- - - - - - ' ' - = - . - - . - . _ " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - _ - - 1"t- - - - i- . - - - - , _ - - - - - - - - I . . , i--- U- I I 4 : t TITE OMAIIA : DA1LYiflt _ _ 1 _ 'rUEADAY , SEP PE1\LBEn \ 3. 18D . I I - " . THE _ OMAHA . - " _ DAILY - _ BEE - - . _ c. nOSI W TJn. ! ? Iltor. _ _ - - - runhiil1m F\EUY X1O1t4iNfl. TEIUIS 01 HtISCII'TIN. aIIy fle ( Witliotit RunJ1) ) . one Ycnr . O ) Daly l Wlhoul ) On ytar. . . 0 naly flee Rnd Sunda . One 1.II. . . . . . . 100 tIx 11ithi . . . . . ) . . . . . . r 00 . . . HIt . . . . . . . Three ! enl : , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 G r Hun.ley : 111. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 ItUFtItiy ! I1ee . One Tent . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 ! lee. Ylr. . . . . a . . . . . I6 'Veekly flee One Yeitr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U o 1.1 C r1. Omaha The Uee ] . , Rulh Omnh fln/er 111k. . Comer Nand tlh StL Council 111u. 1 / IMrl Itreot. Chlc . Ofilce. Oil Chnmr nf Comm'rc" . Nlw Voric ! ) . , " U Chnml'r , 15. Tribune IjuIllthg. WashII30000. 11m F 8lrell. N. W . . : - co ! ms : PONI.WF. : Alt eornmunlcnttong , elntlng 10 news Rnd MI- Al rOnmuulnloua mattr .hnull , lelnlnl , : To the IIItor. IIIJSINESH ] .J"TlmS. All 'J"lne" ' I.ttln itflO , Icmltnncu , houl be iddrstl ! 10 The 1I T'ubllihlng Com'afly , deRo Cmrany II' Pu1l.hlnCmrany OmzPin llnfIR. tw < k. % fl,3 .v.I.mCe orders 10 b mo.'e ' IR\'n111 'n III or.I'r . of the romrnny. TIm J : ltI.IIINU COMPANY. STATIrlNT ! OF CIItCPLATIO. t OllJo It. Tz.chuck. "terclnry of The 100 Pb l"hln omlny. " .In/ duly , worn . MYS lhnt the actual numLlr of full nnll complete coptee of the Ialr Morning Fvenlng nul Sunday lee printeil during the mnth of August , lfM. wu ao fotlowe : folow . . . . . . . 16.11 37 . . . . . . . . . 1OO , 2. . . . . . . . . 1 ,11 IL . . . . . . . . 21,13 3. . . . . . . 19,06 19. . . . . . . la.Io7 4. . . . . . . 2'1,010 % . . . . . . . 19.036 0 . I . . . . . 19,033 21. . . . . . . . . . 13,173 f. . . . 1,033 . . . . . UI G. . . . . . . . 19,11 21. . . . , . . . . 19,13 7. . . . . . . . 19,1171 ' , 2. . . . . . . 19,07 S . . . . . . . . 19.056 24 . . . . . . . . 19,16 9 . . . . , . . 1102 2i. . . . . . . . . . . . 20,000 9. . . . 1 0:2 : . . . . 20,0 10. . . . . . . . : 19.109 . I ' 26. . . . . . . . 19.074 . . . . . . . , . . . . ' . . . , ' I. . . r . . . . 1,2'G 12. . . . . 1.111 , . . 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,142 1. . . . . 1,0'3 21. . . . . . . 19,12 13. . . . . . . . 19or. 29. . . . . . . . 19.129 . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . 19,100 311. . . . . . . 19,013 l ; . . . . . . . . 19.071 ! 31. . . . . . . . 19,1:5 1 . . . . . . . . 19CG _ I : . Total ! . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .09i3,1S ' L$1 iletluctione for tinot0 , nod returneJ f.lu , .I.luolona . In"olt I . . . reture . . . . . . . . < roplee . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net E'le . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 6,17 , Unl ) ' ' n ver a. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . ' . . . 18.9' ' ) : 010flc311 14. TZS'CIIEICFC. Oono 1. T7SCI lCK. ' . . . , 'Swor to .forp IP ant uh.erlh ,1 In my pr..eneo thb 2n.1 . do ) ' of HepLm1ier. lS9i. . ( Senl. ) N. I' . I'EIL , Notary l'ubllc. . . - _ . _ - . . , - - ' 1ho Ilcmocl'ats have ceased tnIIg : nbout their ht'llant ) ! IH'OgIccts of carr : ' - lug Pt2liIlsyIVflhIlit this ( tOll. luhl ) holdn 'R nre IlnrR' ot oratory anti atlilelleg. . 11 HOIO Illtllce > O\'CI the omtot.y I > merely u form of athletic cXcl'chc. . - 'rhe lIla : : who can dmw the line be. tWlI1 ! IlltlUr 1111 : Ilrofcsllolal ) hi- cyclitig loW\lar > Is too shurl to live 11 tillS wOl'I..ndu ( : world. .1. 1011 Hlrlic Is b'gliiiiiiig to realize that ho tled hlH visit to the United States n little too soon after lie ( visit of his felow member of Pllllmcnt , 3.91:01 Burns. . E\m the SI\10S tH ill'o gathered courage eliouglo . to call n leotl . Wih these faithful IHl : untC'llell braves I Is a very , bug time lctwcen ' rofl'cslllCU ts. Whcn both wholesale and retail mimer- clintits . agree that tmde Is picking ill mntm'lnl , ' nli Is greatly In excess ot thlt : ot Inst year I cortullly Is n ( a- vomllo stmw. New York has cxperlcuced ) three oils- . tlet cl.thquuke ( Hhocs and that on StHlay , too , when : the sulool are sup- lOHe(1 to lun'c all been tightly closed , . under the new regime. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e 'I'exns authorities will have to mnlw two 01' three mol atelpts ) to head off time . IH'ollosel ) ( prize tight It only to ad- YC.tse the affair mole wiloly and to I.eel I before r the iwbile. The police In large cities 10 longer : look for 11htm'hllces : Its the latuml COlcollllt of Illor tlay. WOI'ldlg men O\'C''whol'e feel the dignity of the day amid tal.c pains In protecting Its 1cjUtLltiofl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Commel'clul club caught time na- tonnl druggists on the wing and II a few hours lnuhled them to critically Uousm'e the length . , lI'enllh and corn- , mm'clnl Impol.talce of Omaha. Such work us this Is n counter irritant to te impression 11de upon strangers l ' , a view ot our grand ramshackle . dellot. Ex.Govelor CUmlhe1 of Ohio Is con- Bolng himself wih the Idea that lie . wi le Ihle to mul.l a visible hnllre8' slon on the FeiflIblIcilhi " of 187- lelHblcan majoll l:7- 000 ot lust ' and then , ' 00 hlt year al1 claim credit for 1 great nchievernemt. I Is always enl ot tm consolatons ot time defeated cndilate for ofle : that he might have been snowcd In ticeper. The nee's Sleclul train service II S eyel''wlml hailed a > u lUHlell , ' stroke . of en tel'IJlso. People appreciate enter- ' 0 In'lso directed , not toward hlmllt'I'hl compettlrs , but towarll outhl1lng them ( ot' puhlc ) favor. A newsllnllel & that delivered hours ahead ot Its ' conlcmporrles IlrO"es ) lt once that its lreteiiions to rank 'ttli ' IJ'oICI wih nowsplpers of the first mnll.lludc are well groullet1 There wi bo nmillo proof at time state fair that Nebraska offers pros- 11clh'0 settlers time most promisIng field to en ngoIn agrIcultural Pursuits. Wimt the farmuem's ot this state have Iccomlllhhell ; this year , others can iL' . , complslr next year amid IUccL'11n/ , 'enrs. , Time normal I crop In Nebraska Is 1 good crop Ind onlr occasionally Is there tllmage suffered fr01 droulh. ' Time In1ul/I'unt fllmer wi mal.o 10 ' , mlHtllc In taking ul' his abode In this stnte. By , 1101111 vote Nebraska City has , chosen time hlllllonlst young lady In , that classic town to net lS mall , of - honor ut the AkSII-Bl'n grand ball lnl 111 . during fair wcck. ' ' I dm'hlj fli. Many towns and cities of the statu wi 110 likewise until the bal rlom wi contain time very ' Illnle of Nebraska \vollmuimlmoocl. ' 'hls IIi I feature that will carry n Peculiar : , charm. 'j'hel'o Is nothln In all time wOl'll HO nll'lng UI femlnlno lt'nuty. which nhoun"s Jim Nchrlslm ns I doc lowlm'u osc. ! ' So'c1\l \ Nchraskn towns more actively ' cnga/ell II tile work of securing clillni , - for the erectIon of beet sugar tnctorles. : . ' 1'10 acreage devoted to the cullyntol ot time sugar blot by our farmers Is , h1CI'I'lsll . : from year to 'el' timid the $ - necessity , ot 1010 ( actol'les to trails. Corm the Product Into sugar IUst soonle epparemit. In tinmo Nelrmmska ) viii UIIllrent. tmo Nch1slc wi le stuttloleti with hoot ' tnctm'lcs , shtllltl wih sugnl' , but In the interval I : 1f . be Irtnont , to ' l'en\llle that the early , bird usually , , , 'U catcIc : time worw , , - _ _ r.or.t SFI,1'-GO1ElW.8DTh'T. " At the recent convention oC time confederated - federated good 10\'orllcnt cuhs ot New York n declaration wns 1110111.11 ) In favor of local seit-governmiieimt for I nil cities of time simile , that is , the regnia- . tel nnll : control or lullcllnl aInh.g ' 1)3' limo "IICI'I ( ) or time city , who/o In" . , ' ' limvolvetl iiiid not ' Iho tm'cHta 11'0 II\uh'ctl 1111 l , leghdntl'o ot limo stnte In his address II thc . \mcrlcln Bar assoclatioti ' Justice BI'c\\'cl' said thlt the Itlca'of home rule nIl ( local SlI- O\cI'lleut Is gl'owll In (1\01- " 'i'imouglmtful amen , " Iw said . "mol'c Ill 10ru see that time vise . timing ito 10 t llt ulln . "ntl cIIIUnl full respoimsilililty for the iiomummmgeimmeimt : of I'Cluslhlt , 1111/1'11It Its local nifalts , Ill that : time gremmt . ' ' . ' , is In the 11Ine. to free gIWt'UIWut II el'lh'nlznton of IIO\\'t'I' ) " Ne\el' herol'o his time local ! eI' O\'lrIICII ; Ilen hecn 80 uvitlely tlsselllltell ( ! uow , Illl It IH a safe 11'ct1cton ( tint wihin the next twenty yeturs Uust of the cllcH of time United HtlicH : will he gh'en ( mill rcslllHlhllr ) ) for time mmnulmage- 10nt of their locnl affairs , leaving . to the sllie legislatures time duty of dcal. hlg only I wih such Uatel'S as colccrl time Intt'I'clt , > oC all the IlcolJle or the Htnte. Time WIHllol of such a 1Iolc ' IH oh\'loul nli wherever I his becl ndollhtl ) ! Is hns hCl'1 fully , justlc < 1 1 ' lPsllits. I 'l'ime lullcJnl ) gO\'e1Icltl of time hOle rule cities of Nn/llli : 1111 Scotland are the best II time \OI'l1 1'0 time Ixtelt that time legislature of Nes' Y.m'k n\ow : ll this II'lnlIJle to he .cw . . . ' ' ummler thc 011111cd iii Ncw York City , , mllel' ' admmministratiomm , time mmmot stotis- Il'eselt alllllllh'nlon Ilst snll- factory results ha\'o hceu Italned In lime Inll'cst' , of iletter Io\'crlllni. with the effect of gro4ly l increasing poPular Rentmcnt Iii favor , of hOUe rue ! nnd local scl o\I'lnent. Time l'efO'U Uo\clent that IUI been hl\ll'atell ( In l'eimimsylvnnla hns this policy , In vIev. Wl're the large cities of that state ah- ) solutel seif-goverimimig there can be no sClgOvl'uhlthere built that less woull he IIll : of cor- l'ullt.Plctccs ) In lunlcll11 Itifit irs 1\1 : ( of rhlsntl COlhlnes to pl\11'r ) time Ileoille ) which flourish because ot their ability to mlnilulnto leIHlatls. . ' 19 . ca/t : 1110n . ( ' 110:10 : cOlnlml , ful reSi)01m341- hll , for time immanagcmmment of Its local affairs wi have time effect II . Inlcrcst every cltzcn ( the commull , In its local al'llrl 111 when this II muceolil- pUshcl it : . II not so tlHeul ( to ohtlin ) good 111 honelt goverimmueimt. ' 1he tendency of home rule Is to create a souse of h\lh'llual : l'eslloUHlbltr on time Ilrt ot the citizen , which leeesRarl , 11lieS hIm 10re thoughtful amid care- fool of his tictiomi. Time progress which lie ( local : self'/I\'m'nlclt Ilcn II 14111k- big wi cent nie. because the Ilel : Is inherent In our political systeum. , AH .Tustce Brewer snll , time great dauiger 10 free oYernment II In time celtmlzl- ton of POWCI' OIC If the mcals of averting : that dalJer Is to ho found II the widest application of time 1101e ) ' of hOI ! rule and 10cII self-govermmnent. rim GImJIl GlL1JI1ITIONS. . The celebrations of the 1IIIolild Ylc- tories II Wi' which n quarter of / , . century ago ullcll time Gerlln nation 1\1 lulle I I dominant 1IO\\'cI' In tile affairs of 1tmrO1)C are nboutt an end. 'rimey , ha'o heen carried out on 11 e1a10- rate scale , wih much 111111 ) nnl ll/cnnlrr : ali n great dell of 10111ar ( 'lutiullSitlSIml. I Is not to he ) doubted that time' effect has been good 11101. the Ge'mln ? people HO far lS the nppell It has made to their iatrlotIm:1 Is comi- cerC1 A now enolton has COIO on time stage ot life slnco nt Sedan the armies of Gerlln , o\'orwhelled those ot Jran e Inl this 10W enorltOI Cl10t but bo hUllllrel with n keener love Qf the Fathiem'lttimd by , wlnelu the glorification of the trhl111hH that L'101ed the cllllr ! In this the cele- bmtons have been n lelclt to Gel' mutiny and to time 1Ipelai houRe. Hut on time other lnul they , hnYt 110ulUesR served to Intelslfy French : hatred of Gerlal , ' nnd to makC stronger time 11etcrlinutol ( of Jrcnehmll to timid oh- I portlnl , to avenge , If I le 11 their I I . . power to do 80. the ne\C..to.lo COI'gotI . ten or forgiveum disaster n'll hUIII- . ton which . their c uliry sulTerell Iu the. InfO.tUU contct of twenlr.f\e years , ago. There his leel no m'llcncl the of' time celebratloims dlrln pro/ress celchl'atons that 1.'I'nch . tceln limos i'elm In ho least stirred by , them , but thlt Intl ' onl81 to Gelllny Is stromger In 1'I'tUCO than hefol'o ) Is not to lc doultl1 : Yet I was not only GI rlln"H ' right . to hold . these ceebrntiomms ! , hit It WIH n dotty , to thus honor amid C01nWIorte the valor 111 /chle\elcnil ot time . men who estlllhetl G111 unity , 111 crelted flu elpl'e which has litt'l. able to mulntlin the Ilcaco ot Et1I'fliC ' while lt the Rame tlO conh'llutn/ greatly to time Ith'llcelolt ot civihiza- ton throuhout time wOI'II1 'I'hoso who regmu'l GClIU sllly from time umihi- tary standpoInt , who think ot time ha- tll Only , lS In Irll ( calp , exerting an Inluence solely , 1 , ' l'el80n of the sh'enth of Its m'I ' . take I nlrrow ylowor the rl'lltol8 of that . elpl'o to the wor111 Gl'rIU1 , ' hit exerted nn liii- menso InlhltlCO Ipon ) the Inlolcctull Intl morul 10'elolllent oC Ilnklnllll the Illy which Inel'elRed hcr political . llwer 11so Incrcasll her mobility In the uthm' directions. 1lnclt amonj , time natioims In science , art ammd nil the Intons sclmce Irt nl1 al con- dllols of n progressive cvizaton , wih nn Inl118trlolR , thrifty , , brave 111 103'Ili , peope ! , GI'numy stands today fur pelce , 1111 whlo celebrating time hnlO'lnl victories that gave her Ilowel' 1II'ochIls . to the world that she seeks no further COIIIICII save those ot Ilt'ncc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SILVER IN TIm . ; xr cowmss. Th ' Position of time parties In time Iext hQlsO oC representatives on time question ot the . tree coinage of silver his lcen pret.t . , accurately ascertained. , ' . Out oC tIme 21. republican Olt l'clmllcan representa- th'ol In the new congro , 22 Place thelsrh'cs on record against free coin- age. Out of 10j democrats , scyent- lvo favor tIme . . free coinage of slyer and only thirty , OIIIOSO It. That Is , about Ilno out of ten republIcans are sound on this Issue and more thln two lemocl'ntl out of thrco are un- soummmd. I Is not an UnCOlU n thing for democrats to assert thut time two . llarUes occupy , about the slwe position - : on thlH 111'llol , hit tm , tilt Ittiolt ! nt time l'ell'cscntnth'eH ) of time 1111tc ) ! II COl' gress utterly rcflics this asst'rtltmim. ' 'ht'I'c I'C fl'c silver mCI II hnth inr- ties , It II h'I1 hit II time l'clJhlcnl ) iflL'tY the ' mire ( lilly n 8mn1 amid by , mme 1111R IlfhHIt11 : mllol'I , , whie II the Ilt'llcrltc Jnrt they tire II time . . , IIJn.I ( , though Ilrobnhb' lut II JI'JII ' RO It a 3't'I' ilgo. . I 11 hardly to 1m ) expected that time silver iii not he forced qll8tlon wi IpOI the ntcnlon If time next co I J l't' ! I. If ole of time immure rallcll : Ih'OCltcs of free COhll/I' II the hOl t' tlo hot 10 ' of timeum iii time this mmndouimtedly Romc thel II ennle viii. Of cOI'/e It wi lot hI dour wlh 113' cXll'elatol If ICCUI- : ; Ill hllIHI't ! titan tem Hllll'I . ( , % ' hut the h1111101 , 01 record , thol/h timid w'ouid to be nutogetlmer ummimeecs- wnult fecm lc Ilo ethC' InnlCNI- 1'3' , simmer the cllh' , ' II Ih'l'lll ( , fully , . nWI'c of their ItIIHlhlJ' 'j'he RIt tel t huts hel'n Iadc ; t lint II I tmrmio'i' to more fully assure other cOllh'I'1 of the dctelllna I ion If the Vomited States Ilt tl Illolt ) free sliver I IIJht tie wcl fet time i'epumbilciims : ! of time next commgi'ess to vote Oi the qneHton ( , hit whl ( ' slch 1 course could , IlemiltIlis . 111 10 hll'm. It woull serum Ihat other l'olltrlcH cun lecll 10 8tlll/el' 1 I Sl 1- timaim tht' ' ' have that there Is Inee thal they 10W hl\'e thlt ,10 1111/1'1' ( f the fore 10hll C nf silver h i ) , , ' this cOlnh' , ' Iml that ( 11 , mmppre- helslnl Oil this score Is 1'olllleS : . I I mlRt he Ililuml'elmt ) tl ( 03S'eryiOdy ) , that . the tlemHl : fur thc free 111 1111IC11 : COIII C of Hlh'I' slhslllng IHT that t : ul that II leCCSSI' : ' to clmlllte : It lS . mull issue II n . Il'e . J'n el I amid con- timineti ' ' . Time free slivem'ites Hllell 11'ISIII.I ) flee HI\'crleH l'e t\llcnt3' hOllln ) 10 revive hlhI'ost ! In their clnsc . throlh time IHsllon tal.en iY , t1i. Hlifoll Icgl'llng an In- trlltonll : loletl' ' conrN'cncl' , hit tloure Is not the Rlfhtl'st hHllItln ( that ther will 1I'IIt by , ( his. l'nhuestiomm- ( . mmbly I , time stutClclt Ildo : by Mr. litti- four ! a 11 lllllhltlCJt : ! to 1113' : fdelHIR of silver , but It Illlc no con- : . Veils , 01 YII' _ Cew , If Inr , to the prlllO- Sllll that this cOlh'y shoull take IH1el1111ent ( acton In time limatter. . TIm SlW1'.l1I issui. In his latCst editorial sermonetc 11ev. Flnk CI'IW dips his oar Into the local Iloltcll pot . nnd ( stirs 11 time sectlrlan Issle , Mr. ( 'mile's Cjl'efll ' ll'clmlcil ) ) ( 111 immgemlouis IlscOI'SO Is a covert ! lIe- ( fCloC or A. I' . A.lsl maid un olJn at- tack on the _ Jesuits anll the Honul : Cnlholc clmumrcii. 'rhe lice I'CI It 1)111)- ) lci , leealse It contends that the 1)311)- ) lie I'Cla. Is time only , place , for 11sem H' himg political issues Ind IIUlltonH uf- fecthl/ the Ilhle ) welfare. Its COltnlH tore open to time challllonH of the 80' called llh'lotc star-chmaommber order If the , ' wIll Ilsler 111 time cOI'u e tn uII. \ocalo their Principles u11 Ullhotl timeR' 10thodR In broad ( layiight. ? Ir. Crane's apology for thc per- . upol/ , pel- nlclols Intll.rm'enco II our local O\- orn1ent h ) ' the A. P. A.s Is unlqle. lie conjures imp nil time cruelties of the hllllsiion Uul time conflicts hetwcen IIOlle 111 ( Ilolcllales of Europe anti the secret Ilollcll ) 111011n 1 of the .lesults In distant Inluls. lIe rccxuiiti the ' , 11Htlnt le I'culs mar- : tI'1101 of Irotestant rotol'IC1'S nlil the slrggles between Gmirlbmohui , Victor E1nnlei amid Pils IX. for time poss s. simm ot Home. Whut has : all this 10 do ; ni 'ovithm A. P. A.'Ismn In Omaha ' the ' wih ! A.lsl Oluha 0' 11'0' scrllllon Iml 11If1nchllo1ent of Oath- olc ciizens of Nl1m1sla'Wh. / . not nlso recal the CrIlattn of Ser\'ehIR , the pel'scclton or time Purlalthe : torture of lime Quakers 111 ( the hosts of atrocities pCI'Ih'alcll ) ( hr PrOtt'i4tmlimts uln one Ilothcr :11 upon CatholIcs anl tIme lllaton In(1 ( Ilerseclion , of time .Tew h , ) ' both ? Why not recoil the hOlors ot African shwel' : ' . time sale oC , chlhh''n fl'Ol their mothcl's' bm'emsts : , time lash nppHed to time backs of uvoinen. youmg 111 uld , 111 the huntn 110Wl of fugitives with savage bioodhouimds- au h ' \IethiodIst ' ' ' In al upheld iyIethiodIst II'I'achel'l the south its llarti : of n dlvlnc immstltu- tion and as In accord uvithi idbhicml : ton wih hlhlcal teaching ? I the Catholics of today Ind ctZN1S of time United States arc to le hold responslhlo for tim crln1cs agmulmst humnnl , Ilel'leh'atetl : In foreign ha into . ccmturlcs , then ' ' ' cItizen must .ccnturlls ngo every , cllzcl , held for the barlmmrisimm he ) rlRonslh1e : fO' larhu'lsm : 1111 swaJcI' : , ' or his itmicestors. 11' . Crane docs not Itelpl to tel lS why thieve Is 11r nced In Omuhl 01' Xehrslm ) of nay oathlou11 Iiolteni society to protect the IJhlc schoolH of this city , und state fWI thc Intusion of . HOlan Clihol teuchlnt 01' to lre- vcnt time dIversion . ot school mon\ 's to the SUPlOI.t of Catholic palolhlal schools or cohieges. Ir. Cll0 Is Intcl lmt enouh to lmow tlt : Unlll' the con/t. tuton of NclI'lslm hot I IWII , ' of lub- ) lie monc , ' can ho expe11cd UpOI In- stutonH II which llctarlan religious docb'lncs are tuught. Mr. OI'lne also Imows enough to Iwow that there ne'cr has been ull Is not now mummy , 11U : I' that Cntholcs would dominate our school R'stol. There never were more tum two or three Catholc mellcrs of our school lolrl at tummy , one PerloI ( and Protestant teachel' have always , oltnumhercd Catholic tcachcrs In the IJhlc ) schools more thuu tel to one. Wihin tIme paRt : four years , the . ratio has lcen reduced to nelll , h\mt , to otie Innsmuch Catholics ' their share lS Catholcs pay , Hhlre ot the tJtxel , they , arc . enttctl to equal ' ' witim other ' In the IJ'I'legcl wih olhe. tnXllrel's ) : lel'lts ot free educatloim. 'hero Is certauimly no cll for n secret on thho\11 . poltcnl order to II'otect the cIty , and state from time In\1sl01 . of civil rlghls or hlll'ldlnl lhert , . "I lun1y before the how" was hlscI'lletl as the mete upon tim great seul oC Nebmska when I wns admitted Into the sisterhood of sta tes. : r. Crmino's logic would head to this : Since Catholics once dlt wrong ant Jesuits hnve plotted against foreign governments , therefore Americans and foreigners who disbelieve In the church of Homo hn"o n right to do wrong now fli many , plot amid conspIre against theh' fellow ctzens and seek to exclude timeiu ' from participation In goverimmuent . I strikes us that this doctrine Is not only , unnlN'lcnn , but also umncimristian. Wimy Is I thnt the fakirs and skin glmo lmllers think they 11\0 such u temptug field In the vicinity of every Grand Armiy , of time Uellblc QncnJI- Ient They are salt to have been out this year It Hastings In Greater force . tb8ti rrr - thol l'\'I'r. "Vb" ' It thl ( tried lnt ) mqcrl- ) IItt'tlII'nI11 \ ! whfl1 they lllJtl tn rOli' ) ( Il ? ' Or WO It time 'ollhfll Ilthllnn W tl his WhHlol ( tt't'th AlI timmeumt I fmommmvmmi , tht' ' to entice I 1l1 tl'II \ 111 they ollell NltC ! . time Ill.1 tllslrctl ( ( tloll'8 ( ) ? I IA gemm- l'nlRIIIII ) , ( ' t'ltlnt \ hoth time \CIN'UI nld the Iimutkotimi ( ! JllmlHlnl : have It'I/e t'nouugim to i4'e timrongio barefaced l'1011h Hthl'0I:1 IL hnrefll'cII 'SWhHlt' , iUt ) . ( ! t1 ' fact thnt : the Jnlhlt'rR 111 good hUllncR ! nt time Into emicaummp- lelt HhoWI fllt the gllhles WCI'I lut altogethmtir hlltlt ) 01 the occasion. 'limo l"IISb lof . ' \ Ionllllil lrommlises ) 10 nth'ld . ns Ilalr : lwOllu to 01111 : lS wi tl' stnh' fnh' 'I'he t'hll'f 'nRon : ( on' thht ' 18 time l103'elt3' which maoist nt- till to'tl II'og11 ) , murruimged : l ' time nollc nlghlg of Ak' II'-Bl'n. I Is : Hlething mto'v. 'I'he Ilcolllc ) In IIHI ( IlfUll ( Olahn have BCCI nothhl hike it. The feast loots created 1IIlc ( ( 01 , Ileh curiosity In time 11111 of Ollhlns : iK It im0ssibl. , ' ell nlon/ leolle lelllll ( : wihin ella ) ' rlaeh : of time city. Wc ha\o mme doubt the rtiii- 1'11\11 tome IWll of thc len Inteltst Ilnlft'tml Iii the com In ! festivities , tumid that they wi mall I I vie ) iflVl- ) slons for trtmmmsirtmmtioim. Hlllerlnttlllt'lt ltarse siy4 : hc wi mmiuice : 110 mmmn It'rtl chan Imu time mlll' 10 l1n ! cimammges 11 immethm- Otis 111011lelt ) iiy , his II'ellll'l'SSIJ' until lie hnl got the hl/lnlls wel In imand. Ro far , IO0011 But SlllcI'lntenllt'lt , I" nisi hnl nl'enl : : , ' l1sco\el'ell that YI- canclH II time Olnlr schools could he 11111 best hiy , teachcrl fl'OI Bcatllcc nll ( Lincoln , which goes to .how thlt we . mite on thc m'l ) of 111'11 hmrogress. - UulaomlIior ; hc JlrKt 1.1" ' . I.nnss CItY Journal. The slrong opposition In the American Dar associaton 10 Justice Drewer's talk against appeals Is explaLnnbl on the ground that seU- preservation Is the first p laW of nature. ( : "rlll still ) Clcvelniid. New Yore ) . % OvCrtSer. Senator German still holds tl the opinion that ! r. Clove1nt could not carry a single congressional district next year.o violate no confdence when wo say that a similar opinion Is prevalent In denocratc circles In Maryland . respecting - _ the senator himself. S - 1 CllcnKI I Catinot 1 11 I l'crHIII'r. New YoticVorld. . The indemnity of 4.000,000 francs which China has just granted the French missions of Szechucn carrIes the promise of 00:310- : thing equally as handsome for English Ind AmerIcan sufferers from more recent oul- breaks. Wo may bo a little slow In Chris- tLnlzlng : : China but Caucasian cannon In tht . treaty ports are powerful persuaders 10 decency - cency UtimrolUztishi' . ' In NchruKI lulnto 17x1es. Two Nebraska farmers who hell up and robbed an OXlresf train , pleated , when arrested - rested that lheyxpected 10 make a large fortune by the operatIon. They really got only about 50. Train-rotbing. evidently Is hike mot other ' 'patons. I requires constant . slant Indu try nail long exp rlence to make 1t really profable , , , 'I'll'lln . for ; St'I".n..1 larmon , ' . Kanns ' City Star. The harm n' > address 10 the demoratjc voters of Kentlleky exhors ; every gad dun- ecrat ef the stat to stand upon time p'a.crm adopted and the " ticket nomlnted ly 110 state convent.lcl , . TOte platform and head of th ticket hvu .b el abodf as , far aput : c they could cQnvenlenly ret , 'aM a phoiom- eual ! straddle will I be noc03say for lhe ac- conplshnlenL .t lie commllte requel. . ' The KenluekYldcucraoy niayiho II by ! uper- human exertion , but the chances are that It wi fall , betvcen. o l'unIHhln . Corrllt 01111. N.a' Yotk ! " 'orld , The steady march of the movement Ln favor of reform In the admlnlttrton of municipal affairs Is Illustrated b- the conviction and sentence or the brlbe.tallng : aldermen of New Orlean New OrlOans Is a city which at any time In recent years could accurately be described as a "hol bed of corruption. " Yet Nol Orleans has been neiher better nor \ erse than any other city In the United SItes would be under similar conditIons and with similar opportunities. With a vIgorous move- ment In favor o munclpal ! reform New Or- leans may e3sly be nude as geol 3 the best I Is a good beginning to get Iwo brlbe.laklng aldermen In the penitentiary. . . . c qUi , " Vlu1tor ) Yjcvs.jl sot home . Phladellhln ) TiIne ( them. ) Senator Quay has fought the mOft hrlant ! poUtcal battle of modrn tinies. Dcserted by hosts of Ingrates , many of whom owed their position and power enlrly to him rggresslvcly and vlndlctvel oppoed by all the rower patronage and promises of the I city and stale alministratlons . cut off from I lho ordinary channels from whIch campaign I rund : can b3 gathered to code with the c3mblned powers of lobbyists who have 1m- mln e means 10 ex ell In defense of theIr dlsrEputabo : authority . cal relying flay : upon the free and unlurc'asablo element of the rural distrIcts of time state he has manfuHy I fought and fslly won the vlclory. ' ritt- GOsh ServIce ! U" U Cmir'r . - 1. T. Newcomb In the September Forum. 'rho requirements of succcss for there who seek Lt In time civil service . as In other pro fessona ! are hard to define . and their absence Is frequently more readily apparent than theIr I presence. They include capacity for hard work , ability 10 become interested In matters I-einingly Inslgnlcant ! and nionotonous and breadth of view sufficient 10 grasp the larger relations of routine work accompanIed by an attentiveness to details that will Insure ac- curacy. In adtton ! , there must b3 perseVerance - \rance 10 conquer early disappointment and patence In waiting for gdvancemnents : self- reliance , esteem to protect against the occa- sional Insolence of accidental greatness and Industry as an ever present oily. To those who possess these characteris- tics the civi service now offers an opportun- Iy and a career I has no great rewards but they are yearly becoming greater and on the contrary ILia sure not 10 furnish any severe dleappolnlmcnts. Its pecuniary emol- umenls are small , but they are regular , and those who enjoy' them suffer little from the stress of comp < tton. and do not fear destruction - ton In the slrugsle' for existence. In lllace of fame I orers1te"satLfylng consciousness of having served- immanity. ITO I I It \xnrm SIO'I'S. . - 0"- Gah'eAlon NeWI : 'fhe women are good looking In spioithe , . fashions. goot Chicago TlmuIerald : A man can forget lut It takes a \\n to forgive. Baltimore Sun There has been one nice . quiet trolley Jmrt1t In Baltimore . it was composed of deat-rnutes . I wa Phiadelphia ) rd : To judge from their Conversation au would conversaton woult Imagine some men ' .0 ' be iupphfetl witim luppled wlh pnelmatc brains Buffalo Express : All those who have not been murdered b } H. I. 10lmes will please rise and remAin standing until counted. Chicago Tr44' . . The real reason , dear Tr" reaon sisters . why Ih\ men Qbject to bloomers Is that bloomers . deL4joy one of man's dearest illusions . New " York Tribune : "Bike" and "electro- cuLo" are about the worst travesties wort on travestes words that ever were foisted Upon a long- sufferIng public. . - oun " : JAnJ CONTJIMO'oitAltY Blair Courier : There Is lot n country paper In all this broad state that would , inflict such hO/-wa."t on Its readers al does the Omaha Worll-Herah1 Time Hera11 Is In n PositIon , to give time I'coplo n great deal of good In- formatio8 through its editorial columns In- I stead its solo object seems to be to keep its I renders In the dark alli mYllfy them al , mich R posslblo. The W.-H. remInds a per- son oC time green cOlntr'mol who after wit- flossing 1 great bareback rider successfully ride fOi I horses nl one time . went home and tried to 110 the same thing and failed 10 prop- orly ride one. Howels Journal : I makes one weary to hear time Omaha Werld-Herald tel time P01w- lists what they should drj regarding the different candltates that th pOllulsts nomi- note for the different ofces over the state. While that paper remains a the slate organ of democracy let I wltMl011 Its advice or al vise its own. I Wt JUI1Re nrllht It can ktell its columns full without writing nOvice for time Poptmiists. . We , as IIOllulst always find out whel a mistake Is mal10 amid wo take aim "J ted : you so" In no good humor. Let the conveltlens do their werk according to the will of the majority mll not pay any at- tenUon to time orgeom that stabbed Holcomb or/al last fail by ceiling out 10 the state repub- lcan commuittee. Craig Times : Time Omaha World-herald editor Is mmiad very msd. In our issue of August 16 wo hall a 1'111 editorial exposing ono oC the Practices of the hyphenated ThaI paper employs correspondelts thl'OURhout ! time state 10 slpply I wih hews but wher time bis arc rendered they pay mme attention to them , But that should lot make time fake breeders ] angry. Their reputation for lber- alty and ' busiimess Ionesty (7) ( ) Is too well known to be Injuret by a country weekly wo thought Still Colonel 1llchfalce has sunk quite lot of ' In vain fa quie a money atempll an- nihiate The lee , more than Its superior con- lemprary , and as his roubles dwindle away he becomes more Irritable . While I may be fun to cal : The lee "No Hi , " fer a mitako In regard 10 Its circulation . time \-I. Is guilty of many offemmses-lylng Is the least Time Tlno ! has been scrtchell off time sub- scripton books of time W.-ll. ( even though we hall ad\'erlsel for Il ) , but wo don't miss It any. Nearly all Its Important thoughts arc taken frem time Chicago Inter Ocean and . we can get them as soon as the h'phenatell cams Pender Times : As nn A. I' . A. sheet the World.lerall lakes the lead. I the edItor were a mogul of that unamerlcan order. 111m. self he could not 10 more to Idvance its In- tereLs In the motropol ! Wo Ilon't believe ho Is a member of time gang , but In carrying out his well itumown "polcy" of bucking every- thing that The Bee advocates ho has landed hlmse f In the pit or time Omaha camp , At- lorney Greene of Omaha reccnly delivered one of time best addresos against the order that we ever 11eard , amid not a line of thai eloquent , patriotic and unanswerable argim- mcnt can be found In the Hitchcock sheet Senator Hoar of Massachusetts has written R letter that handles the question without . gloves but World.Herald couldn't fluid room to publsh it . alhou"h every daily paper In the country of any consequence published It In full or at least partially. No mater us hat arc time errors , of The Bee In time past ( ( t luau always been fair ) Its Bland at this time ( even Ir for selfish motIves , as its ene- mica contend ) Is to be commended. I Mr. hitchcock prefers the support of the cowardly dark lantern fanatics to that of the re- fpeclable , conservatIve and more Iltelgent clacs of his fellow citizens , why ho Is on the right track . p l'el'llclonK Ah.I- 01 i'oatsmnsters. New York Tribune. Can Thurbor place his had on his con- sccrate1 breast and say that he has ever called the attention of President Cleveland to the "pericious activity" of the postmaster - ter who compose the democratic county com- Iltea of the county of hamilton . state of Nebraska Has he even deigned 10 Inform his master that said county commLlee Is composed of democratic postmaster ? And yet we read In dispatches to some of the newspaper that " : few counties wi not I represented In the coInIng state convention of the silver wing of the . democratic party In Nebraska having been captured by the Cleveland - land domocrats. This Is particularly true of hamIlton county where time county central committee Is comuposed of postmasters . who met and named . I delegation tu the 'sund money' democratic convention , ciled for Sep. tomber 5 , nt Lincoln " Now Mr. Thurber. If that vita not "pernicious activity . " what do you cal I ? . - . hANG OU'l' 'rll JI.\1 UF 'I'ILUCF1. YIAoroll t'rt'Mt , \ II'M ( hiatt' , ' l'I"'Jn- 11e , ' nnll Seclss'imam Huh' Phiadelphia lOecortI. . fey , W. G. PUddefoot , field secretary of the Congregational 10mo Missionary so- ciety , has written a wonderfully able , kIndly . ly and dlscrlmlnalng letter In reply to "The Menace of htomnanlsm" In time August number of the North American Review. Time Can- gregnlonl clergyman takes issue emphatIcally - ally WIth the author of the A. P. A. arl- cle 10 does not believe . with Mr. Traynor , that the "paparchy seeks to renew In the new world the power of which she has been denuded In the old. " lie Is inclined rather .enuded to Inquire : "It the old world was able to denude time 'paparchy' of Its power , where time vast majority are members of that church , why should anyone be afraid of that power In a country of free schools . free press and free thoughl ? " But for argument's sle. allowing - lowing the A. P. A. to be carrect In their belief , Mr. Puddefoot goes to the root of time quedlon and asks : Is their way the right one ? "It cortnlnly I not the Chrlslan way , " he replies . "De not overcome of evil but ovrcome evil wlh good ] . " 11 the ChristIan - Ian way. And I Is also time scientfc way. "If you don't like candles , lIght ; your gas. I time gas Is not to 'your liking , start your electrlcs. 'fhat : Is time true way 10 get rid of the candles , " says the field mIssionary To illustrate his point concretely he says : "Th1re al'e some fine brick btil'hlnga : In Newark , empty , They were once parochial scimoois Why are they empty ? Our scho'mt are better. Male them better . still ; have more room , more teachers better systems and our Catholic brethren must either come or do better. I they do eltimer what more ito you wont ? I Is not true to sat that the papacy Is the same today as It was In the past-a despotsm claiming unIversal jurisdiction. The papacy has seen more IIht Just as the Protestant church has. No ; the menace of Homanlsm Is only In Imaglnalon ; the menace of race prejudice propagated upon AmerIcan sol , IS real. The .fre press ant the free schools will keep America free. But set class against class stir up race preju- dices which d.o hard at time best and our boasted freedom will bo but a farce to mull- lens who must live In close contact with one anolher. I Is an awful thought that men actually believe that 200,000,000 of our Catholc felowmen are league to destroy their own fr edom. Who cannot have faith that thousands of them must b as pure as Newman whose "Lead , Jndly I.llht , " we sing : and as gentle as Faber . who wrote : I for us : "There's a wideness In God's mercy I like the wideness of the sea " I Is like going back a quarter of a century to have these harh feelimmge . which all true men wish to see blotted out forever " This Is time kind of writing and speaking that wIll most surely preserve the freedom of this country from the dangers which seem to beset I. There are no two things In' all imistory a the writer of this letter 1 emphasizes , that have caused so much bloJd- shed as rare prejudice and sectarian hate : and In the past Protestant halo has equaled the Catholic , and would have gone as far but for lack of material The writer con- cludes : "The banner of Christ In our schools will do more than the fag on the roof : and today is the time . with our enormous majority for the Protestant pulpit to hang out the fag : of truce. That pulpit Is recreant to the Master which Is used to foment strife : and I It I a waste of time to try to bring the middle ages up to date The motto of today should be Abraham's : 'Let there be no strife between mo and thee I pray thee , for we be brethren. . ' ' Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-Latest U. S. Gov'L Report . DVAI Bking iv'v Powder ABSOLUTELY PIJIE. . . . , ' : ' VOC ftC 'VIIIISTATiI - L'lti1M. Norfolk Journal : Nothing has been hoard \ lately of any serious attempt to make } . 'rnk hIlton cough up the $ GOOO of money be. longing to the slate In his posseasiomi . it's about time Imothlng was dona to bring Mr. hIlton to time . North Bend Argus : The state penien- tary hu advertIsed for bll and rontem- plates the rtlettng , of time Ioran contract. ! I was supposed that the state hall been fleeced along this lne even to the stsfac- ton of republicans , but It leoms not lIed ClOUd Argus : Time governor having faIled to rals any serious distUrbance over the OmAha police law Is nol proceeding to mas his batteries In time direction of the Penitentiary and create a ruction with the Boal } of Public Lands and Bulhlns over tbo management of that institutIon. This conflIct of authority Is greatly to be de- Ploreti Schuylcr Qui : I Is ovllent by the pop- uhist plaUorm adopted by the 1rln democrats - crals this week at their Omaha : convention that In 18G they wilt eat a lot conventon else be forced out of time ranka. The demo- crale party will declare natIonally for a gold slandard or cle' straddle the issue. Such sentiment as I contained II thaI Bryan IlnHorm won't Cp with the Cleveland crowd. North Bell Argus : Time bandits who robbed the Union Pacific train receIved I sentence of Ion year at hard labor ali their baDlY amounted 10 less than $ . Time bandit Mosimer who robbed time Ieoplo of Nebraslla of thousants , received a sentence of fire years with all time accompanying luxuries .luo the ma/nludo of his crime iiiitomm . who fleeced the state out of $5.000. romalns at lIberty. Justice should hide her taco In shamo. Cedar Haplls Commercial : Some one lots kindly sent us a price list of second-hanll Roods as fixed by time Dorgan prison contract - tract and property appraisers. ; I 'contalns much valuable Information for anyone wontIng - Ing 10 start In hiouselueeplng. Three cents Is time price of mot' stIcks . two for I are common plugs and 30 cenls Iv the prollor sum for good two-gallon jugs But If time worth of the prison contract as fixed Is just and true we cannot help but wonder what time darn thing COt when new. When the state pays HO.700 more to get back what I gave away no wonder people roar. . ' 'II . . U"S UBI.\ . Kansas City Star : The suggestions of Justice Brewer If followed . might not Increase the probability of lItigants arriving at the promIse - Iced land of jomatice . but they would certainly not lessen that probabIlity and might at least shorten the forty years' wondering In the wilderness which IOW prevails. Globe-Democrat : Justice Drower's opinion Ihat mme appeals shoult be allowed In criminal cases I distasteful Lo the lawyers of course because It implies a great lessening of their business and profits . but the country wIll endorse It as being In t'o Interest of Justce and against the Judicial trifling that causes so much Iyncbln Iansas City TImes : One of the most radi- cal poSItions taken by Justice Brewer was that against appeals In crIminal cases and for ant t"iO eSlablshment of boards of review and pardon , which shal pass upon time sentences of trIal courts , mitigating timer everlty where manifest Injustco has been done , but novoI Interfering on the mere ground of the corn- missIon of technical errors. Chicago Tlmes.Horald : And nlat Is the history of law reform as wrought by the bar association. An evil pointed out a reference to a com mi tee and a report a year hence , by whIch time the whole subject h3 passed from public view ! But their discussion affords light for the laity and a tIme will come when the reforms will be made , If not with the aid of time bar then wIthout it . Chicago Chronicle : The administraton of the criminal laws woull bo more prompt and certain and the deterrent elect of l'lose laws would be far greater I Is of time first 1m- par lance that the laws should hi just I Is hardly of less Importance that they should be administered swiftly and cerlalnly. In proportion . portion to excellence In these respects they arc a terror to e\1 doers and a wail of defense - tense 10 the Innocent. Justice Brewer has laid down time lines on which reform must proceed If we have true reform New York herald : In this state the con- vlclng verdict of a jury Is but the beginning of the proceedings Is an Important criminal case. An appeal Is always taken ant Ulere I no toiling when I will bo decided. Months ali even years sometimes elapse before the end Is reached. The crime Is often forgotten I when the criminal Is fly brought to pay 11 jmenalty . That this Is 1 deplorable defect In our criminal system Is ob\'lous. Justice Drewer's radical preposition will serve a timely purpose of It only leads to discus- sion of the matter . LouIsvIlle Courier-Journal : The truth Is , JustC3 Brewer puts the case very mmiildly. Hedged about with Judicial and professional etiquet . he could not have well done other- vlse. The ground of complaint Is not merely that delay of justice Is wearing out public patience , but aloe that time people are losing confidence ' In the courts as emclent agencies In the redress of either private or public wrongs Business men resort largely to arbitration or submll 10 losses rather than resort 10 the court This , thought a hard- ship Is not productive of serious evils to the general pmmblic. flout as respects the administration or the criminal iaws the cue Is different. The number of convictions I so jclntalously out of proportion 10 the num- her of crimes thaI many are ready to say Ihat are laws arc made to facilitate the es- cape of criminals. This Jay bo an exag- gerton. but there Is hhh authorlly for the slatement that the law has gene too far In the direction of tying the hands of Ohio prose- cuton In the trial of persons accused of cr1010 . I . ' 111 1' ' ! INn " 10W. ior l the time htlnr Ialus1 10t object nl5. If lcntueky mOlo\ll ' 1 time bleeding heal- ( Time Ilroulh Ilrevalcnt In 11Innl Is In- oxpilcable . There Isn't a shadow of a cal- plign In time elate . Corbett ha SOII basis for his claim that Fitasimmons Is not In his clau. Pits hu i not yet scored a dh'orco. I The lion . Bi Bryan Is cOlluctng n sliver tourney In Colorado . I Is a Coin rattling , affair . mainly at time box 001cc. , Alhourh Jachon's Hole Stem been thor- oUlhly \'cntatNI. time odors ems ni lng from t that section are nol much Iniproved . 'rho Baltimore Sun prtsents the strange ; spectacle of 11017ng Cleveland and prote81. Inl alalnst . time Msrlallers OormantJzlng A sneak Ihlef disguised a a gas Inspector Is doing a land omce business la ( 'huicago. The unoolh ! perslslency of his ollertol paralyzes time gas meters. Corta hear some resemblance to certain ramlAr sections of the Unlell States. Time mIolvisimes of Seoul dL'umlammd the banisimmemit of l'rlmmco l'ak because ito Is a reformmmer. Time tmssertloum of tIme New York Sun that ' ' 1100 , Jmmhius i3terliumg Morton lumaimed time crown nvay" mImotmid be accoumlpanled witlm aum atildavlt , showing tiat time crown was silver. Time czar of Russia imas sent a preseumt of : io,00o rifles and 15,000,000 cartrIdges to i'rIumco Niciuoias I of Montenegro , Time crowned heads of Biurope lemon' one an- other's needs , Daniel Scott , Wimo died receulily Iii Cimicago , ivas omme of time veaithmieat colored tiiemm imi time west. lie was to a mu s'ava in iSIS , a ruck Chicago Iii 1872 , mtmmd accummmtmlnted atm eatato valued at $100,000. Johmum W , Paul of tIme Drexel baulking flriii of Phulladeiphia immis lund hula stamup colectiomm immsomred for $30,000 , Time I'atul coliectioum is 0110 of time most valtuablo 1mm tIme world. 'l'lmoro are stammips 1mm ttjo collection uvorthm $500 eacim , The home of Charles A. 1)ana , the editor of the New York Stmmm , is a Italace. Ills oiflco is a uvorkaimop aomd contaimms only a desk , two chmairo , a somali table ammO a rug. lie coin- niences work at 8 in time nlorning and seldom leaves ummtii 6. Wlmen the governor of WyomIng read and mentally digested time reports of time United States macshoal commcermmlng time hlannock affair he discovered that imI voice was not on straight. during time receding uvoeks of merry war and turmoil. 1'.tSSl(3 O'IIOASAi'I'flhIlS , Chlcngo Tribune : "StraIght whisky , " groaned Jngwny , time next smiormuImig , "Is an unmixed cviii" Judge ; Friend-Yoomr muon , I uunderstnnd , lma literary aspirations. hoes Ime write for money 7 Father ( feehltmgly-Uulceaslngly ) , Texas Sittings : Tile lamiguago of a cleat mute is a timing tlmatgoe ovithmout saying. Detroit Trlbtmne : The Candy Ilutchcr-Tlme glass enter's got cholera morbus. Time 7ultm Cimicftmtitm-Serves hmima right. Ito ought to know enougim to let green bottles alone timid timmie of year. Indianapolis Journal : "Women , " saiml lmo , oracularly , to imem' , "are rarely good hlstcui- And mnotimer-in-law time the prospective - - in hallway emily applied her car a little closer to the keyhole and smiled grimly. Cincinnati Tribune : Simmmrp Yankees , timose Ilostomi people. Timey took a ceulsus iii , watermelon time , when everybody woum doubled up , Washington Star : "They say , " saId time prudent man , thmmtt mm maim who miever drinks , nor smokes , nor stays up late at miighmt mu- uvays hives to 0. gm'eat age. " "Yea , " reumiied hmi very blase triemmd , with 4' a yawn , "thmmtt's his pummishunent. " Cincinnati Enquirer"flut if you ore In earnest in yotmr anti-cruelty-to-animal vrln- ciples , how can you bring yourself to cmi- courage their butchery by eating meat ? " "I even thmiumgs up by not payIng my butcimer bills , " Detroit Free Press : Mrs. Wlckwire sat up fold shook Imer sleepimig husband's shoulder vigorously , "S'hmat is it ? " lie mtmmbieml. "I want you to snore either In soprano , bass , alto or tenor and conline yourself to ommo tone. You keep switching from one to another so rapidly that I can't sleep. " Boston Traveler : "Cimarlea Ifenlerson , was smart. " " 110w ? " "iVhm' , just before lmis rich uncle died lie calicO time yotung fellow to 111001 anti told him imo had ( leCideti to leave hmlni nottmlng btmt his autogrnplm. " "Yes ? ' ' "Anti Charlie 514101 'all right , ' mmml timc'n drew up a cheek for $100,000 anti tol.t time old man to put the autograph on It. It lmieaseml time oid man so much that 1w immade it $200,000 , " WONDROUS \VISE. l'uck. There waa a man in our town ( lIla name my memory slips ) , Who kissed ten thousand microbes off His sweetheart's ruby hIps. Anti when lie found whmat he bath done , 'tVitlt all ImP , mIght anti main lie rushed up there another night And lclsimed them on ngaln. TihlO WA'i'II1O31ELON'S IlidAst'P , Frank I. . Stanton. Does your liver cry for trouble , 'Till your life is full of woe ? Do your btmrdens seem to double , Whuilo your joys no greater grow ? I3rothmer , have you got a pehl on \Vimose departure you would part ? Go and get a wutem'mnelomm Themm , carve it to time heart. There's a cure for every sadness , For time grave who sit apart , In thci Juicy luselotma giathness of the waermnolon'a heart. , . I , , , . 3 . , ' ' ot Get Ready For . School-- . . . ' Comb his hair-wash him up-and the teacher - won't know him-but put hm into a ' oI " . new suit of clothes and his own mother &O ( him-First impressions are 30 always the best-get the teacher stuck \ . ' on your boy the first thing and 113'Il , . ' , - - 0 learn 1ot faster-If he's neatly drcs3ed 00 . he ought to have a neat two-piece school suit in Brown or Gray Mixed . Double Breasted Cassimere or Chc- viet fat. 6 to i. . . year old boys at $2,00 $2.50 and $3.00 , Surely you can . stand that. A Reefer for chilly morn- 'ngs , 3 to 8 years , blue , tan , red , brown , plain or mixed colors , all wool cheviots , flannels or kcreys , $4 , $5 and 6. Maybe knee pants will be all he necds-35c4 5CC , 75c , $1.00 for spe'cial values , in mixed and plain colored cassimeres , worstcds and cheviots , ages 4 to i years , BrowningKing & W Cor , 15th and 1) ougas Sts , ' , . . . - - - - - - - . _ . _ _ _ , . _ , , _ _ - -a- ' - - " ' 7'a - - -tti 5- ' ' - ---1' , - . - -