- - - V V t . V . . . . V . . V V j - Vt I V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilE OMAHA : DAILY DEE : 'UESDAY ' , STh"PTEl\fJ1ER 3 , 1S9. ' 1 . ' PBGIHh - - - NOTIGB8. - = . , .h''rl" " " . ' " " , III" for th"e eoItitttn . . it1I 11. tn1eii nll.1I 1W : , : p. I for the r" IIII" I n nil 11.1 t I I H p. I for the 110111111 I Ilul MIII" " ) ' . . .Ifnll" I , A.h''rl"'r" ( . h ) ' r"'II"I.h'l . I II 111- ? , 11r.,1 , 'h"'le , ell 11\'e 1111 ul- dr",1 ' 0 II tuuismu.ri.uI lit ( er II euro nt 'lhe 11. , , \11' IU , , 1cMue.L "III he t'lh''r",1 11'11 ' JureseuI ' itt Ion tt the cheek nnl ) ' , UnIt ' " u , 1 1- : ' : . n 'nr,1 Ir"t lulMcrIon 1 Ie II 'norul ) tlirreuufter. XllhllJ ' 11"1 rill ICMM limit : ' : e fur Ir"t lusMerliuhl. ' 1'IuiMe II.h''rl..I.II1 111' he 1'11 " , " , - NeClII'eI I ) ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , Sm1'tLtVIONSVAIII ) . WANTI' : HITtATJN IY 100In : : llm. 1 yenr "xlerlenc , , : reterences. AeJreu H. A. 0. , ) ! ; _ Y. C ! t et : - : LADY WANTR I'I.AI' : TO 1'AIN : 10.\nD while attending Om. luBlneu Col. . n & l'anlAm A-3i3 . \ % ' , \ \X'lgU-I.\ I I I . 1.1' , WANT ! . : : ! Lt' } . INTI I.LIONT ) : AamrH IN OmAlm to orlAnlze cluhA nr three tu live fami- 1Ie for our fAmouA Orchard Homes laud In cn - ieA tll MIuIulpIiI. , The title of Immigration I. I go. Inl uwnutli. where there ne no hot winilu , . nn " obI vInters , nn bIIzzoril. , no crap f.lurel. 'Vh"re two ur three eropl CAn he rIA,1 , eAch yr. Where there I I nu .uch tiling nl fall- tire If n man will work one.hAlt nl hnl" ) n. h. d"l In thin country. Cool . ummer8. ml,1 , win' trl. Stare paying crops ' of fruit nn,1 "Arden truck IUch.t , ,1 on earth. lust rlwn ) ' ' . . ' . n"ent. IGI1 VrlIlti Oeo. V. Anw . general " lrnhIvirn street . Omaha. 1- : : INTI.nl.\N TO WOIK OMAHA Oil TAI { territory In Nehro.ka Oi "rnerl agent or on tlrrlory . 8lck. nccl.1'nt nnd dealh IH'n..f nnll tn. endowment esulatIoui. 1'ru.1ntlal teny ar l'rontal , . . .clalon. mon ) 'rtrtrred. } ' ( after 9 A. m. . or ahIlreM.4 , w. % 25.c , _ 301 l'.ixtcjfl hlock. B-M23) _ .GTIVE MAN 3. NI.AT AIIISS 1'01 OUR . cIty trade. Will he Inolruct.1 Ind I.all' whIle learning. AIII ) ' 11.180naly. 1:16 1).uglaM. U-lli31 SIO WNTi1) TWO RXl'1fllENCtU ) TILAV1Tda TIAYEI.INO Alt.lcn , Good PXII lenlI ( HPNCFO . leHn" 'fll1m" . , ) , . tahlorM . IGa Farnarn. ' " 11-Mt'W ' $ COo TO $ l&.0) ' ) SAI.AUY ) 'AIO IAtISMI'N for CI""IS : cqerlenc , not nectmr ; extra In . .xJerlenc i1tucutnent . to cuatorner ! . l.hol' ' 1llue. $1. _ " " ! Mo , ! u-Mll3 H3' WIO WANTS A NIG RJm I.INI . RAI'I.ES w'hhlnl nbout ' 10 H. . . . that wIlt PaY 21 tier , cent . r'nl and gIve you : ( ) to JOCO n 'Uy7 ' Jxclu.lve I'rrl't ' ) glnn. Ad4resiu , box 21 . Woreriuter. _ Mns ! . V _ ' 1-:26 f 1 VANTUD. A RTATIONAIY : NONI'lt WIO h. I not nrahl 10 wmk. Htote wnge wante,1 , nnd experience. Addrei . , . A 2i. lIce. ! 1l-M121 3 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W . ) Aln I'N 110 OUI IUSINI SS AND wlto : confer Immediately with nn energetic. l.pon.I"e lan de lrlnl n IlermAnent paying IJ8Ine. . n. mlna"er or hrnch ofIlce. F. I Cook . _ lGi 10ull.slrl'ct. . _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ 11-MI3 3' : V.'ANTD 1'ItACTICAL JOI IINTI.:1 : WITH -ore rash or materlll to Join In ctnbHohlnl I job olep : trtelences gIven Ind rC < ulrpl. , Ad- drC"H A 33 : , lice. Il-dI73 3' I.A\OIIIH 1'01 Ii. ' :1 ItY. IN \VYOM. hug. Free transportatIon. I\rlmer & O'lear. 1J lnruiauuu. Ij-M4t' - ( r' 'WAN'I'll A OOOI AI.I. AROUND - TAII.Olt lt onre. Cal on or nddrcS A. I.yl. Wood u Jilter. Nb. U-Miff 13' " . t''ID-1'J31.t : 1.1 I 1 1.1. ; . \ rrED. : ( UItli I.'OH aflNi1tAI. . I 0 un : . . work II 2.0 Pupplcton . . A\ . C-M4 5' - - - - - - - - - : WANTIt ) .1 ONC . AT ST. MAly'S MIS- slon. ItoMehIil . 1. I. a strong . ral'hlo ' woman ns co"lC wngrs S2.o Ier mC'th al tl\'II ; expeu1Heu. 1' . 11. Mugrord , supt. cr37-3 - - - - - - - - WAN'rpO. CO IrTgNT 01111. I.'on G1N- : , rl hO'Ir\ule ' : II.t bo good cool ApplY N. , 1 . ror. 2)tlunnil ' rorh ) ' . G-M42 3' W.\NTJI. (1IU1 . TO ASSIST IN 10mm- wOI ; . APPlY 1421 I hcrwoOI avenue. . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C-IUI3' W.\ITI'O , JXII.nmNCED : mnl. Fen OEN- .tl hllPe\llle l : lust un < er.tuld coolellO : 21 nlll" St. C-J ; ' \\N'rn. : A (111th . FOil OI'NEI.101SI : : . wOII" G ' South t011 atucet. C-MliH 4' W.tNTUD. A 01111 . : W1T1 GOOO nmml N l WArTIO. WITJ to do g.n.rl luou4ework. Apply &Q0 H. % lh . slreet. CMIG 3' - S FOR it1N'r-IIoUSES. hOUSES. F. K. DAI , INO. IAIKlm huT.OCK. -2SI UOUSES IN ALL PAnTH 01" TIm CITY. ' 1 : lJUSJS , . D.\ls I Comp.\ny. 1:1 1arnm. D-2\2 110U518. IiUNUW'A . & CO . 103 N. JTI ST. V-2\3 11. E. COLI & CO. . LARGEST LIST INOMMIA. I. 1)-281 8.hiOOt HOUL' INQUIE 2S01 1"AnNA:1 8.100) sl'eot. US I MOWIN : g.I100M IOLSmI : MINUTI S walk from court houBe. Hoom : B.lrleer U- hle : , NICI MODUItN UtaliT-IIOOM hi0t1St . IM- MOON mOIT-IOOM lOnSF. UF. tachrd : Ilce JWI , lttc.u . barn. 2C1 Ilelc . U-1 T : : : . \ ( WITh PIHT 1IOOMS. on 30th near t'arnam. Charlts Turner . 331G I.'urlm. u-n FUHNISII O IIOUSU . I ) I'NTZU I'IACD. J. J. Ob.on. ; \ bt . NatIrnat' . lnnk. 1)-M133 I'OH RL'NT. Ylmy ) : IAILn IWmmNCF. : :13 Farnaun. It. G. l'altersJI. 42 : htaunge 1J- 1lk. : , TWO 1"INg IA nOp SIX-ROOM IOUSI'S , S31 South 21t Btreet. l-:11 7' , VI.'AGIEI , MOIHmN InSJH ICI' : , :8TJ and I'opplet ; mode . n brick . hd : & C.lltorln & Sherwood eve. C. A. Ilurl 515 N. Y. Lire. . D-27S $ % Foil I1MNT. 7.IIOOM 110mmN 101SI' : . large lawn ; , nn\ Ilent to two car Jnes : rent VCH.uonable. - 3101 : . N - ± : _ lSth l-3i.2' ) IDEHN JJIT.JOOJ 10UH1 . hiGh ANt ) dry : line , . 'Iel : large cellar . low rent. Apply Oi preuu.t'3 12C So. 3Gth. J-361.6 . - - - - - - 'nN.nOOl : ¼ JOICIN IlhiIC1. 2& > CAI'ITOL . aye. _ Jm121.7' - 'WO FINI 8.1(001.1 2d01)t'111N hi0t7SiH. 6H S. $ ; 16\\ I\I 30:0 : Ma.uon. lumlhre ) ' . U ) % N. Y. jIfe.V _ V VV ' _ _ _ I MI3 7' NINI.1:0QI : 1tIC : MOHmN : PACI.S lalorol ii.k ! : $ % : .0. 1ur. ' Clna : storo. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D-MItG 3' VOlt RUNT. TWO Oi "lmm (1001) COT- F ch .II. ) A. I' . ' 1u"O ) ' . N. Y. LIfe VIG4 coT - . - - - - FOIL I11hN'1'-FIJhtN1ShIMI ) 1100118. : volt RUNT. 1tEShltA1If.t 1'U1tNlShIUrb ROOMS FOi INT. l'ERIA.I 1"UINSlJO IOOMS enoulo or lngle :21 1'.urnaun , Ucet. , U-M37 I't'I1NISIIEI ) 1100M5 FOR LIGhT h1Oh7S . lOOMS 1.01 Fl'JNIHlEJ IWIT IOISI ht'eptng. IIrulrc 191 ) 1)tlte. R-M9S1 , - - ' i : . . LY . -r iSDmiH. . ' la 1-M992 vOli E Nll'I.I.Y PUINIHII UI 1 nOOI ! lJ\'ATI _ famiY , " : ll2Caueu _ _ street. , R-M237 3 Z ROOMS . WITI Oi WIThOUT hOAR ! ) . NO h"n. . ! H. , 2.th : a'enue. : - \ : n' NICgLY FUINSIFD ROOMS , 201 50. 2:11 : . . ' V .leel. 1'--6' l'UtNIRII : ROOMS 1.-T OCNTLU2.1IN . M.L conveniences. 10 l Illus 1'0' 2flCUIX J'11nNIII'O loMS FOR ODNTLE. men or lIlt hou."rellng. 1 N. 11.1 M. - Z-3' FZ3' ' - EtUNIShI1) UnOlS \XU lo.\Un. XOt'Ihi.12 1.htl.Oll $ ANn O1'ltEIl IUOMS ' POI't.t 1.\1.OIS 01'I J IOOIS' newly Jurlhe < : Inl clau boonl. C2) H. In\ ; : . 1'-MG4 157' NICI\ - ' 1'I'ItNISILID : 100 IS. flOUt ) IIOAIII ) . . reolnahlr flte1. . The I" . ; % ) lArne ) ' . ii. . ' ' 1"-M2Z3 t2' 1t01NI 10Alt S : . < l'kRVL'tC. . . l'AI.I. _ At % DoulI" . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ I-2G - SOUTI ; 1"ION1 11002.13 WITI 110.17D. : MRS . Cluulchulil ' . ISS ( ' uicago. ' - : = 1 7' ItOMS AND UO.111) . : : 27 IWIDUV2 'Tn : V . 1"-- 1.1316 3' LJIS1flA1t1.fl PIII1NIPIII'7t ) ANI ) UNI"URNI8II. ' "d ruam8 lt the ( 111101. ti : e.II'llnl " ' e. 1)ay boarders and tranlema n cnnlnoated. ) \ C/.2' SOUTH ROOMS . SINOII { : . 1 : : UI'rl' : . IO.\II. % . \ lotglaa. 1"I G - s ; ' NICD 1"l : ' . , Cool > t . IlS.O ) ; ! 0:11r i.rcftru'1. A n. l ! . . . ' - : : fU NlCFL. : ' F'URNItIIIULI ; EOUT11gA1t IfJ1ON1' NI'LY J'UH H\U tOU.fl "IO room. with Ilea , ' . ' nn.I. . ) wlnI" ; O.lon conveniences ; bI\ , CZ S. Jtlu .t. ' er. . V-Mtl2 1' . , ' . - - - - FOIL t1hNT-UN1Uht1ShtCI ) n0031 I UN.'UIl i ) i It.CIC htOOM4 - Volt IIOUR. ili Il I rl'll . 1 l C3 N. lilh. _ I-MIN 8' . . - - - - - - - - - - - . . Iron UII.'unnsU : ( O1eI'ICt : \ . , OI.'I'IR IUllm.\N l.llK-l $ ' 1.0\ : . 101 1' , L. \ViaI I , tth set 1..uju. : - - ' = . i I.'on 3hIT-STOhhIS .X" ( WI lg . C'ctInue1 . J'OI ltiNT-TI IM 44TOI1YIII1ICK hlth1.DlNO IUNT-TI IUCI l'I.UINO DII FnlnAm . trr.L ThIl , bllhlnl ha , 1 fire- ir'x'f , cement bn"I ' nt. c.uuup.te Iteam healIng I II1iirou. wAter on nil floor , . gas . ftC. .1'11) nt , tim omce ot The Ilee. . t-"O : .UI.8 ( " ' , \X'rrn , \'ANTID-ThIC MUT'AI , I':5Imvn I'UNO Life 8sOlnlon ot New ) 'ork d.lru tl , n , gage ten mnnAIOr nn,1 , l.rnl Oltnt ot . " . I.rl.nce and ability for "nk In the west on Io.t lucrative t.rmo. Ad.rls durIng August II I. flohiluon director . agencies . Ounahia. _ _ _ _ _ 3-631.57 W.NTI- : I.O ( ' AI. AOI'NT HTAMP AND reter.nce. DIstilling Co. . Macon Mo. J -mSG.I' W'.iNTI7T-TO 1L1T. WANTP ! TO HUNT ' BY GOOD TI2NANT. 'ven or cighut-rooni moder ,1.tlc,1 : , houoe. . AlIree.u lt once . A 30 , lIce of7lce. K-4Z.G.3' . V ILI7NTAIi , \ ( .INCY. O. O. WAI.LACI7IIUNTALS,812 110lWj \ . ! S'1'OIt.tflI. ' . OMAHA. U. R. MUST STOI1AOI7 lJt'ILDINO IN 031.1. IrST . fTOn.Ot Tll.DNO : . goods stored , : lowest tnteL 101.10JI I.n'enworlh.2G STORAGE . FRANK flWflItS,1211 lAnN I , : Y. . - - - - - - - IACWIC STOIAO k WAlmIOUSr CO. , 9)S DI0 Jones It. General Btolnge and ( orwarlnl. , " 'AX'I n-TO lILlY. IIGIrST InICI H PAID I.'OI nAGS II1ON metal . rubber and bottl.sl : car tots a .pecIAI ) ' , Chicago Junk house . 812.S1 1ouglos. OmAha. N- 11 roll , SAI.1-l"UItN1TVItR. FUINITUI ANO ! IFDDING , I.AnO AND .mal lots. 323 S. 10th. 0-1.1137 S' JIINITt'lI IN 9.1tO0jOUSI ' : 1UliL OF roomen : house for lent. It l.1\npOI t , 0-MU ) 4' m.lm.\NT CI.Ulmn SUIT1 AND IIATINO stove for sale eheop. 42 NIcholas strect. 0-Jj.2' POl S.tLI-hIO1tSES , 'AGOXS , J TO. FOIl SALE CIIL7AP. STYLISh . TWO.fH ArnD . road cart COT N. t9lh. l-m33.3 FOIL _ S.tJ.l7-MISCI3LL.tI7OUS. Felt SALE (1h1U.1'-'I'\V0 LAI1OI'7 AND TWO 1.01 HIRI hotel ranges. IIughueu Stove lepalr Works , G7 So. 13th. Q-IG9i-S6 1IA1tD'OOl ) COMUINA'l'ION 1100 ANt ) 10G chicken fence. COMlIATION . I. . Dlh and ) Ail I l -3J 1C1i : IN CAn.OAn I.OTS. COnRpSPONOrNCI solIcIted . A. II. Nlclolas : , Counci JflulTs. I" . Q-ICCC-S9 . - - - - - - - 1.01 HAI.I ChIFP-DbQ LINI' : 0 SICOND. hand , hlcycle. Omaha Uc'cle COllpan ) ' . 321 N , 16th alreet. Q-931.SI A I.AnOI COND.HANO ) hALL H.\ \ . O. Ie. condItIon . for sale cheap. Adtlres.u A 4. lice. Q-M332 MY COL.UMRIA IIICYCLI7. USED ONLY A month . I wi jell for f O.O ; must hav . the unouley. AdIres.u A 5. lice. Q-M37t 10ney. < oes9 r. _ Q-:13:1 $ : ( ) \1.1. IUY " A PINI I.AHOn YJI.IOW head Iarrot. 2' ' ) : Cans St. Q-4&J- CbAhltYOYtNTS. MRS. 1)11. H. VA1l1tUN' . CI.\nVOY\NT. 1117- liable buslncs medium : 81h year nt lS N. 16th. 8-201 - KNOW TIY PATJ 1 P1101' . I.CHOY. li12 C.1'I. tot avenue. the "n'atest clairvoyant . . an.1 l.al ttance medium livIng ; buM .cr.thlng : succeeds - cerds W1eu1 nil others ( all ; tlslcton Iuarn- tred or no iaY : alt In trouble c < ll : fee lOc up. . ' 5-2.1172 4' JUASS.\OE , llA'I'IIS , i'rc. MAMI' : SITI. r0 S. 13TH. 2ND " 1.00n room 3 : toegnetic. vapor . alcohol st.am. suI. Iherlne , and sea baths . T-MII 7' MMFI. hIOWELt . TUflICISTI ANt ) ELECTRIC : : MP. 10WELL. Ttm EI.PCHC baths. FIneSt parlors In cl ) 318-32 S. 1711. ' ' ' -M9I-S21' 81115. DIt. LEON . ELUQ.tNT MASSAG AND electrIc bath. larlors c.tful and rcrrrshing. 43 North lit ) . Blrcct. T-M376 G' MASSAGE. MANICURE AND CllnOIODI8T. Illdame Lelo ) GIS So. ICth st. . 3d Iloor. - $ ' 1-10- MMII. IElNARO , ROOM 7 , 3Il I"I.OOn lift Dodge. T-MJ 8' 'l'UUlnSI 11A'l'lIS. TUH\Sn IATlS : ONL'1'L.CF7 IN CITY exclusIve ! for ladlcs. SuIte 1 9.1U Bee hikig. ' I : I.A1IS' BATHS. Ml POST 319\ S. 15TH. 2n J'EUSOXAI. VIA VI CO. . 3JG ImE 11,00. III.l.T1f nOOK tree : home treatment - - - : - lady - . , . attendant iJ-zz n. H\A8 I"I.O1t1T . I'LANTS CUT FLOWI':8. Ilan.juet. hal , reohlence and g ave dee ntlons. 18n Vlnten atreet. ' 'olel\one : 70. ; Ui IIATIIS 11ASSAO MMI7. POST 310 \ S. U-3 lTH I"INC I.l\'lmy IOS C1IUt' : . UI ) . IAUILEY. lih and . SI. Iars avenue. Telephone . 440. U-Ml83 U-:1082 II\'ATE 10MD FOR \omN lUHNO CON. Inement le.t reference gIven 3:19 N. . 20th. ' U-MiiS.H1' TI'NT TO hUNT AD SELL 1313 1'arnaun street. 1'IOne 883 . . , \ . hi. ltawilzer. U-988-S21' TlI0SI'i : WISINO INFOHI.\TJN ON IN' vestments . corre . 8Ugar. C"COI. glaln and cattle. . .lnet. cnte. lanb. rllunate . Immllr.llon. etc. . wIll be cor. redly nns\ erel ly " enclosing $1.00 . reglstere.l . rrcty p. Iockwood.plrtndo No. 381. 1"gota. Col"m. his . South ! . \mclka. . U-Mill-SM' - - - - - - - COI1I1USI'ONtUNCFI : CL1'Il. W YOU WANT COlmSPONDNCI mlrlle,1 In.1 n congenIal lady or gen- Ueman or".polJlt. , send lOc In .tAIN to box C1S. Ltnc.ln ! . Neb. U-M7G7 t. : IOJl TO I.O'XUn.ES'IA'IE. . ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO.3IS N. Y. 1.IFr. I.uns , nt Inw rates for choIce security In Nebraska . bra.kl Ind Iowa fnrms or Ollho city property. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ W-213 MONI'Y TO I.O.N1 LOWEST nATI H. TI O. V. DavIs Co. . 1i : I'aunam st. W-'j . CITY LO\NS. C. A. STAIOIt. r1 : N. Y. UI"I UI"I:1 \-:1 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMIHO\'lm OMAhA re,1 cstlte . Ilu'ennan . Love & Cu. . I'oxlon W-3 hle. ) IoIONL7Y TO LOAN ON IMI10VEO OMAHA 10NI ) Fidelity Trust C ; . li0 Farnam. \ 1 LIVE 1NSUI1ANCE . I'OLICJS LOANFD ON or buGht F. O. Chnne ; Ion.a City . 31" . W- " 3 CAPITAL. $ .01.0 ) : SlllUS. $ : .OO : U. H. I10rllale Trust Cu . New York ; for 0 "cr cent loans on C'IIY hrorerlY. Al.i)1y : 10 I'u.ey & tOlns ciy I.rolerlII'y 8 Thomas . agents . room , i First Nut. 1l'lc w-m 111.1g. . I.OAW 0 . : IMlnO\r : $ 1JNIM1'1tO'iD : CiTY prpelt ) . \V. l'arnam Smlh . , , Co . 1:01"ulnam. W WO G 1'IHt CENT : MONI.a' TO I.OAN ON OMAIt. \ 11.:1 : 031.\1.\ real e.tate & Neb. ta m. \ 13. MeIk'e . Ora.lua - W-:3 U.Oo ' 11) ' : ) . oad. F " D. WUA ) 16 & DOIaIA : $ . W- , W'SH Imom' 'flii I.O.\J $ IN 8M.\LL 'iio ; . 11 8 Shiy ' . lI3 1arnaufl. \-D1 - - 1ONI3Y TO 8.O.tN-CiI.T'I'lif.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FCRNI1'I'IIU : . l'iN03 , 1'Jru' : ' . WAons. elc. . ct I \ t5t ru . : In city ; 119 tt'niovai ot 1000 : atrlcl1 ctdrntll % : ) you can " 11 the lain Ic nt 01) 11 , , ' or II an ) amuunt.CHAI5. . \ MOITO.\OE LOAN Co ; . : N u. IGth ' 1. x-m : : m\ TO I.0.SN. 23. 1' ) . 1' ) U.\8 ; t'UItNI. : IirC 11:101. etc. Jlr l1r.u. "em 8. Marker bl'I : . X"IGU - - - - - - - - - hlUhI.DING , t 1.0.\X . \SSOCI.\'IIOS. li.\1i I : ! ti'TI\ \ I. . -i Il. .1S'N ' - PAY I. i. I 1"1 e"l : " lien I , 2 , 3 ) ' " , ' 01,1. -P.\ : I . " I.nlbI' , I . i'uuru.ant at . ) NIIII.er. Sue. 3.13 ) - - - - - - IO\ TO l1 ' A 10:1 alt IUl't'1 : ' (1001) Interest Il 5a8'iflSs. Api.l ) 10 Ollha I. k U. M.fa. . H4 lice bldg. \1" 83. Nattinger . 8ig ; I'NIXg ! ! ( 'lIsNCiM. WANTEILADYOI1 I1ICNTI.RMAN 01" ROME Ol ! inning anhl.lnr" , \ Ally 10 unane hranch mAMl1 omre. e.1 ImIMIAtl for personal interview . J 'U mean lueiness ) WI want ) 'ou. Npwton Hklnhsr 16i O"udn alrrrt. Y-lil 3' 'Im ( IAGF m' A LIt'RTIME-WANTIiI ) a pArtner with from .rC ) tf S.O ) In welt "llan1z.l. pa'ln/ busIness In Onurulrn. Only r"w".lhl" , men answers S.20C ) annually suar- _ Ant ! ' " /ddress 1 10. lI-c. Y-li" U.C.IHNTR JllllfHINOS. I UIY (1001)5 nations . cIgars , ete J. J. ( lbion . S1 FIrst Na- Ulw'll hank Y- : Q S-AI-I % $ NT. OWNI . . \INt ; country ; 92 acre weat.r land $ .2. per acre . clear ; ' 5.32 : lrt morl/alra , cov"rlnl 2)36 ' acre. . . . much Impro\e . / At 3 Ier cnl. . \1 In Net , . anti S. 1) . < NI , lelIn.uent laxp. In' ) elrtluent - " estlgate. . Ailtlress , _ ' A 11. lIce. ! -3C6.6' - - - - - - - - - - - 1.01 I4Id2 ONI7-IIALI" INTI1I1EST IN A goI payIng rratlumnt : reason must leave town , Address A 12 , flee , Y-m3113' _ _ -n 111tIANTS WlSlIlN1 TO mfPOf : 0\ tm.lnesl enl on WISJNO ( , . . hIT let Natl. 1.nk. , Y -J.O . V U2.O * ( STOCK OP MEI1CIIANIISt7 IN IIES'I' ! ITOlIOJ :1CIANJHI town In c.t..n Nelrnkn for land and CI.:1 : or equivalent. Address S 23. care lice. Y-5 PUl 12xcIm.m2. ; - I.ANn. 101SI:8 AND CASE TO TIAm FOR stock general m.rchnndl.e. I' . O. 10 31 ( . Alma . Neh. Z-M$66 1"AIIM 1'Olt TRADE : tS6.ACIU hMi'ItOVIE ) " \1:1 rol TlADE IMIIOVI : t.\l In Decatur Co . Iowa ; nee : 89 acres land In Iolk cn . :10. . for trade far m.relndl.e. : Imlclnte , conl1unlenton requestei . A. Mark- scnCoston . II. Z-M26d3 EQUITY : IN 1.AltUI1 TI.\C OF I.AN ) Nn.\t Omntia What have lou to offer ? I. F' . Halley . 910 N. Y. I. bldg. ; .JM WANTI' ) . TWO Oil 1'\1m OOOnOIHIS : n. first payment on a geol Iwune. A. 1. Tlke ) ' . N. Y. 1lte111. - - FOIl SAI.I' -JB\ I. BS'I'A''I' , 1.\IGAINS. SAI.I Ott TJADE IN CITY l'ltOI'- erU.a and farm. John N. Frensor OPP. 1. O. lIE-lOG - J -3G AUSTI1ACTS. Tm IYHO I-D CONS ir 1AIM LANDS. C. F. hARRISON' . nt2 N' . Y. LICe It-H31 RI SOUTIEHN 1'AIIM I'OI SALE 76 acres of land three-quarters ot I mile trnm the mlroall town or Union town. In the heart nt the "Iflack praIrIe country ot central Alaham " Only n .mOI amount of cash reo ( lutr , I . balance on long Ume. I.'or InformatIon address h. owner JOlN 2. ! . JlI'mrS. Selma AlahamA. : J -M9 t 820' hOMES ON EAS IA YINTS. SELL ANI buy lotH , acre ( arm. . OArvln lIeD , . . 21'1 ' N.Y.I. E-308 IAHOAINS , 10mmS , LOTS AND FARMS sale or tmdc. 1. K. DarlIng . Barker lIlock. 1117-309 VHOO:1 : ' MOmmN I0USI . NICE I.A WN. line shade trees. good barn. lovely home near motor. J. 11. l'arrotte . Douglas block. 1110-11578 53 I.AN\ 21 Sarpy county $30 an acre. CJ ; ( , flout Cn. . In. , 12 In acre. ao : , Missouri land $11 ' nn nero. % See . near Top.kl. SS In acre. 40'1 ' In VIrgInIa , SI' ) nn acro. 1.00. near LIncoln. 123 on ncre. ho. neAr Lincoln $211 In acre. 2.40) , Missouri bottom . $ O.CO. 28' ) . Mlaolrl land $211 ' ) an RCI'e. tG1 Joining We.t l'olnt $6,000. t61 ) near \1)'ne. $ : .O . i21. ) Ilrt (0. ISO nn ncre. : : . ComIng Co. . S'6 nn acre. :0 near On"ha. \ an acre. SO So. JIOO , near Omnhn $4,400. CG near Omaha . $1.4011. 41 near Oniaha S2.40) . SO In Town . 02,700. C. P. harrIson : . 912 N. Y. 1,1Cc. RE-1..2' . A T"IT ' 2,00 , ( . LOT : WhI.L HI'IL FOIl S8)0 and take I good drIvIng horses lS port pay- ment ; or n $1,000.00 lot . wIll sell for 1600.0 and , tAlee horse. , Trust ' . 110 . r. hot. FIdelity ' company I.'nrnm slreet. ItE-M470 7 _ . - - _ . 1MjO 9 ( ) ACRnS BEST STOCK FARM IN IASTlmN Colorado : 2 houses . 2 barns ; cost S3.0110.O : ft'nl.l ; unfaIling wlter : 3:1) acres 1mg land ; range for roe heal of cattle. Prl ' -$1.6S'J.0. ' Lock box 302 . Omaha Neb. 1112-81463 6' IIICYCI.12S. _ 31. O. TAXON' . _ - 4)2 ) N. 16Th. 110 S1'll TJI VISIHI hALL J ATIIOS ON Relay tOlectal.'Ihi Barul . & Dro. . 12) N. 1.lh. :12 WESTERN DCYCLE & GUN CO . 20 CUMINO. 313 . IILAN'i'ELS , (1 ILA'I'I0S ) TILES. WOOD ! MANTELS , ORATES . TILES FOIl 'Oi Irplac . . , ' .stbul.s and large floors ; wrIte for _ IlrlceH. MIlton lolel & Sons Omnha. SU 1lOTIlI.S. AETNA 10USI ( EITEOPEAN ) . N. W Colt 11h anti ) , Ie. Rooms hy day or week. 31S 10TII , I1ARICEI1. FRANK IILmTCI MOIL . ,13th and Jones Bt. ; tee , Onnha and Hherman aye. calS pass the .loor. AMIOIIIC'AN I'Al.N' , S . AI ICAN IAI ,5 roms nrl.5O , II ) ' ; r,1 dbms at $2.0) da ) ' . European 1,1an. SOC to U.O' ' ) per .Iay. 31G Titil "LANOE" hOTEL . C02 S. 13TI 8Tll' : I'T : , . , 2IIIJSIC. , \tT A:1 LANGUAGES SENn U.o I"OI S2.00 WORTH O 80NOS ; Amorlta . Pretty WIdow In Illoonlers . Iarll" I M.bl" . The Course nf True Love Never 1ttis 8mooth. Latest hIts. ' \oohrldge lime. . Omaha Neb. S21 O : OIO F. Om.I'NlECK. : BANJO AND guItar teacher. t9n Case street. M-IIJ 'VXIUOln US , H. AnOWITZ LAS 8lONIdY . US N. 16 ST. . 31 SliOlI'I'IIANI ) ANt ) ' ' ' ' SIOU'IIXI ANI 'I'Yl'EiWILITJXG A. C. VAN SANT'S .SCIIOOL . . CI3 N. Y. LIFE. 318 OMAHA COM. COLLEGE lCTH & DOUOLAS. : SH tIll OMAhA BU"INI COLLEO 15TH FAlNAM 34 SMITH IIElm USED ONIY 3 8105 WIL soil for 1:0.0 : caiu . , \31. lice 4Gt-t 311 NI'W ImlNOTON I ' .S'ILL HELL FOR $60.0' ) . A 32 . lIcj' . 462 i COAL. SI IIAN COAL . .00 LUS. l'ST COOKING coal mIned In \yuniln" . 84.50 lump splendId fr grates . f.G. Also dealer In l'enns'l'nnla hard coal VIctor White ( Tcl. t21 1607 ' I.'nrar. \JIS FOIL lIEN' ! ' . J'AIII rol mNT FOil CASh ! . ADDRESS. Y 17. flee. 8 I-\ S'I'UILAGIO ' . i6iPASTUI1Il ; FOIl IlOhtiOlOS. $1.0. ) I'lm moth I'er head. Charles Guns . tot l'nul Neb. 3 ' ) IJN1)1171L'VAICJdILS ANn EI.\LIEUS. H. K. IIURI < r.TFUN17R.tL DIJCOI AND erbahner. lCIS ChIcago ut. . telephone 90. 321 SWANSON & YAIIN. liOI CUINO. TEL 322 1060. 81. O. MAuL UJDITAKE1l AND 378t1AL8L. FMIALlf. , 11 I"amal at . telephone 22 : . m . IU.NCINO. I'RIVATIO IE SOzf DAY OI EVENING AT Morond's. 1:0 home ) ' . Our hal has keen . renovated throllhml , : for rent to cub parties : 11art. hoW open for Ipeeton. "lSS RZJ " ' , \'I I-'I'U llOItiLOY. 'ANTEI : ) TO IIOIIROW-$3.00. ) 1'01 TWO lear , 011 collateral Becurl ) ' . Addreu A 10. ilco . leo S1C. : ' - - 31 IHC.\ . " 1'lm I l.A hil7' SAF'&I I'ILOFEC'rOIt" ASSL'JtIl $ SA1' ! l'lOTCOI" ASSl'IES protection II easily adjusted . absolutely ic- Ihlhl. In,1 can be Worn wlhnut the knowledge If Inath.r ; send for particulars. 1.1 Groue Sp cl.ly company lo Crease . WI. . : I-I S' . -L ! " : LOST ON Ll2A'ENWOItTl5 . I1ETVEI0N 18TH sad % . inllcag. book II e. UEWIN lut.I.1 191 Iewad for return to CN S. i9h. Lost-454. ' UII. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l.ol-0.Z' I UUSIES NO''JCES , 1AMAOtm lltOna I1I1I1LVEI6ITD . 7" N. an 16. ' . \ ' , . cotfl\X''S ChAR. \VAI.TI7I1i . nXNT ACCOUNTANT , : .3 hat Nal'l bank . Tel. : 166. ileferencea. Dia - - mmssthCo , I NOAOEIN'R TO JO DIOI7RRMAKINO IN famIlIes Ilcler MIss Sturdy , : IAIINO Burcete. T 0" M-IUI' ! UCX'I'IS'IS. : I 1)11. - I'AtT. - ICNTIST.j2UlT ST. - RAILWAY \ 'ThE CARD - - - - LelIUl'IINOTON : - , 1u. niliiJi-.T : UuuIntIaItJnlonpQt1I0j1l ! ! & ln fiVjlt UI1'I lr . lOl7aun..Ienver : . l"I're. ' u.1 . . ItB. . . . aUan\ : 4Minn.tllk. : 111115 . Mont & Puget . . Snd. Mx 4:33pm..Denver : Copreui. . . . . 1x. . . 4:0:11 ; : : 7Oimi.Ncbrauka : Local ( . , . 1Opl.Nebro.kn Lcal exeept ) 7:4"n\ : ec.pt Sunday . " \ 8I7aln..I.tlcoln : . Local ( e"cepl Suluduyji:23010 . : , 2:43pm. : I _ , ! " "Bt Mail ! ( r , .LI'colnl dal uy.1:2al . I.pans ! CltICAGO . BUILINOTON & Q. lArrlves Omlho , Union . Depot , lUlh & : laoul Sts.j / Olnatut 4:47pm..ChIcago : V..tbule. . : 11. , ,79soam : Olnho : 9:5lm. : . . . . .Chlc""o Express. . . . . . : 4l7ptn : 7"Opm..Chlcago : & HI. I.ul. I0xpres.u . . SWam ; ill3atui..aIilC : Junction I.ocal. . . . . . . . . . 3JOpm 1 al..I'a"Uc Juncton . . . . . . . . . . . . .F'aLAIatl. . . . . . . . . . 2:4JPI' r:30pm : Leaves ! CII1CAGO MI4 8 ST. P.WXrri \ : " Omaha Union Depot 10th & Mason sl.1 ; Omaha 6 : Opr. : : . : Lllled : : : : : . m Illoanu.ChlcagoRxpresi : ! . Sunday ) . . 5:23pl : Leaves . - & . o ' ' \ ' , ' " . . i.a'ea ICIICAOO- NOfl'1'IlVIto1"N. I ArrIves OnlhalUnl n _ Uet'ot. 10th & loon : HI.I Omaha 10:40am..aetern : Express. . . . . . . 5:30pm : : t:2pm. : . . . . . Ve.thulr LimIted. . . . . . 9Inl : ) 6.ttani..Mo. Vote ) Lcal. . . . . .to :3.I : > n 1:43pm..Omaha : ChIcago H\eelll. . . . . . . t111 : Leaves ChICAGO . I I. &I'ACIFIC.'Arrlvcs Om.hl \ UnIon . Depot. tOlh Muon fl tm.I / Omaha _ _ _ _ _ MAST _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11:2am. : .Atlsntlc Epros ( ex . . & . Sunday : Mpmn ) 6:27pm..NIght : Express. . . . . . . . G:3PIT :23al : . . . . ' . . , , . . 4 : lOpm. .C'hlcagoVestlbuledLtmlteG . . I :3lpm : W'l'751. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G:4pm.Oklahomn : & Texas lx ( cx l0un.lO:3am : 1i0pm.t..CoIoradoJlmIte'L : . ! . tln,10:3nl . . . . . - : : p.1 Leaves I _ . c. H1' 11 ; F'UT : . \rrl. . _ Oninhajjepot . .151h nnu W.becr OlahA 8tOnm..Sloux ; City AccommodatIon. , . . . 8:13pm : IIrpm..SlouJ : CIty Express ( ox Sun..1.r.ain ) 6:10tlm : . . . . . ! .S . _ fnul Ihnl e . . Sun..tt.11 . . : ! . . )13jum Leaves h I" . E. & MO. . . ' AI.tla'Arrv. . . I , Omaha Depot t5th and Webster Sts. / I Omaha ZtOpl : : ; Fiil and Express. . . . . 4Mpm : 2:10Im.ex. : ( Sat. ) \Vo. B" . ( , . Mon. ) . 4b : I'm 9O5am..Norfolk : Express mex. Sulilay,10llsiu ) : . \ . . . . . . i'aui I , . SUllla\.10Jll . . . . . . . . . . . _ ! ! 2Pm..tot. Iaul xpr. . . . . .10 :3\\1 : Leaves K. C. . ST. J. 8 C. n. lArrives Omaha UnIon Depol. _ 10th & Mason Sl. . IArrh'.s 9:50am..Knnsae : CIty Day " "IJ..S. . . 6(31)1'1 ( ) 9:4Spm.IC.C.NlgbtEx.via : u. I' . Tran. 601m ; .4r ' - Leaves MISSOURI PACIFIC , JArrlvci' Lea\ I IicOum ACI1"ICArlve. Omaha Del > t. t51h and \\'ebsler Sts. / I Omaha 11:40am..St. : . LouIs . I..pre. . . . . . OO'"m : ' 9:30pm..St. : Louis Express. . . . . . 6:08pl : 830pm. ; . . . . Nebra.'ka . _ _ Local ( e , Sun. ) , , , DOhm Leaves SIOUX CITY PACIFIC lArrivea J''U'l"rrve . Omaha D.pot. 1lh Inc 'obBtor Ste. /"rrve / I .6:1011 : : : . . : : & . - Paul -Limited. . . . . . .10:3:1'1 : . - ' - - ' - Leaves 'ThlOUX CITY & IACII'ICWI\ . ( .ahal\lol Depot , 10th . 8 Mason : ( Omaha I . : . ii.clY . Passenger..10llpuul ; ! ! P ° . - . ' .h , . . . . . . . .12:511 : ; . Leaves UNlON PACIFIC . JArrlve . Onaha Union DepotlOtlu & Muon Sls. / Omaha 1:47am..ICeamney : - . , . . . . . . . . . . : 2Opm. ; . . . . lealnp- E.fu:2:30PI : ZOOpm.iieat'co : & Stuoniob'g E" ( ex Sun.12I'r. ) : : ' 2opm.Ueat'ce : . . . . . . . . . . Slom/b' E.pr 's , . . . . . . . . . . : ! , iOpm. . .Paclie . . .10:2 6:4pm. : . . ! . . , . . . _ .FR.t : I'1I , . . . . . . ! ' _ ' . . 0 : : , al Leaves WAnASI ftAl1.VAY. ) AlrU' ! . Omaha Union Dm1.01. 10lh & Mason 51. , . Omaha ' IO'lpm. . . . . . St. Icmmie " - Cannon - lal. . . .1 . . :3"m : , % Omaha r edical ' and Crowned With StIecocs. U ' ° Suricat i I CURE C hELL Institute Nervous , Chi nll Hul IJr\atc D SEASES 'VO cure CntnrrII , All DIN"nl" " ot the Nose , 'I'liront , CJICNO. . S'olllch , 10y'I" lutl Jh'er\ hlyd roccl. , 'ni'leuceie , S'rlctur. ' ' .uk Men S""II ) ' , IlIooiI , SI.1n nu,1 IU.h'y J.nl" " nloot ) . . nnt Ii'i'ummuiio ' Venliieaaea . Lost lnnhooli LOt Ft.Inl.'n1n. . . ' ' : ovul ) . ( uiuri'lioi'zm. ALL l'JLIVA'I'i0 ) ISI ASrS AND JUS- OIlJEUS OF IEN. New York Hospital TREATMENT. Fan ATi . ponlS 01 EIALEEAJ ( . lESSES ANn UISIASES Ol " ' 031 S. PILES FISTULA F'ISSUJtE . permanent Iy cured wIthout the Ube ot knlfu , ligature or caustic. caustc. All correspondence answered promptly . Business strictly confIdential. Medlcilo sent free from observatIon to all parts ot the coiir.ti y. Cal on or address with stamp. for Clrcu- lar. Free Book RecIpes and S'mptom Ranks , Tr.nhncnt hy 1tII , consultation free Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , 14th Dud Douglas Sts. , Omlhn , Neb AXU ' "ACXNI LOST IllS 1ON' . . . lie lId I I e.es tll t Ito r. . 'I'h I eves ] 011 About BI CI- , The servlce3 of the sherf : were called Into requIsItion yesterday by Frederick \Vagner who expresses the belief that the locality of Elk City . Is Infested by a band of here Ihleves. Wagner whHe In the vicinity of Elk City one week ago lost a valuable pet pony. What adds to his dIsgust li time hct that anyone shouhI dedre to steal his pany when he says valuable horses are beIng ! hawk2d oil In the markets at almost ncthlng. The sherIff has crdcreL Deputy Omstead to take a hand In the search for the animal and Its alleged cap. tor&V tor&On V On last Sunday Wagner heft Omaha In a onehorse vehicle to which he Iud carefully hitched the pony , Intending to drve : out Into the country for several weclc of quiet life In the hay fIclul. When near Elk CIty the pony evIaceJ a desire for toad and Wagner , who had never let dumb animals suffer when In dlstrcss . proceeded to t appease the appetite of the animal with some oat $ . lIe had scarcely turned his back however , when the plny which had bean gentle 'as a Iprng : lamb all ito life . loft Its provender . lec.ed ! up its heels and starte on a dog ; ' trot down the road toward \Vaterloo led on by some Irresistble desire to vIew the sIghts cf that town. Wagner . ner gave chase but much , to hIs chagrin he saw the pony fall il1tb tht pOSes910n ef some stramigers who proceeWd to heat away the family pet at tco rapd',4 : ' paCe for Wagner's nImble legs. Wagner tt3ked the animal all LImo way to Waterloo , \trlclng \ the hoof prints of the faithful beast In the yielding sand , I was alt to no puros1 ' The neIghbors on I the way alternately rll and dashed his hopes again to the gtolr < . sme lolling him I that they had seen a' autUI brown pony puslng that way Iat.very morning. All agreed that the animplmd much ginger and , refused to be caught t. , Wagner has confd ) l ° hIS suspclons ! to the sheriff and aa ettortwt1t . ( he made to ferret out the location ef the Ilay. ' \'h ) ' N.II\-ol ' ( t ' When thousands of 'pM ble are takIng Hood's SarspalB to overeRql , the weakness and languor whIch are i , qimon at this season . why are you not doing q\mon ? When you know that llootl'g Sarsaparilla has power to cure rheuntatisni . dyspepsla and all di00aues C4U51d by Impure blcod why do you continue you to suffer 1 ? hood's curs others , why not Hood's Pills are prompt . and crnciermt. ! 25c. NOT TAI.I\XU I'OLI'I'ICS. : llr , ' BI"I . . ; , , " II I ' 1"1\ to : " 1"1 thn 111'111 Comuumters , I Mrs. Mary Ellen Lease of KanB . accompanied - panied by her daughter , was i Omaha for a few moments yesterday. Whethe Mu. Lese had any further object In view than the purchase of bargains she reused to divulge . though I Is preiured that the visit may not have been altugether without come political slsnlncanca. She and her child left on aa eaUbo'ad train . --a- For delicacy . for purity , and for Im rove. ment of the complexion notLlng .ul I'oz oDI'1 l'owder. , J. _ & , OIZCJ d- cXLQ I ; u-i 4 . , , -V4J V ' ( Cop'rlght. 180 , 1)3' IrvIng MacbelIer. ) I. Michel Grey was missing. AU the police In Paris coul not have told us more. The man had vanished hike a phaiitoin leaving no word . no message , no letter. The city had taken him from our sight. Whether ho were alive or dead , In France or out of France a willing alronder or the victim of the assassIn , neither friend nor enemy could tell . He had gene like the night , and hall left us to taco the problem as wo might. That was a problem for us . and that wo coulel not begin and enll with his going I novel had a doubt He had been seen about wlh Sir NIcolas for the best put of a month : my master's 531110 with his dater , Dora Grey , Was known to alt the town about ; there wnsn't a servant In the hotel that Ilhln't understand where the hate between the. two men came from And to cap all . the man went away at the height of It , and we were left with the girl . and with all the talk that followed his disappearance. Until this moment I had looked upon the whole episode as a handsome turn of fortune. There were many weeks after the strange hoax of the golden egg when m ) ' master never put his nose outside the Hotel de Ltllo. In all the years Ivo known him I can never remelber such an upset as that business was both to his health and to his energy. Ito seemed Just like one stupefed , with no taste for work and no taste for Illay. The little money that he possessed dribbled away pound by pound untl I hal to find \ s hat was wantt'l even for his daily living. Ito no longer earned anything nt the billiard table ; ho scarce read the newapapers. There were days when he never got UII from his bed : lbys when ho did not open his lips to man or womnami. And I Io believe that he was never so low or In cuch a Queer way . as upon the evening that brought hIm face to race with Dora Grey and gave a turn to his life which ho was to feel for many years. She cale to the hotel quite sudden-nn aubur.halred. blue-e'ed lIttle thing with Ihe fairest skin woman ever had . and a way wIth her which was wonderful to see. The name down In th3 visitor's book - Vu. . ( rw\ V - - She ic I an artist from Boston. was "Dora Grey of Boston . " and Just above It I saw written "Michel Grey artist. " lOut I dldn't mark the man until the following morning . though Sir Nicolas who hall gone down Into the garden that night the first time for many weeks was as full of the pall of them as he could be. "Hildobrand . " says lie . "there's an Amen- can COUllo below which Is worthy the know- lug. Sho's an artist from Boston and she's come to the schioola H's the Greys the railway people they are . and rolling In mane ) D1Io hear a fall haired girl laughing at the top of her voIce In the garden - denVell . that's the one I mean. Faithu . It's speaking manners Ulc3e Americans have for sure. Sho'd told me her stony before wo'l done the soup. " " 11' she staying ! long sir ? " I asked . "Threo months certain and lIkely longer. Sho's come here to bo near the painting. That was her brother that eat opposite Jack Ames tonight. A white faced luau with a lIver , Il wager. Il know him be lCI this limo tomorrcw : ' I , ) extraordinary I must say , to see how a little thing like this drew him out of himself. While ho'd gone down to dinner telling mo that J should find his body In the morgue before the month was out he came UII to bed al.chlrful like a boy and next I morning he toole an hour to dress himself. I saw him sitting down with the Americans to dejeuner and after dinner ho was three hour with tie , brother over ot the billiard room at the Cafe Houge. Then J knew that the business had begun and that luck had lifted us out of the groove agnln. "They're a Que3r couple altogether hllIde- brand " sas Sir Nicolas when I look him his coffee ) 1ext morning ; "bedad the man plzles me. ho's as men of the money . There : : a Scotchman out of1Montroso. were three hours we were playIng last night and not ! sovereign changed hands. " "You won't pay many bills out of that sir " says I. "And don't I know It ? Isn't It the girl Im thinking 01 They're the railway people ' Gre's of Boston Id be tellIng you-tbe ) That was a lucky day which 5ent them to the Hotel Ill I.le ; and for three months too. You can rD much with a woman In three months Illldebrand. " . "That you can sir . I she's willing. " "Oh she'l ) be willing enough by and by. There's no sugar for an American tongue like a title to roll over it. I was the man of the party before Id known her an hour She's Just the sweetest bit of a brogue you ever heard and her fathers worth $5.000.00 , frock coat will ? You Get me my light wi you know Im to drive to St. Cloud this very morning. " Well . he went oft with her sure enough the pall of them dressed up until you might have picked them out of a thiousanil. When he was gone , and the place was put a Lit straight I strolled over to the Cafe Rouge to get my lunch and read the English papers. Paris was beginning to be full again then for we were almost through the autumn and . . ( _ , , ' , 14 , . ' ii L. "Would that hI any business of yours ? " the gardcns were cold at night Dub you could find the folks you wanted any tm3 from midday until 4. and no sooner was I ( I tie place than I uw Michel Grey the brother of the little American woman 811 Nicolas had Just driven to St. Claud. He was sitting at a table , and there was a bottle of hock before him. "Ilahioa . my man " cried lie . as I passed him and he dldn't Ipeak a bit hike an American , "J'd like balf a dozen words with you If you don't mind. " "With the greatest pleasure In Ufe , sir , " I replied , timlliktng at the samcUme. - . what a peculiar 1001dng ! entem1n he was "I It long since you left Iubll 9' ' asks lie . quito calm like . and 111eleldlng to see nothIng - Ing of the start I gave. : " \ouhl that be any business of ) 'our ? " I asked sharp and shmort antI looking at him In a way he couldn't mIstake "Certalnl I would be . " says ho , "a cousin of mIne knew a SIr Nicolas Steele In Dublin three years ago nl < I was wondcrlug If It was the samiie " " 'hen you shoull have allIed my gu\"nor " says 1. while m ) heHt begin to JUII' Sl that I could Ilrdly bold Iii ) ' han stlll . 1) < stl. 'Oh . no offense . " cried he . alid with that he slipped a 5.fr:1c Iece : into 1) lmaiiul "You"'e been In Paris long ? " ho asks. "A mouth or flare , " says J. thinking where I could have him "Aro you going lack to lOnghand sJon : ? " "We are going back at the oath of Novem- ber. Sir Nicolas has engagements II London " that month. "Oil then ) ' 0\ are gclng bck ? " "Whiy what would we 10 doIng all the winter here In Paris ? " 10 eemed to think a while over this taking a drink of the hock anti roiing his bleary eyes as though ho was looking for some one In the garden. Presenty he salll : "no YOU lIke the situation ) 'ol're In ? " "Oh " salll I. "It's touch the same as other situltions. hero tchy and gone tomorrow. " "Then you travel a good deal ? " "That's so-but travel or no travel , It's all the same to me. " "Your master seems a pleasant sort of gentleman ? " "I should cal him that. " "lie's a baronet or something Isn't ho ? " "Exactly ; he's Sir Nicolas Steee ! of Castle xact ) Itath County Kerry . . "A generous iiian I should sny. " I leokell at him straIght for Id read h'm up by this Ume " ] 's a cold morning for takIng In the open air sir " NYS I. and wlh that 1 turned on my heel and heft lii in. Now though I hall taken It coolly enoughm . a duller head than mine could have seen duler < through the mnn's talk. 'What's In the wind Is this " said I to myself - self . when I rot back to the hotel " ) 'ol've heard some glsIP. my fine gentem n. and you want to get to the bottom of it. I Ll's true that a cousin of yours knew SIr Nicolas Steele In Dublin three Years ago then ) 'ou'l write to Idni and what YOI'1 learn won't keep your sleter at the Hotel de Lllie. Maybe that cousIn Is In Burope : more probably he's In Amerca. which gives us a month. Any- way Ll's you that we've got to 111ay , and thc sooner we begin the better. " This was my thought and yet simple as It seemed there was something happened later In the day which gave a new turn nl- together to It. Id been botherIng my head with the maUer all afteriioon . mdllnE nothing new of It outsIde the fact that the danger signal had been rung 80 to sieak when what should happen but that Just before 7 o'clock I met the man again face to face In the corrHor of the hotel and the sight of him fairly took my breath away. I shouldn't have called hIm a healthy person any tme , but now hIs eyes were sunken away something dreadful to seewhie his cheeks were hollow like the cheeks of one just got up from a fever be4. Whie as his face had been In the mornIng , thc color of It was like a bIt of plaster of l'ania In the afternoon. And what was more than this the way ho walked . feeling his road wih his hmands Jee a blnl1 man nnll staring before him as though he was frightened thaI every step he tock might land him on nolh- Ing. Never have I seen the muscles of a man's mouth twitch so much or a man's fingers look so like claws. I he had been stark ravIng mail he could not have given mo a greater shock-and I stood there before him feeling like a child that has seen something horrible on thc stairs and does not know whether to go forwarder or to go back. There was a minute when seeing him clutch bold of the banlstcr and Ix his tlread- ful eyes on me J thought he was going to strIke iite He 11 raised his right arm . but let It drop quickly again autO began to niumn- ble something that I could not hear. Ills speech was thick like that of a drunken man and yet J couhl have sworn that drlnl was not the matter with him. Quite otherwise 10 appeared to bo In great pain and when he got his words out at last they came with gasps like the words of a man stiffening. "Whcrc's your shoddy baronet ? " he asked. "What's that ? " said I. "Your Nicholas Steele , card.sharper and tiief ? " he went on . and this took mo more aback tban If he'd hit mo. "Iook here . " said I. "you're a bold man . but If you don't want to bo horsewhipped out at thIs hotel don't say that twice. " "Then you mean to say that ho Isn't. " "A hundred times. A more l1norlble gentleman doesn't breanle In Paris and I It wnsn't for the state you were In , young man . I'd let you know I. too. " This silenced hun a bIt. He stood rock- big on Ills heels for I minute or moore and then muttering something between Ills teeth which 1 could not malte out , he continued his march up the stairs . A quarter of an Jur later SIr Nlco'as himself drove up wlh the young American alHI he hadn't been In the hotel more than two minutes when I toll him what had passed and what I'I seen Strange to say he toole It as calm as a man hearing of the weather "The fellow's a lunatic ; that's ' \'It he Is . " ho cried . while he hogan to dress for the opera ; " ! he's toll mo hh history comIng home. He's a Irug.drlnkcr. and what he remembers - members today he'l know nothing or tamer- row or . perhalls for n month or more. Yo tmeculn't minI him no more titan a toy pistol. J have her word for it . anl that's good enough for me. " "Then his cousin wasn't II Dublin three ) 'ear ago ? " asked 1. "Indeed and he was . and that's the humor of It. lie loft before my nlial ' . d'ye see and If they write hIm. it's I pretty tale of me ho'l be teUing. Bedal ! I couldn't have wished It better If te ovln 'Iands had the plnnlnE of It . " "I am glad to hear that , sir " said I "so long as the young lady . doesn't listen . " "Listen-not she ] .s easy for the ears to bo shut when the heart Is open. Sure won't J 10 marring her within the month. She's Alnenican you must remember , anti ted to nCboly's , apronstningiu Oh. It was a famous day that kept its at the Hotel de Lihie. " ( Continued . Wednesday. ) Troubled 'TUh l'erlo.llenI n7.rntrr ) ' . Henry P. Sivera of Lucea , JamaIca , West 1IIIa Island says ; "Since my recovery from an attack of dysentery some ten years ago It comes on suddenly at times md makes mo very weak. A teaspoonful of Chamber- Ialn's Cole , Cholera and Darrho a Hemed taken In 1 little water elves me relief . ) could get a dozen testmonials from people hero , who have been cured by this reimietly . " . ' 't'Ihl " ' 'IcIIO liii hector. D. H. McAlster , the renlor warden of the Church or the Good Shepherd , will give 'a reception to the pastor , 11ev J.P. D. Llwd upon lila return from a summer , 'aca- ton In Canada All rarlshloner anti friends of the parish are cordially invited to be at the home of Mr. McAllister . 2027S'irt street 'huraday night from 8 to 1 o'clock to help welcome the rector hack to Omaha . p - 'lhJ.ct to Attneluu ft Cholera Modulus . Whll 11alnj In the Delta ( Mississippi Bottoms ) last sunnIer . E. T. Moss . repre- seating Ludlow Saylor Wire Co. of St. Luis. suffered from malaria and beClm& subject to attacks or cholera Inorbill . In every In , Stance when attacked he was relC\d as If by magIc , by using Chamberlaln's Colic . Chehera anti nlarrboea emedy. 10 says "I regard . I IS the 'ue plul ultra' uf medl cine. -4 CUTTING HATES TO ATLANTA Burlington is Ohnrgcd with Going Below the Tariff . - COMPETING LINES MAKE < LOUD COMPLAINT hti'fo'rreI f. 1 ) " 'I'fll of " ' , . , f"1 Iimii's l'mis'ui'iiger . \'II"-lnlt'rn S 'rn\hthl" for n. . \ . It , llmmt't umtimimi'itt IIN 1".I . They have manaGe1 ! to kick 111 quite 1 tulsa after all over the rates to the Atlanta exposition Ioln at Kansas City the rO/II / were making efforts for business nnll reo sorted to alt IdnLs of rivalry to cal'turo o\'erlhlug In slht. Just u'hien maters were getting warm the Bulngton bobled Ill with a special train anti a rate that Iii V competitors declared , ins below thin tariff . lImo low Joint associaton 11roIIJt ) . fined the ICansns City agent of thl Burlngton for violation of the local agrcement 'I'hat sort of play would be all right , hut the hltiniiligton liiaml sets ip the defelise tlmat lie had nothing to do wltlm the rate namneth flllti that nil grievances sliotiiti be iileh with tile Chicago agents of tue road. the general officials , 'lio were responsible for the ratca inatle. That put a moore gemieral lihinzo emi the deal , and the higher authorities of the hiurhitigtoii allege that thi rate was mit lit slIiilil' ) to beet competition , The whole matter has been referred to the Imleeting of the paaaengcr agents of the western hines , which will be held Iii Chicago on Tuesday , to settle time Atlanta rate question. Local iassei1gor lileil (10 not expect niiy heavy bimsiness for tito Atlanta show alid 10016 mpoii thio rate uhtlestloli to that point as a uliettirhi. lag clement that had just as veil or better bo left otmt. A row hiatt also beemi kicked up Ill tiio east over rates to tiio Grand Army of the Ito- iiihil Ic emieamnpiiion t a I iou Isv II 10 on Septein ' ben 11 to IVI , llot comiipdtltlon for the bimsi- 11055 has resulted iii title clIttIlig auth ( ho conseqliomlt fight , The war is as yet confineti to eastern limies , anti thmero is little ProsPect of it extending 11110 this terrItory , 8 from lrcsemit Indications the husimiess from thio transmnispoimnl region viii net be worth fighting - ing over. V Plime. ' VIuero' ( 'iImo'4 It i'Iguis. 'rho baggage reemit at the union depot Is about 30x50 feet , antI during the departure of traimis rcniinds the observer of chiaoio OIl earth , Summer tourists nra returuilmig from their ailniiah otitimigs amid imiost of the trtlmikc are of the ponilerous Saratoga variety. Time rcon is entirely iuiillCiItiato to the uleiuniitl hindu upon it 111111 the platform has beeli hrollghit Into reqimiattiun wlil'll the ni'athuer Will PCC ' V ill it. lien the gen tie mi ii beglmis to fall the way in wlmich tim iiiocea of personal ProPerty go hying througll tue air is a sight beauteous V to beh old , The baggage of all roarla coming over tile Uition l'acillc brhhgo , as vel as that of the iluriington , is hmatitlied in the one roonl , and when tlto baggage lflil nra riot playlmig leap ftog over the tntmiiks and each other , they are figuring hio' tlmo IniInCiiSe onl000t of work call lie lillldlcul in time irescribetl tuna. The room liolils beside tIme traitsient baggage iisslmig through each d.uy , miiaiiy othut'r Pieces that are lucid over. It is entirely too aillahi for the purpose. I I0eumrsi Oil St SImo'i'CM'o , The Burlington's personally colldtlcteih cx- cursiona froiil Los Angeles amid Sail Fraildiuco to Chicago and Boston have proved a great slmcccss. Tile cars used are of time tourist pattern , yet mcre nioiiey lmas beemi expended In their construction to fit tiuemi : for long distance travehlllg than in the ordinary car. tInt 01111 car has been used tilltil lately , but the demand has increased to miimcii an extent that the road brought in two Sunday - day and another will probably lie diicci iiext Sunday. The excursions start from Chl- nago on Stillda ) ' and fromii Lo Amigoes amid Sami Francisco on Wednesday antI 'l'hursday of each week. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1m.XtVt.l oil I1ii I imi'rense , It vas uimitmsttahiy quiet at the \Vobster s'ret that of the German societies celebrating Sodami depot SUllulay , the only exetirsion out being V day at lItiter's park. Tue rcads ruimining to the north have sent out a gret many excursions - sions this year and a quiet Sundy is excep. tionai. Fall travel of btii business men and tourists is just begInning to ir.akq itseif cvi- dent In railroad circles. i'r'timirl , ij. foi' mu IL tush , Preparations are beIng iiiado by the Misaour'I Pacific to hanilie time large crowds expected during fair weak. An extra ticket clflce wilt be located Ill the express office just north of the baggage room at time Webiter street depot. If time melt on tue express cOliiphlllO3 Ia great a temporary office will ha built Ca thIn platformim. A ticket office will ho located at tile fair grounds. hlniI'vuty Notes a mmd Gosiit , 0. N. Clayton , nnrthwesiermi passenger agent of thio Wabash , is visiting in St. Lottito. All of the railroad offices were closed at noon yesterday , and the eniployos given an op- liortunity to ParticiPate iii the Labor day V exercises. Ccnductor Mitchell of thl3 hOCk Island brought into 01115115 Sunulay the largest train load of leOPle simlco tile time of time World's fair , Colonel Jon Tehion , travohimlg passenger agent of tint \Vabashi , Is out in the stats looking after veterans whio vihi atteiid lbs Grand Arniy of the Republic encampment at Louisville. v. A. Thurail passed throughl the cIty yesterday , returning to Chicago frommi a vaca- lion spent. ill tile hlhack Ii ills cotuiltry. Mr. Thrali wall forimierly assistant general has- 89115Cr agent of tile Nnrthiwestrn , Tue work 1111 tIme Missouri Pacilhc' tnrniiiials at tile state fair grounds Iil ho coniphetod this .e'oiiiiig , anti tue limis will he (10th- cate'i on Jubilee day. 'Frains viIi be rum hourly from the W'c'bstcr street depot , coin- mencing at 9 o'clock in the morning , Trains from haiti the east and west , with five or six sleepers , are of aucim coinmoa occurrence that they exclto no commmiunt , Excursion mates upon nearly all of time roads have caused the increased travel. ihuisiness men who take advantage of them , together \vilii the return of sunuiier pleasure seekers , form thin bulk of the read hiatromis. TIle internatiolial Association of Ticicet Agents ovhll hold its annual convention in Boeton on September 11 , Eastern roads are sending time local boys all kinds of oomph- nmentary Inducements to attend limo meet. lag anti hmavo a good timmie. Omaha will be but slightly rcprcoienteii at time mne'ting , owing to the rush of business at limo. , hlandling the state fair people. (3.tSIIS IN 'I'iiIl iIIJI'ltI'DfIl (71)Ult'I' . Ilany ItniuortnittOuto'M toi CoiIm ( ' lIp gut 6 lii , S ° 'i' ti'uiiIit i' 'i'cviii , Cahendars for the September term of the supreme court ilave been received in Oniatma , amimiotinclng time new coio of rules anti this asslgmmment of cases for trial. Tue supreina cc'urt judges % vlih call hut two assignments of time docket , one being set for Sptomnber 17 nd the aecommil for October 1. The September caih will ho an limiportant one , It is expecteul that Barney MeOllmn's ease , flTi1Ofl others , will ha then decided. 'Fhie briefs at thio attorney ienerah in huh case , vhihcii have been delayed , are now aim mIle amid time supreme court has the whole case before it. 'rue imearimig is set down as "No , 17" in the list of assigned cales , hieing jilac'etl on tue call for Septeuilber 17. Out oh the forty-eight state cases set for hieanlni sonic are of two years' stanihing. The list of clvii cases is also very large , The opening thay of tue term \'ihi be oh intcrest to iirospectl'e lawyers all over liii state. inasmuch us thu five CollilmmiCShinerI will bo appointed who are to constitute tii state examnllilng hearth for applications for ad. it1isahomi as attorneys. It will be inuclm unors uhimcuit timan it has been heretofore to be. coma an attorney , Two examinations will lii hioh'i ' each year , one on tue second Tuesday oh .1mpi , and the other on the third Tuesday oh November. Each applicant pays 6 before taking the xaniInatlomm , It he fail. lie laiust Walt aiiohhitr year and then file a certlflcatq that lie line itudied In time nisentline , V 'I'hio suprenie court luai issued an order calling tip imll cases when rs'aclmed on thus call , whien they will lie flimsily disposed of , Some special cases , such as the canal man. ulaniuc suit , are to be specially advanced , wimleit of course takes them out of the re'l. mr order ,