Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1895, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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    " * . . ,4 . - _ - - ' . ' - k . ' _ - . - .
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I ii . 18. _ - - - . _ : - TIlE OMAhA \ DAILY 1fliif : 3TN1)AY , FEP'l'lD1\IUER ; \ 1 , 18m
' DaYB of the Prairie Ohrokcu ( ) Rapll11y
Becoming B Memory Ou1y
f' - -
' OnfJ R'lr'hl" CmIIIOI' . -I'nln' . .
"ll tl' Crll'u.-On tln , , , , , ' ) P
JInhlle - H"CrtlA " I , " -
1 forlltC" nClcrnl ) ' ,
i IIoux ; CIty corr- ,
, ) : : , . ' _ . _ _ - epon1eflt ] wants to
' ! j } ] OW whether there
' 1f c (
.M'fi Is a law on Ne- ,
. ' s tat u t 0
' r brlka's boolu makln ogs
'l : "
' ' , rf r [ : " Ilenona ] proller ! )
{ ' , : ; /J and , If lot , what as-
\ ) , / ' _ ' Burancc wi exhibitors -
hblter of valuable animal have
for their protection and safety nt
Omaha' comIng bench "how. lIe
also wants to know about which I l the
proper time to begin tralnln a dog for field
work and some InformatIon about han lng
and taking care of him during the traIning
BP On and how to select the best puppy of I
In reply to the first qutston I Is remarked -
marked that while the bill drafed Last
winter for this specific purpose failed to
pass In the le/Islaturo dogs are protected
by Nebraska lav In the case of Nehr vs
Slate , reported In 3th Nebraska . page
6t2 , Judge Maxwell ucos the following
lal'guage : .
The Ir ( . t objection II flint ' ! dog has no I
value thprcforo n prOMeUttufl wil Dot lie
umlcr the tutute In uesIlon. \Ve think
differently , howo\cI' . A del Is property and
no one cnn dtt'ov I ma1ltoutly without
making himself liabie. : Tll ! GIjeclo : , thlre-
fore , Is untenable. 'fhls decision Is baden
on decl lens In Hnrsal : , New York , Mnssa-
, chusels and Iilinos.
The fact that the bench show II to be given
under the auspices at the Omaha Kennel
club Is sufficient guaranty to exhibitors that
ttlr property and rIght wilt b thoroughly
Ind conscientously looked . after. The official
roster of the club Is mace up ns folow > :
Dr. J. C. WhInnery , president ; J. II. Mc-
Tegue , rice preldmt : l. I. . Marten , record-
Lag secretary C. F' . Frenzer fInancial secretory -
try , and Fred Uoth , tieasurer. The bench
Dhow committee Messrs. Whinnery. Mc-
Tague , . Maritan , Ifrenzer , Roth , K mp , Evans
'Vlerman , Nason May and Chmberbln. J.
'lemlng , veterinary : \V. E. Nason , superin-
tendent an'.l John Davldsu judge.
The proper training of a dog should begin
when the puppy has left cit the playful
pranks common to youngsters and begins to
evince his native instinct for h'ntlng by
restless attempts at stray IJb , , such as
sparrows , pigeons and others. To maintain
a hunting dog In vIgorous ) health \\hen training -
Ing or at any other time gh" him plelly of
exercise In the Ollen all and keep him clean.
Frequent washing Is highly beneficial. I
frees him from irritation and ] destroys
vermin. 'Setters need more attention than
pointers. Deds mode of pine shavlrls are a
good thing , winter or summer. They delight -
light to turn round and round In these
shavings until they have formed a bed to
suit themselves. Fleas lever Infest dogs
who are supplied , with fresh pine shavings
tor beds. The old paying has It tint the
best puppy of a litter Is the one the bitch
first attends to That Is , tak , them all out
of their nest when a day or FO old. carry
them off a yard or two and puT them down
together. The first one the mother picks up
to carry back Is the best. I wi not vouch
for the truth of this but I know many olrl
doggy men who believe In It firmly. Thee
high , blooded sporting dogs are capable of
ml'ch education , but there Is a great differ-
coca In the InttIIKence of dogs of the same
breed or even of the same hitter.
The American Kennel club rules require
bch show managements to publish any
changes In their premium list before the date
of the clning of ( entries which In the case
ot Omaha's coming phew Is September 4. and
In accordance with the American Kennel
club's requirements the foloIng announce-
meat has been authorized by Superintendent
Nason :
The kennel prize of $0 for the best kennel
of four bloodhoulds has been withdrawn.
Cass :6 ½ , challenge bloodhound bhiches .
: frst , $10 hus been allded. The English
IloodhDund club has donated one gold medal
to the best bloodhound dog one gold medal
to the best bloodhound blch' antI one silver
medal to the best bloodhound PUPP This
leaves the bloodhound classes as follows :
Class No. ' : G , challenge Ilogp. frst , $ bO.
Cass No. 2G . challenge bitches , first , $10.
Class No. 27 , pen ( log " , first $10 , second $ :
Class No. 28 , open bitches . fIrst $10 ,
second $5.
Class ND. 29. puppies . dogs and bitches ,
first $5. second U.
The EnglIsh oodhound club hal never
given Its medals ] to any show outsIde of
New York antI ChIcago. The Omaha Kennel
cub feels quite jubilant over It. It gives
our show a standing second to none outsIde
of New York and Chicago. itoger Wiihiams
ot Loxlnglon ICy . the greatest bloodhound
breeder In this country has promlsel to enter
" four of his 'champIon dogs. This will give
Omaha people a chance to Ice what a blood-
' 10und really hr The cur shown and ad-
vertsed as bloodhounds ] In the "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" plays have been a great detrIment
to blool1honnlt Interests and have given people
; Is wrong idea of them.
A wonderful metamorphosis took place In
; this state this morning. All the curlew and
upland plover turned Into prairie chlckon.
With today ' the open season for these birds
t ; begins , and ! lasts until January 1 , lS96.
I : : ChIcken shooting , hoevet Is one of the
many field sports that Is approaching its end
I In Nebraska . I hal bon on a rapid decline
for live yeus , and In as many more the
t. bIrd wl be as scarce lS the antelope.
' 111 time was when the measureless
prairIes ! or thIs state fairly swarmed with
this gallant and gamey bird but Increasing
, settlement , together with unfavorable sc-
. sans , and the rutbfcss market bunter , have
all too thoroughly done theIr work. Appalling -
palling havoc has been made within the
ranks or the chIcken and grouse during the
put ' several years , and tOday many ot their
10t' famous nesting and feeding grounds
know thor no more Antelope too , no
" longer thin ten years ago , wIre to be met
with In bands of hundreds In our middle
' . and western counthB low many or these
tt. gallant little gallopers remain to beautify
( the Bummer plaIn and quIcken the pulse of
hunter and wayfarer ! I la highly prob-
lematcal whether I dozen could be found
- . today I the state was raked wIth a floe-tooth
comb. Occasionally an old luck I jumped
i some gloomy draw In the remote Bandhls ,
r but a far aa the sport of hunting them
gves , they are as god a lIterally ex-
terminated. And so It will be with the
I grouse and chicken In a few short years
more. Last season was the budeat on the
brds ! at any for several decades. Their
season for nldlfCton was wholly blotted
out. Th3 drouUI was mare intense
I nIl of longer duration than any sim-
liar period for twenty yens , anti
the destruction of the bIrds was'
trememlous. A lack of water and feed dove
them away entirely from many localities and
. decImated their dumbel everywhere. On
- nanny of the best shootng grounds within
the northern aDd western confines of the
t . : It1te there Is no vestige ot chicken or grouse
" ( this fall and likely never will b again ,
. ftl there ate a good many bIrds In certaIn
Mectons yet and by perseverance anti In _
dustry some tolerable sport may be had this
oason. Du It will nat ut IDng. Every
farmer has his gun nowadays and the city
sportsman Is not In It when It camel 10
.aglng game , It II safe to say that the
bunches or birds that have not been "marked
: down" In any locality In the state could
. ba counted on the fingers . of your two bands
, The bulk of the bIrds , therefore which
t have thus far ec3pell the maw of time
Snulablo lawbreaker and market hunter are
: doomed , and with each recurring ) 'es they
; must neceuarly become scarcer anJ scarer ,
t cnl Inaly , and at no very Ilhtan day at
limit . the last remnant of this great game
- family will have gone t Join the buffalo , the
c antelope and the Wild pieun . In another
brIef cycle of time the valiant pot hunter
un confine himself to blackbIrds and English
sparrows. Our children's children may listen
t tu the quack of the mallard and Deb \Vhlto's
beloved whistle , but tD the whIr of the
J'llnall gOUB" ' . wing , never
This indeed b I ud situation to con-
tazuplate , especially wbea the fact that the
'a . , t. , - " I. , , : - - , - - J..Jl1
- - - .
tunis ennuI have bln preserve.1 In fairly
111rnUfll . numbers for : lenit ltrles ot yearn
yet II taken Into cominItlprtintm. A little
honest legislation wo111 hno am'compiisimeti
this , hut InlrAt or this , even time meager
iowa rlrtllty vrearribe'l II behalf of the
blr.1 have been 111 amid they have been al.
most nwlutely wlhlllt protection trol.\
'cars' end to ycan' etimi. . \HCI' the : hl.k n 11\1
the gllSe become 1 flhll end a mentor ) '
I" will prbehjIy see II good law 'IJNRl upon
our statute bOK I.
Sp nlln/ aleut antelope , and a3 al cvi-
Ilence or their ul-tlno , p'cnl'fIIDeu. I recall
that lu the fJl of ld3 ; CIIt.ln Jan ( nJAeam
Snyder's eli eper-wolt tit Into flex
lute county anti : after len Ibys' hunt ft-
tur11 10 Omaha with the hides and , eahilles ,
of nIne antelope. Ant no longer back than a
year ago last MArch , while duck Ihotng In
the sandhls or Deuel county , I maw ' little
I bunch or tles9 Irautful an'm119 mnycelf.
Dut twenty years ago. Those were iia'cyon
times for the sitat I tsmon In Nebra kl here II
nn acc lnt of 1 two ays' ! deer hunt , December -
her 12 antI 13 . 1876 , wihIn : baa t:1 : n len mile
of our city limits . taken from the clllmns c
the old Chlc,1lO Fle'd , nail c-ntrlbuted by
F. P. L. , whoever that Ientpmal ! , msy be :
OMAhA , Dec Hi , 1876-I.0lolln : , I the
result of I two days' lIter hUl . lecsmbor 1 :
and 13 , ly live mne'nboms rl the Omha Sprt1-
man'R club , anti ] Dr. fmah of th:1 : city . The
! enlcleu : of the club were Urron heed. es 1 , .
Major hiarriger . Oecrgo . Hen land. ! J. W.
Poly and J. Z3chal 'Cnylr. A Pgbt sldn
of snow canto . whIch hste about two daya ,
time weather was cl3 and jest cold eou/h to
freeze cars. as two or these ! el tenen wl,1
testify. The country that they chse was
above Florence , between Se\'O end twelo
miles distant , north from Omaha , l ] crence-
burg seven miles. They tacIt the Omaha &
Northwe3tet railway train , leaving here at
8:1 : a. m" , Iud which passes 'redy through
thee shooting ground , whee they arrIved ! at
about ! o'cocc , returning home at 2:21 : p. m
same day , havng : had about five hours' time
to , hunt. Meur" Reel and Durso ; scure1
a young buck , Dr SmIth a dcc and MCH ! .
Hoagland and Petty a doe of Ijl poun's
weight. Mr. Taybcr who fred at a buI (
at about forty yards , says : "I th'nl I hit
hIm , but I wa the longest deer I over maw In
my life. " Z3ch did not have the "buck fever"
though (1) ( ) . The second day Me n 1011-
land , Petty and Taylor were time oniy gentlemen -
men who went out , the weather being intensely - '
tensely cold. They however wee \ at rewarded -
warded for ther ! trouble. Messrs. HORgla'11
and Petty tacIt secured an od : buck , "e'gh-
Ing respectively ISG ani 22 > pun1s. Thh Is
censldored faIr Hlcce3 , taking Into cnidera-
ten the tUne occupied each day In bunting.
The total number of deer killed In this 10-
Cllty and within twelve miles of Omaha , s ace
November I. I about twenty-fve.
Charlie Tnornas Herb Tay'or Attorney WI'I
Simeni and the sporting editor spet a dny
camping out on the lovey : 1tawhlo this "ee' " .
As incredible as I may [ 'em , this strelm Is
full of blade bass , and while they are not
t1klng the lure very vcraclully just now. the
party s ' cceeei In briDging a nice "mess" to
creel , anyway. John Zela , whom wo ale O.t
of house and home at breakfast In the morn'
lag landed a one-pounder , the barrister two
about I half-pound apiece , and Thomas ono of
about the same . weIght. The sporting edIt ! r
11d ( the cooking ] ani super'ntcnod affairs de
camp , while T.yor : , the UnIon Pacific mag'
nate shot one ptover a dczen reat'ng earn
and a paIr of crooked-nek squashes aJ they
few over In the eVEnng. !
The total amount of money hng up In
premiums by the Omaha Kennel club rcr the'r
second annual bench show , September 18 , 19 ,
: O and 21 , aggregates the handsome sum of
2700. The list Is certaln'y a great cue fer
Omaha and Is only excelled by suck clte : as
New York Chicago , Boston , Phlhdepha : ! ,
Cincinnati and St. Louis.
Secretary Marston will be at BandIes' cIgar
store to receive entries for the dog show
during the afernoonl of next Monday , Tues-
day and W'edneaday September 2. 3 and 4.
I should b3 remembered that no entries cn
be made after September 4.
Myron Learned , with a couple ] of ChIcago
friends left last evening feI chicken 9:10t :
In the country : north of Patton. , I
" " la mountaIns
"Sclp" Dundy encamped In the
of Idaho and will spend 1 month there trout-
lag and grousing.
- Chatty COllnent on SI.ort.
The harness racIng men all over the
country seem _ to be pretty well In the dump.
They sowed a bIg crop of flatulency last
fall and wInter and are harvesting a big crop
of whirlwind this summer. Almost unanImously -
mously they opposed all bills legalizing bet-
ting on races for no other reason under
heavens than because the thoroughbred rol-
lowers desIred It. This spasm or righteous-
ness on the part ot the trotting horse people
was , something tulLe grotesque. They pretended ' -
tended to belIeve , but they knew better ,
that trotting races coul get along wIth-
out the revenue and attractiveness of the pool
box and booldes. As I result there has not
been a successful meeting In the big circuit
this year , nor Is there likely to be.
Probably what was the most popular track
In the grand cIrcuit , Buffalo ! , has
all but passed out of existence .
solely on account of the Inimical
legislation Its promoters Isslsted In securing ,
Rochester Is another sample of what this
adverse lawmaking has accomplished for the
harness horse and the breeder , and Chicago
will hardly have another meetIng unless
the Illinois legislature , which Is probable
comes to the rescue and passes a bill leglh-
lag pool selling on her tracks The bite
meeting at Washington Park was a colossal
face , notwlthstandtng its great attractions.
Hamln , who by a life time's unswerving
Industry established at Buffalo one of the
greatest tracks In the country Ie saId to
have broken down and wept when he rcahized
that all his hard labor had gone for naught.
Dut so I was _ and there was nothing left
fop him to do but to close up his grounds ,
which has been done Mr Hamln was prac-
tcaly ! at time head of the trollng horse
breeders In this country , and deserved 'baler
things. At Rochester the same condItion
prevails , and another fine old truck has ben
nailed tip. As at Buffalo and Washington" . and I might very properly add , Red
Oak too. despite the excellent
des\lte excclent sport fur-
nlshed the recant meeting was a financial
frost and all the credIt there Is due to any-
one for this result belongs to the la wntJter
who enacted the
prohibitory pool selling
laws which today grace time statute books of
Now York , Illinois , Iowa . Indiana and Ne-
braska. , They aimed at the vice of gambling ,
In a petty way and In lieu of effecting the
object soughmt they have deal a severe blow
to one of the greatest Interests In these
states , the trotting horse industry In New
York the trouble began The hayseed legislators -
lators of that state meant to reach the run-
fling races only , but they con now lay back
and appreciate the fact that the thorough-
bred hI the only hess that has cscaped. 'rho
breeders of trotera and pacers are the ones
hIt hardest , judging from the stupendous
crowds that surround the Sheepheall Day
course last Saturday to witness the great
I llturly contest But after all I looks
something hike a just retribution . The trot-
ting here poplo absolutely refuse to take a
single step lost winter tD-save time turf from
this adverse legislaton , but threw I the
onus upon the shoulders of the thoroughbred
men Now the barnes element are bewai-
their fate and
tng , loudly clamoring for a
modIfication of the present lawit . But they
got just what they deserved
The Cambridg university's far.famed team
of crlrkeler has landed on our ehre ani
will play its initial game wab : the New
York league team tomcrrow , Labor day. The
English team Includes W. O. Drece , this
yeu'a captain of Cambrdgo : : young V. ' . O.
Grace Bon of the veteran champ'on : S. M.
WOds , Who was here with Lord Ihwk's
team In 1891 ; F. S. Jackton whore batting
enabled the Ycrkshiro eleven to wa the batng
plcnshlp Gf England , anti .n Indian prnce : ,
"umn Slrl UanjlhlDjbl , wh : I 'lhr one Cf
Ue first latlnan' tn England Altgether
there are feurleen 10 the vslhg ! team. After
the New York matches the vlst ors . will par :
In Phladlpht and other ctIes. : but the
Omaha Cricket club will hardly aueaeotl In
getting them here
The very emphatic vlctcry of Joe l'atchen
over John 1 . Oeutr at Chicago a couple of
woaka ago .a supposed to unequIvocally
stamp the black ] colt as the harness king for
,1895. When the pair went atI"eepart weeks
ago and Gentry the '
ag won J'atchen parties
claimed that Joaepbua was not In fitting fet
_ - _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . _ _
eIi--- - . - - - - - - - - _ . . _
- -
tie anJ tint on edge' ; , anti that John n. was
In theO 1'fliC of form. Thus Is their assertion
m'cle ! good , for Palchen look the Chicago
match 11 straight heats Gentry being Ie
tunly In but one or them lint what Iloes
01 tmls ( inulnt to Iince nohcrt .J , . the ohl
trntln 101 led both or these cracks a merry
I ' "ne ! Fleetwood TlllultBY lat , winning
In IrIIIht : ; heal\ 10 the tune of 2:06'2' :
2:0 : I , 2:01 : * . The SUIIJIII king. latchen ,
wal : the talenller , even Mascot beating him
hut 11 every heat , anti In fact Aldrews throve
Matcot In aheal , of John n. Uentr In the
fut heat. S nil that hu been said by the
wise equine guys about Robert Js havIng
I f01 ! bock must be swallowed without much
! lne' seasoning . Bnt to0 back to the
I WIhln/lon park p3ce. Clint Drlgrs wa
aver 111 witnessed the race . and he saId
that with favorable conllols ( wo would now
dOubtless be braising the two minute horse.
Ho thinks Ihat en a fat track and with a
favorable wlncl Curry could have driven the
black dangerously near - this wonderful mark.
And maybe that wasn't a great perform
ance by the big California plow , horse , Azote.
on ! last. lie l.ln't . do ! thing
but skip over 1'leetloo 's famous course In
205'4. Thl Is time fastest mia ever trotted
rr pacel ] al IfleltwoOI and lower time trotting
record for geldings one second. In 189
Nancy Hanks went over this track In 2:06 : %
which was its record up to Wednesday.
I seems that the h'ghstrng taIig : yachts
Johnny Dul and Uncle Sam ae rb ut to send
against eoe'h other are exceedingly Ielre ] :
Ieeeu ! of mechanIsm , Lute the hgh-cla !
thoroughbred rcng : heres , they are apt to 10
lassie from pralns. The other day I read ,
that Valk'rle had "buckled" two or three of
her for'anl frames so severely that It Is ap-
prebended that she cannot be brought oround
In _ perfect form until after It lies been decided -
cided which side keeps ] the coveted cUP.
The Drlt hers , however , might bandage her
well and try I little of Voc ltamacclottt's
horse lnIment on her frames , and I believe
she would ] come round all right before the
big race. But our own Defender Has also
gone "dickey " Some oC the old tars say
sue strained her hull Instead of her rigging
when she ran Into the mud the other day ,
and the Yankee boys who are backing her
had better "Ioole a ledlle oud " What If she
should develop a spavin , throw ont a CU or .
splint 1 That would be awful , wouldn't It 1 '
The athletic event of the past month was
the remarkable performance or Champion
Tommy Connef at Traver Island 01 Wednesday -
day a week ] ago. lie lowered the world's
record for three-quarter of a mile and Is
without a doubt the peer of any amateur
distance runnel In the worlt , Conical ! cov-
ered the distance In 3:02 : --5. just 0:04 : 1.5
bettor than his 0\ n record made at Cambridge -
bridge Mass. , two years ago. The amateur
record for English runners ts 3:08 : % , and
hell by W S. Oeorge. I must be noted ] .
however , that thIs distance never appears as
an IndivIdual event on any athletic program
In that country. What made Conneft'a won-
derful exploIt posstble was doubtless the fact
that he was tired ont hy the speediest
hal-mler. C. Ilpatrlck , and the fastest
mller . 0.V. ' . OrIon , In America . There Is
now no pDsslble doubt aleut Connec being
selected to represent the New York Athletic
club In its international contest with the
London . Athlete club at Manhattan field on
September 21. He Is now looked upon as
time equal of any man who wears the spliced
shoes on the globe anywhere frm three-
qnarter up to four mies and Is surely
America's champt of the cInder pth. At
the international meeting next month Conner
anti Bacon will ba pitted against each other
for the miD championship , that Is , If Bacon
Is whIt the English team , os was
orIginally Intend . Bacon holds this
now , but I Is a question whether he can
retain itIn his coining meet with Conneff.
The professional record for a mile Is 4:12' : i
and many of the easter authorities look for I
coming either Connec meetng 01 , Bacon to equal this at theL I
W H. Copple writes the sporting editor
from Drocton , Mass. , where the bIg profes-
sIonal sweepstakes Iprlnt tales place tomor-
row afternoon that both he and "KId" Shh1-
van are In fine condition and confident of
rendering a /oood account of themselves
, Copple says all the craqkerjacks , of the coun-
try are on hand and that the management Is
preparing for a crowd of 15.00 people t lee
them run Copple goes In the big
sweepstakes ] , but Sullivan In a lesser
event. Copple further ) that the meeting
means the revival of sprint running , and that
an endeavor will be made 10 maintaIn the
sport on an honest baels. lie sends the
names of John Doyle , Adams Mass. : James
Collins . EdgertonVis. . ; Jack Gibson , Romeo
Mich. ; Alexander Davie , Canajoharie N. Y. :
Toni Morris , Santa Anna , Cal. : Walter ChrIstie -
tie . Brooklyn , N. Y. : Ed Donovan , Naticic .
Mass. : Robert Brown , Lynn Mass. : D. J.
Coyne Chmatamn . Ont. ; Joe Merryman , Laredo
Mo. , and himself of Dancrft , thIs state , as
the entrIes for the big sti'eopstalces , 100-
yards championship. Ever entry he asserts ,
Is running In events , ten seconds or better ,
and MorrIs recently did a trIal In ! 45.
It looks ] very much as , I our English cousIns -
Ins , so far as the aggravating umpIre ques
ton Is concerned . have our pat national game
under much better control than wo have.
In England the umpire Is strictly pislained
The most trivial Interference on the part era
a player puts him out of the game. This Is
the limit of this omclal's power. He can
levy no fines. Any player lifted by um-
plrlcal force from the play has his case con-
elmioreti by a board of judges and tt determInes -
termInes hol long he must remaIn on the
bench without pay. The verdIct Is lable to
bo anywhere Cram one to twenty games . ansi
as a consequence the English ranks contain
but few obstreperous players. American mo
gls should play the tip.
Anent the . big mill between Corbot and
Fitzsimnions. The same old Jcksonvle.
I la. . program Is being enacted at Dallas.
The Texan governor has assumed n threatenIng -
lag attItude ; tla attorney general Is Issuing
opInions broadcast and the Dallas sheriff
promises to fill a cemetery with prIze lighters -
era and sports If an attempt Is made to pull
the fht of ! . I Is probablY the same old
Floridian bluff , and time mill will take place
a allvcrtsel1 In New Orleans tIme booklcs
are offering the following odds : Three hun-
fired to 100 that the battle takes place tn ,
Texas ; 400 to 600 on Corbett. 500 to tOO
against Fizsimmons , 600 to 700 on O'Don- ,
nell , 700 to 800 on Maher , 400 tD 600 on Ryan ,
500 to 600 on Smith , 400 to 500 that the Cor-
bett-Fitzsimmona out does not last twenty
rounds , and 400 to 500 that It exceeds twenty
rounds : 400 to 500 that the Smith-Ryan bout
docs not last twenty rounds , and 400 to 500
that It exceetg twenty rounds. Combination
betting-SOG to 100 Corbet to win , and pick
the other two winner ; 800 to 100 } 'lzslm-
mons to win and pick the pther two winners.
A Letter from thc ICh1.
DROCKTON , Mass. , Arg. 27-To the Sport
Ing EdItor ef The Dee : One week from
yesterday the races for the 100-yard lght-
weight sprint 10 yards and the mile championship -
pionship taka pace ] In this city. Quite a
crowd will be here. I , Is estimated that at
least 45,000 people will be on hand when the
men ate called for the frt heat. I have
been training here with T. C Morris the
1893 champion. and E. C. McCennand , time
mile runner. Over our "stall" at the track
we have painted In red ) , white and blue "The
Wooly \Vest's Training Quarters , Morris ,
Sullivan . McClennand " We train twIce a
day , morning and Ifernoon. I have got all
the fet racing I care for. No more training
for me After this la over I am done wiLls
foot racing Morris . Copple and Donovan I
are hero training. They are In the big race.
Morris ts runnIng line , but Donovan hal the
most backing In the east. In my opinion
Morris will wIn. with Copple and Doyle for
second and third places. MorrIs bas run
here 100 yards faster than 9 4-5 seconds
and that Is moving rIght along. I saw him
make the run. In the mile It will be bo.
tween McClennand and Smith with Jrlddf
close to both on the finish. In my race
Rolns will most undoubtedly be the winner
as he Is running like lghning I do not
fear hIm any , but I look at It In the light
that there are other besIdes myself , I
don't wish to pick a winner In this , but I
thin ] that 101lns , ngleman anti I will be
In the first three places. I will do my very
lest to win. No one can do more. Lon
Lier and I are matehell for $ a on Thurs
day , August 29 , seventy-five yards. "Sul-
lvan money Is plentul I will land him
two yards "ure. Will close now . and may a
western man win Your truly
F' . J. SULLIVAN , ( the Kid ) .
Two : lhu11 Agree .
NEW ORLEANS , Aug 27-To the Sport-
lug Editor of The Dee : I receive The Dee
pretty regulaly from our Omaha broker n. I
C , Iawley , and think I Is one of the
newsiest and beat metropolitan papers of the
IU"li" " .lf FVU' - I * . _ _ , . ' _
I country . lB ' , OCl ) II vain. howevlr , for
I your Idea idiotic ilid Ol"ob nulls tt 111 u.
I I " Iii represett I on' nr the New York dailies
lt the ring In1 } Dnl : ! olr e will ste yost there.
Now , Sandy , tani I , to knol what ) think
of the results.i'Imile waiting for your Rood
opinion I will volunteer usitme. I thllle ( -
belt will trim lied , ' . , 'Chls conclusion
II reached ofenl ture deliberation nnll my
pure judgment fr ' / from prejittlices. 1 boxed
both of them , SI\ them train anti fight , all
unless Jim intake' n leg ] he will win. A
brolten hnnll of tl"o would not prevent him
rm\111 Rt teimtt. I ' also know that File I n
ha\l puncher cinch the luckiest 0 ' I that ever
toed time marr : I think Maher will "hide"
O'Volnel nref n close struggle. Ryan ought
to 10 Smith , Id I am that way , but I feel
this Is to be the'closlst go of the threo. r
lynn mixes with llth the result may not
lie so satisfactory . I he . loesn't and uses
hll wits hs wil beat Smith nicely , WIth
kindest regards from Mr. Hlnr and myself.
I'u In "t'r "I f t h. Hall CI'U 1 t'M.
New York wen lut thre ga.1les 1101 Urcok-
lyn this season. : '
1l-N'chol ! , again this year 1 Io ton'8
only retale ! pitcher .
IndianapolIs has an evident clmsdhm on the
Western league penant
The New Yors ! have won but two g.tues
In laltmore In two years.
New York has lest moro gal/lcs / this ! 'eu
than It till nil ol list season .
Manager Selee of Boston spends his spare
moments watching Eastern league plnyers.
Time old .Omaha player , l rnle Genius , has
succeeded lerbluer on so end for the Pits-
bus .
An injury has agaIn put Dug lull.IY out
of the game He wi pi ) no lore this
s a80n.
Charley Esper , the Dallmore pitcher , has
not hi . a balll:1 : with I pitched ball this
Cincinnati Is Inxlous 10 give young Hobln-
son of the University team a chance next
"Lava" Cross of Phiadelphia Is playing the
best third base of any player In the le.gue
at precnt
PhiadelphIa has beat Basion out 16 l their
series this year , having won seven and lost
five games.
Anson no longer calms : the ttnnlrt lie Is
satisfied . however , that hIs Colts w:1 : beat out
"rme clubs. "
Fred Ely I l the only St. Louis player who :
does not receive perlollc.1 roasts from the I
Mound City press , .
Cleveland played two games wihout on
error Wednesday of last week , Boston one
anti Baltimore enl ' .
Trubr Is doing hotter work at second ftr
Chicago than dId StQwart , Anson Is lucky
or has sound judgmenl.
l'ltcher'alter Tlorton has been farmed
out by Chicago to Hock ford , I" , and so has
McBride and Jlggs Parrott.
New York Is souring on Dal1 Clarlte. lie Is
not only tough ant ugly but being poundel
uumercluly , says the Advertiser.
In fifteen games played up to last Monday
Second Daseman Lowe ot 10ston hal made
but one misplay II 107 chances offered.
The mnant of the Western assocIation
seems to 10 putting up remarkably good bal
and every team Is playing well , to bool
Durkett of the Ce\elal1s secured his base
five times , ovejy tine he was at the bat , In
a recent gamcr and scored every theme.
lerman Loug killed a rat at Philadelphia
time other . hitting the rodent with a
bal while It ivas chasing ' across the field.
Catcher Orally of l'1hladel l' hla may be tried
at short. Thmc.Philiies . 1mve not been Irong
In that poslto.slpce the retrement of Bob
Allen. _
The Boston team Is credited with thlrty-
four home rUM this season About thirty of
these were made on those tennis grounds In
Boston. xi
In Hoyt's play . "A Runaway Colt. " Captain
Anson sybil play a game ot billiards . give a
few base bal e'llllltons ! , and do a little love
making. I ,
A New York paper suggests that the
Cuban giants llnllh out time New York's
1chedule. ThQJ , Gothamltes , rll ,1 be gettIng
desperate ' ' I ,
The 'Vestern'leag ( o papO:1 arc profuse In
theIr praIse ot tho'work of Charlie Irwin the
St. 1.ul third baseman who Is coveted by
Rocforc scenes to bo the Chlcagos' train-
Ing school. Uncle and Nick are swappng :
players with a generosity that amounts to
, prodigality. .
In the last two games In whIch Dad Carke :
pttchcd against the Pirate they made thirty-
nIne hits off him Big Jake Deckley never
did like Dad
Hanl O'Day had to bo escorted off thefeld
at Washington His refusal to call the game
after bll teams requested I caused the San-
ators' defeat
Durkett leads the Spiders In battng , HIs
average Is .393 , He also leads tie league tn
bJlng , Clemenls of 1hladelpha bang : second
and Lange ol ChClgo : Ihlrd.
Bill ; Moron has developed a large and
promising b.1 on that part or his anatomy
where It will do the most good , and he has
quit. Milwaukee for the season.
A Philadelphia echange says that asIde
from its pitchers the New Yorks have only
one first class playertrge Davis Size up
the team and II looks like a true assertion.
Jack Glntscotk Is posing as a good Samaritan -
marItan to league "has beens " Since taking
charge of the Wheeling club he has captured
. two former league I ittars-hiarry Staley and
lark BaldwIn. '
Lehman , Inks and Mills are with the St.
Joe' Shaefer , , 'lh Peoria and UlrIch ) with
Quincy Carrlnh and Eagan will be given a
trial by St LouIs , and old Hltch and Pace
will count the ties 'a California.
The Omaha UnlverEIY club team wouM
gIve any team In the ' Wester association a .
good run for their money. The UnIversity
team has given Omaha much better bal this
season than dId the association tem.
Lincoln and Des Moines are coming down
time stretch neclt.and-neck , Whiei thee
local cranks like Old Man Trar , they like
Ebright and LIncoln , and they arc
doing some lively pulling for Duclerlno.
Luhxville has won more consecutive games
than SI. Louis , , Wahlnglon , Drcolcyn , Phia-
delphia and New YOI'lt. I Is not neessary
to mention that their string of continuous defeats -
feats II greater than that or any other cub. :
The Minneapolis and St. Paul club' will
ploy a serIes of three games for $1,000 anti
time championship o ( the Twin Cities at the
close of the season' In the Western. The
$1,000 , however , has a big log chain attachment -
So far aa the Philadelphia chub Is con-
earned New York may play the winner for
tb Temple cup says Frank Hough. Our
own darlings will take chances on a can of
tomatoes. Besides , what's the use of a cup
wIthout sumthln on the aide
Pitcher 'Vllie Mains or I.ewttown , who
'wal recently sod ! to the New York team for
next recenty year , betted last Friday by the New
DeMords to the tiThe or seventeen hilts . with
a total of . twe t- ne. Who was sold . Mains
or the New Yrl lub1-Hoston lieralti .
Jack O'Conmor yf the Clevelands ts In a
fair way of gtUfm ; on a le3gue blacklist ] In-
less ho soon n its r bridle on his tongue and
a curb on hIl temper lie was fred out of
the Amerlcar\ \ association for offenses not
a of rank as thpse ' " he bas , been reenty guilty
One of time , rar # things In the NatIonal
league la a baftoadetl l ! Inflekler. Aside fmm
catchers , only qpo ! south-paw plaYing on the
diamond can be fecnled at present and thIs
Is Jske BeekI2) ; . , nrst ) baeman cr the PIUs'
burgs. I.eft-hande onlleder : arc more com-
men , and of 4LpfIhandeti catchers , there arc
but twoTenney of Boston anti Clements cf
Philadelphia. A left.imamidcd infle'der Is a
source ot great wcrFY to other infielders by
reason of his peculiar way of throwing the
ComlnA Uown tie homestretch.
Baltimore Is now In full possession of first
place In the National league race , with CeT-
land a good second. Boston has been climb-
tug steadily , while Ptsburg rs imitating Us'
crawfish In her locomotion . and PhiladelphIa
and Brooklyn are both coming fast. Cln-
clnnat has fallen Ika the beautiful snow and
Is trailing along with New York , \Vasimingtomm .
SI Louis . and Louisvie , In the Western league
Indianapolis has riveted her cinch on the
tag , and In the Western association Billy
Trmoy hu given Duckerlno his dust and
now leads the procession .
Col. Braille n"All'cra ci ICIcle.
NEW YORK CTY , Aug 27.-To the SportIng -
I Ing EdItor of The Bee : 1 see by the papers
_ _ .
- - - - -
--T--- I
- - - - - - - - - - - -
' -
- - -
osively _ the Only Big Show Coring this Year
- Bigger , Better and More Comprehensive Thal1 Ever j"
- Dh'Gct Froiiis Phelo1uilaly Successful . - New England To \1" . I :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Comln - Baok to Omaha After the Longest and Most Succe9sful Tour on Record , IncludIng
45 Consccutlyo Performances In ChIcago , 12 In St LouIs and 12 In Boston , end Everywhere .
VV orld's Greatest Shows ,
3-Ring Circus , Roman Hippodrome ,
Million Dollar Menagerie.
The1iggostIow ith WordPresentodinthe Largest ens Ever CoiisIruc1d.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - ' '
11I W@I1L lHlH YO gAl'l lJll"OH NlllgnS 1\ .
Jc0 1i41 ! ? 1fsPIJz ! LIBERATI'S ' BAND
( &j. , ' (5 ( ; 'tl LBERATIS i
. . . , . Under thee Ilronnl Direction of SIC
' . . " . ' A l.tll nACI. the . Cnmols Bammri- i
- . mURIel' anti Vtrluo/o. !
More BIHh , Class Features Than _ \1 Other - ' . "
' , .
8how C'omniimeeml.
TliFi , ' ' ' .
' 11 D0'fR.
gll'O ! , ( Grale 1 Aerial Vaulters .
. IunPH TnOlPI' .
Nln l"' . Molds I" Classic Statuary.
. ' ' .
amid i.ofty l'yrnmmmltla
I.C lyrallils.
lDDY 1"AtI.Y
.4 e , . fI ELENA Fiimnotms . Bnglllh Acrobats.
'l'he Queen . or Equeltrllnne ! tOlethr
with u lealf.ecore of other world.famous
hare.lack I lilers ] . Inelnllng Mike Hoone ,
Orrin Holis , Ceci ! 1.0 In 11 e , Marina
. , , .
Lesiie Julia Jowaldl'
I Juln
'I scorn : or other meei'cr before premwnteml . !
features and . exhibited the Immense In 3 rings . In mll.ulr
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ courses. impost
- -
NewspapersSayofthisFamus Exhibition :
"No ssiclt realiammtion of time evolution of , "Ititeghing Bras . now stand foremost In
, ioiId of d re tented entOrprises , either In tl'e ! country or
time circus
has over before visited St SIdriling on tiu enttrprlses tJ. Iountry . .
. " , . I. .
Louia-St , Louis . Globe Democrat. . Ibroal-Clnclnnnt Enqum .
' "Dy all odd the best circus ever seen In Croidd Into Thro8 Uollrs - "The most latsructory and complete ever -
'lloston-hhoston . , " .
. - Daily Glouo. seen In Chicago-Clmicago , Trlluno. .
- - - - - -
"Superior to any urenle exhibition ever of Solid I - . . "
exhlllton "The fest circuit ever seen In this city.
seen " ] . , . .
here-Aban , TImes-Union. -Chicago - Times-herald. _
Stujiondous Hm'lvul of tim Thrilng SPO'ts , Contests and I LI'gest Zoological Collection In the \Vorhd. Giant 01-
Taee : of time nOIm Illpiiods'otno II'e ented on nn nit- ii t'nffo , Mammoth llppotnmu ! . Dmblo IIem'ds of mophants ,
equaled Scale of Qu'acedtst'c and : Iagnlcenco ; vividly car- Ii Camels Dromocales , llos'isc'd HOI'sea , Lion , BaD\ Lens ,
I'\'ing time belmoldot' hack to time Glory und Pomp of the II ' ! 'igO's , and Scores of Dons Lair's and Cage : , of othO" rm'o
Etm'nal City and the Unpslu"s-Enchantng. ( Edifying , Ex- I and curious \Vill Animals . oIL arranged . and oxhlbited In
citing Famed ! Mlxilu Actual ! . and Acl'ut ROjI'odueton bi Ro I o's Ii assail and study. a way as to alToId ample oPPO.tunly for hl.Jcction
aHANuI'ST ' 'lU B lAOl'AN' : ever seen on the sirecisof any cl. leaves time show grunds at 10 o'clocl on the morning or time
Exhibition Ten kinds or Music. : Iolcow's Siver Chimes. Steam Caiiope. Royal Carriages from l lngly Courls. DOl't miss H ,
Two Complete Pertormances ' Daily at2 and 8 p. m. Excursion Rites on all Rolroad9 ,
; One 50c Ticket Admits to al the Combined Shows. Children Under 12 Hal PrIce. . .
Omaha , Monday , S ept. 9 . 20th EXHIBITION and Paul CROUNDS 8t5.
that there I ! another show Plt on the road
using the word Bowery In its title . I herely
notify managers or theaters and bails
throughout the country that the title of the
Bowery belongs to me nnd also the name
of the street . as on May 2 , 1895 , a petition
was brought before the Board of Aldermen
of New York City to change the name of
time street to Parlthul'st avenue. Through
my labor and that of IY friends I secured
250.00 signatures and brought my petItion
before the Doarl of Aldersmiemm anti Mayor
Strong signed a bill retaining thc name of
the Bowery. Therefore the name ot the
flowery belongs to me.
14 Bowery , New York CIty.
(1.Nlo"M tutu Aimssa'ers.
CRETE. Neb. , Aug. 27.-'o the Sporting
Editor of The Dee : In last Sunday's ! sue , In
answer to the question from \'ahoo , "In
case first base Is occupied , batter hits fly to
shortstop who muffs , Is the batter out ? "
your answer Is that under the absurd trap
bal rule he is. Now , does not the rule or
1895 say In regard to that play that the
batter Is out when he his a fly bal to the
infIeld . where first and second or first ,
seconl and third bases are occupied ? Ileso
answer In next Snnday's Dee.-I. B. Haley.
Ans.-The qleston was answered "
recl ) ' .
OMAHA , Aug. 29.-0 the Sporting Editor
of The Ihee : 'Co decide a bet would you
please answer In next Sunday's DeE what ts
the correct standing of the Minneapolis team
In the Western league ! They give three
different standIngs In three dlerent papers
-A SubscrIber , 2103 Leavenworth Street.
Ans-The standing In Time Bee corresponds
wIth that In the Minneapolis isapers and Is
presumably correct
DEADWOOD , S. D. . Aug. 26.-0 the
Sporting Editor of The Bee : Your answer
to K. W. from this place was Domewhat
mIxed , as It seems Imposlble for C to win
nit mane ) The bet was tll3 : J bet where
A and B tie for first mouey , C gets second
money. Am I correct or not 1 Would like
a 1t0 authority on thIs , as I am In the
mninority-lliily Kehn.
Ans-It should have been stated that A
and D dIvIde Irst or run I oft. C takes
second monc ) ' .
OMAHA , Aug. 29.-To the Sporting Editor
or The Dee : A anti n pitching quolts both
are 16 points : A pItches a ringer and D
pitches a rInger and a quoit Who w1n11-
A Iteader .
Ans.-Hule 5 says , In case of a tIe , two
opposIng Quois being equal , It shall bD do.
clued a draw
CITY , -Aug. 28-To the Sporting Editor
of The Dee : 1lpase answer In the Sunday
flea : Four playIng a game of high five ,
A. n , C and V : A and Care partners , A
deals and makes trump C holds no trumpl
and refuses to draw thus throwing the
trumps Into A's hand las C any right to
refuse to draw.- ! ) . I. ,
Ans-Tht la just os you agree upon In
starting the game . "Robbing the deck , "
while I Is played , Is a poor game at best
Carl players wi not alow I.
O'NIhiIL , Neb. , Aug. 26.-To the Sporting
EdItor of 'lime Dee : In umpIring the Sun-
day game between O'Nei and ColerIdge , a
peculiar situation arose , and I would like
your opinion a to the justness of the de
cllon mado. The case was like ( lila : The
bases were all occupIed . one man out . I
coacher was at first amt third , the batter
struck out but the catcher failed to hold
time bI and throw It to , first before time
umpire declared the batman out. The ball
lan , who had run to first , In the confusion
that folowcd , ran acres time diamond to
third , and with the assistance of the coacher
pushed the base runner over the home I
plate , I called the basernner on thlrl1
out on the grolnds of Interf rencf. Was
It rIght 1 I' . S. The man on third had left
the base and gone nearly over to the bench
and then returned to the base , from which
he was rescued by the men as aforemen-
( laDed. Please answer In Sunday'a Bee , and
by letter Ir convenient.-Ciytie King
Ans..The decision was all rIght
COUNCIL , ULUrFS , Aug. 28.-0 the I
Sporting Editor I of The Bee : Please state I
In Sunday's flee th : winner of the Futurity ,
for the past eight years Also time breeding
of handspring who was lacked a the favorite -
vorie a week ago Saturday , a well as that
of Rlpulal , Crescendo and Silver n-Unlon
Ans.-n 1888 , Proctor Knot : 1889 , Chaos ,
1890 , Potomac : 189. His highness : 1892 ,
Menlo : 1893 , Domino : 1891 , The Butterflies ;
1895 , Requital. (2) ( ) handsprIng by Hanonr-
My lavorle : Requital , fiotlmian-itetribution ;
Crescondo. Flambeau-Janet N : Sliver 11 ,
.ug , 29-To the Sprtng Editor cf The Bee !
In high live , dealer ! robbing the deck , one of
the players asked how many trumps be held
up. Is ice not euppoei to gIve the Informs.
. rnf '
- - - - - - -
are now talking of a new
ENGLISHMEN . They say Max
Pemberton is the coming man and.
that his work is sureto become more popular -
ular even than that of' Conan Doyle. Flis
" " "Jewel I
"IipregnabIe City , Mysteries
Have Known , " "Iron Pirate , " mmsoa\Volves"
and the first numbers of' "The Diary of a
Valet51' have made a remarkable st.ooess
in England. Our readers will be glad to
learn that we have secured the four con-
eluding number of "The Diary of a Va1e , "
the flrs of which Ofltitled , 'The Phantom
Staircase , " will be published in our daily
issues , ommenoEng September 3.
c a thrilling story of adventure in the
slums ot Paris , 'I shows that the author
has a powerof narrationquiteas new and
forceful as that of Steven3on. You musi ,
read Pemberton or ba b3hind the times.
( Ion ? Kindly advIse in Sunday Bee and
oblige.-A Greenhorn ,
Ans.-Lllxo the balance of thn players , lee
must discard before helping lime hands. hut
in robbing the deck time dealer can always
deceive time other eantestmnts an to time number -
ber of trumps he holds.
COUNC1I BLUFFS , Aug. 29.-Tm the Sport
ing Editor of The flee : Plesso answer the
following questions in your valuable Sunlmmy
paper inmxi obl'go an ambitious young hunt r ;
(1) ( ) About. what siza eliot is the best for geoe ?
(2)'ieen ( ) does time quail season bogn ? (3) ( )
When does time duck soasen Lein. (4) ( ) Wiman
does the season for pralrte chicken begn ?
(5)Vimat ( ) Is the best also of shot to use for
prairie chicken-A Subserlimer ,
Ans-(1) ( ) Ones. (2) ( ) October 1. (3) ( ) Tb-re '
no law governing wild fowl shooting tn tim's
state , but the legitimate ducking sess.n opens
about September 20. (4) ( ) Today. (5) ( ) At timia
season 75 , later on Ge.
OMAhA , Aug. 29.-To the Sporting Editor
of The lice : Kindly state In your paper wimat
nationality Henry P. Haze 1sT-Thomas liar-
Ans.-hlowhing dervIsh.
OMA1IA-Aug. 23.-To the Sporting Ifltr
of The flea : Klndiy decide the follotvmeg In
next Sunday's lice : SmIth bets Jones that
Oncahma cviii land in tlz'rd piaca or better at
the close of time chancp'on&mcp base baWl searon
of 1895. Au you well lcnow , the Omaima te'm
is defunct , Jcmces claimna nmoney ; Smith con-
tests. Kindly dccde ! and obi'ge-Stako.
holder ,
Ans.-Accormhlng to betting ethics , it is no
bet , an it was certanly Impliel by both b't-
tors when then wager was made that Omaha
would finish the seison.
WOODIIUILN. Is , . Aug. 30.-To the Sport-
log Editor of The flee : Please answer following -
lowing question in Sunday's flee , to decide
a bet. in the recent race between Robert J
anti Joe i'atcbsn at Buffalo , how many heats
were paced , anti did not Robert J take one
of theno-C , U. Elation.
Ans-Four , Robert. J won the third heat ,
A ( mmmd hislmsfeelui ( ,
In tIme sanItary exhibition new being held in
h'aris the munIcipal council of tlme city shmows
an inmportant macblue fer disinfecting arti-
des to prevent the spread of contagious dls.
eases. This apparatus is In thin form of a
cylindrical boiler , immounted ott wlmeels , with a
vertical boiler attached for smmpplying the
steam wimich is to act upon the objects to be
treated. These are placed In time cylindrical
apparatus , anti are subjected to the action of
steam under a pressure of twenty-five pounds
per square inch , and a temperature of 239 tie-
grees Falmresmimelt. In this way the heated
steam penetrates to every part of time objects ,
and slier it baa been submitted to tlmi tern-
perature for five minutes time ateamui is cut of !
and hot air is blown tbrougim the apparatus to
assist In time drying , wimicis operation takes
only a few minutes.
- -
_ _ i---- - - - - . - .
p1NU IETIiii0
v1 ; K I
V V tuiiy because weaken . .
tIey you r.iowly , gratlu.
ally. 1)o not allow this wosie of body to make
Yost aOOT , flabby , lrnnmatmmro smmmmn.lh'ahtii , , mtremmgtti
amid vlor it. for you whether you be rich or poor.
Time tireat fludynn is to be haul only froimm ti'e hiuti.
son Melicalhmstltute. , 'flmi wonmierut ttiscovery
was matlo by time specialists of time oiti famous liutI'
8055 liedicm.i Immatltute. Ii Is t'imtrongcs ( and most
powerful vitalizer made. It i so powerful that ii
is simply womidcrful lmow Imarnmleaa it Is. You cmiii
get it from mmowhire but ( ruin time iItmtIummi Medmeal
Institute , 'mVrite for circimiars amid testiamommiala.
'usia eatrmmormhlmumry Itejmmresmator is time most
aroimicriul fiiscovcryof the mige , II Imni been en.
floracti by the Immdlng scientific men of 1urope amcmi
ILVIJYAN ii purely vegetable ,
ISUDYAN stops prenmxcturexmesi of time dis.
harge in tsveimty mlaya. Cures J.W4j' ? sZAi-
ilOOD , constipation , dlzzimmesa , failing sensxzmiomts ,
Jiervous twitcimimig of tiio eyes anti other iseta.
fitrenglimen , , iimvhorm.t.e and ( cites the entice
system. II La as cheep as any other remedy ,
IEUDY.tN cures debliity , nervousness , emnis'
aloes , amid develops auth restores weak orgamma.
l'aimma in the back , losses by day or mtthmt slopped
quickly , Over 2,000 prtrmito Indorseamemita.
S l'renmaturermgss ameans impotency In time first
stage. It 5 a sycimptons cit seminal weakness cmii
barrenness. It can be stopped in twenty days by
time umeof hludyan. iludymme cosa no more ths
nay olin , remedy
Send for circuiers end watlmoniala.
'I'AINTEI ) 1SLOOD-Impure blood due to
serious private thirorders carries myrhela of sore-
producinggereii. 'Then comeasore throat , piompies ,
copper colored spotammlcers In month , old sores ani
fmmhiiimg hair. YoU can save ma trip to Rot Springs by
wrtiiugfor'fllood ltouk'totbeoid pbysiolanaof the
btockton , Market sand ml. ttt. , ,
aAu ) 'itainuaco , CAT.
Tostiiutrert's of Zrrot'aof Youth and DIUOHS
/Sfrnand hI'onwvm. rU8pagLsciotbtoun Treat.
moreS b mall utrteiI conUientIat. Cure juaraD.
tied , Cmtllorrlm , , flrWBm5NisthbZbU
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