- _ . _ . : ' . . . . . . THE OMAHA : DAILY BEE. . 1 . . . - p rAnLJSIIED : JUNE 19 , 1871. 01\IAllA \ , SATURDAY MORNING , : SEPTEMUER 7 , 1895. SINGLE COPY FIVE OEN'rS. . TIIlNIS' { ' TAIIANY WILL \ \ WIN \ I I Chauncey Depew iB Also Confident the Re- I J ' publicans Will Carry the State . - , ' BUSINESS PROSPECTS ARE IMPROVING 'I r - , nfre 'orl.1 I'nterlll Ullln nn Ern , of l'rl"ll.r1)-I : ' r.MM.M th" ,1 OJllnlln Ireinnit'IIL Get 1 home - utile. . : j LONDON Sept. 6.-Hon. Chauncey M. Depew ha returned to London and he eaw ; , Mr. Richard Croker today. Mr. Depew eat In t room at the Savoy hotel tonight and tallell In a characteristc way of his experIences broat1. "I came to Europe to see nobody , " sail he , "and consequently I see every one. I saw Mr. Croker toay , who told me that he Is re turIng to New York to take an active part In the campaign. Mr. Croker Is very conl- dent that Tammany will elect its whole ) \1" ' ticket , and he bases his confidence on a be- I hat that the reformers and the republicans I wi not be able to pull together , as was the case In 1891. I we era unable to nlhere , to the combinations of 1801 ? $ Mr. Croker's opinIon Is right. Tammany , In that eVlnt , I wIll elect all the judges , the county ticket , the senator 01)1 most of the assemhlymen. , I believe that the state wll go republican , all that we have a pretty sure thing for date. electing " the republican presidential candi- ? Mr. Depew was asked about an article ] which appeared In the London TImes on 1 TI'esday on Mr. W. C. Whitney's presidential ' chances. Mr. Depew said : "I really do not S. believe : lr. Whitney wants the democratic , nrnninatlon. The fact that tIme nomination Is not sought for shows the slim chances of the democrats. " Uegardlng his own trip Mr. Depew said : ' 1 "I hail the usual good time at hamburg , where I dined twice with the prince of Wales. From there I vent to Ilurd s and 1111 a mlraclc-at least they called I a mlrace. ] I made rlulo a lengthy tour aho In Germany , . France and Deglum. ] There Is a great Improvement - : provement In business manifest In all three of these countries , and likewise In nglanl. , The whole worll will experience an era of prosperity In the next five or six years , the I United ! States especially. Indeed , It has already - , really sta.ted. We have just reaped the greatest crops In our history. Wages are voluntariy being Increased and our securities I are Increasing In value and , arc being sought L for hy foreign Investors. I find that Eurone Is rapidly r"galnlng confidence In American socurfliea. " Mr. Depew was asked by his Interviewer t what his observations showed to be the , . , status of the Irish question , to which he re- ' piled : "I think thq conservatives. who have come Into power In I'nglan.I : , will give Ireland - land home rule tn some shape , probably just . : as good as the liberals would have given. Just like otmrscivcs the English are peculiar and wanted to be fooled. I 18 not the medicine to whJch they object providing the label on the bottle Is satsfactol ) ' . " t Congressman Payne of New York Is also In 1.lnelon ( on hiI n.tur trout a two months' . tour of the contfnent. lie said to a reporter of the Auoclat1 press tonight : "ly views as a protectonist have been greatly strength- enOl by I lur of Europe. The cheapest thing on the continent seems to be men. They . . arc cheaper than horses. " , - " CAS'1iIAI CMl'JDhlN'IS VAU'OS. ftllnl"h StU.IUlln ( IX'liIIiieN , Ser ' \'CI' " ' ' 1lh t Iit Sllnl.1 ( emmersil. IIAVANA , Seill. 6.-Senor Jmlo Castelar . who was , prcideut of the executive powcr In Spain after tha abdication of Jlng Amadeo In ISi3 , line written a , highly com- plmentur ) letter to Marshal Martinez de Copipos. In this letter Senor Castelar ex- pleases his admiration of the courage , heroic self-denial and nobleness of heart whIch he ascribes to the captaIn general lie dc- cares ] that the prestige which de Campos enjoys Is recognized , throughout the world by his own g'mieratiou . which Is rich In notable ] mcn. Castelar odds an expression of faIth that the bohtnees. strategic knowl- edge and dcep political ideas of Marshal tier r Camllos ) , qualities which arc recognized even by hIs enemies , wi soon give place t' Cuba and strengthen the fraternal tcs whlc' unite this beautiful Island with her not loss golly mother , Spain Marshal dp Can\o ' has replied that he Is not entitled to the praise entted so liberally be- , stowed by senor Castelar. This only aspira- ton as a soldier Is to his duty , whIch , he considers , Is never entirely Ilformed ; to his satisfaction. 1e expresses the belief that ' Senor Caslelar's complimentary letter Is In- 'splreel hy I hmlt feeling of loyalty as a Spaniard , Tllnforccll by his splendid fanc ) ' . The insurgents have burned the ralwa ) ' station at Alto Grande , about ten miles from $ RZlma 10 Grando. nie. The column of Telnet has had 1 skirmish with the ball or Sanchez near Viana In whch ! the Insurgents lost two killed. Asp ) ' was nlo calture,1 , at Sagua. 'fhe Dolonel'on volunteers ha\e had one or their n'nber ' wound el In 1 sktrmmmisim General Campus ha sailed on the Via Verde for Cayo I rancs. The insurgents derailed 1 train near Santo Domingo. province of Santa Clara by which five persons were wounded. The band then fred upon the traimi but were repulsed by 1 detachment of the civil guards. The engine I was destro"ed. _ _ 'iti'Ciirt hr u..r.I" t lie lIenlite. IUmIN. Sept. G.-The Parliamentary election - ton In thE South division of Kerry , where EO much bitterness was caused ' b ) th.m nomination of a candidate by tim 1enlylea In opposition to the candidate previously IHlt forward by the followers of Mr. Justin McCarthy , has resulted In the choice of Farrell , the : lcCarth.le nomInee , 1.209 votes against 17 votes cast for Murphy , time Heah'lo candidate. S"lllth ) ' ror" G..1nn t.aiimorers . CAHDj'1" Sept. G.-The Trades Union con. ; Gross In MSston today passed a resolution by unanlnous vote of the dbll.ates protesting against Emperor William's Interference \ iLls , the liberty of t\ pros and expressing 'ym- pathy with the workingmen of Gernuny In theh' struggle for iibarty. . . . .h."t 1'lr'.I..1 for Sinn.h'r. PORTLAND , Ore. , Sept. G.-Archbishop Wilam H. Ores has unfrocked and sus- Ilemlell from the priesthood Father Id. J. Kely , In charge of I parish at Cedar Mule , for slandering Eev . Mother WIHan1. In dlarge of I reful home for omen located 1 In this city . July 1 time Oregonian pub- 1lshll a descripton of St. Mary's orphan asylum al 3eaverton commendlll Sister Wiiilams. Father Iell' , In a number of . cmmuullatons , severely Irlclsel 'Ier. Archbishop Gross requested Father Kelly to retract. lie refu'cdnd his lu1llension fol- low ed l. a- - Cmitlt' 11"t. . 1..t'01Ill litthil. OHEm.EY. Colo" , Sqlt. C-CaW rustlers arC said to bl OIHatul very boldly lu this vicinity. On \'cdusday a party was trailed across the country ip l the lolday ranch In the northern II3t of WeIll county. ali twen- A ty.two cowl were found shot on the way j olul twent-tlx unbramlell caLves were found j . . In the 10111y corral. lolday had ( I " capell , but the cow mOi are nft'r him. Serl- I . Qua trouble Is expected . . before lonG. - . I 1"nrJ' " 'itts'rsuii ( Jut or h'oiitle. . NODLES\ILLI , Ind. , Sept C.-lon. Henry ; : . \S'atteriiomt , In an interview hero Ilnl&'t , : Itattd that ho had . decided to cntrey ; retire m from politics. Under no crcumltancel , ho \ ald , would he mak any further political speeches , and he further stated that It was \ t , hIs Intention to ' to Europe next year to , void participating In the nltonal causpaIn. )111 C.U''lcJm FOR MIt. J1' SI1 M"'llonnrle" $ tl Chinn Appeal to the Unlh.cl 1tnt. " for Amtslmmnce. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Sept C.-President E. P. Pearce of Kentucky Wesleyan college at Winchester today received the following stirring - rinK letter from Dr. C. F. ReId of Shanghai ChIna , cItizen of the United States and pre- siding elder of the ShanghaI district Methodist church 80ulh : SHANGHAI , Aug. 10.-0nly two weeks ngo tommy I sent you an account of the Szechuen outrages , and today I am senl- , log you accounts of the mlMCre at Iu Chln ! 11\1 our mInister acted PromptlY and adequately In the first caNe the second woull probably not have occurred , an,1 , we should have been spared the fpectncle of eight young and consecrated women dragged from their bees and , brutally mas- sacred , helpless ] infants hacker to death and bed . 1 faithful servant of God burned , In his I I am sending these accounts In the hope I that you wi ue them where they wIlt ra the most good. I wish I could put my , copy In the hanels of every editor , every congressman and every other man who has Interest lit the welfare of the church or the honor of his coultr ) ' . 'Ve don't seek for revenge , but we do ask for justice ali the protection whIch every American has a right to demand . anti , no civilized nation hus a right to wIthhold from Its humhlest citizen . Foreigners In China are unanimous In the belief that n little prompt and vigorous action would at once put an ell to these th I ngs. We have lost nIl hope of help from the legatlon at Peltng and we are now appeal- Ing directly to Washington. Will you not help us ? Unless lmethln/ Is speedily done wo shall have to abandon all our Interior - terior work which represents so many 'earA of toif nml sacrIfice. In our opinion the acton required at this time Is the appoIntment at 1 strong commissIon - missIon wIth such rank and authority as wi enable them to try and fix the guilt 01 the highest or the guilty ones. To punish a fc.w cooles wIll he more than useless. \Ve must go to the source of these troubles. which Is found In some of the hhhest 01 those In the empire. C. R. REID. NEW YORK , Sept. C.-A special to a , local paper from Washington says the United States will institute a separate investIgation of the Chen/ Fu missIonary outrages. I Is said that this government has become tired ef the delay In the present method of procedure - ceduro being carried on by the Chinese government - ernment and wi endeavor to secure the r'ght to have its own consular authorItIes make 1 special investigatIon . specal Invcst aton. hONG KONO. Sept. G.-The leader of the Ku Cheng riots In which a number of Englsh anti American missionaries were kIlled . has been arrested. An attempt was male by qhlnese solelers to kidnap this person In hope of securing the rewarel which ha,1 , been offered for his delivery to the authorIties . The total number of arrests thus far of those concerned In the Ku Chenl massacre Is 130. Twenty-three of the num- ber have been convIcted but up to this tIme sentence has not been passed upon Iny of them the viceroy of Ku Cheng demanding , . , , , . , , . , demamlng fhp rlOhl tn rpvl"u Ihp " " 11. . " , .1.,1 n' w . . . . ' 'U U " ' 'uU " < YU. . . the trial : GltEll'l'OhtS .1 TEI RH\'E'S MOSEY. t'rocet'mlIis ' \ nll.t thc liar mind CI"1 hI tl' H"IHI"I 'smmifls. CITY OF MEXICO , Sept. G.-Manuel D3r- role , one of the seconds of Colonel Romero In the famous duel , has fed the country and Is now In the republic of Santo DomIngo. Efforts for his extraditon wIll be made. E Tlempo tonight says the case of Rowe brothers thc defaulting officials from Iowa Is assuming a serIous international Interest . The American creditors are takIng proceedings - Ings to secure possession of theIr bar room and to obtain possession of money In safety deposit vaults here . Virgil Howe , who built the Oregon Short : Line r.ly , and was the chief engineer of time UnIon Pacific , has been examining the Tphauntepec-ltonal railway In behalf of on English syndicate . which proposes to pur- chase the Inc If arrangements can bo made with the government The press complains that the reform laws i have been openly violated In the state of Vera Cruz \ hero In one tOWl there was a , prcesdon'ln honor of the VIrgIn of Carmel I and also dance lii l her hemmer by the Indians. The reform law was again infringed In ec- clesiastcal honors publicly rendered at the Jalapa state capitol to Bishop Pagaza. The Constitutional Reform club has called attention to these acts of Catholic clergy , demalllng their punlshmcnt. E. n. Crabtree , chief engineer of pot works at Vera Cruz , Is down wln the black vomit. The eleath rte from fever at Vera Cruz Is exceptionally heavy and thE \ort contractor' are sending their sIck employes to the Spanish hospital. I Is noted that the patients ,10 not perspire well and this tim. mInces fatal results quickly . HiIIh'l'ISG 'V\l ; U\.lEIUAL TO CUII.t. Lmmrtt' Qnlltlh' " or IIIIICN hull C.u.t- . ' I'ateli for th. . rJ.hn' 1.1..1. . ro. Itismirgeimis. NEW YORK , Sept. G.-The Press says ; Yesterday aHeroon word was received by Tomaso Estrada Palma of a large consign- ment of arms for the Cuban Insurgents which would be shipped from New Orleans this mormmlng A message also came from New Orleans to a secret agent of the Spanish government. According to these dispatches 3.00,0 : ( Hemlngton rifles and 300.000 cartridges were to be shipped to a small Cuban port. These haL been lying on the Charles street wharf In New Orleans for several days , packed In barrels of flour. Inlnedlatey ] after midnight , .Imcj' dispatch sold , a lIghter would leave the wharf and when the lIghter reached a point seven mIles from the shore the arms and ammunition woudl be transferred to the large ccean tug Restless , which would start for Cuba forthwitim. Before G o'clock last nIGht the Important news was In possession of a Spanish agent. Mr. Palma did not know that the secret had been discovered by the enemy. At midnight It was not known whether the shipment hael been prevented. The secret agent In thIs city . It Is said , pro- Ilosed to walt until the Restltes should have got outside the three-mile limit before havIng her pounced upon by the Spanish gunboat. . nl.\IIIXn 1 01 AIEIIO.\X SOIL . Gr"11 Il ri Itt I mm . Show" 1 HI"IIO.Iol to hhi'liu herself 10 'l'errftor ' . .1'111 . . .U 'I'.rrl 0" ) SEATTLE , Sept. G.-J. W. Kummer has just retnrue(1 ( from Alaska on the Tope- kamet On the steamer , upOI the return trip wel'e two young EnglIsh boundary sur- ve'ors , returning from a two years' stay In the field. Mr. Kummer lays : "I asked one of them If It was not a fact that the IlrpoHe of taking photographic views WeS to establish a supposed mountain range , and he replied that It was repled . , " 'Is there not a ( lefnel rang thirty marine , , leagues from the shore ? ' I asked " 'There Is none ; one could as well be established , , anywhCre , ' he answered . " ' . 'Of your knowledge , tie you not think EnJlaml la really encroaching , : upon American terrier ) ? ' waa m ) ne.'tt qucston. ! "Salmi ho : 'I am a loyal subject of the queen , but I must admit that a very grasp- log spirIt Is beIng shown alll that evidence of a boundary Is being , manufactured . ' " - - - - ( X TilE " ' . \01 I UJ PILIIlUSThltS. Xu Sl"llleltl" Signs or 1 HaIti ou Ilw11 Yet Vislbit' . SAN DIEGO , Cai , Sept. 6.-Heterrlng to the dispatch from Chicago that the hawaiian cOlllul there hall notified nil PacIfic therL notned 11 Pacifc coast cornmnhssior.ets that conlnlulonels auother filibustering ex- Iledlton was about to leaw this cost for Hawaii , Collector F.'hor says he has not us yet received such information , hut a close watch Is Idng maintained. 'ha IJ'esen of the falr.oul schooner Waiml- berg and two or three swift schooner yachts about the flzl of the Wahlblrs , from up the coast , hal Ilrobably arouEerl suspicIon. 'lucre Is no revenue cuter here and absOlutely nothing to hinder arms aim-i ammumsunitlon being placed In boats anti ef : the Ichoauera belug loaded at lea Iy . fishing rmack. Su&&ir 't'rust Ieeleres n Dh'I.I'ut. NEW YOnK , Spf. e.-The dlrectr of the American Sugar Refining company hIve de- claed the regularly quarterly dividend of 3 Iler cent oa the common and H , per cent on the preferred atock' , paablo October 2. WILL \ HOLD ALL ThEY WON \ German-American Veterans Given Assur- nnce Their Valor Was Wen Spent SIGNIFICANT REMARK AT A .KOMMERS Emlleror1111 , \ ' ill Not Aluw time C.rmll ; I.'rout.r to lie Ulmln- Islieti . Sas General Ioe to Amc.hn. ! BERLIN , Sept. C.-A grand kommers was given this evening In honor of the visiting Oerman-Amerlcan veterans of the war of 18iO-7 2,000 people being present , Including Generals Loc , Erpous , noguslowskl and Sase. The band played the "March from Tann- hauser , " time "Star Spangled Danner" and "Yankee Doodle " TIme banners of time different - ferent veteran societies , Including the Amer- lean , were brought In . and time band played the "Entry to Paris" march. Cheers were given for the emperor and a telegram expressIng - pressing homage was sent to his majesty. After the singing of songs the AmerIcan visItors - Store were presented wIth a silver wreath . bearIng tie figures " 25. ' President Schlecker of the Chicago Veteran association , In returning thanks , sold time celebration did not consist only of the handful of persons present , but of all the military associatIons of German-Americans , and " all Germans who upheld Germany abroad. "He dlclared that the receptIon there wotld brIng blessings not only upon their comrades but upon all Germans abroad. lie then placed the wreath upon the banner of the society. General Lee , In replying to President Schlecker , called upon their comrades In , America to preserve the spirit of 1870 , and to I announce to the country of their adoptol' ' that the emperor stands at Oermany's head and will not allow the German frontIer tv be . dim inisimed . After a festival march , conducted by Mr. Kalblt of Chicago its compcser , had been performed , and General Erpous' wife , who was born In Brooklyn recited an orIginal poem , entItled "Oermanla and Columbia , " lit- the bunches of silver laurel leaves were presented - sentel to each of the Americans , who will go to Ielpslc today. GAVE 10YJrLTY A WELCOME. STETTIN , Sept G.-Emperor WIlliam reached this city on barti the dispatch boat GrIlle . Almost simultaneously ] the en press arrived by railway train. The streets werL throned with people and the boats In the harbor were elaborately decorated In honor of the hnnerlal visItors. Tim . "mneor anti Im _ press andthmelr slllte"s rode i through - time ' " -riii- clpal streets of the city In carriages. The route was lined with school chIldren . and everywhere the greatest enthusIasm was evinced. At a trIumphal arch which had been erected In front of the rathaus the burgomaster read on address of wclcome. Upon arriving at the caste Emperor William revIewed the guard of honor and sube- qnsnty held a reception which was atended b ) the civil fummctiomiarics. At a banquet this evening Herr Von Koeler , president of the provincial Diet , proposed a toast to the em- peror and compress In which he praised the loyalty of Pomerania In prosperity and arl- verslty. In conclusion ho called for cheers for their majesties . In replying to the toast Emperor Wilam said : "My Dear President Van Koeler : In the words you have jnst spoken you have given expresslou to the sentment of Pome- ranIa , amid with a Joyful heart I hasten to convey to you , In the uame of the empress amid myself , most cordial thanks. "ThIs Is the first tIme I have summoned the Pomerania corps In order to test Its chit. ef- ciency. I recall the year and the day when another stood here : .vhen the enthusiasm of lime people greeted the great emperor , no longer among us. I remember-you all re- member-the hours when the majestIc and prIncely figure moved among us ; when Herr Von Koeler was treated with distinction and favor by my grandather ; when the two eras and two generations met , which have now passed. thy the side of the great emperor I recall the figure of my lamented father only the governor of Pomoranla , In the ' spiondid uniform of the cuirassiers. You see , gen- temen , how many ties there are between you anti my house and my person , and In how close a relationship Pomerania stands to us . A hot fght was lought by my ancestors to unite this splendid country German to the core. So , now , the reel griffin Is found In the ame coat at arms with the red ea'lo. " The burgomaster then made an address In which he thanked their majesties for their vl81t and touched upon the IndustrIes of Stet- tin. In reply to the adlress , the emperor In return touched l\on the development of the port of Stetn anti promised to do : all In his power to advance the welfare of Its citizens. . C. USE OF A V\ll 1 CAILISEIL. " " . .11 IlemmrJburIJimt lUCK nt Cma.lemauibiuiu , Hnl ) ' . CADENAIBA , Italy , Sept. 6.-W4hliam Henry Hurlbut Is dead. He was born In Charleston , S. C. , July 3 , 1827 , was graduated at Harvard In 1847 , at the Divinity school there 1 1849 and then studied In Rome Der- Ito and I'aris After a few years In the UnItarian mInistry he entered Harvard law school In 1852 , In 1855 was a wrier on Put- nam's magazine and joined the staff of the New York TImes In 1857. WhIle visiting the south In 18Gl he was arrested b ) a vIgilance commlteo In Atlanta . Imprisoned for 1 time and then released , but he was refused a p3SS- port except upon condltom' with which he would not comply , and finally Ln August , 1862 , made his escape through the confederate lines and reached Washington. lie became connected with Ule New York World In 18G2 and In 18G4 purchased the Commercial Ad- vertslr , Intending to publish I as a free trade paper , and his associates falling to agree , the paper was Fold to Thurlow Weed lIe went to Mexico In 1866 anll was Invited to the capital by Maxlmmillian. lie represented time New York World at the World's faIr at ParIs In 1867 and the Centennary Festival of St. Peter In nome , and In 187 ncompanle : the United States expeditIon to Santa DomIngo during which time he published a very complete history of that Island. In lSiG-S3 he was editor-in-chief of the World and In the latter year , when Joseph PulItzer bought the World he went 10 Europe I , where he has since chiefly reelmied . He has contributed - tributed largely to American ammO Drltsh periodicals and has publIshed several works , besides hymns and poems. Iteftises to I""t'nl ills Itlntlt- . PAnIS , Sept. C.-The man who attempted to explode a bomb In the vestibule of the Iothschlhl hanklng house yesterday still re- ; , fuses to reveal his IdenU . All that he will say Is that he If a deserter from the arnmy I , In the hope of obtaIning luformaton as tote I the man and his antecedents tte P9lco wi : distribute 500 photographs of him throughout I I.'ranee. Analyss of the contents of lime bomb I taken from the prisoner show that It WIS . I composed of sIxty to severity grammes of chlorate of pOlasslum and fifteen to twenty Krammes of ordinary gunpowdel' . - - - l x-Collr""lnl Snel'"U It.n'l. SARATOGA , N. Y. Sept. G.-Ex-Cougresl- , man Wilam A. S eket dropped dead here this nooa. lIe was a member of time Thirtieth I and Thirty-first congress . and was We father i of Colcnel Sacket of the Ninth New York , cavalry , who was kIlled at the head of his I cOlmsnd In the late . w r. IrOlKlt lit.timmgulslied l'nsst'mmgt.rs . NEW YOU < , Sept. C.-The New York ar- rived at QuarantIne at midnight bringing 400 frt cabin passengers , among whom are many dlstnguishtd people , Including Sir henry Irving and MIa Ellen Terry , Spelker Crisp , Senator Smith of New Jersey , and Senator Aldrich of Ilole Jlland. Jtenoavi'ii the Treaty . wills l'ortmmgu RIO JANEIRO , Sept G.-Tho treaty 01 commerce between Brazil and Portugal baa been renewed tor Q term of ulue years. IIECOMMIINIEi A I'EXSWN ' IECO'UI ) 1 1'L.tN. 'hlleJto lie Itmmlsri I ) . 'R'lnlllll l'ortliaias or liinrp' rIIILAIELI'IllA , Sept G.-TI election of ofcer for the National Letter tarriers' as- Mclaton was partIally held al toniGht's session - sion of the conventIon and thej.resmmlt thus far Is as follows : PresIdent , 1. P. Quinn , Phiadelphia ; vice president , J. \rklso , Fall RIver ; secretary , J. J' . Victory Washington : treasurer , A. McDonald , Grand laplds ; ser- geant-at.arms , W. I' . Ems , Camden ; mem- hers of the executive board , Edward S. Mc- Oevy , Philadelphia ; J. F. Olroy , Bridgeport , Conn. ; F.V. . Campbell , Minneapolis ; S. W. Stevens , CincInnati ; charulan legislatIve committee , C. I. Cutler . Boston ; legislative commIttee ( two to be elected ) , \ V. B. Oon- zales , New Orleans ; member board of tru . tees , S. E. Graham , KansaS City ; chief collector - lector , Wimot Dunn , NashvIlle. At today's session a motion that the com- mitee on legislatIon be Instructed to get an appropriation through congress to pay time carriers In the twelve cites raised to frt class by the census of 1890 and back salary due them was aelopted. The pension bill presented by the Chicago delegation was adopted as 1 , whole amid grea cheering. The bill , hlch , wi now be presented to time next congress , provides for the payment of a pension to all carriers who are Injured In the service and the retIrement of carriers on hal pay after twenty 'ears' service The money Is tQ bo , obtained by retaining 2 per cent of the , salaries of active carriers each month and 1 per cent from time tll pay at retired carrIers. T INJHIX TILE JllASS . Int'r..thll StatIstics on timt4iuhJect r"UII South Dokota , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Stpt. C-Speclal ( ) -It Is Interesting to note the success time Indians of this state have In hlglous work , especially the women. D ! s'oP Hue of ths ! city , Episcopal bIshop of South Dakota , has received from the secretary tIme eighth annual report of the Woman's AUlary ! of the Niobrara Deanery of South Dakota , covering I the year ending June 1. 1895. The ten res- I . ervatfons whIch the women of this auxilIary look after are doted over , with eevlnlY- seven churches anti , omissions g , the Ep'scopal denomnlnatIon. There are probably as lany moro chuches of other donomnlnattemms. The secretary's report shows that last year there was collected for foreIgn and home missions and local work , $3.094.33 , a sttbuted : as fol- lows : Cheyenne River Agency , eleven ] churches $ S1:5G : ; Crow Cre'k s'x. t0.69 ; : Flandre3u. one 30 cents ; Lover Drule , six , $189.65 ; Pine Ide ! , twpnly-twol $30,21 ; Hose- hud , thlrteel' . t05.87 ; Sissotlnm three , $171.80 : Santee , three $6S.05 : Stan1igg ltock , nine , $ t7105 ; Yankton , three , $ . g : total , $3- 094.33. . - The Indians of the Presbytrian fa'th arc flockIng by the hundreds to tile Sseton ! res- er\'aton. where on the 12tll ' ! , tnst the 11ns- bytery of Dakota convonei. , . - * J . omeNIIU I ' IIE l'gXIUXG. 1"1In,1 nn Il.n.e ; CCItI.t"u.ntc . , 'Hi tim- A.h'nnlf III Coke. ChICAGO Sept. G.-A : slclal to the Tribune from Union town P. ' . says : Indica- tons point to a general strike Ithroughout the Connelsvle coke region net week The great boom In the Iron marketl has stlmu'ateci the coke trade and forced ( le price to $ i.0 a ton an advance of 75 CQt . Last spring the operators gr'nted an dance : of 10 per cent to ovoid a strike.1 Slnctt that tme the prIce . . coke has been al thtlmp and tine me now demand another adyanco In wages commensurate with tile advanee In coke The tle alvtnce operators arc unwilling W. aecpdc to their do mands. For several months the men have been secretly organtzlnl " A delegate conven- ton was held at Gominellsviiie' today All the works were represented by fifty-one delegates - gates , who unanimously voted to demaml $1 per 100 bushels for mining . and a general advance on all other kinds of ' labor of 1 per cent , the advance to go Into effect next 1on- day. The delegates favored a strike September - her IG If the advance Is not granted . o grntcd. Sn1n. . . T.ln1 X"nrlt man I n.l. NAVY YARD , BROOKLYN , Sept. G.-The court martial trial of CaNaln Simmer , U. S. N. , on charges of neglect In ImproperlY dockIng - Ing the United States cruiser Columbia , Is rapidly nearIng an end. At the session today Naval Constructor Francis T. Dowles testified that he had examined the Columbia's Injuries and that they were not serious. I.euten'nt ! Commander Marlx then addressed the court In behal of Captain Sunner1 He said that everything Captain Sumner had done waa done with due care , anla no tIme did he ex- hibit the slightest negligence In the performance - ance of his duty. The captain had assured hlmsel of the reliability of the firm owning this dock The trip across time AtlantIc and the nature of the damage found when she reached here proved conchilvely that the ship herself had not been hljurlously straIned. Adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. - Frmiker's Arrulgimmmmesst I..tl.onc.l. KANSAS CITY , Sept G.-A special to the Star , from Richmond , Mo. , pays : Dr. George W. Praler , the alleged Itsurance swindler , was to have been arrafgned' this morning but the Insurance companies t'ere not ready to go on with the case and \'ee was postponed until early next week. 'hl ! action will , It Is said , simply force the propecutln to show Its hand and then let tle case go to the grand jury. I Is likely tmat t heavy bal will be agreed ad and be proihptiy furnished by the doctor's friends. I Is gossip her that the defense wIll attempt tq show that raker was insane when he went 'way and that hIs mind Is not entirely rijht now. Fralter seems to hIve the confd "ce of the people , and the general opinion prevaIling Is that he will not bo sent to the pqnltentary or even Indicted. I S 1rool.II " Col"I" . Opemmeti. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Sept. C.-Speclal ( ) -South Dakota Is being held up to eon- slderable rIdicule by thr , . statement beng ! sent broadcast that on the opening day of the Drooklngs AgrIcultural C \Ie : but fonrteen students were In attendance , giving the Inference . ferenc that a large and expensive faculty was engage ; In teaching ony : fourteen students While It Is true that On the open- Ing day but fourteen st : mi Hmts were In at- 'tendancC the clrculatorsi Qf time story ne- heeled to add that before the close of the fIrst week's , school eighty more students had put In an appearance , imaklg a total of nln tv-tour. , _ -J-- I H..tnl. .r liii' Samlelaltf - : lr MartIn. I CHEYENNE , Sept. ; G.-Scial.-Detauis ( ) were receIved today of 'the Ilulelde of Mal' , Martin at Mericlan . M. Uartn had been despondent for memo tlne. ls crop 01 hIs ranch was not a auceea eand he had no means of scourIng IUCCeGS Ills financial can- dIllon preyed 10 mlh ) , his 'mind that on 'ueday he took a rIfle . placed the muzzle In hi mouth a 11 'wih ; the aid of a stick I I shoved back the trlggel and discharged the ' weapon. Death WJi Inltantaneous. At the , time ef the suicide D. brUn , his son , and family of Denver were . ylllnl at the ranch. ' St.I'nth.t. pIsetisll'rt.c Silver . SARATOGA . Sept. G.-4e silver question occupied the greaser poriou ' of the first IU- aba of the American Soiai Science assocIation - ton today. A. 'J. Warner of Ohio , Josiah Peterson of Tennessee , ' Joseph Sheldon of Connect ut and nos wel G. : Herr of New York partlclpateti , 'n ' the discussion. partcipate' . , - - - - - . . ) IO"I'lt'nt or ( lenin ! \.1" , Sept u. At New York-Arrlved-Tlritannic , from Liverpool ; Olympia , from Qenoa ; Lucanla . from LtV pol. . " At Queammmtown-Arr1e-Campana . ! . from New York fa , Ilnrpol. ) At L1verpool-Arr1vct.CamnpanIa , tram New York. " , , At htotterdamn-Arrlved-Obdarn , from New York " At Belfast-ArriyedLord Lanldowne , trom Baltimore . At New York-Cleared-La Bourgogne for - hiavre. lave. At Phtiadelphia-CiearedUelgene and Bel for LIverpool PRESSING I TO SEE TiE 'RACE . Thousands Throng New York Eager to . Watch the Contest EFFORTS TO KEEP TIlE COURSE CLEAR CUll C011lt.e TnJcl Unl"\nl I're- cnlton" to See limit thc Hl.111 1n.ht" St.t'lrc Fair l'llJ' All the ' \ 'uiy 'Itoammid . NEW YOlK , Sept. G.-No prevIous con- test for the America's cup has ever aroused such Intense and wIdespread Interest on both sides of the Atlantic as the races between Defender and Vallyrio III , which begin tomorrow - morrow off Sandy 1100k. Not only are hundreds - dreds of strangers In town from Boston , Phiadelphia , Iallmore and Chicago and many other cite of the far west , eager to wItness the grand struggle between the two splellest yachts ever built , but the number of foreign visitors who are here for time same purpose has never before been ex- ceeded The hotels are packed with guests and every avaIlable excursion steamer In the vicinity has been pressed Into servIce to accommodate the thousands of sightseers who will witness the rare spectncle. Such a big rush for tIme ccean course has been anticipated for tomorrow that unusual precautions have been taken by the cup I commIttee to have the course properly patrolled - ! ' trolled , .so that time racIng yachts ' shall not bo Interfered wih by the excursion fleet. Time patrol force will bo In charge of B. S. Osborn , who looked after the recent naval parade at the opening of the Harlem ship canal , anti Lieutenant Delhanty , supervisor ef the port. Colonel Olesplo of the engl- nearing corps of the United States army and the navy yard olelals arc all Interested In securlnK fair play for the racers. The commlteo has also Issued a notice to all captains of excursion boats anti pleasure craft , urging the necessity of keeping an ab- solutcly clear course and asking them to do all In their power to prevent Interference with time races , so tht there : may bo no cause for complaint ] , as there was on several occa- sions during the InternatIonal races two summer ago. Designer Watson of the Valkyrie saId to- day to a reporter : "I am going down to the race tomorrow xpectng to lose. " Ho sold this serIously , but neiher he nor any other of the Valkyrie people looked very downcast. MEASUREMENT O THE YACHTS. Time results of the measurer's work on the yachts was a great surprise. No good judge thought the English yacht would gIve over a minute and a hal In a thIrty-mile course to Defender , yet many capable critics said the chslenger would give a mInute , but that she should yield less than half 1 minute was astonishing to . all the smart people. However , here are lIme figures , and they spenlt for themselves : Iitneimslon . Detcmmder . VI1kyrl" . Ulnen.lon. .nglh on 10\1 water line. . . Derencer. . . . 88.SG Length frm ashier PIl' or maIn boum 10 forward Point or mO.8urmenl forwart . . . . . Iolnt . . . . . l8l.-79 156.02 Lengh from foreside of fore- mutt to forward poInt or melRurment mlRt \r . . < . . . Jolnl . . . . . 73.t5 78.D' Length or extreme spinnaker . t"H.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . 13.16 73.36 Length tr main garl. . . . . . . C1D : .59,1mm Length topmast . . . . . . . . . . 5.43 Lj.98 One.fh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 'S.D' , 41.78 , hleiglmt upper "Ie or main leght ' to toisaII . halynr bloekl2S.H 32.gO Hal "om area 1M 101..al rule..112.26 . 14.1 1 SaIling l.ngll its per rule..3C3.6 . IUl. ' When Mr. Hyslop brought time measure- ms"ts to the , New York Yacht club house he saId Valkyrie ] woull have 10 allow Defender - fender 29.1 seconds. I was only hIs business - ness , he added , to turn the meuurements over to tre regatta commIttee and let that commIttee decIde what the time allowance ' decde tme alowance would be. Nevertheleu , he felt that 29.1 seconds was a faIr thing. The commitee conSidered the question for a long time all at 10:25 : p. m. posted up a notice on the club's bulletin board to the effect that the allowance would be twenty-nine seconds. leavIng oft ! r. Hylo'S added one-tenth of a second The races will perhaps be very close but no tlnths of seconds will separate time boats at the finlsim. VERY CLOSELY MATCHED. I wi bo noticed the load water line lengths of the ships shol only a difference of forty-hundredths of a foot In favor of Defender , and that the length of Defender'e gaff went considerably toward reducing the small advantage gained on time water hue. I will ale be seen the sail area does not show so grort a difference as was expected , anti that the general ratIng of 100.3C for Defender as agaInst 10149 for Vakyrle ] displays - plays a margin between the boats Fa small that nobody guessed It. The regatta committee - tee of the New York Yacht club Issued the following circular tonight : "The courses for the America's cup contest will be laid out by Ileutenant C. M. Winslow ] U. S. N. , of the New York Yacht club , who will be In charge at the tug Edgar Lukenbach. Mr. WInslow took the tug down the bay today and adjusted the compasses and tested the patent log. Lieutenant H. Merrill , U. S. N. , ale of the New Yorll Yacht club , will be In charge of the Lewis Lukenbach , which has been chartered for the purpose of marking 'ono end of the line , In case the start be shied from the lightelmlp. This tug wIll also make the second float In course No.2 , and will assist the patrol feet when not otherwise - wise engaged. " On the announcement of the tIme allow- anne the bettIng altered somewhat ali went to even meney. Tonight It was Impossible to secure ac- commodatons at any of the large uptown hotels. The guests came from alt paris of this country , and Canadl sent many , but New England , and particularly ] Boston , mustered the la"rgest i number. A'I the Incoming trains from New England were crowded , and the sound steamers have done a great business the past two days. Among time strangers bere to see the contest are : LIeutenant Oov- Irnor Kirkpatrick of Ontario SIr David ] McPherson - Pherson of -oronto , Samuel hi. Cramp of tie Phiadelphia ship buiding frm , Senator Gray of Delaware , the duke of Marlborough Ii. C. Frick of Pltsburg anti many society Ileople from Newport and other resarts . The betUng Is so light 3S not to deserve mention . WILL HAVE A OOOD WIND. NEW YORK . Sept. 7.-Forecaster Dunn has Issued the following : "The weathcr In- dicatons at midnight are : Fair , with light to brisk southeasterly winds , wih the sea running - ning rather high. The observers at I.ong .ranch , Dock Island and Sandy Hook report . wInd varying from ten to twenty mlel on hour , wIth a high sea I Is lIkely the wind during the race will vary from twelve to ff- teen miles on hour " , In on Informal statement he says : "The weather Is likely to be partly cloudy , wih possibly ] a light shower or two , but not su1- dent to spell tIme day or prevent the race. The wind wi be from an easterly direction , shifng from northeast to suutheast. " LONDON , Sept. 7.-The Chronicle bays this moring : "If Valk'rJu hit does not hoIst the winning fag today 01' Tuesday we shall probably - ably never build a yacht that will do as well In the dry air of American waters . as In the moIst winds of Altmloim Yet wo may he sure that the rivalry now established will not die , " . w\ die. 'I'rull CurrlNI A rum . . . G mmmirtl s . ORT WORTh , Tex. , Sept. G.-I Is be- leved by ralroad omclal ! that the noted Christian gang , who murlerel a deputy marshal - shoal near Outhrle ten days ago , I In Texas The FortVortlm & Denver train that came In thIs afternoon was heavily armed wih rangers and deputy sherIffs and Captain W. J. McDonald of the rangers , accompanied by Sheriff Coffey of lardeman county and ( other omcers , went out emi the northbound Ioclt Jsland train tonigmot at the specIal I request of Vice President 10vey. who accompanied them. AI Mr. Hovey and General Panen- get Agent McCabe had core down the line tram the terrItory only three hour before It Is belIeved that he bat some alarming In- formaton nUIUtAT O.\SI 1.IUC II SI.O\\'I.\ ' , n.r.IIC EvIdetaIllInsImmt UI hopes on ' 1. . h 1 I enl t IpI. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept C-The : taking of testimony In the trial of Theodore Durrnnt Is proc02elng slowly. During time three days In which witnesses have been on the stand all that has been established Is that Blanche Lament Is deal anti that her body bears marks of , violence The prosecution Is In- dIned to make speed , wasting no tme In un- necessary queries . On the other hanI , the defense seems to be treading uncertainly and searching for teclmnlcalities . In the ' cross.examlnaton of' wItnesses the defend- ant's attorney continually throws out fshing lines , hoping to catch a < 1repancy In time tutmon ) They are diligently seeking laws , but as yet have not found anything. The polco detectives are stIll gatherIng testImony to strengthen limo prosecution. I Is now saId the defense will rely largely on the ImprobabIlity of the prosecuton Ilro\'lnt Its case beyond any doubt. Tola"s wItnesses were Introduced by the prosecution to complete - plete time evIdence that BRnche Lament was mmiurdered . Polceman Hehl , who accom- panlCI DetectIve Gibson to manuel church on the day Blanche Lnmont's body was < ls- covered l , testfeel to the condition of time corpse amid to the presence ef blood on the floor near the girl's head , on tIme belfry staIrs and on the floor where I bael dripped from the steps lie stated there was no cvl- hence of a struggle there , the Inference being that murder developeel by the defense the waR conunlted down staIrs , but that the body was carried to the tower. The defense will try to show that one man coull not have bore this burden unaided. The pros- ecuton will tr ) to prove that Banche wehhell only 10 pounds anti that Durrant could have carrIed her with little < 1 1 cu I y. C. O. Noble uncle of Ihiancime . was re- called by the district attorney to again es- tablsh time identification of his niece , both In the church and sUbsequenty at the morgue J. F' . Ilallett , a morgue deputy , told how he and another deputy had taken the body from time church to the morgup. Polceman Coleman swore that on April 14 , whln searchIng In manuel church for evIdence of the Innrderer , he had found ' two door knobs which had heOn broken off the belfry door anti afterward concea. . -a 'l'lN PLATE MILI.S MUST CLOSE. itise In ( lie l'rleeofSteel l'lmies Slant , . 'Viitiui ( ) iit CLEVELAND , Sept. 6.-Time tin plate manufacturers - ufacturers In title city say timat time big advance - vance In time price of steel has killed the tlmi plate Inmluatry anti that in a few months every mill In the country turning out that product will be closed. J.V. . Itrhtton , rresldemmt of time Britton tIn plate immlll , said today : "Timere Is In time neighborhood of $10,000,000 imovesteti In tue 137 mIlls at present operating In this country , amid from 27,000 to 20,000 mcmi are cnmimloyed. him four months from now not one of time nmlils vIli be rnnumlmmg. Last sprlumg tin plate bar was selling at $1S.50 tier ton. At that hmrlce we were able to mnalce a little money. Today tIn ptnle bar canmoot be bought for less than $28 per ton. None Is beimmg of. feted for sale , however , as there is mme market - ket for It. " II. I' . Mcintosh , president of the Crescent tin plate mIll , spoke in a similar strain , hle saId the price of time plate would have to be raised In order to make any profit , but the great trouble is timat this would let In for- elgn makers. \VARItEN , 0. , Sept. 6.-Cimarhes Bray , manager of the Beavof tin plate mnihis at Lis. bon , 0. , saId today that It woolml be Imnpos. slblo much longer for tIme tin plate mmmakers in this country to compete with the foreign nmanufacturers. TIme recent rise 1mm the price m steel billets , Ito saId , woimimi Increase the Cost of ihie pltmtes to a poInt where comupetl. tion 'wiluld be inmposslble and It would be necessary - essary to chose time mIlls. p A1'l'ltflViii ) ItI3OItGANIZATIOS I'L.t5 $ Meettiag of Oregon Jtaitl'nimtimaul Nil vlgmitlomi Couaapnmiy 15timilhitliI'rs , NEW YORK , Sept. 6.-A mettng of the bonfihmothers representing the Oregon Railway - way and Navlgalion company consolidated mmmortgge bonmiholders conmnmltteo was'hed today - day In time office of thu New York Security and Trust company for the purpose of can- siderhumg the plan and agreement for the reorganizatIon - organizatIon of time system , whch ! Imad heemi prepared by time committee eppo'nted for that purpose. John COosby Ilrown prestlei ! , anti there was a full representatIon of the simara- hmolticrs , who were unanimous in timelr approval - proval of time plans simbrnltte'l , Time total arnommmmt of time bonI is $12&83,003 , of wimlch sum $12,194,000 wa deposited this morning witim timc , New York Security and Trust coin- pany , at the instance of Charles C. hleaman , counsel for time company , it'lttiscil ma mm Amnerit'uimm l'rI.ommt.r , WAShINGTON , Sept. 6.-The State do- partmmoent receIved a cable tonight from Consul Gemmoral Wililamoms at Havana stating that Agulrra imati been released by the Spanish authorIties and SanguiiIy wouid be granted a cIvil trial soon. Ttmts was welcome news to time department , as tlmo case of tlmese two UnIted States citIzens imprsonod in Cuba has dragged teilously for months. Consul General Williams was active in seekIng lire. tectoum ! for Aguirra and Saimguilly , so mmmcli so that lie offended the formc Spanish memimmister , Muragua , who requested his recmhi. Lat'r time State departnment made very energct'c representations at MdrItl anti havana. These first bore fruit ito the concession that Agimli-ra antI Sanguiliy would be given clvii mmmi not military trials. The reale so of Aguirra md the prompt trial of Sangmmliiy will secure every- tIming for whicim the Uniteml Stat2s Immms con' tended. _ - p i'uilemip , ( ( a " , Yt'sterii Iimvpsmttrs , WAShINGTON , Sept , 0-Speeiai-Pat. ( ) cots have beeum Issued as follows : Nebraska --.Julltms L. hiansorm , Omaima , trolley. South Dakota-Hardy W. Campbell , I'tmtumam , cultivator - tivator ; also subsurface packer ; D3Ibert B. Mecapes anti E. D. Quinn , assignora one- half to D. M. hnnman , Vermiiiion , curtain fixtures - tures , Iowa-Waiter hlato , Collins , wind- mmmiii ; hans I' , Jensen and hi. Larsen , Newell , chain stanchion ; Eti. ward Lipaka , assignor one-halt to G. J. Richormi , Dubmique , Imanci truck ; ChristIan Loeteclmer , lubuque , doweling ma. clmlne ; Joseph C , Malmaffey , Tingley , Imamo Lug hook ; Joseph' 11. Rodgor , Lammmonl , pump ; William hi. hioneunus , Cedar Rapids , railway car construction , S ' % 't'steri l'ost uiazist t'rs , j uam'I iat'il , \\SIIiNGTON , Sept , 6.-Spcclal ( Teie. gram.-Postmmmnsters ) were aimlmoimmted today as follows : Nebraska-SprIimgview , Keys h'ahum county , F. E. McLsilm , vice 3. Ii. VIfquaIn , resigned , howa-Urda , Carroll county , Frank Salmon , vice hi. F' . Seat , reaigmmed. Sotmtht Dakotmm-Groaao , Spinlc county , F , A. hlaidan , vice Mrs. Lena iloub , resigned. S ( ium.imges I ma % ' . 'sIem'ua l'tasl oiiit'ts , WASi1INUTON , Sept. 6.-Specal ( ! Tele- graumi.-A ) postofiice has been established at Cottage , hiardims county , ha. , with Serum C. Cimrittopher as itoatmnaster. The pottoffics at Bskervllte , Custer county , him. , was discon tlnued ; mall will go to itoche. Moso 'Leommaril ivas today counomissioned itostmnastcr at Or- mammvihle , him. _ IOe'tnlleI , us 5l I II tim r l'rtafm'sstrs _ W'ASIIINGTON , Sept , 6.-First 14'eutenant Charles C. Galimmp line been detahlol as iiro- fessor at time Louisiana .9tate Univeisity anti agrIcultural college at liaton ltoue , amid F rat Lieutenant James Bay.Ias cc professor at the University of Aisbammia. -a - Left His hltsmasl.iait'i to 'tm'u iii. A1IILENE , Ken , , fcpt , 6.-Rev , Mr. Primther , who sued lui deacons for imbal anti was arrested Inter on gt'mtvo charges , Imas for- felled his bonds and the suite have nil been dIsmissed , li is in Texas. I ) ru i an go o C Oumi mm ii it's l'o , . ( ii tIlt'e , W'ASIIiNGTON , Sept , G.-Speciai ( Tele. gram- TIme contract for mum watr drainage of the publIc buIlding at Omaha was today awarded to John Itowe 4 Co. of Omaha at their bid of $1bTQ , WOULD NOT LET BEE1ER 1 Warden Lehigh Roftisos Athnittance to the Now Penitentiary Contractor , PRISON MUDDLE FURTHER COMPLICATED I'orm.mmii lemiimiiisi for Ot'eupmtmtc ba' tILtJ lteircsemanI lvi' of I lie Ilonril of l'aaIlle LnnIs nitti Him ild- lug , F'tarmmmuli lIefnst , LINCOLN , Sept. G.-Speclal-Timo ( ) sitna. tlon in regard to affairs at time ponitentary' ! is fully explained by the tso letters train V.'artiemo Lt'idigh , pimbllshed below. Contractor - tractor ilecimier today flied lis ! bond wltlm time secretary of state , it having been previously approved by tIme hoard of l'mmbhic Lands and hlulidings. Time question was raised that it was time provInce of the governor to approve all bonds , but this one of Bcemoer's : was not subumiittc'd to Imlimo , A reporter of Time lice was today simown time original contract of time state with ox-Contractor C. Vt' , Mosher , to- getimer with Mosimer's bond , Time name of thmo governor does not appear on time docummment , and It scenic to have bo'n approved by time hloarml of l'tmblic Lammtis and iluilcllimgs. Shortly after noon Mr. hlceummer went dowus to time penitemmtiary and lmresentod thmo order of time board , iumstaiiimmg luau as contractor , to W'arden Lekligim. Time latter r'fimied , to atinolt hleeummer on tue basis of commiractor , anti tlmo latter iumoiumedlitely caumme back to tIn , stats capItol and closeted imimmoself witim Land Coot. missIoner Russell , \Wien seen by a Boo re. porter Mr. Ileemmier said that he hiatt been dowum to "time pen. " ' 'And timemo what hmapponemi ? " "Then I caimme bade again. " Following time roturmo of Mr. Ileenoar , Mr. Leidigim canoe up to time' capitol amid filed the foliowimig letters with the hiartles to whom titttj 'tie addressed : LilTtilth3 lIE WROTE. LANCASTER , Neb. , sept. 6 1593.-To tIme hionornhle , time board of m'ubt" ! Lmmmitls mmd llutitlimmgs of time Stote of Nebrmisktm , Li"olui : Gentienmen-l lmavc the hiomior to mmcicnowm- edge receipt of nmo order tinted Selmtemmober 6 , 1895. frommm 110mm. 1 1. C' . llimtcrehl , cimairmamo of youm' bomirti , to recognIze Mr. A. I ) . Iteeimmer as contractor amid look to imlimo for smmpplies , salmirles , etc. As wnrmlemm of time state prison by virtue of nppolmitmnent Imy hits exceileimcy , time goverimor , and fully mmolntiful of the chtmtIe utmmd remqtonsibliitles of time posItion , recogmiizimmg that nt. a taxpayer , as well tie an oihlcimtl of the atmate , I Imrm'e a dtmty to iterformn to tIme citlzeuma of Nebraska , I must respectfully ilcciiumo to become a Party to thIs attenmimt to smitidlo multiltionni burdens iml000 time tmmxfmayetl ctf tue state wIthout mummy corrcspondlrmi. good miccrtmtimg to the innmmnge- m-nent of the prIson , I believe time nctittii of the board in this respect to be wholly with- omit authorIty of law mmml nit attempt ommiy by form of iaw to appoInt ammotiit'r olilcer to take cimarge of the prisoim , limo itlmltroprimutlon nimmilti by time legislature for its umiulntonmtmmctm anti ( lit' earmoings of Its convIcts , at it heavy expense to time taxpayers. Ito my judgment the mmcliomm of your board is a flagramot viola- ttoim of the spirit and letter of time law giv- Immg tIme ittmoto ( limo mummnmigeinent of this lum- etitution. I auto fully aware that under your plato the responsibilIties of mny poItlon s'oultl be hessened , anti I could sIt supimoely , lowmi and drav my salary , while the $3U& ) contractor htttcmneH time real vortleui hut I imnVo time itmterests of time hmeoPle 01' eltraska anti time Prisoners confined at tIols Iiistltutim3n at heart , anti I mntmst , vIthm all due respect to your hoonormibie board , ast'ert my rIgots as warden of time prison. I will also coummiiiUmmleate at once ovithm the governor mmcl pinco thin matter before imlmn. Having rc'eelvctl my ntpoimitmneflt from hum , I mumat look to lila excellency as the' censor of mny actIons , amid will abitlo by his tie- cislout. 3mm all matters conlsteuit witim soy duty a warden I imave' tIme Imomoor to assmmre you of my Imuclinutiumo to It , ' yours to coumoanammtl , . GliO1tGl.V. . 1IiTlGIr , Warden of the State l'rlt'on. Warden Leldigli's letter to time governor is very brief : I4ANCASTFM1 , Nob. , Sept. C , 1895.-To Ills Excellency , 'ilomi. Silas A , hloiconib , r.ov- ermoor , State of Nelmrnmslctu , Liumcoin : Dear Sir-I have tue hmoimor to report to you tlmat air. A D , hlec'nmer cniltl at tIme Itrison to- timty Witlm a coimolntlflicmmtmofl from lion. hi. . 0. itussehi , chnlrnimmmm of time Itomirti of I'ubhio hinds anti hltmuitllngs , dlrectimmg me to rec- ognlze Mr. Iicenmer'mt authority as contrmmctor timid look to him for pmovi.Ioims , auhtplleul , etc. I declineti to n'inmlt Mr. lOeemcr to the Prison ItS c'oumtractur , anti itt once conmnommnl- cated witim the bomtrtl , settIng forth brietiy my reasons for thIs netlomi , and 1 emmeioscm imerewitim a copy of uoiy letter , If Iii this rnmmtter I hmnve otttiiiied a. policy at varIance wIth time jumignoent of your cxcehiemmcy I de. sire to be at once iumormnetl , that I may govern my mtCtiotms nccortlingiy. Yours very truly , OFOit01 W. L1lDiGhi , \Vmirtlen State PrIson. GOVEItNOIt hIOLCOMI3 NONCOMMITTAL. Governor iiolcornb was umot limellned to corn- molt himself today in regard to time coummpiica- tlons at the pemoltentiary. lie read time hotter addressed to him by Warden Leldigim , and mmmay possibly imave soummetlmimig to say to time Iloard of Public Lauttie anti hiuildiumgs later oil , To a reporter for Time flee iVardon Leidigh saId : "I would not be surprIsed If the board simoulmi begin mandamums proceedings against me. Perhaps it many try to immopancim me. hut I propose to stand between time state aimd this steal as long as possIble , Time hoard of Pumblic Lands anti Bullmliitgs Played a trick out nee time other tiny , Wiulle I was in Its rooioi a steumograpimer was concealed beimitmtl a ( loot anti took dowuo time couiversatiouo vor- batlm. Then the imoembers called in tIme r6- porter of time State Journal and together timey toolc parts of wJiat I saId and patcimed them togetimer in a kInd of crazy quilt , and mIsrepresented in an alleged pubhishetl Interview - terview about everything I bald , I told Russell - sell , amud I say it now , that hmo dare not pub- Ilsit timoso stenographic notes just as I repeated - peated tIme language , aumd publisim time whole of it , all I said. I read time rIot act to hIm and to Beeumoer , Time Flee stated the exact truth In Its figures , givIng time cost of feed. ing prisommers for a week , for I gave timeun out ummyself. As T1m Bee says tubs morning , for 15 cents per day per capita the como- 'Icts can be imialuotalneml when 200 of timem afe at work. All thIs talk you see in time State Journal about Ileeimmer givlmmg back any of time 40 cents to time state Is flub.dub. The wimoha $100,000 will go to hieenmer Instead of Dorgan , aimd $3,000 ummoro than Iorgan dIdn't get. Besides tlmat , just as soon as I gIve timemom vouchers thumot so many canvicts hay' . been fed thmly wIll draw their warrants ot tIme state auditor and hustle over to time treasurer , imave timem stammmped , and time state oviii begimm paying iumterest en timemmo , " hlEliMElt ON CONTRACTS. During time last session ot the legislature a prison Imoveatlgatlon comimmnlttee was imp- pointed before whom Contractor Be mer , time artien , was a witness , It was a joint coot- unittee of senate ammd house , ammd one of the noenobera w.ms Senator Craumo of houghas. Senator - ator Crane asked : "Mr , htoenmer , can you give us yommr opinion as to ' imetimer it woultl be to tlmo beat Intef- ests of ttmis state , or detrimental to time lum- , terests of time state tpr time state of Nebraska to lmavtm entire anti conmpleto control of its convict labor , Immatead of having it couotrolied by contractors and subcontractor.m ? " 'Fo title tluestiotm Mr. floemner , imaving been dimly sworn , te3lflefi as follows : "I thInk tIme state ought to have control , anti have time penitentiary run in such a shape that tlm state would control the contractors and say when they simouiti leave. I thInk It ought to be run by contractors of dIfferent lartIes , but they ought to be able to control - trol these contractors themselves , anti mmot iimsve aubcontractorb , I tlmlnlc that Is detri- nooumtmi. If ens maci overa contractor timere it would lme nil right , but wtmemm It commmes through so many Imancle It brings too immany people there-too msumy people Interested , too many foremmoemi. " Questianeti by Representative Walt : "have you ever studied this matter over so you can answer wimother this penitentiary could be mule ueif-etmpportlmmg under time sub- commtract s'etern ? " fleemner ammuiwereti : "I ant sure It could be , Just at time present time it ould be hmard to do It. but. in good times It ougb , to to able to auppor Itaehf. '