Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1895, Image 1

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I : r.AjLISIIED JUNJJ : ! :19 : , 871. OMAHA , 1\rEDNESDAY MOIINJNGs.IV'rri3E . . - . 11 , 1S9i. SINGT.JE OOPY JtIYE 1.HNTS. . .
Greeted with Oheors as They Pnsse Along
1 the Streol.8.
Allhnn".1 ClII tNt 1..tweel AHlllrnllt.
fur e."nlnllll'r ZIsIer'M I'lnee-
l"I'rnl ClnrkHln II ( mlhn
_ 1'Alrl " II thc ) nee.
I.OUBvn.I.t , Sept. 10.-I Is I doubtful I
. ralr and fast
this city , fariiott for women fst
horses , ever bEfore entertained a many gtss :
as are hero folay. Certain Il Is I the town
never before hall within It lmIts ro many
\mlo.scarrt < 1 Eohuter. I Is conservatively
estmated that nearly 200,000 strangt- are
hero , but the majority of thom thIrty year
ago bore arms either for tim blue or for the
cray. Il . the blue , and gray are ono toaay ,
and men who were then at war now walk
arm " arm as hrothers. The bitter balrol
of those dark days has vanlbed ,
-4- . The event or today was the grand parade or
the Naval Veterans asoclalon , ' an,1 to judge
by the crowds or men , women 'anl children
who throngld tim sidewalks along the line ur
march , crowded the windows and houretos ,
. all Louisville turned ont to seo. Its od ell-
zeus , men who have lived here for the last
forty or fifty yeas-and there are nlny of
them-say I was the grandest sight they
ever saw. lint the great Grand Army parade
tomorrow , .whlch I. 10 b3 the event of the
week , promises 10 far surpass I. ,
The hour set for the startIng or the naval
veterans' parade wan 10:30 : o'e ' ocll. But as
usual 1 there was porno delay , not eough ,
however to tire the anxious ralrlole thou-
Ealds who hail , gathered 10 see It. \Vhen ) the
order lu "I orwarI , m rch" was gtvn the old-
timers movt1. There were fully 10OO ( men
In llie. or course they were not all veterans
f II of the United States navy. But Ihel
vetcrans cf the navy wore the center of at.
traction , und as these grzzld : and ray old
heroes passcll through the streets they were
greeted by patriotic cheers from the thro.ts
'of the tens of thousands of etzens : on the
sidewalls , rrOI the windows and housetops.
A detail of police under command or J. V. ' .
lammon ( led the way. The ' Michigan : mill-
tary b11)1 came next end then the Lou'svlllo
LegIon drum and hulo corps. A regiment
of Indiana state militia folol\e,1 , the musIc
and , next 10 the Hoosier .soldlers was the
Louisvie L gln. Then In sequence came
' dlvlson ! of
Klrkamp's cornet band , uniform
Knights or Pylhlas , Schneider's military ball ,
Juvenie , drill corps ; Uniform I3nk Knights
of Honor ex.prl80ncu of war. Mhslsslppl
ram feet veterans Eichora's military band , '
Grand Army of the Republic juvenile drum
corps , and then the naval veterans. Last In
the parade , rIding In carriages , came a cora
or marl veterans of the Mexican war. They
, ' : ere too feeble with the weight of
years to wall , anl few of them ever ex-
pec 10 see another latonal ! enclmpment of
the Grand Army of the Hepublc and In a
few years they will be of the pat , and the
naval Hlcrans will ho few , and l'ke ' the ,
veterna of the Mexican war , loa feeble to
mach In Ilardl
Just now there Is a vast amount of talk In
Grand Army of the Republic circles ns to who
will be the npxt'et. There
arC a number of aspirants 10 the honor. hut
as yet none of the candidates have developed
HuUclenl strength 10 warrant I redlct'on [ ) al
to who the fortunate lan wilt bo There Is a
good deal of lalk however to the lect that
Colonel Ivan N. Walker or hlaoaJo's
should be electell. Another promInent candl-
date for the le.dershlp is [ Thaddeus S. Cark- :
son of Omaha , Neb. General S. C. Schute of
Now Orleans has also ben talked or as a
There promises 10 bo a lively ferlramao
over the ofco or senIor' ce corumanler. ,
General E. H. Hobson at Gteonhurg , Ky. ,
and Captlih Michael 11\ton or this city , boll
being candidates for the place and the frIends :
oC each are workIng hanl. I has always b"en
customary for the encampment 10 give to the
city II which the comrades are aemb the
office of vlco commander as a tribute to th
h081lal [ ! ) ' and the labor of the vc.terans.
Whel It was decided In Pltsburg that lho
next CnCallmont [ would be In I.oulsvlo , Cap-
taln MinIon , who was one of thoJo who vent
to tiLL city and worked for the Kentucky
metropolis , announced that , ho was a candl.
date for that place. Howevcr. the D part-
ment of Kentucky , whIch met nt lopklnvl :
last spring , proposed General 10bn by a :
ClOEO'oll and although Caplan ! : lnlou's
candidacy Is stIll being urgEd by the 11031 oC
LOllsvll General Hobsol's friends are nick-
Ing every odeavor to seuro the place for
Mrr. Nettle E. Gunlock , national pros I-
( CUt oC the Ladies or the Grand , Army or
the Iopublc , arrived from Chicago this
morning and established a national headquarters -
quarter at the Gal house. A largo number
of member or the organIzation arrIved.
among them beIng the national ofilcers ,
senior vice president , Mrs Mary Toby , In-
diana ; Junior vice president , lr . Emma Dalton -
ton , Kansas : slcretar ) ' . Mrs. Julia Ellis , Chicago -
cage : treasurer , Mrs. Florence George , Wash-
Ington City ; lhalllaln , Mrs. Mary Ieynohls ,
Superior , Wis.
I.'or national president there are four can-
dhl'ltes-lrs. Catherine E. Jlrst of this
city . Mrs. elcaf [ [ of California , lr . Dalton
of 1anu. and Mrs. GeorgI I ) . W. Gerig of
l'lthbur The prospects are for a very
close race , and at present none of the candi-
dates appear 10 have much al'antage. Mrs.
Florence George or WashIngton Is I t candidate -
date for re-clction as treasurer and as yet
no opposit Ion has Ilevelope
Several humlred more members of the
Women's Relief corps arrived today Mrs.
EI7abeU. . Turner , Hoston , Is the only ean-
dhlalo for national president anti wi prob-
ably be unanimously elected Mr5 . Annie
" 'lemeyer or I'ennylvnnla , past national
presllent , arrln(1 at the heuII of a large
delegatIon from l'cnnsyivanla. She Is ale a
camlhlatl for the presIdency or the Women's
HeieC corps . homc , and has 10 opposition.
Eght ) carriages were secured for the drIve
or the visiting women about the city this
afternoon. 'ho carriages were furnished by
the wOlen of Louisville. .
I' The Fall City Is not only quartering wel
Is thousands oC guests , but Is also enter-
and was GI\en to hIs present owner t re-
unable to h nllo promptly all tr\'n . and
taming them moat rOI ) ' . The railroads arc
msny complaIn about being held out along
the way whIle I Is thought that ether may
1 : stusbie to get hero for the puallo tomor.
row. The cUy has hren re'llenllent ! with
elctrlc light displays on the streets , and
on bulltlliiga. : [ eanwhlo the Preparations for
the grand Iluare tomor'ol are complete.
Thl reports to the marshal of the day show
that Ihlre wl be lt least 45,000 veterans In
line. General Cohen expects from 10,00 to
:0,000 more during Ih nIght. The largest
number ever reporl In line was 90,000
at Wuhlnston.
The fot8 arid oilier features or the ]
Ulllo are elaborate and everythIng Is ready
for forming the line . Tins rehearsal of the
: :00 trained voices that will slll patriotic :
songs was I great success toIIY. Pasl
( ionimander-In-Cliief Jell Palmer or New
York. who managcl the bIg parade In Wapb-
Ingten , was with the national omceu to-
ll ) ' 10 assist In Ibo management , and Gen
eral LeI Walact was also on hand .
Governor McKInley or Ohio Is announced
I ' to lie here tomorow. Senior Vice Com-
lallr UurchDold and the members or the
executive councIl ( r the national . .encanip-
tlnt at I'llsburl last year arrived on a
f11fdal traIn loda )
Amonl the arrivals today was the old war
! hone , Neil . aged 40 year" Ills present
. owner , II. F. Cra" rrl or Northeast . I'a. .
cot 1,0ueulon of him tblrt.lwo
; . years ago , aol says Ned was
then 8 years Dill. Until tire 'pars
are Ned dId his .hae of the work on : lr ,
( 'rawfurtt'a r.rm. Ned was captured from
. neral } ; srly's corps . . neir Washington . , by
'nlol scouting party thlrl-two years aKO
. , : .
, , , . .
place In animal which had been shot In a
skIrmIsh At , the close of the war \lr. Craw-
ford left Washington on Nel'l back. Ito
went first to Harrisburg . and there Mr. Crawford .
ford grew tIred or riding and houlht a
real cart , which Nell pulled from there 10
Northeart , l's. , Ned has been conspicuous
at encampments lie gave out at 1ltsburA
last year enl In tomorrow'l parade he will
ride on n float.
There was a receptIon by the Woman's Ie-
ler corps to Commander I.nwler and , staff.
In Grand Army or the Republic circles I was
the leading racial event of the week. Thou-
sands or old soldiers ! , , both of the blue and of
the gray , attended. The receptIon began at
9 o'clock , and for two honr veterans , blue
and gray , and their wIves paid their respects
to the recaivlng party. I Is estmaicil by
veterans who have attended every annual encampment -
canImcnt slnco the Grand Army uf the He-
public was organIzed that the reception tonight -
night surpapsed anything of the kInd ever :
hell In its honor It Is clalnCl that 10,000. .
pcollie passed through the Gault house , where
the reception was held. The parlor were
elaborately decorated In honor or the event. :
I.'lagl bunting and tropical plants were arts-
tcaly arrangell about the rooms. There
were three large parlor devoted , 10 the occa-
sion and from the time they were opened
until they closed an unceasing low of pea-
PlO passed through paying their respects to
the commanler.ln'chle , and other members
of the receiving party.
The receIving party was composed as rol.
lows : 1.lrs. . Emma It. Walace , president of
the National Woman's Relief corps : COl'
mnnder.ln-Chler Lawler , lrs. John A. Logan ,
Colonel lunlln , commander-In.chler of the
Sons ur Veterans : Mrs. A. It. IlItt. national
Inspector Woman's Relief corps ; A. P. lurch-
felll , senior vice commander-in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Hepublc : Jennie lross ,
national secretary of the Woman's Relief
corps . C. C. Jones , adjutant general of the
Gran Army of the Republic ; Irs. A. n.
Chcney , national treasurer of the Woman's
Relief corps : J. W. Burt , quartermaster general -
eral or the Granll Army or the Hepuhlc : Irg.
Sarah C. Minks , national councior or the
Woman's Helef corps ; L. B. Haggerly , chaplaIn -
laIn of the Grand Army oC the Republic : Mrs.
Sarah E. Philips , chairman of the executive
board of the Woman's Helef corps ; C. V. H.
Pond , Inspector general of thb Grand Army ,
of the Republic : Mrs. Cora Klnfdoln-of the :
executive board of the Womau's Relief crops ;
J. L. Bennet , assistant aljtltant , general ;
Major and Mrs. Tyler and Colonel [ and Irs.
Shirley. The master or ceremonies was
Colonel H. S. Dlctrlch , chairman oC the un-
tonal council , Grand Army of the Republic.
Waerder parI" In Jerersonvle , Ind. , was
illuminated b2autful ) ' tonight for a mal'
moth camp fire. The streets and buildings
were also lumlnate < . Thc grand stndas
elaborately ! decorated , and over 200 prominent
ox-soldiers were seated on It , while the audience -
dIence numbered 10,000. In addition to the
bands of t4e posts , the glee clubs had a tIne
chorus for patriotic son ! ! . Six companl"s !
of the Indiana National Guard escorted
Governor Matthews to the park. lie was
accompanied by lion. G. II. Vcrgl , Mayor
Whieside , Bon. C. S. Jewctt and 11ev. J.
M. Bntchlmon and others. Mayor V.'hiltelde
introduced : Governor Matthews , ' who spoke
at length In welcomIng the soldiers In In-
'hhana. Captain [ Leathers , an ex.eonrc,1erate ,
Colow In n stirring and patriotic pe2ch or
welcome. Iloii , F. D. '
lon 1' Poscy spoke ! II re-
spouse for the union veterans F. : Ii. LIncoln
of Tel City , cousin of the martYNII rresi-
dent and a member or the Twonty-sith
Indiana regiment , gave an exceptionally In-
turestng talk. General Lew Walac nod
Corporal 'fauuer werc unable to la present.
Miss DaIsy O. Lite of Cincinnati captured
the audience by her recitation of patriotic
lmber. Several veterans gave theIr ex-
periEnces. Interspersed with recitations end
excellent vocal music.
There were numerous regimental and other
reunions ot New Albany anti JelerJvle :
today , elI In this . '
tolay us wel as cIty. The tradps
unions oC Louisville and vicinity toni ht
gle : a very large Industrial parade In honor
of the visitors , each man carrying I Chinese
lantern. . Many banners : exprezLvo [ ) of good
wi from the workingmen were displayed
After a stormy meeting , lasting 11Purl'
sIx hours , the Naval Veterans' association
tonight elected officers for the ensuing ) 'ea.
The time and place for the next nnnual
meetIng was left to the discretion of the
nel Iy elected almlrnl. The following were
the officers elected : Rear admiral ( , Samuel
Alman New York : commodore , E. C. j1ar'lua-
bar , Zanesvle , 0. : captain , George rihch- I
tier , Louisville ; com mandel \V. J. Fergus-
ton , Phlalelphla ; leutenant commander , E.
I ) . Ilss , Brooklyn : senior lieutenant , D. D
Ungay Rockfor.l . Ill. ; under lieutenants : ,
Jamel Innle ) ' . New York : J. L. Ferguson ,
Thomas G. leenos , Cincinnati ; paymaster ,
II. F. Duston , Providence : feet engineer , G.
I. . Seavey , Chicago : JUdge advocate , general .
Charles Cawley , Chicago ; chaplain , Rev. A.
S. Williams , Detroit. There was a great
deal of complaint made by the comrades , or
shipmates , owing to the fact that the date
and place for holding the next encampment
was left 10 the newly elected admiral.
COhN SIO\"S A SI.UBI'I' 1)ICL.l\l1.
Irouth Uurhl Aisgis ( Cuts ( lie Crutl
lu Se"nl Stnh' . ,
WAShINGTON , Sept. 10.-The September
report of t'iio statistician or the Department
of Agriculure shows a decline In the con-
dIton of corn to 96.4 , from 102.5 In the month
of August , being a falling off of 6.1 points.
The prospects or the corn crop have suffered
from Irouth during the month of August In
the surplus producing states or Ohio , Indiana ,
Illinois , Iowa and In a portion or Nebraska
Reports Cram Indiana , Iowa and elsewhere
indicate that though there have been rains
lullng the later part oC the month , they
have generally been too Inle. Drouth has
also Injured the crop In the easter states ,
New York , Now Jersey and Maryland . More
encouraging reports from the south indicate
In that sectIon the ( crop wil 10 larger than
ever before. Too much rain I noted In
certain sectIons of Soul"l C.olna. Alabama
and Mississippi , anti drouth seels to have
affected unfavorably certain localities In
Toxas. Heporls , however , from this section
are generly : rn\'orabe. [
The averages In the prIncIpal states are :
Kentucky , 106 ; Ohio , 83 ; 1\jllgnn , 85 ; Indiana .
diana , 86 ; Illinois , 97 ; Iowa , 96 ; Missouri , Il ;
Kansas 86. .
The general condition or wheat , consider-
log both winter and spring , 'arletes , which ' .
are han'estel , , , a 75.4. against 83.7 last
year 30(1 7 In 1893. The rellorted conlltona
for lie principal wheat states are as fo1s : ;
Ohio , 66 ; MichIgan. 70 ; Indiana . 53 ; Illinois .
59 : Wlscolsln . 85 ; Minnesota . 107 ; Iowa 107 ;
Missouri , 75 ; Kansas 40 : Nebraska , 75 ; Nort
Dakota , 1051 South Dakota , 75 : Oregon , . 03 ;
Washington , 79 ; CalIfornia , 75 . .
Condition of oats when harvested . was 86 ;
rye 53.7 ; barley 87,6 ; buckwheat . 87.5 ; po-
tatoes 00.8. .
lilit'rty " 11 Stuns un IH Joiiraie , ' .
CHICAGO . Sept. lO.-The CJlumbl:1 : I b.1
erty bel starts on its trIp around the world i
on Friday morning at S o'clok . I will first i
go to the Atlanta eXJoJlton ! for , some two
month , . Then It will la token to New 0- .
leins and the CIty of Mexico , and from there
to nunn'mead , where the bell \1'1 rIng In
commemoraton of Magna Charta. Tht rest
of the journey has not yet bem plned ,
but It I. the intention to have the bell '
reach Mount Arrarat In 1900 and ring at a
congress oC representatives rrom Hry re
llg'ous organIzton ' on . earth.
I'IIH 'rlnH In thr l'rlllrl'H.
NEW YORK , Sept. lO-Tho rep'blean
primaries were hc1d tonight In the 1,400 d's.
trlcts of the city 10 elect deleente" to the
assembly district conveutiou . In most did-
nets there was 'a contest tetwcen lie ( Plait
Inca and the IrooJfehl ) or "reforta" rac'lo' .
The result seems to have ben I dec'bive
victory for 1'laU. although returns 3Q b l"g
made slowly. There was much : bad feeling
and not 1 few - fights. a- - ,
SI. JuN"llh 1rcl'utle lunH' Fulls .
ST. JOSEPH , .9pt. 1O.-Speclni ( . Tele
gramTholrnan ) Mercantile coml'any ' ,
whvlaal ' cJmmlI'on ' merchants , fai'etl to
night for ' 5000 wIth assets considerably
less 'fho State ! Nat anal bank or thl , c ty
ho'ds the ( ri' , l'nJer for $1-I 000 ard the
othe Inde\tedJe I divided anll ; cas'crn
crel tor. 'he tfm has been in \Ulous here
' .
Ilny 'ears
Lilgnton : in Adair County Promises Some
Interesting Development ,
lt'lII ' " She ' \/H S..r'.t' . Inrrh..l to
I " ' , 'nlh i i , , Inl I , , 'el' lie-
lure 1 Is [ l'nl is 1111 \'lnt"
I F.rtuue.
ST. JOSIPl Sept : . 10.-Specal.-A ( ! ) civil
suit to quiet the title to a tract or lanl In
Adair county , Iowa , may prove oC starting
Interest tu a number of-proplo In ( lila cltT.
The land Is valueJ at $2 , OOO , and I calmed :
by Margaret Johnson , n sister or John Craig ,
who IHel there a year ago. Mrs. Johnson's
ownershIp 01 the land Is cOlested by Mary
Clancy of thL city , a young " oman who
claims she was married 10 Craig a few days
before his deat' ' . Mary Clancy has a c .rtf-
cite showing s11e was mar.'lell to CraIg at
Savannah , io. ' by J. C. Brooks ! , a juat'co
of the peac Thc Iowa heirs are Irylng to
prove that she was 'arrled to a man who
impersonated [ Craig , but who did not rcsemb e
him In any wa ) " . 'fhey charge a wo'l known
citizen or SI. Joeph , who his a wife and
several cheiidrea wah ha\ng : marrld Miss
Caney under thee name or J01m CTI , for
the purpose of deframlng his helr3. The case
Is now ere trial at Greenf ! l , In.
When John Craig camE 10 this ( city In
June , lS91 , he was dying of consumption.
Ills hollow cheeks and hacking cough foretold -
told the quick approach or death lie went
to the homo or Henry Walon , who hall been
hits schoolmate In boyhood , and remalnell
l'llere until time later part or Jul' . I was
! while he was at Walton's that Miss Cancy
\lsle,1 , him frequently , anti she says they
went to Savannah one day and were 'mar-
ricti. On his deathbed Craig laId his FIslpr
( heat ho had never been married. Miss Canc ) '
says they were married on July 27 , whie
the marriage certificate Is dated , July 28 , the
day returned to his Iowa home to die.
Craig and lls Clancy had been sweethearts
In their younger days-when he was a boy
at work on his Cather's farm and she lived
wIth her parents In an Iowa village. They
had been lovers [ many years , but became t-
tranged. and Miss Cancy married a man
named Balier. As Dakcr's wife she vent to
live with him at Savannah and Craig lost
sight or her for a long [ erlod. lie acquired
wealth and traveled all ever time world but
was never married unless he marrIed Mary
Clancy a week before 'ne died. .
The young woman's choIce or a husband
\I'n an unhappy one , antI she was divorced
from Baker. The divorce was granted July
18 , 1894 at Savannah and the court gave her
back the name of Mary Clancy. The day
after the divorce was granted she met John
Craig again at the Walton hOle In thl9 city.
When Craig died Il was found \ that his will ,
made many years ago bequeathed n.OOo
or his estate to Mary Clancy. She says he
married her when they were reunited afel
theIr long separation , and as' his widow she
claIms an Interest In his estale.
The love story oC Mary Clancy Is shattered
by the justice of the peace who married her
10 thee man claimed to be John Craig . and
hy the witnesses present at time time. They
descrIbe a man wbo was In perfect health ,
but who walled with a I I p. The bride-
groom was tall and or heavy build , while
John Craig was slender anti emaciated , and
his form bent under the weight or the disease
that was dragging him down to the gra\'e.
The description given by the witnesses to
tIme marrIage Is exactly that of a St. Joseph
man who was known to be a friend of ls .
Clancy. Should It prove to be .hlm who
In1rsonaled Craig at the wedding , be Is'a
bigamist , for he has a wlrs In this city
At the hour Craig Is said 10 have been mar-
ned In Savannah he was many miles away ,
gain to hl.bomo In Greenfell , where be
tiled a weele later.
- -
IESl lnJ 'l'lhli 'l'IIIAL Ol lVItit.tN'v.
Xo Very MulerIul'l'esl iiiioii' Sins . Yet
Ih'1 lt''eloie.I. -
SAN FIANCSCO , Sep' . 10.-Another week
of tht Durrant trial opened today , after three
days' rest. The witnesses tolay were all 01
the searching party when the garments of
Blanche Lament were discovered concealed
In nooks an:1 : cornl S oC time belfry of Em3n.
uel cmurcim The dcfendant's at'ornoy tried
to show by the witnesses that the pole department -
partment , lead . conducted , the . examlnatfon ! . , cr
Wo church building carcIesmy . , ann that whie
time hunt progrossol the church : was open to
the ) ublc , and that hundreds of curio IS c t- !
zens p.sscd through the building. The paVes !
stalell al cross'ox3mlnaton that ( the articles
had bE. n found In places difficult oC access ,
Indlcat'ng ' that the person who had hidden
them head bean familiar ! with the belrry.
John T. Dare , a proseculng attorney of the
polc : court , testified that under the head of
Blanche Leneont's body ss I Jay In the bel-
fry , hall been plcaJ : two b'oln of wood ,
such as are common In . dissecting rooms.
'r"hllllln SIiihIhi'm' $ ' 't'eIgii is .
. CHICAGO , Sept. 10.-The freight lines of
the Central Traffic association were In session -
sion today , but accomplished nothing of Im-
portance. The chler muter before the meet-
lug today was the qmeoation or weights at the
stock yards In this city. Under the present
Fystem Ihppers' [ weights Ire nloptel , antI ,
time mnnner In which they are hanilcd gives
rise to some dissatisfaction . lS some of the
shippers claim time roads have favorite customer -
tomer who are given better weights than
( lucy receive. l was propose.1 to handle the
mater In the same way the western roads
looked after the busIness , which would take
It entirely out of the hanls oC time shIppers.
The latter are very strongly opposed to the (
change , and the roads wi be compelled to
ovrcome I power oC opposiion I they make
aY change In the present method Nolhlng
definite . was determined. .
thought In h ) " the Ilnitinuimse & Ohio
CLI'I LAND , Sept. 10.-The Valley railroad -
road was sold [ hero at publIc nlcton under
an order issued by United Slates Judge Ricks .
There was hut one bhlder. the Baltimore &
Ohio Railroad company , and the price re-
alzel was $3,700,000 , being .500,000 more
than the ( minimum figures by the court. I
II slated that the road will immediately be
Incorporatell under the laws of Ohio wills a
capital stock , or about $6,000,000. The only
party interested In the sale [ aide from the
Baltimore & OhIo Is the Wheeling & Lake
Erie railroad , whIch has an agreement under
the reorganlzalon plan whereby I gels trafc
facilitIes 1 hlch will enable I to brIm a ,
port. large portion or Its lake business to this i
_ .
. Ituufi's tn the IrlNh C'nUon.
CHICAGO , Sept. 10.-The new movement
convention or Irlsh'Amerlcans Is held In thIs
cIty September 2t to 26 Inclusive , and the
lInes or the \\'ester Lines Passenger aSO-
clato ! " amid the Central Trafc association
have ranted I rate or one and one.thlrd on
theo certificate plan for delegates attending
the convention. The rare will be one-thrl [
for the return trip and full rare for the rIde
to Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ir.h'r tt 1..1 < , 1'1 In Cuunrl.
JIOVlECE , n. I. , Sept. 10.-The great
councIl of the Improved Order or Hed Jlon
of the . United State began , hE\ today with
nlnel.eght representatives present from tie
United States The session durIng thj lay
was de\'oH1 to ran tne luslneu , Atbb
evening session Governor Llppett welcomed
the delegates. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _
Jur"rloNlul un nn Illnho Uonl1.
DCNVER , Sept. 10.-A special to the News
rrom Spokane , Wash. , says : The Day Stat
Trust company began an acton 1the
eempny 1\
United Slates district court today to fore-
CIOIA a mortgage of ' . .616,400 against the
Washington & Idaho railroad ,
UITli ) R1'A''I' : ' 'JrliIX.\II ' S.
Nut lolinI AH".I'lnt""I.h1Inl eon-
, 'eiut I " . sit H.JloHI' ' '
1mSINES , Sept. 10.-iSpecial Tele-
gram.-The ) United States : \'eterinsry : ell.
teal association conveneti in ha " conll
asociaton luls , tbirty-e2conti
annual session this mor1ngt In time absence
of Governor Jackson , prlntf ' Secretary Rich-
arlls made the address , welcomIng \ the vet-
erlnarlans 10 ne Iolnes. .ltrchlent Hopkins
or Philadelphia responllhl. durIng whIch
he revlewCI the encomiragtceuet the associa.
ton ( hall received from the \\'st , and returned
thanks for the generous "Ieleome accorded
the members.
Reports or minor commitees were con-
slllcnd. Paper treating 0 the following
subject were read at the Afternoon meeting :
"intelilgenco anti ldncatO " "Flnanco , "
"ilscases , " "Actinomycosia" ! "An Anoma-
bus Disear of horses , " "infectious : lm-
mits at Cows , " "Authrnx , " ' "Backle , "
"Tuberculosis , " "Texas Fever , " "Cornslalk
" " . "
Disease , "Olanders.
Prominent among the distinguished delegates .
gates In attendance are : 1)r. W. L.V1I -
lams , Bozenmaim : ont , ; Drs. . A , Stewart anti
J. II. Wattles , Kansas City , the latter deal
of the Kansas City veterinary college ; M. H.
TrumlJower , tate veterinary surgeon of
Iinois : C. P. layman anti I , ' . M. 0810011 or
the veterinary department or Harvard college ;
Dr. Schwartz Kopr , Chlagd ; Dr. D. E. Sol-
oman chief of the hureau oC animal In-
lustry , Washington : Dr. S. J. J. Ilarger anti
Leonard Pearson , or the unIversity of 1e I 1'
sylvania. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Free :"IH . \llllolnhll'ntH ,
BOONE , Ia. , Sepl. 10.-ISpeclal ( Tee- !
gram.-'ho ) west Iowa confernce of the
Free lethodlst church , In Cesion here , has
made the following appoIntments ! : Shenan-
doah district , .1. H. WI oq : Ilstrct ehler ;
Shenandoah an'l Bngham , J. I. . 103man ;
Imoene , W. n , Nixon ; Griswold and Center
Chapel . A. StCdwe ! ; Coleg Spr'ims aol
Pleasant ll , U. F. Johnston ; Clarlnlla and
Shianibaugh , E. N. : llerGravlly ; and L3nox ,
O. L. Ios&"an ; Sidney and Hamburg , J. W.
Buckner ; Carbon and loU $ . tna , J. J , Woof ;
Caledonla A. E. lcKay. tDunlp . dlstrct : ,
J. I. WIlSon , presIding elder ; Council Ourg , !
G. : I. Lesan ; Sandy Pont ! and Iago'la. O. 11. I
Anlone : Dunlap anti Dow City , Geo-ge 1.1t- .
rlclt. Dear Grove district , T. Ii. Allen , presidIng - '
sidIng ehler : Bear Grove " , P. E. Ellen ; Coou
Uaplds , J. L. Phllpl : Scranton , F. I Water ;
Churd and Jefferson , G. W , Grlflh : Iok :
City , D. C. Eddy ; Doono , J. W. Van Gundy.
SIC City dlst"lt , T. H. . Allen , proldng el"
dr : Plover and Fort Dodge , G. S. Ihllpl ;
Early all Lake VIew , V. ' . W. Vlnon , nel9
Vinson , to be supplied : Johley . J.rnle Sul-
ton , to 10 stipple ] . SIouX City district T.
II. Allen , presiding elder : ICtcigeley anti Pier-
son Otto I'eflcnioyer ; Lemal and Merrill. I J.
H. Drllaln ; Floyd Center anti nramlron , U.
II. Smythe ; Dlnlury ; , F. II. , ' Sm tim J. W.
Dake snrannualed ; T. J. Gates ev.engehist . ;
G. D. Whitington , missionary to Wyoenimmg ,
- - -
W''iililI , . Plrmer II"K" llhtusseif.
IDA GItOVF Ta , Sept' IO.-Special.- ( )
Henry Dras , a hIghly .especle,1 citizen ,
today went up Into his imaymbw , fastened a
piece of wire to thee 'rafters and nicking a
noose In thee other end , placed IL around
his lect and stepped off. Ills . wife went to
cal him to get read ) for hmurcim . and getng
no answer went to the barn to look for him
and fennel ' him hanging. The deceased was
about GO years od : , wel fxed fnancialy
arid the head or a hlg'.lly rsp cel famtiy .
No cause cn be assigned rOJ tIme deell. The
funeral wi be held Tuesda , the Independent -
ent Order. of Odd Fellows lodte takIng charge
or the ceremony. . .
DES MOINES , 'Sept. J0-Bpecial ' Tele-
gram.-Waltor ) Scott , a wenhmo'n druggist
of this cIty , commlel sulpJde this afternoon '
by taking prussic acId spondency ' ' Sr 'I
business affairs was the cause.
'h"n"l.n Crooks . .uuht In luu'u.
, DES MOINES , Scpt. 10.-ISpeclal ( Tele.
gram.-Charles ) Johnsomi. ' Will lartena anti
Ell Edgar are helll 'rdi burglary. All are
colorcd. Five hundred' d lars worth or
Jewelry and valuabl s were round In a trunk
In their possessIon , and hu been identified
as stolen from William hoffman's house
) 'esterda . A thousand 10lare of other stolen
goods were traeell to 111cm. They are Cram
Lincoln , Neb" , anti have ben touring fair
towns , coming hee'ea fe\\ las ago. ,
j'ohuiilsts lle n 'l'ielei
MISSOURI VALLEY ; . . Ia. , SepL 10.-
( Special Telegram.-Tho' ) populst county can-
nnton met In this city today anti nomlnalel
full ticket or candidates oltices
a rul tcket for county ofces
as follows : Representative , D. : I. Elion
of Woodbine ; treasurer , G. A. Albertus or
Persia ; oheriff , S. S. Bean or Union ; school
superIntendent , Mrs. n. Ii. Chids of Dun-
lap : supervisor , William Thomas of Clay.
PI.te J11 1" fleiui.
. BOONE , Ia , Sept. 10-Speelal ( Telegram. )
I -Lieutenant Governor Dungan came in [ yesterday -
terday afternoon to visIt his daughter ,
Minnie , who Is a teacher In the Boone public
schools. Last night he received a telegram
telling of time death or his eon , 1'lyete , In
Chicago , where he was employed on the
editorial stan oC the Evening Journat. Mr.
Dungan left for ChIcago this mnoriming.
HCHUlH 01 the Comhi 'l'ouruuumiment.
lALVEHN , Ia. , Sept. 10.-ISpecla ( Teie-
gram.-At ) the firemen's tournament at
Coring today the : lal'er hose company
won frt prIze In novelty 'I imose race , $30 ;
first In amatEur hose race $0 ; enl first in [
the association hose race , S25 : The Ialver
team has only been In , traInIng about four
weeke. _ _ _ _ _ .
( : lsy UI..hll 17fnuIJ.
BURLINGTON , Ia. . , Sept. 10.-ISpecla ( !
Telegram.-Clty ) Marshal Siegel was caught
hauln ! fruit from the new city park and
selling It In town. Time rormer owners oC the
land wee to have ( lee ' pre enl crop. The
paper are loud In their denunciations , anti
It Is the talk of the town.
UI"turh..l ihuirghitr Sluuiuva 1.'Ijht.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la" , Sept. 10.-Speclal (
Tefegum.-A ) burglar broke into the home
oC Enos Graves , a gardener living near the
city , lat nIght anti stole $60 anti a check. lie
was dIcovered 1) Maude Graves and knocked
her down anti made hs escape.
l'hlllo"lon ClulrH Atuothuer'le'tisem. .
DUBUQUE , Sept. 10.-lal Faderal of
Wabasha , l n. , the static vIctm of the
dynamlto explosion at Specht' Ferry Sun-
day , died today The Inquest t'was adjourned
till those In the hospital . are . J abe : ' to testify.
PllhlNt'rH l'iiie 11 10' 'l'rhti
WILMINGTON , Del. , Sept "lO.-The " case
of thee Cuban flbuslers' came before the
Unltel States court today. DistrIct Attorney
Vandegrln desired to open. tie letters dl- (
rectel 10 Martinez Campol' roUnd amen ! the
rfects or the alleged IlbUBteren , and use
thein before the grand fury . II. U. Ward , for
the defense , opposed this , clamming that It
was unwarranted , anti would practically make
the Ilefenllants testify against : thmenmelves
Cnliforsmiii Celeiurdte.i41'oduty .
SACRAMENTO , CaJ. , Hpt. \ O-Tlie rorly-
IHth anniversary of the l\mlnlon of the
state of California Into Ila union ' was celebrated .
brsled herE by tee Order : pf th'e Native Sons
of the Golden \\'est wih , a parade In which
over ,000 patcipte\ . Literary exercl'es
vere hell In the open \ atr on the plaza [ , a regatta -
gala was : held on the river and a reception at
the historical Sulten' t'ort , Last evenIng
there was an electrical , . lnlval ,
'I'rnln I Sen.I . .it'n IUnn.IMtll. I
FIEDONIA , , Kan , . Sept river
kept rIsing until mldnlsht , and up to 1
o'clock tbls morning had fallen only three
malice. The water ' prka engines are clgbt
reel under water. " This mornIng tha \
yerlllrls rIver , eight Jmln north. had risen
until It .a nearly - two feet higher than
for thirty years , Al train len/ee / II cm-
pletehy at a standptl , and humlIeds of le\ \
or trel ge are under S. water ,
i'lou' Grinuies Qui " 'p.k ,
MOLIXI , Ill . , Sellt. 10.-Fly flow grInd-
T for Deere & Co. struck today .on , alnt
of the introductIon of burrs Inaad of . plow.
shares to dress grindategga. Other shops
will not be affeeted . - . f .
_ S. _ . -
Salvndcrenns Take Terefrom One of the
Ezeta Refugees
SIn I. n"lllrhlllt lt liii' 111111uI
% lthhll enn lie Ihll" ' Ahlnt I.
JII.111 the Shill \'IM ( hitler
Sn \Iouren I Jemrlsul let lois .
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 10.-Tho slenmor !
CIty or Sydney whIch arrh'o I from Panama :
lat night brought particular or the capture i
of lorenclo Bmestamente , one of Anton'o ,
zcla's favorite leutenanls , by the Salvador ( :
authorities. I Is supposed by time Spanish-
Americans who cacao up on time City or Sydney -
ney that be has been torn 10 11lece by an In-
I fnrlatcI mob or publIcly shot In time atrets
: .of the city or San Salvador long before Ihls.
The surrende oC Dustmente by time I'eople of
Nicaragua came by way of return for the
friendly act or Salvador In thee Corlnto affaIr.
Time arrest oC Buslmelte while aboard an
AmerIcan hlp Is sa1 ! to bo In direct vIolation
of International law , and time turbulent Ccn-
tral American republic mmmay 10 called to ac
count for Its hlgh.hanlll action by the Unied
Slole' Captin Johnston oC time City or Sydney -
ney refused to discuss the matter , saying that
ho could hot do so until ho had further con-
suIted his superiors. Duslamente was rounll
after much difculy hIding under tim coal
hunkers. Though hI knew ice was golug to
his denthi whel ho left the steamer , ho never
uttered a reproach. He dEclarcd that ho
should remain Ezc.ta'a frIend to the last.
The steamer company halt 10 other re-
eOl'rse than to turn over Bustamente , for war-
rants charging him with crime were pe
senled and the govcrnment or Salvador , one
1f thc countries which gives a subsidy 10 the
Pacific Mail company , made a formal dem3II
for his surrendce' .
ConcernIng the fact that a consular agent 01
the United States was on the steamer when
Bustlmenlo was formaly @elzcd there Is little
to say The consular agent was : lr , Cooper ,
who Is at LLlberta,1 , In tlO Interest of the
cable company I Is maintained that ho was
aboard the steamer , not In his consular Capacity .
pnclly , but as representing the cable company
lie look mme hand In lice mater In any "ay
all did not direct time seirreader of Uusta-
mcnte , as some oC the pauengeri supposed.
Bustamento was welt known In San Fran-
cica , as he was under arrest here as one 01
the Salvdorean reruge
In regard to the surrender of Florenclo
Dustamente OM of Antonio zeta's lieutenants .
tenants whom the dIstrict court rlfusCI to
gIve up to President Guierrez oC San Sal-
railer by the steamer City or S'dney to the
Salvadorean authorities ) LlberataI , Alexander .
ander Center , local agent oC the Pacific Mail
steamship In an Interview today upheld the
corluct or Caplaln Johnson Center said .
that Johnson did not surrender Bustamento
uutl forced t do so by hue authorities at
United States Attorney Foote said : "It
would bo the btllnes of time American minIster -
later at San Salvador to stay any execution
< exccuton
of the prisoner until the United Stales gO\-
ernment could investigate the mater and see
whether any treaty obligations had been vlo-
latel. , I was for refusing to Interfere In the
BarrundlR cites hint ( Lansing I. Misner was
removed from the ofce 'or emelnlster. "
W ASIINU'UN , Sept. 10.-Aiihougiu no 01 _ :
ciaicprt oC the forcible seIzure on board
an AmerIcan steSmer Of Antonio nusllmenle
hy time Salvadore officers ot LtI erad
hRS reached \Vasumingtoim It h believed here
from the presentation of facts made In thee
report that ice seizure was lawfully made
anti tha't th ! te UnIted States cannot make an
Intcrnato l Issu 'n this case ' . For some
tIme after the tragic kilng of General
Darundla the pole ) or time gonrnment was
lerstool1 10 be that a passenger on a United
Slates merchant vessel under such circune-
stances coull not le rorehly ! removed from
the 'hip. But hater on there was a decided
qualification or thIs doctrine and the pc llol
er the Stale department was especially staled
by Secretary Gresham In a letter 10 the
president or thee Pacific Mail Steamship company -
pany , dated December 30 , 1893 , In connec-
ton wih his complaint against the aclon
of the llOndurean goverment In firing upon
one of that company's vessels for refusing
to deliver up a passenger.
The secretary wrote In part : "A11
a comprehensive princIple , It Is well
estnblshed In International law that
a merchant vessel In a foreign
port Is wlhln the local jurldlcton
of the country with respect to offenses or
offenders against the law thereof and that
nn orderly demand for Ile ( surrender of a
person . accused , . of crl le by due , process ot
law , Wil exhibition Of a warrant Of arrest
In the hands of the regularly accredited
ofcers of the law , may not be disregarded
nor resisted by the master or lime ship. "
South Ullult" MnnKihii'.I for 11Iul .
hug In ma Little Aiituiscuuieuit
RAPID CITY , S. D. , Set. IO-ISpclal (
Telegram.-As ) the result or a prac'lcal joke [
Gearge Wldders , alls "Ono.Erod Kid , " was
fatally wounded by John Dwn , better known
ns "Dutch" John , at Ke'slone led y. While
Bonn was In a drullen stupor [ about a week
ago Witiders bathed hh feet In a'coteol I .d
aplc,1 , a lIghted neatch burnl"g him Ee-
rlousy. ! Bean swore 10 IiI ! Whlders 0:1 : sight
amid today made good hIs thereat . by unod ! ng
a shotgun Ilto the hatter franc thee rear. The
first charge took off a thumb , the Eect'nd
reachIng a vital spot. Denn b now In the
custody or lhe sheriff.
SI"n 1"11" ' I'iut'li tug llouisi-s .
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Eept. 10.-Speeiil.- ( )
The packing business In th's cIty Is looking
up. John B. Alkons , general immanager of this ,
Norlhleer Packing conplny : , the concr.l
whIch I camp o'ing and wi operate t'e
mammoth packing [ house begun several yours
ago , arrIved with hIs family yesterday. lie
reports having plrchae,1 nil of the mach'n-
cry for the p ant anti that It wm be ready
for operation NO\'embor 1.
S. G. Tuthi returned rrom HoEon yesterday -
day , where he Int . : eted the sol known
packer , Charlel A. North , In the \aek'ng plant
here , which has been Idle for several yearJ.
Mr. Tuthi roort the roratlon : oC time
Charlea A , North Packing compuey "lh a
clal Hock of $110,000 , the majorIty or time
stock beIng : alreay tll"n , to operate this
' plant. Thee remalnd of time stol will be
sold ' this week. North 1 : cone : hero 10
: reside , and this ciy wil heave t\o larg
1 packihg establshments : running before snow
I Dies. _ _ _ _ _ _
'C.Ht y . 111. . . lt 5ce'stuuuie.
nApID CITY , S. D. , Sel : . 10-The twenty-
stamp mitt an I bolstug works oC time Key-
slone Mtnfg company at Keystone , twenty
miles southwest or heN , burned toay , wih a
Iou or t35OOO , one-third lumsureel Tarea
men were at the bolom or a 300.root Ehdft ,
but were taken out uninjured .
InllnlN Stull Fr.'ighut 1/111 .
CIA llmLAIN , S. D. , Sept. lO.-Caplaln
Craglo , U. S. I. , arrived at \al-
entne today from thee Rosebud agenc lie
says that Jolow Horn Bear Is Incitng thee
limdimmnes. The hOllel wIll [ Ie'mlt no freight
to be handled until the . old rate Is restored.
IIiu-lloN 00 tu Xllh\'llr Nu'xt Icur.
MINNEAI'OIIB , Sept lO.-The coo altna-
ton or 10oI001 hiss agreed to meet next : .
year In' Na.lvl . ' The 'worle or selecting thee
ofcer ; ha been turned over to I nominatng
comnmittee . This afternoon the debeg.etes
made I tour " of Ih Hwml disirict.
: u\'euent. of OCCII Vcsssehus , S"III , 10
At Now 'ork-Arrivod-Misaisaippi , trot
London : State or Nebraska , from OulW ,
4t New York-Arrived-Neeker , fr
York-Arlved-Neke fr \ '
A : Soutlwark , , from Antwep S fr1 i
At Queelllown-ArlvM.T.Nd&111 "
New York. , tier LIVi l , and Nocee" - '
. ,
SI'.XISI .1 1' t'I"IInl' 1OltTI.n ,
IIHurj'nt 1)r , ' " 'lh"1 lutus n Trlil
/11 Irlltenl , " . \nnlhlnh..1 ' 'h"I.
NEYOhtK . S 1 [ t. 10.-A special Irma
Havana under date or 30 '
Ilatt August sa's :
There Is a report about lawn that 1 great
battle iiet been fothght In l'uuerto prlnelpo
and that the Spanish have ben defeated I
and the capital 1 captur by the Insurgent
force . I Is slhl hat a strong force of
Spallih troops [ left the city or Puerto
Principe 10 make a bold attack upon time 11'
surgenla , who were bsleghl hue lawn.
The Insurgents fOI after making a weak
resistance , but I was only to draw time
Spaniards Into nn ambuscade. Once In the
trap the Spaniards were attacked ) In front
II Iace and , In time rear by Oener.l Gomez.
The rebel forces obtaIned 1 complete victory ,
a 111 entered the capital triuieiplmamit 14,000
Ilroug. 10\ near the truth this statement
Is cannot b3 ascertained , but General Catn-
pas' Inmllale departure for Nenvltas the (
very day ho arrived hero Is suggestive or
olelhlng very serious heaving happenell.
( 'rlnn , " ' " II'ht t" lIe hiefui iiuli'l.
IIRItLIN , Sept. 10.-The German mlnlsler
of fiumnnco has decided to hummnsetllatehy con.
vert times omutatatmtiing 4 ver ccitt loaums iimto
3 lmOr ceiits. ThuI conversion Is expected to
heave a favorable effect politically , for the
got'erimunemit , it. is reimreseumteti , would meet be
likely to untierteuko such mmmi operatlomu unless
ulhplomnats werte looking forweiril to me imerloti
of ummbrnkeii hence. Thee ammituemmt of 4 per
ceimts ouflsttummditmg aggregate $1,000,000,000 , of
which auqi Prussia stantis for $900,000,000.
It eo'ruitl mug Iii CuiuuuulIsu.
COLON , Sept. 10.-Time remnant of time
Ecuneiorean goverumnient is fiecimeg franc Qmiito
toward thee boundary of Colombia. There , it
is reported , agents of tIme late goverimineemt
are enlisthumg melon to take time flelt agnhemst
l'residont Alfaro. Time latter , fearIng ( heat a
toi-imsltmublo reaction might be fommieimteil by
these ngeemts , has dispatchieti aim emmvoy to
Cohen to ask timat imseasmirca b takeim to ore-
vent this organization of arnmed forces hostile
to helm in this e'cimuebllc.
% Vltiiesst'ui ii Shinto liii I I he ,
IiERLIN , Sept. 10.-Emperor Wihihammi anti
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria anti
otheer royal guests attended the arnsy ma-
eccuivers at Stettin today. Thee maneuvers
embraced a realistic representation of a hattie -
tie , whilche lasted several hours. A balloon
corps p2rfortmsctl thee sigieni service for limo
day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' 5'5I , iuurihuuhuumul ( ' 'hiut'hs Iii Nhenruuguen
MANAGUA , Nlcaragueu , Sept , 10.-Via
Galveston.-Two earthquakes occurred in
cvestern NIcaragua today , time first at 6:30 :
o'clock anti thee aeconti at 8 o'clock , At
Chmiuuaumdago and at Granatia the shocks svere
stroumg aced at Momnotombo they vere moderate.
The earthquake was also felt In Maieagua.
Ciuuuimuos 'ihi A'eJtt Nut Cuuuuiitiouus.
LONDON , Sept. 10.-A Madriti dispatch to
time Times says : Marshal Campos lens an-
mmounced he would not accept proposals of any
kind from time rebels in Cuba except ummconeli-
tionah surrender.
lr , l'sumkliuii'st ! , 'ihl Sum ii 'l'oiiuorrose' .
LIVIIRI'OOL , Sept. 10.-The White Star
steamecer Germaimie , whlchs sills fr New York
toemeorrow , ctihi heave aemeoimg leer passengers
Itev. Dre , C. A. Brlggs eeemti C. II. I'arkhurat.
i'r'suu'e of ( hiohet'tt hteeugmuiseul.
ST. PETEItSUUIIG , Sept. 10.-The pray-
lace of Podolia ties been omclally declared
leifected by cimoicra.
MUS'l' hIiS'l'OItL1 ( O'hthtNMl1N'I' J.AIS
1uiiuliig ltiuuui'iiiuui'it SumOul li flue
UiiiteitStnteuiitt Cii rhino.
CAIUJON , Sept. 10.-Spcial ( Tele-
graums.-Siuits ) were commenced today in tie'
federal court by time United States .cgaimms
Joseph P. Widelowfieid , Jonatlean Vei'c'u ,
Itobert McAlteter and Joicpiu Iiowad , raccim-
inca of Carbon county , Wyoming , for i'le
gaily fencing In goverumimceemt lands. Act'ona
of a like. nature are beiemg brought cegaimmet
e-anciunceem in various perts of Wyomimmg .o
compel theene to remove fences frommi around
goveriement lands to c hiche they he.vo iio
title. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Guru nO k ! e'rlgiu tiomu ticlueuuic.
GI1EEN I11VER , Wyo , , Sept. 10.-Spe. (
cial-Au ) important irrigation proj ct , iii-
volving thee reeamathoa ! of t0,000 acres of
lanti in thus county , is contempleted by
Messrs. McSieano and Caution , well Icoown
capitalists. Time proposcd irrigat'on dlstrlc
wIll Leo i'aterod tmy a large caimal , which will
tap the B'ack Fork creels , on the od Fort
llrldgor military m ecervation , amid wheichu will
extenti for eighitoen imsiles. Coimdon w.met
over time field Friday , anti heas put a cone-
imetent sumre'eyor at work to detcrmueee juit
wheat acreage can tic' watered. If tii reports
are favorable conitruct'oee of time proposei
canal will be comnmeumcd at once.
Crmuzed ii ) l'riviutiomiH ,
ROCK SI'RINGS , VI'o. , Sept. 10.-Spechal. ( )
-Mrs. Elizabeth Boene of this city has been
decided insane by a jury and sent to time
state emsylmuume at Evanstoim. Sonee time since
hiee hiusbanti left leer ostensibly to go to
work at Alimsy , but nothmiimg has been ieeard
Irons hini , axed time poor ct'omnams lies beeee
timroevn upon leer owum resources to gain a
living for herself and cimlidren. TIme struggle -
gle was a heard one , amid sue made a brave
fight , hut at last leer reason was detimroned ,
Tue fanmily has been in a starving contittiomm
for sonme tineo , aiid the woman's insanity Is
believed to be due to lack of imloimer mmouuriehe-
umsent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
St vuici ii It helm Gui. ! heposlt.
SIIEI1IDAN. Wyo. , Sept , 10.-Spcciai.- ( )
Time Fortunatus Mlnimeg ameti MIlling cone-
paicy , which has been cvorktng dames . . HaIti
mmcotmntaiim , near this place , has at last struck
coltl In payimmg jumantitice. Thee general
manager of time mines , who ices jeest retureitI
to Sieee'idan , says : 'tAhl ( cmii' stamp iruilla
are meow running , and tIme conghoemuerato is
averaging from $ S to $20 mu. ton of pure gold.
\o have thirty stammipa at work remimimlueg ( lay
cmiii night. I heave tohegrapheeti an order for
more stanipe. " Time semccess of this coumipany
will prove a great benefIt to this van of tii
country. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I' , . % 'nrk ' . % 'oiiiliug'u Oil Fiehis ,
CIIE\'ENNE , Sept. 10.-Special-Artichea ( )
of incorporation of time Aimmericame Oil and
Refining comnpamsy were filed in tleo omce of
( lee secretary of tnte today. Thee iumcor-
porniormu are : N. H. auth J. V. ' . DeAguero
mmci Frauek W'iihianss of New York City , anti
Varren and Clarence I ) , Itlcheardaoum of
Ciieyeumne. Thee priumcipal office of tue cocci-
luany cc ill be In Now Yorlc Chty , and then
western 0111cc lie Cheyenne , Thee hushuicsms of
( lee company , iiminhimg anti refining oil , is to
be carried on iii Nutronmu coutmty , theta state.
Ncv'uI P. I le's Coke (5 ii I isui I ,
NflW'CASTLE , Wyo. , Sept. 10.-Speclal. ( )
-Coeiatructhoie work on fifty meow coke ovens
for thee Cammebriti Mining comumpany has been
commomiced at Cammmhria. The commipany his
ticeim cperatireg twgmety-flvo oveees , mired finds
tie deimmamid for coke iuecreasleeg so rapidly
that increased faculties cure umecessary.
l.I rat I'iui u'uiis its t''uiueI user Stuu I e l.uumola
CI1IIYENNII , Wyo , , Sept 10.-SpccIi.- ( )
The thrat patetmts to state hands iisueel in
Wyomemilug heave juat bcmu signed by 0o'c'nor
Itichuauds. Time ieateuets are for iaimt1 on the
right of way of the Graced Island & No.ihc'mmi
Itatirnati ( omnpamiy , which it C mes'lucied , rrosg
stab lands iii Simerdamu gommiety ,
% 'yuiII I ii g em I N ( lsrei sl..n's S it is , liu i r ,
CASPER , \Vyo. , teiit , 10.-Spechmul.- ( )
Editor Barrow of thee Casper Tribune heSk
gene o lice Nebrask etate fate at Oflish *
with a spieieiikl cxhmlbitLiaj jjrsi tetithii
.r )
Dunravon's ' Yacht Crosses the rinish Line
- with a Narrow Lead ,
Englishman Leads Over the Home Line
the Fii't Time Since 1871 ,
Defender's Olianccs Ruined by an Accidcnt
at the Send-Off ,
lmu Crossluug I lie [ lute Vet lhyrle 'l'or *
l'iurt of ht'rt'nule'e"s II iggimig lanu S
iuuuut thee Vitehits hhitceut Use-
ulir l'rules ( ,
Start. 1st Mark. 2I Mack I'inish ,
Veulkyrhe . . . . . . . . .31:01:13 : : 12:57:43 : : 1:5S1O : 2t.5:0e : :
hetender . . . . . . . . .11:01:11 : : 1:01:33 : : 2Oi:43 : lt : :
NI1 % ' YORK , Sept,10.-Crippled , but still
heeling far over in leer strength atiti swift-
mmccc , 1)cfentier followed ValkyrIe across the
finish hue today. Less theaum lislE a ummilo
separated time two , amid amexlous eyes kept.
pace , eeconui by second , with thee ( hue In-
uiicators as they moved arounti , anti cheen it.
tyas seen that Defeumtler had lost nothing
lie tIme last twemity mmmiies of thee course , lint
lead actually gained , a great shout went u
for thee gallant vessel. There were cheers
for thee victor too ; but although Valleyrie
was ( hue first chalhejmger sieeco ' 71 to lead
over time hoeme line tIme henemor of her per-
forumsanco was host sight of for the thimee ire
thee grand effort of the American , for if it'
were for nothing else thee Aimmerican heart
loves the hard loser in thee fight and lovea
helm time more when lie loses through no fault.
of lila owem. 4
It wac a grievous accident ( heat ruined thee
Yankee boat's chances , ace accident which ,
under the lealr-aimlittimmg clrcuenemtancus O
jockeying at the starting hue , lookEd to ho
emnavoidablo. Early in time nmorning the
racoes had leisurely made tlmeir ct'ay down
to time llool from Bay itidge. They circled
in great rings about the lightship unti' ! the
shgmmals wont up for time course , anti then"
time skippers took a tighter grip on the
hank Ilaff imati made a record lee scaimean-
ship on Saturday and thee English skipper
imrepared to regain ( lie fame which had pre-
Ccled helium. They memaneuvereti sct'lftly after
thee preparatory gum had been fired , anti with
Vaikyrie to the wlndwarti. Captain half
iueade every effort to galie that position.
Just before reaching ( lie line , when Valkyris
was still to windward anti Defender to
leeward , a length astern , but still overhaul. , ,
log her , time Ammeerlean boat was bhsmmkteui so
much that leer baby jib topsail ammtl jib
shook , amid Captain liaff , seeIng tisir , luffemi
imp a little , evidently intending to let the
other boat go ahead for time leurpose of
enabling bIns to pass tinder her stern and
to windward , Captain Sycamore , at Vat ,
kyrie's tiller , noted this move and lulled
up also.
It was then that time thousauetis notlcei
how ( laemgerously close to each other the S
racers were. Anti just at that nmommeeiet ,
too , a snap aimd remeding souimd was ieeard
and It was seen that Defender's jib topeail
was flying looao in the wimeti , Valkyrlo'B
main lsoom had swung rotund amid fouled
Defeemdcr's rIgging. To theos who lied wit
nesi'ed the occident anti sprang forward at
time omuumou sotismti , It scenmed as though
Defender trenebied with the imuck. Thme
saw leer topnmast bend anti leer topsail swimi
over as though it would break away , and
a groan went up as though time brave boat.
whmicie had vome so noble a victory a few dayt
before was wimolly debarred forum crete tue.
effort to secure a second. ' LIghtnIng action
was necessary to save time topimsast [ root
breaking away conipletohy , for it was already
spruuumg from its fmusteeelng , and CaptaIn half ,
with a memautter stroke , takIng lila booumi dowie
to ieowarti , soon mucaneuvcreml leer lute &
safe position ameti gave cimemse ,
Valicyrie , whmicie lund crossed the hue first.
head gained a good lead by Defemeuier's die- .
aster , amid hind probably a little emsore than
ieaif a imello advantage at the end of ( leo first. .
log iii thee triangular course over whilciu they
sailed. Tier gain was sommsetielng ices than
four minutes in thee beat to windward. Front
( heat 0mm , however , lofeemder , while not leer-
copttbiy closing time gap betceems themes , lea-
cened thmo these anti thtey crossed thee line riot.
inuche mieore thmaum two minutes apart. Val-
kyrte , accortilumg to corrected ( line , ieoweyer , .
evlns fromie thee cumim defeimeler by just forty-
seven seconds.
Such an ideal day lie time lower bay hias.
seldom been seen. Itcas meat wlmat Aummerican
yachtsmen call an itiral raciimg tiny , but na-
tuera leas always been kiimd to iuimrn\'en , tiemit
gallant Englhshe sportsman. and for time see-
onti tiimio In ( ito recommit race of time series for
time America's cup amid the honor of time
sport thee wInd anti time seas Imave feuvored
time mmiii wheo cause so often to thee line like
a true Briton , cvitie seldom a chance of cvin-
fling , as events have heappeneti.
Little was proimsised In time way of pleasant.
weatheer during thee early Imourmu of thee ( lay ,
for thme clouds leung how and thee fog spread
itself over tIme waters ammO a mmsisty rain fell.
Old weatheer sharps declared thiere might be
a fair breeze outside , ut rain it would. Soon
after thee long. keen racers weighted tiuei
ancieors off Hay Ridge there caumme a burst ( it
suenshultic , volleml 1mm a golden haze , anti wheohi
the old ilgimtahuip was reachieti ihiero was a
city flecked only ieere nod theere trithe is ltgiet
cloud , Out through time Narrows mcciii iimto
the open ct'atcr lefeiemier stood up high , far '
ahueati of Valkyrie cmiii goIng tinder leer own
cauevas almmsost before time 1nglisleimmaue thought
of imoisting hue msinmsaii. i'aaaiumg craft , lie-
ward tmoumntl , drew alongu.ido to feast thmolr
eyes on the beauties , and , early as It was ,
wimen thee lightship was reached quite a imaimil-
sneimo fleCt was uirawn up to greet tlmein , And
later cmi there was life anti motion at ( lea
start , multimotmghe it was not suche a scene as
was lereceimtel oil the day of thee first race.
Far back In the quiet hours time sea was
ulothed heere and theero by em sail anti ( leo stnoke
oil thee iuorizoii told 7f aim advancing fleet , and
vhmeri tIme first gun was fired a swimmghmug van-
guiartl , hurlglet with color , was ( hero to speed
time racers on ( heir journey ,
Then , whmlle eli eyes were on that irvisiblo
lines over which a stop iiede too soon would
lie f.utah , lefender's hieisleal ) ( malice. liteccyor-
imug quuickly , ieowever , acid followed eagerly
by time eyes of those to whiotme tIme brushing
away of the topsail amid tue teemetitug of the
lelmimmuult usenuit for this meeomeiet abuedjeeiimemmt
of all leaps , sheo crent him pursuIt. VesityrIc a
lead anti leer better positIon was i' t. tmiurl.i
Icoprovemi durlmmg ( lee first leg VstIyr diii
excellent work , but 1)efecmdcr , just us
leer misiiap heft leer , clung t rival ,
\Vitliu m few nmiiiutea It was atr ( list Do.
ft.dt cegat to smelt ( lee fleac lug wIthout a
jIi h'ael4 t psany of those on excursion
S 4aad acouupanying yachts hels MvO
- K that so Accident
S - Defender 5 'r ,
S Thee. COufsQ as dow' : .
.1' auttcmti cxperta.Q !
) WtL