-P-- - : - - , - - - - - - - - - , - . - - - - _ ; . - , - . - . - . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. I. . . . . , - , . I rAnLJSIIED JUNE 19 ! , 871. . 01\AIIA \ , SATURDAY : MORNING , SE1'TEfBEU 28 , 1805-1.rEL'lE - r.A.GES SINGTJOO1Y u lJ'IIYE ClEN'J1S. ARE GROPING IN TilE HARI ) ( - Durant's ' Attorneys Evidently Hoping Something Favorblo May Develop . ALBI \ lAS FALLEN TO TiE GROUND ) lrrlll Cnii tliiurs 10 )11 % I I. . it the Utl".t Ulco'rl I" I th. . . Puce or 1 11.I"K I Coil I t . . - ' .I.lclee l'roll.co II the 1illire. SAN FRANCISCO . , Sept. 27.-I Theodore Durrant has anything tangible upon which to base hb denial of the charge that le murdered anche Lament anll Minnie Will- IamB , his attorneys have failed to give sat- Ifactory evidence of the fact , After two days devoted to th ! testmony of the defense the trial wal adjournd at loon today un- ti next Tuesday. In the meantime , how- ever , the deenso has disclosed enough to 'allsfy the prosecution that Durrant's attorney - lorneys are groping In the dark In the hope that something may develop within the next ( few days to save the prisoner's life. The weakness oC the defense Is made more apparent - parent at this time on account oC the extravagant - travagant assertions that lurrant's attorneys I p have uniformly made since the trIal began. I When the lro'ecution was engaged In put- tng In Is ease flh1 the situation looked : darkest . for the young Sunday school super- Iltendont Attorney lenprey was accustomed to snap his fingers and remark that he had no fears for the future oC his client. ) "We will clear him In three minutes " said ' . . Deuprey , "and the Public will be at a lou to ' Understand how Durrant'R name was ever connected with the case. " The same line of extravagant claims was continued when Attorney - torney leuprey nude his opening spech for the dorense. "Not only will the prisoner tel you with hi ! own IIJs the simple story at his life on the day Banche Lament was murdered , " salll Dcuprey , "but Dr. Cheney will tel you that Durrant was at Cooper . . - Medical college at the very hour when the \ . murder oC Blanche I.amont Is salll to have tkol place. lesldes that we will prove to you that Durrant never tried to pawn Misi Lamont's rIng at Oppenheim's store. On the contrary we will brIng forward the young man who did try to pawn a ring at Oppen- LI helm's shnlar } to . the one worn by Miss La- I iliont. " CnUILED IN A DAY. ; In vIew _ oC these startling statements I ( I "as first believed that the defense mIght have a strong cain . In one day , however the case oC the defense crumbled and fell of Its own weight , and today Durrant's alb\ \ has not a leg upon which to stand. Dr. Cheney , who was expected to tel so much for the defense , \\"s as strong a wlnegs for toe prosecution as has taken the stand dur- . stant - ) Ing the trial Instead oC fulfilling Deuprey's statement and swearing that lurrant attended - tended lecture at Cooper Medical college on April 3. he saIl he hall no recollection oC seeing the young medIcal student there. Time denial dumbfounded time defense ; If further proof were needed of the belief that the defense has little to offer In reCuta- ton of the case put forward by the prosecu- ton , I was furnished today. Instead of plac- Ing witnesses on the stand ( to tesUCy to some material ' facts In connection with Durrant's _ acs alleged alibi , two gasnter were called t testy with regard to the sunburers In the gallery at Emanuel church. For two hours the crowd was bored and the jury madl tired \y a long series ot questions and answers . relative to the mlnute part of the eonstruc- I " ton oC sunhurners Not once durIng the en- tire session was the name oC Bqnche Lament mentioned , nor was lnythlng 111 to Indicate that I was not a suit to collect a plumber's bill , Instead of a murder trIal that was be- I Core thc court. The evIdent purpose oC the examination , however , was to show that thc repairing - i pairing oC the sun burers would neccsarly result In the escape oC a great deal of gas. II This testimony will be used to substantiate Durrant's statement that he was surerlng Cram partial asphyxiation when he came down from the church belfry trembling and flushed , and met Organist ICing In the audl- , torlum. A significant featmc oC the testimony of the two gasfters was the fact that each testified that ' 11 made an examlnaten oC the sunburn- ers In manuel church on September 21. The prosecution Interprets this to mean the de- tense had nothing upon which to base a case until the case oC time people was nearly com- 1leto. , Only when confronted hy the actual necessity oC opening Its case Is It believed that the defense made an attempt to secure . , witnesses to testify with regard to the con- l1ton of time sunburners . DUnHANT IS UNIOVED. The apparent hopelessness of his case. how- eyer Produced no change In the demeanor . of Durrant. Day aCer day he sits In .the court room beside his father and mother and listens to the evIdence against him without a sIgn oC emotion. This stoicism oC the prIsoner Is only surpassed hy that of his mother. Irs. Durrant seems to have no conception oC the gravIty of her son's posHlon. Attired In wav- Lag plumes anti a tailor made gown such as a lady might wear at a nmatlnee. she laughs and chats with her friends whlo the evidence that the prosecution believes wi hang her son Is being put In against hIm. To frequenters oC the court room. lrs. Durrant's conduct Is almost - most its unfathomable ap thnt at her soil . Durrant's IS Cather. however , looks careworn and gives evidence of tIm intense .mental strain through which ho must bo passhmmg. The prosecution during tIme presentation oC its evidence against Durrant was unabo : to present testimony tending to show that the accused was of Immoral character and hall viited Immoral resorts. When the time for rebuttal comes , however , It .Is time Intention to present all of that evidence. I Is ralme1 by the detectives that they hl1e suOcent : proof to offset everything that may be offered to prove a good character for the accused. The rpor that limo defense In tIme Durrant case would produce a witness who would tes- . try that she \ the aeculcd medical student enter the Emanu(1 Baptist church on the afternoon oC April 3 1 , between 4:30 : and I o'clocl , before whIch time Ilnche Lament Is BUpposC to have been murdered . has ben confirmed , but time few IJeoplo to whom this wines confided the story guarded her name scdulQusly. Wilam A. Dond. II stockbroker . knows the woman who may thus tt"mtify. and Is In possession of the natura of the evidence silo will glvl . Mr. flood said : "I know of thl , witness because tIme story "a , tel ! to me. Several others know of I Alt are pLedged to se- crecy. When the Ilroper time comes anll to the proper authorities the evIden'o wi be " given. . ' : . ' story a known ! In IJolo ( circles Is that this oman met a young man walking toward time church on the afternoon of the day ( men- tlo1ill and accosted him , mIstaking 111m at frt for n Crleml. She apologized , passed on . RII then , curIous about her mistake . turned ) all 13W the stranger entering the chur.Th. Recently she h I sid ! to have Identified Dur- rant u this ) dUn ! man she epoke to on that afternoon . Mr. Daud will neither deny , nor confirm tbla. lie said . that he hall no motive for con- cealng nn.thlnThe point with hIm was that the lady might be mistaken and until she found she was mint It was unnecessary to brIng her name : before the poUce. . Clt\ 'l'h""c. ( ; , . ( tip , m.NVEH , Sept. 27.-A specal ! to the Times , Cram Oel\1(1 Sprln\s. Colo. , says : . Green } her and Dave Fisher . members cC the gang of cattle thieves who escaped to the hIlls aCer a battle with a sheriff's pose : few days ago have surrendered tinder romlse oC lroteeton , alI have just been _ : - _ . placed In jll In that town. . . . . ; , ; 'I'h..cu 111ul..1 tor IrJH'r ) ' . . AlION. 0. . Sept. 27.-0IJ N. Gardner f ! of Jamestown , N , Y. . ox-city elcluler of this r cIty . DanIel Omlr all Josiah \trl ' r , were , . hdlcted this afternoon the ' hlJctel Ceruoon by cr'ld jury . ' , for bribery. The crime I said to \\0 been comnmmmhtted In connection with Imolr.rtmunt \ ' , commited connecton wih hUJrtnnt IJ\,1 I tng coutracts , for whIch the mu vere billI I I Uer. leu. : \ \ ) ) O % I' : l311'OILTANP CIlU. . l'mmtiiri' CO"\IUI" " Ir time' rl.r of Nt. . \.Ir. ' , In I. . l.h'r""UI"II. I LOUSVILI.E , Sept. 27.-The second day of the convention of the Order of St Andrew i opened this morning with a unLn service at Christ church cthedral. itt. 11ev. D. Nichols , bishop or California , acted as cele- brant. The morning business selon met promptly at 10 o'clock at Liberty hal , wIth I'restdent ' Jlro : presiding. Hev. nlcharll : c- Crtry oC Owensboro offered the opening prayer In regard to the resolution offered yesterday by the ChIcago delegation to have the con- vnton held earlier In the year because this time interferes with the work of ministers at , the beglnnlng , and ale oC delegates who are I engaged In business pursuits , tile committee recommended that this be adopted. Accepted. The committee recommended that the reso- lution offered yesterday to have the next con- venton international In character be allotel1 This was accepted. In regard to tIme different resolutlns offered yesterday as to the place where the convention shall be held next year the commitee made the following rleom- mnonda tb ns : mellatons All suggestions and resolutions with reference - once to the tme of the next annual con- vontlon and other details oC the same be sub- mited to the Incomlng council for acton : and that at tomorrow morning's session oC the convention ten minutes he allowed the delegates - gates Cram each oC the cites asking for the convention to present their respective claL'Js. Thl ! wa accptCI with an amendment that time Canadian delegation also be allowed to speak on the subject. Time following resoluton by 11ev. Waiter 10ughson was accepted. "We protest against the atrocities committed by time Turkish authorities against the Chris- tans of Armenia , and express the hope that the English and American churches will use nit means to pre'ent further repeUton of those outrages. " . IAIUISnS os UXICIPAL 11 I"Olnl. F-1'riM 1. ) . t St Full h. . j , h'n"1 I i'M 111"HI City ( : I"'rll'ut , INDANAPOLtS , Sept. 27.-Gcneral Benjamin - jamin harrison has expressed htnsel on the enforcement of the law , which I the duet Issue In the municipal campaign In this city nt the coming election . tie said : "The Imprtance oC an honest , economical , business administration oC city offices and time frm enforcement oC alt the laws cannot bo o\'erstatll1 A city so managed attracts business amid reputation. I believe wo l\ave \ now these things. anll we shall contnue them L Mr. 'frusler , the republican candidate - date , Is elected mayor. The Idea that a mayor or chief of IJolca Is at liberty to permit - mlt any ordinance to be violated Is mon- strans. \c choose executive efcers to enforce - force laws , all not to repeal or sUlpend them at their pleasure I Is subversive of ' and destructive oC facial order our s'sle destructve arter and pace of our communities to allow our execulvo omcers to choose what laws they will enforce. I Is not at all a question whether I like the law or whether the of- fleer likes the law. What sort oC a conditIon of society would we have IC no man obeyed the law and no officer enforced I unless be IllCII I ? Such questions arc for time legls- laturo and the council. To find fault with an officer for enforcing the law Is t : re- pllate the system and to vote against a candidate because he Is pledged to enforce the laws Is to associate onesel with the lawbreakers " . IMI'ILISONEI ) AN . \I nIC' CI'rIZB Arl11ItA ClthlH I'rii.i'tioii tr.m its , Order .r ' 1'iiriee. ( OSTANTINOi'Li . Sept. 27.-An Arme- milan named Ouedjlan , who chimed to be a citizen of tIme United States , was recently sentenced to a long term oC Imprisonment on the charge oC being an emlasary oC an Armenian - nian revolutonary society. The UnIted States consul at Aieppo where GurIjlan was con- fnell ( , was not allowed by the authorites to visit the prIsoner. Mr. Alexander . Terre the United State minister to Turkey de- mantled of the Sublmo Porte that sentence 11 the case of Guedjlan b3 suspended until It could bo alcerhlne whether or not ho had CorCeed the right of protection by the Unle.t States. The Porte has now telegraphed to the authoritIes at Aleppo to allow the UnIted States consul to InvestIgate the cae and ale the prisoner. _ _ _ 'Vh&iilI.M I Ii t' l.urllH Cunl.1 lIe 11llru\'c.l. LONDON , SelJt. 27.-llespondlng to a toast to the 10100 oC Lords at a banquet given at Ripen tonight , the marquis oC Lonulonderry sal ! that he thought the 10use of Lords could be Improve In many ways , and he hoped the unlon1ts woulll grapple wah the quest on. The house of Lords might hereafter have to opp050 the House oC Commons In measures not so unpopular as the hOle rule measure. Therefore ho wIshed It to bo so strong that no stone could be cst at its action . - - - Itmiginjish G..tll . Iii IiIrmi'Nt. LONDON , Sept. 27.-The Ial Mal Gazette his afternoon prints a dispatch Cram Shang- hat which says : Appearances Indicate that England Is finally In earn st In regard to the maesacres In China. Five war fhlps are noon the river ang.tse-Klang , proceed- Lag towanl the scenes oC disturbances , and four more are expectell to start tomorrow. - - - 10mh 'hrowcr Gets 'l'lirec Yemsr . PARIS , Sept. 27-hiouteilse , the man who on September I curled a cocoa tin containing chlorate oC IJotlsh and ordinary gunpowder Into the vestIbule ' oC the Iothschlll banking house 11 the nue' I.ante , where he was ar- rested tie was tryIng to Ignite the as 10 ) Ignie corn- pound from a cIgarette , has been sentenced to three years Impronment. ! . \rr..t .r . \ll. . . .1 l ' rl'lwl :1,1. " , LEIISI Sept. 27.-The Grleht Zelhlg fnys that as n result oC time arrest oC a Frenchman and n German at Cologne tour Germans have been arrested at Essen , : latlc- burg and lierUn . all connected with 11 ex- tensl\e system oC espionage IJrOmottl by the 1.'r.nc'l wih the object oC obtaining drawings oC the defensive works H.I'I. J.f."tc.1 I ) . tiii' SI."n".I. MADRID , Sept. 27.-Tho crew of the cun- boat Marque del Duro have defeated the rebels In the Island of Tatan amI have killed eighteen ; oC them. Others were taken to Mania and several of them shot. Uh.lllli ( 'tutters . " I StrIi . . MSTEItD.M , Sept. 27.-Tcn thousand diamond - month cutters struck here today upon the refusal - fusal oC the employers to adopt conditons upon which the emitters' union Insisted. " ' 11 :111.e : o ) "I'e " 11. LONDON , Sept 27.-hlarry Ia'ne. the I.antomlme clown , Is deaJ. lImit liters . husiIIi't'd. NEW YOHK , Sept 27.-Tbe grand jury today ordered indictments for manslaughter In the second degree against the followIng men , who are bold ronslble for the co I- l'IJB oC tIme Ireland buIlding August 7 last . when fifteen mtn were killed : Thomas lur- pim ) , n1SOUS foreman : Thoma Walter , superintendent ; John Parker contractor ; DennIs Buckley. Inspector oC the huldlng de- patmL'nt : O. E. Ilyrnes architect , and Ed- ward J. YeuIale , architect's aslstant , The grant jury dlsmiascil the conwlJluts against Joseph Guider , contractug plasterer , and Jet. Cerll Sllck , who succeed,11 Murray as nmasnn' ' fcmrernamm The punishment on con- \'leUon for this offense may le as hIgh as ImprIsonment for ten . years . l'II'Jl Q"lllt ) . ot ' .1.1"(0 lIiirmeii . CINCINNATI , Sept. 27.-'lre tonight destroyed enl of limo storage houses oC tht Cincinnati Leaf Tobacco company between laN and \Ile streets . Two thousand , seven humln'll ant cvcnty hogsheads of to , laeco were store In them by actual count malle toII Time Ieugcontents oC a hog.heall It t.OO pounds At a'ery low Ilrtco the tobsclo stored In this warehouse Is worth $ OUO. 1'tl buIlding and tobacco are : total loss . a'neunttng to not less than l < , 'O I VENEZUELAN TAUt REVIVED - Stto Department Officials Say Toro Have Been No Now Davolopment MINISTER ANDRADE KNOWS NOTHING 1 lorl ot time . \1'rlcl" S1,1cnll I. 'rnl . , , Ait'isuiiigi ! ot I. Ce.iiis- ! Mlol :11) ' Url.1 : .tcr. to nil Ispiuie. - WASHINGTON , SCllt. 27.-There Is no ad- vance nor change In the status of the Venezuelan question , so Car as can be learned Cram all available official sources In Wash- Ington , Including the Vcnezeulan minister. Notwithstanding this fact there has been much speculation emi the subject In the last few dl'S , rome being oC a wnlko tendency , Indicating a determination on the part of the administraton to adopt vigorous steps In assorting - sorting the Monroe doctrine as applicable to Venezuela At time State. department there I i great reticence on the subject , not so Car as lan be learne because there Is need oC wihholding anything for reasons oC ex- I'eliency , but because there has been a hal In time negotiations since last sprIng. Senor Andrte , the Venezuelan minister , was asked tonIght concerning the reports "I have no Inormaton whatever of any change or development , " said he. "If there Is any new phase It has not been communicated - municated to me 1y calls at time State department - partment were for the purpose oC presenting my respects to tIme secretary , and there has been no menten oC tIme boundary queslon , as thee were no new phases open to con- aid eratlon. " Senor AI drade added that he hind noted time widespread eommnt oC late as to time Venezuelal IUel.ton. including the vigorous speeches oC General I.ongstrcet at Chata- nooga amoC ex.Governor Campb of Ohio. The minister looki. ' at this ab a general awakening - cnllg oC Interest In the subject rather than as an Indication ot a change In the stalu of affairs. SInce Lord Klnb < ly's answer to : lr. Bayard setting forth England's posItion , an AmerIcan syndicate has secured large concessions from Venezuela of land In the disputed territory . I Is along the south bank of the Orinoco , so situated that IC the American claimants enforca their con- cession and have the support oC the United States n direct Iaumo I with England Is In- ovltable. Congressman Livingston of Georgia , who Is familar with the affairs oC the American company , says that men will be sent to take posseslon of the territory. lie has expected that this would lead to a conflict . In which case the company would appeal to the United States for protection of Is rIghts. As 'et. however , there has been no Conflict and no appeal for governmental support and so far au can bit learned It Is premature testate state what the government would do should the American company bring about anissue. , allssue. F'AOmtFi ) 'fl'tVNSI'rt ' " . JA "tIU 1 Tt" SI'r Sg'I"lI.I lS. 1.1..1 Olliip ! H'I"lo. 1'er".1 I. . X"I"'I"I.n Ciuse. WASHINGTON , Sept. 27.-Special ( Tele- gram.-In ) the land case oC the state or Ne- brslm against the trustee3 oC t 1 townsIte oC Butte , the secretary oC the Interior today reversed the decision oC the commissioner of the general lam office and awarded the land \0 \ the deCendants. The land In dlsputo Is a quarter section oC section 1G. granted to the state for 8chool purposes , and Is a part oC the great Sioux reservation added to the state In 1882. The secretary rules that the act of IS59 protects the townsie settlers who occupied - pied the lanll prior to its survey and the patent houhl issue to them. TIme state will bo allowed to select the land In lieu therefor In satisfaction oC its school grant. News for the Ar1 . . I WASHINGTON , Sept. 27.-SpcIal ( Telo- I gram.-An ) army retIrIng board Is appointed ' to meet at Fort Logan Colo. , for examInation oC officers - ordered before It. Detail for the board : Colonel henry C. : Merriam Seventh Infantry : Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Ben- ham , Seventh Infantry ; LIeutenant Colonel AIred A. Woodhul , deputy surgeon general ; Major I Augustus A. DoLoffro. surgeon ; Major - jar Charles C. hToomi Seventh Inrantry ; First Lieutenant Daniel A. I Frederick adjutant Seventh Infantry rconler. First I.leutenant John W. Heltman. transferred Cram battery F to light battery K ; First Lieutenant John P. Wll'Jer. light battery K to battery F . FIrst artillery. Captain WIlliam C. Crazier , ord- nance department , will proceed to Bethlehem Iron works , Pennsylvania , on buslnrss per- taming to the manufacture oC ten-Inch dli'- appearing gun carriages. - Major John Egan , First artillery Is granted leave for two months. _ _ Slnli CI.h"H t lit' ,7rl Irlr. WAShINGTON , Sept. 27.-Seerrtary Oney received information today that the Mora drat for almost $1,500,000 I had been paid In London today by the Spanish financIal agent 'he money was paid In gold and probably wi be transferred to thIs country hy cable drafts and Illaced to Secretary Oiney's credit tn the New York sUbtreasury. SV'M4ermt 1..t..h.r. . \I'I'"lllc.l. WASHINGTON , Sept 27.-Speclal ( Telo- gram.-A ) postoOee has been established at ArabIa Cherry county Neb. . with Johanna Jordan as postmaster bawls H. Nel was today commissioned postmaster at Webster , Neb - S'I'lUCK OIL - AI' ' Glenx 11"1n. 'I'limit I'rudmmm't IIeIIi'si.mI to 1'xlt In l'mi yl ' ( I lea. l'I'h'A' ( llnl I I. . GfEE RIVER , \Vyo. , Sept. 21.-Speclal ( 'eleram.-Ol ) was struck yeterday In the veil now being drilled In this city \y the Green River Fuel and Oil company at a depth oC 490 Ceet. Many people were nt first skeptical and Incilneml to disbelieve eptcal Inclned disbeleve the story. Then the newly sharpened hit stuck In the veii. It was drawn later In time day and this morning the sand pump was set to work to raise the drillings . which were empted Into tub mind minutely examined They were so saturated wIth oil that no one could longer doubt that the mich sought for oil has been struck , although In what qummmmtity Is to he determined The drillIng I now brown shale find wIll be continued to ascertain I the few oC oil Increases with , depth. The people of Green lver feel ( now that this city Is surely wIthin the oIl belt oC . Wyoming Receiver for n 1.01n . ' . .oelnton. ST. LOUIS , Sept 27.-8tate Treasurer L. Stevens applied In the circuit court today Cora a receiver for time Peerless Building and Loan aseociation alleging that the concern la bankrupt. The mater was presented ( to Judge Russell In chamber by Attorney General - oral H. P. Walker , and next Tuesday was set for the hearing. In the meantime . C. I. Sawyer. the secretary oC the auocatbn , Is enjoined Cram carrying on the busines oC disposing oC the boks and papers. - - - _ . I I.I.cOIII Ch'rK In Con\"Uun. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Sept 27.-Speelal ( Tehegratn.-Ttie ) t lennlll convocation oC the Episcopal clergy of South Dakota con\enell here last night The session wi last two Ilays. Lat night 11ev . Canon Hewitt of Lin- coin Neb. , delivered an addreu. The at , terdanee Is large there being about fifteen Sioux clergyman here to participate. - - - - l'romnlmmcmit I'hiMIeImumi I'iaaes _ \WI ) ' . SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 27.-Dr. James E. 1.le'thal , 1 prominent physician , member of tinS Insanity commission and professor of chldren's : diseases In lahnemann college , died this afternoon . . \Iel ) ln nnn UOWI lu"t IUle.l. ATCHISON Kan . Sept 27-Il. C. Lee aged 9t ) 'cas. was struck by a Missouri Pa- cHic train at the Tenth street crossing this afeloon dea. and instantly killed . II was quite 100S' ' Til' ) 1'ltICl ' Si'GAlL. Coinlil . or 11 ; 'aHt ' \ 'luile.mu1era A llm'mtm'cl to Ilmue iiCt'u . "orl1..I. ChICAGO , Sept 27.--1010M the big re- tall grocers mini ! depirtnJmt stores have to face what [ ems to bo tbo strongest combine - bine ever formed to control the price at sugar I IB said that the wholesale grocers hive nearly perfected an arrangement with the sugar trust , taken as the factor planer or modified equality plan , by which retail grocers and department stores will be cut off. Several of the realer department dares have already Men notified by the agents oC the trust that they will not be sold any more sugar on , a parity with the wholesalers I Is said that the combinaton has been In process of Carma- ton for the past two motmths The grocers assert that the scheme hal' ' its organization with thc trust while the agents of the lat- ter are equally positive that It emlnated Cram the wholesalers. Time plan proposell Is that the grocers art to act . : S factors for the trust , forwardIng to It within receipt oC the goods , the amount oC tie Invoice less 1 per cent trade discount al 100 barrel lots wih the right to deduct I per cent additional IC the forwarding of each Is madl In seven days. The dealer Is not to be Permitted to sell sugar , either directly or Indirectly , at less than the rate book prices oC time trust. A con'mlsslon oC one-eighth of one cent a pound Is \ealowed the grocer hy the trust , and one sixteenth of one cent addI- tonal Is to go Into 1 general untl for main- tubIng a local association. I hi sall that the trust proposes to purwe similar tactics In all the leading eltEs In the country. ' 'I.I. I11 \ \'IXI AVA I" 'IDI. : . U'hltc I" th. . unlh C.rolnl Cun- , ' , 'nlln I II et.cp Ill I'M . \nlmlt..I. I COLUlIA. S. C. , Sept 27.- sensational debate held In the < was tonight constutonal conventIon over n measure proposed by Colonel Robert AldrIch oC Iharnweil , that In all elections for member of the legislature only whie citizens should be eligible. lie mndo nn Ingenious argl'ment to show that while the fourteenth and fifteenth amend- mcnts to the United State constitution can- forced the right oC citIzenship amid suffrage upon the mmegro I did not canCer upon him the right to hod : office. Senator Tilman led the fight against the measure and ! said that It woull be both foolish and Idiotic to do such a thing. A moton was made to postpone the this- cnsslon unt tomorrow , but Senator Tlhnan jumped to his feet and londly e'claln1l : "No ; let It not go to time world that wo even took tme to consider such a thing. I would be a colossal blunder. I will ruin us. We arc now trying to devise a law to retain white supremacy , " he said , "and for God's sake don't let us do anything so idiotIc as to Jeopardize what wo may accoumipiish. The sUreme court would nlver sanction such a thing nor would the , sentIment oC the coun- try countenance It. " AldrIch taunted Timan with being afraid that the United States army would be sent again to South Carolina , alld said he stood before I once and was never arald. Timan replied : "r am not afraId , Colonel butt I am not a fool. " - 1\.JOI AIDtgS Di 'rIloUullE . \G.\ . ; \rr""I.,1 for ' \'r1ln Gemit'rzit Schu- tcl.1 mime In.n1ll I.l.tl'r. NEW YORK , Sept 27.-A special to the Word from WashIngton B"y : Captain C. A. Armes , retired . \et r known as Major Armes was arrested at hiE' hOle , Armes- leIgh park , this evening by a file of soldiers , and Is tonight twifined . In. the Washington barracks. The order ( or' his arrest wat' signed hy Assistant Adjutant General VIncent - cent , "by order oC the acUng secretary oC war. " General Schofehl was today ( the acting see- ' retary. There has been a personal quarrel or twenty yean" standing between General Schofehl and Major /trmes. The dispatch says that Major Armes was refused an In- tervlew with the general and wrote him an insulting letter. He at first attempted to resist arrest when the Hcutenant commanding the squmad . Lleutmant Gordon , rad the order but finally coneanted ' fa enter the ambulance which came for him. Major Armes was court-niartlaled for pul- lag time nose of Governor heaver oC Pennsylvania - vania at the Inauguration of Presilent Gar- neld. IOIsevl.I.Y I 1'0 Ig AX AMiltlC.tN. . 'm'uo1 ; omit :111"llz"Unl Il Il' " ' tn Ih.t,11 Ills l.mmmi.l. SPRINGFIELD , Ill. , Sept. 27.-'hrough his agents In this city It has been learned that Lord Sculy , who owns nearly 100,00 acres oC land In Illinois , as much more In MissourI and still more In Kansas and Nebraska , has taken out naturlzaton papers In New York . CI ) . I Is his intention to make that city his future home. He has purchased prop- erty there and has ordered substantIal Improvements In keeping with the taste anJ staten oC his family. Ills object In taltng this step Is to enable him to purchale lore tand. The legislature of IllinoIs . Missouri and Kansas have all passed laws prohibiting an alien Cram acquiring real estate . His agents spent last year and I portion at the present year In Missouri , ' where they bought thousands oC acres , but were checked by the adopton oC I measure by the legislature. He owns one whole county In Kamas ant nore In Nebraska. 1"'llrlc F'l ciiii thl' I Clmi'ro1eti' Strll" , KIOWA , Kan. , Sept 27.-A disastrous prairie - rio fire I raging In the western half or time Cherokee strIp and Is sweepIng everything before It . Several houses principally prairIe shacks , and ' may stacks without number have been burned. The fire startl south of Kiowa and It was thought that It would enl at the Soother Kanss railway , but It jumpel the track anti now has n clean sweep for a distance of 100 mIles wihout anything 10 stop It. Luckily the country is thinly populated but there are a great many cattle and goat ranches that will suffer . Three homesteaders ' louses north oC Alva caught fro In spIte oC efforts ' to sa\O them and burned to the groundwitim thelr contents. SI'lm.r " .lh Sntniipos . \holrl. NEW YORK , Scpt 27.The steamer Wordsworth - worth , which arrived from Brazilian ports nJls afternoon , had I cas oC smallpox In the ' crew. Phip Dreen , a'staan , was removed to the reception hospital 'af Eat Sixteenth street tonIght Dreen ham nearly recovered from the disease , but the health officers de- cared that It would be necessary to send him to the hospital and hold the steamer for disinfection. Time Words\9rtl wi be dlsln- fected those who were In i contact wlt11 the sIck man will be removed to Herman Island for observation and the steamer wi be released - leased before noon tomnorr9w. . - - Jlrt l'IIK" FiitrrjirIei''liua . FORT DODGE , Sept. 2.-Special-Fort ( ) Dodge enterprise has suieeeded In getting the Des Moines shoe Caetnrf away Cram Des Moines . Stock was subscribed by local cap- ialsts to the amount oC $ ! 5.(00 , and an ad- diional bonus oC $0,00 presented tD them. The concern employs 10 men and has a pay roll oC $ GO.OOO a ysar . The directors are : n. o. Green , I. C. Gren , S. J. Ben- net Z. " ' . Thomas , E , G. Larson , Charles Wheeler , n. M. Wright. S. J. Bennett was elected president , I. C. Oreen vIce president , and n. O. Green secretary and treasurer. } n.llr..1 - Jllr.i . U. . . Actiume . ' NEW YORK , Sept. 27.The state democracy . racy organization met tonight and formally endorsed the report made by lion . C. S. Fairchild oC the treatment oC the state democracy delegate , at time Syracuse conven- tion. The report rehearses at length the proceedings before the committee on cre- dentals and on the floor p ot the con\'enUon. 1.'Iflnh'lle ) ' : I"\tor Ilumrmsc.h . ILEASANTVILLE , la. . Sept. 21.-Sptclsl ( Telegrammi-Tlme ) elevator belonging to the lchenberry 1 estate , leaN by J. O. Stewart & Co. of Chariton . burned at midnight The building contained 42,000 bushels oC oats. 8.000 lushel oC rye , and G.OOO bushels oC wheat , Total Ion about $0,00. Tie fire 118 I supposed to be Incendry. STEALNCS BY JOhN SPOERL Hypothetical Dog Drowned on Paper to Secure Public Dolars , ISRAEL FRANK FIGURES IN TilS , TOO . - I 1"llh. lt I lie log 11..1 .ttirt' 'I'h" louiilt'mi . . . Orlt'r limit liii' CIt ) ' Ti & 'matmii II y ' I. ! gl.I ! . l'lln.\'I..I. Another outright robbery of the city treas- ury has been brought to llgimt. Almltl ant abetted b ) Israel Frank , meat Inspector , and perhaps with the colusion of other city officials , John Spoerl , pound- master , has been for months , I not for years , deCrautlng the taxpayers by mens oC padded - ded bills for drowning dogs ( rudulenty cer- titled hy the Inspector , detailed by the Board of health to keep account or the number of dogs dlspatche Under tH ! city ordinances the punt- master , during the summer inomitims Impund , alt ownerless dogs Coul11 running loose wih- au the license tag attached. The dogs are kept for three days , and IC the owners do not come to clim their property ant pay the required fees the dogs are kIlled by Irownlng. For this work the pouurlmaster collects $ for each dog ( rom the city. The bills , accompanied by thma , report of the Inspector , detaied to be present at cach drowning , are Passed upon by the Board of Healh , a\1ed by the comptroler , . Ineludell In the appropriation bill b ) time city council and paid by warrants drawn upon time dog fund. Cunl.INCTED AN IVESTJA TIN. Soon aCer taking charge oC the Omaha police force the attention oC ChieC oC Police Whlow as called to the apparent mile- clpaneles In loUllm8ter Spoerl's bills by the receipt oC the following letter : OMAIIA . G.-Chle at l'oiice . . OIAllJuly - Polce. City : Dear Sir-Tho counci commitee on polce , or which I am chairman. ts called upou to report monthly on 1 hill renderel h ) the pound master for drowning dogs. I hve never been able to Clly satisfy myself that the bill lit correct , and I would 111cc your slstance In verifying the count this month only. The logs are supposed to be drowned every evening about 5 or G o'clocl , In the presence oC II'wl Frank or some other inspector - specter of the Hoard of health. The number - her reported to have been drowned during Juno Is 331 , em' over ten every day on nn average. Can YOI ! end a man on tin' quIet down there every afternoon during the remainder oC July and get the facts for me ? I called at your ofce today , blt you were out Kindly inform mo oC ) 'olr actIon. l ItK : J. nUIKI.gy. Chairman Committee on I'olhce. Chief Whlo was engagel' at the time In other Important blulness , hut , soon deviser n plan to check up the number oC dogs act- ualy drowned The mater was placed In the hands oC Thomas McGuire , special secret detective , who arranged to have two or more inca on haml at the pound every tmo the drowning oC dogs tool place. I was already I I past the middle oC July and In order to male sure there was no 1lstale the daily count was contInued through the month oC Augnst. Before the reports oC the detectives could be put Into final shape , Chief White was visited by time new police commission and time exposure of this shrewd swindle de- laye : . ILLS INORDINATELY PADDED. The bill oC John Spoon for the month oC July was for $ 39 for drowning 3 ! Ilogs. From July 19 , when the watch was placed upon the pound , there were by actual count only fifty-four dogs drowned. The bill of John Spoor ! for the month oC Auglut was for $ :85 for drowning 385 dogs. Accompanying It Is time following report Cram Israel Frank , meat inspector : OMAHA . Sept. 30.-To the honorable Mayor and City CouncIl : Gentlemen-I hero- wih hand you my report of the number of dogs drowned for the man tl eliding August 31 , 189 ; . h ) John Spoerl , cIty pound- master : late. Dogs. Date Dogs. Algust . 1. . . . . . 29 August 21 . . . . Dogs. . , August 3 . . . . . . 21 August 2 . . . . . Ii August 5 . . . . . . 27 August . 21 . . . . . . 37 August G. l . . . . . 21 Aurst G . . . . . August 8 . . . . . 30 August 27 . . . . . . 21 Auglst 10 . . . . . 1 August 2 . . . . . 7 AUglst 12 . . . . 21 August 30 . . . . . 25 A' ligust 13 . . . . . . 18 _ ; August 1 . . . . . 301 Total dogs . . 38 August 20 . . . . . 20 RespectfulY , ISflA1r , FnANK , lent Inspector. The appropriation for this bill was male by the city coutcl at Its last ' mimeating and the money has already been drawn out of the city trcasury. OC the $3S : thus taken Cram the city treasury , $259 are stealngs pure and sImple. This Is easily proved by n glance at the following table : . C : : i ) $ m Oa S , f " 5 , ,0 as " Oa . te Isn ! , ! ' ; r C" 2 , ' . : : : " . ee - - ' , . : 'I : C . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 12 23 4 Sun < la } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a. . . . . . . . .27 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 21 21 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : : : : .a : : , ) 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ml Sunda ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 21 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. . . 18 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . . . . . : : : : . 18 Sundn ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 15 ao 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i . . . 20 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 . 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS 19 . 31 2 ; Simrm4iy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 716 . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . - . . . - . - . . Tel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 16 _ 3S5 WHAT TIlE TABLE SHOWS A word oC explanation . Th ( frt column shows the number oC dogs actually drowned each day reported by the detectives who were on hand every tIme the pound was emptied. Time second column shows the num her oC dogs whose skins were sold by Mr. Spoerl to Oliver R. Gilbert , the taxIdermIst , from whose memoranda they are taken :11 Gilbert pays 22i cents apiece for time skIns of the drowned dogs. lie Is free to reject the eklns oC the dogs he does not want But , aE ! r. Gilbert says , nil oC time skins are offered to him. The poundmaster's men would not throw a dead tog away , because that would be time same as throwIng away 22V cents. There seems to bo a ship 11 the memorandum of the taxldermst ! , which paces ! fifteen dogs skinned on August 12 , Instead oC August t3. The detectives further reported one dog dead In the pound on August 2t , which accounts for the extra dog In the column oC dogs .klnned. Glancing over the tabie ! the favorite trick of Spoerl and Frank seems to have been to double the number actually drowned on days when drownlngs took place. On days when no dogs WOe drowned they lImply injected THE BEE L3UL.LETIN. Weather Forecast for Omaha ant \Iclnl ' - i'agt' . IncreasIng lloullleul ilimewers'atnmer ; . . I. icfcumsi Iii 11 Ilrrlut ( :1' : ' \ 'ciii'zimehitmi . iitt ( cr4 'lkl'n UI' , ! ! 11 I by I , , IIullllol'r. Url')11 Short . . , . . Urll'rrlt SmImI. : . Ncw \ 'Irk110 ( rout 15.eltimiort' . Eu vim Up wih I I th" I 1lgl.hl"l. : , Uln.hl 1111 I..h'r" 1"Igu. , . 3 , I.II/ Il'I.II'k 1:111. : II I I Iov . . . h'rlnmmtrlt's th.to Ni CoiiteMts. .1. 1.IIurll.III,1 : Cci ii , nim'im I. r. t"rllr 0",1 . h.tr.\ ' . AiqnIiutiiieiit. \ , is. U. 1"I"t KIli.'ml Iy . Clr , Arl ) ' Cmiii him , iid era II.l'I"I. O. Coulcl IlimilTs 1.1"11 .llmstti'ra. Story ) ' Ir thl 1.uwrcimce .Imsusere. 7. CIIIHrc..lln.1 . II mm : , mm ilmst. lu.II' . ' I r the' Vi'c.k item leweil . 8. lln"'II'"t l.ciigilc Covers C un tJIty . liij forum : . .111 Iii t II . IIgli : t Ii. U. 1.lis A.I for 1 CUlllt'"l' . StulO 11111'11 for S , 'eu ii ml 1'llce. " 'r"ll , 11111111. . aImmimtnlmms. a 0. " 'ho II1p . I.h'r , ' . " 1 I. Sh ; tttimitiis Ir 1"I'Ihl Ilrlll" ' " . 1.11. " 'it et tinil. . Ir Couit roll I mm g Cmi cii. 1 : . Czar's 111,1 Ill' , CiiInmi. It..I i . Ihn Nut lomimil " "hh ) ' , an arbitrary number to brng ! the total bill UlJ to the average. The Idea seems to have been to approximate 400 , because ul' ' to that lmIt they apparenty thought no suspicion would bo aroused. arouset. LONG CONTINUlm STl AI , . How long this systematc fraud on time tax- payers through the Board eC lenlh has been going on , Is ,10eul to tell. Most lIkely It has been prctced regularly sluice the all- vent of Spoerl Into the dog catching bU31- ness , I not under his predecessors. Never \eore. Imowever has luch onelusl\o IlrooC of crookedness In the deall dog bills been se- cured. The evIdence In the case bas been placed by exCimletVlmite nt the disposal oC tIme county attorney , who will doubtless have warrants served today on both John Spoerl and Irel I'rank. . 'i'ItAmN im'lCIIID ) BY A Mtil.1I. ligli t m's , sac ii gcrp4miid 'I'w" "r thc 'Irnl. I Gr..w I , ijiirv.l . CARKSVILI.I , : a. , Sept. 27.-The northbound - bound rassenger train on time St Louis lc3- kul & Northwester road struck a mnu'o at the switch at Ammmmzmda . eight miles south oC this PlaCe . this evening The engine and tender and all the cars were derailed ant badly wrecl < rd. Conductor Moulon was severely - verely cut about the head. The nreman Frank I HaCner , jumped Ind escaped unhurt , but the emigimmeer J.P. Murphy , stucle to hh cnglne amid was .badly Injured. The injured passengEos arc : James WI on anll wife loekport , III. Mrs. : f S. Iaterson. : : lead\le , Mo. J.v. . honker Dorchester , Neb. Mrs. James Brown , liannibai Mo. Miss hello Fleming Hannibal Mo. 'i' . P. Turner , lanlbal : , Mo. U. A. Collins . colored cook on dining car. Prank S. Brown . 110 Broadwa , N. Y. , tray- cling for D. W. Iyman & Co. I Is not believed that any of the Injured will die. wi p i'isrmiier'a l'ecmuhlmir Ciisc , 1'lr. , . . I''euln I CIHe CHAEIAIN , 8. D. , Sept 27.-Spoc1l ( ) -Abram Pankratz , a Turner county farmer , Is an object of olctde ! : for his Crlens. SOIO months ago a mimi dog came along the road , and as I passed Panluatz's place bit his dog. In n few days this dog also went mad and bit Its owner , his little boy four eC his horss and sOle o her stock The four her e3 We.t mad Bl ! had to be killed.'imlle one of limo horses was raving some of the foam from Its mouth flew Into I'ankratz's fmce. Tide wor- nod him at time time and since , as lie was In fear of imydropimobia. A few misys mmgo , when ito returned iii time evening from work , he was very liervoums. this folks triel to immdmmcm , him to eat cupper , but failed , for when watei' was hamided to Iminm he ground his toUhm , clenched his fists. foanmed at time mouth anti begged piteously timat time vater be taken from his sight. lie grew so violent that lie was Inipriconol over night In time granary. Time next day his brothers took him to a doctor , wlmo gave bin muiemiiclne. The followIng - Ing day he ate a little anti was timotmght to be sono : better , bimt the vorst Is tearei. Time little son has as yet showmm no signs of rabies. Soil tue mIotlic's ciT Icmul % ' . 'omiipmt , ST. LOUIS , Sept. 27.-Amm afternoon pa'mer ' says : Maggie Daltoum , time servant girl thief , baa mimade a statement to time police concerning the recent mmianagemneimt of time female has- pital , time details of which are so shocking as to be alimmost Incremhlbio. Time girl gIves time nanmes of four attaches of time hospItal at time time Dr. II. itt. iCerley was superiimtendcnt azmd accures timemu of having made a practice of ucelllmmg tIme bodies of patients wl died in the intltmmtlon , Coflumma filled with bricks , slut says , were painmed off omm time moan who burled the death , and time bodies were shipped atvay fronm tlmc city to variouma medical colleges. Nut A iilOhlN fur Oliice , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Sept. 27.-Speclal. ( ) -11ev. W. ii. Jordan , wimo has bcn suggested by time Vermnlihion Republican and several other papers as a good candidate anti an avallaile 0110 fur United States senator , was seen by yommr correspomideot , lie says that lie has as munch thmougimt of becoming a semi- tonal camimhldate as lie has of going to time noon. amid mme muore. lie says his frienmis need mutt cultivate closer acquaintance wIth a view to gettIng pastofilces. Ito Is presiul- log elder of time Sioux Falls district , anti is uvoil known about thIs and neighboring states as an orator anti lecturer. ' 'iui1il Igicie I Is , ' SIlaem' Isamme. RIChMOND. Vu. , Sept. 27.-Comment lucre on Unitemi States Senator Thomas C. Martin's positIon In declining to say how he staimuls on time silver question has been Increised by lila speech made last miigimt before time state denic- cratic committee in wlmiclm ime nmlviseml against allowing ammy speakers troll ) outside of VIr- glnia to come here and Inject agitation of thin currency question. Senator Martin bhIevos in Ignoring that issue In tt state canvass , but despite his views , It. Is widely discussed. PIre'4 5. et'ul I mug 'l'li rough ( lie 1'ori't , LOS GATOS , Cal. , Sept. 27.-Time forest fires wimichi imava been burimlng for the imast weelc In the Santa Crus immountains have dcv- imitateml nut area of five sqmmaro miles. Time fire is affecting time temmmperatmiro of time towmms in time valley , viiere the thermometer hans been for the last six days above fever heat. Ten timousaumul acre' of heavily wooded ter- rltory are located in tIme Path of time fire , anml will unmloubtediy ha destroyed unless rain opportunely subdues the conflagration. p - aysteriulma .ilurlt'm' lii Symhimey , SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 27.-Advices from Australia state timat time people of Sydney have been startled by the atrocious murder of a young girl on time nigimt of September 1. At mmmiiinight oum a wharf was left a box con- tamIng tIme body Cf a young woman. Sue had been scientifically butehmered , time corpse soaked In carbolic ocimi , amid time renmalna timemi crushed Into mu dry goods hex , Time lmlemitlty ( if the murdered girl has not been discovered , - p .qivi'ii.iuta of ( ) 'egiii 'esaels , Sept , 27. At New York-Arrived-Augusta Victoria , from llanmhurg. At Uoulogoe-Arrlved-Anmstcrdam , irons New York for ltottermlnm , At hlambmmrg--Arrlved-Fuerst Ihismarck , from New York , via Southmamnptomi , At Liverpool-Arrlved-Cevlc , from Ney York , At Qmmeonstown-Arrived-hitruria , frommi Now York , At Dublhn-Arrlu'eml-Mexicao , from Now Orleans , via NorfoiL , At New York-Arrlyeul--New York , train Southampton. ShORT LINE ORDERED SOLD Decree Entered at Cheyenne at the Request of' Judge Sanborn. DATE OF SALE YET TO BE DECIDED ON SIicuilaI tlmi' hi'fs'mmhmumit ( omiimtmiy 1'i3 i4t7OOl ) iimte'rect lit icfnuilt time suit Is to Simuimil ihiciimlasc'it- Clcimsmmil .timtittel ltefe'rt'e , Clilfl'IINNE , Wyo. , StIlt. 27.-Srec'rmi ( Tele. gre imi.-ln ) time United States cIrcuIt eotmrt tomlay Jtmdgc Itiner slgmieml a decree of fore. . ciostmro iii time case of limo Amimerlcami Loafi ammml Trust eommmpamiy 'ersums time Oregon Short Line amid Utah Northmermi railway comulmantes. The miecree tas emitered tmpomm the request of Judge Sai.bormm , circuit jumige , before wimomu apjihicatiomm for time saute had been mantle. Time decree recites that time dofemmduummts are In- detmtd to time imlaiimiff upon comsoiiuhutul : bnd auth interest in time aggregate imrimmcllmal summi tmf $ lOS'JlOOO , and that there are miouv overdue anti payable for Interest emi time boimds sums aggregating $ S17,000. It Is ordered by time decree that it the do- fentlants simutil , within timirty days pay to time imlahmmtlff these summits of immterest , w ithu interest on time sammie Irouim tlut tiummo they vero resPectively - sPectively dmmc to tito tinte of payumment time stilt is to stanul disumiiescml. lam default of mtuchm paymmment , all tIme railways coummprisemi by time coimsohldateml imuortgngo almall be slti tinder tii ( ' tl irrctlon of Joimim 13. Cielaimml , vlmo is npiiolimtcmi coummiiiisslommer. Time sale simail be imy lmmmlmllc ammctioum itt Salt Lake City at time timuie , muimmi upon such termmma as time commmniis- abner shall approve. Ammy of limo parties to the stilt or Imolmiers of ti'ese consolidated bonds shall be at liberty to bid anti becoimie imur- chasers itt time sale. Any pumrcimasers preseumt. Imig commsohitlatei imonmis lmnlI bo emmtItled to lie allowed , as vaiml Il ) ' thmeamm on accommnt of time Puircimase Immomucy , smmcim aummi as shall be ultimately payable omit of time proceeds of thm sale iii respect to smicim bontle , It1ISICXA'l'tNS 'iVfllLld ACIII1"t'lII ) . JiiiigtJ.muIlmma Vlll .tulolimt 'Vlicir Suit't'eMMirs ' 1'uilmmc , \i I L\VAUIlIlI , S'rtlt. 27.-Time resignatlona of limo Nortimern Pacific receivers have been accepted and at 10 o'clock tomimorrow Jmmdgo Jemiklmms will aimpoimit their emmccestor or sue- cessors. Time' representatIves of time hmomid- imoimlera today all urged time court to poatpono action aim time resigmaaton for several veeks arid thereby enable time several parties Inter. eatemi to get togetimcr nimml act iii imarimmony. Iii mmmaklamg time eumggcstiomm time iioe was cx- liresued that the courts tm'avcrsed by limo Nortimern Pacific railroad mmmigiit ummtmtually agree as to which of tlmemn is to have time mulmpohntmmment of time receivers and limo admmmiumtstration of time property as a tmmiit , thus preservIng time integr.ty of the Northern l'acific : railroad , Colonel Simooner , for time receivers , laid stress umimoim the fact that limo reeetvers , should they commtlnue In their position , fall to appear before time dr. cult comirt of time state \Vaaimingtomm emi October - tober 2 'mext , they woumlul ilace theuiiselve in contempt of tlmat court , amid Insisted that tue receivers as time aploimmteas of the court were entitiemi to time Protection of limo court that apmoimmted timeumi , anti especially against time possibility of being lit coImtejnmt of another - other court. The arguments occupied several hours Snul tvero listened to by one of the largest as- semiibiages of lawyers over seemm Iii a court In Milwaukee. Finally Jmmdge. Jenkins amm- miouimced Ills miecisiomi. lie wemmt briefly over tile imisiory of limo Nortimmurn l'acifie recaiversimip , recalled time tact that time hmrilmmary jurisdiction of time cnurt of Mu- wotmkee limed been recognized for time past two years by all time courts nlommg tima North. em l'aciuic railroad , defined time relation of courts to one ammotimer under miucim circumstances - stances , spoke of the conmity recognized as a rule by courts , anti with the remark that ho woimid gladly wasim his Imanda of the wimole thmimmg , but that duty compelled blmim to keep C control of time ca'e , lie umnnoimmmced that ihe receivers' resignations were acceptcml and that time noimmiumations of their successors were in ord or. . , S. ! . I'AUL , Sept , 27.-I'resiulent Brayton hoe anti Jiamnes McNaumglmt , ox-general counsel of time Nortiicrmm PacIfic railroad , arrived today frommi itltiwammhuco amid will leave tomorrow for Seattle to b presoumt at tue hearing of the receiversimip case before Jumigo hianforml of time mmorthm district on October 2. Mr. Ivos tns seen tonight. by a represcmmtatIve of the Assodiatemi Press. who suggested timat there might be ito hearing in Seattle In vIew of time remignatiomm of the receivers. In reply to tlmis sumggestlomm Mr. lves saimi : "Timere wilt at least be an appearance. Timat will be re- quli reil. ' ' "Vlmo vill fllpOiimt tIme new receIvers ? " "TImaL Is time great judicial question. While the resIgnation of time receivers was a gooti imtovenmpnt It certaInly mllml not loosen time jmmdlclai tammgle. V'imhlo ve know ourselves , and conmnmon sense teaches ums wino are cumtitleul anti who are not to ajmpolnt now receivers , certain processes of law , it would scent , have first of all to be testeml antI settled upon , " "What effect hums the resignailon of time receivers on tim Ihihl-Amlamns deal 7" "That deal Is a corpse. Time original plan of Mr. 11111 was morlbunml at Its birth and imail a very brief simaim of life. You ask moo imos' It was regarded by time security holders of time road , antI I reply that It was ahmnot mmnIverahly unpopuiar , as fmmr as I coulml learn. It Is not wortim wlmhlo discussing mm dead issue. " "Do you feel convinced timat time i-oath wIll this year amid stmcceedimmg years earn time sht amid a quarter mmmlhiions or so guarantema ] bj Mm' . 11111 ? ' ' "Of course , I am convinced of It , " 'I'lmiril lmortgcugt' AsLa l'roti'e ( lost , SEATTLE , W'as'ii. , Sept. 27.-Imm the Northern Pacific railroad ease in tile United States court today a petition was filed by C. Ii. Van Nostrand , representIng time third general mortgage bondholders , In wimich lie asks that time bonmihoimhars he mamlo parties to time suit. A similar petltiomi hiss been granted by Judge Jenklnu , 1mm tha Milwaukee court. Petitioner reviews mit loumgtim time lmroceedlnga lea4ing up to the issmmance of recelvera eec- tlficates anti bears hmeaviiy out the Farmers Loan anti Trust company , wlmich Is accused of havIng sought nmainly to protect Its own intered4s to time Injury of the third inert- gage bondholders , although It was trustee for timemmi. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1i imreMP4 Cuimmitnles lii , lve,1 _ NEW hAVEN , Conn. , Sept. 27-The belief Is entertalmmed hero timat the commtrol of the Now lieglamid road by the New York , Now Haven & IiartformI railroad will affect the llamlted States Express coimmpummmy , That corn- pammy Imas time exclusive riglmt to iransport cx. press over the New llnglanul roads , The Amlamns company imas a contract providing that it shall have oxclmmalve right of the Now Yorlc , New Haven & hartford rail. road. If time Now Englammd is abeorbel the Adams wlil claIm time road- for its service to the exclusion of the United States company. Asiccl jut' ii mm I uij timid I.ii , MINNEAPOLIS , Sept , 27.-Attorney then. oral Ii , W. Chllds today made application to the distriot court of Ramsey county for an Injunctlomm to prevent time Great Northern rail. roaml from carrylmig out its plan of consollda- lion witim time Northern Pacitic. Tills action wnt taken pemmdlng the trial of the case in tIme state courts to preserve all rights to the state of Minneeola , and prevent any act teding tow.urd consolIdation before time trial , Nortimiveist 1mimiulmermmem , to ! cet , SiOUX FALLS , S. I ) . , Sept , 27.-Spcciai ( Teicgram.-S ) , 0. Tutimihi of this city , presi- hFmmt of time Northwestern Lummtimeramten'a asso- eLation , lisa caileml a mmteeling of tlmat organiEd. lion to be hid here omm Thursday , October 3 , ft is expected that fully 1(10 ( lumber dealers will attenil , Time asmmoclatiomi unites in mm- lcrmmcn : of Iwa , Mimmumesota arid South Da , beta.