Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1895, Page 12, Image 12

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    , * - - rj.o' _ _ _ y. . , , , . , , . , , , . . . . . . . . . ' < " , ; " , , ' -rI' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' > T1T' . . . . . . _ . . . . .rJ" . . : - . . . . . , _ . . ; , . . . . < , . ; . " . _ - " . , - .
_ 12 - TIlE O LAIrA DAILY nEE : "r.EDNESDAY , SM'TJiMi3EU : 18 , 1850. . . .
- - -
Tree Labor Onnnot Hold Its Own Agl\lnst !
tho.Pric.cs ! ; Made by Them.
I -
fitnte l"IIIII'IIII..lIt ItrrI . . . . . ! inllc'
; Hlr'l'llIlI" II4p4JrN 11'1111I 1M g&111M .
III G"I'IIIIIII ) ' oil Ih , ' JI'e : ,
14)11I" ' of I'rl."il \\'rk.
WASUINGTON , Sept 17.-The State department -
partment has collected , through Its consular
agents statements from a number ol cham-
bcrs of commerCe and trade gl\\lds \ In Germany -
many wblch Indicate that the employment of
convict < < : labor Is growing In that country , as Is I i
also the disposition to combat It. It Is generally -
orally held by these orgnllizatlons that free
labor cannot successfully compete with work
: by convlct ! In the prison of I'rlangen , Ba-
varia , for Instance. 14 cents Is the price for
making a Imlr or trousers ana $1.09 for
making an entire , suit of clothes
Machines are used In many Prisons , and
especially In the manufacture or knitted
goods. Hosiery of all kinds Is made In many
' . , oi lie prisons. Some of the largest firms In
this branch or Industry employ convicts , The
chIef l'1nrkets for the prison made hosiery
according to the German reports are Ocr-
many , 1ng2niu1 , Turkey , Brazil , and the Argentine -
gentine Hepnbllc
The United States Is not mentioned as
nmong the markets for these goods , n fact
which one of the consuls remarked upon as
strange In view or the fact that this country
Is on ( > of the chief markets for Saxony
lOslery. He appears to think that there Is
something concealed , In this connection , and
advises , ! coolleratm ! : with 11Issatlsfie free
labrers to get at the raets lie / thinks It I
pOlSlhle to obtain Information Hut wo are !
getting mats , brushes , dolls , buttons , baskets , :
basket ware , hosIery , artificial lowers ! , ready
made , clothing allll other articles from Germany -
many which are the product or prison labor ,
bllt says to do tills It will be necessary to
employ other means than the consular service
for the work. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JtI ( ; OGXl'I'HH'OUI.U IIDI.I' 1.1'1"1'1.1-1.
Hlnh' Ieinrt ineiitI'IIO'5M : I.lttle' IIr
1'1'111",1 . \c.t Ion 'CII'H''rlllnCn'lII. ' .
WASIIINGTON Sept. 17.-Sa\0 vague
newcpaper reports nothing Is known at the
Slate department ol the intention at any (1r
the governments of the other American
republics to recognize the b31\1gerency \ or the
Cut-an revolutionists , and It Is quite certain
that no rormul allpllcatlon for sech recogni-
tion at the hands of the United States has'
been made up to tilts time.
1l Is not perceived hero how the Insurgents
can reap any substantlnl adv.lI1t3ges at this
time from such I ecognltlon and the only
comrcrt they would obtain woultl be from the
moral tone which It would add to their
power. DurIng the prevIous revolution In
Cuba several or the South and Central Amer-
Ican rcpubllca dill recgnze ( the belllg rent
rights or the Insulgents , but 110 benefit was
derived 1 therefrom In the present case It
Mexlc gave such recognitIon , as 15 porto ' I ,
I aside from the mural effect the practIcal re'
i snIt would be to slop the Spaniards from
I uslnt ! Mexican soil or resources to operate
. agalnt the Insurgents. They could not bur
any war vessels or equip ! anyone with
munItions of war In Mexlc3n ports , and
IIhxico woulll simply stand exactly neutral
toward both parties -
As It 15 reported that Spain Is i now fitting
out some small craft In the United States to
old In the blockade or the Cuban coast this
proceedIng would have to be stopped at once
Il the United State ) shoul,1 extend recognition -
then to the Insurgents. Either clde could
i ship all the munitions or war they cared
to buy In the United States to Cuba , provided ;
. . they go out as sllllple merchandise on
regular merchant ships and arc not accom-
_ panted by a force or men whose object 15
lid plainly to arm themselves therewith for hos-
WI tile operations after [ leaving our waters , but
ns this can now be lawfully done at Present
recognItion would not extend < any privilege
now possessed by the Insurgents In such
cases. As tar as the United States 15 con-
cerned. however , It took such a pronounced
stand In the case or the late Brazilian In-
Imrrectlon that It could sCJre81y recognize
the Insurgents In the case of Cuba at present
without a complete reversal or Its position ,
It has held that to entitle them to recogni-
tion the Insurgents must set up a scalar
government and maintain It ; that they
must Issue money and mUEt posscss a navy
to make effectual any blocJcalle they wishi
to esta\JlLh \ ; In short that they must have
an actual Ilerncto govornment. The State
department Is not informed that any of
tlieso requirements have been \ met by the
AT'1'OItSIY 1'\lGN pn.fJS . A Vitwriis'p.
JIIHIHtH lint I"III Should I'll ) ' lul..r-
I'Ht on Ih , ' " " " /1 Clnllll.
WAShINGTON Spt. 17.-llr. : Nathaniel
Paige , one or lh& attorneys for the Antonio
do Mora claim ! whch has just been settled.
protested ' to the State department aga'nst
the nonallowance at Interest , but It Is not
believed at the department that the protest
wIll amount to much. It has been known
all Urn time that Mr. Pollge advocated h01 < lIng l-
log out for the full mIllion and a halt , wIth
Interest , which would have brought the claim
up to about $2,200,000 , but there were reaOns.
which Induced lIIr. Olney to recommend the
settlement of the claim upon the basis agreed
upon. lIe Is said to have taken the view
- that It the Cuban Insurrectionists should succeed -
ceed In getting possess'on or the island 1 Spain
would probably re-pudlate - the entire deal.
Secretary Obey has promscd ! llr. : PalgJ
that he would consider his protest , but this
promise Is regarded as formal and of small
Jmportance , The clalfl'ant ' hhmelr ani all
Ms attorneys , with the exception or :111. :
& Paige , agree : ! to the settlement before the
draft was deposited at the State department :
: Mr. Paige when seen today said he thought
It possible that : congress might reopin the
question In vIew of the resolution of last Ee3-
IIlon instructing for the collecton or both
. princIpal and Interest , but declined to cay to
what extent he would press the point.
' IIlr. Paige was ono of Mora's original at-
torneys. lie has been In the case for twenty- i
five yoars. lie says It Is ImpossIble to state
the amount covered by the assignments all
ot whIch are on file In the State deportment - ,
but ho thinks that alter all the assignments
nre paId llr. : Mont ! wilt leave about $700.000
left Paige also ' that
says ! unquestionably
some ol the assignments were made for servIces -
Ices never renderoJ , but he could not say
what proportion was Included In this clan.
: Mr. Paige : claims to have spent G5,000 or his
own money In prosecutIng the claim.
, 'ooln-onu ) J\ VAIiU.hl1IVITNIS. : : .
1JC5t'IIIrl .pn to l'r""l'nl Dot'tol'lnJ
tIst' ) 1",1' In Ih , ' \11111.1' CnH , . .
WASlIlNGTON , Sept. 17.-llr. : Langston or
counsel for ex.Cousul Waller and Paul Dray
step-son or the hatter were at the State department -
partment toda ) ' . They hare received lett.era
from Waller showing hIs health Ii Improving
slightly. All the advices received here are
to the effect the records of the court martial
In this case cannot possibly reach I'arls before -
fore the 22d lost at the earliest. The
statement ot a rench newspaper , showing
that Waller's case Ii a hopeless one , Is en-
tlrely discredited hero.
An Important witness In Waller's beha't.
and one who It Is all\ged , CAn be rolled
upon to prevent any "doctorIng" ot the
. court martial record. wIll start for the United ,
; States In a few days from London. This Is !
Mr E. C. Woodford , n civil engineer : and au ,
American citizen who was In Madagascar nt
the time of the Wailer trial . and II fully
conversant with all of the lacts. Mr. WooJ-
ford hal made a concise report "ready to
Secretary Olnoy of all the fas as they fell
under his observation , and whllo his s'a o.
4 , mont does not acquit Wailer ot errors or
judgment , It II said that It does show that
110 wu Innocent of any crlmo and that he
bu been outrageously treate1. Because Mr.
'Voodrord was a disinterested limn , his
' evidence hal great weight legally and alncJ
ho has been In Europe he hu been In corn-
lIIuntutlon with Ambassador Eustis and has
given ; him such aId In the prra cutlon of
the case as hay In his power to Attard.
Chnillunn to lie Trird In Xcn'.ultel' ,
VASllINGTON . Sept. 17-DIstrict Attor-
' neT Barney said today that the trIals of the
. .
- , - _ .
- - - -
-t- -
: r
. . . .
recalcItrant witnlIAif 'In the senate sugar
Investigation jcaeouhl not take place
until Novemlrt Tlto I first case tried will
be thnt of tlvirt : n ut. Chapman , the New
York broker . M IJ3arney expects that In
case or time co.iation ol any at the ( hefenl.
ants an Of ! be taken to the district
court or apaiS , Inll to the Unite States
supreme court. _
IItIHgl.JH , ' .t1ItfthiS COMIi 111(111.
Solar VIgiti't'j4iiistIiei1 ' h ) ' thu. Asiser- ,
" ' 111 L'OsiM11lp ' ' . \lt'lIl II i 11'r. . . '
\VASlilNGTbN . Sept. 17.-Ileceusa of the
large numberr pf ( InquirIes received I , Consul
Chancellor . r3ch.t1 at Ilavre has supplied
the Department at State a supplemental re-
port on horsulH carriages He says that
bicycles and : tlwclcs with the petroleum
motor ahlel yefh conshleraby : less than
100 iountls. .Th' : ' price Is about $250. In
order to get t ! lachlno In motion the rider ,
aCer mountng , turns a tap to almlt , the
petroleum , wheh : nl time same tIme turns on
an electric euttcl Which Ignites the \'apor.
Ito then propels the machine with hl feet
1,11 he fInmtjfminiator , Is worldng There
la also In course or construction a somewhat
similar maehtne , to carry two person' . For
the propulsion' of ordinary carriages a kind
ol steam horse Is i used. The front wheels
are removed aI1'11 extra wheel } attached to
a projecting imltmtornm of a steam horse. lu
thee engines , , gpkq Is used for fuel , and
engines. ( <
there Is nohcmoise . , smoke or team. The
weight Is not greatly InCreaN. Prices range
from $ ,500 Jol $2.100 , Smooth roads are
essential to time use of the carrlag
the . " 0-
' 10 CL.Fi.t : it11131 , , IN ' ' lll n : i INU'I'ES.
I , isreams t'p4 A 1111" " ' " Coimlh.hi'tmt or
Jn..I"III'tlll ' 'l'
SAN FRANCISCO . Sept. 17.-Slowly the
prosecution Is tnklng 'l'lmcodore Durrant up to
the Emanuel , church dccr with Banche La-
mont Timqcotmpl Imavo now been traced to
"Tho IIUssl } " Pave corner or either Valencia -
encia ammti vdnyflrst streets , or Valencia
and Twenty.secoml streets. l they got off
the car at Twcntsecond street they were
wllin 200 feet or lime church door. The next
move In the progession will undoubtedly be
to brng : out thoJfestmonyor Mlrtln QJlnlan.
who says he sDurrant : ' and the young lady
at Twenty.secon4 and Bartlett strets , Then
wt ProimablY" oml' the story oC Mrs I.eake ,
who saw them gnter the church , a 11 then
the reluctant tale oC Organht King , to whom
Durrant appeared. mlusty and flustered , and
said he had been , overcome by gas.
After this there Is still t'le plvnbroker's :
story ot the 'atempt to pawn the deal , girl's
rIngs , and the other bits of corroborative
evidence to bolster up the main case And
after that Is ill dyer , the defense wi begin
the work ol tearing the whole fabric to
pieces : or ren4ln the chaIn , link from link ;
In provIng 'Inno , nce In time lace of an ap-
Ilearanco at. guilt , or or leaving the \\"lle
caw te bo clouded with doubt and conjecture.
The lawyers for the derense. In the face or
all that Is plied agaInst them , are easy and
confident. " \o ' ' 1 clear him In three mln-
ut03 , " Is an expression said to have been
dropped by one or Durrant's . attorneys.
X.lIIOESc.'E 01 " A YOUNG : \\X. :
1teeei't' " , . : itezmmIy ' I'c fI'l 11 'rhl'e
imlils : 11.,1 Still ilvvs.
CENTRALIA , Mo" , Sept. 17.-When the
way freight from the west pulled up at the
Wabash depot this mornIng a young man . by
the name 'of. Shannon Jarman or Sturgeon
stepped omit 0' , ! he platform. Almost Im-
medlatelY J " 'nen and a man , each armed
with 1 eft4i , rushed from the car and
commenced : nrlng a luslade at time young
man , who finally escaped wIthout Injury aftertime
the three lmad bacn disarmed
Ild en by the simerlff
They were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Crawford and
dnugimter . , residIng near Sturgeon
Miss Crawford charges that last March
while taking a buggy ride with Jarman he
placed her under the influence ot drugs and
accomplhhed her ruin She Is soon to become
a mother. Jarman was arrested and placed
under bonds and today the parties were on
the way to . Mexico , wher the case comes
up In the circuit' court.
"I" , k f { ! _ _ .
SOI ! I XS'\'I'IX.U. 'l'ES'I'nloX1'
) 11 , _
% e'i's5mms5)eI' Mem " ( ; I'e Evidence 01
SI11'111 Legisimitive Corrimptlomm.
SlnNGFIELD , I" , Sept. 17.-Edltor
Kohls3at and Reporter Tom Cannon or the
Times-Herald appeared before the Sangamon
county grand jury today and related what
they knew about boodlng by legL lators , The
cvldenco was a I In the shape or affidavits , of
prominent Chicago business men , who swear
money was paid for the passage or several
bills. The. evIdence was quite nsatlonal
and Inc\LIalg , This afternoon 1) . W.
WI on , secretary of time Dairymen's assoia-
tion , and Hepresentatlve Jonathan Merriam
or Pekln appeared before the jury. I Is
stated sensatIonal arrests wIll develop from
the evidence now before the jury.
10rlt'11 n "C II" SI'nUIA S'lth'lIf' .
WACO , Tex , Sept 17.-Captaln Joe W.
Taylor , COUQt ' attorney at McLennan county ,
has lald.I l td time grammd jury the consltu :
lon , a lst or omcers and secretary and
lreasurer's report or an association ol negro
members Orla'I , < for the purpose ol steal-
Ing cattle lend horses While the rolls do
no _ show any nlmes or whit men there are
evidences possession of time county otter-
nay that the cattle stealing syndicate was to
some extent under control at wimltes. The
thieves had montimiy meetings at a rendezvous -
vals and 'ha\'e at least once declared divi-
dends. This 15 shown by the report ot the
treasurer. Their operations have been ex-
tensh'e and dbl losses , although scaterel } '
over a whle territory , are large I Is prob-
able that In some cases they shipped stolen
cattle In carlo U lots. . Arrests will follow.
You canndt b well unless your blood b
pure. Thdetore purify your blood with the
best blood purifier , hood's Sarsaparlila.
JurI Sarsaparia.
I. ' . <
Met wrfl n SC'l'lmll.cll'nl. .
MINNFAP9L1S , Sept. 17.-The westbound
passenger train on time So line . leaving here
yesterday morning , met with a serIous acci-
dent near Annandale , Mlnn" , about noon. Dy
the spreadIng 'of the raUs the two rear
coaches were ditched and a number ot the
passengers Injured. Miss Kate Hannon or
Ebow L3ltr. : llln , . sustained the most serl-
ous InjurIcs , lulJhlrteen others IncludLng W.
D. Washburn . jr" " , son ol time ex.cemmator were
more or less bruised.
Ct'ls'brmitiimg the Oll'nln 01 Ihc' SII'II"
1'ERny. Okl. . Sept 17.-Cttlzens at the
Cherokee strip are celebrating time second
anniverar or the opening at Graham's park ,
near here. ' Over 2,000 people are gathered ,
and le\lng ; mel.or the territory will speak
SimIlar cclebratops are being hell at all
the other towns. The Cherokee strip , which
Is : year "th has over 100,000 people and
thirty good.Oitns. Perry L the largest wIth
a populate \ r 6,000.
, . - _ .
Charged ' -.I.lh Cl'1U.lf on high ' S"IH.
SEATTLE Wash , Sept. 17.-4aptaIn J.
1 [ McLean Scotchman , owner , and Captain
Jensen , master oHhe Chllan vessel Atacama ,
with lumber from Port Gamble to South
America , are Iii l Jai here Just why the men
are tn prisoxm.ia- mystery , and It I alleged
that Internatonal omlllcatons may arise as
a result. They were arrested a short time
since on the Cotn'plaint or In American sailor
who charged qhttty l on the high seas.
a [ . 0
CmmIe Slrlc'XOI : Y1 COllc'nclc.
SCOTTDAL ' 1'a" . .
SCOTDAnt " Sept. 17.-The coke
strike ha not yet gone Into effect The men
at the Oliver works came out today but as
far 8 lmemsrmll . . from the other plants are In
operatton. . Itls 'lalred by the strike leaders
that time ! ! lqrs at Lemont and Morrell
plants wIll quit tomorrow and that the emm-
tire region will be Ihut down by the end of
the week , . . .
Lmmtird'Driims ' Of time Track
SlAnONpo" , Sepl. 17.-Southbound passenger -
lenger tr1n ' - o. 224 . on the Erie & PUts-
burg dlvMof .bt the Pennsylvania railway ,
ran Into an' 'uen switch this morning at
SharpsvUII\ " Time entire train was derailed
and qeVerll Nt1Hle passengers were slightly
hurt , but \ e"qje arioul injury
flIstrcssImj Uumol' l'roycs . ' ,
) IHIl't'.hht " " " 'lb .
DEILIN , ! ept ; n.-The rumor which was
In circulation here last night that a North
Germsn Loa Itemshlp had sunk with allen
on board has proved to bo unlounded.
- fl-ana w
' . . ' ' ' ' ' . IIiiIl.S UOVlN(1.
\\1.1. S'I'AI'1 'IIB " .JI . .
l'rt'"Ih'nl (1'n'ln111 1'1' ' ' ' this
UnUon III iris ) ' ( In hi. " .
ATLANTA , Ga" , Sept. 17.Tomorrow mornIng -
Ing at G o'clock , the gates of the Cotton
States and International exposition wil be
flung ajar for 120 clays , until the bells In I
the chimes tower tel the knell or the dying
year , the expositon will be open to the people
of the worM. The opening will be the seat-
cst event In the history of the big show .
Half or the natons of the earth wIll he
represented In the 11roceulon 111\rlns the lay
and the most prominent speakers of the country -
try wIll address the multItude that Iathers
In the auditorium to witness the Cormal Inaugural -
augural exercises Prparators for the event
have been In progress at the grounds all tim
Ilay. The hon' of the alJnlnlarnton bnld-
Ins has been COtllleted ) and all of the debris
has icen cleared away. All or time buildings
with the exception or those ot the ntnte ot
Pennsylvania , New York , IllInois anti , Maa.a- :
chusetts ha\'e been completed , lea\'lng ouly
some small booths In course or erection
around the grounds. Nlne.tenths or the ex'
hlJls are In Place amI when the bulhlll/s
are . thrown Olen tomorrow a srogeous sight
wi be presented. An Imposing processlou ,
civic and military , commanded by Colonel W.
lj. : Kellogg , United States army , will move
to the grounds at noon rroma point In the
center or the city
At the grotnds address will be delivered
by Preldcnt C. A. Collier , lrs , Joseph
Thompson , 'Ireslent ' or the wpman's board :
Booleer T. Washingloem colored : Mayor Porter
KIng , lon , George Drown .eresenting the
governor , and Judge Emory 'SJ er. Time nr-
ranglments for touching the bnton have been
compiciteth A wire has been IJt In from
Bnzzard's hay , the tel gralh staten for Gray
Gables , the home of I'resldent Cleveland , and
another wire has been put In from the Audi-
cerium to the administration buldln ! When
time time for touching the button arrives , the
wires wIll be clearell and an operator In the
Auditorium will notify another operator at
Gray Gables The wire running Into the ad-
ministrtion buIlding has been connected with
two electric machines attached to valves on
the big I'rlck engine which drives the shaftIng -
Ing or the building and the. valve on the
largest water plm ( As soon ns the presi-
dent closes the electric circuit , these valves
wi be opened and steam wIll Ilour Into the
engines , As the ) ' heRln to act the engineers :
In the building wIll open all the engines and
start every machine In the imahl
\ 'llilA"lmnu' ' 1"11 III C' I rnute nt
( iii' Sight If 1 Cnl.
It's a sUbject that Is frequently talked
about , but It Is a fact that time natural an-
tllathies between certain persons and certain
animals furnish fresh food for wonder and
conjecture constantly. Everyone knows 'well
enough , says the New York Tribune , ' the
aversion that the majority ot people have for
snales-the horrifyIng dread that thelr.pres-
ence excites. Many I perlons also "hnte cats , "
as they term It. Their soft , stealthy Irove-
ments excite a distrust that frequently
amounts to yerslon. I Is seldom , however ,
that this Is 50 pronounced as In a case wMch
excited considerable comment uptown last
week. I was or a young woman who ' lived
on Madison : avenue. Site had always had a
most unconquerable dread of the feline
creatures , and lhe actually could not endure
the presence ot one In the room , 'Ithout
losing control or herselr completely She
was so sensitive In this particular that her
family declares that upon entering a room , I
there was a cat concealed an'where within
It , she would at onCE detect its presence and
unless I were removed at once would bcome
imystercal ! In fact It was a standing joke on
hel' that on one occasion like this she became
absolutely terrified , and , rushing up to a
young man who was a total stranger to
imer . seized him about the neck , sobbing
desperately tIll "the cat , was taken awa ' .
The girl was thoroughly ashamed or her
weakness as she called It , but declared she
was absolutely powerless ' 'r the maUer.
Some Instinct-It was ito subtle olor-tolti
her I a cat were anywhere near her , and the
momEnt she detected It she straightway lost
all her felt-possessIon.
\11 Still for Snh',111 ' 101111'0" "
nlll Start IL % 'igoromms CmsmummiiIii.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 17.-General Anton -
ton Ezeta , ex.presldent or Salvador , wIll saIl
for his native ccuntr tomorrow In discussing -
sing his plans for overthrowing the govern-
mont or President Guiterrez , he sal : "I
will first go to Acapulco and there meet my
main supporters , Generals Colocho anti Cen-
rugOs. There a councIl or ; war wIll be held
and we will , tlen proceed ' to take separate
routes , as has already b6een arranged , and
move on the three ports , Acajmmtla , La Llber-
tad and La Union , where we wIll be supplied
with sufcient relnCorcements to operate.
"It Is our purpose to land at these three
ports sImultaneously and we will be assisted
by General Casln. Colocho and Clenrugos
wIll land rt Acajuta , I will land at I.a
Llbertal , , so as to be at the terminus or the
cable , and General Casln will lanll at La
UnIon. Dy this plan we wIll cover the northern -
era and southern extremlties'of ' the republic
as well as time central section .
"I have had everything
arranged so that
wo wIll take absolute possession 01 these
three ports and sufficIent rifles are already
there to meet all demands. I have been Informed -
formed that 60,000 Mannlchers will be on
hand and I have no doubt they are there by
this time. The next move wH be to gather
all the followers we can amass and move
together on the city or San Salvador. "
Out flU thiiMmunlnhmmT4 All . NIgImt.
DENVER , Sept. 17.-Glen , Ford MeKinney
the young New York lawyer son ot John L.
McKinney or Titusviile , 1'a" , who became
reparated from his lather and other companions -
panions on a hunting expedition In northwest
Colorado , has been round alive and wel ,
He had been huntng and had shot an elk .
crlprlng It. Ito followed the wounded animal
until dark , and then built a fire and camped
where he was until the . following day.
In.Ilc'r"I..ln ArI'CHI'c' for FolAcl'- .
LONDON , Sept. 17.-The
Pal Mail Gazette
says a warrant has been Issued for the arrest
or Baron von Ihmmensteln on the charge of
Issuing forgeries to the amount or $50,000
D3ron van lammersloln , who was removej
front the position or edltor-Inchlel remove
Kreuse ZNtlng , the prlnclpaA prgan or the
conservative party In Germany ' last July Is
suppose to be In hiding In Loudon.
- .
1.111" JIII" of Iiisiii'gejms Defeated
HAVANA , Sept. 17.-0mclal dispatches report -
port the defeat of 800 insurgents under command -
mend at a Cuban named GI , at Piedra , near
Guantanamo. The camp or the Insurgents
was captured after a hard fght , In which
ellht Cubans were killed and three SpanIards
wounded. Among the captured material was
a quantity at dynamite shels and a number
of rlfies _
1'111. GIl" " Johh"I'HJI SC'"III.
WINNEAPOLIS , Sept. .1 - The Plate Glass
Jobbers associatIon began asoei , ! on at the
West hotel this ( ernoon , Fle"n represen-
.tath'es of the large companies or the country
are t nattepdaoco C/lcgo" New York , D03
tQn , . .Djtrol. ICnomnnati , Kansas . City and
Mlnneapol1 are. represented. '
Snl'l.oHe,1 to II thc' 1 111.
LONDON . Sept. 17.-Advlces have been
received hero from a Danish trading statIon
or Angmagsahilc , on the east coast or Greenland -
land , that a ship , supposed to be Dr. rldjot
Nansen's Frammi . was sighed at the end or
July stuck fast In an . Ice drift ,
lunk.1' Iimillt'lemi for l lhc"zc'I'ul.
l'OHTSMOUTI. 0. . Sept. 17-John W.
Overturf , president or the defunct Citizens
Savings : bank , wu Indicted ttday for tIme
embezzlement ol city money , deposited . with
him two years as cIty ago collector . when . the bank failed
I'missiiim' III : , - ( , \ ' . ' , ' UcIlck.
SAN ANDREAS , Cal. . Sept 17.-Es-Lieu-
tenant Governor John D. ncdlck died today ,
aged 61. le was a promtnent attorney . and
was elected lieutenant governor on the re
pUblcan ticket In 1890.
Wsn Baby was sick , we gaTe her Ctrl
When she was a Child , she cried for Cor
When she b'mo MISS , she clung t Cr
When die had Cdn , ie g ve them Ct
- p -
. .
- - -
1'ltOU iIISS tip 'l'ln l'IOI.BI.\ SI' .
' . roe SIt'nll'I' ' ; , . nl 11"nl'nl-
( usc ! on t . l'sselfie , ( 'ansi .
BAN FHANCSCO , Sept. 17-Thrr vessels
arc at the quarantine station at Angei la-
i.tnd. . They are the Pacific Mail steamer City
or lo lie Janeiro , time Honolulu packet
C. Alien nol , the BrItish ship leloneth ,
from the port ot lo dC Janeiro. The government -
ernment authorities are harl at work fim I-
gating passengers , baggage , freIght blast
and vessels. The utnHJt pains are being
taken to prevent the Intro uctlon or choler
from honolulu or the Orient.
When the Rio do Janeiro left 'Nagasalka
cholera was Prevailing , anti , In two weeks
there hmaml been eOTenty-on eases anti fifty-
< fly-
enC deaths. The steamer did not go to the
dock at Nag3salka , hut ever'thlng that she
look 01 board was trnserle < to her by
buat. tn a similar nionnersue took gOO < 9
that hall come b ) ' steamer from Shanghai.
At : agasalc It wa ! state < that no whiLe
hall taken time clllc'a , At Yokohama there
was cholera , but according to the captain , It
was " lot In . the city , but Inlan,1 In two
weeks there ha,1 , been' cases and
thirty-five eaths. ' The sto.mmner took\e < ste.mer cargo
at Yokuhama , conllstlg of silks anti cimrius.
No whites lied suffered with cholera at
Yoleehama. <
On arrival at Honolulu every precaution
was taken The rteamer anchorell on the
outer harbor anti dId lot have any communi.
caton with time shore except by boat. At
the time cholera was Increasing The
statement signed by Ellis MIlls , the consul
general , gives the number of cases a9 fily-
eight and the number or deaths as lorty-
four. The steamer dimi not use water from
Honolulu even for washing the decks While
In time outer huber the steerage was fumigated -
gated wIth aUlphur According to the state-
ment , ot the city or flo de Janeiro's eur-
goon there was no case or quarantnahle
disease from the time she heft Hong Kong
After lstening to this statement and
examining the papers offered In substanta-
ton or It , Dr Chambers gave It an his opinion
that as more than seven days hall elapsed
since the steamer left Honolulu , there was
no possibility or choler being carried
after all the rumlgat n and In spite ol al
the preautons taken , lie went to see the
Boar or health anti was overrulel by that
< <
hotly < , which recommended the holding of
the steamer and her lumlgaton at the
Isianmi. , The strainer went to Angel isiamiml
at the quarantine staten , where the dcliv-
ered her malls.
GC.ttll Itt'mitlr II I'ress tIme ilultomi.
BUZZARDS BAY , Sept. 17.-A force or
linemen Is engaged , today ln putting up n spe-
cal telegraph wire to Gray Gables , President
Cleveland's summer resl < ence , The wire
crosses the ' grounds back or the hOUS8 anti
will probably enl In the reception room or the
houc , where the ly will be placed with
which the preident I to start the machinery
at the Atlanta expositIon tomorrow. Thts
loop , being attached to the main line , wilt
establsh time necessary cornimaunication with
Atlanta , and another special wire crossing the
exposition grounds to machinery hal wIll
connect with the mechanism to be set In
motion by the pressure or this key at Gray
Gables. Time machinery will be started In
this way at noon tomnurroiv
' 'culhcl' lint ut St. .Toseplm
ST. JOSEPH , Sept. 17.-Today L one ot the
hottest or the season , and the beat Is almost
tmnbearabie The mercury lingers near the
100 mark , anti the aIr Is dry and parchIng
Doth branches or the circuit court opened
yesterday , but after standing the heat for
two days an adjournment will be taken until
next month. Mommy people have been over-
come by the imeat t , but no fatal cares ol sun-
stroke have been reported
- - - -
Xu 1'1'11"1) ' 1 "ul'c,1 L'iclminj. '
OSAGE CITY , Kan . Sept. 17.-Lew
'homas ' , time Eskrilge fiend , who last night
outraged the Imbecile daughter of 0. E. Mc-
Efish , Is safe In jail at Lyn < on , where he
was taken al 1 o'eloclt this mornLng , alter
au unsuccessful atempt was made to lynch
htm. Today the feeling Is quieter , and It
15 not beleved another attempt at lynching
wIll be made. ,
Sui for Slier ' lu"urlu"o :1010) ' .
PORTLAND , Ore. , Sept. 17.-Edwln Mc-
Neil , receiver ot the Oregon Hallway and
Navigation compannrbasl begun suit In the
United States court , against the Liverpool ,
London and Globe Insurance company to recover -
cover the sum cr 'Sa,500 Insurance on property -
erty destroyed by time big elevator fire on
September 23 , 1594
. Medical
! and
Crowned PHD With 8UCe E % : , Surgical i
CURE Institute
Nervous , Chronic nnd Private
We cure Cat1rl'h. All D1eaeu of the
Nose ' 1'hl'o1t. Cimeit . ItO.U10b. Dow , "
apd LI..rL Ih"dl'ocelt YI\l'lcoctI" ,
Stricture . ' Vrtsk Men Sexunily.
Siriolur. 'VI1k 11en '
_ mood , . $ lnLunc' _ IClduiy flI.cmlNe " :
1ernnle 0U1515D' Gonorrhoen. , VeflimIe5RJi . so.s llanaoou
New York Hospital .
rILES FISTULA. F1i8Urti6 ! . permanent
ly cured wIthout the use ot knife . ligature
or caustic.
All correspondence answered promptly.
Business strictly confidentIal. Medicine sent
free from observation to all parts ot the
Call on or address , with stamp for Clrcu-
Cal , Free Book , Recipes and Symptom
Treatment by IU1U. oou.nlh.UoD tree
Omaha Medical and
Surgical Insttute ,
14th nud Doullns Sts . Omaha , Neb
LDtE O1O .
B A SPECIALTYon6aryor 5to ,
Ir 1 ondarOrT.
tar , Iphils permanently cured In 16 to
35day . You can bo treated at home t
the Same price undename guimrmammty it
, ou prefer to come her "I wll contract
t pay riroad tore and hotel bill. . anti no
obii' . I r we Inl tl cur lJOU haTe tllen mer-
oury Iodide notasim sue still haTe aches ani
rains . Muoou'1'atciiea tn mouth . More Tlmromst .
l'lmples , Copper Colored Spots . Ulcero on
any put of the body . Hair or Eyebrows fulling
out . II ' Is this Syphilitic BLOOD l'OISON thaI
tee guarautco ) cure. We solicit the omoet Otsti"
, : : : f , : li tbW Oi
Iato cases toad ctiat1emio time worlit for a
CRao Wo cannot dire . 'JimI I' < 10110 ba uhsr5
baffled tha skIll of the moa .mlnent physt-
-elan. . 8100.000 Cpita' ' bObln" our uncondl.
Ilnat gnarunzy. Absolute proolA sent Sealed on
application. Address COOl ; 1CIIEJJY CO. 01
; 01 JOn Temnulo. CWCAOO . .
( JmIohr.ter'i F.nhsmit. Immsmont mmrsa.
ji i ; ' t. . .arc Orlalnal.n" , W'1' .dl.ble. iJaly ( . . , . . . , A
: 4k I , 1) ' a lot ( " LDI. Zaa.i'C.\
; , , , , . , , : = St. , 154 , , iM 1"1 , ' . I ,
* &tSwlmi t1 rbto " IT'
' fbI I. . . ' , . , . . . . . . . . , , .
. so oIhr. RQ' .iat.gva . . cstin.
. Bu .ng..v..hllr
. oli. . . , . . . , . , , . , , . .
- " .aLit.mtaUm Atflrutimoru44e.
. . . . fonl. o. .n4
I. : . . . 5paImmMtr. ' , 'llmonl.l. sat
. " .I..p r. " I.4l. . . " . itter. b , .
" F "lel.r. . I..dl. ' hi. . b.I. . .
-'Lr.imt.I tt.,31t.JI..n j'Q I\.pu. . , . . ,
. I 5z &U La oonu . J'bnAt . .
. . !
- - i
4utttt. ( pS
- - - -
. - IL , _ _ _ . _ " _ " _ _ _ ' + ' " "L _ _ _ j ; _ _ _ _ _ - - ' - ' , - . . , : " _ . ' , . . i t , 1 ; - " ,
$150,000 STOCK OF THE .
8. P I Morse Dry Goods Company.
16th and Fn1'nalU Sts
This Matchless high-class stock of rich ulercandise posi
. tively overflowing with great values. New Bargain'Treas-
jules come to light at every tUl"l" Impossible to cOlu11ehe1\ .
the magnitude of tIle values unless yon see them . READ
Se Eo OLSON 00.
- .
Fine Assortuett In Jlm'sc's UnnppI'oachnblc } Lutes of H\'cnlng amid Heccption
GloVes . Rich ali Rare LCScCH Cost Fans ali Real Lace
of Gloves Evciiltip , SUCL'hflced and fleccptlosi us follows l Rid : ll 1IIH' ! rchicH. itt : Prces thnt mis'c Jln1cls of thc \Vor'id 1 in
. 'alue ( .Ivlng. ; .Connolsscurs , Colc.tors stud LovcI's of Hue
l .htton leugths thnt sell I.accsshuuht I u'estigmttc these ' .
Invostigth : Ol1'crimmgs.
at .2.Th , baimlerupt smile $1 $ q OmJngs.
} lt Itlce .ji . . . blnktuvt . . . . . . . Real I 4aces.
1U.hutton ) lugths tlt sold ( ( Fno Valencominea' ' Laces , -worth SOc 10 Q
mit 3.75 , banla'uvt smile $ i 8 $ 2O yard , bamikrimpt Mle ! 11 rice IOe - U c to 1 . 00
lt 11tlce ) :3.j . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Il Steal . , . Irish Point' Je'1 thnt cost $3.0 to I
21-buttoim bail I and 1 ' tl $1..0 yard to import , bankrupt sale } Irlcef 1 . .0 to Q6 " Z
- ' .uu tt on I lit rccc'imtlosm range Crom. , ' ' ' 37(1
: KId :5.o : ( ) , Gloves sale 11tI'e that , . suIt . . . . , lt . . $ j . q $2,0 immmclmce to $ .0 I.ncel ) 'nrl , that now , wore going cheap at from nt , yard Cram , ' 1'O0 to Q. f . 00
, , .
, . '
Jteymmier's I cclobi'ited t Kid ( Elegantly emhl'ldered crepe Swiss
\ ( 1.1 \ , . ,
C , l1 Flouncing" worit $ s.&o yard bankrupt palo
worh G.IO Ql . DB
' , . ) 4)
Gloves , 8IItuI black prlco. .
and culm's , regular price $1 $ J9 { . r .
. . . . . Real Lace Ha11dkercl11efs--
: O , sale 1)11cc , lulir . . . - -
Iteynivr's 'I-button ICI(1t4 ( . Duchess UICO IIan&lkerchierme that cost
Iernl'r's .J.huton Ilcl landleerchleCI . 0
black 111'11 ' CUIUl' regular , to Import n5.0 hankrUI'l sale price Q'
' . t
} u. price :2,00 , sale q. price $1 $ 6 { cost Ducimesmm to import 'Point $25.0 Lace nol lIammihierohiefs going at that lQ U o
ImIr . . . . . . . . . . . . Ienl I'olnt : Appllqul Lace Hundlecrchlef QQQ
. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ thnt ! :1olnt import $45.00 , now only -t- _ . U o
- - IHeal I 'lsh 1'olnt Lace lallcerehles that
MORSES' PEERLESS STOCK only cot $5.01 " to Import . , going nt ankrupt sale 977 . ' o
n. 't
Heal Vnl len"nes ' Lace landleerchleCf cost Q
to import $5.00. now only $ 0
Dress Goods Rich Novelties ; i iii Costly Ban and Party Futs
Only Stock of Elsie foods Il Oninlmn- ' Made l finest imported Point anti Jtist rrali
. D\lchess lace , hand painted , mother or pearl t . - L
All I nt { Sale Prices . . <
o r ccs. ,
go nl1rupt imnr.thies : fluleti , that
sIlver cost to
Wctttscttdny We Will Close - - - - - from - - . sI.O - . r ! _ - - ' to - - - $ . - - flle - ! , - , < at - _ _ _ Import _ _ _ _ _ _ 1J'1C _ _ _ e. _ _ _
.Jl.lnch ( i ell Novelty , muhah' Black I 5 , ligil DI'CRS I''it ( , M.lraculo'u's 8ankruot" Sale Prices
Morso' [ , $1.00 3'mti'I ( , sale a H
[ ] I'lcc O'IW'S , 'a't. $100 . . 'I'I . . . . , . . On Morse's . Famous High . Grade
, 8 hluck" ) lt'cea " figuc'ed only or ? 'lO-inclm uhah' , ' Stock of Fine Silks I and S a t. Ins.
" Mth's's . f'elcl In , yard ( i5c , . 6a' hhcl- Gt'g Grain . ' " , . MO'bO'S . . . . . ' Irlcc . . . . Vii . . . . . , . . . . . Hall . Irlce
Fnll l prIce , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flle hhclGIOS r Silks . . . ! 1.5O . . . . . . 87c
_ ' . , Fhl' IhclGl'n ) : . ( haiti "Ill's . . . . 1 . 00 . . . . . . . . . . . 6' e
1 -nch black , Dagolul l Hlne I'uile F'i'ammeals. c' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . : !
Suitlmmgs : ' , : \U' e slow IJlce it Ball , Figtiicml ( } Icla SI.s. . . . . 7i . . . . . . .36e
Tile yard , sale II'lce , 'I'II 1 nincic piitmo Cl'llm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.iiO . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85e
One lot flnc ' C"(11n utI Ihe. CIO'Clt ; Jls ; . . ) . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . : iJo . . . : : : : : : ' : : : : : : : . :33e :
tiOO(15 ( , 40 to . , ) Inchcs Novelty Sil's. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
wile , Morse's plle :100 4 C Colot111 I'iiUtb ) Fraimealse. . . . . . . . . IMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5ge
) 'utcl , . smile 1)01CC. } . . . . . . . . . . Chnll ' ' ) ISIJIEJ , , I.s. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 1. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .i9c
1 lot 40.Inclm . Frclch Plaids , 24-1ncl Back'atus' GI1n Silks , Fine imported Goods , Cashmere llntmmlm . ' .
value jc yard , sale price , 6 . : lol e's $ : ; ,00 ( ) grades ( going at. . . . $2.98 Inl8h.
'nld . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . MO1'tO't4i.oo ; gmlcs : goln , , ut. . . . . . $2.69
1 lot fllc ' Cl'CpOI and Bcautfnl assortment Evening Novelty Silks , worth
nil wool ' ' , Suitng ! , . value . . . . . lOc I c up to $12.00 pel' yard , , Sale 1)'ICO , y'i. Novel . . . . . , . Siks . . . . . . . , . n .4 8
1 : : lot'Ilnch : ; C 'nll sale nil wool imi'lce lOtiles' i \ no II 101' , lot I worth . " c1.00 . j'l 1 bc' ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ql . 8f
cloth ( , lorsu's lalics' 2 DOl t miss this oPPol'Lunlty to ! ot fine silica at prices less thun
71c jnnl : , sale 1I'lce. . ) rce . . . ( \ cost uf tile material. plccs ,
. . R
- J.l- _ _ , WE REnR YOU TO 8,000 pATIENTS'
' ' % " Write for Bank ReCerencs.
No Operation. No { Detenton from Business
THE O. E. MILLER co. ;
507-308 N. Y. Life Bd ! , OMAHA , NEB.
Sometimes needs a reliable
r mommtlmiy regulatng medlcn (
t pltLS
fr prompt . safe and certain la result The genu.
% , ) . ' ' ' . ,
\O ( Dr.I'cal's ) ne\'erdI8PDolnt. Sent anywberem
$ ,0 Sherman & McConnel Drug 10 , . lSI
Dodge street Omaha. Neb
Chus. Shlvcrlcl & Co . .
Ft1r11 iture
- .
' "
Irot Beds-11110 or'mue ,
Or lnal' ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,00
September prco prlco. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2.0 ,
Spccll prlccsoit
11 kiemmisot
Furniture- -
Dining Cimatrom ordinary prlco. $2.0
SIdql nris , ordinary price . . . . 15.00
September. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . 8.00
150 Styles to Choose Ftom .
Chas. Shiverick & CO.
12th and Dostglnmt.
- utl DOIjlns.
New yomc CITY I W. 6 lhl. ( adj. Central
, . Ia rk.
Th e . J ace t 0 t Sch 00 I school ttoaniimm& for girls ) '
) , Imme.FIT0MnNT. Mn. ( I. ) IIOAN , I'rlncvala
Fail term bfllns . October 1. 1 . L'ruapeClus
sent on .pp ! aton.
- -
. ,
I t ltt-J'i' " ) '
, . . , l'U J'
Ac ir 0 . [ _ - oi
J Worse Than Rum. Q
o Indigestion ' spoils more lives B
D than run. : But you , think you havc r j
o "malaria \ ' " or "gnp , " or something b
n worse. ' , ; : The : trouble is all in the 0
d digestiv6' ; tract.- Ripans abules 0
I bring a sort of Millennium with . - 0
: ! them. , . One gives relief and their
_ 1 habitu mm keeps the whole sys-
11 tern iri' ' ' tone.
Q . npans Tntute : SobS . by druggists. . , , or ty mail
r the price ( W cents n tex ) I. Hent to The Iii-
vans Ctmemntcai Company No 10 Spmuce sl" , : ; . Y.
DD DD - Q 0
I : , . " ! . , l' . DCD
' 01-
A Few Advantages
Offered by the CumicamdMiii'auItee ; & St Paul Hall\'ay , the Hhorl lne to Chicago .it
clean train made ul'lll ' alurtel from Oma ha. A
k f\OUy OIT CHcAQo , !
r _ _ _ _
, , .
- -
% . ectI BluDES , ; MOINES "
Buggae checke.1 . tram residence to ties tnRton , Wegant train service amid courteous -
teols emIJlo 'ell. Entire train lghted by electricity , wlh electric I readIng lumps In
, ) I'eallnl
every berth Finest dining car service In the west , wIth meals served ' a In carte era
wih I
In other words , order . whnt you want and 5m03' for what you get , 'HrVet ) leaves union tic.
pot daily ft 6:0 : p. m" , arriving nt Chicago tn t 9 a. m. \
City Ticket Olco , JW ! , Farnam Streot. C. S. CAIUtEH , City 'rlcleet J\gcnt.
, . -
1 want : to make money , buy a lot in the
M c Cay of South Omaha.
. J ,
Tlke advantage ' of thc GREATI.HEDUCED JJnCES Iud LBERAL
TERMS offcritl b
otel' ) h' '
South Omaha land Company
10'1 uN LOTSND ACREAGE PJWPERTY. This bClutuly ! situ-
cited property Ic bctwceu the Stock 1'mts'dc iiiid the .ct'OPUIH. nud ' 1
accessible to nil tier rulh'ulHIH Jenchlu Olnhn or South Onialin. Fluu
locnton for 1iI fn'cturln plnutH uU"llrond t'lcls. S.\ALI.IN\'HS'
-ENTS canuot help hut pity II4tNISO.ME lnOlTS , hecnuse the prop.
erty is so locatc ( hit thc Jrowth of the two chicH townrl ench other
Olnlot help but rapidly Iuct'cnau , 'aliies
Qol12Q8 aud 2O9)lrmtNiit . i' , TITLE . Batik JIj ! PERFECT. /06 North 2"tl tt
r _ WM" . .