I . . : . G _ - - _ - _ - - 'J'lIE OJ\rAIIA _ DAILY nEJ : rA'ruIuAy OC'L'OBT lS , 189. _ _ _ - - DIERCIAL AND FINANCI11L l I Large : Receipts amI Weak Cables Carried Wheat Lower . - THAT CEREAL OPENED QUITE Flfl1 ' Corn Uull',1 ( in let ' 111 , \1110 hwln",1 ! to " 'I'I"IN't ' thc SI/rt 1001 Got 1.'lr1rr In S"11"th ) , lh 'VhCII , CHIAGO. Oct. -Lnrgc rccctpts weak cahles and rumors from London or n Imnsh In I\nlr Blocks knocked another % e oft the value or December wheat loday. May corn lost He. 1ny oats % c , and provisions - visions cosed prnctcnly unchanged . E 'heat opened quiet nnl weak with the early sales at ic to ' .e decline from the close yesterday ; there wns n gradual frming up , and before noon there , haul been 1 : gradual recovery of nearly Ie , and the price got 4c hIgher than laKt night's close but cased off again Inter. Cables came wealeer , domestic markets were 'easier ' . ant the northwestern deliveries ahow n decided Increase. Continental advices . vices reported heavy rains In France and Germany relieving nil apprehensions ) 1' to fall seeding. It was further reported that wheat stocks at Odessa were Increasing rapidly , and prIces there declining. Another . other depressing factor was the rumor from London that there hal been I serious Inash In the Knlr stocle . The northwest wns selling heavily . and New York also Ill , whlo local operators were bearish and things Inclled to liquidate. 'rhere were rumors , too that . Armour had bought lrO ho. or wheat , In the northwest and would It to . ' nnl bring Chicago. 'rhere WIS not much wheat for sale however lfer Iherst t hair i hour and lS It grad U- aly improved the early sellers got ner- \'OW , and tried to buy back and In tllr cagernels to do so hll the price up. A report ( toni New York that excessive rains In Argentine were damaging the J wheat there , helpell to develop ( thrmnes anti lJrOI'e noon the Price hail Irmnem nearly Ie. December opened ( ut r % e. hut touched , GH c. tint ! ut noon was 61c During During the lust hour the market becume weak again , and , after selling at from Gc weal Gic for selllf to from GOc to , Gc L CO1c and closed nt GOc On the Illvunce , the selng was tree as the crowd tailed to sea tiny reason for the hulge. Corn rUle,1 , quiet . and whlo Inclined to weaknl'l lt the start , soon got firmer . In " 'inpathi with the recovery In wheat "rml.thy ! however WIS light and ! nur- row May ' sold from 2 e to 2:1 29 ½ c. and October ) from 3Oc to lOThe. There was lot much doing , during 30110. closing hour. The feeling was weak closing off to 29c I , und closed there. sol Oats suw ! . and followed corn and wheat being easy earl ' . but Improvcd. May sold at from 2OLc to 2Oac , and October lt ( rain 18c to 18\.e. \ Trle was slow durIng - lag the closing hour and the feeling 'auicr. May sold at % anl . and feelng 20 ' , e. Provision opened weak on the run of hogs today . proving heavier than ' tOdl provl1 ! IH'Ivler 'ester- day's estImate or It. I Wil 28,000 head 28.0 antI for tomorrow 15,0 head are expected which for a Saturday . Is considereti a hib. consiered I lb- cml number. There was nothIng done In the lIlt oC IL noteworthy character , and ! prices In the end were about aa on the day be- tore. fore.Estlinatea gstmale3 for tomorrow : Wheat 190 cars : corn . C ( cars ; oats . 420 cars ; 19 . 15.0 head The leading futures ranged as follows : ArticleA. I Open. I 1 I h. I Low . I Co'J . WheatNo.2 Whlnl.No.2 . . . . . asg1 I GO t 5R" 1)ec . . . . . flOt49 SJGm I OH' ( ono IRH May . . . GI4 ( 10h CortiNo" . . . ljj. 11 15H 14 G4H@I ( Oct. . . . . . : O } ( SOH 3O7. : U4 % No\ . . . . 2tI(45 ; . 30 20 . SOh :14 Iee . . . . . 2Hh 28t ! ' . $ 2 s May . . . . 20' ' ( 2te4 ) 21 ( ) ' OatH. No. 2. 2011 21) Oct . . . . lRh 1nt lRQI8U 1@lRH " . . . . . 11 ! ( IH" IHI ( ! 184 MY . . . . 20" ) ' < 2I ( 2Uf. 111. ' 21) l'orkpt'r bbl I'ork.pr . . . . . 8 3i R 40 8 O 8 8 ( ) , Jan..9 45 06 0 42 047H LnnI,100 lbs LnlIUO . . . . . G i ; SO / 80 6 80 6 SO Jan . . . . . 680 I tIi / 80 / 80 horl Ribs- . : } 610 / Iba- Oct . . . . . . / l 20 5 25 6 20 5 26 / Jan. . . . . . 4 H2\ ! 4 871 / : % / 4 H5 CMh ) 'uotntona were ns follows : PLOUIt-I'lrtui : winter ) folows ! . 83.0003.05 : wInter . tel . slrlhls. $2.5Ct3. ; . . , : > IIlo/ patents : S3.Ia % Z.O . : sprln stralgluls . S:6U3.o : bakers ; .90@ 30.WlmATNo. WlmAT-No. ! 2 u'rIng. S"tjGOc , ; No. 3 spring . ; t9g6Jc : No.2 rel. , ' ' SC60\c ! I COHN-No.2. 3ltI3h'c Nn. 3 ' 31f31.e : yellow . Slt3lc. OATS-Nn. , 181c ; No.2 'elow. . c ; No. 3 wulte. : 19f2H.c. ' ItYh-No. Z . 41c. IAhtl.FiY-No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , 26age ; No. 4 . : GtiSle. :6f I"I.AX 81lD-Nn. t. 9G'c. ' TIMOThY SIgD-Prlme. S3.45. 1IOVIHINHle.s pO k. per bbl , " $ .374S.rO. \ Lard . per let ) Iho. . $5.S2 ½ t.S3. Short ribs ldes . loose , S..25 1.3 : : dry salh' hioult1ers . boxed . , S5. 75f G.8i. : short clear shu1e . btuxel . < $ . .75ij6.Q3. WI I ' . . S..7'6.0J. . . . 'lISKY-Dlstlels' finished Iod. ter " "I ! - . . - . _ n. SI.22. . . 8UnAHR-Cut loaf S5.C , : granulateul . $4.7 : all.lar,1 "A. " SI.G2. t7 IOUlJrJLY-Mnrket slendy : turkeys , 7tjlc : chickens . Ga8'c : ducks S1j5c. 7fge { tOday The : following were the receipts anti shipments Arl cles. Receipts. Shipment. - - - - - - - - - - Plour bt.I. . . . . : . . . . . . 0.000 - - 7.000 Wheat bu. . . . . . . . . . . 8H.000 7.00U ConI , bti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 .OOO 100.OUO Oals. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470,000 &ouh.000 Eye bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.100 ) GOI.OOO . Uarcy. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,000 32.000 On the Prolua OtCIInro today ' the butur ajar- ket was Inn : cllllrV , 0@22c ; dairy 0Gt8c' . gge . firm ; l5jhCe. Cheese 7fte8c. ( NNW YOILIC ( H' NIAI. : IAIICNT , CloNlnA Quotations on tl I'rliicipiil COllotltcH nlel Staples NIIW YOltl . Oct. 1.-F'LOUlt1tecelpju . 1.6 bbls. ; exports . , ) bbl. ; market easy fur bakers , and spring Patents , but still heM steady 01 win- 'ter trdeo ; winter pstents . $3.4O3.Q. Bye four , firm ; sll'orlne. S2.83 : fancy $ .8U3.O. : Iluck- Wheat 10ur. $1.6t1l,75 . eWlm.\T-Qulet ; silver . MUSSc ; Japanese , ' Otj54c. BAIU.l MAI.T-Nomlnal ; we.ter. 49@c. ' ' : 11A1tL1V-Nounlnal . ; western UlGc . \Vh1hAT-htecelpts . 19.0 1m. ; spot weak ; No. . I f'd. 6'le ; No I hard 6Hc. OPtIOnS opened weak under bIg norlhwrster receIpts and lower tables . ailvanceti on good ' . cabl. nlvnncel co\'erlnl. .lnmlated by bad crop news from Argentine and reports or 1IIIcal trubl s In ArmenIa finally turned weak under uugent lIquidation antI closejl Jc lower : October 64tf64e. closed 6Hic ; December 6tj . G1tc. closed t6c ! , COIN-I.ceipis. SO.O ) bu $ pot. d.l ; No. 2. S7e. Options o/enel firm on absence or local pre..ure. host part of the advance Ilnally with wheat anti closed at about steady to I"c advance ; October 26t13e . closl 36Tc ; December , 3 E54e. closed 3e. : i' OATS-ltecelpts. 18.2 , ) bu. 8pot. No. 2 , 21,4c. ! Options \ , . very .Iul till tiny . only trading belay In W lie oats : closed unchanged 10 I.c lower : Oclo. b-r elo..1 23e : D"em ber closed 2e \ tls.uc. IIAY-Piruiter : shll'Ilnl. S6.H.0 : cholce $5.00 (9.UJ. 1IOt'-Easy ; state common to choice (1593 ( crop ) , 7fIOe. ( lihi)1-Fjrin : California . 1S1S4c ; allve.ton. , lCtthTc 13c. ; 1uenos Ayl' . . dry , 21e ( ; Texas dry. 12@ I lIe.LlATII I LlATII I1t- QuIet ; hemlock TII Iuiet h.mlork sole Buenos - .Ayrtq . Ilhl 10 heavy weIghts . 218 lueno WOOI.Qulel . ; dumesto 1..ce. 16tU61,0 ; pulled , l9t2c. Utc. . lIO\'lfIOHteer. steady ; beef hm. l5tD6e. Cut n1ats. lluiut. l.atul , steady ' : .Ie.m : closed G.224 : October $6.21. : nominal $ .2l . Sr.N. : refined slead ) ' . hiuvrlt-FItuj : : receIpts 2.6S1 pkgs. ; western dairy 1i13c ; slate daIry , 120210 ; state creamery we.ler , Zl fI23c. 1:1us-.FIrnj : ; stale and Pennzyivanla llIH-Jlrm 1enn..h'anla. 1Sl0 , ' western. ISo ; leCell.ts. S.U9 pkgs. ISIi2 ( ; TALLOW-Stronger : city . 1ic. 01 BOHI-lul ' ; 8Inl"'d , conlu . n to geode $ .IS ' 'It'I : TI NI-I'lrm ; , St4ISc . 11hC11-8tcntly ; thImestIc . \ ( , 'xtr. 3TG65c. \ MOI.\HHIH-Htely : ew Omiens opcx (6\.c. good 10 ch.ulce . 2'J0j3c. , OPf kette. 1'lTltOI.lt'91-8tently ; Untied closed . . at l'ITIO.I IM-Hlea'I Ulled clos.1 $ l. ! uhI3T.LS-1'lg Iron. alen.ly. Copper . llrm 11.\.H-Plg brokers . $1 : : exchange . 112.23. CO/per. quiet ; : brokers . SUG : exchange . ' 3.313.37Tin. $ . fIrm ; strultg. hl1,70tDl.5 ; plates . larllel firm. b'pelter . dull : , lol"le. u.IStn : ! . . Ira Speler. COTTON SI It Otl-I'Irrn . : prime summer yellow - low , : H.t2c ; I'rlno white. 31i3c. l\nIN" " VI Market , KANSAS CITY Ocl. ) 4.-\'htIAT.ctiy. ; hade hhlher ; No. 2 barth . 11S9C ; No. S red 634,61e , : rejected 35t4IOc. /S9C : COHN-Active ; allhly hIgher ; No 2 inixetl . : :6n26\ \ ; No. : whIte . 2Hidnc. mixe. OATKWhle. active Rn,1 Irm ; mixed . very tj20c. slow ; No. : tithed . 1 t1e ; No. : whIte . 191 ( CFlrm : . No. : . nomInally . ISo. 1"LAX SJ.DSI.ldy : ; lellember , nomlnahly . iAY-Uo.x1 grades . firma ; "oor very slow ; tim. IA00 grIrm othy. SIO.ol.o ; I'ralrle. ' IS.S G.M. tm. ItLJTTEII-Very firm and strung ; creamery , 27 Cse : Ilaln' 1 ( IS. < ! 1 ImaBActh'e snr hIgher ; 1Ic. - - - - St 1.0111 G'nt'rnl : Uark.t , ST LOUIS Ocl. l.-F1.OUit.-FairIy active and -I"\.OUI-I"airly higher ; Ial.nt. . n.i3.t : extra actve . . 3. % ; fancy , ' : O\.OI'l choIce 12.6)8.0. ) n.IOf V1ltlAT-f0ItuatIop . 'earlah throughout the day the market being \\.Iak. clo.lna below yester day. No Z r" , cash , 6 cl December , 631c ; Zday 660 bit ! . CORN-Dul. without much change but ruling slightly lower ; No 2 mlx'd. cash. 6Iic ; October , JGe < ; December . :4c : Mah ) ' , :6 c 1tYF-L.ower . ; No. % . 3c. OATBWeak ad tower In IJlpth ) with mullet matk.ll , No.2. cuh , 180 bId ; December , lt4o ' bid ; 3la ) ' . 20'C. con ) ) l2ti.-l.socJ.r,5 . 11 : )11AI.-S.6Q.r. ; fnlt track 1'1X $ lllti-i.ower ; SRcle - IA \-Cholce grumuies . tIll In ccmnnlt and .11 higher lull Ilde. ; prairie , U.ot.0j ; timothy , $0.0(1.0 IU1"'I I. . I.'h'm ; IIRrator creamery , 1821 ; lJnry ; : Iiin. 23' ' , ftlic . : - . 234i2Ie. I.I\I-/ul ant nominal , nt U.OI , e1os ( no nNorr.1 , demand pelerl thepreaetl and de- < pl'l' dining ; , ale5 one ear nt $3.9. ! ! I'IIOVIOSIONR-l'ork . tanlar,1 mess . 5q,73 IIO\IIONR-I'ork. .7.f 8.R7Ii. Lnrul itrlme otenl , U.70 ; choice . $3.74. ! l.con. hand shoulders , $1 ; long , $ S3,23 1 ribs $ . : " ' : shnrls . $5.90. < IIIPTHI'lour : S.M. , 4.0 bbls.l wheal , 1.0) bu. ; corn Ilti in , , : ants . M.lt but RIIII.STR-'Iour. 31lI : Iu. 6Ou'h ) I "hlo. I wheal , 18.0) tju ; corn , 31,0 bUd ; oats . GOOJ bu OM.tll.t ; Gl1StItt 1. M.titl(1T. Comimil t lois "f ' 'r/tc nUl ( ttlotntiomls "n Slnlh n1t I.'nncl'rlluce , The malkel on country produce was steady anti no new features of importance were dentoled. , Butter pdleu are considerably interested In the "culurl < " butter questIon . flutter or that description II being forwaideti In quite large 'ualtte 10 eastern markets. According to the New York Journal of Commerce 1.0 tub are received II that cIty week I ) ' . Bome time ago lie ( discovery . of / Property II 0 .n1111e or Lieu' KUn.ln milk wn made 11 the .hol'o ' or a bacteria that could overcome what are known as the bad Imcletla In mIlk , Ind WhIch Is now known as "ilacilluit t. " In other words . the bacterin ! s clalled 10 destroy the bacteria which tirges on ocolllHllol oC buUer . ant ! gives I 11 even te.ttlre . taste anti quality throughout the yetur . making , It I. claimed , butter a. 100,1 II l eefher ant January as I. prolce In June. The discovery was made by I'rof CIUI of.ol.nn university , and fur a tIme butter merchants would place no confhl.nee In It. A cOmllll } ' tins been OrKnnl7.1 with a main ofce at 'nierloo. la. , 10 manufacture and introduce a cullUed bulter. and branch alN's are tl he opelet lt convenient 1"lnts throughout the t'un- try . A resIdent lember of the company . when questIoned , Mid the Inter was getting welt Into the hHnts of butter mailers.'u have oe- cure < . " lie contlnue'l . "vltluin the past few days as many ns sixty sub.crlbel. and they are COl- Inl In ut Ihe rate or I\e and ! six 1dny. . " "I.'or the prlvlkle of acquirIng the rIght : to use this bacillus the lax Is nominal. Take for In- Mtnnc. . creameries wIth ml\I' \ ranging from 2.tOi pounds per week UII to 12,00) ' pounll. Our charges range frol S&I u" 10 ' 21' per year /nll It II.t be rememhered that this means I supply of hlcllrsulcelt fur complete InoculatIon for twelve niontlus. Bulletin No. 23 of Ih"grlcul - tural bateau gives In detaIl the results obtained at hevrl experlmeltnl < stations. " The bulletIn 11 question states In part : "Conn lots found that wInter cream and June c. . cant contain a distinct bacteria tIara In the > llle creamery ; that lie species or bacteria In , llelent crelmerl" lrrrr II Identical duties : that the species furloh < , " . a creamery by dller- eat puutrens differ , und that . In short , the bae. ' I. tintlergTing con- tonal horn of hue eteatnery untnlnlnp slant 10m " , I Is , or course largely n mater or luck whether the cream nt a given creamery . cluanceut II n certain time to have the high 1\.or- producing specIes luresent . "To eliminate tItle factor of luck from the elllnalIhlo rucor ripening cream pure cultures have been lre- rlpenln/ pared 11 / laboratories or the bacterIa that sour anti , gIve the desired 1\01 and aroma tu cl Cant , and these cultures have bu'en u.er In PraCtIcal experiment. When inoculated Into cream they sour It rapIdly , ant ! produce at the paine time 1 desIrable aroma. In other cases forms of bac. lerh\ have urma. b.el selected which Impart a uleslra. tile flavor and aroma wIthout mllerhly aIding In souring the Ieam. In this caMe the lactic ur- gutolsmns cOlmonly IIe..nt In tIme cream are rlled upon for gIving It the desired acidity. An or anl.r Isolated by Conn , and namel by him BacIlus No. 4. hnB gIven very Ilorl.lnl resuiltut . anti , has been utelopteti by n number of creameries for ripening cream < In the Use of Bacillus No. 11 a large culture or the organIsm Id added di- rect10 the ordinary cream / anti the ripening ' carried on a. Usual. The result has been thnl the sourIng Is delayed and the ripening may be . contInued longer ant titus the flavor be In. pro\'e.l. and n noticeably better product Is ob. tamed. The peculiar effect or this organIsm RII' pears to ito to add to the butter n flavor which the butter maker < . .crlhe its ' 'ulck grass' flavor . such n. he looks for In June butter. The aroma Is not much affected . The plel.lnt flavor appears to be added lu the butter In all condi- nppear lions which the experinienta have tIlls far tons made. I hutt . ben tried upon Ioor cream anti UP"I . good cream ; upon separated cream anti upon gravity cream ; In creameries of the very highest character anti creamerIes of aver ) ' much lower grade ; and the verdict In all cases has been unlrorm. Whenever It has been added to the cream for ripening 11 the l\op.r way there lies bee ni Improvement 11 Ito qualIty or the butter made In the Individual creamery The Ijutier at a poor creamery hues not Inuleed . been brought up lu lie quality or IU.edge butter . but II baa heel Improved ; and even the gilt-edged butter of our highest claMs creameries has been pronounced heter after the use of this bacillus In the rllcnlnp or its cream. 11leed. up 10 the present time It hues been chIefly the better creamerIes elicit have adopted Its use. Quota- tlons ; , lens - re.h stock per doz. . 13M4ul1c. , IIUTTI1t-I'acklng toclc . 7e : choice 10 fancy ' country I61Sc : gathered cr amery. 17lSc ; sep- orator creamery 18Qt20c. I VI ALCholce fat . 70 10 10 lb. . are quoted It 7f7 ' c : large and coarse H16e. , .CI/IRI -Wlscon"ln full crcnm. lIe : Young Amerlcus. 13c \ : twins 12e ; N.hrR.lm anti , Iowa full cream . 10flc ; 1.lmbur"er. No.1 , 12c ; brick No.1. 12\e : SwIss No I. I30(14c. LIVE 10UIrlY-lens. 61 f7c ; roosters 3c ; spring chicken. per itt . HI81-c ; ducks 6c ; spring ducks , 84iSc \ ; turkeys , ic : - young turkeys , Stifle : geese . 56c. I'IUlONS-I'er. doz. . $1. . lA Y-Uplanr. $6 < ; mIdland $ . ; .50 : lowland , S : ; rye straw . S5 ; color makes the price on lucy ; light bales sell the best. Only top grades brIng lop price . UAMII-I'ralrle chickens . young . per doz. . S5 ; old $3.00tj3.50 ; teal and mixed ducks $ ; M : ma- lard and red head tluclca . 12.50J3.00 ; quail , $ .75. olti S3.M : teal und mixed ducks . $1.90 ; mallard and red tired ducks S3 ; quaIl . $ .75. III100M CORN-New crou delivered on track IHOOM COlN-New del\.ere,1 trcl In country choIce green pelf.worklng carpet per lb. . 21(2 .c : choice green running 10 hurl 2\H \ 2rc ; common , 14c. vEanrAl3rE8. IFANRlln.l-plcke,1 nnvy. Ier bu. . $2. pOTATOgR-New choice stock 30c. HWg"T I'OTATObS-Chiolcc stock $ .7562.0 per hLI. ONIONS-lOoms grown 2.630c. ( AIBAal.n orders , crated , per 10 Ibs. . 75c0 $ .00. 75cq TOMATEBCholce $ stock , per j bu. basket 25402Cc. 2:3c. WATIHIEI.ON8Crnled. . per doz. . S2. CEI.EHY-oice tnck. large No.1. 40c ; large I No. 2. 35c ; - Inferior 25q,30c. , I CA NTALOIJI'R14-hotce stock crated for ship- meat per uioz. . f0405e. LIMA UEMOS-I'er lb. . GI % C. FRUiTS. Branch & Co. . have a consignment of California pomegranled. .So far as knwn It I. the first ( line that I.onegranatls have been seen on lila market und the fruit attracted a good de.,1 of attention. The pomegranate Is abut n. large as a metliuni.iulzetl apple . or a beautiful red cclor ant very attractive. The outside coverIng or the fruit Is hiarul but thIn ant Is Iled with seeds and dark red juice . the layer of which I. considered very excellent by many peollle. The fruit was put In boxes of the slmo size n. Cui- Irorla peuch boxes. Quotations : POUOI\NATgH-Calurnll. : per box $ CALl FOI1NIA QtHNC" S-I'er box $ SO. CALl leOltNIA AHS-No Itartlettum suitable 11 Bartet. sulable for shipping : other varieties. $ .75'2.o. IDAhO IIIN.BPer case. S5c. 10AI0 I'hAltS-h'er case 81.50401.75. CItANll1'1tRlES-Cape : Cod. per bbl $8. UTAH TI ACII.RNone. : . FASTI.IN aIAPI S-New York Concords . per basket 22@23c. CAI.IJOHNIA OHAPFRler case black \'t- I rllm , $1 ; Muscatmu , 81.10401.15 : 'foka ) ' . , $ .23. 1'IUMS-Nnne. I S01Tll.mN ( PI AClnBNone. : AplLFS-holc. shipping stock bbls , , U : cooking apples . 81.75. CAI.IFOHNIA PEAClEBFrestones. per box . 90c : clings. bOOjSIc. NFCTAINI R-None. TROIICAL FRUITS. OI1ANOIS-None. OHANOEBNone. l.gMONHExlrn fancy lemons . 360 size $10 : 30 size 10 : CalifornIa . n.WI8.o. $0 TANANARCholce large stock. per hunch $2.23 a2.M : medIum size hunches 81.75402.23 . 1.2. PlNI2APPIES-None. hIDES AND TALLOW. IIlDl8-No. I green hIdes Gc : No. 2 green hides 5\ie : No. I green salted hl\s. 7e ; Ireen . green Mal.1 hIdes . G ; No. I veal ealr. 8 to 15 lb. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf 8 10 IS-lb. . 7e ; No. 1 dry flint iuit1e . IO flc : No. 2 dry flint hides . 10@ 1a ; No. 1 My salted lilIes . Stjloc ; party cured hides , a per lb. len than fully cured. Slnml pgl.TS-Oreen salted. each ISfJCOc ; aC green salted searlnls ( short wolf early skins ) . each 5@ISc ; dry HhearlnKs short wooled earlY skln ) . No. 1 eaCh 5115e ; dry shesrllngs ( stuart woolPI early skins ) . No. 2 eoch. G : dry flint "nn.ns nnll Nebraska butcher woollels. actual weight Hi6c ; dry flint Colorado , butcher wool pills. " per Ib" actual wellhl , Hl6lia : dry hint Colorado lurrln wool l > lls. per Ib . actual weIght , 411CC. II\e fee cut off . al It I. useless 10 Pay freight on Ihem. 1'\II.OW AND OHDAsE-N . I tallow . Ie : Nu. 2 1low. 3o : grease white A. In Ilie : gr.aso. wIllie n. 31c ; grease } 'elow. 24) 30 : grease .Ialk. 2\e ' : oil , butter . 24)2c ; beeswax - " 'x. prIme. 17615c : rough . tallow . 2f2l \\001. UNVA8hllD-F'Ine hlav7. f4)To : fine tight. 8(9c ; 'unrter.tO. 10anc ; seedy burry and chatTy. Stile : coted and broken . coarse . 70 9c : rotted anti broken fine . 608e wool . WASIUO-Medlum. 1615 ; tine H@ 16e : tub washed 16fle : black 80 ; bucks , Cc ; tag locks . Z3 : dent pulled . 5 6e G DHESS"D ItICATS. ngl F-I.lght western steers 10 to GO lb. . 4 % US ; gao ! cows and Iteifers . 41Ht5c ! : m.dlul coca alit ! heiferi' . .tHe : i01 foruquarters cows and helren. 3 ' itle : good hindquarters couva and CU"s helfers . 61i67c ; faIr hindquarters , cow and helrers. 60 ; cow rounds. 44)2c ; cow chucks lc ' 34)3c ; leer chucks . 34)Ic ; bee t tenderloins fro&ol. lie ; freth . ISo ; beef rolls boneless . Sc : ; sirloin butts . boneless . Sc : loin backs . boneless. 8'.c ; loin backs . 6.e : cow ribs No.3. 6'0 ; cow . loins . No. 3 . 7\0 ; steer rIbs . 7'e : steer loins 'e \UTON-Dreooe mutton. 5c ; rack . mutton . Sc ; legs nuttiton . 7c ; saddles muton. . ; .Iew. 2e. muton. l'OltK-Pork loins ' Sc : spare rlbl. 5 ; nork sltouittrs , sac ; pork ahoullers . skinned . lork ! ; pigs teet . clean.l. per tloz. . 3se. ! ISCELLNCOUs OYSTI IR-Meluml. : e ; horseshoes II40ISc ; extra standards . : lc ; .XI"I .deCII , SIc ; company selects , 3 ; New York counts . lO ; standard bulk. per " .1. . * 1,25. lie. IIONIOY-Native white clover 10 ; choice stock . NUTS-Almond. . lie ; EnglIsh walnuts . soft. shellcd. lIe ; utnn.Iaruls 10 ; filberts . 9 ; Ira&\ .or- r.uta. Se : pecans . ge ; peanuts raw , 5QGc \ \ ; rn.1 ed. 7'4c. 5\Hlc SAVER Kl1ATT-Per bH. . $3.50 I half bbl. . $2. MAPI.l S'htUI'-F'ive-gal. cane . 0 gal. can. I.er fox , . $11gal. : . cans . 86.2.5 ; quart canl. $3.75. FIORew crop. CalifornIa . 10-lb boxes . tier Gc lb. . 1e Cmulon CQlornla figs . CO-lb. boxes . . . ' ANALYZING THE FAILURES , - Shows R t Condition Approaching but Not Reaching General Prosperity PRICES SHOW A VERY LOW RANGE This In Sllle of thc hlcmt'i'.1vmtnee In Sum\ \rth1h'-lrnn HhowH n Iet'Iimr. for th , ' 1.'lrHt 'I'liite Since lclrnnr , ' , , NEW : ioni . Ocl. 4.-R G. Dun & Co.s Wcekly Hevlcw of Trade , which issues tomorrow - I morrow , wi say : Commercial failures In the third qUarter of 1893 were 2 , 9. with ha- I hiltes ot $32,167,179 , averaging $ tt21 , t'er , frm. against $0.02 last rear-nbout 15 per cent more. The rate or commercIal mortnl- Hy , 2.31 failures In a qunrter for every 1.0 fIrms In business , Is lower than last year and the Proportion oC defaulted In- blites to the solvent business represented representcl by PaYments throu"h clearings houses Is but 2.49 per 1.0. agaInst 2.77 lust rear. The defaulted labites per nrm In busIness average $26.92. against $2G.39 last year. The defaulted lublltes or the manufacturing class average $20,86. against $19.761 In the same quarter last year ; In trading $8.577 , trding agaInst $6,143 lat year . and the banking failures , not Include faiures above have been ! 31. with average lIabilities or $111,000 against $10,036 nvera/e labiites I" third $11,0 . when failures are usually lOw time average nr liabilities In prosperous years falls below 0111,1.80 ; the number below 2 In I.M firms . $ de- flulc,1 , lIabIlitIes "elow S I.er $ .O In < - $ changes ' antI below $25 per finn In buslnes. Thus the analysis IndIcates a coittlitlon , al'llonch. lag . but . not ) 'et leaching , one of general prosperity - highly Important comparisons of prlccs this week show about Heplemb.r 3 Ihe lowest range ever known for wiuolenle prIces or all rnle ties , , notwlhslanllng advances since : March ot 2J Ier cent In colon goods . 10 per cent In boots anti shoes I nIl r. per cent In Iron and stccl prollels , , while 11 wol el goods lucre has been scnreely any advance . nnll In nil fee products takers together I fall of 17 I.cr cent Comparl- Sons show a fal In fet protuCls or 23.2 Per cent In tIme live years since I : : In woolen gootis , 2.r per cent ; 11 Iron products , ] . 16.4 per ' Cent anti , In colon goods . 12.tG ( eI cent . While boots and shoes Ire n little hllher and leather and hides mucI : higher than 1\1' years ago. < 'J'ho cotton market has mounll.1 Igo. above 9 cents \ anti , hells In spite of realizing . hut , a. the crop Is light In,1 quite largei9i I helll back the market does not yet reel lie InfluenOes or lie receipts natural nt thIs date. neports of Injury anti lower estimates or yield lowe Impressed nil minds , while few remember the slacks brought ' )11. He- / ceiltts are growJn . but fnr the month have bee 23,0)5) ) hales less than last 'ear. 1 \\'heat Is a shnle , w'lker. while western re- c.lpts have been 6,590,494 busiiels . agar"st 4.4S7.IOI Ilshcls last ) 'Iar. while Atlantic exports have been 1,038.17 bu.h.18. against . exprls , . last year . Corn Is but lIttle lower though beginnIng . ginnIng move quite largely. The lenIS'I"lnll has orler.l , 40.0 tons or steel . rails anti oIlier roads 85 , { "ut the steel niitkcnu having bought theIr pipe Bessem.r IB lower anti most of thu . gray forge nod the tie- lan.1 for the 111.h d products I. decIdedly mutnuihier. S : that the average of IrM prices < urns down for the first ( line since I.'ebruar Coke workers gain 6 per cent more wages and coke Is nisId 18 10 33. Wool speculation continues with speculalnn enormous Irnn.aclons-IO.962.UO pounds for lie Week . anti for the month 3 .66./0 pounds . of which 19,153,70) < 19.16.7O : punls , were 'lometutlc. against 37,208,400 pounds 3i.2S.toun In IS9. of which . 26.197.80 pounds Were domestic . < hut the average of 104 quotations Is I cent lower than a monlh ago. The manufacturers are : doing well In dress goods und many specialties . but have lost ' ' \ n large share of business In mln's' Woolens anti wool Is 1 per cent higher and goods 2 per cent lower than ' ' . a year ogo. OI.IiIAILING 10USN TOTALS. Aggregiile of IltiMItiI'514 ' ' , . \AArr IUNI" " " 'rnnHnch',1 by tl , . . "Hoclntrd hunks lnHt Vce'lc 1 N"W YOIU { , Oct. 4.-The following table compiled by lmdstr e ' . 's. shows the total clearances . ances at the principal citIes and the ' cles percentage anr "el'centle of Increase or decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year . CITIES. I Amount. I Inc. I Dec. New york. . . . . . . . . . $ . : .3 1676 . . . . . . Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . isI.0Ii . ) G.7. . . . Iioaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.261.O9 : , . . . . Phlndelphla . . . . . . . . . 106.166G7 . . I.2. . . . . St. Luis . . . . . . . . . . . 23.S:3.982 : 32.2. . . . . Hun F'riincIsco . . . . . . . . 15.807.39 32.2. . . . . . Itnitimore . . . . . . . . . . 6.5 . . . . . flsburl . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,6. . Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . H..3.92i . . 1.G . . . . ' Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 9.914,50 New Orleans . . . . . . . . 10.373.HS 11.0. . . , Bufalo . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.b64.79S 1.0. . . . . ' . Milwaukee . . . . . . : . . . 5.2S/,839 / 1.9. , . . . . ' Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.38G,19 . . 'I. Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . G.Ho.t2 . . Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . 10,533,591 22.9 . . . . OIAHA . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . 5.9 Pr\ldelce . . . . . . . . . . 4.13I.iOS .UI.iI . . . . . Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . 6.509.709 2.7 . . . Houston . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2B.99 23.1 . . . HI. Iaul . , . . . . . . . . . 3.9U.,42 . 29,7. Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.G7.G06 2.8. . . IndIanapolis . . . . . . . . . 3.GH.66t . . 2.8. . . . Columbus , 0. . . . . . . . . . 3.72,10 6.3 . . . hartford . . . . . . . . . . 2S2.I32 3.9. . . Hlehmond . . . . . . . . . . 2.2,83 6.3. Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,593,412. 4,3. . . St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . 1.501,0 . . . . 3.8 1'O'11 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,7Z6.G85. 3.9. . . Meniplils . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1.1 ( . . i'ortlamitt Ore. . . . . . . . . 1.13t.2S9. . . 8.1 loche.ter . . . . . . . . . . . l.t.2.IU . . . G.7 New Hnnn . . . . . . . . . 2.10.48 . 27.1 . Ha\'annah . . . . . . . . . . . 4.050.983 26.9. . . Sprlngl"ld , 1tTiisiu. . . . . . 1.836.34 22,8. . . Worcester . . . . . . . . . . 1.42I,4 . . . . 4.0 , Iortand , Me. . . . . . . . . . . 1.389.42 . . . . 4.1 Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,322,204 . . ' I'ortVorlh . . . . . . . . 1.li9.691 . . 15.8 Wnco . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2G.I.r. 6 .7 . Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . l.oS.10 4.6. . . Ies Moines . . . . . . . . . 1.078.04 . .4,1 . Ornnd ltaplds . . . . . . . . b16.229 . . . . . Seattle laplls . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.983 4.6. . . Lowell . . . . . . . . . . . . 630.090 . . . . .15.3 \Vlinuington , Del. . . . . . . 7:2.807 . . . . 3.9 : Wlmlnglon . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.01.5&19.5. \ . . . . . Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . .fS2,509 . . . . 7.3 Lo . Angeles . . . . . . . . 3,123.003 6S.1 . Tacoma 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . (9 6 1 . . . 6,7 Saginaw Mich. . . . . . . 30.92- " . ' . 9.5 Spokane . . . . . . . . . . M..6,0 : 3. ; . . . . . JacksonvIlle . . . . . . . . . . 192.G31. . . . . 37.1 .Jaeksnvle . . . . . . . . . . . . 416.6 > . . . . 1.S New IIedford . . . . . . . . . . 9.7. . .6 . \ lelord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tl.3. . : . . 1.4 \\Ichla . . . . . . . . . .390,210 18.5 . . . . Topeka Ulrlngham . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.210 315.1r . . 68.1. 32.0 I.exlnglon. Ky. . . . . . . . . 322. H . . . 9.0 itinglinnitOn . . . . . . . . . . . 319..0 . . . . 1.1 Bnghnmton . . . . . . . . . . . . G . 2S.7 . hlay ) leh. . . . . .IO .lay 11) : . . . . . . . . . . . .l S . . . . . . .I'al II\er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.37 19.5 . . Sprlngfleld , 0. . . . . . . . . . 169.813 10. . 'Cnton . . . . . . . . . . . 190.(00 ' . 19,8. . . . . . .Hloux Fitlls . . . . . . . . ! .4 ! . . . 8.0 . .r.mont. Neh. . . . . . . .a. :1 . .7 . . . . 'ltastlngs. . Neb. . . . . . . . . . . 10.1 . 'lostng. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . 'Chattanooga ! . . . . . . . . .9 a. . . 'ChaUanol\ . . . . . . . . . . . . .lB " 18.7. . 3.0 .Na.hvlo . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , ' 28.7. . 'alln.loa Halt . . . . . . . . . . . 7'i82'29 . . . : . "ii9 Scranton . . . . . . . . . . . . 789:0& : . . . 8.4 htelena . . . . . . . . . . . 72 ' 99 . 32.9 . Ielenn . . . . . . . . . . 281'519 , . Itocktord : . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 , ' .99 . . 15.3. . . G.4 Toledo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,566ClSf : . . . . Augusta : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . 9S2'S : ' 90,4. . . Davenport . . . . . . . . . .1,834SSlu I . . ( . . 35.5. . . - Totals Untied 8Int. . . $ . .OS9.r 13.6. . . . . Unle.l 492,078,724110.0. . . . Rxcltistvo uf New York. . . 8 492.078.724 10.0. . . - DOMINION 01" CANADA Montreal . . . . . . . . . . . $ ' 1.r ! -7. . . . . 1 * . lonlreal . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,737,829 . . . . 2.2 halIfax . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'S ' ' 33.0'1 ' ) , . ' Iii Halrax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'jiTaI,591J..12,5 : . : lfaniIlton I : : : : : : : : : : : : : . , , . . . . . : 21.4 \Vlnnipeg : : : : . . : . . . . . . . . . I . _ _ 1,1OS7 . - 1,3. . 214 : : : : : : Totals . . . . . . . . . .S : .SU.6S : . . . . 9.6 - t included In total. hlitAIS'Vltllll'l"S 1tl3V1l3' ' \ ' Ol ' 'nAIH , ScnlOulhlc ' \ 'etm thie'r InH St linithutteil . thti' $ nlcl If 3IerchimisuIIse. NU\V YOltl , Oct. 4-llradsreet'a ( tomorrow ' Iil say : Seasonable weather has stimulated \1 ) sales of morchllU.e III Increased the prospects or a favorable fall trade generl\ . Among the leis fa\'orahle features arc a molerate , d.n1111 In stpie lines on the Paclc coast a reacl"n In In.s tie volum" of business at lialtintore . and the check to lie advance or prices In Iron anti Sl.el. with it reaction of about U per ton at Ohio \ ' alley antI Pennsylvunla . reacton cenler. Irles.for Ire anti steel at western centers are firnu and denIers arc wlstern Irl salti 10 "e sold about eight months ahead. 2tter- sall cantile colect ns are very generally Improved , canile particularly aotttlu Georgia anti Texas mer- ehalts and farmuuers being conspIcuous , for lIquid- atlon of Lllebtedle , " , anti , anticipating I.arment of commercial I'nper. The general dry goods ( ratio has Improved wlh lure favorable weather. The largest eastern Jabbers reported a material Increase In ( hue lemonl. The unfavorable spot ' woolens . the sale for Is In men's wear wolens. spring slle or which was unsatisfactory . owing to foreIgn corn. petition. The conditions south are Imlr\'lng wIth the free movement of cotton anti the high price or the staple , With aetna exceptIons lead- Ing southern Points report improvIng trde anti advancing and slices prices ' for , try OOd5 . haare. . leather " : xllrls or wheat ( four Included as wheat ) from hoth coasts of time United States anti CHnada amounl to % 613.OJ bushel. Last week the lutal WS 3. $ S.J bushels . one year ale 3.t. ( bushels - els . two ) 'ear nl : 3.189.0 bushels , and three years ago 4,01.0 bush l. lllt.tISTIS Wl ! ' 1'ClC 1E"IN" ' , Pcnrl of n Vulnl' " ' In the : $ Ulln StOck 100m , N"W YOHK Oct 4.-Ilruustreet's Stock Review - view tomorrow will lay : Constant fear or gohl withdrawal hu ben follows , ! "y Qn easier lone of . peculatton . and by an irregular Impro\ment In stock quotstiona . but at time close of the week bearish Inlueneel have reappeared In arm- pollY wIth fears of n collapse of Ihe mining shareS boom In London . and l'aris. The drop In exchange ratta was enn niece sharp than bnd . . . . . . been 81'lcl"l. ' nnIIh , lt ! chose oC the week Iher vse n Inlurnl rm'actittn cn time dellnt Ih that matkel. The rat , lire' .ufclently low to pre- vent ell shlpmen\ \ While thIs Inluenep lies been beneficial to th" Mek . market nt New 'otlC . the activity luitmi ' 'Ilm"t dloKelher Itrofes- slonal anti hns not 4ttQteti I . foreign bu'lnThe PrinciPal nd\'nncl av.t heel In stocks directly un.ler clique guiit1afit. or those In which mnn. IIulath'o interests hn\'e "uoletl thehuseltas. Iu- rope still .hows n olnlntOn In notice Arer- lean .Ieculnth'es mtrI I t the close or lie wCtk the I.on.lon nttutke t \ nlluthell , by a l'uldatnl tenllncy , In mlnln ; ahyies. The Inlntll "ecu- laton In such . ' O\ihlIC" \ { has indeed become a menace to the flnandAworld ! ' _ , , s'rocls , 'XU hlOSlS. . ! , I'rolesalmiuiml . lOittlimemit ltesjiomtsil,1c for Simt'e'mii'tf'e ; , , 'I'nl.n"HI. NIW : VOithI . Oct . 4.Wenkne. characterized today's . speculation . The Irt.p.lonol , dealers were responsible for tpo fluctuations. There was no Important disquieting news. The market shbuvu1 increased activity . as compared with yesterday . tIme forlloot groups being Ihu Illus- trials anti , grungers . Tiut- leaders were Sugar ChIcago ( las . Sb 1nul antI DI.tllnOOBsll' < affecting - fectnK time industrIals was the active Power oC the markel , nlhoulh I started nctve hlndlcapl'I,1 "y lower prIces for American securities 11 " 1,101 anti by rUlers of Ilobablo monetary disturbances nhroad In connection wIth the speculation In cOlnlcton wih .peculnton Jalr. In the late session n rise In cal money rates was unfavorably relected In the ppcclln- tiutti . Sugar pule.e Crol the publIc action of < nclon alleged statistical reports purporting 10 ohow 1\ less encouraging Outlook fur the Ildu.lry than lund been hell to "e tie cnse. ChIcago ( an. which .co.1 the IICI'n greatest net loss was . < sold on account or the Intlefinite charaCter of the consollilton ngreciuien ( . The doclment Is n masterpiece or clever legal evasIve language , but ts too much for the average speculator. Tennessee . neSReu (011 antI Iron reacted on realizatIon 01 thin publication of . publcton sale or n "Ioclt or bonds which hind "Ien hel ! 11 Its tren.ury. bndl portnlt factor 11 the granger group WIS hl'aV ) ' IrOUl' foreign sellIng of St. Pnul. The marllet opened anImated and wenk with general fractIonal wih Ieneral fractonnl losc The I.reso'lo . to sell WIS soon relaxed nn,1 a rally occurred at t4 to 1 % per cent , Sugar . II 1\ being the moot consfuicuous About midday time hears agaIn assumed the aggressive . and on nn Increnpl.1 volume of busl. ness Itrices receded shalI' . The closing was w"k antI , at about the lowest of tue da } ' . The declines at the extreme low itoInt a. coiuipared wih last night's Inal sales . were : Chlcalo Ins < . 2 % per cent : Icknwalnn. 2n per cent ; Tennessee - , ccnt.lne. see Coal HI per cent : Sugar . I' . per cent ; the grangers . I per cent , Louisville 0 Nashville . 1. per cent , anti Itianhuatan ( . Su"quehnnna & \\esler prlrer.1 and MIssouri PacIfic . 1 % per ccnt . Colornlo FUel early n.1'nnc ,1 1 % per earl' cent but WU. SUbM'Uent } . alecte,1 by the sea- Ien- coil down"nr,1 , tendency t and lost 2 per cent. \'nl.vle & Terre haute wus dealt In at 30 agaInst 3 ' . the ( last preceding sale on Septem- her 4. Thur volume of bu.lne. In bonds today was of Iood proportions . the sales aggregatIng $ .i39.10. The .pcuiltol was weak with tw : $ \ rl."ur , ' most pronounced In the final ealnl" Wisconsin Central firsts . trust receipts. < lost IIi I.e cent. I'rlo seconti .on801. stamped 114 pe cent and , Ontario & \'est r refundIng 4s. Atchison atl- JU'ln nt 4. ( when issued / . Chicago . . North- er laclOe first trust receIpts und UnIon Pacific Del.er & oulr. I per cent. The gnllnl 1O.t'M financial cablegram says : A further henvy slunmit In mines tolay , Iemorlzed nil the mnrkets. heavy sales rrom ParIs.ele the main reason. An orsunl7ell atempt to squeeze olt time week men appears to be In np\ itrogress there I Is salt ( lint the French got'- ernment . which views with dislike lie mUlner In which rentes have recently bel sold tint money applied 10 mines I" , loin/ Its utmost 10 check the speculation. I'rlces , however . closet above the worst All the markets were dull. AmerIcans dwindled fractionally und thele was no bu.lne. The following were the closing quotation , on the leading stocks or the New York exchange tOday : Atchison . . . . . . : HU U. 1' . 1) . & . . . . tl Adams . ; x"rc81. 10 ' Northwestern . . . . 1(14(4 ( ( Altoiu. T. 1. . . . G : do pfd. . . . . . . . 14 ! Am. Express. . . . t1 N. Y.Clnlral. . . . 17 ( Oallnorc&Ohlo. ri : N. Y. & N. . . . . . . llll Canada l'aellc. . (104 Ontnrlo & W. . . . 18t ! Calad : 80UI"cl. 5.1 Orolon Immup. . . . 11(4 Cenlral1acllc. . . IBI Oregon NIIV. . . . . 2 ll Ch.B.&Ohlo. . . . IOu O. S. 1. & I.N. ( . . : Chitcago& Alton . 101 ; l'aeltlc Mall. . . . . . ( Chlcalo.1 Alon. C. . if. & . . . . . . IRI4 ' I' . D. & \nl. . . . . . . 31 ' Chicago Gas. . . . 70 , ( PJt.bu . . . . . 115 Consolltlated Claim . 114' Inllln l'nlaeo. . 172 C. C. C.1 SI. L. : . UN iteatiliug. . . . . . . . 2Oj Colo. Coal & Iron . 1 r\ It. O. W. . . . . . . . 37(4 Colon Oil Cert . . 221 It G. V. pfd..2 \ Delaware .5 ; 11,1. ia24 nock IHllld . . . 77 * 4 Del. . Lack , W. . lUl ( , SI. } ' 8ul. . . . . . . 7f. I ) . kit. O. ptd . . l : do pfd. . . . . 127 D. k C. F. Co. . . 2S(4 : St. 1' . & Oiuialua . . 12 : Erie..t . . li :11 do , . . . . . . . 4:1" ro pfd. . . . . . . HI' Soullen1 ( 'nettle . 24" FortWayno. . . . . . . . 105 ' Smigarflefluierv ' , . , , bide (3 ? Northern ; pfd , . . . Ig Tejumu. Coal . nri ; 4 : U C.kF.I.prd..l00 Texaspacinc. . . . 11 flocking Valley . . 2Ci : ' T. " O. Cent. \rI. . 77 lhhinoi Centi'al . . 100 % Umilon Pacific. . . . 34(4 St. 1' . k Dimlutli . . 82 U. S. } ; xprcAs. . . 1 ! K. . ' T. pfd. . . . . . . I :7H : W. SI. 1 & I. . . . . 41 1 Luke Eric & West . 24)4 W. St. 1 . . I' . pfd. . 221' , ro pit . . ' . . . . . 78 \\'cIIFarlo Ex. . ,101 ( Lake Shor. . . . 154 Western Union. . . 021' LeadTrtmtmt. . . . . . 34t WheelIng & L. E. 15(4 LoulHvl0 &N. . . . ' . tl2 1 ( do ptd. . . & . . . . . IM1 L. & N.A. . . . , . , . . 11 ? tr&St. . L. . . . . , . 2MI lMallmtanCon .I ' lt . % D. A1a.I. 1114 Meimuphiluikfi. . . . 1 rl. . : : . . . . . . . . . . 11" Michigan Cent. . . . lUI N. L. . . ; . . . . . . 2i : % MIssouri Pacll1. 37 C. F. & I. . . . . . 2:1\ Moltllo&Ohto. . . . . a do ltfd. . . . . . . . . . . . :0 Ntiushivhile i Chuid. : : : 70 n ? d W : : : : : : : : : : : 24 NatIonal Corgo. 894 ' 1' . A. A. . . N. I. . . 1 % NaL Cordnlo pftl . 16h T. St. L. & K. C. . . H N.J.Cenlral. . . . 1 : do pfd. . . . . . . 17 N. & W. pfd. . . . . 11 S. K. U. . . . . . . . 1204 North Am. Co . . . . 6h do "ra. . . . . . .11 : ' Norlher l'acllc. 6 Am 'fob. Co. . . . . 10 N.l'acitlcpfd. . . . lE1 dopfd . . . . 10S The total sales or stocks tony were 223.90 shares . Including AmerIcan Sugar . 40.20 ; Am.rl- can Tobacco . 6.5 ; AtchIson third assessment paId . 6,30 ; Ifurllnglon. 1.30 ; Chicago Gas : .6QJ : DI.lllnl and CallerC'lng company . 1.2 : Mis. souri Paclfie . 3.30 : Reading . 18.100' ) Hoet Island , 6.IQO : St. Itaul 16.9 : sIlver certIficates ! , 10,0 : Tennessee Coal and Iron 16.20 : United Stales Cordage . assessment paid . 670Vhcelnl ; & Lake Erie. 4ZO. NeTs' York Jlon"e"urkct. . NEW YORK Ocl. 4.-MONEY ON CALL- . Easy nt I1H13 per cent ; last loan 2 per cent ; closed , 2 per cel t. celt. PllE MERCANTILE IAl l-45 per STll.ING FXClANOI.-Flrm. wIth actual ltusinemut In bankers' bills nt $1.S7'1.8H , for demand - mand and $1.l.S40t.59 for sixty days : posted rates. 84.87614.88 and $1.59 ; commercial bills . U.S : HiU6. SiLVl1t CEItTIFICATI3S-676J67c. HI.I l CEHTI"'ICATJS-6767'c. aOV.HNMI'NT : BONDS-8trong. State bonds inactIve. RaIlroad Itonds . weak Clo'ln& quotations on bonds were as follows ; U.S.Isree . , mteiv. 1224 ct. ' . 1st ! 01 J. . . 1 ! .S.46eouo.new. 12:1 : P. & IL. 0. 7a. . . . 116H (1.8. 5sreg. . . . . . . lH D .k 11. G. 4s. . . . . (52 u.s. Sa . coup. . . . 15J Erlu . 2dl . . . . . ItO U.S 4sreg. . . . . lH' (1. lf.&fi. A. Os . 105 U.S. 4s. COOl ) . . . . 11" G. If. k H. A. 7s. . Itm2 .S.28 , reg. . . , \7 H. kT. C. Os. . . . 12 Pacific Its of ' 95. . 100 110 tie. . . . . . . . 13 A1a.clamus A. . . . 101 1. K.&T. let4s. . 84 % Ala. , elas' l. . . JOO < 0 2d 4R. . . . . 00(4 Ala. , class C' . . . . 00 lnlatUllon ( l.a . 001 : Ala. Ctirreuicy. . . 09 N. J. C. Gee. l.s. , . 10H 1 : Ja. Now . 48. 08(4 No.l'aclltojuics . 117 % Missotuit Ott. . . . . Hil do this . . . . . . 17 ! N. C. Os. . . . . . . 122 N. W. Consolut . . UO N.C,4s. . . . . . . 102 doS. F. Deb. 5s. 12" S. C. liomitminti . . . 1 n. G. IVeAL ( lats . 7H 'e'n. new set Cta . 00 St. I' . COI.oIA 7R. 127 Teiun. IUW set 6. 105 do C ! e P. W.5' . 11581 'f'nn.olll 11mm . . . 60 SI.L..1 1.16 001.5. 1 ( Va Centuries. . . 62't SL L. . S. p . c-i.u 110 \ do deferred . . . 1" Tex I'a. late . . 02t ) ! AtchIson . s. . . . Sli d02dH. . . . . . . . 2541.4 AlchlBOI 2d A. . . 3:1 U. I' . lets or ' 90 . ( 2HI Calnl : So. 2dB. . 10714 We"l Shor 4B. . 1051(4 I. . k N. ulllld 49. Bn : Southern 5s. . . . 00" O. n. k N. 1st. . . 11 ! ( 1oRton Stock Qnotathomm , , , nOSTON. let 4.-Cnl loans . 2(4644 per cent : Umo 10ls. 3c41 per eenl. Closing Jr cent , bonds anti ' stocks bOld8 all miling 8hare ; A. T. . . S. F. . . . . , 2H ( Wo.ln"h. . : Iec. . sa :5 . Am. Stigttr. . . . . 10804 w. " : Iec. Phi. . . . . 04(4 Am. Stigar Ir , ! . . HI . WI. . Central. . . . . 04\ 11ev Slate One. . . . 10 EdIson Sloe . Ills. . 152(4 flellTclophiono. . . 101 ) len Elee . oftl. . . . 1521 ; floston& Albany . 2U8 Alchlson 2ds . . . . 33)4 floston& Maine. . } 5 AtchIson 4B. . . . . BIll . C. it. & Q. . . . . . 16 . t New } : nJI:111 ( Is. . . 113 " Fitchibimrg. . . . , . . 14 WIH. Cent . 18. . . . 13" ( cmi. Electric . . . 31 Alou.z MIIII Co 11 IllInois Steel . . . H14 AIL'nle. . . . ; . . 2H' JI'xleal C"ltrl. 111(4 101101. . 1011:1 , 5504 N. Y. & : I : . . . . . , 1uS Illo & lloston. . : . 18(4 Old Colony..V7 Cahiutuel . Iccla 316 Oro. Short LIne. . , . . wr Conl.lnlal. . . . . 1 % Hlbbor. . . . . . . ; . 140' ( " 'rankll. . . . . . 1904 Hn Diego. . . . . , . . .1. 1 JFl O..pola . . . . . . :12(4 : Union 1lellc.Q'lney. . . . . . . . lU ! W"II . : imd. . . . . . \ & ' 71 Tanuarack. . . . . . 130 do . . . . . . . ' , ' f , . Wolverine. . . . . 7(4 San l rnncIHooIUulnA Quotation , , . SAN FlANCSCOj ; lCI. 4.-Tho omclal cloHlnl quotitIouumi lows : : for Ill\II..ltock' ( ala . ) ' were ni fol- ' 0' " 4 Alta . . . . . . . . . . . LI.R GOlldCnrr.v. . . . 4 : Alpha . . . . . . . . . . Ilitlo& . , COI..d n7I lnin " Norcross. . 141) AndlH . . . . . . . , o J11 . Jmtstico. . . . . . . . 10 I 10lcher . . . . . . . 10.17 lemutuelty Coiu . . R nest 6 Ilclcluer. . ; ' .171 Lady Wash . Con . 2 tlotlhoCoit . . . . . Jflc130 Mexicami . . . . . . 17 ( : Inlol. . . . . . . . 0,14 MOlnt Diablo. ' . . . . Ii Hulwcr cOI..1 4 , Oechtontl Coa . . 1U Cnle'doimia. . . . . . . . . , " ' m I Opimir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10(1 Chmallommgo i . Con. : : : e 011 Oyerniami. : : : : : : : : : : : 3 Citollit . . . . . . . .0la 1'01081. . . . . . . . (14 Commtk.unca . . . . .t135500 Sa\.II" . . . . . . . 1- :4 COl. Cal k Va. . . . ; p I SlnrrINavad : . . . H4 Con. Immuiwriai , . , , I : 2 tImilomu Con. . . . . . . . . 54 gg\V \ I'oimi I tl : . : : : ) . 4i" ( Utah Con. . : : : : : : : : 5 Rxcheqtier. . . . . . ' : Yellow Ja\el. . 40 Sliver bra 0S14304I& . Mlxlcal dollars . 54)461 54)4c. Drafts , sllht , par ; telegraphic . 2ac. Ncw York 3UnllA ( llolutou" . NEW YOU ( . Oct. -Thu following art limo closing mining qloLlonl1 ; litmiwer. . . . . I Ontario . . . . . . . B50 Citollar. . . . . . . . ! l Ophlr. . . . . . . . 10 Crown I'olnl. . . . 50 l'ivououmtiu . . . . . . . Ii Con. Cal , 5 ; Va. . . . . 235 QtmlcieaIlver. . . . . . . . 301) Deadwood , . . . , . , , , lit ) Qmiiekslivom' old , 1875 ( lould .1. Curry . , , , , 41) SIerra Nevada . , 90 Iiititm& Noreross , , 127 Itamidam-d. . . . . . . . . . 2211 ) fommirittiike. . . . . . . . 2000 UntonCon. . . . . . . . . 50 Irou Silver . , , . . . , , 20 Ycliowjacleet . , , , , 30 Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . . 130 LoitiIiht StICLC Quotations , LONDON , Oct. 4-4 l''n. closing : Cithi , l'acldc. . . . . . . . ' d23tSt. l'amileotmm. . . . . . . E , . . . , , . , , , , , , . , l'21N , V. Central , , , , , , 21)544 ) Erle2ds. . . . . . . . . . . . 82 ul'emimusylvahlla , , , , 57(4 Ill , C.'tutral. . . . . . . . IU3S4hte-ading ! , , . , , , , , , , , 21 Mexican ordinarypIe'x. Comm. new 4. 7201 lIAht l4lLVER-3s ) ' 12.160 per cz , MONHY-4 per cent. The rate of dIscount in the open market for short bills anti three months bills , 8.1561 % pci' cent. OIA1IA LiVE STOCK IARKET Fairly Good Bun of' Cattle In the Yards for Pri day. NO MATERIAL CHANGE NOTED IN VALUES Ilocelpts of hIoiN liln'ritI 051,5 lime ' ' tlssmmmti of Late Quimuilt y Iletti' " 'I'lmitmm - l'motikers'ere hleatrisli gtiid 1.logM Sold 5 Cemuts 1osver. FRIDAY , Oct. 4. Ileceipta anti shipments for the twen- ty.four hours , as comupareti with tile Pro' vlous four days , are as followal 1(1Clill'TS. Cattle. hogs. Sheep. horses. Octelter I , . , . , . . . . . , , , . 3,438 3.440 27 October 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,493 3,340 70) 24 Octtiter 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.090 4.331 2.141 f Octoijerl . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1,721 2,033 .0 % 43 I4eptentber 30 . . . . . . . . . . 2,107 1001 2,1(4 101 Olllt'SItiNT $ . Cattle. Iloga. Sheep. horses. October 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,163 . . . . . . . . ' . 44 October 2 , , , , . , . . . , , . . . 2,578 III 915 Octtber I , . , . . . , . . . . . , , 1,113 322 2,1(1 49 b'eptentltcr 31) . . . . . . . . . . 1,1251 . . . . . . . . . : 21 Septeimiber 28 . . , , , , , . . . 1,136 . . . . . 16. , . . , .i DAY'S DISItOSITION , The dIsposItion of the day's offerings of live stock was as follows , each buyer ; tur- chasing the number of head indicated : lluyerit. Cattle. liege. Siueep , Oniahia I'ticklng Co , . , . , , . . . , , . , 530 'l'he U , II , htanumuonti Co. . . . . 009 1,137 Swift anti Commipany . . . . . . . . . . 367 8.tS TIme Cutttimy i'ackiimg Co . . , . , 5S2 618 hlnlstoati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11. ' It. Ilecker & Iegan . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Vansaot & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 J. I. . Carey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill Loltimian & hlotlmschlltl , , . . , , 173 Beaten & Untlerwool . . . . . . . . ' 22 . . . - . . . . . . Slillipers and feeders , . . , 650 2' ) 1,010 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 500 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,412 3S97 1,010 CATT1A-For a F'rimlay there was a good run of cattle , 123 fresh loads being reported in the yards as against 127 loads yesterday. Time market did not present any new tea- ( Ores of Interest , the trade continuIng in about the satne condition as yesterday. Only a few beet cattle were offered for nie , but among the offerings wore some liretty good western steers. There were about twenty-five loads of cows and iteifers on sale today , The do- nuand vos good and the offerings changed hianuhs quite readhl ) ' at about steady prices. StOckers and feeders were In liberal supPly - Ply , but with only a motierate demand thie market was not overly active. As to values , there vas no material change , Represemuta- tIve sales : STflhiIlS. 1. . . , 600 02 23 1. . . , 980 $3 23 10..1235 $3 85 1. . . . 920 273 2.I060 323 COWS : 1. , . , 740 1 25 1..IliO 2 05 GhOhS 45 1. , , , 81' ' ) 1 50 5 , , . , 893 2 (55 ( 6. . . , 578 43 2. . . , 905 1 75 3. . . . ldt 2 1' ' ) 17. . . . 8)1) 45 2 , . . , 916 1 ' 5 1. , . . 76t ) 15 3 , . . . 1370 45 2. , , , ThO 1 75 10. . . . 578 15 6. . . . 804 43 1.,1030 1 75 8 , . . 932 II ) 2 , , , , 951 50 & . . , .lO1G I 10) 3 , , , . 070 2) 1. . . . 94t ) 54) 10. , . . 910 1 95) 11. . , . 894 20 9. , . 567 5/ ) 9. . , . 933 1 93 13 , , . . 500 20 12. . . . 883 50 12. . . 523 1 93 15. . . . 195 2) Il. . . . 972 5' ' ) 1. , , . 59) 2 00 3. . . .1003 25 16. . . . 835 543 1. . . , 910 2 00 1. , . .100 25 8. . . . 821 2 5' ' ) 5. ' . .1046 " Os ) 7 , , , .1062 20 1 , . . . 830 50 5. . . , 560 2 O ) 8 , . . . 870 3) 1 , . . . 981) 90 4. . . . 982 200 4. . . . 097 33 1..1060 5i ) 2..h065 2 0' 4. . . , 897 35 6. . . , 810 1,5 2 , , , , 8'O ' 2 8) 1. . . . 860 13 4..10l7 55 3. . , . 916 2 01) 2. . . . 973 2 23 14. . . .I000 55 3. . , , 1463 00 16. . . . 910 4i ) 2 , . . .115' ) (3) ( 2. . . , 735 2 04) 7. , . , 1.93 41) ) 9..1041 Ci 2. . . , 930 00 4..103' ' ) 4' ' ) 10. . . . 944 Ci 2 , . , . 970 2 04) 8 , , . . 971 4) 1. . . , hIOO 75 1. . , , 900 2 04) 6. . . . 925 40 & . , . ,1lC0 75 1.I17 ( ) 2 0' ' ) 18. . , . 836 10 1. . . .1OIO 73 9.983 203 IIEIh'flflS. 1. . , . 520 1 r0 2. . . , 425 2 25 1. . . . 1.40 2 40 5. . , . 770 1 90 5. . . . 426 2 23 7. , . . 622 2 4 ( ) 1. . . . 510 2 04) 6. . , . 483 2 25 2. , . . Irs ) 2 54) ) 1. . . . 610 2 10 2. , . 521 2 31) 3 , , . , 513 2 63) 1 , , , . 505) 2 15 5. . , , 560 2 30 1 , . , . 540 2 63 1. , , , 42' ) 2 15 2. . . 460 2 3c ) 1 , , , , 560 2 75 1. , . . 610 2 25 II..cCO 2 30 1. . . . ill' ' ) 2 53 4. . , . 530 2 23 5. . . , 658 2 33 2. . 410 2 0) 6,483 223 5..G42 235 IOU LLS. I. , . , 56S ) 1 75 2.1225 2 15 1.1445) 2 40 I. . . . 50) 1 75 4 , , , . 15S2 2 15 1..1270 2 45 2. , . . 960 1 85 I..IO04) 2 Is ) 1. . , . OCt ) 2 15 .1,1230 1 8.5 1. . . .117t ) 2 21) 1IlIt ) 2 45 i..1l70 1 55 1. . . . 970 . 2 2. ; 3. . . , HO 2 45 I..16l0 2 00. . . . . . . , . 2 23 2..l295 2 43 1. . . , CisC 2 00 1 , . . .123' ' ) 2 31) 1. , . .1160 2 50 I..1340 2 Os ) 2..1210 2 33 2..1070 2 10 1.13S1) 2 15) 3..1123 2 35 I..1O90 2 50 1. . . . 1t90 2 hO 1.,1240 2 35 3.1C.O 2 10 1..I150 2 10 2..I2l0 2 35 I. , . . 70' ) 250 2. . , , 895 2 15 1.,140t ) 2 40 1 , . . .1 . , GO I 60 1..I41O 2 13 b.,1350 2 40 STAGS. 1. , . .1180 2 00 1. . . .1310 2 45 1 , , . .1380 2 50 . OXEN. 2. . . 1575 2 85 CALVES. 1. , . . 240 75 1. . . . 340 3 15 1. . . . 10' ' ) 4 25 1 , . . , 320 25) 4. . . . 2647 3 15 1. . . . 140 4 5t ) 1. . . . 30t ) 50 8. , . . 393 3 IS 31 , . . , 164 4 50 2 , , . , 55 t0 2. . . . 330 3 15 1. , , , 110 4 50 2. , . . 225 50 1. . , . 36' ' ) 1 25 1 , . , , 170 4 50 1. , . . 30' ) 75 3 , . . . 28' ' ) 3 50 1. . . . 110 4 73 1. . , . 210 85 6. . . 351 3 10 2. . . . 304) 4 75 2. . . . 375 90 7 , . , , 124 3 50 7 , . . 207 5 00 1. , , . 270 00 Il , . , . 320 3 5' ' ) 2. . . . 210 5 0) 2. . . . 140 04) 1 , . . . 230 3 50 2 , . , , 150 500 5. . , , 246 00 1. . , . 220 4 00 2. . . . 1243 5 00 2.100 00 1..220 423 hTOCKEItS AND FEEDEItS. 1. . , , 970 25 6. . , . 86) 2 50 I. . . . $20 00 1 , , . , 72' ' ) 33 10. . , . 510 2 80 22. . . , 957 00 2. , . 533 40 5. . , , 820 2 55 2 , . . . 403 00 1. . . . 670 40 9 , . . . 464 85 2..I000 00 27 , , . , 695 II ) 14 , . , . 394 55 2 , , , , 520 00 1. . . . 600 40 11. , , , 810 53 6 , , . , 978 00 11. , . . 537 50 1J , . . . 585 85 5. . . . 89' ' ) 00 1. , . , 643 10 15. . . . 610 83 9.,10G8 05) 4. . , . 811 50 1. . . , 530 50 1. , , , 170 00 2 , . , , 754) ) 5' ' ) 15 , . . . 734 90 2. . . 435 01) 4. . . , 670 Ci ) 2..iol' ' ) 90 24. , . . 56.5 05 14. . . . 558 Ct ) 1. , , , (20 90 23. , . . 910 10 1. . , , 4.tO 7330. . , , 1.09 2 91) 12. . . . 786 10 1 , , . . 72) 73 1. . , . 440 2 04) 9..IlSl I' 1. . . . 71t ) 75 II. , . . 583 " 0' ' ) 4. . , . 470 10 1. . . , 4o : 73 43. . . . 605) 2 9(3 ( 26. . , , 637 10 it. . , u1) 75 4 , , . . 657 2 140 8.,1005 IS 1. . , . fSO 4 75 6. , . . 611 95 25 , , ' . . 722 15 . 1. . . . 820 2 73 1. . . . 870 _ ¶ 53 I6..1076 2' ' ) 5. , . , 97g 2 75 23. , . . 876 _ 95 3. , , . 456 20 5. , . . 736 2 80 1. . . . 930 3 00 6. . . 480 3 25 WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 5 feeders. , . ,1076 $3 043 6 feeders. . , 553 $3 00 45 feeders. . . .1004 3 00 w' , Ilarnarti , 1 calf , . , . , , 2243 2 04) 24 colt's & hifa 847 2 55 15 cows. . . . . . . 833 2 00 2 calves. . . . . 2 3 00 COLORADO , I bull..1190 1 50 8 sirs , tig.,1270 2 60 9 bulls-------1153 2 04) 56 heilers. . . . . 771 2 65 Ii cows. . . . . . . 946 2 13 92 feeders , , , , 552 2 93 2 bulls. . . . . . . 930 2 4' ' ) 14 steers..1160 3 05 61 cows. . . . . . . 934 2 50 Leavenworth Cattle Company. 1 lucifer . , . , , . 520 2 Ct ) j steer..1230 2 95 8 cows. . . . . . . fiGS 2 20 1 sItter..1080 3 0' ' ) 13 cows , . . , , , , 833 2 4) 18 feeders. , , .1026 3 00 12 cows..1031 2 80 13feetiers , , , , 723 2 10 3 feeders. , . . 72C 2 Si ) 1 steer..1090 3 15 2 feeders , , . . 521) ) 2 8' ' )5steers. , , , , , Ills 3 15 I steer . , , , .305)t ) 2 0) 2 steers..1215 3 25 I steer..1090 2 9' 13 calves. . . . . 274 3 30 5 steers. . . . . . 872 2 0' 6 steers..1192 3 35 14 steers..1445 2 05 Ililnois Land anti LIve Stock Company , 1 lucIfer. . . . . . 1.2' ) 1 75 65 cows. . . . . . . 904 2 70 2 Itulls..1145 1 8' ' ) 102 stra , 'rex..IolI 2 8' ' ) 3 hollers. . . . . COG 2 3' ' ) 2 feeders , , , , 8O 2 so 2' ' ) cows . . , , . , , 553 2 35 2 feetlers , , , , 615 2 35) 1 steer..100' ) 2 33 126 steers..1103 3 05 37 sirs , Tex. 1003 2 60 % 9 calves , , , , , 233 4 75 OItEGON. It. A. Miller , I cows..1183 2 0' ) 113 feeders,1OIi 2 85 32 cows..1005 2 6.7 J. Itoberteon. S cows. . . . . . . 96' ' ) 2 0' ' ) 3 feeders , . .1083 3 83 8 cows..1031 2 6' ' ) 91 feeders , 994 2 85 Cl cuws. . . . . . . 14(0 ( 2 60 60WYOMING. WYOMING. 1 feeder..1150 3 23 Emerson , Itaker & Kennedy , 4 bulls..1144 1 55 i steer..1180 8 25 53 cases. . . . . . . 827 2 3) 1 tteer..ICC' ) 3 23 1 bteer..j0. ) 2 65 1 Steer..1260 3 23 86 iteifers. . . . . 700 2 63 1 feetler..1113 3 25 Ii steers..1133 2 83 1 feeder. . . . . 38) 3 25 22 uiteers..i.llll 3 ( ) t ) 1 calf. . . . . . . . 320 3 25 1 steer . . , , . . . 110) 3 2.t 1 caif. . . . . . . . j 3 51) J. 11. Kennedy. 8 cows..IOu 2 65 31 steers..1209 3 25 .1033 3 0 s steers------1111) 23 47 feetiera . , - - - - - - 1 feeder. . . . . 1570 3 2. It. B. Ilaskell , 1 feeder..123' ' ) 3 0) 32 feeders. , , , 50 * 3 10 11 feeders. . , .I062 3 05)Noble Noble Bros. 12 calves . . . . 373 2 25 13 calves. . . . . 212 3 20 Outline Otukamnit Cattle Company , 12 cows , , , . . , , tess 2 64) 1 sir , (1g. , , , 1430 3 15 68cows. . . . . . . 50 2 85 Cross & Lemond. 24 cows. . . . . . . 53 2 70 27 steers , , . . , , 1087 3 00 A II. Itch. 5 cows..hllti I 25 eteers , , , , , . 1303 4 05 \ \ ' . 58 , Center. II feeders.,1OII 3 43 8 steers , , . , , 1183 3 75 John Shore. I bull . . . . . . . . 1730 2 15 1 feeder..1031) 3 00 2 caWs. . . . . . . 905 2 25 2 feeders , . , , 92 a 10 coWs..1101 2 75 34 feeders , , . , 963 3 05) 1 feeder..1120 3 00 310(113-Again today the receipts of hogs were liberal , forty-eight fresh loads being reported In , ( hit , same nurnt.ter as receIved yesterthtmy. The quality of ( tie hogs , If anythIng , sas a little better titan 3'csterda3' . The ( ratio opened a. little slow , The Iteaviest packers were extremely bearish , antI the Oltening bids were In many cases all of ICc lower. % 'hmen thus market was fully under way the hogs solti at lmricea ranging front steady to So lower , Several pretty gooti loads sold at $3.95 , both light anti heavy weights , but the great bulk ivent at $3,500) 3.83. itepuesentatlve salcal No , Y. Sh , h'r , No. y. Sh. Pr. 57 , . . ' , . ' , 219 200 * 3 75 56..269 163) $385 8 , . , . . , , , 203 00 3 75 78 , , , , , , , 226 :00 3 85 33..220 200 3 75 Cl , , , , . , . , 279 81 3 85 6 , , , , , . 331 , , . 3 75 (5.226 130 3 55 32 . . , , , , . . ITS 200 3 75 63 , , , , , , , , 234 16' ' ) 3 55 . , , , , . , , 80 3 * 0 1.5 , , , , , , , , 243 2053 3 83 S. . . . . -a . . . . . - - - - - ----r - " - - - - - - - - 8'i ' , , , . , . , . 193 120 53 . . . . . . . : IiO 82 . . . . . . . . 125) S 80 . . . . . . . . ' ) 121) ' 3 67..230 Ill ) 50 . . . . . . . . 45) 57 7 , ) , . , , . , . , III 'Q SO . . . . . . . . iS ) * 8 ss . . . . . .210 8) 3 8) . . . . . . . . : 40 38 Ii . , , . , , . . II' ' ) 45) 93 . . . . . . . . . . * 5 CS..232 1 * ) 85) (4).i 40 85 . . . . . . . . 15) 8' ' ) 80..268 . . . 81 SR . . , , , , . . 194 55) 5u3 . . . . . . . . 10) 83 80 . , , , . . , . 197 240 : t 5i ) 30..23,1 321 (5 42 . , . , . , , . 239 16) 3 5) 6).ato IS ) 53 71 . . , , , . , , 222 80 3 1143 90.4 . , . 85 Cs - , , , . . ' , 2351 lOs ) 3 5' ' ) . . . . . . . . ) III 83 10 , , . . , , , . 2l , , . 8' : . . . . . . . . . , . 12 , , , , . , . , 1853 , , , Si ) ' ) . . . . . . . . , . . 87(4 63 . . . . , , , , :91 50 .7 52(4 90..233 . 1) 87I. cs , , , . , , , , 218 P1 3 S23 . . . . . . . 15) lull * . . . . . . . . 40 3 82 % ( . . . . . . . . ii ) 9) 76 . , , , . , , , 23.4 Ii ) 3 82(4 75..33k ) 5) 9. ) 40 . . . . . . , 243 lIt ) 82(5 ( . . . . . . . . 121) 1) ' 149..226 lie ) 3 85 . . . . . . . . hO it ) . . . . . . . . 15) ) 3 85 64..2553 80 l'O . . . . . . . . 20) 85 I'S . . . . . . .34 $ , . its . . . . . . . . $ 160 3 83 ) . . . . . . . . 8' ' ) IC , 63 . , , , . , , , lOt ) lOt ) 3 55 ( . . . . . . . . ) . . , I'S ' 7 , . , . , , . ' 407 , . , 3 83 Cl..29) , . . 93 SKIt'S .tXt ) C1JLLS , . . . . . . . . . , . 2 00 . . . . . . . . 8' ) 323 " ( is. 7. . . . . . . . SI . . . 2 25 II . . . , , . . . 82 40 3 23 I . . . . . . . .110 , , , 25' ' ) SllIIEl'-24o fresh receipts were reported totiny , but some hioltloveru , citangeti Itands at about teaty Itrlces , lteprcaeninttvo sales : Nt , A' , l'r. 21 $ feeders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .72 $2 0. ) 26) feeders , , , . , , . , , , , , . . . . . , . , . . , , , . . . , . . . 72 2 2.(4 CIIIC.tO LIVII S'FOCIC. (7ztttic Ver , l'a Iriitet I ye itumil l'riei's ( LliIi' Strnissv. CIIICAOO , Oct. 4.-Tue cattle market was fairly active toshi' auth itrlces f3r desirable klmids of iiatlve cattle were strong and Sc hIgher , tue cattle receipts being light. The market for good stock is in miulichu better condition ( hiatt a week ago , but ( lucre Is stIll a surfeIt of siren half to two.thiirds fat steers ( lint fail to gratle as gooth ettttie , Store cows arc itrrIvIitg anti they arc not selling snilefactomily. 'l'twenty.st'ven tluttusattti hogs was the estImate for todity's receiluts , antI tluo , left over last nlgitt st ci lt'tl t lie httiltpl y to 31,00' ) heath , Tltet e urns , as utsuni , it good loctul timid shipping tic. tummiul , antI thte sUltiti ) ' u'as pretty tt'iI sold , For the good hca'9' imntl tithed prices retuuainetl steatly , but eunttimon ut ovea were veumlter atiti choIce light hogs 1ere So lower. 8aits were largely itt front OSSI to $1.23 ; coiniuion to chioie hueii'y at fisum $3.75 to $4.31) ; unketi at from $3.55 to 04.23 , and light \velghittu at front $3.83 to $4.33. The mttieep istuhuitly continues large , anti ito lt'ttili Is exitectt't ( tmniil ( Ito sEason ( or siulptlng mitiuge stock Is over. A gaotl demjtaitd ctets , however , nod natIve tmccu sell ficely at float $1.1' to 83.1.4) fiur Inferior to cboIc , chIefly at from $2.54) to $3.25 , wIth ii few sales of flit heavy export sIlent at froiii $3.60 to 83.50.'estcrn ratigt' stieeu cuniprlse time great bulk of the suit- Itt- antI sell at Imomum $2 to $3.20 , ciuiefty at from $2.6' to $3.20. l.atmiits tire active at ( miii $3.15 to $4.63 , a few Itrimo lots going at front $1.71) to I 4.83. Iteceiltimi : ( 'tutu , ' , 7,000 hteatl ; calves , 1,00 heat ) ; luoguu , 27,000 huetmtl ; hccp , 11,000 head , St. liiiis Live Stock. ST. Lot/IS , Oct. 4.-CtTTI.I1Itt'cpiutm , , 2.300 Iteitti ; u'ttIpttienttu , IO0O iOiitI 1 market dull but firm ; expert steers , $5.20015,50 ; itlitpttng grades , 81.504(5.10 ( ; dressI iteef , Itest anti ltutciier steers , $3.IOrgjI.65 ; bulk of itles , * 3.404(1,40 ; steers tmnler , 1,000 lits. , 52.60043.40 ; bulk of sales , 02.731)3.15 ; , tockers antI fecder , 2.04452.50 : cows anti iieifermu , 01.90402.50 ; luitc of sales , 62.10402,75 ; Texas anti Indian steers , 02.50403.1,0 ; btuik of sales , 12.73613.25 ; clues antI Idlers , 01.85403.00. IlO(1l1-htpeehitmu , 5,01)0 hucati ; shipments , 3,00) heath ; market S40lOc lower ; itea' , 83.90401.25 ; hitixeul , 83.6)404l0 ; lIght , 01.05)401.23. ShlEEl'-Itecetpts , 1,404) lucati ; siiipnienis , 100 imeati ; mnarliet .uieatiy . ; native hiumitons , $2.600j3.54 ; lanibs , 83.23404.60 ; southwestern , 12.23413.23. Kmtiipiips City LIve. Steele , KANSAS CLTY , Oct. 4.-CATTL7-lheceipts , 1,705) heat ! : shiillnuentmu , 1,7011 iuu'aul ; tnturkct active and strong ; r'xas steers , 82.00413.10 ; Textts costs , * l.SOSj2.35 ; beef steers , 83.20405.20 ; ntitive costs , 11.41)003.10 ; ftockers anti feeders , 82.50403.55 ; bulls , 81.50412.63. I100S-Itecehittu , , 11,500 heath ; Ithuifutmiejuis , 400 iteati ; niarktt weak , hOc laster ; ittilk rut sales , 83.90401.05 ; InavIes , 0:1.851)4 : , 10 ; Ittickers , 83.5361 4. I' ' ) : niixu'tl , 03.75404.05 ; lIghts , 51.6041 3,95 ; Yorkers , $3.53 4)3.155 ; pIgs , * 3.00403.75. HltEEl'-.Iteceiluts , 7,300 hitatl ; f'tuiftinefltil , 1500 heath ; tmiarket scenic mind slow ; lamubti , $ J.001J4.23 ; nuuttons , $2.23403.I5. Xe , ' York LIve. S4e.i Miit'it't , NF74V YORK , Oct. 1.-lhIilP'ES-Ilecelpts , 2,724 itt'itl active , IOc imtghter generally ; iiatIv& ' steers , itcor to good , $1.OSOml.12(4 : ritmugers anti ( oIoratlo , 83.870)4.20 ; oxen , $ IJ,00j2rto ; ltuhis , 01.90402.3' ; dry cows , $123612.60 ; ltiiolteau : rattles quote Amer. lean steers at 94010i.1c. dressed wetgiit ; refrlger- thor lucef , S19c ; mi ealuohis iOtin' . , SlllE1 : ANt ) LAMIIS-Itecelpts , 7753 itt'ad ; dull : sonic sales a trifle lower ; tluct'p , poor itu iooti. * 2.00413.55 ; lambs , common to lohce ) , $3.10 445.05) . IIOGS-lteceyts : , 6,145 heat ; luster at * 5.00405.30 , Stock lit SIght. Iherorul of ieCeiittit ut ( ho four prlnciitai markets ( or Fridity , October 4 , 1095 : Catti , Hogs Sbteep. Soutbu . Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1 , , 3.111 3.361 Ctmie.uo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7fl1) 27,0 11.000 Kamusas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,705) 11,10) 7,30' ) St. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.103 5,000 1,100 Totals . . . . . . . , 46,861 19,700 Ll'eriool lit'1m'ls , LIVF3ItPOOL , Oct. 1.-WI tHAT-Spot , dull ; tie- mantt ptuor ; No. 2 ret winter , 5s 2d ; No. 2 red sprlnu , atoclctt toimaustetl ; No. 1 hiarul , Manitoba , 55 Itt ; No. 1 Califormiia , Se 3d. Future's openeti quiet but steumtly , vithi near and distant PositIons 14,1 lower ; closeti tm'ut.iy , with nt'ttr positions (4'i lower nail uitshuint positions % 405tl lower ; btis. Incas litts'het on nmldtile positlutmis ; October , Is Il4ti . ; Novemniter , ru ; 2(40 ; Iecentber , 5s 3d ; .lan- tInt , , 13s 3ti ; February , Sa 4ili ; Slutrctm , 5s COItN-Spot , iltill ; Anuerlcan nulxeul , new , Is Iti. Futures openetl quiet , with near and distant Ito- tiltlons 04th lower ; elttsetI Iirtmt , % sithu Juror imnd tiis- ( ant itoaftittas uncltnngeti ( morn lttst night's clott lag figures ; busIness hteavies ( an early pasitions ; October , Is 4iti ; November , Is 43tl : 1)eceiuiher , 38 Sti ; January , 3s Sm4ud ; February , 3s lOt ) ; Match. It ; 3(45) . FLOUltFirmn ; 'lenianth fair ; freely supitlletl ; St. I4ttmla fancy stinter , 6s id , PILOVJSIONIhfncon , ( lUhet ; du'mmnij , modem ate ; short ribs , Ii lbs. , 34s 6,1 ; long clear , light , IS to 15 lbs. , 35s Cd ; long clear , iteavy , 31 lbs. , lIt 6.1 ; short clettr backs , lIght , 18 lbs. , 4s ; titort clear mnlthtiles , heavy , 55 hits. , 31)s ) Cl ; clear blltei , 14 to 1 * Its. , 38s Cd ; mthohih.icrmu . , m.ulmare , 12 to 18 lht , , 22s ; short Cut. 14 to 16 lbs. , 14s , hie.f . , extra Iii- din mess , 87s ; prlnmo macas , ISa 9th. l'ork , Itrlmmue mess , fine western , ISa ¶ 61 ; prime miut'dhtini. II. , .13. arti , dull ; prime westera , 30s ; refined , In Italls , TALLOW-Fine North Amem ican , nonuhnnh , ( 'IIEESE-Qtitet ; demand Imoor ; hinu'st Anueriean white. nest , ITs ; fInest AmerIcan colored , hew , 375 6I. 1It'fTEiL-Fino htniheul States , lOs ; good , SIti , T1TIl'ENT1NI2-Sftirils , bOa Cd , ItOSIN-Conimon , Is. CO'rl'ONSEIB : Ohi-Llverpool refineth , 17s Cl , LINSUEI ) OII.--.20s 91. l'flThOlEtOtl-lteflnetl ! , 7(4th , ItiFIttOErtATolt : IJEEI'-Forequarters , 31tO ; hlndquarmers , 6(4th. I11EACI1hNG I'O\\'DflR-llardwooti , f. 0. 1. , LIverpool , 7 , 1101'S-At 1.ontlon ( Pacific coast ) , 1 hIs. The heceilths of wheat during the Itast tune days were 160.000 centaitu , including 72,00) Atmier- Iran. Coma , 101.100 centumls. W'eatliem' , cold , raliy. COIY't' Market , NEW YORK , Oct. 4.-COFFEI3-OptIons opened stead ) ' ; Itrlcea 5 ttoints higher to 5 points lutwer ; ruleui generally weak , under local pressure zunl imbtuence of outsIde support , t'xcefut sitiall foreign ituying ; closed luarely steatly at 5 to 15 ieuhnts itet decline. October , 815. 43 ; Iecember , $15. 1061 15.15. Spot , Itlo , quIet ; No. 7 , 416.12 % . Wnrehmouiee deliveries - liveries fiom Ness' York y"siettiay , 12,137 ttags , Ness' York stock today , 27C,53 bags ; tniteti Stiles stock , 349,244 Ituigs ; nilont for mIte Vnitl Smote , , , 234,000 Itags ; tottmh , visIble for lIt , ' tYnhttl States , 603.244 ( tags , against 473 593 lags last year. b'ANTOS , Oct. 1.-FIrm ; gotiti averutea Hantoim , $14.60 ; receipts , 19,00' bags ; stock , 274,0's' ) bags. IIAMII1TRG , Oct. 4.-Quiet , tincttangeti to ' .4 pIg. decline. hIA\'ItE , Oct. 4.-Openeti stead ) ' , uneltanged ; at noon , (4f advance ; at 3 1' . itt. , sttatiy muul unchanged ; closed steady mit i,4f net advance , stiles , 19,00' ' ) itags , 1(10. ( Oct. 4.-Steady ; No , 7 Itio , $11.6' ; exchange , 10'8tl ; receipts , 15.005) bags ; cleameul fur the United States. 15.05.8 bags ; for L'titttpe , 4,1) t ) bags ; stock , I93,05) . bags. iry tooIIH Slnrleet , NEW YOItK. Oct. 4.-Agents have nivanceui prices us follows : Anmotkeatc Il-az. brown mumid blue ui iiitnu ( , 'he ; Anituskeug tS.oz , blue mmtl brown tit'nims , (40tniosluag ; ticktiugt' , A to II , ' , e ; Excelsior checks untl stripes , 14e ; Len- dan (1 It utiil ' ' 76' ' birachtetl cottons , (4c ; clhlt'etige 36-Inch bleaciteti cottons to 5'c ; Star of hut Nation 36-Inch hleaclteul cotton , to G't' ; Cream itt time MIII 36.lnch ttieaehtt't ( cotton to Ge ; Aljtiia blue anti sltite anti Looi fold itatticlu ttc'ks , ' .4c ; Edwarla & W'arremi catnttnlcs , ' , e ; cotton - ton yarns from (44010 per lit. higiier , , anti ertlt'rs dhfiicult to plan' . Ihrown cottons scarce ttiiti Ihrnt AtlantIc A , 3C'lnim , to 6'ie. ' PrintIng cittlis higher anti active , wIth stiles of 123,05.0) piec5 at 23c. MANCIIESTEIt , Oct. l.-Cloihs , finn , thiougii little doing. Yarns Ititrsicniimg tendency. Cl lieu .7liiriet't. NEW YOItl ( , Oct. 4.-COTTON-Futures citwil steady ; salt's. 303,001) Itches ; January , * 9.04 , Felt' ruary , $9.1' ; Stai'clm 89.13 : April , $3.21 ; Slay , $9.21 ; Octttlter , $8.56 ; Nvemnber , $4.53 ; Decemnluer , $8.00. Middling , 110c ; net receiltls. none ; gross. 5.083 tunics ; forwttideti , 593 hales ; sales , 232 boles , all rlulnners ; stock , 184.501) itches. hOT. LotuS , Oct. 4-COT'FON-t4ieauly ; mt'thlum , 534c ; sales , 4' ' ) boles ; recelitte , 391 bales ; sbiip- nuents , 1,61 boles ; attuck , 6,715 iotlcmm. N1W Olll.tN8. : Oct. 1.-CI.T'3'ON-T.'Irrn ; middling , 8 13-ICc : law. S 7-iCe ; gn.t.I . otulinary , $ ic. net receipts. 13,221 bale's ; gross , 13,281 bales ; exltorim. . continent , 691 Itches : coastwlse , 2,018 liaise ; sales , 100' ' ) bales ; stock , 127i33 bales. i'eorlsi Mit rLi.ts , I'EOhtIA , Oct. 4. COitN-EasIer ; No. 2 , ISo ; No. 3. I'J'.5c , OATl4lrrrgular ; No. I white , )90$4)l93c ; No , 3 white. 1644 18ic. RYE-Nominal. WhISKY-FIrm ; finished goods on the basIs of $1.22 for htighm wine , . Itl1Clll'TS-Whmeat. 8,4043 tu ; corn , 65,700 lsu. $ outs. 123,805) html , ; rye , none : barley , 14,75) ku Ilhilt'MENTSO-'iVtteat , 4,600 ho. ; corn. 23.00' ) bu , ; oats , 85.790 bu. ; rye , nonebarley ; , 7,70) bu. ' , % 'ool Market , LONDON , Oct. 4.-AS the wool auction sales today 13,04)1 buirs terre offered , of witicli 3' ) bales were withdrawn. A geot catalogue was cttfert'tl anti met with an active .Ietiuattti itt exiremno flg ures. FollowIng are the 51i1e8 in dei.til : New South W'uies. 3,916 bales ; scoured , 6(4d441s 4(45) ; greasy , 6(440115) , Queensland 2,450 hahn ; scoured , % d4jia 4(44 ; greasy , 606134t1. Victoria , 1tIvO - - . . . . . . - - - - - - - - iutd'u ; p ' jimuti , 6,1 'the 9th gleasy. * 153h 11(41. South AtitFnItti , l'ii itiult's ; Peoureti , OtI40Is . greasy , 4I5 % " ( tel. hash lilter , IS hniei smoas' . 8'tl , Tad- mnatmlti , 3153 Iipi , , sctumrel , 84stJtu(4ti ; grcmlsy , 84 lIt ! , Nest /t'nhiiiul , , 3 , 136 ( 'tiles penuht'd , 814 is 5th ; , ersna' , l'ttfhl5) , t'nitC of ( local hope gin Natal , 1,034 Iflies , Ct'utm.'ti , $ ' , ItTls lI'4tl grctssy , ( A- . 54(1 'lii ' , I miliiaamtls , liit lutmles ; gr.'ns ) ' , 5409t5) , I'iinta Arenas , 13 ! hales ; greasy , 23.jI4Id , Siagmim' .7himri.ti.t , ? 'h.2'OItK , Ott. 4.Bt'A1t , . Iltiss' , flInt' .lavn , centrifugal its test , 3 7-iCc ; mm'ilfuc'tI , qmlit't ; etnntlitrti A , 4 .lGlItIe ; eomlft'elkltem5' A , I 7.169 18c ; cimislurti , -lGtIc ; grahmuhtihi , 4 O-i53j(14c ( , l.NlON , Oct. 4.--ilUflAit--Flrnu amid iisimmg eetutriftmgal , Java , lls ; Mutuovatlo , ( tilt relttttmt , , ha ; lucet , acute' at mudvatuce , ' October , lii ; 'o. . scatter , lie 11(45) . _ _ _ _ _ _ luiiuitht Vliemmt Miurle1 , 1)UI.UTll , Oct. 1.-\3ll1AT-No. 1 huarti , cnshj nut ! October , 8S(4ci lcetmtlter Site ; No , I northis cm , asiu ntmtl ( tctnItcl' , 1040 ; Iiecefmiber ! , S7 ; 5In' , Gi(4o ; No. 2 nuirlitern , 53i4c ; No. 3 , C.Oc ; rejected , 1516c ; to arrive , No. I lucid , ( So ; No , 3 northierna - 570. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : ii I uiii'hil,4)lIi4 , 'hii'ti t iiti rle't , MINNIItl'OI.li . , Oct. 4-.4'l I 1.tT-\4'eaker , ti.)4c1 ) May , A'Jto ; on trmmck , No. 1 han ! , SGc ; Net 1 northern , &I(4c ; No. 2 Itortlicmmm , 130c \'I&tit Qulotum litmus , SAN I'IIANCIb'CO , Oct. 1.-\'ltC.'r-Inacls'e ( $ Decenuttem' , ICc. 1'relgn l'I limuitehmil , % ffn Irs , lhlllhtN , Oct , 4.-E.ciiamige on l.otuuion , Omarks 45 p0g. This Iuarkclt * store firm todyt Mutmicy Is fallIng , l'AhI8 ( , Oct. 1.-Stoney Is dea.zer amud rates cr8 rising. 'I'iio banhu , am e bttrrossItmg for three atiti six Inoittits on the securIty of remutes. TInee ier cent rciutt'i' , I00f 2k for tue eceutunt , L'xciiatugti on lontlon , 2Sf 290 for the clmeelca. I.ONION' , Oct. 1-TIte nmnoutut of buihlon gene into ( lie Ilatuk of Engtunii , on itoltunc , ' today. 78 , . It' ' . liar sil'cr ehiett at 21'4tl , lelil he uluoi&'ti nt Iltmeiuos A3'ie , 232 ; Matirtd , 26 ; I.lsboiu , 24 ; SI. l'etershurg , 50 ; Atiieiis , 77 ; Rouse , 104.4 \'lemimut , 103. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'l ; aimmiiu'ttul ' ( oe's , BOSTON. Oct , 4.-Clt'aiings , $ hI',3l3,131 ; bate aneetu , $2GlSISO. ilALTlSlOltl1 , Oct. 4.-ClenmIngs , $1SCG,337 Italances , $26,3437. NEW 'O1tK , Oct. 4.-Clearhmigs , $ l22,453S43j ttnhiiicc , $ $ , ( ) Si,4t3 , l'lllI.AliILh'IIIA , Oct. 4.-Clearhmigi , , $ l3,7G , . .101) ; baltinces , $ . ,135,226. hip , L017414 , Oct. -'lu'itriiiguu , $4i52,84q ; ltah. dices , $174,014 , Mtney , 5417 her cclii. Nest' York eactunmuge , tOo diitcotirit bid , ChhI'AlO , Oct. 4.-1.'learhmigs , $ iS,2i2,000. TInt tlenuuunl for hmtoney at ( ho banks is goal alit ! rateS mire hirmu stItlu 4(48)5 Per CcItt fttr call ionuimm and 6 i"r cent for eomtmiiuerc'hai paper. Ness'om k c- cliitnge , Soc thiscoutut , ilatihuci s' ( Lolmdoiu ) steeling , * 1.87(4411,56(4. ' ' ' ' " ' 'i'l3.t'1'Il53lt i"OIIIICAS'V , lehierlilhi' 1"nlr a.ulSlIgiitl' % 'nrnie * I ii NeIi'iiI.mu , WASIIINGTON , Oct. 4.-'l'ite forecast for Saturday is : For Nobnitu'lcn-Generitlly fnIr slIghutl Warliler ; vlnthtm shifting to southerly. For M issouz'I-C'iotitiy ; probably local IJilosrers in the southeast luortiotu ; hlortlt4 cr13' svinds. 1"or Iowa-Generally fair ; winds slIiftifl to scuiithuerly. For Kmtntais-Lighit local showers , fold lowemi by clearing weitthuer ; enstel'iy , shIft. 1115.1 to sotItlInrIs' wituht , , 1"or South lakota-Fitir ; southerly svltids warmer Iii the northwest portion. Imemml iIt't'orI. OFFICFI OF' TIlE WFIATIIEIL I3UR1At1 , OMAHA , Oct. 4 , 1893.-Omaha lecord of tern. peraturo and rainfall , conupared vithu tile COt. responding day of tile ilast four years : 1S95 , 1894. 1893. 1892. Maximum , temperature. 61 5.S 69 80 Mlnimnutui temitlierattire , . Ii OS 49 61 Average temperature. . . . . 56 48 59 10 I'reclltitatlon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (0 ( , , .Os ) .05. ) .0th Condition of temperature anti preclpltatloii at Oiutahua. for thin day and since Mardi 1 , 1895 : Normal tempcratbro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)eihciency for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Normal reclpitatioa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 imich 1)oilchency for tInt tlty. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch - 'rotal precIpitation situce March 1 19.48 inched Dchlciency sInce March 1. . . . . . . 7.78 incIteS lieporta from Stations tm ( S p. ni. - - - - . i . ' ' cL STATI or STATIONS. o g 5VxATi1811 - - - Ointth-t . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii .0.1 Clear. North . . . . . . . . 1255 .5)2 l'ar ( c1oumtI' ; ' , . ( (34 . ' ' - - - - - - - - - - ( .0)1 ) I'art olou'J Chuicaco . . . . . . . . . . . . Iii 118 .Oum Cloumly. Si. LomiI . . . . . . . . . . . 118 74 T Clutmtly. St. ' . 58 (14 . ' , ( .00 Ciu'ar - - - - - - - - - - - - Vtle'mitliie------------(1(1 ( 04 .01 Clotidy. Ilamiutas City. . . . . . . . 38 60 .00 Chmiitiy , hielemito , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sut 58 .00 Clemr. Ittvro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ta ; CII .00 Clear. f'itul------------- . 454 155) .00 Cloudy , Iilsamam'cg. . . . . . . . . . . 50 58 .0(1 ( lear. St. Viltoent 5)1 ) (18 .00 Clear , Ciieyemine. . . . . . . . . . . . 42 42 .10 llaimilng. Willhstcsn . . , . . , , , , , . rut 112 .01) Clear , IttitItl ; City. . . . . . . . . . 112 58 .0(5 ( l'trt clouuly ( laisestoji. . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 82 .00 Clear. - -a "T" indIcates trace of jtrec'iphtation. L. A. WIILSII , Observer. TillS ItIdtl'i' % ' SIAIIIcET , INSTRUMENTS placed on record October 4 , 1S95 : WARRANTY DEIIDS. 11 F' Thmomas tund vife to Paul Myon , lot 1 $ , block 7 , Jtetlforth I'laco. . . . . . $ 900 Amiguist Doll ahitl wife toV It holmes , lot C. block 153 , Omaha. . . . 25,000 Ira VaIl Camp Ct al to SI St Lund , lot 3 , block 2 SunrIse adtl. . . . . . . . . . 200 11 E 'iicox to 3' A Droatiweli , ( mdi- vkled % of C 55 feet lots 1 and 2 , block 111 , South Olnithla ; lot C , block r , Llnss'ooui park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 11 A llckey to I D Wilcox , lot 18 , luloel 1111 , South Oniahma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 QUIP CLAIM DEIIDS. Mrs J I' Murphy to 'thichiael and Mar- gar't Deasey , lots 11 itnti 12 , blotk 103 , South Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IIEDS. Slteeirti mnster to Ella 0 Johunnon , lot 1 , block C , aubdlv of J I lte'dick's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,010 Total amount of transfers.$39lZL ) _ P . -1 .r- - It's a pretty strong cartl- GivIlIg I1W'ilY Illicet lfltlBiC- Staiidii i'd sheet intisic free- 'l'lio khlIti tlint sehito reguItti' fos' 2C to 1 s'e give away. All the latest aIld iiiott 1)01 ) ? ' tihtit' 1)iCC1'8 itt hitliti iIlii'flys. A. ItOS1'I , Jr. , Muissic aitd Art , 1513 Douglas , 1 JAMEFJ EBOYD & CO 'rclcphtohto 1039 , OMAlt4 , NLB , COMMISSION Grain , Provisions & Seek Room 111 Board of Trade. Direct wires to Chicago anti New Yot'1 , Correspondents ; John A , Wanton & Co1 if , P. SMITH ( Tel. 1308) ) 0. 5 ! . fiTAN8'Ob . F. P5 SMITH 6 Co. OIAIN and PHOVISJON Room 4. N. Y. Lire hug. , Oiunlta , ' Branch cillees at F'remont and Coluinbu. A orders placed on ( Its Chicego lJoajd of C'ortespondentsl lOchiwarts , Dupe. S. Co C It cage' tfcitreiner , FIxck S. Co. , hit. Louis. 14.1.1 to Flzsl National flank , Otnalts. . MAPPRI fiend for oar cuhop.Ie ) oa LIOnhIuLsu itICining MAIIOIN ¶ 1ItADINO gat If'IlAliiSU' ' DEFINING Af5 , SIAIIKET X. IIUSIJIUU l.ItlSS1ONO. Also our daily mat. I'Vfli I hStL'l2 lIst letter IUifgestIttg when anti ii $ EtAl LiitltLsU. $ what to trade. JfQih tree , Uan references furnisiteti. AItl200Aii'r & CO. . Ml3StliKltfI ChICAGO OI'ICN rfuAIW O TItADId , 222 Traders Z3uildlog , Chicago. . . a CC SI