Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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I 1 COUNCIL Oiic. , 1 * Vei 1 Strcvt-1l. BLUFFS : : 'lilton , Miitiger atd NEWS. Lcie .
- O . . . . . . . . - @i@Jlillll
- . - - - - . - - - . . . - . . - . - -
1 un M1'ST1ON.
Chnrlo Cllar and brIde ' relurn" ' 1at I fvrn-
Ing frln Dca ( Cln 1 and will le at home aL
31 South First . .Ireel.
The talr givn hy SI. I'eter's Catholic
church closed Satul.lay night. I I I ell-
mal'l that about $ 1,000 was cleared II ) the
lad .
The marbge of Mathew 1) . Ollagher and
) ( u lugdllene ThoU Is announceJ to toke
I ploep October IG al Sl. I.'rancls Xa\'ler's
* , church.
\ Some one with literary tstcs broke Into
wlh lenry tsteH
. the Galup rehool , on the Cresccnt c1 ' real :
In Oarner township , and stole In armful of
text book , which the dulhorilles have becu
rcquel d 10 look for.
Sheriff lazen lef last I evening for Fort !
; ( dlsol with Johu Ct\'E 1nar,1 ! , S1ue- '
maller , Wainwright ] elherron , George 11.
Miller and James lerron , the prlroners who
were nentenced Salurdny
Ocnerll 1 M. Drake arrived yest'I'
morning from Onl\\a ald , put up at the
Ora nIl hotel , where he met : large umher
of frlenf . lie Is I II good ' health RII ! ptrlts.
16 lea\'ps thlB morning for Shelby , where he
speaks thlK evening
IO\ ' . I. I' . 1lclonAhl , the new rector of
SI I'ntil'a church , preached hil frBt sefnon I
yeEterday morning I was on eloquent and
able effort , anti the large nUllelce preCI1t
were hlhly ; IMaEI1 with the frst ac'
qualntunc WIIII Miller or Omaha has
been engaged as organist for the prcEent.
Farm loans male ] In western Iowa at low-
ut rates. No delay In clolng loans Fire
and tornado Insurance written In bed of com-
panIes. flargalfl In real e1 le , LOUGEE
& TOWLE , 235 Pearl St.
Arc Alwl , ' N 1.nstrTI.nn . Au'whcrc
IlNl. 1..1"
Drf cages 50c ; copper bottom teakettle
25c ; 10'Qlart faring heavy tin pal bc ;
copper bottom washboler 71c : 2 quart coree
pot 10c : roiling pins 5c each. The Great 10c
Store , 318 Droadway.
. Ina''c"t E"clr"l.n
VIa Durlngton route , Oct. 8 and 22.
0. M. UIWN ,
Ticket Agent , Council Bluffs.
Counci Duls.
The new Bluffs City laundry , 34
North MaIn , claims less wear and finer work
on shirts , collars snd curs than any laundry
In the state Phone 314.
. .
Inr"t Eciirsluu
Via Burlington route , Oct. 8 and 22.
O. M. : B1LO\VN
Ticket Agent Council Durs ,
I ,
. Thomas E. Casally went to Moline , m. ,
" to spend Sunday with friends.
District Attorney Charles D. I ulen spent
Sunday at his home In Fairfield ,
Captain D. D. Clark and wife celebrated the
fty.ffh anniversary ot their marrIage last
Mr O. M Dodge has arrived from New
York Ciy to spend a few weeks with her rel-
olives here.
Josie Illbert , Susie Parker and Jeff Green ,
a stalwart colored man , were arreEted last
night as vags. They were hanging out at the
Colorado house.
J - ' A plant thoroughly equipped with the
L ' newest machinery , the best work by skUled
F employes , prompt deliveries and fair skiled
t mEt are among the things that males the
Eagle "that geol laundry " Telephone 157
Rndlnnt Novelty and mmhnrst stoves for
i hard coal are the most economical stoves
, malIc. Sold only by Charles Swaine , 70
Droadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" 'I'h , , "
I To save 5 per cent on your water bill until
October 10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hnber Brbs. ' ICW meat marke . Is the finest
1 In the ciy , 12 Broadway.
'The Hardmnn - piano wins l'any trlends
, " 'II Tulk Aleut " , n'hlt I'eir1.
. The city council will hold ls regular
monUhly meeting this evening. One ot the
principal things to be taken up Is the mater
of the Pearl street paving. The sentiment of
the property owners Is considerably divide
as to the advisability ot repaving the street
this fall , In spite of the fact that the Street
Is now In such a condition as to be hardly
passable. More than a majority of them ,
however are In favor of the paving and It Is
nol considered very Ilely that the council
will disregard their wlies. One main objec-
ton urged against the proposition was that
unless the park commissioners could be Induced -
dnced to pay for the paving along BaylsE
park : the cIty would have to do It , and the
city could not do It because its limit of In-
dehledness had already been reached I Is
claimed that the park commissIoners will
make satisfactory terms In regard to this ,
anti that does away with one strong point
made by thopposttion. The main thing now
Is to settle the dlferonce of opinion between
; - t'IOSO who favor asphalt or brick and those
VP who want granite and nothing else. ThIs the
counci will try to do tonight.
Chamber ' dancing academy now open for
pupIls. Cal afer 10 a. . m. Circulus.
- - - - -
Per Suh' .
A large numb-r oC notes and judgments
runnIng to the CouncIl Burs insurance
company. The same can be seen and exam-
med by callIng at my ofce In the Bradley
building. \ V.V. . Loomis , receiver.
Cell ' \'I"'e Coinijig.
r I you want a good stove 10 put up before
* you start your furnace , buy one of Swaine's
alr.tlght stoves , the best made , at 740
p Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 70
' \ 'nitted.
A good , heavy ( bray team about 8 years old ,
Address David Bradley & .
The Hardman piano improves with use.
ncUh'1 U"IHI , . for II"h ) " " ,
A meeting of the member ot the Baptist
church Is called for next Thursday evening ,
at which time steps will bl taken to prepare
for the tab campaign-not the political cam-
paign , but the warfare against sin. In Coun.
el Inls , a elty'of perhaps 25,000 In'ablants
there are only about 3.000 church members .
This. the Baptists believe , Is entirely too
small a numbcr ali the maIn object of the
organization whIch Is to be formed next
Thursday Is to build U ( the church Various
committees wi be alllolnted , and each one
will be given some part In an aggreslve move
met against the enemy , An effort wili be
¶ made not only 10 bulll up the chut(1 In point
of , numbers , but to convince those already
enrolled that religion should reach as far In
as the pocketbcok . _ _ _ _ _ _
Jlr"O'Nt Bi"lr.lo.
Via Burlington route , Oct 8 and 22.
0. I , BROWN .
Ticket Agent , CouncIl Bluffs ,
Nothing like It. The famous Crown piano
wih orchestral attachment leads them all ,
Dourlclus Music House , 16 Stutsman street ,
: llhl'a' , ' UI"I.II , ' .
On Tnsday and WedneslllY , 8th and 9th , I
will have on display a choice selection of
pat n hats all bonnels. You are cordially
. Invited to attend.
MRS. E. J , SCOT 536 West Broadway.
l' f lu" , " 11 , ) ' " with l'Iuture I'runies ,
4 These are busy ibay. Wo are selling lot
of those new frames. The prices are rlghl.
i Call 1 and see lhem. II , L. S nTI & CO.
t , : lolh.lh 1111 AiIitiui .
Mr. I. O. Monlelth and Cora l . Adams
left for St. Louis Saturday evening , where
4 they wi be united ha"llrlrge ! by Ie\ ' . O.
D , McCuloh of the Glasgow Avenue Pres :
bytorlRn church. After visiting frIends In St.
Louis they Will go. by sltlbat to Vicksburg -
burg , Miss. , where they will probably locate
MIss Adams Is I sister of Mrs. G. II. Drown
of this city , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
To save 5 Iler cent on your water bIll until
October 10 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oornt tetes and parlor suites In curly
4 bIrch and mahogany at Durfee Furniture Co
' JardmlD ! ni Standard pianos . 13 N 1th ,
! . .
_ . _ _ _ _ _ '
- _ . . - - . . _
" "
I IUIC'I'I.U : 'tliib NI'VSI'.tl'lIt : \ \ ; ,
lllol oflise , \111' COl II ) '
UIU'U , ' Chlr/.I Hlh , imidllig ,
W , ii. leI , editor of the Adams County
JaZcic Pllblshed at Corning , Ia. . was Indicted -
dleled by the federal grand jury a day or
two ago In this city on the charge of bating
the government out ot a certain amount of
10ney which he should have pair for post-
age cn copies of hla paper , sent out not long
bcCN the republican state convention , at
whlcl. General Drake waR nomlnaled. Some ,
days prior to the convention the Gazette
contained 1 volullhoU wrieuI ot General ;
Drake , with unrlavls rrm n wlman and
her husband , to the effect that General
Drake bath al sOlno time during his life been
to Inthlalo wlh the former. For a ( lay or
two the Pious people ' of the slate held UII
their hands In holy horror , but after that tIme
horror abated . and General Drake was noml-
rlell , a gOOI , comfortable majority ,
TIl woman and her husband afterward
rublshe(1 other affidavitS , taking back their
fIrst statements , and claiming that they had
been hired by certain politicians to
make themmi I was claimed that
thl1 politicians , seine of whom hail .
gubernatorial bees themselves , had been
instrumental 11 having the attack
upon G'iicral Drale'R ehartleler made , hoping
to profit by the detection that would take
plnce. H has never been clearly proved that
these candidates dId or did not have a hand
In the procedlng But fomewhere Jlllor :
10xle got money to pay for the printing and
mailing of somewhere In the neIghborhood
of 40.)00 ' COplCK of his paper , which were
scattered broadcast , over the ! .
The overnlent authorIties learned that
the law had 10t been complied with , in-
asmuch us time extra copies had nol been
mailed IS mnrlud cOllies , but lS a part 01
time regular circulation , which they were not.
An indictment was thercimlon secured and
thereU\ol \ : sEcure , all
Hoxie Is to be hrought btfore '
bEore Judge Woolson
today to plead 10 it
I has been whispered about for annie time
that the grand jury was considering hits (
case : and no little apprehension was tel by
republican politicians Ihloughoul the slate
for fear an Indictment charging Hoxie wIth
selling lIbelous mater through time mails
would be found In that event Hoxie , who
Is something of a fighter , would rather than
hear the whole brunt or the deal lmimmiself . explain -
plain his connection with I , and incid'mitally
mention the names or the statesmen who
backed him. This would mal < It decidedly
interesting for the statesmen , for they would
all he Indicted on the sanl cllrg and a
political scandal . of herculean proportions
would be unearthed. But providence and tl (
grand jury were gd to the statesmen , and
It Is now thought that unless 10xle goes
ont or his way 10 explain all time details of
the buslnls ( he names of time men connected
with It need not be made public. Still . the
other fellows are not out of the woods yet ,
for I Is understood among Hole's frIends
here that he will not plead guilty . but wi
try 10 show Ihat the copies he sent out were
bought by certaIn men , . and . were cense
qimontly a part of tie regular circulation. Mall
all events , there Is a tremendous amount ot
Interest felt In the case
The Standard piano next to the Hardman.
- - -
nw : : BOOKS.
ly Edwin J. houston , Ph D. , and A. E.
Kennely , Sc. n. I Cloth : InslralNI ; 2:1
11ges ; $ 1. The W. J. Johnston company ,
:5:1 : Broadway , New York
This , as announced , Is the fri of ten
volumes of nn "Elementary Electro-Techni-
cal Series " dslgnci to give concise and aim-
thorltatve InformatIon concerning those
branchcs of electro-technical science having
I general Interest. The subjects treated are
alternating currents , electric heating , elec-
tm-magnetism. electricity In eleetro.ther-
apeutcs , arc Ighlmg , Incandescent lighting ,
eleclrlo motors , electric street raiiways . ci-
ephony and telegraphy. The authors stale
thaI though the several volumes form a
series , each JS. nevertheless , so prepared as.
to be compl tf In Itself , and can be understood - .
StOOl independently of the olhers.
"THE VEILED DOCTO1L"--fly Varina Anne
JeFferson Davis. Cioth 220 pages Harper
& Bros. . New York. From Jegeath Stationery -
tonery Company. Omaha
VarIna Anne Jefferson DavIs. whor name
sufcIenty Indlcntes her paternal sloll ( .
JoIns the ranks .f novelists with "The
Veiled Doctor. " This Is a story of
a sleepy country town , one of the
backwaters ot exIstence , to which Dr. Wick-
ford brIngs home his young brIde The gay
girl Is dlsrtsfed with her humdrum exist-
ence and , being innately selfish and untruth.
ful , she soon renders I Impossible to have
any peaceful family life at the home at which
she Is the center The turning point come
when the doctor fails a prey to 0 terribl
cancerous dlsem' Then Isabel realizes , that
she has thrown away her own happiness as
wel as ult of her husband. The writer's
design Is to depict the awakening of a soul
through sympahty for the living martyrdom
of another. I Is not a very agreeable s.tory ,
nor one that wIll strongly Impress or In any
way enlighten the reader.
Grace LivIngston 11111. Cloth 421 pages ,
$1.50. Lothlup PublshIng Company , 10s-
ton. From
Megtath Stationery company ,
Each of these stories has already appeared
In some prominent religious journal , and all
of them are good and may be read with In-
areoo anl
tercst and taken to heart hy every earnest
seeker. after good " 'Iether member or not of
the Society for Christian Endeavor. Endeavor -
deavor Is as uncertain as truth , and the irs- I
sons of the simple stories are such as may
bring forth fruit In the heart of everyone
who reads them , whether ho wears a bright
Chrl 'lan Endeavor badge or not. The prhn-
dual storle In Irs. 11111's volume are "Kath-
arine's Yeslerday " "How AOalalllo \Vont to
limo Convenlon , " "How AdaJalde Stayed
10me from the Convention . " "The Unknown
God" and "HIe Minister's Bonnet. "
V. Doynton. Cloth , illustrated , $1.50. The
Robert Clarke Company CIncinnati.
This Is a historical guide containing a full
description of this pull of ten square miles ,
and Its thirty-six miles of approaches along
Missionary Ridge , over Lookout mountain ,
and about Chatanoog' , concise history of the
ca palgns and battles for Chattanooga , in-
eluding DavIs' Cross Roads , , Chlcllamauga ! ,
Drown's Perry , \Vauhatchle , Orchard Kneb ,
Lookout Mountain , lhsslonary Ridge and
Tnnuel 11111 ; A comprehensive
TI\nel Ifl guide to each
of these ( louis ; a history of the Chmickamauga
Memorial auocaton : , and of the present park
project which took Its place ; a full account
ot the acton ot congress establishing the
park . anti the assistance rendered by Its
many fllJus ] In all sections of the country ;
a list of the state cmmlsslon , with a statement -
mont of thialr work , and the help extended
by the governors of the states : and n full ac-
count ot the work completed at the park ,
that In progress and that contemplated.
Dy JdmlS Baldwin , PhI ) . Cloth , 316 pages ,
$ : , The 'erner company , Chicago.
Invaluable as the Britannica Is al' a refer-
enca book , Its usenlnezs Is vast ) ' exlelldel !
through the aid ot this "guide , " by means or
which information that Is scattered through
Its extensive volumes Is made more accessible
by references , showing all the places In
which Information on a given topic Is to ba
found. For thorough \ reading or investigs-
ton of any topic a much wider anti more
varied Information Is snppiied. . enabling the
searcher for knowledge to glean a much
larger fund than was accessible through use
of the encyclopedia alone. '
i'TItlOT1C CITIZENShiP-Thomas J. Mor.
lA'JOTfC CTIZENSIl-Thomas ! or-
gao LL D. . cloth , 3G8 pages American
Book cOlpany , Chicago.
This book Is designed as a school manual
intended for the upper grammar grades fol-
IQwlng a course In United Slates history
I Is n book that may be studied , profitably
by auy person , whether youth or adult native
or foreign born its numerous wel.edllel
excerpts expressing sentiments of the lorzt
character , ali expounding the princIples on
which free governnWDt rests I Impresses
the reader slth a \ holeome regard for the
dm'ties and responslblUes ot citizenship ali
huUls InL the mind a knowledge of the
value and Importance of Its privileges .
- _ . _ prh'leges.
Mrs. 1lu'er Injured ,
NEBRASKA CTY , Oct. 6.-Special.---Mrs ( ) .
0.V , Boyer , an aged lady living just out-
side tIme city limits , while sanding on a chair
wt evening , lost her balance and fel , du-
locating her shoulder ,
I : J ' .
- - .
- -
SUM ! I : : Oil I ' A'I'IN ( ( 'U\'JS'I'J ( : , i
! nth.'rl , " " WhhIeUIII . ) ' 'I'Jck'I.
. '
II thc 1.1'111 ,
SC'JUY.EI Neb . Oct , G.-Spclal.-The ( )
Indepetiden' ' ! , of Colfa county ministered their
trenRlh al the court house Saturday afternoon -
noon and held a convention for the purpose
of puting a county ticket In time field. There
was an opening adrus Iy Sma10r Rprecher ,
folo\ by organization and routine busl-
ness , The ticket put up wu.l. : lolon ,
treasurer : g. s. precher , county cleric ; Chris
I\roeger , renomlnatel for sherif : ] ml
Faity , clerk ot the district court ; W. ' ' ' .
lland. superintendent of schools ; F' , Dunn ,
Ilrohste judge : H. Mchee , surveyor , There I
was a splrLel1 contest over the Third ditrict :
comiiimilelnncrsbiIp . B. Pont or Howels tecelv-
Ing I on time twelfh ballot ,
GRANt ) 181.n , : eb" , Ocl. G.-Speclal. ( )
-The following , nOlluJtons for county offices
were lalle yeslllay afternoon by the hail
cOlul ' democratic conn'nUon : Sheriff . Niels
Nelsou ; clerk , C. I. Ienck ; clerk of'1iatrlct
court , C , 11 , North ot CaIro ; judge , 11. A.
1 llwardl ; coroner , Dr. lelar < of \onl Itiver.
Nominations for treasurer , superlntenll"nt
anti surveyor wore omltII , All business WIS
tr 1 ansae",1 , In a ii arm nit bus 111:1 : ii nor amid the (
conventiomi existing / . adjourned with the bent of telng
P.\It\IONT , Neb. , Oct 6.-Speclal.-The ( )
district relllblcal connnlon was lelr ! last
night In Grand Arm hal to nominate a can-
( Jlale , fur anpervisor. Candidates were Wit-
lam Smih of WeRt Due plecnct : and i. I : ] . .
1lartn and James I.'alon ot iairniout Mi' .
I'alon was nomlnale,1 , by one mnajorit' .
D. \'ID CTY , : eb. . Oct. G.-Sp'clal.- ( )
The sliver IIemOelat8 met In convention yes-
tenlay amid endorsed , the entire county ticket
nominated by the allmlnlstraton "ellocrats
last \elt.
III.JtTr : eb. , Oct. 6.-Slleelal.-Thc ( )
derocrll' of Franklin county 'e9IN'llaS'
placml In 10mlnalon a tul ticket for count ) '
olces , \Iz : Treasurer , H. J. E. la'cd ; elel'1 !
of the distrIct court , William Coppman ;
county clll , A. T. Campbell : superintendent ,
1. A. ( llck ; judge . Fred Huh ; h rJ , .1.
Corrol ; surveyor , U , ' Ashmtty ; coroner , P.
( . McElwce _ _
SlCNi ) " ' 11' : O AX 01,1) MAN.
: ; lurrll " ' ( , " 1 \Viis I'nld for Ylii'
'In lit. 'I'ru"h' for Stimime' 4)iie ,
NEIJASK , OTY , Oel. G.-SpecIal.-In ( ,
Jill ) or the II'escnt 'enl an olr lan named
Horace How ld , . whose _ wlte had . lied a fel\
10nths herore , CJle 10 this cl ) In "earch
of another wife. lIe offered a bonus 10 Iny
one procuring ole for him , and as he was
worth Ibout $ OOOO he was "oon tmcccseftmh ! ,
marrying n woman naled Ielaney H Is
Rid he presented her with a lanc.sum or
money prior 10 anti after tit marriage yes-
terday. James Brow : . ; , ClIme 10
the city to investtgate. lie claims that the
woman was never divorced from her first hue.
band anti Is consequently guilty 01 hlgamy.
He also claims that there Is n bIg conspiracy
10 leece the old lan , who la over 80 years
old , out of his \elh , and he proposes to
cause several arrests as soon as ho procures
some additional evidence Mr. Howard Is
wel known In this county.
Irot. Johnson , the new superIntendent 01
the Institute for the mind , has arrived lu
the cIty and will assume charge at once.
Pror IbrlGht , the retiring superintendent ,
will leave son for his former home In
PIIN CIty Afl'nlrM ,
FALLS CITY , : eb. , Oct. U.-Special.- ( )
Guy Sullivan and Ed Fisher 01 this cit > . ' won
the championship of southeastern Nebraska at
the tennIs contest held at Table Ho k -es-
lerda .
A meelnl was held at the Jenne opera
house by the boys who played foot bal last
year and It ws decided not to organize thus
year , as the ciizens lid not care 10 help them
'fhe Interstate reunion hueld at hub by the
three states , Nehraska , MIssouri and Kanrls ,
closed 'esterday. A dance was given on
Friday for the benent of the Falls City mi-
Iary band , and a IUI crowd atended from
this place. Tom Majors ot Peru and A. J.
Weaver of this city addressed the crowd yes'
terday. The people that listened to M jors'
speech were very much disappointed.
A deal was closed here last night In which
Francis Martin . A. J. Weaver and Frank
MartIn . jr. , have become owners of the Pals i
Ci ) Journal . _ Mr. MartIn . ci' . , Is a prom-
nelt lawyer ot this city , and was at ole I
tme county judge of this city. l was ' very I
promInent In democratic circles until lat .
year when he became dL gusted with the i
Cleveland odmlnlslralon and turned to the
republican parly. 1r , Weaver Is a very pron
mont young orator In nut only this state ,
bu In Kansas , he having won In the many
oratorical contests. ; Ir. . Martin , jr. , Is well
Imown In this county and Is ely attorney
for this city. The olce was purchased from
Norman MI elman , They take , possession
tomorrow , and Judge Frauds MartIn will do
the editing. _ _ _ _
: 1'hmitM. -
BEATRICE . Neb" , Oct. 6.-Specal.-- ( )
lfessrs , Trimmer and Montgomery , a couple
of young men from Kansas , have entered thl
Gage counly newspaper field , having
purchased from C. II. Israel the Fiey He-
publcan , the first edItion under time n\w
management coming out yesterday. Mm'
israel will go Into some other business.
The eighth annual convention ot the Gage
County Sunday School association wil be
held at Wymoru next Wednestay , Thursday
and Friday.
An effort was made 10 hold a cttizns'
township convention at tIme court houie Y01-
terday , but after waiting In vain for an hour .
for the people to assemble , the six or seven
gentlemen at the head of time movement
adjourned to renew the effort Tuesday evon-
ing October 8.
The republican judicial nominations In thIs
district wi be mad at Tecumseh next Moa-
day. General Colby's candidacy Is causing
a red hot light , especially In this county '
where there Is a heroic effort being made ;
by certain members ot the bar to Induce he '
instructed delegates to violate their Instruc-
lens and assist In defeating the gencr.xl. .
Suulln , ' St'rvlt'es ' ' .
. S.'r\\'l' " ut Sehism'It'r. I
SOUUYIlm , Neb. , Oct. G.-Speciai.-flev. ( ) I
J. T. Jnuckey was absent from ttle Methodist :
puplt : this mornIng , In attendance at the i
district conference al Fremnont He has been
here three years , ant his peepl very much I
desire that he be returned to Schuyher
11ev. Dr. Leant was requested hy the
Omaha presbytery to go to Clarllson today to
install a new minister , Rev. Mr. Loseke Into
time ministry there 11ev Dr. Leanl's pulpit
being unoccupIed , services were 'conducted by
the Young People's Society of Christian En-
deavor the prlnlclpal item being a review of
the work at the recent Young People's So-
ciety of Christian Endeavor convention at
Hastings , by Miss Anna Long , delegate from
Mrs. John McPherson went to .Perland ,
Ore.J'edneslay , having gone 10 walt upon
her son's'Ill Mcntenon's wife who lost
nerve whll coasting on a bicycle , jumped
from her wmeel and was very seriously In-
J. L. Lee of Chicago Is visiting his
daughter , Mrs. James Gadsden
. . .
- - - - - -
Noti' " train I"r'mont.
FRE1rNT , Oct 6.-Specimml-Quite ( ) a
number of Premont wheehnen heft for LIn-
coIn al 4 a. I , today , Intending 10 make the
rounll trip of 12 mies ,
The Fremont Women's club held its first
regular meeting of time season at P'thlan
hal yesterday afternoon . There was a large
attendance and the Inlerest shown Is a fure
Indlcat'n that the wet ) done by the club
the comIng season will be of a greater degree -
gree of Interest even than In the put.
Th funeral of Wallace Murray , the son of
Captain James Murray of this city , was held
from St. Patrick's church this afternoon ,
Palher Fitzgerald oiflctating. The L , D
Richards camp , Sons of Veterans , of which
the deceased was a member , attended In
unlrorm. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
-cnte Cmise .r " ' .lnuuN ,
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , Oct. 6-Spllal. ( )
-Edward , the son of Brick Manufacturer
lrshkl , resl.lng a few miles north of this
city , Is suffering intensely from lockjaw , the
result of stepping on a rusty musH . This
morning time patent was a little better , but
sInce Tuesrlay hIs back has nol touche the
bed his hotly being arched up und supported
by his heels and the back of . the head.
- - - -
Ixi'ursIiiimists : nt 1.lucoll ,
LINCOLN , Oct. G.-Speclal ( Telegram.- )
Ten car loads ot excurionlls from Creston ,
la. . visited LIncoln today , and spent the
greater portion of the time out at Lincoln
park. They brought with them the Agnew
Juvenile band , which gave I sAcred con-
cOt at the pak
C' - = " : _
" . - - . . - - -
" [ ' ' { ,
Work of the Indian , clpols , Shows Very
Sa tsflotort1 1
C . I
- - 1
n..Anltol 01 n" , t UI"'I'r'l.r 01
'I'l.Imigs illmiet'ii , , , thc I)4'Mire
.r \ 'Oiliig IiiiLumiip1 fur l'rne-
th'nl ' ( 'rllulul
. , "
, .f
\\SmOTON , O f ! KG.-Specl ( I.-Thc )
annual rellJrt of InilIah.,3omnrnlssioner I ) . M.
DrownIng for the fscal , year endIng June
:0 : , 1895 , whIch was recently ! ublllell to
the secretary ot the interior Is of especial
Inlerer 10 the states of ebraska anti South
Dakota , as a largp portion ot I Is devoted
to a discussion ot the interests ot those states
as affects time IndIan tribes resllng within I
Iheh' boundaries
\lh reference to the extension of tIme for
making pa 'ment on purchases of Omaha
Inl Wlnneb.lgo lands the cQmllrsloner says
thaI In accordance wlh Ihe. act of August
11 , 1894 , whIch provlted for an extension
ot tl'c to purchasers of the lands provided
the consent of the Indians was obtained , the
agent CaptaIn William H. Beck , submIted
the question 10 lime Indians In council and
lie ( . Indians . votEd . agatntt . the proposed ex :
tension and asked that the purchasers 01
the lauds be requlrel to make payment as
early as practicable. 'hls acton on time part
t the IndLns. however , was rendered nuga-
tory by a clnnse In the Indian apprOIrla-
ton bill fur the current fiscal year which
Provided for "an extemisiomu of one year to
all homestead settlers on and purchasers or
al ceded Indian reser'cmtiuns In the states or
Nebraska , North Dakota , South Dakota , Mon-
Innl and Ida ho. "
The report also rectes that the school at
Genoa , Ncb. , was first opened February 20 ,
1881. The number dt employes Is thlrt > . - -
reven ; . rate per ann41 for sebolars , $167 ;
capacity of school , 350 ; enrolhnent , 352 : aver-
age Rttellalce , HI : ' Time figures for the
school at Piere , S. D" , which was opened In
Jlbluar > ' , 1891 , arc : Number of emploes ,
12 ; rate per annum , $167 : capacity , 180 ; en-
rolment , 120 ; average Itellnnce , 101 The
scho:1 at Pine Ridge has not been operated
this year , owlnl 10 lM burning ot its build.
Ings. Early this yeat , the school plants at
Santee , Neb. . were tietroyed by fire. The
large Pine Ridge agency has been wihout
.a good boarding Icht1 sInce its hulllnl
were burned In I ehtj.ry , IS94 , whie the
Hoslbud agency has never had one I Ia I
hoped , the eommlsslol1r says , 'to soon re'
1lace : enl amid hHtl the long.delayed iromrt-
iso of tim other and to give to the Sioux of
Rosebud and Pine Idge Industrial schools
ot such proportions as will be a credit lo
these large res r\atons , -
During the year patents were isucd I to
,165 ] Yanklons In oulh Dakota , 829 to
Sioux of the Crow Creek reEen'aton and 4G9
to the Sioux of the Rosebud reservatiomi .
Conlnulng , the commissioner's report saymi :
"The education of Indian UpUs during time
fiscal year just closed ha.1 been conducted
upon the same lines as those laid down durIng -
Ing tie past few years , through the medium
of nOle ' er\aton boardlrg schools , reservation -
ton boarding amid day schools , contract board.
Ing and day schools aldublc schools car-
ned on under state supervIsIon. The aggre-
gale enrolment of Inrlan schools for thc
year ending June : W , lS94. was 21,619 and
for 895 23,036. showlJg ah Increase of 1.47 ,
while the average ate lfnce for 1894 wls
17.220 and for 189 I818'i l r howlng an Increase
of 968. ThEse fgure roJlot Include schools
among the five civilized tribes , nor those
which the state of New York provIdes for her
fndlans Therefore I Is' i peculiarly gratify-
trig to note the fact tiuttt ' 23,036 Indians are
now gathered togHher ti'mtder the civilizing
Innuence of theSe s hool. and brought Into
daily contact wltbiilh ! . ltened Ideas and ;
customs This Is prhctrdly 60 per cent ot
the entire Indian school llopulaton , exclusive
of New York Indians ' md { the five civilized
trlba , which have .flllr'own ach oJs. The
older Inrlans seem ' mpro , favorab1y ! disposed
towards educatloni1'hanttformerby. The In-
dlans are comIng to recognize that the old
order or things has 'paned away with . \
buffalo anti that only by e.uctng his j'Tt-
dren can - time Indian compete wih the ' white
man In the struggle for lfe , This fact Is
especially appuent In the increased attemmtl-
ance. This Increase of 1,417 In enrolment
and 9G8 In average attendance during the
past year has been secured without resort to
coercIon , even 10 the extent authorlzd by
law. Cases have arf.en where force seemeJ
necessary to Induce parents to place their
chIldren In time schools and to keep l them
there when nrole1 , yet I have refrained .
from using such m'ans , preferring to rely I
.upon persuasion as much as pOlble. I have
endeavored to place as many Indians In the
state public school as pOElble , Progress has
heen nmade but to a smaller extent than was
expecled TIme mingling of the races In school
Is not looked upon with as lArge favor as II
should be , and prejudice exists upon the
part of ( lie whites as wel as the Indians.
The system , however. will be further urged
during the next fiscal year with the probability -
ability that inure public rhools will be Induced -
duced to avail themselves of time government
old of $10 per capita per quarter for coecltm- 1
caton of Indian children In white classes.
The number of noureservaton boarding
schools now In operation I consider sumcleul
to meet ni the requirements of our educational - i
tonal system. At least for the present no
more lch schools will be organIzed , but
existing ones will be developed , enlarged and
more fully prepared to execute the work
mapped out for them. There has been an
increase during the rear ot 325 In the enrolment -
rolment at these schools , making a total or
4,6 ; : pupls , 'fhe lujorly ot these schools
are equipped for til ( Industrial work and
great stress Is lali upon thus portIon of time
educatonal currteulumiu. Still literary pursuits
are by no imienneg1ected But the Inten-
tlon at givIng Ihe'HUlnns ! an all round traIning -
-Sng , which shal equIp lucia ( for earning their
own living , Is kept constantly In view.
"It Is the policy of the office to give Indian
graduates every opportunity practicable to
enter the field of life In goo situations and
( hue Civil Service commission has been ex-
ccedlngly favorable to the employment or
Indians as teachers In order to give greater
latitude In time matter , the president amended
time civil service rules relating 10 appoint-
ments lo and promotions In the Indian school
service by adding a clause providing that
graduates of Indian normal schools and of
normal classes may be employed In the In-
dIan school service as aulstant teachers or
day schbol teachers wjthout further exami-
nation. This modification has enabled me to
secure excellent teachers who otherwise
would have been debarred from entering the
service. The corps of teachers now Includes
many graduates of , training schoob , who
have proven themselves worthy employee
wel quallell for theIr worlt. Many other
positions In time service fre fled hy Indians ,
' .
, t f ' .l
- - . O
1 , . . ; i. - , . ,
[ ' 3 leD ! TIN I [
. d
, .
' .f "
anti for al unclassified positions , agents and
supllntelulenls are Instructed 10 give 11rorer-
moo to Ihe Indian .
"Time personnel of the vArious schools has
b4cn placed ' on a higher plane , anti a core-
increase be nolell
spending In efclenc ) can
With few exceptions harmony hu prevaIled
between the agents and superintendents anti
In unison they hue endeavored to bul\ up
the chools under their charge. One of the
mtst valuable adjuncts to successful Indian
instruction Is time day school , Theo schools
perform rerlou work In the educational
itlan There are now 10 of them , all , with
the exception of eIght , on reservations , and
they have ' 4ti5 . "
1 capacity of 4,15 pupis.
In concluilng his discussIon of the ques-
ton ot education the commissioner says :
"To establish such new reservation schools
a will b necessary to care for the Inpro- ,
v\le.1 for school populaton and to maIntain
tIme older ones and to see that they not only
hoh ! theIr own but improve will require
considerable expenditure , but I am cnMent
thaI such expenditure wisely lade will redound -
dound 10 the honor and benefl flimsily of
the whole people , "
Commissioner BrownIng speaks of a new
subject whIch has arIsen In the almlnls-
traton of time affairs of the oflice. I Is that
In reference to the contests initiated against
Irllan homesteads , on whch he says : "Tho
ever greedy spIrit ot the white man Is still
abroad In the lanll , anll his Inor.lnale dc-
sire 10 seize upon , occupy and appropriate 10
his own tmee and beneft the hOle ot the
Indian Is ever manlestell by the contests
initiated by whies against time homestad
entrIes or Indians and the lan ) ' allplc . .
lens to contest Indian applications for aI- ,
lotmenls of hand 1IIIer time general allotment
act. The bureau has notice of numerous
ludian homestead contests now pending before -
fore the general land omen antI 'hI , 'nrlnmms
local lal oHles , Owing to - the ' remoteness
of the ludlans In ' inatamices from
many Insl'nces nn
Illan agent nud the tliepersiou of these
contests over n vast area of country In time
vest , It Is .lfcul for the Indian office to
afford Indian contesters the assistance whIch
they need and which It desires In man > '
cases the United Stales distrIct attorneys
h\e rendered ali to the Indians , and this
seems to he time most succcssrul melhol of
furnishing nonresrvton Indians proper aid
when their homes are involveti , "
The commissioner speaks at length o ( timework
work or irrIgation In time west and gives a
brief resume of the work accomplshed In
Ihll direction during the last fiscal ycar.
'he cOlmlsFloner says that missionary
work along Indians by any and al .le-
nominatons has the hearty support anrl encouragement -
couragement of the Indan : office , and all
suiable facilities for its Irosecuton are cor-
diahby ententlemi . "It is , " he emiys"gratlfylrmg to
note the spreall of such work on the new
ground , its wel as its contInuance on the
oidm' ficitis. I Is worthy of nutce that the
govrnmenl Is i every year making liberal
/ranls of right ot usutruct occupancy at lam !
wihin Inttban I reservatons to the varIous reo
Iglous bodies on wheh : to erect churches
and , other buidings for missionary worll.
Thus the civilizing' and refning agencies ot
our tronter alil wilderness are being miiui- ,
tpled , " I
Time commissioner also says : "Nenrly all
the calls ) of sells who located In the spring
of 188 ou tIme Crow Creek and \\'Innebago
reservations In what was then Dakota 'Fer-
rlory , which were In\'estgated In accorti-
ance with time provisions If the act approved
October 1 , 18DO , and were found to be Just
and II'oper , have been set led since my last
annual report WIS suhmltted. TIme claims
Iemalnlng unpaid are those of settlers who
have not , os yet , mad applIcation for the
amounts fonnd respectively due them , or who
have failed 10 submit the required proofs as
to their identity. . "
n..ler Ih'o..I. ,
EXETEH Neb" , Oct. 6.-Slleclal-S. ( ) A.
Scene of Nelson , repblean candllate for district -
trlct judge at the Seventh judicial dlslrlct ,
wal' In town Friday getting aCQualnt wih
his sUPllurters berc
A Chautauqua circle was organized here
tuba weell al the residence or Rev. W. T.
Clne , the folowIng ofcers being elected for
three months : President , Rev. W T. dine ;
vIce president V. ' . H. Taylor ; secretary , Mist'
Sadie Songster. There wi be another ls1
hog nt the Methodist Episcopal parsonage on
Monday evenIng to perfect the organization. I
Books will be ordered after the next irmoet-
lng Should : sufficient number . jon two
circles will bl orla lzed.
: lr. and Mrs. Ramsdel have returned from
their exlendd Nuthern trip and believe that
there Is no place hike Nebrasla.
'fhe Misses Iawler , Owens anti Mathews
sisters departed this week for Nebraska City ,
where they will attend time Im.ttute for the
Blind. . .
\V. \ \ . Parish and wife came In from
Sloan , la. , FrIday. Mrs. Parish will remain
hero during time winter.
Seron Manning departed this week for
Sterling . m. , where lie will spend the wInter.
W. I. Taylor departed this week for
Omaha and the northwest part of time state
on a slght.seelng and business expedIton ,
Wilam rcGhle , jr" , heft this week for
Platsmoulh , where be has secured employ-
11' , D. I. Ramsdel bas gomme to Victor and
ethel Colorado polnls on a Ight.seelng and
prospecting expedilon ,
R. A. Barber of Lincoln Is looking after his
business Interests at this place.
Mrs. W. . II. Walace vent to Crete Saturday
to visit her daughter , who are attending
Doane olege ,
Sanford Williams . formerly an old and re-
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . .
sptrle,1 ell.rn ot this piac' . bUI I\.w \ , al 1
Kearney , la "Ialtn hIs flimSIly hINII ,
Mr. M'nlcl ' and flnily frul Oregon . \ ho
are on their way east for a'lsI . , stnpIWl1
over hers for I few da ) s' vit't wih a
brother , Mr. n. i I Minick.
Mr , A. I ) . Stoneronk hl ! I bt'olher from
boa visIting hhn Ihl week ,
101llni - - _ . - - -
I'lIfl'i'iC'I'iONrQit 1.1 I I.m tIN. :
, A Iim'limiet Ih "IAnl"t to ( " . . .r..I. I'unl
11" " ' " na,1 Simimiki' ,
A nO"el flexible helmet , designed to protect
fremen from fuel gases or choking smoke
has been introduced In the ChIcago fire dc-
psrtment I Is the In\'enton of In Indian-
Ian , based lon time suggestons ot Chief
Swenle ot the Chicago ( lepartlenl ,
The alllaratns looks like time hallgenr of
a 'diver who he Is .e\arlng to .lescenll Into
the waters with his bell. I consists of 1
helmet , \lacol over the heall a 111 taco anti
fitting clely to time simotmitiers The outer
constrneten of the helmet Is an asbestos
tanpeti leuther or asbestos clolh , which Is
\roof / agaimmet fire . ' meat , steam , boiling water
anl nil pOISOIOIS gases or fluids . This hel-
met II heM to the body by two straps , which
\ass under the anus .
The contrivance \rnctcaly air tight , but I
has an apparatus of its own , R Irlal reser.i
voIr at Its hack . with a capacity of lOG
hounds pressure of compressed air , which :
supplies time Wlarer with al the breathing
material which he ma ) ' nell for from twenty
mlnntls 10 one ' motmr . 'i'imi8 air S\lpl ) ' before
reaching the wearer of the hehnel Is filtered
all comes to hums , It Is calmlII , , as pure as
the aIr ho woul tale out of doors. A gauge
Is attached to time air reservoir by whih the
alounl of air lreSUre can readIly be IletH-
mlnlJ at all timmie . The aIr \lml ) which
does the charging Is operated by the wearer
hmimseif . lie . can charge flue helmet In from
ffen to forty seconds. Su Ingenlousl Is time
helmet constructell that ' lever operalell on
the tOIl or the reservoir forces the aIr thrlgh
the supply tubes Inside to I poInt directly In
trout of the nostrils and the mmuotmttm. In re-
gard to this , ChIef Swenle has already rxperl-
mented , having one ot hIs fremen put the
'ehnel on all remnln inside for a sumelEnt '
long perlO of time to dmonstrale whether
he suffered any Ineonvnlence al to breathing .
The fireman came out as fresh as whtn hI
entcrd .
resh aIr Is constantly being forced Into
the Inside and creates on oltward prEstmme ,
wI lie the foul air Is forced out throl/h the
necll gear anti arolnl the botom of the
helmet , which Is lIned wlh lamb's wool emu
the lower edge The eye pieces or look-
outs are male , of clear mica and protected by
crabS wires , The car plates have a specla !
IlaphraJm so as to make the hearing per-
rect ) distinct.
A her Is placed below and In front of the
imeimuiet , to be mused for a cal , and Is I convenient .
\nlent for a signal at any timmme. The hcmt
docs not welsh over five pommnds antI ChIef
S\enle believes I will afford full proleclon
to the head rrom falling tiebnis. '
Chie Swenle poInts omit that pnoumonla Is
a very common disease among frelen and
that the reason for this Is the freqnenl In-
hnlat'on of poisonous gases. lie Is eonvlncel
thaI the new helmet will remove this ex-
Josure anti that eventually the entire depart-
ment wIll bA lqnlpped with It or some Im-
pnovenment I that is I p IJ shle. !
'I'.titHl't' IrUI IHil'J.XlNG ,
IcI I " , . .h'llaIn \'OmImmhiI
'I'Imlrty-Oiit. ' 1Im. ' " Iii 'I''n , " ' .
Physicians are puzzled over Limo strange
case of Mrs Archibald Har1un , an elderly
\vomnaI , residing two miles east ot ShJron ,
Pa. Eight or len years ago Ilurlng a storm
sIte suffered a severe electrical almock and for
two miuontims timereaftor sIlo umppeareti to be
at time pont of deatum. She finally recovered ,
but ever sluice ( lien she has been peculiarly
susceptible to electricity and has suffered
frommi timirty distinct shocks.
Mrs Rankin and her children are iii tor.
nor whenever a storumi comes up , anti a sad-
died horse is always kept In readiness to
carry a message to Simaron for a phmysicban.
When during a storimi a imuounted horse is
seen scurrying timrougtm thmo streets of Sharon
time people take it as a sign timat Mrs. ltarmkin
hiatt been shocked agauum. Sime imns becum
provided with a chair resting on glass insulators -
sulators amid in this sue always takes her
seat at time approach of a storm. Mrs.
Rammkin was visiting a neighbor recently
when a storm caine up. Simo imruedlately
hastened toward home , but before sue could
reach it she suffered a severe shuock timat
paralyzed liar left side. It is thuotight that
she cannot recover.
On several occasions when Mrs. flankln
huts suffered from tIme electric dull the imouse
huas _ been damaged , but strangely enough
none of the other inmates have ever been
Injured. _ - _ _ p _ _ _
( I. P. Asiderson MlMsImmg ,
GRAFTON , Nob. , Oct. 6.-Spcchal ( Tele-
gramn.-Semmrciulng ) parties are omit hunting
0. F. Anderson , a Swede farmer , three miles
distant , vhmo heft home Friday nlgimt and imas
not been seen simuce. lie was fimuancially embarrassed -
barrassed , and ahp grieved at time recent
death of a son. It Is feared ho hues gone
l'ri'sIIt'mit W'IIt ' ' '
Lenve 'l'hiis'eelc. .
BUZZA1tD'S IIAY , Mass. , Omit. 6-Presi-
dent Clevelanti uviil probably heave Gray
Gabie. for Washington somiimm time during the
present sveek , after one of time longest so-
jaunts at hiis Sumuumumer house he ever muuatie ,
Mrs. Clevebsnd amid time tiuree chmiidren will
rcnmain for a week or two longer.
, CThe : woman
a" ) I pinned down
'm- ; ' ; ; - '
to 01-ic or two uses of Pearline will
/ have to be talked to. Why is she
\ , _ . _ _ , . - throwing away all the gain and
I icip that she can get fiom it
ill other ways ? If you
have proved to yourself that
Pearline washes clothes ,
for instance , iii the easiest ,
quickest , safest way , you ought
0 be ready to believe that Pearline is
the 1)CSt for washing and cleaning everything. That's the
truth , anyway. 'I'ry it and Sec. Into every drop of water
that's to be used for cleansing anything , put some Pearline. 4T
aaao © - kthIiE
_ _ _ _
r'/ ' - - -
Dyeing and Cleaiiiiig of
f Iotliiiig , Dresses and
ouscliolct Goods.
. . . : e-P
OMAHA OVIICE , 1521 Farnnni St. Telephone 1521 ,
COUNCIL BLUFFS WORKS and Office , Cor. Ave. Anssd 20th St. Tel , 310
: r /f\ : All kinds of Dyeing
\ and Cleaning domie in
/ tue highest style of
: : : ! = : : : [ time art. Faded and
aL C ' e , , - , stalneti fabrIcs , snamle
flYCwo to look as good as
- now , Work promptly
E demie and delivered
in all parts of time
: country , Send for
IEJ price list.
C. , . % OlIA N
- . . . 1. l'roprlotur.
- - Broadway , ussr North.
writern Depot , Courcli
; - Bluffs , Iowa. Teh , 322.
i'ioi anti thunk hi fort' > oim invest musoney lit
us cia7.e.ibmig aditmume time lirojectorl Of which
lireintas ml tlivliirmmmi of GO per Cent the first
Stop until tlmimmk imfoto you discharge a faith.
Itti cIt1 emmmpht' > 'e for a trifling fault. lvery.
tmotiy its bui'u'ss knwa that first class nmen
are bmam'tl to gs ( .
Stop at'd think before you take time first
remmiedy hrmmat at you for tlmmtt msnimoylmmg cold
) , emi got by exposure to the bleak autumn air.
A simistmke : mint > ' cost you dearly ,
Stop amid tlmbmmk ( lint a stitnttitmmt of a hmlgh
order is tIme best timing In colmis amid that
immffy's l'tmio Malt W'itiskcy is time only real
mnediclmmmul sUmuitmhant mmmatie'our druggist or
yommr grocer wilt tell > 'omm wimat a demmmaud tluere
its action , conquers a cold at time otmtset ,
Sois anti timtmmk lmov mmi.mmmy of your friend *
lmmive smmffered from cimmoumie sore tbmnoat ,
lilomtnhs > ' timid ptmetmmnommiut imecatmee tlmey ne'g-
lectemi a aiigtmt colmi. itmffy's i'ttre Malt
Vhmiskey , wnrmmlmmg , , atimtmiating ummti tomiic in
its netiomi , eomiqmmens at cold itt time outset ,
S toil flfl ml I imi tmk t hat aim nd'mm mmta ge t will
be to you , cmtmtl to nit time mmmemiitmers of your
fammmily , to pass tIme uotmtmmimmmm anti wimmter wIth.
out a elmmgie ilay's sichimmess frommi colti , Then
See timat a smmimui ) ' of ltmtfy's ) Pimro Malt
\'lmiskey is always 1mm time house ,
Stop nmmti tlmbmibc ( lint a fimmmmous ammti tiaeful
article like lmmffy's l'mmre , lmmbt W'imlskey I.
always imimitateti , Avoid miii shamus and comm.
terfebta. lmmsist omm imavimig the genuine , time
emil ) ' IMmify.
and ttmiXIOtIm cmlii be relieved to a core
tiolmity by ttsliig
Di' . Chevalier's
Pills ,
13ilcc $1.00 ) tw box.
If you are timnid amid Iii doubt as ta
what viI1 i'cllovo you , imositi for thosa
pilltt. Semit scaled sccui'ely by 1111111 Oil
t'eceipt of p'ke.
I1e1I11llD & MCOllllelI DIIIIJ Co
ii : ; DJdgo St. , OMAIlANl't3.
Sere3 & Seares
ii'Sl4thsS ( .
- Vc Cure Cmitmtrnim , miii dla
. . . l'mt'i ( of tiit , Nae , 'l'imruttt
.a - : ' Chest , 4ttnumactm , Ilmsw'ls
. _ , ' ' ' m.Ivm'r ; 113
. 4 ; ; ' , , '
i4 : l'arIttei'Ii4t rlt't un' , S'cmiIc
tt'mm Nexm.uhly . , lttwtt , , Skin
. _ 4 - iItlmmey iItpmtscs , ( oum-
a ( . tI ' _ i S crriio'ma , SYItihhit ,
Ic , , . 't , ' Alt t'rtvmite tIs'aaea atmit
' , ' . . ''rs of arcms ,
' . Trcittmie'mmt by mouth , con-
' ' , , tmitmitlomi free.
1mm thu t raatmumemmt , of mill
Treatmiment for mill ftsrmmmmot FEM ALE VEA1C
FS : " , Cmii 1 cmi or mm c'd ross , with tmttmi p.
Dr. Searles & Searles , I 11) Omititmit 5 , 14th , St. ,
-ooL. . . .
' - -.V % .
WoOleibS alid -
doesn't shrink
tlicni-the only soap
that doesn't. It's an
all-around .
soap-deli. '
4 'Iit
cious Ill the bath , but ' - "
tile i'articuIa , point to
remember , is , it doesn'C ' ' s .
shrink woolens , , :
Dealers all " i"k
- sell it. ' I ;
- a
. : , :
F' " ' EP1tI
So'netIxmes mmceds a reliable
mmuontitiy rguiating rnedicIn'j.
I ; .i Dfl. PEAL'S
A 'a promapt. t.aIo anmi certain in reetilt. Time genu.
tne ( fir t't'al'prmAvortitsanpoint ) , Mviit&nywber
81.00 Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 2513
Dodge Itreet , Omaha , Nab.
Ii1s ! ' NAT1OL BANK
Coiiiicil Bluffs , Iowa1
CAI'I'I'AL , . . . $100,000
% 'Li SlIUiT 'oI1fl UUSINHSS.
% 'L : 1)1151 Ii H S' ( ) I'll. COLI.lU'l'ION $ ,
( ) NI OP 'I'Itii UIll2M'i' ItttNlS IN IOIVA
Ii l'IIht CflN'I' I'Atl ) ( IN 'VlMl Itil'OS1'l'J
c1ucI .I. PAIMflDIhPl Ahtirmioya.e
tJIalu U. UfliUUitiUUtJIlrflctice , in time Shets
ctnd Federal Courts. , .
Room 306-7.8-9 , zmt
gait , Block. Counci. Bluffs , Iowa. .
Special Noficos-Council Oluffs
imousework anti gi.ed cook. 705 8lxtii av.ue.
.olt lilNT , MY REHIIINC1 , 316 I'LATNCIS
Street , after Novstmmber 1 ; , itMlmt room. ; mnodera
Also five-room imoule , No , 320 i'luitner itreet ;
possession at any timne. Jacob BImu.
lt1 Uimrke , at 'iv , ma. llomner'i , ( CS liruadway ,
noons. ZSxIOO , me Happ loclc. Steam heat ,
Crntrsliy located. E. 11. Sheaf. 4 Ce ,
\VAN'riU , 'i'OtlN(2 I.ADY , LADY htOOM.
imiate , good refercnceateruua ; reasonabie , has 13 ,
Foil : SAi : i ; CltllAl' , A noon STEAM hEAT :
hue milan ; hiltr. iUumnng No. 2 , ititit m-adfsmori ,
hiutte. eli , . , pulmmttiie for tueathny house. Inquire
lot ZiG 'jill street 531i1 tb avemmue , 2 , J , flruw.