- , - . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . , . . . r , _ ' ; 0. to cE:1't ' : ' ( /Z1 { ' ' ' I - . ' I , I _ _ ' . ' _ . , " , ' r' I "t' 1 . - 2 - - TIlE ' : )1sI.4II4 ) DAIlY DEE : . SATURDAY ' , SJPT1tnEi1 ' l'J 1S9. ' - - - - - - - - - - - I IADE EXCLUSION EFFECTiVE Municipal Authorities Take Radical Action Aginst ; American Meat , PROSPEROUS TRADE ENTIRELY RUINED , " ' 11 I'ltl'rllw I II li Nlil ' " 'I hll I JI"II'I111 ! Xlr 11"'Ct , I 'lhl."t'h't'-\llrl.11 Cl'r- II tIcflM Xlt Mulh''lt. ( ' - - W ASINGTON , Sept. 13-Secretary Ior- S the hal cclvell through the State Ilell3t- . ment a report from Unied States Conlul General Mason : at Frankfort , Germany , on methods allopted In ! ome of the German cites to obstruct and dhcorage the trale In \merlcan nleats An agent In ( souther OH- ' many for n Chicago p3cklng , firm ClmpJlllcl1 ' to the consul that restrictve moaslres'ln. - forced by local authoriies at Frelburg had practIcally destroyed a Jormerly prosperols trade In that city. Similar retrlctons were threatened at Carl3ruh. The mater was at once taken from the Unlcd Statrl cnsulate . to the emlJssy at IcrLn , with the cxpecta- ton of preventing the objectIonable prceed- . Meantime Mr. logs threatened at Carlruh. Meantme , J. H. Thlerot , United State ! commercial agent at Jrcberg , was Jnstructed to make a thorough InyosUgatlon as to whether of- lcal hostility to American mtats In that city was due to the dhcovery at any dilcatcl or afected meats of AmerlcU origin , or was slnply the result of the agrllan Iplrl , which would from self-Interest seek to xclude all foreign food PrOlUCt which compete aerlously with the domestic upply. The report just received II 1 prsclc2ly a summay of Mr. Thlerol' : InvtIgatlon. I was learned today that the local .veterlnay physicians at J'rellerg had visied the 'prin- cipal mEat and sausage'dealel warning them against the use of fCen ! meat espeell\ those coming fram the UnStil' . 1)sal- ers were reflulrd by decree , moreover , I they contDl1 to orer sleh meats for sale , to post In their shbps n declaration stating that the American meats cff red for ! ale had passed only n superficial and Inrfclent In- Ipeton , and that no glaantC of theIr pur- Ity. therefore , cpuld heI'cn , In reply to n written protest made by slh- Agent Wohls I Is staer the city ordinance S required that all slaughtered meal to be brought to the city be acc mpanled by a certfcate or Inspection or else sublteJ fur hlsllecton to thc municipal slughter house , and that American allshtcrEl beef , . not being Ilovhled wIth any certificate that could he eceognized . must be rclnspcted , This meat I Is stated , consists of beet shouhler ! pickled In brine and pressed dry In air tight caslts each . barrel helng accol- panlell by n UnIted Sltes Inspection tag 4 ccrtiflcate. I Is uEed very largely In Ger- may for sausage and the receipts nt Frei- berg have amounted to about 12,000 bnreh per annum. In all tbll importation not a slr/Ie . cask or Piece of deceased meat was A United States certIficate of lnspction ac- companylnJ Americn beef was held by tIm official veterinary to he insutlicient. Many 8ula e makers refused to post the placrd required by the 'reJberg decree deemJng I derogatory to their self-respect IS wel IS business Intcrests , and llscontnued ( usIng AmerIcan meats rather than comply. " All the f3usago mal.er consulted by he I "Unite States cmrlerclal agent were unanl- moos that : all persons 1 ho used American meats were satsle with them and wouhl wec : have gladly continued their U5e. The result of I . the action of the 1001 authorities I that . the trade bul up at Freiberg has ' been ' practka1y stroyed - , /ince the local ! author- _ Ites would neiher accept our certfcates : not' 'Inspect ' tlte meat , preferring to thus Publicly dlscrellt cur meat products , Mea.1 I , of precisely similar quality and qualy origin CI\- Unue to be sold at Frankfort , wbere they have frequently been exarnlned by mUllclJal inspectors and have always been found -hole- sOle and1ln gL condition. 1p"S . FOR TI g . IDlY. I Cllt'K" " In dln HI'A'lllr S.r'lcl A" Alnlune.11 l'14'rlll" ' . - WAS1IINGTO. Sept , i-tSpecial ( T1e. gram.-Second Lieutenant Eli A. lelmlck I I trnserred from the Fourth Infantry to com S , p3ny I , Sixth Infantry : Second Lleutenlt : ' Daniel Duncan , Sixth Infantry. to company I. ' I Fourth Infantry. . 'fpe following transfers In the Twenty-filth Infantry are ordered Second Lieutenant Vernon A. CaIdwell. comJany F to cOlpJny IC ; Second LIeutenant Samuel 1 Lyon com- patty K to company I" . . ThL' ( allowing changes In stations 01 nfcel's of the medical department are or- der'll : Capth Edward C. Carter , assistant surgeons will report at Fort Harrison . Mont , ; First 1 Llelten nt Charles I F , KieUer. anlst- ant suhgeoii. rclaved upon the sblntunmeut of Fort Dlford , will report for duty at Fort Omaha. Lieutenant Colonel ] than Miles I i trns- ferred from T\entelb Twenty-seund , infantry - tntry ; Lieutenant Colonel Loyd ! \\'leaton , from Twenty-senli to Twentieth Infantry. Colonel Miles will report to the colond- Ing general Department of Dakota. for Ut- elgnment to station. First , LIeutenant Lawrence D. I Tyson , Tenth infantry , I ! granted le.vo tar one month : Second ! uten.nt , Kenzle W , Walker , Ninth cavalry ) ' , two months. Secand Lieutenant 'Jame o E. orloyl I t transferred Irons comlny .K to company ITh ; Secmd Lieutenant 10la > Cark , from I company E to cQmpany K. Twenty-third In . fpntry. . ' . 't A genral court marlfal 'for trial of prls- . . . . .oner II appointed to meet at Wihlet's Point , , . N. Y. , Tue tay. September 17. detaIl for which Is lS follows : Captain Theodore A. Inham. Engineer corps ; Nathan S. Jar- vl , Medical I I deiartment'llhlam ; C. Lanftl , , Engineer corps : F'irst Lieutenant Charles S. S , fliciio , l'nlfeer : corps ; First LIeutenant E. 'Yolllua8 , Engineer corps , JIIe advocate . , Second Lleltenant ! George I' . howell , I n- lnt'r corps . ald the following additions ] Iccon,1 , lieutenants of the nglnfcr crps , , , Charles \ % . ICutz , Mcriacther L. Waiter , , Hobert I' . Johnson , Robert P. IJymond , VIl . . lam 1 Ladsm , Wilam J. l1rllen , Captain I Louis A. I.egrte. assistant surgeon. are S - granted leave t.r one month : First Llcuten- aI . ant Edward I Catn , Second artillery. ono S , sisontli. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. . \ . It.I..la $ ( u.si tl , , 't..t I'iiiut. . \\'A UNO'PN , . Scpt. 13.-Slleclal ( Tele grans.-The ) President has appointed Julan : I . \mol Benjamin a a cadet-at-large to Wcst Point to succeed George E , Iantly jr , whu was compelled to resign on account of sick- S neM YOlcg , enJmln Is the grandson of I I thb late Secre1ry of State Hamiton Fish and non If the late Colonel Samuel F. len- S : jalln , for many years assistant alljutant .5 . general. ; who marrIed .the'lallht r of Sel're- , tary l'l.h The elder Benjamin was wounde ' three IIH during the civIl war. Colonel Beajaniiu died In actIve servIce. lie W3 a , Ilpulr army omeer and the al'polntm of ] his Hun tu a cadetship give general 1 aats- S faction ! . at army headquarters. Aiisi.rlt'iiiiVoviinus UI'M , tbronI. ' ; 4 . WSINGTON , Sept. 13.-The State dc- rartment received I cablegram today from : I : blnller Timan at Quito , Ecuador , st . tng ; that Alfaro , the revobitiotsary . Alaro tl revolululr general , Bnll hhi army hsd orcl\lfd Quito since ! the ht Inst. lie adds that all .Ia quirt there now Consul na\non baa cabled the dellutment L from Sln Sal"dnr that Mrs , lutchme'pr , al Amerlcal WOo al , died lt San Stlvador last L . night. Ipr husband . who was formerly : Unlell States consul st that point died theu a few day . : ) ago. . Chln..c .tetorss Muuist SI"y Ont S W.\SIUNOTON , . . ' . Sept. 13.-Tho secretar ref . ot the Irl3ury today Pnt a telegram to tIn collector of customs at OgcnlbL\rg \ , N. Y. . directing hIm not to admit any of the : O ) ( Chinese recently landed at Vancouver , .n . . S route 10 the Atnta exposition . Thee Is I : t . IhOn for the belief this I In attempt to t dcCr" II the government and secure the al. S " mIsts n of a large number of Chinese who is are n t actors and seek this method of gaius . t . Ilg aImlaslon Into the United States. 'S Irl.orl. oC CI.ilt'rss lu,1 Yelloiv ' ) t"er S. . WASINOTN , Sept. 13.-Tho "folowlnl reports ha\'e been received at the surgeon ieneral's omca of tie marine hospital Hen- ice : "t Ouka-llogo. Japan , for the tWD , weoicB ending AIUlt 1 , there \ ere 1,701 , cases of choler and 11 deaths , At Kc.be JloK for the week endtn August 1 there were 248 cases and 193 denthl. At lila (10 Janeiro for the week ending August 1 there w ere eight death from yellow fcver. At V era Cruz for the week ending August 29 , there were eyen deaths from yellow fcver MlnrixiVilI ntull. thc ( I Il' . WAShINGTON , Sept. 13.-Consul Sprague wrltnK from Gibraltar on the 21h of Au- Kst to the State departnsent reports the doP arturo from flint IKrt of the small sloop S pray , In which her owner . Captain Joshua 'Slocum , started from Ilaston to circuninaviF g ! tate the globe nlone. He arrived at Gibral- tar on August 24. He says the alight craft and her navigator were the objects of con- 'shlerablo curiosity and hospitable attention among the naval authorities at Gibraltar. S locum says In a letter that ho sailed the distance In thirty-two days , and could have radt better time. lIe h.11 intended con tn- n ing his journey tbroulh the Hell sea , hut hio hat declM to chan ! ' his course on account of the fear of thieves after pastuing the Suez Jd c anal and to /0 via the Capeof _ food ( hloo. i tu'stgn4'uh I tfllei'fnr ' ' , I t'"IAu" om.I' flr I Irlft'1''hlr' WAShiNGTON , Sept 13-Walter D. Dlb : ncy , solclor ! of the Department of State , today terminated his connection with t'nat departmcnt : Ir. Dahney was choJcn for the p ost. of solicitor by the late Secctary Oresllam at the outset of his administration In special I rccognlton of uk legal ablites and he leaves the State Ifpartment now to fl the place of professor of law In the UniversIty of Virginia. SI' : ; A'JO It 'I'l UILS'VON ' VEI.tG : IA Il S. lnN 11'rn I" Xo UIH./t'r nlil Is Its , phhly ' JteiT'ri5i. A. Alarm caused by press dispatches yester- day morning reporting Senator Thurdton dangorousy' ] I at Haler , Idaho , was allayed l aRt evenIng when the senators private sec- relary , Mr E. C. Snyder , r clved from him the following telegram : h11LEY Iulaho , SepL 13 , 1 o'clock . , - 1. I.gX , l.aho S"pt r o'coclt p. m- To E C. tlnydcrVas taken at non ) ' ( - I rday ImnCll1tclr 1pon entertn plln o with acute afack oC indigestion. " 'l have been It no time In any danger , and urn bn tmo 1m rOW' tal.ldlr tcOlrrl" , JOHN M. THURSTON. , . O ? : O o U . AMUSEMENTS. ( ( . V cCXccc4zIcctcc ccc = p jj u Vicks4hrg ' was stormed In front of a big aldlenco lai night at Courtand bach , and fel f amid an applause that rivaled the burst- hug of the bombs whIch did the business. I was somewhat awe Inspiring to tie big crowd of youngsters that seemed to form the majority of the audience , but the terrific cracking of the big frecrcker ! und sky rockets made It appear like a second Fourth ot July to thcm and while they were not opening their mouths wIt appreciation and rather awe- ful "Os , " they gave vent to their approval In i applause with mouths , hands and fect. I was chIldren's night and consequently the program was arranged to catch the fancy of the youngsters The acts of the acrobats were all funny and many humorous side plays were put In to raise a laugh There was a profusion of many colored stars and golden and silver streamers In the air almost all the while , and all the fireworks were bri- lant I and showy. The crownIng piece was a picture of Defender In an outline of fro , This evening will be Grand Army night at Vicksburg , and knowing that Jules Lumbard was present at the capture of this city by Grant , he was requested to sing some of his , patriotic SOIS just before the battle. Although - though thIs ts a severe strain on acconnt of the surrounfllngs . the warm regard he has shown for the Grand Army led him to can- scnt. He wi be assisted by Paul Deresford , , William S. McCun'e. W. D. WIlkins , A. J. : Van Koran , Ed Treat. L , B. Copeland . A. I , Fndlay : Sand a number of other well known L local singers. Th& popularity of the Creighton thtater S matinees Is e.Jdent to any one observing the S throng ! of ladles attending each Wednesday and Saturday afternoon , which effect Is the rEsult Qf the general excelence of time at- trletdns orar d and the popularity of th t prices , 25 cents obtailr any reserved seat "The Charity Hall" Is the attraction for this afternoon's rformane. afernoon' ! II'ormante. . 5 During hf p sf 'summn' [ 11 Spink of "The Derby Winner" put In his spar time In St. Louis revicing and generly strengthen : "Thc DerbyVInncr. " 'which opcns at the new Creighton Sunday matinee , and In its ; - eo3nd sea D on the roach It has proven to , bct ' nmca' ' nttjictive - . Its scenic l 'more' nttHctve tb'n e"er. 1s : I hS3ules ; Iuivc ben grestIy enhance by the : new and elaborate representaton of General L 'Grant' " famous old log cabin , the stable scene , and the representation of the Derb day race Time dramatic acton has beer . grlaUy Improved , the situations trcngrh- ' cacti I , tIme clmaxEs well worked cup and the ; Cst add ell to by the a"IIJslton of such wel ! ] known artists as Edl1e ! , Gquere , the Ile COIClan with the double voIce , Arthur Khorns . thea Dutch comedian , Ulnche Doyer and Dora Cole , seubrettes . and MIss FLnlce Rundy . In the role of , HlndIn the heorlne Time old favorites , 'Mlsl Viola Arthur . who , can ride a raea horse better than an ) woman living , S and Billy E1drtdge the famous colored actor , , t are still with the ccmpany. The slHclaltea ne all new. TIn buck and wing dancing , anti the comedy buloess throughout silt ! greatly ' to the attractiveness of the play "The S D3rby 'Inner" I full of good wholesme fun and will no doubt pack the new Crelgis. ' Crelg. ton ln' Its engagement beginning Sunday matinee. ) Tile sale of seal for the engagement of r Hr. Roland nee at noyd's theater . durln fair week \:1 open at the box.of durlnl C theater this morning at 9 pclock : , At , regular prlC , Mr. Heed will opep' his Cjlgement t tomorrow ( Sunday ) , nI1It.1 Da.ld I ) . Lloyd and Sydney hiosentei's cbmedy , ' 'he Pol- tcian , " , repeating the comedy on MondJY anti Tuesday evenings and at the Wednesday . maUneu .Tbo . story of "Tb Pollcla " deals C with the machinations of General Jotlh Limber - ber , -a cheming politician . who his un I Ieler ' 'poIf ' 1n compromise candidate for . ' ' _ congress. Woeley Is anything , buLa poll ticlan. Hc Is rich , uUsned with his manner - net 'of life. thoroughly domestic. and loves C his home and his garden patch. hut I 1nber gets the women on his side and finally per umadee Wooley to 'Iet his " tuadrl , name bo used , It Is used In the I most lurId and band-wagon I st'le. The Interest culminates In the third L act , whIch represents toe anteroom of the S convention ball. LImber works like a horse S and carries the day , Wooley being declared I the nominee J The lover of 'oelcy's daughter - ter l. I nomlnalCI by the other side . which I causes their engagement to bl broke , and I Umber falls In love with Wooley's niece ' while her aunt cots her cap for I.lmber. Al I the complications are straightened out In the last act . which takes plce In the dlnln . : rom In Wooley's residence where clecton , m returns are received. On Wednesday aOl Thursday evenings Mr . Reed will appear In the comedy , "Lend Me 'our'ife , " ant 01 Friday and Saturday evening and Saturday matinee , "Innocent L as a . amb. " 0 John Griffith and hie company wi close the present tngaJement at Doyd's today by Rtv- Inc two performances of "FJust " rformancl , a matnee at 2:30 : this afternOon anl thc regular even anI reguar log performance at 8. The price of admIssion - sion at time matinee have been fixed EO that : none Iced stay away on account of excessive S charges. Mr. rank Murray , manager of Gladys S Wallwi arrive In the city today. clald- crably ahead of tIme. lie cr.bly nhcll tme. le expects to spend the major portion ot state fair week In Omaha "Tho Husler , " perhaps the liveliest of al I musical farces , I announced to appear In ( al : city nt an early ) ' date , and no doubt Its wel como wi be a , warm one . As Its title 1m- plies. "The hustler" Is tte i plel Huster" Is full of anSI > and gln ir. and this season I I stated that a i reward will bl gIven for the dlseo\'ert of an 01.1 Joke or In old song during the perform ance. Thee entertainers this season are John T. Tlernl' Charles A. I.oder Harry t"uy , George W. KIrr , Charlee Udel , Gus ? loy , Miss n"I ) ' Theobilti , Dorothy Kent , Mis 5 ; Alyn , Oeprgie 1.lnRord and others. A four night tngagement at th' prelhtol theater : commences Thufday , September 19. ) omt..k..rl. 0 S Excursions . On August 2. September 10 and ! 4 , 1895. the Union Paelf" system will sell ticket : ) Ietcketl fnnn Council Huas anti Omaha to poInt south soil welt In f "rlla and Kanul also : to Colorado WomIL. Utah and Idaho. eaat of Weiser and south ' 'ellr 01 1eanr Canon at ex- c < tlnly low rates. apply For to lull Inforn t"n nl te rtcl and limit . teA C. . IJUN& CI ) ' TIcket Agent , q02 Faroama St. : anar : . Omaha Neb , NO FEAR OF CHOLERA 1EREo 1 Quarntino Service i Amp'e ' fo the ProtecS tion of - This O nntr ' ' PACIFC COAST Will BE WELI ' GUARDED 1..lt.ruJ Authlrlh' " TttdlK livery . ) .r..nu.ln I tu J'rc'cnt thc , I inliur- tntun lC flue J , , ,111Uhfrum the Ssmmelavich hlnnll" . WAShINGTON , Sept. 13Dr. Wymln , aerg geant general of tlo ( marino hospial crvlce , s peaking of tha cholera In Hone ulu , all to- day that the quarantine service on the Pas c le coat I In a very good condition. Every port of entry bas been Inlleclell by a regular marine hospital ] officer and n comp'iaticci with the treasury regulations auur.d , The marne : hospital service hs quarantine esabHshments nt Port Townsend , Wash" , fin Diego , Col , anll a compiste quarantine plant at San Fran- cisco , with rotmlar officera of the service In c chug At Or3)s Harbor , \Vaalx,5 . there Is a sanlnry Inspector of the maIne serice and one also at Empire City , Ore The Columbia river , which includes tie hurts of Portand and Astoria Orc. , Is In charge of state otn- c ers who are acting under speia1 Instructions Issued i by the marine hospital scrvlce. At , opector. Eureka , Cal , there I I regular sanitary In- A special regulation hlS been Issued reo gardlng the dlslufCton ( of all b1grage from al ports of the Orient , Ilctlng : Hawaii. The United States consul at Yokohama has a phYJlclln to assist him In the Inspection of v essels. Dr. 'Yyman wrote to the chIef quarantne dicer of Canada toay 10 Inquire what had been done with rtguII to protecting the northern frontier from Immigants comIng - Ing by the way of British Columbln le was Informed i that the Canadian authorte ! had been forestalled by the stEamshIp companies , who a3 long age as July hd refue to bring J3)1nese immigrants , because . of f a of do- tenlon of vessels. ! -1 - 3IArv&'ltiiis n""ul" . From 0 letter written by nev J , Gunder- min of Dlmondale , Mlch" , w are permited t t make this extract : "I have no hesitation In i recommending Dr. King's New Discovery as the results were most marvelous In the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church lt Elves Junction she was brought down with pnelmonla succeeding la grppe , Torrlblo poxysms of cOlghlng would last hours with little interruption and It I seemed as I ahe could not survive them A friend I'cconunended Dr. King's New Ds- coven ; I was quick In Its rork and highly satisfactory In results. " Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co. drug store. Regular size 50c and $1.00. 'ro ( iii' ! ' II 'I""I 1 AT1JiNI&Ci' . . Feurt It 'Vnrll n"IUlhlcnn CI.b . ChnnA"M Jlnc" uf )1..Un , The ourth Ward Uepublcan club ofcaly : decided lat evenIng that the attendance at 0 its meetings was far from what was delred. This club has ben motlng at Washington IS I hall , and met there last evening. Scarcely was thc first tap of the chairman's gavel heard when Mr O'Iialloran got up and lub S mile a resouton : to' chan e the place of meeting from Vaahiumgton hail to Patterson meetng Washlnlton hal Paterson I hall. lie said te the thirty who were there S that Patterson hail had .nn advantage I was on a corner wh e' PeoPle were con tinually passing and be had observed that when there was applanse In thIs hal passer S by on the treeL frequqniy ran UII to lee S what was going on..iIoxvgetjetl , Pst ! If the SS club met there and. .Jlej , cp.q I.l , the applause - plause mills " 'a 1obkd.afteisnrq U tsfkctor r atcndance at the c1b'a7thtI9g . I k4OUd ; bj S aecured. . , _ ' . , : " ' , : - Tbe club : actedbnt' ! his" , u'ggest'on with alacrty ! and adororhlj 1O0tht1o witboul L wlhout sign of debate. , t . ) , ' S _ , I was decided . , ' * " : f e , . - , decded that. 'cus : . re- , L ' publl ans' of the l tHf 7 d , to . .110mfnat eItlegatc ' to ih co rty UIII to' nn county nominating conventpns , ' 'h4tld be held at ! the hal on the evenlcg or Septlnber 20. ACer the appontmnt : - at an & eoutve corn mle by the chair " . 'Inl YAUng on a few applications " , Mr. Uf' WM- Introduced as u speaker or the \ eveihig , Be eulogzed : thc candidates that the"FutUI1ward , he sad ! , would present In the con&itions. 1iwas s ; followed by Den Ilhker . Judge Baxter and I thers. . . ' " ' " 5 Nut no"Kh ; rh.OrAunbt. " ; - . . The organization of the Colore : Ihpublcan m club at 1327 North Twent.fourth street lst ! night was not elected on account of ton - fUelIng Innourcemenl lS to the date. The club will bs formed tonlsht. . , JOUII' D UY iizGIat1lFx , ; . Dr.'r" 11rlll Vms .t I Ilstsuieceiui I J > .rk CII'n.-r. Dr J. Ii. 1801 I. Ayers , South ThIrteenth : I street , was held up last night at the southwest ' - west corer of Hanscom park about 8:30 , 'The robber was committed by three men : and the doctor thinks he can IdentIfy one S , of them should the police capture him. A descrlptcn of the men was telephone to police beadquartem. The doctor \a robbed of $0 In cash lie had left his watch and other Jewelry at home. He had been out t the new fair grounds In the afternoon and was on lets way home when assaulted , "I was driving homo from the fair grounds . where I had been all the afternoon , " said be. "I had just reached the southwest corner of the park when a man , who hat been walking along ahead at me turned around and a I drew neal him hailed me. I thought he wished to ask me sauna questLn and stopped my horse The man was tail , wore a moustache , and was dressed In a dark suit of clothes. As scan as I came to him he turned Iurckly a'na said . 'Give me your money. ' I was so surprised that I did not comply at fut , acd he snapped a pistol In my race. I then threw lp my hands Then two other men sprang out from the , bnshes that border tll road at that point. One took hold of the porse's head and the other two . getting up behind me , went through mT pockets They took everthing I had , and , seemingly not content with that , scattered my glasses , keys and notebooks In the road When they had finished one ohS ; them said. 'Is that all ? ' and letting go of my horse they quickly disappeared In the , trees 10 the south of the park. I drove to No. 10 fire engine house and secured a lantern - tern , and , with the help of a man named I nossert , went back to the place where I had been held up and gathered up what few things I could find. I aw nothing of the S men. " The doctor was uninjured and was 'very glad to escape as . cslY , - as ho did had flnrke' ArreateuL James Smith , I negro , became intoxicated I last night and insulted a number of women C who lIve In the neiGhborhood of Twentetl and California streets. The insulted women gave a description nf him to Ofcer McMahon , and later In the night the later turned hIm up and placed him under 3rrest. , _ . . . - - - - , To D.IIlute fluimtdee-'s Sohobl IE.pisc . The parents and school chlTdrC : : or school I ' ' district No. 53 wIll haM a JUb'l meeting on Saturday evening at the Dundee school I house for the dedication of the handsome new school building , just compheted Recitations I by Miss Adna Van Gelon , singing , speeches m and ! tereoptcon views. . , [ Clu.elsmnet OI'I.o.i : to n 'blrll ' , 'rmu . NJW YORK , Sept. 13-A special to the World from Rochester , 1 Y , . says : Mm's , L T. Yeomana , sister of Preslder4 Cl nla'd ; In m an Interview aays the president would not L accept a third ten She adds that he ix opposed - posed to the third t\rm Idea altogether loH..t Silat.mbtr flay In Y.or. KANSAS CITY . Sept 13-Yoterday and today lave been the hottest September das recorded In this cIty for years. the mercury r mercry reaching 92 degrees. Two o thee prostr . ' tlone , . are reported. , tons ae reprted _ . _ _ _ _ _ , . , V'uhsmntee're Stnrt fur Culij * . BUENOS AYRES Sepl. 13-EleTe hundred - mired Spanish volunteers have left here to join the troops In Oub Clark InanuUon ll..oh'ld. LOUISVILLE , Ky. . Sept 13.-At 1 o'cok today Judge Edwards refused to puke the Clark Injunc' ' onyermnnent On the sestrain- i mug order bolm Ilsaolved Mrs Clark was olited , and \ Woman's / Relief corps I.f- \ ceeded withlius'fncs. sl'J eIJJS'I'Tt JN rilti PIT LINE. ' rimlrst , stumut , . iuiaIires (10mhllllc - "I"lt n ( henhums ' , Ludyer Taltrf ' ! ' , tie best worker of "m''m- 11athy ga s"lln\ho , ( \ metropols , ns succeed once moro IYA/pT / ln $ the city to provIde him wth : what e ca1s the luxuries of life . Mr. Tardy was arrested , relates the New York Sun , by a iolLcwnan of the Mulbcrry street atatou , andlR'L , ' the station house blotter op. p osite his the word "insanity. " poslc namnenppenrs wort "Insaniy. It was wrltet there by a brand new aer- geant nt the ' suggestion ot the probationary polceman who arrested Mr. Tartly . and I was wIth a voice full of sympathy that the sergent aslced tIme officer for details. All thl whie the unfortunate at the rail wets moaning , amid cryllg : "Ob , Mary I Mary'h for yoU ter bring me ter this. t Oh , that 1 could see you now a I use ( tor t look sit yer In the little ivy entwiled cot- h uge. Yet honor " turning to the sergeant , " (11th yer ever leer woman 1" The sergeant almost SObb3d aloud. "I did , " wcnt on Mr. Tardy , "and thIs Is what the loVe of a woman brought Ludyer Tardy to. I was 1 struggling young artist when I first se nary's eyes , and such eyesi 1 my God , wch cyul" here \ . Tardy tel to the floor and began to t troth at the { mouth This exhibition lasted for over a minute and then relief care to the unfortunate antI ho began to sing : O1i love letters , tel with ribbon blue , Letters trom I sweetheart that I once thought true. "Tills Is really serious , " said the srgeant , "I must send In I call for an ambulance at once. " " 1)0 , " saId the probationary policeman , who had his handkerchief out , "I'm sure Mr. Roosevelt would approve " And so a 101 for an ambulance was sent In and the probationary policeman and the new sergeant carried Mr. Tart Into the back : rCQm and laid him on a bench. Hero Mr Tardy began to hove siasnts again and he Jasms roled from the bench to the for and twisted himself h around , raving about lary's eyes The staten house door flew open and an ambulance surgeon , carrying a little black bag , cntered. "Ah , Llottor. " said the new sergeant , "this Is i a case of the mind , not the body. " The rgcant led the way Into the back room , where \ . Tardy was making frantIc : efforts to touch the tip of hIs nose with hIs : lef l heel. "Just look at thee poor fellow , " saId the : new slrgeant. "I see him , " saId the surgcon. "I've seen I him before. " "Ive secI "D you think you are In time to save , him ? " tme "I guess so , " s'aid the surgeon. "Go and get me a large club and drive a long nail through the end of It. " nai Mr. Tardy stopped writhing for a moment and glanced at the surgeon out of the corer of his eye. "And say , " called the to the caled sturgeon ser- geant "If 'ou'vc go a good sharp knife . , bring \ along too. May want to make some t Incisions In , his face " Mr. Tardy , gave a violent shudder and then C rIsing , to hlsfeaf- " ; said faintly : "I Cell betl now , " "J thioteghit'ym ; , ' would ] " salt the s'ergeon , and then led expJlned to the Hergeait that : his prisoner was the biggest "grafter" In the S fty.Tardy I I Tardy got to IDelevue ' all the semite . He : has been I priso'ner ' In every staten 1 C. house C and prison 1n p'rlsoer : and there Isn't a hospital I S'hiere at : pli } Utica or another he hasn't occupied a cpt. , iHo seeks arrest constantly , , and at Delevue'Hhoy have bad hll 80 many ' times that they phiL him to work the moment L 'he gets uo'\'allaYH. " ; } Tk game ! 19 free S board 'and lflitis. l I'retendlng to be taker C auddnly Ill r , lq be Insane Is hIs specialty . He prefers I hospital to a prlEon Occa" slonaly when overcome by thirst Tardy wi I take a chance at jollying a bartender , and I L wets ft mpt.L ttla that got him Into trpuble ' SJlnhSday'nlghit. , He" hter d a lou toh I street saloon5 > and , waltng up to the bar with great dignity , sold In his oiliest toues : 'Ah . . me , but thIs Is a delightful evening , a trine warm.and ; ( a glass of beer , please ) hard on the throat , but ten we Americans , particularly us , New ' . Yorker must put up with thes sudden changes of weather and I -ah , thank J'oul' aa the bartender placed large schooner of beer In front nC him The batend ! , didn't look overconfident , but the C few or eloquence allayed his suspicions fox the moment. Nevertheless , hC gave a ecret t sIgnal to the free , lunch man , and that Individual - vidual dropped hl3 . cheese knife and picking up a bung starter wandered over toward the C door. Tardy observed the move . but dodg , Ing ' bung starters l part of his business , s1 he'slmpl went on : ) "Yes , Indeed , this Is remarkable weather , and ter think of us makin' I rIght here , " with a glance at the wind machine. "Why , , ; that thIng thee , stir Is the greatest laborI I say.'n' machLne of the age " "Oh , yer wires Is craned , yer off the track , " said the bartender cornfuiiy. "Dut Il prove I. air , " went on Tardy with : I lofy dignity , and he placed his schooner 01 beer In front of tbe wheel which caused the t foam , , to fly off In all directions , There , sir , what men needs go ttr the effort of blowin' off tier collar ' of his beer when one er them things Is around ? " Then Mr. Tardy drained the glass and . dodged pat the lunch man , who had dropped his bung starter and was wIpIng the foam , : from his eyes But the bartender jumped the bar and caught Tardy at the door. Then L , he and the lunch man made a mop out of him and wound up their exercise by throw- Ing him out on the road. The probaton ry policeman came along at that moment , anti Tardy , fearing he might be arrested for attempted - tempted swindling . Immediately threw him- self Into a fit. which resulted In hs being conveyed tenderly to the staten house. Tardy "kin t'row a fit . " hs he expresses it . or do , his crazy act on a second's notice , and he a.l- ways does It In the most picturesque fashion , Occasionally when he tries It on a polcc- man who knows him he gets roughly handle but as a rule , be looks out carefully anti sees : who's on the beat before ho does his little act. . Tardy was greatly Impressed by Bomb , Thrower Norcross's attack on Russ3li Sage 0 three years ago , and he made up his mind thlt bomb throwing was a good Insanity racket. About a week after thee Norcros : affair ho ran Into the ofce of a big brewery 0 up town , with a small package In his hand , and yelled out : . "Give me $100,000 or 1 thrr itt' ! "Hold opt" cried the cashier , turning pale. 0 " \Valt a umiomnent for Ood's sake ! " sakeh"S "Not a lecond ! " yelled Tardy , and he made S a move to thro\ ) \ ' the package , while the book- keeper , cashh and clerks dropped behind ] ' " desks. their delks. I Then with : ' : e1 ! Tardy hurled against the S wall the package , which contained a piece of IS I calf's Uver. ' Thahliver stuck there , and the S clerks , leelngtUlt It waan't a bomb , Jumped t up and ante ' the window , yelling for the C polee , rn \man came rushIng In and I Tardy was r 1man his way ti the stton S house Two ' IweCk , 'around the Delevue I hospital groun(1s , Inhaling the fresh river brezes sad living on frt clas food , were S his reward fer : 'his little performance. Tardy has ' trljk of going crazy In public , places , and soe1ieeks aKa he wandered Into a branch postlJc , up town worked his way , S Into a cro\ ( aui then began to awing his arms around anti yell at the top of hIs voice In about hatt I thlnute he owned the place EverybT le 1 top speed , and It wa not t until Tardy had exhausted himself . and lay panting on ter9und that even a polceman could be Indllel : to enter the place again Three or four tiuta durIng the past year the ; man las cleaned , out cable car In the same . way Te1.ng' the. story ef his life for anything - thing tram drinks , to money II another game of TardT's , ) nd , , , although his tales 'differ . Tardy alway ; 'tig'ures . a broken hearted I man. Raving over Mary's eyes II really ' ( fine pIece ' ef 'otk ; 'ana-ha won much money for the traml ' . . _ . ' 'Executed . Cianrici Key . Muretert'r. . ST. LOUS , . 's.ct. 13 , : special to tim : a Pos.Dspatch from Paris , Tex. , says , Cha H. Key murderer , gambler and robbert wa : executel\.n ! e Jai yard hero shortly lfer noon toda fOr the killing of Smith cLath- - ' In In the , Chlckalw i- naton on July 21 , 1891 . Joseph Ilimyl ACllultllJ 01 Ar.on , HUnO , , d D" , sept 13-Joseph hays , accuse of setting the lre which caused the Iou of four buhidingi In the prIncipal part ot Huron and whose trial less occupied three days was acquitted by a jury thIs afternoon . ANRS , ( CAME TO TiE RESCUE Gold Exporter Make Some Heavy Drfs on . the Reserve Fundi CAUSED A FLURRY or EXCITEMENT lulI Snllh.n. Sn ) ' " lIeu OisI Iguit lout to Slut 'Vr.'uusuuiry' li'ipireel II Jumne . but 'J'ho ) ' 'Vlull Clnthtlt to l'roteut thc 'I'r.'n"nr , NEW YOHK , Sept , 13-Thll day was an exciting one , .nnd for n tme bid fair to , be n critical one In the fnancial field , so ( hint many fcared that It might pass Into history nB 1 smaller edition of a black Friday or years ngo. But tonight the thlsttmrbing"the- ments are better under and the oltook for the trealnry and the malntenulce m of its gold reserve Is comparat\ely clear , Uncertainty as to the Intenton of the go\'ormcnt bond syndicate to maintain the reserve at tIme century mark and ns to Its ability to do so had dIsturbed the t mone'ed Interests increasingly throuphont thee week A crisis ' was reachell this mor- Ing when the announcement was made that time firm of L3ard-l reeres , which Is 1mem - bcr of the ( 'and syndicate , had engaged $2GOOOOO of gold for shhnn nt. This an- nouncemcnt naturally & 0\1 rise to the Impression - pression that the syndicate . hall withdrawn from its controlng lJslton behlll the throne and It sent quotations tumblnu In Wal street , besides starting stories that thc syndicate had dissolved that a bond Isue was Imminent , and that the treasury was fast drIfting back to Its old position of the dark days of last winter. Before the afternoon had psed several of the city hanlts had come to the aid of the sUhtreasury with deposls of gold made In exchange for greenbacks , Explanatons had been made by members of the syurleate ascii the frm which started the panic , arid quiet had been restored whcn the moneyed institu. tons closed their doors for the day. The gold deposits made by the banks will of Jet the shipments of tomorrow. The Hanover National batik set the example with a deposit - posit 01 $500,00. That made 3IOOOOO In geld that the bank has haitI In , President Howard said. Ince the last loan was made and the American Exchmange National banlt also paid Into the tre.nry $200,000. antI the National Bank at Jmmerce . followed suit wih another $200,030 , Wih reference to this I deposit 'resldent Sherman Ill that thee : $200,000 represented one.thlrd of his bank's : gold holdings , and that I all the banks con trIbuted gold In the same proportions there would he no further difcul ) ' . The Natcn31 City bank Is credited with an intention to de- posit $500,000 , or double that amonnt. I Is : expected , In banking circles that the deposits of gold far greenbacks will reach $6,00,000 : this weck. ALMOST REACHED TiE HECOHD. Thee known hlprents to Europe tomorrow wil bc $2,500,000 by Lazard-Freeres , $1.000- 000 by Croisman & Bros . , $600.00) by lioskier Wood & Co . $200.000 by lard & Hand and $100,000 by Nesslage & j'uler , whie Handy & Herman still forward between $150,00CS S and $20th000. . This will make a total for the S week of $7,200.000 , the largest weekly outlov ; on record , except the $7,700,000 sent out In ono week last January , when the Iraln upon upn the reserve reached its highest tide. EXllanutons of the Ilosllon ) of the bond syndicate toward the treasury and of the S reasena Impelng LazarlI-Freeres to combat the policy of their colleagues were secured by - lee Associated press. The following ' statement was authorized by the syndicate tonight : : "The Impression has been general that the member3 Gf the syndicate entered Into an agreement with the United States treasury to maIntain the $100,000,000 reserve until Oc- tobel 1. and that upon that date said oblga- ton will c ase. Such Is not Ihl ease. "Tho bond syndicate fulmled all Its obl- , atons , to the government In June lat and has not since been bund In any way to th S treasury. 'If I true It has freer : time to ; ( into since last l June paid over various sums : In gold coin to the treasury which have suf- fced to maintain the reserve , but It has done so.voluntarly and will continue to do 10 from the same spirit and for the same motive , "So for as October 1 Is cencerned , I has no relation to the acton of the syndicate and It will ontnue to deposit gold till Novem- bar I , and December 1. and January I , I necessary , and I existing conditions make I feasible to do so But nEIther the syntlcate nor anyone else ] can control the elemeeets But the Idea that its relations to the treasury situation will be any different on or after October 1 than they are now and have been all along Is erroneous and should be cor- reelect" SYNDICATE STILL IN TiE FJLD , J. Pierrepnt Morgan , the nlead of the bend syndicate , spoke rel6urlngly of the outJlt to a representative of the Associated press lie saId : "Te bond ! ynllJCto Is still In the fieid. : There has ben no rupturc The syndicate will contnuo to do all I can to help maintaIn the reserve at $100,000,000. The obligation of the syndicate expired , however , some time ago " Mr. Morgan - gan expressed surprise at tie slow movement of the cotton crop and the present scarcity of the bills against breadatuffs. lie said that uDloubtely the offering of these bills would bo daily Increased In the next few weeks and thus a safeguard against exports. . Thee following statement was made In writ- Ing by Messrs. Lnard-Freres : "Hoping that bills of exchange agaInst merchtandlso exports would come In the market In faIr amounts during the frt half of September , we continued for a long tune to supply our customers with hills of exchange , for which , wo could not at LIce time find cover A com- binaton of clrcumstnccs leaves the mark'et bare of commercial bills and inches , bis ruks neces- Ilry the shipment of gold to cover \ut of the accumulated Indebtednesi antI to can. tnue time daily demand of the trade The reasons for these conditions arC In part the late cotton crop and the slow movement theref to Europe , which Is holding large quantities of cotton at cheap prices and Is indisposed to buy freely at "uohtons now ruling . Further reasons are the poor demand - mand for our wheat and thee low prices It brIngs , and ( lie cheapnes of money at this center , which makes I undesirable for European - pean bankers to Increase their 10Jnabie funds here. " In reply to questions , a member of the firm said ho desired to state there was no special significance In leo hlpment of gold but tha It had to go to meet 1 temporary emergency , and that with the moving of the cottOn crop In a few weeks the whole (11th- culty "ould adjust IheU. NEWS CHEATED SUR1'ItISII. WASHINGTON , Sept. 13-Tbo news that $4,500,000 had been withdrawn today for expert - port from the subtreasury at New York was received here with surprise , and the announcement - nouncement created , for the moment , som . thing like a sensation In the Treasury de- prtment This feeling , however , was not hared by the high ofcials , who apparently regarllhe \ withdrawal as an Incident to the speculative spirit that Heems to pervde ' Wall street at this ttnse . The heavy withdrawals - drawas that have been made recenty are dtclared' to have been warranted by the present legitmate business conditions , or the legltmat ( demands for gold abroad lT some ofcIals It II thought that the wih- drawals are made with the ole purpose or forcIng another bond Issue. I can be stated , l\owever. on excellent authority . that there wIll not be another issue of bonds. The rea- on given Is that none will be neelled. These officials state the Morgan-Delmont syudledte , under the terms of Its coutract , undouU.- edly will protect the gold reserve against , the Inroads of speculators , Ind will lee to I that a reasonable balance la maintained. No doubt 1 expressed that u soon as the grain shipments from the northwest have fully set In there will be 8n abuudant supply oforolg , bills on the market to meet every demand and the withdrawals , 1 Is thought must necesarly cease. Todey' statement of the condition ot the treasury IbQws : Available cah balance , U81.9G2.G8G : gold reserve , $99,568,574. The announcement that Now York banks had deposited $2,400,000 In gold with the promise of a considerable addition to thut amount was quite al much a surprIse at the Trasury department 8 the earlier news of time withdrawals , This prompt acton of the banks was favorably commented upon reo Having a depression and anxiety that pervade - vade lice department this morning liven hole ( who by reason of their long eperI- sacs , are best able to judge of the situation . express themselves at a loss to account for the continued sad apparently increasing tie- mantis for gold. Never before In tue his. tory of the department , they say5 ) c.a the financial condition of ( leo coumntry coniainetl s o canny cositradictory sitimatiomes , anti never before have the officials luecus tmnablo to give a n imitelligent forecast of wheat was likely t o result front ( hue next conditions , At this t ime , they add , everything seexesa going coume- ( er to the general expectatloucs. Several muontha ago it was stated Clint thus m tmppiy of wlmlsky withdrawn from bommtl just beforei time ameticipated imecreaso ims the lxi. C arnal reveucemo tax was about e xhearstoel , and ( heat time ueext f ew weeks would are a muesteriech i ncrease in the revenues front that source. l imit the receipts leave fallen leelow expecta- ( ions , with no prospect of an ativanco. The r eceipts froeci customs sources were also con- fI idemetly expected to advance at a rapid rate. I t was argued time stocks of umeerchmandiso in tt imo country vcre practically exleatested , and t hat of necessity litiportatlona wnseltl show a marked Improvement. , It wems Icretiicteti nlso ( lent as ( ties canning season approacheed thee s ugar ilueleortntioeis would athi imiaterlaily' to t ime receipts , and yet none of those oxpecta- ( ions leave been fully realized. Though the receipts franc intermual revenue anti cuatonis show CaIne imnprovenmemit , theere is a is'iilo difference between the actual figtmres antI c onfldsnt expectations of lice offlcials , Whether the notlclpateti cotton anti grain slmlpmieents will relieve time sitmuatiom , so fnr as gold exerts - l ) orts are concerned rensaisms to be seen. Tlmo aniount of ( lee exportatiomis of gold thur. l og ( ho last twenty months is unprecedeesteti. Since January 1 of last year thee gold colic steel bullion exported front time United States aggregates about $169,281,300 , while lice lieu- vortations thmmrimeg time sanme liertod amount t o only $48,813,500 , wielclm leaves thee excess of exports over 1tmtiorts about $120,170,800 , SOUTH OMAHA NEWS In response to a call Issued by' four enema- bers of time republican central comnuetittee for a unass miceeting , abommt 200 lersons gaUe- ered at Pivonka's Itall to form a Sotethm Oninhea reptebilcan club. J. Ii. Vamu Diezen was chosen chairman and Sammi Cleristie secretary , The organization of a club scented at last to leave been exetirely forgotten , as no one was asked to sign a inceetbersiuip roil , neither trere ( bet teeeetsor.iry oflicers mmiaeie perenaucent. The speakers were Judge Scott , W. J , hhroatch , Jolmre T. Yates , Ike llascall nn i Mr. llolenes , ' Jtedge Scott's speech was solely an abuse of The lice need Its editor , Mr. , liroatch said lie canto chaise , meicrely in lice wake of Juthge Scott , shmo hie said had spoken truly from beginning to end , Mr. Ilolnies gave lets reasons whey ( lee 1)501)10 should retake hint district judge. Mr. Yates advocated Ida candidacy for ( hue clerkship of the dictrict court , and Mr. liascall re- peateil the speech lie teas so afLame delivered. Seiuiil hurt rd 'tt'i i i luua'e'stIu1e. , The Boae'J of Ejucition is gong to 10 it : into the matter of "donations" from thic S girnbers to the' city , anti en3ke axe otfot to S have the reconey paid by tIme ganibllreg housei : turned into ( lie school fund , At present the gambling hoUsit are not lceameti ! , but they pay $50 per moath etch beta the city treasury. This money goes into what is known as the eenergenoy fund. City omciala say ( heat ( hue : ernerg ncy lund pays for trater hydrant renta but the water works company's biiiz are pall out of the goieral fund. Mr. Gdeon , of the Board of liucatlon , says hue less heerd that several sa'oons era runnln isithout a Ilconse , anti lice judlelery coenrelittet will look Into the neattor and try and forct ( leo eeeeuyor to either conipel these saloons to close up or pay i hhcanse. ) Ingic Cu5Guissip , Saneucl Dennis POut. Grand Army of thee S RepublIc , ascii the Woman's Itsilet corps will meet in jont ! sesalon at Mssonlc heali next Teeeday' evening , Thorn , to Mr , and Mrs. Timnatimy Muoger , a soru. About a doze dogs from VuIs city have beeei entered In the Ornahea leenclu show , TIme investigation of Ofhicar Mu'caby'a al. leged misconduct Imi tiee Vie McCarty affar ! leas. been poztpo'i0i until Saturiay night. Feanlc Iio'man was riding a buaking bren hc yesterday afternoon anti was thrown. Iis coliar bone was broken , brokena --a- Cuuuee'el by a 'l'enelier's CimrIouIj' , 'tv. A. Llnton was last night arrested for abusing hIs wife , although be asserts that he was thuo one who was being abused. The trouble arose over a request brought by a boy of the family from his teacher asicing for tIme age and Ieirthplaco of his mothrr , Mrs. Linton was not at home , and consequently Llnton went to her mother to get the desired information , Th enotleer , however , said that she did clot know leosv old hr daugheter st'as or wleere she was born , although she did remember - member that sIte Ieaii given birth to leer. This was a knockdown blow for Linton , and when his wife came home lee deeeianded an expiana- tion. Lintouc says that thereupon his wife begaui to beat him , and when ho threatened to call in a policemecan he went out herself and got one anti lmael hini placed mmnder arrest , . lie had jmeat left the jail , as he had been at. rested thee day before for being drunk , lie lives at 814 South Eighth street , itt "W'orLce'el" the Irumggistii , The police are hooking for Prank TurUa on several charges of forgery. Complaints have been made to thee police by driieelata from eiiffrrent parts of Ornah that a young u nan representing hiniaeif sometimes as J , A. McCaguo arid sometimes as J , A. Turtle has presented checks to them in stunts varying froeet $1 to $3. Ilium scheemo Is to go to a physician and secure a prerserirition , aued in payment fill out. a check for thes cost of lila drugs anti recaive a small amuuomieet of money i mu exchange. Among the druggists who were buncoed are liostetter & Co. and It. 5 , NeIr , Ci'uehle : uttuti tin , ( ' .rzl's'e' , The following birth and death certIfIcates teere filed at thee Board of health ofhlco yes- terelay : Deathes-Luclan A. Webster , age 32 , rc.si- e lerice 829 SutIc ' ' 'rleim'ty-iirret street ; Janet's 0. He'effn , M , ago cause malaria ; child , aoum of Mr. Ileinberg , 1O'J Northu Tenth street , Dirths-Iaieghter , to I'iItiu Youkimu , 2202 South Eleventh street ; c'on , to Ilermant GumS. e thel , , , 1111 North 'l'hirtietli Direct ; non , to I . J , IlotezelIn , 13t Sotmth 'J'weifth street ; some , to Celeeper Kuchiar , 1214 South Four- teeeeth street. l.O&LtI. liitflvl'l'IHS , On Monday Iruid 11111 school opens anoleer room , Yeatertiay afternoon Postmaster Martin presented to Dtptmty Postmaster Wcodward a fine silk umbrella from London , Contractors Ilanexen & Maler began yeser. t i y' the work of roofing the new federal building. It is expected tlea ( eight or ten svoeks will be spent on the job. A little girl of Mr. Itockley , iivlrmg at Forty-second and Ilarney streets , was e.e. verely burned yesterday. She was playing with unatehu anti set her clothes on fire. It is Known By Its Cures It 13 not what we ray , but what Hood's SaraparIlla does , that tdls the story of Its merit. The thousands of people whom It baa raised tromp diseasoand despair to happiness - ness and health , are the strongest and best advertisements Hood's SaraaparUln has , No other preparation in existence has such a record of wonderful cures , , This Ii why Uood'a Ilarsaparilla has the largest sale , end requirea for Its produc. tion the largest laboratory in the world , Now if you need a good medicine , why itot try that which has done others so ranch good. Remember Hood's SarsapariHa Is the Only True alood Purifier Prominently In the publie eye. l ; six ior5 -H CII ; ct h&rzaoeclonsiy with OOu S inS Uoo4'sarsapsrWa. e. Do You Realize That thd' great trottblc of the American nation is Kidney Disease ? \'cry few iiiefl and hwcr WO1UCH have perfect kidneys. Did you know this ? AIiC1 did you also know that there is but one remedy known to science for this great trouble , \\Tariier's Safe Cure ? If yOu have peculiar iains ill the back , or anywhere else ill thc body , they probably come from disordered kidlleys. If you are weak , sickly and do hot know the cause , the chances arc it is kidney ' troth bt c. When the great and only cure for this is so easily ob. taiiicd. arc ) ' 0U1 perhaps , not' t wasting time and running aL great risk if you do not it ? sccur1 -5- - - I 0 g HGRtATe11uyH ' ' ceeon ' % ' ! : 15 C 0 , 3) ' 4 p- ' II ; c i' * , ' Tht extra- oetduieary lie- Constipatloem jtevenator is . : lizzermess , . Failing Sen. S he o in o a t . wonderfuL satinues , Ncrv. discovery 'r ' . oiistss'iu1eIreg the age. t. t3 S of the eyes . amid other ha basic an. , . 1ored the pae1. by . \f \ . lcadiregsc'ien. : .Streuegtleons , title need of um V I g orateS } : uropo anti auth meets tue America. t'uetirosptcm , Hamlyan is ' , : Iltmdvaiu cures purely vego' ' , ' 3 ' . , 1) e b i I I I y , ebb , Nersonsuene , Hudyan stops S hirnissleemus , Preaialureness , . - cicuddevelopes of the ( lie. acid restores charge In 20 week organs. days , Cures 0 F.tins in leo 11 0 S 'F back by ny moesea or LANIIOOD ! ieijIetstoppcd ' " k'I" , quickly. Over2,000 prls'nte endoseemente. I'renenttureni'ss means lmnotemir'y lit litet first Stage. It is a symptom ofsemlemni weakness and barrenness. It can bo stopped let ttu days by the use of limeciyaxe , Thonew dlscoycrywne snudniy thef3riecial. istaofthe old ismotatludson Medical Instituie , It is the stmngeat vitatirer made. It i very powerful , best haenuless. Pold for h.00 a peek- ages or6 packages Wr SO0 ( jilain scaled boxes ) . Written guareteutee iveui fora cure. Ifyoum buy aixbocaaud sire rot antirciy cterc'dsix more , iil lcsent to youfreoolitil charge's. Seni for eirculari. nd teiticeconial'u. Addrcsa IIUD8ON MEDICAL , INISTITUTIi , Juuctlou StoclcIunLtlurke ( & EtlIst4tj , 5tcts Uritflclscu. Cal. DOCTOR SerJe3 & i All tnrmmsuf Uloott anti " 1v.L . - ' .1 t4 Slut iiteetos ) , eoeu , iftuii ' i.3 l'Ii.ploa. , Scrufuisu , T leuucuire _ ' :4tk4' : fl , * ' 4 ' Titttttt , Eczuexeta , ecud ltiuuod us I'ol.umm ( Lleeerotigiuly ciustnisoti , fc'ru t.Iiu 51Moiui. , ,111'n" j ' LADILS given careful Ste't ' t Outned , 4ieclaI etttenitinuu f r 1151 0 " , ( , tteeit' uiietmey pua.techlar all. ' I ' 1. S 'k A CATARRU. TIereisit. imirtgs biver hlyapep'uia 0 ' u'frolibiC'e cumretl - ' bya specIal ' 0 , 0 0 , \ couru of treatueuttet. w EAK MEN ( V1TALITY WEAK ) situetict sue by too close sip. pllcation to iuinesee or study. severe meeeeitah straIn or grief SEXUAI EXCESSES inhultilo life or irene the , tfl'ects of youthfu follies , all yield reauiily' to our new treat. nient for loss of vlirtl power. WRITE Your troubles if out of the cIty , Thousands cured at home by cor4 respondence , Dr. Scarics & Searics 1410 Vstrueanu . I Omaha , Nab. OR. MC REW tiTus ureLT ' SPECIALIST WROTIIIATSAM. PRIVATE DISEASES , Woaknosc anti tocru1 1)lsrurtlul user MEN ONLY i.TCf7 dane usranecd. . , . ' . _ . go ji. oxperteuco. . Sjoar I , Omss. flueS Wise. I th de Vaj'u..w ) t54. OUAU.t. W5r3. 3om jet Look' t/ncIomorin , ! IIoHL % I 0 - - - - - - , A.skYourdcaler i-them. ' lii ) VOA'l'IO1cAL , - - - - BROWNELL HALL. Seminary for Young Ladies OMAHA , NED. Rev. T1ODEItT DOIIEItTY , S. T. D , . Rector , Fall Term Begins SEPTEMBER 18TH. _ _ _ IIENpFOR CAtALOOUE. tj1gvnsITy OF HOTRE DAM 'no lOSrd Scs.I.u WIll Opt , , 'IVZbDAVsEl'T. Srd , 1500. Full Couri hi C1asaics Lejiers Science , I-aa , Cliii and MchanucaI Enreeini. Thorough Preparatory and Cuiuuereiai ( 'OUSSOS RI. Etiward sjluiltot toyi uaed.r 04 5. uniqUe In 114 cotnpieteuesieit its equlpwent. Cats . trr 'tn spiteation to 1.onL ) lieJlthIlsaV. ( Ii C.5 . NCtr Dame. es KEMPER HALLDt % , Io'a , A Iloyli' Ilonrofhi Sghtool , hisapens gept , ii , ms. For Cats1oue sddr. 11ev. 1lAh1YOY IC. CCI.MANA. ) .1.li..e1 Mastil AMERICAN CONSERVATORY ; . . . , . , . . . JIahl.t A lush IdLt. , ( ws.se.t. ur.epttbicarL ACI bn.c1. , .IM.etg , brsei. A . . m..ch.s , S.i , . . . . . , . , . . , . D.iutt.1 . , . . lug .t..i. s.u'.iS sd.uu.r $ " .i. 5'Ci tans b.itle. 5I .A4 1,1 Caal.1e , J , l.M&I-TJlLilfl , et. , . t54'r 'r