I - - - . . . I , . , " , . - - - - - - - - - - - - T ; . . . . , h . _ _ . . : 1I11\1 ; \ : " " ( U ! I.s ! , : : ' . , i : . ; \ : THE OMAHA I DAILY BEE. , , . . : ; I . ' . I , - , ' - I t . STA3T41S11iD JUNE 1H , 1871. OMAhA , SATURDAY MOUNING : , SEPT111J 1.1. -'r'jDTJYE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE (11 N'.rS. INVITED \ ) TO A GREAT SPREAD I Southern Hospitality Outdoes Itself Enter- taming the Veterans . TREATED TO A OLDFASIONm BARBECUE I ! ell POUI itil BrIl I ) ' " 'n , ) 'ro'lllcI1 , hi . i un n.m ti.-.Vl'tI ii " ot the 1 , ' el 1"01 1 "IIloNlol : Alillro- vrlsi h'I ) ' Icll.ahcrc" . I 0 J.OUSVILLE , Ky" , Sept. 13.-While the . : La 'Jes of the Grand Army of th He- 1 public and the Woman'8 Hetef corp ! , I a8 well as the nationaL encampment' I , proper , contnued their sesslon8 today 'there was a special attraction for those wh I are not delegates In either of these three , , ' , J. ambIages. At Wider park the entire d , 'a' devotee to the most mammoth " 01 Kentucky barbecue" th3t was ever spread. : 'Enly In the morning the rtreet cars were . overtaxed by the multitude en route to the I . great frolic of the blue and gray , at which ' the former were special guests , and to which ' the gates were open free 10 the public. At j:4' 1 ilO q. m. the performance be ! an. Over 100 o \ , \ 1 blue gra cattle , 300 lambs and 200 Sh011s ' 1 wcr- , \a. h cled In full view of all the visitor - or dee ( kette3 , holding 700 gallons of btt , . , I wee -mad on the grounds , from whlcl the guests \ere served and the best I 't brands Qf BOl bon , lager and cigars were " ' a plenty and lS free a9 the leaves on the , : trees In that b\autlful forest. A grand \ ' 1 \ ' chorus of over 300 volcs . inch 'ling memberJ ; , \ of all the toulsv1le colored choirs and musicians - sicians , made the groves ring as the first . I lene : at peace and joy for all. A genuine . old plantation cake walk . with Muthern me ! - , miles by colored ctzms fruit. all parts Qf the putlt ' was the leading feature of the many , \ ntertalnments that were gIven In & connei1pn with the "Invitation to eat and . , ) drlnk.\ .i 1 The . ? tonai Associaton of ex-Prisoners . of \ % 'arectetl , otcers as follows : President , George 'VjGrant of Minnesota : vice president , Chall ! ' Sherri of l nl'ylvanla ' : chaplain , John S. 'rgun of Iowa : secretary and treaslrer , . W. Lung of Now Jersey : exc- cutve corLkitteo , E. J. S. M. Long of New Jerrey , J. C. ' . Seeley of Innesota , and Anson Dls' of Mlchait. Hesolutols \ ere adopted at the national encampment of ' the Grand Army today d- daring It the cense ot that body that all of the divisions should be favored by civil service boards , and that such boards , should not dlncrlmlnate against these heroes of the re\elion on account of their age. This was brought ahout by the fact that many civil service boards In Chicago , Washlllton and other large cites have put an age limit on applicants for eximinttion. In this way S many abl -bo/ICI old sohlers have been shut out. The resolutions were vehemenlln their . . demand that an excepton : ShO'lld be made In favor of veteran , Another matter of Intoret was the a'lop- ton of a reoluton favoring the rlcl-g oC fags upoa every vubic school buIlding arid the introduction of mllary ! drill In the public school Ct r'culul ' , I sol ttlons uf mpahy ! for the Ilaronts and friends of the young militiamen who wore JIlled b1' the 0XP0 ' ton ot the c.iissn We1na. Illed oX\'o c.\ssn day were adopt d. IesoluUons were adopted , asking congress to make an annual upproprlalun to defray the expenses of conducting Memorial day services In national cetnetorlea. ! Anolher was adopted favoring the establishment of a ' military post itt Vlcksburg , Miss. . and for - . the erection of a sailiers : home Dt Camp SUPIII , Okltthotiri. I Ali three organizations In session hero ( ( sent beautIful floral offerings ti the funerals bOlullul I thls afternoon uf the fve'vlctms of Wednes- .day's eJplaclcJ. I 1 The ladles of the Gran.1 Army of the I Republic devolell the morning session te considering the action of the national mcet- Ing lt I'tttthurg. There was ali adverse re- port nllde on time resolution fa\'orlnl the establishment of a national University of I'ntrlotistn , alI time report was adoptcI\ The camp further declared Itself against long parades and marches at future encamp- menls. This was brought about on account of the lore number of veterans who are beomlng too ohl alI feeble to endure them. , I wa decided that a special celebration should be held on the next annIversary of the establishing of the frt Grand Army post. post.The Daughters of Veterans elected the fol- lowing national officers : Mrs. Ellen N. , 'Valker Worcester. Iass. , president ; Irs. Alee iiigram. Chattanooga , Ill. . senior vice president : Mary Brown Spokane , Wash. , .junlor ( vice president : Miss LIzzie Kimball , l ltcbbur , JaLs" , secretary : Ida J. Allen , Newton , Mass. , treasurer : 1Iss Anna Ied- ding Lincoln , Nob. . chhplaln : Miss Mary Egerton , Chicago , inspector : Miss Kate M. Connor , Allegheny , Pa. , mustering amid In- stalling officer : Miss Annie Schmidt ot St. Louis , Miss G1ddls Foster , Hiawatha , Kan. : Minnie Treseott , Alliance , 0. : lss Emlne Monroe Worcester , Mass. , and Julia , Croft , Cleveland . trustees. For Inner guard Alice G. Knowlon of West Medford , Mass. , and Cora Owens of Fremont , Neb. . were elecled. ' Lillian E. Wood of Connel's\le , Ind. , was chosen musIcIan SEIECTIW A l1 IUANENT DEPOSITORY. Independence hal Is to be the permanent depository ut all the book , records and relIcs at the Grand Army. last Commander Wug- ncr of lennFylvanla offered this famous old buiding In the liame of the people of Phi- adelphia at the encampment this afternoon anti , I was accepted. An effort was made to abolsh the "house of I.ords" at all future encampments. Iy thl all past omtnanders-ln-chlet would lose their rights to seats In future encampments. The proposition created a l\ely , lscuon ! , but was defeated. Dr. J. n. WhItng ot Janesvle , Wis. , was elected surgeon general by acclamation. Hev. E. J. 111 of New Jersey and itev. Thomas C. 1f of Utah were nominated for chaplaL- lit-duet. The vcte resulted In the election of 111ff. The rcport of the committee al pensions was llmlar to that of lat year and was unanimously adopted. , The report allr reviewing the 'work ac- COfltpllsimel by the soldiers of the union during - I Inr the war and the la\s passed In UIPL he- half , sa1'1 : "In some quarters the old soldier hn come to be looked upon In the Ihht of a burden Intteall of I great and p.lrlotu privilege , IS he should sUI appear when viewed In his true chnracter , "Hefenln to this view-wholly unworthy of 1 rrlot and patriotIc peoph-contrlcllous have leen hut upon time bws , WIFf and Just In themselves , by aud under which burdens amid rOtrllou , have been tmmilmucd upon those unable 10 stand lP under them. The . just pru\'IFlons authorized have been grll- " . . Ingly dole out , as Iholgh the laws pasetl II the Interest of the pensioner lS a just recognition of the obligation of Iho country were criminal laws to le Itrlcly construed , and time publc benffclarles thereof were pub- le enemies or pirates , seeking nelnls&Lun to the treasury of the t'ulell StalH , " lEI\ND A 1A13EIt.I4 ITPIPHET.\TI : After eomnmmmemitin further timu commentng furthr upon Uh justice of time pension laws and the purpose ' for which they were paNed , the report conlmlfs : "We delaml for cur comrades the Jnst due which thl cOln try glldly cOIC.des. No nlClardlr cutting down of ionstons under the guise : ot I relune ; 110 partal and grudging allowances that cut here and / there wUI meel with the full measure of duty thlt the country 0\0 to its surviving heroes , Nolhtnl short ( f full measure . dealt with an hOlet hand , a liberal heart , wi ever meet with the approbation of the American peoplo. I'-or this we 3ppeJI . to the grateful patriotic sentiment at th , ' whole people. all we earnestly belIeve that our appeal will not be In vain lecellng tl"l no position that we ha\e hitherto ' t.ken refrmlng our previous declarations on the subject , we especially demand a lib. lb- seal and just conctructol of the laws passed / for the benefit of time pensioner , tC the end that In his declining year he lay not bl harassed with doubt born ot distrust or the 4lUculttl thrown uouud hint by a tlg- " . . , : . ' . ' - ' oroul or restricted construction of the laws I passed In the put 10 relieve his c.omlitlon. ' " Time ' report was unanimously adopled Commander-In-Chlef I. N. Walker read the report anti , was frequently interrupted by ap- piaimse The ' roll was caled by Itat'8 for the naming of the council of administration , which re- suIted as follows : Alabama , M. D. Wicker- Rhnm ; Arizona , J.V. . Darrlnton : Arkansas , Powell Clayton : California anti Nevada , A. W. larreU : Colorado and Wyoming A. W. Jones : Connecticut , A. D. Sanborn ; Delaware , f , . C. Orubb ; Florida , W. J. Mien ; Georgia , A. 1 , Gowles ; Idahc , . 1. It. Miner ; Illinois . T.V. . Scout ; 1nina : , W. hi. Armstrong : Iowa , A.V. . Swahn : Kansas D. II. Dorn- hlalri Ientucky Charles W. Erllmani ; Louisiana and Mississippi , James Lewis : Maine , A. B. Snip : Maryland , Charles L. Marbury ; Massachusetts , hi. W. Downs : Michigan , O. ii. Hopkins ; Minnesota , Albert II Shaeler ; Missouri , E. M. Sterret ; Montana G. W. S. Wisne : Nebraska T. J. MajJrs ; ' New Hampshire 1 . A. Badger : New Jersey , J. T Konts : New . Mexico J. W. Crawford ; New York , T. . . Heede : North Dakota , W. hi. Brown : Oklahoma , J. J. Hassler : OhIo , It. II. Ccchran : Oregon , 11. B. Compson : Penn- 'xlvanla , C. W. Garwig ; 10tolac , I. W. ton"hode IsInd C. A. Darbour : South Dakon ' B. Fart : Tennessee , H. I. Stee ! ; I Texas , I. . W. W.mitnian : Utah , 1 . D. Tat- telcki ; Vermont , E. I SS , ' . Jewel : VirginIa and North Carolina , II. E. Gety ; Washington and Alaska , James Dickinson : Washington , I I. . Thomas. mlMgNDED ) 'fiE OLD OFFICERS. 'hie reports from the committees 01 ofcrrn who have served during the last year , com- mended thcm all fer the diligent and faithful IJerfcrr1.nce at their duties . dutes. A resolution was adopted appointing a committee of fIve to arrange for the erection of a monument at Washington to commemorate - orate the loyal women who served al nurses or 1' other ways aIded the soldIers of the un'on during the rebeilton. A resolution was adopted empowering the commamler-In.chlet and counci of administration to change Ihe plaM or holdiig : time next encampment shouhl rates. time railroads or hotels not lake satisfactory A rul was made permitting posts to con- solatt as membership zrew loss. A resolu- tlon was adopted recommending that conlreS3 sl\ould \ pmss a hw equalizing the pensions of widows so that all sh:1 receive at least $2 a month. Some of them are now receiving tram $8 to $10 a month. ThE committee on resolutions reported tnt- vcrsely on the resoluton authorizIng a pen- aly on the law regarding the favoring of veterans plylng for governnlental p'sltions. The senior vice commader , 'urgeon gencral anti junior vice conlmandcr were then installed - staled , after ! which the chaplain and com- mander-In.chlef were In turn instailed . 'ho encampment then adjourned to meet In St Paul next year. Commander-ln.Chlef Walker said that he would not announce his staff unt next week He wi Issue the order appointing them from Indianapolis. The Ladles ot the Grand Army of the Hp- public devoted the morning to cJnsldernl the acton of the national mtetng at Pltsburg last year In abolishing benefits. After long discussions this acton was rcselnee/l ali the 'Iueslon of benefits was left to each state department to adopt its own laws on benefits. Althouh the ladles have . noon lunch served at their hails to facilitate busi- ness , they proceed Elowly. The Woman's Helef corps did nothing yesterday - terday or today ' . owing to the injunction against the atonal officers Nstralnln them Crom' unseatn Mrs. Ida Fl Clark of Can- tun one of the past commanders of time Department of OhIo , who had been court marlale/I and suspended , , and was reinstated at Washington three years ago. The wormf remained In Library hal , holding campfires and receptions . listening to the alI arm1' nurses and others tel their experIences , while the lawyers were arguing at the court , house for and against maKing the Clark injunction - junction permanent. Mrs. Ciaric Insisted th1t she had no desire to delay business , but the other women , culd not proceed-untn the courts decIded whether ! rs. Cark should 00 . allowed to , remain In the hail. AUXILIARIES ELECT OFFICERS. Tim Lmadies' Circle of the Grand Army of the Republic was In contnuous session from t . a . In. .to I p. m. , and adjourned until tomorroW - morroW . . It was decdcd to I.rohlblt men from hold- ing ofcln theI.adles' Circle , and afterward reconsidered. Time election 1 esulCI as follows - lows : Presllelit. Irs. Catharine Hirst of ICntucky : senior ' vice president , Mrs. Nellie Hoce of Washington : Junior vice president , ! rs. Lou J. Breyles : lecturer . Mrs. P. E. George of Washington city : chaplain , Mrs. hattie lcIenry of Colorado : counseIQr : , Mrs . Gulock of Chicago , the retiring Ilrcsldent : council of administration , Mrs. 'lor Davey ot Minnesota , Mrs. Marie Ely of I"nnsyl- vania and ! rs. Frances Hulbard of Illinois. When the Clark injunction was dissolved this afternoon the Woman's Relief corps expected 10 complete Its business to attend time hal tonight. The folowing officers were elected : President , Irs. Elizabeth A Tur- ncr , Massachusetts : senior vice president . Mrs. Mary A. Nlnkerk , Kentucky : JunIor vice president Mrs. Stelnmelser , Missouri : treasurer . , Mrs. Dagley , Ohio. Other officers will be elected tomorrow. Mrs. Wallace , retiring - tiring Ilresltent , was presented with a fine set of cut glass and Mrs. Turner with feral designs. Commander-In-Chlef I. N. Walter Issued his first order tonight I reads : "General Order No. 1 : Having been elected commander.ln.chlef of the Grand Army of time Hepublle at the twenty-nInth national encampment , held at Louisville . I hereby as- sume command. Headquarters will be es- tablshed at Indianapolis , md. "I. N. \VAI.KER. While It Is true that Commander-ln.Chlef Walker wi not announce the names of the. men he Intends to appoint upon his staff unt next week , he toll an intimate friend tonight that he Inten/le to apolnt General Irvin Hedgers , now a brigadier In the Indiana National Guanl , as his adjutant general. The social event of time Grand Army of time Helmblc came ol this ovenlng. I was a reception and bal given by the Louisville women to the Grand Army visitors It was hold at the Auditorium. Over 4.000 invitations - tons were Issued and to judge by the crowd that attended , every one responded In person , The beautiful nai was tastefully decorated vlh Elk fags ali tropical plants , arlstcalr arranged aboul the place. Every one who atended pronounces It a most enjoyable - joyablo arplr _ _ _ . _ _ _ 'IotIIt i't' : IL'I'ldS l.t1)iI I'iditMANIIN'I' 'l'OlHI'r H.\'II'S : I'UI 11 'I' , \OUOI 1..0..11 h ) ' I lie l'ONltol or the SorUu'rl 11,1" . CIIICAqO. Sept , 13.-A general meriting ot all the lines In the Western Lines PasseuGer association was hehl today for the purpose of consllcrlug rates and arrangements to the Atlanta expositiomi. The roads agreto como : time ago to makl a rate tu Atlanta ot 70 per cent of the double rates , and I was de- clle/I today that the rate should be ma/lo / el.clve ou Spptember U. It being the gen- cral opinion that I would be the best thIng for the reeds to get the rate Into the rain sheets before the exposition opened. I wes 111 'stooti that the same : rates will shortly bem. made from points west at the Missouri river. After disposing of the Atlanta / rate It was ee"le,1 , that the summer tOlrlBt rates to Ulah , Montana Idaho and lster Wuhlng- : ton shall be aU.wlc II remalo In force all the year round . This waR 10 meet the acton or the Great : ortterll mind Northern l'ochilc , which dclarell coma tints ago that' they would mlle thc rltes effective all the year , no malpr wlllt aclon waD tultcn "y the other roads . - . ' I'um.hir ) ' Shlllilcr ( , n's tf t.'ul. K.\SSS CITY , Sept lS-A special to the Star truI Clinton , Mo ! . , says : W. I ] . Jul- ian 1 hol sale poultry hl\er , was closed UI abolt mictnigimt lat night on an at\ach- \ lent for about Ujhl ( issued by the Citizens bank ( f this cI1' . JI.I.n . imps been doing . a $500.000 tmusimos : ' here amuf fl Is bush'il In ( I I pe. Ilme" hI wIll open \11' \ again ! soon . 'rhe tremble . orlIIJled In hIs : \ \ ' York commls- aon ! h'mus refusing : to PW his . drafts on IGht. - _ _ _ U-- 1d.triimijmtmule ' "t's ' % ot " 'crifleiI . Sl W "OIK , Sept. } : 130-Telegrams ad- druMd tl corrtlpcr'J nl. al various polnto hi entrJI ! erlC have failed tl bring any verification . of the reports or earthquakes dura. with atttmidmt heavy :01 : ot life I lion- SIX ' OF TiE SAILORS DOWN \ Asiatlo Cholera Makes Its Appearance on the Oriser Bennington. i IIAIYAIIANS ARE IN A STATE OF PANIC I IAYAIANS I''Olllc ( l'Hlul Out "r l"u"lulu u. h'II"I ) ' n. l'NNlhlc-l.nll Aim C lion ties ) " . roy Some 011 HmiiidiJigs. SAN l"HANCSCO , Sept. I3.-Dr. Huppert I Blue of the marino service Df this city received - ceived two hatters this morning from hIs I brother , Victor : , who Is an ensign on board the Unltel States steamer Dennington , now stationed at Honolulu. In one letter , bearing date of August 23. Ensign Blue states that cholera broke out In the islands two week- previously an/I It was constantly on the In- crease. On September 2 , two ( lays before the sailing of the Mariposa , EnsIGn Bue wrote a letter , In which he statell that six men were down wih the disease on board the Dennington , all the Ihlp's surgeon feared that the disease had hardly b gun. He had made a mlcrocoplc examinaton , of the excretions - I cretons and pronounced It to be a virulet typo of Asiatic cholera. "We all feel very blue here at the pros- peel , " writes Ensign Due , "anel the excUe- ment Is intense , and It Is not to be wondered at , for the disease Is spreading with alarm- Ing rapIdity. The Iennlnglon has let anchorage - age off Honolulu und gone southward 100 mnihes. We wi return once a week after mal and orders. In one dafl' : thirty-live cases were reported lt Honolulu , and nearly every. one resulted fatally. I hope to be able to give you better news when I write again , but I fear I wi not be so fortunate. " Advices from Honolulu , under dale . of Sep- tember 5 , say : There was : a great . . deal of uneasiness when the saior on te Henning- ton became affected , and that alone caused many to belIeve the dlseal ( would 1enlng-1 to the whites , and many families hurriedly packed their belongings and fed 10 the beach , a few mies from town , likewise a large number going to the outside districts. So many took advantage : of this that the board of healh issued an order forbidding auy connection with time outer district , no one connect.n wIthout a passport - baing allowed to leave town port from the healh authorities. All the houses along the Nuuanu stream have been condemuned and burned and the 8tream thor- oughly disinfected , as well as the hal bore CIUS ' RS ANCHORED OUT IE. disin- The Dennlnglon was thorOug'lly - feted and the ship went to sea the day after the sailor died. The vessel Is now an- afer chord outside the harbor . where she has been for several days , tOlether with time Olympia , which arrived early Ionday morn- lmmg and several of the Interls'and fleet. 1rIcro has been no onneclon ! wih the other islands since the first ommtbreak the people refusing In some instances to receive the mail. There Is now a serious qUeston mal. . Meats anti cenfronllng the people there. aOI provisions are very scarce and at one place hour and rice Is selnr at $11 per barret. I was decided to place several of the local cteamers In service ar.O ! the Hal was ( Us- patchd1 to Port Son lau with provisions and snails and the tourists that arrived by the Australa , they being transferred from the Austra:1 to the hail , no connection havIng - : Ing ben made with tllc shere. :1 The Australia arrived Monday on schedule time. She was met out81Io by agents of the vessel and Informed of the situation. Captain lloudlette conclude/I 10 como In and the 10udiete steamer docked before evening. All the pas- engrs for 10noluiu lallo1 , but the tourists stayed aboard and were transferred to the hail to the isianmi of on Wedneseay , they going IsIll1 Hawaii and time vocanO. : The Olympia Is anchored In the stream , Captain heed refusIng - Ing to have any connection with the Benning- ton or t'le ' shore. The companies of the national guards are doing patrol duty In the quarantine district. This was found necessary to rul:1 : carry ant the instructions issued by the Board of Health , During the past three days there have ben numbers of Instances : wherein time natives have hleeen the sick people all only natves report when they have died. Many curious and false notions prevail among l lat clas. DISEASE BHEEDNG ILCE9 DESTROYED Timty believe the government has ! n'roucel the disease 10 kt off the royaHs s , and by the aid ot several unrcup'i'ouS : : ed rs t'ey fa' ell to report cases of sickness. The mortalty : among tho'e attacked has beea great b. YOl1 question , but It cannot he avoided as bog as the natives persist In their pr sent coure The city has bsen thorouhl1' cleaned and all disease breelng places destroyed , notlbly the fish market which bas baen an eye oe for many years. Many b leve the dlsz.e Is simply limit poisoning. Tile board at heJII ! has prohibited the sale of 11311 and pot man- prohlblc ufacturell ( In that port'on of the city afec ed , as veil as In other localities where the , cholera hat made Its appa arce. Guuls now patrol Nuuna stream to prevent any further contact from that sou ce. The na- tives con hler that a hard1hlp. but It hal tves become nec : sary to enfoc : health re1u a- tees ! No one Is allowed to bathe In the harhor , and lasl Sunday no services were allowed In I t'le churches. Schools remain closeJ and no I public gatherinGs of tiny kind are allowed . Mark Twain was among the passengers arriving by the Warrlmoo and was billed to lecture here and wa very much dlsap- polntCl ! at not having ben allowed to land. Four hunered of the ChinEse Immlgnnts that arrived by the Delrlc for ports on the other Islands were refused landing , the peo- pie at these places notfyln ! time agent of the board of health t'lat accompanied them that they would resist with arms any attempt to hand them. They hay' been returned anl Ieshlppell under contract to the Ewa planla- ton , twenty-f\e miles from honolulu ! , thus settling what threateJl1 to be a vexed problem. DENOUNCE TIE BELGIC'S SURmON. : " The loc11 11ress denounce In unmeasured terms the surgeon of the Delglc , who Is ac- . cumd of fa\el1 statng the cause oC death I ot three Chinese who died enrouto from I I Yokohama to Honolulu. The government I has made an investigation into timi matter , II and It Is said proved conclusively that the Chinese died ot cholera. They will take ' steps to prosecute time surgeon of the Del.e ! and / the steal hlt C0lp1ny for bringing thl \ disease into the country Asana , one of the I Chinese passengers , ' has mad 1 sworn I declaration .t the men tiled with syrup- .lecltralon i . 61mp time of Asiatic cholera. Unlet States Con- aol Ils will lay the case In _ all details be' fore his government by this mnail. The OympIa Is coaling by lIghters ann I expect to de art for Chil : as loon as poo. sible. Captain Iee" Is anxious to get away from here. I Is also learc/I that the 10\0. I ellneni Is sendlnr by this mal a full aG- i . count of the epIdemIc aud its causes to the Aml'rllm gO\'ernmelt and the Pacific Mail ant OccIdental and Orlenlal Steamship companies - panies , akllF their ca-operation In prose- cutng tile neigh , and her ofeer for Intra- dUcIr tIme disease Into the islands and under , false oath regarding the cause of death of Chinese Immigrants who died enronle. The RO'ormont1 qurantn' against . China and Jdpan. Daily meeUngs of the health board are held. 'l'raflic betw enthel' ' islands will bl resumed next Tueday , after remaining In quarantine five days. p . ( tumirriaLti ill' . \Ilh'N' lioltol imism . SAN FRANCISCO , Sept 13.Th&Sal1 " 'anchco Bead ot Health today declared lerollll an Infected port. The local I\arautno official was directed to plal il vebels arriving from Honolulu In .quarnIQ \ues ant keep then there until time ship sh'ld be releaed by the bond , Mayor ! uro wls ln . , lnant that leventy-snen pasenger. from honolulu had been permitted to land tro' ' the Australia last evening. The mayor said that the local quarantine officer had been derelict In his duty and that there was a rfIllr eeodu trem the lawalan caitai . - .1 em I I N . \ . :1'Slo.CU I ' ITT ill ) , . iliphils 'I'lmere % 'nw ti , Iis'idemmc " 11JnlIN ' 'I \IN " 1'lltCIC" ur I'rsimmii un II . . 'Mr' . CHICAGO , Sept. 13.-Ulgu Clifford today heM the evidence In the ' Case ( t ex.Conlress- man John A. lcShan& antI D : J. Scnnel of Omaha and Attorney Culver , ld James AtWood - wood of this city Insufcent ! All or them ' were charRed by Chase part t and Leonard II. Hoach of this city with conspiring ) to defraud In a deal involvIng the trade of Evanston and lverlreen' pak IJroperty for a fat bulllug at State _ treet and Cloud court. After hlrlng al of thE witnesses , time court decided In a tel words that there waS no evld.nce of a conspiracy to defrll ant the four defendant wele dlhuge/l. In rendering his deisiomm Judge Clifford sold : "As to Mr. lcShanl , the evidence Introduced - troduced by Bartlett and ltoaim Is a complete - plete refutation of the charges made by them against him. As 10 Mr. Clliver heIs completely exonerated I by the evidence , and as to Iessrs. ' Scannel and Atwood , there I 10 evidence In the case tending to prove any conspiracy on their part. Accordingly all are dlecharg , " The case first carlo Into JUdge Ciiftrd's court on an application for a . writ of habeas corpus , but on Thursday Jude Clifford fie. . eldet the complaint upon Which Mr. Mc- Shine hid been arrested \ al illegal amid It becam the titmt3t of the court to order that II be amended , 'fhe case came up for final hearing today and the first witness was Charles II , Iiartlett . one at time complainants , ancl his cross-examlnatot brought out evidence - dence to his own dlsadvanlage. He toM how he had placed the deeds to thlrt1'-one lots 11 Evanston anti nlneten and one-hal acres In Evergreen park its tile hards or Attorney Culver 10 be hell ! In escrtm' . while the deeds of the State street ant Cloud court propert1' were placed In the same hands. flartiet Dartel said he had receh cd trom Clver an abstract of the title of the Stt' ' street property and ha/I gone to the recorder' ofce to cxamlne the tte when he dlovered from the rec- ords that the deeds held In escrow ' had been recorded In the name of Atwood. Barlet , admited he had agreed 10 pay SC1nhel $ tr17 before he was to receive the deed 10 the State street property : -fwlce the time for this payment had ben extended ' and he had once' offered $1,000 , but It was refuse/I. He said Scanneii . with whotn he had been negotiating . had returned to Omaha and ho took out warrants And had lcShane at- restd as he was about to leave the city. The defense offered : lr. McShane as a witless - less and anlounced that anyone would be at liberty to question hUn ; but no one had any questions to ask the ' ex.congrossman. Tin court had no hesitancy In arriving at the decision which acquitted the defendant Time decision leaves the Evergreen park all Evanston properly In the hands of the Mc- Shane party , but the other 'side can carry out its part of the original contract at any time by the payment of the amount agreEd upon. _ _ _ . _ _ ' " 'I l' I\\ YIG FOi 'l'iLE l'Oi'i'S FICIdJIDOM Clrculnr 11"1.,1 1y C"r.l",1 lhhlHI" tl th , ' Cat I i,4li'M lt tl\I" ' ( Co""tr . BALTIMORE , Sept. 13.-Cmrfiinai Gibbons has Issued a circumsr : Ictcr ' 0 al American archbIshops , bishops and prieSts . which Is In part as follows : "On Slp'ember ' 20 the Italian govrment will c lcntlte time twety- fifth anniversary of the , an e'alon Of 1'le Homan provinces to the kingdom of Italy. When public demonstrations are there being carried on In memory of thh occupa- tion ot what had for csMnrles been papal dominions the holy see dqslres that time faithful children or the Gimur.h throughout t'j\ world should unite Ii pra1'lng heaven for time freedom and ) independence ot the : Pope. . " - - - . ' I l'I'ohlbl- CI"I' or .1l'1. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 13.- ' seeialo' , the , Star Irons Montgomery City , rfO" , say r : " Sol. Hughlett , ex-promnecutipg attorney of Montgomery cOunty and member of the Missouri - sourl Iglslature for two terms , who died at I Wolsvle two weeks ago , rom a gunshot wound supposed to have boils accldenlal , It Is nol learned defrauded / various peoplQ out of sums of money aggregating $26,500. He caught the county , for $2,200 of school funds , and saveral farmers and others In this vicinity for sums ranging ! from $200 to $15,000. Further deyelopmpnts wi doubtless . less swel the total. Hughlett loaned money for those who tru ted hint and It Is now stated used the money for himself . Dogus dEeds of trlst on fins prairie farms were the baits he used to obtain the money. I Is now believed that Hughlett took his own life rather than face those whom It Is charged he dcfraudl _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ I'tlflur.1111 \ Gels ii.- l''ollcrt ) . , SAN FRANCISCO , Sept 13.-The contest over the estate of the late John Smith loxley was decided In the superior court today. The decision Is In favor of Mrs. Elizabeth MoxlaV of Baltimore , Md. . the court finding that y Is the lawful widow of , the deceased. Site ' Is therefore awarded ouc-half of the property wllch : 10xl y conveyed to Mrs. Elizabeth W. Harrlnton , or Moxley. 'Tht ' court , after fnd- log In favor of Mrs. Elzabelh Moxley of Dal- titmiore . held that oxley had a right to con- ver one-hal of the community property , and his conveyances as to such half "I stand. The other hair of the estate wi go to the , widow , who also obtains a judgment for costs The estate Is valued at U5OOO. . l'uliiimmtii xhlhl Starts for A thmaszi . CHICAGO Sept. 13.-'he . Chlcalo & Eastern Iln'ls railroad carried today to ; Atlanta probably the largest and finest Individual - dividual exhibit destined teethe international ' exposition. The contribution WI the group ' of six magnificent Pulman cars sholn at th3 Worlls , fir In Chicago ; probably ' the most gorgeous coaches ever built tot ralroall pur- ! poses. The exhibit includes the composie car Marchena , dining car 'La Itabida sleeping - Ing car America cornparment car Perdlnand" , observation car Isabella , parlor car .Santa ! arla. The Chicago & Eastern Illinois officials announced that the exhibit will ar- rive In Atlanta some . time this evening. 1Iimgiiit''r th.- Onl- Onc' hIJur"IJ. IARSHALI" , lch" , Sept. I3.- ho west I bound North Shore ImleJ Iran : on the ltchlgan Ce tral was Wrecked here shortly after noon. The engine jump d the track on . a curve , and after tearing 500 feet along the I track , landed In a street e ljo'nitig. George Ieppltt , the engineer , Is under the eng'ne I badly Injure. The , .OCOpotve Is wreck'd I beyond repair : the mal. ard express cars are badly smashed , ad the ! first lhrae ! ps-I senger coaches thrown ! from their , trucks. , No one but the engineer wal I i4jurcd. A worn out wheel flange Is suppo'ftd to hWoe' : cius.d the accident. _ ' I , ! . \tlulu "I"tlr" "t/I' / CI.it'iieo. ChICAGO . Sept I3.-The Atanta clzens I who are here In the intjress , ( of the ' otton Statls exposition spent the day In visiting ' points of Interest abet ; the city. At 1' o'clock the member of the larly were taken by' time reception comlrltea t the Board of Trade wimare they remained about an hour a spectators ot the daIly bul and bear fight on 'change. After iuiscim tie visitors were driven about LIncoln park nd later drove up the famous Sheridan road , , They dined a G o'clock at the Union , Lea\ur club . speeches being made by the vlitim1Lsouthermier1 and I prominent Chicagoans. , I rromlnent . . I. 11111.,1"1 Ff''H . \ bo I ,1..1. TOlBIA. Kan , Selit. , 13' Kansas cattle- nlI , won a big victory 13fKRnlU Inspec- (01 fee of 2 cvnts pel , bad levied ' by time State Live Stock Santry , bad \\\1 \ \ be alolched and the , Inspector discharged. Ocvror ( Merrill anlunced this tQday t , coup- Iqg ! with It the ltement that a there o c4uld be no actual ittepection l of cslte p sIng - hog through Kansas crtl of the g : u.untne' iinr , the work was useless sid th fee un lnt ard tll ' necesas riP. " . . - . : h'11IIM _ 1 lrlutc tl "tl Eiositiomm. ! GALVESTON Tox. . Sep . lS-A spclal to , the News from E.gl 1)a6 , says : TJseMexi. . ' can village expedlt'on In two cars , canta'nirg seventy-three lieople , Including a numbr : at Tehusntepec l'dlals and ot\et Itp'.pes typical of Mexican ilfe . has -trvd bere on its way to Atiant.a. The Mixcaa com- minion tu the exposition will vase through ioniht. . . , BANRER TE BNS ARRESTED I : - I Western Financier with I Shady Record . Charged with Forgry , HAS A FACULTY FOR CAUSING TROUBLE i I 5imimiy lt ( iii' h'NI.uIIUN I wlh " 'imtei , lie " % 'I" Clnmm'et4l ! 1'.nl. . , ,11 . Loss tl All 11'001"11 Ida. - ' 'Ilt iililiPi'tf . CIENNE , Sept 13.-Speclal ( Telegram ) -W. H. Siebblns , who has been wel known In banking and business circles throughout the west for the past twenty years , was arrested - rested here title moring by Sheriff Armstrong - strong of Crook county on the charge of forgery Time sheriff started north at once with his prisoner who will have a hearing at Sundance early next week , StebbIns' home Is In Kansas City , Kami . , where he Is connected with the American Loan all Trust cempany. He has large properly Interest here , owning the Cheyenne postofce build- Ing. He has been connected as a stock- holder or ofcer In the Ierchants National of Deadwood , the First National of Sundance - dance , First National of Sllearfsh , Stock Growers National of Miles City , Cheyenne National and Caloria National of San Diego , all of which have failed , but without loss , It Is alleged , to Siebblns. I Is ehargcJ that Stobbins oW'ed a block of stock In the ' 1.'lr.t National bank or Sundance from its organization , To conceal hlownershhl of the bank stock , StebbIns trallsferrell I to a Kansas City man named Mule. The bank was then prospering ant paying < 1\hlenls on the stock transferred to I I s. Stebbins made out a power ot attorney to T. A. Dunn of Sundance , signed imjils' \ name to It and sent the dooument to Dunn. I authorized him to vote the stock and receipt for amid collect the dividends. I Is alleged that Mills was In Ignorance of this transaction , Later the hank tailed amid went Into the hands of H-celver Milo A. Adams , who levied an assessment on all stockholders for the benefit of the bank's creditors. Doth Mills and Stebbins denied owning the stock referred - ferred to , and the investigation whIch fol- lowell resulted In the discovery of the forgery. Besides his connecton with western banks , Stebbins Is connected with the banking frm of Christie & Janney of New Yorlt. Smuts aGaInst him ha\'o been commenced In New York City , Wyoming and Kansas City by representatives of the broken banks with which h. has been connected. StebbIns and his tamly have traveled abroad considerably and he Is regarded as personally being very wealh ) ' . _ _ _ _ . _ _ - FONILY EXI'sIG'l'S MOuld 'rItUiILIL FInLY XI'gcl'S : 'rultll.g. I'i'gmec Olc'rH ut JsmekNoil'M hole I.nll . - for Aiitlier , , ' , tr. CHEYlmNE , Wyo. , Sept. I3.-Frank H. Rhodes , justice of the peace and Wilam Manning , commstabie of Jacllson's Hole , have publehed a communicaton statng that I the Indian agents continue Issuing passes to Indians 10.hunt In Jackson's Hole thcy fear trouhlewl result. They state that time com- mander of the National park allows nonresl- d2mit 'hltes to go throuh time park InlQ Jackson's Hole and take all the trophies : they wish to. A party of Germans just' ' passed through the park with thlrly-seven , ! . hfjds and . eightanteiope . . heads. ' Sorr ) ' IiiIlummi i'ttl4i1fei1 : Mm- . ' . TALIIQUAII , I. T. . Sept. 13.Frog DavIs , who killed Sherll lusgra\e of the Cowee district last summer , was executed at the natonal prison yard at this 111ace to- day He protested his Innocence up to ai- nlost time last moment In time hope that something mllht be done to stay the exctm- tion. Only u' few minute before climbing time scaffold bo confessed the crime. On the gllowr : he made a long bil , saying that he was the bra\est man that ever died on time scaffold. Not a tremor was visible on his taco and he appeared perfecty at ease. He did not regret thins crime. lie said heOUll have killed Musgra\'s' entire posse had they nol hidden behind trees. Within twelve mInutes - utes after the drop tell Davis was dead , ha'- Ing died of strangulation. . ChlrA.1 , 'If. Gross lmumnorniily. MACON Mo. , Sept. 13.- Hev. T. D. Nolan formerly pastor of a church at Kansas City , was arraigned before the conference of the Methodist Episcopal church south today , under charges ot gross hlmoral ) ' . The commlteo appointed to investigate time charge sustained them and Nolaml took an appeal. Re , ' . C. M. HaItns of Kansas City .Iefended . the accused. Nolan/I / Is held responsible - sponsible for the seduction of a young woman from lIru , ' wick . who worked ag a domestc at his house. Doth mother and child subsequently - seQuentr died. On her deathbed the woman accused Noland of being the author of liar shame. Noland Is a young man wh a wife and child. e lold" tIe Euhu'er U""llol.lhIe. ST , PAUL , Spt. 13.-A St. Cloud Minn. , special to the Dispatch says : The verdict ot the coroner's Jury In the Melby railroad wreck was as follows : "We find that the direct cause of the accident Is 10 be laid to Engineer - fleer Flames In acting un wrong orders. We further blame the company for ordering pas- senger trains to meet at a blind siding , where there Is no agent , and where no lights are kept : also In allowing a conductor to rend two orders to the engineer when only one was mmeeded , " needed. . 1""lh'I'ul JU'Il' 1"NIII. Ii . I'lnee SOUTH M'ALESTEIL , I. T. , Sept. 13.-Hon. Clorle& n. Stuart chief justice ot the Indian Territory court of appeals and Judge of the central district of the Indian Territory , sent In his resIgnation ! this morning. lIon. I Yancey B , Lewis , of Ardmore , I. T. , has been I unanimously endorsed by the liar 1nd heading ' ' citizens of this place . for the - position , ' 'rou ! ) , " or lu""I"rlmlh & Field SAN FRANCISCO , Sept 13.-As a sequel to the assIgnment by Hammersmith & Field , time big retail jewelry firm , the other creditors - tors have petitioned that the frm be .Ie- car d imienivent They de rare that the firma committed an Act of Insolveney In maklnl an aulgument for $65,000 In favor ot the Cal- foria Jewtlry compan1' " Tl'rl'lhh' Storln n' Sioux l.'ul , . SIOUX FALlS , S. D. , Sept 13.-Speclal ( Telegram.-The ) worst ellctrlcal storm for years burt here early this morning. LIGhtning - ning struck a dozen places In the city . Time worst damage was done 10 Van Bp's dry goods imouse I was burned . The building and sloc" were vlued 'at 5,000. . There wits very little rain. Jew'eler Ca us. nit ) . , 'oul,1 I" I I S..r. KANSAS CITY , Sepl. 13W. E. Omonorm , a who esale jeweler of this city , dlappeJid from his home on Monday last Tonigh his dead body was found In a shalow Open sewer not far from 1is home. lie left home In a temporary fit of aberration , re ulng from malaral : fever , and Is belIeved ! to have 11en Into the pool _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ flr ullh'N I..tt . Xo " 'Ili. DUBUQUE , Sept 13.-I las ben ds- ! covered that the late Dr. M. C. Staphs left no will . lila estate , valued at . ' 500.000 , goes to his wire and four chldrtn. : ills on , Dr. Allen St4plei and W. L. IrJd ey were to . day appolntd executori . . v , :11111"hll U Big' Siti I. CEDAR UAIWS , Ia. , Sept. 13.-Speclal ( Telegral-ln ) the cue at Earl I. l3ttarsms agin1t the Milwaukee for $20,00 < dunaget for Injuries received , the jury In the federal defendant court returned . a verdict In favor ot the THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Forecast for Nthraskn- ' ' V'itid "nil ; Wnrmer , goulherly J'imgI' , 1. UruHIrm ) ' : h'l sat I 1./Nt. Snlor" 10" I wih time Seoimrge . hlmimmke'r Sh'hhllH "llh'r Arrest . l't'fTer Sn ) ' " 10111. Arc tlle'gmml. Ii , : sImuiI ' n"\INlol 1I..h. ( 'e. Xo i'emt ' or l'llh'rn Iii'rt' . i ii'mflI&i t Ii ( ' UIII 1"N'r , ' , ' , a. lulrU"1 11''IICH I I , , IIsi'e . \AIII I , - .JH.I. ) s II 'I'rllhh' lt Itulul I'nrl ( . . . . gI.lrlnl 11' ) 'Comll"I. I . . 1'mirii'r IUIIII : ot : h tie , icred. . 1\11'1" ' ) ' 1111. ( ' I . .s " 'N ' 1"'I'lrlrl m I ) I 11(1 iii its 1..111 II 1.'lrm H..II , ' . Cotmime'Ii Iii ii ITt 1.IH'nl 5iimttt'rs . " 'orl Ir out ' 111" ' i'nistmu'rs . II"n : : lt ttttil isIs 1111 : tmmlet . " Crime lt Cllit , ieltiiis 8. l'I.hlS.nh' 1'llr ghllt. htefom-mit . . I I 'l'hh'll 'mmrd . Hcrurl : Ic..tllj { II , 'lr.t. ft. In1 liris . 11) ' n 111 Stoik. ' . ' , ' . ' It ' I .ieim . Hit rmin m's 1.00' I 11\.1' I H"NI"'IC" 10. Ctiiimiimi'ri'iiii nUll I llnllnl. 1) I''hlll for tlc SI"th ) i'oie . H'lh'H ot 10lllN tituS iiroke . " % 'nr 'I'hiiies emi lie HII " ' . 12. Ih'rIH'N II Ilitit' nlHI Orn ) ' . " 'II.&m I I I & II , 'ol.ln" , y , I'orl'r. IM i'Oit'Pt'i' 'I''XgSI' 1'0 C"I , Only ' unit ot flit' ' ) 'l'"IIII ) ' SlhlltCll In thc lurl'nnt Case . SAN FRANCiSCO , , Sept. 13.-'he prorcu- ton Ln time trial of Timeodore lmmrrant imas thmmms far examined twenty.timree witnesses tmnd has occupied two weeks in its work. Timese are less titan immmlf time nuniber to be exanmimmed in its direct case and time mnomft mi- portammt are yet to be placed on time stand , It is said time next fotmr witmiesses viii take Dtmrrant anti his nileged victim up to anti into the church wimere time gin met imer death. Time examination will probably take mill of next week , Ever since time case in time superior cotmft begami ft gIrl of prepossessing appearance has imaunted time court roomn , For mm tmmmle smme brougimt every morning a bunch of flowers , wlmlcii slmo sent to the prisoner by a deputy sheriff. This action attracted so mnsmclm attemi- lion , imowever , that site discctntimmmmetl it , During - ing the proceedings slme sits with her eyes riveted on Durrant's face. Time prisomier never gives imer any attention , but tIme police believe timat they are at. least acquaintances. Iurrant i said to lmave written a long note in court , the missive being delivered to time utmkmjown by the prisoner's father after court ndjotmrneti. The young wommiams lives in Oak- laud , but althommgh detectives imave been de. tailed to locate her she always manages to eiudo timemmm , Slme is perfectly aware timat sue is being watched anti seems determined to evade identiflcatiomi , l'orest Fire ( flets latto 'I'o'.vii , EGG IIAItIJOR , N. J. , Sept , 13.-Tonight time fire wimicim started in the forest yesterday , three miles east of lmero , arrived in time heart. of the town. anti tlmousammds of dollars of tiamtago imas already beemi done. Time flames were iel immto tIme city by a mmarrow strip of timber , wimiclm leads mp to time city Park. The great Cimanspion distilleries anti storehoimsea of Renault & Co. are in im- nmirmermt danger. All time factories have been closed today amid time employes are emmgageml in fighting time thames. Several hundred men are doimmg all iii their power to commibat the blaze. Time fire miiarmns have been riimging 1mm- cessantly mmli day. ArMli Case Up In Utimt't. , KENOSIIA , Wls. , Sept. 13.-The sensational - tional Chicago Bedding company arson ' " ' ' ' ' ' case caine u 'tOftily Only four of time defemmdants were arraigned , Isaac itobimison , George S. Perremm , Berimard Itosenow and Louis Jacobson. Itoh. inson amid Itosemmow pleaded guilty to tIme toil charge. Time scene in time court room was very pathetic. Attorney Cavanaghm , for Barney - ney I. hilocim , made ems application for the cxammsination of his mnental conditiomm. Colonel Lt Crete Getti 'I'liroiugii. TAML'A , Fla. , Sept. 13.-Letters received trotn Cuba today anmmounce the smile arrival in the field of Colonel Joseph La Crete , sylmo left imero last spring for Jamaica , wimere lie attemnpted two oximetlitiotis. Falilmig , Ime re- turmied imere anti about three weeks ego left Key West In an optn boat , arrivimig in the vicimmity of Cartitmcas , disguised as a sailor , and awaited an oppcmrttmnity to join the insur- gc'mmts. lie is a veteran of the revolution amid stands higim as a bravo otilcer. ----C Cstii torimimi ! , , , emil itiit itt'ilumei'tl , SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 13.-Time California - nia railroad conirnittee today adopted Conm- missiommer Stanton's resolution reducing the general freights on the Soutimern Pacific on an average of 25 per commt. Next Tuesday time work of preparing a now freight tariff schedule will be commmmcmsced and the new rate put iii force as soon as possible. Time reduced grain rates wili probably be made operative at once. V'relghit Iiittos W'liI Not He Ativitmiced. LONDON , Sept. 13.-The agreement between - tween the transatlantic steamship commmpanies to advance rates of carriage , wimich was mentIoned In yesterday's dispatches , does not appiyr to freigimts. All efforts to arrive at an agreement on freight rates have proved frmmitiess so far , owing. to time Germans corn- petimmg with the Enguisim for freights frommi Soutimammmpton. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Frel 'Vronmis Arrive in Cimlait , hAVANA Sept. 12.-Time steamer Leoms Trece arrived here with battalions of time Astures and Caanarias regiments to time number of seventy-timree officers and 3GOO men , wimo are nuw being disembarked. A hearty reception has been accorded them imere. The stsmres battalion leaves here tonight - night for Nuevitas. Arreste-il for l'omsoimlmmw Viie- . LOS ANGELES , Cci. , Sept. 13-William Busby , the negro who sent the bottle of poisoned wine to James Gardner and thereby caused time deatims of 'IV. J. Thompson and 0. L. Martin wimo drank time wine , has been arrested. Busby says he wanted to kill Gardner so that he could secure his poaiUon. Not h hum limit l'mi mcr inmiimijred. NId\V YOitK , Sept. 13.-It was stated in the 0111cc of the 'World today that between seventy-five amid 100 tons of paper had been damaged by lost night's firo.'end that the totaiiozs wet , estimtet1 at $3,000 $ Time fire startc4 in the paper room fruam an electric wime , itriglit Ideit of ii Frt'mtt'ha Chef , ST , JOSFI'If , Sept. 13.-Spettal ( Tale- gramn--Joseih ) ; lCecneaux , time Frenim chef in Truckenmsmihier's cafe , bccamno ovem hemiod today , and tc cool off vahlced imito a zefrig- crater vimere the temperature was near time fraezlmmg poiimt , Ho was foummtl iiead ten ruin- utes later. 1'iS tig lit's , ' ) ( . , * I i.e mitts'es. LOUItENZO MAIIQUIIZ , Delagos. They , Sept. 13.-A force of I'ortugmmc'sb oncommntered a large body of natives under Chief /chmicha , on Sunday at Magut. Severe tightimmg emisued , in vimich 300 mmati'a were killed. 'rime I'ortu- gucie loss t'as six lciiicd ammd twemmty woumdoi , Sit' Jimlimin Commmimmj. Ihmiek , LONDON , Set. 13-Timo steamner Cam. pamsia , wimlch sails from Queenstown tomorrow for New York , will have on board Sir Juhian l'auncetoto , liritisim anmbassador to time Ultemi States. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .it ) S Clti4tH (5 Of Ocemimi 's cnsel . . , Sept , in , At Nemt' YorkArriYatil"mmtrt Iiiammmrck , from Ilanmitueg. At New YorlCieoredBeriln for South- aniptosm ; State of Nebraska for Glasgow ; MissIssippi for London ; La Touraine for hia're ; Ftmlda for Ilrercmen ; Lucmmnia foe Liv- crjmooi , At Southianiptoum-Saiicd-Coiummibia , from hamburg , for New York. At hJaltimnore-Arrlved-StOrmn Kimmg. Sailed -iLiiiUetOta , for Lowlon. IIOLIS ) TilE 130N1)S ) ILLECAL Bonator PoLler Says Ho Will Introduce Relolution for Repudiation. LOOKS FOR ANOTHER ISSUE SOON ' 1'iihitlM tlte S mid i'mt t ( % Viiht'li hlmiM ( hittinit nit 'l'htemtm ' . % 'iii I'rt' Lt hht-C.re thit' Close of the inmttii " . % 'hemt 'l'heir ' Opt Ion ida.plrt's , TOPIdI'CA , Ran , , Sept. i3.-"It another bommi isetme is nmade witimmut ( authority of congress I shah advIse timeir roptmdlmmtiomm. " These ore the vords Sammator l'cfter tteti imm speaking of the probability of another bommti issue to an Associated press reporter today. Senmmte Petter imas kept lila eye on tue ilgures s'hmiclt tell of time condition of the gold reserve , None imavo watched it sliding dowmi below time cioooooooo mark mimoro anxiously timan ime. It was lie ttimo ebjecteti very' cmiiphiaticall' itt time Utmited States semmate vhiemi time first nmmmt stmtmseItmont ( bomimt itsimes were mmmatie , ' 'I comisidereti the ttontl hectic fratIitmient and I have hot' changed itso' position simies themm. I still timitmk thmat time gevermimmiemut hiss mme authority to issue bonds witlmummt thm conctmrremice of coligress , " said lie. "I ens satisfied that timere will be mtnttlier bond issue - sue before October 1 , because tIme syntilcato Imas been givemi the privilege of taking nil time bonds isstmcd before thmem , There is emily ommo timimmg wiiich tmiay prevemmt a bomiti iaue ammtt that is time femir that It will weaken the rlemn. ocratic stretsgthm. Timey are mminkimmg hmsrolo efforts to strangle time free shiver semiiimnent in all limo states amid Imave to a comisitlerablo extent. stmccealcti , Look lion' they sqtmclcimet it Iii itentmmcky , Arkammsas ttmmd Iou's , mmmiii nearly all tIme otimer states where tests have been miiatie. They are commmpeiiimmg silver mmien hi go otmtoitle time tlemsmacratic party If they desire - sire to adimero to that nrlmmelnis. Tim 1'ai era think that time votera can be whippemt immtci line and it they flmmtl out that they cami. mint , then ictok out for ammothmr boitti issue be- tore Octobr 1. TIme ieoimle will be given mmli timey vili stand amid no questions are smmp- ilosed to bt. asked , 'At time last session of cotigress I was called impertinent becaimro I asked to imave the miammico' of time banti inmrcliasers male inmbiic , If there be amiothmer bond issue e'itlmommt ammthmor. ity of congress I immtermd to imstrotlimce a rca- oiution advising time repudiation of tIme bammds , , They were issmme'i without authority anti mire fratmdmmient and time people iioimitl tmctt be cotmi- pelleti to pay themim. Thus mmmay not s'oimntl well , but there is no mite of allowlmmg time peopie to be immiposeti tlpomm mimmy long'r. "Whien time first bommil issue 'as proposed Secretary CarlIsle cause to bout hiotmees of commgress amid avked legislative aimtimority for the issue. lIe wemmt so far as to prepare a bill for timat purpose anti presented it to time ccimssmuitteo of both the senate anti time hsoimse , Congress m'eftmsimsg to act , time secretary gave notice that if he were not authorized by rime- cial act. he would issime botnis without simci aimthorlty , anti ho did so. I called attemmtioma to these facts at the timmmo , charged that the homids vere issued illegally mind also imitro. dtmced a resolution instructing tue jtmdieiary comismittee to examnine and report whmethter thu secratary hail sucim authority titular existing law , and the conmmmsittee dareti mme repot be. . catiso they knew timere is no mmchm law. " ICEYSTONII H511'IjlhlIeLtN LiI.tGUI' . I'emimIM'lyitmiit Climbs 11t'et isi Stmtt Cottvt' it S I iiit. YORK , Pa. , Sept. 13.-Time convention of tit State League of htepubiianCIubs .assaemmbIs1 at thme opera hmomme hero today. An address of welcomiso 'va' dchivrcd by Robert Blalr of York. I'rcsidermt Everett P. W'arren of Scranton respomitied. Durlmmg time proceedings Cmaimncey i. Black , of York , president of the demnoorstic cornmmmitteo , entered time halt mind was recognized by [ 'resident Warren , Wimo asked Commgressnian Itoblimsoms to evcort imitn to time platforims. Black was greeted. with applause. M , I ) . Ycummg of Pimiianiehpimla , secretary of tIme league , stmbtrmittetl his report , simowing a balance of 1,000 in time treasmtry. Erie was 'I ) tmnmimiimnouely cimosen as time next Piaco of ttmeet- ing. After the llt of committees huad been commi- plated timcra were mmmd cries for Illoek , This ex-liammiemmant governor responded with a' ' brief address , 1mm s'hicii he spOke of time good. effect of the clulms , ani : saul time visitors vero welcommie to York , lie paid a imigim tribute te ex-I'rcnsitlent Ilarrlson as a true Aumsericam and nmamie references to iresitiomst Clevelamiti. These officers 'ero elected by accianmation : President , Major Everett I' . W'arren of Scrammtomm ; vice presidents , It. ii. Simindle , York : Wilson Norris Dauphin ; Viihiamn' C. Sproimi , Delaware ; J. hampton Moore , I'hmiladelphta ; leader Sobei Itelr , .foimn MeLark , Allegimetmy ; George L. Wiilianms , Phmiladehimhia ; recording secretary , Id. N. Randolpim ; treaturer , M. D Young , Phi iladelput in. Tue idattormmm adopted by the league is time shortest on record. It covers hut half a page of typewriter paper , it congrattmiatea the party on time victories of last tall , and re- affirmims its adherence to the miattonai platforms of 1S92 , and time state platform of 1895. It endorses the rohmubhicm state ticket imomimiateth at ' Harrisburg , and urges time formmsatioii of clubs in coumitie heretofoye ummorganizod , \S'ILL 1tIN ( FOIL tJNI'dIlSAl. l'lLCl. Libt'rty lieu Stmtrt.Upen Its Jtirite Arommmm.i time Vot'ltl. CHICAGO , Sept. 13.-The Columbia Lib. orty bell started on its tour of time globe today - day when time special pulled out of the Vam Buromm street statioti , consisting of the bolt car , especially comitatructod by thiu Illinois Central road mmml the engine , a baggage car and a sieeimmr. Time present destlmmatiomi ot lisa bell is Atlanta , but on the route stops will be nmstio at all time prlmmcipal cities era the line. At Atlanta the bell will be received - ceived with civic ceremoslea , will ho In. staliemi in a place of imonor in time exposi. tion and will remomain until lime close. At the close of the exposition time hell will be carried timrough Florida and the other gulf states to Mexico , where it will be welcomed by Presidmmt Diaz , anti asslgneti a' place of honor in the Mexican expositicnmm , It wihi thmen cross the Atlantic to llngiammiT where it will be heard at ltunmsynmede 1mm eel- ebration of the signing of the Magmma Cimarta and will than be talcems to the commtinommt an on cmroumitl the world. MAIId AXO'l'IiIIIl. JidM.tNI ) ON SL't IN l'rot ectioti itt-ti ; i t'ul for AmimerIezs iissiommmirii's J it Cmia'ol I tie isimmitils , ChICAGO , Sept. 13.-A spciai to time Jaily Nowim Irons Washington says : SecretarZ Oiney has mosde mm new demand upon Spain. It is eXpectel that a prompt comnpliammce tvii follow , as 51121mm usa done twice before irs time last few imsorstims. This timue Minister Taylor Isas been Instructed to tiernar.mi lions Spain protection for Ansem-ican mnissionaricma In the Caroline Islammde. Tithe qmmestion is several years old , comnmuemmming when ouc miartcrarieii vemo pereecmmicd arid driven ou of Lime Carcilno Isianda by natives , Spaira exercIses amtthmority ovem the Isiontla ard fulL reparation was dernsmided ( or the outrage. SpUn rerpomtdeti by the payment of Imrlsmsmnity : and promnising Protection to the mhE'ctmarlPl ' ( in limo future , But by failing to stead by her declaration to protect them , Spain his nsado it insposalbie for mmmsiion- aries to veteiy return to the iimland3. Tb present demmrtnd is iimat this pm'eemnis of pro1 tectiomm ba married out lii a satsfactor ! mnaihimer , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , I,1 , ( ) iore hiodii"u Iii I lie \'reck , s'r. CLOUD. Mba. , i3pt. 13-Two nmor ( loath bodies have beer. taken out of tb Nertlmcrmm wreck at Mcitm' , ? niinn. 'i'hey arq timnee of two ummkn'jwn tramps who wer stealing i. ride. Timi makes . s'ovms killed , Non ln'rsi l'u'i , ho 'Z'ummi mmci omm Fire. LIVINGSTON , Mont. , Sept 13.-Muir tun n i cmi ihi Nortimrti i'aciflc , raven immilemi eat of bree , Ia afire. it lies iteemi sealed mp ant * all trammd are de'aycd , I'aescugers and nsait. are tm'aniftrred eve ; time mouutalns ,