Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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fj'JrIJi OMAJIA : DAILY ] , ' S.In".L'.I.aMUJDU ' .
2 . . _ _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ tI'1'UJDRDAY ' . , 10 , 189t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - -
. IWSPECT l > OI ? A AIR I WIN \ \ ) )
Indications Point to n. Fnvorblo Day for
the Second chip : ac
Conn' 'Vgellirr II" n Shlrt Jrm.h
' , .l t Ii I . \ I'llr"lt1"1 I tn" . ' tl *
1I ( her UI"-\I I I n'n.I ) ' fur tw
Meculol Contest ' ! ouln ) ' .
NFW YORK , Sept. D.-Tho Imlcatons are
at mhlnlht that the wether will bo favor-
able tomorrow for the second race between
the Drltsh yacht Valkyrie , and Defender.
'Irereeaster Dunn reports that the outlook now
Is that there will be fresh south winds and
a clear sky. At nlls hour the wind Is I blow-
Ing from the southwest at the rate of twenty
miles an hour oft Sandy Hook. At Lrig
Dranch tim sky Is clear and the wind Is blow-
Ing at the rate of nineteen mie an hour.
Atlantic City reports twelve miles and
clear sky. This afternoon both yachts went
out for a trial spin. Valkyrlo left her anchorage -
chorago at net hook at 2 p.m. tinder Jib
and mainsail , making the quarantine staten
In one tacl She then tacked across the Nar-
rows wading down the bay again on the
port tack. At 2:30 : she returned through the
Narrowa running free under the same sail.
At 3:15 : Valkyrie headed down the bay again ,
pudn Quarantine at 3:20 : under mainsail
and Jib. When close to Port Wadsworth she
went abut and stood over toward Gravesend
and went off the long dock south of Fort
Hamilton. At 3:25 : she went about agtin and
stood down the bay.
In the meantime Defender had also got
under way , the two meeting oft the Crescent
club 'luse , ncender on the starboard tack
under Jib Itaysat , mainsail and club topsail.
Defender , at 3:20. : went close to the steam
yacht VigIlant , anchored oft Stapleton , went
about and headed down the bay toward the
At 3:17 both yachts were observed from
Bandy Hook In the upper part of the bay
standing on starboard tack toward Coney
Island. Valkyrie was In the lead and some-
what to the windward. I looked as though
a private match had bean arranged between
the two racers. The wind was from the
south and bowlng : sixteen miles an hour.
Doth yachts held their relative positions until
3:49 , when Defender went about and held UII
. the bay , Valkyrlo held on her tack until
near the bell buoy , at tie junction of the
swamp and s'llp channels , when she also
went about and easing 'oft her main sheet
headed up ) the bay. At. 4:20 : Defender passed
Quarantine . bound in . and was followed ff-
teen minutes later by Valkyrie , also bound
In. Later both boats headed about and cast
anchor oft Bay Ridge , where they will re-
main until time to make ready for the race
tomorrow morning.
Valkyrie stock was decidedly down this
morning and few could be found to venture
an opinion that the boat would succeed In
getting even one of the raCAS. I was be-
levell that In smooth water , however , the
British yacht might do better , blt that the
Illerenee between her and the Defender
was too great to be overcome. Not only the
followers of Valkyrie , but those who have
pinned their faith on Defender are anxious
for a blow.
James C. Bergen rear commodore of the
New York Yacht club who Is In charge of
the patrol feet , has Issued another circular
In which ho has requested the captains of the
various excursion boats to be more careful
than they were on Sturday. Ho draws at-
tontion to .he fact that the race Is to bs
only ten miles to each leg and that It Is
absolutely necessary for the yachts to have
plenty of , rom to turn.
The World received the following from
Local I'orecaster Dunn. which It will print
tomorrow ;
Sept. O.-The weather conditions for tomor-
. row wilt be governed by an area of high
pressure which Is now passing on the At-
lantc coast. This will probably give on
. shore winds . mostly from a southerly quar-
ter , with a fres'l breeze. The wind Is not
likely to be any less than It was In the pro-
vlous race and will probably be stronger
with fair weather , except that there may ba
a lighter haze , hardly sufficient . however to
, Interfere with a god view oC the race. The
conditicns altogether appear to be more prom-
Ising for a good race and more Pleasurable
to the sightseers. There wi : be a very slight
change ' In temperature ; I any , t will be a
trifle cooler than to ay. E. D. DUNN. "
The World tomorrow will print the following -
Ing Interview with Captain Cranfeld : "I do
not think that one race wins the serle $ , by
any means " said Captain Cranfeld last
night "Saturday's race was no true test of
the respective merits of the boats. We labored -
bored under great disadvantage. TheSe excursion -
cursion steamers gave us a:1 : their backwash
and they particularly 'ampered us on the
way home. I think It Is an outrage the way
' t they treated us. 'Ve are here for sport , and
wo have a god boat but If they Interfere
with our aalng as they did Saturday we
will never find out what the boat can do. "
"Do you think you will stand a better
4 chance I there Is a good stiff breeze ? "
"Indeed I do : give us a good stiff breeze i
and wilt win. think
wo wi surely I Valkyrie '
I will 110 wel In i stiff weather . I the wind 'I
had huuled to the south Saturday Valkyrie
would surely have turned the mark first. A
race In such a luky wind Is 10 test at all. "
At nn Informal meeting of 10mber. of the
! .
New York Yacht eluh tonight the regatta
committee delegated J. It. Husk to represent -
sent the cup committee on hoard Vnlyrlo
nt tomurrow's race. I was also learned
that David Henderson , Lord Dun raven's
1rlotHl. wi represent the British Interests on
board Defender . No olcial action oC any
other kind In connection with the race was
' tnken. \ . Buslt was the owner of the
sloop : llsehlet , which In 15i9 defendell the
.Atnerica'a CUt ) against tim sloop Atlanta . of
the Bay of Quinto club Lake Ontnrlo
The CJur.'o tomorrow will be an equiaterl '
trlamle , ten mies to a I 11 e , starting . If
. lOsl'lble , off Sandy hook the regatta Coin-
mlleo having the elton of changing the
Ftarting Point tn another location at the
last mument. The Courte will ho laid out
I so as to give the yachts / blat to windward
, 01 one leg. One turn will he right out to !
sa and the other wi hl either of ! Long I
Branch on the Long Island "horl or off
Long Brnch on the New Jersey side. The
prIJnnltor ) ' signal gun will be tired at 10r :
I and the tartn ! gun at 1 o'elocl The boats
wi have two minutes In which tu cross
, the line and be timed.
K.\ y 'I'Iill UWIWI'U BOAT " 'O .
EIJI.h I'stIerM . " "ml thlt the Ylt'ht
- ' - , HI.1" 1.'llrMII'I. .
LONDON , Sept 9.-The Pal Mal Gazette .
11 its cOllents this afternoon on the inter-
\atonal yacht race of Saturday , says : "We
fear there Is no America's cup ) this year fcr
Lord Dunr.wen. . 'iThe better boat won as It Is
likely to win every time. The chief defect
of Valk'rle , to which we have on several
occasions alluded . Is the fuss she makes going
through the water The conditions of the
first match , therefore , were much against
her. With 1 calm surface 1'10 may do better ,
but In stronger wlm1a she Is not likely to do
; GO well . English yachtsmen may console
themselves as best they can with recollections
' of Uritanula's trlumllh" over Navahoo and
: Vhlant. "
In another place the Pal Mal Gazette says
that the excursion steamers following the
' yacht behaved even more disgracefully Ulan
ulual but that there Is 10 suggestion that
they hampered one of the boats more than
one of the other. "Plrhaps the most disappointing -
appointing feature , " adds the Gazette , "Is the
Iefender's gain on the broad reach 'home ,
: 'hen there was no rough water. "
. All the London papers dwell upon the
crowding of the course by excursion steamers
The Sun says : "There I IU nation that
, would rather take a beating from than
'merica administer , especially it. " lS probably no other could
The Star says that the defeat of Vnlklc
. fs far from being a disastrous one , sail that
tbero Is ito need to lose hope.
The Evening News does not see much hope
that Valkyll will win In the coming matches
This paper ale comments upon the enormous
expense of building and equipping nooder ,
' whose success , It cays , is I another triumph of
the almighty dollar ,
'fbe Globe says : " } nglithrnen celerly
Will bl ready to echo the Itulghtorw"rd
. _ _
verdict at Jml Dunrnen' representative
that wo were IRlrly beaten. "
The 81 James Gazette flails .mal comfort
for Jnglsl yachtsmen In the result of the
first heat , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ' ' ' ii , ' tStI. liA(3171i. ;
UU" ! ( ) i' 111'1 , 'rlu\ 1,1'\ : "
huh I I iiilrs U..t. - th. . S'etid front
tal"'IU.II h , . lIolft'r'M l'i I'la Inl.
nALTUIJ . "l , Hellt D.-Tho Champion -
pion beat the Spiders handily today ,
largely because of hotter's good walk In the
hox. He struck out seven men gmsle was
struck by n pitched bal antI knocked senseless -
less for / tow mInutes In the third nlt
Hurst fnlshe,1 , the game nlone. Blake
wrenchet his knee while slllnl to second
'n ' the seventh and O'Connor took his place.
. \tendance. 9.0. Score :
Baltimore . . . . . . 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 ' - I
Cleveland ' . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ( 1
His : Baltimore . 6 : Cleveland , 4. Errors :
Baltimore , : l : Cievelan'i , 1. Earned runs :
baltimore' , 2. Two.bnpe hits : llrotile Zln-
mer. Stolen hal"s : 1lcKeln. Jennings (2) ( ) .
First base on bal : Off 10ler , 2 : off Young ,
4. Struck out : fly heifer 7 : by Young . 2.
Batteries : Horer avid Clarke : Young toad
ZImmer. Time : Two hours and thirty min-
utes. Umpire : Etnshie.
PH lI4ADlLl'il lA , Sept 9.-Philadelphia
and Louisville played Iwo gaines this after-
100n anti broke evi'n. In the first the home
team hammered 'Veyhlng all over the lot
and won easily . Taylor IIJchln n steady
eramne throughout . The tables were turned
In the second however . when Carsoy was
bated freely , the visiors winning In thl
fIfth on Ivo singles . a hit by pitched bal
and errors by Cross and , Sullivan scoring
seven runs. Holmes pitched weti . being hit
hard only In the frst inning Attendance ,
10.12. Score , first game : ,
Philalelnhiia ' . . . .0 1 : 1 : 0 0 2 -13
Louisville . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 : - 4
JPhlnlelhla : , , 18 : Louisville , 10. Er-
rorl : Phiiadelphmma . 2 ; LouIsville . 4. Earned
runs : l'hladllllhla. 6 ; I.oulsvlc. 1. 'wo-
base hits : Clement (2) ( ) . Doyle (2) ) . Spies , Col-
has. Home rims Thompson , Taylor. 'hree-
base hits : Thompson . Sullivan . Taylor. Sae-
rllce hits : Boyle , Sullivan. Stolen ] hose :
Delehanty. Struck out : Ilaliman . Ham-
ilton . Wright , holmeS 'e'hlng (2) ) . Double
plays : Shugart to O'Brien to Halsnmer ;
' \'eyhlnA to O'Brlen to Hassnmner : ShuJart
( unassisted ) . I'lrst bas on balls : Of Tay-
lor , 2 : ofT \ \ 'eyhing . 5. laterles : Taylor
and Clements : eyhlng ali Spies Umpire :
Jevne. Time : One hour and forty minutes.
Score , second game :
Philadelphia . . . . 5 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 ( 8
Louisville . . . . . . C 0 2 0 7 0 0 0 ' - 0
His : Philadelphia . 10 : LouisvIlle . 13. Er-
.ror : Philadelphia , 2 : LouisvIlle 1. Eared
runs : Philadelphia , 6 : . Loulsvl ! e. 4. ' 'rwo-
base hits : Delehant Three.base his :
Boyle Home run : Clements. Sacrlce his :
Ilaliman 1Iassauiaer. Stolen bases : Ham-
ilton. Deiehanty (3) ( ) . Thompson. Struck out :
Ilolmint. FIrst base on balms : Off Carse , I ;
off holmes 3. Wild pitches : Homes ] , 2.
Batteries : Carsey and Clements : Holmes
antI 'Varner. Umpire : Jeyne. Time : One
hour and fifty minutes.
nOOKLYN , Slpt. 9.-Tho flrooklyns lost
to the Chlcalos here today through < blunder-
lag. Both Terry and Stein pitched circe-
tively . The latter's wildness cost two runs.
The visitors played ] wel In the field . Attendance -
tellance , 2,0. Score :
Brooklyn . . . . . . 010000200-8
Chicago . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 ( : I
Hits : Brooklyn 7 ; Chicago 7. Errors :
Brooklyn . 4 : Chicago . 1. Earned runs :
lirookiyn . 1. First on balls : Off Stein 4 :
off Terry , 3. Struck out : liy Stein 7 : by
'rerry 1. Two.bas hit : Stein. SacrIfice
hits : Truby ! 'erry. Double plays : Trby to
Dahlen to Anson : Daly to Corcoran to I.a-
chnnce. Stolen bases : Lachance Grimm ,
1)ahlen. WIld pitch : Stein. Batteries :
Stein and Grimm ; Terry and Dunohue.
Umpire : Murray. ' 1lme : One hour and
forty-eight minutes.
BOSTON , Sept. D.-St. Louis was unable
to do anything with Dolan today and was
hut out. The came was one of the best
seen on the home grounds . hoth sides fielding -
Ing almost perfectly. Frnlt Donahue of
Waterbury Conn. . formerly at the Grand
Rapids team pitched his first National
League game today . and gave good satisfaction -
faction . He will finish the season with St.
I.ouls. Tom Connor , a brother at Roger
Conner , Ilso lade his first nppearnnce.
Ho guarded third base for the Browns and
did his work vcll. Score :
Boston . . . . . . . . . OO10O2O3-O
St.Louis. . . . . . . . 000000000-0
His : Boston 9' St. Louis , 3. Errors :
Boston , 1- St. Loufa ( , 1. Earned runs : Beaten -
ton 4. ' rwo-basc his : -Miller . lcCnrth ) ' .
home runs Dotty . Nash. Stolen bases :
Ln . . Eirt on . bails : Dufy (2) ( ) . DOwd , I.
Connor , Pletz. Struck out : I'an. Coohey
P. . Connor (2) ( . latelles : Dolan and Iyan :
Donahue and Plotz. 'l'hne : Ono hour and
forty minutes . ! ' Umpire : O'Day Attend-
ance : 70. .1
PllTSBUHG , Sept O.-Washlngton should
have been shut out today but a wIlI throw
by Stuart allowed one run to come In . The
feature oC the game waR the batting by
Stenze and Smith Attendance . 800. Score :
PltsburA . . . . . . . 11002500-9
Washington . . . ; . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1- 1
Jilts : PIUsburK , 1 : Washington . , 6. Er-
rors : Plttahurg , l' Washington , 3. Earned
runs : PIUsburg ; C. Three-base hits : Sten-
zel , 1terbauer Hawley. Stolen bases :
Getnins . Stenzel (2) ( ) , Smith (2) ( . Selbach.
1ouh10 plays : Derbaner to Staurt to
Beeklp : Abbey ( unassisted ) . Base on balls :
Stenzel , Smih , Clngman (2) ( ) . Brown. lIt
ly pitched hal I Jh\wley. Struck out : Mar-
rltt (2) ( ) . Stuart Carlwrlght , Schicibeck . Gil-
I'oy. Passed hal : Merritt. Bateres ; : Hawley -
lay and lerrlt : Antlereon . Boswel and lc-
Ottire Time : One hour and fifty minutes.
Umpire : : McDonald.
NEW YO11K Sept. O.-Both Clark and
Rhines pitched fine ball today. Clark how-
over , managed to come out ahead as ho was
given bettor sUllport. Smith's home run to
the left field bleachers In the fourth was
all that saved the visitors from a shut out
Score 1"aller's : playing at short was n feature.
New york. . . . . . 20020000'-4
CincInnati . . . . . 000100000-1 ,
hits : New York 91 CincInnati . 4. Errors : ,
New Yoric 2 ; Cincinnati , 5. Eared runt :
Now York 2 : CincInnati , 2. FIrst hose on
errors' New York , 2 ; CincInnati . 1. Base ,
errors'j Is : Off Clark 1. Struck out : ily '
Clark , 1 ; by Hhlnes , 1. Home run : Smith.
Two.hMe hit : Dnvls. Stolen base : ' Iturko
Double plays : Fuller to Stafford to Doyle :
1"ulerc to Doyle : lcPhee to Ewing to South.
WI.I pitch : Hhlnes. Passed bal : Vaushn.
flatteries : Clark and Wilson ; Hhlnes and
\'utighmn . Time : One hour and torty-two
minutes. Umpire : Kuete. Attendance :
1,100. .tendance
Played. Won Lost . P.Ct.
Baltimore . . . . . . lU 7 37 td.i
Cleveland . . . . . 19 71 3 62.2
Phlallelphln . . . . li G 46 to.c
Boston . . . . . . , . . 12 C 49 19.6 .
& :
Brooklyn . . . . . . 11 62 49 W.O
Iltsllrg . . . . . . 11 GI m' 51.7
New York. . . . . . 13 61 G2' ll,7 .
Cincinnati . . . . . . 13 59 53 110 .
Chicago . . . . . . Ut /9 r. [ 51.8 :
St. Louis. . . . . . . . Ill 3 78 31,6 ; :
Washington . . . . 108 : 75 30.6 ,
I.ouifyle . . . . . . 15 30 8 : 30.r . ,
Games today : St Louis at Boston ; Cin-
cinnat at Brooklyn ; Chicago at New York ;
Cleveland at Baltimore.
\uck a"'N the 'rnlrnder/ Vlgorosii ,
, . .
l urew1 'rhrJI.hln ,
LINCOLN Sept. 9.-(61Ieclal ( Telegram.- )
Kil Colhurn was wild as a hawk today and
presentell many Lincoln players with bases.
Gragg pitched I good gaTe and received
gtod support , two oC the Saints' runs being
earned TIme batting oC Sullivan and Katz
wait a feature . Score :
Lincoln . . . . . . . 2 1 1i 1 1 0 0 1-11
St. Joseph . . . . . . 1 0 0 ) 1 0 0 : 0 0 1-1
Jilts : Lincoln ' 1 ; St. Joseph 7. Errors :
I.lncoln , 3 ; St. Joseph 8. BatterIes : O-ragg
and Sjler ; Colbur and Lohmnan Oass
Plnyed. Won Lost P.Ct. ;
Lincoln . . . . . . . . 10I G .12 61.5 '
Des Moines . . . . 103 g 43 61./ .
Peoria . . . . . . . . las 6 G 41 C.2 .
Qulnl ) ' . . . . . . . . 108 61 6.3 .
Hockfor . . . . . . 10 / I 10.0
Burlington . . . . . II f 58 47.7
Dubuque . . . . . . . Ill ' r C l 45.9
St. Joseph . . . . . 1 , 39 71 : ; .5
Games today : hIt Joseph at Dubuque : Des
Moines nt Lincoln : Burlngton at Hocltforl ;
Qulnc nt 1'rla.
I'BOIUA , Sept,9-Scoro :
Peoria . . . . . . . . 2 0 4 1 1 0 0 0-il
UurlnJton . . . . . . 0 2 0 0 0 0 : 0 3- I
hits : Peoria 18 ; Burlington , O. Errors :
} tol'la , 1 : Burl nglon. 4. Bateries : Hanson
and Dugdale ; Walsh and Jacksoui .
SCOIU 01 'l'IU . \ \ 'ES'1'ElLN 1.1.\UV : .
: UUwnnIH'o " ' .hll..Crnnol ) tniidn In
titi , Onl 0"n16 l'h&'r" .
lfl.W AUKEE. Sept D.-Score :
Milwaukee . . . . . : 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 3-9
Grand . . . . 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1- G
Hits : Milwaukee . 16 : Grand Rapids , 11.
Errors : Milwaukee . 3 ; Grand 1tapiti . , 1.
Batteries ; letger and floiamo : Stafford and
Campbell. Statol' '
Phayed.Vomj . Lost P.Ct.
Indianapolis , . . . . . lt n J .
Ht. i'atmi . . . . . . . 11 67 46 G.9 .
Kionsas City . . . . . . 13 G 6 46 58.9
'MIIUNI > lhl . . . . . 11 I G 1.9 .
Mlwaukto . . . . ; . 111 64 G ; 46.6
Detroit } . . . . . . . . 13 C G 64,4
Terre lauto . . . . 10 I L' 45.6
Grand RapIds . . . . 13 34 71 30.1
Games today : Oruiid itapida
Grhl laplda at MIt.
w ukee ; Terre IIUlu ; a t MinneapolIs : De-
. . . .
" .1.- ' - " - _ . . . - . ----T- . . . " . . . - - - ' ,
- -
troll nt St. Iaull Inllanallls nt Ianla !
ely , -
( . \ : \ " nl .i'lli1 II'IH.\ , AMti'lliJilS. .
S.'III ! ) icr hefeltMSIiritrldt' * In n ( itIt'
n' Pcenlnr Slit I 1st les .
BCllYLI.m , Neb. , S11t , 9.--Speclal ( Telo
. ' ' defunted Surprise hero thil
gram.-Schtiyht'r ) defeatel Slr\rls thll
afternoon II a game ful of liecuhlarlties.
' ' made . No
Each Schl'ler player one run.
ono male nn error. Schlyllr mA.le . eight
his all nine runs ; Surprise Ifeen hIts anti
two rtitis. Score :
Schuyler . . . . . . .O 00 0 2070-0
Surprlso . . . . . . . . . 0 0 : 0 0 0 0.0 (2 ,
Earned runs : Schu'llr , : : Surprise 2.
Irlol ; Sulrlsl 7. Steen : bases : Schu-
ler , 2. Bases al balls : Off Kimnmell . 1 : off
Corhlt 2. lilt hy Kimniell . 1 Struck nut :
By Kimmnell . 8 : Imy Huld , O. Uatcl'leJ : lim-
Il1 ! antI ! almlri ; Hell and 'l'hionoas .
, 'lSNElt . Neb. , Sept . O.-SIJeclnl ( Telc-
grani.-'rhie ) WaYle base hal aggregation
came over fa play our bUrR I game. All
looked for 1 hot game . but ware Mlrpriled.
Score : to I 11 favor of'Isner , Davis' I
pitching for \\'lsmuer main feature. Umpire , . i
Pritchard. I
GHWfNA , Neb. . Sept 9-Sjieeial-'hmo ( )
Originals come dowl Sunday slid detedte,1
the Gretnn Greens hy u score of ! to 4. For
Ewen Innings I was 1\ battle between left- !
handed twirlcra . but In the eighth the
OrigInals foil on Schelle and , hated out
five runs four of which were earned. 'fll-
I'r p hold tho' Gretnas duwl tu six hits antI
allowed hit one hase o : Im'R ' ! Walter's
playIng nt second WeB : feacin. ' ' ut was
the fielding ot the Oletla tcam. Sevrm'
Originals . . . . . . 0 0 J ) 1 0 I t _ 9
Oration Greens. . . . 2 0 0 1 0 o 0 1 ( 4
hits : Originals , 1 ; Gretnas , _ 6. Errors :
OrigInals , 7 ; GretllS , 4. Double \lay :
Wailer to I.ewls. BalIs 01 bails : Off Tay-
br 1 : ol Schclle , 5. Struck out : By
'I'aylor , 9 ; by Bchelle , 8. Passed balls :
Fowler , 2. BatterIes : ' 1'a'lor and Knlckl'r-
hacker : Schello and owler. Ulillre :
Mr. Morrison .
WAIOO , Neb. , Sept. 9.-Speclnl.-Kilhian ( )
Brus. ' Clerk team won from huh Giichrist's
Invlnclbles In n one.slied contest yesterday
about eight ileR rorthl'aft of town . hY 1
score of lr to 6. FolowllA h a Wlmary of' the
game : Base hits : Clerk , :2 : : lnvimicihles 7.
Home runs : Clerks 1 ; Invincibies . 1.
'fhrlo.hnRe hits : ( 'jerks { . 4. Struck out :
By KiIan 7 ; hy Depew 9. flatteries :
Gaucher . 1'1 1llnn anti Johnson : I. De-
PCW ami Glhchurist. Umpire . : ! yle.
'IECUISEI Neh . Sept. O.-Speclal ( Tele.
gram-'he ) Iawneo City base bal tlal
outplayed the Tecumseh team here today ,
especialy at the hat. Score :
Pawnee . . . . . . . 320006000-Il
Tecumseh . . . . . . 000010010-2
'rwo.bale hit : ord. Three-hale hit :
l ' ox. Struck out : Dy Tracey , 5 : by Whited
3. . Errors : Pawnee City . 4 : Tecunoaeh 4.
Bateries : Trce ) ' and Watson : 'Vhltel ,
Conner and Conhin. Umpire : Schapers
CASE ] OI.nM 'limE CII.t3l1'IO.lil1' .
ne Itoy ' A".tn Pulls In Ills Decisive .
OOlh..t ut lunNnN CI ) .
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 9.-George Case remains -
mains the lawn tennis champion of Miasourl
Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska , ant the holder
of the Jaccard gold medal won by him last
summer . At the Dylllton club courts this
afternoon he heat Dc Itoy Austin at Omaha
' 1 some of the ! nest playing ever seen h'e
The Irst set started with both players
playing 1 warily , yet sharpl . C3He forced the
playing tram the start and was ron ahead
Austin seelll to bo warming UII and allowed
his opponent to vimi . without troubling him-
self ouarticularty. The set went to Case by
the score oC 6- :
Austn did much beter on the second set
He was then beginning tt Ind out what
CnKe' weak points were anti ho began an
offensive game. Ca" led at the start , but
Austin kept up with him until the sore was
I deuce one. Case won eventually hy the
score 8-6.
I was In the third set that Austin showed
that he had not been playing at his best.
lie braced II } decidedly / , anti , takIng all-
vantage of Cnse's inclination to let ut , , he
won lila Irt set quite handily Ul the
score 6-3.
The fourth set brought out by far the
best tennis of the day. Case began In rapid
style , and ly repeated lobbing anti smashes
soon ran the score UI to 4-1. Then Austin
gathered himo'elf together and hy dint or
the prettiest placing on the sIde lines anll
cross court rettirims. which were both swift
and accurate . ho won two games In succes-
sion , making the score 4-3. Case won the
next anti the sore was 5-3 , s'lii the set
and championship but one game away.
Austin MW his mieed of some desperate
playing and he awihy I fulfilled his own ex-
pectatlons. Some of his back Hanoi returns
were simply wonderful. I IR doubtful
whether he ever did hotter pla'lnrthan he
1111 during this set. lIe won three games
In successIon , running Case fairly of gamel
feet by his drives , The mqore was now 6.5.
Case rallied ] , hut I was oC no avail . for
Austin took the odd game aR ho had takfn
the others and the set was his 7-5.
The last set was ' 1 disappointment t. for .
Austin dill not begin to do the playing he
did n few minutes before. lIe seemed to !
play carelessly . for he kept driving the bal I
out oC court and chopping It Into the net.
When ho should have pla'ed his best hc
let ,10wn. The lt and match went to Case
hy the score 63. Summary , singles , cham-
pionship round :
George CnsQ of Kansas City beat De Roy
Austin of Omaha ( challenger ) . 63. 8-6. : .G ,
57. 6-3. _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,
Won the IUle Opentinil tIme Citnutecti-
cut State Ohuml.lou.hll )
hARTFORD , Conn. , ' Sept. 9.-Toda"s
races nt the CharIer Oak park track
rounded out a series oC twelve successful
meetings given hy the Hartford Wheel
club. Attendance , : .0. Chlcago's ' ' 1ldlet. '
Dhls . mndo a game fight for the half mie
open defeating Calanne by n length , Young
Newton ot Stafford Springs won both the
state championship amid mIle open , In the
later coming close to the worhl's record
and establishing n new state record. 'he
Ifeen mile road race , whIch closed the
day' events had ninety entries Sum-
m aries :
Mile open . class A : C. R. Newton Stafford -
ford Springs . won. Time : 2 : ( % .
Mile open class ] D : B. Bald won . Murphy
second , Cahanne third. 'lme : 2:0 : 3-5.
'rwo.mue handicap , class A : J. B. Con-
hin . Unlonvle , Conn. . 120 yards , won. Time :
4:38 : 2-5.
1Ie , state champIonship : ewton won.
Time : 2:08 : 2- & .
Half mile , open cass n : D. lilies won
Cahanno second , McDonald third Time :
1:0 : 2.5.
Halt mile , handicap , cass 11 : Jenny (2 (
yards ) won. Sims (20 ) 'ans ) second , Wells
( II yards ) third. Time : 1:01 : 4.5.
Mile handicap , class A : J. T. Kelyer ,
Springfield (50 ( yards ) . won. Time : 2:16 1.1.
Mile handicap. class B : Brndt (2 ( yards )
won. Warren (80 'arls ) second } . Harvey (15 (
yards ) third. Tlme 2l : 1-5. (5
' 'II SOIII n 1'our-Onro..1 Crl"T.
AUSTIN Tex. , Sellt. O-A cablegram was
recelvell , at regatta hendquarters tonight
from London announcing that England
would send I champion ! four-oarcd crew
over hero to the Austin regatta In Noveni-
ber to compete with the American anti
Canadian teams. The English team will
comprise harding liubear . Wingate and
Sullivan , and the ) ' will probably bring Barry
with them. GUlllaur , will he with the Cann-
Wan team and Teemer the AmerIcan. This
will be the first four-oared international
championship rowed In this country since
1 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
' 'nlklnA lome Ir"ul Emmglnmtd.
LONDON Sept. 9.-nlce und Anderson ,
members of the Boston Amateur Base Ball
cub : , sailed for home on board the steamer ,
l'arls Saturday . Mr. Lawson manager of
the clul , . who wnf.the only salarIed member
of the team enleJ lt the 0lc8 Of the Asso-
elated press today to say that he has no
grievance against Hlce or any other member
ot the team except Pantzer. Lever and
Neale Mr. Lawson said . have been given
return tickets to the United States , and he
Is tn'lnA to arrange for the transportation
home of the other members
- - -
ChINN A Jleo.t nt Cr.'stomi.
CIIESTON Ia. . Sept. O.-Speelal-The (
program for the lawn circuit bicycle race
lectn ' , to bo held In Creston Wednesday ,
[ October 2 , II being sent to race men throughout -
out the state and at points outside. There
are six races annoumiceti live open to class
"A" riders residing In the state and wihin
the prescribed 200-mile limit . and the sixth
n closed race for Union county only The
prIzes are the best offered anywhere for
class "A" events , and a large entry Is antic-
II'nted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
II'nted.EUAI"h .A rrrIother CUI' ,
YonK. Sept D.-On board the
steamer Puldn which arrived this afternoon
from firemen , was J. Arthur Brand. hut
ffeen.fot sloop Spruel IV/ was also on
b6ard sprucev hal "ale.1 ( In several
1'lllsh : races and was brought over to
compete for the international cup offered
bl the Seawnnhaka club , whose yacht
hthel Owynn , was picked out In the recent
trial races to defend the cup .
IClhle'il SI.lhll t. n Base ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 9.-Denjamln F.
] I'erl 2 years old , wal almost instantly
killed today In a bal game. lie was sliing
to second base In an amateur match when
the basemen jUIIId Into the air to catch
1 thrown ball lie dropped on Myen , his
body falling on the young man's neck and
dIslocating his splae.
InrolnK Ieteitts 9nlh'un.
LONDON. . 9-In the
LNDON. Sept - sculng match
for the championship at England and ! O
from l'tnpy to lfortake today , Harding ,
lime English champion , defeated SullIvan by
hive lengths The course wal about a mile
and R hal bug. mie
S OO for an Organ ti Huyden' ,
: " " , - - " ' " " ;
- -
WIND \ ' Ml\P \ ! ) , 1I TRACK { SLOW \
Stiff Jrec3 < fHtrforos with the Racing
nt Union Plk ,
011) ' OnePiorltc . . ' : Siinss't'ti 1.'lr"t nnl1
tutu In I et'1.rst \ Ir'nldll 'i'i tile-
J..J.r , UI ) ' "lh n
I . . .I'llh t Croatl ,
The duration of the Union park races has
been somewhat dlfnlely ! etted bt the re-
Inlulshment hy the Latter Day Saints of
their claim upon the ground Publo Inter-
eat . 'nowever , In. the races wi have some
timing to do with their continuation . The at-
tcmlance was light . Five races were carded
with from eight to ten gcod horses In each
field . The track was a lte Blow on account
of n high south whHI that seriously retarded
the finish. The two chief events of the after-
noon were the second and thlnl races In
the second rar : were Invade , Southernest .
Wild Briar . Moss ; 'Ferry alHI ranlde I ) . toss
Terry . 8 to 1 , let the field all the Way aroun:1 :
and lost on the last jump Charli Weber , 2
to 1. won by a nose. In the third race Ida
W.lgner , 2 to 1. vent the five furlons In
l:02'4 : , hal a second less than the new
record. Dandle Iern was favorite at even
money but the talent had a lot of money on
King hazel 3 to 1. Summaries :
First race , $100 purse six nail a half fur-
longs : BerthR 1. h. m. . 19 ( larO\ ) to 1.
vomm'eStbtoolc ; , eh. m. . 18 ( Credie \ ) , 8 to
1. second ; Corn Cril , hr. , g. , 10 ( Davis ) , 3
to .2. third. 'rime : 1:21\ : ½ \ . Martha Smih ,
loran lielle . Darwin Wedgewood , Vale-
dictory , Idl % "e , LillIe Lake and Arkansas
Traveler also ran.
Second race , selling . lurse , l25 , six furlongs -
longs : Charlie Veber . Jurse . . 01 ( ( telf ) , G
to 1. won : Moss Terry , ch. g. . 103 ( Mason ) , I
to I , aecond , : Southern , h. m. . 10 ( Davis ) ,
third. TIm : 1:15. : Joe 'Voolman , Pat
also 1lnhis' ran . Imo'ade'lld Briar and Frankie D
Third race . selling . purse $150 , five furlongs -
longs : ! Ida V'agmmer , b. f. 101 ( lyll ) . 2 to 1.
won ; Blanche Kern ! ( Helr ) . even money ,
second1'lng Hazel c. g , . 07 ( Davis ) . : to 1.
thIrd. 'Tlme : 1:02Amy : Lee FannIe
Hunt , Whittle , I.ala 1100kb : Iaderln and
Favorite also maim.
Fourth race sellIng . purse $150. one mile :
Theodore H , c. g. , 10. ( Iurrlson ) . 2 to 1 ,
won ; Alva . , b. A . g. ( Corder ) . 3 to 1. seconll :
Tensprln" . h. . 10 ( Hart ) . 4 to I. 1 thIrd
Time : 1:42 : % . King Mae , Ylsitim Chlector .
Fair Knight Le\ellr. jr and Ulster also
ran.Fifth race purse $100 . six and n half fur-
longs : Senator Ioiorrilb . b. h. . 12 ( Corder ) . I
to I , won : Bob Clamiiett . b. g. . 13 ( Hart ) . I
to 1. seconll : Mr. Dtmnlap : c. g . 19 ( Green ) .
4 to 1. thIrd. Time : 1:23. : Post Bo ) ' . Buenus
Ayres . . Gus Strmmuss , Imp. WOiSe and Game
Cock also ran.
FIrst mace , sIx furlongs :
Little Chap . . . . lii I'itt Leo . . . . . 114
Drill . . . . . . . . . Ill I"nnnll D . . . . . 15 14
hilly Travis . . , . 105 Con. McSweene\ . Ill
Leumhln . . . . . Ill Nellie Newborn ' . 11
Idyle . . . . . . . . .11 Bertha B. . . . . 11 10
Second race . . six furlongs :
Buenos A'r ! ' L. " . " ( ileim Luck . . . . 108
Brown Dick ! . . -o.i14 David Crockett . . 115
Cynntha . . . . . . . 103 11. A. Crocket . . . . . II 15
\ 'esthrooki'4 " 115Gray BaltIc . . . . 14
Wudgeleld . 'r. . . 151
Third raceulvo . j.urlongR :
Amento rcef\e . .m . 99 King Hazel . . . . 91
Favorite . . . . . . 9Julus C. . . . . . . s
Camie D.t. : . . ' 83 John Stewart. . . . . )7 )
J.allerla . . . . . . ' ! I Serf . . . . . . . . . 101
Whittier . . . : . . . . ) 85
Fourth race . seven and one-hal furlongs :
Ulster . . : . . . . ; . .10 MormuB . . . . . . 06
Collector . . . . . . . $110 $ Georgia limomlIn. . 9'
Mantel . . . . . . . , _ . . 93 Ahana Hamln. . . . . 107
Wyandotte . . , . . , 10'Josellhlne . . . . . 10
JOe Courtney . . . . ' ' 107 Semele . . . . . . . 98
Joe ' \oolmnll. . ' . . 99 lIla : Honol. . . . . . . 96
Imp " ] ) . . . ' 1101 .
Flth mace . six furlong :
Montela . . ) u.i. . till Put Hale ) . . . ; . . . . 111
. ' . , . , . . . . . . . .
Monk Overtai. .il Imp Jiliiet. , , . . 11
nus el Gray , . . . . lIt Bessl Yciser . . . 15
Ed Gltnn..j _ . . . lit GoDrown. . . . . 11
Sam I'arm"1810nnlo , 'Belie. . ' . . . 1
I)111)ICA'rEn'rufl6mit ciiv GhtoUIs
Mome Goool IlclnA ut tlte ' l.o"IN'II'
Jr"'hA lnrl.
LOUISVILLE Icy . . Sept O.-The Louis-
vie Fair and Driving association initiated
Its new grounds today with good sport and
a fair crowd . 1.10 people being present The
weather was I.erfecl . and the track In the
best at condition. The first race had three
scratches , whIch left only Onlua and Miss
Nelson . the former winning three straight
heats. She was time favorite In the betting
at 1 to 2. There were three scratches In
the 3-year-old trot , which Impetous won
after six heats 'he last heat WIS the best
fInish of the day , IcHenry landing Impet-
ucus under the wire n winner by n nose
tram Oakland Baron. But three heats were
Paced In the 2:2 : pace when It had to be
carrIed over on account at darkness Viomo : ,
who was the favorite got off In front In
the third heat amid at the half was showing
the way by a dozen lengths , but she qui at
the three-quarters and finIshed last. He-
cults : _
First mace 2:12 : casa , trotting , stake
$2.0 : Onarlua won In straIght heats. 'hne :
2:1. : 2:11 : , 2:1 : % . Miss Nelson was second.
No others started.
Seconll race . ; ear-oldl , trotting . free.for-
all . stake $2.Q : Impetuous won the fIrst ,
third anl sixth heats Time : 2:16. : 2:164 : .
2:21. : Oakland Baron won the Ith heat In
2:20 : and was second. Anthlnlo won the
fourth heat In 2:1 : .alI was third. 1lona
won the second heat In 2:10. : Pans ) ' Mc-
Gr.sor. also started.
Third race 2:2 : pacing. stale $1.0' ( unfin-
Ishel ) : .lamloln won the second all third
heata. . Time : 2:19. : 2:20. : Vloa : won the
IleBt 2:18. lied 2:20Y. . '
first In : d. 'I. Mlcimeumer , May
BIrd , Lucy Gordon , Jack and Clay Delia
also stnrted. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On'ncr" Uno'll i , ut Vu ret' emi I zeul
NEW YORK , Sept 0.- ' special meeting
ot the stewards of the Jockey club was held
this ufternoon. Messrs. August Belmont , J.
A. Donner Lee Knapp , James n. Keemoe
\v. P. 'lhomp80n amid F. K. Sturgis were
adopted precont. : The ' following resolutions were
" 'hereas , The stewards of time Jockey
club have rece" ; d many applications for
relnHtatement from owners , tmlncl sand
jockeys who owing to time uncertain coma-
dlton at racing In this state prior to the
enactment oC the Ilresent law , raced trained
ami rode on courses not sanctioned by the ,
Jockey club , anti :
\'herens. . The stewards recognize that
finder the extraordinary circumstances then
existing the temptaton to derive a revenue '
from their property , even at the risk uf
disqualification . Induced many owners to
do what umler other circumstances they
would not have 'lOne '
"Reohvd . That an ' opportunity bo given
alt owners trtn.emM and jockeys against
whom no .charld 'bt fraud has been estab-
lished . anti whdm4&'only offense has been
racing or rldlnl lit tan unrecognized coomrse
to be restored ; u good MnndlnJ on Ilng nn
application with .tb ( stewards at the Jockey
cluh prior to tJ.\e/nber \ / 1G , 1895. Notice Is
further given that , fin mind after September
16. 189 . any owner trainer . jockey or horse
concerned dlreHIYr indirectly , In I race
run at an unrecognized course shah he
denied the prl\1Ic of thIs general am-
. . . , . ,
Ilst ) I I. IJ j
The folowlnhl rlfuton was also adopted :
" 'hat after tHt , 11t of October , 189 . any
horse trainer br . 'tpble stopping at In unrecognIzed -
recognIzed coUrok''or any trainer traIning
tIme same , or nn ) Jockey riding tIme same
whether duriuig $ IL race meeting or other-
wise , will bo toereb , , disqualIfied ! "
Ilul ni ) ' fo'r the 1'uTorlo" .
DETROiT , stA ) crowd attended the
Windsor racd' tdl Y , but slcceeded In
picking but onlo1vurito. ' . The other races
went to I 'o'nt.lcholco and three out-
siders. : Track i' ; weather clear. Summaries -
1"1 rH t race. levtn furlongs : Dockstader
won , Kimberly end , Headlna thd. TIme :
: .
t"cond race , five nld a half furlongs : In-
specter Hunt won , Irene Woods second .
Nellie Smith third. Time : 1O8. :
Thir race , live nnll , a half furlongs :
Helen 'Vren won , Mother of Pearl second.
Somnambulist third. Time : 1:0 : .
Fourth race , live furlongs : Duchess of
Montrose won , Lad Doleful secant ) , Laura
C third Time : 1:0 . .
Filth race , five and a half furlongs :
Susie B won. Carnation second , Spitfire
third. Time : 1:0Th .
Chmolt'es Culltur..1 ( theMoumey ,
ST LOUIS 1301,1. 9.-'rbmree favorites . two
second choices and one outsider at Fair
AssocIation park today ) ' captured the events.
Summaries :
First race , purse , for Z-year-oldf. six
furongs : : 1101ie King ( ( to 6) ) won , Aunt
SuSIe i0 to 1 ) second , Flush t3 to 2) ) third.
Time : 1& : % .
Second race , selling , five furlongg : Carrie
fr _ _ _ , _ . _ . . . : _ _ _ _ ' -
( : (2 ( 10 1 ) von . Carrie t U ( I to 1 ) aecond ! ,
1'Ildonll ci to 1 third. 'rime ! I : " 4'
' .llrt reed , selling . one mie : lrohnsco (6 (
to 2) ) won , He"eluo ( I to 1) ) 1llll. Freddie
I. . ' 1' . (8 ( to 1 ) thlrll , Tlm"l 1 : l34.
I.'ourth race , "III . four 11 tl\ \ n half fur-
longs : l.aura J (3 ( ! G ) won TaRlona ( I to
1) ) second , Arlele (3 ( to 1) third. ' 1lmo : 0:57'4 : ' .
I lfh race . ilmrse , , Mix nnll n hal furlongs :
Alluel 1 ( tn 2) ) WOI , Weaver (0 ( 10 n fIC-
Dil' ' . I.ole MIlls ( : to 1 ) Ihmlrol Tllc : 1 :28\ : \ ' .
Hlxth race vurse , six furlongs : MoII'r-
0.10 (2 ( to 1 ) won li 'ellens U to 1) ) second ,
MlmmI'eu' ( I to 1) ) timlrd ! . 'lme : 1:16. :
'I'I. : : lio'l' I'I' : % 'l' S A'r S'I' , .I4)Sil'Ii.
Pul : . . .UII * Opened wih u lh'\'I1
111' ) " ' ' l'r"Jrul ,
ST. JOSI'lH. Mo. , Sept O.-Slllolal ( Telo-
gramn-'fboo olleling IIY of the St. Joe1ihi
Fair Issoelaton fall meeting was devoted to
nn immterstatt' bl.yce ! toumamoimoemot . which was
largely atelleI , and each event Was ful of
. interest Two state records were broken
ammO n state ounpacod tulle record establishmed .
I. Woo,1 of 1anla9 City makln time later
II 2:12. : The state quarter mie alIen was
loweret h I , ) ' Joseph , Ilocker jr. , of I\ansas
City to 3 : I ( 0 n II I and the state coml'et-
tiomi mile record wna cut from 2:15 : to 2:07 : 2-5
by E. : Shade of Sl. I.ouls. Summaries :
First event novice tulle : J. J. Beeeher ,
s'on' S. n , SImimmntr . second : S. H. Morrow ,
third . Time : 2:20U. :
Second , event , ( uarter mile , open , class A :
Joseph Hucker , Jr. . won : Bert hlartiimmg . sec-
onll : g. StatIc , third Time : 0:3' : .
Thlnl event Ile open class A : N. Static
wln ; Bert hackett . second ; F. I. . gber-
hardt thlnl. Time : 2:01 : 2.5.
Fourth event mile opemi class B : " ' .
. Cohur. won : Frank'itmg . second : Sam
Hocklr , tlmlm'd. Time : 2:10\ : \
FIfh I'ent. halt mile open , class A : Jo-
feph Ilocker Jr. . won ; E. I Beckman , second ;
J. J. fleechuor . thl'd. Time : i:09'4 I : .
Sixth ( event two tulle ulmen class A : J. 11.
Hoclr won : 11 I . Shade . second : ; I. Steven-
son third ' 1lmo : 5:31. :
Seventh event , five mile hanlIlcap , class
B : Fm'nmolcVlnmg won ; John Cuhurn , second :
H. 'Vood , third. 'rime : 13:5 : 25.
Ninth event , live Ile handIcap ; class A :
Fi. Static . won ; J. .7 . Beecher second ; Prell
Campbell . third. Time : 12:3.
Tenth vent , unpclll mIle : Herbert " ' 00(1.
2:12 : : Sam Iiocker,2iG'ihl - : : - - Cobumn . 2:16Y. :
iiA'il 1,1'1"1'1.1' FAiTh iN 'i'lilI l.'iGll'l' ,
Corhieft's Prit'mudsjo Not 'i'himik tt
C.rhct'N Jrh'uoIN n. 'Ih 111. I
' '
" 11 COle Oil'
NEW YOiI { . Sept . 9.-A moring paper
will print I report that Chnmplon Corbctt's
frlerts 10 not believe the fight with Fitz-
simmons wi come off . anti that consequently -
quenty he IR not In training. An IntervIew
Is given with 1al'son Davie . who says :
" 1 saw Corbet about a week ago and I
dId not like his looks. lie docs not appear
to have the life and energy which he for-
nmerly Ilossessel und his eyes weN dull anti
lIstless. I atrlblted thl' to the fact that
he had been knocking about the country n
great deal playing bali . attendIng theatrIcal
Performances , keeping late hours autO other
dissipations. Corhett Is a wOllerful man
though ammO a great fgh ter. I ho trains
and enters the ring In fit conllion there Is
mae doubt blt he will whip Fitzsinmonaotm.
Bob , however Is In great condition /t this
time . antI will put UII an awful light. I
Jim Is not right tip to the mark he may
suffer defeat I on't attach Ilch Im-
Iml'tance to what , hear ot the condition of
the two macn . for I don't belIeve they will
muect . lt least not In Texas. \'hert a gov-
eror of a state announces that he will stop
a prize fight he usually means what he
m ' 'ays anl In this instance I think Culberson
Is In earnelt , "
Another of Corbett's friemttis . AI Smith .
ays : "Ohm Jim don't necd much tratmiing
Five or Fix weeks will sullice. lie will do
ample training In time to meet his opponent
FltzslmmonH Is working hard and will do
crellt to himself but the light , It I occurs ,
will reml In n victory for Corhett. "
' 1. , . Ss'iisti tonnl Flmmisltes .
I.OUIS\'ILIAO , Sept. D-Flvo events , nIl
wih big lelds , sulced to furnish good
abort for ,2,500 people at the new LouisvIlle
b and In anti third
Jockey club today . the first
races the finishes were of the sensational
order. Time track was again fast The tal-
Int ril had the worst oC the day , for only two
fa\'orles were Irst past the Post , and one
of them Irmgomar . was at prohibitive odtis
the best obtainable lacing 3 to 5. Summaries :
FIrst race six fotrlongs . selling : glzhert
( P,4 tQ 1) ) WOn ' . Hodegap (2 ( to 1) ) second .
: tY Fonse (6 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:16 :
Second race , lve fomrlormgs selling : La-
wanda (7 ( to 1) ) won Belle of Fonlhal (3 ( to
1) ) second , Ewin (5 to 1) ) thlnl. Time : 1:02. :
Third race. one nolle . selling : Ingomar (3 (
to 1) ) won , Tom Sayre (3 ( to 1) ) second La
Creole ( ( i to 1) ) thtrd. Time : 1:42. :
Fourth race , six furlongs , selling : Yellow
Hose (8 ( to 1) ) won. Gateway (8 ( to 1) ) second
1.akota ; (6 to 1) thIrd. Time : 1:15. :
Fifth mace four anti a hal furlongs : Souf-
le (6 ( to 1) ) won Prairie King (5 ( to 1) ) second ,
Asaph (4 ( to 1) third. Time : 0:56. :
low" State Fair n.u'e"
DES .OINI ' , Sept. 9.-Sumummoaries at
state fair today :
2:2 : class . trotting : Van Evera won In
straight heats. 'rime : 2:27 : , 2:2y. : 2:26 : % .
Frank Simnoons Black hess . JerrY'H Choice ,
_ . ' Fair Oaks und Stehla
D. Zela i'imcrto . Stela '
also started.
2:25 : class . pacing : O. SIgn won the fourth
and rventh heats. Time : 2:30 : , 2:34 : * . Hex
B won the first and third. Time : 2:21 : % .
2:27 : * . \Vatem lao won thc fifth al\l , sixth.
Time : 2:31 : . 2:3t : % . Flora Alden won the scc-
onl\ , 'rime : : < 2-5. ( Uniinisiaed. )
2:2 : class . trotting : Durngo hello won
three straight heats and the race. Time :
2:25 : , 2:26' : . , 2:21 : % , Elena Ben Durant Ida ,
G , Grove C and Live Oak Girl also started.
" 'iihlnuumn JICllh'N to Quif .
GALESI1U1LG. Ill. . Sellt. 9.-AI at the
trotting races at C. W. WillIams' track have
been declnretl off and time track will be
cIoed. This action ImaC beemo decided upon
because of the sinaI ! nomniber of entries.
Williams has received offers from several
otimor places and will accept omie of them ,
hmavimog decided to leave Galesburg.
Cruati hits ii hiutil Lu'j' .
NEW YO1t1 , Sept , 9.-John V. Crum , the
sprinter , mny moot be moblo to represent the
New York AthletIc club at the international
genies. While running in the specIal 100-
yard race at time Ne' Jersey games on
Labor day lme wremmchted his leg just as lie
reached the tape , amid it still troubles hun ,
Ii I CYCLI3 I ) 1iA lElt I N 'i'll 0 UJI 1,11 ,
: n. 0. Itixomt Citztrgi'I ovilli 1iiiIu'zzht-
iuit'tit iu' Jtmmmuoltler 3lztuuuifntmmr.'rs.
M. 0. Daxon , bicycle dealer , w'iuose place
of bualtiess has been at 401 North SIxteenth
street , was arrested ysoterday afternoon on
.a warrant issued from time office of Justice
of the Peace Cockreil , chaarglumg himmi with
oaobezzlenacmit. TIme complainant is the attorney -
tornoy engaged for Gormuiiy & Jeffery corn-
pan > ' , bicycle manufacturers of Chicago.
Late last night Daxon was released on a bond
of $2,000 to guaramotee his appearance this
Thmo complainant In this case charges that
Daxouo embezzled in tIme neighborhood of
$1,200 to $1,300 , but says he is unable to
give the exact anaotmnt which it is alleged
bias been embezzled , as he has not as yet
been able to examine limo books of Iaxon ,
In adtlltlon to this time company alleges that
laxon is indebWl to it in the sumum of $6,500
or $6,700 , wlmlcli will make the total in
which Daxomo is in arrears in the neighborhood -
hood of $8,000.
Daxon has been the agent In this city for
the Gormully & Jeffery company bIcycles for
several years. Attorney Charlton , who represents -
resents time company , says Daxoa Is indebted
to the firma in a considsrable sum , but the
account had been allowed to run until a few
days ago , when it was discovered that he had
given chmattbo umortgagos for lila entIre
iiroperty , including a i'ortion ' of the stock
wbolcio lie load received from the firma. On
last Friday these mortgages were foreclosee
and Daxon's store shut tip. TIme unortgageea
svero Rector & Whuilhoelmy of this city , who
held a mortgaga for $1,500 , aumtl Andrao &
Son of Milwaukee , who held a mortgage for
Of the portion of time debt , $6,500 , Dxon
has turned In aCCOUnts regularly to the firm ,
but of the 1,200 which hoe is charged with embezzling -
bezzling it is said that io itas not pursued
the samno pan , It is cimarged that he has do-
celved the firm regarding his sales anti that
time ) ' knew nothing of his finaumcial cotmditioa
ummtll he bad given chattel mortgages to ho
firnu , who finally foreclosed on time propsrty ,
Before causing the arrest of Daxon it is
said that a formal demnand was unado uron
him to eIther liquidate the debt or to turn
over to the firm tbo note3 and money which
hue had recaved in exchange for the firm's
bIcycles which tie lied cold. Much of tIme
stock was sold on tIme instahimont plan anmi
Ilaxon hold moan ) ' notes , It is alleged that
Daxon refuse4 to accede to time proposition
ead that thereupon the complaint charting
him with embezzlement was filed before Jut-
lice Cockreii.
Daxon was arrested last nIght and was
brought immediately before Justica Cockreli ,
About 11 o'clock he succeeded In obtaining a
bond , which load been set at ; 2 000 , stud wss
released from custody. J. F. Wilhelm > '
signed the bond ,
Tent-a to rent. 1313 Farnam street.
- . &j -
- . - -
c $
One of those great big
pieces of
' ILttle A
Fc 10 cents ;
MAiCIIS 'IitlUilLlI 1)lt li'iIitYhiOlY.
Coumphit.mtfiomip. Gro's-1ng Out of a
Board 11111 mmmiii it DIg lrutft
Theodore h1gemanmm , a commissIon merchant -
chant , was arrested last night by 1)etectlve
hudson on time chuarge of obtaining money
under false pretenses. The complainamot in
time case is Mrs Fred Wirth of tIme City hotel ,
although from all accounts Mrs. Wirtit was
not out a cent. Time case , however , is a
comnpltcatetl one and will need tile assletaumce
of several attorneys to ommiravel , Hegernann
was later iii tIme mmigltt released under boumds ,
and left the police statlomi with threats of
beginning danmago suits , not only against
time comuoplainant , but also agaitmst time arrest-
tag omcer.
Fred Wirth runs time City hotel , and among
his lodgers bias been a luau named Theotiore
Johtnson , who has been boarding at time hotel
for tIme last five weeks. Johnson has run
up big debts at the hotel , as lie has spent
mmaomooy lIke water , html he has always
liquidated them as soon as he received money
from his houmae Imo tht old country , wimero he
seemed to have a perennial spring of coin.
During time last week or two lie accumu-
hated a debt of $400 , which lie promIsed to
pay as soon as hue received amiothiem' remit-
tatmce from his imommoe. Time remittance In
time suni of something over $700 arrived yesterday -
terday in time shape of a draft on a. New
York bank.
As soon as Johnson announced that the re-
mnittanca arrived Wirth nmade a proposItion
to him that ho turn over time draft to him ,
saylmg : that lie would cash it , amid after tak-
lag out the debt Johnson. owed would return
the remainder to him. Johnson , however ,
turned the draft over to Ilegeumianmi , who was
a countryman of his. Wirthm and his wife
inammmediately junmped to time commchusiorm that
Jolmmison was tryimig to defraud them at the
instigation of llegenmann and caused tIme or-
rest of Hegernanmi on time clmarge of obtaining -
ing mnommey under false pretenses.
Time > also hired two constables to guard
Jolmmuson , o'lmo was renooveti to his rcommo iii
an intoxicated comitiltion. These constables
claimed thmat they mad also arrested Johmnsomm
on the charge of obtaining mmioney under false
pretenses , although tIme > did not remove him
to the police station.
When Iiagemann was released fromu custody
ho was mnmuchm enraged. lie said that Johnson
hail come to him vItit tue request teat he
hmelim 1dm cash the draft , as Ito knew mme one
in the city. lie stated that Ime had mia talon-
tlomo of instigating Johnson to beat his bill ,
and that time % Vlrths sImply feared t'itat they
would not get. tIme entire amnoomnt of thue
check. lie threatened to sue them for damages -
ages anti also Detective Hudsomu , who placed
hIm tinder arrest.
Later 1mm time evening tIme aoatter was discussed -
cussed by people about tIme hotel , one of
vlmoni was an old soldier named J , W. Saw.
hill. Imo time warmth of time argument Saw-
hill put hms ! fist through a pane of gias iii
time door , severImmg an artery iii Ida hand.
lie was arrested on time charge of beiumg
drunk anti mmaahiclously destroying property ,
' ' ' ' ' ' '
1ali'Olt'l'.t'i' ahlSII'i'INll ,
iuttIt ' , Viird (1iIat'mts hmivli'tI * fo Meet
Veulttt'sdity Nlgit * .
Voters of the Ninth ward of the city of
Omalma are hmereby invited to attend a meet-
immif at tIme Ninth ward Imall , Twenty-ninth :
and Farnamu streets , opposite time Famnano
street school house , Wednesday evening at
S o'clock shtarp , in the interests of lImo CIti-
zeus' league reform movement.
'l'Iuirul W'mirti (11 * lze'tts Invited.
Voters of time Third ward of tIme city of
Omaha are hereby invited to attend a grand
rally at , Knlghts of Labor itoh , 112 8ouiim
Feurteentim street , Septemmiber 15 , 1893 , FrIday -
day evening at 8 o'elook sharp , in the biter.
eat of the 'Citizens' League Iteforma mmaove-
noent. B. Rosewater , Robert W. Itichardeon
anti other speakers will address hme imoeeting.
CIIAJILES F. WELIiBIt , Prasitient.
\VILLIAM II. hUNTERSecretary. _
F'i ret 1'ttr.l CII iemis' b'utgte.
Time First \'arti Citizens' League club will
meet at National hmmmli. Thirteentht amid SVII.
llama streets , at 8 o'clock tlths evening for
the purpore of perfecting a permnanemmt or-
J. W , IIAIITOS , Pres. pro tern.
D. II , SIIANAIIAN , Secretary pro tern.
p -
Simmita Fi' 'l'rnluis hit'ltimmd 'l'I mmmc' ,
TOPEKA , Sept , 9.-The heavy rain lait
nlght caused thir , Santa Fe much troubo be-
Lwee'mo lteadltmg and 14umige , two small stations
this side of Pimamporia. Sand anti gravel were
vasIme0 over the track and a bridge wronchmcd
out of place , although It did imot leave the
abutnmemmts. Time night tralmir did not get
throught until almost noomm teds : .
- - - -
Ilaydemm's save as 'high as 200 out pianos.
AJollin cm's
Supplied under Royal Warrants to
her Mojosty the Queen of England ,
and to ma Itoyal Highness the Prince
of Wa1oi.
= - -n t
Boyd's New Theatre.
TONIGHT Tuc'tday ,
Scptctitbcri 0 ,
Last imorfornmammc'c of
And her Pimenounemini Company In the
EverythIng Now. Lcgoiiar Prlcc , .
Sale of Rents now oimen at um.ual prtccs-25o
51k , TSc mind hl.00.
i3oYDs I Coiimmimciiciiig 'ritrce Nights
Thursday , Sept. 12.
henry irvimmg's dramatic version of Goethe's
subbimo Imispirutiomo ,
' - "
: w-T ,
Introducing the Popular Itomamitic Actor
Showing :
Time Brocken Paradise
The Electrical JiuoI ,
TIme Descent Into hiades , Etc.
The acknowledged unasteu' acimia'emiient of
the 19th century. Sale of neats svihi Olefl
Wednesday unormilng at usual riccs.
Tel. 1531-I'tx't'oN IIUROIISS , Mzrt
Iteturn Engagement of time
Jirecticmt of GUS'l'AVII FIIOIIMAN ,
, TONIGHT AT 8:15 ,
Sardoti' Brilliant
amoci Matinee t1IVILu
DcMiIIc Ilolasco'
Thursday eve Fatuous Comimedy Dratnim ,
F'ri.ny evening -rim.-
and Sattmr'ia evening ' ) ' mat I IlL IJ I. CHARITY DAt !
PmoiucI , by ttpecmni arrangemnent witmo tit.
New York Lyccmmuo titeatre.
Comuuimig Sept. 18-18-Tue Dorhy Wittner
Amid every imigiit titcrcaftcr ,
P au ' 1 ' S Military ( hmmrgeotms '
asto'ttocii ) _
! ; 11li1-
% \ :
ople , 12 acres beautiful scenery.
Stmimerim sioecIahtIe , ( 'mtko walk , Duck ntl
Wimmg Dances , Ampimitimeimtro settlIng 10,000
peoilC. Management timilverslty dml , , .
htt.ser'eul S'it I 'l'iu'hu'ls itt IC I utshcr'l
Di'uim : Shire , I ( lilt nmnt Futrutmiutu ,
- - - - - - - . - , - . - - ' - , - . . - -
, .ad the man.ltti.
I- 1tmn4y CALTHOO tr.t" , uiii , i
r. N lzal guirsnto.batCsm.ajmjj , .l1l
- . STO ) .1. , , nI..I.n. ,
I '
, uiiI it'EiTOmtl * Lost i'ior ,
L'sdIand/.a.yfsa1iifi'J. .
! 1 u At1ts. VO MOHL. Co
. I. _ 5 a , ) , .trinn ( , ) . . , , Limo ,
. . . ,
r. , , - - - - , -r - ' .
fir , C GEE WO
MftltcS Special i'ricc
for Ncat 39 Days.
- - - And aUAIt.NTJ1Ed to
- - cure every case or is-
( unlo the unoumeyauchi
as ltlmomniatlaai , Ca-
tmorrh , gldtmey , Llvcr ,
1emalO slid JtIathlr
Troubles , uutmI eli 1r1-
'atO dl.a5 at beti
, . . Tiara und semen. Thu
. wonderful doctor hiat to
. . - - reut riputiction ( or
curIng people of acute or chronic dla ° ioaeu. Any.
or , , oshe Is h&lc and visits hIm can see his won-
dertut mellcinu'a , whitclt Is nature's puot l.tne4les ,
sult its isids , tlawers anh Itrb.oC which lie knqws
. , . retmiedleu. IVitli 14
lim. action t'f 5.01 * dtffrrent
v.'ara' of prmorllca and 6 ) earl of lust tin , . In
bmaiua has riven him a rrpmmtstlon bncksd by
thntiand. of testimonlaiq curutig iVE1tY ChlAit.
A"rIIli nr , ilmrase. Consultation free. Send 5-
t'pnt stamp for hook uinl qusottous Pianks. lilt.
( _ ali Wa , ciiluEmsii MIIIJICINII CO. , 619 N.
lt'm at. Omaha. Nab ,
_ . , . . . . . , ,
- arna.aS ' - --t----------- - - .7'