- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I . tr8PaQ1AL NOT1QS. A.h..rll..n..nt. . for th..o cn1tinin . , 11 he .I'en tntl 12'10 p. iii. fur . the e''rnlnA ni 11 tn II HI' , m. fur the Innrnh'A . 111 Hnntn7 cIlItluhll. I A.h.crll..r. . h7 rC'lne..UnA n nnm- 'H'r"1 . 'iICk enn IIn' ( ' nn."rr. nd .lre..e.l tn tt nnlh..rrll h'r In rnre . J ; 'he Ilee. AI"nrr..n nll.lrr..rll he .1 . I vereti . upon I.re.cntliol 01 I. ch'cl 011 , . UltC" . 11-2e n "I ill r.t 11..rUnrq 10 n word 1i.riqif1er. ! Nothh'A tnl'rn for ir . . . illn : : ; o for r.t Itisertlon. The.1 . alh'crt"lcnt" uiut ho run cohlIsec- ilIvely. Si'VLL1'IiS St'1'Fi . ) . 'VANTIn , 1Y YOtNO bAlY POSITION ! AI rpalpr nn4 .nmpnnlon. Ipst oC reereflCeI . . A" , nnr . drep C 3 flee. A3 6. - - - - - I'ItINTCItWANTH RITtYATIO ON . \ OOOD country weekly : flr't.eIM J".er nnll oc. qUAlnle1 with nil brunette . oC 11w work ; Mn do 01 Iw flU. loclI wlh , .lorlal : .Irlcty . , "pr. marrlcI , nn.1 . ' will Cuml.h nnt clnM Nehr.ka rererenee. . ( 'wl Irlnler , 151 ! Lnrhner M. . Denver. A-MM9 Cob. 7 - A ( 'I1IL1HT1A YOUNO MAN OUT OV I.M. . plo'lent wlilies In get n slnrt In buIlneh . : IIhn,1 , IOle bu.lnus cxj.erlence. AlbtPS . . I C 3. Ihe. A-MG 6. " 'A 'II ) - : \ 1.L IJ II' . WANT1D . l.ll. INT.r.I.CFNT AaINTS IN Omaha to orgnnz - club oC three 10 live Coml. orlnnlrluh. lve . lIes Cor our * famou . Orc"nr.1 101e. Inn.1 . In cen. trnl 7lPhlIlppl. ! The title oC ImmigratIon I. I 10' log 'otitli . where there are no hot witid . . no roll wlnIr . n' bllzarlI . no crop fntlUre. Where two or three eropl con . I , . rAlo"1 Mch 3'ear. Vher . tilerA I. I crol' such 1.lnl ns faIlure If n man will work onehnlC a. hnll % o. h. doee wi In thil ronnlry. Cool 'umrner . mill , wlnt"rs. Hure flYIng crops oC fruit and 1"lpn tnlck. nlch..t poll on cnrlh. ne.1 rnlwny fncllbtle. 0.0 W Am.s. general agent 1611 1.'dnnl .1" Omahn. H-:9 A ( IINTt.tMAN TO WOIK OMAHA Ol TAKE t.rrtnry In N.hrn.ka n. K.nernl agent oC on Omnhn sick accident . an,1 , I.ath b.neO on.1 ten.yenr en.lowm.nl . ashocbatlon. Prutl.nlnl finn pr'frrrl. C"I after 9 o. m. . or oelreos " ' . V. I'enl , 34 Paxton lIoctc. 1-40 VANTF.I.IXPIil1IINCE1) ANn PIUCTIAI , florist and gardener. n. lIne . . 11 Vlnt'm st. - 11-461 $0,0 TO $14LO0 AAI.AIY PAI AAIFAIN . far chnrs ; experience not npce.onr : extra In- cuccmenl to cu.lomer. II.hol' & 1lne. Rt - I.ul. . Mo. IM303 025. WANTEIWATCIMAKlm. YOUNG M.tN AT - J. A''nenl rl. 135 VOIIIs AI. 11-575 , WANTI'-SAI.gMAN ACQUAINTED WITH , : ! ACQ\\INTFD the ten anti grocery Inulp In Omaha an.1 . ,1.- trlcl. Sinte epcrIenco and reference to D. } , 1.ld , _ " Co. U.I. . , ChIcago. n-71S ' WANTIl ) . STATI AO NT FOR NIIt\AIA to r.pre.onl an uMoelnlon writing the best nc. client .Ick anti funeral henel contract on enrlh I.'ul rcnewal contract will be given to Imrly gIvIni their entIre time ontl ottentlon to 11'ln < enlr. nlenlon tIi . IUIIfleE. Plr.t cirun rcterencs requlr.l. 1 AdIre . . J. D. I'Itclicr. secretary , IagInaw l . - - _ R. MIch Il-MISI O 9. ' 'tXPIlmNCI : : SO.ICITOI WANTED'FOI cly lrte , The Union l.cllo Tea Co" 204 . N. 161h Ilt 11-601-5' . . . ! 1-1-6. WAN''I D. TAU.On AT IIIIODFRICK'S TAI- I lor ehop 8. I , : . corer Ilh HIOD 1111 Mreete . I1-M610 1 ; I LAI1OIII1tS FORVYOMINO ON COMI'ANY LAIOmmS 1.'OI WYOINO COIANY work on It. & M. Ity. : work Kunrnnte.l ; free tmnopnllalon. Klumer & O'Ueam. 121 Far- . - nam - 'trect. - U-M603 6. : nN WhO Wn.T ! , WORK FOR S7. MONTH Iatltry or large comml..lon. ! .e1lng staple 100. b ) ' 8Ifl1IIC . II Ipol.Is : experience , unneceo."r : wrIte us. Uousehold SI..cloly Co. (151. ( ) Cm- . cinnati . 0 U-M626 6. l'SITIONI FOR FEW l'USHINO SALF.S- men on .nlary : olalle lbneI : IC you mean buol- , .n Inp l.an OPFS . ne11'.os Cor 11artculus. stating age. Luke . lIre , . Chlcng" 11-M623 6. ALL IOUND J.ACI'RITI ; Or\S PACKI . Car \bolesalo I"uop : 1\'eryman ; 10 ( arm han" . , S2 .0. Canadian olilco . 1:2 % Douslas. H-M632 C. " . ' VATEi-FI031ALE IIII.I' . : GZ1tl. rol GFNEIAL IJOUSEWOm , . 360C Ihowarti. C-301 C-OI 1own.l. - . - - - - - ThIr4 ; WANTING GOOD ( hIlLS CALL ACAN- dlnn\'lan Y. W. Hume :01 U\'cnpnrl. Tel. 1 , . . C- I-.31 A GOOD 011th TO no GINCttAL I0USI - work In counlry. Small C\mly. AIM" 41 S. 151h At. C5 - IThIO.NT CA1NI.T : 110TOS S2.0 1'hbt DOZ. en. 1)arIe. 1I-11i S , 161h slreel. C:16U - - - .W .NTillh. ' 10 fmw V1TI1 FIIIST-ChASS W.NTI. : WITI FJST-CI.ASS dre..mnk.r. Allress C 35. ExperIence Ihee. C-rr,1. 'AN'rl n , (1 hIll. FOIl OINEUAL : 1IOtISt- work. = } 'lram slreet. C-M62j COOK W.\NTI' : MUST J COIPITI'NT Cook ant , l1n.h.s. ! . 3))3 ) Farnam. C-M622 S. . 1.'Oll RE2NT-IIOUSES. i.iOUSi:1. : : F. K. DARLING , 1.\IKEI IILOCK. 1-4 3 UOIH1 ! H IN A1.h PAnTS 01" " 1' : CITY. TiE 0 P. Davis ' COIPIY , I : } : Farnarn. V-4G3 10USES , ii'WA & CO. . 10 N. 15TH 1 > AT. H. E. COI.F & CO. , I.AIO S' LIST IN OMAIA % S 10nrmN 6.110035 IOSI H :5 : MIUTeS 1 , walk flm court houoe. 101 21 , l.rk.r blk. . . V-1 0:0 I.tT . COTTAOI WITh 3 ROOMS . ON 30TH neal' IUI nun. Charlea Turner. 336 Farnatn. fl-466 101 mr' : , , lOOM hOUSE . 621 S. 2 ' 1 AV1. flue. In'ulre 1 : H. ittIl Itleet. V-M11 , fOR Ti.uOO:1 UOUSl . NEWI.Y PA- p 11ered : city : wal.r ; S .O I'er mo. lU N. 311h. atl.lel. n'xl to I' . O. D-191 ST.\JOU lltLt COT1'\0 S. 6.lOOIS , all " ler. Ia- . fnel. Apply ! Iyro ! Heed COIU I , ' I" ' ) 212 South Hlh . \eel. D-S .O.IIOOM l IIOVSC AND IIARN . S. V. ' . CI1NEII : 10TS COlNEI . : r.IIer % sts. . $7o.L0. John \V. llobhuu , 'rd . r. : . : . : N. Y. Lire hhlg. D-131-0U 1IOuiiS : : : G. \'AhLACC 313 II0WN 1.1. D-MI G.IIOOt CO'f'\GE. AM. MODnN , :121 : , Onl sl eet. D-3t263 g.1tOOM11OI'U . ANt 1LI0N. m 1)AVCN- : burl .lett "PIly:2 - N. : : d Itrcot. 1-31 4 . EPhflDi I ) x-iOi-I'rAT8. WITU IANOP Int mter cii'nIenee 's : 523.th ) . Store 101 B. lClh slre.'t. Crm JO 10 12 end Z ta 4. I-M426 T.1lO'1M MOll'UN : nOII' : . NEWI.Y I'A. .11011 1'1L ' nfli I'htnIoI1 1 . n.ul HnlCOrl Iark. .1. n. I'.IIHe , l.ugLu blc'ck 1)--321 01 ChOICE 1)ETACIIEI ) 111511)ENCU. : :711 rot' . l C lsnmNce. 27 1'0' 1lcI. nnlle : 10t r buck ; :31 nnl CabIfor. Inhl . Dr.1 Sherwoo uwnue. C. A. SI"lr. CbS N. Y. 1M. I-SI O ; : io3t ; : l TT\C" . 1il8OI7 VAlID . H. I : . Colt . . : : I cn,1 ( laik. ! II'ulrc 1323 Jachson. 1 > 14 ' - TO = FIIU. LAflO 17 IIGlrr.ltOOM iu WOIT.HOO:1 , h"UI' Sill N. 2tI * iIreet In'I\lle John Ilamlin . tl 5. 13th. \11" 1 rooms , 12t S. 13th. Vm3 4 VINE 1.\HnE SrX-IOo : hOUSE. 81 ' . . . . . ' Houlh - Pit .lc t. V..11:3 VEIIY : 1ISm.l.l : : M01 IN 1tOUSI. J. n. ShN\oad , 423 N. Y. LIfe Jl'honn 3)\ . V-ml1' - - - - - 2IC1T.\'FUllNIS1l1II ) 1IOUSII ON C.I.INE , PUINIRIEI nOl'SF ( C.\ : wlh 1..I.r cn\'ful.lc. ! . SItl , ) ' \ . 1 : : . Cor % , % and I"'ol\orth. : \Y. U. I-CI-7. ; It I : "isrv , 1tO0I:1. : 1lST 1"WOn. 1 ( ) : cl ) ' and el..r . wnl.r : nlrc ) 'ar. etc. . S. NIh. . . bofereflce InctuIreiOI7 % i-co-.i' ; zi1 ; ' u- : ) isi AILt ' 'nN,100 1 MOD. cr IIGu c : "cla'I. . O. l' . D.'lu Co. , H03 : I . .r. n:11 : It. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D : Fen I1UNT. 5 CTAGe : ; . liQUllt TIIOMAS I SIft . 4l'3 N. IStit 1 Ile < l. V-ICOG . l' DOUOI.'iS ' $ Ttm T ; S nOOM . ( l.i. IIATI ! * ' .n'l eboset ; II tharouJh , eiplr : fiJ per A 'rh" Ol\ln , I..n & 'l' tust Go. . 1 I. and nou ; . laJ tr..II. D-M61 G j'.1tOOt 1b0USl7. ALL CJNVENIENCI7S . perfect np"lr. Jl'lulo 11 N. Ulh .Irul. n- MIlS , n16S Ot ) BTI.UI-lmATFD Houses AND P1.ATS. Flt 5. . 1 I'OOIU ' : lOcation l .tI "ulrab ! concH. l UGn. TI : . l:1 N. 211th. 11-MUI < - - - - - r I 100:8 , MODPn UHK ( StAliN ) . N. 13Th. " . I ems , moeln brick CO3 N. 37th . I rooml. Irl.'k. Clifton 11111. $ ' > Ilh. Omah Ital Ewlale & Trust Ca. , XIS Ro. limb. V-:161 FOn ImNT 1 'AND310O1 hl0U13E. 1 ) lrcy alr.et. D-M6 C' . L - . _ - _ - , - _ - - _ _ ron 1IIINT-PL'lNlSII17D noou - - - NICCLY l'UINISUED nOO)8 nn DODO & LARGE F10N nOOM. NICI7SX FURNJiIIII0. ' 1ller room , a ptl' month 116 Iloward. u , . SIIHIIU ; ROOMS . : m lAnr\ IE'I : - E-US 05' 7lOOi SUITAU.t t'OI 'rwo , WITH OR wIthout tcorii . WT S. ; I axeuu. . c- a S' _ s _ J"OI " nl 'r-l VI ISlmf n003IS. ( Contnu . ' 'UnN AND UNFUnN , 100Ma. : N. 17'I'lf. H-MIll 06' . - - 1-)31 0. NIC'El.Y rUINlllED ItOOMS . : A. 25H _ ' 1 re t E-MI5.0' , ' NIFHI.Y : . 'UnNISUD : 1000515 . 101 ItOUTI ! ICTII ' St. I. ' tat C 100 SOUTIITJ 1--1-16. 'I' F1D : on UN.'UINlsil > 15002.15. U H'uth , lhthetreet t , 1-2ctGhl 7' CI.EAN 1117DS , SOC l'lm W'IEK. 110 S. ITii' II463-N-1' iIOUSERIEL'lNQ ItOOMS . . A \"A. 10UArKIElINO 100:11. 226 8T. 17-.603-lO' MAil"S. - 1-.0:10. 3 NC ! ! 3't'ItNbRlhh'D ISOOMS I'Olt LIIIIIT 1.'t'INIAUW 100S 1"01 1.10rT hOlek eplnl. 12 8. 11th. E-5& 1 ' 9. 1.'UINIIUU 1001. USE OF' l'IANO AND pnrtor. 136 1.'nIMm. : -69 6. P1'IINHIliD : 1t0OMS-1iOUSL'IIhL7i'IN0. 2G 81. Mary' , . E-M631 7. VUh1ISitE2i ) nee ls AiD hOARD. , SOUTh ! IlOMS , SINOLIZ CNSUTI . BOAR ! ) . 23 L'ougla J'-M52 1. DISIRAIII.1I PUnNrSrnm nOOM ! IilNOLII or en .ulle. with board ; references. 221 'ar. nam Ilreet. F-M705 I ' UlNISIED AND UNFUINIBI' 10m1S ; tr"nllenls nccommo"att" The Capital . 1721 Cnpllol ovenu ! -MCS-01. - . - - - - FIIINISI- UNFIJNISlno ROOMS , i with or wIthout boatd . 192. Douglas etrot. . " - : 61 6. I 100A WITIJ 10AID , A' THI SItitINtIlt. . I . _ 321 ' S. 261h atreet . I.-M62 1. - - - - - - - - - IIiSIIh hlhR \ ' STEAM EXCEL. J'AI.J.I htOOMH1TII ' : I m.I lent table ; reereIce5. . 2)3 ) N. 18th. F-M636 7. , I.'on htlINT-VNFIJIINIS1E2D nOO \ . UNI"UnNIHln1U CHAllmn8 1"01 HOUSE. keeping to man and wlCc. 31 N. 17th. Ilh.G:4 : 4 UN.'UINISHED HOOIS SUITAIII.Ii Volt housekeeping price $8 anti $0. 1104 Webster. G-3 THI . : 1LEASANT 100IS. lUTCHCN , etoccets cIty waler. 202J Howard SI. . 0-618--C' O-13- - - I.OI 1tIIST-STOISIIS AND OFFICIOS. FOIl IIENT . TtIII 4.STORY hIttICIC IIUILDINO FOI H TiE 4.STOIY IUCK IULDNG lt SIC F'arnam slreel. This buiding hns a nrc- proof Cement Icarcement comlllete strain heatIng . Ing ntue. . water on all 100r. . gas ele. Apply at the olce oC The lice . 1-910 AGIIN'I'S " 'AN'Bn. AGENTS . MAKt SZ A DAY TAIUNG ADVIIIt. tisements Cor meclrlc luest Call . whle\ : I. put Into hotels Cree. No oxvrlence nee.I.I . ; for b1artiCtIlar Inclo.e eX1 . Frank O. SmIth & : Co . L Crosse , WI. J-M62l 5' , GENTS MAIJ S. DATLY : MAIS''lI.OUS IN. AG ; rotatle 2. cents : 2 to 6 old In . house : sample mailed frec. I.'or.hco & Makin. Cln h . , . flati ( O. J-M621 6. HEX'J'AL AGI XCY. LAI0EST LIST IN CITY. J. 11. IAHHOTTE , 1.52 02 0 STOILAGIi1. STORAGII . FRANK I WeIS , 121 HAHNFY. M-1 1'ACIFIC STOnAGE AND WAIEIOUAI CO" I'.CWIC ! Jones. Generl storage and forwarding. M-471 WANTED-TO hUT. HIOIEST l'ISICE PAID FOR ISAGS . hltON . metal rubber and bottles : car lots a lpeclnly , Chicago Junk house 812.81 Douglas . N-472 Omaha. FOIL SAI.lI-FUISNITURE2. l"UHNITUlE 11-ROOM hOUSE . IIAVINO boarders. Fine location. C 13 , Bee. 0-Mt26. pen SALII-IIOItSL7S ANt ) WAONS. AUCTION SALE 0' hORSES . AT UNION .toek yards , , very Wednesday ant Saturday nt I o'elock. lluyeIs with le there to purchase every horse . offered. A. D. Clarke colnpnn3' ' . ' Iorsc 1'-590 9 - 1.01 SALE-3IISCE2LLANEOUS. hlA1t1)V001) COMBINATION HOO AND COMDNATIN chIcken fence. ChD' It Lee , 91h and DOUIIR. Q-13 ICE IN CAI1LOAI ) LOTS. conneSPONDENCE LTS. CAILOAD . A . Nicholas , Council Bluffs . la. lolcle" Q-M742.O3 FIRST CLASS SALOON : BEST LOCATION : CLSS . goo renon.d < C 29 , Bee. Q-MC3 6. OLD nrUCKS FOR SALII-AI'l'I.Y AT TIn Associated Charities , Sl Howard btreet . or Itle- phone No. 161G. Q-MSS5 16 W'ANTIIt OtEHATOI ON Tn'EWmTI TO do billing In wholesale house. Stenographer not biing Address C :4. lIce C- 94 5 1)OUIILE nASI IUINI I VEItY . VEIY DOUJ.E . II. Langan al Hayden Bros. jewelry de l'artmenl. Q3 1. IIISCBI.IA EOUS. FARMS FOIl HENT. 9'0 New York LIfe bldg. It-1c1537 030 I IA VI A LIFE SIOITIAND SClOI.AI- ship which I wi give 10 any worthy persons on terms "llly cOlllell with. No cash re quIred. Address C 27. Ilee. n-549- CLAIRVOYANTS . MISS. Bit. H. WAIIU N , CLAIRVOYANT Il . . liable business medium ; OUt year at lS N. 16th. 5-474 S-1 MASS.iGhI . 1A'IIS. E''C. MADAME SMITh t3 S. 13Th ! . ND l'I.OI. room 3 : magnetIc . apor. alohol , ateani . . suI. . Ilherine and Sea bath. -381.C. IiU ? . L\SSAOF. hOT DAT ! :61 . Howard. TOG. ZcIME. DEHNAlD , 1 7. hIt ! FLOOR T-:147 . 1 % Dodge. OU' MMII. hOWELL . TURKISh AND IILECTISIC JIME. 10Wm.I . < 'IC b.th - . . I'lleot ) parlors II . cit ) . :18,30 ' -131-.1 H. 15th. TUUnSI EATIIS. TUISI 1ATIS : ONLY II.ACE IN CITY exclusive for la"le. Suite 109,10 Bee Bldg. - 13 LADIES' BAThS , MMII. 10ST , 3IW S. ITH. 4 ; l'EnsoL VIA\I CO. . 116 1:1 DLPG. . IEAI.Tl BOOK free : home treatment : lady alembnt. U-HI hi. IIAAS. FI.oms' PLANTS . CIT LOWlms. hlanqtiet . hahl . reafdence ! anti grave decoratIons. 1nn'hal. Inl "ecorutons. IS3Inton Itreet. Telephone 376. U-H1 DATI ! U.\SSAGE. : MMF1. I'OS' . aI9a \ , 15Th ! . 31-213 i'INI LIVEISYISICISCIIIIAI' . ED. 1LUMLt7y , 1lh and Hi . 1.r ) ' " Unll. 'fQloholl U-118 440. PRIVATE uOm FOR WOMEN DIUG CON. tinetnefit. les I reference Ivtn. 3r9 N. 2Slh. U-M612.ulI' THE AMERICAN nEAUTY AND 1'RIMBOSII corlots. Orders taken. 216 North U-MUI l'IIOSE 5' 110l.KY TO I.OAN-ItEAL . STATD. N''UON LOAN & TRUST CO" IU N. Y. Life. ! Man , lt 10mtea for choice security In . Ncbra"a . & boa Carm. or Omaha ciy I'rl'trt ' ) . . 1-1 ; i'EY TO LOAN AT LOWCT I3ATEM. TIlE n.\i. O. F. Davis Co. . 1:3 I.'amaln Ueer. . W-8 CITY LO.\N C. A. ST.UI. 5t N. V. I.U'E. W-411 W-8 IONEY TO I.AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA UIPnO\ED \ OIAIA real filate. Brnnan , Love " Cc , I'axlon blk. W -48 IONrY T LOAN au IMi'JIOVIID OMAHA Irp.rl ) ' . lIOelt ) ' ! 'rur C , ' . , 1 ( I.'arnom. W-S IWI ; INSUIANCE IOLImS LO.\ND ON on boujht. F. O. Cbuner , Kansol CIty , Mo. w-m MONET T LAN , hO. 60 . t DAYS : FURNI. lure pians ttc. Dun Green I-m S. Barker block. I IlocK. X-8S LOANS ON hMPR0VD & UNIMPROVED CITY 1:1"1) , IlPl0VED . 3.n& Slllh , UNIIIHOVEO I . , { ) w-ns . G l'En CENT MONEY TO WAN ON OMAIIA real utal. " N.b. Carms. W U. Melkie Omaha W-nd 10ITOAOO I.OANS. LOW MATES. I 1. p. Zlta nlh aue DOlllu , Onialca . . I 'W-U I ) cZORTOAQES. O. O. WAI.\CE , BROWN - ULIC . I . TilE OMAA DAILY B1E : SATURDAY . OC''Onmn { , 18m 7 MONE2I Tn I.OtSIIb.tha ESTA'l'lh. . - ( Continued. ' MONEY TO LOAN ON } 'iiINITUm : . IIANOS. horaca wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In cIt ) . ; no removal oC goods : Ilrlcty cnndentAI you amount. con PAY the lon off at any lime or In any amount.IOMAHA MOlTOAO LOAN CO. . lot H. . 161h at _ I X- IIIJSISIPIS CIIANCES . * 12.00000 STOCK 01 MlIltt'IIANDISII IN mHT town In eacierci Nebraska for land and casher or equivalent Address S 29 , care ROt . 1e- ; ) $ : .00.0 WIT , 131I \ A IURUnSS IN OMAHA Clint I. netting $ .0.0 per ) 'er ; thll will h'ar investigation . J. J. GII.on , 317 hat Nati , bank . 31 : ; 3k. T"OI 8AU SI.o MIAT MAmI DONU g'o,1 cash "uslncss. Ienl , including 5 DONG Ih'lll rooms . SI5.00. 00" reason for aelln , . Seats . 10JN.lIth .t. Y-MI4' CLILtN STOCK 01. ' OIOlIIi : : CASh 11115- ! ness ; beat location In Omaha. , \lhr. . C : , . _ 1oo. ! Y-16U 10 I 1.'OI SALE. OLD ESTAIII.ISIIIIDOIL HUSI. I Icess In Ih'c town In Itci . slate : Wilt bear In- \ 'eztigation : good opening to rIght } ) art ) . WIth _ _ 3:0000y : . Address C 31. hoc. -MM1 C. FOR lIXCIIANUE. EQUITY IN I.AI0F TRACT 0' I.AND NEAR Omaha What ha\'o ) 'OU to otter ? 11. F , Dailey . 940 N. Y. Life bl"g. orerT 7.9 S5.0.o IN NOTE ! GIVEN FOR BAD DEBTS to trade for real estate I. F . Inle , AlY" 23 . heIblock. 12 to 2 o'clock. Z82 _ ! -o'clock. III1ICKTENIIMtINT.IIO1JEISN . 18 nOOM8. Within 10 blocks of city hull ; prIce S2O.O : encumbrance , $3,000.00 : equly for good unem. cUmbered Ian" Sherman county 640 acres school JonJ. near Llchf.ld : 223 acres Sheridan county and SI.O stock oC general merchandise for good land near Omaha lefole buyIng or exchanging see J. N. Prenzer. OPposIte I' . O. Z-Mlfl-O10 FOIl TIAUE , A GOOU FARM J"1 STOCK oC groceries or groceries and dry goods . IC I , ) .y 100 < aries good land . No. 1 soil . 2 acres broken clear worth $ ,20. . nqI1re A. H. I'enrco Scotia . ( reely county Neb. Z-37.c-4' WELL MATCIED IAY TEA I. 4.YhIAI3.OhIo . standard bred and r.I.terlll. for lot or equity In cottage. Address C : lice 7. G6 $ .0.0 I.ADmS' AND ) IS ms' ImOI TO exchange for a smal house and cash , or land and cash. Atdres3 box 62. Grl.wol" . In. Z-MGIt 8 I.On SALEUEAL ESTATE. IAIGAINA. SALE 01 TISAI)13 IN CITY PROP- "rl.s ant Curms. John lb. 'rener , opp. 1101- 1. 1110-492 AlTnACS , TIlE BYRON mme COMPANY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1-93 HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS . SELL AND buy lots , acre farms. . Ganln 1ros. 210 N. Y. L. ISE-308 I BARGAINS . hOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS . . sale or Irade. F. K. Darling . Barker PAIMS. Iock. I. nl-30 : IMPROVED FAIIS , O. W. CAICLOCI ? . 1:0 : I Pumam St. 1310-614 - - - - FARMLANDS . C. F. hARRISON . 912.N. Y. 1.lft. 1310-736-09' IE-1:6.09. : SNAPS. ImCK IUSINESS BUILDING. 3 I storIes , average rental past two BULDNO. . S2,100.0 per ) year 16 per cent gross : price , $13,500.00. Brick business building . 2 stories , comer , nver. , , age rental past 3 years . $ .020.0 per year , 1 per cent gross ; prIce. $9,100.00. .6 acres within 6.mlp circle oC postomce : sllhly land : Price , S2'.0.0. ' Before buying or exchangIng see Jno. N. Fren. . z.r , oppo.llo I' . O. ItII-MT78-Ol0 I 1'01 SAII -A 2,600-ACRE FAItH OJ' SECOND bottom land In Miller county , Ark. . 12 miles east oC Texarkana 1.0) acres cleared . , ( ) acre In cultivation , 2 tenant houses This farm I. Well adapted for grain . grass slack and cotton. Unlimited winter stock range. Wilt cell cheap and on easy term. Address G 1 . Eel cheal . Russclviiie , Ark ISE-l000--O.17' FOR SALE FINE COTTAIII3. FULL LOT ONLY S60 ; easy term. It. E. Inlerson. Iame IE-32 bIte nOls ON EASY I'AYMENTS. BARGAINS BAI0AINS 10 101. G. G. " 'nlace. Brown Block. _ nE-G4r FOR SALE on TRADE. FINE IESIDENCE property In Lincoln Nrb. : several well ImProved - Proved farms and line town Ilrol'ert , nil In central Nebraska We have what WI repre. lenl. Will trade CQr stock oC boots antI shoes , stock oC clothIng or I good general atook. " ' 1 put In part cash. Address Box 626. Lincoln Neb. IE- 1:3 8 FOR 1UINT-200.ACRII PAIIL JAlmSON. ItlO-567-6' IU5- I"INF PROPERTY , CENTRALLY LOCATED large 101. 9.room m"ler house , good barn . pavement : paid In ( till : only S.1o 1000 C. 1' . Harrison . 912 N. Y. Life 1110-617-30' lU1IO' ASK ABOUT THE SI.r HOUSE AND LOT ON 19th street boulevard ; n beauty and a snap I' V. W.a" . 161h & Oougln. J5E-IcI620 1 1.'OI . SALE FLORIDA 10TlL. 23 ROOMS : 100:11 rurlshl : installment : also farm old vege- table lands : finest alyear climate on . \'Ie. . Martin \Veir. I'ark } 'la ItlO-M623 C. SIOl'lIANU AND TYl'1I'jt5'I'IS0 . A. C VAN SANT'S SCIOOL , 613 N. Y. Idl'10. . 496 OMAhA nUSINISS COLLEGE 15TH , l'AlNAJI n0''I'.8. AETNA HOURI ( EUROPEAN ) , N. W. Con. 1th and Dodge. Rooms by day or we.k. COl. I IOTIOL IAIKFI. J'IANK IILDITCH , MOlt . . 13th and Jones sl. ; 'Alnut Hilt cars lass the door. AMERICAN PI.AN. 16 rooms nt $ .W day ; r rooms nt S2o day . European plan Soc to $ .0 I.er clay - . 49 - TIn LANGE hOTEL . 62 A. 13TH STI1IOIT . STI\nT. steam heated rooms table board , $ .0) Iltr , 'eo. lSID - - U DEI'\EIS AND E1InAL3IEHS. H. K. IIIJItE1IT. FUNEItAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago st. . telephone 9' ' ) . 601 SWANSON & YALIN , 1701 CUING. TEL 10 . Icr. O. MAUL . UNDERTAKER AND hIM. b"lmer , HI1 l"arnnm sl. . lel ( hone 223 . G3 : MANTELS . GI.\TES ANI ) TILES . WOOD MANTELS ORATES . TILES FOR . ttrcplaces . vestibules antI large floors : POI. wrie prices. MIlton Rogers & Sons Omaha 604 1ICYCI. S. 8m TIlE VI8Im.I' IIALI. . IOIIAISINOS ON Relay SpecIal. Wi larum & BMINGA . , 12 . 151h. to , : JIUSISFISS NOTICES . DAMAGED MU\0lS RESILVERIoD . 719 N. 16. 61 I _ CARPET CIEANING. CHAMPION CAIPET CLEANING WOItlcio . 718-720 S. Uh St. Tel 6k . U-862-01 WOIKS. DUl.JUNG & LOAN AS80CI\TIONS. ! IAHJS IN MUTUAL L. & I. ASS'N PAY 6. 1. S per cent when I. 2. 3 years old. always redeemable 1104 } 'urlnm el" , Nltlnger ol , Bee. Bee.GS HOW T GET A HOMf OR SECURE GOOD Ot Intereet on saving . . Apply to Omaha L. & hi . Ass'n 110' flee bldg. U. 2.1. Nattinger . See. I. 509 MUSIC . AUT AND LANGUAGES 'I ' SEND 1.0 FOR U.O WORTh ! OF SONOS : , Amorlta . Pretty 'VI"ow In llomer8. Darling Mnbel. The Course oC True Love Never Runs Omaha Smooth. Neb. Latest hi.'oodbrl"e L\'o htros. 11 , O.OlGfJ } . GELLIINIIECIC . UANJO AND guitar teacher 191 Cns stre.t 10 GREAT UAIGAINS IN SLIGhTLY USED Ul' . right piano . New Ilanos for rent and sold at I. than special sale rlcel. \Vm. IL Scicmoller , fIfth for JlcCaue bl"g. M-U-S. Schmoler ELOCUTION ELLA DAY ROOM 101 N. Y. LIFE ULDG. 1U2 03 : mnIAL. LADIES I ChIICIIIISTEIi'S ENGLISH 1'ENNY. royal I'iIhs diamond ( brandl ) are the bet ; sale. nlable : lake n othe ; und 40 stamp for particulars , 'ftelI.f for Ladies. " In letter by return snail. AI druggist Chlchellu Chem. .c.1 Co. . Philadelphia. l'a Cher. DRESSMAICINQ . DRESSES. $0.03 ; SATISFACTION OUAISAN. teed ; McDowell , ) 'at.m. 11 Howar GUAIAN. . 11A. JOII' : ! Vl.IFHl11Il , " ) . 11021858 WINTJlm..UJAT " ' OP CAhill given icorce . both winter In.1 summer . Ad. tirese Ic ! . J. \Velch , Oel,1 Neb. lG1 03J WANTED.lIOlt5l0S'I'"iN'TlIfl ; blEST OF Care ; terRn reuonall ! 6t ! N. Y. I.IC. hhi. ) : :1G603 1018. : ! AND COLT hm ANn CARED for during winter $245) er month per AHi Incl I guarantee the a oC care. I call for and deliver stock fred . pt charge. Wrie ,1 at once and 1 \ \ I call Irhl : see ) 'oU . for I will only b. 15 dnra Itlhefg up horses and colt , and \ Ihen I will return 10 m ) ' tancti. Itetnem- bet C.ct I. i apt to " ' 0111 this , 'Inl.r and 1 got tone and op . oC It on hnnll ; nath'c hay millet hay oats lrol..I"1n fodder , corn anti oats , and I wlnt II Cn'di ( Insleucl oC hauling I to market. Address I/atlc. / , 011 South , Onutba Neb. 151 1 l.\n ) IS 1.'un ) nnXT. } 'AlSIcl . C.\AH ISBN ? . . \ttrr. I a\lJ : - . . 16 3) lINT1 S'l'S. nn PAUL. DENTIST : mo ) IUIT AT. Ill COAl USE rnmDAN Co.\THI lIES SOFT nnl. Penn harI coal price guaranteed . Vlclor WhIte. 'r.l. 121. 1603 I'-nrnnm. 61 . \'NlnOrBnS. . H. MAlOWITZ LOANS MONl0' . 43 N. 16 AT. 35) , - " ' . \N'JBU-'O 10nHO" ' . WANTln , A I.OAN 01' S61I ON IUAINI.SR property worth $ .2J.o : will I'ay ' 8 per cent Interest ; no commIssion A"trc. box I. \'c'nke . held . Neh. MOO 6. HAY ANI ) ( GnAI . ll\ TOUtS hAY thY TON 01 CAl LOTS.'II bUY hay A. 1. Snyder , 1513 Burt st. - Tel. 12 1107. I.OS'I' . LOST , ON nOUGAA STREET . I.ADY'S ICING . 110. set two pearls and , a ruly. LIberal Iewnr.l IC left . ot lice. Council Bluffs. . Ip.r I e. Counci Iur. 1..I-G S _ NIMn I'ACWIC AND 10Th ! . LINEN mNTgn 1lec. embroidered In huttercupa . partially corn. plet..I. Return to 113 South 2lh and get re- : ward. Lost-A1633 6' i I OCEAN STIIiMlII1S ' . ' A CRUISE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN : 1) ' specIally chartered steamer " 1.'rl .lnn" " (7,116 tons ) . January 29 . 1596 1 . \ 'ialtlng B.rmuda. ( .16 . I'aler , Malagna . Granada . Alhnmbla Algiers Cairo : 10 days In I'alestine . Bey"olt. glh-su. . ConstctfltifloilO . Athens . flame , Nice Cnnslnntnople. Horp : only S : } anti , tip . excursions . tees , etc. . included. Oygan- l"tl anti , occompnnl..1 I.y I. ' . C. Clark ex-Il. R Vice Consul nt Jerusalem. Ocean tickets all lines. Hen' ] for TourIst Gazette . , tcket. 01 F . . c. CI.\HU : . Tourist At. . 111 Bro'N. . \ . ! ( AILWAY V II IE CARD I' Leav"s IIUlLINUTON ' ) . . . ' . .1. Omaha I Union Jiopot . 20th . & Mason SIS. \ Omaha 10:1.r. : : . , . . . l.r . Iixjri'ss. . . . . . . . :4Jam : 4ilpm.ilhk . 111. . lon ! . & l'uGel Sn" lOx. l:0pm ; 4:3pxn..Denver ; 1kptt' . . . . . . . Ix. . . 4Oolm : . . 1:0llm.Nelrusku : . . , , . Localscep1 , . , Sunday ) . . 1:4lm : ; 815.r..Llncoln ; . Local . xcept Sundayjl:23001 ; I 24.pr."I.'a81 ; Mail ( for , Lltcoln ) daily. . . ; Leaves CHICAGO , ' IhUittX2GTON & Q.tArije3 Omaha Union Vepot , 10tl & Mason St..1 Omaha 4:45pm..Chicago : .Q'eetlbuie. . . . . . . . . . 3:50am : " 9.0am. . . . . . . i ; .V.lllule.:9 : :5"m 7:50pm..Chlcago & St. { 1'uhs Expcess . . :1:1r : 15:3lauc : . . . . .j' nellie JuncU'ln Local. . . . . 8:0.U : . . . . . . . . .Fasl $ al. . Lcal. . . . . . . . 2.01.0 : L'c' A-d6'MI L A \-ICIIT Tl' 8 ; ' Omaha Union Depot 10lh _ & Mason SI..I Omaha 6:00pm..Chicago' : 1.lmle" . . . . . . 9:30am ; . . 1 : 0"1. .Chlu o I XI' < . Sun" ) ' ) . . 6:2111 : Leaves CHICAGO & Nj1ShiVJIST'NfArrives Omahaltjnion Depot , 10tl& ! Masonilts . ] ! Omaha 10 :40am. : . : . . . ! . . IOI , preS" ' . . . . . 5:30pm ; 4 : iOpzn..VestibuleLimtted. . . . . . . 9 : 3pm 'Llmlet. :200m 6:51trn..Mo. ; V < I eJ' . . . . . . . ' ) ; . : , ,6:4p : . . ! Chi , ! : .qm , 11 lpl ! - , . : : Leaves ICIIICAGO , Hr I. . & 1.AiFiC.IArrie : , Omuha Union Depot . JOU & Mason SI \ Omaha _ _ _ gAS. . I1lOamAtlantlc : Express ' ( ( ox , Sunday ) , , : ' 6:2pm. : . . . . . .Nllht . Express. . . . . . . . 9:2.m : : . . . . . . . . : 'OI.m..Chlcngo - - Veslbultd - LImited - - , . - , , 1:33pm 'VEST. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6:15pm.Oklahom" : & Trxas'Ex. ( cx . Sun..10:3nm ) : 1:40pm. : . . . . . .Colorado LImie" . . . . . . 4:00pm : L.nve C. ItT. 1 : [ : ' O. lArilvea 2mahca Depot 151h and \Veiatet'SCs . IMrlve ] : Shflam..Sioux : City Accom mod a U . , , . 8i3jij : 1:15pm..Sloux : City Express ( ex. Bun..lIJI : :1 6:10pm. : . . . .St. PAul Llml.d. . . . . .10am : Leave , ' . : . & MO. \ ' . jArrivea OmahaDepot _ . 151h and Wtb.ter Bto. \ I Omaha 2:10pm..Fast : tJ - l and Expre. . . . . . 4:55pm : 20pm..x. : ( Sat ) Wyo. I x ( ex. Mon. ) . 4:551m : :5pm 9OSarn.Norfoik : Express ( ex , Sunday ) . .10:30Am : 6IOpm : . " . . . _ " . .SI. _ l ' nut _ T xpre8. . : , , .10 :35am : Leaves - - IC. ; . , ST- ; & ' C. - : lArrives Omahal Union Vepot. hOiSt & Mason Sts. \ Omaha 9:50am..Kansas : City Day I Jle.s.:3pm - : 5:4iptn.K.C.Nigictllx : . via U. 1 Trans. 6:00am : Leaves I Icl1SOURTPCiFC. IXFWe OcnahcalDepot ] , 151h und Webster SI. ] Omaha 10:40am . . . . . . . . . .SI. Louis 1xpre.- ; 6:00am : 9:30pm..SI. : . Louis Ixlr . . . : 6o.m : 3:30I'I..l..brlsl' Local Ie" ( . Sun. ) . . . 9:0"m 6:0311 : Laves SIOUX CITY I PACIIC lArrivea Omaha Depot 151h and Web.lel Sls. J Omaha 6:1 : lm. . . . . . . . .SI. Paul I.tmited..10:35am : l.en\'e.1 SIOUX CITY & I'CU'ICAlrlves , ( Omaha Union DI , 10lh . MuaonSts. \ Omaha C : .am..Sloux : City I'nssenger..10:55pm : : ; _ 5:35Im. . . . . . , AI. Ciy Limited..12:33pm : Leaves UNION ' lACI"IC. ( Arrives Omaha Union 1)epot . lQlh & Mason Sls. Omnha 9:45nm. : . . . . . . . . K.t'arney Express..l2:30pm : Exlres. 2:00pm..Ovtrland Flyer. . . . . . . S:3tpcic : 2Oopinlieat'ce : & Stcocnab'g ex. ( eL aun..12:30pm : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . Express..10:23am mgr : : : : : : : : : : : : . : . . t Maii. , . . . : : : : : : : : : : : Inopmn : : Leaves I WABASH nAI.WAY.Arrh' ( , , Omaha Union Depot iOth& Mason St. \ Omaha 4:00pm..SI. : Louis cnnnon . 1al..12.3pm : WENT AWAY ' 10 GET IUES. , ll'Nhn'NN : Icn leturn from the ICon- NIL " el ) " 1.'eNth'lt"N. A party of Omaha business men . consistng of H. J. Peniold Major H. S. Wilcox . W. n. Bennett , J. E. Utt , E. E. Dryson , Thomas A. Fry , L. .M. R1 em , Walter Jardine and G. A. Hanzl , have returned from a trip to Kansas - sas CIty , where they spent four days In wit. nesslng the carnival of the Pries of Pal. las. One oC the maIn objects of the trip was to learn something of the experience that the Kansas City people had acquire durIng - lug their carnivals and to study new features for lie ( Ak.Sar.IIen festivIties In 1896. The party had an opportunIty to observe the way In which the parades Were managed and the crowds handled and wefl brought to the con. chllon that Omaha's frt effort had ( been In no resllecl Interior . . "Our parades were cftalnlY equal to the Priests of Pallas . " sal : fr. Utt yesterday , " "and we had fully U'Jblg a crowd as they had I was elma that 65,000 people were brought Into Kanas City during the week , hilt this Is an . approximate estimate and will probably be'rethsced . The estmate testyal was a huge SUccess * mwas well managed wel throughout. 'Vo have : leaned a number of things whIch will no IdoUt be of service to us In the fulure. ThQ pst noticeable thing we obselved was the I absolute harmony In which all Interests In Kansas City are Joined They all pull logelher' tor Kansas City , and this Is the secret oC the t success. " Major Wicox says ( that there was one respect In which the Icowd at the Kansas City festivities dlrere\ \ ' from that which was In Omaha last month,1 Here thousands of people came and spent IHvera days , willie In \\'hlo Kansas City It seemed tibe a purely local crowd which came In / the trains In the morning and went outl at nIght. Notwith. standing the large crowds on the streets , the hotels were not overcrQvded and It was apparent - parent that the carnlvil did not attract as many visitors from a distance as did the Omaha celebration. " S . A 'Vumnn' . .lh..lnG. lily only child was dangerously sick for four days with cholera Infanlum. Our belt doctor could not help her , We concluded 10 try Chamberlaln's Cole , Cholera and Diarrhoea Darrhoea ReIned ) ' . After the third dose she was out of danger , and at this writing Is out playing. May God bleu the manufacturer of this medicine for their efforts 10 do good Mrs. David II. Allen . Fayeteyle , N. Y. Meyer I'uld for lila flow . Paul Meyer living at 152 South Sixteenth street . fined $10 and costs In police court yesterday for keeping a vIcious dog. Joseph 1.'eubender an aged German was the complainant lie charged that 01 FrIday last . while passing the Meyer resi- donce a dog jumped at him and took icy- lY. .ral bites out or his body. o ffd . . eQ lfW ( Copyright , 1895 . Ilaclieller. It ) ' hiacheller. ) Johnson 1' ' CIApTIm I.-CONTINUm. : A 10b instantly filled the street before the building and n scene of Indescrlbtblo tumul ' and , excllement ensued Polcemen canoe ' runnln . ambulances were rung for rumor lew abDut that ( many were crushed In the : cellar , In the mIdst or I all a clear , cal'l ' voIce , above the lie-ada of the \ he-ls surging YO' - clferols crowd called , "ant of the way , 1 I please , " anti lookIng II ) they saw just over them John Burroughs , who had slid down a dangling rope , with one colt of I ns n brake on lila leg , as trapeze performers descend In a circus. They made way for ltiln . anti lie . I alighting , lshed Ihrough to the superln. lemlent and reported placidly : "it Is number 29 U that Is wnnled. " IV. When John urrouhs realized that he waY , temporarily nt least a poor iioan . he resolved to learn something practical . by whIch ho could ' not only support himself with a feeling of independence but oven rise In the world through his o\n exertions. lie had n good college education . but that was worth little In lie battle of life except as mental training for learnIng timings of real use. The "iearned Tlrofesslons"-refuges for the lazy and Incompetent genlel-dld not tempt hll : he hnt neither liking nor capital for mercantile speculation. A "trade" presented itself to his mind lS the desirable timing some good sort of honest , skilled \ labor productive . duclve or something useful to hlmanly and likely to be In permanent demalid . And of ni the trades that even the census takers have foun.1 out , none suited him so well ns Iron working , patcularly thai branch of It nose important In our large cities . the construction of buildings. To this ho resolved - solved to devote hlmselC. Believing In "Imowlng from the ground up" anything ho sought 10 learn , he commenced his new career as a day laborer In time foundry of the great "Vulcnn works " wheel. Ig sand and cleaning castIngs. At the sale theme . with an eye to some day beomln . an employer , he deemed this nn opportune tme for acquiring thorough knowledge ot time class of toilers among whom he had cast his lot , and to this end went 10 live In a mo- chanlcs' boarding house. Men could not ox- poet much or the comforts or life for $5 per week , time rate paId there , hIlt would have been justifIed In disappointment at what was actualy afforded In that establishment. Its onlY abundances were dirt and foul I air WIthin a fortnight his qllcc ! observation and alert Inteligence made him a valuable 'lmelper " and In a ltte time more he had so far mastered the details of Iron founding as practiced In that foundry , that though still only ranking anti raid as a laborer he was really doing the work of a slle molder. Ito had been at this n couple or months , when one day he electrified the foreman by calling his attention to the inferior quality of a new lot of 1lgs , " the first incItIng from which hal just been made Clearly and with tech- nical accuracy he stated the defective chemical composlon ! of the iron by reason of whIch castings made from It would fall at least 10 per cent below the minimum of strength they should possess. Nol another among the thirty molders of the foulmtiry . all supposably skillful men . had or could have , made that discovery the correctness of which was readily proved. When asked how he , a laborer came 10 know so much about Iron he modestly replied that ho had "plcltcd up a little about It In college. " That IncIdent gave hIm a new standing , for not only the foreman , but his employers-tl whom It was duly reported-were grateful and appreciative. Learning that he wished to gain a knowledge or the Iron busIness In all Its departments . they encouraged and In a short time aided him by a transfer to the rollIng mill . where he speedily learned the making of steel girders , beams etc. Then ! an incident needless to relate but fortuItous as that whIch gave hIm distinction In the foundry , brought out the fact that he WS a good mechanical tlraughmtsman . with evldenc of taste as a designer , and he was promoted 10 the "drawing" room. hero ho remained until , In an emergency , he was called upon to essay the duties or assistant foreman In the actual construction of a great steel frame building . and that was the point ho hall reached when Constance Desslne found him. All lila progress he had achieved In one year , so he had certaInly done well wIth the IndustrIal hal of his problem ; but DS much : could not be said for time social hal of it. lie did not get along well at the mechanics' boarding house. In vain he tried to adopt the manners and habits of his fellow- boarders ut least far enough to put from theIr minds the sense of sepalon between him and .them. lie could not , even by effort , be as dirty In mind speech and person lS some of them were with natural case. And ho could not help thinking logically and using his brain when he talked . which cause others of them to view him with suspicion. Insensibly he grew to realize that he was surrounded by an atmosphere or distrust , antagonism and even malice . the Inspiring force of which was a man known as Herr Janovlcs. I Janovlcs dfd any work It was In some nocturnal Industry he did not care to avow but he always hal money to pay his board : I\ } buy beer. His days were spent In sleep hIs evenings In frenzied denunciation or the "blooll-sucklng capitalists . " jeremiads over "down-trodden labor" and fer ) ' advocacy of "the cmmunlslc distribution of wealth. " When his follow-boarders went 10 bed , he sauntered out. Several times John Burroughs . , . ; A _ ' 7 . f7 ; . , , ) - ' I - I \ . , - Conslance had amU'd ' himself by worstng the fellow In debate , for which , of course , Janovlcs hated him bItterly and did all possible to prejudIce the minds of the olhers against him denouncing him In Ils absence , as I "capitailstlc spy" and - "traitor to the rights of man. " Ils malignant influence made itself felt. AgaIn anti again heavy weights "accIdent- ally" dropped out or this smoky darkness of the foundry roof came near to crushing Jack' skull ; once a hoistng winch , under an enor- ' mous strain was turned loose by the treacherous - erous release or a pawl , and only by u half- Inch missed breaking his back ; and . finally ' two of the sturdiest rulans In lie gang of his enemies picked a quarrel with him intending . tending to gIve him a merciless beltlng. which resulted In their being taken 10 a hospital for repairs Slut none of these things swerved John Durroujh from his course , or oven gave him a thought or fear V. Assistant Foreman Burroughs , while busy with his work on an upper for of the great steel cage the second day after the accIdent was startled by hearing In a cheery and familiar voice. the hal , "Ilehloal Jackl" and to see , mounting from the end of a ladder , his former chum , Ross Thorpo. "how II the world did you ever come to find me ( mere ? " he exclaimed Rosa hal but little breath left , after bls unwonted exertions , but found enough to gap the reply ; "Conslance saw you , and told Amy who told me. Out ! What a clmbl Could I lee the moon by looking down over the edge at this time or day ? " "Conslancel Who la Constance ) "Ahl I forgot You don't know her But she saw you that day . on the grand stand and has remembered you ever Iince. Queer , isn't It , that a girl should recollect a fellow like that Shut never mind about her now Give me an account ef yourself. Where hIv ) you been ? and what have you done and why did you do it ? " ) "I can't tel you now , Ross , for my time Is i not m ) own unll G o'clock nut conic to lily thing. room " tbls ( evening and Il tel you every- i Hess took lie aldrc Dr the lodgings to "tlch Jack hAl recently nooved . his ohl quarlers having finally bpcome unbearable anti the two friends Imrled. Their interview In the e\'enlng was long anti pleasant. htoss , notwlhstalling a rooted nnll\alhy 10 exertion . was quite lion. cit In bls expression of hearty allniralon for Jnck's pluck , energy anti e\lunnc ! 0111 be notell with satisfaction that a year of artlu- OtIS tel had loft few marks on his frleml. Jack looked more powerful than formerly- anti 'Ie never was a wenldlng-bls face hall grown graver multi more earnest than it I used to be whIch hustle him scent a little ohlr than ho was. hit In Ute main when omit , of his working cothes : ho "Iookell the same old . Jack " ' 'Hut . " remonstrated Hess , when he hall hearll Jack's story , "even If you persist In sticking to the life , I should think 'ou'd want 10 gel away from n gang of ) 'aimoos % 110 limit ill ) jobs to maim and kill ) 'ou. \ 'lmiloum't yeti get work some other 111aC7" "Nolhlng wouhl Induce mc to change. I Is part of m ) ' education . Time men are not all bail. Only a few of thieni In fact , have been Infected hY ' that mal , dog Jonovlcs. " "Couldn't you have him arrested T" "No. He Is shrewd enough to have other do time mischief he Plalis I I easy 10 SUS' pect , but hard 10 convict rascals of his kind. " "They'll geL you ) ' 01. " "I t1\lnk not. Our work on this bIg bilild- lug Is near : ) ' done. When It Is Inlshe.1 alll I go back to time works , I lay be put In , some other department , and perhaps see no i more or them than I to now. But. shah bo on my guard anyway , and tbat's al that . " Is necessar ) . Jack's anticipation of speedy return to lie works WaS realized more quickly than he : had expected for the very lext day he was summoned to nsumo the liosition . lempo : rarly at least , of foreman of thin foundry The old foreman , who first recognlzell Jack's 'C ( : j p gi : ' Herr J"novlcs. ability , had been dead six months and hh successor was his Conner nssistaimt a rough , Ignorant fellow . who drank , had no author- Ity among lie men and neglected his duties . I was his fault that the Irregular beam " 297 1) " vas not at the building when wanted , and that another was erroneously marked for It. Tht CUed the measure of his offenses . He was discharged and Burroughs ordered to take his place o The molders rebelled. I exasperated them to thlnl that ono Ihey relcmberd as a caslng.cleaner when they were already mlders should In a little over a yeal- have risen above thieno Ills superior ability . which they could not but recognize only em- bllerC them. Then , too , some ot them lihceil ttd the former foreman , with whom they used to get drunk and thought I loyalty to him to antagonize his successor herr Janovlcs learned of the promotion and did his best to tan the lames of discontent "So . ' : ho saId " tanntngly , "the sand wheeler Is your master now and can order you around Do you know why Because of his cunning sneaking underhandell wa ) ' of serving hIs bosses. " Tll men knew thai was a lie . but preferred I 10 the truth , because - cause I laUered their self-esteem. "I lold you when he was here , " Janovlcs went on here' "that ho was the spy and tool of the bosses Now . who wi say I was not right ; that I dldn't smell him out ? Take wurnlng' They plan some now Invasion of your rights ! new chains for their trampled slavesl and lie theIr hireling , Is ready 10 do their dirty tvoi'k'Ill you endure I ? WI you be ) . obedient dogs ? Or will yon be his judges ? " "Il break hIs jaw tomorry ; be the inertial gob I 111. " growled a moulder named Ken- moody ' liii ? . enormously powerful fellow who had quite a reputation as "the Foundry Ter- ror. " "Kenned can ; Ir any man can . he can , " piped One-eyed Finn , a little old man who was barely on the outskirts Dr Janovlcs' fol. lowing . "but I ho tries It at time shop , I'l have to be . a fair fight. For their own , credit the byes.1 stand nOlhln' ole there. " "That's all I " al want , vaunted Kenned ; "an,1 , If I aln't man enough to do hint I'll never take another drink " Il "I.ord ! That's a bowld sayin' , " exclaImed One.eyed } Jnn. . The fight was forced on Jack the next mermiimmg . and ho was nothIng lolh to accept the issue I was fair. Although the men were . ono and all . hopeful that the foreman would be whipped , they were determined that the best man should win In a shop fight , so the ) ' formed a ring and allowed no Inler. ference. Kennedy was ferociomma brawnier ( lion Jack anti hail , a longer reach wih some "science " but was no match for the cool , skillful boxer who had been the best amat"ur mlddlo weIght In the 11unhalan AthletIc tc club. "The Foundry Terror" was badly whipped antI dimS not succeoll In even inflicting . Ing a bruise upon time man he had sworn to "do. " A "strike" was threatened but Jack was ns ready for Ihat as for Ihe fight. "Strike If you like , " he told Ihe men , "I do not believe the ' Molders union wil sustain you but If It should I wi fill your places with nicked green men , who , under my direction . will learn to do In two weeks all required on such straight jobs as the shop Is full or now. Anti not a man who goes now will ever reo ( urn while I am here " There was no "strike , " no more open re- volt , but the men continued sullen , and , at Jarovics' instigation , 1 devilish project took shape secretly among his reckless and naturally criminal toils . Preparations were making for the casting or nn enormous bed pinto wIIL very heavy relnfofcements and deep IUKlke projections from its nether sur. face , a maas that would weigh several tons , hloth halves of its huge mold were made and baIted wihi extreme care amid Jack neglected lie preparation necessary to success , While ( lie tipper half was hieing slowly shod cautIously lowered into place , he went , for a moment , to the stack , to ascertain if ( lie metal was ready to run , When lie returned ( lie men were clamping ( ho frames of ( lie mold , This , and the last atoppings , cimanzmcl. ings and ventings were all apeetlily done , amid the foreman shouted' the furnace tentler , "Let it collie ! " l.ngrossed . as lie was with the work he ditl not miotico that the four men who stood near him , by tIme mold , when lie gave that order , suddenly disappeared , leaving him alone. A rivulet of white molten metal snurted that from ( lie furnace and coursed swiftly along its channel toward him , Gold and crimion sparks flew from it and when it plunged into ( ho mold , gas flanmes , green and blue , darted from time yenta , The inflow continued several seconds , In a stillness that made time low hiss and crackle of the fIery current seem loud , Then canoe a terrific explosion and time air was full of fragments of the mold , bllnthlng steam and flying masses of molten metal , white and curramit red , Following close upon ( ho awful roar were the crashes of lmoavy objects falling , lime angry hiss of water turning to steam , the agonized screams of 'victims and the excited cries of nien fleeing from (1w ( catastrophic. And all was Iii darkness , save ( lie glow of liquid metal spreading In slender atreanms and shallow pools over tti irregular earthen floor , Some one threw open the big double doors , letting the steam out ouch ( he daylight in. Surely John Burroughs bore a charmed life. for he stood , unharmed , its hi , piace by Liii renhmislits of time moiti , hut two hmmen liati been Immortally injured , The hack of one woe broken , and time other had beeti horribly burned by a mass of senii'Iiqtiith iron that bath struck amid filoitheth itself upon hmitti , Realizing that thic'y were about to die tlmey confessed having theiiiseiye catmsoti time cx- sioslon , lit the hinpo of kiiling the foreman , Titey lmatl , when his back vas turned , hiolirel a imall of 'voter lit tIme lucid , tiofore it was Cloeti , The other two iiiun working with themmi were accomplices , alitl Herr Jamiovics hati hiceti the Imisigator of time diabolical theitti , theitti'l \'l , ltosi' Thmorpe liicntioneml to his sister , one iii ) ' , tlia ( Jack Wotiltl l'a ) ' iiitn a visit time hiext limorning , by iiplOhlitliien ( , but perhias tltat hiatt biothing to do smith the fact that t-lieii Mr. iltlrrougll , vas foriiinlly all- hmntimicetl , at the exlmecteti ( hue Miss Con. stance lessino ilapiirmt to be in time parlor , calling upon her friontl , miiy , itmiml of cotlrso reeeis'etl a forimial ititroluction to liliii , "So , " tiioiigim ( Jack , regarding her with immteret , ' 'that's time girl who remiiemnbereml mile a year , merely fromim one caetmal glance , " hat a ineiiiory for faces silo niust luivel" Iii lila innocent freetlomim fruIt liersoiial vamiit' , ( ho idea did not occtmr to hmimui that her recollection iii lila caao was tierhaps exceptional amid title to seine special atrac- tion other faces miglmt not imave possei'oetl for her , Timat lie wothith always renieiiiber her , lie ditl not thotitit , but that vna a very thlfferemit matter. 11cr face , -an miot Olin to be forgotteim , Amiti yet , hm could hot have ttirnetl away anti tiescriloeti It , to hi neck , lila Perception of its detaIls was very t'agtme. 11cr great dark eyes eemed to fasci. mush ) hIs sight , whenever lie looked at her , antI all else of her features is'ere luierged iii a general inmpresslomo of Perfect loveliness. She sang , anti ho % vas enthralled by her voice ; ithie Spoke' , and bellied to hiiimt a paragon - agon of i'it and i'emmse slic s'nIketi , amiti be thiriiletl ' 'Itil atlniiratlon of her grace anti tlio beatity of imer figtire ; she sat still 011th shout , yet oven in her repose lie found new cimmtrrns. If ever a young muian unconsciotmsly pitltugeml boadlomig iii love John hlturroughs tiitl , Constance had boeen lilayihig on ( ho piano anti lie stool hieshile hrr , having beeii oc. ctlpietl imi time ecstatic duty of tttriiimig her mnualc , when lie amith , in a low voles : "Ibis tells me you recogmiizetl me , after a year , " Ills alluding to that iiinoniouuic feat wotmimi hare been sufllcient ovitlence to aIi9' otis who knew bun , of ( ho wholly iimipercouiai way lie was considcrimig It , but Constance did not yet know him well enoilli to tinmherstaumd ( list , anti blushed violently at buiimg so directly charged with hiolilimig a yonlig umuan in rcmiiemn. hiramice , amid by the young man hiimiiselt : never- thielens , it was' true , anti she simply its- swered , "Yes. " "It itt surprimmingi I'm sure I houltI have rcincmiihered yotm , if I Imad seen you , bill ( hat voiild have been Uccauso it was you. 4li(1 ( I falicy it is well I tilt ! not. " "Why so ? " i'hta asked , in surprise , ' 'It I lmati , I think it voillti have been iiartler for inc to adhmere to 'the plans I haatl made , I would have hicemi wanting to see you again insteatl of sticking to my vork. " ( Conclutleti Itiontlay. ) S Tired voniemi umeed to hiavo ( heir blood purl. lbotl and euiricimed by llood's Sarsaparilla , It 'i iii give theuma u'rength ( anti health. S OFi'lCEIt St'IIt ) II lIlt l.IFJO , Siii'i'os' 10t'nie. urn \'umiinn sit ( Ii. Lliimi ) ' , , , . "t'hint proniisetl to result in a very serious accident Timursday % 'as averted by ( lie presence - once of mnimid of Officer Fleming of ( lie Union depot force , Two femuuale passengers on tIme wes'tboimnd huriington No , 3 got off ( hue train shortly after it had conio to a staimtlstiil and went iuito the dining room of time depot for ltmnchi , Tiuno how more rapidly than they irngluied and they suddenly realized jhie fact ( list ( heir train was pulhilig out of ( lie depot. 110th wollien niade a rush for ( lie car , which hmy that ( tine was moving quite rapidly. Time foremost catigiit one of tIme rahlimugit on tIm front platformn and a brakeman , who happened to be standing on ( he stall , hielpeti her aboard. The second woman made an effort to reach the caine rolling , but imiissed it , nearly fall. ing umiderneahi ( tile vimecis iii consequence , Nothing daunted , abs essayed to catch tim railing of ( Ito rear platform , when time nfl- csr interfered , Had slut succeeded imi her at. tempt she would have been thrown under ( ho car and crushed o death , - a- R'gr4't , , , \\oo all done things ( hat we regret , And thmlmigs thm.'tt we wouith fain forgot , But with the past we'll have no row Provided we are ready now To mnend our ways , and ne'er neglect , To use in biltlng "Calunoot. " l'lnIn ' 1'rsitli , , Do you really undorstamid why you shouid in your own interests fully anti without delay look into aiid verify ( lie claims wo are niak. ing for tIm land now being sold to tim best class of intelligent purchasers amid known far and wide as the famous Orchard hionios region ? Yell must sop anti consider time low prices at which these lands are being sold , the great variety and absolute certainty of tim crops raised , the large yields and ( ho facility with which all products are uimmmrketetj , Time climate is romnarkabhe for its salubrly , extremes of heat or call are tinknowmi , 'rime whiter brief amid mihil , time summer long and delightful , with iuigiits invariably cool and pleasant , Work can be done omit of doors every nionthi In time year , Vegetables of every known variety can be raised lii ab. solute hierfectiomi and crops of many kinds can be grown on ( lie aanoo land each year. Irish and sweet potatoes for size anti yield cannot be exceeded in the United States , Tue mild chimmiate iiinkes shelter unnecessary for stock during any timno or the year. 'l'here is green boil for cattle ( lie year round , Iiermmuda is the staple grass and can be cut from ( itree to four ( iiiie each year anti io'lmeui ctmreii is itiuperior to time famuied timothy of time uiorhi ( , Clover grows luxuriantly mitl will yield as mmiimcht nil that In any section of ( lie United Stntes. Small graimi can he growmi succeasfthlly it desired. 'rimey prove profitable crops , and , as they are iuarveatcd early , there Is always tiimie to plant a crop of corn or vegetables on time same land ( lie same year. Corn is a great crop and ( ito yield Is a plmc-noiiiiiiaily large one , Time quickest and surest menus of nioney innklmmg , however , is In ( lie cultivation of Irmhlts and vegetabie , fromii which worlc you can make your in anti year omit front 200 to $100 for every acre of land ( lint you intelligently handle , All in- formnation on application to Coo , W. lines , General Agent , 1617 Faruiamn St. , Omaha , Neb , . - Crumble nrnh lime ( ' .rzo't'e' , Thmo following births and deaths were se- ported at ( ho health olflce during the twenty- tour hours ending at noon yesterday : Birtims-Amilo Sorensen , Fourth street anti Woolworth avenue , boy ; Jacob Jacobsen , Fourth and Francis , girl : Delbert Iayo , East Omaha , girl ; Thomas Wilson , 105 North Twenty.sevcuth , boyV. ; . T. Orunshy , 11318 Oak , gIrl ; E Iiotrlcii , 1421 Ohio , girl ; N. 0. hlislop , Benson , girl ; Victor Steimpuhie , 2313 Mason , boy ; Peter I'etors , 5002 Sherman avenue , girl ; Alfred Morris , 4627 Farnam , boy ; James hiodge , 2153 South Tenth , girl ; Charles L. Auteraoti , 1816 North Twenty- ixlm ( , girl ( wiiis. Ioathis-Cehia Bock , 8 , 2301 South Thir. toenh , praernla suppurative synovitla , Pros- peel 11111 ; lticliartl Lawless , 27 , i78 North Nineteenth , sarcoma pyoiiis ( , holy Sepulcher ; liritiget Wiggins , t.'J , Fort Omaha , hteart disease , holy Sepulcher ; Edward II. Gavin , iT ? , 2623 half howard , peritonitis , holy Sepulcher. _ _ _ _ _ _ What Is more attractive than a pretty face with a fresh , bright ootnplexiomi ? For it , us , I'ozzoni's Powder. Ite'iitiusi to ItO' ' , Mr. " , S'gitsesii , Thuraday evening , at time clergy house , Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets , there was an informal reception to They , Lewis 'r. Wattson , the newly-arrived head at tIme As. aociate mission. The congregatiouis of lit. John's , St. Paul's , St. Andrew's and hit , Augustine' , were welt i'epresented , and tim rooms were filled with callers , itefreshimnunts were served , 15ev , Wattson lireichied to time congreatIor of St. John's last Sunday inornimig , and this , lila Initial snrmon in Omaha , was rogardeti infist favorably by his hearers , giving the impression that lie will doubtless become a powerful factor iii this chosen field of mis. sionary labor. Conimencing October 31 a missiomi will be conducted every evening for ten days at St. John's church , Rev. Wattsomi occupying this central pobition as missionary preacher , No household is complete without a cds 01 Cook's Extra Dry ltnperial Champagne , Zt'a ( be best sparkling win. InStic.