . his views on
time silver lue"lton , ex-Speaker Crisp 8Y8 :
"I still favor the free coinage of sIlver , and
thinI PerhaPs I may make a speech or two
In Georgia on thai line before congress
meets , "
INl',1 I lie I"IN , for Iriim.i
mIUUNGHAI , Ala , Oct. S.-Charles E.
Welbor was yet'terday convicted for using
the mails for fraudulent purposesVolborn
has been before the courts hal a dozen
tmes , but has ahvaya escaped conviction ,
Ills latest fraud was securing large consignments -
ments of live vlock from Tennessee upon
bogus representations. Ho will bo smtenced
today. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'hr.'c U\llhN on thc n"IN.
CHICAGO , Ccl S.-Franl. Winkelman ,
aged 7 ) 'ear and Robert W. Winkelman ,
aged 9 , and their father , Louis WLkelman :
were kIlled last night by a Chicago , MU-
waukei & St. Paul train The fattier was
drIving a team acres the tracks when the
wagon WdS struck by an express running
forty miles an hour ,
! llh Xo1 lnN I ntrl I C"ntrol.
NEW YORK , Oct S.-I Is announced that
C. J. Smith , who was appointed receiver or
the Oregon Improvement company by the
United States court of Washington , has had
his appointment confirmed by the United
States . dIstrict court of California anti he Is
now In entire charge of the company
} olr11 Xo : Iore In time lnt' ,
Vm'lLKESU.lthtR , Ia" , Oct S.-The debris
In the Jorrdnce mine was cleared up by 7
o'clock tonight anti a search of all the breasts
anti g.mgway& failed to reveal any 10r
bodies. The list of dead wIll therefore nol
exceed five , unleu lanchsrd anl MIller , who
are lu the hoe'pltah1 should . die
1)1.1 Nut (1ll'I'Nlnltc nn Omilcer .
CI.\IWN , Neb , Oct 8.-Speolal ( Telo-
gram.-Street ) CommissIoner I ) . \ \ ' , Sperlng
was today ar1lulteel In the pOlce court of
the charge of ImpersonatIng an omcer , Judge
: holding that the single fact of his
wearing a star did not Imply thai lie was
acting as an orUcer. ,
'l'hull."UI Ntiiiieil far .hulle ,
liOl.DRRGF , Neb" , Oct 8.--Spec'ial ( Tehe-
gram.-Th ) del'rrato Jud'cil ' convention
me ! here' today to n.llnate n candidate for
judge. J. ( 1lwmlJlol of Alma was nom-
itlateti JUdge Be.l hal a large 'ote. The
delberatoDs were bumonlol' .
Hovl Forces Oomplotoly Route and Dis-
pered by the Troops
Cnillni I nf thc llnlul lelll.lom -
"nllh'.1 1111 CUlltlrlt , 'hlc thc
lrlme .u lnlsem' mm mid thc CUlrt ;
Flee for 'l'hmelr Lh'CN.
PAnS , Oct. S.-A dispatch received from
Port Luis , Island of : Jaurltus , late this
morning announced the capture of Antan-
anarh'o , capital of the Island of Madagascar . ,
by the I.'rench troops , and cluted great re-
le to the government , as I has been recog-
nized for soma time past that the defeat of
the French troops meant a change of mInts-
try , The news quIckly spread throughout the
city , causing great excItement and much re-
Prance and Madagascar have been at leg-
gerheads for more than ten years , chlefy
over the right of the government of Madagascar . - '
gascar to act independently of the French
residents In graotli.g exequaturs to foreign
consular agenty According t the treaty of ,
December :8 , ISS , the French minister real-
dent and a military guard of French troops
were to reside at time capital and control the
foreign relations of Madagascar , makIng the
Island , tD all Intents and purposes , a French
The government of Madagascar . has all
along denied that the treaty gave France the
rights she clalmerl , holdIng that M. 10 Mh11O
do Vllers , the French elplomatc agent , In
1881 , entered Into an engagement with Iada-
gascar , on behalf of France , to the effect
lhat time exequaturs of consuls and consular
agents should be given In the future as In time
past , ly the queen of Madagascar , and that
time latter treaty did not change th slua-
tlon .
Roughly speaking on this question Is based
time dlslluto which le,1 to disturbances , during
which the representatves of the French gOY'
ernnent were Insulted by the populace and
slighted by the government of Matlagascar. .
In addItion a number of Frenchmen were
In September , IS91 , maters finally reached
such a state that : . Ie Ihue do Vllers was
sent to Madagascar with an ulimatum from
the French government insisting that Franco
shoull control the foreign relations of Iada-
gascar. . The ultimatum was delivered to the
prime minister , Iamlalalrlvony , who Is also
time hU9baml of the Queen , Hanavalona ii.
After several days of deliberation the prime
minister rejected the ultimatum . , saying that
Madagascar would only submit to superIor
force. 1 do Vllers and all time rench
agents thereupon returned to Tamatavo and
France began making preparations to bring
the Havas , the predominant tribe of the Is-
hnd , to terms. In November last the French
minister for foreign affairs , M. lanotaux ,
asked for a credit of 65,000,000 francs anti
1&,000 men for an expedition to Madagascar ,
and his request was promptly granted.
The expedition , which was planned by Gen-
eral BorgnltDesbordes , left France In Jan-
nary under command of General Duchesne.
The alubrlty of the climate has proved a
more dangerous fee to the invaders than
the natives , anti the capture of the Mala-
gassy capital has been accomplished at great
cost of life and health.
Inquiries made at the War elba hero this
afternoon regarding the rcported capture of
Antanarlvo show that. whIle the news Is crel-
Ieel there , no partIculars have been received ,
and It Is expected that the report will bo of-
tidally conlrmed before Friday next , Oct-
ober 11.
LONDON , Oct 9.-The Times this morning
says the capture of Antanarlvo really alters
nothing I Is an achLvement , but nol a
sucec s. Having marched up the hi , General
Duchesne has the option of staying al the
top or marching down again , and these al-
teratvs are equally Inglorious and unsanI-
tary. The lova government and court have
vanished Into the backwoods , while there Is
hadly a trace of administration In the Eu-
ropean senH' The French wi have to construct -
struct everything from the foundations with
the pore3t and most wrlhless materials , and
It may be questioned whether this Is worth
doln. .
The Standard expresses the hope that the
victory ! of the French may be followed with
prudence , vigor and moderatton .
( lUJ ' 'glt % ' CONS'I'ANTINOI'LE.
'l'nt'kisii OlelnlN 1 > lnllnl ) Inrc 'or-
511'lt'N II the InrIJII.11'N.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Oct. 8.-vla ( Sofia.-
The guardshlps or the various powers are
mooree at Galata In order tu be In a poiton
to render aid to the foreign retldents . In case
It Is needed
A council of ministers has been held at the
palace In order to consider the terms of the
note submltell to the porto by the envoys of
the six powers. ThEre have bo no further
disturbances of a serious nature here. The
Armenian shops at Stamboui and , Galata are
closed. Later however , time patrols of this
city were strengthened by addllonal forces of
infmmimtry and cavalry.
The sultan has twice sent Artn Pasha to
the patrlarchato In order to co-operate with
time Imtrlarch In the latter's efforts to Induce
the Armenians who have sought refuge In
the churches to return to their homes. All
efforts In this direction , however have proved
( utile , the Armenians declarIng thai they have
no confidence , in the promises of protection
made by the . Turkish government. In all
ninety-five bodies have been elelverel , to
officials of the patrIarchate by order of the
sultan and It Is claimed . they represent all
the Armenlns killed during the recent riot-
Ing.Sall Pasha has gone to Dardaneles In
order to inspect the forts there and a number
of torpedoes have been forwarded to the
Straits .
NuiiL'hhIJIldIttS ' . , ' .
11'111.1 I S " 'i.l S''IIO
I ' th' 'hOUNnuIJ Iln ' ,1.1) ' In ito
l'ort't'mu Omit of 1 1111"'nH'lt ,
BELFAST , Oct. S-The Ama gmatel As-
soclton of Marine Engineers has notified the
Belfast shipbuider that unless the demands
of the society are conceded a strike will
be commence on Thursday next. The employers -
ployers state that there Is no chance of bring-
Ing about a compromise In the maters In
dIspute The Clyde ship builders who are
\ \ 'orklnunder an understanding with thee
of Belfast , wi , It I announced , suspend 25
per cent of their men every week aftertime
the strike begins and before the end of time
month II I estimated thai 60,000 men will
be In idleness A long and severe struggle
between the members of the Amalglmated
Association of Engineers anti the shipbuiders
and englncera Is anticipateJ.
I . . .tn issues n 3iii iii ( osto .
SAN BLAS , Ix. , Oct. 8.neral Antonio
Ezeta of San Salvallor , who has arrived here
on the City of Sydney from San Francisco to
Acapulco , Issued a long manifesto In Spanish.
He bays he has striven whie In exile to con-
duct himself so as to reflect credit on his coun.
try , and thai now he Is returning to free it .
lie says he will summon the legislature of
IS91 that life , liberty , property , agrIculture ,
trade and Industries bo encouraged , and that
he will especially establish enlghenC eelu-
esUon In lImo country lie says he wU adopt
the single gold standard , of money , using time
coins of time United States until such tme '
the country shall be able to Issue its own coin
All relglo\\ \ , creeds ho promises shall be
repecteel , anti he urge his followers to bo
guilty of no vengeance , hut tQ leave to the
laws time metng out of punishment
lu" lCtiii's l'ithmit.c ,
YOKOhAMA . , Oct. 8.-A telegram received
hero from Seoul , Corea , says that Tal-Wen.
Kim , .111" klng's flther , and leader of the
ant.reorm party , entered the palace at the
head of an armed fore , and that limo queen's
life II reported to bo In danger
, , '
' , -k :
Plitlll ) ON ' 'II IIUTISI ) . ' 1\0 ,
SIIUINI Sh'lun.'r 3Iule..n Slhilit Mis-
lake In Unl I'inctlee .
HAVANA , Oct. 8.-Dptche. receIved
hero from Santiago de Cuba uy that the government -
ernment cruiser Aledo ha .been firing at
bands of Insurgents ashore In the neighbor-
hood of Cape 1a'sl , at the eastern extremIty
of the Islanel of Cuba , and I Is addell that on
September 26 the cruiser , while so engaged ,
stopped a steamer , believed to be tm Alene ,
which left New York on September 21 for
Kingston , . anti Cathalel , The
Aleno belongs to the Atlas line , and was flying -
Inr the British flag. The tiring caused her
to stop under the impression , Il Is presumed ,
timat she was being fired upon , lnt nol receiving -
ceiving any orders from time cruiser and see-
Ing that the later was firing toward the
land , she continued on her course , applrenty
heading for Jamaica.
The Associated press dispatch giving the
first news of the stopping o the Alone was
hell b ) the authorities here .
ThJ Spanish court In Medico II\s notified
the Spanish government thai II has placed
600 mules at Its disposal for use during the
military operatons against the Insurgents of
this island , .
A curious mariime disaster Is reported
from 1alas Aguas , near the Colorado reefs ,
upon which the Cristobal Colon recently mel
wih disaster , and where other disasters to
shIpping have recently occurred I appears
that the coasting steamer , "rion , beIng In
danger of going ashole on the reefs during
the recent storm , was sunk bY her com-
imiandem' , anti after the gale she , was pumped
out and floated. '
A dlspateh from Kingston , : Jamaica , dated
September 21 , announced thbt , the captain of
time Brish steamer Alene of. tIme Atlas line ,
upon her arrival there , rtpoft . ] that his vessel -
sel has been firad upon by a-panlsh gunboat
the previous day. Time gunboat appeared In
the Alene's waite , and wltimdt warln fred
three shots after her. Tbo\ Alone rompty
holstcd her colors all pmt' \ about. The
cruiser , according 10 the captain of the Alone ,
approached to within a mile of her and then
turned around and steamell away . - ,
COU1t'i'1G ' ) II _ \l Gl , ' IlNii.ASI ) .
l'riimeess Jennlnnl nlll\ler A.h'INor"
:0' : In Ioniol.
LONDON , Oct. S.-I Is reported that the
vlsll of Princess Kaulanl td'England has
some political meaning , all tKat renewed efforts -
forts are being made to secur7tfic Interet of
Great Britain In her cause In . . addition to
11' . Clegholn , her father , polonel MaeFar-
lane and sever I other meu\br \ of her ael-
herents are here , Including ' .hlus Davis ,
time prIncess' guartlan , and Jajor and Mrs .
\oo house. Mr. Ceghor cllled at the for-
ehn olco ( yesterday with a 1elercmf Introduc-
ton from the Britsh mnInitjm.t honolulu ,
and he had another confcr r e : there to ay.
TIme HawaiIan princess Is treated wIth the
same formality as a relgnln1jlncess would
ba treated . She has grown t be a tall , fine
looking girl , and has been bury'lnce her arrival -
rival from the continent sigitseeing ali receiving -
ceiving visitors 'fho princesoday went to
Woolwlch ant this evening 'e' was present
at a theatu. After the porforr nce she was
a memher of a supper part1flthe Savoy
hotel , which Mr. Hofmun/j ' late charge
tl'affalres of HawaIi , gave In her honor : Ir.
Cleghor has hen In ill iuealthfor some time
past Inll has been healbfor a perfect
I st. Ho starts with time 'lrr ' e s for Italy
In a fortnight In order to pa sjto'wlnter In
that country 'r f , - ' -
NOT 1 :0IGI ' 10 ' . - ns flhiJI'i'S.
limsuiraimee Co I 1 ; , VI , ; nJ.c tw
"tnte of , . . ' ; .
LONDON , Oct. . - 1,0r.l.j'I. . ' been
almost completed by whlc stales of
Lord Henry Francis Hope , 'P"iing that of
Deepdene , Surrey , will bo t tUiferre to an
insurance company In conation oC an
amount sufficient to pay his ' 5'ts at 10 shillings -
ings on the pound. Deepc e , where the
prince of Wales has just c n , entertained
by Lord and I.ady Beresfori ) , wi party bo
sold In building lot , wh'eh l eleS ! time former
duchess ef Marlborough , whe 110es not re-
qulro the whole of this land , I Is expected
that Box ll , which Is Incluu In the estate ,
w1 le sold to the nitIon. .Tho trustees of
the estate are trying to . sell time famous Hope
diamond , which Is valued 'at [ 21,000. An
AmerIcan gentleman recently offered [ 20,000
( $100,000) ) for this dl.mond. Lord lope mar-
ned May Yohe , the Ainerluan actress , last
year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'rlnee henry ' Not lit ' IINr.n'or.
BERLIN , Oct. 8.-'ho Pos Issues a statement
mont In regard to the position of Prince
Henry of Prussia , regardllg whom there
have been many rumors tt the elect thai
ho has come under the tlRplt'asuro of his
brother , Emperor William . and has been
practically banished from Germany. Time Pot
says that at his own wish , after the con-
elusion of the court fetes next spring , Prince
Henry w10 on a long tour In Switzerland
and Italy. Ho will , however , remain In the
closest touch with naval affairs. The arrangements -
rangements made for' the dIstributIon of
honors In the navy show that Prince Henry's
absence has been for a long time anticipated.
SIUnlNh Stud'ntN Iiiilmilgc In I Riot.
lADtD , Oct. 8.-DIspatches received heN
from the city of Barcelona announce that serIous -
Ious conflicts have taken place there be-
tween the liberal and Catholic students of
the university . The trouble , It appears , Is
duo to the fact that the government sus-
pendeel a professor , who published a book
which was declared to bo heretical. The riots
started In the university , amid finally reached
the sheets , where the rioters were reinforced
by crowds of people A series of fierce con-
filets between fatholcs and lIberals , leel by
students , during which mncemy persons were
wounded , followed , and the disorder was with
difficulty suppressed by the , PolIce.
OlJ..t to CIONIII the ' , Jc"r ( imir.It'iis.
1INSTEH , Wetphala , Oct. S-Thero has
heen a growIng agitation here for some tme
past against the order Iss ei to close the
beer gardens anti other similar places for
ot.talnlng refreshments al an earlier hour
than customary. The result Is a number of
serious conflicts hale taken place between
the police and Inhabitants In the streets of
this cIty. Maters reached a crisis yesterday
evening , when the gen d'armes and pole3
charged a mob of townpaople with ( dra\\
swords , wounding many of the latter. There
Is a very biter feelIng against the authori-
ties , amI It Is feared that there will be more
trouble before long.
, JIIIN HOlt time UhpqIc ! Plu . , . .
ShANGhAI , Oct S-A special dispatch re-
ceh'ee here from Taklo snpounces that Jap-
anese forces on the IsIlnr1 of : Formosa have
met and ranted the main body , consisting of
10,000 men , of the Black Flags , The engage-
ment took place near time river Tao-Llnmal.
The dispatch adds thai the Back Flag
leader , General Llu Yung Fuh. Is surrounled
on three shIes by the Japanese troops and
that his capture and that or all his warriors
Is asurc .
' 1runNf.'rrhll the lit'uit cf lComuohiisko
PAIS , Oct. 8.-The heart of Kosclusko ,
the Polsh patriot and general Ilder Wash.
Ington , wi bo transferred e , October t : from
Vezla to the Polish museum In the Chateau
Hapcrswljl , near Zurich
listiiihmi mmcc's Irtnl. - Out In .rll I li.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Ocl. S.-I Ii reported
tlmat serious disturbances between the Armenians -
nians anti the Turks have broltm : out at
Slvaa , Yan and I Is , three of lhe leading
cites of Armenia.
Smi's the I'urtc Must Smihimilt .
PARS , Oct. 8-Tho Eclair this morning
declares that the powers have deided to
summon the porte to submi categorically
to the reforms demanded In the adniinlstra-
ton of , Armenia
IINII 1.1. Sihz.rltl I IimllNllN'il ,
LONDON , Oct. S.-The Globe this after.
noon I'ublshed ' a dispatch from I.'relderlchs.
ruhe saying that owing 10 a sudden cold
Prlnco Blmarck II slightly - Indllpole
Ari't'steti ns n Socialist ,
BRCSLAU , Oct. S.-Dr. menbogn of VI-
enna' , time Austrian dt&ate to the socialist
congress this morning. now In sEtalon here , was arret d
. , '
, . ' . .
" ' : . - ' .
Changes Sought in the Constitution Do
not Meet with Fnvor
CUIIIINNlul.'rN W'I 11 luNh 'I'wu I'roto- .
NltulN , tlC IUII.II tl thc Uh.t- .
.Iun uf JlueeNlu 'Il'rrlur-
Other " 'url of thc CtiiiiIl.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct S.-The reluctance
of the house of deputcs of the Episcopalian
convention to alter thl report of the const-
tutonal review commIssion appeared again
today , when two commissioner repartee
agalnSI the IJroposeel amendment Dna all-
vised agaInst pluralizing time word constitim-
ton all Ihrough the document amid time other
disapproved of the proposal . to give dioceses
under certain condItions thom right to cede
parts of their territory anti erect therein missionary -
sionary jurisdictions . Time later proposition ,
Introluceel by Judge Fairbanks of Florida ,
will be pushed nevertheless
11ev. Samuel Hart , custodian of the prayer
book , presentee a long report on the PrInting -
Ing of the new edition from the standard recently -
centy approved
The Inviation of New Orleans for the next
convention , presented by I. 0 orsythe ,
made time fourth one received Two messages
were received from the house of bIhmops .
The first recommended the use of time wore
constItutIons In the plural In the title of the
revlseel 110cumenl This , was concurred In ,
83 to 13 , with seven divided , The second
message took up subsequent sections. The
recommendaton that the word conventon be
retained Instead of proposed synod was nega-
tved by time deputies.
In the house of bishops a favorable com-
mlt o report was n1110 on time proposals for
the division of the dioceses of Maryland , Ken-
tucllY and California. A resolution separat-
big / the missionary Jurisdicton of W'omlng
Ind Idaho Into two jurisdictions was referred
A commlteo was named to report suitable -
able acton on thi Armenian atrocities.
Time Joint commitee of five bishops anti
five presbyters , appointed at the last convel-
ton to report upon such changes In the
revlseel version of the bible as might bo rec-
ommendCI for adopton , reported that the
convention labors uuder a mispprehension as
to secular work having been undertaken In
England and was discharged at its own re-
quest. It was decided , however , with the
concurrence of the deputes , to name another
commission to undertake the work Inde-
pendontly of the Church of lnllal ! Constitutional .
sttutonal revision was thm taken . up.
The house decided hy 3G to .31 In favor ef
the term "bishop coadjutors , " Instead "f "as-
sistant bishops. "
The house of delegates this afternoon had
a warm debate over the queston of adopting
the term of primate as the title of the senior
member of the house of bishops. A message
had been received from the house of bishops
announIng the adoption of section 2 of ar-
tide 1 of time revIsed constItution with the
word primate and the question heimmg on the
mater of concurring with time houe of bishops -
ops , Geergo C. Thomas of Phiadelphia of-
fered an amendment changln/ the word primate -
mate to presiding bishop. This was what
started time debate and before It' ' was over
most of the leaders had particIpated In It ,
with all the earnestness - and eloquence for
which they are noted. Dr. Greer Df New '
York , Dr. Parker of lass3chusetts , George C.
Thomas , Dr. MeKini of Washington and Dr.
Elliott of Maryland all spcke for the amend-
mont and appealed to the deputes not to
melee such a radical change. They wanted
simplicity and In particular did not waut
names which might Indicate that the church
had taken I step toward a imlerachy .
On the other Rile were Dr. huntington of
New York , one of the most powerful speakers
In the convention ; Dr. Green of Iowa , who
believed the people wanted new terms ; Dr.
Carey and othors.
I was the most interesting meetIng the
deputes have had and the Interesl In the
final vote was Intense. The ThomaR amelt-
ment was lost , reeelvln 152 votl , while the
opposition mustered IG2 votes The word
"primate" may bo the object of another at-
tack tomorrow but tt looks as If I would
finally be adopted.
Time deputes concurred with the house or
blsbopl' relative to time rIghts In the conven-
ton of resigned bishops. The house of bl&h-
epa gave them the right to vote , and : although .
though some of time deputes were In favor of
taking away this privilege time acton of the
bishops was finally concurreel In. The com-
mite on location of the next conference reo
ported In favor of Boston.
JIH.\S JII SO'I' un.l SMI'l'li.
IN XOn Il thc Cuistoily of It Ulie"
Stnh'N itimirshmaL
SALT LAKE , Oct. 8.-The Tribune received
the following dispatch tonight :
ROSS IrOHK , Idaho , ( vII Ioeatelo , Idaho , )
Oct 8.-There are no Bannock Indians In the
vnclnly of Jackson's Hole Time so-called Call-
taln Smith and other Jackson's Hole citIzens
who fred on the Bannock Indians last July
are reported to have passed Pocalelo In
charge of a United States marshal , enrouto to
Evanston , Wyo" for trial before the United
States court on time Gth Inst. The Bannock In-
dians are huntIng on , and In the Immediate
vicInity of the reservation , anti are peace-
ably disposed. P. 'CORMICK ,
"United States Indian Inspector.
"D. T. WELLS ,
"Captain , Eighth Infantry , Commanding. "
lEns Copies of 't'sihler's . iu-tters.
BALfUlHE , Oct. s-r. G. Woodforll , an
American formerly In business In Ja,1gas-
car , Is In this city arranging for the presen-
tatlon to the State department at Washington -
ton of some documentary evidence which
he claims has a bearing on the case cf Waler ,
now In a French prison. Mr. WOOUord says
limo evidence he will present will compel the
UnIted States government to demand Walhr's
release and an 1"lemnly from I.'rance. Wood-
ford has copies of certain letters sent by
WaIler to his wife , whIch were opened by
the French government en the streDgth
cf which he was convicted.
Cruiser IN I 'i'.ituil'reeic. . .
hAVANA , Oct 8.-0ne of the officers of
the wreclled Spanish cruiser Cristobal Colon
has arrived here ( rein Mantua , on board the
steamer Pravino Ho reports that the
cruiser Conde do Veneelo and Infanta Isa-
bells , aided by the gunboat MarIa Cristna ,
are hard at work tr'I"s to save the guns and
some of the ammunition of the Cristobal Ca
lon , as well as time safe of thai cruiser , which I ,
contains quite a sum of money. The cruiser ,
however wIll prove a total wreel All tIme
crew are safe In spite of assertions to the
contrary. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
Cnhllet Crisis II Y.u.'II'ln. ,
NEW YORK , Oct. S.-The steamer Venezuela -
zuela , which arrived this afternoon from I.a
Guarra , brings news of a ministerial crlslo
In President Crespo's cabinet. The trouble
grew out of a meetIng of the president's cabi-
net held at Caracas , on October I , In which a
lenlthr dlscu.slon took IJlaee over the coun-
try's Inanclal affairs , amid resulted In four
memlers resigning , namely : General Mates ,
Lucia Iulde , Alexandra Urlanji and JOse
Maria Ianrlque. Q
I'itt'lit'ui Ilttc Over I Il"lnl' ( ,
I3ItLJSSIlLS , Oct S.-A piched battle occurred -
curred today between the young men of the
villages of Alx.Sur.Cloro and lalncourt ,
near Anon , arlsllg OUt of a dIspute O\1 1
love affair. Revolvers , cudgels , atones anti ,
knives were freely used. Two of time liar-
tclpants were killed and thirty were Injured ,
several seriously
1'I.tmIU'ltturnl' i ) ' UI'III ,
SAN mmNAIWNl Oct. S.-Juelso Amen
Brunson , one of the best known aHores In
the state , formerly chief counsel In Calfor-
cia for the . Santa 1'0 raUroad , died today ,
_ \XO'rINH SOII'1 i.tiCO'l'A SC.\SUAI .
Slltc lunrll \I.'lculnrt' Aeciieit
uf ) . I. I . I 111 nel' itt Siunx Fulls ,
SIOUX AILS , S. D" , Oct S.-S ( lecI3I- )
There Is a big fight on beh\'Nn the mcmbers
of the local state fair commite anti the
State HO.rl of Agriculture. NotwIthstandIng
that fair week was charlctorlzed wih per-
feet weather , unprecedented ' crolnls anti ex-
hibis , the state fair board has faied to payout
out by about $2,000. This , In the face of the
fact that hundreds of people were I\luceel
to make exhibis on the promise that all
premiums would bo lald at once , place the
board In a bad light and particularly time city ,
which ale made promises . In view of this
time local commite has unllerlken to discover -
cover the reason for not paying omit An
auditing committee was apllolnteel b ) the city
council amI a demand was mallo on the state
board to show time vouchers for all mOlr
Paid out The auditing cOlmltee has COl'
plated its work amid reports that the boarll
appropriated to Its own memberR $3,208.55.
of which a large amount Is taken In dIrect
defiance of law which says the mllbaR shah
receive no compensaton for their services
save mIleage of 10 cents her mile one way
ali actual expenses. The audItIng committee -
tee has founlthat about $2.600 has been spent
In excess of what was miecessary. Time mel'
hers of the board on time lay following the
fair drew their e.tra\aant pay ali departed -
parted for their respectIve homes without
straightening Ull the affairs of the state fair
and made nD arrangement for the payment
of the premluls promise ' lat ! this alount
remained wher" II belonged there would have
been no queton ahout payIng all of the
premiums. Nol the imreimiitmmii wimmmiermu wIll
not goP over 25 per ccmmt of vlmat should he
paid to tImeimi ,
Time boarml reports receivIng $350 for gam-
Imhing lmrlvileges. It is % vehl kiiowmi that one
luau 1mm this city offered In writing $500 for
time exclusive ltrviiege ot ruirmiming omme sort of
a gtlnme. ThIs was refusett on time plea that
tile state law votmld be observed mmmmtl no
gambling allowed , \\'hmen tue state fair gates
\vcro Opemmeti there were about fifty "sure-
timIng' ' gaines rimimul ng.
C U S'l'03i S 0 P F i C iii I S OS ' 1' I I A I NS.
I'iit us i'roposeui for i're'emitIuui Aim.
Iloyluilce to Sieeii miur i'missi'iig'rs ,
\'ASliINGTON , Oct. 8.-The Treasury ule-
pattment Is trying to devise some llan by
which time passengers on night traimis over
roamls running through Canada ( rein one
point iii the United States to anotimer imiay
be saved tue annoyance of having their imanmi
baggage immepeeted by custom officers at time
point they re-enter time United States tern-
tory. Until recemitly Iassengers for 1)etrolt )
or other points west eimterlng Canada at But-
( ala were furimlshmeti a label wiiieh was at-
tacheti to their imanti baggage , showing that
time owner tvao a "tlmrouglm passeimger , " whicim
label passed the baggage at Detroit without
exaniinatiomm. limit as this plan tild mmot prevent -
vent time passenger , with time aiti of an ac-
comnphice , from ptmttimig dutiable articles of
great value Into his haimdbag wiiile In Ca-
nathan territory anti brimmglng them duty free
Into time UnIted States , it WflS recently or-
tiered that. all baggage , except sucim as had
been checked and therefore coimlil not be lain-
pored with onroute , ho exammmtmied at time
loint. it re-entered the UnIted uitates tern-
tory. By this plan , however , It is very ( no-
quemitly miecessary to wakemm Itassengens in
time middle of time night to protiuice their baggage -
gage for exaimilnatiomm , anti it lie to avoid this
aumnoyanco that time treasury ofllciois are now
consitleniimg otimor Plans. It is quite probable
that time result will be the placIng of ens-
torn agemmts on all timromigii night trains or
time adoption of a system of sealing the fastenings -
enings of Imanti baggage. Some actiomm in no-
gard to time matter vli likely be taken very
soon. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stitte DeimirlmentW'ilm Mmtlo time i'ai'-
iiit-nt 'i'httsVeek. .
WAShINGTON , Oct. 8.-It is expecteti
that the State department , which Is tIme emma-
tomlian of the funds paid by Spain au the
Mona claim , wIll pay time money to the tic-
fenmiant parties at imlterest on Timurstiay and
possibly tomorrow , Time amnouiit finally
agreed on for Antomiio Maximno Mona , principal
In time claim , is $867,085. This sum has been
redumceti somewhat by assignmmients ammd time
actual amount to ho paid Mr. Mona will be
silghtiy above $700,000. Time next payment
of importance will be $2S7,000 to Dr. Jose I.
ltodenlguez , who has been tIme attorney of Mr.
Mona since time iriceptlomi of the case in 1S70.
A further ammlount , approximmiately $285,000 ,
wIll be devoted to time payment of Mr. Na-
timanlel Page , who was at omme limo attorney
In tile case , or to those to whom ime may
have assigned imis interest. In tile original
agneemnemlt between Mr. Mona amimi imis attorneys -
torneys imo was t retain GO per cent anti they
were to have 40 per cent , time latter sum to
cover all legal expeimsea.
Mrs. ' , % 'uthier to Settle lit Io'u.
WAShINGTON , Oct. 8.Mrs.Vaiier , wIfe
of ex-United States Consul General Wailer ,
now Iimmpnisoned by the French government ,
will arrIve in New York Saturday and steps
are being taken to iiifre lien met by representatives -
sentatives of the State departmnemmt , lien son ,
Paul Bray , will also go to meet lien. Sime is
acconmpanled by lien young cimildren , the ( am-
ily having made the long journey from Madagascar -
agascar by way of Paris. RelIef funds for
lien have been raiseti in Kansas , Iowa and
Wamtlmitmgton anti will ho available for lien
support after landing. It is expected sue
wIll settle in Iowa.
% i uui3' immid Xits'y ietmills ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. 8.-Clmiof Engineer
Rlchantl Inch has been detacheti train the
Independence and ordered to duty at Marc
Islanti navy yard , Licutemiant J. 0. lrale
hoe been detached from tIme Union iron works ,
California , and 1mW resignation has been ac.
cepteti. First Lieutenailt Chant's A. Curtis ,
U. S. A. , has been dotaileti as military iii-
stntmctor at the howe Military school , Limna ,
Intl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
iirs , ( ruiim t I U i't' \'mtshtImijtomi. .
WASHINGTON , Oct. 8.-Mrs. U. S. Grant
has bought tima imomno of ox-Senator Edmundmm
on Massacimusetta avemmue , In tue northern
iart. of tile city , beyond Dupont circle , anti
wIll have imer imouseholti belongIngs bnoumgimt
here from New York , The new house at
Mrs. Grout was occupied for two years by
Secretary amid Mrs. Olney ,
Nei"s for thie .riii ) ,
WASIIINTON , Oct. 8.-Speclai ( Telegram. )
-First LIeutenant Charles A , Curtis Is de.
tailed as mnuiltary vrofessor at howe Mill.
tory school , Lima , hmmtl , First Lieutenant
henry it. L. Emniey , Third artillery , granted
twenty-one daya leave ,
itivzt l'ostiimsi'i' Cuuuiumlssioiei ,
WAShINGTON , Oct. 8.-Speclal ( Tciegnamn. )
-James O'Connell wag today commissioned
postmaster at Farloy , Ia.
FOUII Flli.L ( ) , 'ml ii t'l)1til1) ; Filil'l' .
1'orkiiigmiem injnre.t hu' 4 Ii e lIrenk-
limit of liii 1ll'vtitor Cmihuu' ,
ChICAGO , Oct. 8.-An elevator hi time
building of the National TaIlorIng company
in Franklin street ( eu 100 feet today , fatally
injuring a mnan and a boy anti seriously in-
juning two other passengers , The injured
are :
Joseph If. Rosenberg , internally injured ;
will die.
ilyman Kowen , legs fractured and oilier-
wise bruised ,
Abraham Cieniange , boy , rlgimt ldo injured -
jured ; vlil die ,
Thus victims are all tailor shop employcs ,
The car hail reached time fommrthi floor whmemi
the cable snapped. Time elevator was an
old anti rickety freight lift.
Simud hiii ' % S'Ife amid hihiiistuhf ,
SCRANTON , l'a. , Oat , S.-Ildwanil P. flock
shot his wife , Fanny , tonight anti timon hmimmi-
self , dyimmg Instantly , Time womnami will die.
They were of bad elmaractcr ,
.io''iiit'iiti'i of O'emtji % ' t'sseis , flet , * ,
New YorkArrivedFuida , hem Ilnu'-
nien.At Liverpool-Arnived-fltimnia , from lies.
ten ; Laurantian , ( rain M3ntre.mi.
At Queenstotvn-Arrived--Tvtmtoemtc , ( ruin
' Now York for Liverooi , and proceeded ,
Jutigo Slims Decides the Rolorvation Cases
, ill ravor of the Agent ,
Ilter Comiteit Imumi of I hit' La miii $ 'mtuils
cmtti' 'i'ilruil lovt it hpy t hit' Court-
Siiiuit''t's ' , luist SuhimimIt
(0 liv ietlots ,
LINCOLN , Oct. S.-Spcciai.-Captain ( ) Vt' .
II , heck is atmtimorizctl to evict tenammts fromma
time Ommmaima aimil'iimmiebago reservatiomi , amid
time Fiotinimoy Land commmpamiy itas received a
knockout blow.
Timid mmeornimmg Jimmigo 0. 1' . Simiras of Dui-
imuque , sitting on thmo bemmclm of time federal
court , iiammdeti down two tiecisiomme growimig otit
of the Indian hamitl controversy. Time mmiast
limilmontamit 0110 was time case brought ity ape-
cial counsel to test the rIght of govcrnniemtt
to secure a mnammilatory lmmjtmncmioim for the
remimoval of temiants ( remit lamids of tue res-
envatlon. it Is cmmtitleti time United States
against the Flounmioy Live Stock amid Real
Estate comiipammy 'intl others. Ftmliy 250 temm-
ants of tue land commmpamiy were joiimt'ti mis do.
fentlants tim timI cast' . Time court holds that
timco lamlti leases are wimoily void anti 'ero
tmmkemt lit violatiomi et time Pruvistoiis of limo
aet of congress tinder whIch allotmmients Iii
severalty vere mmiaile. The occupimicy amid cul-
tlvatltmmi of time land wtts iield to bevllOii ) '
inconsistent witim the purposes for which time
lands were ot apart mis a reservation amid
time object. sommgimt to be secmmrctl by time al-
iotmeii. Such occumpammcy is heimi commtrary to
the nibs aiim ! regumi.mtioims ut time tepartmimemit
of tile Interior , amid in Imelti , mmot for time ben-
cit. lmrotectioii amid ativamicemnent of time Indians -
dians , but for time onigimial lessees of thu lailt.L
amid their subtemmants. Time cotmrt also holds
timmmt such laimtl busimmoss as hiss been comi-
dtmcteti by time Flourmtoy commmpany Is aimtago
imistlc to time commtrol anti mttmtimonity of time
go'ernimient over flitliamma , amid Is clotnly : tlctni-
mould to theIr best imiteremuts , imiaterlutily iii-
tenfenimig witim time rules immiti regulations of
time department ehmargetl with time tiuty of
carrylmig out. time treaty stipulations ttmmtler
which time lamitis were act apart for time hi1
diana' heimelht. Time nigimt of time govenmmimient
to invoke the alt ! of time courts is sustained
hlavimmg assunmetl time dimly of secuinimig the
mmso anti ocetipancy of time lantis to time hmmdians ,
and beIng charged witim time duty of eimforc-
iimg time acts of comigress forhititllmig tlm aliemma-
tioim of time ailotted laittls immitll time eximiratleta
of tenty-five years after ailotmneimt , timis right
to time lice of the commrta is assured , by mmian-
tiatory iimjtinctlon or other proper process.
Time right to compel parties wromiglully iii
possessiout of Intilan lands is uplielti amid such
parties must yield liosseEslomm.
'fime effect of this swccplmmg decision is a
great victory for time attorneys of the gov-
eriimcitt. TIme agemmt of time reservation , Cap-
tam Beck. camm now nesmmmmme evictiomis amid will
lmrobably do so , accondliig to imistntmctiomts fronm
time Departmiiemtt of time imiterior.
Time other case Is thiat of Robert PIlgrim
and sixty other stibtenamits of time Flounmio'
company against \'ilIIammi H. Beck , agemmt at
tiic' Oummaima aimti V'iniiebago agency iii Thmuns-
tOn county , to secure au ummjummction preventing
the agent froimi foiiowlmmg time limstrtmctions of
time Immtenior ( iepartmmment by time eviction o
tenamits of iamitls let by Imitiiamms to wimommi
lucy imtimi beeii ailotteti to the Fiommrnoy coin-
paiiy , and by It sublet to time rohators 1mm the
suit. This case was beguti him tue district
ccurt of Thmmrston county , Jmmtlge Norris
g"artet.i an injunction restramnhimg ovictioiis
until Jaduary 1 , 1896. Time case was m'emnove4
to the federal commrt by it. W. Brecklnridgo
of Omaha , special caummsei for time govern-
niemit. Tite ilmenmurrer of Attorney hireckhmi.
ridge was sustaIned in timi case amid unothmoC
victory scored by time government. In time
formem' .case there eigimey-timree demur-
rena , wimicli vere all overruled , The two
cases were mmmmbmnittetl to Judge Siiiras at
Dumbuqmmo lit August last ,
3lrs , Nicholls Gets i2OOuu ) ) fromit Mrs.
, " .huimid Grmuhimii , ,
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 8.-A speciai to a
local umaper from Fargo , N. D. , says : "The
simit of Mrs. Ciimmt Nickehls of Kansas City
against Mrs. Maul Graimammi for $50,000 fo
alienating tue aftectiomms of lien hmueband wa
concluded this aftcrnoo'i in the Unitetl States
district court In this city. There was a bi
array of legal talent on bath sides. Jut ammilc.
able agreement was mmrrangeti , by svhmich Mrs.
Nickelis got $8,000 cash and real estate valued
at $12,000 lit Minneapolis. Time action Iii
court was postponed tili tomorrow , when t
iviil be wititdnawmi , Mrs. Graham was time
daugltter of the late A. L. Masomi , time cap-
itailat of Kanetts tIty. Sime mminrnietl J. il.
Gnaimam , * 1 Kansas City druggist. Clint. Nick-
oIls had beemt her sweetheart before mmiarniago
and afterward NIckeils deserted hIs wife anu
AIrs. Graham her husbanti , and ran away ,
together to Nortlm Dakota , where divorces
were secured by each anti they were rnarrle. ) ,
Time supronie court of North Dakota etmbt-
qumently decided that Nickelis secmmreti lila dj-
vorce by frmttmml. Timi tiecision anmmuiIeti the
mmiarniag'e of Nlckelis arid Mre. Graitammi , and
left her In time position of living In adultery
with another womamm'mi husband. "
l'OLi'l'ICS ( iil'1"rING Jt.uLY MIXEI ) .
llffem'emit llieiiirimts I a Nev Voh Vim. .
stub to , % re. ' ,
NEW YORK , Oct. 8.-The lines along
whIch tue municipal campaign Iii to ba
fought arc rapidly dovelqplmig today. The
Good Govermimnent clubs , known in the von-
imacular of polities as tile "Gee Goes , " hold a
meeting and miccideti to give time cohd lmouhtlem.
to the fueiQn ticket foned by reimtibilcana
and reformers anti to support their own Independent -
dependent ticket. Time German-Am nicamm re-
forum element , whicit goes by limo equally
picturesque namlie of "Garoos , " hmami ben con-
( erring wltit Taniniminy men today. 'the
Germans are at oduis with time repuhiieart
regime on time Suntiay closIng policy amid may
commibine wIth Tamnmany. Primaries for tii
nomimmation of senatorial canmhiilates were htitI
by Tammnany , repumbilcait and state democracy'
organizations tonIght. In time Eleventh diii
tnict Tammimany renomInated Senator O'Suhi ,
van anti the followers of ox-Asseinhilymnan T
J. McManus belted , In the Twelfth limo no'
imimblicarma nominateti ex-I'oiice Inspector Als .
antler Williams , wIle figured prominently fl
the Lexow Inquiry.
: iui ru ert'r St rut migies ii I uiism'h C.
hASTINGS , Minim. , Oct. 8-Dakota county
Is saved time trouble of hanging Fidwa4
Anderson , who murdered lila mmlece , time 12 ,
year-old daughter of Sever Sjerdal o
Eureka , omt July 18 last by cuttlmig lien thoa ( .
from ear to ear wItii a razor. Tine cuiprI
suicidcd in jaIl last evomiimig by mmtrammgiIn
hmimt'self with a piece of twine tieui to a cnost.
bar. lie pieatleti guilty wimen arrested ami4
theme was a strong feeling at Farmlngton and
threats of lynchmimig were mnade ,
IiuumxI fleer liii ii buy I lie htohuhi'rs ,
1cALAMAZOO , Micim. , Oct. 8.-A hold attempt -
tempt was mrmado last evening to imold up the
Grant ! Rapids & Indiana aorthmbountl pasoen-
ger train two nmibms north of this city. Time
engineer opemmed time ti.mrottis mutt ! numaimemi
timrotigii the banmi of robbers , which con-
sisteml of four muon , Time imeaulhigimt was thu.
imiolisheti anml time cab was ritidleml with bul.
lets auitl shots s'ero fired into th baggage
car , but no one was serIously Imijuret.i ,
ii i'h horoumght S't'sIui iuii htl e Fixed ,
NIiW YOltK , Oct. 8-The weddIng ci
lime duke of Marlborough anti Miss
Contmelo Vanderbilt is announcemi for
Thursday. November 14 , at St. Thornaim ?
church , , Fifth avenue and Fifty-timirul street ,
Man ) ' details have still to he perfected. Mrs ,
v _ IC. Vantlerbult. Miss Commatmelo Vmlmiierbiht1
timfi duke uf Manlhjorougli amid Mr. Oliver II.
I , . lklmmmont rettmrned to town from Tuxcd
. . .
- - - - - - - - - . - 'V