Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1895, Editorial Section, Page 15, Image 15

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. - - TII1 01\rATTA DAILY SEE : nSPXDAY , SEPTRMHBU 1. 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ If
1r -
Dusiucss in a Jobbing Way rainy . atisfac-
tory for August.
, -
" 'HI ' 1111I1' .r (1..01' ' " Iu " " I "I Nut I'll"I'r ) '
I.llr : . ' . "lit11 I""t CIIII' ' lie
" " 11'1'1"0' ' lit ' lI . " IN . oIl,11
. IIr I" . . Yiynr.
: ; I / The contllon of 'Jus1n'l ' ! In the local joh. )
; 4 . I bln/ tlstrlct during the paL , six . ) nYM has
S , given , erne evllence of the Innul'nco of the
Inteumler ea'on. The fnct that the
rnltnmer'M huslness 1M I practically over and
that tall Is at hand Is ev\lent on every
( Willie most lines of hUMlnes ! to not show )
Tnnrled over th Ilrovlou
any marlet Improvement 0\11 thl
week there has been a full tomanll for
10oll ( ! flU along the lIne and no comlllulnt !
are hel Ill coming from the johhers.As a
matter of fact some little 11snppolnlment ,
. Is tu he seen creeping out In Acme Instances
' : / over the fact that there has not been 80
. p - ; large nn Increase In ttu' vollme of sale : as
the most sanluilo hUll expectel. At the
salJ time there haM ) heel a Blenlly Inll fall
muvlment of Iroolls In most alt lnes alc (
them Is I no doubt hut what lJslnes 1 : ( lilly
lS good lS could ra/unahl ) ' hu expecteil ,
whln all the contltons are taken Into con-
&JIII & ( ' ra I Ion.
From ni soctlons of the country allvll'es
are of the most latsfnclory' nl
to the volume of huslnlss lrnnacllc.n
eastern l)8ilC argues that tr.nlo must U' In
' .0 I Ilrfty Hood Ihnl'u ' n" evl.Jolced . uy the uc-
eMS ! ol strike + unloltalin of late. \\.O
the Ill'llld for goods railing oil It woull
he n v'ry easy muter to keep \ the manufacturers -
facturers together 11 their ret uali of increases -
creases and allow work to ahut .lowl for
a few wools If the WOrl(11'n wen' persl/-
taut. Inslfall of that the Ilst we'I < or two
have been nolalu for cuncesslons to the
ml.n. The Ingrain carpet weavls have
praetcnly won their stI ( the manufac-
lUreIl preferring to advance waies rather
than remain shut Ilown. The mnmintifactur-
CII or window glass are mlklnl : large ! oon.
, cls lens to their slllklll cmplo'es amid thu
ojl'lt clothing worcr ! : appear tu tie lalnl11 : their
Vliiie collcton are not 1001 In the country -
try tributary to this 1111wt thfY are imuki-
log tip I : well a ! could , he expected. '
HtO'8 AND HtlOl'S. :
The volume of new hU9lno has not
lIeIl lal'l ! during time past wlol < . hut stl
there has been I good deal of activity In
the 11.11' . . Goods Ioot for delivery Septlm-
-05 her I have been goIng out Ilulo freely und
most hOls ( ' : report ! a Ilhel bmiiy week.
The hil" ' larl < et hal : ti mol li > ell I J celts ( Ier
IIoulll 11 ni I tei cc t loImi4. 'hl' l loclne wut
c. pf ( h'll In 10 oFt 1 ( ItIR rt ems us Ih" t ad VII 11CC
wnK i o Ilhl I thut s l0 lellton ( WI ! olly
lltUla ! \ ii eli the hl.Jl' . hut rke t rca CliNt
the high point Wie time ago the Iluota-
tOIS SIIIWOII an advance ot 9 eent : Ilel'
IIouI11 ) on nome gralidll. NO % % that hhl"1
hay t'xt'imerlenct'd a slght lack lt Ihol
manurletulor ! are talking a good , deal nboU
I rellulLon 11 the 1'1111' ' or leather . anti itr'
Inslsln I I that th e Inl ti.ied ) artllo shoull ,
follOW tlH' I raw material 11 Ih' Iluwn ( grade ! I
'Jhey liCe however. mentnl wlh VOI'Y little I
" tic " uragetmient frol the tmnneri : . who feel '
that the leather trade 1i I IICUI111 al I'X-
cltonaly "llonl i > osltion. Tile sCarcity of
hllo ( ! In nil t1 marlIIM : the world over
hal ; catmed a "reat hrlllalu In production.
. \s I rule , whln the leather cutting se'SOI
lJgln ! , there 1 : I great /lrpl19 of stock on
hal,1 , 11,1 hl15 have Itlo I I I trouhll II I mh ml-
111 , : olrr.nt qtlotatloimH. 'fhl9 year It Is
(11111,1 , that the sto'I In sight ate very
t -t mOlh'rte. and It I I" 81hl Ihat Ihor" wi he
a lane export demand. ( 'Jal < llg everything .
thing into consl'ortol ' It dooM not look as
If the lallfucllrOI w.I' II all llleiy to
IHICI'eell In effletnl a reductIon II the prIces ,
of lealher. I I ( 'cit ti i ill ) ' any material I IC-
IlltOI 11 Ireselt , prices would scent to hl'
I long way off.
I tit1t1)\'j\ I E HOI.DS ITS OWN.
Local Jlhhlr ! of shelf hlllware (10 not
11'I'cnl 10 I IJC ( cell ! entrely t I met tistled with I
the \'olun1 I of huslne ) t"II at Ihe1'esclt I i
tint. ' . All repot ' tl nglee that the volume Ir
trade Is fully 11' t 11rovl0ls week' ox-
' , hut It wouhl ' that -
l1rlonlo hit 11)llal a eon-
t.'Ht',1 Increlse In IJslnet hall IJOI an-
t. : ! im. , II In hOmf qua rtcms which hits lot
materialize. I II admitted . however . that
" 1 tholo Is 1 IInl Inv good 10aSOl for c011.lnlnt
when cornparidnmm are m.lle wih past
months nnd whl'n the situation In the
country II taken Into collslderation. Sume
dealers the Fltuatlon In these wonls
dealer. SUI UI ) situatul II thfSO ;
"Tia'he Is ( air . hut lot Improving at fast
us we wnull , like to 1"1 it. "
Time hanlwlro market 10M net present
any mllell1 changes II vnlue as havIng
! ! " ! I ! Ilvlnj
taken 1lac. , durIng the IJst we.I , . Illc's
In I 11 I Ito es hlvo been ( till y mnalntalneml . hut
there nppear. tu he I dIsposition to rest
contl'nt lor tile f'St'nt with tIme gains ai-
reml ) ' inatle. I was reported a week ago
that nails WoUld he Ilrlell Ul1 migitlim . hut
I was celld",1 hy manuCacturels to let the
chI quotatIons lemaln.
' 'h. ' window glass mauufaeluf'rt are
' . eoinblnatiom mmmi timt' ' , '
fOlnl'l/ comhlnaton : Inll tl IU'USllocl
are favoi'itble for the > U''O S of the move
1001'indos' glass letS IJel extremely
lt.s' dlllnA the Past year 1111 Rome little
thrl ago I few oC time leu.1111 Irml su- ,
cee.e" I : glttUq a eurnel Ipon t the s ii implY
uUII nuvanctnq Jllle . Only twelve Ilu : '
Were enl.lloll , In thIs movc. hut they ue-
celle,1 , In putting rll"es lip 25 per , celt In
forty dayi4. I li i now IlrOllO"ed 10 take In
. nil the manutaetur uml give 111IcCH nn-
0111 hoost.
'lho ¶ Irlnc ! : of II" n111et on Bessemer
Iron Is to . )
pig a sUIIllse every ono. Duln
the past month the 1111 , 0 has ulvnncct , $1. t
HOd that too In tIme UmnH1 season withOUt -
out an ) ' muterlal lLm4.imtalmCe ( ruin tile raIl-
rOil OloltUl1 II spite of the fact that
there has been no exlen.'vo ' railroad oon-
Jtrnllon tn Increase the miejuand . the prIce
ot Bessemer Ill Iron his 1lvuncell Since tIme
beginning of the year GO pel cent.
GltC'iiiY ( : ' 'IA ) F'\I1t.
Trilo : In tIme grncer lne Is generally re-
ol\'c ns fall by Omnha Joh\erH and Rome-
what In nutviimmct' , at the III'S of a week ago .
Whlo Ihel'e Is nothlnA tn feel very greatly
t'latrmt ' 0\11. thru Is no cause for com-
ph in ts.
11lnt :
Tile mumtrket ] In most lilIes hiS heen about
st call > ' lulnA the period . undel' rovIov hut
there hnvo bl(1 notahlo exceptions. ' 'ht-
dlstmirbmmg : plumont his Iicmi the decline II
. wimclm entire : '
It\ars. whi1 was cnlre ) nnexiectoll com-
lag on tit" . ' % 'e of the heaviest dOlull1 qt
4 I the 'N'I In'l at a time when nn 1Ivnnce q
n lilt HI"I' 10 I n hair cent Is usually an-
tim'Ltrtetl 'hn general ImpressIon aimimeari
to h , ' Ih:1 the In'al19 hruht alpears
1\ ' th" Imlrlaton of large qUlntte ; : of
Clrm\u , hert sual at New Yorl \\'hnt
.f..c L th'1 foreign eomlH-tton will have
lllnl Iho next IWO nl three wel'lct no one
C.I 1'i. as II lie'peflli'l . largely 0110mm how
much : C Ul the oll'ren.l are willing to
brIng I' < I. The break was I hal tIming for
the r'lifers . time jobbers nnd retaIlers . hut
the C"I."lnl1 COIOS In for 50me ben 'hlt.
' 'hl Illvoneo In the cheese
rarl1 ot I , 10 ot a cent was
broogh I nhout by t1 trouth t In Iho
dairy > e'loll of New York \\'tsconstn and
some other cheese Ilro < uclnl lorahitles.
'Ffte have he.m
'rh.111lsllrls rlIorlcl11s 80 short
I 11 t Ihl' Carolers wcre fO..111 , to 11 . their
IOW . ns Ihl ' OJu11 , not leolll to bay feel
and , (1 milk to Ihl manufacturers at prices
based on lIresent Irloos of chel'so.
Tile e"nner Irl 111 their hlolcor ! all l'om-
Illalnl' that HO far IhlH 5eltOI1 the trade In
CIHIII ! eels of all kllils his been a this-
IIpilOii' mmelmt. I Is tmsortcl , that johhts
me hu'ln/ In smaller qUlnttl's titan for
some > 'earl past.
Tile Johhel' of dry goods In Omaha say
that Ihl ) ' ore lushe,1 10 get their orders
lell : In timn. II lome Cse , It has orles
mces"II' 10 work over tIme In order 10
gst the goods out whfn proml ed.
The a h'unces of the I"IIt ; have heen In
mOst nil cases wel J.llnlalled anti the
nark.'t has been 11cm. The lone ot the
Irarkl on staple 101018 1 : very firm all
44 ( tL'eclnliy 10 on brown anti bimtited cottons.
. , I' .
I'V 1.\t"I'S.
Noh' \huut the ; 1'1 " 'h" ) Iul.u tIlt-
. . tu'
" 'h"I.IM ( : u .luul.l.
Time slxl"Ilx fee on the lolth sIde of
10110 street jUlt WBt of . \ . J. Hlmp30n's
\"rrlaso faclol ) ' . II to 1m OccuIIe : Imy n
) IHbHtnntal threu-story ) brick warehouse .
'rho National White rl11 works wi oCeUIJ )
forty-four feet and the foundation for Ihat
IJrton of the building II i ulrelll ) ' In.
Negotiations for the occupancy of the re-
Inalnlnl twenlr.two feet are still pendIng.
'fho 0\1111 munufactl'I11 url all Vet ) '
busy and the factoiieu are -t'lls run ( till
time. ) 'ltz. ' faclolllJ ' ) ' ore two weekl
behllt In their orders nnc are ( .pertll/
their factory ) ' 10 tile fullest extent pos-
tithic. . : II Knlz says that the llaloment
II eton Imul that IIUUfacluJIIS cannot
0 carried ni to 11 great advantage In
. Omahn as itt ether polntl Is all boh. There
, lIre mUl ) ' lInes of manufacture for whIch
. . - p . Omall Is I just os good 1 locatIon as cal tie
" found In the counlry. J I. I not nfctSar ) '
to limit ol'orltonl to the territory ixa-
Ifledilitely surrounding Omahu . St. Joseph
nail 1\01"1 City house send their Ihl
unto Ihll territory and veil goods and there
ta nG reason why Omaha . .houl not Ixtelul
her territory In the 5mo way. } { atz ,
1uvln COIPID ) ' have put men In lunBdl
and or. eo\'erlll all that country as far
Julh 11 Indian territory and are mIeUn
with large trade. "Alt 1 ' )
wih 1 Inllt you nOf to meth
goods trom Omaha I. ' have the sel .
. . .
/ ' "
$ ' ' .
time right price and the nerve to push sales .
and those three things ore requIsite to ro
hUlincII from any Point " Is time way Mr.
Ia tz lImits It.
I II still most too early 10 expect any
very IIRrkc11 ImlltVlmelt II time I elal
trade of the city. At the same time time
Illvy rains nf the Past week 01 more and
th" I cooler nllhtl 1'lllnlln/ public that
fal I II Illal lt ha nil . hn\'o hellell ; ) In I nn
small degree to Inll'o' the sale In Jme
lines of inerchanthise. ' TII , the rains
clitiseti n very good Ilemlnli for rubber
goods . shoe' Uhl'olas. etl' The tool
weather II I also hell.lnl tie lle nr wol I "
II OM Iooc of fail weIghts : amid there Is
more Inquiry for fall wralu' .
hI a geilerni woy time retaIl trade of the
city II still ibid 11c I 1 > not orel thlt n
crowd wi he 10toli him tile retai establish-
ment/ A good many of the retailers of
this city hl\\ Ixl-1 lS n .hltl for the 10'
\1\111 l 01 tile retail trade the opening of the (
state fair. I Is exlmectetl that the festIvIties
which wi I he I tilt ugu ra teii lt ( html t tll !
wi hl\o fOlm'lhlllr of a hollll ) ' effect
Ulol I"'olle Iii intiumeing thol to 100Hel
. theh' Purse , I t 111 ; "
The hlr1 of the stores Present a very
atrlllve Illpearlnle ) at the pres.nt ( lame !
wih their array of fail Ieods and I Pttr- '
chaser who cannot ho sntsfellvlh the
nelecton to ho found In Omaha must be
hlll to plense.
A IAI 10Tl UHI. I'INO. .
" \Id > 'ou ever stat to think , " saId one of
the manalow of 1 local house . "whnt In
Illertaltn It Is to supply the people of
this COllln' with dl ) ' 10)1 . "Ik\ I Ihe
( no lIen ) of cotton cloth 1111 Ihel try 10
Illre out how malta ) 'lrd" would hI re-
(1IIrl',1 to satlf ) ' thI ( ill.OJ.OC ' ) of people In
the Uolecl I , States. 'l'hme average citzen
WoUld smty ( lint hlalhfd told brown cotton .
0:1110 : anti 1lllhHI , : cOII'rl ' e lime great
hulk ( time cotton goods 10nSlloil , On
hue ( oIlier hand every specialty nlnnufac-
tutor wOI"1 thllk that lie cloth mUlle for
h1i4 : e especIal iumltistmy hell the hey : to the
sItuatIon. ' i'he fact or time matter II that
the large oull'ls for cotton cloth Ilnbol'
20f ) Ht 1flst CotOI cloth form 1 Part of
( % Pry PaIr of Ihol ! mlhast Iluanttos (
lre colt umf.I . In I the inmi mutt ( ito Litre of olt'e-
t rica I mmppl minces. ( otol Iolh t Is heln ! put
to new tises every year hll nn 1I11tOIII
qllnlly Is rmem-e'mm'ary to meet the Ilcreupe :
Iii the popliu tOI. Timer , ' , 'eols to he nl-
most no limIt to the future possIbilities of
( ' 01(011 nlnnufactutre "
'rho pOuarl : ) ' of shirt waists practIcally
Itle,1 , the trade In laceM durIng the summer
lea on past Al tie coolll weather ap-
\rollhll : more attention II given to thIs line
of merelmnlise which In imlmin ) ' ways Is tile
mOFt interesting doparln\lt ) or the dry
good" trade. The lace mlkert 1m0 pro-
dl",1 mnny new erects Hmt will 10 noted
umOI ! tIme stuck of local houses. The
new Ilko ! from the Calais ( lslrlt rln
1IIIHIIy to Ilk geode In time iIglmt weIght
ehnltly all /llrmre effects which promlso
to lolomo very popllar before tile seasol
I ! far advancell. All forms or joll'll goods
lire \loml ell ( wel of. Among time specIal- /
te ! will 11 wilI Inserton ! np tn 111 m'hel.
IHrHeulurl ) ' In oriental etfects. Tim . , il.avv
\'onl(1 effects In Inserton ! are nl"o fa hllj\ .
hilat'k Ilk valenclonpes laces are hmecomning
IlkalenlloI ! : ! 110 IOCOlhl1
mole Poi ' IliaC . Nnlow chIt fl t Ill ys In ho tIm
In Irtl1 ! 111 olllnl" are In favor 1:1"-
eln'ly In the ! 1.11 pJlnt d'o\rl erect .
whl.h mire moro pOular than ever In timm'
light maIH' 1loe collars arc to tam iromiglut )
enl Ilaln. hit the ) ' are mostly Ill the Inll :
KFEI' : Tm FflET \\Ur
1) inn ii IL Is esp eel nil ) ' wel ! uP\llell \ ) I wih I
shol' hOI e" and the stocks woull )
\0 a credIt to mOBt tmny city. The ¶ sttcics
In sonic cases & 're lImIt so Vet ) ' large . but
111 ! trlo tire time latest 1111 the " : elton Is
A ol. A . visit to the heading shoe houle : of
Iho city anti 1 careful OXlllllt(1 of the
geotlmi offered wOIIII occasion surprIse In
al ) 010 who had not ! I\ n Ihl mal"r of
footwear IF\eclal ; muttentluti. I would ecm
as If the nlanmmtactmtrers ha,1 , . Ixhalstlll tile
ranle or human I nlelU I I ) In I rlhllln
IIW styles nnll oCl'et itt both ladles' and
gt nts' foot weil.
A fashion wrier gIves time following hints :
Slippers Itl low shols are very PoInted Ild
\VIlhottt t'he \ ' CzarIna , I clrosl ) ' slipper -
per Is nUl e In i glace iclti I un,1 , pm ten t l'at\l.
ItiltI ! has a Lotus X V. I I" greatly fa\orell ,
b ) ' the o who l < e a SUlllolt 0\01 the Inslep.
A patent leather wih btmekle and strap ! I.
Ihown In the leloII lesl n. The melal
clasp that fastens I has fleUr-mle-ibm on It
A ilmiteilt leather PIccadilly i1i1i4 II trai ) roil
1IlInt 1)ICcacll ) 111 : 1 Ir111
bl.I < le 0\11 1 po nt Comm I / U\ Ito t I \ tel ' .
It comes wih a Louis Qlinze heel for housl
\\'Ial 1111 a low h'ol slltnhe : for the street.
A Irlly wallol shoo of the oxford tie style
tc !
I" shown In whllh the vamps and qual.tol1
mIre 1laln. , not \11 for tOil a ! formerly. I
is I nleu In rusqet-eoloroll moroct'o and Ittussla
morol'o HI sll
lemttimcr. . The itegent co I I' ! In VII Iou
m'Imnmh.s of tan and ' suede
hll.s 11 gray luede alll has a
Imal huelle In front and . LouIs XV.
A wel Imow lnn Is trying to impress
upon tile shoe hoLders ! of the COlnll ) ' ito
dIfference between tillS and toe CII" . Tips
are conmIdereti hy this '
lcel'ec compal ) a ! being
Imul strips of leather or other mallrlal
11laofd Itt the end of lie toe to prevent
1 < lellnl out. while caps extend over and
far back making verItable cap. Tb. .
distinction I ! a good , one hut I It pro ahe !
hut capB will 10 called tipS notwlhstaull-
"After all . " remarked a shoe man. "with
11 the tails . cortiovans . 1llgnloo "wih
scores of ether leatimers there ( is I nothIng
for c'mort anti sterling \\'eul that ' Comes
leather. i up m t " the oh-time caif I.s the only '
St. I.OhuiM n"IH'rnl tIturit't .
HT. I.OI'IS , Au , mg. 31.-FLOITII-Lower ; patents .
$3.lOmb3.i ' ) ; 'xlm fancy . f . 0I3.00 : ; rane ) ' . $ ! .lq ; ,
2.7 : . : rholr. $2.5)tt.fla.
\.hi I.'t'f--Opemei : , lower. hiI as titer \\'a. .nn
pr'solre to "Il a rally orrull'I. but tho' larket
.r'o".1 below ' . .sl"lla0. : . 2 mii , emmslm . C2',4i' ;
" "ph'lber. G2ij62'e ; December 03' . ; I.i .
' . )
6 'I'
( 'OI - . \ < mnred Hlewh on ,1.mand 111'1,1 ,
I ) ' Ihr ( expectation oC . frost. limit . lecllrmesl laler and
.I.rlnr al.1
insel lower thul , . 'terla ) ' ; :0. mixed , , ra.h
31c : ; Il'pl.m"'r. 3tc asked ; D.c.mIJI'c \ ;
May. ! 2S' , 12 'II.
O.Tsm-Futmlres .lll nail easier ; .h'lly , ; No. 2
emmett . ISic ; lieptemriber , ; Mi . 3noe.
ItYt-Ielsver. . im' : ' . )
con : llIAL- . *
itItAN-OIfercii. east IlacI . ut Me. 10 arrive
anti Pmc , ; bid for lqiot
I.'I.\X ImFlI-m4temtly : . 6e.
TI IOTlY iIII-Steatly. $ .t7i1I.O.
hr.v-matrIy active . . . ) . $1.1:11.0 : timothy.
' . , , . . . .
$ 'J.II ) ? tOO ; praIrie . $ c.r.q ( )
iil'TTOU-c Inwer Cor 1lgln at 2llj22e ;
fancy ' . lC3lTc. i2
. 'pnmlnr cr.amery. IClle.
1.nOHIIhcr. : 1 (
\VitlHlV-tteniy . $ .22
1.1'\ J-Iul In,1 weak 1.25.
HIII.TI.n-lul. $ .01' . schema.
' . ,
110\'IHIONH-lork. I .tandanl mess . jobbing
$9. ( , ) . lmirti hlhpr ; "rime istetmn nPs. ; cImIce
$ ; .S : : ; laon. 1n".1 houhler" . $6.2 ; longs . $6.r ) :
1'll. ' . iii.C2 \ : : slmortm' . $7. <
1II'r'IITR-I"lolr. : I 20) 1 hhIs. ; wheat C1. ( ) hu. ;
cot n . .2.01 iu. ; Omits 3.00' : ' ) I'l.
tilllI'mlgN'r-i"iotit' , . Otl ) mbi.
HI II I'TFloll i.OM 1111. ; wheat 31.O
liu. : cOin. 6.0 lll. : oal.-.0I ) I.u.
Ir ) ' ( oils hitirli't .
NflYOItK . AUI. 31.-1",1 , time conchutiIag
wrel otIIU.t the V"I110 ot hu.lnr"s tietuiily
t'olIlI'lt'teil Wmlil exceptionally . lalKe In < olal's
constit.'rlng 1" low i'mmlite pre\'alln I I In com-
hanson with time 10rrp.ponlnl perlsi. whl' rOl'
trOth ( ' 011,1 it Iimis wrre normal , time liumtnt It y nC
101. 11.111)11,1 has t'n , , . 'Iuanli' , r.r.
rhnnll.ln hmts . unlark.1 1y n tlngim oC sprc-
ul.II" " . tall h.Is , 1"11 coniltuctt'i nt Inge 10.IIIC. I .
oC legitimate (1.-ullntmI. and two more iveekt , oC
11\1" n simiar I'rullortoll are before Ill. ' mar-
Irt. Time activity rt'immarkeij has been c'nmcttrrent '
Itt al mal krls Crol Itt e gulf 10 tIm , ' lakes , antI ,
rrm the . \tantl' In time Itit'Itle . anti . Its wanln ,
I. lot In II ltmt. Irlllnrlolh. . fairly active anti
In .1'mal'l. wlh , mdt's . or 30.00 ' alI\'e al -
square COllrels itt 3 1ICe. tt.mies for tIme week
32.00' ' ) , ' ' .
32\ ( '
1.\.1. HJ'In. 'tug. 31.-Th. werkly Ilrlnl
doth .lalrl.11 10su..1 today l by Mes.r. htemnlrmg-
Ion $ Da\ol "hlw , un a,1'ale , ) , ' In thai , ai. . oC
"ln 0'.1 last week oC pl"'rs. u failing
oI In MI.s. The slight all\nncu In colon scents
to t.111 10 keep up prlc. . . anti , \ th.'re Ire pros
l"cIs at ni n.lvaneo or i-iCe. "r"llcton Cor time
wepl' . % 20.01 pieces ; drlv'rlea. 210,000 pIeces ;
stack on hand odds . C.01 "Ipc.s ; 6h61 aqttar.'s.
is.ooe pIeces : total is.OOO Jle.a ; la.t w'rlr'
stock . 1 4. ( 1lrcrl ; sales . odlo. 2 O.O 1lecrs :
6h61 . 'ua.'s. r .0 ! hI'Ces ' ; total : SI.OI 11.1' . ;
"l"lts. 1.0 , ) ) pIeces ; fumtmures . 221,000 : 11 errs. taies
for \ s t'elr .1'lh'.rle. : Hplltel"'I' . l C.O < 1,1..c'o , ;
( ) etuber . a.oO Pieces : \onmler. , 4.1 ) ) 1lee. , :
It''eniter. . 31. ( ) ) pIeces ; Jnnuar 11 ( i0)G ) . r.0
1.le.'r. , I.'ebruury ( ( ' ) , % , O/I pieces ) ; market ( Irma
nt : e. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'erItt lnrIH'I .
1'rOIIA. fLog . 3L-COIt-Market slow
ste.oiy ; No ! . " 3fo : No. 3. ? .5e.
O.T5i-Market slow easy , No. 2 white . 2'H,1 '
tIe : No. 3 whIte . l0'ti2ae. .
itYi)1sr1crt unit . nominal : No. 2 new .I 2e.
W'hliSK'-Market Irm : Inth"1 goods on Ihe
\osl. oC ' . : C , , hhh wines.
JI ( 'I'I : ' rH-Wheat. 1,8 ito. ; . corn . : : .io bu. ,
omIts. r1.J him. : rye anti , barley . nQI .
iillhltT0-Vimeat. .t"o ) lti. : corn . 5.S ) bu. ,
oats . 75,1100 bu ; rye 1.2) ) bmi . : barley . none .
JctIiuNiuM CI , . liiurki'ts .
KAXR.H CITY .utg. 31.-WIIIOAT-hower . ; No
2 'u".I. ' 5 5t4c ; No. 2 rid . . : UCc : rejected HW ;
" . 3 . "rllg. 5tI&Slce. \ {
( 'QION-tOlow ; No. 3hle and mIxed 3ltJ
31',1. , 1
( \THRI ) ; :0 : mIxed ; IS1IS\e. . No. :
white . 2i0i2h.c. \
htgciII"rm-\vlmeat. : : 3.0 1'1' ; ccmrn , 10,00) lu. ;
OmIts . 1.ol ' Itt. '
Oats SIIi'MlNTm-Wheat. ( float' , % .0 bu. : corn . none ;
S'ieiiy 11lk Stntell'lt.
" ' , \LI. STHEgT . Atm. 31.-Th weekly .Iat .
ment ot Ihe n.soclaleJ ( banks .hDWI the fohiowing
chang'sl ) teserVe. Iitcreat'a ' . * U.tU.5 rolDwlng : . $ i',700 : sheds . decreu. iS4I,0) ; legal
tenders . Increase. $ U.ii6.4 , ; oe,011. , . Incl.aoe.
$ itl,4Q,3 : ; ; circulation . Increase $5.8. The Ilan" .
flow hold S3S.I . 25 11 excess of 1113 reulrementl
of the 2.i per cent rule .
MIutnenpuhhs " 'hucmut ) ttirkct
) 2tlIiNflAiVlimi. Aug. 5i.-\VII7AT-I.oser :
August . 5ic ; .pl.mber. G"e ; December . rJH.e :
May . 6)0 : on trck , No 1 hu . Wo ; No . 1
flortiletfl 6He ; Nt 2 northern. GC'Ij5tt.o. \1.
VLOUR-1aey' ; lint . U.3I03.t ; nUl
deara. U.6)U : second clear , i'tli. : : bak.
era . $ t.ZuZt'3. _ _ _ _
1.11\111 CII"O' , ' . .
J.ODON. : Au . fl.-Closing-'atmaol. for
moas , ' . 10 ; l.all lo account - . Il - ) . .
Lnok Inquiry for Round Lots the Feature
of ( Ycsterdny's ' Decline.
"I'rn.h'r , . \111"01 Over 11' lIt'iitirts
IIr \1."t I.ilsi . 'IgItt ' 1".1 I lie . \.Id'- '
11111 1'rl'I.pII/ , \'nlhl'r I
l.rl.dlc..1 fur 'l'uilghut ' ,
CllAGO. Alg. 31.-Wheat was wlnk
11urhl/ till hut nbout twelt ) . mllltes of to-
In ) " " Ihort "e llon. I was from % 0 to % C
it Wl'r nt the close thtl : It was at the en1
of 1.'rhla1 scIon. Time lack of itltlUit'Y
for roul11 lots of cash whelt for shIpment
either hero or at the seaboard was the 10t
Inlul'llll fCltlre In today's decline. Corn
and oats Imllruve ) In toimo on Iccount oC
frosts Inst night 111 prolletl < again for
toimiglut . but not luch Improvemelt In
Ilrleos ) was estnhlshoc In the end. 110
ChOIllg over of September deals In provisions -
visions wont against time shorts to a ImlOder-
lte extent.
\'heat whlo sellIng at 010 time a shade
above the close last nIght . /oon Ilrlod
\.ell , 111 averaged fully 4e lower. The
cOlllol1 Were Ienerul ) ' ! olriled 11
rattler 1emrisim caMe : Ilfe lower , trlllo
Wil l'xleelllJly .111 here al1 flmlrro' % ' . ald
the Inlalons are ni IlerfaSl' : II the vIsIble
. ' ' of about 2OOO ho .
11111) Iolll ) f.O hl.
't'hie loonl recclllls were nllrly Ify carl
II excess of the ostmnte laId there wnl
flee I hI it lilmi I ion h ) ' dl I oourged longs Intl
gellrout 0h11 of Deoomhor u ) some of
the lug elevators. Under these ( : ollltol
time mllkut Illell weak Inl , low'r. 'l'imo receipts .
eeillts II the northwest still keep nhout 100
holow tIme delIver ' itt this time last
Curs thf cplvery lt thlt tme 1111
) ' 1'11. : but 111vlce , ! from twratrlhntoll this ,
to the ball condition or the road there .
owll& to Ieeelt hfarils. . The ArgentIne
hfpments , for tile week were roporlel lit
liutrJ hu. , or just hal or what they were
the week hofore. New York mlvlce also
'lhl that foreigners wore good IHwerl of
! .
wheat nt the F.nhoarll. hu 10St ) for Do-
deliver ' . But miOlle
comlwr anti Iny dolver ) nOlO
of the fa\orble IOWR was sulelolt
to overcome the beamish Incllatol
of the market Ild welknl'st was
the rtile. 10cemhol 01)110 < at G3'e to G1 c.
2,1)111 to Gc. then hroko to C,2c to 62)40 .
eiosiimg itt G2c. Septemlol sold from 61"e !
to C0'4c' ' . Ilushll at G0c.
'he corn trller ! w'ro aglltel over time
frost of last Illht maid the allltonll Ii'eez-
log weather l'lellotod ' for tonight. The Mmiy
shorts were tile most alarmed. September
went lii ) In sympathy for I vhmIie . hut In
IJ )
the end I settoll hall < to the prevlols mimty'
closing value. Mn ) ' opened at 31\.c \ , sold lt
' .Ic . rrol that II' to 31e and back nlaln toIle
Ile 31c the close.
31\11 \ 10 : at coRe.
Oats html ; I BIt touch of time frost scare .
hut It had about all thawI" ] out lmy the tml
tH session 1111 elllell ala ) ' , whIch closed
'I'sterlay , at Fie. left off at 2 c ! elm H
tomlu y.
Irovlslol ! Improvcll ! , Oil account of lie (
greater demull from shorts th/l from
the 10lPs In the September , delver ) ' . Ar-
10ur & ( . Ild tile ChIcago Packlnl Co.
wer reporled ; ItS havln been free buyers
of 8eotel11or I"s. The close ot SeJtolltr
I.rk \a ! at' a 111loton ot 5e. and of Jailo-
mtti'mtilt'e of 7c. larmi
oy itt an IHh'al'l ! Septomhor lalll
Is IIJOlt il:1 111 Jallal ' 2Aiillgiler. . lUbe
hind a morl' SUIJstlltnl I IIln. I Soplemhel'
ilosing 20c anti January flom Gc to 7 % (
iilg hi or.
f"tmate ! for Monday : " 'hfat. 9 : cars ;
heall. corn . 330 cars ; omits . 205 cars ; hogs 20.OO
The lea.lng futures ranged as follows :
- 11 lehHI - I Ommmm. I - ilIili. - I - . , ; ; I . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
\S'it'at , No. 2
WhlltNO.-------I-- ; , co ) GIi ) ,
. ! . .it , ,
' ) . . . . GII ( , : tn CIt- ; .
1'11. . . . . ua' ' < I ! uaJ : , tj'tl : G21it :
Corim No 2. .
Al ! . . . : . . . . : UP.c. " 31H ; ! nmtc : ; : uH.
SI'I. . . . : U.rI ( ; ( :1.HI : . ; ; 1 , ; : IU
( let . . . . . . a"1 ; ! : : ; ' ) ' a : ! ' "A ; 1o ' !
nee . . . . ao" : : WII l ; HJ ( t4 .II ) }
May . . . . . :1 : . : ) 'I : : I 31H(1k
O'mts No. : .
1..111. . . . . IH' . iSis IHIH k ) j
Oet. . . . . . . I H'1 ! H\ 1St0miI8ts0t ) ( )
May . . . . . . . 2i3sme. : : : :2 . 21 :1J" . :
Porl'el : . . \hl . I I ) 01 ) \ I 1r ( t R 10 R Or
Oct. . . . . . I I ) Ilil6112 \ ( ) ' I ' 1r
LztrtI.ItJt .Ial. , . . ) lbs . . \1 : i ! \ UU I ti' ' ! I 1 ) : !
A..I'I. . . . . l f. ; I 00 5 8 : / 01
011. . . . . r 111 U I 02 ) 'i till U ( I liii
l UI
,111 . . . . . : u : U uu l tie 5 17n
Short itlbs- . .5
bIIU'llbH- , . . . . 1 GO 5 AO : GO l 10
( let. . . . . . r 70 r 11 ( I 0 il l 11
Jiltu . . . . . . &i 12t' . 5 li ! : I\ 5 Ii }
( 'mm1m ' " , lal's Were n. follows :
1.101'H-\\'lnte patents . $3.0I3.60 ) ; winter
strulgimts . 1.rOf3.t ; sprIng IHtcII" . 03.21113.01 ;
spring ' strlhl" ( . tZ. . : ' 3.10 ; Ial , < 'rs. $1. , ) f3.2:13.D
\'hI1A'r-Ntm. Z eprlng . 6)tj60)c ' , ; No. I sprIng ,
Dfjlac0 ; ; , 2 1'.1. 6IJ\IqiCO ' ) ) e.
' 'OitN-No . 2. :6te ; N. 3 ) ellos' 3C * " .
O\TH-NII. 2. 18c . No. 2 while 1ge0. . 3
whllo' . 19\QI2'Hc. '
rt-i ' : -Ni , . 2. 40c.
II.\Hr.I'Y- : . 2. 43c ; No. 3. . 3ie ; No. 4. 331 3C ( .
1.\- HI'I'D-No. I. J.n . .
TIMO1'ItV 1.mlJ-l'rlme , UCO.
PHO'IAIONHMeo"lorlt. . per hhl. . $ ) . J9.IO.
1.111',1. WI' 10' ' ) 1"0. . l5.O. HI"'rt ribs sides I""oe ( ) .
$ Ory slllt",1 boxed ( ' ) . $ : .r.fl' ' ? '
r.G2p. hort clear stiles lJOXI"Sr..ZQI6.r.O. ( ) .
\ : , lIIHK -DI.tlllers' IInloh",1 goo lo. I'cr gal. .
$ J. _ .
f17 tellowlng were the receipts and shlplllenla
today :
-Ar lele. . ltccolpto. Shlptnl'nt
- - - - - - - - - -
1.'lour. bloI. . . . " . . . . . . . 7.0UJ 11.0U )
Whrat . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . r..UtIU .IU.UlIJ )
( 'ci mu . bmm..I IRI.lIun - I llOUU : )
0:118. bll. . . . . . . . . . . . - lU9.0Illl : ) 1.UOJ )
Rye bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1111. ) ) 4.IIUII ) )
Dal'ley. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . l".OUUJ.IIUU
Olllh l'r . lui3l atell'1nla 1'Jhv Un lHltl3r , mu- :
lid Wa' alollln : ; croalltery : iUe ) ; dairy 1I1tt
17c. l'lgs. MOldy ; lj@IH : : . . ChecsJ. UH ( ( 'ihe.
C'uMIIIR' ' Qii tim tiohiN OIl thl' 1'1"111'111\
( ouii ihiHiItlL's ullol Stlll.IL'H.
NgW YOItK.1111' . 31.-I.'J.OUH-ltcc..l\lt. . 2)-
70' ) hbls. ; exports . 29.11)Jbl. . . : quiet anti 111"111 ;
city mill patents . SJ.lJ ft. : : ; winter patents $3.:0
l3.6 ; city mill elcl\r . $3.i : nOO ; wlnlrr
tth'lilI'hts f3.2.3.tO ; Mlnne50la I'alenls. ) ' $3.5)t
3.C ; winter exlras. $2. . : 3.O'J ; lIlInnesotu bakers
S .9 )113.IO ; winter low gradu . . f2.0 : Il2.jJ ) ; spring
low grades . $1.Hi12.3. . Ityo lIour , dull ; fancy ,
fJ.U&jJ.I : .
CUmIN ML'Ai.-tlieady ; yellow we5lern. $1 ;
IIlan 'wlll ' . $2.iO.
WlIl AT-H..cell'ls. H.t'o ) hu. ; exports , 80.SI
[ itt . ; spot barely sleatly ; \\0. 2 rOIl , 61.e ; No. I
hl\rll. G $ .c. elh'erel. ( 01,11011"1" , " ivtmkent'd RI
IIrst , by lower cables anti , " " ( Il'cte,1 vl.ILlu 8UIIII , ) '
Incrru.e 11111.1ecrell.,1 : \ , weekly export" . laler declining -
dInIng raphll ) ' unikr loath l'le..ure oC an \ :
mmii citaracter Smith c108r,1 ( meavy lit .tt1.1' net lois .
No.2 red 11111) , 72'8JMc. cbse'I at .2Jc ) ; 1"1'-
tem\l..r. : C1tjG0te ; ; . c1 . ,1at LIe ; IJ 'ccmb r.
61 3-li4)GShc. ) closed at C.e. .
eOH : -H"l'ell'I. . 2511.31)1) ) ba. ; parIs. 11.9 ' ) him ;
fl"1 ' a"out steady ; No. 2 . 2'Y,1' . In eI\'nlor. Om-
tton .cccl\'e,1 some early he.I' ( Cr"m the frosts
hut finally .a.l orc with silent clueing un-
ehanK to "e higher ; teiteiber : . 4l0Jhlc .
cloud ul 4l3c ; December. 3i31 \ I-Ic Closed al
3'j1C. !
T8-Hecelpl. . G2t ) hu. ; eXI'O. Is. S.MObll. ;
pilot , lIull ; No. 2 . 2Ih0j24c . , OmtIotms .Iull and
Ccal\lrel..s8. whim little btuslnems closing 1111-
chunell 10 1/ic higher : Septcnmtier 2I,03'22r ' .
closed al 3e.
\-I"alrly active ; bhtpplimg C.ViOe ; gael 10
CtmIice SOUSlc.
ltOI'H-W.ak ; I'acllle CORS' . 1831 I croim Hiic :
common 10 eunice IS31 crop , 4ft.c.
l.g.\TlIlH-Qulet ; crol" solo . lIurllo.yres. .
IIIht 10 Iwavy weights 21c ; uctis . 21'Hf21r.
WOOI.-Qulcl ; lvmc.tlc iteece ISi 2' ) ( ; lulle,1
iOc. )
I'HO\'ISIONS-lleet. quiet ; ( anmlly . $1/If12-0) ) ;
.Ira me , . , ' 1.50tlS.Ocll ) : ) ' extra India miss ,
$ lJnl1.r.Q. Cut meats lower. 1"11" 1. lower ; ;
we.l..rn steam closed at $11.:5 asked : H..plember.
(6.3i 1I0mlnul ; rettneI higher. l'ork dull ; new
lIIe8. $ l,720j12.U ; .horl clear. $1 i2.UOCJlloo .
l'lnloHI-Qulet ) : ; large. CflH.c $ ; small. 6)4$1c'
I.arl t4itimmit 2tt11Ce ; Cull skinis . HJf12c.
UlJ'I'T : lt-Hec..lpu. 3,31J1) pkg. . ; marlet eteauiy ' :
weolern lIalr . \ 2tt3cClt.n ; \ .emery , 1:0
2'c ' ; 1llIln. . ; ) e.
Innt'-Itecelpls. : 5.6i3 Jlkgs. ; steady ; western
13\WIc \ ,
'r.\1.I.OW-Dull : city . Hc : eounlry. 4tcc
l'1THOr.IU1-IJIIII ; United closed at U.2.'i bid ;
retlnet New York. 1i.I'J. '
HOSIo-lulel ; strained common 10 good $ t.P3
( t1.r.5. '
Ttiii'iNTINfl-Qulet , \,12Se. \ .
ItICL-Qul.t ; lo\lcsll ( . faIr to extra Gte ;
Japdll , 3"-1111c.
MOr.\ SIS-Qulct but Steathy ; New Orlrans.
open kettle . good to choice. 20tf32e.
M ifl'A l-ltg Iron steady ; southern $1I.t041
itO ; aorthern $12.OIJUIt.W. Copper , strong :
hr..kers' prlee. $12. : ; . 1..aoJ. .hollll' ; bru"re'
Irlc. $3.:1Tin : : , plates . aleimdy .
( 'OTTOo'Atol \ OIl.-Ht..a.I . qlllol ; i'rlme
rrnh23ft , lo : IIrlme crutle. hoo.e C. o. h. mlii
litl20)e ; ort grades , 2'e. 'lomillal ; prIme summer
) 'ello\\ , 2.6112ic ; oIT sumnnmer yellow . 2\HJ. \ ,
prime wImite ZO.3Ic.
SI. 1.111.1"11I'I..tH ,
ST. I.OUIS. Aug. 31.-\"lI AT-Mark..t lower ;
cash 62t4c : August ti.eJltI ; H"I'I..mloer. ' , 62"0
1'I.e hloJ ; December . 6 .c bll.11) ; ' . S.o mmskei
( ' -Iarket lower ; cash . 31'1 , H.pltlIIh.r.
31'e asked : Decenmber 2Ge aal.e , May :8'.11
'I\le bl,1.
JAT -alarkel lower : ca.h.Sfoa , ake'I : Hel'-
teinber 1 . IH.c : Iecember . 193c ; May : 110c.
JtYI'-1InrkN lower 3c Iohl.
"OIIK-Market lower " .to jobhlno
lU-lI\ark.t higher ; prime $ . .1. ; cimolce
1.m0'tU-l3.I sellers .
tll'rI.T : It-U.01li sellers .
l'I.AX atlll-Iarket steady ; 8pol. 96c.
I.outlull ( .rll'u ' iIcicss' .
LONDON AUI 3\--The weather durIng time
last ' week hili h.on nne. There Will 1\ poor de-
lIlanJ for wheat . owing 10 heavy arrivals ort the
Nut aii'l depressing AmerIcan ud\'lcel , which
I W I'P 00 the mArk..t "E'Ilnlf ' prlcee Mf1I lower .
The nmati ) . how"\l.tI .1..1 .I..dl..1' on better
foreIgn silelces , lilli'llI I IUlh whrat. l'nrcrls Oct -
I .1..1' .1.llvr ) ' . were ql\'JIl' nl 2)4 601. HI'ot wt % .
III..a.llrr. MaIze was Qllltt anll weaker III time ot tufltPl" .UI'II . mnleti Aunerican 1I111la.
strRmrr , N"\'I'mhrl' 111111 December 'II\"n' WAil
quot..1 al iCe 91. tll'illa8 steutly. 1101'1.'n
IIrn' ant , o.t luwet ( isIs were quIet and un-
chBnJt'tl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
O3tihit ' ( ilOXlIltI . 1.\IIInT.
COII.HtlulI I fit 'I'rnih , , tumid qlllllnllull"
Oil 'ill" ( ' ' 111111 l"iumui'rluii'c .
The egg cnlllllje.1I'cry ( nrm with stocks
IIhl. Quotmitloriel : .
HS-I..r.h ptock per lloz. . Ill' .
IJUTTI'II-l'nckln/t : . 8/S'ie ' : choice 11.1
fancy . 11(1160 ; gatimeteI I-crl'ol1lcr ) ' , iIJIlcl : . " 1'1\ ) -
lilloI' I'rl'amrr . ISt1l9a. . -
\'n.\I.-Cholce fnt iO to 100 Ibo. . are quoted al
Gq7tc ! ; large and coursr. 4tJPc.
( 'I1I I ' II-\\'lo""ln rul1 rr'all1. 12l' ; YOUIII
. \l11erlrno. 12' ' . I' : twams : lIt . anti . limwt ,
rull cr"\ln.lOlIlIr I ; I. ) mumbo rg "IN " . I. 12c , hrkk ,
Ni' t. 12Ve ; H'I.0. . I. 131111"
h.h'l'I I'OI'I.TJtY-lIell. . 0. : renters . Se ;
.prln/f cimickemis . per ' 110. 84IS'e : , immcks , c. ; .prluJ
iucks . ie : tmhtkeys . Gffil' : geese . & c.
1'1t1lUNl'rr .luz. , U.
\-Uplan,1 11\ ) ' . $ C.GiJ : Iflllllontl. $6.50 ; la1\
Iutiii : .C ; rIo stiaw $ : : color 11111k. time Price on
1i.1) ' ; 111:111 bales sell Ihrlesl. . Only top grades
bring lop Irlcrs.'IOJTAIII.I
l'OTATOl-New : "otalopo. 'ch lc" . tock . , 3111' ,
\\gl'T : P01'ATOI'Ii-Cholre stock $3.00'(13.
her hhl.
OS\ON $ -H.lme grown 40UUOe.
1I (1\o-On ' . ' " . sackei per lb. . Ie.
T ( IATOI' * : -l'holce Block , her I bu. basket ,
\vATg1ttnt.o-rer oJnz. crated $ .OOf2.GO. .
CI.tH I'-Chol"o ) .tork. 1'1'1' .107. . : llJOc.
CA NTA i.OtIi'I7l0-Clmolco iock . crnl.,1 for ship-
II1cnl. per loz. , $1.
The "Uu.V report or tIme Iepartmehmt or . \Irl.
culttt ' give t lie nnMl/ l'OI\1111lnn ) or Ih. t , IIpllle
cwp nl 7 1.2 1\"ln.1 H la'i ) ' 1\1' . It I 10 hilts I . . .n.
"a'R tIme No'lV Ymuk 1t"l'nr.l. that time Ilro.pecl
are for n rlUl' ptnmt'w , Iimt 11101' tim muim r.1) ) p.r cent
"I'ealpl' limn that oC II year n/o. limit Rn Cur liS
tli& , norlhwrsl Is 1'0nc'rnl'l. , 11 will I" 01.111:1"tll \
, hllw Its .lIlllllIrs ) CI'1'III localities whIch tIc , nol
u.ulIlI ) ' cOlltrllule In its wa1l19. Time state or
Mlehl/an ' 111'1,111'11 ' more late Itppleo In thIs .I'C-
'loll I than an ) ' nth..r state hut 1 thIs year . judg-
In C Crol11 , tie InCormnllon : IIlnl , haRI..n Irllortl'd
hy tIme Inrkrl It.'cor.l I CI"111 lIlII" I 10 tame nil
HUmlnl' , ' 111111 11100 Crolll Ihr IIlur"1I IIC tIme ,11-
I'lIrll11enl tt'portR , c0I111101rnll\'rh' I few 111'1'11'9 will
Ito \'ullnhl , , ' for .Jmtineili out oC that I state IInl ,
lip I'rollnlllllllro ) umre that 1\ large part lOr Ihrlr
oITrllnKa I will lie ahoorhed lIy 111.11 k.11l 10 Ihe rllot
oC UII. ( hlra gt , will ( Ie , In I Ih , ' III'hl for large
. \uantHleo. The report Khes IIII' o\'ernK' c.tltl-
lion ? .m that state lit time , very low limItof 20.
A ) 'I'nr age II" . ltllllllon : h'rn110 n. 'l'hl" In-
' hteiiteml . from time sallie IIC'r"aIC or mrcliarbt a
crop or html IIl1l more than tI thlrl uC what was
in'hIcutvti last ) " ' 01' .
\h. . cm.lll1nns J:1\'cn for time .talrs or , Maine .
New Hnl11l'.hlrc.'ermnt an , ) \\'IRI'on"ln. m mingt'
CIOIII :0 In \ 1I111111"hlrf' tll 4' ' ) \'eritlonl .
H I I I. Ih" t . sell IIUlI tip tmnri imw'm't will 100 de-
prh",1 , "r t lila lIeU ree Crolll which 10 dl'llw ittly-
timIng like imurg " ' mimmipliem' .
Next IIrter lI\lehlllln ( ) the sla to whldl eOO-
IrlLuh'o 1110.1 10 Nl'w y"IIt. Thnl stat III I 1"-
l"rh..1 , us ha\'IIII nn n\ago.I''IIIlIlIon oC r. )
lIaln.t 56 a ) ' 11I0. Th 100' there I. nn' '
gamut , hut 01 time I'alllp lIl11" " . taking 1'110 rnn-
. "lrrnll1 , , time . .hol'luIn th. I ) . t'rtl4 " .r the 01111'1'
mmlii turIn tttilii , stmmtemi . It 1II".In , t neitlem " " 11'1
an ) ' itmie 11 nll'ano Ihut'W 1',11 will lu'p II
.nlllI"r uPI,11' ( , I'I'0p thuu site had lasl ) " ' :11' : nllli
It I I. wl'lI 1010WII Ihat timer . w..r , ' n 111" too Ills fl V
uPph's 10 ohlp w"ol IhplI. t ) la" " ' " , , . . 'tI. . l'cn " imsl-
\ 11111 tail , lown I all I Fhow c " nil . t tns , "nll.,1' Cn.
On Ih , ' IIlhpl' , hnnl , time "ulh multI time l'tmt'lilt'
' ilL will gal imer n Irpm..nI""o elOp-l11nl'O than
'uouh 10 offnet In I ui'itehi , Ih. ( loss 111 tim . norlh.
lIul when tim , ' rucl that n1'1' ) litge Part or
th t , ' i4 , ull..1'11 t amities IU'e lilliI' I t 01' nil rOlllllllClul I
\ 'mu itt- . let ng oC a 'Iuolll i y not III ta br phH'r,1 , In
ccl mrs. Is taken Into eonohlpmllnn. nnl nl.o thnt I
itt' C'Iht CIOIII tIme' I'arllil' , ' titust lucre Is 0" ,
hlAh uo 10 ull"w Ihlll I ( ruth III II. I , taken nhmywimy
limit sparlnly. II I I I" seen that I a shorlul In good
wInter applro will exIst mmnl , the prlro will natu-
I nil ) ' hi' ul least ao timttm : hl"hrr ; IIl11u la.1 year
u. tIme a,1I'.1 rrrlht chllll"s C'OIl1 the 11I1.11'1' , lIs-
lalll ( ' i , 'i itt 5 . CI'OI11 whl ( u large purt or time "UP-
IIt.o I I'"UH' Quotullnnil :
l'ItItS-Cimohee : CR/Ir'JI'/1la ' Ilartletts $25) :
'timer vitriettes $2.
lUll 1tAHI'III mtlER- 'o shippIng Rlocl
1'1.1' IH-C"IICornla. lcl' I" , . chulee .tod . $1.00
U\.lii ; fmmtme' 'amiottes . iI.Iqm.25. .
I'IIH"O'l'-I-No .hlp\lI.III , Iuclt.
HOIT1'1I1.ItN ) I'RA'tlER-Xnne.
1'1'1.m'-lwlr , ' .hINIt\ stock . Lbls. . $2,00tf
2.2 : coollnl apples $ t.1'ft2.01.
( Ar.II"OHNIA I'tACIII-S-Crnwtords. per box
$ I.O/ ; rlln" P"e. ¶ " ,
STi0\'ilF1tIth gS-Clmahe , ' ohl"pln stock none
( ' , OOOhIiOltltIl-Nn : shipping slock.
111\ ( ' " It'i'IiI'htlOthNo : : ohlnpln sled
III..H''l1Jo'HIUBA-1fn ( ohlpplll' ) olock.
on.1 S-tromeTa m'oct. per { ' ) .Ib. bntcplo ,
( ' 'oncnI' , 3')1' ' ) . large lots. I 21132se ; lye . 22112'sm ;
l'allCornla. I 1'1' cas . 1lal'l'allell" , . . $1.01) ) ;
MU8ru' ' . \.2 ; 'I'thays. $ l.0tf1.71.
NFCT.1tlNES-'alLrtaui . 1' " CriSC $ l.2.
THOl'lq\I. Ii'I1L'I'l'S.
OH.\ ( HH-Chnlce : . sa"IIlngs , "er box $2. . : :
) trlIlcl'I'antnn , sweets nvnu ; fancy HI. Micim ida .
none. I
lIMONs-Itrm , fancy lenlons CC ) size 87.2511
5.0) ; 504) size . $1.r.lajg.I ) I. -
OIA'NA-AB-holcn iare stort . per bunch , $2:2 :
1(2 ro'J ; IIINllnm muse lmuunt'iies . ; 2.oIl .2 : .
1'INIPl'r.T:8Non" '
OYSTEHS-g"trn m'eiects . 3c per CUll ; company
.Ipcls. tOc ; New York counls. 4c.
FIOI -r'aney. Ie ; clmice , , 12113c.
1I0NEY-C'ullCornla. 14'(1loc.
1iiAt'Ll ' : SYJtlJl'-Gallon jugs per doz , $12 :
III x" ) ' . ti-gal. cans S3.
NUTS-Almond. . lie ; oJlI.h walnuts . soft-
shelled 12e ; mitmitidartim' l1\8c : filberts IOc ; IIrdzll
nmmts 10c : pecans : . Sc ; peanuts . raw . Co ; , toasted
UATI'l1-ln CIJ to 70.itm bQxes. Ce per lb. : Can'
dates email 1toxem' . ISo per Ih.
ClIlIn-l'ul'f Juice per tiLl . S s ; halt bbl. . $3.
1t\'I l'OI'COIIN-ln the ear . on orders Per
lb. . 21c.
IIIIHS-No. : 1 green hOes . be , Na. 2 green
imitles H.c ' ; No. I green sailed imitles So ; No. 2
green united hld.s SHoc : No. 1 \'eal calf , 8 to IS
Ibo. . 12e ; No. veal calf 8 10 IS lbs. , 10c' No.
I dr' flInt hltlrs. 111111cm l ; No. 2 dry runt 1'll\e8. '
l2m ; No. I dry sulle.1 bide. )2o ; parlly cured
hhlr. ' "e per lb. less than fully curel.
l0iIl5l'I' PIr.TR-Grecn
- sailed . each 2.I1C ;
gren called sheQrlln ( short wool' early skins ) ,
each. &iIISc ; dry cimearlinga short ( woolI'd ! early
skill ) . \ . , . I , emmett 511mb ; dry shearllnKs ( short
woolr.1 early FIcin.0. ) . 2. . each 5c ; dry IIInt )
ICnns'ms nn,1 Nehrn"a hutcher wool pells. actual
weight Htr.c ; dry IIInl : Caloraelo Imlcner wool
h > Clts ' per itm. , flCtU.ul wetglmt , 41JGl4o ; dry hint I
.loor'e\ i
I'oJ .
\ ; (
'rro eib.rYac :
Coliimmdo mnurrain wool imelts. per lb. , actual
wetgimt 1(5Cc. III'e feet cut off a. It I. useless
to I'ay Crelgl1 : on tlm m.
TAr.I.OW AND GItI.\SF.-No. 1 tallow 4Y.c ;
No. 2 tallow . 3\iH31 : g1e.le while A. 41 $
41e ; grease whIte ti . 3e ; grease , yellow , 2)tj '
3e ; grease . lIark. 2c ; alII butler 2af2ttc ; bees-
lynx . "rime. l7tf2Oo : rough tallow , 2c ;
WOOl. UNWARIIJD-I'lae ' " .a\ ' ) ' . fiie : fine
light 811ge ; I1unrlrr-hlood. I01112e ; seeely , hurry
and citarry 81119c ; cOllroJ ant ) Ittoken coarse , i@
Dc ; emitted and broken line GiISc
WOOl. WASHED-Mrdlum. 15f11Be ; line 14@
ICe ; lub washed 16fi1Se ; hlaek. Se ; bucks . Cc ;
tag locks . qf2c : dead pulled. 51ftc.
S"I'nrllh'M . . . . . . ' ' .
( N..tlollnH ) "I'lh'I' f. . n
111111 I 1I..II.h. v I'rl.l..UUI I 'l'w. 0th , -rs.
NI'\\ YOIt"uIt. . 31.-The sloci market 10(10) ( '
lens exceptIonally aetlvc Cor a hair holloloY.llre-
celllIIwo / ( it her holllla'I' . IIn.1 wllh t harII iy an "X'
crpllon II.I\'UIIC. . 111 "rlc's ivere " ' , , nlcol. , The
new In.lep..n..111 combInation or llsmtllers ar-
( . , 'tell Dlslllllng stock 10 time rx\t'nt or 1.lIghl
fractIonal loss The feature In point or activity
antI strength were hue caiera h""I",1 ) 10) New
.1"1'01' ) ' ( ' . 'ntrnl . ltcr.titng I . RI. l'muul l.olllo\'lIIe
8 Naslmvlilo . Sugar Tobacco and ChIcago 00.
'l'ho low Irlce , 'r"rrs were IIarllelllnrl ill ill.
Th'r. wet fair buying t Jr " / : accouhmt 1111111-
rileI'I by thr hllhpr ) l.nOtlon 1untllllooa ' for Amer-
lean "I'urlllr. The mr.\.rnellt for time iveek has
ben irregular anti time "om'l\nt tliittldnces Ioelng '
time exchange situation As limo IlIh'lIl1ol1 oC time
" , \'ernl11cnl bent syndicate tn hn'u tntmmhn time
lI'ell.ur ) ' gold reserve at the UOI.Of ) ! , " " ) 111111'1 101'-
rl\ml' mt" clearly apprecIative Ihr'Hlgh sllccr8.1\
ileimoetti . or gold , the etTlcl oC tIme exports oC Kohl
Time 1..11 .IOIcIIIII..s or time treasury as 10 its
I'csel"\ . , will come IIhnut some tlm.- lieu winter
or In the elll h' I'I'rlug ' umless II1rllllwhll" Ihp at
Iltude ) nt time foreign In\.lorll chan es rull'lIlh'
an.1 . they Ioeeome luyers oClIIrrlean "eeulilies
"lIIrthln like their oldl tIme vigor.
Tht 1"l1l1l'lIl1on , or the I'irle milan ot or anlza.
tlno III110t I. 'ons\llcre.1 'hl ilia I k an IU1J1orlant
turn 111 the rallwllY- 1111.1 tI.1anclal w"rll. .
Irrl11. lira oC hmecemisttyUmcnilc . hut lime I..perale
ronllIlolI oC time IlropeI'1) plml'elled nn effective
ljIl3In1follt. - - -
Sugar I..dlo..11 2 . per 10 106' . milieu 10
iI13 . anti cl"8r.1 lit .JlI : ' Slime .I..nglh at Ihe
close was loa "e. ] on tim ) 1111'111' marltel tint . time
rx"eclallon'or the I.-Iam..on or the reKlllal'
111I..rt..rly . .lh'll\.n , L' / tfritiay ot next we.k.
Tobnrcn lIul'lnal..1wl.'ly' antI e1oo,1 , wllh n
net loss or 4 Iwr c..nt. 'l'hlo stock
line Omen'ch'.I' , hr "nllllu.,1 IIqu\lla-
lion ntHI halllmerln ) "SI'II ' trailers . on 1hellt.C
that immm'tlle mra.urrwill , h. umiken hy the
strong OhtlmoSttloti Tenrlem''ee Coal sold up 4"io
let ' " cent I ) to'i. time l1ur" or tile year I\n.1
retained all lout a sm'ltcUon \ with hnprm'p-'hp grangers r'sit' II , per cexmt ta 2\\ \ .
Ht. Paul 1..llll1nl , . 'Ole he.t II/ur..s oC lIme year
wel" attained lIy this jli'fiUp. Burllnglon ex-
cepteil. Time i.ontian ' ' ) 1,1uP. St. Paul Is l'e- '
\n 1 r1Io1
: .li p"e1nro. : " : rr
lIevl l ; In the Street to.0 tilt p to early Information I
lloal the dll"l'Clol will III'clnl' less Ihnn 2 Ir
cent on tIme COlll1110n stack fr time hllir ) 'PIII' lit
hue meeting on SqIt'llil.r , . lj 'J'hn railway shares
rose 13 , mirth Hi per . I.I'.peclh.e1) . mantle
a partial r..acllon. C.I ( . 1eek closet , wIth Ih"
lulls having n linn gtii.p ' 'n time speculative sit-
( tat Itimi. .
Time more Inwortant gAIns are : Tohar'a ; mrt'-
CPI'I' . ' I 1p..r \ cent , New Jm'rsey ( 1111'111 Oli pOl'
c'nt I rn\1' & Itlo Ornndp pr..c..rre,1 , 5V 1'1'1' '
cent anti Pnnhlllllile l'rr.r..1 111111 HI. 1'11111 t p..r
C'i'tit Time aggregate sales ot the werk wern
I.CII.631 .hnres.
Time h.n'l ' markrl hailS , ) ' was strong onlncll \ "
with smiles oC $1.r.10.II ) ThO' net results reveal
gaIns generally .11'011. . Mlnnr"II/II. I' Man-
11010" lalll , grnnt s , In the 1,1 isltim all 1l'Ir. (
clatlon ot 3 1'1'1' C.OI. The trading of time week
was characterized hy mnarit.'ti strength anti
man ) ' sub.lanllal ) aI1l'a"e. occurred Lemu'itng
investment hollIes report their Inability to fill In.
Vestment orulers for 1'uropemmn , ( 'munsilmmn mini , Io-
nestle account. Time gains on time week riunme up
to Il' per cent irm Oregon Short I..i ( lust Is.
S'Isconslem ( "fuel firsts trust receipts rose 4 %
per cent in antichpatlon of time early announce-
macnt of time than ( If reurgmtniatlnn.
Other advances of notc are ; krle 2.1 , consls S
per cent , 1rin stnmpel 6 l"r Cent , lOne fuun'Iintc
8' , trust revehiis ii per Cent , Chicago & Frte isle
1L Per Cent , ChIcago Li Erie incemnmes 7 % ier
CCIII , ilan.nibul & lOt , Joseph consolt 1 % per tent ,
i'nlon l'aclflc' . Ienier & Gulf isIs 5' lwr cent.
and ilansa. i'aeirle console trust receIpt. 5 per
cent. The mIce were $ i9.2iSO0.
Government bonus were aelected at time board.
itaunil amounts , however , eluenged lumunuls oi'er
the c3uelter at alIlmt advances. l0li'er certificates
were qItlet , with niei of 130.000 at 67e anti 17'.1e.
Tb , , New % ' .mrk Vtnsnche says this week TIme
statement of the esuIate , ) tankS of this thy for
tim. week rmmlhng Attguust 31 , 1595 , shows a entail
falling tilt In Itsunms , time actual ileeresee' beIng
(3,70i , , Imie to time hiiuidnthtmn In the' Sleek cx-
change tmlarket rather than from conItnerelsi
PttUhCe5 , Tin' loan Itehim , honeer , lii $2t,000.O0) )
lii excess of thri tmtui repthi'd fr ( ( me eiirrcsperml.
lnp week hitt't ) 'enr , ani 821.0)1eu ) hilghmer thuru cmii
Jttnumury I tmf the I'resent Yemit , wiutciu iitws bet-
Icr ttmtuhi anything ( 'Ice the m'tr'tmtly Inermee , In
hitisine' , ' , titrmmgitoutt thmi. country The taurilmi inst
$1,4 1,3's ' ) In i'liPdit' . iiwlng t ) the ilcp'msits of , ttie or
Is ii I ai't h tul t itims w Itim I lie m'uhitt emusuiry on time tiotiti
cynmhl at , ' acm' itmat.
The uiotnlni ColitIs , ' of bueiacs at lrem'emmt wmttlii
mtmtmirnlly lemitl ( a time ltelht'f that tin' stmit'ineImt
m'floulil show a , im'creimse In tiir' voitmmuuo of legal
tt'flhIdth4 , Instc'mtii of at ) incrense of I2.70,6 , as i-
limit ted , especially since the l'ltmkm' at , ' hsing , legal
tcmuiem m to t ut' tlmilti remisuirl' ( in , tCcmitmt imf gait
exports , iufltl ill , ' als , .iuplmkig ) more cimru'i'ncy to
I ime mt ilmmr I ban tii , ' ' tire I , 'ceis' tume. ' ( 'lie timnil
m''rithteale , imouit'i'er , , litrimmg time PerIl cmveretl ,
Ii ) ' tue stmlteimment , , Imi time I'mituks tue i"-
lut.'ti litlet' ( if I imt'ii timibscrtpt lotus t , , tim , ' recent loimhm.
anti ( hits iiilihlt'Y ltrimlmaltl ) ' flct'OtthtI * fmmr t hi. i fl -
crease iloteil , Time effect of timt'ae lmt'hiOhs lmn $
t.t'ti to r'leasr it hiurge rnmoutlt of cutrr.'nm' ) ' 111th-
eCu p hitkt ii UI , , nhmmi I hits , of ( ' ( muirse , swell e tIme
I'm t'iiemit tracts' , ' , tht , operating tiguminet ml t'etter
flute ftr ftmniis.
A s tlim' tidttluthih : fr I , .tl t'tcouitmt a fhnl I he i nu erimr
is I neremu sttug , ( Ii , ' synui cii IC amimumey iv ill nmt , hinu , .
iii , ' , 'i'fect , mf ii'iire"m'tng the nmmurket ( Immit It , ttlier-
s'Iso would , tmzmtl CmflCt't vatlve ltaumkers tire cttn-
il'hvit t I ( mat better rates IllIlat ehmt.iit' t'farp I ime
elsa , , f tlit' somisoim. 'rut' i mmci case , , f .ic'pom'tt 5
Sh.I95.4) ' ) , anti tii , ' opermittofla of the week ewelIei ,
tli' reserve $ ltSI,21s ) .
'rim , ' tmtmul , tl'l'osltmI iii e less by $ tt,00'.OtlO timniu
at tim 1 , t I tue lust ) 'ea r , html time a tmmitt mm t of hmilt'
inlIne ) ' icing carmlc'tl by tile l'tmtmks is $26,7SiUi0
lelow I he tutmmoumni recartleil ii 1 that I limit' ,
The following ucla ttm cmnsmng qimomation'u on
timt' lenmilna sttwkl of the New York exciuango
today :
ATeliiotm . . . . . . . . . . . ) , . . . . . . 100
. 'tmttimta lxltres. , . 1114 tie ormi . . . . . . . . . . . I 47
Alteul. ' 1' Ii . . . . . . . . lti N. 'I' . ( ' , ' . . . . . . lIlt
Aimm. Fxpm'ess . . . . . . Iit' : N. V. . ' . N. 10. . . . . . . 01
( 'multlmut or , ' , t (11mb. 0 I ' ( ) mtt.i rio , m SV. . . . . . . I tO
Cummtmtla : i'.mel Ii , ' (114 Ort'gmmmm lam t' . . . . . ti
( mtiuIlmiR Stiimthmi'rit . ( ' 7 Orpgmmmu Nm , v. . . . . . . . 2:1 :
C'lmh rtl I'u'l ; Ito . , , I ii I m. 5 , 1 & ( I. N . . . . . . I I )
CImt's. & ( ) itto. . . . . . . 2 I ) I i't''ihtc 7tiail. . . . . . . :11)4 : )
CImtetgo : & A ltotm . . I 0:1 : 1' . P. , t U. , , , . , , , , , 114
1. ' . . it. & Q. . . . . . . . . . . Iii i'Iiisbmmmy . . . . . . . . . . 102 %
Ilmligtm : timtti. . . . . . 0I'4 i'mmilnmutm : I'tlni'u : , 172
( kmmimioilmlmut'tt , ( las 14It 1t'aItti . . . . . . . . . . .
C..C.C.&ht.b .104 lL.G.\ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 %
Culim. Coil : . ' ; Irmot , 5 It , ( I. W' . lmfti . . . . . . . . 49
( ittomm ( Ill C.'rt 2. " $ flock Isltmttl. : . . . . . .
lt'lmtivtl'ri : & 11,1,1. I 111 % SI . 1'umi : I. . . . . . . . . . . . 77 '
Dci. . Lmi'lt. : & V. 1111 4 lIe Thu. . . . . . . . . . 191) )
I ) . & it. 15 , lmtl . . . _ aa si. P. .u Omutmiir I I
I ) . & C. F. Co. , . 2 i Itt ) 111th. . . . . . . . . . . . I 21) )
irI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1)4 ) $ ommtim'r ! ' t'tt'lfic. : ,
tb ; mfil . . . . . . . , . . 21 tO i.ltr1tii1mieiV. . . . I I iTm ) ,
h"ors\Vayimu. . . . . . . I l ) 14 't't'mmmu. Cuul : . ' . iu'tmi Mmli
( I. Noitlm'riu tmfml . . I 27 Teammi , l'tet no 1 .l4
C , .t 1 . I. ltI . . . . . . . lt-t4 P. . . . 0. ( ' , ' : mt. lufti 714
iltmekhimg 'atiey. , 9t Ilithon i'iilt : . . . . . .
liliutmi , , C'tmhrat. . . jt)4 ) IS. 8. 1'clrl'm4'i. : . . . . . l7
Sit. 1' . & imuimmtii. . , a:114v. : . tOt. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . ftj
II. & T. oftI. . . . . . . . . : ft4 ( W. .st. li , k 1' . mmfl
Lmke : En , , $ ; \\'cCt 204 IVelli. Fmmrgo } x. . .
, io pfh . . . . . . . . . . . 8II ) % S't'til'u'li tjimimu , . , t11
Latt , , 14ltor. . . . . . . . . . 101 SVii't'limic & L. IL Ill
l'umt : 'rt'itst.:1 : s clm lm'.l . . . . . . . . . . . . ttIilI
l.oumlsvitlo N. . . . . (1 i1i 20. , t. St. L. . . . . . . . . 21 %
1. . .t N. A. . . . . . . . . . . t181 I ) . & It . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit
2'lmtilmattati : Coil 11 itt ; . ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :17 : %
1.l&imt'iil'i , $ m ( I 10 N. i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 %
) hicitlgaim ( ' , ut. , . . . . 11)4 ) 0 , F. .1. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Si I'i"omtrl Pact tic . : Pit ito lift ) . . . . . . . . . . . . tm.1
) loitile , l , ( ) lmto. . . . . 2,1 II. , t T. 0.'I
Nttilmvtilmj : Clmzmt. . 7t1 ' 1' . , . A. , ' . . . . . . . . . 2)1
Nat i'miai ( onimi gi' 7 54 T. St. It. , t. IC. C 7
Nmt. : Cmmrmlmhgm' html. , I i % , io lirtt. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
N. .1. C.'mitrul. : . . . . . . . 1 1 II 5. It. It. . . . . . . . . . . I l ?
N. , . % V. mint . . . . . . . . 15 mto Imfti . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Ill ,
Nmrthi ttmmm , Co mi,1 'mim . 'I'ttm. Co. . . . . . . II I
Nmn'tlieriu l'mciitc , , 61s tim , huh . . . . . . . . III )
N. h'meilit' ; hmhi . . . . . . Ii4 St. I' . , 1.1. & 74 . . . . . . 1 1 ' 'a '
U. 1' . . I ) . & ' ; . . . . . . 7 , L-atlieu' umnl . . . . . . . . 'lit
Tue totimi stub's of stoclis t'tla' u'r , ' 120,9)1 )
rlimmm i's , I nc'lmm 1 I mmg : \ nlerlt'mlm Yumgmr , Slim ;
hi CC ) , 6,2' ) ) ; A tli cmiii . 3I rmm.s'ssnmehmt I'm ' il , 2COm
( 'bmtcmmgi , Umis , 2,4iti ; itatiiiitt , 3,70) ) : Nnmm'a , , &
'i''xam' ) ti''ferreil , 2 , 40' ' ) ; isvill , ' & 'N ahm vllim' .
2,70) ) : I temmItng. , 25,7i ) ) : SI . lommls & lOtmut ( hwest m'm'a
ltleferrl , , rlro ; iii. l'amml hrt'ft'mrel , , 19,0) ) ; T'xms
te i'ncilic , 6,40) ) ; Vmtinmslm , 2 6)0'nbaimtu ) ; liheferreti.
8,5)0 ; 'esterim t'illon , 5,100.
Ni'ii' YirL 3loiic'y 3lni'kel.
NlS % ' 'i'ltK ( , Ammi , Il.-MONUY ONLli - .
I7aey a' ' I iir c. at.
) 'mtlMO MiltcN'rLil : 1'A1'i0lt-3'4tf4 l'er
W1'lltlING flX'ii.NtU'-.tarhet dumil , with
ttettmiul bum'mmii'Cs t mi tom nkem m , ' ujm ha mit I t.Si4
fmr , Ietllzmnd anti $ I.SS)0J 1.90 ftmr cmxi ) ' ilays ;
liitt'il i ate , , $ t.StttmIt ) . ) ant $ l.9)lj 4.91.
( 'OhMgIt'i\ I. lt l.ItO$4.8t ! .
i0ll'lht ! ( 'tIITIFIC'vl'tO-671167 : ) : % ,
lh\ht milI.Vi'flt-C6)4.
! tttXlt'AN IXlhlS-1tCt. !
Closing quotatlomma on booths vere as foliosvs :
U.S.44m.'g , , 711W 12:140. : t' . lHt'ltmt'miS 102
U.S. lii eotmim , mmciv 1 1mt : ( ) ) , ( I. 7a . . . . . 110 %
ILmO. rms.m't'me. . . . . . . . I lalti ) & It. 0. 4mi . . , , . , iIIUj
U S. iit , , edit ) . . . . . . 1 l.1m1 Nrtn 2114
11.0 4s. h'i'g . . . . . . . I 1 1 4 (1. Ii. .m 4. A. ( lii. 11)7 )
U.S. .hit , cotmi , . . . , , I 12140. ii. & 14 , A. 711. 111:1 : %
01 ti,9i4 , t.'l . . . . . . 01,4 11. &T. (2. ri4. . . . . . Ill
l'mmc'llIc ib , m f ' 0 1 . . I ( Ii ) tb I'M. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1)4 )
Almt , . cl : , , A. . . . . . itme 10. . F. , ! , , T. let la PUg
AImt. , cimisi , It. . . . . . I tmi .10 2ml is. . . . . . . . to
t % 1mm. , class ' . . . . . . I 0 ! ) 1tIuutimal tjuitou 0 , 1 I 1
Ait. : Cmmu''mmey. . . . . I UI ) N. .1 tm. G.'mm. dil I III
Li. : New Comm. Is. it ( I 'Ni. P.tciil ism' , , I ill
) l tnsoitt I ( iii. . . . . . . I (10 ( tIc , 2ti'i . . . . . . . . . . I Eu
'N. C. us. . . . . . . . . . 12 ; ; N. V. ConsulS. . . 14 114
N. C. .is. . . . . . . . . . . . It.fl ) tlt , S. 1" , D.b 'is , h I .1 %
' 4. 12. tuomtfmtmmtl fl4 it. C. West. isl. , 770
'l''mumu. hteW Met ( Is , 0 , St. 1' . Cctmsol' . 7s , 1274
't'l'uuh. mmew bet , lii 101 do C , & 1' . 'IV. 14 113
'r'ummm , , olit os. . . . . , : u mot.i. & tM. r.en. I
% 'lI. ( ' , 'hitlmrle' , . . . . . G3 $ t. L& S. 1 , ' . Geim ml I lmi
do , leterrm'i . . , _ _ 0 Tot. t'ac , I at' , . . . .
At&'imlsott 4 ' 4. . . . . . . St : do . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.lClmibiuiu 2d A . . . , : ii ; tO. I' . 15t4 of ' 0th. , 11)7 )
( . 'aiiui ; So. mIs. lotS'eit ) Slmormi 4 , . , , _ itU $
L. . ' . N. ttihtit'mt ii 8l'4 : ' So. 15. ii. . . . . . . . . . . 07
0. Ii. & N. Imit' , . . , 1191
. imid _ _ _ _ _ _
Ihontoiu Stock Qihotmitloims ,
BOSTON , AumC. 3l.-Citl : loiie. : 2 < , : l ocr ccItt ;
timImo moans , :11.0 : 1 % li'r Ct'mit. CioMtlmg imrics for
suocks , bommmia amid llmiimlmmg liimmmrt'm4 ;
C"T. & S. } ' . . . . . . . . 21mMi"L'it'c. . tint. . . . . . . to
Amtm. Smmgmr : . . . . . . . 1 1 1 \'is , Ceuitm'tl. . . . . . . 7 %
, tiu , i4.mgar mIfi . , . , 11124 t'1t.ltiomm il'c , Ills. ISO
It ' Sm.itt , ( Ira. . . . . I tm4 G'mm. Ilee. p ( tI. . . . . tm$4 .
Bt'il Tel'plmoi.m : I 14:4 Atclilsout 2mi . . . . . . 'lii
11051011 . ¼ . 'Jb itm ) ' 2i I Atciui'mOmm 4s. . . . . . ) m2h
itosimmu & 2'Iatmmo , 173 % New immglmmmtl : Os. , , I iig :
( t , Ii , Q. . . . . . . . . . . ill Gemi. 1lcclrle. : . . . . .
l"Itclmhmmry. . . . . . . . . . 1)13Viu. . . Cm'mt. I sts , . iii
( . 'mh. IJt't'trit''IT ' 4 Alloml'z Mihtimug Co I
Ii liltois Steel . . . . . . 7 11 Attatl t It' . . . . . . . . . . . 23
) lextc'itm : C.'tmtral . , I : p Itotiloiu .z 2i1utmttmu. ; ( I I
N. ' . ' . , m N. I" . . . . . . . . 102 ltuttm , ' . itosotm. ( . . .
Olmi ( oioiiy. . . . . . . . . I 38 Cal mmuttimt It i teii. : . fi III
( Ire. tihiort Lint , . . . . 1 1 4 Ct'mtt'hmluttI. : . . . . . . . . 1:11 :
ltubtmur. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 % i"rmhulmlimi . . . . . . . . . . . 22 %
Satu iJIt'go. . . . . . . . . . 3 I 11i'rstre : : . . . . . . . . . .
lYtmloum . i'totllc. . . . . . 1 1)4 Osceol : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 %
\ Emmml . . . . . . . . . . 73)1 I Qimimmey. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 47
thu hifti . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 % h ' .L'amim * r.ti'k. . . . . . . . . I 01)
' , i'titimmli. } lec . , . ; ' tO Wolvtrtiua. . . . . . . . . . 8 %
Stimu F'rztmiclseo 2hIltulmir Qiloliltiomis ,
SAN FItANCISCO. Aumg. :3i.-'riim : ofliclat clmmimlimg
'itmotatiomus for iltImlImmg tooks toNy \veru mimI follows -
lows :
Alimi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I i1iioi : Norcrumiq. , 173
Alpima ( tti. . . . . . . . . . . 13 Jimlt : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Ammmi. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 .liisthce. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Dulcimer . . . . . . . . . (17 Kelttmlcky Comu. . . . . .
Best . ' , hit'lclmer , . , 11)3 ) Moxlcami , , . . . . . , , , , 1)7
tlotim , Cult . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 ) iummo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1
limtiliotm. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ) Iommmmt 1)lmblo : , , . . _ , II )
itimlwer Con . . . . . . . . II Occ'Imlt'tmttI : Colt . , . , m11
Cml'mlmiuta. , . . . . . . . . . 13 Omduir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cimail'tmgo Cotm. . . . . 74 Oi''rmlmahm. . . . . . . . . . . tl )
Cimollltr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 'mu I'otosl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11
Cotmiliim'iic' . . . . . . . . . . I 03 Savi ; , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1 .1
Comi. Cal. .c Va----- 2tt ) Si'rri : Nu : vmmla. : . . . . 7t ;
CUtm. Imimrerlai 1 Silver 11111. . . . . . . 2
( 'omt. Now \'orit. , 2 Sllvm'r lIttig . . . . . . . 211
Crtmivti Pmmimit. . . . . . . 54 IJhtiOmt Colt---------- 01
: xeimrmium'r. . . . . . . . : o titaht ruim. . . . . . . . . . 8
Gomiltl .i.Cutrry. . . . . hO Y'liow Jacket. . , , 41
Suiu'r bars , flfi'ffiuiflT4e.IexIcam : , ioliuu's : , 5103
51e. irtfts , sight , 2Lec : telt'grmplthc' , Sc.
Nt's' 1'rlc 3l1mmihm Qiuiitutlomue.
N)1V 'Olt1C , Aug. : ii-Tmuu fjtlowimt. Itr3 ( Ito
l'lOsillg umtlmmttg : mtutmttIomts :
Bmmlwt'r. . . . . . . . 4 OmmtrIo : . . . . . . . . . . . . 8311
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opimir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill )
Crovim I'oltmt. . . . . . . rl ) i'i'muomuthl . . . . . . . . . . 2) ) )
Con. Cmli , & Vit , . . , 21)1 Qitiekstlvm'r. . . . . . . . Poll
flmmlss'oo'l. : . . . . . . . . 70 QitIt'kmsll'er prO. . . 11)01)
ntmummi : . Cmtrry. . . . . rim Sierra N'vziila. . . . . 41) )
llztl' ' , & Norerotmim 171) ) 1 tammlmu'd. : . . . . . . . . . 2tI
Ilonm.'stmk : , , , , . . . , . , 201)1) . ) tltmlon Com. : . . . . . . . . 43
Iron Sliver . . . . . . . . 'II'el'ow ) Jacket.38
Mox it'amm. . . . . . . . . . . . ( it )
1enitioit $ leek ( tuiotrulloiiN ,
LONDON. Aumg :31.-I : I , , imt. clo'Itt :
C'imsuls. Ill' ) ' . . . . . . 1 1114 ) texictmm ; om'tttimmu'y ; 2:3 :
Coimimolmi. Iucc't.lUS 1'ti 14k , 1'Imti coiti. . . . . . 78
Call. 1'.tc'Iitc..0 % N. 'm' . Cemitrml. ; . . . . . ili )
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fli t'tmlmmmtiylvammlmt. . . . . 36 %
: u'ie 2ds. . . . . . . . . . . . tti ltetmttmig. : . . . . . . . . . . .
ill. ( , 'mttrtl. . . . . . . . 1(164 ( Mux , Ccli. 110W 44 70
iiut 8ii\'lIt-I0d Icr ounce.
7tlON1Y-.t % h'cr cent.
Time nut , ' or .lt'ount iii tIme open market for
shuort mmntt timreo otuntii' bills Is per cent ,
ll hill mueitmi 'ot i's ,
Sr. IOlYltO. ttg. 31.-ClearIngs , 2,17iGG : ; hal-
ances , $502,871. 1mltmney. 8t1 per cent , Now
York cxctminge , Itar liii.
NI ) % ' YOhtIC , Aug. 31.-Clenrhimgi. . $8I,5l9lC7 :
inulatmece. $ ) , l8i,251 : fer time iveek , cemtrings , $317 , .
270,717 ; iahtmtct'm' . $7,5l3tiil ,
) iTh1iOltm0. tUg. 5l.-Clemrlngs , OlG'J.'C2 ( ;
tmmlnnees , $2)G'S ) ; for time iseck , cieatllmgs , 51i1 , .
209,643 ; bolanres , Ihf&6.04.
hiOiOTON. Aug. 3t.-I'l-arings , $14 531,122 ; Imui- :
and's , Sh,1m5)GSl ) ; for mitt' week , cictiflas , 57G.-
723k7 ; I.mmances ! , $ l,6Cl,521.
1'ihi lAliil'iiIA. : Aug. i.-Cieal ingi , , 19.610. .
li ; : b.llnnet'a , $ l47l,0i2. 1"jr the % st''im , , O33'J'14.2'1 ' ' ;
( miiarmc'm , , lM.Gt.b12 ) : ftmr tlmi month , thai immg : ; ,
* 312,955,121 ; Iialmmnees , 542 l'jLl,333.
iu.LTliIoht ) : . itug. -'leurlngm' , * 1.G7).DCi ;
bmmhumices , $23)LS8 ; fmi' thmt' we-k. t icat 1111:5 , l0-
21.1,640 ; ttmihanc's , $1,858,071 ; fur hit' huontim , Iiimr-
inm , , (51.ISO.ti'JS.
Nl'5'OItiC , Aug. 3l.-Tlit' epottmu of tpi't'4"
frotml the port of New To : Ic t.t hIm , ii , '
amountel to 4,672&til In gold aol l930ies hut miii-
ver , Time ltlmietta were : ( loiil , $ l'.lG0 ' ; clii er ,
111,11)1 ; dry gtItdmI , 53,95,3 1. gee al m,3'otian.
miles , 05. 445.111.
( 'iil'iiUO , Au ; . 31.-Cleahitige , $ lL'J I0 : U.'im !
for tIme we'l ( , IS ) . 'j'J3.00' ) ; cm re.p.mmiImm' ( . ii. 'ii ; 1,5'
) enr , $'OO'i. Money. ens ) ' , ii mOm hh'c $ ill
4 , pr CcItt f ir call It tmn. 4 ( ' ' .r 's"h
for commercial latmlr. Nese Yolk t'sc.i'.hm : ' 4)
discount , liankermt' (1. ( nliJrm.ster.Iam ) , Oh ml t
L'cr.lgiu I1 ntm iteliul A t1'm.i vs.
iil'lthlN. Aug. 3l-l'scbiammga un Littlu ,
dayt. ' eIght , ) maika 45 pIg.
i.iii3. Atg , i.-Three per c.imt lontes , 1IU
121.40 far hIts Hh.'COUflt , Ixctbmna : 'hi J.tlhjohl , 211
lltm ( or clt.'cls ,
I.OlO. A'Jg. 31 fie amtturmt or lilUu
1:011,1 IilO I his iarmk o Frmg n .1 mu tt.i Ia r. , . ' . I
US.000. ( LI4 Is , tllted tn my at himmc'rt j Ayr"s
at 203 30 ; 1titolrhd , IS ; Si l'ctct'suiurg , fi 1isbon ,
2W41 Athens , li iorit' { , 1)3.0211'knna ; , IA
Trade In Fttt Cattle Opened Very Slow
Stnt'kcui. I ) liii era 'crc I , m largt'r
Siiiiil' , ill Aiiiliiiuu In i'rcslu
trrl ills 311,113' ilti 111)0 lh'n
1,1'11 Os'i'r ,
flA'l't7llAV , Atug , 31.
Ileceipta for tlmt' lmtst : tisclity-fotmr hioumrs ,
as coitmlmureii i'lthi ( lie iirt''lotus four ula'im ,
nro tms follows :
Cattle. ilmig. Sheep. horses.
Aiictmst St..2.731 lrti , , , , '
, tiglmst II ) , , . , , , , , 2SIt 1.171) ll , ,
Atgtts : tlh.I , Dlii l00 1,51 . .
4Utim't 2' ) . . , . , . , , 2,220 1,001 . . 27
Atlmitist . . . . . . . . , 3,041 . 32
Tim. ' foio'lilg 'ihl slmoi' the recehlmte I ) )
weeks :
( 'attic. hogs. Slueep.
ltt'CeiItM tiilmi 'em'Ic..15,72 ! ) SilS Ml
itct'eilmti4 last s''olm . . . . . .2iiiOt 12,061 2,111) )
S i mmmc week hI l0 I . . . . . . .22,417 fl' .2 29 1.611) )
iahno svcck itm isai..13,611 : 39.376 : isio
Snub week ill lSll..15,1)20 17,015 3,160
Time reccItmt of emittle himive be'il very
irurgt' iiuilng ( lie lam't imiomithl , In fmict time
largest for tiut' imioimtiu tif Auost milmiCe the
opening of tltt ) 'rml'tls. Tin' receipts vrre
lai ge dtmrlhig Aumguist of imust year , but time
llmtst Ilmoittlu shmois's a gaIll ( if over 22,0)0
beau. TImt' increase hinis been Olostly Ill
fechimlg cattle , iliich ita'tt 110011 tmtkeii leick
Imito tile Cottiitr3 , ' mmmii ) ( ' ( OIl feemi. 'l'ile
followlhmg V'ill show tile rccelimts by iiiontiumm
for time year till to timitt' , as comnlareii wIth
tIme corresponding hllotithim of 101 :
ltieimthta , 1Si5 Cattle. 110:75. : Shu'ehm.
.lituluary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ft,7l ) $ l,3ftlO 12,711
l'elmrmhar ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,3CL'5 121:113 : 12,631
Mart'hm 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,7:10 : 00,875 2i,03s
AlirlI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,119 07.001 27,107
1tliiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; ,711l 113.678 9,113
Jtin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,130 S7,020 14,102
Jill ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 : mst 69,507 7,172
Aumgutst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78l53 : , 45S2. ll,70i :
'rotmul elglmt illontims.32lO'J.S 760,827 116,749
\Tommthms , 11111.
ml mm mi a ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C' iG'm.S i 14 ,2S1) , ) 21,8S2
Febrummi ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,0,946 120,32 I 23,111
Mtrcii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,793 118,63 * 21,151
APrIl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9,17.1 142,617 1SOto
? til : ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GS,5i7 187,876 17,516
.ltm'me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( " 5.279 217i719 iC,97l )
Jmmly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M.721 222G2 7,923
4tttm5t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stl52 229,000 10,16
'i'otal eight TmlOhlthimi. S5,031 1,3S2.0C0 113,91)
I I i'i I I lam imot , 'ti tlmmu t for tile cigim t 111011 t hi
tilere is mt dt'crt'nit , ' in tilt' receIpts tif cu : ttl&
nummotmiltlmmg to 160'JJ'i imeaml , cmwtimg tim light
m'm'ns tiltritlg time iirt m.Ix nloimthmi tmf tlmt'
lrt'Itt'ilt y.'ar. J'hmls mliscuelmtncy is imelng to.
( I Uceti t'ttit'l ) ' I v ca elm week. WI I ii I itt' llrmlm en
timat It vll be all svliieti ouit before ( lb eni1
lb ' ' ' .
of ( s'f'um' :
ill time ret'eilmts of liege tlterc' hmmm
ijcc'fl a mit'creaso amrlouhtitimlg to 613,00' )
) mt'mi , ( or tile eglmt mnontimq , I t ( ins lmei'n
liObtlted otit before tills timmut CCmililtlu'Im'ttfls
vlthi last year mire hlltrilly iulr : , mis recelimts
\vere pjlenoxmlenulls' ; burg" hIm ISP I , I f we
tnake cOtlmp'3rleonn with 189.1 it will io fottmlti
thmit tIme dperenle ha only 19,13S ,
( 'A'r'rri-'rule vem'k closed with ninety-
seven fre'h : lomls : of cat II , ' Ill tile yards , as
nlaulSt 101 cars reccveil yesterday , Omit
or the miumimmlmer rom'eivetl I lmt're were slxt.'en
oam1s of 1'exus ( 'attlt' . or 4)7 imeatl , ( 'ailslgiletl
dim oct to mi lat'ker , l.mving : only 2,2.17 hueaml
on erie. 'l'imo cattle offt.remi were nmostly
v.stern5 , ithid tt larme Promlortioli of timelmi
gonil Cnltigll for ( outlets only.
Time mnarlmt't on fat cattle openeml very
gltav. Tue btlver mliii itot tmpimm'mtr at : mii
aim x itmis to ml o bmm"i a imsa , nmiil the t rail o ivim s
mc mlrmg nil time : miornimmg , with few ctttle :
chnngiiig hmanlmm , , 1'iter in tilL' (13) ' IL genii
rhare of time catte were 0Iil , but at lower
There were rtlmommt twenty-live loads of
cosys Oil 5Oh1' 'i'll. ' immarket openetl steady
( 'ml timmit 1(11111 of cattle , and ( lie early sales
shioiv'ti lttit' ! chitnge ( torn ycsteriimty. 1'item
time ti'nti ' was slow mmmi the imitrket : easemi niT
tm\'ar 1 the clte-e.
Stot'Icers ttntl fet1erss'ere in large Mmmpil9' , ,
there behiig , lii tmtiilitlon to the fr'shl tO-
ceipta , (1milt' a gooti flltll ! cattle lmelml ovem
( ream ) 'em'tertmay In time hands of speemilmitors
A imsual on a ilattlriiav the demliminli war
higlut. There were few tmuvers Iii from ( lie
eauI'tri' , , mini $ ICuYUI'utoi'iO tilml nnt seem in-
cilnomi to lmu ' ' ' freei'itll
) vt'r ) ) \ % tIme lmroslmect
that ( hit' cattle would htmvo to be carried
over tmntll next week , As a result , tue mmmar-
Icet vtms weak to lOc lover , I t was , imow-
( 'vet , only tilL' uammal Smturilmy's : : wealtmem's.
Itepresentative sales :
110101" ST1LtS.
No , tv. Pr. z ; . As' . i'r ? lo. y. Pr
I. . . , 84) 02 25 2. , , , 760 82 50 1..ilt ) $3 Oh. )
1. , , . 901 : ; 2.)0l ) ) _ 10 1. . . . 870 40
m. . . . 7) ) 65 l..ier.'m ' 2 1) ) 4. . . . 822 i )
I . . , , 55) Cl 2. . . . SC ) .1 2) III. . , , 812 III
I. , , . Se ) 7i 2.100) ) 2 21 I1.l01 ; I )
3. . . . 92) ) 7 : ; . . . . ) ) ' 2 23 1 . . . .Itti ) 4) )
1. . , . 7:5 : ) . . . . 93) 2 2 I. . . . 70) ri )
I. . , . 14) $ i ) 1. , , , 910 2 21 1. . . . I'll fl
I , . . . 810 liii I. . . . 7. ) 2 2 I..1Isa 5' ' )
1 . . . . 1(121 ( ( It ) I , . . . 13) ) 4 2 I . . . . fl ) P1
1. . . . SI' ' ) 0 . . , , lit ) 2 23 5. , , , 91 $ Si )
2. . . .1053 di )2 ) , , , , 815 2 23 4 , . . . 930 P1
3. . . . 99.1 0) 3. , . . 91' ) 2 33 SO 5' ' )
4. . . ' 947 (1' ' ) 3. . . . 7(6 ' 75 2. , . .103) ) 50 lii 3.)0IG ) 2 15 17. , . . hill 51
C. . . . Ill Oh. . ) 1. . . . $4) 2 13 2. . . .1033 C' ' )
2. . . . UI ) 0) 1. . . . 72' ' ) 2 71 10. . . . 930 Ci )
7 , . ' , 837 ii ) l. . . . 9'.G 2 4) 3. . . ! t26 CS
2. . . .1000 0) 8. . . .li)3i ) .1 4) 17. , , . mISS es
I . . . . 102) ( it ) 4 . , , , 100) 2 4) 3. . . . I Ill ( .3
7. . . . 93' Oh ) 2 , . . , 9i ) 124)2. . . , 93'i 71
1. . . . Cl' ' ) 10 12. . . . 519 2 1) 1.ll5i ) 23
IiiOlFflhtS ,
I. . . . 67' ' ) 2 0' ) 1. . . . 57) ) ) 2 33 1 , . . . 510 2 4'
2. . . . 425 2 0' ) 1. , . . 55' ) 2 .01 5. . C0 2 5' ' )
I. . . . CI ) 2 15 2. . . . 63' ' ) 2 B I. . . . 57' ' ) 2 5)
I. . . . 73i ) 2 11 2. , . . 523 2 35 2. . . , 67' ' ) 2 r , )
I. . . . CS ) 2 2' ' ) 4. . . . 497 2 35 C. . , . Cli ) 2 i' , )
I , . . . 5' ) ) 2 25 2. . . . 53. ; 2 1) 13 . . . SIt 2 ti )
2. . , , 703 2 3 . . . . f3 4241)2 , , , , 733 2 Si
. . . . " , : ) 2 3 ) ) , , . . , 2 4' ' ) 1. . . . 77) 2 6.3
I . . . .S ) .i :1) : 1. , . , Cmli ) 2 4) 1. . . . 43' ' ) I lii )
4 , . . , 617 2 : ma Ia. . , . 459 2 43 4. . , .I020 I 15
I. . . . 45' ' ) 2 20
l..ll8i 2 Ot ) l..134' ' ) 2 25 1 . . . .l ) i ) 2 4)
I. . , .137' ' ) 2 Ci ) 1. . , , III ! ) 2 25 1..l0' ! ) 2 4)
I.12'l ' 2 0) 'I..1310 2 2 3. . .1221 2 4' )
1. , . . 1171) ( ii )2. , . . 11)33 ) 2 25 1 . . . .h27) ' , 4'
1.lIOO 2 0' ' ) 1. , .167' ' ) 2 23 2. . . .1135 2 Ii
I. . .1000 2 1) 1. . . .120' ) 2 2. ; 1hm21 2 4)
1..i97i ) 2 1' ' ) l.)2S0 2 35 2 , . , $4) 2 II
l..i52' ) 2 15 3 . . . .I' 23) 2 55 1 . , . , l' 26) ) 2 4
1..lOi ) 2 2) ) 4..1270 2 35 l..13mi ) ) 2 f , )
1. . . . 1350 2 2)
OXlN ,
I . . . .1 , t75 2 50
C'Lvi : $ ,
5. . . . 274 2 2i 1 . . . . . .to 2 75 I. . . . 21' ' ) 4 2
I. . . . 22' ' ) 2 5) 1. . , . 27) 3 Oil I. . . . 22) 4 21
:1 : , . . . . 2G 2 5) 1 . . . . 17' ' ) 3 2' ) 1 , . , , Iii ) 4 21
I . . . . 'IS' ' ) 2 5) ) 1. . . . 3S11 I P1 1. . . . 13(1 ( 4 23
2. . . . 3J1) 2 5) 4. , , . 112 4 II ) 2. . . . 125 4 5)
6. . . . 233 2 75 1. . . . 19) ) I Oh ) I. , . . 23) 150
$ TO'Fl'lttO . 'mNl ' ) F'Ifll)1fl14.
4. ' . . 435 23 ' . 1 , , . . CII lii ) 2 $ . . . . 6.57 3i )
C. . , , ti' . 2 40 2. . . . 52i1 0) 33. . , . &S 20
I. , . , 740 : . 4s I' ; . , . . ' 3 Ii ) 2..IllS 50
3 , . , , S ) 45 2) . . . . CII 2 It ) 21. . . f.0 Si
I. , . . Cli ) 5) ) 3. . . . ' , Cl ; U 574 2.1
2. . . . 70 : . 5i ) 7 , . , , S07 t 11:1 : , . . , 12) )
I. , , , 74) ) : . 5' ' ) 19 , . . , 875 . . 'S 2. . . . 71) ) 25
I.I')21 'i ' ) 5. . , , 712 Ii 45. . . . 7)1 ) 25
I. . . . 51' ' ) 51 C. . . , 3'i is mo. . . 503 25
I. . . . S ) " 50 21. . . . 712 2) 4. . . . ltu ) 4)
I. . . . 1 + 20 " 5) ) ' 7 , . . , Cli 20 . 40
2. . . , 845 i'm I. , . . C.'t'J ' 2. . . . . . . . (75 41
lv. . 4lm 75 2) . . . . 104 . . 2) 15 , . . . 5.3 $ 4)
1. , . . CS' ' ) 71 7. . . . 424 2) 13. . . . ( .0 4' ' )
1. . ' , . rSl ) 75 2. . . . 72) 3 2' 11. . . . S'iI I )
.1. , . . 713 75 19. . . . 59 1 2) 11. . . . ' 767 40
it. . , . 433 Ott 21. . . . LII ) . . . . 022 40
25. . . . Si ! ! 300 II. . , . 191 5' )71. . . . 757 4' ' )
I , . , . 43) , ( ii ) 69 , , . . 511 3 53 27. . , . 101 45
1. , , . tI ) ( hi ii. . . . 1172 3 2. ) II. , , . 'JJI I )
4 , , . . 1,2) ) III )7. . . . 774 3 : ) 15. . . . 921 50
ii , . . . G:2 oh )
' . 'I0S'r1IitNi ,
'L'imonmsui (1 III ,
No. Ac. l'r , Nt , . y , I'r ,
S Immilia..1121 Ii 71 7 elders..IFII $3 10
1 $ la'lfeis. . . . . 531 2 I' ' ) 1 ( ceder. . . . . 870 3
0 ; rws. . . . . . . 1C2 2 is : ii f"-Iert. , , . . , tI ) I 23
3 ( . ' , "lers , . . . Sit ) S 0) 22 f-"iera. . , . 1014 ' 1 3)
S 3 1) IC Ie.'lers..i'Si I 23
i0' t4t.mte Live iitell ( 'mtilpafls
I mitt. tIc..117) 2 21 1 ( , 'cmlsr. . . . . l'i't ) I 31
till c'.ws. . . . . . 951 2 Ii mr.7 feeders. , . . htmil 1 3)
32 sic''is . . , , , . 1147 2 tI Ill , , le'r' , , , , , . . 1241 323
CS reclcms. , . .hlns a 25
tO tyan l.tund mid Cml I tIe ( ' , 'himpnny.
11 ( ' ( mica. . . . . . . 1C2 2 23 ii ( 'OiYm' . . . . . . . ¶ 09 .9 3' )
It cl's's. . . . . . . SIll 2 70 2)1 ) steelS , . . . . , $ 211 3 10
tI ehts , Tc'x.ihiC 3 Ii
Ni0tht.tOl. .
tiunnell .Cr $ lillsomm.
I lmeif.'m' , . . , , 7) ) 2 'ml I euws. . . . . . . 1423 2 Cl
I else. . . . . . . . . . .11) ) 2 51 i cows. . . . . . . 114.1 2 C'
I mitCer..170 3 5)
I lO-'i lIt' us'c'k . "nmet selUm a iurm of twenty
Iemtti , , t im'ga. IL bi'limg the isrgst rn Clue-
'tlmmlsll , ) ' . 'O'bO in.urk"t was iummt i'iy UCmi , .
html thu. ' liege were al I cJti to miomutly , , cit ly. ' 115
Pt kos paid were ud"a.iy to t shade boor tman )
) "sterdm9' , itepreu"imtatl.'u sales :
7c' v. IOu. Pr , No v. ( Ibm , rr.
: ' . . . . . . . . 170' 12) ) * 3 ' ) . . . . . . . . . . ,1I SI 2) )
SI . . . . . . . . .15 , . , ) h ' , . . . . . . . . a. I 2) )
3..1 . , . , " 21 . . . . . . . .211 9) 4 21
. I. . . . . . . .173 . . 'I'l . . . . . . . IC' Ill
- . . . . . 1r 4' 'S 1) ) . . . . . . . 246 , , I 3)
I " . . . . . . . oh' $1 a' ; t . . . . . . . : a o
I i . . . . II 1711 it 75m. . . . . . . : : t t , 4
I . . . . . .2 . . . . Ii . . . . . . . ' ) 2 ! ' 1 25
: : . . . . . . . . . S I. ) It . . . . . . . . .5) 380 4 25
mm . . . . . . .Z'3 . . , Ii II . . . . . , . , li . . . 4 2' .
' 1..2'4 1I ( ) 1' ) u : . , , , , , , Ill . . I 25
I . . . . . . .211 13 ; ; . . . . . . . . Oh' ) 4 23
Ct , . . . . . . . . IS ; $1) II , . . . . . . . . ' 2) ) 2S
4 . . . . . . . .24) ) 4' ) i'i I-st. . . . . . . . 251 . , . 4 3)
' . . . . . . . * II I ( .1 . . . . . . : fJ hO ) 4 0)
I..S ! : : ' ) GO , , . , , 235 8' ) 4 1)
)31CIl'Ii ) .Nl ) ( 'hILLS.
I , . ,9O , , , :0' , . , , . , , I ? ' . . 27 $
7. . . . . . . 13.3 , . , 22'O , . .1i * 04 373
34. . . . . . . . 114 , . , 30) 'ls . . , , , , . . 137 . , , 313
$ lIliEl'-Tliere Were no elieei' imere to nmake $
lmmarket ,
t'lIl.i.l ( ) 1,1 'Ii S'l'O'IC.
( 'It I I Ic II , , era hluIi I a it lIlt'k for
1,1,1 % ( 'C l'i'l.a 3liinsiu ' ,
( 'hlht'AUO , ttg , 3l-Lee than SOil cattle over.
re'CIYC'ii ti.'llmu9' , t'uit tilt' lUthilil ) ' wnq mmtebm larger
I itmtt ) tlma I , as mu gtimtl 111(1 ii ) ' it'mti'y , steers stat
tiuteliers' emittlo overt' left cmver frtmiim ) em't'u'miy.
lltt'ers overt' titnuku ihohihitig back , its bIg ret'utlmt ,
, ititi iiooer lmrIt'eC mull' t'slmectei nt'0 ( Mtiiidti' anti
t rtuiil' is ius ctteuiteiy timtll at looser p t-t' thou it
bert' laitl 9 . 'sleiiiy. Steers ettitl at $3.54I.93 :
's ' anti itmills , $1 2Sf3,75 , anti Temuns , $1 t'OID
l.ess thmnn 90) ' ) ( It'm'hm auth stale hitige ovt'rii efr'r tt
tahtu y , u nil itmeii i l'itlcrs a nl slil i'i'eu ii , ttai lt'it
imlast tif tim , ' olYcri ' '
has iuruumhiii l'i lila 9's t'himmdng
li Icem' . Ltglmt lit'gs st'l'l hit' beet. citimmumon to
t'lmitice iussmt , I ci I I gtt giiiig fur * 4.0)51 ) I , 51) . 81 i ' , i
hmts sahi , at 51,10011 4) mmii ( menO' ) ' html sttli at $185
(4..0 , 'xtrehmmrly imeai' 11Gm' pt'liiig , I'elmw tlemilr-
rtt'lenielttmmmi % i'clgimtit , 14 ulti' bore lmurgly at
tm ) Irtmi ) ime.oi , of , ihte'i , timat irrli'el lien' iv ra
tittIsti ) ' m'tlti churl ) ' itt lmiii'hmimtue'tl Prices. Na I ive ,
oven' IlutitlmiItl , ' tui SI 2II3.75 f.'r lmiInIt'r It ) ( 'Lire ,
f'uv gothig tue Itlmilu tts 8.3. 5'c'stcrn , smere stulaitls
itt * 2 23V1.O ) timi , Iiimiml , at $30'tJ'&t ) ' ) . iiimeci , nra
l's h'em't ti Imp It , Nmm % ehimtt'l' ,
II'celltts : ( 'attic , 40) hieil ; etmlvc , , 50 iteaii
h , 'g' , 7Oti ) lmt'mti ; imcclm , I , 5I ) licttl ,
ictu t , .ii , . ( 'I t 1,1 o' ' 8t'lc ,
IN\H ( 'In' , Aumg. 3i.-C.T't't.15 Iteceipt , ,
1,0) ) iien'l ' : t.lmliuiucmite , 3,5) . ) imenil , Ztlnrkm.t at catty'
'l''omma steers , 12.SMt3i.t ) ; 'l'exns coos , $ J.23112.St ) ;
t'er , tiie'rs , $3.mibOCi.l' ; natuo , ' too's , SI. i1w3lo'
miot'hmems moitl tc'hera. 32.75031.23 ; htlllm' , , $ l.2t3,55 ,
I I 0(18- 1 leech lit C , I SCt ) lietmil ' slmlitnmcnts , I 00'
Imenil. Mimi kit shem.tiy ; h'mlk , m cal.'s ,'tfi,2fl1
liii , 5' I's. $3.teh14,23 : l'ek'm a , S I. mi4l 4.3) ) , umit mmcl ,
$ Ieorjlst ) : Itoimle , $400111.35 ; t't'ilo'ra , $4lQtt't35'
1(101 , 53.00514,05.
$1 I l0It'--ltt'vi'lhts , , 100 imca,1 ; clmiu'in"mut , , 2,1) '
heii , Miu i k'l miit'.lil ) ' , Litimit's ' , $3.004i 4 23 ; ttmut. 5 ,
ttlmmC , sm. ltitiI.O0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Si , , , lmI' , ' Slck lltirh'l ,
tOT. l.Ot'hiO , Atig , It.-htr'ccilLs , 1,1 ! ) ) Imemitil
tiiltlmhilcnls , 70) lit'tl. : , 1thauket ibId munil , hmmfl.
I ) r'sme'l i'cm't mini giith ttmuicIter Steers , $3. 73tf1.0' ) :
ilglmt ste'rs ummlih'r IC ) ) Its. , S3.000jITh , htmtllo
mr smiles. $ t.2'lC. ' ' ) : eavm , titt,1 it'ifers , $20 1'im IS
T'tm , tuill I tmillutm am't'I , , , $2 7561 4 Ci ) ; iim , 1k cml
miml's. $ : t.O'' , ; ct'uva mtn I iictt'rs. $2.Oh)4f3.tt0 ,
I I 1 ) O 14 - I t."I his , Pt ) hemtti ; III I Itttmc'lt 5 , 1,01' ' )
Ii ruth , 2tl , I lilt So ltivet : itl'U' . ) ' , 14,301 1,43 , ) mmt xe.l ,
$ : t.ott4.34 , light , 31.2541 II ) .
$1 I l 1:1I : tecm'Iits , imolue , mliulithiettt : 5 , iiotue ; no
SmIliitll , riO saIm's. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 4
811,11 , , iii lOlsolit.
lt.'r'orI of receh lit , Il I t it , ' I , uu r imrlmdh pal Imuirimets
for $ ittti rthhi ) ' , Atmmtst , 31 , I SImS :
( 'mmtiic. hlmws. tlmt'elm. 4
Satt ii Otmmalta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,73 I 1 .5.3 1 . .
( 'tmlcmigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,5) , ) 75) ) )
Rimmiamu , ( 'ihy . . . . , . . . . . . , , . . , , , . , 1.Oi ) 1.74) 14)
St. I.umti' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.13' ) 1)0
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,2:11 : 11.031 1,60)
lIO' , ru4uol 3lii v11-l s.
1l'l1tl'OOL , . % iig , 31I :30 : ehtse-VhIliAT
-Sl'Lt ( imliCt ; Ni' . 2 r'ti oi later , ftm lii :
No. 2 , , slirimic , fM 2'til ' ; Ni , , 1
lmiurtl , ? 'tmiitltmibmt , $4 21 ; Nim. I ( 'tilitinttu , , t ,
Id , l'mmtmml I'M cim"m'i , tlrimm uollli tlur i'OmiithhmM . ( (
II Iimts''r , , tmtl mii"lmitit uhsltithms " 4th ltmaem' , hiltlhl'imt ,
about eimmmimll o' tl to til'ii ; lOt'tii'tmmitt'r , t'ii 'i , ( ) mdti-
her , t , iil ; Novetmmitt'r , f , , lm4ti ; l'ceiumbt'r , Sm'
Jmumumiary. 5' , l'gl . ) "eltmmiary , Is 25tl.
Co I tNlilt , tirimI ; himii't Ice n himi xeil lIeu' , Os
9'4il. ' h'mmlmim es eiut'ti etc'atly ovillu tm'ar m'aslttt'tms
mi'tehmitmlgei ( ii h4ii ioolm'r mmiii illlittlmt i''siti irim , tin-
ctmmtmgeil I , ' ' 2t1 loser : 1usIit'sm , lteavlt , , mu hmt'mit-
, 'Mt tuat imOiit , hieumtmt , i.sttimns , it'htt"timlt'r , 2. ' .
I 4iI ; Oct , , tter , : i , , i , ' ti ; Nov'tni er , Is $4' t I ) e'
, ' , 'miuh"r , 3s 8' ii : J Ii mlumnry , 35 515,1 ; F'elrtimu , r ) ' , Si
I' LOll 11-01 arket lii hmt ; 1 , 'tmmauitl In I r , freel' elm p-
111.11 : $1. l.miIs fmticy is'lhmtem' , 7s.
I ' 1 ttl' I ill ONtO- m titan , st'nt ) s' ; tlt'nmm : nti hntmder-
iut ( ' : Cmmmnh , , ' , litml cllt , 25 uo .1) ) ups. , Sla ; eliot t I ( his ,
21 Ibm' . , SCs ; lmlmC , 'ie , ' , light. 33 lm 4) lbs .
I iIl ( "I' tit' . ImPly ) ' , S'i it , , ' . , Iii Cl ; cleat' htpiht's.
I I t , , 10 Ils. , 4bm. , HIm 'till i't a , Itilil ii 0' , 12 tim lii lbs. ,
Its. I , , 'tmtmrt t'mmi. 14 ti 16 Itm' . ' Ills. Iltel ,
t.x Ira Xnriiit himess , 73' : m'm tIn' hlIPSil , ( 3m' , I 'mirk ,
prmmiit' mn'ts , ii mit' svmsm'rmt , Ss Sil : io''sl ci tI mat'-
il tmmim , , 41 , 91. 1.01 .1 , smi'mitiy ; 1mm toio item' 1 et n , 3)s 31 ;
t'iln'tl. lii t'utis. 72s.
( ' 1 I ll : $ 12-- tOt i'n'iy ; , lenlanu ) mmme,1'ra to ; tinest
% lhl"t lL'nlm , ii'lmltt' mmmii cit'rc'ti. , n'mv , : : ss.
I m i , 'rri : t t-I"ln'st t tmi i t'l lOt Im I cc , SOs ; good , ( 'Os. '
't'l'ltl'iNTINl-iipti ms , 205 CI.
I U'i I N-I ' .miiilOhmi , lii 31.
( 'O'l"l'ONf'fli ) Oii.-I.lvvrt'ool I eIint'i , hit Si ,
mlNiOhIl Oti.-2la.
1 ' E'l' I Oll I M . - I ( , lImi'i. 1' ' i.
I t fl I" Ill ( I t lt\'i' ( ) I t I I tO l l-l"tmm Citili rtmirs , 5mi ;
im i mmhmmtmmriem S. '
llulAril : u NO l'OS'llit-h laritwto'i , I. o , b. ,
livcrpmoi , 7.
li0l'S--'tt butm&ica ( l'tucttie coast ) , 2.
I toil' , ' , ' 3lii i'Iet , '
Niv : YOltl , Aumg. 2l.-'OFFI3T-0lmtione
omen , 1 faIrly strmtti' at a ihi'cl t n , ' ui 5ttI ) I Ii ,
rmmlt'tl mmclii c intl 'It'm'tmk , Iurtic'uminrly fin' strtiig
mimntts , ; cictst'ih Ilihict lmt it lid , leei'ii' ! tiC SttI5
ltiIiIs , ; m'nlt's , 1i,2) ) lttmgs , lncttiihing : tO't't'hlihl"t' ,
114. 7 I ; O'ttihter. Si 4.93 ; l'ct'inhmt'r. $1 13590 I 4.8) ;
Id Ireli , $1 I. 5.51 I 4. ttm. 'iimit colT , ' , ' , I Ito , mlmml I ; No.
7 , 511 : tliliil , , muiet , Iimreiy itttily ; ( "tt'mlii , , , $14.2"
0:19 0' ' ) ; ovai rm'hlmist' del tv'ri'mi fritnl NL'oo''irlc yes'
terla' , 1,216 hogs ; New 'irk stock tom ) . ) ) ' , 253,071
tags : t'mult'd Slalt's stnck , 213 , 179 I'mts ; : tilaat
1r timc t'iilteil tOtnies , 222.09) Ltmgs ; hot.l , vlsit'l. ,
for time t'tmltcmi lOttutes , 833,175 bags , ng.ltmst 16C'J
its ga lmmmit year ,
I4ANTO1O , . % ng. 3i.-l'irnm : good as'crngi' b'miimtoS ,
$13.70 : rc'etits , 18.1(1 , ) lings ; hiimmcic , 271.1 , ) ) I migs.
lLMflUltU , tig. al.-mmmhi ; iirict'C ' 58(1 tmfg.
i"cl Inc ; i.mtie $ , 5,00) lags. itionila y iv ill ie ii.
llithitha ) ' ,
hItVitlO. 4ttR. ? t.-Oltemleil mitInti ) ' , ! 41 , iecline ;
at 12 rn , closed i'teaml9' at tf act miechine ; smiles ,
116.0' ) limgs.
I I 10 1 II I .1 N 1)1 ) 1 tO , Aug. II.Nttlmlitlmul ; No. 7
Itit , . lilt' ; exetmamig. ' , II Il-lOt ; receipts , lKQ04)
bmgmi : : elc'mm t ci for t timi i''itteii tOtil I c's , COil ) heuSs ;
cleared for Iut'i'e , ' ' , 9,0) ' ) ti:1gi4 mitt'ck ' , 271,00) bags
Cottoiu 3htmu-k'l.
lOT. 1.01118 , Aumg. Il.-NTTN-Steatly ; no
s.mles ; itmldtlltig ; , 7'c : recelliiii , I huh's ; simlpmimi'ntm. ,
801 iiatm' : st' , It , 7,071 IsmI es
r t40' 'i'Oltl , Aumg. aI-ro'rToN.-Fmittmrea
el itet't1 t , , i r-I' stm'mmil i' ; Cmii h'S , 150,5) ) ) hales ; .1 ml nmmary ,
$1.93 ; i"tltt mii y , $ i)1t3 ; Mmmtcli , $3.08 ; Seltti'nmber ,
$7.71 ; Octilmet' . $7.Sim : Noi'i'nmli"t' , 87.8 $ : I ) cr'enilmer ,
$7.92. b'iiitt clem'cti tuumhet , mnuihhlinm : . imilantis ,
8 3-ICc : hIm tl'hlttlg , gull I , ml 7-ICc : s.ules7' 2G'l liules.
NI : ' OltLt.Ni1. Aug. 31.-COttNimill'
nlitittltllg. 7 9-lOt' : ltiov ititlthltimg , , 7 3-ICe ; gen
nrtIjnnm' , 633i' ; net antI gross rec'iimls , Cli tmmmlt'mi ;
, 'xitrtM. ti , Uretmt m in ) mm in . 2,83' I ii it's :'t , uslr.o ,
401' . halt's ; smIes. illS Imalu'mm ; milminnera. 1,31. . btules ;
m'tock , 67,835 iiilee.
I4iugni' 3liiu'let ,
NIt'I'Onil , 'mug , Il.-St'ii.tlt-htaw , lull :
( dr r , llmilng , 23012Ic ; ( 'l'fltliftlmilml , 116 test. 34CC
3'4c ; r'ttlmemh , , iull ; N' . . C , 3'd1 15-ICe ; No. 7 ,
3 It.16013330 ; No , S.3it)033 ) 13-iCe ; No. 9 , 1 9-IltijI
3c ; No. I' . 3't3 11.1Cc : Nit. II , :1 : 7-IGC4 l-16e ;
Nim. 12 , : m1033 9-ICc : cmtt lmf , I 13.150350 ; crttm'uietl ,
I I1-lStfSe : ihtmwtleipti , 4 7-ICIm ie ; gu.nulnteil ,
4 3-lC9t47c ; cute-a , 4 7.lflhltITjc.
LONION , % ug , 3i.-4iL'l lt-Cnne , cutlet ;
iuric'a ( mill ) ' mrmrmlntnltmcl , ; , 'cmmtrl'migal Javmt , lIe 'JO ;
iittmaeovmmili , , ftm I r r'ilmi iimg , Di 1:1 : : li'et' sugar ,
bum'rs at qutmiatlomus ; Augmust , Os Cl ; $ eiitctabcr ,
its CI , _ _ _ _ _ _
1)Ihhuitlt % 'Iut'at 5ltri.'t.
mIILITT1I , 'tug , Il.-WlhhO.'t'l'-Weulc : No. I
imarti , c'tmihm , Cli. ; Aim gmmst , C'c ; N , , . I mm rthit'rim ,
cash , S94e ; , tmm.mim4t , 5'i' ' ; Septerumbor , rtt5e : 1)0-
nutter , C)7lc : May , CSt'e ; Nm. 2 TInt tia'rn , emisit ,
5Cc ; to trriie , No. 1 imcttd , G.c ' ; No. 2 uloititt.'iu.
OA'l'i4-N , ' . 2 , 2)c ; No. 3 , SOc.
lth''Ei i"t')4-Vie'a t . 22.iCh html ,
141 1 1 I ' 91 iON'l'S-S\'Iii't I , 41tSOh ) Imul ,
\Vbtcn.t , .tmck imt'rc % iill Immcremmse abotut 230,00
bu. timim oseek.
l'nu't lh.Irm. In tuim liiuiueiis. ' 23,41111' , * .
SAN lilltNAllDINO. Cal. , Aug. 31.-Mrs.
C , I' . harrows and W. II. Parsons of this
city are hart ttelu'mt to an ltigIllm estate
valtmoml at $ S.000,000. 1tobrt Amltritil ihaS
V.'rlttell to thelti ( Ito Emghlsiu 111)vorn-
mont is m'eail ) ' to miiviile the estate atmmoig 125
lmmmlrs , Mrs. lIom'rows mold Mr. l'arsons reedy-
lug $600,000 eachu , Laril Itlmtrlill was mnmtrilerri :
itt 1888 , amitl , leavIng no iteirs , time estata
reverts to thu heirs cml Johmn A. Antrima , wimo
Cahill to thus Ctllintry WIth V.'llliaimi l'enn ,
- ' - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. \ it timstu : ' colnimlu i mit , or , ' coma lag to t lme ( 'h lemigO
Iletril ( if 'Fiats milmowlnto tlumut tierrons in enImmg ! to
iit'mmt I ii glum ti 0 titl ItmiIm'lOtI t lmromta.m Imle mIte rs of
tim' ' itimmirui umntl m'uitmJc'ct Ii its t mtit'il utimil ic'gttli- :
I Itimis mm r& ' iimislt'ti Into ulea It mig oil tlt jut' e .rc or
hirams Ovum Imaymi 110 cctntut'm'hinn 001111 ttmin i1umtm1 ,
tit" ltUtlle Is aitttont'ti mgmlmsl , , le.illIg ivimli , 'mlclt
h'rpons CI' 1) mIs , nimtl is flth I ilemI I It i I (1 iPi tOll
I. ' . S'l'ONiO. $ ucrt'tlii 9' . % V It I a hmsw'r ml it ) ' I ultmu Im Ii s
its I' , wimtlmet' till ) ' hmmrtti'ul.ur iir.rsomu or II : : ii Is
a tmmeitmier of sitrii Oitrnrh ,
( ll7OIt(1I5 1" . ICTONC , ikctelrtr ) ' ,
; ; . ( ltulin"omm'm' , Cipher. ) ii. II FIeld.
( ; i'mulut 111111 J'ris'lsii.s , , t'aItiiIhilsl.llhit ( .
Ml$1ltEflS $ ( H
CIIICAO ( ltOAil ) 2 'rrtDI.
ltefer tm ) ouo. V mO'l'ONI slt" : ' 1. or ihhlnol'i
'I' to 1 tium'I hOhlvi hugs 1 h. * iml1 XV. ' tmi a NO'L' mm timleket
ttlm'p. , i'rotlta for our cttaiomoers , .ur 111111 tttt , in.
I"resI . .lolm5 iii alit by their tUhIttmnlerS'
Iumiem' . 5'iiie us fur any ml rtmmtiui , C j'aciti
" I.e. . prrtsi te I Itoh ii of 'l't mile. ( 'Im hem , go
ID to 2Oar
can lie inatie by emir m. , tliod of operating In
OItAIt7Nl ) S'l'Ot'KS. i'ropsctus giving
Itmll Irmf'rinttlon ; of imm'rffet lyst'l ) ) ttliiliL'tl
fret' . Sc'tiil yotir huiness only to tm finan-
CiOlI ) reslOfl5It" ( holiSm" , inok us UI ) .
Ii i5I i'llN I' . 'l'lhlM..S . ' CU , ,
0mb , iltock anti ilond iltolcers.
:1 : ( 'Ii i. lit h , ' , ' , , f t't lIt 10 ( 'i' ( ' ( ' , Cl I I ( 'it (01) .
lnnes13OOs 5. , S US
by lnvestn In ORAPi7'POYlSitliSAN * STaSIS ( lOW ,
2 0 VEA IS dli"iSChmCe , ehmmmul04 us io CIviso chit.
I eli , ftatly. ( lur Illlel ' eI.iatnhlmg
1115(5111 IrsuiilmguII.l , trt'esototiterm , Fl'1hF , . 111gb.
51 t.msok refersticre givem , . lJNOl.N , e CII. .
MAIIJIN ( bend tar cur c'minplets hock cx.
, , I plainhtmg tlilIIN TItADINCI saiL
It1fl'llNJ 11 , MAlliglel' I. N.
llM'1.o IN 1iI'hiisslON8 ise our daily mar'
( ( CL letter etgsestir.g wiman ahm'J in whit tu t' ,
itchit Iree , 1Jan11 hifecenceS fUrrhlSited11i'O -
0/.14' ) ' Iii ( ' ( j. , iIISlll.iti ) ( ' 111(50(1 Ol'if
) lOMiI ) ( it" 'l'lIDU , 222 Tri.d rs Siutldtr. ( 'Itt-
055' ) ,