Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 24, 1895, Page 3, Image 4

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- - . . . - - - - _ _ _ TllJD OMAHA ] ) AIT-ot 'Y flEE : 'rtTJJ" - - - - - I > - Y , S1PI'1MflE1 ! 2- ,14 [ 1 : isot ) ; , n
_ _ _ _ - -
_ _ , _ , _
_ _ .
I _ ( @ ! @ ( @
I Office , 12 Penn Strcct.-II. W. Tlltoll , l\launltcr ntlll Lcssco. I I
I" J _ _ _ , _ - - _ _ - - " mI
311XOU : l1J XTIOV. :
Grand totel , , Councl1 ' Dluff : 100 rooms
facing Dtlyllu puk. 1F. : . Clark , proprietor.
Emery Whlttnker anrl Orilla Hogu , both !
ot Pottnl\'al'amle county , were marrld by
Justlco Waller yesterday.
Zephaniah hughes war fined $ I.CO ! In rollec
, court ycsterday morning for his old crime ,
dallying with the fl3wing bowl.
, John Turner , the coorell : mnn who stole
II coat nt UnIon rlvng ; park some little
I . . limo ago , compleled his ntenco yesterday
1 and was turned lese by County Ja'icr Peter
Four fire alarm came In last evening at
10:0 : : : o'clocl In rapid ces1on. The lire \
department searched all over the wotorn
part oC the city , but could find nothing to
. Otto 1III1hm , motor conductor , who was
Irrcstetl Saturday morning for smashing : H.
n. Hnwllnls , app are,1 , tn pollc3 curt ye3ter
Ihy mornln\ ! ; for a iriai but H1wllngs did
not want to IJrosecuto and , he was dhchatlI.
. A large number ot Latter Day Saints who
'j j ; have been nltenlllng the conference nt
Manawn left yesterday for Logan , where the
. > . . universal conference Is to be held It Is proh
aIde that the two conferences will bo held
I -41. tbgether nt 'Iano.wa next 'cnr.
. : Mnla Bcrch was brought In from the coun
( , try yesterly ) on a warrant for In'anlty , th !
. ' Information being , flied by her father. herman
norch. She will bo examIned by the com-
mhsloners oC insanIty this morning : . nn:1 : In
i . the meantime Is at St. rnard's hopltal.
{ Js. 'Mrs. Hurry Sms : died last cvenng ! at 8:30 :
1\ I : \ , o'clock very suddenly oC consumption , from
i : ' which she had been n sufferer for three
.1 years Pllst. Shco was 32 years oC age. The
funernl will take pllco from the res"lenc
. ; 319 Curtis street , the time to b3 nnnunee,1
! : itpt . ,
1:01rile :
--rile 0111 ( scheme oC printing cards with th-
tr.t ' names oC cIDdhlate3 for omce onpanleJ
Lv , ; , . hy a little square and n cros , just the way
'I ; aie candidates hope to see them on elootlon
IJ h , I nlght"ls again Jslng ! worked , nnl within t'e
' . , next two weeks the county wIll bo 1\oOlled \
I th ; wah them.
I : A Rcd 031c lady who has been nUenlllng
If.1 I a'j , the Litter Day SaInts' c/nCerenc nt I.11e
'tJA ' . Man3wa lost her pocketbook yesterlay.
, Thomas Johnson , who lives on South TenTh
street , found It and restored It to Its owner.
Officcr Covalt having heard oC the loss oC the !
POCketbOok and Its finding.
J. P. Boulder , one oC thco wen known farmers -
) $ ers oC Garner township , died yesterday from
I the effects of a sunstroke nt the Nebraska
state fair 'VednesJay. He was 7G years old
, and one of the ponoers ! or the county. The
- ; : funeral servlce6 will he held today at Hazel
Dell church , Hev. Ilnry : officIatIng.
( County Attorney Saunders had a search
, warrant issued from Justice Vlen's court ys-
f : terday for Mrs. Ann Pralor's place , 1333
i Broadway , alleging that intoxicating liquors
'I were belnlr sold thero. 'Irq. Pralor has failed
. . to put up her mU ct law fax In advance but will
" . very likely do so and ovoid further troublc.
> ' Constable linker served the writ and searched
the place , but his return Calls to state
whether ho found anything or not.
. - , Mrs. Mary lIartalow arrived hero yesterday
( rein Montana nccompalned by her two chll-
, then In search oC her husband who has
, L " I deserted her. She hoped to find either hIm or
r his brother , ex-Marshal Oscar Bartalow oC
tn. Manawa , whose recent passing ! ; has JY.en. the
" , subject oC sorno newspaper note. She was
k. stranded , anti the overseer of the poor pro-
, , . ' . ycled ! her with railroad transportation to the
{ ! \ home ot her friends at Guthrlo Center , Ia.
" , Among the important cases which would
W naturally come up at this term oC the federal !
r. . court Is l that oC the Omaha Brldgo and Ter-
lor- mlnnl Hallway company agaInst the county
treasurer. to restrain the sale oC the bridge
c . for personal prope."ty taxes. On
. _ account oC the fact that County
Attorney Saunders with be attending
.to his duties In Avoca , however the
; 1 trIal will probably not como off until next
flt. ! , ' . Pour matrimonially Inclined people struk
: - the court house at the same : Instant ! yestcrJa
, afternoon anti asked , for marriage loens03. ] :
! They wCro Issued and then a cergyman : was
I ' . called Cor Hev. C. Hover happened to be
4 ! < present on some other bl19lneS. The grllld
' , , ' jury room was transformed for the moment
' Into n bridal hall and ( two were nude out of
. . four. Tile parties were Hysee A. Johnson and
Celia Isaacs oC Omaha , and ( Isaac 'Iaeoy rf
Kansas City , : ' 10. . and Mary Walsh of Des
.1' MoInes.
Farm loans made In western Iowa nt low-
est rates. No delay In closing loans. Fire
and tornalo , Insurance written In best of com-
panies. Bargains In real estate. LOUOI I
. & TOWIE , 235 Pearl St.
I'Fi It SON.I L : ± ! tA ( I tAt' I I S.
_ . _ .
C. G. Saunders goes to Avoca today to at-
tenll district court.
o Major Gl'orgo H. Richmond of Madison ,
1 " 'Is. , Is In the city for a few 11ays.
bars Jensen candidate for the legIslature
. OJI the relllllJllcan ticket , was In the city yes-
\v. H. Stackhouso of Burlington collector
of Internal revenue , Is In the city stopping nt
the Grand hotel. '
Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Dlmmock expect to
leave shortly for a visit 10 : Montreal Can. ,
, and ( other eastern cities.
Miss Cora Woodhury Is visiting friends In
Dos Moines Last Friday ! evening she was
tendered a reception by Miss Anna 1lrl
Dr. Donald Macrae , jr. . Dr. U. H. West , J.
A. L. Waddell ! oC Kansas City and Leonard
I Everett have gone to Nebraska for a couple oC
weeks' hunting trip.
For Sale and , Trade"'Thlrty-five : ' ncroL'S three
miles from postoffice. Will talto house and
, lot In IlIIrt payment. Seven acres , two miles
tram Council Bluffs very cheap , for cash.
, Twelve acres , five miles from Council Blurts.
will trade for a good resilIence Twelve acres
, within \ the city limits , good house and bar ! ' .
I fifteen hundred grapes , 200 apple trees , and
I other fruit , want to trade for a well Improved
I lCO acre Iowa farm. James & O'KeeCe , Count -
t cll Bluffs , la. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I. , . The I1ard.uan piano Improves with use.
I Attllth..1 alaoCuIInehi'N : ( ; . . . . , IM.
Sheriff Jlnzon levied upon n lot at S. P.
'I ' l p MncConnell's household goods Saturday night
\ v under a writ of attachment sworn out by S.
, T. McAtee. The amount claimed was $393 ,
duo on a grocery bill that hall been runnIng
. for several months. The petition , which was
, I. filed In the ollleo oC the clerk oC the distrIct
court nt 9 o'clock at night , alleged that : 'Iac-
I Connell was about to more his effects out of
the state for the purpose oC defrauding his
creditors and that he had reCused to secure
McAteo In any wa ) " . The property levied upon
) , was all stored In the McCormick Implement
I" cOlllplny's : warehouse provlolH to the departure -
parturo 9t Mr. and Mrs. MacConnell for
I Klrksvlll , Mo. , , some . little time ago
' 1IOMIhSIhilCIhhtS'I.hNCLhI5SIoN : .
, '
. .
"Iu lIurUII"I n..nh' .
, August 29 : ! , September 10 and 24.
. . Low rates to varLous points In the south
southwest , west and northwest. For full Information -
, a formation call 011 or address
1 O. : ' 1. JlHO\\'N. Ticket Asent
I' : : : \ lurrIiiii , Lieeia.t'
. , The following marriage ! licenees were Is-
) . :1 : 3 . , . sued by the county clerk yesterday :
" Name and Address Age.
Edgar l'ederburcCarson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
I Nvna Brock , Curson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
fl t I Emery Whltteker , l'otlnwnttnmle co. . . . 21 I
SI ' Orilla noger , l'otlawnttnmle county. . . . 16
( I1)'seo A. Johnson \ Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 : !
, \ , : Celia Isaac . . . . OIllIlIlU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 'I * )
j' Isaac MUl'e- , I'ansl1t ; : Cit yMo. . . . . . . . . . . 39
Mary Walsh , Vcs Moines , In. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
f .
, ' Apples bv the bushel or wagon load : : cider
' , ; 1. ; by the Killion or barrel , at the 11ellvu8 Fruit
1 I farm Can all or address U. C. Ha'monll ,
. . . : . , Council lIIuas. - _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
/ 1111. . . CUllllt111'10 Carnivul
I . ' OIenwoull , Friday September 27. Excur.
: ' 11011 rates via the Burlington route. Tickets
J. good until September 29 for return O. M.
( f. J lIrown Agent _ _ _ _
Yes the scte la.Jndry II "tbat good
laur'dry " and Is located at 7t : Uroadway. :
i Don't forget name and number Tel 157.
It In doubt about this try It and be can-
v1nced. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Hardman , piano wIns many frIend.
, "
- -
" '
' . .
\I"Ton PUU'I'n.UI.OTS. .
If . U. I h'G"e'iISelionI . 'J'r""lIrer
. tier u JOIl" UrnwII Out Fight
Th school board held a t)1oclal ) meeting
last evening at which the main business was
the election of a treasurer 11. O. .rcGee
was the winner , after thirty-nine frultlel'll
ballots has been cast The matter oC electing
n treasurer was taken up where It was left
ort a weak ago , and twelve ballots were taken .
without InterruptIon The first resulted In
a tie beheen 11. O. ' * lcOee , 11. n. lIarl end
Halph \\'lIl1ams , each receiving two votes.
On the third Williams dlappeared. On the
fourth P. J. Day received 2 , MCGee 3 and - hlarl
I. All the changes possible were rung In
on thee three names until the twelfth
ballot , when lIarl had 3 , McGee 2 and Day > 1.
The directors _ then took n recess and we'lt
Into the hall to refresh their fevered minds
with draught ! of hydrant water.
Then they came : back to heRr a report from
Chairman Snyder of the teJchers' commht:03
tu the effect that J. O. Lemon Cif the
Christian home wanto(1 ( to rent n tworoon ;
building to the district for $30 a month , to
bo used as a school for the children of the
home anl any 'others the bJard
mIght want to put In. There
were seventy children that were
liable to b unoallej ! on the Washington
avenue building from the home. Dr. Snyder
an : ! Superintendent Sawyer both s01to In
favor oC accepting the offer. Lem20n agre3d
to kalsomillo the buldlng : and the district was
to furnish the scats. In this way the rooms
In the Washhllton avenUe building that are
now overcrowdoJ could be thlnne,1 oat : anJ
the "home" contingent there reduced to
twenty-threo. It was decided to accept the
offer , provided satisfactory arrancment con
ha made for the rental price during summer
vac lion .
The committee on lTupplles was Instructed
to buy enough deska to ellllip the two rooms.
Ir Snyder recommend ! Misses I.'onp
and Field for Ilromlltion from substitutes to
positions In the new school. Concurred In.
lie also recommended the Misses lIesl'l ) ' .
Treynor , Mcintyre and Heell as.quallfied for
subptltllies. A ballot was taken and the
Misses Bcsely and ( Heed were elected.
Chairman Morgan of the fuel committee
recommended the awarding oC the soft coal
contract to N. W. Williams on Centervllle
IUll1p' at $3.19 , and kindling to the Council
Bluas Coal and lee company , at $2.7G.
Fonda asked why Centervlllo wal' chosen
when there was other cheaper. Morgan re-
plied that ha had examined ( the coal , anti had
inquired oC good jndges. lie had come to
the conclusion that the Centervllle coal seas
enough better to warrant the plyment : of
more money
At this point Councilman L.1 , Shubl'rl.
who hal n bid In on fuel , Injected hlm"IC
Into the mectlng.
" I'd like to ask the gentleman , " said he ,
"what the difference Is between Centervll1e
and Bevier lump I can load the two up on
different wagons , and you can't tell the dif-
ference. "
"The Devler Is so sort It crumbles , " said
"It Isn't a bIt softer , " retorted Shubert ,
"It you want to get something hard , take
WillIams' Keb-that Is , It you're bound to
give Williams the contract. If you can't
elect him treasurer , give him Keb. "
"What kind oC a meeting Ie this , council or
school board ? " Inquired Director Snyder. The
question went unanswered and the other
councilmen , with Shubert In the wake soon
floated : out.
Robertson moved to adopt the recommen-
dation oC the committee and the motion cal'-
ned , President Moore and : Thomas , the democratic -
ocratic member voting no.
Another tug at the election of a treasurer
Was taken , and for twenty.five more ballots
there W1\EI a see-saw with Day. hiarl McGee ,
D. M. Slrgent : and W. E. lIaverstock on
board First one was on top , then another ,
but none ot them sufficiently on top to bo
elected. The contest , ns usual , was be-
twebn the banks not tile candidates for In
s oC the depleted condition cC school finances -
ces there Ls plenty oC money In the treasury :
at all times to make Its handling an object to
the bank who owns the trrosurer han was
supposed tl > bo backed by the First National ,
Day by the Council muffs Savings and Mc-
Gee by the Citizens. On the lortleth ballot
McGee received four ballots and was declared
elected. lInrl and WillIams each received
ono vote. The bond was fixed at $100,000.
MAY : JlJ PAg 1' FhA It I . S'I'It lh ih'I' . ,
CIt ) ' Council " 'III ( ; 0 Out 1111.1 See
Jlo , , ' Un.1 It 1" 1"Hln .
The city council met last evening lIIrs.
Copeo's lots In lIutchlnson's addition were
cxel1lpted from taxation
T. E. Wolcott was granted II license to do
public weighing.
The petition of the Council Bluffs Coal and
Ice company to have the weighing license ,
granted recently to 1\1. 11. Tlnloy transferred
to the company , oC which ho Is an employe ,
was referred to the committee oC the whole
A petition for the grading oC Madison and
Stutsman streets between Platl1r anti Bloomer
streets was referred to the committee on
streets anti alleys.
A remonstrance was flied against the laying
oC sldwallc on the cast side of Benton street.
The committee on streets and alleys had already -
ready reported , ! In favor oC the sidewalk , anti
the council ha(1 decided to 110 the worl Although -
though ISO ! out of 2,000 front footage were
represented on the remonstrance , the council
refused to go back : on itself and merely
reeelvcd the remonstrance and ordered It put
on fit o.
Shubert called attention to tile horrible
condition of the Pearl street paving and
salll It ought to be repllred. : The matter was
referred to the committee oC the whole ,
which will go out nt 7 o'clock this morning
and Inspect the holes In the paving. The
proposed grading oC Third street and paving
of Story street will also be looked lip.
Tile next meeting ' oC the council will beheld
helll next Monday cvenlng.
The Standard piano next 10 the Hardmln. :
n..m"tlc AI'tn" ot Steniing
Jacob Sims the well known lawyer says
that ho Is the victim or a hired girl whose
mind runs to the beautiful and whose feet
ran away with II. Up to last Thursday Mrs.
Frances Miller was employed as domestic
at his house 31G Planter streel. She left
that day , and the disappearance ot three
hanlsome ( embroidered centerpieces , two
children's dresses. and \l child's silk shirt was
I almost immediately notel. It was found that
Mrs Miller had told \l number of strangely
conflicting stories , and on tile strength oC
several suspicious circumstances Sims swore
out warrant In Justice Vlen's court yester-
day , charging her with larceny She
rested at the home of her father , In Lewis
towhshlp , who cave bonds for her appearanc3
next Monda ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The new Blurts City Jtundry : , 3t
North 1a1J1 , claims less wear and Jlller work
on shirts collars and cuffs than any laundry
In the state. Phone 314.
Sideboards and center tables are features
at the DurCeo Furniture company's today.
' . % ' .tNP A ClVAItIH.\S 1.'OIl'gS'I'O .
. \rrnlr. or I :1"11 : " 'h. . Jln" : % lllch A"-
,1"lullet II I ( oiitl noting 'J'h..m. ,
William Weston , a farmer who lives fOr
miles southwest oC Council Blufs , may be oC
sound mind , but hh two uncles . James a'l
Ndthanlal Weston , allege he I hoot and hive
had : him brought up b Core Judge 'Iacy for I
an examination In order thai F. J. Day may : I
be Rpponted ! his guardlJn. Weston Is nt
best II Queer customer , so all the ntghbors !
say , and as ho goes abut his farm dressed ,
like n tramp and , with the downcast : hell oC
a philosopher. he would not be Ikm for n
man worth $2j,000 or more. But h3 h. his
father , Samuel Weston , upon his death left
him IOOGO In cash anti a farm all other
real estate worth Ilcrhaps ' t5.000 more. .
Realizing that his son might not care Ccr t a
he should , he went to Day bifoe his d"ath ; It
Is i claimed , and asked him to look alter his
! n's wttre : after : he was Ilead.
Several yean ago William Weston's wfe
tiled , and he had a young woman for a hOse-
keeper. lie became smitten with the house-
keepr's charms anti about a year ago installed -
stalled her as Mrs. Weston No. 2. Not long
after , . .1.V. . lIelwlg , who for n short time
held down the posiion oC actIng secretary of
the Young Men's Chrlst3n asoc'atlon In this
city , appeared upon the scene , anti repre'nt-
Ing himself to bo the brother oC : 1rs. Weston ,
was employed to loolc after th , Cum. lIe1-
wig was somewhat or a huster : , and It i was
not long until ho had ( see Ired a wrlttm power
of attorney from Weston , giving him authority -
It- to cole t anti payout money , sgn ! checks :
and do pretty nearly everything else that the
owner could.
A short time ago Day & He1s hlll : a chance
to sell a pec ! . oC Wl'ston's property In the
southern put oC the c'ty to the Sharpless
comp3n Cor'$2.000. to bo \'C as the I c'tlon
for a large w1e ousl' . When they tried to
negotIate a deal they found that Helwig had ,
been camping on their preseves and hall
gotten the Inside trade on Weslon's busness !
Doth Helwig and 'Irs. We3ton obhete,1 to
the deal ( on thC ' gronnd that the hnd was
worth more than $2,00 : 'Irs. Weston re-
fused to sign the papers . anti they both refused -
fused to allow Weston to b. alone with tile
real estate men.
Several stormy Interviews took p'ac , and at
last Day & Hess induce I Weston to revoke
the power oC attorney ho had : plcol upon
hlellwhg. Helwig raised n large rumpus
upon thus being summarily deposed , but I
Is related by eye wltnes1. Day exercised ,
his muscles a little and handel H lwlg safely
outside the dear wIth a good deal U force , and
clostJ the door behind him.
The two old men , nlces : oC Will'am Weston ,
commenced proceedings ! to have Day appointed -
pointed guardian ! for the'r nephew on the
ground that h ? was of unsound mind , and the
case was on trial yeterday. All the e\"dence
was not In at the hour or evenIng a1journ-
moment and It will be resumed this morning at
9 o'clock.
$1O ( ) H'n'ul..t.
Lost-Diamond pendant star , In Omaha ,
probably between the Pacific Express com-
pany's office and the Creighton thenter. Reward -
ward of $00 It returned ' to Mrs. Howard N.
Hatenhnuer , Grand hotel , Council Bluffs.
'I'iuI P.lhl I I I 0 11"lou. i
Miss Ella Porter found a man In her
house , and Is very anxious to get rid oC him.
The house In question has been
un9cculled ! for some little time.
List Saturday she says a man named Jeffries
called on her and wanted to rent the liotise
She gave him the key to go and look through
It. He did not return , and when she went to
see what halt become oC him , found that he
hal ( had his furniture driven up to the back
door as soon as he got In , and was snugly
ensconsed there , as thoush he meant to stay
all wlnt r. lie refused t budge an Inch
She thereupon commenced proceedings to
have him ousted hy law , and Justice Vlen
wi hear : the testimony.
I1ardm:1 : and Standard- e pianos , 13 N. 1Gth.
IT 'AS IllS " 'Jpg tE JJT.I : n.
l'nrC'nlur" of the Snutu , ' Night
'i'rzigedai ul the U"I.nJHn hIoji'l.
DES : tINES , Sept. 23.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-A. ) Reynolds , cashier of thl Des
Moines National bank , chartered a train to-
day and In company with M. M. Hey-
folds , G. 1 Reynolds , H. L Moore and
others went to Oskaloosa for the purpose
oC securing the corpse oC 'Irs. itt. E. Stinson ,
who was killed yesterday by her husband ,
who afterwards suicided. They return ' this
evening and went on to Panor with the
Stinson and his wife first became acquainted -
quainted wih each other at Panorn five years
ago , site being then Miss lcore. Stnson was
a printer and worked on the Vldette. The
girl developed quite an affection for him ,
and her parents , In order to separate them
sent her to school at Grinnell . Stinson soon
left Panora and went to Ottunowa . I now
develops that he anti Miss Moore were secretly -
cretly mnrrled October 14 , 1892 , nt Ottumwa ,
by Rov. H. D. Crawford , and her folks knew
nothing oC thIs. This fall before Miss Stin-
son returned to Grinnel she told her sister
that SIl ; Intended to break ort with Stinson ,
but her sister did not know that she was
rnarrletl Mr. Reynohls thinks that Mrs.
Stinson had done as she Intimated she won Ill ,
anti wrote Stinson , who was then In St Louis ,
that they would have to sever their con-
nections. I Is presumed that when Stinson
received this lette\ ho at once came to Osku-
loosa and commlted tile crime that ended
both lives. His wife left no statement oC
any kind , while Stinson wrote a letter to
his Calks stating that he had considered
what he was about to do and none other waste
to blame but hlmselC.
Mrs Stinson's parents are among the best
and most wldply known people or Guthrlo
county. Their daughter was a beautiful girl ,
amiable and loved by all who knew her.
She has a sister In this city.
Conlrutl..r " 'Ult" lIuIumngcN.
SIOUX CITY , Sept. 23.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-J. ) J. l'eeCo ot this place has begun
suit against the Manson school board for $10-
000 damages for false imprisonment brought
about In a peculiar wny. Keefe Is a con-
tractor and some tlmo ago was accused by
the directors oC stealing the plans and specifications ! -
fications ot a school to be built there to
guide him In making II bid and to prevent
competition. lie was arrested on a tele-
gram tram the complainants and taken to
Manson , but on his trial ho was discharged
hits suit Is based on the damage said to have
been done him hy his arrest.
HII'lu Pul.jol"'I. .
SIOUX CITY , Sept. 23.-Speclal ( Telegram. )
--Tho racIng nt the Sioux
program tle City fair
was abandoned today , owing to the softness
of the track. The weather Is fine today , how-
ever , the track Is dryIng rapIdly and the reg-
ular program wi bo given tonoorrow Visitors
have been pouring Into the city all day and
'n _ _
_ _ _ _ :7 -
- , - - - , - - -
prusl ( ' 5 nrt Celr on' nf the rtl-itpt Ir 'w,1
tim's oC th ' atehas c
tlS part th. _ I _ _ ha _ 1 . en
CItIHI ( ! ( ' . \"I'lIO ' ' . \ "rl.\ " ? ' .
COlulutor or the t Uluhn t\1 II' I
Joulh 1 " lmoriI'n'e.
SIOUX CITY Sept :3. - ( SIclal Tele-
gram.-Conlluctor ) Hedberg "dt ' the Omaha
road hlll : n desperate fight ( \"th II gang or
fifteen grafters on time Kaumtt5 City express
last night. The party ha& just i been released -
leased from jai at Omnhl and entering the
train between there and Sioux City attempted -
tempted to take possession After they had (
terrorized the passengers for I time by
snatching checks from their hts anti en-
dea\'orlnF to run the train : lIe berg tool a
hanl At Hh'er Sioux he ItoPI\ed \ the train
and started to drag the crookq cult Upon
this the whole gang assanlcl him anti only
the Interference oC bystanders prevente,1 him
from beIng hall ) ' hurt. The thugs finaly
'Iehled and paid fare Into the clt ) . .
Nt'ov Ilu , ' IIU" " . ( ) in.iii.ih.
: 'lssoumAI.LtY , In. , Sept. 23.-Spe- (
cia I Telegram.-Tonlght ) occurred the opening
oC Missouri Valley's new play house. The au-
thence cOlllrlsed nil the socety-going 11eople
oC the city , beshles many visiors from neighboring -
boring towns. The home Is a magnificent
Ole , modern anti complcto In all its nppulnt-
men1. I seats nearly 1.000 , cost $ 30.0iO and
was built by : 'Ie - srs. Smith - , & Dewel.
lullll A..lluUll. ( , " " 1 , t I C' .
DES MOiNES . Sept. 23.-Sp"clal ( Tele-
gram.-Tho ) I.emars Bulhtnr and Loan association -
sedation baa : succEelcll In buying tile majority -
jority oC the stoclc oC the dCunc Union
Building and Savings association here anti
throllgh its secretary now auks the district
court to appoint A. W. Patridge receiver In
place : of Wleox n , nt present tn charge of
the later cumpln : .
H ieh.s 111"0111 ; Il" " ' .
DES MOiNES , Sept. 23.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-The ) coroner's jury today finished
the investigation oC the causes oC the death
of 'Irs. Limb flIcks hst'eelt. . They
chugel , Abl 1 11eks anti 'Irs. Uzzlo Smith
with the crime anti turned , the case over 10
the grand , jury. xllert cilt'mtt'tsvero tIllable -
able to find 1101son- In the stomach oC the
1""U"ICII B"Inl ) ' : lllr"hll" .
DES : tINES , Sept. 23-Slleclal ( Tele-
rram.-l ) was learned here todl ) that an
agent oC the Department oC Justice nt WashIngton -
Ington Is traveling through southern Iowa Investigating -
vestigating the charges pC bOOln" lade
against deputy United States marshals In the
southern Iowa district.
) lnh''l'l I'ulr , 111'1" * .
MAI.VEI = la" , Sept. 23.-Speclal.-Thle ( : )
twenty-fourth annual fair opens hero to-
morro\ anl continuEs three dYs. The pro :
poets arc that both the attendance and exhibits -
hibits oC the productions oC the county wIll
bobetter than ever beCure.
Slul Fulnrt ut VI 111"11. .
FORT DODGE Ia. , Sept. 23.-Spe ( Tcle-
grlm.-Ole : ) O. Djelnnd oC Vlncoit . hardwarc
merchant , made an assIgnment this morning
for the benefit oC his crilltors ! , C. K. Badger
Is the assignee.
11111"01 .r 1h. 1''rsl ( .url lt Sent-
, ' . . ) . , . . .
li " 'III H. BI"r"Alr\.I.
MILW AUKEE Sept. 23..AI doubte . oC the
Intention oC Judge Jenkins. to maIntain juris-
diction over the Northern Paclfo receiver-
ship and oC the reclvers aCknowledging his
jurisdiction and disregarding the order 01 !
the Seattle : court , were removed tOllY when
Judge JenkIns entered an order requiring an
parties with referentlll : claims arising ! from
the receivers' op raton' , of the Wisconsin
Central , hines and the terminal properties In
Chicago to make answer to a petition oC the
receivers regarding the aljustment , of the
claIms by November 1. The , fetlon Is In
effect that the court divide the claims equ1-
ably between the Northern PacIfic and tile
Wisconsin Central , and the Chicago &
Northern Pacific : , anti that In the meantime
the receivers be given permIssion tu pay out
a large sum oC 10n1Y. All through the
petition shows a total dlMegarll oC the orier
oC the Seattle court and It Is evident that
the receivers have elected to have tile quell-
tlon of Jurisdiction passed un In this way.
The question oC jurisdiction will be raised
to the right oC the court t allow the receivers -
ceivers to deal with such large sums as arc
Involved and : there ts little 110uht ) that J'llg
Jenkins will find that he has jurit'liction ns
ho has heretofore hold. This will insure ' tim
question beIng brought squarely to the
higher court Cor ' decision.
, \H 'iii Sel" 1 ait'rry : ' 1'ice' for the lCnmt-
NItS CI ) " 1.lul' . ,
CHICAGO Sept. n.-West bound freight
rates received another black eye today when
the Alon nnnounced that , effective September
2G , I would make n rate oC $1 per ton on
hard coal from Chicago to Kansas City. This
Is the cheapest cut b ) far that has been
made In thIs recent flurry II western rates.
The other roads had cut the rate from $3.20
to $2.50 and had agreed that th cut shonld
bo kept out oC Kansas City. The Alton has
not only gone deeper , but has put the rate
Into n territory wher none oC the other lines
were willing to extend It. The action oC the
Alton will bo followed by the other roads : as
soon as they can mne ! the rn te.
n. & O. 1. . I6ittt'm' J\III"I" , CI ) ' .
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 23.-Tho Baltimore
& Ohio rairoad Is to enter Kansas City.
Land recently bought by Theodore C. Dates ,
president oC the Kansas City & Atlantic rail-
way , Is to be ut'ad for bridge and depot ter-
mtnals , and It ts said that negotiations are
now In progress to let two other roads fn
over the same tracks. The Ialtlmoro & Ohio
will crop the river over the partly built
Winner bridge , which was commenced several -
oral yens ago and has been In litigation ever
l'Ince The brldgo will be finished Immo-
dlately and by building about 100 mle9 ot
track Kansas City will bo In direct connec-
tion with the. Baltimore & Ohio.
X"W" for I he , \1) ' .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 23-Speelal ( Tele-
gram.-Major ) James C. Worthington , SUI-
geon , Is granted leave : for three months ;
Flnt Lieutenant ! James J. 'Ieyler , engineer
corps , one month anti fifte'n days : FIrst
Lieutenant George ii. Morgan , Third cavalry -
aIry , fifteen days.
Aj5ollin ethc
, I ' ' ,
, ' " I
Received the HIGII35T ] AWARD
at the WORLD'S PAIR ! and at the
Easily , Quickly , PerueiitIy Restored. I
Vcnlcnesa . orvousnc" ,
ncul.I .
. . ' . all the iraia
t. . Dehlll"nI\i \ ni trlla
. of evIls frmtlrly error or
. - evis extsIS , the results o
uvrwor , JICi'IiC5 . 'worr1.
C ,
ec.1'nlhtr6'gth. devL
. opment.'nd . toqgtventS
to. t
- - opmentnl lren
, . - every orlRn , anti prtoa
of the bt ) .
I urai methods. ! Imwldl.
, .
J i S ate Iwproemcnt een
FaIlure itnpe.slihle . : .0 references. Dook
Faiure twp.i reertnre
explanation and proofs mailed ( sealed ) fre
FfUI tfOAL 00. Buffalo . ! LY.
- - - - -
. \ . I' . . \ . I N N t'l'iOtl . I'Ot.l'i'iCS. .I I
Itnlli Yh' l'reiiiesit ' 11" , or Ihe
,11. . .r Ih. Order
lANSAS CITY , Sept 23.-J. Ii. Jackson efFort
Fort I Worth , Tex. , national vice president ot
the A. P. A. , lectured nt Turner hall tonight
When asked about the condition ot the A.
P. A. , he said : "Tho order I growing rapidly
In ni OLers , Wo have In round number
3GOO.000 members. In California we have :
200,00 antI In t\e older states farther east :
the number oC member Is cnormous and
growing dal ! . . Continuing , Mr. Jackson
SlI1 : "We are getting reatly to surprise
Missourians. 'llssourl I welt organized , but
wo would rathe show you by our votes than
to tel you how big a vote we ha\'e. "
"Vhli the order take part In the next'
national campaign . ? "
"It certainly will anti I will ! o In to win.
On October 11 there will be 1 convention at
St. Louis , attended by ninety-six delegates ,
two from each state , alil sumo ot our ofcls ,
and at that time a very strong committee wi
10 appointed It wi be the IlltoC that
cotmlttee to lay before each political party
our principles , nnl explain to each : our Ilosl- ,
tlon , The committees will present our t1lat-
form. " ' " will demanll recognition , Illt each
party on record , and then determine what we
shaH do. You can depen,1 , on thisVo : won' ,
vote \lh n pqty that cocd mns our principles
anti \\e won't support any party that makes
a hid for tile Roman Catholc vote . When
they have acted . "
) ha\o we shall act In unison
" )0 you , expect then , to control the next
election 1"
"We do. The part that : we vote with will
win. Wo are not going ns a political part ) . ,
bnt we have principles to carry out , and It Is
to advalce them that \e shal'ote. ) . iVe will
have n han' In the elections In every state In
the union. Our method oC dealng with the
partC In each state wIll be much the same
ns our methods In city politics. "
IH'BIX'I X'I'1,1. . . XO'I' : MIX JX.
. . . . . . . i----i ; . , ,
SCOII.tZII ) .r Ih. Ilh'rlnr H"'hle"
. \ gsa I ilst 11 1 I.t Ollnhl Itoiiiet , .
WASllI'GTO , Sellt. 23.-tSpeclal ( Tele-
gram.-In ) the mattcr of the application of
the 1ast Omaha Land : company fur ) ro-
ceedlngs to cancel a patent Issued to C. C.
I Leferts December 23 , 1893 , for fractional
section lG , towlshlp 73 , north oC range 4 ,
vest oC the fifth Principal meridian , Iowa
tIle secretary of the Interior today decltel
thlt : Inasmuch as the state of Iowa was allowed -
lowed to select lands In lieu oC this Ilnclonal
section lG , and that upon approval of such * selection -
lection by the general land ofee the said
original fractional ' section reverted to thIn
United States , thc sale oC 1.IIerts was IJer-
Cectly legal l II ! proper. The supreme court
of the Unltcll States has decided that
despite the shiting of the Missouri river the
state of Iowa has jurisdiction over the land
anti the city oC Council luffs maintains
publc schools there The fall lies with the
land company for not Imowlg ! time legal
status of the and. There Is to evidence of
frault on tim put of L rrerts. The only possible -
sible redress for'the land company wOlhl bo
by suit against the sthte ot Iowa
Secretary and General 'Iannger DeLong oC
thD Hast Omaha L1nc coml1ny says that
little more than vne-tenth oC an acre Is In-
vol\d In the dh11ule. The land company
got It by patent Cram the state oC Iowa six
or seven years ago. Later the t.'nited States
conveyed It to Leferts by patent , and the
ullderstandln ! 'f the company Is that the
decision means only that the government
rcfm'cs to bring suit to quiet the tLtlo on the
application , oC time hand company.
( . . , . . . ' . , . - . . . . . - . d ! -
Should UBe BRADFIELD'S ! ' E
-1 Felnale Regulator
, .
. $ It I n a"I'erb Tonic amid Czechs a won'
.t derfulln ' In , , .
uclco stremetliemtttgborsyetenm
tllnl"lber8y.lem t
hytIrIIng through , the propelehnnnel ni 11t
purUles. Health otl slenKtb Ire IUlrlnlcel .
l result from Its use. f :
) Iy ( wife was 1ethrldden for eighteen months ,
.1 after ulnl lIrnduIell' . Ielllie ) Jtc5ialn- .
I I tor for two months. . I 1"Unl well. .
-I J. 01. JOlSS0N , Mslvorn , Ark.
- Sold 1 , all Drulllt f t U.O per bottle.
- Rubber
I ' Elastic
Stockings ,
. , . - es
/ ,
I ; j : ( Knc Caps
ti-i , . - - ! .L ) 1(1 ( Varicose
c-lu ' ' r54
F- Trusses
. ! ,
: : .
. tI:1441 : W 1r ( Bag
Sherman & McConnel Drg Co
1513 DoLge St.-2L DO0LW7cst P. 0
- - " - -
Cou1ci Bluffs , Iowaa
CAI'Ii'4tL , . . . $100,000
" 'F IHSlt. : YOUl COII.IC''IOXS. :
ONe - Ol 'i'imi OI.DgS' IAXIiS IX IOVt
a i'Lht Cg 'I' ' ) ' ' ' ' ,
I 11 1 ? IAIU os 'J'DII nl-I'OSJ'JS
CALL , \SU SEth us Ol W'IhI'l'C.
SI'IS ( I' . BAINBIIDGttur..ya.tI.lw. .
JLalu l\ LItuIwLuluullraettce , In the State
wnd Federal Courts. Rooms 30-7-8-9. SOl
cal't. Bock Council Bluffs. Iown.
- - - - -
- - - - -
Special Notices-Council Iufs
- - '
- - - - -
- - - - -
housework anti good cook 70 : SIxths - oveue.
FOil T7 : v 1mSI"NCI : : I6-pLrTNlm
.Ueet con enlences , utter . November J : eight rooms : modern
Also lve , room house No 3:0 Platner street ;
pOstieaslon _ at any tlmne. Jacob Sims. _ '
Ed Ulirke. at \V. . B 10mer. . SOS liroadway .
- - - - - - - - -
Iron HINT . SL'PT. I. 183 , COlNEn STOREroom .
room . 2to. II Sapp block. Steam heat
Colraly located 1 : . H. Sheafe & Co.
housework Mrs. A. T. I"lcklnger , Ut l'ourlh I
avenue .
housewolk : reference .equlr"d. . Inqule l. W.
Amcher , toJ So. 8lh slnet.
- - - -
- -
to all points on Plate ,
PRICES QUOTDD Art or Window Glass
Counci Bluffs , la.
- , .
. An Int"I"ttnl nli M"te."dul I/url lu ! i'e thnl .1 ! nr..rlul In"1111.
:11) : ' lie l'rUllrl ) ' Cur".1 fur \\'UhuuI lur.t.hll' In I the
the : llllh'r uf 111'11"1' . ,
- -
I TIm central anti controlling hll'l ot the
Copelanl & Shepartl mlllcnl enterprise Iii
thnt the pick IISt not modish for want of
tellenl cnre. The o1h'n rile anti goltn
principle exelpll1 In this practice Is that
no stricken hll1n being , nu broken-winged ! 1
I brothel or sister . limping or tottering tinder
chronic Infirmity , boost bo debarred ! front
treatment . I ) ' the damnable Inhumaniy of
prohlhlt\.o fees. The COIl'lnnll & Shetlard
fee rntc- $ .O n noommtii-ts the ( lowest ever
known to Il'gltl1to , specialty lactlce.
A 1CIIII. : l1\S.
George , , ' . tll I , "II'I'hlh'lll'ul Ir
, 'h"I. fpi' hiimglms CuuII" . : llnIH'
n l'ii bIle tlh'I'ut.
County Snperlnt"ndent 11 oC Olnhn
tells oC his cXllellence lS fullow ! :
"I or lome twelve years I hll cltarh oC
the stomach ' nHl bowels Iltl 1) ' general
henlh was very I'uor. ' My t condition was
larlell by general debility , lack of nllpc-
tile nnd loss of imtrengtim . I hall heelS
treatl'lt ity several eoelors ! for these corn-
: i
Tulallmt5 but received no perrnnll'lt , meliet .
I nnll ) ' conl'ludpd to COllllt lrs. Cope-
la111 anti Rhl'parl , nl11 after two CO\le- \
treatment I found IYlelC better than I hall
been for twelve or Iltteemo yemors. 'helr
ffeen llr
Irentlent1" I t klfut I 111 thorough ! , 11,1 ,
thc bench I felt . ,
henl'l fel WI ' markel flom the
eturt I feel m'ntistieti that the ' nro men
of honor nod ( wi 10 lS the ' ) ' agree 10 do.
anti are entirely worthy of thin comolldente
of time nlihicteti. .
"OgOnGI W. nnf , .
" 501st. Public Instruction , . Douglas Co "
- - - -
$ ; .flO A ) IOX'I'I.
The cost or n ( mill commrn or treatment
wilI Orti . Coptllnc 1111 COUrl , 8hl11ml treatll'lt 15.0
her month , whethI' tile rt'timmlslto iteri'ni !
1"'lulslo l'erl.H
or trentmt'nt bt three month or timlCe
weelc . 'h19 fee IIeh11eq nil lcdlclneq thlee
anti the constant anti watchful cure or nil
Imtll. to 1 Innl cur , , . ul
'I'rinl 'I'r.'u I I.'U I ( ; h"1 Free
- - - - - - - - -
( tWI In : I"S.
' 'I'h. ) Iul ' ) r"IIII'nl Curt's U Sn ffercr
iivim.g I.'ur AWI , " rrul Olimuhim ; .
Mrm4. 11. G. DuJnn , l cgemt : , S. D. . Is a
Inl' highly . I reslctl.1 I ) ' limo whole coin-
lunlt where she 1\'e9 , I'or her c wml
comfort anti * sftCtiP , 114 * wel 19 for time
mtake uf her fall ' , she ( 'slrel good lIoblItil .
HOHI/dlng this * Cue wrote to Dr. 8he1mrd
tmmmtiem' 11nle
Illel' recent :
" 1 lernmo lotlll\ unfit for doing anything -
thing on account ot
thlnl IICCOUlt terrible hencacle9 thnt
scarcely ) ' ever left Inc for I momcnt
heavy and piercing paIns In time foreheati .
telp1es , top of thc hel amid necl reduced
- - -
I me to thl 1lhltlnn of nn In\'alhl. This
: agony Prevented neatly all natural sleep
- .
' . . .
- - 1 . . , _ _ . ( ( - ,
' \ 1 "
\ . . ,
MRS. II. Ci. BOLAN , Htlgemnommt , 5 , D.
ntt1 dt'velopeti it hmer'otls state that be.
cmi 1100 Iii tolt'rittuie , (1 rmitl tinily iii y s bounds
he'cainu invoiveti anti I no NO little tiittt ,
for months I wtti. wretelledly weak itt
imtlimd anti body , A catton hal affection of
the kitlneym * aitti otller organs becamne to.
later feature , catishiog a ntlnobel' of this.
tressillg syimiptoint' . ttt'tlt1e a gototl deal of
worry , for I did not think I cotmid stirvive
tiit'se serious aihimoents of such Inoporttuit
orga tlm * .
" I stateti above , I wrote for your
qtiesttomi blnmik for vomiiemi itmott it seemeti
just litteti to my cne , I begali treatment
mit once , foil dtmring bite filet mmoollthm I fotmlnl
vontierful ease frotul tile tortUre thmt hiatt
iteemi melowly kIlling mite. During the seronti
tmionthm of ( remitment mity stomnachi nilti kid-
boy troubleti iiisappeareti and I felt nemtriy
osehi , aitiiotmgii still 'titk. 'i'iu : third
mouth's stmpply ltiougilt nio a it entire
curt' , for I rounti mmuy Imenithi exet'I'emit iii
every respect. Time frerilono Iroimi loam ,
( Ito return of appetite , sleep and botilly'
strength , thmr' ntwemice of iiers'otms jmroetrn-
tiomi anti kitlney tlernmmgemnents mill these
imoimrk a Ilew erms in toy life. Any womnart
oshmo tiesires mmimt' write mue for a veritlea.
lion of thlis smtntemnent. "
Office Iloimrs-9 to 1 a. m. : I to 6 p. \ . Eve
nlngs-\Vednestiays anti Saturdays only ,
6 to 8. 8unlln-10 to 1 m.
- - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - -
, , % s' .
.t. . , s .4. .V , ' , " ' . , % . . , S . . . .V. * ' , .4' . * , eS i. ' . , . .l , * , .e . . ' , .4t . , ' , ,
Jumpiiig from
Brooklyii Bridge .
' I
And buying from INSTALLMENT SHARKS . I
f'r are considered equally hazai-dous It is no longer . '
necessary to pay 3 or 4 prices for thc poorest , I
quality of goods , MANUFACTURED AND
intelligent have learned that S I
There Are Others I
In the FURNITURE AND CARPET business. ' .
t * \ Since our opening here last MARCH wc have
_ made thousands of friends and customers from
among all classes of citizens , who recognize , in us . 1
the only ) I
House Furnishers ' I
Where goods are sold on their merits. \Ve show , r
you the newest things in every department , Fur-
$ ' nitue , Carpetings , Draperies , Crockery , Lamps , I
Stoves , Ranges , etc. Every article just , lS rcpre- I
sented , t nt 1
f ( I
Xe ' At Popular Prices
_ _ _ . 1
. .
NOTE . . . -
, .
---I. . I'Ve sell JoyS cash , or wi/i vakc fci'ins Ia , .c zilt. ,
F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FY h ,
.4 % , .v . , vt * % . % ' V , , . . N. . . V. , . ' , . , , . , , . , 4tt < .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii Adjust F miy Diel'e1ces 6
o Bad temper is often merely ' bad Do
o [ 11 digestion. 0
Many quarrels attributed to perp
dlsPositions due to disor-
U verse are - 0
R ered livers ipans T'abules ad- 0
just family differences and would 0
t 1 prevent them , which is better , if 0
- taken in tllne
I " , To" " , Sold by druggIsts . cr by mail t n
If bite . price (6 ( cents a , box . ) la sent . to . The . , . HI- .
Oans ChemIcal Company No to &rucQ .t. N. Y. n
U _ _ 0
'Cenuine Sandwich "Adams" " C. . Shef
'I. t ; ,
- ! .
. < .
- , ,
? 4
. _ . , . .
e % t' - 4 :
' st t-4
: '
- .
I'overs froiti 1 to 10 horse , Feed C rImitler8 , Jitcks , Chain , Btimtd Certs anti
Inst I'll ESS limit , hot least , b'OUTI1S'1jL UO W"i 4N' ) 'j'JA [ POWEll 11A.
B anch House . . . Council Bluffs
- . . \
- - -