t'I . a- , - - - - - - , , . . ' . . . . . -4 ' I / THE . . OMAHA DAILY . BEE. , . r srl'.An.JlSIIJ JUNE _ 1H _ , 1871. _ _ _ _ _ Ol\AIIA _ _ , j"JUOAY _ _ MORNING _ _ , _ SEPTEMJ3Efl _ la , 18 { . SrNGT.N OOpy j"rVE C1 N'lS. T - COES TO ST. PAUL NEXT YEAR I [ c Palace City Captures the Encampment ) of the 0. A. R , 4. - I COLONEL WALKER CHOSEN COMMANDER I u. . . 1..r ) . , \ ' . tersuti 1)'lh'"I' ' . ' MI"h'rl ) ' . \.Idr. ' . " " "f , \'le"I"- " . . flU I 1111"I.t .f lie C"m- . iit1ir-Iii-cIiIer I I" . . " . . . h..I i. . LOU VIII , ICy. , Sept. 12.-The Ihlrtlth ) , ' hatonal encampment of the Grand Army of sb , the Hepuble wi bo held In St Paul In 1896 , with Colonel I. N. Walker of Indan- ! Dllols DS cornrnander-In.chlef. The encampment - mont proper , the Woman's Holcf : corps an.1 the Litiles' Crclo : all Ingan ther proccl- Ings today at 10 n. m. ant contInued In Se- slon all Ilay. The gentlemen of the enc1np- ment almot completed their work , while the Women of the two nuxilaries did not get I much Ilone. There has been co sderb'e : A , Bglaton ! about unItIng them this year In the j $ . _ _ reunIted brotherhood and cltznshlp : , but the ' omen of the auxlaes : are as far apart as ever , and In spiri , I not In purpose , thEY will remain dIvided. The Ladles' Clrco : devoted - voted the day to reports and In dlscusO:1 : : therewIth for the ( Ierrecto : all extensIon of their org3nlzatlon. The Woman's He lef corps had the trouble between the fac lens of Mr3. Carl ( all Mrs. Sherl001 at Canton , 0. , ex- omplfed by the ehcrff , : , who enter.11 without the password to servo nn Injunction of the courts on the national ofcer ! , rest'a'n'ng them from ousting Mrs. Clark When the sheriff entered the ladles would not tel him who WE.ro the officers , but a friend of Mrs. ' Clark teen polnteJ out the olcers , anti the order of the court was Eon'ell. Mrs . Taylor _ t'e wife of the mayor of Lou'sviiie , Ihlv < rel \ B life address of welcome to the ciy , as did lI , _ Mrs. General S. D. Duckner to the sate ! and Ih" nii Lb. - " Tim - confederate veterans , notably General : Gordon , General Buclmer and : lr. Walerson , : tole part again In the recptioms ant camp- fires , praising the gOOtt wIll that hall brought 11eace In rrlly as well as In name. Alter delivering welcome addresses during the day , Mr. Walerson tonight delivered hIs lecture on Abe Lincoln and tomorrow nght : General 0 Gordon delivers his IEcuro on "Tho IaEt Day of the Coufcderacy , " In both of which the ox.solthiers tke grolt Inter > st. Genera ! Duckner I kept busy answering calls to ad- dress campfires. 'fomorrow time bu3 : and time gray will meet In 1 grand ' barbecue ten- , deed ly ( lie latter to their guests , and tomor- row nIght's programs for the dlteent ; camp- fires are very elaborate. FIghitecn marching veterans , and doz1 of ) other were pr03trato'l by tIme htat yesterday. WCf well . but It All are now reported as doing "el. was hotter than ever tOllay. lusteRl1 of the holer vleltors leavng ! today , the rlrolds lepJrt that thEY are still coming In for the lire. worls , the barbecue tdmorow. and other ovents. 'fhe tomb3 of President T.lyor : and veterans of the Mexican war were vslted : by thouEnts today. As many go from here to the encampment of the ons of Veterans Knoxvi0 , time dell- cation of the monuments and the nation 1 caton at Chatanooga and Chickamauga and to time Atlanta exposition , the tide wi move further south next week Instead of northward. By far the most Interotng ! funct'on ' of the . week began today at 10 o'clocl In Music hall. it. . a was hit' meetng of the cnc1nplent for the electIon of executive and commanding officers for the ensuing year and to decide lfcers upon place of meeting for the next year. The haU has a seating capacity of 3.150 and lvery scat was occupied. None bpt O.llt Army of the Hel1blo men anti accredited delegates ' Ire allmltell to the hall The Aelegatos entitled to votes In the meolng ! occupied - cupied the main floor , while the visiting vet- erans remained In the gaUerles. There was consde.rable : delay , and It was not until nearly 1:30 : o'clock that the delegates were nil at theIr posts. General Lawler , the commanter- In-chief , wa loudly cheored. As moon as quiet was restored hE fornul ) ' called the meeting to order. ChANGED TiE PROGRAM. le said that as this was the first meeting of the Granll Army of the Hepublc south of the Ohl rIver time executive committee bad changed time usual program. The citi- . zone of Louisvie , ho said , desired to give Oxprlsblon of their pleasure In having the honor of entertaining the boys In blue. "You wt be glad to know , " he said , "that the man who Is to give the address of welcome I none other than lion . henry Waterson , editor of the Louisville Courier-Journal. " At the mention of Mr. Watterson's name there was an outburst of applause anti when It had died away Mr. Waterson stepped to time platform ( and spoke as follows : . That promissory note drawn by the city of I.oul3vll cmttlor. cd by mo anti discounted by you In the city oC 1It3burg 1 year age , bas n1turcl and I am como to pay it. Fix- I cept that historic distinctions have long been obliterated hero I might be mentioned th'at I appear before you ns the representative - tlnt tvo alike of the ' o who wore the blue and thosE who wore the gray In that great SIC- toral combat . whIch. whatever else It did or did not left no slmlow upon American sohler hll" , no stain upon AmerIcan man- /'on / hooll. Hut the war ended thirty years ago. Hero at least time Icson has been taught and learned that . You cannot chain the eagle . , \tmd you dare not harm time dove , But every gate . Hutu bars to Hate Wi open wide 10 love. Anti , the InS1 God bless the flag ! Can you doubt the loyal sincerity of those who from houseto ( , and ( roam rooftree have thrown I to the breeze ? I.E some acrl- Icglous hand le raised to haul I down ant see ! seelTlmeSO are honest hugs. with honlst hearts behind them The ) ' are the symbols of I L nationality as Precious to us lS to 'ou. \nll.wh not What Is left for you anti mete Inl 1' to cavil mibout. far less to light about ? Slavery Is gone ; Iecesslon Is death. Pnlon ' with its I'Item or statehooll still tntlct' still atmrvives. I Is this COl' which wlh n kind ! or exultation I throw open the gates or this ateway to the south : I bId you welcome - como In the nnme ot time people whoso vo'ce ! II the voice of Goti You came unit Wo reslst.HI you ; you com6 anti wo srl.et 'ou. Cor tmes change anti men change wih them. You w\ fInd hero searceh' 1 sign of time late : not R reminiscence ot Its IIs- blous. Grlm-vIFa&CI war has smoothed his 'Hlnltr1 front all whlehe\'el way you turn on either s\lo you hail encounter as you pass thofc : mmolderin heaps which remll ! < rlnl you of 'ouralor alum ' travail , only the 11g- nannDII spirIt ot deall heroes \Ith Grant anti Sherman , anti ' 1 'homas alt : lcPhelon anti Logan looking tIH\1 from time hPP - "tara as IC repeating the worts or the Ius- " . ' . ' for nil malice " ter"I'hl.lrl ( ) or ni : toward lon e. I SCl'I I WAS 1NDESCRIfl.uI4E , I I Ilponlbll to desclbs the Icene that followed Mr. \\'sttcon's ' lltru. The Ilea1er b'lsol wns overcome I Ih tmotol tnd left Ito ( front of the Ita gr. Men rosa In timeir Cents cad ' act only ) ' cheered by turns but hugged each o.hl end throw thlr sots . bali anti haltk'rehlefs ! . Into the air. In. John A. Logan Was seated I I short distance back of tha eonulsnder in- I chlerItard And as Mr. \atc 50n walk 'J away with tea coursing dew , : hl cheeks 'Gpneral Iwlor IJISlntPI Ihn , to Mrs. I.on. Neither could elak , anti the whlc-hal'cI ! , motherly 10tldt ! hJy took his hand In bth t of hers and ' \ Iln she funJ hEr voice , raId : "I eta Fbt I have been permitted to live to 'I ) heu your 'IJooh. " That \ all Iho cou'd I' ny , amm'i she fat down and wept. Mr. " 'at- , f teron and Pllt Comnmander-n ; Chief Wuner then IrotCI each other and fat down to- : ethcr . Title caulo,1 , another burst of ep- " Illause almeit as Crest as the fIrst , anti It wa q nearly fire minutes before quIt was rCto ell. Put Conmmander-ln.Clmiet Warner of Kan- ' " ass City was tntbullatcaly cheered when he I steppel forward to dolver : the resronl ! to t Mr \Vatteraon's address , whIch ho did II a for.'I tie a manner a had Mr. Vatteeon . Ito sit d ; . "Celouel Wtlfon and Cltunl ! of Louis- . \le : Our annual Ilgrlm'ro , has 10 ghl US to ) olr buu'lful city to ho'd 0 'r n'lonal reummion You ! nt received II . though we t were princes of the cartb. Ncnr d'd ' I ful- li thpoverty of .pecl I I real : " I now . In Iz . \ \ , 1/ . , , . \ ' . . ' . . : " attempting 10 convey to you what 1 know to bs the healtel thanks of theo vc.'erns aol mysoJf ; for your royal recep Ion and unetntel hospiiaiity. ( You roseJ the rare fncJly , ptcuilar to the louth , Cf mnkng : the straner within , your gates fei that he Is I at hoe aid that he I i In the house of his frlenJs. l'ore- most amen tholo to welcome the voerans ! of time blur to the state , that Hate wh h gave Us that great c mmono- , Ilnry Clay , and Abe 1.nco1I ! , hare been time veterans : who wore the gray. " . In response to this address , Put Commnn- der-In-Chlef William Warner of ICansas City , spoke briefly. lie BaLd the boys In blue would ncver forget time generous and kind hospi- talty of the people of Louisville. When Ito had , Ilono talking , Commander Jawler said he took great pleasure In Intro- ducing James Whicomb Riley " the Hoosier Itoet. Mr. Hiey then read al origial poems written for the occasion. A pgACg HYIN O1 ' THE ltflt'UiIIdC. There's n voice IcrolS the nation , like 1 mighty ocean hail . oceln home UI' from out time luthward lS the seas before the gale ; It's breath It In the streaming flag and In the flying sail- As ! go sailing on. 'Tis a voice that wo remember-ere its summon - mon soothed n. now- When It rang In battle challenge , anti wo Inswerell vow with vow- With real at gun anti hiss of sword and crash ot Jun Cr"h pro\- Aim we went sailing on. Our imope sank , even as wo saw the sun sink faint anti far , The fhlor / state wpnt groping through ! the blinulng smoke ot vmmr- Through blackest midnight lurching , all un- cheered oC moon or star ; Yet sailing , haIlIng on As one who "pake the lead awake , with life hloolt leaping ! wnrm. \'imo walked the l'ouhllll waters , all un- scatimed . In mortal form \Vo cit our lmllot'n presence with his hand upon tim Itorm , Al wo went sailing on. 0 , \olce or parsion lulled to peace , this dawning ot today , 0 , \01ce8 twain now 'lent lS ono , yo sing all tears away , Since Coo anti toe are friends , and 10 , the Lord 11 glad IS the ' - lie 8enlls us sailing on. Ex.cmIMANDElt HEIMBERED. Following this Commander Lawler Fall the comrades hal , decided to honor Past Commander - mander General John Palmer of Albany hy presenting him : with a token ] of their regard for the talhful performancE of his dlty while he was commander. judge Cochrane then formaly presented time tokgn. The tole"n was a solid slver tea set Judge Cochrano spoke briefly anti to the point. lIe was sure he could not have presonttd the gift to cOI1 git anyone moro servlng. In acceptIng the present General Palmer spoke feeiingly. "I can scarcely find words to l'press my grattut , to you , my comrarles , " ho saId. "I shall 01- ! waya keep I. and sha1 always cherish It as the most precous ! of all my poseessloas " The next feature to the prelminary pro. grm was the preacntatloa of a gavel made of golt , silver and copper , studded with d'a- mands , rubies and sapphires to Commander : Lawier I was presentel to him by Senior Vice Commander O'Leary of lonlanl , in b- half of time ' . Iontanl ! dlvlson. ! I was given because General I.awle was the fri co- mander post who hat ever visited the Montana post.As As soon ns the prelminary mater was over General Iawler requet'd all not members of time Grant Army of tIme Hepub Ic 10 wi hdraw from time hal , as It was to b a secret meet- Ing. When a1 such had gone cut General Lawle.r drected Rev T. 11. Ilagger.y , the national chaplain of St. Louta , to invoke the blessing of the Deity. Commander Llwler then delverll his an- nusl address , which was as tolows : Comrades : 1 take great pleasure In cal- Ing to order the twenty-ninth national encampment - campment ot the Grand Army of the He- public. We meet for the first time south ot tmc the Ohio river , In this. beauttut city ot Louisville , not as we mild thirty-tour years ago-thmc'n we were ordered here , but now wo come because we are In\lell by all Its citizens to accept their hosplalty anti re- celvo a I royal ant loyal welcome to olt ! Ken- tck ' anti time new south. What memories or the past rise before us ns we stand here anti think of t\e great men her on Ken- lucky soil ! But the one whose memory Is honored mORt b ) ' the people ot this great republic Is the name ot him who by a stroke of hIs anti time ot ' ba ' pen 111 power your bayonets struck the shackles from 4,0,0 at slaves- Abraham Lincoln. One year ago , at PIttstiurg , Pa. , I entered upon : the dltes ot the olce to which 1 hind been elected , anti located the htlllquarters lt ltockfortl Ill. The experiment ot having both time adjutant general and qUlrt.rmaster general at headquarters has ' generl lt headqulrters Proven very m.atistnctory. Hequlsltons are ) ' , led Imme- diately on receipt ot same. HeslJes the sayIng - InA of time there Is Il saving ot postage anti correspollence which woulll he necessary - sary It the two otcers were stationed at different points. I was very fortunate In being able to appoint as adjutant belnl my Idjutant gen- eral I man who has iwoveim hImsel to be promnpt thmoroughm ellicient and obliging , anti the name at C. C. Jones wi appear In the future records or this great organization as one ot Its best adjutants general. 10th ho anti the quartermaster ' menerai , J.V. . Hurst have labored hard during the 'ea. to make the administration of affairs ot the Grand Army I success. CONDITION OF TIE GRAND ARM . That you may tuly understand the condi- ton of gains and losses for the year past , I nilpelli the folowing recapitulation : lembes 11 goo.i standing June : : O. isi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37iP5 Gala Iy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gnln Iy transfer. . . . . . . . . . . . s.sa : Gain I ) ' reinstatement. . . . . . . . . 13,171 Gall from delnquent reperts. . . . . V.313 Total gain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0n Aggregate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4i43 1. . . I ) ' death. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . 1,161 41.53 : Leas I y honorable dl.charge. . . . 1,431 I.oss by tlan.rer. . . . . . . . . . . . 6G3 Io.s ! b ) ' smisl.emmsion. . . . . . . . . . . . . > 9 Iou by dishonorable dlsl'arge. . . H ) Los by delnquelt rellorls. . . . . . S.C:9 Total loss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.9C Members remolnhg , In gee. ] ston - lag . . . . . . . . . . . . go . . < . . . . . . < . . 3)7,73 Members remalnlnsus"ende , ' . 49,60) . Time consollilted reports ot time adjutant general Iho\\ ' that time number II good stanlln ! Juno ) O , 1591. was I71,55 , anti 01 JUlO 30. IS9 was 357,639 , 8howlll 1 low ot 13.16. ! ' or which number 7136 was by death. COIHllerhl ! time tact that many of our eOlrlll s time poor , Inll , owing to husl- 1men depression ( ) . lan ) ' ha0 been out or ell'lo'ment , Ilt 1IIIel to thus time tact that mln ) ' Ire not able to attend post' meet- InKs by reason ot their ( nlrmlte anti have allowed thelsel\s to be supendell for non- 11)lent ot dle : olr memter.hlp haO kohl ( \onteltul ) ' welt. Wth time Inerelsed prosperity which we are sure to have 1 Nee Ito rcafon why very many at time GO.I who ale on the IUIy t may not take their placls slNrendelt nctVfworklng macmu- bels. I hlve UlgClt all pestO to appoint I simciai ( commitee on reinstatement to call on every 5usllendoll comrdo R11 setll with him In lome way anti , get him bade Into our ranks. In lan ' dlllartmelts I heard time delegates talking about l'stallshlnK picket 110tS. and bcle\1 ! lit it cons IJaton ot lan ' or time mlllr Ilosts mnut loon take plcc .1 rcc9uumepd llmtt tie conmmnltt eon II'eco IUletd conlnltpo on rules lint ! ! It..tmiationa La Instructed lo imrciare n hiatt of organizatlomm ammti report ple\are 1111 orglnlzatol all . re\ort tile nmo to the next national encampment , by whlth this queston ot consolidation nod the cstablislmnment of picket Ilosts may 10 uniform anti itt accordance with rules amid regUimttinns. Srn\\I G OF PENSIONS. This Is n question that we , as an orml- zatPI , ( eel n dCIl Interest in \0 know tul all limo legislation enacted by con\rest In the Interest of limo 011 soltler has been 1101lht about hy 0" thlouh the Innuence or this great , Ilowel.tli organization-the Grand Army at the Iepullcand these or UI who are more fortunate .h'flcaly titan others propose to keep It lt ) just lS long as \a 1\ . Aiil while wo arc not asking for any new pension leglMla ton , we do Isl ( anti insist that \h(1 n law Is passed by con- -gross that its provisions IS Intended by It shall bo carried out anti not mtscon- struet and IlslllplCI by ammy man or set ot men or emmy party who mnay be In Power I ant not 1 lawyer , .ut I know the verdict of an- ( OUr ot IQynl men would le that after 0 man has furnished the IlrootK and has been krantNI 1 pension , that pension elliot le ta\en away trom him without due llrOelf ot law I know thlO I" being done , howe\'cr. alt over the land for 1 hlvu seen the evidences ot I 11 every dcpart- metal In which I have been-Ienslons ! re- duct11 from S i : to $ s. and trom IS to $6 , and many cut oil entire. Then Igaln , n mtm ante applied for 0 pension \0 \ anti three ) 'earl ego will receive n noteo that 'is caim Is rejected , then no tller tlt "Iis case Is reoplltl and aiiowed , but only trom the thne of reoimenimfr , thus cheating a worthy man out or $ or so. Mlny of our comlulcs lhul d a1 wit are not able . to ! nl ! tLt.ti t.est time cnstutonnlt ) of . ( Ct'oued ' ' on Third Page. ) CEIlING AT TiE IAIN FACTS Prosecution in the Durnt Case is Rapidly : Developing ANTICIPATING TUE DEFENSE SOMEWHAT 'I'rlell Pie . \.elt 11.1 . hum imelme 1,1111' ii 1 'he " 'Ieimiit ) uf 'he Vhl..h UI C lie g""ltl I 'heu She Met 15cr U.I.h , . SAN I nANCrSCO , .Sept. 12.-The trolcu- lon In the Durrant case ha\e found another . [ law 1n the story told by the young medical stutent on the day of Danche Lamont's mur- tier . When Durrant was suddenly confronted In time church by George King , the organist , 1\0 \ explained his contlton of utter physical and nervous collapse by tM statement that he hall been overcome by gas whie engaged In repairing electric wires L the attic. Dur- rant asked ICing to get him some brome seltzer. The prosecution will contend that I Durrant hind been asphyxiated his knowledge of medicine woull have taught 1m that fresh nix Instead of a nerve tonic was what he needed. Durrant's classmates at Cooper : Ielical college will be placed on the stand to show that the prisoner , as wel as alt of the students , had been taught that the only remedy for partial asphyxiation Is oxygen. Durrant would soon have graduated from cel- lege , and the prosecution will contend that be was to well Iformed to have ordered a nerve tonic which nauseated him when he drank It If he had really been suffering front the effects of gas The prosecutLn also showed that Durrant's hat and coat were not In the library when KinK entered the church , but were there when he rcturned from the drug store. The Inference will be drawn that Durrant wanted to get King out of the church , not to bring him relief with a drug but to give himself time to rover from his consternation and an opportunity to carry his coat anti hat from the rear of the church to the library , where It hall been his hnbtt to place them whie working In the church As the defense will lay stress on the In- ability of one man to carry a body up such a steep fight of stairs as leads to the belfry of manuel church , the prosecution was elated at the testimony today of Richard Charlon , a grocer who had weighe Banche each week for six months. Marc ! 27 and 28 she weighed l pounds. , A week later she dl , appearcd. lEer greatest weight was 121 pelt ids. Henry J. Shalmount , a cable conductor , testified that Durrant and Miss Lament hal rlllen together to school the morning ot AprIl 2. lIe had seen them frequently before and his attention was particularly directed to them on that day by their evllent In- timacy. The defense admitted the fact that Durrant anti Miss Lament were together at that time and this line of inquiry was ) abandoned by the proaecutian . prosecutn. Herman J. Schlagler , a classmate of Dur- rant at the medical college , testified that four days after Danche had .lsappearell all before Durrnt was mentIoned lu connection wih her absence , Durrant Ilad asked him If he remembered seeing them together amid It he did not remember that Durrant parted from Blanche before Dnrrant left the clt ) ' . Witness was unable to remember and Durrnt volunteerpd the information that Blanche was mlNslng. The prisoner toll the witness that Blanche was easily led anti controlled 1 by him and he feared she had gone to some question. able abode. queston- Miss 1Innie Del Edwards , a classmate of illanchie's . testfed that on the afternoon of April 3 Banche 1\10nl and herself left the norma ] school . together. Miss L lent was soon joined by a young lan who Miss Ed- wards reognized as Durrant MIss Edwards last saw the couple at the corner of Market and Powell streets , where she left the car The witness descrIbed minutely all the al move. mo\e- meats of Dmmrrant herself and IS3 Lament \ before and' afer they boarded the car. She also described Durrant's attire minutely To accommodate a juror , a recess was here taken until Monday. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 101I S JSIIC'i'ED Fen MURDER . 1"01-111) ' A.eu"r.1 uf 1(111 I. li' . Ilt.1 lt l'hll\1cll.hll. PhILADELPHIA . , Sept. 12.-H. II. Iloimnes , tile notorious murderer and 10imes swlll- ler , was today Indicted by the grand jury for the murder of D. F. Pltzel , whose mysterious - terious death In this ely a year ago anti the tubseuent collection of $10,000 Insurance on his life by Holmes led to the unveiling of the latter's remarkable criminal record. Holmes Is now In prison here awaitIng - Ing sentence for swindlng the Insurance COmIJan , to which ehargo he plladed guilty . hoping thereby to escape the detection of detecton his graver crimes. The district attorney will press for a speedy trial In this city. Indictments for murder have also been brought against Holmes In Toronto , In- dlanapols and Chicago p CYCLONE S''IUIES Jlnv YOiLK . ' ' " People JCille.ib- Collapse 01 II ) " 110' . WATEHTOWN , N Y. , Sept. 12.- ter- rifle thunder storm visited this section ' Last night. WIres are down In all. directons and comnitinication was cut off communicaton or for imours , except ono telegraph wlro. The storm was of such force as to actualy swamp the pal senger cars on the Rome \'atertown & Ogdensburg railway near Itichiand. The wlll and lightning were accompanIed by a deluge of rain Several tarm houses In this vicinity have been struck by iight- nlng and burned. The roads were washed out 11 places , ant fallen treee block thin highways itt many parts of the country I was th ! most severe storm In ' years , although - though lasting only about one hour. The cyclone struck ! the village of Cape Vin- cent ju.l. al a lane : excursion part , enrout" homowarll from the Jefferson county fair at Watertown was about to take the boat for Kingston , Ganada. Time Homo , Watertown & Ogdensbur depot colasell. George , Cod- trey and Thomas Arnel of Cape Vincent received Injuries from which they died. A large number of persons were Injured , several of whom It Is fearell will die. e S.tV1H ) ' 'II OVI.nl\Xn P\ST )1\1 . " 'He of a ' \01111 Sr.tol lioNs nt'lller" l'smlutbie' S..lc. CHEYENNE , Set. 12.-SpecialTeiegram ( _ . ) -Mrs. Ostrom , wife of a sect n foreman , sawed the "eJtbound fat mal train on the Union Pacific , consisting of two mal cars , a day coach anti 1 Iulmal sleeper , from a probable - able frlghttul wreck at noon today near Wol- cot staten , twemity-one miles from How- unit. Whll alone nt the section houre Mrs. Obtrom discovered wooden a bridge dlco\eret span- , ning a small gully acres the track to bo on fre.The The fast mal , nearly ) an hour late , was ap- Iroachlng at a high rate of speed to make up lost time. Mra . Ostrem ran down time line amid fagged the train. I was stopped wihin thIrty feet of the burnIng bridge. The timbers were burned to such an extent that the train would have carried dowl the bridge bad It run onto I. The O\'erlant flyer and f.ufreights following the fast mal were delayed se\'eral hours Ly the fIre. 1 ) fre. The passengers on the fut mali made up 1 pure of $50 and presented . It to the woman . Cell..l SlulJ Iiimsd Simryeeil CI.UWEHLAIN , S. D. , Sept. 12.-Slle- ( clal.-Tho ) retters In Gregory county , lying 01 the northeastern boundary of Nebraka ; have at last received the justice that was denied them for Isny yers Deputy United State $ Surveyor ) Bates hu ) complEte the work of lif\lni that frtT ot relorr ountj which wa , ceded by the Sioux a i .0peM to settlement February 10. 1SPO , and the several I hundred etler who have remaIned paten ly on the lnd B squatters sInce that time are at length enablld to know where the boundaries of their land are located. ) I\X\ ' W17ilhi ( YAUGII'I' I ( Til' : ClL.tSiL N.'etol of a Orll.1 III'1 " .11" IIJlr- II I 1,1"jC Xun.r. LOUISVILLE , Sept l2.-\'huie 10.00 people were watching the fr'ork along the rIver front at 10 o'clock tonight 1 portion of the grand stand on which were seated at least 10,000 people , gave away and many were injured \ The portion of the grand stand which tell watt about 400 feet long anti sixty wide. f was the lower part , anti only elevatet about two feet. Irnnmetliately Immetlately behind this part were stats ele\'atet rIght to l\enty feet On- the entire stand thEre were 00,000 people. That no one wan klle1 Is a mrvel. lad th seats been llevatclI any distance from the Ilstance pavement many deaths mlt have resulted . As the platorm on which the rats wore placed swerved to the rear anti settled to the ground wih a crash the planks ef which the seats were composed - posed were forced together and the feet amid legs of hundreds of the spectators were caught as In a hugo trap. , Time noise of the explodIng bombs and fireworks - works anti the cheering of time cron'd was fO great that only those atjacent to that por- ton of the stand which fell coull hear I. lad It become generally known a Inlc woult have followed. As to the exact num- ber injured It will probably never be known I our policemen , who wee standing near the accident , said tbat they saw from fifty to s.eventy-flwe persons tnken away by friends In nhlcl3. They Islstell at least as many more to get back on the street back of the atanmi All the ambulances amid patrol wagons In the city were pressed Ihto service , anti dozens only slght ) ' hurt were taken to their hotels or homes. On time porton of the grAnd stand which fell there was a scene of horrifying confu- sion. Mr. Vrceland , assistant . city edior of the Courler-Jcurnal , was present when thq accident occurred. "It was awful , " he said "I saw men ant women falling e\'er'where. Whether they were tainting frem : fright or pain I coull not sa ) Then n panic fol- lowed. Those whQ escaped being caught made a mad rush for time entrance , trampling over those who hal fallen , whie those who hatl bem caught reamed for aid Meantime - time the vast multtude on all sides con- tnued to cheer and applaud the grand fre- works that cent lt HI to explode and light up the sky. " A number of Grand Army veterans who were witnesses of the accident said they aided a large number of people who hal been bruised ali Injured about the legs o car- riages anti sent them to their hotels anti homes. They did not stop In the exciement to get names or addresses. No fatalities arc reported Those Injured , so far as known , are : John I'arrls , flrner , Brookline , Mo. , PORt No. 229 , foot crushlll and amputation necessary : Mrs. Harshfeld , 329 East Market street , Louis- yule , toot crushed and leg'broen ' ! ; Mrs. J. W. Vreelanl , 723 Thlrl avenue , Louisvie , ankle crushed : Miss Mattie Moronic Jefrersonvte , Ind. . toot crush el ; IFS Fedora Starr , 121 West Main street , foot crush d anti ankle spralnel : H. J. Burke , veteran front Spring- field . Mass. , foot crushed , toes an1utntcd : Miss Eva Willis , Morning Sun , 0. , foot crushel : Miss I.'relda Sean 192 West Jerer- lon street , ankle broken : Irs. Julia Adkins , 1212 West Chestnut street , right foot spralnel ; Mrs. \C , NooncEs , wife of Presi- dent Nooness of the KentucltY Wagon Works , badly Injured , leg ant foot crnshell ; Mrs. Maggie Ferris , 33 Portland avenue , left foot anti ankle crushell : a 12-year-old son of 1)r. Guntherman , Baxter avenue , toot crushed ; Miss liemmnett . Evansville , stopping with Mrs. hays , Fourth and ll , foot anti ankle crushed ; Joseph Huckanl , editor New Albany Tribune , oilest elitor In 1ll1ana , toot 1:11y crushed anti ankle sprained ; \Y. H. Gregg , Burton , Ind. , back dprained. right leg bro- ken ; George Do Long , Ihluifton . Ind. , toot crush d ; Minnie lays , daughter of John hays . 50'Valrmut ' street Lo lsy'Je ' , left foot crushed ; littler Stein , 190 MaJn.street. , Louis- yule . right knee crush d ; . j. _ ' Oerton Ninth and Droad\ * y , Louisville , ankle ; crushed : Henry hart . Fifteenth ant Iren- ticc' . Louisville . leg broken ; Kate limes , daughter of Alderman Ilnes , right leg bro- ken ; William Walters , Iouls\'le , leg broken : ! rs. A. J. Thurber , Moorehead , Ky. , left knee broken ; Benjamin Scroggla ! Badnd , Ky. , Instep fractured ; Mrs. Mellan , ChI- capo , internally Injured and both legs badly bruiled ; H. H. Glover , Ioulsvll toot crushed and head bruised ; Mark Wai'ion South Louis- vI ! leg crushed : Steve Gutman , South Louisville , leg broken ; Carrie Donnely , Pits- burg , Internal hemorrhage. . IU CO"EHEU 'l\\'I''I'\-I.'n'l JIgS , I'ive More of lime 11lfortllu'cH ! Stilt II tl )11. ' . I0UGlTO : 1lch. Sept. 12-Shortly after 7 o'cloee ] this moring reparalons were begun for exploring No. 4 shaft In search of the bodies of the miners who were entombed last Saturday In the Osceola copper mine. An exploring party , conslslng of Captain Richards and five miners , was lowerell In a skip , stopping at each level dpwn to the tour- teentim. This party was down over an hour , and before they reached the surface a large crowd hntl gathered about tie mouth of the slmaft , watching most anxlouel for the return of the IJarty. When they did come up Il was only to disappoint time crowll for a time , as they brought no bodIes wih tlmenm They reported that much gas was still In the mine. CaptaIn Richards reported that his party had located twenty-thre bolee : wlhl.n 1.00 feet of the surface , being stretched along from the fourth to the fifteenth levels. Captain Edwards and a party of six men then went down and by 1 o'clock all of time bodies had been brought to the surface. James Williams was found only 30 fet from time surface Captain Treubath was found on the ladderwy at the fourteenth level In a posi- to which . denoted that h was taking hold of time belt rope to signal to the lander on the surface. Alter dinner more starchlng parties were sent down and succeeded In finding two moro bqJiee' , making twenty-five reco\'ered. There arc still five missing. The bodies showed no sign that the men had suffered any before death. No doubt death to most of them was painless. A coroner's jury has been empaneled and will investigate the cause of the path of the unfortunates. on Saturday. The funerals will mostly occur . - UE.U\'OOJ ' 1'OUIIS non A ) . \ : . \rthul' ' \1 1 I UI " 1IIIU't..1 UIH.I II . tImi' Street miimd I Irll UI' , DEADWOOD , Sept 12.-Spelal ( Tdgana . ) -A daring h ! gh\ay robbHY was prptrated on one of the principal : strec s of this c ty this morng : at 10 o'clock. Arthur Wtilarns ' Arthurlals'j an old mn who was sttng''n : R bench at the side of a saloon , was pounced upon by Tom Burk and William Patterson , two tough charctera who recently arrived In the city , and carried Into a side room of the saloon. < The men hutly : robbed him 'of about U5 In cash anti a gold ! ring , an stated to esclpe , but were caught by the pee amnd arc now In jail. Time stolen artcls wore-ecoverld. The grand jury , now In BeniGn In this city , tod'.y return Indictment ! In time following c 1e8 : I'ank ! ona- han , for the murder of old nun Denson , near this city In Jane last ; WIII Shayde an' ] Edward MeNabb for sta'n : cato , and Tom Seaton , for blt'n ! John Tier- ney's nose cit. These eves ' will bo tIled In time crcul : court , now In . aess . Seller SIGIH O'er'UIJ'7.011.h' . 'f ST LOUIS , Sept. I ? -In , the Madison county , Ilnois , clrcutt' cOurt there was fed today a de-d t trust 'on ' \ the property of Henry Seier , the Ll anon banker who failed so disastrously lat wInter , altar involving - volving Rufus lamlY , the late treasurer of Illinois , so hopeleBly. . Tjje document turns all the property ever to . three trusted for the benefit of certain creditors. The trustees are F. M. Dount , representative of the Chicago banklnS syndicate which wu on Hsmsy's : bond and bad to make goo the money loaned by the treasurer to Seier ; Charles Iaronl , representative Qf the St. Louis banks whIch hal loaneSelter ! money , anti 1. D. Sexton , who was chosen by the other two to act with them . - - . - 11.011" " ' 11' , % More 'sder. PEORIA . Sept U..A mass meeting of citizens has been called for tomorrow evenIng - Ing to consider the scanty water supply Inadequate protection against fire . and threatened increase of rates Of wlhdrawll from tims city b' fire insurance . companies. WEALTHY \ IAIDIR ; lnDEnED I ) I p , J , Donlan of Havelock Killed for the Purpose of Robbery , PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF TiE CASE Clrl' " ' ' PIIII In I , 'IjI. VI.1 . wih . Iluml II.t"t , mmmm.t S.I.r..lthl " 11.lh'utl I I U""II"'I'e Sh'ujjh' . IA Vr LOCK , Neb. , Sept 12.-Spelal ( Telegram-P ) ) . J. Donlan , a wealhy farmer living four anti one-hal mils northeast of here , was found dentl at 9 o'clock tonight. his body was lyIng In the bottom of 1 spring wagon to which lie hall been drIving a leant Every ) ' indication points to robber anti mur- tier TrIo deceased leaves a wife and five I chlhlren , three of them grovn lie owned nearly a section of land on which he set- tetl about twenty-five years' ago anti hil wealth Is estmated at 5,000. le was In his 7th 'ear. About noon today Donlnn left home driving a mower here At this point he borrowed a spring wagon and drove his team on tl Lincoln to get some repaIrs Nothing more Is known of his actions this ' aetone evening ex- c ptng : that the team , when discovered was coming Into lavelock from the west on an easy gallop. In time direction from which they were seen to come Is n long stretch ot open prairie on elher side of the B. & M t. railroad that affords abundant opportunity for foul play. Some young men stopped the , team and discovered the occupant. lie II was then dead , blood covered the bed of the wagon around the scat and was also sllat- terell on the tongue. Ills trouser were also drenehld , anti 1 short distance above the wrist on his loll arm was a lacerated wound an Inch In dumimmieter From this the victm bled to deathm There was I smaller wOlnd farther up the arm , but little blooll escaped from It. VII . NCE OF A STRUGGLE. The coroner and \llco headquarters In 1.lncoll were notified timid Coroner Wlnnete , Detectives Langc0n and alone ( , Po\cemnn Harry and Sheri Miller were soon on time glound. A thorough examination of ever- ) thing has esisuetl. The theory now Is that the wOlnd WIS cal sed by a bullet fred at close range and which Is still embedcCI In the arm near the shoulder. At this wrltug ( midnight ) the question of holding ! an autopsy Is bellg determined. Donlun was Iceustomed to carrying large slms 'of money on his ierson and I search revealed only 40 cents In his clothes. He was'a powerfuly bui lan a 11 circmmmn- stances point to a hard struggle : with his assalant . lie evidently whipped up his team anti atempted to reach home. ( The officers will start at once to follow imp the trail ns far as possible tommight Additonal ( evidence of violence Is furnished by the fact that tramps are very numerous along the road on which he drove LINCOLN , Sept. 12.-Speclul ( Telegram.- ) Donlan had ben In Lincoln during the day ali bought a mowing machine. He had left the machine at Havelock anti borrowed a buggy , taking along sonic repairs , and stated for home. This was the last seen of him alive. lie had In his rockets 1 few 81al pieces of sliver slver amid some papers , which were mmnmiisturhjemj. His right leg wal bruised n little , glylng evidence - of SOle sort of a strnggle. There were no other mortal wounds rave the pblol bullet hole The wlil ( own ot Havelock Is intensely exciteir exclct' Intensely ovOr time murder or so prominent and respected - spected a citizen of the county. 'lJIXIS HEI MEN AidE \VhtOX1E5) . Ageiit of . litlutihissi . . , \"lt 11111 htigimfi. " ' ' 'III tnl ou thl' JLIL'kSiml'M InletTllr. . SIOUX FALLS , 8. D. , Scpt . 12.-Speclal. ( ) -He\ W. J. Cleveland , Episcopal minister at Madison , who has been closely connected wih work among the Indians for many years , has just returned front the Jaclson's Hole country , where he made an investigation Into the recent trouble with the Dannock Inditmns. Mr. Clevelnli was sent to make this immvesti- gaton by the Indian RIghts association at Phiadelphia and will make to that associa- ton the following report : 'fhe Indians by treaty provisions are en- titled to \ remuneraton for the game and other prop2rty taken from them at Jackson's I Hole. I All persons hnplcated In tIme arrest and shooting of those Indians should be speedily speltiy trIed and severely punihed , Time governor of Wyoming and other high officials arc In a measure responsible ! for what occurred and shouhl be dealt with accord- InI ) . 1 The efforts of the Department of the In- ! tenor to bring these parties to justice should' ' bo warmly seconded , closely watched and In order that a farcical termination may bo avoided they should bo tried before a United States court but not In thl state of WyomIng - Ing No jury there could bo relied upon to act wihout prejudice. Agent Teter should be strongly supported In his painstaking and tearless efforts to secure justice for the Indians , and the attempt - I . tempt of some to secure his removal frosn ofce , and to whom his fidelity to duty In the Jackson's Hole affair and the proposell reser- vation irrigation scheme render him alone obnoxious - noxIous , should be defeated. The position of the Issue . elerles at the Fort restored. huh agency , recent ) abolished , should be The schem3 almost consummated to put In the hands of Ihe Idaho Irrigation Canal company an expansive contract for construct- lag a clnal with funds bonging ! to the In- diane anl af.eravartl chugs the Ind'a's 0' annual rental of several thousand dollars for the water so sUpp ied . FtO 'Id be thwnteJ , and the whole matter of provIding ' mater water g'\on Into the hands of an agent or other competent perion. The only real lol ton of t'll JaekFon's I1'lo dlfeuHy , ns wel as the only poss'bo : means of preervlnI tIme large game for which the W'omlnl officials eXprllS so great anxiety , wi b3 found In adding limo Jackson's Hoe ! country to the NI'lonal park anti putting It under the same reltr'c'los. I Ii no iarticu- lar US3 to the state of Wyoming but It Is tha natural winter resort and the only ro'able wInter feeding ground for the Large game both for the present National park and of all the surrounding country . I W'omlog Is sincere In her expressed desire she will not object to this plan. No comp'alnt is mada by the people of Jacllon's 101" or any other - era . of any wrong doe or theist made by the Indians at any time , except that upon their attenipt to arrest one part of them an Indian - milan threatened that they woul aret nd shoot the whies I they did not let them atone Alas for all , and the best his trlellS can do for him. I would Hem that as be- tween the greedy pushers ot Pocatelo and the ruth leu setter of Jnckion's hole the untutored Dannock hns small chances for mercy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , \"Hlet II" 1.'I'I'ut. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Sept 12.-Speclal. ( ) -T. B. Alensworth , who a few weeks ago disappeared from Del Rapids , was arreste here yesterday and bound over In the SUm boutd . of $500 for granll larceny He cannot' get bal anti II canleuenty In jail . A month ago he accompanied Dr. Parker of Del Itapitis In a carriage to flaitic . Doth got Ilrunk there and on the way home the doctor was robbed of a valuable gold watch and thrown out ot the buggy anti left by the roadside . He says that Alensworth did It. lie thinks , despite the prisoner' denial that the later strOck him wIth bran knuckles before t\row- InS him out. The charge of highway rObbery would ha\'e been preferred against Alens- worth had It not been 10 dllcult to prove that offense. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Crusade A4"luHt luIHlnu 'Fimistle , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Sept . 1-Speclsl. ( ) -The county eommlutoner will cal a con- Ires of county commissioners throughout the state to bo held here during the state talr. The object Is to d\cuB the Russian ! I thistle l ' other noxious weeds and the best process of eradicating them . NI'X.'lOI 'i'litIIS'l'ON - I ! "JIY iLl . It''lt nf 1'llhlj I 'I'un )11'h ( ireems enrl amid , 1 h'rl..tn I , SALT LAKE , Sept IZ A special to the Tribune from halley , Ilnho , says : Senator Thurston of Nebraska 19 ill of cholera mmmcc- bus at the hot Springs hotel here. lIe went out for a plemage bath yesterday , ate iieartiiy of green corn anti watermimelomi and soomm took lila bed. Tlmo worst is feareti. Sl'.tNltltlS Mi'iii' % l'i'il lIi'm'l'hitSiiS , St'verel . lk'femm tm'siiii Cli e ilemm tii'st ilisitle iii tlm ( SVmmr , ICIlY WEST , Sept , 12-Ati'ices received front Ctmba via stenmnsimip Mascott say that a great battle has been fought near Cammiagtmey between insurgents under Maximmmo Gotituz and the Spaniards mmmitier General Mahio. Time battle lasteti forty-eight hoimrs anti tIme Spamm- lards wore repulecti witim hmeavy loss , it is reporteti tlmat over 700 Spastlartis wore killed and wountletiVlten time news reached ha- warm it caused great excitommient at time palace , htoiot anti his band lmave been bimsy during - ing limo past week , imaving blown up a troop train near Samitimigo tie Cuba anti a bridge near Sagmia , Spaniards mmmimit time train ama lmlowmt up , but eLmira only iive rmiemm avere kiliemi , Atirices receiveti , imowever , state timat nearly 100 soltilers avcro killeti , The imarbor of ilavamma is alniost mieserteti , Not a simip save Spammish aaas there whemm time Mascott left , _ _ _ _ _ _ ltNhItS ClN'l'iUIS 'I'll ii St'l'lTA'I'iON , ihlimmegmil ils H Citmimiot Overeommie I lie imm- litiemmee of ( lie lier.iiml is. LONION , Sept. 12.-Replying to cmi inn- tmtion : extesided to ltimn by Mr. George l'eeh , secretary of time Golti Standard associatlomm and son of Viscotmmmt l'eel , formiieriy speaker of time house of Cammmnons : , to express' his 'iews Ott time question of btmmietallismmm , Mr. Glami- stone m rites timat Ito lists not altereti time opimmions whttchm lie expresseti in Parhiammient two anti a imalf years ago. lie adds that he regartis . the binittallic scimemmmes as Imassing hmunmora , doommmeti to nullity and disappoint- mont. lie is convimiced , ito says , tlmat if London - don stanmia firm for the gold mstamidarti no Power that bnietailisiti comnismmmis or is likely to enlist will ho able to overcommie it. Mr. Gladstone atitla timut he regrets that age anti ibm disabilities prevemmts his active partielpa. tioi : in time controversy , Ctmoiemmt Iiim , ( mm Hoist I mm ilommoitmlmi , SAN FIIANCISCO , Sept. 12.-Time steamer Australia arrived this morning from iloim- hula. Forty-one casea of cholera imavo oc- curreti uii to Soptemmmlmcr 5 , vitIm thirty-five eleatims. One sailor of tIme Urmited States steanmalmil ) Bennington , lying 1st tIme imarbor , has died of clmohern. Ex-Qmmeen Lilhmokalamti has be2n liardoneti anti all exiles may return to hawaii except tIme Ashiford brothers. i"i'sii 'i't'iiiiis Arilye I ii Cimhmmi. hiAViNA Sept. 12-Time steamer Leon Treco arriveti hmere withm battaliotms of time Astues anti Caanarias regimnents to tlme sitmnmber of serenty-timree officers anti 3,000 amen , who are now being disesmiharkemi. A imearty reception has beesm accortlcmi timemu Imere. Tim Astisres battaiiomm leaves here tonight - night for Ntmevltat' . lt. e.tv'r for a % eaaspmI ties' 31mm mm. LONLON , Sept. 12.-An order of commrt line been issnmed appointing a receiver for time affimirs of George Augustus Saia , time well known newspalier .vriter ammti author. vic'i'sn : o1' A ) tOCiC altitlti.tGIO , tmagm' iCamimms l7mirmmmer Clasijii Ills % omimig limiugl. tee's Sesitmt''r. ST. JOSE1'ii , Sept , l2.-Spccial-Wiiliam ( ) P. Cochran , a farmer who lives near Sa'ar- amice , Kan. , Imas confirmed time statenent : mantle by lmis daugltter , Mitmnle May Cochrati , that sIte was tIme victim of a mock mmmarrage : in this city a year ago. Time marriage records show thmat mme license was ever isueti to the ICnsas farmer's daughter. TIme girl beleved site was mmtarrted to Joshua Omborn of DlCaib county mimitil Osboru told her site had becn deceivemi , and Imer fatlmer imas commiirmimmxl tlma st.atemnent. lie will imave young Osborn arrested. Osbormi eloped avith Mss ! Cochran a year ago and tlmey came to this cty , wimere Iso told 1mev they were msmarrcd. lie took tim grl to a boarding iiouse and pratemidecl to secure the rervicas of a minister to unite thetmi in marirage. On accousmt of time objectons of her parents Oaborn told Miss Cochm'amt tIme marriage Imad b2tter he kept a secret for a wimilo , amid she retmmrned imomno alone. In a few eoks smo ! received a letter from Omborn tell. big imer the smmarriage ama on'y a mockery and that simo had no clalsim upon ltimn. When the girl could conceal the secret mm longer slmo toid her father , and 1w has started out on tIme trmil of time man , Osborn is the son of a DelCaib county farmer. SA'V 'I'IIIi Siciti'iis'i' OF' MilD LAKE , Slor fromn.Vestermm Mlssommri Started I , ) . a Pisliermimnim. ST. JOS1I'II. Sept. 12.-Special.-Time ( ) serpent - pent in Mud lake , eommtii of this city , has been seen again , thmis time by Anderson Mc. Coy , a brothmer of Policeman McCoy. Time 5cr- pent Imas been seen a number of tinmes durlmig time past summer and several timnos It lmas been catmglmt tmm neta by the fishmermen , but broke tlmrough the nets , leaving a hole large enough for a horse to pass througim. The fishermen imavo never been able to land it. McCoy has a strong boat whmiclm he emses to hmunt duclc on time lake imm time season wlmemm they are plentiful timere. lie was out In this boat a few days ago , when something strmmck it , amid ito declares it was knocked ton feet into the air. Wlten the boat came team again McCoy saw time serpant swirilrmg in time water a simort distance away. lie commIt imot see its sizt or slmape , but saw enouglm of it to ksmow that it is of huge size. ills brother's boats imave been struck a ntmmber of timmmes , but no injury resmmlted. Thme fisher- nmemm at time lake arc considerably excitemi abommt thte uresonce of tacit a mitysterious ob. ject in the vatcr , McCoy timimiks it Is a large fiaui that got into tIme lake from the river wlmen the water was high , hiAIt'l'hitLJAiChi iii.liH ) II IJN1)llhihS , Itt'iOi'tN of ii 'rermlbIe Comivimlslopi 1mm I I a ii ii ii rims , NEW YORK , Sept. 32.-A special from Tegucigaipa says that an earthmquako has oc. curred lxi honduras. Two imummdred amid fifty people are reported dead or dying , The property - erty loss aili amotmmmt to more timan $1,000,000 , -p Voriimi'r flintlismi Vuimmimim Simot , GRAND LEDGE , Mich , , Sept. 12.-Frank Forbes , business manager of time Forbes & Middietosa Timeatricai conaparty , tlmis evesming shmot and fatally wounded Ida young wife. Forbes hail been drinking and quarreled wttim Imis ante. Forbes also fIred two shots at Iep- uty Simerlif Iioiliday anton time officer started to arrest hint. but succeeded only in piercing the deputy's coat alcove. Mrs. Forbts Is 24 years old , Site formmmeriy lived In Omnaima , - p 'it , Commmisl'te'yoiimlmui.m's i'emmi temmtiar' ChilITENNE , Sept , 12.-Spechi ( Telegram. ) -The W'yomjng State Board of Charities anti ltefortsa today awarded time contract of coat. pleting time state pc'mmitentiary at Rawlins to It. V. hiradley 'of this city , whmose bid was $30,903 Th building , on wimich $70,000 has been expended , must b3 commipleted under the contract by November 1 , 1897 , p flu mmh Goes Iota l.i.iii hInt , DULUTh. Sept. 12.-Time Iron Exchange jammk of this city has aone into liquidatlou and is in charge of Jolmn II. Merritt. It hiss been doing an unprofltabI business for comae time. Its capital is 100.000 , and ( ito de. posits amount to about $00,000 , Moveuumemitu of Ocenu Stenutierms , Sept , 113 At San Fra ncisco-Arri Vet-Au it rai Ia , front Hommotulu. 1)eparied-Coptic , for Iionmg Kong mad Yokoimatna At Southampton-Arrived-Augusta Vie- torik , from New York , for Ilasnburg , anti pro. ceedem. At Rotterdam-Arrived-Spaarodam , from Now York. CUP \TILL \ STAY IN AIERICA Lord Dniiraveii Throws Away Ills Last Chance to Capture It , PULLED VALKYRIE UP AT THE START lefvmmler Sum ili'tl Oser lime Comirsq Aiotie-rmiam ml I misc of iIemmrsiimn hauls Cli tout mis iii m' lt'mtm4t fr hlis hlefusmii to llutc , NR's'ORiC , Seimt , 12-Time international series between lefcmmtier mind Vaikyrie Ill for tIme Ammierica's cuim is enmdetl , On time wimole it hats been an cxtraortllmmnry series , end while time result is satisfactory to the Amimericmum people , two at least of time contests timat welmt to mmmmmke nut time mimatcim were not , Do. femitier aomm 1mm a clean race cmi Smmturtia3' . On Ttmestia3' laBt sime crossed limo line helmismtl time Emiglislm boat , bmit was awnetteti time race ott a foul , Today sue imad a walkover , Amid today's occurremmce was all time mmmoro umifor. tlmmmate , not ommly becatmse a great crowd hmatt gatitereti to avitness time strtmgghe , but becau8o ( ito maeatimer conditions avero stmcit as to lead mmtasmy to suppose timat of all tias Vsilkyrio wommlti b 1mm lmcr elemmmemmt , Lord Dtmnraven saiti last miigimt , anti lie stmlmi it mimost cmii- pimaticahly , tlmat ito votmlti witittirams' his boat oil time mmmorrow it aim absoimmiely clear course avas not provided , lie eiainieti that titmrlng the previotma races his boat hmati been grcmiti interfered avitlm , antI as oa'erytlmimmg ticpendet tmpomm time otitconto of time timird of time series , lie mmdheretl to timmit docisiomi so closely tltat Vmmlkyrie mmmorely erossc4i time starting line amid thmen retimed frommt time contest , I)3felmtler , m'elh in advance trIton time imammtiicap gmmmm was tired , cotitinueti on lmer jotmrmtey mumti wemit over the course avell witiiimm time timmme limit , li3 fmer timreo straigimt victories Iefenmier retaimis tIme historic cmmp for Ammmerica. Time race Scimeduled _ for today lmromniscm to tm snore exciting titan either of tIme two prcced. big , for it trims to be expectcml that every effort would be mimado by 1)mmtmravcmm , after Tuesday's tiisappoimmtmmment , to score a victory witlt time boat lie haul brottgimt so far.'eater - day Vmmliyrie Imati beemm lammed imp to the imigimest pitcim iii smnticipatiomm of tumiay'ms coil. test , Several aiteratiomma hmnd beemi mmmade ant thmoe 151)051 wltonm imer sailing qmmalities do. liemimieti tmmoatiy avero prepareti to expend every ntmnce of mntmcie ammtl skill to hiring her over time ilmie a victcr. Lord Dmmnraven had expressed Imimaselt as apparently smmtimsfleti m'itis the ( iocisian remmtieretl by time cuim commmmmmittemi oil tIme foulimmg of lefesidcr by imis boat , and time matter imati seeimmimmgiy been settled iso asmtlcalmly that it avas a questiorm ism time mmiinda of the general public if 'l'mmosjay's race wommjml mmot be resailed , Armd tIme fleet passlmmg ommt in thme early hmours of the morning observeti Dc- fmmmimier statmtlimig Imigim Impon imer mmay to time lightship , stmitl not far astern Vulkyrle , smmov- 15mg mdowl3' , btmt apParosmtiy bemmt en bimsimiess. 'l'hmis ama a sign timat Itleased time hearts of nil , WINIS'EItfi lISA1'l'OiN'rlNG. Last niglmt tIme ob error at Sandy Hook hm1 repo t ( I CII dg m'eamt hire : brcezi , art tm timommgh time breeze this siiormming llsang out titrougim t'to Narrows was hardly Imp to tItle , yet it watt one calcsm'aicd to bring lmapp no 'a to yachtsmmmen anti tIme pmonmisa of a see.ly rtmn. limit tlmet'o was dsaitpommtmncnt c'-en in thmo wimmmis.'lmetm time honk was reac'mct there was scarcely a breath of air , anti thre was Ito Improvement at time liglmtslmlp , Tipt courea . smiarked up .ies ilftepa ntiea to icctvard anti return , - starting off thai iigmtsh im. Tmmere was somne little delay avhie time raclra 'mere circling sluggishly around , an.d it was noticed ttmat Vaikyrle was iackng ! a topsail and was sinmply sallirmg ummtier maimisail anti jib , At first this causel mm avonderimmemmt , ijmm as time startimig imour drew near time strammgc action of time Britislmer came In for consderabio dlseumaton , and not a few believ.d tlmat lisa race veuid riot be sailed after all , A great circle of eteammiboats anti yaclmta imad drawn up to witnoms the start , and acting - ing upon a desire to muect Dunravemm's wishes as nearly as poslbits a score of patrol boats were sent out to drive back thma lines , The preparatory gmmsm vas not fired tttmtil about twenty minutes after tlto fixed ttnme. him the mmmeanwimiio a gait arms fired from time comsaiti. , tco boat. a simmai denoting tlmat a gst away would take place. Titemm time annommaconment. avas mimado from time rattoi boat that Led Dunraven imati refuted to race ummletis a dear course was guaranteed by the cotnmmiittoo. So far as time comnmi toe ares cocrne I , it seemed inmposaible to tb more to secmmre open srater than lmami already hicen tonic , for whorm the preparatory gun ames fired the nearot boat to time racers was fuly imalf a mio ! away , cmi thmo great mmmajority of time excuraiomm eteanm , ra , aud other crafts were immuclm fsr.imer off In time distance , VALICYRIII PULLED OUT , The starting gun avsnt at time aimpoimiteti time. Almost time samne instant Defender crossed time line. Vahkyrle's comtmrnaodr lied so mnanuvercd her timt ahme was stil ! a ions way off and just before time hmantilcap gun avas fired , she too , crossed the line. It was evIdent to those who imad h-Ott wmmtclming the English boat timat she hiatt no intention of rae. ing , amid so it lirovej , for no soommer was time line crosseti than alma imaa'e i too oa the starboard tacit , instead of following her rival out , amid passei under the strn of the light. ship. This action on time part of time English boat was hot an actual smmrpris ? , for events imad led up t it , anti hal intlcated etther a de'ermnisiation not to race or a strange and von1erfui freak on time part of tii British mieamnen , A score or more et.anmera started for Vallmyrie , while imaht a hun'lrel atanmed in tim3 miirec'ion of iefender. Time Anmerlcan boat avas mmiaking good imemmd- vay , with imer sitinnaker set , and alter start. lag at 11:20:21 : : , rounmied time first mark at 1:20:58 : : , anti finisimeti at 4:04:36 : : , In time iight. breeze this vsms mm particularly gooti perform. nsmce , anti time beat to windward was mmmue ) ' faster timan imati been mmntidlpatctl , for iiurlng one part of tlmat journey time very light breeze seemed to die out entirely. But even in that Iefenmier made Imeamiway , anti trIton she crossed time homo line tIme winner of time race amid of time series , lefentic.r , in fact as well as In nanme , vmmmm greeted avitim it crecclmin of wimtsties , thrice repeated , anti time belcimin ; of cammmmon and the cimeers of thmousammtls for time gallant victories site imami won , General regret was expressed timat thQ series f tr time ctiit , tmegun so auspidiommsly anti prommmisingly , imatl ended so disastrously , for while time iuestlons wimicim were aroused as to the winner of the second race rmmlgimt imave been passed by unheeded itati a stirring con. test taken place today , tito witimdramvai of Lor4 Durmrtsven in time third and perhaps deeldin race imas necessarily bad a depressing eiTep. upcsm all thmOlo itlentiilcm.i witim the great matcm and will probably have a more serious effect in regard to future international races , 1i'lsi : OL'IOSIXC.hi'Oit 'i'iii : S'VAitT llxcurslomm hunts iCm'imt ' , Vt'll thick bp ( lie l'imtsol 1'Iee ( , NEW YORK , Sept. 12.-At time time th yaclmts east off timeim' lines from timeir re. elmectivo tugs thmero was every intiicatiom that tImers would be a good breeze , but whmes timey got down to time outer iightslmi time wind had fallen to about four or flvG miles an hour , Tlmat time course would be to wintiwrd or leeward end retursi wa indicated from time comnmittee boat at 10:2 : a. m , by time imoisting of the letter "C , " an five miminutea later time gentleman in chiare of the race notified the commtestarmts by tl letters "D , C , Cl , " timat time commrse would be outward , eaSt by soutim , which macant a ru before time wind over limo first bait. Wmii time conmmitteo was signalling Vaikyrie was railing around without a club topsail , as thiouglm to notify the peopio in Charge of the race timat he was not satisfied with time tVA ) in wimicim time excursion boats lied conre.4 gated back of time starting marktt that timne timero was no vessel within a lmalf mniiO Past of time tine , anti time entire fleet of ipece tators was well to leeward of time line. Th comnmmmitteo got weary of time apparently child. halt commmiurt on the part of Valkyrie , so at I wimea they paw that thmere was a aplen. did openimmg for a start , they fired a gun. 'rime paIr I flet of steam yachts , seeing timat