Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1895, Image 1

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V. , - - - - - _ _ - _ - _ _ " , - - - , 1
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Caught in tim Oyciono Which Swept Over
the Gulf of Mexico
' 1'U lIullllr.1 t"11 utt lI11nr.1 II4.IIeI )
111111 ; \ . I.h' , ' " I.IN' ' , hut .hl' . He-
tll" Ir . hI' 'reel
S " 1'1' rl'I.
HAVANA . Oct. 1.-FollowIng cIoe upon
the loss of thc Spanish cruiser IIarcaK'egtIO ,
which wan sunk In colision wih the SpanIsh
merchant , temer Mortem . 01 Mura ralte , at
th entrance of thll' harbor at mllnlght on
SClltembP 18. conIes the news of the wreck
and probable total loss of the Spanish ! sar .
ship l'rlsthal Colon , a second , cuss cruiser
of about 1200.tonK clsplnccment anti I.GOO ;
horsepower. Thc Crlslobal Colon form el fart
of the leet of Spanish warships detailed to
watch l1' ( coast ) of Cuba In order to Ilw\2nt
the landing of Ilhustrrln ! expcdllons from
tim t'IHted States and elsovlmr. , The
crlll' r carrll.1 four 12.centhneter 10ntoria
guns. two T-cfuthncter HUns and two rapklni
fire guns . her crew Is esllated to have
IIUfhere,1 , about 210 ofcers and men. but
the I'xact fgl's are not known here at prrs-
ent. as she Iwl ) on hoard men intended . for
the smalcr patrol vessell of the Spanish
feet , and may have dHale men a1more.
Tlu station 01 the Cristobal Colon was the
waters about Santo Antonio , off the western
extremity or. the Island or Cull , her com-
manlier having Ilartcular instructions 10
watch tl' gulf or Corrin tea alll Olllana ,
l1Uth arid north of Cape Antenlo.
'fhr disaster occurrell off Coloralo paint , In
the gull of Guafitana . south of the town 01
Manila , In time province of llnar lel Ho ,
near which territory "a van a Is situated.
The exacI detais 01 the disaster have not yet
hel1 male known . but so far as can he garba
ered the facts are as lulows : For some
days past a c'clonlc disturbance has pre-
vaied over thesu latitudes amid Is ullleruoul ,
to have recurvll Ln Ll central part or the
Gui 01 Iexlco , aimfi ! was looked qpon as likely
, to enter LI' United , StateN Ihrough New Or-
l leans and Apalachacoln The Cristobal Colon
. appears to have encountered the severe
weather oil Cape Antonio and to hnve put
Into the gulf of Onadlal' for sirelter. There
she trle.1 . ! to ride ] out the fierce gall and
heavy eerie . hut was slowly driven toward .
Colerdo point off from whlh jutting there
Is a dangerous reef Imown as the Colorado ,
reef.Vtisir the commalll r or the cruiser
saw 'hat he could not make heallway against
the torll he alemllted tu anchor. aceonlll"
to the slorh S told lmere hut the anchors woull
not hell n:1 : ! tile cruiser was driven _ msimore.
ANOTlmlt STORY ( ) ' 1 AFI" ' " " !
A Another report has It that time Crlstohal
' . Coh.n ran on the reef at night tune when her
comlanler helevell her to hl ) far enuu/h /
elf shure to continue stconlll ; against the
force 01 the cyclone : in any case she rmmr
ashore late last Ilghl 0' l.nly this morning rn
I lost dangerous posliol anti with a heav ) '
rica running. Jvcrythlng posslhle seems to ( ;
have been .Ione to save the cruiser hut al
eforts II thH direction . were useless mind she
was finally ahlHlloncl1 this mnormmimmg 1 hrlp- :
I Colorado less wreck reef. poumimling herself to pieces on the
Some or time crQS'II ashore others :
reached . land hy means or pieces ol wreck
) ago 111 In time boats hut nil the crew 01- :
cors nod men were pavel by one means 01 :
nr.ntiier. 'I'I ) commander of time CrIstobal
Colon reached , Marrtrmm Illrln time day wih
Urn majorly of tire crew a 11 nearly oil the
rcmnhller are expected there hefore nlJht
When aslll regarding the disaster the :
captain woull ( lilly say that the Cristobal
Colon was driven ashore on the Colorado reel
owlrmg 10 time violence of the cyclone and that
It Is probable that she wilt prove a total ioss
Efforts . howe\'er , wi be made to save her
gun . etc.
The above arc all time facts ohalnahlo C
at 3esen.t. Owing to the reticence or the
authorlles ( : SOlie Inaccuracies mmray have crlpt :
Into the story. But time mall features are correct -
rect , arid the wreele or this firma warahlp has
'ast a feeling or intense gloom over the gov-
, ernmeml , omc'ia : imero. There arc none govI I >
. man ) ' Mnlsh ! veEels In these waters at t
11'srnl and the ios 01 time Crlstol)11 Colon :
wil bc leeenly fdt hy the government lt this
tlrmre. 01 "ourse the frllllls of the maui
glnts arc m'ircui.mting the nSl11 ! Slmatonal
t ltorll9 ; regarding this latest disaster to the
SPaniards clalmllg the cruiser \\as sunk hy
a torpedo exploded b ' .
by Insurgents. In
ofclnl c1r < cs. however . this report Is elasse fl , !
as being "nothln more than an Inventon 01
Pi the retmels " and the distinct stntcment Is I
mate that there Is absolutely no reason ror p
doubt i ml g the I olrlal announcement I mane . that
time Crlatohal Colon was driven on time Co .
oralo , reef by the violence of the cyclone arm irl
rot as I rtsul of time e"ploslon or ) an inau : r-
1Clt torpemlo. .
In spite or this official assertIon there Is
no -Ioubt that the government has not thought
It I p rope r tn mal" . Il bie al the t facts In the t I
case all ! thIs may not he tone until the ot- o.
cUrl report o the cvmmlider or the wrecle,1 ,
crulber has been rrcelvcll alll passed upon.
- - - - - - - - - -
, At"I'OXO I1'I' IR'II.IS I : I'l ISOX.
. ' % nl" l'4'rsiNis . I" I 1"1' IrIim. . "r Inr , "
'lr""III"t ur C'lhnl" .
1IADHD. Oct J-Aeclr.lng . to a dispatch
' received ! hero rlOI lavana tire memhers or
time clumlte. ' 01 the autonoml party asked
Captain General Iartn z de Campos to re-
lease a lumber ul llrmln , > nt persons who
were detained . II custOI' at Santiago de Gub : ,
by order 01 the t mllary ! I arm t Imomi ties. The
2 Simanish eummander , It Is ended ' ! , not enl I ) '
rehwed to rcleas the
! Irlsummers. but cc -
1llmmrCmI tile bCltences hint Inpose COI- : , !
IpOI ) tlmer. 1 Is 1llerFtood that they arc !
to he scortell board )
( on bo.111 a Sanklr ship us
primonera today II ord 'r to ho taken to tire
mlllal' ) ' IlrlhuI nt Ceuta tire SpanIsh eon-
2 \'Ict eslmhltsimmmment rOI-
ltiatetl in
rBhbl bl11atell II Africa oppo-
I rIte anti ahout e\'enteel miles from Gibral- (
t tar.'fho
'fho havana dispatch uferred to In the
cablegram from 1Ia'rll ' ! Ecems to hl a con-
frmatlon of the Ixcluslve Ilspairh to the COI- A.
10clate.1 . iresa from Hannn yesterday. an-
ml 1lIIeing Ihat I I udalio 'lam'I 'lstenl , prelilolt ) ni- or
1 . th' aulonomlst , arty lt Santiago rim Cuba.
' In addition . to Antonio IrJ'o.llrlll Betal-
ceu.rr. Icalo Ianda aluItmlu ! Masferrer .
t , pronrimment members 01 time '
pr'1mllent party . and Itafaci
11' nlll
t 5alt3) ' and Jose Oliver han . bcn sentened
10 tWelty years Imprlwllent In the AfrIcan
; prim lS 01 iImamn.
- - - - -
1'IIIII. , ,11111..1 I..I.I . .
rj I.ONION. Oct.
S I.OIO } ! t--Tho Spallsb ertmbamy
here publshes this ( morlug a denIal ! or the
Ittem- cabled from the hinted State to
time effect that Sceretary or State Ole has
givi1 a1 arnll ! to the SiranIsir gOlmelt )
that ullet % thl' ) ' k'th'm'eeilcmI ! , II smmppreeaiimg
the insurrectIon II Cuh II the sIPlre'sll
months time tTflilti Slates o\'crnmcnt , wommimi
IntenpI , fur time ProtectIon ! the immsmmrgemmts. \
Time SIallsh tHlhIU , ) ' Ilrclarts thai this I'cport
I eltre ) tier itinmm cmii ! lint ( tJe Spalish
relations \ \ Ih I I the I \nl,1 I , Statc regarding
Cuba an rursImmg reardlll
worldlg smoothl and wh nu np.
\.uont Irlcton : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
G"I'111 Sh'IIINh" , I , " " , nt Sl'n ,
* ! .Olf } Oel. l.--\ dls ; atlh rcceh'e1 here
b ) Lo'd's ! rr.ln Hn r .Ianelro anlOlle s thc
; \I'recl. 011 totI 1 iota of Ibm Gormal ( mfl
Ilfimshl [ Uruguay of 1.4CO tons. The Urn-
fUa ) ' I r Iamhurg on . \111U.t 7 for : loltt-
vlco , ! , anti arrl",1 , there 01 Scpl'mber 3.
Sue \\11 rl 'Ir ' homewdn ! maasgr . whcl
she run Qbhoro oft Cape I.'rol not far ( rain
lo 10 I.nelro. ami all efforts to float irr
Ilrov ' 1 frnll'sl. , l"r crcw amid nit her P3-
asrrgers % vere resemmeil I ! . bUI tire .
a I l'\ rflll thp shIp ant ! cargo
ho ' , .
may not ul'el.
- - - - - - -
\11 % IN" ' t" , Pr' , ' t'iiit ,
CO1'i'UiAGF ' } Oct. I.-The Free lcrt
tOlrany and the Unl.11 States Stenuhll
COmlalY ha\'e healed ! theIr dltHlDCCI , an.1
te ; later will now carry frllJht for tImId Iron
and establish '
: utaLlsh a regular sen'lce of tumtn L
betwcen New Orleans Ind Copenhateu
\ ' 1 \
, . -
iI tI.I.tlt : . ' \ ' 1'0 ( 'I , \01 I'I' ! lWl'A'i'l.
iis .t.lItmi Ir . \ " , , 'rll'll (1"1"1 , I ) ' \'hll'h
tErms I t'III"'N.I.1 \1"1111 ,
sr. l'.tI , . . OcL 1.-Thl Pioneer-Press to-
morrow will a y : Mores n. CIPI' left for
} w York last night ' .o attend Thursday ,
evenlnJ ( ha'lj' ' aranred tnelng 01 the
: lanca Celp11) I I le I. I to consider Imnie-
dlat stcpJ t' tak p ' t'ee'ati ! ! or the ter.lory
em braced withIn the CJncsrlon rrl Vene
7uela. The outcome or the meJtn : lay pos-
sib ly be fraught with serious results. I Is
no secret 11nt n porlon at least Ir the territory -
ritory I In dipute between Venezuela nlli
Grm eat Irltan and that the present govern.
m ont of the former country would not he
loath to avail itself or the 10rai 111 II nec-
essary the physical good , ! emcee of the UnIted
Slates to t prevent the Incroachmnt of the
la tter. n'ecd. ! ) It Is said that the grant 01
the concesnlon was a shrewd stroke 01 dl-
plolac ) ' or the Venezuelan president for time
purprge ef drawln time United States directly
Into acton to force Great Irlaln to abandon
Iwr usurpaton of the territory In 'erm2zuIa.
Tlo 1)lllrat < has given notice that I wi
t'ko possession pr Its territory within 1
mcn'h. ) plolatll correspondence on the
suhjcct heteiiVashington and 1,0nlon , has
hCln active for SOIl time. President Cleve-
imson imi and , ! SecrInr Olwy are salll to be one
on the question or acton and ! thrce letters.
It It I reportel . hRve lren sent to Mr. Ba'art
Intructnn hll to notify the Irllsh gayi
crnlent that unless the whole question Is
suhmlted 10 arbitration ant settled , wlhlu
ninety tas time United States wi act Ul10n
Its own view of time dispute and enforce the
: lonr09 doctrine. Thusday's : meeting In
New York I Is saId Is called . to consider the
.1 . " taIls of taking PossesSion ) of land emhracell
In the concession.
- - -
IIU I ' " i'Ait'S'Y OWI'S IAGIC 10" N.
' 1"1. ir . tl I Iii , iromt.iXmrt Ii Ilrr'n of '
.tiiy l' .
.1) Prll"11 It.4imItM.
NIVO1tK : , Oel 1.-Licutonammt Iear"s :
colol'e,1 , tervant , Matt lletmsomr , and I'rot. l. 1 , .
Dyche ) or Kansas State university. arrived
fro I thc Arctic regions this morning on the
steamer S'lvla. Lieutenant Peary and the
other members or his party who 11 ( halifax
yenterday by rail , are expected to arrive In
New York thIs evening. Pro ! Dyche whie
retcent aB to tlo ' detais of the expediton ,
admlle.1 . that It had been a fatitmre. lie de-
carell that Lieutenant Peary haml , mmot nrammagtl
to t get mucl further north than on his pro-
vlous eximeditiotm. II I would not give any
rcason for the faiure ) other than lack or fool I
In I Lieutenant l'emrys camp.
When driven barl , 01 his first alel . to :
each the north pole 1.leutcnant Peary de-
chledto , prlSS fonlanl again In IS91 lie ha.1 . I
hurled food In the Ice. hut when he came to I
look for I he could not locate the cache. le m
was oblhed to 1,1 his togs one b ) erie and
fled f them 10 the others. D'che says anl , his
party Iv d on walrus meat when they could I
g ct it.
The IJores''r state emphalcal ! ) ' that the i
p arty \oul,1 , ( lever have reached America had I
It i not been that \\hen just on the verge of :
stan'ation Peary and lenson shot some
musk m oxen and this m'ived their 1S. .
Prof. Dche toll I numbr or Intercstn i
Incidents i about huntIng walrus , meeting Ice
bergs anti . finding umeteorites. lie brought
harl , about 4.000 specmens ! of arctic fora
and raUn1. lie als brought back sl : dogs .
The lp"cimens wil he divided between the
museum l 01 natural history ) at Central park
anl the Kansas university.
, . , ,
SItI"I'IXt I 0 ' ' ' 1'11' I I : : I' : ( ItO "O'I'I' , ,
11'111..1 I 1'1" " 1"1"1 Ir 11' Netv ! . .th' I
C'urulll ( 'IPImNIl futiori.
COUIJA. S. C. . Oct I-The report of
the suffrage commitee of the consttutonal 1
convcnton waf at last made tonight I pro
vl"I's for the registration or qualne voters r
The qualfcalons of electors . given In the fol -
l owing sctlon . are regarded ! as praetlcal )
Illsqnalfylng the majorly of the negros on :
account of the cducationl and property no -
Itulrements m :
"The person applying for registration must 1
be able to read an,1 , write any section In this
consttulon , or must nho\ that he owns
nll trays taxes on $300 worth of prolPrty
In m m this state ; provided ! that at' the first reg-
Ibtrton l miler this constitution and up to t
January I , 1898 . all male persons of vottn gage
ago \ \ ho can read a clal' In the commstttmm L-
ton or understand and' Explain It when read
to them by the registration oihicer. shall be
eligible to register and become eiectors . A
separate record of every ilterate person
tlms registered. sworn to by the rlglstratton
'JmCer. shall be flied . one copy with the clerk
or the court and one In the ofee of the see- :
relry of state on or before Janua . 1S9i 1.
and uch Person shall remain during his Ife- ( '
lmo a IIUaln 1 ciecior unless convicted 01 )
some disqualying crime. The certificate or
the clerk or thl court or the secretary or
state shall be sutclent evidence to rstahlsh
the right ur said citzen to register and e C-
erclso the franclmise. "
" -1.1. ' - , \ ' citL.ii ' : oil , .
II'\ 0:1Cltl' 01.
Stll1tur.1 Oil Conirmin uiy , " ' 11 Otl'rlh'
I lit' IUN . \1/ " ' " ' ' 't'm'i . iI I ) - ,
JOS A0 LI 3 , Oct 1.- . ! . F' . lan'ey. I
local agent or the Standard Oil company , was
Inte'rvlol\ In reg,1l to the rumor that his
principals were abont io descend on I.os
An"eles and ' ! gobble everthlng In the 01
line In this section . : Ir. harvey raid : "I
huve received \\ord rrom healluarters , that
onl' plople ) will soon be In the lick ! as pur.
chasers of crude 01 attn that arrangements
an nohelng made to provide facilities ror :
moving I to points of Cormsmmiirptton. Tim is
Ices not mean that the Standard Oil con : mm-
; ran ) ' Is about to buy up oil territory or
that It wi lease 01 lau"s , or that It wi be
In any sense a prolucer ! or oil. I mea : its
shnlly that our people have become convinced -
vinced 01 the sutclent extent oC the local
01 hells ant of its pernmmmmrermcy. ant tim :11 :
thl ) ' Ilropose to engage In the shlpllln or 01
to time points or comrsummrption. Time Stamina rd
OI ! company will not control anything hex .e.
I wi be a bidder for crude oil and the
lat < wi bring more nearly what It Is
worth than It docs now. "
: n Signs nr th. * . 111/ ' ' AIniilmi.
SA } V11ANC'ISCO. Oct. 1.-Tine stcamer
City 01 Pelng ! arrived tOay ! from China anti
Japan anti ! went into quarantine. Time Peking -
king Is twenty Ilays OUt from Yokohama.
When she loft thnt port chulera was raging
thcre. I Is feared that tIme disease wi
Intr Ull late In the wImer. In norther
Japan there has been utIle ehangl In the
status of this disease. About the same num-
her of deaths occur lal ) ' . anti there are no
, lgl of the plague abating.
- - - - - - -
l-St'iiiilii' ernder UI'n.t ,
LiA\'EWOltTlI : , Kan. . Oct. 1.-lIon.
1'ber Crolcl. ox-UnIted StatN' senator
from K1nsa . and for sixteen years past judge
of ll ( state district court for I.eavenworth
county. riled , at 1 o'clock this morning 01
, ! . Ieeascdt ) the .
Iaalss. Ier'n ! was father of Cap.
taln Wilam Crozier of the Orllnanee depart-
ment. U. S. A. . and of the wHI 01 Congress-
l1n Hcyhul n of i'enrmmsylvarmla.
- - -
SUlth lmmhuta's . Stir it' 1/ I. ,
SITX 1\11. : . S. I ) . . Oct. l.-Special (
Tele lam.--\ ) big crowd was In alel\lancl
at the etatc' f sir . '
Natl tolay. 'h exhibits are so
largo that bonlP Clllslon retmltcd . but all
Ire In place mmciv. Tonight 150 editors are
herl at th' grand banquet Three htirmdreti !
heclmcn bet , ! .1 lantern puate , anti ! several
hunllr"11 fa111. had . a h Irhecue.
11"1' ) ' 1n "nr.1 t. 1111' / Iir'nmmimiir.
: 1NNI1t'tlS ! . Oct. I.-The Elprme
court today set the hearllg In the appeal of
harry T. I I a ) ' . w.11 from thl' death ! bontenct
for rounder fur Nuvcnmbr 4.
- - - - - -
I. " . . . " " . , . . .r Ovvzmmi Sh' " " " " , , , ( th'I I.
At San FratieicoArrived -Clt ) . or Ieking
from Ilorig iCang ant Yokoimarria. Uejurtoj-
Gaels ( for hong KonK antI Ylolima.
At QuestD\\ , \
: n-.rnived-Servia from ew
' }
Yorle.t fli.rsgot-Arrivrd-FimrncaIa from ew
, ,
At I.lverpocl-Arrlved-Sardiirjarr from
Iall hnorc. ,
\t Iieiogne-.rnivd-Maasanm from New
York for Itottermianri.
At lhremuert---Arnlved-Emnt . from New York
via SOlthalr ptOD ,
Sequel of the Visit of Ohancelor lohel1ohe
to St Petersburg
S n''l.InII.e.zt lltlll 1'I"I'NInI11"1 Cimmm- !
"I'rlllJ ( ) irl-rsIt 1111mM II I Chl' i'git'c ,
In"t-I".II" I ur " / r-iIcmu'li I " 1
Irn ImortItmii't' iiki-ly 4mm . '
111..rtnll' 1,11) t. I..I.\
1.0NnON. Oct. 2.-A special dispatch to
the laly ) News from . lerll says : The em-
peror's aitle-de-camtrp . I. entenal h Colonel
Count VOI Moltke . hltllet ' to thc czar yesterday -
terday t at St. Ietersbur ! an autogr.iplm Ipt-
t < from Fmmrperor I 'iiliain. Count Voir
loltko's mIssion ptems to he a seluel to Uw
1 i < rotlatons opettemi . ! hy Chalcelor You
lohenlohc i all has come as a complete stir7 I
prlso to e\rhody. AlhouJh the contents I
or the letter are tmtrktmowmm . the selull ! or It
Is 1 regarded as an act of great political Im-
i lortaimee. I wi relemhercd that dispatches
to the Associated Incas chronicled the visit
of the German chancellor , JrlnL' lohcllohe ,
II t St. PltersburJ on Septemher 21 I was
mcmii it tail ) cml . at that lme t I II i oUclal clrclrs In I
German that the cimancelior's visit to St. ,
leterslJrg was In regard to air estate in !
Russia held by his wife which luler the ;
Hussiln IIW he could not , as a Oerman sub- I
ject. holll without a SPecial permission or
the czar , whllh It was said was to he the
object of his vlsl to ohtaln. Upon his re-
tnr to Berln It was said that hc had succeeded -
ceeded II this object
'ntis howo\'er. dill not Ilulet persistent
m'mmtumom'nI that Chancelor Von lohellohe WIS
eltrsted wih a mission from the emperor
more learly In\'olvln the Interests or time
two empIres. 'limit It was sai ! , was to confer -
for with Prince Loiranoff . the Iusslan mln-
Istel' or rorelgn affairs , wlh regard to the
Ittisso-Gorinan Intente In the event oC flrther
troubles In the far east. and to effect a
general unlerstandln , on the political situ-
atiorr. Advlces to the , \ssocirtted press from
hlcnhin have hem to the eftoct . that the German -
man chancellor was mea urahly sruccessftml ,
als In this more Important otclal mission to I
Stlltersbnr . The tlspltch 01 the letters men- I
lon cd In the above tlspatch confrms the' '
view thlt Prince Yon Iloheirlohme's vIsit was
concerllng Important malers of state be-
tween the tWJ empires.
- - - -
1'YIt : .1'00 ) 1'C1 101 : A ' 1'1'1'1,1' : .
'I'rlth "f C. ( ) miitmlriii " , 'rll'/I.
VI"III In , , ; , fiutfrsrt'I'hit'ili Ch"/I'r.
LONiON Oct 1.-Trmmth says today COI-
menlng UpOI the emtgagemetrt between time ,
dnke of Iarlhorough and Miss Valderbl : :
Britsh mammas and their daughters wi
soon he elamnring for protection I oil the
prizes In the marrlare market arc to fall to I
the American damsels. The malia for LLe' '
Ilherent In the AnHlo-Saxon It Is vain to con ;
tend against. But time maier Is somewhat Li L
serIous to the United States. That counlry
must be a loser through time accun11aLou or :
Its wealh crossing the ocean , and the Unllll
States wi do wel to manufacture the coveted -
eted title at inoune . for It Is a wuolll , Intmer :
that Is easily bought. The exlstelce DC ltes ,
I Is tnime . Is not In accordance wih the slm- :
in I city of repuhlcan I I nstittm I io mis . hut In i viewer
or trio ncavy raln this might be ol'erlo1ct
anll time parents of any gin mlJht he alol\'e,1 ,
to buy her a Ute , say for ! 200000. The Ilublc
treasury would tl he filled with dolars
and the girl would remain at home. 'hcre
wou\ ! still ho the IllcuHy of finding hus- :
batlls In the home marleet. for the : r
are as stronJly opposed to becoming rich m
through their ladies as the BritIsh nobles are
In favor or this mode or ennicimrmeuut.
J..mmis Sh'rl timrwt Stl ) ' II .Jttl.
MUNICh . Oct. I.-The Augburg ZelhlJ
today announce , ! that I had learned upon u
go 01 authority that time regent or Bavaria ,
Prince Lultpold has declined definItely to
entertain . the appeal of : lr. Louis Stern or
Nlw York , who was sentenced to Imprlson-
mont and tIne for having Insulted laron yon I
Thuengen. the deputy conimruiesoner ; or the :
spa at Ktoshngen . as a reul of n dlspnte : !
between twm regarding the age 01 Mr ,
Stern's son and , the latter's presence at the
reunlon In time royal palacl.
Ciuiimiit'iit oil lnr.111 C.I"I'II.I.
LONDON , Ocl 1-'he Times , ami the
Chronicle this morning give leldlng place S
In their foreIgn columns to special telegram
re a"\ng the South Carolina consltutonal
convention. Time Chronicle In a leader upon
thIs ' 'ubJlct says : A very belous probllm
has sUdenly ! leaped ! to the front in the
troubled 110llcs of tire Unie' ' ! States. The
negro Ilueslon may comoletely oVQrshadow
the currency anti . the tariff Issues In the 1)les- :
h2nlal ! election approachln
' fur ( lit' Clhll GIII.IIJI.
1IAlt ) ) Oct I.-Volunteers to the number : -
ben of 2,200 men Iresented themseh'es tola )
for service In the Island of Cuba.
The chler of time Cuban rerorm jlrt hll :
an alllence today wih Senor Cmateliamr : ) . the
minister of thf ' colonies to whom he re ' -
newel. , on behalf or the refonrnl.sts his an ; -
assurance 01 their patriotIsm and assistance
In settling the Insurreclon in _ _ Cuba.
Cotlamli hll" " " ' " 11.t " " " ' tIi . . Cumimum .
lACI STEI. Eurg. r . Oct. 1.-'rimo Mar t-
chester colon association has passed a rem -
oluton 1)elglng ! , its members to Insist that
all Importaton1 ! from New Orleans I.a. , and
Gal\ston. Tex. , contracted , for here arer
the present season must bo shipped via the :
lanchester ship eauxai. II
- - - - -
Clltr..t for I : . . \ Clh" ' . I
I PAI1IS. Oct. 1.-M. Andre . I
IAHS. Oct 1-:1 Anlrl Lebon thl
rnch minister of counrumerce . alnounced to- t
day In the Chamher or Commerce of C11als
that a contract hal been signed ror laying a
cable rrom Drest to New York which WI iii
eonmct the ! French teleranph sstlm wi
! ) wih
the Antilles.
. . .
1..1.1/1 Siiiii r Cril' I" Sh.rt ,
LONDON , Oct. 1.-It Is :
10UO } . I.-l prelcted by an
eml'ent authority . Oesecklr , that the gu-
rOl1ran suga Crol will bl 1.200,000 tons short
oC the averaGe.
. \,1 SII"rl'I.1 fir IC1.11 mliii' . , '
IAIIS , Ort. I.-I I announcel that China
haa accorI ! Itull satisfaction , '
to France
ful satsfacton for
the recent attack male ! upon the French ml :5- :
slant In China.
.t.u IHI'I irmri . . ' .
UlrllJ I lii 1'.lmmgp.
NE'i'OIIFC . Oct. I.-The Internalonal /
compans steamer Kensington whIch arrh'et
this morning front Antwep , Ir I two deaths
on Ima,1 during the VO'dge. On September
29 James T. Holtzrlaw , a saloon
passeng en
ageti ! 22 years died of pasenger .
, II l consmumxmptiomr. Ito reo
sided ! at Montgomery . consumpton. . returusli :
ant returing
home rrom a visit to Europe I , wimitImrr he
\\nt for the benefit or his whlhC the
canto day Sablnl Nazarik .
} aged 4 years di en
In time tteerag from capillary bronchlUs. tled
- - -
. \rrl'"h',1 t. " ' I , : I h. . " I'11' I t ,
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 1.-\rthur J. \ Ooolwln ,
recently agent at Cripple Creek Cola . for I
the Conlnenhll Oil company or Denver , has
been arrested In this city on a charge of
enlbezlement at the request 01 the chief of
polce 01 Colorado Springs. le wa1 lock
nil at the Foun I Courts and the Colors do
authoriies were notified . TIle prisoner has
61jned an agreement to return without
retur a
reqrraition. !
- . II" ' I' I 1'o'nl f I Imist.
MUNISINO . Mich. , Oct I.-The barge Ela : ,
which broke front her tug during the recent
slorm on Lake SuperIor. haB been pIckell up
anti taken to Grand iaian& She will rrc ye
a total lou , Tire crew of six men \o\'e
woman and chid have not been found and
are undoubtedly 101t
I' I 1'\'I'II. ; , ' 1'11,10 ! HI'T , .9'I\.t'l'i1i : i1N'I'
I , ic'ne.weml Ulrlnl SI.t.III'r . \IUNt
' ' \ o lllun Ih.llr.
"ASHIGTON , Oct , 1.-Th ro'lthl ( ) sfa $ e.
l utt of the public debt Ilsled b1 the TreatPe .
ury Iepnrtmcnt ! today shows tire public delmt ,
S ' 10 less cash In the
Septembcr , treasury to
immn ave been $94.059.936. an Increase for time
month 01 $1.S3ItS7. The debt Is recapitru- .
isI ted : S folows : Interest bearing debt $ i4i. .
360.820 ; debt on which interest hs ceased
S11ce ; immaturity . $ iCS5IW'O : d(11 bearing no
Ino terest . $3i8.H8.81 : mnlln" an aggregate
of $1,12.49i,999. exclusive of $600,22i.69 In
certncates amI treasury notes offset by
al equal amount of cash II time treaslr ) ' .
The cash II the treasury Is classlnell as
folows : ( loIn ! . $141,557,512 ; silver . $ 507. ji.-
& 24 : pnper. S GO.60i,265 ; bont1 . disbursing dli.
cers' balalleS , etc. . $16,01.108. making a
t\tnl t of $82i .889.40 : . against which there I
arc demalli labites amoullnH to d 12. _ ,
4 S4,015. ItlvlnJ I let cash balance of $185-
40 1 ! 3tH.
The records 01 the Trcasr ) depatmelt
shvw that on October 1. 18 ! the p'hlc debt
nmolntell 10 $95 , ! 18.1tl , with ! $131.S.9IS [ ! 'Pt
cash In tle treasnry. On October I. 18 ;
tie Ilblc debt ha.1 . tleCreaHl1 to 9GI,3S6.-
7 75. with the net cash on hand reducld to
$ iOLS73.633. ( On October 1. 1894. the plblc
I th bt hal ixemm Increased to $ 1.0Ij.GGG.3 G. ) and
the t net ( mel I I , was $ tlS.919.7lii. ! On Oct , lien I.
189 i .the public debt hal been rurtler imicreastrd
to $ l,126.4'J5,299. ' atl the net cash In time
t rt'asimry Increasld to $ IS : . n5.3GI. lrirlng (
the t year ellllng Octobel' 1. 1893. the net 11-
clt se In the PublIc debt- was therefore
$ l9.ssssl0. During the rear ending October
I. 1 189 . the net Incras was $13.4l3,01i.
Durlr tI the last three rears tlranefore the net
Incrlas I ( In the debt has beets $100,467,100 . anti
turln the saml time tire Increase In time
l.tutst i bearing debt has been $162.329,6
Since .ltmno 30. 1892. the net expondllres or
the t government have eXCecdC ! the receipts
h ) $120.1GI.17. as follows : 1 lscll year ended !
June 30. 189. surplus or $2 , 1.6i I : tlmt"al
y ear endel June 30. 1894. deficit oC $ G9.803-
2 GO : fiscal year enld JUle 30. 1S5 . Ilelcit or
$42.80.223 : for the three month9 elHlld
September 30. 159 . deficit Ir $9.8S4,658. '
CI.IH'gl\U S.t'lS A ) l.tN'S 1,1'1 .
II'hll lli'iiut s..t"'I' ' . CI Ih'nth
.I.h. . . . . . ' 1'11" I ' 11 " Oil m' . . Ch. , n.II" I I ' .
WASIIG'ON , Oct 1.-Time Ireshllnt has
commlted to Inprlsolmcnt for life the death
sentence Imposed upon Cyde : alex 01 Kansas -
sas , who was to have been haned 01 the
1th Inst. This Is the case In whIch the
prlsoner's mother , after appealing persona I )
to time presl1ent. secured a letter asslrllg her
that the death seltence W011 not he carried :
out. Iatox was convicted of killing an old' '
colored mll' John Million . who was seeking
to protect two colored girls. lie
color. le was COl- I
vlcted Itl sentencld to be hnnged In Kansas I I
II 1891. gaIned a new trial from the United
States supreme court alt . after two more ;
trIals \vas again convicted and sentenced to
Ieath Iarch 23. 1894. Another appeal was ,
talil to the United Slate supreml cOlrt :
amid this tme the judgment was afrmed ,
ald ito was sentence to be halgel
October 1 of this year. As a
last resort In this case . remarkable for the
lumber of times the man was sentencEd to
death , an appeal was made to the president ,
5 \ ho alter long cOlslderaton has just com-
mitIl the senten as above statI. In his ;
etronseuiuermt ! the president ! says :
"l Is wlh much hesitaton that I can show
any measure of clemency I this case Inasmuch -
much as I tb not regard t\lls \ convict as ;
entitled to any sympathy because 01 his for
mer life . or testmony taken on his trial '
I hare eoncludld , however. aer ; anxious anr i
perplexIng consIderation or al the facts presented -
sented to mae . to save thQ cotsejet from hit !
death awaiting inimmr under sntt , , or the Curt
a lt nt the ele lime td eII . yirOtcct
society In tIme futnre against J .II" . : .
perelties ) by directing his irn'S ]
lug his life. I am con tralnr -
sln'Ily anll solely because 'UI
the fear that crtall test 'I miom I
hIs trIal ann , excluded I I' , trim I
which a strong minorIty 0 , opremr
court have held sholll havefep received
mIght , t admuitted . have pnlt d a resmml :
.d resul
more favorable to the convidt'e1d : probabi '
averted his sentence of deatim' , I' !
- - - '
01".1 illlm4 for ' . ,
. 11.1. rlr :1' " .011.111 ( .
WASIIGTO } Oct 1.-Biisuvere opened . I
at the Navy department tOla'i'for the con
struction cl six new guutboatk'or ( the _ navy
fOlr to be single screw veis'Jls. with ful !
sail power anl two to be twin screw yessaim .
\ \ Ihout sail power. All of tl" ' IOlts are to
be composite . wills steel fraumslscovcred wih I
wooden planking , and shcatwl with copper
'hey are to be of about 1.000 tons burden
and of twelve feet traft Conges Jxed the
limit of Iost 01 each boat AZ - ' $220,000 , and I
because the dqlrtmenll offlcs felt some
.Ioubt . as to whether fully equipped shlp8 of
this size and character coult , be constructed
a ; this , fgurl the ship buiders were asktI I
to submit bids for the boats complete ann ,
also : for boats wIth electric liJ : plant . staum
teerers :111 steam wtnding. Dr law no
more luau two or the heats can be awardel
to the same bidder.
There was a gathering of many represcnta-
l\-es oC shlphuldlng frms az the Navy ( Ic -
\artment to hear the bids . erd there was a
gratifying number of conced
Jratrylng ! ! among them
that are new to naval worle. such as Cothl : !
Boyd of time Atlantic Iron works , Boston ;
Ilaiogue & Wood of Camden , and l.e\"ls
Nixon of Crescent bhlp ) ' 111 , Filzabatbm . N .
J. Among the veteran naval bIdders were
President 1).11 . of the Bath ' Iron works
Maine. and lenry Scott of hme Union Iron : m ;
ivonks San I rancl co. Thnejbida were as
follows : y
Lewis Nixon , for one of lime ( single screw
boats $238,200 on his own dtMigns. and $16 . -
700 deducted If the auxiliary steam apparatus e-
paratus Is excluded. I-
Union Iron works of Sajj1Franclsco . one
single screw hoat. on the dertuument designs ,
for $246.000 , wHIm $16.200 te Maneted , for th 5
auxiaries ; for two boats of thin class tin 5'
bIn IS $210000 each , wih corresponding fim ? -
ductons ( for the omission of' the pontlng te- .
I'or one of the twin screw bet $215,000 wit im
corresponding detucloll on ecount or omission : -
sion or the auxllarles.1 and Ior two of the
cass $209.000 each with dc.ultons If nece : I-
sary. ;
The Detroit Dry Dock cnrp"11Y , one of the
single screw boots for $2l6JuO , with deQuc-
$2Hi/UO wih
lon of $5,750 If the an'ls / arc omlleJ : ,
Both boats or the same class S429.000 each ta (
mlstalee In the hid as explaln ; which shoul.1
have read for both ) ; for one qthe : twin screw
boats $213.750 or U25OOO forJboth , wIth sin t-
liar deductions. ! ' , wlh
The Hath Iron works of 1ne ! , two single
screw boats for $229.400 each ,
John Dalo"ue of Camden ; N , J. . two of
tire single screw bOlts f ! 4GO.000. This
last bl ! was received after tie time fxed In
the aI'lrlsement , , but befm : the opening
of the hlds. T
The bids will be taken upaer conalmieratic
eonslt raton
by time department , anti SOI Umo may bt 1 mtI mt
requlr ( ! . for the bid rceelven } ( ( Taut the Detroit n
frm will raise a question as-t the right of
the government In view of ttr . exIsting trat i. )
wih Great Britain . to have ta exstng of ( war m :
buit upon time great lakes. vdn though they
may be intended for service In tie nea.
( uiiui.rmil 511l- . Nut Y ; ( ANNII" " ,
WAShINGTON , Oct. 1.-b.order assignIng : -
lag General : ies to the 1.-1beorder arm ) '
Is still wlt.held for some rsun that cannot
bl deflueni . Secretary Lamort fuses any In. I
formation on the subject. Army heltquateu
acre tesertet this morning and worlemen begun -
gun the preparation of the rooms former ly
occuplet by Lieutenant General Scboneld for
their new tnnnt , Genera } . Huger , who Is
sUpposed , ! to be elated for tP.'e cornmnander of
time Department ) of tha East : , succeeding General -
anal Miles . was In consulatcn with Secretary !
, '
Iamont for some lmo'tolay ,
. \ mhlmr.rv'il ' ; , mm'd lirm'n I'nell" S.J..t iomm " .
WASIOTON. Oct. I.-Secretary Smih
today approved selections qf Northern Pac ! .
fib land , ! amountng to 1.827,478 acres. or
this 94,518 acres are In thf'argo - land ( II it-
Inlet , North Dakota ; 76G,7G In the North I
Yakima land dIstrict. Washigton , and 06 I-
2H In the Wala Wals land dlatrlct. Wuh.
Ington. I
IIJlrr"'N' ( 'mist- : uf CIINIII.r"11 ,
\\'ASIOTO } Oct I1TIJ Indlc1tlons
now are that Secretary Lahout
l.ln1nt will take ne
acton In the case 01 Captan Armu Utt
the court renders its deeIfua upnr the lfr-
plcatons for habaa corpt I ' Saturda ) ' . I
Pecular Oonltions of the Case of Mr
Dudley Stewart
1i 'tlS'i'M Ih'"I' "Ith In Ailpiiiri'r l'iir-
hlI'1 h ) ' Ih'r I " .hl",1 II" .
J..t" , . , ' . 11"nl l I",1 tn
. ts mail l'I'" . 1'nth ,
Mrs. Dlllr ) ' T. Stewart though stl 1\'lng.
Is lying , nt the Ilolut 01 death with n brolEn
me ek.
lrs. Stewart IS the wlfu of a traveling man ,
nllunU ! rlcent ) lived at lImo 'rl 11\ : ! hote\
She Is I very attractive woman ami soon
WIS time recipient 01 favors rrom man ) ' or
the Ilermanent guests. Among those who
shc'e,1 , her nintrkeml . ! attention was a yotrn ,
man stamlng wel In Omaha socety , his
mml tuutiona . iosr'es'er became ulluntely so
not'ceable thnt the ) ' rorms'd the rca ntment or
the husband. who did nil that he could to prol'a
nnt his wife from associating wlh ! ,
to hll. i Ilsiasteful rrlen'l
Or h' a few stocks IO : lr. and Mrs.
St e \ s art left the Millard hotel mind tool UI
th eir residence ins a cottage near Thlrty-
tllrl ' , aud DOdge ) streets. I Is said that the
) 'cunJ lan In i rueslon ) erslstol ! In cal i I ng.
01,1) to be told by : lr , Stewart that his mule-
seLce Irol the houe would bu far reler.lble.
01 'hursda Ileroon or last week Mr.
Sllwart started OUt on enc ci his PetiomliC ,
bl.siness trips. On TiursII , ) ' evunlug tIme
young 111 Illprarct on time scene wih his
eal t rlaHe and horses nnd sought the cOlpau
of l rs. Stewart for a drh'e. homIly had the )
ml , riveir n few blocks when the team simiemi .
cIlllel Ih the cnrb a 11 ! threw the oc-
CIIants ! to the Iaetmmcumt.
Tire younl man escaCI without serious
Injury , but Mrs. Rtlwlrt'IS ) thrown UID"
lnta er hpall and rendered unconscious. SIl was
taleen back to her residence and Dr. hlmtmigcs .
her physician , summi muon en . L xammm I no I ion ml is-
c' o El time fact that her neck hal born br : krn.
ler entire body Is Ilrlyzed from the
slllders (101\ n. Mr. Stwart was notified itt
once and returned to the city Friday , ills-
traclld over the sad nuccidenrt.
The pimymmieianrs give no hopl whatever cf
r ecovery . They say It is rlmarl\hle for n
wcman to hive wih a broken neck as long
as Irs. Stewart has already lived , and they
Insist that Ehe must die wihin I few IIaY3
at the most.
1. " S'I'\'I' ' 11''Hlll'I'SSSI' : : : 111.11.
( : tt I I 3k-mm ri . ' . , . . . . .
C.tll H"/lt I'iruiii' Slum te Couivli-
UII'h II''I. ' 11ln ' ,
WOIICESTI1t Mass. , Oct 1-The flay
State house teeuutemi . ! fronts haselent to roof
with temocralc Iollclan ! tonlHht. All the
hlg gunS of the 1mar11 were gathered In
counci ant mhlnlJht ha' ' ! long passed whim
the t leallers still wrcsUng wih time planks
of the 1)latform which lre to be the foumida-
lon of tomorrow's conventiont. Josiah
Quincy , O. F. W1ums. John E. ituesel ex-
JUIgC ! Corcoran. ex-Governor Itussel ex-
Mayor Matthcsvs. Congressman I'lzgerall and
Fcores 01 loathing panty lghts were In con-
sultaton for hours alter the banquet of the
Young Ien's Democrale climb . which was
hell I earlIer In the evening at the LIncoln
hou I e. The ticket that wi be presented
' at ! , the - comlventtormjmm Mechanic's hal still be :
JIuns 9 : toll ; 0 for \ : .UeutttRnttgOVlrnor r gg ve , eorge ' ChaHeaVl ;
.pelman of Sprlngnel ; " r' J. ; W. Inter r
Pltslell : ftr sccrettry of state Edward J.
Flynn or , loston ; for audItor , Captain Alrel
C. W'hltnlY or Boston ; for treasurer , James S.
Grinnel or Greenfeld ; for attorney general ,
Henry t. I . lurlbut of lj'nn.
The convention trill bl rn'lll ' ! to order at
I o'clock by lIon. W. J. Corconan . chairman of
imo state comunulttee. Josiah Ii. Qnincy wi he
the presiding ollicer. lion. Johl T. Ius el
wi Place In nominaton the nale of George
1" c , Williams for the chief place on the ticket
The resolutions wIll ho In charge 01 ex-
Mayor Coughln of Fall m\'er. So far 'as can :
be ascertained the plaLorm wi make littlE
of time tarIff as nn Issue In the campaign
I I wIll claim thnt the present state or husl-
ness throughout the countr ' Is
cotunutry ful of jnsl-
ncalon for the emocratlc reforl policy and
f or the passage of time Wilson hdll . though
It I fell short of time Intentons or Its rarly :
f ramers. Time A. P. A. may not bl mentonel
by name , hut proscription will be denonncedln
imp strongest term It Is the
tl' tronJest I lEneral senl-
ment that national Issues wil be largely
a voided ! In.1 . state questons play the hupar-
tant t part The lobby will claim the larger :
share or attenutioum.
l'IHS'I'HngS'I''U I'un . 'eitiUC'i'htS .
hli'id , tl I" . Crlll .Jmmr' . 'h"'h I" XI\
CII"I'rlll th. CI" " ,
ST. JOSEPH . . . '
, Oct. 1.-I.'ather Dominick
Wagurer. who was arrested last night ,
charged with abuctng laud Stehlel , this :
morning was formaly arraigned on that
charge. lie waived preliminary examina-
ton and was bound ovcr to the grand jury
Ills bond was Ix(1 at $1,500 whIch It Is i :
thought he can raise. The grand jury Is I :
now In seaiour , and the case \\1 be taken UI I )
at 011cc.
ChICAGO , Oct. 1.-When Alhert Elandt .
the prllst's hrother-In-Iaw , was Irralgnell
In court today he declare,1 , that 11 was Innocent -
nocent of army IntenUon to abduct time girl
FatherVagner rlruested him to hrlng her
here from Sl Joseph attn ! he hal doue so , also
taking charge of time rurlure shlpet her 0
by time priest. Thlt was all he knew about t
the case , he sall , and he readily consented :
to return to MIssouri for trIal The girl
was taken In charge by her uncle Julus
I'onlnant . , who wi tale hlr back to Sl
fliantlt't * case was conlnued untIl October
' In $4,000 honds.
S"\'I'lt , --Ph' . . II'/ut. . " Irl''lt r11
X"hrl.I ' , luwn 1111 ilasuimm'i.
KANSAS CITY Oct 1.-Time convention of m
time Missouri Valley 10meOIathlc assoclalon
Is In session at Casino hal today. The cot m-
venlon opened with an address of welcome
by Mayor Davis. folowed byrespole ! from
Dr. 11. C. Brady of thIs city and ! Ireshlent
D. A. Foot of Omaha. 'Ilma forenoon sebslon
was consuled by time roadlng 01 minutes and
reports of the eommilee $ . The afernoon
sessIon was , Ievote to I paper by Ireildent
icooto I anti others , and a generl discusslom
Tomorrow afternoon the Innual election 01
outcome ant the \llco of holing thus next
conventions wil be decided upon. About sev-
emtty-flve delegates from Iowa Nehraska ; ,
Kansas ant Missouri are Ilreent and other :
are exected tonight.
- -0
; 111111 I'thlll Press A""IIIIII.
ST. LOUIS , Oct 1.-The delegates to the
third national convenlon 01 the NatIon a
Pythlan Press association arrived In St. I.ouls
this rOlenoon for a two da's' session. Arer
breakfast they asenurbled In the Iythlan
caHI hal , where a formal rec.pton'IS tem ml.
tiered them. Crlonei John I Martin preside !
Iayor Walbrlhe welcomd the delegates al !
burdened them the rreedom of time ciy.
President I'ret E. Wheaton or lnneapols
responed , ! alll thanked the ma'or mind the
commitee for the warmth or their neceptia n .
lIe was followed by Waler P. Iticht e .
supreme chal.celor 01 the world. ColJnel
John A. 10lmes of the jurlsdlclon 01 IF-
souII Knlhts of I'thla welcol d the delegates :
gates on beha\ of the organizaton In the
state At 1 o'clock the meetng adjourn eel
Until tomorrow , when the session will sell le
1own to business .
Jown _ _ _ . _ _ _
. Shot ( h ) ' R Itllp , 'lh"1 11111..1 ,
. UJ\AI , Gal. , Oct. nel'l1 I
h'nchel ! In Huund Valley. north et /erp , for I J. M. Vinton In a row betwce'i Co w .
b ) on rival cattle ranges LI.te : . : . ! WI'
arrrHte.1 . Sunday , hUt escaped ( rain the c iii-
cent. lie Wil shot by a mob anti thel hiangi d.
II1'1':1 : ' 1'11' I : I.\I I ; ItlHI ; (
T 1,1 i imhtlie Nt'sv ( ' 'thl ! lit
t"h l'r"lt . "lrllnl ' ( ) iimutsl. , 1
WASIOTO } , Oct. 1.-Mc1mialmonm h.ll. the I
ct ntral hullln nnd the lost hl'\ullul one
In what Is to con tlull 1 group 01 bulllns
at , the Catholc Inh'erl ) . . WIS Milratlll
wih ImposIng rlrrmonles at 3 o''lock this
ou r numoonu. Mgr. S.ltol nHHll' thu openRE
Ing adthl'S ( arilnal Gibbons closed tim9
exrrclscs with time cougrntnlatory ndless on
the eventful atoll tire uul'I'r I ) . was ahout
to talle. Amen ! thosc irartidllt mug In time
excn' 5"ertuercimblslmop \\'iihiimims 01 10s-
ton I . A Arrhhl"ho Eider or ( ' I imei ummiati . ArchbIshop -
bIshop lorrl"an 01 New Yrrk. Archblshol
It' itmr of Ihla.lelp . ' lla. Archbishop Janteemr 01
New Onleaurs . Archblsholl Ialn of St hermit ,
Bishops Macs. 1lan. 8ulvan.oley. . Shanll'
and d 10rtmln I ; Mgrs. hariey . ll'lahon 1111
Schroeder ; Ireshleut Hh"la"ls of Gcorgetown
COlel' . Ireshl'nt Cannon 01 I.'onlham col- l'rcIdenmt Yergl 01 Wultucl , college .
out ti 11ev. Wilam O'Ilriemm 01 the JesriItmt.
l1'Cllent Giman I of Johns 101)1lns I I u tt I-
verslty also occupied a place on the plat-
fcr mmm.
' rime dc.lcaton or 11elahoi hal In-
anurtls the work 01 limo Catholic lulversly
In lay hrnches In additon to the Ilvlnl ) .
braneh which it has comllctll for the last
clx ) cars. The Iew schools arc 10 emhrace
I rielnortrrrelut of irhilosopimy , witim Prof. t. A.
l'a co mis detmum , mtmmti nt dt-tisrtmmmemrt of socitl
sc iences antnl law , with l'rof. It. I. Gibront.
lat e chmtef lectmmrer of time Ymilti lntss' sclmooi , as
tIe air. After ti'e ' iletilcatiour cer.'irmonties of to-
tin y tIme active svork of tInt' sditools begimt mm
M cMaimomr mali tontmorrtsss' , svimemr nit P o'clock
at mmnlcmrts wili be onrolleti ti3' the' registrar.
anu ni Ut I o'clock time factmity imolmls its tirat
mmr r'etlmtg for org.mumiz.ttionr ann be'ginmnmiung
tv ork.
Time hmuttmmisouno strtmctmmno tlc'tiicatcni today
it : ms cost a little short of 550(1.000 ( mmml time
en tire omnommrrt was givemu by Mgr. McMMsomi.
I 1 a is umotv 75 yea rs cmi , mm mrtl in tt beemm 53
ye ars a iriest , lie Immimeniteni mt turmoil fmmninnte
mmn ti sss'elied it to large proportions imy jmmtli-
cl aims real estate inmvcstnmtemntq mm Ness''ori. .
In joinminug time facmiity of time imsstitrmtinnm Imo
gn tvmu his eumtire fortmmte , resor''iltg emily sttcim
sm imirli portiour as is re'tltiisito for Imis lmeu'sntlltl
co mfort. in recognmitloum of I Iris mnmmmntillcoumce
Li mo Pope immtt conferred emu Mgr. MeMatmoum lilt
i resenut title.
TIme istilinlimug is time cemutral oume of ss'Imat is
to [ me mrns exteumsivi' gnomup , msumd it is inteummleti
to ho muost bermtlfmmi. it Is 255 feet lung b
70 to 100 feet mr tbeptim , fommm _ stories hmigim
ti mrougiromut , anrml a fifth cenmtral story. 'rime
e ntire btuimnimrig is of moss mm granmite , of
it otnaneeqtmo style , btmt aptroaeImtnmg close te I
ti me classic. Its lower story still be entirely
d evoted to clvii sciences aumfi enrgincenimmg
w ith the exceptioum of lomnnging ammrl dm1 n
ro oumrs for sttudeuits. Time first floor contaitmr I
ti me school of social scIence imu tine west vimri '
us uatliennuatlcs anti lilmyslcs mu tIme east wing :
a nti arirnlnistrmtiont oflices in tlmo cOmmter. The i
r ecoumni floor has time school of letters itt tin
% v OSt tr'Img , biology and botammy in time etusi 1
ssim 'inm amid asseunmimly' rnouuu amuri social cimmitruben I ,
im i Limo cemiter. 'l'tme tlmIrtl tlr'or is thr's'otetl tt
p sycimology anti otimer bramicimes of pluIhosopiml
I n time svest wing nmiti elmetnistry Ins the cius
ty ing. Time 'fiftim iloor contalmis a clmcmnricnm I
nn rusetunn amrd class room of chmeunistry.
, l it' tslnm-ki.urt's irmmigim'r SImti''im'.i .
\VASII INGTON , Oct. -Miss Ltucihi : '
B lackburn , daughter of Senator Joe Iblack -
b urn of Kenutucky , was tttarmiemi at mioon toelal .
a t St. Mattimots"s Catholic chturcim to 'rimaumsa : , .
E . Lane , chief of a divislomu in time regIster' : S
o illce in time Treasury mlepartmmuenut. Time ss'enl -
tlni ing party was cotifined to fifteen persona ,
ni uade mitt of time relatives anti Mr. Loganu Car -
l Isle anmil Lieutenant Nihlacic. lIes' . F'atime r
D art ierfonuumed time ceremony. Serrate r
fl iackbmumn gave assay time bride , wlmiie Mr .
A lfred Lane , brotimer of time groomrr , acted mm C
b est mitsui. _ , .Thejrijle wora , , street tires S
'o fbki"frutr"fttmd 'r'ittf'a '
, 'wide brinururam I
b lack Inst triupesl with sveem1ng liltimet '
maktnmg a pm5tureeiiue and dashing costuumuc ,
a nti camniefi 'a ' large boqtuet of American it
n eauty roses. - After tine ceremony a ss'r"i -
d ing bmeakfflst was served at the Normnanmnli : P
i moteb mmii later Mr. and Mrs. Lane heft fo n
N ew 's'ork , svimejuce tInes' sail for , Europe
S eumator aninl Mrs. fllackburum gavetbohrinie ;
c ase of sliver anti timene sver nuany otime : n
i maimtisonmtc ircants.
111mm Sliij Liii' is mm icrzmmmd _
SAN JOSE , Cal. , Oct. 1.-hatters anti tele -
g r.nms conitinmie to ponmr into the telegraph u
a nd postoillcos admiressed to hip Sing Lee .
tw ime nrytimical Ciminese umterciiant prince , in I
w imose nammie an amivertisemmremmt recently aim
im eered tn a Samu icraniciaco painer , nfenl'mi [ . .
il attening imurltmcenmeumtrt to nnuy respr'ctabh .
r siite nuan wino wonulti mmuamry luis tlarngimter ,
Mol Lee. Tirere more at present COn ) letter ml
i n the postoillcc addrossemi to tlu nnysti'niou 5
flip Sing Let' . all presmuumrnubly In anssvcr I 0
t lte advertisement referred to.
Ari'et4tt-i for 'l'rnil mm ItoI.Jmm'ry.
Gi1ANI ) IIAI'ItS , Micit , Oct. 1.-A. , . .
Brown antI Victor 'l'aylor , farmmters living I mm
I sabella county , have bccmr amresteti amid an C
floss. onr timeir svay to tIme jail , cirargemi wit
cousuphicity 'in the imoldup of time Cimlcago
\ Vest Mtchrigamu trains rmear Fenmuuville , a nm
August 20. Engineer Seibell is salml to lmutv C
i tientified both t"pn. Taylor is also caIn 0
I stuvo been ss'itlm Snnahley aumni nno of time gaul g
r vimen tIme latter shot letectiv Plotter
wirile restatIng arrest aumd who was afterrs'm'nr ci
I ciiled by officers.
01.1 iirt'i.tiiH .tim 1t..IOlI'iicll ( ,
M1NNFAPOL1S. Oct. 1-Stoekiioitkrs ml
time Minneapolis & St. Lotrls raliroami lid Ii
t lroir annual tneetintg today. Time election re ' -
simited as follows : It. B. iiartrmironnme , Atngum :
i3lnmmommt ann \'ihilrmmnu A. Head , director ;
for one yesr : W'ihlant h. Bull , F. II , iavl
anti John 11. Seamless for two years ; an I1m
imisvarml hartley'Viliiam Strauss aummi anI I , .
11. I'almuier for three years. At tire mneetln i ;
of the board of direetore time oflicen's wer .e
all re-elected.
Olmtm , tllmiirs ( trill 'mric ,
COLUMIiUS , 0. , Oct. 1.-A sisecial to tim :0 :
Dispatch says 2,000 imulniers imave ttopped stem k
at Massillon. Timey want 60 cents , ammd tim : e
operators want to pay GO , btrt tire two dl : B-
agree as to the plan of fixing time rate. Timen , e
nuincrs are tlisposemi to leave the settlennent of
time quesiiour to time United Mimic \Vorkei rs
of America , who are rut imappy tonmeb as I L0
prices us itIm operatpms in femur siate : and ti me
latter are not in sympathy srith time Massilic mn
amour's atoll.
Sumifli Cnmolirma i'rlIlllidM llv.m.m' .
COIdYMIIIA , S. C. , Oct. 1.-South Carolim ma
occupIes time unique petition anuong the stat : Cs
of the union of being tite emily one Whim : I u
hits no divorce law amid Imas mres'er had on :0. :
Time constitutional convention tiilt inorumin 5 ; ,
after a hard lIght , my a vote of 86 to 49
adopted a tectlon of the cor.s'ttutlon to r-
bidding the grantmumg of miiyorces for mu uy
cause whatever amini not allowinmg rocognmitim in
of divorces graimted in other states.
iIiJi'mi l ) ml i'StilimII l'rrlti , ,
NhYOIIK. . Oct. 1.-Patrick Read , U
static masuti , writ instantly killemi by the I. iii
of a derrick while at work err a building In
conmmse of ronstrmurticn at time dormer of
Exdlnangtt iilaOe atrth tiroad streeV today. lit mm-
miey Igo , svimo trtfl : in search of eunploymneu ut ,
received tu broken leg atti Intemntai inmjtnni Ca
ryimich mimay prove fatal.
lousmi Nallmri.mtl , iiiruml ; .ts.tlm.rierl .
\'ASl1lNGTOU. Oct. 1.-Sp'cIaI ( Tel in-
gr.unu.-'L'ime caxr.ptrolier of time ctirrency I to-
tisy iseucni ht certtilc.sto autirorizing t imnm
First Natlomial batik of fimitt , Ii. , to tmel ' 1mm
btmsine'ss witir a capital of $0,000. No pro i4t
done im3 bootu selected for the umew instil itr _
lion. Lesslt Larbon leceehiar.
i'i'irIii .1imurra ( .o ( ) rt ,
Oct. 1.-All time miners , abonmt ioo
ill mmummmber. enumployeni In six coal mrrlrues ale ag
the hints of tire I'eonia & Pekin tjmtionm u'atlst .ay
quit stork tIns ntnrmmlng becamm'te tmmey tv crc
refused an advance fromim 40 to 51 cimmts i er
term on a run of the urIne.
Vri'it imumil i'41 ltmmi , ftrm-lis'e.
\\'INNIiIAGO CI'IV. 2.limrnu. , On't. i.-'l 'lie
triennial nat'onal conference of time F : roe
Baptist church Is Imi aesiomm here , wrtli 400
present. Tire sessions tire helil in l'munl ker
college , which beI'ng3 to th denonurinati Ott.
Ol irn1rnMtui Chosen to Be Temporary Ohair.-
niati at Lincolii ,
I' nelimiiiumpmrii's I un lt'mitia ttnIt' ( 'l'liio
1mm l'riplm't' ( nip. , I. . ( ) uil
( hIlt' Cimnmi..e for mm ituiii ( 'ml ii
ami ? rommiliurt huts.
1.INCOI.N , Oct. 1.-Si'eeial.-Not ( ) mull of
tlm ts i,0VT tbelt'gmrtes to lLie reluubilean state
co nvenmtlorr nine onu time grommrrtl. Still there
an ti to tent I Im tuumtl renl of tiu e ntu a mini all t lrnottghr
tim e ot enhiig time lmott'l lobiries a ore swanmmtiung.
Ti me slate cemmtral commruumittee lmt'id a mmreetiumg
tlm hmm ovensiumg mmml aciecteni as teumutorumry chnniir-
mum aur ilour. .ltulmn li.Velmstcr of Ommnimima.
'i'hi conmvrnmtions tontrorrow bids fair to ire time
nns tust iuarmnourlotms ever svitumeasei : 1mm tIme state.
Tine onmly conical , ammtl timat can hnamtliy be
di gmmitled by the mmammme , is tmimon time regenmey
mro rv ireld b > 3. L. I I. Kniglmt of Crolgimtomm. I lit
te rumt t'xpires imm Jantmary , iSIti , time smtmmo : aim
Cl uarles I I. Morriil's of hlnmcoiur. Tincro ss'iii
be no oltiMiSititull to Merrill. as time capital
cI ty is commeemicti to be entitleT to otme regc'umt.
M r. Kmmlglrt imrs : scc.eti'tb fmcmrr tue repemblican
ra nrka antnl jotume.1 tim % roimtrllsts. I lie resides
mr tIme Sixth o'oungn'e'saionntrl district , anmti me
lin onnu i nmeumt c'tmtml In nil o hr t in is t rn tory for
ti me strcccsaioum 1mm Ii. L. ( .onuitl of Ogalailnm.
I I mmt tIm tr opmetmc ni ta of (1 onuiti itoiumt to I tm e fm : t't
tl mat time Sixth miiittriet milrt'mnly : brie iltree me-
g cmmtmn , half of time fnuli bimamni. 'l'irert' mute tssnu
t'.u mm mi imla tet fronnm I lex t rice , I I mm gim II. ttsiriss mr rmni
J. II.'i'stenm. . Sinunminl tlmese ge'mrtlenmmemu of-
fe et a conmisronnniae by time witlmnlrass oh of ante
It I a gntmtma I iy comneeul t'ti turn 1gb 1 t ln.m I t ii o uris mi
nm nnm cmi by iiom t rice ssotminl reed se me mu mmaum I mmmcml a
tm uumslumatlon.
Dime tromilni iuummmgimme frount tine uutuummber of
st aiesuutenm err time gmmmmmmsnltr tlmat mt hot cent-
I e t tsas 1mm siglut tutni it fmn i I mm t : m to I icitet to
In c rmottuimtatenl. Jack McCuil rrpermt time tlay
m r time city , but he sseumt away limit es'emmiing.
S cattererl am'ommflti our tlme mliffcrenmt imtmtel regis-
t ens : mre tIme umrmunert of Joimum h.'ebstor , Scum-
tu tor Prupe , Congre.sunsatt hiattrer of Atmnmna ,
C imnirclm howe , \Vtiiiaumr ( ictirles of Graumni
h m.hutnnl. iepnmsse'ntnttis'ti ( ltuurdoiimii : McNitt of
\'ebaten eommmrty , 'l'omnt Majors , miutmi George I i.
'f imnmmmnnnsel of Granti Islaumml.
'I'ime l'.trs'mmte' c'snuurty tieiegmtlon : , eevenmteemt
s trong , it at time Linmcoiui. Time iimuiTmlo
t' oruntty mmmeun. eleven itt urmmrmmher , are nit tIne
C a imi ta I. Li imcoi im comm un y's tiel ega t mum is ti I-
t 'ttieni betsveeum tIne Limrmleii aurmi Caiuitnml.
N early all tire otimers rrew here Imave registered
a s bsdivitlmnai't trlmni are
Cimief Justice Ntmrval lnas tmiummporariiy uumovc'i
o ver fi'onrx time iimncolum to time liumnbeil , tln
i at ter Imeing rcinnmimliciuut lneanlmimnrrttrrm : , aminl
it i s iommigimt urmovinmg freely arorrnnni mmnmuomng ilme
t lclcgatem. . Timero is nmot time least oirositiemfl
t o his cantlinlacy nimul Ire svill ho mnmmuuteni by
a cciammmmrionm. : Time regenuts. wimose temintmm ox-
p ine inn lS9l ire' : lion. l. A. lianiley of Shotta
a nd lion. C. 'mV. ' Kale' of 11mb Clommil. Tine
t enumsa of iitmtm. ilt'nry B. Esttalnrool of Otiusina
a nti ! I hums. ( 'imaniesVestan of flay Slmnmnsgr. ,
e xpIre in 1900.
Sccretmry 'Fimmu Sedgsviclc of time repnrblieats
s tate cenrtrti coumunrttttee eatlimmutes that timer a
t rill mo frully 81)0 ) tleicgates imresant , annti "
e acim of time nminety coumea will tic repro-
a eniteti.
Time convetution trill be called toetlmer imy
Cimaimmnams Momnill at time 1"tinlce opera house
t ounorrow at 2 n. in.
' " L , . - - ' - ' - ,
, ;
- " 4 . -
, sI1'l'Tr.m , ) Wt'rli ( tftfIIIN1tII'L' . .
t 42 _ ,
' Z'rotmlie A mhuiime ( lie llsl I hers tIn ( mg. .
fniIorii Arljiisft'.l ,
PEORIA , Oct. 1.-J. 13. Groenumtnt1 femnueniy
i trosident of time W'Imlsky trust , retmumumeni timis
u ntomninig fronts Ness' Yorlc , winero hue imas
s penmnling the srmnnmummer. To it neimorter ime
stmmteml Gnat while timere wmrs a lreat deal
nest. mm rllstiiiintg circles , timere svas little that
i nn cotmlti give to tii ptmimilct at this tinmm ° .
h owever , im mmnluimittenl timmit oh tlilfenetmcea ba-
tweemr lmimmimnelf aimmi tlumi .reorganuzatiour corns-
u umittce amid tiuo Anmtenlcan Sinirits Marttufnretmmr-
l ung comni arty Imami imeen fmuliy adjruuted. lie
e lmi : " 'o Imave alnaimerm hmimunis over time imlootiy
clmasun finn are now fast friends. These
m mialtcrs tsill tie oil brottght otmt lit e.onmnt timis
week , tIme attoruteys Ineing ongageni in Isre-
paring thno necessary imalmers. Until that urine
enothing will be I'iItl regaruitnmg tbte termmmmm of
settiennent. " Mr. Groeiumiut says all tlmn l'a-
oria ironmses St ill lse started imy Novenmmber 1
aumti lmoSsibly sooner.
, . , , ) ( 'lrirt'ii , ( tomstiuliiui.
MINNIAl'OLbS. Oct. 1.-iverytlming I.
mm nojilincas for tluo oponulnug of tine
great trienmnial conmventiotm of tIme Arusenicao
Episcopal cimurcit irera tormmorrow. A large
numrrmmiem of inisirolu5 animl clericimi aummi lay
r ieprmties are mmlre.stly our time gromminmi , Iit-Scnm. ,
ator Eminnttimmnlit of Vemummonmt. fluid hmi true
nmrrivemi timiu untonmming , arid J. I'ienponnt Morgaun ,
accomnminanieti by liimtlmoim I'otter and illshmnp
ioirne ts ill arrive tormnomro\v utmonumiutg. 'rime
conrunurlssirmmr wiilclm has inn cimargo the me-
viiminnr tf iin comsstittitlonm lmeiml a fimmal meeting
today beirtnml cio'eti rloors. Time report arm
agreed nmironi noes utah imieas3 time lay mnemnm-
hers of tue cnmmmummlsrtiont , wise lmavro Isot been
able to attersti its umut'etmnrgs arm regularly as
time blalmopa. 'I'imey lselies'o it gis'e. tire lioruse
of iiisimops tot , mnmmrcir 11055cr , arud they oh-
joel to tite ciectionu of a prituns.
rqrml rm'mirPmi ( S of LtheuI ii'nii Curl leg. ' , . .
ChICAGO , Oct. 1.-A coniferenco of limo
representatives of tine Iosva , Missaturl anti Ii-
limmois State Boards of Iiealtlm was hmeld timis
evening mm limit city for time Inurpose oP forum-
lug a acimcdUlo of time rettuil emummnxuts to place
Ul0fl medical colleges before they sviil ire
m'ecogmmizemi as schools mt gooml stammdimmg. 'rime
lrmtemmtion is to have a tmntiformim standntrmi , ito
that crerlentlals froom army one school st'ill be
recogumizemi by time others. Time rlotaiis nmgrermi
upour st'IlI be inrosenrtetl to time state boamnis
for anloption amid until that time soili not be
made lsrmblic.
liriirher liii 'I'riu.l for i.mrl'el.
DJIUTII ! , Oct. 1.-'l'me trial of ( ieerge A.
Eltier far grand larceny , alleged to have been
conurmmtttcti by imlmtu whlio vice prcbidenmt of time
mmoW Ineolveumt AmerIcan Losrr ammi Trrmst
conmmpany , was bcgtmnr before Judge Moor this
nmorrmmnmg. 'l'ie : euntire forcnnon srnms taken up
in ( ln.awirrg a jury , wlmlcir warm connlmim'tenl at
rrooum. TIme county attomuncy , in slew of tire
inlnortaunre mmf time case , irmvrilvlng mtonmctiiing
over $100,000 , nmslce'l that tue jur ) ' ir kept
tengetimer dmmriumg tii trial , btmt time reqmmest ses
demuimni. Tire case is exitecmetl to lant about a
'Ian , Sutton ii litmniL. . . ( iosu'mi ,
JEIcFlUSON CITY. .Mo. , ( jet. 1.-Time hlarsk
of .Moutnctt end time ilanmlc of I'mmrmiy , both
harry cormnty Inatlttithous , liv ireeuu clcissd
by Secretary of State Lesener rmmamr tmotiflca-
tiour by tine state bank exmmrnirncr of their
lu.aolvent cctruditiort , anti ore in time hands of
receivers. 'l'imle mnmtkcnm Llmirteon banks cioee1
by the Fetr'tany of taIm' since tire exeemitloir
of the nest isaumiE exarrulnatlon lmmt began on
time hat of .lmnly isesimlos aumne half dozen
others that atmtietinatt'nI time examnlnmation by
molting nsstgmurne.nts.
p'ism . , . S.'v.'r.'ly Ci ltit.iseul ,
DFNVllt. Oct. 1.-Tiuo twenty.secoumd air-
'ual ruteeting of the Amuieniclit I'iitrilc lhtmrmltim
nuasoctatkit began Imr timit city today wIth an
attenntiance of almout 100 delegates. Ir. Josiah
hhartzeil of Canton , 0. , tm-ant a leper Ofl tire
'MiFnmml4ptpiii ltivrr as a Server , " in wlmlch mo
took strong ground agaiumst time pollution of
that stream witlm sewage. lie scoreni ChIcago
eev.rely for eamptying its ket'ago lirto tlio
Cimiesgo river.
I'll t'mit i.ii 'iii .iit' 1)1 net't nra ,
IlcOutl. . O.t. 1.-At iimC anmnus.reetuuug ,
of tire Itot khmrsitlcrs of thre l'e'nIr. 1)ecsttsr fo
1iv.insvliie raliroani In this city today Jotin
t. . L mcmi 'r'iilamn ! I. Strc 1mg .mmmd Johmmr II.
Pm.mtl of N' " . ork , cli rmPw mu' ' n. star' else ci
m1rl'.rf'r Orut of $4 $ opQ shares of ittoei
, 4C00 rrcre e1r etrtcti.
- - -
- -