. " 4J- ' TilE OJ\AITA \ DAILY J3E1iJ 1 : J ' SA'I1UTtDAYCTO1flillt l3. 1Hj ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAYDENs ! New , lust \ ! or largnltis 1 II this COIIII every tn ) ' . Wntcli for tln'tn. 1'flCIAIi ( SAJ.g 01 , ' VNUmtWgAJ. Wt' ! hl\'c Jlll rec\el 10 CIHlei or nieli's , Ifl(11tM' fll ( chlhlreii's ( ' , lllcI'wel l froll NIYorl ( nlctol , bought by lS for /lll ) cnlh ul : ac 01 tw elolil' . 'J'hli ; fnh I t ! Ilglls tOIOl'l'lW IIJ'III I ( I I , mil Olllm' wil II'ohaLI ) ' le\'Ir lce Much Ilr nlli I n nll I thlH t $ lI sofl. Ni trash , 11 jut lots , 11 hrolwl sizes ; all fresh , in' \ cleati' gotli. . ) ' lIZtV ' iintiiittt ' Shirts ( CI'H hl'I" I1tl11 gray Hhl.ts 1\11 1)ravvrs , ench . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; c :1etI'H : ( eel mlxcel Inll'nl t gray : III ( Cleli hair , eaL 1I . . . . . . , . . . 8ic lel'l hel\ y wool , natural gray 111 CIIIIH t hair , worth $100. ( ) . . . . . . Wi eit's all wool HCII'let Shirts 111 I : lel'l 11 . . . , . . . : ) i Url WI'I'S , worlh jic ; pitch lc ' ' wOI'lh 1tcii's ' rilibeti , Ileeceol , Mel'H 75c Jersey . . . . . . . 1'llhcII . . . . . . . . IcIecll . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Meit's fleeced Shirts 111 Drwerl natural I gi ' ay , ( ' ttIIIelS hall anti I I tl r 1'lr 1'lle'H meted , wI.th $ l 2 : each . . . . . . . . 7e ? III'K 4ist ralititi wool Shl.ts 11111 .IHt1111 DrWIrH . ! , worth $1.2 : tnicli . . . . . . je \Ieit's ( 11 wool Intu11 gray 11111 : CIlll'H huh' i , woth $ 1.5U 1'lCh . $1.00 I 100 ( dozen hO 'R' hel\ y wool Shirts nlel 1)rasvers , worth Ilolhl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c ; , , : : i : c Hie of f cltiltlren'a wool tiiitler . 5 caos ( 111er. r WI11 CIICH ! . . . . . ehll1'el's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Se t(1 ( Lt1oII1 4' 1l'OVV JCI'Her rlhbed Ylsts I.llcH' 1111 PlltH hlln' : each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c Lttli(4' ( cflhllel't4 hair Vests nut ! 11\111' PlltH , worth iOc each . . . . ' . . . . . . : e 1410lt's' ! ext ta heavy jll'lwr l'lhhel Inles' 111 Ialts \ , each . . . . . . . . . ae Ltdiei' iutturnl uuuiti cullnoi's ! " : 11tlrnl mr 1111 calcli ' I"llles' , worth 7e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hOc " Lndhs' nil wool Hcarlet anti nat . utnl gtiiy'ests anti 1'ant , worth t11 Ycsti 111 1n I $1 2 : each I'I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) . . . . . . 75c TI1lt1E SPEOALS FOR sA'ruItrAY. Children's IHI' : ' Colon JoHe , faRt black , worth aGc utuoul hOe , special . Irlcl ) 1111' ) 111. , . . . . III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12'c ' GO dozcl mules' Ihw II)0'tl'll Clilllem lEase , 1ll'Ino hll'lf 111 toes , wO'lh rc ) HIclal ! price . . . 2re 10 Ilo1el ladles' Kil Glo\ls , Llneks tans and browns , worth 1.hO Ild . ' 2.00 ) C' pair , sieclal price . . . . . J2.00 . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . 11cclli i5c 100 dozen Indies' Cashmel'e Gloves , 10 lallI ! worth 2c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IGc 50 110ZII ( ) 111'fl'H CmdllerI Gloves , wl'l h 50e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : e 'ITi'S llack and tan Sox , worlh ! : e I ) hlnc ° 111. 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12c 100 d01CI Corsets from the Ntw York Store , worth $10 to $2.50 , hllwl sizes go 1t. . . . . . . . . . . . . rOe nest C1111 ' German Klltl YII'I , IWI' 11.lln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1lc leo " ' 001 , ) ei' box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOc Cloihireit's wool : ( lel , 1C' ) hair . lO IIeii's SISI1II1n's , roller ell ! mil fit ney Ilwldes 1 , regular price 2c. sale II'III. . . . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . .12 ' / c 10 IIOZII ) mdi's Linen Collars , II . all the 11W HlmIIC , worth 20c. . . .12 e 41)IY Llncl Culls , wl'th 2c III pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 c CLOThING. I1 'II'1 IIro.s. ' lOyS' thai cluiboiren's delnrt1110Iit. the largest ( , Ilh I'st and I 11t c01)1cle of lur II A mll'I , an. UOllCIS for Snt\I ' the following Very special sales : , DO 'H' Long Trouser SuIts , single and obouubie-breasted , ages Ia to 20 yeirs : , strictly alI wool I.el- sey8 , blue mId bioik < ileYiOtH wII mate lull Hlhstlltaly l'I1med , rent $ j.W suits Satuur. I day for . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.75 , DO 'I' LOI Trouser Slls , strictly I nil woolIT luauudsoiuuc luatteruus , 11 \IT hl1ls01e ( IterH II iuueltou. wO'stells 111 silk mlxcil clsshuel' ( ! , nil sizes fl'om 1 : to : O ; S'Oi1 CIIUot Cuba ! them nuuywliere for less thuitui , ( ) ' unywhll thln $10,00 0' $ 12.OO , Saturday at . . . . . . . . . $7.50 Chiloiren's 'lllcec , double - brenstetl Suits , ages .1 J to 14 , of dark brown and gray chm'lots , foist colors , ! good a stilt ns any house has ever HICelldcd In fmnlHhhlg I t $ : UiO. UIYllcn HI'os. offer for Hatlllay lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1. 75 Children's 2-pleec doiible.breasted Stilts , ages . CS to Ii years , 1 great Ylrh't of Il\llsoml Iltel'ns. strIctly 11 wool blue , black 111 fnlY Iolors , pantH mate : wih double seat 1111 knee , IICI'fcct lu lit 11el liuuislu . strongly lllll aUll vehI trlunouuid , the kind ' ' wll l'hI11'11 you pay elsewhere $ 1.00 111 $ : .OO ( ) for , jluuydeuu Brous. otTer Saturday iut.$2.75 Cluikireui's 1111 boys hllo lull In'own . chludlln Hlefcl Coats , Wil- . .aut(11 . all wool , hllgo olyed ( , fancy wool lined , wih 111'11 ImIO' collars , all sizes from : to 1 3'ears , really . worth $ (10 ( ) IUI $7.0. hayden Bros. offer SainI tu ' nt $2.7 and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .1.75 : tPECtAr4 SAT OF 1AOKIXTOSI S Itl\n ) ' lorlul WO wi Ilt In sale 2 CISCI of LUlh' ( : llekln- tOHhl' , the 111ufactm'cr : 80hl iiist t _ at , t Icl nt $2,00 , our 1Il'leo ) wil Ue. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . O' ElSe And I i ; { 'a UI or : llc.lntoshIA. In 2 styles ; style 1. brlwl 1111 tan checks. hl'acloth nun ! mlllrv cape ; style 2 , fine Co1ln twl , black > , 1a\y and light iuulxtunes . full m111' ' tioe. 'l'hl'HI two styles auto si'lliuug 11 ( bunIon to- tiny at . (1'01 $ : .50 to : .OO , our 11'11 ( ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ l. ; 'Ve aalu : 1'11 particular aUl'llon to tour sll'cal Inle of ladies' nun ! inlsst's' LOI Cloal.s. the heuugtlo of thu dress , wih full l1t1' ' CflIe ; colors , 11tll. black a 111 hl'U\\1 nut ! gray uuuiNtures , strictly 1 1 wool hca \ ' ' goods , foruno'rly sold at froni , 1II'mlrlr 1011 II fr01 $10,00 to $ HiO. bow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : . 0 : Just olIut'oL ) 2 caSl'S of ladies' ) 11 ! ulps' fh'l'l' ! lined house 1)resst's , the hottest 1Ihb ) ' styles. . . . . . . . . . . . $ : . j ; . 1 CISU biolles' Wool Wnlsl 11 pretty pIa hI111 11\1. : mbtl'cII' : ' cheap. ' ' ' ' , 'nB J\'fl'S' : } No\'cll's In fancy ' Ncckwrar on sale SatUlllH' ' Fzuuiey : t'uuubroklered Yokes , 4Sc , Te luII 1 1' . l ro c. IIOZI'I 'o\'iuutlsors , reguuhur 25c goods , mUDOS 1 plm YM1D. Sallrday. 7:30 to 9:30 : , \ wi Bell ele- cant Blu nud jros grain Ribbons at Ie 20 and 5c per yard , worth from hOc to 35c per yard. i Spec"1 Ball on Chalelalne Bags , hOc ana i :3c : worth 3"c to 55c. anl IHO STATINlmy SAL } . Llsll l'enehls. rdozen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c 25 Envelopes tor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lc 12 hpels or fine Nell l'aper. . . . . . lc Ink. per bottle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c Mucilage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2c Pen lollr with pen point. . . . . . . . lc " 'rttIuug Tablets . . . . 1Int. . . . . . . . . . : c DHESS flOOl)5. . BpCI.\.H FOR S\TUitDAY. 36.uuch ! NO\'II Suiting , ttItly till wotl , the . 45c qualIty. . . . . . . . ty . . 11 . " . . . 19c 40.luch CanihILon b3uitIulg , thu 29c qualIty \ - Ity . . . . . lon . . . Hultng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lc 6.lnch navy and black Serge. the :5c . - qUllUy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thl . . . . . 10c - - : -tuoeb navy 81'd black Serge. the 39c quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . ! . . . . . I8c 100 pIeces or various qlalte , anll styles In novtes and plain goodut , none ever BOld ror le.s than 39c. aome 5)c' ) . all In one Iot Sulr.la : ) . . . . . . . : . . al . :5c We will cnnluue t ( tell ror Saturday our faloll M.lnch ImporleJ French Serge ror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rtnch . . . . 5c Our tanioul 31.lnch imparted l rerCh Bere for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! - - - OVERNOR ( ; CANNOT STOP IT - May Prevent the Fight but Oorbott is Bound to Talk. - MAKES A WORDY ASSAULT ON FTZSIMMONS 1".I"t" thlt II" OI'JIIU"Ut I" 'J'r'luJ ) lurt top SIrlk Out ff the I.'hrht 1.11 thlt lie II I . II Un I I' 1"11' I r. NEW OflI4FANS , Oct. 4.-Ccrbett antI party reacld the city this mornIng over the I.ouhvle & NIBhvl.le road. They cam from Montgomery , where they gave a show lat night. The train was an hour or two late and In conseueneo there were but few people on haRI when the train came In. In the party Iere W liam Brldy , Stove O'Douu- nell , Duncan O'Donnel , John McVoy , hilly 'DEaney , Young Donaldson and Jim Daly. lrs. Corbett was also along and she tuck close to her husband and hEad every quues- tlon that was propounded to him by newspaper - paper men as well as Is anwers , "I ace 1 lzslmmonR has bean doing some more talking In his trip through the south , " said the champion after his party had arranged - ranged their trnps. "Do you know what I think of Fllzslm- mona ? lie Is a fakir of the worst Idnd. lie Is tryIng his mightiest to get out of this fight , but I will tight him I I 'ave to chase him to a corer so that thpro could bo no escape. I wish the fight was lonlcht. I am anxious to get at him for be ha been making - Ing some statement that are absolutely false. , "J am ready to fight within an hour " said Corbctt. "J wish that the battle was 10 take ' place today In tha OympIc club. Nothing wetld please me better. In my tght with Sullivan there \a ! none of the worry that I have encountered In this match and which also arose with my fight with Mitchel When time profession lost New Orleans they lost the best city In America for I champion- ship. "Now don't you think a man In FItz- slnmons' position should bo a Ito more clrcumsp In his talk ? Every dollar , with the oxc'ton of S2OOO or ltzshnmons' ' stake , has been seIZC { Now , supposing I do win the fight . I may get the short end or It after all , Flzsmlous ! hall better be making ar- rargements to carry out his end or the con- tract Instead of roasting me. Now , If F'Itz- slrmonloul1 only pout up his stake with- out any strings attached , 10 It and agree lon a referee there Is no governor on earth wh ? coull stop the fliit . We could go Into some deep forest where men very seldom are seen anti setle our differeocts. I would be wlng to Ight him for times take alone. " 1"lzslmmons Is a sly one , ' continued the pugilist , who by this time was worked up. "He worked things very smooth after that Ito affair In Green's hotel In Phulladolpiuia. \rhy. 110 you know Ilz was be.sly drunk that day. He had , been making the crack . that he was going to pull my nose the very first time that I saw him I saw him In the hotel that lay and noticed that he was jagged. I went up to fluid asked him If he had made such a statement , and his reply was that Ir he dhl he was wIlling to stand up to It. I sImply caught his nose and gave It a tweak. Immediately , after he jumped Into a cab anti drove around to all of the news- paper offices and gave them toe highly colored tale that was pUblshe" . " "Where would you prefer to fight ; In Mex- leo or the Indian Territory ? " Corbelt was asked. "If I have any choice In the matter . I would ' muuchrprefer to tght In the Indian Tlr- rlor ) ' . I would then be In my own country , and not run any chance of getting the worst or 1t. " "Do you think the fight will take place ? " ' ' \Veli . you , can bet , all of you money that Il wIll , " repled Bl Bra"y. "Anything that Dan Stuart hal anything to do with Is bound to be a success. Stuart has given his word to the sporting world that the fight wi take place , and he will carry out every IJromlsebo has made. " Corbslt and party were drIven 10 the hotel. He will give a performance at the St. Charles theater tonight and leave for Texas tomorrow morning. I Is the general opInion among local sports who know Corbelt wel that he II not the same Corbett of old His race Is , very much pinched and there Is a dull look about his eycs. During the Ilay the cham- , plan visited the Southern Athletic club and did some little work. THNK CORDETT WANTS TO BACK OUT. The opinion wa expressed tonight by cer- tain sporting men that Corbett Is building lP a foundation to get out or his lIght If possible I was noticed that to every news- paper man who interviewed hIm Corbett talked only on one subject and that was on the many strings that were attached on the 1 ' lzl'lmmons stake. In every conversation Intiulgad In today this subject would be promInently - Inenty brought forward by him. When It Is taken Into consideration that the attachments against Fitzsimmons' money In Dwyer'o I hands were published more than a month ago , and Corbett refrained from saying anything I about It nl that Unto Ihb fact gives rise to the sm'pclon ! that the conqueror of John : L , Sullivan has kept ! thin as his last card. Corbelt very bluntly said today that Fitz- simmons would have Jo have $10,000 up In tile stakehohtber's hands without an attachment - mont ted to I or he would not light. He claims that I izslmmons only haD $2.000 01 the side bet up the other $ ,000 being attached . tached by the Metropolitan Printng company and Attorney Friend , formerly the Auslra- han's Inwyer. Corbett Is claiming today that Phi Dwyer told him just before he left New York that If he won he would get but $ SOOO of the side bet. ' Corbelt also Bays that he will fight Fitzsimmons for time side bet alone but put In the old provisIon that $10,000 unattached must bo put up. Local sporting men arc of the opinion that this provlson ! or Corbett's will occJslon considerable trouble before October - tebe 31. Just why the champion Is anxious to hava the referee selected I thll time can. not be learned. Both Corbel and his manager . ager/ .13111 Urady. arc clamoring for the ref. eree 10 be chosen Immediately. When asked what dlIerence It would make In selecting tIme referee the day before time fight they said that In such nn Important case as this the referee should bo known veral wNkR ahead In order 10 give confidence 10 the publc , The general feeling In New Orleans Is that the fight wl never take place. Information from a private source received In the city tonight says the Choctaw Irlbl lu Indian territory Intended adopting Corbett as a member or their tribe In order that the fight may be brought oft In their nathan When asked what ho would do under the circumstances Corbel saId that he would accept - eept the honor. He further salll that ho would paint his face red , wear In eagle feather In his hair and do anythIng to maks himself look like sn IndIan , Just so hI could - , , Saved by Hood's i ; Is the experience of many who take : Hood's Sarsaparllla. ilcadtho following : 'S have been In per health YsoIdLlI2dI ttt ° ! m now 51. ' ; , 'aperllla and . Ihood'tu Pills : . ' : catarrli In iii then asthma. No nmedlclno did me any good except Ilood'a Sarsaparlila , which lu no equal as a blood purilier , I itave not only been benefited In health but lou- ercaed in weight from 100 to 172 pounds. I do all my housework without any help. and only hood's Is what I take and Hood's Sarsaparilla pays. We keefl Hood' . Pills on band roteilantly , " ? Ins. Il , A. ( LVrrEN , l3luo Hprluugs , Nebraska. rvii casyuomuycauelake , H OOu S FillS .utaeUcct. auccu. , , Itt a chance a Flulmmon . ( orbel and < 1 I party leave In the morning for San Anlonlo. SAN ANTONIQ Tex , Oct. -The gente' men who secured , R. concession from the state ol-Tanmaulipac 10 have a Prize fight and bull lIghting tournament In Nuevo Laredo - : edo have sent a gentleman , who Is related to IrCllent Du , to the capital to secure immunity from interference Dan Stuart has agreed to walt three days , when this gentleman can secure an audience with the presl < lent. SAN 'HANCISCO , Oct. 4.-W. H. Vice , ex.vleo president or time old California club , believes that t the Cnbet.l lzln1nons fIght were brought off here In Calora : It "ouM mean over $1,000,000 profit to the state. "Dud" Whie. one ot San I rn- CISCO'S prominent sllorlng men , had quite a talk with : . Vie todnY about raising a purse for the fight to come to Calfornia , The sporting len luterested In It are very secret about . the pl.l. I wi be some ilays before anything definIte can he known The talk his reached the Olympic club manager , W , J. Kennedy , who . said today that he would give Corbett and " .lzslmmons a chance to box a limited cngagenunt befere the Olympic club The , \ uSlralan , however , would object 10 this , lS Corbelt Is popular In . the Olympic club WICHITA . Oct. 4-A special 10 the gagle says that cItlens or iflackwehi , Okl" , met ant ! raised $35,000 today 10 secure the Cor- bel.'lzshnmons light for thaI place. They claim 10 be able to pull ol the fight there without molestation from any source They hl\'o opened up telegraphic correspondence with Manager Stuart concerning the mat- te : . FITZ ALSO CALLS NAMES. CORPUS CILI1ISTI . Tex" , Oct. 4.-Fitzsim- I moos goes rIght along with hIs training , notwithstandIng - : withstandIng the legislature's action at wihstanding lelllatuo's acton Austin . lie says be has an offer from responsible - sponslblo parties to pull the fight oft should the Florida Athletic club fall to do so. lie says he Is determined 10 give Corbett no possible opportunity to escape him and that the big dude will either have to fight or leave the country branded as a coward who Is afraid to meet a man wbo Is much smaller than himself . Today Dan Stuart wired Martin Julan to come to Dallas at once on 1m. portent business. I Is impossible to learn whether or nol Julian will go , or what Is i the nature or the huslness. CITY O MEXICO , Oct. 4.-Preshlent Daz has said that as prize fighting has been forbidden by all the states In time American 1110n , It should not b tolerated here. The prcss Is almost unanimous against allowing the fight to occur In this country. OJY A : ixiiuiii'rios ' GAn 'Jolrlll l'roft."lo" Ilt III' n I'er- ' i'crforimizoit'e. IIJI"tor ) lt'rformnn.c. The Milwaukee \'esler league team nml Western league and Western assocla- ton consoldnted lear played a game lt University park yesterday afternoon before a small and unenthusiastic crowd. These two teams arc enroule for California . where they will play during the winter , and stopped ar her 10 play tIme University climb , Abbott. however . team Captain Abbot. , was unable - ble to get his men all In from the woods and the two visiting teams were compelled 10 play a game In self- erense. The con- Ialo test was spiritless and uninteresting. Score : . - MIL\VitUKEE. AD. n. mi. SH. SU. P0. A. E. homes , m. . 6 2 4 0 1 4 1 2 Nies , 3b. . . 5 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 Twllchel Ib 5' 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 Taylor , : b. . 4 2 1 0 0 8 1 1 Klopf. I. . . . 4 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 Daniels. P. . : : i 2 0 0 0 0 : : u 0 ( len , p. . . . 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 Botan c. . . 5 0 2 0 0 5 1 0 Het er. rf . 3 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 Sprntt . ss. . . 5 0 1 0 0 4 1 1 - - - - - - - - Totals . 41 12 12 0 3 2 12 4 WESTERN LgAGUE. AD. R. 1311. SlI. SD. P0. A E. Mcquade If 4 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 Mertesm. . . . 4 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 Mclinlo . rf. . 4 0 1 0 1 2 2. 0 Canllon , 2b : l 0 0 0 0 2. 0 2 Speer , c. . . 3 1 0 1 1 4 0 0 Iohman , , lb 4 2 1 0 0 10 : l 1 Ilck"1' . 3b. 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 0 McKibbon , ss 4 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 Mauck , 1. . 4 1 1 0 0 0 . 2 , 1 Totals . . . : . . 2 3 " 26 . . .Dolaf out for running out of In , 1Iwnuitee . . . : . .i'421 0 S 0 0 l' 0 312 Western . . . . . . . . .O .0 1 0 2 2 0 ( Earned runs ; Milwaukee . 5Vester : I.eaIUI. 2. Two-bas'e his : Milwaukee 2 ; Western League . 2. Three-base his : .1- . . Double ' ' to waukee 1. DOlble Plays : Ta'lol Twitchell. Struck out ; By Dnnlels 4 bY Jehlen 2 ; by Mauck 2. Bases on balls : Off Daniels \ , I ; off .elen 2 ; off lauclt , 1. Hit by "Itcher : Jollen . 1 Pased halIsliOlan. . 5. Wild pitches : Daniels I. Ime : Two hours Umpire : Sandy Griswold. SICEI.LY nOcC" : D OUT AGAIN. I.'rrlt Erne 1.10" " ' " Jln'IeJ Ted Much for the Uvooklyit UO ) " . NgW YORK Oct. 4.-The new Mnnhat- tan Athletic club gave its first boxing exhi- blton of the season tonllht , and the big gymnasium was fairly filled with speclators. The first bout was between Mike HarrIs of New York and Tommy West of Doplon , eight rounds Harris was evidently In "oor conditon , as he went 10 the floor twice In the opening rotund through his exertions , and was badly used up with u right hand jab , which IIIt him out so badly that the , bell only saved him from going out. In time second horns was knocked down three , times with straight blows. In the furious lighting which followed Harris got nil the worst or It. West deal a tearful blow with his left on HArris' neck when they came together In the sixth round , and Harris "ent to the floor for nIne seconds. Harris was knocked silly : In the seventh round with a straight right hand upper cut and the Ilferee awarded the fight to West. The next bout was a fifteen round go be- tweln Frank Erne of lurllo and Jack Skely of Brooklyn. These men met last month at the opening of the Empire Ath- letc club , when Skel ) ' was knocked out In the seventh , They were scheduCl : to fight at 126 pounds Though both men ought wariy , they got In sonic hard ones . Skely petting rather the worst or It. Skely wa floored In tlseventh round In the ninth Erne "inlled three times with left and right on the body and chest and hall a decided advantage. He showrCI blow after blow on Skcl"s body anti face The Buffalo hay sent In -a telling right on the jaw. which knocked SIell' down anti out , and the referee stopped the lout declaring Ere the winner after two minutes . twenl ' -fve seconds fighting In the ninth and last round. ' 'HO''Tgn I'iS'I FAST Ug\TS. Average 'Fiiie " Vms2moi ) ) 1-N. IL'ltll tht' \Vriii's Hi.cro1 TERHE HAUTE Ind. , Oct. 4-Two of the three events today were won by favorites , and there was little money lalll on the field at 2 to 1 against Ella Belmont wh ? won the 2:2 : trol. Nightingale sold last nIght at $50 to $0 on Onaqua In the 2:1 trot , und after the Iowa mare had captured two heats the first one being n reduction of her record by three-quartcrs of a second , the Village Farm entry won the race . her first winning mile clipping off one and one.hal seconds from her rlcord , Two new world's records were hung UI' on this. the closing day of the races. In the 2:1 : cass trottng ! , the live fastest heals ever gone . with an average of 2f : 1-5 , were reeled off. Then \ . \ ' . 1' . paced the mile to a wagon In 2OS ; , I reduction or four and ono-fourth secoiuils from the record. SummarIes : 22j ; class trotting . pUne $1,0 : mla Del- nonl won time seeond third and fourth heuts Time ; 2:13. : 2:18. : 2l6'Ciau : ' ' Almont won the first heat In 2:1SH. : and was second. Sweet Child . third , Miss Kale also started . 2:1 : trotting , purse $ .5 : Nightingale won the thirol fourth und ftlh hpats Time : 2o ; 2:10 : , 2:0 : . . Onaqu won the first and , I second heats anti was second . 'Tlme : 20\ ; \ , : :10. : Dandy Jim was third. David Balsa star ted . ) 2:2 : pace . purse $ l.(0 ( : Bright Regent won In straipht hlll Time : 2:1 : . . 2:13 : % , 2:1H : . Dersburg was second In three heats. Ira ) BUII third No others started . T" heat 2:13 : , world's record , pacing 10 a vago1mV. . , . P. , eh g , by Ben Leommiri. Jr. ( Loomis ) , WOU. Time : O32\ ; \ , I:0i4 : . Ii7 : , 2O : % . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .l.1 1(11111'S I tl ITS " 'IIIG. Jlr. 10" " ' nnl Ills Chmnlht'ngo- Dnt. . Not . . ' JI.t.t wi I F'nyur I.ONlON Oet. -The Plplll says . title moring : "It has been stated on behalf or the Americans that Banker Hose has issutl a challenge for time Amerlca's CUll In order to l'rO\'e ' that the Amerlcanl can conduct al international contest QU the water on fair lines. \'e are not much concere,1 , 10 know how Americans treat an American , bull have hUll occaon ! to complain of the manner In which they treat a Brltshcr when lie Is foolish , enough to enter upon an International contest upon a distant shore. Mr. ( 'harle Hose wIl ' unouhtedly be Ier- mltt',1 to prove that the American" can orlanl : a yacht race on rail terms , hut hII patriotic scheme . to otucceed. must put I 1.I DUI'lvtn In the wrong Tht Io'al i Victoria Yacht club , which has backed Mr. Roses challenge . Is apparenty con- vInced that the Southampton boat In the hIls of an American challenger , mIght le al'owed to Ilo'llenl thlol- and perhaps what mlKht be cnlrll to win the cut , II bal'klng : Il Hose vit 1 luch an object limo noyal Yacht cub I8 I IUSUmll1 a responslhll ) ' Such as has ii'er before been taken by timt' lIritish c 'Itmh "I " 11 Irllsh : tr. ( hnrles ! Day Itose , writing to the Times this morlln In reference to his cimalenge : , says : "I IhouM like I to be Un- dlstoOI throtO according 10 the leId or alronlnK thAtl gift . Lord Dunraven could not again chal- lr. ! lenJe with VaUyrle Ill Inll after a contest with some oUWI.\es rl hall Inlen'lned. or until the expiration of two year Hut In view of this 11t 'ehnlene being through the Royal Yach1tsipladron ! 1 ha\e informed Sir Grlll of that , \lrKanlzalon \ that If l.orl tbltlrKanlzalon Dunraven or nny other member of the Royal Yacht sl11lron , Is llelrOIS of ISlllg bout , I um a challenger lt WG , with nnolher ready to wlhdru\ ) ' . " ( J.\SS I CiLMl'iONS TO : Ihl'l' . t'bl. ) . nu,1 Ilrlt tl HIl. n : Inteh nt tho' I'ulr ( rln.ll" 'I'o1mty. At the old fair grounds this nrternoon a series of races will be ridden between D. Il. Dial , champion or Minnesota , and \Y. A. Pixie ) ' or this clt . . Mr. lrd comes here wih a splendid record having swept everything In lnneota. Dakota and northern Iowa , At A bur ) ' Park , during the national meet this simnumer ho won the natonal two.llo handicap , . riding ! rrm the lt.0-yard mark defeating sonic of the best riders In the counlry. Pixley has also made a splendid record this season , haying - 1 al caplured the Nebraska state chain- Illonshlp , anti defeating Hackett . time winner - nor of the Hanra : championshIp at Topeka ' peka curlY In August . 'fhere will bo three races this afternoon - noon , 1 half mile , upon which a time limit of 1:0 : has been placed : a one motile . with u lmit of 2:12. : and three miles . whim a 6:45 : linott . The prize will be a $100 bl- cycle : and the winner or the majority or the reel wi get the wheel The races must however bo ridden under thin time lmit or ImmedIately rerldden. Messrs. Denman and Peter wl make time pace on a tantlem. Iaclng wJ be started promply ut 3:3 p. m. : . XEl "OUS OV1iltC)3IINU cnx.t'ES'S , Ynl" nul Cn1hrlJlt.ucertntu of tht Ii ' I is. I l'"n I. NEW YOnK Oct. 4.-The Cambridge boys eased up I bIt at Dlrkley oval this afternoon and the Yale athletes also stopped training. The laler left New Haven this evening and thiy wi probably tr ) the course very early tomorrow morning , Captains - talns Horn and Sheldon are both somewhat dubious lS to the outcome of Saturda"s games. Both of them say the question of supremacy lies In the hurdles. \Voritl's records are not likely to be broken , but In- tercoleglalo may be. When seen this afternoon by a reporter of the soctatcd press , Captain Sho\lon slid that time l0yard dash as wel al the shot , hammer and broad jump contests were as food as won by Yule. He said the events of which he was doubtful wore the ' and the himrdies. Captain 20)'ard run hlrdlel Clptaln Horn was pure that his men would win the 30.yord , quarter hnl and one mIle Il ni. but would not say how the hurdles I might result. Both captains seem ell nervous over the hurdles , and these events may : turn the tide or affairs and give the Yankees - kles or the Britons a vlclory. I Ut of thL' Cour"lu/ : le"thIJ. ABERDEI , S. D. . Oct. 4-'he coursing mm'eeting was brought to a close today before - fore a large crowd. The seml'lnals of the Aberdeen derby for greyhound puppies , whelped silce January 1. 189t , were nun oif . antI us predicted In yesterday's dis- patch Merry Maid beat San .oaquin , 11n- nenpolis heat/Oak , Merry 1lalt Is owned nealols / { Merr In Huron , S. D. . :111 San Joaquin In San Francisco The California dog was the favorite . and 2 to 1 was bet and offered against Merry Mntl. Time fuel course was not run . as the " , i'ner of Merry Multi and Minneapolis iigreetl to divide the first and second money. Minneapolis Is owned by Mr. T. P. White If Minneapols , In the final course for the Palace stakes , A. P. 'Socum's : Calp\ ) heat Dr. Van Hummers Vnlk'rle. The lafer Is from Indianapolis and the former from Oakcc , N. D ' 'hrl'l"irn , 111 In Line. The six-day CllS9 A bicycle race , which opens at Bicycle park on 10ulay ( evening next Is attrmIcthng much Interest In wheel ctng circles. Already sonic of the fastest class A men In thl 'statb have entered , including Harry Edehl , thit messenger kid , Charles Pegau. Henry E. Tagger and C. M. Ed- ward of Ihls 't-aUI Charles A. Murray of Murray , N b.l-fhe race will last two hours each night , antI In additon to valuable - blo prizes to . \ ' nwarfed tile winners spe- 'clal prizes' will I I be awarded l each eV nlng , On Monday ovonlng p 'eelng the mca there will he n grand wheel parade , startIng from Sixteenth and Cass streets at.1 o'cock. : All wheelmen who participate In the parade wi bo admited to the park free of charge A"ollnton Foot flimli. The foot bal match between the newly organized Calell0nlan cub und the Young ' Men's Christian association . to be played on the Young Men's Christian nsscla- tion and ton grounds , corner Twenty-ehhth Dodgl streets , this afternoon nt 4:30 : , prom- Ices to he nn Interesting contest. The Young Men's ChristIan association , boys are nil new men at time game , while the majority of their opponents are old.tmers and think they know It all. The Christians . tans are beginning to play good bail , and will give the visitors a stiff game. urJh , . Jnl Griffin 1\11 Not Fight. LOUISVILLE Oct. 4.-The ' , - Munphy-GriIiln fight , that was scheduled to take place here next Zttondaf night , Is off. Governor Brown arrived In the city from Cincinnati at noon today and held u conference with Mayor Tyler and other au Ihorlles , As n mesimit of the conference authorities decided - cided to supprt the ovcrnor. Billy Thompson - son . who . was managing . the affaIr. says . that he wi lest the mater In the courts claim- Ing that It was not to bo 1 prize tght , but a contest for points onh' First Arrest Unties the New Lu , IULI.SDOnO , Tex. , Oct. 4.-A sensation was created today by the arrest of three men , Jack Daugherly of Kansas City Frank Dale ) ' or Chicago and Jack Barton - ton of this ciy ; for pullng off a glove contest at Whitney last night In the way of a boxing eXhlhlton , In violation of the new law. which went Into effect at 5 o'clock Monday making such exhibitions where a fee was charged a felony. All the parte ! are now In jai here , and , their cases will ue examined by the grnd jury , which 1/ now In ses310n. I'r" , Fighters In Inr.l I.hlr" . CLEVELAND , Oct. 4.- la'or 1cJls on has refused to isEuo a permit to the Cleveland - . land Athletic cub for the four.round con- test whIch Is billed to occur under the auspices of time club tomorrow evening between - tween John L Sullivan end Paddy H'an. A strong effort I Is being made by the olclas ; of the organization to Induce the mayor to change his mind , but the latter says he will nol do so , and It Is very probable that the contest will not take place. - - - - - Athilu Got 'l'ht'IU1. . AI.IN , Neb . Oct. 4.-Speelal ( Tell- gram-Alblon won the third and last of the series of games with the OmAha Busl- I ness college : Albion . . . . . . . . 000213202-10 Omaha . . . . . . . . 200010101-5 Batteries : Aibion flagon anti Clark : Omaha Creely and Heiwig Struck out : By flagon , 11 ; , breel , ) ' . 5. Ubl" ldtkluJ ; for J St'rnT. ST. PAUL. ' OotI.4H. . Herman thday received a teieghom from Tom O'Itoune at New York , offering 10 match George Dxon : against TomonI.Jlxon at the Manhattan Athletic club font purse or $1,0 on October 2. Herman 4icIJetl time prOIJollton , hut offered 10 mot c. DI ' O'Donnel'llh George Dixon1rtm. . ten rounds , winner to take e\er.thlr. : . rore the same club. ( JI't".t 4hat1'tto U lie Ih'eurt. DENVER , ib" . -Hary Clarke , a claps A rider , rod PHary ! unpaced In four minutes , thlrtl . four-fifth . second . beating - ! Ing the class reord twenty seconds and time class B r et1 U eleven seconds. Clarke's record Is ofiias n sanction had been otlc sancton granted for t fIal. Clarke Is an Associated - elated press ojttator. : ' - - , ' - - - Futurl ) . . rrf'rrlltto ; St. IniIs. ChICAGO , 43ct. G-Tlme Harlem race track today Iransrl eJ f-'fhe ruturt ) . of 187 to the . I.ouls . iR . ' Is St. l.uls fair jounils. This stake time . largert ever I iounis. America. It having over 1 , ( entrl ; cOmprIsing time cream "r the brood JRrf or Aml'rlea The stake should Lo worih'0,000 . to the winner 'I''iifo'i ' 'on ' lie l'roolimei' Simm kes. LONDON , Oct. 4-Tho Kemplon Park autumn meeting ( two days ) opened today , The Imperial Irodueo stakes ! 5O. was v'on by : lr. Vi' . O. Stevens' Teurt'I , l.eolo the ltotimschlitl'mt brown coil , Vursquin , was second and Abeyance third. } ireen horses stat ted. _ _ _ _ _ Ahit'te's 1'ltnt , "n 1 R.Uf.T srmi . MAIIIE . MI ' h. , Oct. 4- John . 1) . llcfhtuon. the champon ! shot putter. fell fort.aix feet train one or the ucw lock ! .tle1 thIs ! 10rlll < to the lock 11001 und was fataiy Injured. Mclherlun tiled thIs ! afternoon rrom his injuries. Injlrlel. _ _ _ _ _ l'nrlnl"1tJnln I Irurol.lt. I.ODON O't 4.-\ royal Ilrociuulon wa gaelt 'I t .der further proroguing 1'01- lament ! ull D.thmbr : : . ORECON CO IANY COLLAPSES Defaulted on the Intcrost of It DoUled Debt Duo In Octbor , - PRESIDENT APPOINTED AS RECEIVER Operated n Elite or 1nlwl'11t SI'llhont" - t'ortult CI1rt ' \11 iii , . \"t't to Conll'l tl' Aiiliotlittilt'iit. - SEATTLE , Wash" , Oct 4-The Oregon 1m. provement eompan went Into tIme hants of a receIver In Judge , Hantord's court this after- nOOl , ami C. J. Smih was appointed reo celver. The bill of complaint was filed by the I.'armers' Loan and Trust company , and It recites the executon of a serIes of first mortgage bonds December I , 1880 , amountng In the aggregate to $5,000,000 , or which bonds I portion nmountng to $486,000 were afterwards - wards redeemed. November 1 , 1889 , the Ore- Ion Impro\'ement com pan ) to secure pay- mont of a series of bonds aggregating $15- 000,000 , made a deed of trust , known 8S the consolidated mortgage , interest on which , amounting 10 $155,245 for time half year , fell due October 11 , when default was made. lie- celver Smith has been general manager of the comlany In thIs city , and Ihls eveulng furnished a bOld of $100,000. The plperles or the company consist of the PncLc Coast Sleamship company , having a fleet of twenty-one steamers , Columbia & Puget Sound . Seattle & Northern , and Port Tcwnseli Soulher railroads , and the New- castle ali F'ranklin coal mines , tributary 10 Seattle , In King county. There are 216 miles of railroad , or which 137 arc narrow gauge and se\'enty.nlno Btandard. Four corpora- tons own the lInes , and the securities arc held by the Oregon Improvement company. I President Elijah SmLth Is now In New York. I Application for the appointment of a receiver \1 alr be made In Portland lomorrow , and I It Is expected Hecelver Smith will leave for I there by special train lonlght. t'IId. IIA'FI , ItIdGIiIVlIitS TO SI'AnE. Xortl'r1 I'stt'ItIeNny ' Hn" ' 'hrt. " S"tl I lit its :1(1) ' J1rl..1.tlll" . , MILWAUKEE Oct. 4-The bond of receiver - ceiver F. G Blgolow of the Northern Pacific railroad was ted this afternoon and 1m. medlalely approved by Judge Jenkln The National Trust all Surety company of Kansas - sas City and the City Trust and Surety company of I'hladelphla appear as sureles In the sum or $500,00. NEW YORK . Oct. 4.-Judgo I"acombo In the United States cIrcuit court today granted an order restraining Thomas F' . Oakes , Henry Paine and henry C Iou e , as receivers of the Northern Pacific Railroad compalmy or an or their employes or agents In Ihls cir- ) cult , from removing from the jurisdiction of his court any of time moneys , securities or other properly now In the possession of the said receivers within the jurisdiction of this court , and ordering that In the further ad- minIstraton of their receivership the said receivers shall lake the dIrections of this court. The order was granted on the opplcaton and afdavit or George W. Hoard In the acton of I' . D. 1uston. the Farmers' Loan and Trust company and others to have the present - ent receivers removed. MISSOULA . Mont , Oct. 4.-Judge Knowle has confirmed the appointment of Andrew F. Durlelgh as receiver of the Northern Paelnc. All time various factions were represelted In court. Similar action Is promised In Idaho , and ReceIver Durlelgh will then have control front the Dakota line to time l'aciflc coast. TACOMA , Wosh. . Oct. 4.-Hecelver Ilur- leigh of the Northern Pacific railroad spent three hours today In consultation with Oen- erl Manager Dickinson. He has made no further appolnlmentD all has publshed an order directing that all employe report to General Manager Dickinson. Receiver Dur- leigh w1 go 10 New York some time this month , The New York court , probably after October 11 , after the resignations of the old receiver shall have been acted upon , wIll appoint - point Mr. Dulelgb receiver In that jurisdic- ton , General Manager DickInson says he will make no changes. \1,1. TILT IT AGAIN ON TUESDA' . Chilengo-Omnhthait Lines Unnlle to . \Ar"l 01 l'nsseoiger Matters. ChICAGO . Oct 4.-A meeting of Chlcago- Omaha lines was held here today for the purpose of seeing If anything could be done to strengthen the pa'senger rate situation. A local association exists at Omaha and the member of It have an agreement to redeem all their respective tickets found on time market. This precaution . however , Is Insufficient to make malers straight and the demoralization which has existed for a week threalens to break out of all bounds. No defnlto acton was taken to- day An adjournment was taken until next Tuesday. _ _ _ . _ _ _ Oioo" : O [ G I SOUTH - MAHE'VS ' I C eCeC Ccoeeeece A test or one of the wells being sunk by the South Omaha Water Works company was made yesterday afternoon. The well . according to the enslneer'a statement will pour out water at the rate of 200,000 gallons In twenty-four Imours. Telve wells will be sunk along the river fri , nt on Hardwood lake botoms , just cast of the D. & M. , tracks , and the pumlins lvton wi bo placed near the foot or 1 sIr et , The tnt well Is near 1 street , antI , from therl holes wIll bo dried southward past the old carbon worlls. As soon as these wells produce a sumclent quantity ' of water , work on the two twenty- Inch malnes on 1 street from the river to the stock yard will be commence : , I Is the lutEnlon of the new company to do as much work as possible before the ground freezes Surveys have been made and time materlul nccHsary for time work hal ben ordered. Suprlnlendent Dmmoclt Is pusimlng time work as fast as he can In order 10 set a gcod start before winter sets In ICII ' " JllJII'r , ' OfCt rH. The Klng' Daughters have elected th : following otcers for hue ensuing year : President , Mrs. R. B , Montgomery ; first vice presldermt Mrs. W. O. Sloane ; second vice IJesldent. Mrs. A. J. Caulhey ; ecrelary. Mrs. Louis Stearns ; treasurers Mrs Howard Myers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'fl"I',1 nond" for ; 1"Curt. . The bonds offered by Charles Vau Camp , Hurry Clark amid Jack Degley for the ye- lease of Vie MeCarly have been reru'sc by Ctunty Judge Langhn at laplon ! , After nn investigation the judge decided that the sureties offered were not sumificlent . : ( uJle Clno""II' . Pat Mangan Is In jai fort assaulting J. H. Maddoclt. J r Elzabeth Saulter has returned train an eastern trp. ! MIss Carrie Dunn his returned from a three mouths' visit with friends In Lincoln. I' . A. Rogers h's , been appoInted night msrager or time AmerIcan District Telegraph oillce. The Homo Circle Choir club was enter- tallied last 1Isht by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Schree. I lEmbers or the First Methodist church will i gIve a farewell reception 10 11ev. Dr. Dw I son at time cburch on that evenIng of October - I bel 10. - p - I. l.ool.ll/ for n 1111' . PolIce Matron Cumming hu In her cus- toy Frank Ward , a 12.ye3.old boy , who I wlhoul home and rrlends. Until recently he was an inmate or time orphan aylum nt Dubuque rrom which he was discharged because - cause he had reached the ale limIt. He came 10 his uncle In South Onmaha but this lei- alive hu deserted him. An effort will be made 10 fud I home for . 'rank. Condition of tiai 'i'ro'utslir3r. WASlNOTON , Oct 4.-Todl1 Italo- Ifnt or time condition of the treasury shows : I Available cuh balance , $85.592,97 ; gold re- . er\l , $9 : . 9.7S9. CON'l-N'l'ION OP 'l'iliI M'.VI'l't'lllllI\ : "J 'I'IUN . ' 11 \1''l'II" . onulnl Jlt.tnl or thl' Nut lomitmi I Or- tcr to Con"'I"u. II i Ulnhn , The national 'conventon of the Switch- mon's Union or AmericA will convene In Omaha nlxt Monday. At 9:30 : a. m. there wi be a street parade , after which the delegates anti visitors will auemblo at Crelghlon hail , Fifteenth and IArney streets , whne they wi bo alhrlssell by Mayor hernia . C. P. Weler , 11 Hoo\uler. O. M. hitchcock , T. J. lahoney Ind E. I : . 1 I. Upon the conclusion of time speeches the delegates wIll repair to the Young Ien's ChrIstIan auoclnton imahi , where the work of the conventon will blln. ltmrlng , time con- headqunrtcrs. ventlon Ihe Millard hotel wi be the official 1. W. itoacim . secretary or the local mmmmioum has reeeh'e,1 , letters from mill of time Irud lOdge officers anti they hlve al stated tut Ihe ) ' would attend Ihl convention , "ho officers - tcer or the grant ! lodge are : D. I D. Sweeney , glld noaster Jersey City ; 1. H. Conln , vice IrnlHl master , Iansas City , Mo : John DOllllrt ) . grlHl secretary anti , treasurer , Kansas City , Mo. ; C. O. Tibbits , grand organIzer , St. LouIs ; 1. C. Nelson , Ksnsas CIty . :10. ; - : lrlnbec , 1.1 Crease , Wis. ; " ' . H. Welsh , board or directors The ofcers ff time local lodge are : A. J. Donahoo , master ; John H. Hughes . vice masler ; 1'V . HOICh , secretary ; \V. Ii. Oimm.steati. S. H. Miller , W. F. Ormmmeby board of dlreclors. The dpllglt s to time convention are : John " 'lzlerl. J. F. Burley , Kansas City . Mo. ; 1. I.a rantz , Charles O'Donnel. Kansas City . lan. ; A. W. Stanford J. D. O'Keere , S. J. Scaimlon Jersey City N. J. ; John R. lulhes , A. J. Donahoe , Omaha : Ii. F. hub- bard L. narallo , Council Bluffs ; J. U. Emm- right , George I lch , Atchison , Kan. ; John I.aughln. Thomas 1.'lnnllan. Susquchnnnn , Pa. ; F. T. hawley , J. W. Brown , Iltsburg , I'a. ; S. B , SmIth , T. B Joyce Newark , 0. ; :1. J. Nalghton , D. I.'oley Cle\eland. 0. ; 11. F' . Fuller . C. V. 1lntey. Topeka Kan. ; John A. Davis Thomas O'Nehl. Dotrolt , 1Ieh. ; J. , B. Fancy , J. A. McKeoui . Springfield . III. ; 'V. n. Wlnslou , Frank lallety , SI\nnl , Ill. : J. 1. Smith , W. F. Van 10usen. Gal- , , veatoum Tex , ; Thomns Magumire . l Lyons , 10uston , Tex. : Thomas Doughert George Ii. F'lrey . Leavenworth . Kamm : Tim 1011han. Ii. H. 1.'lanlgan. Dennison , Tex. ; E.V. . I"o'd , C. D. TpaKlo , Waco . Tex ; Charles Lucas , Joseph " 'eIY. Sau Aumiommio Tex. ; John E. WI.son , Wlam hiorum La Crosse \'is. ; " ' . " ' . Moore . John Fancy . Dalas , Tex. ; John Lasim J'red Green Saginaw . Mlch ; J. P. Leonbergor , S. L Light , 'rexarltana , Tex. ; Andrew Savage , E. M. Lane , Enmporia , Kamm. ; A. S. Jarvis , J , Lawrence , Algiers , La. ; George Artz , L. F. Grogimleine , MeMechen , \v , Va. ; Thomas Fiizpatrick , it. Caraway. Memplmis , Tenn. ; Ed Beiman , John ilaums , Uric. Pa. ; 'IA' . S. llaimmnuoumd , It. I. . . Chandler , Yoakuimm , Tex. ; harry Dmmddiimg , II. 0. hthoades , Cimantite. I-Can , ; a , i. Brown , 'IV. ' S. Kindle , East St. Louis , Ill , ; B. F. Nowlin , D. I' . McCltmre , Terre haute , Dud. ; Z , C. Wimitson , John FI. Cole , Jeffersonvilie , Intl. ; Ii. F' . Datmzy , I' . .1. Moore , Santiusky , 0. ; C. 11. Suihivamm , I' . II. Kinimey , Green Itiver , Wyo. ; John Itoacim , John Il. Stanley , Ileumumeit , I'a. ; F'raumk Lafenty , WIlliam Sullivan , CincInnati. 0. ; James II. Jamison , John Simeaimamt , Toronto. Can. ; J. C. Cregan , L. E. BillIngs , Loraium. 0. ; J. W. Lowrey , 0.'ebb , Atiaumta , Ga. ; Frank Dice , Wliliamn Berry , La Junta , Cola. ; J. L. Conklin , T. J. I'haien , Michigan City , Imiml , ; J. 1' . Griiiin , FI. M. hunt , l'ttebio , Cole. ; W. D. Wilcox , C. M , Bishop , I'eoria , Ill. : II. C. Brinkley , J. U. Coyie , Fort Scott , Kan. : J. Aumtlre. J. Raney , St. Joe , Mo. ; A. F' . Niciuoias , George Cain , Scdalla , Me. ; B. J. how , J. II. Tipton , h'arsons , Ken. ; M. L. Gasser , Ed Jenimings , Ottunowa , ha. ; J. C. Brown , \V. J. Bryant , Cedar Rapitls , ha. ; it. F. Matson , Charles imradiey , Cimicago Junction , 0. : C. II , Baldwin - win , U. Walton , Jackson , Miclm. ; John P. McMlllan , J. C. Blair , Asimtabula , 0. p ' . ' ' ' , 1111 W'IL.L ILE'I'AIN TOW'NE health Commiumissioner Sn-u-Iile Gimnmmgcs Ills MImi Agaimi. There imas been a change In the plans of the Board of health so far as dispensing with the services of Dr. Towne Is concerned. At the last immeeting of the board it. was decided - cided to suspend every salaried ofilcer cx- cept the comunlssioner , but Dr , Savilla salti yestertbay that ho would retain Dr. Towne. He had no time himself to keep up time rec. ords of vital statistics , and there ss'ere several cases of diphtimeria wimicit required attention. There was a serious epidemic of diphtheria in St. LouIs , and it would never do to be witlm- out an inspector of contagious diseases at timis time. He would retain Dr. Towae In the omce and trust to the council to make provisIon - visIon for paying hIs salary. WILL RUN WITH T1113 MAChINES. Sliecial I'olice hleconie Fire IJeJiIrt- iltemit Drivers for a 'rustic. Members Foster aimd Vandervoort of time Board of Fire amid Police Comnnmissiommers noel yesterday to select timree men front the force of special polIcemen for appoIntment omm the fire department. Timere were fourteen applicants on imamid and timey were mmii admItted - ted to an executive session , tiuritmg which theIr comparative capabilities were dlsctmssed. At time enti of an hour it was announced that George Picicrel. H. C. .Taacks and 0. G. Coouu imad been appointed. Timey were made muemum- bers of the probationary grade of time fIre departmnemmt nuod will be assigneti to duty at once by ChIef Itedell. Timey will probably be assigned as drivers , as time department is short on Jehius. ' 1'lte' Stopped iii , . Smhicitimg. For time last four weeks a yoummg man has baen going around the city soliciting adver- tisenments for The lice , amid souneuinmes for time News-Republic. Dressimmakers and mu- liners have been his immost freqiment victinos. Yesterday afternoon 1w was arrested by Dc- tective Savage while he was about to casio a check u'imtcio imad beemo given him by orme of the vlctimnizeti advertisers. lie was released - leased on ball , amid will be given an oppor- tunlty to make proper reparation to the parties - ties lie succeeded in swindiiumg. * 1In.'l t I i1i ii .JoI n Ilnutlon. TORONTO , Ont. , Oct. 4.-A special to time Mali anti Emmopire front Wlnmmipcg , says : hack- ott , the lint Portage miman , has decided to go to Toronto to enter haitian's crew as fourth man. Time crew will be : lianlan , Iurnan. ) Hackett and I'eterson. Timey leave for AustIn , Tex. , next Monday. If a flowering' plant does not blossom tlmere's C ' , . little beauty imo it. If it is sick amid . , i , , faded amuti witim. . ' cred amid lifeless , . 4 nobody cares for . , . - it. It fails short - - . - - - of its object in being. It is jim. I _ commmplcte-uu. t fimtisiucd. J Timmies without nuimmbcr wonucmm have been likemi- ed to flowcjs - I amid rightly. But I what of lmcr : z L. . . wlmoioe plmysical ' % . : b ' commdition 'courcs- . .Ar _ . pommda with tIme . - blossommoless , , plant ? \Vltat of . - tine wommuamu wimoin . . , weakness lies - , f4i , immade mmot wholly 4 jm 4'i.z. : . amid witolesomumely ' a woummaum ? Mommy -i' tiiicmgs lend to dt' . - nmmmgctuoemmt of a womiuamm's ( ichicate orgaumisnt. It may be duue to carelessness. it nmay be due to ignoramice fostered by mumistaken parents oum time plea of mreservmu1g mmmotlem.ty. It mmmayresult front iummpropcr treatumuent of soimme mummer trouble. Whatever smckmmess a woummami has , it seenms aluu'ays to affect time orgaums wimicim make hoer a tvouuauu and these 1mm thrum tvork upon all the rcst _ Timere itt immiteit lmm'emnity nnmoumg wommmcum , It us really stmm-pniaing tlmat tlucre Ic moot immure , Time troubles peculiar to timeir sex work stromigly oum tue nerves. 'riucy drug jupon tIme mnc'ct delicate mmcrves 1mm tile 1100) ' amid time imiflauminmatioum always presemut causes a debilitatiimg ulraimm that vull enervate the lumost robust. Dr. Pierce's Favorite l'rcscniptloum has brouglut comfort mmii lucahthu to tlmumms.-unutls of unmiferimig u'omuucn , l7or ummammy years. Dr. I'lerec lma. iscemi ChiefCommsuhtiiug l'hoysiclan at time Invalids' Hotel amid Surgical Imnoti. tute at BufLiio , N. V. lie list used the , , Iravorite l'rescniption ' ' all tine timmue , with tmnlmonumm success.Vllu it , tlucre is umo mmced of time couutiimommly immeistemi upon dis- tressiuug cxaamiumatinims and " local treat' macnt. " Temm cents scmmt to Vt'orld'a Iiapenm. ear ) ' Medical Associatiomm , vill briiug a book of mGS pages , sealed In a plain envelope , i SLEEP Lj1 ! DEAm For Years Mr , Burhei Had Suffero , [ 'ainc's Celery Conlpoun(1 ( Sjoi Made 11iiiVell \ , Publislici- ' 1''o Great German . 1'apcrs Caii Now \Voi'k loii rtceii I louts Evcrylay ) , Sleeps Soundly and Peacefully Every Night lie Lives , Sleep Is ammo of time ( hilsigs that cannot in' pilL off freon mmight to umight , Time pumnlsimnoent for sleepiesant'ss is worse than pain , It means a simattered mmmlmtd. It often hinppena that a sudden stress of work or ammxiety robs one of time mmight's rest , Time effect is soon apparent in the lammguor , imeatlachmes anti listlessness that cmmsue , If rompiti and abuiumtlnuomt mucamma are employed to repaIr time exhausted parts the mmervea ye- gain their elastIcity. html If an unnattmrai privation of sleep Is carried beyond the stretching power of time lmraium tue whole nervous system becounes undommo aimfi prostration - tion results , Tlmousantis of men struggling tinder great respommsibiiities or tedious work , anxious , overworketi mumothers anti wives , shop gIrls wimo are forced to stammd oum timoir feet null tlay lomug , have little difficulty iii convlutclumg their 'k ' & ; ; r i- A't MIt. MAX BUItOliRIM. friends of the remarkable pow'er of Value's celery commmpotund to restore timeir energy , renew - now their vigor and make thteumi strong amid well. . Here is a letter from Mr. Max hltmrghuelnm , the well known presldeumt amid mnautagr of the Cinmclmmnati Freie l'resme commmpanmy. Mr. llmurg. imeimmm wrltes 'Tho following statement umony bo of in- terest. I have been uumuffercing froumi sleep- icasnoss. inaoniutin , for many years , ammd althmoughm I have tried ahinot everythimig to get cured , consouting time best plmysiciamms aimd even going several tunes to Europe , everything - thing was in vaIn. " 1 did not lmave a umight's r&st for almnost six years , that is to say , I could mmot ieep for two imommrs In succersioum in a alngle night ; You can easily imnagmno wimat the effect on moe had been , After spoding a fortune In trylmog for re- Ilef I load given up almost all mope , aimd when I first read about Palno's celery coin- potmnd I did mmot have unucim faith In any- timing. Hilt after having used so many remedies ammtl consulted so many physicians in this country and abroad I felt like giving the conipounti a trial. Time result was trimly wonderful. "Time very first imlgimt. abommt six months ago , that I tried PaIne's celery compound you can inmagino nuy joy alien I found that I hati slept sIx hootmrs in smiccestioum , mu thing I hmave not been blessed withm for so mmtauty years. I commtlmmtmed tli use for over three mnontims with the santo imappy rcstmit , aumfi aitlmotmgh I was fearful lest the nmmalmmtiy woulti collie back on mite , I csmo now say limit although I imavo umot takeim the coummltound for unontims I do sleep every night pcaceftmlhy amid witimout Interrmmptlout. "You can easily iuomaglno wimat this nmetna for amaut who works fourteen moors every day in the year mind has charge of two large newspapers. I consider my case a ummoat remarkable ono amid I imotmid bo glad If this statemuient slmould be tmme mneens or umcnpmumg others who have suffered hike I in the same untold agonies , amid for this reason I iIvo you full pernoissiomi to make use of this state. macnt in any way you cimoome. " ACI IJSIOMIIN'i'S. Boyd's Theater ' TmImi : NIaIITS , C0MMENCmNO , . Sunday Night , Oct. 6 , ( ouTs hiFCUl'U 1)lMiai : Ot rul Time mta1tmd. Itttiliclthng. itim-hto.mrhtcg , ipictacuhar , MusIcal i'aice Commoetmy. "RUSH CITY" whtil liLtTliItWS .inil uuiain ; anti All time 01.1 Favurlies 1mm the Grist , DAViS & lCiOO ii. l'ROi'ItI lTOIL'L Seats out sale Saturday morning nit the folluwia i.rices : iiost floor , tie , ic timid balcony , Pc timid The ; gallery. 25c. 3O geol reservetl beats at 590 each. OaE1GIION TIEATE 'l'ci. ltial-l'AXTON& lUHfliS ! , MZr.4. MATlNEI TODAY 2:30. Any nescrvod scat , 2-so ; stall box amid divan sests , Soc. Toiiiglit at 8:15 , ChiM5 , 11. CfiLLAIIM'4'S ( ifliAT i3CINIC PIODUCTION OOtDN LLOW fli'lliImint Coumpany , litb'ii'ttt0 Sc nlu Eileete. 1Jsumnl Pi'Icae. EIIT TETE Tel , 153l-l'AXTONuIhJ4haSS , Mgrs. THREE MITS } , OCT 7 , 8 , 9' Matinee W'eUimesday. tloooul ny mimi il 'l'u'c.i mm y I : vu mi i u : : s. E. I mviii Ii. htoy I irs itiio , mi m i I Ii' I ) momma , "MEXICO" Vetlmmceday Matluoco no.1 Night. the favorite comimedy lramta , "FRI EINDS" ? ienagcmneuit of Arthur C. Aiston , i'rlers-FlusL lictar. tot' , e , rmrl $1.0Q itimlcuuil , hZc , SOc memiti tSe ; gallery , bc. btic uf estI OpenS $ jitum-tlay nioiimiag. coming Oct. BLI2 HU1AHEft fl'S . vWiitIii ; Milsic Hat 1 , Cor. (0th ( aud Barney. THE DAMM FAMILY LMIES' OftCI1ISTHA , Every Eyvumiumct fromtu it to I ! . Mitiiit'tm : 'iuutday , 'I'ioumrsday aitol Saturday. fruit. . 3 ted. iuluit ( .01 VIolin Lad Cc'rmmet. ( 'utile north hear tlm fimmoat lady musicians Iii thu conmtry.