Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1895, Page 6, Image 7

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I .
o TIlE Ol\AHA \ DAILY nErD : 'llf.'l ) . SnA Y , SE.fltI3IL 2.1 , 1S9i. { - - - - - _ _ _ _
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
CO lERCLjXD \ \ ! ) - li X.\XCI.\L- \ \ '
- -
Wheat Fll\ttut\t \ ; l1 Fretll\ontty , but Ologctl
I with a. .Gnin ,
C01'1 1111'11 1 1"lrr IUII Clmiell 1
, Shllie 1.01 CI' Cur I he Srpckjtt
" 'hll , 0111'cl'e tit. ! :
CHICAGO , Sept 23.-Wheat etell rnlher .
crrlc tOLlLt ) ! . I was \\'cel nt the OIII. ' '
' lug , then firm , then week IgAln , until
jut zibcut two mllUtol frol the cose ,
when IIele ( was n shalll 10eO\'er of ILoul :
r ' ) pLr bu. 1 I'l oft nt chou % c higher
than on SatLitulLly. ] There wns no ollrarent
cause ( 'jt ' the Ku den Lull hnc81 further
than the buying Ly the Luls , which was
utnre ! by the very much smaller IncrelKe
In the \'ItILle IUIII ) ' than hnll been looked
. 1er niu1 tIto continuance .of cold WlHllher.
nll 11
It was evident thAt selers hr\l gel to the
Inll of their ropes. January Irovlslons
were n 11110 hlshCr.
'hent was I tlle weal et Iho opening ,
with ualesc to re below the close Sal-
url1a ) ' , but the oclne was quickly checked
In soon tuly recoverell. When tim 1191-
Ile KUIPly was posted the mnrl'et Khowed
a good deal of strength nml sold 1C ahove
the low poInt carl ) 'l'htc CUI1UII\ely
strong . tone the market malnlalle.1 . wits
fomethllg of I lurlrlsc ; the uiew' . outside
or the visible IUIlly , seemed decidedly
bearish ; Liverpool ( was weak nl < ( 1.1
lower ; domestic markets heavy and the
deliveries In the northwest web again
lalGI - lr l : ; caus against 1,23j ' ; cars the s.lme
ray a year , ago The trade was expeclng
an enorlou increase In the visible sup -
: tul-
I'I ) ' , all the Wily from 2.Gul.l ( ) ( hut. to : . -
. and cable tuivices rCIJorled )
oJ.o ( ; 1. . the Illvlce :
heuvy Ihllunentu , from extorting countrieS -
trieS dut lug the lasl week some m1lccs
nmtlng ! the total movement for the weel'
I. ( o bu. . or IGO.11 ho. more than the
weekly requuirontentut nut In the frte of
all this now the nll't ) held steady . and
when the visible WIS ) os1et. showing that
the Ilcleasee wUS only 1,203,000 : hut , or only
about half ur the lowest estimate . the
lfrkct tuined , very strong and hell much
or the gain. Baldwin & Farnum were
good ( buyers most or the tiny told several
other romllCnt huusel also tuck I good
leul. uml whie the ( 'rowd did consiller le
ourlsh talking . there wee little .wlng . of
wheat. Dl'eomher Iold curly at ier UI'
gradually to r.81ic. halted for n time . but
when the \'Iplhlo ) supply was IJosted wheat
went tip to tis ' ; . unll at loon was GSc.
The butt hot got wlal , again Ilurlng tile
lust hour and December iold olC to 17c .
hut thieve was good buying ut the finish .
causing u 9hll' reaction . whleh left December -
comber ut &Se. :
Corn ruled clllel' and cloll n shade
lower for the dl ) ' . 'lhl frost which the
weather bureau reported In the wei't and
llorthwest was accepted \ as u benefit to
the standing crop 1m thnl was one rcason
far the selling having exceeded the huy-
Ing. Another reason for weakness was the
liberal receipts estimated for tomorrow.
Comllrell with SatUvday' closing prlcc
SClltemhcr corn I ! 'iiC lower ' October % 0
lower Iecember from % e to I , e lower and
Ja ) ' 'ho lower.
Oat ! were 'Iulet . alll I1Ice9 changed
slightly. HCutcuuhet' sole at from l9)c to
19c : and May al from 20'HC : to 2O1c ; . sPlit
to 20'c. A weak feeling prevailed nt the
cioo and Hopterher colt to 15c and May
to front 0c to 2'Hc. ' split . {
Provisions "hO \ ell SOIO little Improve-
ment for .lanttary dchivery . lint were weak
for October . and at the close January pork
was 2e higher while October was itut-
changed. Lard alsu rlJalncl1 as before
for October and 2c higher for January .
whlo ribs fur October ale hoer by Gc Is-'r
10 : lbs. and 2c \ higher for Jnnunry. leI
Estimated receipts : \Vheat 10 cant ;
corn 8 cars ; oats 3 : cars ; huogs 18,0
, ( \ .
The headIng futures ranged as follows :
- - - -
- Aruicies.iOpr'u.I I I 111411. . I . ( ( \ , : , t Cloy , .
Vlient . No. .i
Ipl. . . : . 17 ! ( 17U 17K 17'
Ike. . . . . liH m [ K" ! rm S
May. . . . . U23 C13 Ui !
CorutNo 2. } GlJ :
St'pt . . . . :1) : 32 : I ! ( 3B {
Oct. . . . . . :0' ) ( :1 : ; I ! { : oH
IC'C . . . . 24 ! { 27.1 27h
l.e . . 21 -
11\ . . . . . . .2fHQU ) 2UI ( .t ! ( 2b4 2 11 ?
Oats . Io. 2. .
lept. . . . . . 1) 10) 18J' 18Th
Oel. . . . . . . . . IKI IH ! . 1st ! 181
11Y . . . . Uj ( UJ 2Oy { 2U ,
Porle.I'crbbl . ;
Oct . . . . 7 0 ( ; 7 Oi 7 f7 7 00
Jan. . . . . . 1 I .1U U ( 42M U ) 3 : ; U 4U
LarcllUO lbs
Lard.IU . . . . . C f0 C 80 f SO II RO
Jtui..5 . . 77Th I hU C I 773i ! ' I / hO
Shout Itibs- .
Sboillba- . . . . . . . C 00 I 07 4 071j 6 00
. 07'
2an. . . . _ b2 ! . .1 b7i. .1 121 , 41
Cash quolatons were AS follows :
VLOtYIt-\Vinter patents $3.OQiJ3.50 : straights .
$ 2.53t13.21 : bakers . $1.U . $3.00i3.5
\vlIlAr-N. 2 .prlnl. TtSic ; No. 3 spring
tic : No. 2 retl . oi % 4f ' e. omt:8\e
COHN-No. 2. 3131 \ e : No. 3 ) 'elo\ 3H. @
OATS-No.2. 18'e ; No. WIllIe . 22e ; No. 3
'white. 20fJ21c.
. . vhle 20f2I'he.
- HYI'-No. 2. 3S4c.
li.tltI.1Y-No. 38Ye. nominal ; No.3. 2i@IOc ; No.
4 , 2M 132e.
FLAX SI D-No. I. 1 98\ \ e.
' 1'IMOTI I Y 8lI'l-l'rirne , $3.85.
1'1tOVIIONS-4iss pork . per 1)1)1. . $3.OOi8fl2' , .
Lard . \ 1"1 10. ) ILs. . S.bOU.S2 ! , . Hhort $ u ibs . skIes
( Ioo.e ) . $3.O5I8.1O : dry snll'l (10".1) ( < . ) .
$ . .1q.81. : short char 8lde ( boxed ) . $ ; .62\W \
$1.22 WIIISKY-Distlilers' Ilnl.hed goods per gal .
The ; rolowlng were the receipts and shIpments
today :
Articles. Ieeelpl . Siuipnucuutu.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Flour. . . . " . . . . . . . . ( 1iOOO
Wheal bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 10K.Oua
Com , ho. . . . . . . . . . . . 3m.lhl : H.UUO .
Oals. bl. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . : .
J'O uu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.UIl 2.tOU ) ) . :83.0UO . . .
1ara. ) but. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ili.oou 40.000
01 the I'N luau co1ua'uCs toIaV tim Iller lr-
. II wa finn : creztuner. 0J2li.c ( ; d"lry , U@
17c. l&ls. firm : JJ. JHc. Cheese .l1Se.
? iIhV YOll ' GgrI.L MARICET.
' ClullA Qlulllul" Oi nl 1'riiieiuul
Cotitiuiodi tics 1111 Sllllh' " .
: ' NEW YOItK $ Citt . 23.-PI.OUH-Hecelpts. 27 , -
40 hbls. ; ecport . 15SOO bbl. . ; n llectt' for spring
patent8 ; winter grllfs sl'al ) ; shllJpera inquiring .
Quiring for spring bakeis' la sacks : Mln-
ne.oll patents . $3.4)I3.6 ' : ; winter Patepts $3.0f
3.CO : wlnt'r alrhhla. 13.15133,23 : lInleSJtl bak-
er $2.708j2.85 ; spring , low grades . $ .702.H ) : city
- mi Patents U.OOUI2) ; city mi clears . $3.7 :
winter low grades. $2.15t2.60. ityc flour . steady ;
fancy. U.00tt3.10. ( luckwn al flour . $ : .
ltYt"-Quuiet : No.2 we.ler. 43iJllo In elevator.
lAll.I':1-lul : ; wc.ter. t6e 3ilo eevator. ;
to choice , 4GaOc. 100d
C2.ILI1 1 A L'1-I.'lrm. nominal ; western , 60
CORN MCAI.-Quiet : yellow western . 9e
elow wester. :
1JmnJ'wln . $26) . :
VIIFAT-lteceipts. 10.6 bu. ; exports . 83.8)0
1u. : spol stead ) ' : No.2 red 62e ; No.2 hard . : .
Options were dull and Irrugular during the tle.
OptOIS dul nli Iular durinI morn.
Ing l'etng Jnlu nee.1 by tower ( 'nll.s. big mor- . -
plan ahlpmenls. h.lorhw.sler receipt * , ml-
1.1 It noon on I dl.I1'10Intll increase In Ihe
visible end cosed In 1 flurry oC strength antI
Dnl IlrlY mil
nctvlye net advance : May . CG 1.16Gn.c.
cloteit It Gie : HfI".mber closed at 6Hie : Oelo-
her closed al G2c : : Decetuulier . G3U61c ! . doted
nt Clc.
cOIN-neelpta. 18.70 bu. : exports . lC.4 0
hO. : ' pOt slenI yN : o . 2. 3it3 11e. Oll-IS un.
, 'anced after Ih ) active
'unc.1 afer opening on entering but
olenlng lul
weakened 'llieI big r'ceitts und closed iueztv' II
\UI.o let decline : HI'I1'ml'er ' cJ.,1 al 3.o :
1)eet ' nuler . S5tJ3.Pe. \ closed II 3\ie.
OTS-1teceiitts. 1 G.21 ) hO. . : exports , 30 bu ;
spot lower ; No. : . 24tf21. Options dul aol
cdsler. eloslll It 4.UStC net lotot : September
Ztl closed e. at 2ie : Deeemler , 21tJl'e . llemler 1
'fItISOc. y-gusler ; .hl'plll. , G.iOc ; good to choice .
I.I , TII n-lul ; hl'mloek sale. luelos yres .
light . heA\'y wel.hts. : Ic. Ayes.
1101'S-Quiet and weak : stale. common 10
choice . . I8JI era I' . 4f'7e ; laclo ceat Iba col' .
liiIES-QUiCt . : Calomll dr 21 to 2. lbs. . ISe ;
(1alvttofl ; . 10 2 : it'a. . 16al e : 1ueno. Ayres .
:0 10 : t 110. tIc : Texas dry . 31 10 30 118. 32ll3c.
20c. woot-Seady % : domell" ) fleece . 1.e ; lun.I. , :
' l'nOVIfINA-leer. quiet i famIly , I0h1c :
Clint OICSS . SI.J 18.6 : heer ham " . 1l5.tuutcIG.0) .
s Cut meats firm ; pickled billies . GGt7te. Lard.
(1 lAr.
61.ldut : r 11"m clolel lt i6.:2'j : : October
closed nt 86.2) , uuouninal. Iurk. quiet ; lew nuess . .
$ l0.OOUIO.5 ; ohort clfrl $ iI.848112,30.
CIUa : m-1'lrnH : ; Bunch I. 611 '
Tl'I'INTINI-Q:11 : t I : ttj2ic. \
' 'ALI.OW-lul : el ) ' . 4 .c. t2c.
I'F)1'ItOhlt'M-tuli : tnite'i closed at 11.21 bitl
, lO.I 1lul lnl <
: hlt'T'ttIt-lteeeipti , 8.U , kgs. : mar"el $ steady :
vctert1 dAlr ) ' . 8Uilc \ : wcl.1 creamer 1111,1'
22c : llgins . : .c. 1\
Ze JOO-lreclt. : . 9.10 j.kgi. 1 market steuly :
state tied 1'nnlh'anll. lGC1G\0 : western . 1GQ
l64e . (
IG"e.MOI.SI : - Qul.t : New Orleans . ope kettle.
IJ . cho" . % t32e ,
BOSIN-Uul : alralned. common 10 g"o. n.t
CI.U' .
fll'I-Eaiy : domestic. fair 10 extra . HIOI.o :
Jaianeie. 334e.
S . M1TtLS-t lie iron . steady ; southtn . . * hl.80t
11 ; : : 10Ih.ln. $ .2. Lead easy : brokers 11.51
$315. eSChal ! " I"net " $ .1 'tin quiet : atraits .
lt.IOGII U : 1lal. firm. Speller , Irm : domestic .
$4.25ff 4. 30 ,
( ) ' ' jmm ) OI.llow but steady ; 1.111.
crude ' 0tc ; l.ut.r grades . Ui31o ; Irlle lum.
mer yellow , :0\CU70 : off summer ) 'elow. :0
2Cc. _ _ _ _ _
l'isilIeturstiut SUIII.I ) ' .
NEW YOI , . Sel't. :3 -Th& visible supplY 01
rTaln Cor the week ending 1'plemle 2. II corn.
NIll by tli . New York t'roducd exClatuge. I ci
toilows : 39.3S.0 bu . IneNale. 1.a3.0
j1u I CQrn 6IU.m 111 ; hlor "e. 1iM 11
, S - : : "I- : 'I " t - t"t . tr , . . . " . . : I I ) ho n'e I
' ' t ! " I , , I'e.u" , 2 0 Lu. Idle ) ' , 1lI.W
bu : increal , . 10 " u . .
- - - - -
( I.\I. ( : : \ n.\ : 1i.t1L1C1'l' . .
(1111101 I i nf ' J'rnulo nlil ( ( tflflhiflhlN
nil S ( tulle IIt leJtiicr i't'ntlutee.
The IR market In l about " 'fcy. but lt the
same time thMe Is Mme tendency toward no-
cUlulnlon oC stocks stud II II I question It
any dtlt would refuse 130 II tun up
UOI butter la scales stud ibm. 01 the other
huniSi . Ikln > stock Is l st01' nnd weal Uood
butter II nultiuflehttg , While , poor II .1eeluln ,
"enl cntnuol In goad demand lt prices quoted
Old htnr appear to Lo moving sloly , \ hle
spring chlcllMS are In nClh 0 ulcunand l' UI r' ?
uuleti say that the large ollwds In the city last
weele made HI y little difference II the , lelanr
for ' . ' claim tiuat their colt's
1)llr ) 1'he dlCoers caim Ihlt ' clls
dii 101 ahow nfl IICI'a.e or over 20) Ibs. . n's corn-
Illht wih l > e'Iouit "Iel , . -
'rhe hay lalol < Is not as nrm as I10 last
week . The dOla" ' Is fiI , Lul the SUpll II
hel\ ' . cJuutfl"I :
" Juo---1'u : : . nh stocic . per doz. . i13tc.
UV/TIH-Iacl.lnl : oloce. Itoc . liI31 : choice to I
fll } 11116 : gathered , cle.uner ) ' , IHnSe : seva.
10101 Cltllel ) ' . l&1Iile.
VIAICholro rat . 70 to 10 lbs. . are quoted It
iJilc : IUllo unl , coarse. 41t518c.
Clla:81 : --WI.01ln rul 4tc. . Ic : Young
Alerlc 9. I.e ! ; IWIU. 12c ; Nebraska and lova .
rll dleaun. 10QI , ' ; Iiuubutger . N ; 1 12c : brIck.
No. I. 12"0 ; Stuiss . No I. 13U14e. '
1.11 : l'oUL'rlty.liens . OIfUc ! : roosters , 3e ;
spring ( Iliekt'tlt . per 11. . 8\ \ 6tf6e ! : dttehs. G@Glic :
Cpu tulI7 ducks . ltut'tc : tut keys . l3j7e ; geese Gljtc. ;
I't11EONi-i'er : loz. . $1.
IA Y-n.IAnd. r6 : midland $3.P ) : lowland $ : :
r'u straw , , : : color Inches Ihe price on hay ;
lIght hairs s.1 the heol. 011) ' tot grades bring
lop prices .
"EO T.\ ! .m .
" 1 , ) ) .1 want al ) ' onions ? " Is the qitestion
n.k"1 by 011001 ev'iy \ . ! to A commls.lon
hOI.o these ' days Ilhl Ihe mails are full or
lelels tasking flue same In'ulr ) ' . There has ap.
p"rel. tie ) el. no oUtlet for tile onion crop In
tiui . . " . I ' etl . while
"elon. flucry one WRIIs 10 "el. whie
btuers ate not to he founl. Oilier sections I e-
lrl u 8uUcieal JWle supply to fill nil 110Iand. .
I.aler ( In ( tie .ea.on 1 se.el tutty possibly . oc-
Quotations cur In ' , uine : section that , will afford nn outlet.
l'O'l'ATOES-New choice stock 30e _
S\\'II':1 : J'O'l'ATOCS-Ctuoico stock $ : . per
oNIONS-home grown , 2035c.
C.\IIAUl-n 110\\1. . 2j(3jc. per 100. GOc@
TOMATOES-ChoIce stock IJer 1 bu. basket .
VA'l'EItMflLONS-Crntcd : . Per doz $ .1:2.o.
C1tFitY-Chotco : slock. large No. 1. tOe : larGe
No.2 , :1e , ; Infurior . : ; 3Qc. )
C'1NT'tt.OU1'lSCiuoIco stock , crated for ship-
ment "p , ' .I.L wr.n.
.m , , . . u - - - . . .v .
Utah peaches . vhiehuvt'rc . lulo plentiful last
wede , \Hle pr'ly wel denlel UI' ) e8Iella ) ' .
Now that Clliorh , plurn't are out oC the way
Ihe Idaho prune hal u better .hoW. )
Theo at e Here pretty fair Idaho pears on the
market hut tile ) ' do pot come Utu the Call-
( anita Irtcc 1) ' se'erl t1t'gues. U\
, \ 'Ivtce . . front California 1IIIco1e that the season -
son Is l'lely wel advanced. but there wi be
1 good batty 10 cOle ) el.
( 'alifortula , iUtiices ha\'e put In In nppeamnc
lrporls front the east say flint the cranberry
crop In lll..achUls has suffered severely frol
C.'ol. Quotations :
10AI0 l'iLt'Ntb'-i'er ca.e. 83c.
Il.ltO 1'l'A1tS'-i'er : case. $ "I ( I. ; :
CItANtJEltItti8-cupe Cod . per bbl. . $8.5.
UTAh 1'1C11iS-i : er box . bOe
I : ASTIIN GH.I'I'SNeYorlt : Concords. per
backet 2c ; large loIs , 23c.
CAI.IFOTNIA OttAl'CS-rer cape . black Va-
rieties 1 . $1.0 : Muscats . $ l.1Ofi.I5 : Tokays $ l.25j' '
, ' '
SOUTliIltN 1'tACIiES-Nnne.
AIPI.I A-holce .hlplnt stuck , bbls. . $2.0013
: .2 : cooking .plles , $ l.7o2.0d.
$ .h12.o.
CA fn'OINI.IIACIISI"leelon.s. . per box.
SjIDOe : clings . 8OffS5.
NI C'1AIUNI':8ln. :
Oranges ate 111'lclcaly out oC the mArket.
OHANGIW-Cholce PlllnGs. per "ox. * 2.75 ;
l dlolan.An sweets lone ; fancy St. Michaels
none : Clllurlifnlenclas. : . none ,
1.1:110:8I'r : : fancy lelons , ZO size $10 :
: ' 1 .Ize. $10.00.
IIANANAS-Cliotce large stock per bunch. $2.25
( j2.50 : Illum size hUleh a. 11.75112.25.
1ID S-No. I green hides . Ce : No. 2 green
hides . o'c : No. 1 Ireca Huled < hides. 1e : No. 2
Irecn zahzd ; Ide" . Ge ! : No. I veal calf . 8 10 :
Ihs. . Oc : No. 2 veal calf . 8 10 15-lbs. . 7c : Nu. 1
dry that hides. l001lic : No. 2 dry flint hides 10f
12e : No. 1 dry salted hides , U'IOe : partly cored
hld s. % c PCI lb. less than fully oured.
bit ! iI1' I'Rl.'I'S-Oreeiu "al' < each :6COc :
green salted . : earlnla ( short wool el euutiy skins ) .
each 6 15e : dry "h lrlnI8 ( short wonted early
.kllS ) . No. 1 eacit 0115 : dry .h arlngs ( abort
wol ell early skins ) . No 2 el\ch. [ : dry Int
Kfnsaa ant Nebraska butcher woi pelts . actual
weIght { f6e ; dry flInt Colorado butcher wool
pelts . tIer lb. . actual weight . HIG\e ; dry flint
Colorado Iurrln wool Pelts. per lb. . actual
wellhlt 6e. 11\0 feet cut ci ! . IS II Is useless
to toy , freight on Ih m.
TALLOW A'I ( ) ttiASi-No. 1 tallow , 4e :
No. 2 talloW . 3c : grease , whIte A. Hi
4'e ; In'nE" . whlo I. 3' ei ; grease yellow . 2' , (
3e ; grease . dark 21c ! ( : ohl butter . 2(2e : bees-
wax. prime . 17$120c : rough tallow . 2e.
\001 , UNWAHII I - hea\ ' . Ca7e : fine
iigtut. IPSo : qunrler.llo , . 10(12e : seedy . burry
AI"I cluaffy . 8'1,9c : eolel ant broken . coarse. 711
Ic : coied antI Ir" n. tine . ( ( lie.
WOOL WAStItU-Metiiuin. 15t18e : fine. 14l
ICe ; tub wl.he < . 161lbe : I'laek. ' Se ; bucks uq :
tag locks { : dead Pulled . , ' 6e.
mmSSgD MgATS. :
IIEEI'Ltglittestern steets 4) , ) . ) to GOt ) his . 4' \
$ Nc : good cows nnl , hellel9. ) 4'rr5e : medium
cows anti hell r. . Hl\.e \ ; geol ror.luarlers cows
anti huelfers 3'ffc ; geol hlnl'ulllera , ; cows and
heifers , GU 7c : fair hindquarters cows anti , 6e ; cow rounds 4jye \ : cow chu\k. .
3l31 ° c : steer chucks. 'Jt3114c : beef tenderlolna ,
frozen . i ; ; fresh , Ckte ; : bLef rolls : , CI ) oneless . Ce ; ;
sirloin butts . boneless , 1e : loin backs . boneless.
1'e : loin backs . Gibe ! : cow ribs . No.3. Ce : cow
loins. No.3. 1e : steer 11,8. , 1.e ; steer loins Oe.
2UTTON-Iress1Ml mutton . 6e : racks mutton .
Oe ! ; lice mutton. i\e : saddles tautlon . 7\e ;
.Iews. 2fc .
I'OIti-t'trk loins 10e ; spare ribs 5e : pork
aboulders , 61e , ; pork m'luoulder skinned 6'0 ;
pIgs teet cleaned . per doz . 3e.
OYSTI nS-lxlr selects lIe per can ; company
selects . 40e : NoW \olle counts ( 4e.
ltONL'Y-Native whIle ciover lie ; choice stock .
13e.MAII.r SYRU8'-Gallon jugs per doz. , 12 ;
Itixby . 8-guI. Calls 83.
NUTS-Almonds. Hc ; Inglah walnuts , soft-
shelled lie : standuirds . 10c : filberts. Oe ; Bluzl
nuls. 8e : pecatla. So ; 1) InuI9. raw , ilGc ;
roasted 7 \ c. _ _ _ _ _ _
Eluerpoul ' lgurlcets.
L1VflRI'OOL . Sept. 23.-W'IIF.tT-Quiet : dc-
mnnl 1'01 : No. 2 rel vIntcr . 4s 10 : No.2 red ,
spring . 4s 1J : No. 1 bard Manltota . 50 : No. 1
Cahifomnta . 4. li'i. Futures opened dull with
near and dIstant posllJn8 lHI lower. closed
steady with ieA" anti dIstant positions 1'4d
lower : business 11011 e'luul ' distributed : 1'11
t'mler. 4s 10" : October , 4 Old ; Nov mb. 4.
10YI ; necl'ml'r. 4s i03,3 ; . January , 49 l\d :
February . 4s l il.
COIIN-Spot quiet ; American mixed aew . 3s
6 " .l. . 1"UIU" opened stvatiy wih near . Ioailons lew.
\,1 lower all distant positions \\d \ \ lower : close't
sle.llly with near \osllona unehlnged 10 "II
lawer anti < 11.'lnt posItions unchl.g ,1 10 1..1
hlAher ; business about equally , listributu'l ; S"I-
tetmiber . 2s CI ! : October . 39 { ! .I ; November , 3a
HII ; Iecemnter , o. 0\.1 \ ; January . 30 3d : 1"cbru.
ar ) ' . 3s 1'4tt. , . '
I"LOUR-Demand moderate ; St. Luis fancy
winter . 6s lIt ] . )
110\'IHINH-lacon. steady : demand fair ;
short ribs . 2S Ibs. . 31 CI : long clear , lIght . 38 10
t5 Ih. . 35. : tong clear . heavy , , [ lbs. . lOs : short
clear hacks . tight . U to 16 lb. . Its : shaul-
I Si.
cear I . "mare. 12 10 II lb. . 32s : hams. stuart cUI.
I 10 ill Ils : . 4. . 'ralow ; tint North AmerIcan .
nominal. llcet . extra India mess . , . 3" : prime
mess COs. I'm-k. prime rness . fine western , 78.
VJ : mnetiium . la : d. 1.111. dull : prime we.ter.
30. : reline d. In italIc . 32.
CllIlRb-Dtmil : ; demnanl poor ; finest American
white ( new ) , 3s ; Ihle.1merlcan colored ( new ) .
375 6,1.
lttT'1'll-FinCst United Sintes 7is ; good . 50S.
TUltI'ENTINIb-pirils . 20s 6d.
HOSIN-Common. 41.
( 'T''ONfI'I.n OII.h'erlol refined . ITs lId.
i'RTltOLRt1M-Iteitflei. 7ts.
l : 'lmATOI mFI"-J'"reQuarlers. Sd :
hlnd'uArl 18. 6'ti.
m.I\CJING ' : I'OWDEH-lanlwool. f. o. b.
Liverpool. n.
1101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) . U H.
X"Yorl : JI"III ( uolnlo , " .
NEW YOI { . Sept : : . -Thu rolowll ; are the
closIng Ilnhl : 'Iuutalon , :
liniwer. . . . . . r. - Ontario . . . . . . . U
Clmotltr. . : . . . . . . . 1 O\Jllr. . . . . . . . . l til
Chular. GI.O\\.llulll. . . . 61 ( ' I' \ .vmollh. . . . . . . Ii
Colt. Cal. . \ Va . . . 260 QuIcksilver.'too
Dealhvoo . . . . . 1m Quuk'itstlver flfd . .1000
GOIJd , . Curry. . . 61 Sierra Nev.d'I. ' . 105
Ualu.NOlcr06. : . HI . 11111.r < . . . . . 211
UOI.'ht.IU. I \ . . . . : Wll ( 11101 Cout. . . . . . . GI
Iron Sliver . . . . . 20 Yclow : Jaelut.6
Jlexle ' . . . . . . . . . . 01. ) _ -
l'l.urll ' imrleia.
I'IOIA. S'pt. 23.--COIIN-Steady , 1" . 2. 31e \ :
Nu. 3. 31e.
O.TS-Active steady : No. Z white , I021te ! ;
\S\h1 .h'
No. ; white. .h'it i .
lYI'Nnlhlng it .
wttlsKv-vlmm : finished goads M the basis
or $1 22 for luigh wines.
hlh .
l : CmITS-Whell. t.80 bu. corn , U. : bu. :
oats , & ! itu. : ne . none : bur'ey \ . 1.0 ho.
811 ll'MtNT-W'iueat . 4.8' ' ) ho. : cuun . . :2.16 bu. :
oatS . I.O . : rye 10n < ; barley , % .SO bu .
1)ry " Goods )0uirket.
NCV YOltil 80111. 23.-In consequence % the
: I
extreme best tiucre has teen Very little attentIon
's"'n.d ly l'urchl.r . and any engliements
hlv" teen for deuttandum or nn urgent character.
l'rlnUng cloths very sllll ) and firm at 3e. \
I hdl hluuttt'r )0itrket.
ULOIN. lii. . Sel'l 23.-IitYTTtlt-FIrm : offer.
Ingl. 2.4 : Ih9. : cab's 1. : Ibl. at 2c ; 3.60 ' lbs.
al : o : 1.5 11. at 2 ( c. -
1.'llllcl , ' Notes.
UOSTO. Sept. 3.-Clearhngs . SU.13.0i ; bal-
10811. -
aetces . U.7U .
IIAL'l'lMOltkI. Sept . 2.-Clearlnc 11,336,041 ;
balances. UN. G .
Nlb' YOhIl Sept . 23.-Ch'arings , $ t.05.11 :
balances. S.n5. :
I'III.ADEI.IIIA. SelJt 2-Clelrlnc $ .3.-
t51. blanc , . . $1,831,246.
ST. LOt.'lS. Sept. 2J.- < Itrlngl. 10,952,858 . bl-
ances 15U.U. Money . 57 per Cent.
CIIICAOO. 8el' % -telrgl. SU.t6.o.
Mane . on sharp oal , with appr'e local rnl.
tleB I per o"nt . , Ue cQlerola wn"
. -
call IUlnl ate IlolPI lt 40&\i \ per cent. In , '
oal " al 6'tG per cent. Ntw \ ark "shAnA'
35 tl" , . , Llt . hanker. ' London sterling , 119"
And * 4.8'4. '
WASIINOTON , Bept. 23-Today's statement
or the ennlltlon or the treasury ehows : Avail-
nhl" uh balance , $183,711,353 , gold reserve ,
$ )5Stl,3O3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S'I'OCltS AXn 10ns.
Course of SIINI"tul ' . ' . ' 1. TunIr11
I Illhlr In 11t. .
NeW YOflK Bepl. 23.-The cute or specula-
ton today was , wIth n Cow exceptiona . toward I
hhhcr rnngs or prices . the upwarll ten < enC' being .
ing alniost unlnterru led. The volume or Lusl.
ness was fairly large . but II was irregularly
distributed . with the Indlstrlnls anti grangers
enjoying the large < ealn/ " . The c nvlctO thAt
, 18 ' nt least
limo outward mO\elent or gold over
temporarily anmI Ihe satisfactory reports oC earn-
lags or mot ot the railroads undouhtehly lund
considerable Inluence In the markel. The forl.11
winding up oC the government bond 'ndlcalo
.1n,1 Ihe rapid progress already male on the lInes
or the UhfblllllOI oC the lrie In the opinion
or % Wall street now leave hue field clear for the
reorganization oC the Ieldlnl system and Inel-
< e.llnl ) Ihe reformatIon or the great anthracite
'rhe easier temlele ) ' or the exchange market In
tim last few days tk man ) ' peot'le by surprls5
und occasioned rumania oC the negotiation oC 1
slerlnK loan . by way or explanation. These re-
torts . 80 far W can lIe learned . 11\0 no tottntla-
lon In fact and well lalollel , bankers 1..elar
Ihal 111 fa\'Ololle , len . .nc ) ' uC e"ehlnKe Is . .
tim elI' . nlluri : , mttl tint there Is no Iresenl , I -
ee"I ) fir . , sterlIng lottlu. The market opened
sironInl active. wlh flu nueruus Ihht I ga illS In
tat 1/11" , sllr s. ' 1he bull.h sentiment be'
caine 'Iulle tronomunced after the initial dealings
clre IJronolncel ACdr Inlial dealngs
anti on a moletle'olule of Inuln , Cordage
luse 2'4 ( per cent I.acl"wllnl and Chicago Oaa
10. Jer , cent Sugar and Dlslllng I Per cent ,
Cordage ltreferrct H. per vent and Cleveland
ColUtnbtus . Chicago kil. I.ouls I Iter I cenl.
Other advances occurred below full figures. The
Il\'fnc oceurrel Cul lures.
advance culminated after the first luour . anti oa
sales 10 realize profits . IAeUlc Mali lost nn extra
1 per Cent JlelA\nre & Ihudson 1 % per Cent
General IIectric I.ucele ( Juts preferred utii
Tennessco Coal I ctnt flat . Tobacco ! i IJer
cenl. The well ( .a In Ilclle Mail \\'IS due teleports
lelorls oC 1 hllch lu flue negotiations for I .el-
tIelIlelIt wllh the ' Itaitroad ' .
lemenl . J'unarn Hllru company
They are denied I 1 ) OHelAls or both < crllanl 9.
The force or time duwnwlrd lo\'ement was spent
udotmt , nuidday uunt rallies recorded In
oioUI ) Iml rll s were reeonlel 1
numler uC Insluncea. Illsbulg. Cleveland Co-
lumuiltus Chlcal' & SI. Louis preferred gaIned
3' per cent : Tobacco , 2\ \ . l'eI cent ; Sugar . 2 per
cent ; Hock Island . IU 1 per ' cent ; ChIcago Gas
lurlnllon Inrl Iocle tlnhl . 1t I'er cent and
1.lnl IsIAn.1 . 'Fmactittn . I ocr ccItt.
The advances In prices were very I > ronounccl
In the last Iwo hOIS or hIGln .s. The strength I
or Sugar vums ascribed 10 too advances In Ihe' '
foreign and domestic grades . which are almost !
( tally l'II'oltel. The market elo.el strong ut the
ttet ilgures or the tiny. The more ImporlAnt advances -
\'onceR wele : In Sugar. 2 } , per celi ; Chicago
OlO. 2 per coat : the grutngt'rs . from % to 1' 1 per
cent . anti Tobacco and I.leklwunna. : 19. per
cent " . 'rlln , In IJnlls was motcrte In volume
wih I .trng ton ' lu speculntion. , \dmncc were
e8lAIl.hell , In New Yurl ( & Not thell Ists ] ur 4
Ier cent : Belevile & Ctmron'telet 0. . 21. p.r cent ;
Cordage hats . trust rt'cciutts , 21'.1' \ cent : 1' nnI0-
see Cual bits Irmlnlhal tl\'lslon. 2 her cent ;
Leluiglm % 'alley Terminal 1sl . H1 per cent : Nurlh-
er Plelfe 2ds , 14 per cent Ild NOllhern IIcle
let trust recelill. ( 'oloratto COAl 6p. Jlzbelhtown
& lOg Sandy Ists . ling's County 1\'aleJ : lets .
11.lurg. Cleveland . Columbus . Chicago & SI.
I.oul. { ' per cent : series A anti St. Louis &
Soulhwesler lets Intl 2,1. , I I'er celi : SI. Iaul.
Minnellols & ManItoba anti ! onllna CenJml 5s
fell off \ per cent : Michigan e nlll consol 1s. .
1 * Per cent anti Missouri Iaeilc let collateral
6s. 1 per cent. Time sales were $ ,6t. OO.
The \'enlng 1'ost' 1 .pecal ; tnnnel.11 London
cublelrl : The stock markets I"IAY were quiet
but steady. Americans spurted conshl.mll' . Timis
was partly due to time scarcIty uC shares for
the settleumient. begInnIng \Vetlnesday und IJurty
10 tIme rAVOAblu IIJreS810n mlde by time dl.solu-
ton oC the lolh.chl.I.orlun . syndicate. Opln-
luns here la 10 the outlook In AmerIcans vary
widely , even lIt the heat quarters but the
tendency Is inclined 10 bc bullish .
The fulowlng were the closing quotations on
the leading stacks oC the New York exchange
today :
AtchIson . . . . . . 2iTh : U. 1. 1) . .t G . . . . I
Autaumuft bxprcmtmu : . . 117 Nortimrcstcrit. . . . . 1 O. "
Altoti. T. I. . . . 0 ; (10 Pftl. . . . . . . ' . 14i
Am. Expres't. . . . 1:1 : N. < Y. Central. . . . 112 !
lalmor"\Ohlo. t4 ; ! ! N. Y. , . N. I' : . . . . ra
Camuuia : Iacile. . M ) Ontario W. . . . lH {
< ) .
Canada Soutiuern. . f'iI , Oregon lummp. . . . 0
C..nlmllaeile. . . HI ) 0..101 Na\ . . . . . 22
GheH. . . 01110. . . . 21 ) ! * 0. S. L , . U. N. . . . 1
Chicao Allan . . 11 ( Pnelfe Ilail. . . . . 3
U. . II. ! . Q. . . . . . H7" I' . D.\ g. . . . . . . l' : !
Chicago GaH. . . . 7H' 111"bll. . . . . . Il
COlsulhlalNI Gas. . 14.1 Pulm1 Palace . 17t1 ; "
C.C.G.S . . St.L. . . 1.1 ! ! . leIIJ' [ " ' " . . . 21 : '
Culo. Coal & Iron . Ut. I H. < w. . . . . . . lH
Cotton Oil Cert . . . 22 ! It. G. \ ' . ptd. . . . . 42 !
Deluwaro & hunt . lii : Rock Islautti. . . . 1uH
Del. . Lack\ : lnl. . lll1 : SI. i'uttml. . . . . . . 7H ! '
P. , . H. ( .1. pfd . . . 6H do 11. . . . . 12t )
D. & C. I" . Co. . . 2lf SI. I. . . 0111. . . 4IH :
Eri& , . . . . . . . . . . 12 , do1. . . . . . . . . 121
,10 t'hl . . . . . . . . 2 1)4 Soittimerum \ Pacific . 2lf
Fort . . . . IU6 SIar : 10Inor1" . . .Ij )
G. Norttmern pftl . . It Tenn. Coal " , . iron 4it : !
C. NorlhelnllI. : . . . 103 TOxlsl.aette. . . . 12H
loel:111 Valley. . 2.11 % , T. . . O. Cenl. ufd . . 78
1IIIolsC.nllal. : . 103 ! Unlonpaello. . . 1Ml
St. 1' . & llmmltutim . . 32 U. S. } ixpreMs. : . . . . .U
1.\To'rI. . . . . : : w. st. L. . . I' . . . . . II
Lake gllo. . West 2i'I W. St. L . 1. pfml . 24ff
.10 Pfd. . . . . . . . 7731 i''cila Fargo Jx. . 107
Lall Sluore. . . . . lfl WeHlern Union. . . 11 ( :
b'adTrmuet. 1 . . . . : i6fe Wheelng . L. ii . 15f
1.oulsvillu , . N. . . ti-1t. dn ' . . . . . . .1 lC
L. & N. . . . . . . . UH. : . . . 11'1. . . . . . 2 \ .
: anhatanCon. : . 111 lii P. & . G. . . . . . . In (
Jh.mhls.C. ) . . . 1 : , ! ( .1. . . . . . . . . : i
llehllal ) ; Cenl. . . . 111 ) N. L. . . . ; . . . . . . : ;
Missouri Pacitic . 31h c. J' & 1. . . . , . .
1Iohlu.Ohlo. . . . 2:4f. : do ' f' ! . . . . . . . . 31'
Nashville Chat. . 701 & ' 2. C. . . . . ' 2 %
Nalclal Conlmge : " % T. A. A.k N.M. ! . . Hi
Nal. Conlalu Illtl. IU ' 1. SI. L. & IC. C. . . 1)
N.J.G.ntr.II. . . . . 11 , do 11. . . . . . . I
N. , \ W. oftl. . . . . IH : . lo 1. it. . . . . . . I : ! {
North Aumm. Co . . . . 6X do IJfo. . . . . . . 40
NOllhern Pacific . 5Th Aumm . 'l'ob. Co. . . . 10051
N. I'acilbepttl. . . . IUI 10 Ill. . . . 18
The total smiles oC stock todAY were 259,535
stmareut . Including : American Sugar . 42.00' ' ; To-
IACO , 13.iO' ' ) ; Atchison third o..menl pal < .
52.000 : Atchison itreterrel. 3.40Q ; lturlington . 13.-
30'1 ' : Chlco Gns. 31000 : Iistlllimtmr. 28.500 : General
J ctrleUi.OQJ ; , ) Kansas ' 8 Texas Jrlferrrl , 3.301 ; ;
\aeile Mali . 10.200 ; ' Iteamllng . 6,40' ) : Hoek Island
IG.C'O ) : SI. Iaul. 2'.100 ) ; Tennessee Coal und Iron
3.S00 : I'nl.l States Cordage. 3.61Yavash : prc-
ferret 3.200 ; Missouri laele.
NeYocic ) Ionl' ) ' JIII'I".t.
NJ\\ ' YOIIIC . Sepl. 23.-MONISY ON CAL- .
1'(9) nl II. per cent : last Ictn 1 % per cent ;
closed at I % per Cen I.
IIm . HCANTUE 1.II ) H- 'H : per
ST ILINO gXCnANOf - \ \ ' . with actual
business 11 IAnkersl Ills nl 14.89i1.89' \ for tIe-
Oman , ) unit $1.8b4114.CS'i for CI days : posleti rates
U.W.Htl.S3unl U.bUHIUOV ! ; commercial bills .
$ i.blt.
Slh'fltt CgITI'leATI ) S-me.
GOVEIN3ttN1' : : IiONDS-Steady : new 4 cou-
pen \ \ 1"1 cent higher. State bonds . Inactive
ltniiroatl Itonthe , strong.
Closing quotations f. bonds were as C610\s :
U.S.isregmmuW . 129 O. 1' . ISla or ' 11 ; . . I :
U.S.4seonu.uo12 . . ' % 1. & U. G. 7s. . . . 17
11.8. S'ure , . . . . . 13 D . . it. G. ( a. . . II
U.S. s. eonp. : . . 15 % I'rlo : 21M . . . . . 77
U.S 4s. r , ' g. . . . 1 l0 U. I. . . S. A. 0. . . 1 I
I.S.4s. COIII . . 1h U. U. , \ S. A. 7a. . 1114 %
U.S.2s . re ; . . . Ut ( ( % ! Ii. . . P. ' C.tia. . . . . 11
lachlcoC.O : : . . 101 to us. C..a. . . . 107
. \ . . dust A. . . . II 00 . IC. . \ T. let 4s . 2I {
Ala. : . olaa : Ii. . . . Jt < 0 : < 4s. . . - . . U H
Ala. . elaa : IJ. . . UI MUllal : Unlol 0.8. 1 :
Ala. Cnlrency. . \I : N. J. O. Gen. 5a. . 11' (
I.a. New Con. a. 01 \ No.I'.iciulo 18CM. . 118 %
MissourI Os. . . . . 1tJ.i do 2dm . . . . . . 111'
N. G. Us. . . . . . . 1:6 N. W. Cnn ' ola. . . 138 %
N. C. 4a. . . . . . . 12 In S. 1. Dab. : a. 13HI
s. C. nonhl\l. . . l ( It. U. West. Isl . 7HH
To'n. newel ( is. . 00 SI. 1' . " "nHoIH 7H. 127 %
Tenn. now Ret : . 16 lo C. . I' . W.I" , 1U
Tomuut. old (10 SI.I b I.M Gen. 5 85
" thu.
T"II.oll Ua. . . tO . . , . l.l. Gel. ;
Va. CI.nllrles. . . 02t M. I , & S. J' Gen.l. lIt )
do deferred . . . U 1'.x. 1'tc. ; ishi. . . I ) ' .
Alehlsul 45. . . . . S3 du2Is. . . . . . . 201 )
Alchl.un 2d A. . . 34Th II. I' . isis or ' 911 . 107"
Canada 80. 5mttt : . . III Weal Shore h. . 106 {
I. . , \ N.unlled : ls. . 83 . Sonllrn a. . . . UUi
O.1. _ ( . & N. lets. . . Hi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1110101 StooL < uotntol" .
nOSTON. Supl. 23.-CnU loans. a"u per enl :
110 100115. 3t(4 % per ccul. Custni Irlees ror
stoeks 01\18 and tmmtmmtumg sh.lro ' :
A. ' . . \ S. 1' . . . . . 2:1Vls. : . Central. . . . . U IfI
Am. SUlaI . . . . IOU ) EIIHon Sloe. Ills . 152 %
Ant SIar Ifll. . . 1')0 ( ) GeIm Eke. pfd. . . . I621 ( (
hay SIIO ; ( Ins . . . t ( AtchIson 2da. . . . 34G
lel.I.lephono. . 11 ! ! Atchison 4a. . . . Ka
Ibosiout . ( , \lh.IY. 21 New 1 llrlall ( is. . . ISO
llosloutA MaIne . In Grn. llectric : a. . $ H %
10.ton 1leelrlo
I ) . 13. & Q. . . . . . . H71 Witu , Coni. lets. . . IHI COl
I"ilciutmurg , od . . 1)5 Ahlouez MitmimugCo 1
j'Uehhun ( . . . . . auAtante. : lr Alouez . . lnhlK . . . . . 2' : !
11nolH Slt.ol. . . 110Hlon Montanmt. t
llxlenn Cetutral . 12 % liutto .1. 10.lon. . HI } '
Old Culony. . . . . . 177 % CalulelHeeta. . 512
Orl' Shell LIne. . . 11 C'.atelnl.I. . . . . . 1
ittmbber. . . . . . . . . 40'1 .I.onkll. . . . . . . . 17
Sm : DI.o. . . . . : : learatrc . . . . . 11)
1110n I.aellc. ! . . l5b { Oseuoia . . . . . . :12 : %
W..SII. : . . . . . 73 % Quincy. . . . . . . . . . 1:1 :
do i'fti. . . . . . . . 1:11.1amaraek. : . . . . l/U
Weatimiglu . EIeo.131Volyerito : . . . . . . . 7i
v. Nice. : 1M. . . . Itl4
Summi I'rl " , 'I"l'o Jt nllA QuoIn tOIN.
SAN j'l.-NCISCO. 8pl. 2:1.-'fhe : olel,1 ! elosln
quoitioue it : Cor mhll : tlucks to.ity . were Ia follow -
Alta. . . . . . . . . . 10 llalo& Norcrosui. . lUr
Ala. Con. . . . . . . 13 Jmmlia. . . . . . . . . 2
Allles . . . . . . . . . 15 : Jnla. . . . . . . . . I
fletcher . . . . . . . 01 Ienlle\y Comm. . . . 14
D"HI , ' lielehuer . . 11 Lady Wuitlu Coo . :
1plhcr. . . . . . 41 MexiCan . . ; . . . . , i 77
limmilion. . . . . . . . 2 : Jttotuo. . . . . . . . . 12
lulwer Colt . . . . . 10 Mounl Diablo. . . . 16
Cah'oll" . . . . . . 1 : Ophlr. . . . . . . . . 11
Clmalleuugu Con. . . . 13 Overtuuatt. . . . . . . 25
Chalonll Chulr. : . . . . . . t I.uloll. . . . . . . . 70
Comutidouuett. . . . . . 23 SAvafe. . . . . . . (5
Con. CuI. k Va. . . 27. Seorpiomt. . . . . . . I
Con. Inmoeriai . . . . . Sierrt Navutda . . . 10.
Coi : New Yor \ . . : Silver 11th. . . . . . . .
Crown ew01 I.olnt. . . . I : Union Coo. . . . . . . 70
Exchecummer . . . . . . 6 UlahCon. . . . . . 10
Gould A Curry. . . . M Yellow Jacket. . . I :
Silver 1 . . i7A 7Hc. lexloan dolar , lHr (
6Hc. Drafts . eight . 2c : Itee.vhlc. Sc.
I.ulcon Stock Qumoitatloims .
LONDON SI'1 t13.-4 - p. I. closing :
Cl'nsols.m' . . , 101 11.11) 1iextcamm orhmr . 21
Cummolit . Ztcu't . . . . . 10754 St. Pittmi 00111. . . . ) 79I (
Cal.1.aoUle. . . . . 1,1(14 ( N. Y. C"llrll. . . 10.1
Erie. . . . . . . . . MIl 1:1' l'eummmsyluamulz . . . A7l.
rle2d" . . . . . . . 70' ( ltcatlimt . . . . . . . 101
ill l " < ltrl 3OAMex. , Coil. Dew 4s. 71
1.1 lt\'Elt-30jd per oz.
MONlbY.l,5 1.01 Cent
The fate or discount In the open market for
bolts short anti thrs monthl' bills II % per cent
Run of Cattle Was ' Very Light Even for
M'oiday .
Sto'r" nlil 1"'lh'r. Jt f.lh H'III ) '
Snh'-Xut 1'nolll hogs In I to JIIIe
I .lnrloe4 , bmmt the I.'t'n' t 1
Sulll lt . .stl'hll I'rlec"
MONDAY , Selli. 23.
Reeelpis end shipments for the past ,
l\cnt.four hours , ns compare with the :
previous sIx days. arc ns folows :
Cattle. Slot ) ! . Sheep. Iorc .
Seplcl er 23 . . . Cate. ; . lOIS. l Shep. 1 2t
September :1. . . 3.3 . 1O'Ji ) . . . . . .
September 20. . . . 2.797 1,756 3.08 . . .
Seliemuer 19. . . . 2'SO7 2.222 ! [ . . .
September 18. . . . : & 2.893 4,13 . . .
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. horses.
Sofutetaber 21. . Cate. . 1.2i logs. . . . . . lores. . .
September 20. . . 1,927 122 2SSS . . .
September 1 : . . . 1.92 . : ) i9. 578 . . .
Septemher 18. . . 1.li9 . 640 3,3)0 . . .
September l. . . 2.01 . . 13 . . . 21
The disposItion or time day's receipts was
as follows . the buyers takIng the number -
ber or head or stock indicated :
Cat le. liege. Sheep.
The O. Jr. IamrolI Co 47 189 . . . .
Swift and CampAn . . . . . . . 17 . . . . . .
1'h. Cuminhy i'ncklng company 124 . . . . . .
. Culah IAekln r2
Cincinnati l'ttcking compan . Got . . . . . .
I. Uecker & legan . . . . . ) . . 3Q ' . . . . . .
J. I. . Carey. . . . . . . . . . . . 3:1 . . . . . .
Lewis & C ) . . . . . . . . . . . . H . . . . . .
I.ohman & I. . . . . . . . . . . 43 . . . . . .
len Ion & V. . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . ; ; .
Hhll'lwl And fe era. . . . . . . 43 ( 81 110
Left over . . . . . < . . . . . . . . 2 200 24
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.54 ' : ; - HO 1.02t
CA'l.rI.r'rhe cattle ruin was very light
today for I MOlday , only ninety loads being
reported In time yards , ns agAinst Sill loads
on Monday oC lAst week. There were . how-
ever fifty-flvo loads re\ortCI hack. I was
I favorable day for the selling Interests the
demand receipts elnS good In ! tdilol 10 the light
In the way or fAt steers there _ IS not
mic In the yards to attract the attention
oC buyers . The packers wanted n few kill-
Ing cattle and holders had no Iltculty In
unloading everything they hind at good
steady to strong prices Desirable beef
steers vera In some cases ( IUoled a little
hlghcr. One unch of westerns sold us hlsh
as .8.
Cows awl heifers were In light supply
and the demand being large the market I
was active at an advance of Sc to SOc. ,
Ever.thlng sold readily and time yards were
practically ceared cary Itt thc ztmnrmmlng. ;
TIme stocker and feeder lr.ule WU' In very
satisfactory shape. Yard u.Hralol : SJtll omit
pretty chose on Salurdu 111 ; S a rood dc'-
man Is nnlClp.led for 'nit welt they were
all wantng cattle. There wa3 also some I
country demand thol h thc tiumbar of buy-
ers was rather limited . nr Isua : on a Mali.
day. The result was a soul. active and
steady to strong tnarlzot The olerlng :
were mostly all taken In good season utnml 1
the trade , so far as cattle In nrat hattIe
was concerned wal soon over. Hepresen-
talvo sales : . - .
I3lCE. , 4T1EItS.
1,1090$30i ) l.t1 . STIElS.
3. . tIll lOr 9. . In , f2 : : 1..190 f2 Ci )
J. . o 205 4. . . sn 2 25 12. . 92J 260
4. . ; J 21 1..110 23 2. . . 595 2 r :
I. . . 10 2 I : 1.,10)11 23 : 1..1071 ) 215
3. : ' . . 9Q3 2 I. 5. , . CG 2 x : 1..101 21
. 2. . . lIlt ) 221 ) 16. . . fCl 24 1..9021 : :
.1. . . 1,10 22 : l5..p92 : 5 : 3..I0 : 315
m 1.'Jms.
1. . 52Q 22. : ; 3. . . 40 23 : 1. . C0 240
2. . 165 230 , - I.
51. . 710 I r I..lfIQ 21r 4. . 961 25
1..130 11. 1..IU 21r 3. . . COG 2 6)
1..12717 ' ; i..ooq 235 26
1..IG60 2 75 2..1841 29' ' )
-CAL ' I H. -
2.1 2 ! 9. ; . 3 : W 4 II
STOClmltS AND FElbDgflS.
1. . SO 2 : 1. . 03 2 M I. . G0 3 00
6. . 60 . 240 1. . ceo 28 ; 65..t846 30
; . . 30. 2 ! : I. ( . . If ( 2 85 Gm" . . Iii 310
5. . . . lOt 2.0 11. . . 70.1 2 8. J " io. : ; 3 10
3. . . 56 2 iO 1. . 7II& . 2 8 : "D'l5'lr.'S ' 3 2)
I. . . 1\1 ' 275 2. . 12'k2 9) 1. . : . i2 3 25
1..810215 4 . . .827 30 f.-.IOS4 32
5. . . 03 2 so 2. \\'g . . TlmNS. ; : 30 C. . 8:6 33
No A \ . . 11. No. A \ . . Pr.
10 cotee. . . . UN $2 7 2 feeders. . . 1101 3 11. )
2..leera..13 ; : 3 1 10 ' 30 ' reeders. . . 91 330
J. H. Conway .
1 cow.1221 ' ) 22 , . 1 h.ICer . . . 79) 20
1 r."ter. . . UiO 2 N 37 feeders. . . 96 32
1 heifer. . . . 1,50 25 : 2 feeders . . : 32 : :
1 heifer. . . . i3Q 20" 1 r""I.r..I5 3 2 :
lleKlnle & Slover.
3 cows. . . . . 9i6 2 2) ) 1 steer..143(1 . ( 251
1 cot v..F' . . . . .l0) ' 2:0. 31 c anti h. . 991 275
1 eow.I21 ) 22' ' ) 9 stags.ll8 300
1 eow..l0GO . 240
240I. Llsco _
4 CQW . . . . . . . 1023 1 S. . 12 cows. . . . . . . O9) 2 65
t hull..1010 : : : : : : 2 1) 5 feeder. ; : : : : : 1St ) 2 II )
1 feeder. . . . BSU 2 35
I' : . 'J. Bristol .
1 feeder..1180 3 ' ot ; feelers..IOI 3:0
, ' . ' n'n. '
C cowa. . . . . 9j3 : ti i3 ' . 2teows. . . . . 9:3 Z GO
2 bulls . . . .I . .15 COI.OnADO. 23 : 1 calf . . . . 120 5 !
1 steer..1340 250.
Ham Mmtmiin.
1 co\.131 2 15 1 reeder..IOS ) 3 n
2 cows..1125 . . 2 U II r"Ners..103G 3 40
23 oows. . . .W : : 2 1 :
C. J. SImitiler .
2 cows. . . . . 710 22 . : 24 cows. . . . . 953 2 c
w. A. Keller .
15 reedera..I3 3 $ ' )
- Johnson & Irlnl1e.
23 steers. . . . . 940 21) 3'1 ' feeders. . . & 335
glst lamplon Live Stock COmpAn
1 cow . . . . S70 2 0' ) I Ceed r..I'IU 25
I covu . . . . . biO 2 I ' 10 reed.s..IOil 32 :
:4.'ear : .
1 calf. . . . . . 20 10' ' ) 1 steer..IZ60 310
5 coas. . . . . biG 215 1 steer..1130 3 10
1 COW. . . . . 9' ' ) 22 : 1 Calf. . . . . . 21 32 :
1 calf. . . . . . IJ ) : 2 : 4 feetels. . . 935 3 2
1 lul..I ( 2" 3 reed r. . . 9)G 330
1 bull..1201) 2 ! I 2 feeders. . . U ! 330
27 cows. . . . . Ill 265 2 re.del..115 330
: eows..105'1 ) 26 : 1 feeder. . . . 9iO 330
4 cows. . . . . 1102 270 2 Ceel.r. . . 945 330
I cow. . . . . . 171 ' 271 1 elw..IO ) 33
1 COW. . . . . 021 ) 270 I reellels..IH 35
1 cow . . . . . 103' ' ) 27'1 ' 4 r I"rs."I1 3 6
3 cows..1113 . 215 9 eal.e3. . . . lS11 3 r
. 2.leers..IOI0 3 0' ) I cIC. . . . . I ) 4 o' ' )
.1 31' ' ) 2 calv s. . . 1,0 5 !
. , sleels..170 3 10
\\'esler Union Beet Conmummmny.
1 co' . . . . . 8:0 11 : 4 COWS. . . . . 910 215
Ihul..l O ' 17 : 125 str. ' 1e > .133 29 :
- butts..1137 I 7 : I ealr. . . . . 220 30
1 . . . . . ' ) 2 ( ' ) 2.1 f edel".16G 300
Z cows. . . . S05 21) 161 mttre Tex.127 300
1 lJI..I2IO ! feeder. . . ) 00
bVO : : .1 S Ieeoers ViU 3 III
9 cow. . . . . . euers. .
lbul..IGO 23" " ) . .leel..lO 310
I bul..llo 201 t .le.r..I6 3 I.
{ Cows. . . . . 812 2 6) 1 .Ieer. . . .102'1 ' 3:5
54 cows. . . . 91 Z W 4 steers..1122 . 3 25
5 sl"ers..1221 2 H 1 steer..1010 . . 3 :
1 steers. . . . UI 270 2.leer..IUO 32 :
I steer..liii 270 2 sleers..1235 32 :
1 COW. . . . . 102) ' 27 : 1 steer. . . . . 90 32 ;
' 1 \ . . . . ) 27 : s reeters..I6 32 :
1 cow . . . . 77 27 : I steer..1430 . . . 33 :
l'etem' 1. itrown.
1 bull..iSOt ) 2 10 ' I tootler. . . 10 30
2 cows..IO ; 2 05 . : : r.edel. . . 762 3 to
C' . Illoomiteith.
1 bull . . . . 1680 2 0. ) . I feeder. . . . 80 3 0
2 eows..1010 221 t. I , 1 C.eder. . . 930 3 &
I bul..IG 2 r J . \ 1 r eler..lIGI ' 3 CO
I co\.1290 27 ut . 8 re.t rs..150 3 G )
1 e w..12O : 7' ) 17 feeders . , .1151 36
4 cows..lo : "tO 1"
. , S n''s.
10 cows . . . . S38 2 :1 I I calf. . . . . . 3:1 ( 325
1 helter. . . . 42' ) : 5' ) . 2 calves. . . . a5 3M
9 heifers. . . . VU7 2 ' 51 " t' 1 calr. . . . . 24 ) 4 0
1 feeder. . . . G ) 3 ( ' " I calf. . . . . 10 5 ( l
2 steers. . . ,1075 321 . . . , 1 calf. . . . . ISO 0 Z
. Ju .Bast.
1 str , Tex. .11213 331 , , . 53 strs Tex . i054 330
g. : \ \ ' . . \\'hllcomb.
8 cws..IQ ' 2 1) . ' . 144 sleers..12Q7 3 I :
3 cotvs. . . . . 9:6 2 76' l' ' 1 heIen. . .IOU 3 20
I feeier. . . S5 27. , .r C Mrs Tex.1107 325
I sleer..132 2 ' 'I 3 steers . . . 1133 340
3 steers . . . 1163 3 es ) . II
Juh Whltmtker.
1 cow . . . . 92Q 2 DOt I' t 2 aleer..I 3 t :
:3 cow..IW 2911 u " ' 1 steer..izo 3 n
t 3 IS ] . , 2.leers..It 345
2 steers..1070 3 4 1.r" , , ' 1 steer..30 . 34 :
1.t..r..I3 3 45- 8 aleers..IQ91 345
4 steers..1052 3 4 : ' "
Hush Creek IAn.1 aflu1 ' Live Stock Compal .
2 cows..1015 I bS 31 cows. . . . 92 2 ) C
I steer. . . . . 870 : 2 : ' 1 steer..lo 3 Z
1 steer..3110 . 2 It ) :
W. J , Cowan.
18 cows . . . . 1011 2 SO 8 ( colors . , .1OS7 35
George Crowle .
1 cows . . . 910 John 2 75 Iobln.on. 21 fee.lers..l06 325
5 aleer".lB 3 4' ' ) Ii steers . . . 1271 340
II. F . Sanders
19 cow. . . . . 8t2 2 10 225 cows. . . . 82 24
llOGS-.Tlmere " .I" not enough hogs hero 10
r"ke JOGS-There . only six loch II being reported In
the yards. The buyers did not appear 10 regard
it as worth their whie 10 bother with Ruch light
receipts. They seemed willing . however to tale
Ihe few hogs here ut itrlCeS that were about
steady . One good load sold at $ $ .OHi. Represent.
alhe ) sakE :
No. Av. Sh. Pr . No y. Sh. Pr.
2..34 . . $ 6' 1 1..25 . . U 0
10. . . . . . . . . 1 . . 3 n 67..2 2 40
67.1 . s 3 ttR4108 . 85 . . . . . 137 . . lOBi
% . . . . .16 S 3 5 16..lo . . 2 75
$ IIEEI'-It WO the banner day oC the year In
. tIEEI-1 . 8.M hed being reported In the
' 5Ortloa . bowtug wa conS
. The
) 'lld. greater prton. hOw" " wa
eltne,1 , \rec 10 n pnek r. Tim larkN was slow
anti weak . lel.rrentau'o snlnl
No , A y l'r.
11 western wlnth rs . . . . . . . . . . . , 1 U r1
: western \ehprl . . . . . . . . . . . . , 19 20
40 \'er wetherl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 2 Gil
Cold " ' ( I I her linda Slllulntlll I ml-
timmemmee oil the 1"11111.
ClIICtUO . Selt. 23.-Tiun coh weather ap-
leared to ha\'e I stimulating influence on the
demulul anti the cOIlartve lrcly or cholco
native Cattle Caused Prices for 81ch 10 rule
strong . hul there was more or less weakness In
uch natIves al caine lath competitIon wih the
wcl rn . Common 10 extra " e\es adul't..1 to
the requirements oC drc..1 heef l'nckers nnl
eastern shippers Itere salable at rrml lIP lu
$ : .1 ; . with sales principally Al ( raIn fl 10 $ ; .t-I.
Stockers and fretteru mpenmh actIve ull11 nl
rral n.M to 14.25. Costs WHO actIve nll , ItPll .
s'lIlt 81 s all time tt'ny from to $2.40 for canning -
nlnl loIs tip 10 rrm $3.23 10 $1.i for 100.1 10
ehlico cows ant h lrer. . 1111 still nl front
$ .75 10 $2.14 for lologlimms. al from $2.tO 10 $ .7 :
for f.lcr. anl nt rrol 13 $ 10 $3.7 for ltuli . for
cx"orl. CAI' R Were ulchAnl l. wlh I mo.lerle
.UIIII \\'esler range cattle were In excellent
demand anti I.rlees . were 11 lower steers being
stetitty . al from 83.23 to U.3 : Texas cattle sold
% 'et' ) well once immure ul from , ) $2.9U 10 $3. : for
steers .
A geol many ienvy hOls were InchHI In the
supply ) ' today . the leeel.11 itetng esllal..1 II
25,01)1) heAd agaln.t only 18.00' ) IWRI f week agti.
At the . ! ecl.c oC front 10e 10 2')0 timat.wns estal-
l.he.1 last allrla ) ' trade was Very . /00 < . Cii-
CO ' I.aellers . mAking time bulk ur their I turt'imases
itt frmn , $2.55 to $4 , while stmItpers litmillilt cimielly
at from $41S to * 1.30. ( 'omniout to eiuoice lueay
sold at troll ) $3.75 it , $4,411 , ligtmt itt from $3.90 tO
$4.33 , pigs at tmom 83.25 to $415.
tOheep were altmut , elt'itdy at ( lOt ) ) $1.25 to $3.75
for natives. with , ole , , t'lielt' nt fnll , 12.51) to
13.10 : Weelerit $ imt't'p were ealable at rrtm $2,51) )
to $3.30 , niost of ( hue sheep recelveti conuiuig froumm
the ranges.
ItlCF31I'Tfi-Catiit' , 20,00' ) heal ; calves , 6043
head ; imtgs , 24,005 heath ; sheep , 22,001) .
Si , Itomils 11 .i' Stoele.
ST. 3.0(718 , Seit. 23.-CATTI,15-iteceitts , 5,1043
head ; u.iulliummemtts , 20 , ) itead ; market urn , on the
basis of IUj20c lower than a week ago ; best expert -
port steers , $5.35ij'5.65 ; siuipltlng stera , 81.25115.25 ;
, lresseti le'ef anti liest butcher grades. $3.50iiiAO :
bulk of sales , 13.501.1.50 ; steers. urtik'r 1,000 lbe. ,
82.75413.40 : bmmik of stmle , 83.00013.25 ; stockers snil
feeders , 12.00413.75 : buIlt of sales , 12.30033.0th ; cotta
and imeifermi , 12.00112.01) : bulk of sales. $2.2503.i)0 ) ;
Texas anti Indian steers , $2.75f2.rd ; hulk of
sales. $2.STh13.2t ) ; cows nIh ) imeitere , $2.O0C3.00.
1 IOGS-Itecelltte , 2,30) imeumil ; sittutniente , 10' )
head : market steady ; heavy , $1.O0lI.30 ; ltckcr5 : ,
$3.7f4.2) : light , * 1.00(1.2.5 ,
SIIISRI'-itect'imls ; , 400 hmeatI ; smiimumments , 21)0
heail ; ttlmttket slow ; native mimutti as , 82,75(13.51 ;
stockers , * 2.00412.50 ; lamnb , $3.i0l4.1O ; soutitwest-
era sheep , 12,40(3.00.
lstimptimit Cit ) ' Ii'C St ( ) ( 'lC.
1C.NSAS CiTY , Sept. 23.-CATTLE-flceipts ,
0,904) imeat ; shipments , 2,104) imead ; best grades
, .teatly ; others weak alliS be lower ; I'exmt steers ,
$2.5)1m3.40 ; Texas cows , 82,30(3.75 ; imeef steers.
13.50415.40 ; native cows. $ l.2Wu3.Ol ; stockers and
feettermi. 12.10(13.115 ; lmtm1l , l1,60t13,00.
1I0C18-Ilecelpts , 1,201) Imeati ; similmnments , 700
Imeati ; market st'fltIl to rc higher ; built of sales ,
$3.tlOiilI0 ; lteavies. 13.51)014.05 ; hackers , * 3.5011
4.17 % ; mmmlxetl , * 3,1,511.15 ; lights , $3.50(4.l0 ; Yotk.
ers , $1 00114.10 ; pIgs , 12.80(4.00.
SIIERI'-ltcoeitts , 7,704) head ; shipments , 2,000
head ; market weak to SOc tower ; lttmmli.ts , * 3.0011
4.25 ; buttons , 12.60(13.00.
Stock its Sight.
Record of rocelitta at time tour principal markets
for Slonday , Septcummber 23 , 18)5 :
Cattle. liege. Sheep.
h'outlt Omaima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,304) 1St 7,321
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,0)0 24,011(1 ( 22,000
ICansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,104) 2,300 400
St. Luia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.304) 2,20) 7,700
Total's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,300 27,351 33,021
St. Lommis Gemmeriuf MitrIdet.
ST. LOL'IS , i0t'itt. 22.-FLOUIC-Quiet anti
stmtmly ; ttntemmts , 8).10(13.2o ; extra fmtncy , $28511
2.95 , ; fancy , 82.65(52.75 ; choice. 82.50012.60.
\\li iA'Went oft early mmnd rt'mnmiinm'mh s'oak
tot' some Illume , tUt rallied later on anti irmcremmsed
visIble sumtly declined , but closet lhrmn anti ' . , (11e
abatvt. Sttturday ; No. 2 ted , cacti , rt9'c ; Seittern-
ber , 1t7c ; Decenmber. 89c bitt ; May , 63'sGll.4c.
COItN-Cold weather itt the corn belt causoml
sonic buying umt time oltt'liing anti a silgilt improve-
iment in ( lie ltricee , tiiclm litter tt eakened anti
declined , closing steady for lecenmtter to % c
lower for St'lteuntter antI ( c lower for May than
Saturday. No. 2 nilxei , cislm , 211c ; September ,
28c mmskei ; Iecemnber. 210 bid ; Simty , 25c.
OATS-Stronger for futures antI market , umuict ;
spot firm ; No. I cacti , 1Sc bid : l4eitieunber , 18c
biti ; lecember , lS7jc biti ; Slimy. 21'4c ltitl.
ltYi-Steamty , hut quiet ; No. 2 regular , ISc bid.
COttN SilOAI-i.651(1.75.
lIliAN-Scarce ; &Sc bkt , east track.
FLAX Si2L'i-Iliglmt'r ; sltot , 112c.
. . TISIOTIIY S1'l5D-llaay ; fair to prime , * 3.6011
ILtY.-Dulh , with , nothing doing In low grmmiles ;
Chiiet3 gratlea scarce antI higher ; praIrie , 16.0011
8.70 ; tlmnotlmy , 111.00(111.40 east side.
EGGS-lllgluer ; 13c.
LFAI-Duil nail eas ) ' ; $3.05(73.07' .
SI'tLTfllt-Seliem asking * 1.15 , but no sales.
W'hl1SiY-Steaiy ; $1.22.
l'ICOVISIONS-l'ork , stanmlari mess , 88.62 % .
Lard , prlmuet Steam. $5.70 ; choice , $5.75. Ilacon ,
boxcl slmouiders , $6 ; longs , $6.25 ; ribs , $ C.31 % ;
shorts , $0.50.
ICECEII'TS-Vlour , 4,000 tttl. ; wheat. 64,000
bu. ; corn , 4S.000 htm. ; oats , 75,000 bu.
SlIlI'SilON'I'S-Flour , 12,00) ltits. ; aiteut , 17,000
bu. ; corn , 66,000 itu. ; ottis , 43,000 bu ,
Coffe.ti )0nrloet.
NUW YOltl , Sept , 23-COFFI4I5-Optlona
opened firm ; rmmled niotieratel ) ' active on demand.
fromu shorts anti local jobtmers , closing firma at 10
4(25 points net mmtivance ; September , * 15.25(115.35 ;
Iecember , 114.55(14.50 ; 51)01 COffee , Itlo. 'mulct
and firm ; No. 7 , 115.17 % ; ntitii , steady ; Cordova ,
818.25(119.00. Vnreiuuae delivem its frotn New
York Satmmrtlay , 6,955 bags ; New York stock today ,
21.0,099 Itags ; United .Stiml'os stock , 317,394 bags ;
afloat for the United Stttes , 21,00l ) bags total
visible for tIme United States , 561,394 bags , against
420,351 bags last year.
SANTOS. Seitt. 23.-Firm ; gooti average Santos ,
$14 ; receipts. 15,000 bags ; stock , 331,00) bags ,
llASttlUltG , Sept. 23.-Steady and uncmangeti : ;
sales. 12,000 bags.
Itlo DE .IANIOIRO , Sept. 23.-Steady ; No. 7
lila $14 ; exchange , 10 11.161 ; receipt'i , 10,00' ) bags ;
cleared for time Untt'i States , 7,000 bags ; lot
1urope. 1,00' ) bags ; stock , 207,000 itags. Weekly :
Steady ; excimminge , stantlard , $14 ; . . 'xclmmmnge ,
31) 11-ICti ; receipts tiurimig ( tic week. 57,000 bags ;
shipments to UnIted States , 49,000 bags ; stock ,
207,000 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
CutOuts (
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 23-COTTON-Steady to 1-ICc
higher ; initliltng , 7 1516c ; no sales reported ;
receipts. 887 bales ; shIpments , 8S2 bales ; stock ,
7,0t ) bales.
N E'IW YORK , Sept. 23.-COTTON-Ftmtures
closetl steady ; sales , 258,100 tales : January. 80.40 ;
February , iSIS ; Marcim , $8.55 ; April , $8.54 ; Stay ,
$8.62 ; Setmtenmber , $0.19 ; October , $ ; November.
$8.25 : December. 89.32.
NIW OIOLkIANS. Sept. 23.-COTTON-Firma :
mttliiitng , 8 i-iCc ; low tnlttiltng , 7 Il-ICc ; good
ordinary , 7c ; net anti gross receipts , 8,860 bales ;
sales , 3,000 bales ; stock , 86,311 bales.
1mmnsums City Slimeloet.
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 23.-WIIISAT-Ahout on-
changetl ; No. 2 lmarl , , r.6jSlc ; No , 2 red , nominal ,
COtICte ; rejecteti , 25t5j43c.
COICN-SloW anti unchanged ; No. 2 mIxed ,
27c ; No. 2 vhite , 2lmAc.
OATS-Stonily nntl active ; No , 2 mixed , SCIJiSe ;
No. 2 white , 20c.
)0immtmemmiollH 'iiettt Mmtrket ,
MINNIA1'OLIS , Sept. 23.-WIIgA'I'-Closetl
firmer ; Seitteniber. 53'.5c ; December , 5(1c ; Stay ,
tSc ; on track. No. 1 hard , 55c ; No. 1 northeun ,
Sic ; No. 2 northern , & 2c : receipts. 1,174 cars.
Flour , fIrma : patemtts , * 3.10(13.30 : fIrst ciemtrs , $2.60
(12.63 ; second clears , 12.30012.3) ; bakers , 12.5011
2.55. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itmlmttlt Viiemmt Miirlcet.
BULUTI ! , Sept. 23.-W'lltlAT-StettihY ; No. I
hard , cash , GG4c : Septetniter , &G'c ; lecemnber ,
&Vc ; No. 1 noriherum , cash , & 5c ; September ,
5Sc ; Iecember , 5Gc ; Slay , G0c ; No. 2 north-
cr01 , cash , 52c ; No. 3,49crejectcd ; , 445c.
Smigimr Mimehet.
NF5V YORK , Sept , 23.-SUGAII-Raw , strong ;
refined , strong and active ; No. 6 , 3 l5.16(4fc ;
No. 13. 3c ; mold A , 4 1l.l6s4Thc ; standard A.
I 5-16004'C ; powdered , 4 li.l61J471c ; granulated ,
4 7.16(4C. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'Il'vliteo'hseat ( ( mmotntioits.
SAN FIIANCISCO. Seltt. 23.-W1IIVtT-StrOng ;
December , 9Cc ; Slay , 8i.u2 ; cleared , 6.825 centais.
Porelgmm lolnntmeliml .tffitlrs.
flrItLlN , Sept. 23.-IxciangO on London , S
days sigimt , 2) immarka 4215 mfg ,
1'AltIH , Seltt , 23-4 p. m-Three per Cent
rentcs , loOt 37o for tim account. Ilxciiange on
London , 2Sf 23o for checks ,
LONION. 50111. 23.-Gold is quotetl at Ituenos
Ayres at 221 ; Madrkl. 16)0 ; Lisbon , 21h ; St.
Petersburg. 110 ; Atimens , 72 ; Itomne , 104.75 ; Vi-
cans , 103 , Cotisota for tnoney , 103 11.16 , consols
tar ( ho account , 101 , ,
- 'l'liIO ltibAI.'l'V Sitlt1lI'I' ,
INST11UMFNTS placed on record Septembr
23 , 1695 ;
G D Patterson amiti wife to N I )
Rairdon , C % hot 26 , block I , Camnp-
bell's add..S 1,8O
J A Prescott to S . 11 Latld at al
trustees. 11 % lot 5 anti sv 14 of a
hot 6. block 136 , Oimtaha ; w 17 feet
hot 10 and e 16 feet lot 9 antI a 33
feet lot 10 , block 5. Iteed's 3d add ;
lot 20 , block 12. Kountze & It's add , 3
Frank hiagerman , receiver , et al to J
A Prescott , same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
11 ii harder aiim. ! wife to ci D Patterson -
son , ti feet lots I and 2 , block 16 ,
West Enil add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,720
VerIfloIlt Savings bank to George
Christianson , lot 3 , Latey's subdiv. . 850
0ltobbins and wife to 11 L Scott ,
lot 11 , block 8. HillsIde add No. 1. . . . 1,600
' 1' 11 Nelson anti wife to Otto Peter.
son , lot 80 , l ° airmoUnt l'lace. . . . . . . . . . 1,100
, AtIluHt 1klund atmd wife to 11 $3 $ Mc-
Murihi' , lot 17 , blOck 4 , DuPont I'htco 2,530
J 1tt pyper to J Ii lticMIIlan , se 20-16.13 1
II S MacMurphy and Itusband to Green
& htralnard , trsistees , lot 17 , block 4 ,
DuPont l'lace. . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , , . , . . . . . . . . ' ' 1,300
Total amount of transfers.$10,673
Iltiehiemi's Arnicit Salse.
The best salve In the orhd for cuts. bruises ,
sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , te ter.
chapped hands , chuflblains , corns , and all skin
eruptions , and poiitivehy cures piles , or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give per-
feet satisfactIon or money refundsd , I'rice 25
coot. per box , For sale by iCuha & Co.
Tella the Story of Durroiit's ' V8it ! to Ills
Shop in Mhiuto Detail ,
lefe.msue % 'ill lii All l'rmtliiiliiilty hit' it
' . ' - % ' Ad itt I 6 4 lie left'miul-
sutmt 'mmp. titit liss limiimttm (
4)11 tIme I'atmml limy ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 23.-The tenth
week of tue trial of Thieotlorc Durrant coal-
uneliceti today. The prosecutlout aow has Its
case stulmstnntbhiy bofoe time jmiry , 011th all
( lust tIme distrIct attorney o Ill tiow Introduce
is corroborative testimony. Atlohphi Oppen-
hteiuil , the pawnbroker tviuo stated timat lIar-
rant haml about April 15 tried to pawn a
ring , htlentifleml by Oppetihucini as belonging
to Illanchuo Lalilout , was further cross-ox-
aniined today. Oui time tiny 1)urramit is charged
with havlmtg tried to sell the ring , Oppen-
hueimii said only two othmcr vetsomms hail ctlled ,
hioth s ore strangers , yet hue deicribed timela
minutely , and recounted time liartlctilars of
tlmcir visits as R they Imail occurred but
yesterday. Oppenhelnt was asketl regardIng -
Ing the othmer specified days , anaweritig
promptly. In time iultids of sonic spectators
in time court roont hue was too good a oo'lt-
hess , Counsel for tIme defense ti'ied to colt-
fuse hmiiit by showing bun a number of sIt-
ver articles amid inmtilring if lie lund ever
seen timent before. Itt ninny cases time pawli.
broker replied 1mm the aiiirumtativo anmi descrIbed
the persons svhmo had trIed to sell or jawn
thetit. The defeuiso evIdently consIdered
Oppenhielni's testImony of great importance
and trIed to break it down , limit vltimomit Sttc-
cess.v. . J. Phillips , a cigar nmanufactttrer , a
middle aged miman of good appearance amid address -
dress , testiiled tlmitt lie hmati cccii 1)urramit
colmillig omit of Oppenhuelimi's store in time
early part of last April , lIe was attracted
t the man by his peculIar appearaico mimid
( lie tiiantmer of hula actions and to time fact
that hue \'ns coining out of a vawtishuOli.Vluen
the district attorimey remiuesteti tia ) witmiess
to indicate time itian ito saw commilmmg out at
( lie pawllshop , Phillips valkcd to the PrIf.
oIler and with pointetl finger said Ill a liosi-
ttve tone , "That is tIme young man. "
Durrant tilti not ihinchm antler the ordeal.
lie returned gutac with gaze and not a mutcle
of his face twitched. lIe neithmer betrayed
pmll1 nn , ftatimm'mi irtck the chalice of In.
jurod innocence.
Time witness was cross-examined regarding
hmls business enterprises anti his fatmiily hula-
tory , with time apparent intention of tilt-
crediting his testiniony. He said that when
Durrant's portrait was first published Ime remarked -
marked that lie luau soon hmhnt soumiewhcre.
When Opponhieim's Imicturo was Prilited the
scene at ( hue pat'n imop hashed across imis
niintl , and all tim details cammmo hack to hulmmi.
Leigh hi. Irvine , a newspaper 111511 , almi
ho Irmtervieweh Durrant ott the evenIng of
April 14 , in the city prison. Iurrant's statement -
mont was made in time presence of Judge
Thompson , who was then Dmrrant's attornoy.
It s'as as to his vlmereabouts out April 3.
Durramit ( lien said lIe left hiolno about 9
o'clbck in time mormmitmg anti inst Blanche
Iamont at Twenty-first anti Mission streets.
She Invited him to accounpammy huer to the
college on the day of time coumversation. lie
went to the church at 4 :30 : anti took oft hula
coat and hmat nmmd went upstairs to fIx time
gas. lie stated that. ho met King 'in the
church. lIe said nothing abomit hmavlmtg seen
Miss Laniont in time afternoon. Mrs. A. 11.
Perry of Alanmeda , .s'huo s'as visiting Mrs.
Cross on April 3 , corroborated Mrs. Cross as
to the trip to the Mission on that afternoon.
Mrs. Cross loft time Ihaighit strest car at Mar.
ket Street to go to Valencia ,
Time district attorney Is sanguine
that Ito can finish hmls case not later
than \Vednesday evening , and in nnticipatlomm
of thIs tIme attorneys for ( hue accuseii are putting -
ting tIme finishing touches on , timelr opelting
statement anti will be ready to present it
when called upon.
Time defense , it is stated , wIll ho a surprise
sinmplo enough In constrmmction , bmmt entirely
dIfferent froln anythimig froiti which ally Pet'-
son is conceived to huavo gathered from the
long drawn out cross examinations. These , it
is contended , were macrely 1mm time natmmro of
gigantic bluffs to conceal the real pturposo of
time defense , continued on in time hmopo that
little details tmigimt be fishieti out timat could
be used in favor of time prIsoner ; behind it
all lurked tIme real plait , ready to be sprung
on time prosecution when the time came , nail
thmat time will have arrived wimeti Mr. lIeu-
prey is requested to tnake lila statement for
Durrant to time jury. 1mm short , seliiI-oillcial
utterances have it timat Mr. Ietmprey will state
that neithmer iulmnself nor his colleagues have
ever entertained time idea of disputlumg time
testimmmony of Mrs. Mary Vogel and time three
normual school girls to ttto eihect that Iur-
rant jollied Blanche Lamnont at Clay anti I'ow-
oil streets at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of
April 3 last. lie svlil admit that the young
s'otnan anti ( hue mnetilcai student got o.i time
car togotimer and rode in the tiirectiemm of Mar.
ket street. Upon time arrival of tIme ts'o , how.
ovet. , at Market and Powehi. they separated ,
Miss Latmiont going Ill ono directioli , Thea-
doro Durrant in another , bent tupomi keeping
an engagemetut svitim Mrs. itosahlnil holland.
1lt'lglo lit Si ill Ashier , ' .
SAN FRAN3iSCO , Sept. 23.-Time Occidental -
dental and Oriental company received a tils-
patch from Yokohamna via Liverpool today
stating that time steamsimip lielgic 'as still
ashore , but timat time preparations were nearly
comnphete to float her.
IN 't'tmtt' lirutin 'l'l m'i I
'I'umke Ilorsfori's A..hiI ihu osimlmuttt' ,
It supplies time needed food for tIm brain
and nerves and unahies exertion easy.
lim1itimerlim. Closes 4 Ime SeIm.molmt.
LMVIENCIO , Ican. , Sept. 23-On account
of an epidetnic of ( iiiiithmeria prevailing lucre
( ho Hoard of health today closed time public
schools. Several deaths Imave resulted from
time disease.
Ladies who valu't a refined comploxlon must
use Pozzont's Pon'ier. It producs a soft ani
beautiful skin.
hr1 OS EE WO
Stakes Spaclal l'rlce
I for Next 31) las.
cure eu'eiy cttse or ye-
funds thu moutey-sUCtu
as Ith"uimnatisrn , Cu-
tarriu , ltItlney. LIver ,
Female und lluam.iter
Tioubles , anti all pri-
'ato diseases of itotj
, men and women. This
- wonderful doctor imas a
- C great remmutation ( or
curing ot acute or chronic , llseumeee , Anyone - .
t'leitS him can see tile von.
one who itt tck un'I ' '
dertut mimetlicin's , widcim is muature'it Ittmrli meituedies ,
butts flowers anti Item is.of V. liiCtm hum kmmows
such ,
time action as of 8,000 , iirferent reinet.iieui'itlm 14
years' of practice cmiii 6 years of ( bitt ( luau in
hackett by
Omaha has gimen itimmi a repumatiOn
tioui'arrOa of testimonials curing lSVtSltY CltA3t-
ACTII ( of .ttseaie. , Ci naulimition free. ( tend 2.
cent smamp far Icicle antI . ; tieition biank. 1)11.
C. (11)11'O. . ClllNllSB ML'DICINi CO. . 813 N.
IGtlst.Omaita.Neb , _ _ _ _
Tclcpltotio I 039 , OMtHA , NIB.
Co M [ vi ISSION
GruEn , Provisons [ & Sleek
Room 111 % Board of Trade ,
Direct wires to ChIcago anti New York ,
Correspondents : Johttt A. Warmen & Co ,
Is. P. 8MITIt ( Tel , 11)8) 0. 5. STANFORD
p. p. SMITH ' Co.
floom 4 , N. 'Y. Lifo Uld. , Omaha ,
Branch ofilces at Fremont amid Columnbus. AU
ozder. placed on the Chicago IJoar of Trade.
CorfeQndtfltE lid warts. Pups. & Co. . Clii-
0550' $ iciir.tner , Fiactt 4 Co. . St. Louis. IatM
to Iiai National Bank , Omaha.
Send tot our compete ooomc cx.
M ARGIN plsluuitmg MA1IU1N T4Ai3INO and
lI5tlNtNG ALf. SlAltICT
T RADING i'httOSSlONS. Also our daily mae
Itet letter suggesting wheut and in
XPLAWED what to trade. itotim free. Bank
references furnished. AIItIOUAST & CO. .
) , tS5t1tCl5 ( 'IIiCAGO Ol'iIlIJ 110/.1i ) 01'
TRAtli. 222 Trader' Building , ChIcago.
fie w TO MARE SiONlOY 20 years on iluard
of Trade. To deal successfully 1mm grain ,
stocks , etc , wrIte for new book , nimmlletl free.
llrisco & ( ' 0. , flanker. and Ilrokeri , Iloalmi 15 , 0' )
I'aciiit Aye , C1mlragq , at1onai t.ank references.
. * "
i , , ( cI1 .socit.i
- , f ) t OCC'13i0flS1
'L ' - - You ctinnot
' . , . IlIc 0pei-
. . wiThouT tlflj
. .
_ (
- '
Flowery , teIreothiriu , deUcrro.
and lm5itlt' , C
For zsle by druqst's cr-dy.
IMPtOIAL cRown PEAChOLOW. ) odors , .
1410 liarllant St.
k * is All format ( It Blooti IULI
, i3 ? Shimi liswtsc's ) ,
' ,
$ S elliott for ilfe utimit thu liol-
, ' a ' stOm tiitiutigiml' ,
: iii 'C , it frtmim , ilto 53'mitulmm
t LADIES gIvc'ui careful
Imli S p'eiI : I itttt'il I It > mt for it ii
f'1 ' ( \ hici I' iii Itimy llecui Imir ttl 1-
It '
t : oA'rABn.Il , Gleoti
V'imlctmcele , iiytirtmeiu ,
' C ltttomt , I , J8t Si tiiu lutmout
, \.0' ' mIll ed 113' Il. lmCitt I reat- .
h . \ \ , t\Vmmmeuit.
titmide co Ii ) ' too close up-
i'llcation to business 01' itttlly. ( i4OVL'to tmiontutt
str.-CImt 0t grief SEXlY4L 1Xt'lSSl1S lit
mnitidio life or irotn time effects of yotmthfuL
follies. all yleiti i'eatiiiy to our now treat-
flient for loss of vital po''cr.
\VflLT Your tromiblet if out of thin city.
L Timousantlmt etireii at hmommie by car-
t'cspomimtpn , ' . c'n'SrI.'rA'l'lON FISIIR.
1)r ) , Searics & Scarles1 I ' Oiimimtm timrtitiimm ,
! - it 'CUPUJEMI'
, Cures ( ito cffets oC
self-abuse , elcCssey ,
eummIbsiOmm4. ttliii0temtc ) ,
I P vamicuet'lu alIt ) COflati.
. pation. Ommt dollar a
t ; 5) Lox , sIx fttr $5. For
- - 1110 l'urnamn lIt.
fly purclmnslng goods made at tue following
Nebraska factories. If you can not , mmd what
you Want comnmnummlcate witim the manufac. Ft
turers am' towiuatdenletshaeidle timeir goods.
) LlS , ltiJIlL.f1' .m.Vli THI1 ,
? danutacturera of mmli kinda of cotton anti but' .
lap bags , cotton flour sacks anti twimme a spec.
. . 11th-St.
laity. 611-616-615 S. -
JUl11 IP'I2ItII.S.
Ca : load simipunents nmade in our own refrfgo.
ralor cars , Blue Itiltbon , ElIte hxport , Vienna
Export , and Family L'aport , deliveted to all
Parts of city.
- -
U.II.'ItLIJtS t. I ) ll'.JGO.VS.
A , J , SI1IPSON ,
1403-il Iodge'st. The best and ctmcapest place
to btmy a good Buggy , Carmimige or'agofl. . Agt.
for time temt rubber tire in use ,
nut rubber tirea anti ball bearing axles en their
own make velmkles , and sell a top buggy for
$50.00 besides. Write tbent. Ittitantihiarney.
( Jo b'l'iE , s1'ioIs , , . .i ItlAI I'Ll lll1. $
Coffee Roasters , Spice Grinders , Ittantilactur.
era Geinman BakIng P wder and German Dry
lIop Yeast. 1414 and 1416 , Ontafia. N.h
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --1
IL ( ) UIl.
S. F. C11411i ! ,
Manufacturer of Gold Medal Flour.
C. 3) . Black , Ittammager. OfliahS.
i'ui.vii'UiI ; J'.IUlICIIS.
Itfanulartturers of i'arlor FurnIture , Lounge , ,
Dining Tables anti l'oldiiug Iledj. Stlt a e. .
L'Oytl to tOlmaher Eta.
- - - - - - - = . - . - . - - - - - - - = 1
Jul. : .L'm'I ) UO.IL ,
Iomestto anti Steam Coal , We have tIme bett.
Omlico 1601 Farnatn'aL Telepimonel Oflice 113.
yard , 3760. , J. A. 1)oe. General Manager.
ShuN Ii'UIfIl.S ,
Manufacturing anti RepairIng of all kinds of
machinery , engines , purops , elevators , printing
preces , hangers , elmafting an , ) couplings 1400
and 1403 howard-st. , Omaha.
Mammufacturers of Arclmlttictural Iron Work.
General Foundry , Machine and Blacksmith
Work , lOngimmeers and CoiitraCtors for lir.
i'roof Iluildings. OSlO. and works ; U. P. Sty.
add So. 37th street , Omaha.
- - - - - -
itI.l I'TJf 50.4'IIs , Cl ) I'i , U/Cl ItS.
L , G DOUP ,
Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring Beds : Jobbep
Feathers anti l'lilows. N. 1411 , and Niclmola4
Ste. , Omaha.
_ _ _ ---a
- - - - - - - - -
Manufacturers of Fluid Bxtrocts , Ifliirn.
Syrups and Wines. cOmnlmreCCtl triturates ityp.
dermnic tablets , pills anti scientiilo tnet.llcal aol-
cities. Omalma.
3I1.V1C.t1lJ'.l i'iic ,
1439 So. 11th .t. , 'I'd. 254. Itiedeasa Itlinerai
Water. Carbonated. unequalled. . ' . 'iain for tabi.
use unsurpassed ,
_ _ - - - - - - - -
_ % .J ( ; II 1' lI'1 7'UII , IIUIl tOIlU
The only perfect protection to property. 15mm.
mo it. Beat thing on earth. Reduces iasur-
ancO rates. 5304 Douglas'at.
. . _ - - - - . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - = = - = - = = :
0) $1t11l Li. 1'.l UtOIfII.
Manufacturers of Men's nail hays' CiOiuifll' ! ,
pantsfamiflsandOveralls.2fl'12 $ ,
1'1 I'iif JifXJC.'i.
- - - -
iEi ox co.
Manufaturere of all kinds of I'aper Beats ,
Ehilt Boxes. Sample Cases , Mailing 'Sable. , ate ,
Vt'eddttmg cake anti fancy candy boxes , drtigis
alt'S jewelry boxes. 1201-il Jnea-mt Omalt& ,
iiiiii'r t'.IU'I(3101133.
ISeclushyt custiol shiot ( alters ,