- . - ; k-- r . r - ; : - - - - ; j - 1 _ r _ - - - . _ _ ) . . . . . . ( _ , . , , . . . . - , _ . . " . . . I -I . . _ . . . . . . - ' - _ . . . . . . _ _ . _ " ---.w. - _ . _ _ . . " . _ , . . . . \ . \ , . _ . . - " . . : THE OMAHA DAILY BETh 'l'UESDAY , AUGUST 27 , 18fjj. , _ . . . 3 1 , rmll' ' ; Hm Frf " . - . - - . . . - - . . 1- . . TI1. - - - ' . " ' ' . r , = : n' rr ' . ( I . I' NFWS FROMCOUNCIL _ BLUFFS. ; ; . . , _ , . . I Offlo .I Pearl - - - 1seot-H W. TIItouMnuagcrotld . . . Le 8co. - - - - . . . j1 - - - - = = . - _ . . ' = , : flIolt : tlrui. 3. n. McPhlrpon , florIst : tcllphont 2U. Owen llr. \ava 'ecul'cl the contract for grading al Glbcrt lake. arand hotel ' , Council fliuffi. Newly fur. . ouncl DUtA. Oranl . Heopol'll ( Oct. 1. C. : F. Clark. prop. The Merchant Muoons Ifeated the mlhth Ireel Stars Sunday afternoon by , a score of j to 4. had to 1'0 kept The street rllJarlng ! fcrce bllPY ' Sunlhy on account c tlo damage done ly the recent storm. henry Miller anti I.aura Emklns , Loth of Omaha , % MIler larried Saturday n'ghl I ) ' Justice - tice Cook at Ills homo. I , lco JUIlgo ' lhornell will pre91110 ( for a few < days 'I'horel wl nt the begInning of the August ' tcru , JUllge bCllnnlnl . Macy being busy superlntendlnl the coinple- lion 01 a new home at Haran. ! ton The Rlllular report was In clrcaltlon ye . tlllay that a wIl known newptuper man had nmll $14,000 within the lut few days by Ipecula\nl on the ChIcago boarl. J - ! of the five l Chief Tlmplcton frc tlep1tment I ijusy InlCctllJ the hy rants throughout the cIty , blowing every one of them err. So far , only one has hcen found which dl,1 , not work alt rIght , and the only trouhle ' with that was ; that It could not be shut off. Bert Fryer , who was hurt In the motor nccllent at the catt enl of thc big hrll e ' . hobbling around town Saturlly ( evening was hohbln t011 ) 'esen1y ! on crutches. Ito tlFchar ell ' hlr dutfs as foreman of the Omaha Irlnlnl company yesterday , hut 11'11 ly I off for a few ( lays to gIve his Injured II time to hea ! . The llfferonces between Hca1cr atHI sax- f"n tim f\n hrntllrrR.It1.ItLW II ho FC.1 10 . tI7lnkmoreot ' r rf- than the brother put , arc to have nn Inning In court toda ) The only a"Itonal , case strtrd 'etord3) was In the form or a warrant to search Sax ton's house for the cause of the troubls : or something else. Uo tIres ever start hy mice nlhbln : t matches ? Such Is the common bcHef and Chief Templeton has irnen confirmIng It by experiments with some m'co In I cage that were starved untIl they fot'ni the loaded en I of a match to be Iule tooth 80mI. Thy d'd the gnawing all right and the latch did its part to make the experiment a success A. J. Kirk , who was nrCell ! Sunday for , striking his wire over the head wih a P'ker was before Just'ce Cook ycsterday , and by the first family agroatnont wh'ch has occurred I for some ( lays the charge of ass3ul with In. , J'- tent to commit murder was mod'fel to that of attempt to do great hOl1y harm. The , t ball was reduce I from $ 000 to $200 , and , , this being furnished Kirk was rele.H'ed to uppear for hearing tomorrow I waR defnitely decided yn.terl1Y that the benefit for little l1ry EVMS shuid be . held at lanawa on Friday el'enlng The , ladies are getting up a splenlld program , on that will draw a creed en Its . cwn merIts. Some of the best talent In the c.ty has been I / , secured , or rather the ladies and Imtlmen have voluntarily clue forward and offered their slrvlc s. The Prospects are 10011 that the bright little choir boy 11'1 set a most subsantal benefit. J. P. Evans ) 'epterla ) sell his elegant hn' , ( ' IVlh street to c. n Tler. who wi make It his home. Mr. Evans will move In c. short \ tme te Los Angeles. Cal. , where . he has recently acquired large Interests and purchased a beautiful home. I Is his In. ' tenton to make the California town his permanent future home. Council Bluffs peo. pIe will fee lr. I vans leave with sineer regret. for he Is one 01 the founders or th city and a 11ublc ; spirited citizen whose loss will be deeply felt. The police believe that Charles Henlrlx , the fellow who Is In jai for cashing a bogs check Is l a proresslo burglar. or at least I. "onneele,1Ith a 1anl of nroCesslonals , When { he was searcheda - diagram ; showing a number of residences was found In hip pea- esslon. \Lh the names of the owners gIven and the pecularllcs of the houses markll\ Is the report , The suspicion trengthened by . ; that one or the gentlemen \'hose house was marked won ' 1.000 on the Chicago Board of Trade the later part of last week. Secretary Cuts of the Young Ien's Christian . tan association has postponed the "I agn : social" until Tusday , September 3. The - original date was fixed for Friday evenlig . hut that Is the nlcht the ladles have fixed for the Arthur Evans benefit at Lake Man- awa. The Young Mens Christian asocia- ton boys not only cl'eerftilly postponed their ? ' . novel RacIal. but volunteered to assist In the , : . \ I , benefit. They w1 flit at least one number . , on the program , with their new ,1umb , bellS ( ( Irl , twenty oC the young men taking part. Dr. A. J. Ihlleth , one or the physicians 01 the Osteopathic institute of Klrksvle , Mo. , reached the city and Is stopping at the Grand. lie Is en route to Sioux City antI was Illueell to stop off here to meet SCme of the citizens. who had been Invited to the hotel by sonic or the enthusiastc gc-t-mln who have spent some time profitably In the - Zi Missouri town Among the gentlemen present - ent were John T. Stewart. Sam Haas , S. 1 1lacConnel , S. Farnsworth , E. L Shugart Charles Ueno end Doug hlarle. The gentle- men are very anxious to Induce the Kirks- via people to 02tablsh a brnch of theIr institute In Council Bluffs. Aver ) ' elaborate scheme has been arranged and several prom- Inent citizens are very sanluhl that they - will bo able to carry I throlgh. Farm loans made In \ ester Iowa at lol _ _ .m , nu _ est rates. No delay In clollng lea ts. F'Iro and tornado Insurance written In best of com- panlps. Bargains In real estate. LOUGI & TOWLE , 235 Pearl St. None finer than the larl\man Baby Grao1 , ' - : I l'mUO ; ; PAII.tILtI'IIi4. ; _ , . - " D. W. Archer has g.ne to Colorado on ; business. I Steve 10rls y. clerk of the court or Shelby county , was tn the city yestHday. Mrs. C. T. Ordway ant son 01 Fen du I.ac. . - \vis. ! . are visiting her sister , lrs. L. Jones , at No. 124 South seventh street. H. 1 Hough of Ncola , who Is In attendance at the Teachers institute. Is a veteran , Ilav- log taught cont'nuaily In ths : county for twenty.three yean. harry Wlnham of Talmas Cal" , arrived : Saturday to visit the family of barge H'an. ! Ides. Wlnham has bl : In the Duts seme time. Mr. and Mrs Win ham leave for home tonight , l - J. F. Pollok . the Northern Pacfc : agent at Davenport Wash. , left last evening for his home. after visiting his brother , H , II. l'olok ) , or thIs ! city. : lr. Polok Is an en- thusast on the subject of Washington elI- mate , and well may be , for he has Increased his weIght there from . 130 to 210 punis. - - - - - liU1tI.1'VN uou'r . - .1.7 : 111.7 : ; : . ifl.73. Counci Bluffs to [ .oulsvle. Ky. . and re- turn account G. A. H. reunion , less than ant fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale September 8. 9 antI 10. , O. M. DHOWN , Ticket Agent. Lost , on the Manawa road Saturday night , a large reddish colored dining room rug , alike on both sides. 1xl0 feet Leave at floe ot'mice and get reward. , , , , The Hardman Is full and rich In tne. The Genuine Itoesmid bite Furnace Is the ! ume success that the Genuine Hound Oak heater ii. Alr.tght. gas.tgbt , burs any ' kind of fuel and leu or It than any other furnace made. Lowest prices. Cole & Cols , n Main St. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t\ Last week Havis' drug , paint and glass house set the plate glass In Huber Dros. ' new Ihop. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Those magnifcent new hook cases : at the Durree Furniture Co.'s. have you see them Yes . the Eagle laundry I "that good bundr ) " and II located at 124 Br03dway. J In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget Dame and number Tel 157. The only piano worth having , the hlardman . , ; - * RO"AL " BioQ P.de. 4tboLJitcr I"Uv./ : .ol.cb . I - - - - . . - . - - - ' - - - - - 'l'ltIIlltS PI.I. ASSIOnn , S'IIII. lunrcl ( 'UII I t. . . . ( UI. ire , iili's , unci 3iii k.'t " II. U"llrl , The other member of the school board , the reporters and a few curl us citizens had an OfPJrtunlty to sully thc cut and style of the white wings of peace last night They flapped softly and contnlousy : : over the deks In the Bead of Education rooms from the time Iresilent Moore rappel for order untIl the benediction was prononcmd. In spIte or all that transpired 01 the prevous : meet- big and all that was said sInce , Challmm Snyder of the teachers' committee cld ! read his report of the as'gnment ' of teachers , with the exception of those lrevlol ! ly as.lgnel to the vexed Third Bret building. When time board got down to business and l'resident Moore suavely called for the re- port of the teachers' commltEo Hr. Snyder surprIeJ all hy risIng ! and reldlng his repart. Morgan mo\e < to accept and Ur. tobertfon seconded I , and then there was an awklla'd pause for a few moments , which \as rather increased wlman :1lber FOla , the feconll melber 01 the comnmmmt'tce , arose and slid that ,9 tll b"arl hall instr.mco1 : the COIIUte ! to make a new report , and as nr. Smyder hal failed to notify 11 that he hall prepared . any report , ho Wanda ( ) hal gone ahead and Ilde an ass'gnment , whIch ! he de.'rl to sub- hut. lie said he had made Ol'ertles to Br Snyder looking towal ( an amlcablo adjust- Ilnt oC their differences . and had made an apllolntlenl with hint at the mee cl the sec- retny of the bead for 4 o'clcck 'etaay afternoon , but that Sn'Ier had failed to show up. lie then proceeded to 1111 his re"ort , At I ! conclnslon Thomas 10ve ] its ado.t n. Ills roton ! secured u seorl , but the \ot showed an even divisIon , 3 to 3. A vote on the adoption of Snller's report folcwell wli h the same result . Thomas then moved that time board taken t a recess and the teachers' commitee be hlstruetecl 10 re'lre and agree upon the as'gnment anti rep"rt. lie be- 101'1 < 1 that they could get together In ten mlnules If each would consent to give a lit- tie . The sugge'tm was the best II ay cut of the 1IIIIma amid the committee retre ! to one of the big recitation ro.ls and with no witnesses hut the bl/ clock. whch : comma der- ately held ? ! Its hmds over its race , they corn- lunel [ , confessed and hurled the bloody axe. Dut It required some time to reach a sa1s- factory conclusion , and half an htur passed before thc love feast was over. EJch yielded the other haIr , and when the asgnment ! was completed It suit d hoth the me.nberR Dr. Snyder rad it. 'fhe board Iste1ed with close attention and at the conclusion of time allnton reHn : promptly accepte,1 , It. I w:1 : be ) noticed that there are ( lulto a number of changes : Hgh School Building-Fl H. Eastman , principal ; n. W Price I.ydla Webster , Anna Hess , Ida B. lleischlr , Janie Baldwin , Au- Iusta Hawker , Mary Wright , Clara 'fate , I Agnes Avery and Fred D. Gra ! Wushlnglon Butildi ng-Ma n I I e Ma rmgu rim , principal : Sue Ihamlolett . Nellie larson , Berte lurh , 1.I7zle Gleason . May Van Brunt , Nellie Wadsworth . Jessie Alworth , Helen Tyler Jennie Bull , RIfle Miles , Roberta hhmttteniiaiarmda howard . Mary Dale , Stela lalhl hi. Josle Clausen , Clara Meyers . Kate , Reed , May Davenport and Emma Moreimouse. Uoomer hiuilding-Mmiy Slots principal ; Maggie lrlton , Lillian Jackson , BlmR Boesche , Margaret Whister. Anna Banchard , Sadie Havl . : Iole SC1hl. Nellie Heford and Flora Van Orl\'r : Elsie Honn , suhstlute , Pierce Street flullding-Verniont Reynolds , princIpal : I.11e Millard. annle I Swire label Thompson , Teresa Coyne , Mary Swire , Jancte Morris anti Lillian hart : Elsie bun , suhsttute. Twentieth Avenue Building-Kate Pa'ne principal : Augusta bonn , Nellie Davis , Luela Wllts , Ilz7le Crocker , Marie Fergeraon , lnnlp 'IIItinsnn nnll 1ttmi ilntvnri iiirii ; - Anderson ' ; - rtmbatlttto. ; : ' ' ' ' _ . .n. ' I Seconll Avenue hiuliding-Bettie Graves , principal ; lryte Cutler . CarrIe Morgan , Mm- nle Johnson MarY 1c:11an and Lucia Young. Avenue D Building-Ella Mcintosh , prIn- cipal ; Anna : lklsel , Louise Uohnlng , Iaud Smith anti Laura I.ong. I Elghlh Street flmmlldhuig-"i'llhIe Whie. prln- CIPII : Friendly Lucas , Minnie Clay and . Dora Gras Eighth Avenue Bulhmhlng-Nannlo Hanln , principal : Louise Carson , Ruth Wailce , Cora Gretzcr. Madison Avenue Builihing-Jennie Pie , principal ; Anna Williams . Anna Landon. larrlson Street lhmuilding-Minnie Hanson , principal ; Carrie \'elis. , Thlrl- lcoll Street Building-Ida Zip , prlncilal ; May Ierr ) Fifth 1 Avenue hlimilding-Nellie Jacobs. Avenue F fhimhHliug-Litia Carter Gunn lhuildiumg-Ona Kendle. Clark Bnl lng-Vlola Dnncan. Courlanll Place-Ada Ainsworth. \\'Incscr I'ark-Mrs. Kate Spragne. Woocbury Bnldlnl-Llile Cher'se. I Substitutes : AnnIe DeGro t , Iamle Oliver , Dora I.on Paula Krelilior. Supervisor or penmanship and dralllng : Harriet Blood. Supervisor of tousle : Lucille Porterfield. The chairman or the finance commllee was called upon for a report 01 the salaries to be Ilall time teacher for the year , but he was nnable to make the report on account of the assignment not hav.ng . been mnade. The board then I\lonrell until Friday even- salaries. ing when It will meet again 10 fx the OI''I"I'IG HBAln' FOR TilE UACI . 1nlun I'nrk SuuhilesFiihisug hut wih n 1"lne ChuMs ur IIirses , I bIg purses and a bIg string of flyers can make good races , the Union park races that open August 31 will satisfy the most exactng patron of the tnrf. There will b3 over 200 hones on the ground by the time time last trains get In tunight. The regular purses thai will bl liming up each day aggregate - grerate ' 900 , and there will be very tempting ei'ecial purses. In the judges stand Clt/ Cre\lng. who was presiding judge at Hoby a 111 Hawthore , will presIde during the entire time or 'he meetng , 'he starter hall I not been engaged up to nOJn yesterday , but the association was In telegraphic comammimunica- lon wIth two 01 the best known starters on the American turf Wih the exception of the Louisville course , the meeting here wi be time only races In progress In the United States under the Turf congress ruIe. The Kansas City races closed Saturday and to enable the houpmen and the betting crowd to atenll the Union park races the St Louis track will be closed on Wedues- day . John Stewart , president , and H."y. . Cnn- ningimani secretary or time Kansas City Jockey club wi arrive In town this /ornlng ) , each bringing a string or famous racers Stewart will have a couple of 2.year-oIJs , of a lineage that should count and they will make their first track record here. The accommoations at "he park are already - really lxhaustell , and gangs of carpenters were were at work mill day yesterdlY erecting additional simeds All the available stable room In the vicInity of the park has been lease from the private owners , and every stable will be tilled. Some important ) pro emenls are also tinder way at the park. The paddock and betting rIngs have bepn extended - tended , the latter to double its rormer sle. Timers will be one or two foreign books and any nnlber of locals Among the horpmen all horses to arrive ' yesterday was L' . E. I Jordon with seveneen hones , and among them Ire Scimuylkill. Pantelette , NO\lele , Soot hmernemit anti Mousiella. Mcintyre . Wih time crowd also cares Jockey . A. } . : lcCarerty has eight heath among thenm Drlftwcoti Austin and Serf , very prom- icing 2.'ear.ohls. and Charley W'eber Gus Straus and Siemnor _ I. Sims la on the ground with fourteen lmead In the gang are the old favorites , Euo , fleesie'eiser . Collection and Wili Briar Colonel Orth Is hero wlb Marble Hock and three other good horses that he thinks will win their full share of the daily purses , There will 220 head In tomorrow. 11nIESI'I IU HS' EXCIIItSION. ' .In Inrlh'/Ion 'Itouite August 29 , September 10 and 24. Low rates to various points In the south louthwnt , west and northwest , For full In. , formation cal on or address O. M. BROWN , Ticket Agent C 13. kindergarten opens September 2. The Uardwan piano wears Uk , Iron I . . - - . @ - . . . - W , \S $ i'I2NiIsi : IllS ow " 1n\ ' . lu"Ie Crl.Iu Shu'lnll In.1 n Hlthl Iu "hunt" tin' 4tuuIT ! 1.0$10 D. Sinclair , the hoosIer Monte Cristo who sought to tilde his princely Iden tly by ecrawhlmmg on the regIster of the Grand hotel the plebeian name or Davis , left for his home . II Vincennes , Ind" , yesterday afternoon . Leslie had abont all the fun a man can havu In this town with plent of nioney. When In the presence or sore 01 his newly malIc friends yesterday he Picked lP the lit- tie hand grip that hat been kicked around the hotel with the commonplace remarl ? , l , e _ : Io , I .u e _ I .h ? Imati"ummneyenotighm _ . .en : < . IUle unle cournel Ol ' wv In auk bills. I was 1 wonder that sonic- body did not Fet away with the modest looking . Ing grip , for Its owner hnll left I wherever he hapenell to droll I , sometmes In the hallway , sometmes In the hotel bar , a 11 sometmls It accomanlell him on his visits to Rast I Plerco street . The police were fully satisfied that he hRII a rIght to spend the money , for thy learned positIvely tmt I WM all his , but they were desIrous of seeIng that he was not held Ull alHI robbed , or that he dId , not get too rllid In his fun lila gait was certainly a dizzy one In twO nights he spent hetween $600 and 'iOO In one balnlo , lIe never gave an order for anything that amonnted to less than $25 , and as a partng remlller of his affection fur his fellale friends h gave each 01 them 1 I twety.botte basket or wine , and to keep ( ' the three or four stable boys from feeling ) slighted he sent them ten.botte baskets This was getting away wIth the monl ) ' pretty last but It was not fast enonlh to suit the princely ' Leslie . - and -In - time ; - pf'eSenCehIs admlrlnl audience he counled ant $200 In crisp new bills and worked real hard for five mlnutl tearing them Into bits then rolling thll between bls palms moIstened with saliva , he lade a neat little paper bal which be tosspd Into the spittoon , and then setting Cite pltoon on Chic window sill he kicked It Into the street Who finally secured tJOSSIS- Ljon or the valuable paper ball Is not known . hut It Is quite likely somebody will cal upon time United States treasury to r deem the mutilated . Uatel currency , . Sinclair was not engaged In getting drunk all . the time he was spending hIs mooney .In faCt he was always the most sober one In his crowd. His friends In Vlncennls who hav been communicated with say that he Is a mOdel 'onng socIety man of great wealth , which he Inherited , and Is also a member 01 the bIg shoe frl 01 Dadtlet & ( 'a. He ulelmes makes the monlY fly , but when hl wants to cut a very wide swath he gets a good long way rrom liomne I was learned last night that when he CllUO here he showed eleven $ packageR , or new bank bills of Cbs Pilsbnrg First : National bank Issue , each package In its original wrapper , and besides this hacl a couple o thousand In broken lots tucked about his person. Unler all the cIrcumstances the police believe they wee justified In thInking he might be a bank burglar or a train robher One thing that perhaps hastened Ir , Sin- clair's departure was time hint 01 the chIll I er police that there was Ianger 01 him being i lobb.c , During the afternoon several strangers were Inllustrlously cultivating his aequ1lntancl. Their conduct was so susl- clous that tie chief took the young man UIHI6 his protection , made him gather up his money and accompanl.od him to one or the banks , where It was counted over agaIn and $ ,25O of It put In the form of a draft all sent to his address In Vlncennes by niajl. I was reported that s11ebdoy had suc- cpded In "touching" him for $250 during the afternoon , as that amount was missIng when a recount was made. Cn"I.II ' "h..1 UnI' On our honesty and truthfulness , and have learned from past experience that I pays always to do jut what you promise. Our August clearing sale has been every- thing we could expect , and to keep the luter- ( jt : up to stand1I we will make 80me Inter- eating prices on be ! blance or our summer merchandise to clean up before August 31. Mackintoshes half price , In three lots , at $ l.ps. $3,2 and $4.6 : sold as high as 1000. Wash goods worth lOc and 121c. now 4c. Colored dimites sold as high as l1c , flow 9c. Shirt waists , choIce of our entire dock , 75c for Big 25c line of silk belts . sold as high as 45c , All wool checks , 36 Inches wide , worth 25c. for 121,2C. All wool novelties , worth &Oc , now 25c. Bargains In wrappers-Cic , lie and 9c , worth as hIgh as $2.00. Silk mits at 15c , lOc and 33c : sold as hIghS ( S 6Sc. Bos' and men's sweaters , 1c , 25c and 33c ; sold from 2rc to 50c each FOWLER DCK & \AI.KER. Council Bluffs , Ia . lie " I\I. iIi . Iulll. " Snnd3) was a perfect sort or a day for shooting craps. But It remained for a Phil- adelphia traveling man who came over with a friend Irom Sonth Omaha , to bag the royal pouch 01 the cdy all timorous birds He led a party or shootsts In a well known cover not far front town , anti had signal success. When he became tred enough 10 lult he sold his game to thl keepers 01 the cover for 2200. Payment was male In gold , silver and currency , and when he got on limp Omaha motor he was carrying a hot sack that was bursting ! . . with its contents. . I was . one of Ine DIggeS gales or time season , ann , lKe aim sensational events In that line , the winner wa , a novice , but he had sense enough to quit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We have leased the L. G. Knos & Co. cCal yards all wIll lursh ! all kinds 01 coal weIghed on rly scales , ten and over , wlbout extra charge. A. J. Bool & Co. The ladles of the fourth divisIon of the Baptist church wi gl'8 an entertainment muscal : and social , on the lawn 01 Mr. and Irs. Kramer . corer or Thlnl avenue and Eleventh street ; his evening. All friends are cordially Invited. Head DavIs' ad. Davis ells hammocks cheap. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . WiOS'i'flItN PENSIONS . " . 'h'lnn. or Ih. . J.nle " 'nl Ht'- it'ri'd hmy ' time n"I.nl Gos'eru. mneuit. WASHINGTON. Aug. 26.-Special.-I'en- ( ) Ilons grantell , issue or August 10. were : Nebraska : Restoration , supplemental and increate-Wiiiimuiis S. Mouths ( decease ! ) AI- klnson , Iol , Renewal and increase-Charles A. Sweet , Crehhton Inox. increame-Louis Bi. Palmer , Merrick HtlssueGeorge Van- 055 . . \Inpworlh. Brown. ' Iowa : Supplemental-John Ilckerln . A Ia , luenl Vista , Increuse-John DOlld8. Iron lIiIh , Jackson : James A 8lrlrl. Con- terville. AIpanooe ; Illar I.'rzler. inmilumn- ola.'arren. . Itebssmie-Winiielti [ SpJnsh'r , 1um.ston.'arle ; henry Amman hie- ceased ) , Clmerocee . lherokr ( Original wldol-Amanb Ginyerti Keolwk , I.el' South Dakota : Originmmi-Juliims A. Html- burd Oflway , Brown. HelssueGeorge W. 10:8tlr. : : Ihllul. Nowhin. Colorado : iheim.sue-James H. Baldwin , \ \ 'oochlanui Pa rk . Rh I I l'aeo. Issue of August 9 w.r , : Nebraska : lnal-George W. Stone \ . Lincoln , Lancaster IncrpuseJohn W. 8hellbarler , Beaver City Furnas Helpsue -osephus Williams , Kenesmiw . 4dams . Original wldow-Calherln E. Hohrer , uial- cohn J.ancaster. Iowa : Orhlnal-John S. King , " Wootiwarti Dallas : John 11. Atkins Council Bhimrtmt . Pottnwatttmmie . Reissume-Jainea E. Dee , ihorjtiaum } 'owIFhlek. Colorado : OrlKlnnl widows etc.-Minor or etclnor George U. At.r , Denver Arapahoe. HplsBue -Nellie A. McDonald . Denver , Arumpaimoe . South Dakota : Restoration and increase -henry C. Dale ) ' , Dele J'ourche , ncT'aso . SUI'I'.l.t 10 lie Still Comili mme ( ' . WAShINGTON , Aug. 26The State tie- partment has received no advices confirming the Key Wet dispatch that Sanguly and Aguere , AmerIcana beng ! confined at lora Castle , had ben reeased. ! I was stated that abut eIght or ten penons , Amerlcl CIII- tens , or claiming to be such , were under arrest - a. rest In Cuba and that Sangully and Aguere were the most. Important of 'the nummiber These men were to have been trIed by the milItary courts but through the interventIon of tbe military courts they were a1ow&1 a trial In the civil courts and an opportunity to ) prove their Innocence , 1'uclnu.Ie. for n Nchrus4mi Town WAShINGTON . Aug. 26.-Tbe president to- day appointed a postmaster at Takanoab . Neb'l 0 S. Pam.lee MUl'S 1ln ti'VIiI.ll IUIUI I. 'rrIUNIJ' In n lu" . . ' lit II I'nl. Iii Sluu' ( 'Il ) ' 11.111 IneslImeuitt'ml. SIOt'X CITY , Aug. : 6-Sbnday mnrnlnRs double , tragedy In a ) motisG " qr 1 fare now slems likely to \OVO to o ! tlcuhlo mlrder , 'nsteal of . murder and a stile de. Ort . M n. ter , ala hazel lalmond , ' who was fO'nl wllh a bullet woull In hetwrtst belile thc deal body of lax Noack , who hal a'so been shot , Ilecl to lay without . eain'.ng COIcOUS' ness. The Ileath of Jhe girl Irstrcs the halJe of the pdlco that she \Io.uhl je abe to thro\ some light on the affair. Chief ef Iolcl Young beleves a third plrt' h had 1 han < I In the tragedy. lie believes Noek went to the house all was robbed The propr1eor ' : of the hotel where oack was etppng : says he hal cJnslderable nioney , and a9 no ene raw hIm spcnd any 1 Is thought lie hall It whe he , went to Maud lIoyle's pace : Those who 1e' leve In the double murder theo think Ihat when Noack Ilhco\erul ho had ben rcbet1 he raised a row anJ was shot by the robber , who then shot the g'rl 10 cover the Ira ks. The father of Or :1ntor : , alas lammon ] , hal arrivel In the city Irom his hOle In Cen. teal City , Neb. lie says that hIs doughier up to three monlhs ago moved in time best soc'ety In that city , hall been n memblr of the church and taught a Sunday school dlSS , lie lays the girl's downfall to tIme prop ' letress 01 the haute In whIch the girl Ua11 here and who was a school chlm 01 Ora MInter at Central City. No arrests hwe been mate yet In tin ? cases and none II ill probably bo Ilde until tomimorrow - . - . - - hills 3iiNiIS FtItiMiiN - . IN.JtltEi n. : h , 1'lh'I' .r Ih ( ' n"llrll.t C" ( ' 'r- t'iiute by ' (1i5. DES MOINES , Aug 26.-Slleclal { Tele- grammi.-At ) 2 o'clock this aferoon six fre'I I men were o\rcome by sl0ke and gas In the cellar of llammsen's drug store. All were rca- cued , but several were baiiy proslrate Tlia fleas In some rubbish a the bareimient and was communicated to drugs and oils , causing the noxious Iafe . The firemen Injlrel were : W'illiamim Griffin - fin , harvey Drown , John howard , Patrick Iolgan , Ell Capron , Joseph HoJdy anti Cluam los Urlar. Morgan hlld to the hose until he fell over and Capron was so nearly dcnt that doctors worked hal a'i hour before bringing him to conoiclous ass a. hinm'- 'Vruhht' fur " 'ul..1 ! rmiilgi- . SiOUX CITY , la" , Aug 26.-Speclal { Tele- grammm-Tiie ) distrIct court today grantl(1 a new trial In the case 01 Arthur lIbya against \\.alter Strange , one or the mort Important actions tried here for years . F.ve years ag Hhys lost a cafe which he brought agaInst Strauge to recover $30,000 , out 01 which he claimed to have been swindled while they were partners In the Cntral Stock Yard commi- pany. A year ago he demallled a new trial on the ground that Strange won the first one by bribing the jury. _ The ummatter was tak.n UII at time fame tinme maler . tme by the grand jUy and indictments returned against Strange and several Ilrominent mem- her of the jury on the charge made by Itimys. The court's decisIon has been long . withheld , but as It Ieems to confirm Rhmys' allegations It Is expected time Indictments I will Immediately be p\shd , Strange Is the sam man who fgured so IJromlnlnty In the \\'oollbury county bon1 ! ca'as last fall and who was removed b ) the court fem the board of supervisors as a result 01 the charges or corruption made against him. Neys ' .fur ' I.un' "u"111 'I'roumhi- ! . SIOUX CITY , la. , Aug. 2G.-Speciai ( Tele- egram-The ) courts are already In trouble with the new luwa jury law. A change In the manner or drwlni both grand anti pct juries was made by time last lcglsla'ure , 10 date from this time. Its UI grand jury Is tme. .s Iral11 drawn the first or the year , however , the court decded the old jury mIght hold over till the first or next ) ar. 1 met today for the frt time sInce the new law went Into effect and objection was mlde to I by every prtsoner on the ground that It was not legal ) summoned and Indictment ! returned by It would not be valhi. 'hme nmrtis uncertain . . . . . _ . _ _ 'A . . . . . .A The .M" ? dJrt AU. . . . . . . . " . . U.'O" w 1..0" " . . " . " D. . . " O..U. prevails In many other co'untlsln the state. Smiloitum ait'im IrIt'n 'Ihut of Iliusimiess , ! l.uI I'u Jrh' ( .r . . .lit' ' ' SIOUX CITY , la. , Aug. . 26-Spcclal ( Tele- gram-A ) permanent injunction was Issued toddY aalnt John 1bnderschel , the first saloon man against whom proceedings were brought \nder time Martin law. He was en- joined front the illegal sale 01 lquor under the 0111 prohbllon ! law , and whln he reopmed under the Martin law he violated some of Ite provlflons. For this lie was adjudged to be In contempt of court and was heavily flumed. Some tme ago he I treated membes or the Woman's Chrlstnn Temperance union v1mo entered his iilace to pray with the customers - Corners , and claims that thus has made him the object of the proiuibttionists' speclal hat- red _ _ _ _ _ _ red.l.ule iipmuims'rmtt ChuIlt' " IlmuimuiM . BOONE . la. , Aug. 26.-S ( [ lal Telegram. ) -Editor J. 10rnstein has traded his newspaper . paper the Democrat , to lion. Charles D , Iloymiton for seven quarter sections , 1.120 acres , or land near Aberdeen , S. D. : valuation - tion , $1.000 10rstein gives posees9on ! at oncQ and agrees to slay out of the neWSIJaper business In Boone for 1\'e years. lie sold time paper just twenty-five years to allay rrom the time he hnulht It. lie has made a great t'acoass oC .u paper financially . lie " ill give his attention to bankIng , real estate and other lines In which he Is already engaged. tulr.11 rur n S'eut I h ) ' iui ii. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 26-SpE ( : Tle- I gram.--The ) distrIct court today appointed J. n. lewlns guardian for Henry Reinhmart vice president of the Commercial SavIngs bank , against whom charges of aduler with Alice Priest of Chicago were recently lIre- rcrrel by his wHe. Helnhart Is alleged to be of unsouno mind and to have been squandering - dering his property. lie ts worth several hundred thousand dollars. Iiitim I mmlii's' " 'I.lu.l.n , i MASON CITY , la" , Aug. 2G.-Speclal ( Tele- I gram-A ) special from Eldora , ha. . says : The boiler of time tlmresiming machine engine on Frank lloifmnan's ( armim . nine mlps north- west of town exploded this afternoon , lcilh- lag I. M. Thornton freman , and Annie daughter 01 Frank Hofman , In tanty , The boiler was an old one The coroner's Inlluest Is now being held. : t'umrIy lr\.1 10 11. . . . LANSING , la , Aug. 26.-Felix Druner of Galena , Ill. , mate of the steamer Menominee was nearly carve(1 to pieces b ) two desperadoes - does named Quinn and Roberts of Victory , \Vls. While the boat was making a landing near there last nIght he was cut In a dozen places , from an Inch to three inches In length The assailants have been lodged In 'jai at Vlrol1ua. ' , - I II.urult' " ' Iul C"uI"lf Suult'Iuhi' . SIOUX CITY , la" , Au.26.-Special : ( Tell- egram ) -1. : . l"usbe " a ' life Insurance and allvertslng solicitor . bmnmi'nitted suicide with morphine tonight. I 'hp ' 1 a wife here , but was rormHly marrlNI lit , Iansas to 1 woman still living , front wh9m : ' le was never iii- \orced. She recently ca'e here. and I Is I thought thai her thrtajs , ro\e him to the . act , V CllIun 1.I.n..1 1'lh'I. CLINTON , la. , Aug ! l & -Speclal ( Tele- . gram.-Edward ) GallI\er , aged 77. one at the pioneer resldln' uf this city , was struck by a Northweaer switch engine er while crossIng the trpcka on Fourth street today and instantly kilkd. " ' Ynnlhful 1"u" ' I d.rl..f..l. . CRESTON , la. , Aug ; 6.-Speclal ( Tele- gram.-Frank ) Keys , Frank Stoner and AI Alien . yout6Cui footpads , were arrested for assaultIng a man named Walker and relev- Ing him of his cash. . - . " .uu't I'u ) Nesvfommmmuihuisid's lieluiw . LONDON , Aug. 26.-The secretary 01 state for the colonies , : r. Joseph ChamberlaIn , answering a question put by : . Wiiam Johnson , member for South Belfast can- irvatve , I the house or COlmonl today , said that the pegotiatlons between Canada pegotatons and Newfoundland looking to the incorpora- ton of the later Into time Dominion were now In abeyance , owing to the indIsposition of Canada to accept the lIabilities of Newfound. land In answer to further questions a to whether the government would be able to old In overcoming the financial difculie which presented an ob8taclo to time union of Newfoundland . foundland and Canada , Mr. Chamberlain rid : "Nut I I means that the taxpayers of this countrlloua be burd ted with the cOat ' ; LYNCHED ) FOUR IRDERERS ) Mob Forced Its Way Into the Jai 1l Carried the Prisoners Out - I IERIFF ARRIVED WiEN \ TiE JOB WAS DON ; 1 Little l'ulUurulu , Illu'I'u , " ul Yrekmi th ( ' S"f.U" ur "nII' ' ' ! ' ' ' Crl " " , I , ' " , ' /t'r" , \ Icl..1 In the ' \'url" . YIEKA , Cal. , Aug. 2-l . our lurller r were taken from time county jai by a mcb or 20 Iln nt 1 o'c'ock lls : mornlnl and lynchl < . A b.ml of clzens : , feulll that the law would not be carrIe lout i and angered over the atrocity or recent crImes , determ n'd In bIeR lal rs into their own imantis. The . _ . _ . _ u _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ _ u < InchlngIns a ghastly climax to the regn : of lawlessne3 which has prevailed In SIski- I you county for some months past. One 01 the \Ictms wa Lall'rlnce Johnfon , who on the c\Hlng of July 28 stahbo I hIs wife to dath In time tOIl n of mn AnOlhlr was \'lliIammm Null , who shot Hlnry la'ter In the back wih a rifle near Calahln's : on AIJl 21 I.ou's loreno anti Oarlnnl ( Scemler , who are FUp ! ICflll to have killed George Seas anti Casper - per lelrerhnna itt BallY 11 on August 5 , were ale hangell. At 1 o'clock last night farmers rrom all parts of the sur. mmmi hag counlry began to drive Into town and 1) mllnllht time mob was Ieatly to march to the county jail. \erore takIng a stEP , hOI'el'er. every precalton as tallen to prevent the plans or the I'nchers from being frwtrte ] by the omcers 01 the 1mw. The herlf amI one cr his deputies \Iere decoyed to Inot'ler ' part of town by two members of the 10b , whore Ingagr < In I sham flmht , anti the fire bell was mume1 [ to pf\ent an allrm being given In that ' . When the ' way. j'i va . reached the mob , all of whom were maklll , awakened Ululer Shell I Hadro d ard tie- 1 arl < manlel the keys to time ja 1 He posl\lly refused to open time tioor or give the ke ) up telng them tb1t IC they broke In the doors ho woulll blow theIr brins out. Finding that heI'S , determined not to give them the keys , they ent across to the jail and got on , top t . of tue fton . wall . whIch : _ surrojnls , , , time jaum. leput ) : lerm Henry Iral/ chat who had Iren sleeping him the jai since the commitment or so many nuiirtlee . thlnltng some one was escapIng from the jai , frlll two shots out or the wlulow to alarm CIty larFhal Parks and Dqlty Sher'l flqroi I. lIe then opened time doors andas iinunedi- atey : held up by the mob \ho tok the keys from him and entered the jail . lav'ng no keys to thl dltcrent cells , they were com- peiie : to burt the locks with a sledge ham- mer , which they proceeded 10 (10 at one' . L1wrence Johnscn , who brutally stabbed hi ! \ \ Ie to death at Etn on Sunday evenIng. July 28 , was the first to receive the attention - lon of the meb. They broke the look from the door of his c'l amid placing a rope around his neck led hIm out of the jai anti across the street 10 where an Irol r:1 : had been laid betwl n the forks of two locust trees. Johnson pllade1 [ for ni'rcy , hut the silent gathering gave no heed 10 him 3cl he was quickly strung-up , dying ( rein Ftrangu'a- ton In a few mlnutls , The mob reW"nell to the jai arid next broke Into t1e cell ef Wiliam Null , wbo shot henry la'tlr at Callahan's on April 21 In a dhp.te over a mining property. Null tIe-Ired to make a statement , but tme waR tao valuable to per- mi any such prelmlnarle ! , nail he was soon hanging nlcngslle or Tomnscmi : I.'uls Mo- reno , who was charged with hwlng kle I George Spar on the 5th of this month , was then taken from his cell Ind was soon swinging . Inl with Johnson and Null . Time last and youngest of the four murderlrs to ray the penalty of his crime was GHlund Seamier . aged about 19 . . who : ' in I c''r nr i'ithm Moreno , was cnargen wln nav.ng Kleu ! la ! per Mairo- hans at Bailey 11 on the 51h of this mOth. A rope was placll around his neck sad he was led from the jai In hIs bare reet. lie beglel for mercy and his last word wee : "Tell my dear old mother I am Innocent of the crime. " About this time Sheriff hobbs , having hee' notified , arrived on the scene and starting for the jai door was commanja:1 to halt , the command being emphasIzed hy the display } or several revolvers. lie was told that the "job" had been dnne. By Ihs ! time the greater rart or the mob had dlsappea"ed , leaving only about thirty or forty men on guard , who soon left after the sher'I ar- rive(1. Time bodies were taken down hy Coroner - oner Schcfpld and Marshal Parks , who reo moved them In a wagon to an engine house , where they were laid side by side. The coroner - oner has summonpd a jury to hold an Inquest. Yreka Is a Ite : mining town and sears ago was frequently the scene of mob vIe lence. The summary manner In which jus- lice was meted out to the four murderers this morning remlndcd the poneer : of s m liar scenes uring tie gold excitement forty years ago , when It was not nn uncommon spectacle to awaken In the morning and see the body of a notorleu . crJm'nal danglng ; from a tree. . " ' 1\ ' SOI.ICITUI 1Ici ! ICUSIGNIOI ) . St''iires I himrel.im'rntivI'osil . iomt aitli limO lIiiuuii't' nlh 11\lnl , ' CHICAGO , Aug. 2G.-George H. Peck ad- nuts time correctness or the report that he has resigned as general solicitor of the Atehisnn Tnn.k & F.nla Fp svstun. and _ nu. _ _ , . _ . . _ _ _ .n. _ _ _ . _ n. . _ . - wi soon assume the position of general counsel of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company. Mr Peck , when askemi whether the report about his leaving time Santa } and going with the Milwaukee & St. Paul was /ue , said Inasmuch as the cat had been let out or the bag there was mme U8e In denying It , although It was not the 1111nton to allow the mater to be mnatle public just yet , as he would not leave the Santa J'e and commence service with the Milwaukee & St. Paul until September 1. Ills resignation had been tendered to Judge Caldwel a short tme ago , and a day or two ago time later reluctantly and regret- ruly accepted it. In a personal letter to Mr Peck Judge Caitluvell pays a most handsome Irlbute to Mr. Peck's great ability anti the most ef- fclent work he has done In the service or the company and the old and assistance he has rendered to him ( Judge Caldwel ) and the receivers lie expressed the hope that , though Mr. Peck was taldng servIce with I another company , he would be able to give I . advice and 'asPstance to the judge and r - . celver until the reorganization Is com- pleted. When asked to give his reasons ror leaving the Santa Fe , : lr. Peck said shorty aftertime the death of JUdge Carey the president or the Milwaukee & St. Paul askea him whether he would consider a proposal tl take tie posItion of general counsel for the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway comnimany. lit , < 1 < not at thc time feel inclined to give up his positon on the Santa J'e on account of tie pending reorganization , and his long connection with th company. The Induce- ml'nts offered were , however , of such a na- tore that In justice to hImself anti his fain- 1) he could not refuse to accept the positon company. tendered him by the Milwaukee & St. Paul , . " ' SWEET-SAVORY-SATISFYI SWIFT'S ' PREMIUM ! = - , , . . . i HAMS ANDACON i $ HAS BACJN ' Think S , $ Think of time thousands t of hams and bacon that go out from South f Omaha dul ) " Wo slect but the I beat ones for the brand"SWIFT'S PREMIUMt' Smoked lightly- Smoke lJhty- trimmed nicely-extr mild-not salty. No mun could make them i better . For Sale by all Flrst.Clas Dealers. SWIFT AND COMPANY L SOUTH OMAHA NEB. f " . W - - - . FOR ALL DISEASES I _ I IMPORTANT FEATURE NOT TO BE OVERLOOKED 'I'h. OtTer ot Skilled ServIee " lt mitt I1xlm'miulC 1.111.(1 to Piie hohlnr. : lulIhIJ' 'l'IIe 'l'I.tlu'lf. , II.hlllll1 h..Ilhl1'1.1. . . 10 All Ilucmuuum , 1 .olrllS I r.et the information le anln rlllcnte < 1 In Ue briefest anti clearest language In whl h I It Is PossIble to state simple facts. 'rho I1O\'I"lon Imlc by Dre. Copelanll nll Bimep- ned Is for the treatmlnt nml euro Shep'l persons who stiffer the IJnln , limo blight , the weakncM , the danger of any chronIc form or eomlon dl"'aso or Inlrmlt ) . wimmit- e\er nt one uniform rte of expense , never excpcdlng that Ir lIve dollars , IncluIl\o of nil IrlcllCs nltl rell(111 for one umiontht'mi contlloua nnl wntehtul treatmmmemit Time same measure or skill , the snlo degree of care , the snme intelligent exercise of prores' Flonal energy nncl effort nnll the : lne n\er. I . . . " .rlnl Illrl , . nr n IIort la nltnrtni In Ril fererms - froni ; ; ; ; ' mmervoims ' , uieiitngeummeiit ; ; ; ; ; ; ; i ; ' skin ' i.1 ; ease , rheulnt m , etc. , its to thole nlicted : I wih lung troumble , thlont trouble , stonlcl troimimle , tr time deep infections or chronic cntlth In ni ) ' form vhatever. ( INFI ICH 'r. 'i'Imos . . nl'I'h'll II l.r..1 tn Ur. , , , , , roi'imtumI , mimi Smis-immriI , : ; * : : mmmiii Riut I : . V. i.i fm' . ii I' , . l II I 1 , . mieli'oiim , ' I 0 it trIiu m t reut I uis'umt m II Ii tihit t'imuimtt. ' , l'ar thus , ' ImmmIui , full tr'uitnm'uit timer , ' I' . mm. ) I.'upuisthm. . ' , , miI ( lie msss's'.uum.mt .15 * n munmijimi , i mmi'imiII m114 muted tt'ines , liti ) I'i' i'IS'Id i'lItlti4. I'rinmigel Summt.'m'liIgllumiei i , , n iI ( . . the St'Iemititi ( ' .tttt'iml iimm , Mr. Wallace Stewnrt , S2 S. 23rd street , a native of lomughtts coumiuty amid mu tetegrnphu.'r by profeashoum , says : - - 11 , S'ALLACE STE\'AItT , 852 S. Zirtl St. "I was ntliicte'd with catarrhm of time vimoie system for imhiotmt ilve years. My duitemtse Wa ) ; iii a had fommmm , veriunlts tliC Worst foimmi , Zulu I lll give Ir. b'imepmirti time credit of itrimagiuig moo to may formmmer state of imealtlm , mint only at it 'ery tmililimg expense , but 1mm far le's time than I hind thmommgimt imossihie. "Catching coltis which I mu'ver got over seemmieti time caumse of all my trouble. Time D w'1ijtli huts DY time ioiigcst Y OLJ Lay cciii time : ' IIi . P I . Lug forty time ytmurs mtios DAVIS ! Cmtvi'ics the misost mOoniplL'tc steak of I nittirs. C 111101' viitc fom' prices or c first sigmi was In time head- pains mull through , % 'ithm tumlineq tnt1 eeiVht. 'rhmen a SItS- tressing stoppse of the mmc's , with tough pimlegimi in time thrust , ihumtII mmli ntmtnsa of smmmehl numd tssto seemed leaving ate. \'orkiimmc down , time tUntme becamime cooled , with a continual batl taste lit may mouth , CIecliilli' nmorrmimmgs , As I kept negis'otilm may contiltion time etonmich amid boweha ' ilnmilly beeiiiuie the' center of a tdlghulltig cmutnmrh whmlc'h bmutmht cii pemiot'.s o ( nati- rca , vnlui amid abtiommahmni : tendernei , This is uvimat people call , I beileve , tii'pesla. "I 'vomit to lr , Shiept'rd im lion may vysten ) seenmeti pietly well fimalumod of its nattiruti vitiiiities by timI bug tmelcctod caimurrh. lie took iigumt hold it time titacaso and eumretl it , itnti , Re I immivo already rultl , ut a trifltug expemuse of Clint' mimimi mooney , " AN'l'hiLiit i'OlN'l' , A ii su.ffer'm's , friusim t'hm cmiii ie (1 ipsemiso s itt , 111,1,1 , mi-sets t' t lit' c-mt cc mu mitt ( i''iitiut uit I lii' iit'i'tl aa I ttmoiit tiny cx- 1'1'1151 'nlumt lever toi.1 mm imomni mutt uiN"'ssuIit'mit nil mu lit hi n.itmthih , Iuui'iumIimui miihl.'Iiie , . uuimi SeVVioehI , tO , , ItIe mumtl mliii I I liii tt.'iut N mull i.e. lIlCiIit ) 'i'O 'Fit 's' l'l' . ' , , ' ' 'J'i'eumt- l'eimle of Neiirimsikmt'i'uih tug I his' - iit'iit ha 31mlI , . Ii-s. Rhizuuhiet ii 2iicGotuguuum , remitlimmg corner - nor 'I'emmtim ummmti .Iuiv streeta , i.iumc'olmi , Nob. , a tvommumn umeltl in high cateommm tmy her neigh- bore of Clint t'itt' , ttmit..s : "So tumult' of time imeoiile of Nt'Itm'uurlcuu have Circa eeimdlmmg tom' eyinptommi blitiuks it tie- ommrmed to mime tlmmt there lutist b it gmmcnl iiemG tiC tin-cit him time itystemmi of manil tm emit- nmt'imt that humme commit' into suieh gemmeriti fit- mr. flimtl I Ilium hL ) comiel uidt't' & to 1mm Ice per- soimmul test of lIst t'xt''lteiice. I hiatt been nlliicteti fur sonic nine yours with t.et'ero thuromut nuith broneimhutl tioutiic' , conmpl Ira teti vi tim a ( I is C I esslmug a miii dehi I I t a t I umg ii ff.t'timi of the stomnmichi mummti boa . 'lmt , time outgrowth 0 f CO iii itiUii CII I tutu , mtimtl mm hi I ii esi re I o say to nmy fmit'mmuis uuimtl to tiut' world its simply tlimtt the Copelaimmi unit ihm.'piuitl treuituml'mmt hrommghut multi time m eliot amid cure I imuol s vim I mm I y sougim t 1mm stm mfittli y ot itt'i' ti ii t'c tiommit I miced Immirtily mlii tlmuit I mttromugly counmumenti time systeimi to timi' mmltiieteti evcmywiit're. ' ' Pr muimi I I ( ri-mit iim'imt is mits rot' .imip- touts lIumimi , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wiiIiltIi tiliI % 'ts'oltIC. 'l'.i ummort' fiiil timeet nit , Ii'miiitiitis ( St mm lii rge ml mmd iiu't I lime miu'uti't le. ' . lrs. ' , . , , ututil Shi'iiir.i hiumis' eitiutrt't liit'lr . ' , , uisuiltmttiiui roniii iiiii Iithormt- lisrIeM , iiiiii hmmi , ' t'4'i3. , ' , ImmhimmiI'iit roe I ii.ruigim , , , , ' I ia.rlc , 'l'i'ir , .umi.'I.ums stilt , ' of umirlir till lii , ' tlmirt , , , , ( if tIme Nev ' , , rk iIlt it.II.iimisc. itlm aiii fmimtmige nit , , , i'itrtiituik mmiiii $ es'mmtt'eiutii , .tr'its , ( 'oui'ttluiteM. 'i I thiuut iltituh , C. ( Ii , . iivgest mmmiii itt'sC ml iiittuiteti mimedleutl .tdiis'i' I ii Nehirmisleit. ORS. COPELANI ) & SIIEPARD , ICOOMS 812 AND 213 NE\ ' YORK LIFFI BUILDING , OMAHA , NEll. Office Ilotmrs-9 to 11 a. m. : 2 to 5 p. m. . Eve. nings-Wetinestlays anti Saturdays only5 6 to 8. Sunday-b to 12 in. _ _ to your lmiteiost tia solc.t flu ut Pii nir tIme necessity of i'caiIimting for PC1'Id , 'Flic paints muuutitifiutottirma 'I'll & MILIAG4tN MFG , CO. fill tliltl Lt. 'l'lmey liuu'c Eaccit sohd for the Puist mtii.t littt'ma sven thu d'mstintot'iomi of baci I dutr.mbhu amid ctoiioiii.o.tl : , : UG , PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE Ii'u'i , 1'.tiiits and GI.1s3 iii Coumiolt olor cmtmds. - - - - - ' - - - AHT GLASS Of time most beautiful patterns , original designs , and Chic prettiest fancies of archi. teds and home builders faithfully an d artistically reproduced. PLATE GLASS- Fronu a single window to car lots. GLAZED SASH- All stock sizes , and aumy special else or shape desired furnished at less than ant conmpetitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUPPS PAINT , OIL & GLASS C ) . The largest exclusive house iii Westermi iowa. Send for prices on estimates. "titsomiic 'I'emuplc Humlidimig. - - - - - ' - , - . C . 6 This extra- Ordinary Ro Constipation , 1)izzuiiees , juvenator the Is ) 'itlilng Ben- most wonderfuL satictmmsNcrv discovery of ouatwitclming of the the ago. . , amid other eyes lass been cii- lorsed by the pails , leaduumgsclcn- . Strengthens , tine men of lulvigorsutes Europe and , andlonestimo America , . entire system. Hudyami is Hudsan cures purely Vega. j I ) tib t 1 1 t y- , table , Nervoimmmcs , Hudyan stops lImIuiomus , Prematureness amid developis muimd restores of the SI Is- veak . in 20 organs. chmargo I'alima in the days Cures , beck iotes LOST byayor MANHOODi3 i3 nihtstopped ' I q 1' 't , & ' . - inmflli.t1 . , I . . quickly. Over 2C)0 ) private endosemcnts. I'rematurenera meitims Imtmoteney lit Itmo ilrst Stage. it is a symptom of sernimmnl weaiummes and barrenmmesq. It cutu be aopped tim 0 dayS by time use o r Hudyan , Thonety tilseowerywna insdn by the Special. Istioftime eM fsmnuslludson Medical Insiliute. It is time stromigest vitaitrer mmmdc. It is very powerful , but imaimbea. Sold for ei.oo a pack- aso erG packages for S.O0 ( risin sealed boxes ) . WrItten guarsniec giveuformicuro. Ifvommhmmy six boxes and are cot Ontirehy cured , six more willbcsoot to you freoofail charges. Bend for rircularsanti testimonials. Address HUDSON flIEDIOAE. INSTITUT1 , Junction StocktoimUarkct & EIll.SUe , San Jraesmclseo. Cad. Dr. D. G. GOLDING SPECIALIST. DIsease. of the Nose and Throat , Private , Skin , Blood , Nervous and Citrwuic Diseases , Consults. tion free anti ctiumtmdentiam. Ccii or write. Oittce t1UK , 8 a. in. Ct ) S p. in. Sunday , 9 to i2. Comm. suitation rnms , Nes , 204.005 Douglas Block , H. ii. Car. i6tim ufld Bodgu stmeeta. OMAhA , N11t. SpciaI NolicosOouocil ll1uff . CISIMN1IYB CLIOAN1. B' VAUIrS CLF.ANSD. ia iiumrke , at W , H , ttomer' . , O3 flruatlwuy. rOlt ltIN'I' , suv'r , i , isoo. concuit SToitlo. room , lOxIOQ , In tiiipp ttiock , Stemuun heat. Ce4ltmmtiiy located. B. II , Simeutfe & Co. \'ANTkD , A 0001) GiRL Volt OiUViitAI1 housework and guod cuoic , 7O. titxtim mivmmuu. SVANT0. ( ) IXCL TO ASSIST iN liONt3UWOitK and go to schooL 1nruire GQQ L'aIC 1'Letc street , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAI5I'I'AL. - - ' $100,000 % 'ii SOI.mci'l' Yotilt iIttSiNlIS4. 'i : insi it i vo t'lt CO lLiC'l'IONS. OI1 OS' 'I'IIb OLiiS'i' IItNiS IN Itt' - , ' ' ' ' ON ' ' ' ' ' i'uit C1ON'l' I'Aim ) 'I'IlE iEl'os1'a' CAL.E , INI ) SIH US OiL W'Itl't'lI , ItAILVAY % THIECARD Learet IILJICL1NGTON&MO. 1ti\'bJtitmriy ' ( ) uimmmiua ! JumtenDePt _ : ! . ° 1 ± _ Mitsumi Sts.i Umuiatu $ ; . . . . . . . . . . . ) IkItitbg , , , , . , , , , , , 9:10mm : 4O&pni.Iijk. : itiim , Mont , & I'Umcet Sail. 1x , 4.OOpiri : . . . . . . . . . . . lxpies , . . . . . . . . . . . 4Ctimm ; 7CounnNebrasicu locui ( except Sunday ) , , 7:4pn : Cltanm : , . , Ltncomn Loctit ( exceit , Suntluy ) , , , li : zumaa 2:4pimm. : . .F'uatt MaiIrvr Ltmmcoimm ) daily. , , Leaves ICIIICAGO , iJUItLINCTON & QiArrtve OmahittUntoum 1)tpoi , ititi & Mason mtt.i Onmatma 4:4pm : , , , . . . , , , , Ctmlc.ugo Ve.ttbuio. . . . . . . . . . : . , . . . . . . . . . . . 1.itmtsi. . . . . . . . . . . 4JOpm 7f.Opm.Cimtcago : & mu. Louts FxI.ress , . , 8U0tmn : I1OOummn ; . , , , , . .I' attilo .Immumctmon I.ucmji. . . . . . . OaOpmn : I'att Mali. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2iini : Leave , CIIICMIO , M1L. & ST. I'AUL , Ameives Omruaiua Union Uspot , 10th &Musomu 1St. , Oummatia 6:00pm..Chicago : Ltimmtteti. . . . . . . . . . . 9:30am : 1iZOam..Chtcagoipreu5teL : Suiitt4y ) , . , :2pmrm : Leaves ICIIICAGO Ri NOR'tl i\VIHT'NiArrli e OmmmanaUumIan 1oct01 , jttti & Matioum iStsI Omaha 10:40am..Casts-rn : Bx.reza. . . . . . . . . . . 5:3Om 4:20pm , , . , , . , . . Vesttbum.d Limited , , , , , , , , , 9:2lti : ; & . . . . . . . . . . ? . , Vaiiey I..ocai..10ZBprit : 5:45pm..Omntuiua : CtmtcmmgOi.ectumm , , , . , . , 1 : IOpmn Leaves CIIICACO , it. I , & i'ACIFICiAmmiye , Omnaima Union ietut , lOtim & Macon ta.l Omaha EAST , 11:20am : , .Atimmntto i1xmtre. ( cx , tiimnduy ) . . IiSpns ; 6:20pm..Night : Cxpmcss. . . . . . . . . . . 4:40pm : , . . , Ciutcago Veatibuted Ltmtutted , , . . \VlsT , 6:4Opm.Okiumimoma : & Texas ax ( ox. Suum.iO:3Oans ) : 1 ( Opuii..Colorado Ltmtie . . , , , , , , . : UOpn * - - - - = - - I.eavea C. , tOT. I' , at. & o. Arrives Cimahua Depot , 15th anti Wibiurer ills , I Ounaimui 8lOnm.Btoux : Ctty Accommmmo'hatin. ShI5t 12Itpuim.StOux ; CIty 1xpremis ( cx , Sun..i:5zuni ) : Citunm. : ± _ . . . . . , lIt , ' . . . . . , . . , . Leaves I' . . mc. & MO. ' . 'ALI.IY. IArrlvii' Ommmuha Depotiitim mufldWtbitcrsta. i Ornatmm ! ; lOpm..Fnst Mali aim't Iapre. , . . . . . . . 2IOprncx. : ( Sat.S'yo. ) . dim , ( es. Mon. ) , , 4bit.mt : 9 :0.mmmaNoroIk : 1.pr& sa , X , SUndut ) , , IO:3amn : : . . . . . . . . . . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.HT. 3. & Ci1. irriye , OmnahmaIUnioppit iqj & Mu.ummsta.i Ounahm 9tOtirmm : , . . , , Kutnieti , Ctty D.iy lm.mmres , . . . . . _ 94ttrmlC. _ Ntgtmt ix. yiat 1'.Tiuni , Go0 : Ie ; ; ( . I- isouiti i'cui'ib. OmainI , mept , 15,11 , anti Weiiaterlft. . Oimuumhma 13:4 : ° amn , . , , . , . , , . St. Lout. ixprtm , , , , , , , , , , , , 9iOi.m : , , , , , , . , . . SC , Lout , lxpre.s. . . . . , 60ipna 3:50pm . , . . , Nebraska Local ( cx , Sun. ) , . , , , 9OOam ; ; ; ; ; 1sioux CITY St PACi FIC lArii" Ornaitailepet , iflum anti Vebi.ter Simi. I Oimmaii * : , . . . . . . . . . , _ l'aul Limited . , , , . , . , , . i:3ajTj : I.eaies ' SIOUX CITY & i'ACLI"IC. iArriv. . OnuanalUnion Depoti0tii& a1auxs St..J Omaha 6''t.sm..Sioux City ' , . , . . . . . . . . i ! ! . ' _ . . . - ? aui . . . . . . . . . . . Leave. tl4iO l'ACIi'IC. iArrIvT ( Haulma Union 1)e'ut ; , 10th & MtmIoflSt.i Omaha 9:43am : , , , , , . , , . . icearmuey hxnrc. , , , , , . , , , 2OOim..Overland : Flier , . , , . , , . . 530pnt 2Oopmn.Iieat'ce : & I4trouuustti' lx. ( cx. Sun)13SOpnt ) ; ThOOpuum . . , , . , , , , . .l' iulfIa I.pre. . . , , . , , , , , . , 1O:2.ac : ) Fast 1.Iati , . . , , . . , , . , , . , 4-top Leave. U WAIJAS1I hlJslt.WAY , JArlve OrnahmalUnionDepo.lOth _ & Maaomi St. . Urn t * : o'om.Gt. Lout. Cammnoc iaUl2ZIp ;